#dish tv recharge plan
bloomingforerza · 2 years
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Living with Style 5 + Sousuke head cannons
notes from bloom: @lamnwar thank you so much for requesting! i’m glad you enjoy my free! content 😂 you requested it over on my main blog, this is my writing blog! hope you enjoy :)
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Haruka Nanase
🫧 When Haru moved to Tokyo for college, he asked you to come with him.
🫧 It’s a new city for Haru, and having you there eases his mind.
🫧 You’d probably argue about having mackerel for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so for your own sanity you decided to be the one who’d cook the meals.
🫧 Haru isn’t complaining, he thinks you’re an amazing cook
🫧 Every night he likes to break down his day with you, his head on your lap, the TV playing in the background. It helps him recharge his brain
🫧 He’s the type of boyfriend/roommate that would do your least favorite chore for you. Whether it’s laundry or dish washing or even cleaning a room, he’ll do it without even being asked
🫧 Makoto comes by every morning to make sure you both are awake and ready, since Haru’s routine has partly also become your routine.
🫧 Haru makes you come swimming with them in the mornings too. You attend the same college as Makoto though, and he hates parting ways with you after.
🫧 You have a special nighttime routine together that comes naturally after you move in. When you both are home for the night, after dinner Haru lets you snuggle into him for a little while and listen as you talk about your day.
🫧 He likes to be little spoon, but he also enjoys when you snuggle into him. He’ll press kisses to your head when you talk about rough moments in your day. He’ll laugh with you as well, never letting you think he wasn’t listening.
🫧 He’s the best listener honestly, but it’s apparent that’s only for you. He cares about what you have to say.
🫧 Boyfriend rating: 8/10. Roommate rating: 10/10
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Makoto Tachibana
🫧 Gosh, living with Makoto would be a dream.
🫧 Makoto met you on his first day of college. After you started dating his first year of college, you began to sleep over quite often.
🫧 Considering you hardly ever stayed at home anymore, he knew it was risky, but he asked you to move in. He was so happy when you told him you would.
🫧 Waking up with Makoto every day is like waking up in a bubble. He felt the same, he woke up refreshed every day and never wanted to let you go.
🫧 But life had other plans. He was just thankful that you attended the same school.
🫧 After moving in, you began commuting with Haru and Mako. This included morning swim practice. Haru was kind to you, he didn’t get any weird vibe from you and you made Makoto happy.
🫧 He loves to dote on you. He has such motherly instincts for a man, it’s one of your favorite things about him.
🫧 He also likes to shower with you later on in your relationship. He loves to scrub shampoo on your head, and he’ll condition it and rinse it just for you.
🫧 He’ll even become confident enough to scrub your body with soap. That’s a fun morning.
🫧 Makoto just loves to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Feeding you is no exception. He’ll do the cooking.
🫧 But you don’t like letting him do EVERYTHING by himself, so of course you’ll help him by cleaning the dishes as he’s using them.
🫧 The two of you make a pretty good team. He likes to silently imagine doing all of this with a child between the two of you one day.
🫧 But he’s still not confident enough to let that be known to you. So he’ll just smile and soak in the present.
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Nagisa Hazuki
🫧 Nagisa isn’t always the most responsible so you’re going to be pretty much on your own when it comes to most of the chores
🫧 But it’s okay because he’ll help you while you take charge. You’re vacuuming? He’ll pick up the large debris. You’re doing laundry? He’ll fold. You’re washing dishes? He’ll dry them.
🫧 He can’t cook but he’ll buy you dinner when he can afford it between rent. You just have to make sure it’s not something absolutely bizarre
🫧 He’s a huge puppy, always follows you around the house
🫧 Probably plays video games with you on your nights in.
🫧 Nagisa cares a lot about school, though, and when he’s not at swim practice during the week he’s studying.
🫧 He’ll forget to take care of himself, so you’ll bring him tea and snacks to help keep him motivated through the work. You might have to yell at him to not get distracted if he tries to get handsy with you.
🫧 He’ll invite you out to swim on Sunday mornings, and you’ll follow your workouts up with something extra healthy for breakfast.
🫧 He sometimes feels like you provide more for him than he can provide for you. But you’ll hold him and remind him you chose to live with him because you love him.
🫧 He tells himself one day he’ll have enough money to support the both of you. He hopes he can take care of you the way you can take care of him.
🫧 Waking up with Nagisa in your arms is almost like a safe haven. He likes to sleep in the honeymoon hug position, so you might have a little drool on your arm or shirt.
🫧 But he tries to make you breakfast sometimes and it’s really cute, especially when he starts to get the hang of it
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Rei Ryugazaki
🫧 Rei is such a careful and practical man, but also a romantic and passionate lover.
🫧 Living with Rei is endless smooth sailing. Of course all couples argue, but when it comes to living with Rei you don’t have to communicate with him on what needs to be done.
🫧 Everything is 50/50 between the two of you. Rei hates vacuuming, so you take care of it. If you hate doing dishes, he’ll do them.
🫧 The two of you will take turns cooking every night, with date night every Saturday after school. Whoever cooks, the other helps.
🫧 You both have different preferences when it comes to cooking so it’s nice being able to alternate.
🫧 If you have a bad day, Rei is the type of boyfriend to surprise you with baked sweets when you’re walking in the door
🫧 He likes to have fresh flowers for the apartment every week as well. He likes to say it’s because flowers can brighten up any room just by looking at them.
🫧 He will never admit it, but watching you get dressed is his favorite part of the day.
🫧 If you ask him, he’ll say its cooking dinner with you. But he loves watching you meticulously pick your outfit for the day, and then watching your every move when you put it on.
🫧 He just thinks you’re the most beautiful girl in the world, he could admire you all day long.
🫧 Rei is super smart, so if you ever need help with studying or homework he’s got your back 110% of the way. He’s the type who will help you solve it before he just gives you the answer, that way you’re still pushing yourself to try.
🫧 Just make sure you offer a thanks after you get an A ;)
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Rin Matsuoka
🫧 Oh, geez. Living in Australia is a learning curve in itself for you
🫧 But your ever-so-caring boyfriend is there to help you every step of the way. He was in your shoes once after all
🫧 Rin loves taking you out for walks every morning. Sometimes you’ll both opt for a run, but most of the time you like to slow down with him and take in the new sights.
🫧 He loves to sit in the park with you at night, just to talk about your day together. He wants all of your grit, he wants to make all the bad disappear.
🫧 Rin is honestly the biggest romantic you’ve ever met. He’s the type of boyfriend who’d surprise pick you up from school and walk home with you.
🫧 He loves when you watch him swim. He always feels like he’s doing better if you’re there watching him. He’s definitely a show-off for you
🫧 Because he’s training to become a world-class athlete, making sure Rin is eating properly most of the time falls on your shoulders. He can cook, but there’s no guarantee he’ll cook something he should be eating.
🫧 But he’s ever so appreciative when you make his lunch for him, packing it with some nice snacks to help him power through the day.
🫧 When it comes to sleeping, Rin doesn’t always like to cuddle. But sometimes you’ll wake up in the night, and Rin will be holding you, big spooning you or holding you in a honeymoon hug.
🫧 Rin definitely talks in his sleep. Sometimes, when you’re lucky, you’ll catch some of the things he says. One time, you heard him say your name followed by “don’t let the chickens eat the rice.”
🫧 That had you cracking up for days. Rin always thinks your lying, but one of these days you’ll have to remember to record him.
🫧 He’ll get you back for making fun of him one of these days. For now, he’ll just laugh with you.
