#divorced verse?
radi0activelob1ani · 1 month
Some Dr. Liv doodles because why not ✨️
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shes the type of a person thats like "good vibes only ❤️ ☮️ ✌️ 🌈 ✨ " until you piss her off and then she starts sending death threats (and actually tries to kill you)
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penaltyboxboxbox · 7 months
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taking things slow
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
No but they were so sad when they couldn't hang out anymore they are so dramatic I love them
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verstappentime · 12 days
anyway here’s more maxiel divorce verse for anyone who’s a bit sad about today’s race. <3 (part 1 here, part 2 here)
“Stay,” Max says, rushed, before Charles can get anything else out.
“Okay,” Daniel says. He tries to clear the lump in his throat. He’s been waiting for Max to say that word, but this is as close as he’ll get, probably. “Tilt your head forward for me.” Max does; Daniel gingerly presses the ice where his head meets his neck.
Max hisses, reaching up to grab Daniel’s forearm. It’s been so long since Max initiated touch with him; Daniel forces himself not to jolt.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry.”
Max groans, gradually loosening his grip. “Can we do the bathtub thing?”
“The– Oh, yeah, sure. Charles, do you have a bath?”
“I feel like you are being the doctor and I am the nurse,” Charles says. He’s hovering closer than a second ago. “Yes, I do, is it for something weird?”
“It’s not for anything weird. Can you fill it up with hot water? As hot as it can get without burning.”
“Fine. But it’s for him.” It’s too dark for Daniel to see the look Charles is giving him. Just as well.
Daniel stays there, crouched beside Max, keeping the ice pressed to his neck. Max’s breaths are shallow, like he’s trying really hard not to wince, but he’s mostly failing. “The medicine is gonna help,” he says, just for something to say. In the dark, eyes closed, Max reaches around for his hand. Daniel links their fingers, squeezing hard. Max’s hand is clammy and he can’t get a good grip on Daniel, all weak and floppy. “Tell me what feels bad?”
Max turns his face into a couch cushion, making a tiny whining sound. “It’s– what do you say? The whole nine yards? I scared Charles with the throwing up.” He’s talking more, which is a good sign.
“It’s fine,” Daniel says. “He called me and I’m here now, so it’s fine.” He presses his thumb against where Max’s jaw meets his cheek. He’s so tense everywhere.
Charles comes back into the room. “The water’s in the bath. I’m saying again to not do anything weird.”
“We are going to do something so weird,” says Max. He groans as he swivels his legs around to stand up, pressing on his forehead. “Ah, fuck. Shit.” He grabs Daniel’s wrist, squeezing hard.
“Take it easy,” Daniel says, clearing his throat where it’s all thick. He hates this, he hates that Max hurts, that he’s still hurting, and he— he loves, sort of, that it’s him Max is reaching out for. It’s fucking twisted.
Max doesn’t ask to be helped, so Daniel doesn’t offer, just hovers as Max slowly pushes himself to stand up. But Max is unwieldy, swaying a little, and— and he grabs for Daniel again. Maybe it’s just because Daniel’s seen it all before, because he’s fed him and bathed him and sat with him in the middle of the night, but. He’s still being chosen. “Sorry,” Max says, like Daniel would ever want him to do anything else. “My eyes are not so good.”
“It’s fine. I have you.” I always will, I always fucking will.
Charles waves them through to his master bathroom. In the light, Daniel can see that Max’s left pupil is blown. He’s sweaty and he looks like shit, hair all messed up, but he’s Max, and he’s gorgeous. Daniel wants to hold him.
“Max, yell for me if he is doing anything weird to you,” Charles says, and ducks out of the room. Conceding.
“You could have told him we’re not getting naked.”
“I mean, I am taking my pants off,” Max says. “Can I hold on to you?”
Daniel nods slowly, feeling oddly like he should look away. He watches the ceiling as Max holds onto him for balance.
If Max notices him acting weird, he doesn’t say so. “You’ll get your pants wet,” he says instead.
Oh. Daniel glances to the door, where Charles is not. This isn’t what he expected when he woke up today, he thinks, as he’s stepping out of his jeans.
They sit on the edge of the tub, Daniel pressing the ice pack to Max’s neck. It’s an easy trick; get the circulation down into his lower body and away from his head.
“Charles could do this,” Daniel says, after a moment.
“I know,” Max says. He leans his head on Daniel’s shoulder, closing his eyes. He doesn’t say it, but Daniel knows it: I wanted you. “Do you have somewhere to be?”
