#discourse tm
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hexagonopus · 10 months ago
CW: discussion of slurs, uncensored use of the r slur and the f slur
i wanted to talk about the way people use the R slur and are like, "no uwu its ok im reclaiming it"
like, just as a disclaimer (i consider this basically unrelated to my actual point):
but like, if someone tells me they arent comfortable with me using the r slur when around them, obviously im gonna not use it around them.
thats not really related to the topic at hand imo, though. id do the same thing with words like queer which have been unambiguously reclaimed but do still make some people feel targeted or upset.
if someone asked me not to talk about dogs when around them because their dog passed away id think about it the same way, and its not super about the semiotics of the word dog or smth
but we can observe that the word "retarded" used to describe neurodivergent people comes from a medical field that was, at its base, hostile to a vulnerable minority population. the inception of the word was not neutral, it was aggressive. it was also imposed from above onto that same minority group, and used to discriminate them out from the in group.
thats the historical basis of the word being a slur. as the medical field has advanced over time, we've shed that term in an academic context, because our treatment of and understanding of neurodivergent people has advanced to a point where "mentally slow or halted in mental progression" is not an accurate description of how the medical field understands neurodivergent people as a group.
ill admit, we can also observe that terms like "stupid, lame, moronic, imbecile, idiot", etc also have similar roots and an argument can be made that they also used to be slurs, even if they aren't used in that way anymore. so like theres a path that i think a lot of people want to take the word retarded down, and a lot of people also relate to having used it in that sense basically their whole life. i dont super want to discount that
so many people who use the r slur posture so much about "oh im reclaiming it", and i guess i find that pretty absurd.
like. "queer" is reclaimed bc we use queer as a neutral, descriptive word. the n word is reclaimed as a display of comradery. sometimes people will call themselves like the f slur or the d slur to say just, "im so gay" in a positive way. these are words who have a tangibly different use than they had as slurs, they are not being used to slur people.
but ive never actually seen someone use the r slur that way? its always being used derogatorily. it is fundamentally still being used as a slur. and we agree that slurs are bad. so why doesnt that compute?
you cant just continue to call things the r slur as an insult to say its stupid as hell and consider that reclamation bc its like, identical to how the slur has been used for decades
like if i say "im such a fag" im not rly saying "im degenerate and not masculine" im saying like. god i like boys and im gay and im gay. yknow??
this isnt like the word retard. ive LITERALLY never in my entire life seen someone use the word retard to mean smth other than an insult. if someone used "retard" in a like self affectionate sense to evoke comradery w/ other neurodivergent people. thats groovy imo that would be a case of trying to "reclaim" it.
my beef is with people who use the word "retard" in a way indistinguishable from how people have use it for decades, just to say "thats stupid, thats low, i dont like that" and then are like "no u dont get it; im neurodivergent so its reclaimation"
finally, a note addressed to the people who want to use the r slur as a word for "stupid" not directed at neurodivergent people:
if someone is using the r slur they should be honest about why they're saying it. and that is, always:
because its an insult, they're trying to insult something by calling it stupid.
they're trying to neutrally describe a neurodivergent people bc they think its still the 1960s
they're specifically trying to insult neurodivergent people
and like, HOPEFULLY we can agree that 3 is just bad.
2 is also bad, if arguably well intentioned. its smth to be corrected, and thats what things like Rosa's Law was passed for.
and ig in that context, i dont personally see the appeal of using it in the case of 1.
why would u want to share that kind of linguistic company w/ 2 and 3, yknow???
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brasskingfisher · 10 months ago
Man vs. Bear: Some thoughts
Ok so apparently there's a whole discourse *tm going on online about what's more dangerous, or rather what would women rather face. A random man or a bear and the fact that most women seem to be instantly picking the bear really shows how and why young men have a negative view of feminism.
Now, without contributing further to said discourse *tm, this is a brilliant and illustrative example of radfem bullshit, and how one narrow, specific interpretation of "feminism" has come to dominate the discussion around gender equality and is actually perpetuating the problems it claims to be trying to solve.