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Sousuke Yamazaki
🫧 Life with Sousuke isn’t simple, and it’s not easy at times.
🫧 With his shoulder and just having surgery, you might have to pick up a lot of the house chores.
🫧 He always tries though, and that’s what counts. Healing should be his top priority, so you never hold it against him.
🫧 After his check-ups, Sousuke also likes to go on walks with you. Just to effortlessly talk and laugh about anything.
🫧 Waking up with him is so sweet. He tries to cook you breakfast since you always cook lunch and dinner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
🫧 And when it doesn’t, he’ll just take you out to eat breakfast.
🫧 I feel like Sousuke is a chess man. If you have some free time, he’ll probably sit down and play a game of chess and just talk.
🫧 He always lets you think you’re going to win, but then he’ll put you in check before you even know it.
🫧 Pushing Sousuke to eat better is probably the thing you two argue about most. He drinks soda every day, it’s garbage and it’s bad for you.
🫧 He silently appreciates it though. Getting back into swimming won’t be easy if he lets himself get out of shape.
🫧 Sousuke is a simple man. He’ll bring you home a little sweet every day on his way home from work. Its his way of showing he appreciates you day in and day out.
🫧 He respects your space and you respect his. Honestly such an amazing boyfriend, and roommate. Helping him is never an issue.
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The right mindset for an exchange year abroad
There's no singular correct mindset or way of thinking when it comes to planning and preparing for a year abroad. However, there are some aspects that can make life a little easier so here's what you should consider doing.
Accepting being an obvious foreigner If you're doing a year in a country such as China, then be prepared to be the odd person. Yes, chances are you will get stared at. You may hear "waiguoren"!, especially if you got travelling outside of the more international areas. Yes, you will sometimes feel like an outsider, like you'll never fully integrate. And that's ok. A reality that I had to accept is that whilst I may be welcome to stay here, I will remain an obvious visitor here.
Trying new things An obvious one, but don't just stay in your dorm watching tv-shows all the time. Get out and explore the city. Even if you decide to talk a stroll in the local park, that also counts. Obviously there wil be days when you need to recharge and spend some time by yourself, but going out and leaving your bubble can be the greatest kindness that you show yourself.
Break out of your shell Similar to point #2, but this one can be tricky. Trying new things e.g. trying a new dish at your school canteen vs going to a local restaurant by yourself are a tad different. This one takes time, and even the most outgoing person can struggle with this in a foreign place. Baby steps are the way to go here. If you feel anxious about going to the restaurant, try a cafe in a student/university area first. You can order your drink and if you feel comfortable enough, you can find a spot there and do some reading/studying. In time, you'll feel confident enough to try other places that you may have previously found intimidating. Breaking out of your shell takes time, so don't push yourself too much.
The local customs will endure long after you have left My professors back at my home uni always said "the local way trumps your way", and they were proven right time after time. Certain things are done a certain way, and whether you like it or not they will continue. The best thing to do, is to research in advance and try to adapt to them. Who knows, maybe in time they'll grow on you (aka me almost forgetting how to use a fork after using chopsticks for so long).
It's usually curiosity, not malice Sometimes you will get stared at, or you may be asked odd questions that in your culture would seem bizzare or perhaps a tad offensive e.g. how much do you/your parents earn? are you married? do you have children? Usually it's asked out of curiosity, rather than to cause offense or malice so try to keep that in mind.
Overcome the feeling of temporariness This is an odd one, but the fact that I'm here in China only for a while sometimes gets to me. Like why bother decorating my dorm room if I'll leave in the end? Why buy an extra blanket if I'll have to donate it if it doesn't fit into my suitcase? Forget this mentality. Yes, you're here for only a year, or maybe even half a year. But. This doesn't mean that you should neglect yourself and your living space. If its affordable and if it'll make your life much more easier and comfortable, then get that thing! If you don't have space in your suitcase, then either ship it back home, sell it, give it to a friend or donate it.
Don't forget about your life back home Keep in touch with your friends and family. You don't necessarily need to call them everyday, but do sent a message every once in a while. A simple "good morning!" text can be enough to reassure your parent(s) that everything's ok. Make sure to keep in touch with your home uni academic advisors, and to make sure that you're meeting all the necessary requirements. Mark the application deadline for those summer internships in your calendar, and don't forget to send your auntie that happy birthday message. You have your current life, but please don't neglect your relationships with your loved ones back at home.
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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1.9k, established relationship, drifting apart, relationship issues, loneliness (@starillusion13​)
“I miss you.”
    You’re not entirely sure what it is you were missing when you sent that message. You were just sitting alone on the couch, not even with the TV on, and staring at your phone. At this point you were kind of used to being alone, but it had been weighing you down a lot lately. You understood Jaehyun was working, and not just that, he was living his dream. You’ve known him for years now, starting off as friends and becoming more. He was always so passionate in what he did, and he’s always had the same dream. You remembered spending countless nights together, trying his dishes and giving your honest opinions. Truth is he had talent, and you always knew he’d get where he wanted to be.
    When he told you he had gotten a job at a high profile restaurant you were so proud, and he was over the moon. It wasn’t easy working in such a place but he pushed through and now he was a chef. You loved going there and having him personally deliver your plate, knowing he had prepared it just for you. At first you were just so happy for him, but then reality began to settle in. As a chef, he had an important role in the restaurant. The other cooks looked up to him, relied on him, and given he was great, a lot of his time was spent at work. You understood he had a lot of responsibilities, and couldn’t just leave the others to do things on their own. His free days were spent with you, but with the promotion, he only ever had one, if he was lucky.
    You still saw him everyday. Enjoying a quick breakfast together, and seeing him when he got home. He was tired, dealing with the kitchen and the guests, but you could always see in his eyes that he was happy. It made you happy to, having assurance that he was doing what he wanted. Although lately you weren’t so sure you were happy anymore. You’d make plans for his day off, but most of the time you could see he needed the day to rest and recharge his energy. Those were lazy days he spent in bed, or he’d try to watch a movie or show with you, but would always doze off. It was still nice, just to be with him, but he wasn’t really there. Other times he still went into work because something came up.
    So now you found yourself alone more often, and even the moments you did have with Jaehyun you didn’t feel like he was there. So you messaged him, telling him you missed him, but you didn’t know what you meant, what you missed. If it was him, the old times, or something else you hadn’t put to words yet. You didn’t expect an answer from him, probably in the middle of the dinner rush, but you sent the message anyway. Now you stared down at the promise ring on your finger, wondering what it meant as well. Since it was getting late you figured you should eat something and get to bed, you didn’t want to stay up and wait around for Jaehyun, not tonight that is.
    When Jaehyun got home he found the lights off, meaning you had gone to bed already. He looked down at his phone, seeing the time and the notification of your message. He hadn’t opened it, busy in the kitchen, and he also wasn’t sure how to respond to it. He thought maybe you two could talk when he got home, but it seemed he’d have to wait until morning. He quietly went through the apartment, setting his things down and getting ready for bed. He carefully joined you under the covers, not wanting to wake you. For a while he watched you before settling down and closing his eyes. He wasn’t sure what morning held, but he’d have to wait till tomorrow.
    By now Jaehyun was used to waking up around the same time in the morning. Although this time he was surprised to see your side of the bed empty. Usually he’d wake up before you, and this already left a bad taste in his mouth. He got out of bed and went off to find you, seeing you already dressed and having a quick breakfast in the kitchen. You didn’t notice him at first, but you felt a presence near you and looked over. You gave an awkward smile, knowing very well he was confused to see you up so early when you didn’t need to be at work anytime soon.
“What are you doing up so early?”
