#dispair posting
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a-nam Ā· 11 months ago
Oooooooo we r really in it now
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lesbiansanemi Ā· 10 days ago
I feel like the people who make those posts that are like ā€œtumblr is so white and so American obviously thatā€™s what most of the users are White Americans is all there is they make up like 90% of my dashā€ are justā€¦. Telling on themselves
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walkingintheamm Ā· 20 days ago
montoya I'm so sorry your suffering has brought me such joy in meme format šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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ghoulishr0t Ā· 1 year ago
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this mess was yours, now your mess is mine
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kyros-tha-soldier Ā· 1 year ago
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thenamedoesnotmattertome Ā· 2 years ago
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Feeling the blues
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boycterium Ā· 1 year ago
I don't think anthy even sealed the prince within her. It was just a lie to ward the angry crowd off him. He was alive and conscious in the barn after she went outside to face them. Her ā€œpowersā€ aren't real, they're only real because people believed they're real for so long. They believe that she holds the power of Dios within her and that's how the power came to her. Anthy was dehumanised by the nation into becoming a fairlytale archetype with magic powers. She's only a witch because they believe her to be
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trans-yllz Ā· 4 months ago
awe wei wuxian being proud of jiang cheng šŸ¤§
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tickldpnk8 Ā· 2 years ago
Distant Mirrors Reread: Three Septembers and a January
One of the things that Gaiman does in his works is that he ties in real people and real events. And to me, it makes all of the fantastical seem ordinary and believable. This issue builds off of one of those things. There really was an Emperor Norton, but here we see what might have inspired his ā€œmadnessā€ ā€¦if the Endless were to exist.
In any case, this issue packs a lot of sibling dynamics, so letā€™s get started.
On family dynamics:
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The whole issue starts out with Despair attending to Norton. Despair contemplates Norton at his lowest and calls on Dream to attend to her. She then challenges Dream to a contest over whether his ā€œlittle dreamsā€ can redeem Norton or not.
Now, the first time I read it, I read it as the challenge was started out of competition/jealousy and anger/goading. And I still see that. But this time it struck me more like Despair trying to save Norton from suicide at the very least or as her trying to engage Morpheus in life again.
This is what she says right before calling for Dream:
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And once the competition has started, Death makes it sound as though the three youngest tend to play these games with mortal lives when she admonishes Dream. This confirms that the older three donā€™t really interfere in mortal lives. At least as much as the younger 3 do.
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The younger three seem to pick fights over who ā€œownsā€ a mortal at a given time. And I think this relates to how mortals tend to pass in and out of their domains: Desire (want/indifference), Despair (sadness/hope) and Delirium (insanity/lucidity). Meanwhile, Destiny, Death and Dream are all inevitable if you are living. (Sure minor aspects of the oldest three might be something you pass in and out of, but not their larger functions.)
And as the contest plays out, we see each of them try to tempt Norton away from Dreamā€™s sway. Which means we get to see Delirium and Morpheus interact:
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I love how these two interact. Morpheus has such tender interactions with his sister. Heā€™s gentle with her: more gentle than with any of this other younger siblings. Even when sheā€™s opposing him in a contest or later on in the series when she annoys him. But despite that, she always finds him to be scary and continually comments on it. This is the first time she tells him she thinks heā€™s scary in my reread so I want to note it here.
On their missing sibling:
So we still donā€™t have a name for this missing brother who keeps getting referenced. I had to reread this all carefully because I could have sworn they mention his name, but they donā€™t.
The only things we know for certain are that he left and that it was his decision. But Despair is able to goad Dream into taking the bet by blaming him for the Prodigal leaving. She claims that Morpheusā€™ superiority complex is directly to blame for their brother leavjng. That Morpheus didnā€™t care about their brother and he doesnā€™t care about the rest of the younger ones either.
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Nothing could get Morpheus to take the bet as well as this argument: it directly attacks his pride and also his strong sense of responsibility/guilt. Death sees it differently and reassures him that their brother left due to his own decision. Death seems to have the scolding older sister but down to a tee. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s had a lot of these conversations over the years.
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Literary tie in:
And it wouldnā€™t be a Sandman arc if it didnā€™t have a literary reference. And here we get Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain! A nice little cameo. His Royal appointment from Emperor Norton happens as Dream and Delirium have their little chat nearby. So is it a coincidence that itā€™s worded as ā€œā€¦is made by Royal appointment, official spinner of tales and teller of stories to these United States of America.ā€ It leaves me wondering if Norton wasnā€™t inspired by Dream to gift this proclamation.
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Last, but not least, foreshadowing:
Here we see what a sore loser Desire can be when they lose a bet. Their ostentatious plan of bringing someone back from the dead to tempt Norton backfires. When Morpheus remarks that it wasnā€™t really very subtle, Desire vows to not only come up with a subtle plan, but to bring the Kindly Ones down on his head.
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In Conclusion
So in the end, what Lesson was it that Morpheus imparted to his siblings? That great meta post leaves it up to interpretation. But I personally think that it shows the permanency of dreams in our lives. Despite how transient the dreams we experience in the Dreaming may be, the Dreams we have about ourselves or about our future are so integral to who we are as mortals.
Itā€™s a great last line to leave this arc on. Because over the course of this arc weā€™ve seen the power of dreams in shaping revolutions, nations, and shaping oneā€™s self. Weā€™ll come back to this theme with the last issue in Distant Mirrors when we get to Ramadan in a bit. For now, Book 2 continues with Orpheus. So thatā€™s up next.
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captain-krow-drozdov Ā· 2 years ago
Some People In My Family (Excluding My Mom Who Is An Agent Of Chaos And Will Choose Alliance Over Letting The AI Win) Play Monopoly Like It's A Gladiator Ring. No Humour To Be Found, There Is Only The Bloodlust Of Victors And The Broken Bodies Of Their Victims Beneath Their Feet.