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angelkitty32001 · 1 year ago
My only contribution to the Discourse™️ is this:
I would love for Flair to walk out to no pop. No noise. No boos. No cheers. Just complete silence. Or maybe the odd cough.
It'll never happen, because you can't make crowds be silent. But it would be the clearest way to show that this has been an idiotic decision AND it starves him of the oxygen of attention.
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nerevarbignaturals · 1 year ago
cis queer ppl really see a trans-only space and say "but what about me???? where's my space??????????" girl there's a subaru dealership in every city, put on your big kid pants and go find yourself some lesbians
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sunsetofdoom · 9 days ago
The Stolas parenting discourse keeps reminding me of a conversation I had with my dad when I was a teenager.
I was asking about his relationship with my mom, and its ultimate end; I was about fifteen, meaning that at this point they would have been divorced for a decade.
When I asked why my mom had never told me anything about their divorce, and its really messy but understandable (to a teenager) circumstances, my dad said:
you know, when you were little, I used to try to explain everything to you? I'm not very good with small children. If I'd have found you trying to stick a fork into a light socket, I'd have sat down and said, "so, actually, that's really dangerous. That fork is metal, so it's conductive- well, I guess you don't understand what electricity is, yet. See, the stuff that makes the lights go on-"
And your mom would have just walked up, taken the fork away, and given you a coloring page. Which is why she's better with small children than I am, and it's a vital parenting skill that I don't have.
But now, you're almost an adult. And your mom is still trying to hand you the coloring page, but it's no longer working.
I think Stolas developed a lot of parenting skills that were designed for small children. But he has trouble adjusting. It's not that he's a bad parent; it's that his parenting skills are running out. Now, Octavia is old enough that he should be starting to treat her as an equal in some ways- and he can't, because he's never had one. So he's still trying to give her the coloring page, when she needs to know the truth.
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simaraknows · 9 months ago
i see your "'does he want to lick my boots or chop off my hands' is a Nicki reference" and raise you "what if Armand's relationship with sex is so fucked that his two modi are total submission and 'don't touch me or I'll chop off your hands' and Louis is still clowning on his trauma" in this essay I will
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vilewile · 1 year ago
I'll now go on a blorbo defense rant, bear with me.
With all due respect anon, but Halt is, for his time, extremely progressive.
He is, in principle, against the divine right of kings and openly admits to preferring the elective model of leadership
He is the only person to point out to the king that sacrificing the lives of multiple soldiers for his wife is not exactly peak morality (TEY)
He disdains inherited class privilege ("I prefer to work for a living" B8)
When Will is dismayed that village folk would cooperate with pirates, he basically says "cut them some slack, they are dead ass poor". More understanding than most cops nowadays. (B11)
In his old age, he reforms the Corps to admit women. Again, women in elite forces is not something we even have nowadays. (B12)
That "cups on a wire trick" that saved Will and Maddie in Gallica? He learnt it from some kids in Toscana playing on the street. It takes some humility when you are a brilliant general and kingmaker in your 60s to see that a bunch of urchins in a foreign country can have something to teach you. (TRR5)
Will and Rafe the Wannabe Waiter. This dude is hardly the quickest learner, and Will (who is one) just finds the right way to help him get it.
Honestly, I feel like I read different books. But maybe I suppressed the bad stuff. Or I'm just too much of a boomer myself as a 25+ year old on Tumblr dot com, who knows.
I'm ready to put my most controversial opinion out there-- given the way that Halt (and older Will) react with derision and scorn to 90% of the people they come across who are less intelligent than them or from different cultures, I do not think that they would be kind to most of the queer, disabled, and diverse fandom. I think about how Halt shouts at Salt Peter, derides poor farmers for not being as intelligent as he is, and generally dislikes Martin, Nigel, and any academic nonwarrior he comes across, and all the side comments and condescension he shows for every single other culture they talk about. I don't think it's the character's fault, but Halt would 100% be a boomer ass individual if he were real.