“Just trouble sleeping.” You assured. “I’m fine.”
“What about last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your message.”
“Oh, not like you answered.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? You know I was at work and I can’t just be on the phone.”
“Never mind.”
“What’s the matter? I told you I was sorry.”
“Forget it.”
    It was too early for this conversation, and you weren’t sure where you stood with it either. Jaehyun had apologized for having to go in yesterday despite his day off, but that was far from the problem here. If he couldn’t see it properly and was asking you for the answer, now was not the time to talk. You were glad he let you go without arguing, but at the same time you wished he’d done something more. It was still early, and you didn’t need to go to work just yet, so you figured you'd enjoy a morning walk through the park. It was nice, but also a reminder of how alone you felt. You couldn’t remember the last time you and Jaehyun went out on a walk together.
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    Jaehyun couldn’t help the thoughts running through his head. Lately you had been acting very cold and distant, but he didn’t know why. Everything was perfect in his mind, but that wasn’t the case for you. He wanted to talk, to find the problem and come up with a solution but you didn’t seem to be on the same page. He wasn’t sure what to do, but for now he’d go to work and distract himself until later. A part of him hoped you’d message him like before, but there was silence from you all day. Now he was all the more worried. When he got home the lights were off. He didn’t want to wake you, but he had a feeling you would duck out on him in the morning.
    Jaehyun sat on the edge of the bed, gently shaking you awake. It took a bit but you did wake up, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Jaehyun… what time is it?”
“It’s kinda late, but I wanted to talk.”
“About what?”
“You. Us. Lately you’ve been different, quiet, that’s not like you.”
“What do you mean and? I know something is wrong, and I want you to talk to me.”
“Cause you can’t figure it out by yourself?”
“Do you really not get it?”
“No, I don’t. Everything’s been great between us and now-”
“What time is it?”
“What time is it?”
“Like two in the morning, the same time I always get home.”
“Exactly. Two in the morning… when do I ever see you?”
“Is this about Sunday again? I told you-”
“Every day you’re at that restaurant. It’s your job, I know, but you’re there all the time. When was the last time you had a proper day off? When was the last time we went on a date?” Tears stung your eyes. “I never see you anymore… and I feel so alone… like I’m just here to warm your bed… I just wait for you as if I have nothing else in my life…”
“Y/n… don’t make me choose between you and-”
“No. Never. I would never ask you to do such a thing. I know how much this job means to you. It’s your passion, your life’s work to be where you are now. I would not ask you to give that up. I just… I don’t know if I can do this anymore… I have my own dreams and passions that I want to pursue but… it feels like you’ve gotten so far away from me and I can’t reach you anymore…”
“Are you… are you breaking up with me?”
“I don’t know… but I can’t think with you around… well… you know what I mean…”
    You got out of bed, turning on the lights. You went to the closet and grabbed a bag, starting to pack some clothes. Jaehyun watched you for a moment, processing before he got up and grabbed your arm.
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere but here. I can’t be here right now.”
“I’ll go stay with a friend or something.”
“Don’t do this, please, just tell me how I can make this right?”
“I don’t know either, okay? It’s not like you can just drop everything and figure something out with me. You’re where you want to be in life, and I am so happy for you, but this isn’t it for me. I’m not entirely sure what I want, but I can’t stay here just waiting around for you.”
“Please… I need to figure things out for myself.”
    You grabbed Jaehyun’s arm and pulled him off of you. He let you go, simply watching as you packed some of your things, handing him your ring and then leaving the house. Now Jaehyun was all alone. He sat in the dark, wondering what to do as well, but knowing he had to respect your wishes. He didn’t sleep that night, just staring up at the ceiling, trying to figure out where everything went wrong for him. When morning came he knew he couldn’t just stay home, so somehow he managed to get up and go about his day as if everything was alright. At first he managed, but over time even his own coworkers realized something was wrong, something else was pulling his focus.
“Chef… Chef… Jaehyun.”
“The dessert…”
“Ah, yes, it’s fine.”
“I forgot the apple mint…”
“… you did…”
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    The signs were starting to become clear on Jaehyun’s end too. He wasn’t all there anymore, his mind always wandering back to you. Ever since you left you hadn’t messaged him, it was probably better that way, but he missed you dearly. Now whenever he was home he had nothing but himself and infinite silence. He felt your absence so much more, realizing how he had been taking you for granted. All these years you had supported, encouraged him, to pursue his passions, to be who he wanted to be. Not once did your faith in him falter, and he’d forever be grateful for that. As he thought back on his life, on his journey to where he was now he began to see the common thread. You.
    All this time you had been by his side. Every step of the way, so he couldn’t possibly be here without you. His story of success, of happiness, was intertwined with you. As long as he had you, everything else would fall into place. He could see it now, what had been going wrong, and what he could do to fix it. He asked to find out who you were staying with, grabbing the essentials and making his way over. At this point he was in a comfortable place, meaning there was no reason to keep you at arms length, no reason he couldn’t give you anything and everything you wanted. You had always stood by him as he pursued his passions, now it was time he did the same for you. He loved you dearly after all, and your happiness was his.
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wioaase · 1 year
I drank tonight but it wasnt enough to get me to want to write and i still feel sober but im making myself do it because i said i would :salute:
Types of dates skz would take you on:
Something educational
Would already know more about the topic
Goes out of his way to make sure you're engaged
I can't come up with any specific educational type dates but he'd wanna talk about all the things you both found cool afterwards
Constant asking if you've eaten enough
Def includes music at least somewhere
Is a cat cafe too cliche?
Good thing I'm too tired to care
Impressed by your natural ability to get pussy
Quietly decides he wants to figure out your secret to doing it which leads to more cute dates with cats
Can't help but admire you while you admire the cats
He almost likes you as much as his cats
Constant lighthearted and playful relationship
Teasing but gets upset if others tease you
Will send unsolicited cat pics at 2am then ask why you're up
Happy that you always respond despite giving you a hard time for staying up late
I'm out lmao
Gym date?
Nah fuck that gyms aint for dates
Would wanna do something for you personally
Your Eyes MV where he's grillmaster 76
Picnic by the han river(also cliche?)
Would jokingly go to feed you and when you accept he gets slightly flustered
You're looking at the river but he's looking at you
Lots of photos taken
Offering his jacket because he thinks being near the water is cold
You disagree but take it to appease him
While happy you're no longer cold more distracted at how you look in his clothing
Coming up with excuses for you to keep his jacket so he can see you wearing it again
Doesn't matter what kind
Would wanna do something more interactive?
Take a pottery class together
He's obviously good at it but you suck
Two of you laughing at how bad your attempt is until he comes over and helps you
Sits behind you
Hands on yours
Is more focused on fixing your mess of pottery than turning it into a hallmark moment
Eventually trade pottery pieces because you liked his better
He holds onto yours as a memory more than anything else and keeps it somewhere safe he sees often
Remembers more of laughing with you trying to fix it than making his own
Cafe hopping? Yes
A million cute cafes in the world and he has to see all of them
Keeps track of his favorite dishes from each cafe
After going to a couple cafes and gathering recipes he invites you over
Loves the cafe food so much he wants to make his own
✨️ Baking ✨️
You make a huge mess of the kitchen but finish each recipe
Watch reruns of a show you've both seen while waiting for the goods to bake
He falls asleep on the couch
You finish baking on your own
When things are finally cool enough to eat you wake him gently
Seeing you finish his baking while he rests mskes him genuinely happy
You eat together and agree its better than any cafe
He's already planning what cafe to go to next and come up with more reasons to have you over
Would want something low-key because he does enough high-key stuff with the boys
At home self care day?
