#ditto tape
retrocompmx · 1 day
La historia de Iomega
Iomega se fundó en abril de 1980 (y comenzó a mercadear sus productos iniciales en septiembre del mismo año) y se hizo conocida por su primer dispositivo de almacenamiento llamado Bernoulli Box de 10 Mb vendido en 1982.
En septiembre 21 de 1987 comenzó a despachar los primeros modelos de la segunda generación e Bernoulli Box II de 20 Mb. Meses después el de 44 Mb.
En Julio 21 de 1991, la de 90 Mb. En Octubre 12 de 1992 el Bernoulli MultiDisk 150, dos años después el 230 (150 y 230 Mb respectivamente).
Su creciente línea de productos se definió por su enfoque establecido en 1994 de "ayudar a las personas a administrar sus cosas". 
Se enfocaron en el mercado de pequeñas oficinas y oficinas en el hogar y luego persiguieron el mercado emergente de la fotografía digital, que necesitaba dispositivos de almacenamiento más grandes. 
El principal competidor de Iomega en el creciente mercado de discos extraíbles fue SyQuest Technology, que ya no pudo mantener el ritmo y cerró y parte de su infraestructura fue adquirida por Iomega en enero de 1999.
Había distintos dispositivos de esta marca. Por orden de aparición están:
La cinta de respaldo Ditto en enero de 1995.
El más conocido fue el Zip disk de 100 Mb (marzo de 1995.
En diciembre de 1995 el Jaz Drive de 1 Gb.
En noviembre de 1997 el Click! De 40 Mb, renombrado PocketZip para evitar demandas colectivas por el “Click de la muerte” En 2001 sale el de 100 Mb.
Febrero de 1998 sale a al luz el Jaz de 2 Gb.
En diciembre de 1998 las unidades ZIP de 250 Mb.
y diciembre de 1999 vemos la primer unidad CD-RW interna.
En diciembre de 1998 Iomega compra una manufacturera de dispositivos de almacenamiento francesa llamada Nomaï que fabricaba el XHD 100 (una unidad y discos de 100 Mb muy similares al Zip)
El HipZip hace su aparición en septiembre 22 del 2000.
En diciembre la unidad de grabación de CD externa Predator.
En marzo de 2001 comienzan a vender sus unidades NAS (que originan un fallo catastrófico al exponer archivos de los usuarios que poseían estas unidades al filtrarse en internet).
En abril de 2002 salen a la venta las primeras unidades de disco duro externo portables. 
En agosto las unidades Zip de 750 Mb.
En 2004 los últimos drive llamados Rev de 30, 70, 90 y 120 Gb (2010) que terminaron de cimentar la tumba de Iomega.
Las unidades Zip salieron primero al mercado para usuarios Mac, internos y externos con interfase SCSI, luego en PC con puedo paralelo y al final con interfase USB.
A finales de los 90s enfrentó dos dilemas: La competencia del CD-RW, mas barato y menos problemático. Y luego el “click de la muerte” que hacia que las unidades hicieran inservibles los discos de 100 Mb.
En enero del 98 llegaban reportes de dispositivos de 100 Mb que causaban desalineamiento de los cabezales (como el la disquetera 1541 de la Commodore!). Esto causaba que perdieras tus datos de tus disco ZIP.
Para rematar las filtraciones de las unidades NAS, las fallas en los discos portátiles eGo y que todo mundo que tenía un Zip, los cambiaron por unidades de grabación de CD/DVD.
En 2008, la empresa fue vendida a EMC Corporation por 213 millones de dólares, que luego colaboró con Lenovo, y finalmente adquirida por Dell en 2013. 
En 2010 celebraron 30 años con la salida de las unidades NAS StorCenter y Skin Hard Drive ala serie IX de los discos Cloud Edition.
En 2013, Iomega fue renombrado LenovoEMC, y aunque poseen la mayoría de las acciones, la marca como tal de Iomega desapareció del mercado.