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edenfenixblogs · 1 year ago
Well Drawfee is officially no longer safe media for me :(
Karina liked multiple tweets conflating a PSA for antisemitism with Israeli propaganda and claiming that Israel planned its assault to coincide with the superbowl…
Julia liked posts claiming that the war isn’t a war. Nobody has liked anything about antisemitism or even acknowledging Jews are in danger right now.
TBH I’m devastated.
I have Drawfee art all over my home. I was actually gonna become a patron this year. I’d literally been saving to make it feasible. This is crushing. I feel sick.
#leftist antisemitism#antisemitism#drawfee#heartbroken#debated putting this in the Drawfee tag or not#but ultimately I think it’s important#I don’t wanna start fandom drama or Discourse TM#I just want there to be a record of how their silence on antisemitism#and liking of conspiratorial tweets#is affecting a very fragile community#and Nathan being Jewish doesn’t change this for me#his Jewishness does not shield me from his coworkers antisemitism#even though I wanna believe that antisemitism is unintentional#and I’m so happy for Nathan if he feels supported by his friends and coworkers#he obviously knows them better than I ever will#and I’m not calling in Jews to take sides over this or anything#I’m happy that Nathan doesn’t seem to be affected by this#it must mean he has a wonderful support system and that his friends and coworkers are better#at showing their support irl than they are online#and that is important and valid#but it doesn’t change how it affects Jews like me who only experience them through a screen#and do not have a support system#they don’t owe me anything#I don’t expect anything from any of them#but I also cannot deny that I am harmed#by the fact that they didn’t acknowledge the conflict until it affected people who aren’t Jewish#and have still not acknowledged that it affects people who are Jewish#and I especially cannot handle Karina’s clear support for the idea that a Super Bowl PSA for antisemitism prevention#is somehow a sinister Israeli plot and not evidence of the terrible time that Jews like me are having rn#I feel like I lost a friend tbh
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jarvesque · 9 months ago
I think you can clearly tell which fantasy high fans have never actually played a session of any TTRPG from the reaction to the Junior Year final battle alone
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dadrielle · 2 years ago
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They told me her coat was gonna be leather and I refuse to accept anything else t b h
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qiu-yan · 8 months ago
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ganondoodle · 8 months ago
i find it funny how people are trying to "prove" that Radahn agreed to Miquellas plan with how Miquella calls it 'our vow' and that Freyas ok with it ... like both of those arent yet again other peoples words, and still nothing of his side, ever
(let me just say, i feel like its important that its meticulously avoided to ever let Radahn speak, hes not in the cutscene of Miquella making his wish, the only two (?) quotes we get in descriptions all have nothing to do with any of it- could you imagine if he didnt even know? like the time Malenia stomping into his land being literally the first time he hears of it which uh .. how would you even resist that, other than try to not die by any means, since Miquella was probably out of reach already and youd do best to stay as far away as you can anyway if you knew he charms people)
also i saw in the comments of one of the very few videos i watched on the topic someone suggesting that using Mohgs body is yet another way to make it easier to control since Mohgs been under the spell for who knows how long already, 'broken into'- i just wondered .. so what if that was all planned too, like that Malenia using her rot on Radahn wasnt a last ditch effort to try and kill him, but instead have him rot away, slowly getting weaker and easier to finish off, buying time for Miquella to do all his discarding of important things he shouldnt discard while putting essentially a time bomb on Radahn.. AND to destroy his original body so it could later be discarded and whatever was left of his soul be put into Mohgs corpse instead to subdue his own will even further
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chaosinstigator · 2 months ago
so checo gets a post but not daniel… gotcha
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shesgonnachangetheworld · 5 months ago
see the thing is, i do think that it's important to read a wide variety of things as you get older, that it's good for you, and that a lot of young people were failed by systems that prioritize basically everything except their education
but i also think that a lot of the "we need to bring back shaming" crowd that makes up the majority of social media aren't actually acting in good faith when they say they "want more people to read classics." in fact, it often feels like their whole self worth relies on being able to be seen as Better Than
so as you can imagine, all this discourse is very annoying to me
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thelordofgifs · 1 year ago
the truth is that you simply can't kill people. even if they stole your stuff.
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cozmic-ash · 4 months ago
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