You both sleep in extra late
Fluffy pink bath robes
Bunny slippers to match
Your favorite drama in the background
Take turns doing each others nails
Dollar store face masks you picked out for each other
Not always talking, sometimes silent with the tv as background noise
It's comfortable
I'm starting to fall asleep so sorry
Maybe some noraebang while you're doing each others nails
Part of self care is just hanging out on the couch together and recharging from the stresses from the last week
Eye fungo yet t
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How do you juggle real life, drawing, AND writing?
Truly one hour, one day at a time.
One big help was downloading the google docs app on my phone. I like to write on my breaks at work, while waiting in lines, riding in the car (NOT while driving obviously), etc.. Those in-between spaces when you might otherwise be scrolling social media or something instead. Say I'm too tired to get up and get my laptop? Easy, I have my writing tool in my pocket at all times, when I get bored of scrolling or have a fresh idea, I can just get it down. I also like to write right before going to sleep as well. Like after we've laid down, Marshall's already snoring, I'll just hammer out a few lines to help me unwind, until I can't hold my eyes open anymore.
As for drawing, I really have to be inspired for that, or in a bit of writing block. So I typically only draw much on my weekends. Usually for like 3 hour blocks or so, breaks in between. I almost always draw during my husband's podcast recordings, which is 2ish hours on Friday nights. If I don't feel like writing or drawing, I'll typically pick up some needles or a hook and hammer out my feelings that way.
And real life/everything else? That's your recharge period. Last night we went to a friend's place for dinner after work. Typically we get caught up on chores on the one day a week we are both off, and we just chip away at stuff for a few hours in the morning before going about the rest of our activities. The exceptions are things like dishes and cooking, which we split. Living full time with your partner and closest confidant helps. I was far less balanced when it was just me (and so was Marshall, so it helps us both).
I definitely don't have it all figured out. I haven't seen a single movie since October. If a TV series isn't weekly release forget it. I don't really stay up to date on media much. I barely read. But I do get out to see friends, go to concerts, go biking and birding, so all that is good for my physical needs. We just plan all those things generally well in advance, but that's like, what late 20's early 30's looks like anyways. Most of my friends are scattered across different states, some have kids, we all have different work schedules, and so on.
Thanks for the ask!
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kaizenkhaos · 2 years
Road to Valentine's Day (Demon and Priest AU)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As there aren't any Harringrove challenges for Valentine's Day (that I could see when writing) I decided to write for the Boys anyway ^^ Based on simplydes and mine Harringrove Divine Boys AU (Priest Billy and Demon Steve), this is a four-part fic, which I'll posting one part a day until the day itself :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1
"See you later!"
Stood in the kitchen and waving the Priest off with bright eyes and a toothy grin, Steve the Incubus Demon saw Father Billy, Priest at one of the local churches leave the apartment. It had so far been a great morning. Waking up sharing a moment of cuddling and a kiss. Having breakfast together, making pancakes and porridge with fruit and juice. Laughing and joking. Staring into each other's eyes. The Demon had been occupying himself with washing the breakfast dishes since then, waiting for Billy to get ready to go to church so he could carry out his plan for that day. Now that he was gone, Steve quickly put the remaining dirty dishes into the dish monster (dishwasher) and hung up the dish blanket (tea towel) on its hook. The Demon hadn't wanted to go out until Billy has headed to work and the fact that Steve had seemed to want to stay at home today hadn't raised any suspicions with Billy despite the day. He'd been doing that more recently, the pair spending time in the evenings rather than the days as Steve had started to stay behind to recharge and rest. Or babysitting a certain naughty baby Imp that the pair had visiting from Hell now and then. V, Steve's family baby Imp and now Billy's too, had recently been staying in Hell with Steve's parents but when he was around on Earth, Steve would stay at home rather than go to church. A baby Imp could be trouble when left unsupervised as V had already proven. They still weren't sure how he'd gotten out onto the balcony and eaten that pigeon. They were still finding feathers around the place several weeks on.
With V not due back until the next day, and Billy doing church work and sermons until early evening, Steve had the whole day to carry out his plan. And that was getting everything ready for this very special day. Valentine's Day. A day that seemed to have multiple origins according to pages on the computer. But though the adverts he'd seen with Billy whilst they'd watched TV and the other research he'd done, the day meant gift giving. Showing love and affection between humans, both being something the Demon had a lot of for the Priest. Given his history, Steve had a feeling that the Priest was a lot like him; had never experienced this day like others had. They'd briefly spoken about it and Steve had paid attention but not made much of it. Because he wanted the whole thing to be a surprise and in Hell, they didn't celebrate Valentine's Day. So he'd told Billy about the festival Demons celebrated, keeping it non sexual as well, their festival did include fire and food but also a lot to things he could imagine might make the Priest uncomfortable. Despite the fact the pair had been getting more intimate recently.
So it was definitely safer for him to stick to the human traditions and make his way to the mall to buy all the things he'd seen mentioned on TV and on the pages. Food. Drink. Candles and the list of gifts that humans got each other. There were a lot of things on his list so the sooner he got to the mall, the better.
As perhaps expected on a weekday which was also in term time, the mall was relatively quiet. There were still people about but there were mainly elder humans or humans with tiny ones in four-wheeled chair monsters, and not enough to make the Demon nervous about being on his own. It was his first trip there without the Priest and crowds still made the Demon uncomfortable. Fearless that his disguise might drop at any moment and expose him for the non human that he was. It should be okay though, as long as it didn't get too busy. He had borrowed a couple of Billy's threads again to help him blend in. A blue shirt over a black t-shirt coupled with dark jeans and his usual Air Bikes, which the Priest had bought for him on their first trip here together. His brown hair was gelled back into a style which he thought that suited him and from seeing the way some girls had looked at him as he'd passed them, he thought maybe he was right. Hopefully the Priest would think so too. It was only really his opinion that he was interested in but the girls had definitely helped to fill him with confidence. The lust rolling off them however, that was something part of him was interested in. Made it so tempting to turn back and fed off them. That side of him starting to awaken and roll around inside of him, urging and whispering to him. Making him suppress and move further away from the scene. No, not here. It really wasn't safe for the Incubus to feed here, even passively. His inner nature wouldn't care about the difference between public and private and he'd have no way of hiding it if he let it loose.
He'd not fed properly since he'd come this time to Earth. He'd been taking energy from the congregation at the church, having put in place coping mechanisms and a way out for if he felt himself started to slip out of control. He felt safe though, knowing that the mere presence of the other side would help to restrain his power if necessary. But here, it would be a one way ticket back to Hell and risk of exposing his whole Kind. That was something he couldn't live with, nor could he put Billy through that. Plus he'd never see him again. Billy cared about him and he knew what it had done with him when he'd had to go back to Hell unexpectedly in recent times. To never be able to return? What would that do to the Priest?