Y tu ¿Aun conservas algunos discos Zip p productos Iomega? Yo en la personal tengo cientos de estos discos, varias unidades 100 y 250 del Zip una unidad externa Predator.
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sir-greendown · 2 years
newjeans ditto as pink tape by f(x)
cr @piwppi (twitter)
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bunny--manders · 2 years
My new job’s giving me a whole lot less fic writing time but loads of podcast listening time. What are your favorite fiction podcasts right now? I’d love to meet your audio blorbos.
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anna-neko · 3 months
Welcome to another episode of "let's cosplay an audio-only chara!" because sometimes the brainrot lies dormant for months and suddenly.... (goin to live show needed a new outfit)
Scary Marlowe - the Sophomore Slump album
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details and whatnot rambling under cut
basic concept was easy enuff: make another t-shirt. "Shit Garden" needed a break, now its time for this
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The font seemed basic enuff to copy out and then I'm sittin here like... how to...draw circles... a wholeass ball? (btw no printer access)
frellin BLESS Terry for pulling out his graphic design skills and making me a fantastic ball stencil! He even did a size readjust after my hasty tests the night before
.......anyway, the black shirt had for over a year. It was supposed to be for a Scorpion Slut logo, but scorpions are impossible to draw/cut-out at this detail (aka my lack of skill lvl)
So! because was terrified would fuck up, did a test run first. T'was most educational, seeing how much seeps out and heat needed frm blowing hot air vs ironing over
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Kept peeling off bits, readjusting (negative space be dammed), running back to trace out a failed letter (hey kids, want easiest way to fake a light table? ANY backlight works. window, glow of the monitor...) and try again.... (did "O" so many times, its no longer real letter in my brain)**
Went OCD as fuck getting everything super blocked-out on the actual shirt once was ready to commit
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This shirt wasn't painted, but bleached, and i wanted only the words/logo in and nothing else. Clearest outlines, no stencil far edge outlines, no bleed mess
Yes you can see a pin holding on the "hole" of a letter. When I say wanted crisp outlines, that wasn't a joke
of course - irony be dammed - after this part was done, went back and Very Carefully splattered lil bit with my brush. In a highly controlled way
Also the secondary loose concept is ...well.... the first shirt (Shit Garden) she angrily tore at to be punk and all, but this one.... this one was an old team souvenir... Thus soccer ball on both front and back
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For this reason (slightly more 'treasured' if you will), the rips were far less chaotic. The hem is left intact, and the neck a careful trim to show she wasn't blindly goin at it with scissors. Ditto on sleeves
Still freehanding this, but folding stuff in half to at least pretend symmetry, ya know?
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there's no "Butthole Ricochet" branding ... snuck in a lil Warlock symbol at sideseam instead
New skirt! It has stars!! ★★☆☆★★ she IS a rock star for her album dammit (and it goes on w/ the stars of the barbwire-and-stars long-sleeved shirt frm before)
Everything else (bracelets, fishnet armwarmers, skelenimal scrunchy, etc...) are frm previous incarnations. Tape-measure continues to live on the hip chain
No jar of horrors daddy magic memories, instead there's a funny lil resin charm Terry made (he also once again helped with safety pins AND contributed a few black and white new ones for the sleeves)
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The thigh-highs no longer have purple stripes in them (no purple on this one whatsoever, byeeee Omega Patron poison)
Exact same style have used before with alternating sheer & solid stripes, but fully black! (@sockdreams out there continuing to miraculously have Always what am looking for!)