“No.” Maybe he should have lied, or not answered so quickly.
“Good.” Max traces a circle on Daniel’s thigh, over the ship tattoo. “Charles thought I would be angry that you were coming. But I wasn’t.”
“No. I was—relieved. I do not like being like that. And Charles is not good in emergencies.”
“You can always call me,” Daniel says. He pictures being at dinner with some girl, or a guy, and bolting because Max isn’t alright. He knows he would.
“I know,” Max says.
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backup1318 · 4 months
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{And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him.} Quran(65,3)       الطلاق - الآية 3
التفسير الميسر
ومن يتوكل على الله فهو كافيه ما أهمَّه في جميع أموره
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
when I was little, my dad used to spin around in his desk chair and hold my hand so that I would run around in circles as a way of tiring me out, and to me that is such an Eddie thing to do. Steve probably hates it because he’s worried he’ll trip the child and hurt them
lol yeah Eddie is the absolute king of those weird dad hacks – 
He isn’t necessarily sure he was meant to be a stay-at-home dad — not that he isn’t thrilled about it, especially considering the alternative for him really is some kind of nine-to-five office-type job which he definitely wasn’t made for.
It’s kind of just how things worked out for him and Steve, because when their first daughter was born in 2001, Steve’s counseling job was strictly in-office and Eddie was already at home all the time (writing novels or whatever), so it was the natural order of things.
Don’t get him wrong – he loves it, especially when their daughters are a bit older – but his days aren’t necessarily all that productive, so when he’s got deadlines to meet, he has to get a bit creative.
Creative usually means that Steve comes home at 6pm to some kind of questionable bedlam.
His favorite was when Moe was four and Robbie nearly two and he came home to find them running circles around the kitchen island where Eddie sat typing on his computer.
Eddie: I told them to stop when they ran twenty laps.
Steve: *knows that Robbie can’t count yet, and while Moe can, she also tends to jump back to 2 as soon as she hits 11 and ends up in an infinite loop*
Steve: Sweet.
Steve: How long have they been doing this, then?
Eddie: About thirty minutes.
Steve knows that their kids aren’t made of glass. Most of Eddie’s solutions for tiring out their kids don’t bother him too much (other than raising some eyebrows over how the hell he comes up with this shit). Occasionally though, his judgment is even more baffling than usual.
Like, taping cardboard to the stairs to make a slide…fine, sure, whatever.
Taping cardboard to the stairs and sliding down on their mattresses…less fine.
Tying one end of a rope to the swing in their backyard and the other to his ankle so Hazel stays asleep while Eddie gets some writing done…Steve can understand that, given how they’re in a phase where Hazel will only doze off while she’s in that thing.
Hooking up a power drill (granted, it’s on the lowest setting) to the baby rocker so it’ll bounce on its own through naptime…absolutely not.
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desidesidesi · 4 months
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Has anyone done this yet?
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cherrywhite · 4 months
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Happy pride month to these four btw
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pronouncingitwang · 3 months
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catching up in time for the finale thank you podcasts
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cyber-skeletons · 6 months
Omg Sam in Earthspark meeting the terrans and Twitch is just so damn confused, terrified and also amazed at Sam’s abilities. She only gets scared when she sees Sam’s full wraith on display because someone hurt one of his parents and she witness him almost tearing a ghost goon to shreds until Bee stops him ( I still need to watch earthspark but it looks awesome lol) also the terrans just being confused by Sam being Optimus and Megatron’s kid lmao
EarthSpark is hands down our favorite Transformers continuity ever it comes fully recommended and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are coming for our HEART with this. Sam considering the Terrans his cousins because they're Aunt Dorothy's kids and he loves them to bits but seeing Twitch scared of him after losing control probably really rattles him
And the Terrans looking at Sam and squealing and going "So you're a Terran too?!" and Sam is just like "...am I a Terran???? Carrier? Sire?" and Optimus is like "Well, no, as you were created from me and Megatron, rather than from Earth and the Emberstone" and the Terrans immediately latch onto that and Thrash goes "Wait wait wait, you and Megatron can just BUILD new Cybertronians?! Why haven't you been doing that more?!" and Nightshade is like "Oh! Please explain in exact detail how you created Sam!" and Optimus and Megatron are both just like