Shaking his head, he distracted himself from his rapidly spiralling thoughts by focusing on the list. Pulling it out of the jeans pocket in which it was sat, folded tightly. The list was the page off the internet, printed out with pictures of the items on it. Steve recognised odd Human words but most words still seemed to elude him. Even with his best efforts to understand what it said. But that was something he could concentrate on later on. Right now, he needed to find the items and work out where to go first. Maybe it would be worth finding one of those map things? The big pictures that were on those wide podiums that showed the picture of all of the shops on the mall. That would definitely help him know where to start. So off he went to find one, knowing that it was likely that without Billy, he would end up getting lost at least once, which was fine. The place was big and even looking for a map led to him going the wrong way. But after going up and down several escalators, he finally located one and studied it carefully. Leaning on it with his tongue stuck between his teeth as he traced the route from where he was to where he was going first. A shop known as a card shop. It might take a while for him to get everything he needed but it would be more than worth it. Just to see Billy's face at the end of all this.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
29. What’s your dream date? 😊
So i can be prepared just in case haha 😉😆
Are you planning to swoon me? 😂 This is really direct way of seduction - "What do I need to do to enchant you? Just tell me in details." 🤣
Okay... I don't know. I never dated anyone so I'm not sure how my dream date would go. I guess with the right person it will always be my dream date without any of us actually trying. Natural and smoothly going date with someone I can connect with easily is my dream date. Yes, I'm not making this any easier for you 😂
I get up super early, 4 am and go for a long dog walk right after I get up. I guess a person who would pick me up this early in the morning and went for a dog walk with me and my dogs would get a whole ton of points from me. If they have an early breakfast picnic ready somewhere nice on the route with my favourite foods and also water and healthy snacks for my dogs, I'm close to being sold for them. After the picnic (no more than 2 hours because then people start to wake up) we could go back to my home. They could give breakfast portion of granules and fresh water to my dogs while I dress up more appropriately for the day. I'm not a fan of shopping or watching TV but it's too early for museums or galleries. So they could suggest taking me and dogs for a little trip in countryside. I will assume my ideal date has a driving license and a car. I have none of these so it would be handy if they could actually compensate me in this matter. So we would go somewhere nice and green. Hiking in hills or forest with my dogs. Maybe visiting some interesting site with ancient burial place or remains of temple or church or historical village, something like that. Interesting place with either historical or spiritual meaning (or both). We could walk a trail and arrive to some pub with tables outside so dogs can sit with us while we eat lunch. After lunch and long time hiking we would probably be a bit tired so we would return to my home, I would take a quick shower, change into something less outdoor while my date is feeding my dogs again (I value my privacy, I want them to be occupied while I'm in the shower and changing clothes). Dogs would go sleep and we could go out again, this time only the two of us. I'd probably be in a mood to sit down and relax for a little while so going for an afternoon theater play or into some small cinema to watch old movie would please me a lot. I don't like crowds and it's more likely to avoid them in the afternoon in cinema or theater. After this little rest I would be recharged for more activities. We could go to a museum or gallery or some kind of workshop where I could learn something new. Chakra healing, aura reading, working with crystals or just pottery or weaving baskets would be really nice. Or a workshop on how to make chocolate pralines. I would love such a type of activity. Obviously my date should enjoy it, too. If they keep bitching it's gonna be horrible date. 😂 So yeah! This is the afternoon part. As you know, I always have tea at 5 pm so it would be great if we went to a Tea Room after the workshop. Drinking tea, eating vegan cheesecake... After this I would start being nervous about the dogs being alone for so long so we would go back home, take them for a walk, give them dinner and cook dinner for us together. I'm not really used to eat by the table at home so we would just put the meal into bowls (I don't really eat from plates, you can judge me if you like) and sit by TV and watch some old movie or show again. I would start falling asleep and my date would clean the kitchen up, put the dirty dishes in to dishwasher and only woke me to go for one last dog walk. Me and my dogs would walk with my date to his car, say good bye to each other and I would return home and go sleep. 😂 OR... Depends on the mood, I guess. Maybe I would allow my date to stay. I just can't imagine that happening now because I never dated anyone but I guess it could happen. 😂
So! This is my dream date. All in all not exactly what other people would find dreamy and I have my dogs included a great deal but this is my idea of a great all day long date. Obviously it would be possible for my partner to divide the activities into several days instead.
So yeah... This is it. I don't know what more I could say.
Thanks for this question 😁
Kleo 🦄
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fenmere · 2 years
How we write 120,000 words in one month
OK, first of all, this is not a thing that should be anyone's goal. We got away with it earlier this year and didn't suffer burnout, but there are Reasons for that, and we're not planning on making it a goal any time in the future.
But it happened. In around April or May, we wrote over 120,000 words of continuous fiction in the span of one month. And this is what is happening in our life that allowed us to do that.
It starts with working on a webcomic since July 31, 2000. That gave us a lot of practice in crafting dialog and plot. It also contributed to our autistic burnout in 2012, though a lot of other things went into that. In 2014, we had to give up making comics entirely, and also drawing. It was just too triggering, but also we had intense chronic fatigue and pain as fibromyalgia set in.
We worked our last job in 2014 and have been permanently unemployed since, and mostly sleeping (12 to 18 hours a day). We've been homeless briefly a handful of times. Our parents took us in for six years, and our girlfriends are putting us up now.
It's been ten years of recovery, and we still cannot work a job.
Part of that recovery is writing for ourselves. Another part of it is reducing our daily sleep requirements down to eight to ten hours a day.
Other factors that allow us to write intensely for extended periods of time:
We're autistic and kinetic (ADHD) and have the ability to have intense hyperfocus with autistic inertia to back it up and keep us going.
We also habitually eat and drink while working on stuff, so we don't have to worry about neglecting that.
We also write very quickly with our right thumb alone on our tiny iPhone 6s, which means that we can write in bed or on the bus, or anywhere.
We are a highly coconscious plural system who love to play role playing games. Writing a novel is basically playing a diceless TTRPG for us. Once we get a good one going, the players keep bugging the rest of us to sit down and work on it. And we're delighted to see what each other comes up with for their character's thoughts and actions.
When we are writing this intensely, we tend to write 6k to 7k words a day, and we do little else. We eat, sleep, sometimes take a shower or do the dishes, and take the dog out. We brush our teeth, and get dressed and undressed. But not much more than that.
And, we strongly suspect that when we had a job, NOT writing in order to work on the job was a form of Autistic masking and it contributed to our burnout and chronic depression. We strongly suspect this because all of our memories of working have been of struggling to focus while wishing that we were working on our comic and writing scripts for it. Anyway, we take long breaks. Several month to several year breaks where we read books and watch TV shows and movies, and play computer games, or focus on our healthcare issues. Those are really important, too. They're where we recharge and daydream and plot for the stories we'll write later. And also where we take care of slightly more of the important things regarding our survival.
And, quite frankly, we've written more fiction this year than we have in all the rest of our life previously added up. And we're bewildered by it.
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baronsvilla · 3 days
Unwind in Style: The Top Features of Baronsvilla's Luxury Villas
Nestled in the serene landscapes of Kerala, Baronsvilla stands as a beacon of refined luxury, offering guests an unparalleled experience. Whether you're looking for a tranquil retreat or an indulgent vacation, Baronsvilla is a top choice for those seeking style, comfort, and exclusivity. As one of the top resorts in Ernakulam, its luxury villas redefine opulence, blending modern amenities with nature's tranquility.
1. Spacious and Elegantly Designed Villas
Baronsvilla’s luxury villas are the epitome of sophistication and comfort. Each villa is thoughtfully designed to provide a sense of spaciousness and privacy, making it perfect for couples, families, or solo travelers. The elegant interiors feature modern furnishings, plush bedding, and tasteful decor that exudes a calm, inviting atmosphere. Large windows frame picturesque views of the lush greenery, allowing guests to connect with nature while enjoying the comforts of a luxury resort. The villas are generously sized, with separate living and sleeping areas, offering a true home-away-from-home experience.
2. Private Pools and Outdoor Spaces
One of the standout features of Baronsvilla’s luxury villas is the private pools. Each villa comes with its own pool, where guests can unwind in complete privacy. Whether you prefer to take a refreshing morning dip or relax with an evening swim under the stars, the private pool offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The outdoor space is equally inviting, with sun loungers, cozy seating areas, and lush gardens that create a peaceful ambiance. These private outdoor areas are ideal for sunbathing, reading, or enjoying a quiet meal in nature’s embrace.