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five-nights-at-artsys · 2 months
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hi lol this was supposed to be the anniversary artwork but i got somethin' even better for that so. yall can get this
[image id: a digital drawing consisting of four semi-chibi fullbody artworks of four characters.
from left to right, there is kim (a woman with curly brown hair and a red vest full with pins, smiling), phone guy (who is depicted here as an anxious man with a security guard uniform and glasses, holding a blue telephone while awkwardly looking at the camera), phone dude (who is depicted here as a man with bleached blond hair and shorts, holding a phone to his ear with a smirk), and tape girl (who is depicted here as a woman with tied up dark brown hair and a pink hoodie, holding a cassette tape on one hand and a vr headset in another.
text reading, "uh, hello?" and "hello, hello?" can be seen in the corners of the drawing, glowing a faint white. the background consists of tapes and retro 80s patterns. end id.]
alt. version under the cut
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[image id: ditto as the above, but this time the characters aren't overlayed with certain colours. end id]
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diceydeals · 1 year
Hearing and History
12th April 2023
So, I recently found out that my level of hearing is a lot lower than I thought it was and probably always has been.
What does this mean? Basically I probably would've benefited from hearing aids and learning sign language as a child rather than relying on self-taught lip-reading, guesswork, and asking people to repeat themselves/be patient.
Let me tell you, people are not always good at being patient.
I have very mixed feelings about this. Listening is very tiring, and I have always said this! I couldn't do mental maths questions because they were on a tape recording. Ditto language listening and oral exams, which I kept failing at school. French was nearly impossible for me because I cannot hear the words or make sense of the month movements. Thank gd for Spanish!
I didn't have a hearing test until I was in secondary school. That policy has changed now in the NHS so hearing loss is picked up very soon after birth. Basically, there were a bunch of points in my life when someone could have intervened to give me the tools to navigate the world rather than just let me figure it out.
I am not part of the Deaf community. I don't know anybody my age who is hard of hearing or deaf. My family thought it was 'normal' because my mum, her sister, and my grandad all have hearing loss. I was teased for being deaf while simultaneously nobody taking the implications of my deafness seriously. It was a lose-lose situation. Essentially, it wasn't that I wasn't deaf enough, it was that it didn't effect me obviously enough for anyone to do anything.
Now I have hearing aids, I can hear music, I can hear lyrics. I can hear (although not focus on) multiple conversations. Birds are insanely fucking loud. Projectors and air-conditioning drive me up the wall. My tinnitus is definitely worse, but that may also be a side effect of long covid (apparently that's a thing). It's a wild experience that I'm still getting used to, a year later.
I would still love to learn sign language. But now's not a great time: I'm tired, working and studying full-time, recovering from covid, and generally have shit going on. British Sign Language lessons are expensive in person, but learning online is something I'd rather avoid as I can't concentrate easily. This means more travel, more money, more time, more energy. This means I have to wait.
I wish I could've had the chance to learn when I was first diagnosed.
TLDR; just because you can work to the point of exhaustion to fit the needs of the world, doesn't mean you should have to! You deserve accommodations. The world needs to bend so that people don't break.
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starcwrld · 8 months
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01 ditto 02 twilight zone 03 cool with you 04 soul to soul 05 lorelai 06 pung 07 rewind 08 remember summer days 09 telephone number
the album. era highlights. the vlog series moments. san fransicso. moments. styling. stages. promotional events. photocards
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"REWIND" marks the debut studio album from the acclaimed K-pop group Starcluster, celebrated for its enchanting city-pop sound and nostalgic atmosphere. The album stands out with a triple title track structure, with each title track featuring its own set of B-sides.
In Tape One, the title track "Ditto" shines for its cinematic brilliance and poignant storyline. The narrative follows the girls' journey from carefree teenage years to adulthood, delving into the fears of growing older and highlighting the solace they find in each other's companionship. The associated B-sides, "Twilight Zone" and "Cool with You," received their own music videos. Shot with Kodak film strips and old Canon digital cameras, the vlog-like style of filming adds an intimate touch. "Twilight Zone" captures the girls exploring the town before their graduation night, while "Cool with You" showcases the significance of their graduation. "Ditto" serves as a summary, encompassing various essential memories from their youth.
Tape Two, featuring the title track "Soul to Soul," unfolds a romantic storyline. The music videos for "Lorelai" and "Lights" accompany it, portraying sisterhood and platonic love, respectively. Shot exclusively with Kodak film strips, Tape Two takes on a more film-like quality compared to the vlog-like style of Tape One.