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And ooooooh what if Sam has his human form because Dot touched his protoform when Megatron showed him to her? What if he and Optimus actually arranged for Dot to raise Sam as her own and hide his Cybertronian side so that GHOST and Agent Croft wouldn't get their hands on their sparkling, just like Optimus sent Bee into hiding to keep him safe? So that would mean Sam has Three Dads, a Mom, and Seven Siblings
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agodmustfeed · 1 year
you love your god, but youre not sure you like him anymore. you go on a pilgrimage anyways, with a fanatical young boy, and meet some weird divorced cop you have to run from because your partner turns a guy into a crab. you (mostly accidentally) take a hostage, and shes pretty okay actually. you part on good terms, something thats absolutely not normal between kidnappers and kidnappees, but hey, whatever man. you find what youre looking for, and youre not sure you love your god anymore. the fanatical kid you thought you bonded with completely fucks off, hating you for your disbelief. the weird divorced cop finally catches you, but your hostage/friend(????) jailbreaks you (NOT NORMAL) and hes left handcuffed to the door of the precinct, ranting and raving about how hes going to hunt you down to the ends of the earth. you try to stop your fanatical partner from doing mass murder, but you dont have to. he prays to and you curse your god, and he answers (to who?). a weird old lady finds you but not him, so your fanatical friend is probably dead. youre mean but shes nice, and you think you could love the goddess she worships. you try to help out and two feral children catch you, turns out the fanatical kid is alive and has power in the church now. theyre not your people anymore, but you work to save them from the government backed feral children. the kid calls you sister. and then he frames you for the double murder he does. he cries as he does it, but he does it anyways. he sends his dogs after you and there is no rest, no reprieve. your new goddess keeps you alive, but you are caught anyways, and your old god kills to save you. you hate him for it, hate him for loving you, for wanting you back. you are caught again and youre done this time. you just want it to be over.
and then the fucking divorced cop who, last time you saw him, was screaming about you finding a prey god to pray to because he will never let you feel safe again, is jogging up and, in a jovial tone, calling you an old friend and asking his friends to patch you up. like what the fuck would you do
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thepunkpanther · 1 year
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fatefully i tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me misery like the war of words I shouted in my sleep and you passed right by i was in the alley, surrounded on all sides the knife cuts both ways if the shoe fits, walk in it 
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hitawall · 26 days
solitary confinement
Visions of the lonely road
Come to me through
The sharp edges of my tattered soul
All the lines are blurred and moved
It’s not got a thing to do
With my sobriety…
It’s you.
Sobs stretch out of my sore throat
Anguished screams in a voice unknown
Forward motion ever rolling on
Sand and sleep gather in my eyes
Still I strain to see the other side
Sensitivity and solitude cloud my mind
Putting painful pavements in the past
Realizing hearts are made of glass
But in your hands, mine turned to sand
Who could put me back together again?
There are eggshells littering all my floors.
Nobody’s coming in.
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verstappentime · 9 days
divorce verse for your wednesday <3 this is from after max & dan break up. (the rest of this verse is here) (the scene previous to this will get finished but this is what i have today <3) The first night Daniel’s gone, Max walks into a fucking wall trying to go to the bathroom.
It’s happened before, because his depth perception is awful and worse in the dark and worse sometimes than others, but usually he hits knee-first or something. Nope, just a wall right to the orbital bone. 
It’s not something Daniel could have saved him from, but it still doesn’t make it any easier. Daniel’s not there to be woken up by his cursing a blue streak and ask if he’s alright, to sit him down and put ice on it and make him feel less pathetic.
His head is throbbing, in a normal person kind of way. He’s going to have a massive goose egg. He finally gets to the light switch, very, very carefully, and tempts himself to go down the hall with the promise of crying about it afterward.
It’s easier, with the bedroom light illuminating the way. He makes it there and back okay. 
He needs to not call Daniel, but he’s groggy and worked up and he gets confused at night and– he’s just going to lose it if he can’t talk to someone. 
Daniel picks up on the first ring. He must still have Max excluded from do not disturb. Must be sleeping with the ringer on.
“I walked into the wall,” he says, before Daniel can get anything out. 
“What?” He can hear Daniel sitting up, sheets rustling. He should be scolding Max for calling in the middle of the night. He doesn’t. “Are you hurt?” 
“I hit my head. Or, like, my face. Both.” Max touches where the bruise is forming on his head. He kind of forgot what hurt that’s not coming from the inside feels like. He pokes it again. He’s lucky he hit on bone, probably, and that it wasn’t a corner and he’s not bleeding. “I don’t know,” he says, voice cracking. 