3. Personalized Service and Attention to Detail
At Baronsvilla, personalized service is at the heart of the guest experience. The staff is dedicated to ensuring that every guest's stay is as comfortable and memorable as possible. From a warm welcome upon arrival to the attentive but unobtrusive service throughout your stay, every detail is thoughtfully considered. Whether you need a customized dining experience, assistance with travel plans, or special arrangements for a celebration, the team at Baronsvilla goes above and beyond to cater to your needs. This level of personalized care sets Baronsvilla apart from other top resorts in Ernakulam, creating an experience that feels both exclusive and personal.
4. Luxury Amenities and Modern Comforts
Baronsvilla’s luxury villas are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to ensure a comfortable and relaxing stay. Each villa features high-speed Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, air conditioning, and a well-stocked minibar. The bathrooms are designed with indulgence in mind, offering rain showers, soaking tubs, and premium toiletries. For those who enjoy the finer things in life, Baronsvilla offers the perfect blend of modern convenience and timeless luxury.
5. Exquisite Dining Experiences
One of the hallmarks of Baronsvilla’s luxury experience is the exquisite dining options available to guests. Whether you prefer to dine in the privacy of your villa or at the resort’s restaurant, the culinary experience at Baronsvilla is nothing short of exceptional. The menu features a range of local Kerala dishes as well as international cuisine, all prepared with the freshest ingredients. For a truly memorable experience, guests can enjoy a private candlelit dinner by the pool or a curated multi-course meal under the stars. The resort’s commitment to personalized dining ensures that every meal is tailored to your tastes and preferences.
6. Proximity to Nature and Wellness Offerings
Baronsvilla’s luxury villas are surrounded by the natural beauty of Kerala, providing guests with a peaceful and rejuvenating environment. The resort offers a range of wellness activities, including yoga sessions, nature walks, and Ayurvedic treatments, designed to help guests relax and recharge. The serene atmosphere, combined with the resort’s focus on wellness, makes Baronsvilla an ideal destination for those seeking both luxury and holistic well-being. Guests can indulge in traditional Ayurvedic therapies at the on-site spa, enhancing their stay with a focus on health and rejuvenation.
Baronsvilla’s luxury villas are more than just a place to stay—they are a sanctuary for relaxation and indulgence. With their spacious design, private pools, personalized service, and luxury amenities, these villas offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable getaway. Whether you’re looking to escape the pressures of daily life or simply want to experience the best of Kerala’s hospitality, Baronsvilla stands out as one of the top resorts in Ernakulam. Unwind in style and discover the true meaning of luxury at Baronsvilla.
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quality-choices · 4 days
Greenpark Hotel: A Premier 4 Star Hotels in Hyderabad
When searching for a 4 star hotels in Hyderabad, Greenpark Hotel stands out as a prime choice for business and leisure travelers alike. Located in the central area of Begumpet, the hotel offers a perfect mix of luxury, convenience, and modern amenities. With its elegantly designed rooms, excellent dining options, and professional business facilities, Green Park ensures a seamless experience for its guests. The hotel also provides easy access to major city attractions, making it a top destination among 4-star hotels in Hyderabad.
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Luxurious Rooms and Modern Amenities Greenpark Hotel offers spacious and well-appointed rooms that are designed to meet the needs of modern travelers. As a leading 4 star hotel in Hyderabad, the hotel provides guests with a variety of room options, including deluxe rooms and suites. Each room is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities such as high-speed internet, luxury bedding, flat-screen TVs, and 24-hour room service.
The interior of the rooms combines traditional design with contemporary comfort, ensuring that guests can relax and recharge during their stay. Whether you are visiting for a short business trip or an extended holiday, the accommodations at Greenpark offer everything you need for a comfortable and luxurious experience.
A Delightful Dining Experience One of the standout features of Greenpark Hotel is its exceptional dining options. With multiple restaurants offering a range of cuisines, this 4 star hotel in Hyderabad caters to a variety of tastes.
The hotel’s flagship restaurant, Once Upon a Time, serves a diverse menu with Indian, Chinese, and Continental dishes. For those who prefer casual dining, the 24-hour coffee shop Tulips offers an array of snacks and light meals throughout the day. For an evening of relaxation, the Escape Bar provides a wide selection of premium drinks in a chic, comfortable setting.
Whether you are craving local delicacies or international flavors, the dining options at Greenpark Hotel ensure that every meal is a delightful experience.
Business and Event Facilities Greenpark Hotel is a top choice for business travelers looking for a 4 star hotel in Hyderabad that offers comprehensive business services. The hotel boasts several well-equipped conference rooms, meeting spaces, and banquet halls, ideal for hosting corporate meetings, seminars, product launches, and social events.
The event spaces come with advanced audiovisual equipment, ensuring that business presentations and meetings run smoothly. Additionally, the hotel’s dedicated team assists with event planning, providing catering services and other support to make your event a success.
Wellness and Fitness Facilities To complement the luxurious experience, Greenpark Hotel offers wellness and fitness facilities to help guests stay active and relaxed. The hotel’s fitness center is equipped with modern exercise equipment, allowing guests to maintain their workout routines during their stay. For those seeking relaxation, the hotel offers a spa with a variety of treatments designed to rejuvenate both body and mind.
After a day of meetings or exploring Hyderabad, guests can unwind at the spa or enjoy a refreshing workout in the fitness center, ensuring a well-rounded stay at this 4 star hotel in Hyderabad.
Nearby Attractions Greenpark Hotel is perfectly located for those looking to explore the rich cultural heritage of Hyderabad. The hotel is just a short drive away from iconic landmarks such as Charminar, Golconda Fort, and Salar Jung Museum. Additionally, Hussain Sagar Lake, a popular spot for boating and scenic views, is nearby.
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Conclusion Greenpark Hotel exemplifies the best of what a 4 star hotel in Hyderabad can offer. Its strategic location in Begumpet, luxurious accommodations, outstanding dining options, and excellent business facilities make it an ideal choice for both business and leisure travelers. Whether you are attending a corporate event, exploring Hyderabad’s historic landmarks, or simply looking for a relaxing getaway, Green Park Hotel ensures a comfortable and memorable stay.
With its perfect balance of convenience, comfort, and luxury, Greenpark Hotel continues to be a preferred choice among travelers seeking a 4 star hotel in Hyderabad that delivers on all fronts. Whether your trip is for business or leisure, Green Park Hotel promises a rewarding and seamless experience in the heart of Hyderabad.
For more details visit: Greenpark
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shaakyarestaurant · 2 months
Best Hotel In Varanasi | Hotel SGT Plaza
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Discover Unmatched Comfort and Luxury at Hotel SGT Plaza: The Best Hotel in Varanasi Offering the Finest Rooms in Sarnath. 
Introduction :-
Selecting the ideal lodging is crucial to making the most of your trip to the best hotels in Varanasi. When looking for a hotel that combines convenience, style, and comfort, Hotel SGT Plaza is a top option. As one of Varanasi's top hotels, we take delight in offering first-rate service and opulent rooms that are sure to make your visit unique. Our hotel has everything you need for a great stay, whether you're here on business or for pleasure.
Why Choose Hotel SGT Plaza?
The Hotel SGT Plaza is a sanctuary where luxury and comfort combine rather than just a place to stay. Our hotel guarantees that every visitor will have a wonderful stay by fusing traditional hospitality with contemporary conveniences. Here's why we have some of the best rooms in Sarnath  and are regarded as one of the best hotels in Varanasi.