Tape Three, titled "Rewind," takes a nostalgic trip back to the 80s. Featuring covers of "Telephone Number" and "Remember Summer Days" by Junko Ohashi and Anri, respectively, this tape offers a unique retro experience. While "Rewind" received an official music video, the girls took charge of filming for "Telephone Number" and "Remember Summer Days," reintroducing the vlog-like feeling as they showcase their everyday lives. The time-traveling camera in the "Rewind" music video adds an intriguing element to this journey into the past. Overall, "REWIND" encapsulates Starcluster's ability to deliver captivating music, accompanied by visually stunning and thematically rich music videos.
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era highlights
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ not that expensive surprisingly even though each song got a music video… the three that really had the high budget were ditto, soul to soul and rewind. The b-sides were filmed and edited by the girls themselves to give that intimate like feeling. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ this got their first PAK and it got a good amount of music show wins. Ditto had the most performances with like 5 stages, soul to soul had like 3 and rewind had 2 so they were booked and busy ! "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ some fans were mad though because the last two songs were covers and they were expected like 9 new songs …. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ditto went viral on social media and the album’s filming style was the trend as well. Many people would do a compilation of clips similar to the style in twilight zone and cool with you. Old cameras were trending again too for the filters that were put on the video. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ a five video long vlog series went up with each girl documenting their experience with filming the music videos and their promotions. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ They also got a little reality TV show where they traveled to san francisco! "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ there was a lot of cute interactions between the members and their fanbase really grew during this time as well. Hana and Soyi got the most new fans while Kiyoko began to get a lot of fan boys. "
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ overall a really fun era! Being very vague with the descriptions here because i’m planning on actually writing out a lot of their best moments during this era so this will be a multipart series kinda ! :D"
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lezulla · 6 months
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Having fun designing new products for you guys! Redoing some old ditto merch. Hoping to make stickers, keychains, and maybe even washi tape!
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just-in-case-iloveyou · 8 months
get to know me tag 🌻
@sugarcoated-lame my darling🧡 thank you so much for the tag 🥰
1. were you named after anyone?
i'm pretty sure y'all can guess my real name, but yeah, i was. my name means "she who will rise again," which was neat, because my parents read about an American Indian woman who worked closely with an ethnologist to record hundreds of hours tapes cataloging her tribe's language. a language that no one spoke, until a cardboard box containing those tapes was found in the Smithsonian Institution the year before i was born. my parents loved the name and were blown away by the story.
2. when was the last time you cried?
two days ago, it's been a rough month
3. do you have kids?
no kids, but i do have a fur baby 🥹 ditto, Kricket
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
i did dance and gymnastics a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. 🩰 after that, i played basketball and softball in middle school, and volleyball from middle to high school. 🏀🥎🏐
5. do you use sarcasm?
at this point, i'm pretty sure it's a coping mechanism for me.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
smile first, then eyes (mostly because i'm nearsighted, so eyes are a little harder)
7. what’s your eye color?
hazel, i guess. they're green on the outside and brown on the inside.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings, for sure. i'm too chicken for scary movies 🐔 and i like to feel happy 💖
9. any talents?
Kicket, babe, i feel like we're kind of the same person.
i can sing, and if i'm comfortable enough with you, i'll sing along to things in your presence. i used to take voice lessons and do musical theater, but since my anxiety developed later, that's a big no-go nowadays. i'm also a solid advice-giver (but i can't take my own), and i used to stress-bake a TON in university. i suppose i'm pretty good at random trivia! and i'm okay at painting, but i only really do it at those paint and sip places lol.
10. where were you born?