“Okay.” Daniel’s all calm. This kind of stuff never bothers him. Max wants him to be here. “You sound alright. You weren’t, like, running, right? Do you have a headache?”  “No. I think– I think I am okay.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, just to see how bad it hurts. “This is shit, Daniel.”
“We need to get you some of those lights you can turn on with your voice, yeah? I’ll look in the morning.” We. He’s going to have to stop that. Not right now.
“I can– I’ll do it.” 
“I’ll remind you, then. What do you want to do right now?” 
“I don’t know,” Max says again. “I don’t want to get up again.” He presses his knuckles to his teeth, something awful in his chest. “I feel shit that I called you already.” 
“I don’t care. It’s good you did. I was scared that you wouldn’t. Makes me feel better.” Daniel pauses. “Not that I’m like, glad you walked into a wall.” 
“It sounds very stupid when you say it out loud.” He knows it’s his fault, but he can’t help it: “What am I going to do? Just call you always?” 
“You can, baby.” Daniel never tells him no. Daniel let him leave because he never tells him no. “You have other people, though. They’ll be happy to answer. You can call your mum or Victoria or Charles. But also me, if you want to.” 
Max wants Daniel to tell him that’s unfair. But the idea of being cut off from the only person that really knows what it’s like for him makes him want to throw up. Charles would laugh at him for this one, even though he wouldn’t mean to. Max says, “I think I want to go back to sleep.” 
“Good idea. You want me to stay on?” 
“No. That will be very boring for you.” Max lays down, turning over on his side, his back to where Daniel should be. “Are you sleeping too?” 
“Yeah, Maxy, I’m going to.” 
“Okay. Then we will both go to sleep.” 
“Yeah,” Daniel says, all gentle. “I’m going to text you tomorrow, okay? It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me after that. But I’ll remind you about the lights and ask about your face.” 
“That’s fine.” He can’t know if he’ll remember, and he really does not want this to happen again, and– and now he knows for sure he’ll hear from Daniel tomorrow. 
There’s a beat where neither of them know what to say, but Daniel’s the bravest and he says, “I love you. Goodnight.” 
“I– Me too, Daniel.” He can’t lie. Not about that.
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Peter B. Parker and Miguel O’Hara from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse should get a divorce!
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Do Steve and Eddie make Easter baskets for the kids as they get older? I was just talking to my mom about how she used to hide our baskets along with the eggs and they were impossible to find. And it made me think about Eddie being devious with his hiding spots.
istg you and i are on the same wavelength bc i was literally drafting an easter drabble when this notif came in.
Yeah, they absolutely do the whole Easter thing - just for the memories and tradition of it all. Their kids don't even really know what Easter is about other than the bunny and eggs and all that - Steve is pretty sure Hazel thinks it's to celebrate all the new baby animals and he's not really interested in taking that away from her.
It starts the Saturday before Easter when the girls dye hard-boiled eggs (which typically goes about as well as any extremely messy arts and craft project with three young kids). They argue throughout the entire process, and to an outsider they all probably look pretty miserable, but when Steve says, "If I hear another word about who's allowed to use which colors, I'm packing all this up and we'll be done," he gets a united chorus of protests in response.
(And Eddie is no help whatsoever because he's too busy coming up with the most intricate egg design possible).
When all the eggs are dyed (and the girls are done arguing over whose were ultimately whose), they put them in their little Easter baskets with the fake grass and leave them outside their bedroom doors.
Overnight, Steve and Eddie the Easter Bunny swaps out the eggs for candy and little toys and things like that, and hides the eggs around the house.
Eddie is an absolute rat bastard about how he hides those eggs. He does not care that Hazel is only four, and barely three feet tall. He absolutely will be hiding her sticker-covered mess of an egg on top of the tallest bookshelf in the living room.
"If she's smart, she'll realize she can see it when she stands on stairs," he says gleefully.
"Okay, and then what?" is Steve's question, "Is she levitating up there?"
The girls love it. They have the best time going on a wild goose chase for all the eggs, and the tradition lasts a lot longer than it probably would have otherwise for that exact reason.
An honorable Harrington family Easter mention is when Eddie does such a good job hiding one particular egg that no one can find it.
Steve: If I have to be stuck with a rotting egg lost in my house I will go insane and die
It takes Eddie three hours to find it (inside a spare roll of toilet paper - Steve comments, “No wonder none of you freeloaders could find it”) and he misses the Easter morning cinnamon rolls.
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