Spacious and Elegant Rooms: Our rooms are designed to provide a relaxing sanctuary after a day of exploration. Each room features high-quality linens, comfortable beds, and a blend of modern and traditional decor, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.
Top-Notch Amenities: Practical electrical outlets allow you to recharge your devices while enjoying entertainment on flat-screen TVs and high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity. In addition, each of our rooms has an opulent bathroom with high-end fixtures and soft towels.
Exceptional Service and Hospitality :-
At Hotel SGT Plaza, we believe that exceptional service is key to a great stay. Our dedicated staff is committed to making your experience as enjoyable as possible. From check-in to check-out, we are here to cater to your needs and ensure your stay is perfect.
24/7 Front Desk: Our front desk staff is available around the clock to assist with any requests, ensuring that you have a smooth and hassle-free stay.
Concierge Services: Our knowledgeable concierge team is ready to help with tour bookings, transportation arrangements, and restaurant recommendations, making your visit to Varanasi as seamless as possible.
Housekeeping Excellence: Our housekeeping team maintains the highest standards of cleanliness and comfort in your room, ensuring a pleasant and relaxing environment throughout your stay.
Prime Location in Varanasi :-
Our excellent location is one of the main benefits of staying at Hotel SGT Plaza. Our hotel's central location makes it simple to get to the busiest tourist destinations and lively neighborhoods in Varanasi. Our convenient location makes it easy to see historical places, go shopping, or enjoy dining.
Close to Sarnath: If you’re planning to visit Sarnath, our hotel’s proximity to this significant historical and religious site is a great benefit. Sarnath, where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon, is home to several important landmarks, and our location makes it convenient to explore these sites.
Access to Local Attractions: Varanasi is known for its rich cultural heritage, bustling markets, and sacred ghats along the Ganges River. Staying with us means you’re close to all the vibrant and historic aspects of the city.
Outstanding Amenities and Facilities :-
Hotel SGT Plaza is equipped with a range of facilities to make your stay as enjoyable and convenient as possible:
Dining Options: Our on-site restaurant offers a diverse menu with a variety of local and international dishes. Whether you’re craving traditional Indian cuisine or global flavors, our restaurant provides a delightful dining experience.
Business Facilities: For our business travelers, we offer well-equipped conference and meeting rooms. Our facilities include audiovisual equipment, high-speed internet, and comfortable seating arrangements, providing a professional setting for meetings and events.
Fitness Center: Maintain your fitness routine during your stay with access to our modern fitness center, which features state-of-the-art exercise equipment.
Additional Services: To further enhance your stay, we offer laundry services, airport transfers, and car rentals, ensuring that all your needs are met with ease and convenience.
Book Your Stay at Hotel SGT Plaza :-
If you’re searching for a hotel that offers the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and a central location, Hotel SGT Plaza is your ideal choice. With our luxurious rooms and exceptional service, we are proud to be recognized as the best hotel in Varanasi and a top provider of the best rooms in Sarnath.
Visit us -  https://g.co/kgs/K3z25Ye
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book4flight · 2 months
Book Your Qatar Airways Flight: Fast and Simple
Venturing on a global adventure is on the bucket list of many travellers. And Qatar Airways is there to transform the dream into reality. The world-class airline is known for its unmatched service and hospitality. Qatar Airways is appreciated around the world for its commitment to customer service and innovation.
The airline’s wide network makes it one of the most sought-after airlines to fly around the world. In this article we are going to raise the curtains on Qatar Airways and why the airline is on top of the list when it comes to discovering the world.
Qatar Airways on its Own League:
Qatar Airways since its inception has gained the status of a celebrity airline. The world-class airline is also one of the most advanced airlines in the world. Its fleet consists of over 200 aircraft that fly to over 160 destinations across six continents. The airline’s dominance is visible through the numerous awards and recognition it has won multiple times over the years. These awards further infuse and cement the trust and belief in the airlines. Qatar Airways ensures that it meets the demands of the constantly changing requirements of the passengers. 
Fine Dine Experience High in the Sky:
While on a mission to explore the world, food plays an important part. Qatar Airways world-class in-flight dining takes culinary excellence to new heights. The airline with a team of experienced chefs uses the finest ingredients to prepare world-class dishes that cater to the taste and dietary requirements of every passenger.
Whether you are travelling Economy, Business, or First Class, get ready to taste a wide range of diverse menus featuring a fusion of international cuisines, local specialities and healthy choices. The dine-on-demand service allows passengers to enjoy their meals when they want offering them the freedom of planning for their explorations. 
Quality Entertainment that Transcends the Borders: 
Flying with Qatar Airways means transcending the borders, whether it is physically or in the form of entertainment. The airline's advanced in-flight entertainment and dedication to excellence offer the ultimate in-flight experience.
From world-class blockbuster movies to TV programs, songs and anime there is so much to watch and listen to. Passengers can choose from multiple entertainment options as per their age, language and region. Onboard Qatar Airways and experience a whole new dimension of entertainment.
Luxury Lounges:
Qatar Airways luxury lounges are the perfect way to start the journey in style and comfort. Every Qatar Airways lounge is designed for maximum relaxation. It acts like an oasis that offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of the airport. Here passenger can enjoy delicious dishes and recharge themselves before their flight.
A wide range of amenities including shower facilities, a business centre, fine dining and quiet rooms make them an abode of luxury. These lounges are perfect to just sit, relax and plan for the upcoming adventure calmly.
Unparalleled Comfort and Luxury:
Qatar Airways is known for its exceptional service and comfort irrespective of the cabin class. From the moment the passenger steps on board, he is greeted by the friendly cabin crew’s warm hospitality. Whether it is the economy class or the ultra-luxury Qsuite in Business Class, the service is the same across the flight.
Utmost attention is paid to the detailing and ambience for maximum comfort and relaxation. For instance, the airline’s Qsuite offers a private cabin, customized lighting, and an ergonomics panel for personal space. The airline ensures that every passenger reaches their destination refreshed and energetic to further venture into the adventure of discovering cities across the globe.
Customized Service at its Peak 
Qatar Airways customized service caters to the needs of every passenger. Whether it is a particular dietary requirement, a kid travelling alone or needing assistance with mobility, the airline-trained staff ensure that the journey is comfortable and stress-free. And if a passenger is on a mission to explore the world personalized service makes a lot of difference. It allows the person peace of mind and makes him comfortable for the upcoming adventures. 
Qatar Airways goes beyond an airline, it is a ticket to explore the world in comfort and style. With its USP including matchless service, amazing network and award-winning in-flight entertainment along with commitment to sustainability the airline ensures that the journey remains a memorable one. Book your world adventure with Qatar Airways and set on a voyage to explore the world with one of the leading airlines.
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priyakm · 2 months
Best Hotel in Mumbai
When it comes to finding the best hotel in Mumbai, discerning travelers consistently choose Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai. Located in the bustling Andheri East neighborhood, this exceptional hotel offers a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and top-notch hospitality, making it the ideal choice for both business and leisure travelers visiting India’s vibrant financial capital.
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Mumbai is a city that never sleeps, known for its fast-paced lifestyle, iconic landmarks, and rich cultural heritage. In the heart of this dynamic metropolis, Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, provides a tranquil oasis where guests can unwind and recharge. Our hotel is strategically situated near major business districts, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs, ensuring that you have easy access to all that Mumbai has to offer.