Orange County, California 🍊
11. what are your hobbies?
again, same person, different font
PUZZLES!!! reading, watching movies, singing, baking, thrifting, playing video games (i'm a sucker for the Nancy Drew mystery games). i'm trying to get better at cooking. i used to do creative writing and write poems, but i haven't in a very long time. i feel like i should try to get back into that. and like i said, paint and sip is also fun lol
12. do you have any pets?
at the moment, my sister has a pittie mix named Moose, we've got a lovebird named Peach, and a tortoise (African desert maybe?) named Shelley (we didn't name him). we lost my sweet girl Bell and my baby boy Percy not too long ago 💔💔
13. how tall are you?
5'2" i'm almost pocket-sized!
14. favorite subject in school?
English and Social Studies (history, geography, psych, etc.)
15. dream job?
this is gonna sound insane, but ever since i was 11, i've always wanted to work for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). it sounds squirrely, but long story short, i started watching NCIS and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation around that age, and i just got SO interested in criminology and forensics.
no pressure tags: @lewmagoo @laracrofted @seresinhangmanjake @withahappyrefrain @roosterforme @ohtobeleah @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @bobfloydsbabe @attaboylew @attapullman @mjskeletons661 @lostinthefandoms11 @pinkdaisies1106 @mandylove1000 I’m a little late to this so sorry if you’ve already done it 🧡
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wickymicky · 9 months
top ten songs of 2023
1. Newjeans - Ditto
surprise, surprise. here we are lol. yes, this song came out in December 2022, but it was late in the month, and technically it was a pre-release track for a song that came out in January (which was OMG), so technically its official release was 2023 haha
but anyway... Ditto is perfect. it's not just the best song of the year, i think it's also my favorite kpop song of the 2020s so far. maybe my favorite kpop song ever, though i feel like i still need more time to make that decision haha.
nothing affects me the way Ditto does. it's like weapons-grade nostalgia. you could use this as a nostalgia weapon if you wanted to kill someone with just pure raw nostalgia. it hits me like a truck, man... all i can think about is how life could have been different...
the music videos are amazing too. people had all these theories that they were about parasocial relationships but i dont think that's true, i think they're about nostalgia. the main character, Heesoo, is shy and copes with that by listening to music, specifically Newjeans. but she starts to grow up. little by little, she starts running away from the members, who represent her childhood. she asks out the boy she has a crush on, she breaks her camera with all her memories, etc, and their presence fades from her life, she grows up. and at the end of Side B, adult Heesoo, now much older, finds her old videotapes and watches them. she's overwhelmed with nostalgia. she sees the tape where the members come in through a door and immediately the same scene plays out in real life, they enter her door physically. that's not real obviously, but its a metaphor for the memories rushing back to her. she's immediately transported to where she was at that time in her life. she realizes that even though she grew up, she never lost that part of her. at the drop of a hat, she's back. and it's nice
would i like the song this much without the music video? yes. but does it still help overall? yes of course. it'd be my SOTY either way, but i think this context and artistic vision for it is what helps it be SOTD, song of the decade.
Ditto isn't just good by kpop standards, like some songs on this list. it's just good by any standards. Ditto is important to me.
(and Side B)
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from the newmann prompt list you reblogged - “ what’s that smell? ” [beat] “ is that cheese? ” “ yeah, want some? ” and “ i’ve been awake for hours. ” seem like they could be fun together :)
Took me a while to get to this, oops. Prompts found here.
Sharing a bed with Newton wasn't as infuriating as Hermann had initially supposed. Once the preliminary shifting and bouncing was over until Newt found the most comfortable position he was still, out cold, and pleasantly cuddly. If Hermann needed any assistance in the night with adjusting pillows or taking any meds, Newt was caring and considerate. Things had reached an equilibrium after only a few months of living together. There were, however, some odd moments that could only happen because of Newt.
Hermann was lying on his side of the bed, a pillow between his knees. It had taken him ages to get truly comfortable. Newton had become suspiciously quiet upon returning to bed. Hermann was facing away from his partner but then turned his head slightly. He spoke in the darkness.
"What’s that smell?" There was no response so he said, "Is that cheese?"
"Yeah, want some?" Newt said, chewing.