Then There's Me Who Is Just Vibinā„¢ Acting Like I've Been Shot Every Time I Land On An Owned Property Only To End Up Owning Half The Board And Lovingly Calling It The Pain-Bow.
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froget-me-nots Ā· 2 years ago
"do you like her?"
"she's my daughter now"
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gothdyke222 Ā· 7 months ago
the annoyance men bring me is almost impossible to even fathom
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kyuroon Ā· 10 months ago
So like? Are we all feeling like we'll never actually achieve anything meaningful in our lives?
Are we all being crushed under the weight of the existential dread that comes with the knowledge of our own insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe or is that just me?
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ethereal-string Ā· 10 months ago
What would I be. What have I become. Dispair, swallow me whole.
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infamouslydorky Ā· 3 months ago
The increase of American horror media featuring aesthetics from post ww2 prosperity is a form of expressing the disillusionment of the American dream in modern times; of how the fanciful googie ideals of a hopeful nuclear family aesthetic falls apart in the face of the reality of dispairing modern times. In this essay, I will-
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theysherobinbuckley Ā· 2 years ago
a little something I started but probably won't ever finish - alternate first meeting steddie! post s3, pre s4
(context: in an effort to cheer up his perpetually grumpy new neighbor, Eddie broke out his old skateboard and immediately ate shit for it. Cue Red calling none other than Steve Harrington to solve the problem...)
Red was barely in the door when Harringron turned on him, jaw clenched and fingers twitching. Having those dark eyes focused so entirely on him nearly made Eddie dizzy.
His lips were moving and- oh shit. Eddie was totally supposed to be listening.
"Uh, what?"
"What are you doing hanging around Max?"
Eddie frowned. "We're neighbors?"
"So I'm beingā€¦ neighborly? Is that illegal?"
"Neighborly is getting someone's mail while they're out of town. Not a super senior hanging around with a girl who's not even in high school yet."
"You better be fucking careful what you're accusing me of, Harrington, because to be honest, you don't look any better. Don't think I haven't heard your beemer pull up at all hours of the night. What the fuck is that about, huh? King Steve likes 'em young?"
Eddie's back hit the trailer before the last word even left his mouth. All the breath rushed out of him at once as Harrington pinned him with one arm across his shoulders.
"Donā€™t fucking say that," he seethed. "She's like my sister. I'm not- I wouldn't hurt her."
Eddie reached up to pat Harrington's arm placatingly, sending him as sweet a smile as he could muster.
"Hey, I believe you, man. I'm a little lost, sure, but I believe you." He sent a look to the trailer to his right. "Now can you let me down before Muriel sends Axel out to break your arm?"
Harrington followed his gaze and, upon seeing Muriel frowning from behind her curtains, dropped Eddie faster than if he'd told him he had the plague.
"We're in my kingdom now, Harrington," he said, grinning and waving in Muriel's direction. "These are my people. We take care of each other here. And Red's one of us, whether you like it or not."
Steve frowned, opened his mouth to respond, maybe even protest, but Eddie cut him off.
"I was just trying to make the kid smile, okay? So I got out my old skateboard, did a few tricks, busted my shit." He held up the ice pack he'd stolen from Red's fridge. "She called you 'cause she said you'd know what to do."
Harrington was quiet. Noticeably, he did not apologize for jostling Eddie's extremely sore wrist, but whatever.
"Did she?"
"Yeah, man, I tried to talk her out of it, but she seemed pretty confident you'd pick up. And here you are, soā€¦"
"No, I mean- did she have fun?"
Eddie shrugged. "I mean, she didn't look as miserable as usual. Laughed a couple times when I fucked up a dismount. What's up with that, by the way? The constant dispair?"
Harrington's whole body tensed, and Eddie was almost scared he was gearing up to punch him just for asking.
"You remember Billy Hargrove?" he replied, his voice tight.
Eddie couldn't help but sneer at the mention of that piece of shit. Wayne had always taught him not to speak ill of the dead, but that didn't mean he couldn't think some choice things about him. Like the fact that he was pretty sure the guy was rotting in hell for all the things he'd said to Jeff in the school halls.
"Unfortunately. What about him?"
"He was Max's older brother. Step-brother."
"Fucked?" Harrington supplied. Eddie nodded. "Yeah. So I just- I need to make sure another Hargrove doesn't come around. Sorry I got all... you know. I've been told I can be kind of intense."
"No shit," Eddie laughed. "No hard feelings, I guess. Since it's in Red's best interest."
"No hard feelings," Harrington echoed. "Thanks for looking out for her."
Then, something Eddie had never even dreamed of: Harrington stuck his hand out, clearly expecting a handshake.
It was over in a second, but Eddie's hand burned where Steve's had been.
"No problem. I'm kind of the park babysitter," Eddie replied. "Part of the job description."
Harrington lit up at that.
"I babysit too! Max and a few of her friends. 'S why I'm always around. I'm usually playing chauffeur for one of the other gremlins."
"That makes more sense than you having a torrid love affair with Susan."
"Yeah, she's not really my type," Harrington said with a smirk.
Eddie watched in shock as Harrington's eyes slowly, deliberately dipped up and down his form.
Talk about fucking whiplash. Eddie could still feel Harrington's strong arm against his chest, the brush of Harrington's nose against his own, the heat of Harrington's breath on his face. And now the king was checking him out?
"I see. Not into MILFs?"
Eddie was in the middle of making plans to staple his big stupid mouth shut when Harrington laughed.
"I'm more into brunettes."
And boy, didn't that seem pointed.
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