Our spacious and well-appointed rooms are designed with the modern traveler in mind. Each room features plush bedding, contemporary decor, and a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable stay. From high-speed internet access and flat-screen TVs to well-equipped workspaces and complimentary bottled water, every detail is meticulously curated to meet the needs of our guests. Whether you’re in Mumbai for a quick business trip or an extended stay, you’ll find that Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, provides the perfect home away from home.
Dining at Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, is an experience in itself. Our in-house restaurant offers a diverse menu that caters to all tastes, from local Indian delicacies to international cuisine. Start your day with a sumptuous breakfast buffet, enjoy a leisurely lunch, or unwind with a delicious dinner. Our chefs use only the freshest ingredients to create dishes that are both flavorful and nutritious. For those who prefer to dine in the privacy of their room, our room service menu is available around the clock.
Business travelers will appreciate the hotel’s state-of-the-art conference and meeting facilities. Our versatile event spaces can accommodate a variety of functions, from intimate board meetings to large corporate gatherings. Equipped with the latest audio-visual technology and supported by our professional event planning team, these facilities ensure that your business events run smoothly and efficiently. High-speed internet access and a well-appointed business center further enhance our appeal to corporate guests.
At Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional service. Our friendly and attentive staff is always on hand to assist with any requests, from arranging transportation and providing local recommendations to ensuring that your room is to your liking. We are committed to making your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
In addition to our excellent accommodations and amenities, the hotel’s location in Andheri East is a significant advantage. This area is a bustling hub of activity, with numerous shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment options just a stone’s throw away. The hotel is also conveniently located near Mumbai’s major transportation hubs, including Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport and Andheri Railway Station, making it easy to explore the city and beyond.
For travelers seeking the best hotel in Mumbai, Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, offers an unbeatable combination of comfort, convenience, and exceptional service. Whether you’re visiting for business or leisure, you’ll find that our hotel provides everything you need for a memorable stay in India’s most dynamic city. Book your stay with us today and experience the best that Mumbai has to offer. We look forward to welcoming you to Keys Select by Lemon Tree Hotels, Nestor, Mumbai, and making your stay truly special.
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dthdishconnect · 5 months
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Dish TV New Connections
Get Absolute friendly DTH Dish Plans & Packs, Benefit of the Plan, Validity, DTH Dish Recharge Price. DTH Dish Hindi,telegu Value Lite SD Pack New Connection Offer is available one very affordable pricing with saving than other.For Enquiry and Booking call (+91)8639565619/8919881270 or visit our website https://www.dthdishconnection.com/dish-tv-new-connection.php
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financemaster1 · 8 months
Recharge Effortlessly with Muthoot FinCorp ONE
Recharging your mobile phone, FastTag, and DTH connection has never been easier, thanks to the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. This all-in-one financial app offers a seamless and hassle-free recharge experience, allowing you to stay connected without the inconvenience of visiting physical stores or dealing with complicated processes. In this article, we will delve into the convenient features of the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app that make recharging your devices a breeze.
Quick and Convenient Mobile Recharge: Gone are the days of scrambling to find a recharge shop or running out of balance at critical moments. The Muthoot FinCorp ONE app enables you to recharge your mobile phone instantly, anytime and anywhere. Whether you have a prepaid connection or need to top up your data plan, the app provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to select your service provider, enter your mobile number, and recharge in just a few taps.
FastTag Recharge for Seamless Travel: With the increasing adoption of electronic toll collection systems, having a FastTag has become essential for hassle-free travel on highways. The Muthoot FinCorp ONE app offers the convenience of recharging your FastTag account directly from your smartphone. No need to wait in long queues or worry about carrying cash. Simply open the app, select the FastTag recharge option, enter your account details, and recharge your FastTag balance effortlessly.
Streamlined DTH Recharge: Enjoy uninterrupted entertainment by recharging your DTH connection through the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. Whether you have Tata Sky, Dish TV, Airtel Digital TV, or any other DTH service, the app supports a wide range of operators. Simply choose your service provider, enter your customer ID or registered mobile number, select your recharge amount or plan, and complete the payment. The app ensures a seamless DTH recharge experience with just a few taps.
Multiple Payment Options: To cater to your preferences, the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app offers a variety of payment options for recharging your devices. You can choose to pay using your debit card, credit card, net banking, or even popular mobile wallets. The app ensures the security of your financial information by implementing advanced encryption techniques, giving you peace of mind while making transactions.
24x7 Availability and Zero Wait Time: The Muthoot FinCorp ONE app is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing you to recharge your devices at your convenience. Say goodbye to waiting in line or relying on store timings. Whether it's early in the morning, late at night, or even on weekends and holidays, the app is always ready to serve you. Experience the freedom of recharging your mobile, FastTag, and DTH connection with zero wait time.
Transaction History and Offers: The app provides a comprehensive transaction history, allowing you to keep track of your recharges and payments. You can easily review your past recharges, track your expenditure, and stay updated on your account balance. Additionally, the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app often features exclusive offers and discounts on mobile recharges, FastTag top-ups, and DTH plans, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
The Muthoot FinCorp ONE app simplifies and enhances the recharge experience for your mobile phone, FastTag, and DTH connection. With its user-friendly interface, multiple payment options, and 24x7 availability, you can recharge your devices anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to long queues, complex procedures, and the inconvenience of carrying cash. Embrace the convenience of the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app and stay connected effortlessly.
Remember, whether it's a recharge, bill payment, or financial transaction, the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app is your go-to destination for all your payment needs.
About Muthoot FinCorp ONE
Muthoot FinCorp ONE is an all-in-one digital financial platform that makes getting an MSME & a Gold Loan, investing in Digital gold & NCDs, making payments & remittances, buying insurance & exchanging forex, simple and convenient.
As an SBU of Muthoot FinCorp Limited, Muthoot FinCorp ONE is backed by a legacy stretching back over 135 years, and the trust of more than 1 crore customers and is building a holistic financial ecosystem using the latest digital products for lending, investing, protection and payments.
Muthoot FinCorp ONE continues to uphold the values of the parent, the Muthoot Pappachan Group (Muthoot Blue) by providing its customers with easily accessible services, replete with unmistakable quality. The Muthoot Pappachan Group is among India’s most reputed names in the financial services industry, with customers in diverse segments like Automotive industry, Financial Services, Hospitality, Alternate Energy, Real Estate, and Precious Metals.
So what are you waiting for? Head to the Play Store and download the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. You can also visit the website today to know more.
Alternatively, you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn to stay tuned to our latest offerings.
Chat on Whatsapp | Branch Locator | Email us - [email protected] | Download App
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rohyy · 9 months
Simplify your DTH Recharges with PayRup Explore Cash Back Offers on Airtel, Videocon, Dish TV, Sun Direct, and Tata Sky Plans!
Experience the convenience of recharging your DTH services  with just a few clicks using the PayRup app. Whether you're looking to recharge your Airtel DTH, Videocon D2H, Dish TV, Sun Direct, or Tata Sky, PayRup has you covered. Explore the latest Tata Play DTH recharge plans and Airtel DTH recharge options, or discover the diverse range of Dish TV DTH plans and packages available.
With PayRup, you can simply recharge your Sun Direct DTH and access exclusive cash back offers that add extra value to your transactions. Choose from a variety of Tata Sky plans and packages that suit your preferences, and enjoy the added benefit of exciting cash back offers when you pay for your DTH recharge through the PayRup app.
Unlock a world of entertainment with hassle free DTH recharges on PayRup, where user-friendly interfaces meet attractive cash back incentives. Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximize your savings while enjoying uninterrupted access to your favorite channels – recharge your DTH now on the PayRup app!
Download the payrup app in both appstore & playstore
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