Hermann was annoyed but also slightly peckish. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"Newton," he growled. "I have already stated my rules that there is no food allowed in the bed."
"Yeah, I know, you taped the full sheet of printed bedroom rules on the back of the bedroom door, dude. Like a hotel."
"And I expect them to be adhered to."
"They are, man!"
"Except for now."
"There are no crumbs. Just cheese cubes."
Hermann sighed.
"So do you want some?"
Hermann shifted and turned over, snuggling up to Newt. The latter switched a bedside light on. He fed Hermann a piece of cheese. Newt chuckled drowsily.
"Sorry I woke you up with the cheese smell, babe."
"It's alright; I’ve been awake for hours."
"You should have said!"
"I didn't want to bother you."
"You never bother me."
"You rarely bother me."
"Ditto. Another piece of cheese?"
"Yes, dear," Hermann said. "But if I find any cheese cubes in the bed I shall be quite put out."
"I know."
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nattipoika · 16 days
orchid and chamomile
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect? hmmm tough choice as there are so many perfect songs out there but at the moment my perfect song is Ditto by NewJeans!!! it was my number one on my spotify wrapped and i played it like over a hundred times lmao
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? oooh i really like cozy things! candles, blankets, stuffed animals, self-care things like body oils, shower stuff, and lotions. i also like stationery, like journals, pens, markers, stickers, washi tapes! there are a lot of options there ;) (btw my bday is in two weeks if anyone cares lmao)
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anna-neko · 1 year
with the recent scans of GosuLoli Sewing cropping up.... here's a lil flashback to long long ago when me and mom used the mook to make me a gingham one-piece using one of the patterns
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She thought the word "katyusha" for alice-bands was hilarious, and my dad absolutely lost his shit when he read the "lolita" on the cover.
These mooks overall are great - unlike american pattern there aren't pieces to cut out. They print EVERYTHING as one giant sheet, and you simply follow the numbers to trace out the specific sections. No worries of losing pieces or stuffing envelopes - can always just retrace the piece again in future Ditto for resizing pieces - no anxiety over cutting up the wrong part in the set and praying it would tape back ok. Just... retrace a new copy if need be! The mook is still there!! (very useful mook to loan out for same reasons)
Added eyelet lace to the skirt to break up the monotony a bit
Would wear it just as a casual summer dress for a while
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The sock toppers & hairbow I made later, and the tiny matching bows on the socks were something a dear friend found (think they're shoe clips?)
Then braved taking it to an event - an anime con no less. Was absolutely dead-tired & heat-exhausted this day, but there was a Mitsukazu Mihara panel to attend!! Something about the ringlets with this Giant Hairbow`... ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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anyway, got much use outta this dress for couple years
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in truest "big sis" vibe we gots goin, afterwards the dress went to a friend... She also got quite a bit of wear outta it!
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transsexualhamlet · 26 days
decorating my dorm and i have cultivated The Normal Corner consisting of
fellowship of the ring poster featuring elijah wood 1000 yard stare
massive foot-long iron crucifix from a catholic hospital
decrepit steamer trunk
leather backpack
half-naked sauron pinup taped to the wall
ditto but this time it's fëanor
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mikiappreciation · 11 months
Okay; lemme show you guys what we got at the comicon/collect-a-thon.
Red got a pokeball christmas ornament for Blake; Blake loves Christmas.
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Red also got this pair of green Pokémon GB cartridge earrings for himself and the other Gen One alters to wear
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Gold managed to nab Hurry the Cyndaquil for Hibiki, and Red got a little Ditto buddy who turns into a “Pikaditto”
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and ash SOMEHOW managed to get ahold of this VHS tape of the og Pokémon anime; this is the very first episode of the very first season. it’s in perfect condition and works great!
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aura-acolyte · 2 months
Would you like a galarian zigzagoon or riolu eggs?
My obstagoon has recently gotten tape ditto so I’m giving them to trainers who would raise them right
I could take a Riolu egg, sure.
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