#discord character prompt
2-dsimp · 4 months
Formally introducing Rival Priest Rashiq!
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(Btw he’s Australian 👀)
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An AU where Fluttershy and Discord swap places/roles. Fluttershy being a Draconequis of subtle chaos, the flap of a butterflies wings, the little devil on your shoulder. Fluttershy is subtle, sneaky, and devious. Convincing others to create chaos for her, putting stuff in place like a large string of dominoes ready to be toppled. Isn’t it just awful how they treat you! She says. Wouldn’t you like to speak your mind? She offers. Wouldn’t it be great to show them all how it feels to be treated that way? She whispers in your ear.
She doesn’t have a definite shape, she just takes the shape of any animal she can think of. There is always something OFF about the animal she is however. A fox with too many tails. A dog with pony teeth. A bunny with a predators eyes.
Discord is a Pegasus with a flight disability. He can’t fly straight forward no matter how hard he tries. Sideways? Backwards? Upside down? Zigzag? Combinations? Sure! But just plain and simple straight forward? Absolutely not. He is childhood friends with Rainbow Dash, the two protecting each other from bullying they received from others. His talent is in magical theory with a huge interest in weather patterns and events.
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naurielrochnur · 7 months
The prompt this week on the rote discord server is "Unfinished Business" so of course I took the opportunity to draw Small Ferret.
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It was an absolute delight to draw Small Ferret in all his throat ripping glory.
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sweetiepeabooks · 5 days
🎃 OC-tober 🎃
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Join @panda-paradise and I in celebrating the month of October with our own art prompt list!
The prompts are weekly, and you have the choice to draw one of the two prompts, draw both separately, or draw two-in-one! The rules aren't strict at all. This list is just an alternative option if you don't want daily prompts!
Also, you don't have to be a part of the Discord server to participate! You're more than welcome to use our prompt lists on your own! (If you repost this prompt list, we just ask that you tag and credit us 😊)
Here are the weeks:
Week 1 (October 1-6): Tea & Mushrooms
Week 2 (October 7-13): Demons & Poison
Week 3 (October 14-20): Books & Pumpkins
Week 4 (October 21-27): Forest & Zodiac
Week 5 (Halloween): Costumes
Discord Server:
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mlp-natural-2 · 27 days
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Wow last post got rambly in the notes how did that happen (womp womp)
BOOM Andy Gallagher pony I miss the special kids and their freak powers. They should have stayed alive I will be so for real ok. They could have been huge parts of the hunting family and Sam gets friends AND weed. there is no downside
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falgaia · 1 year
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phoe stretch
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jumpstrike · 1 year
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anokibuu · 8 months
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Prompt written by Necro
More Discord and Hunger discovering themselves. Some discoveries are a touch... unnerving.
Discord is mine
Hunger is Necro's
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horrornerd · 5 months
Another shameless roleplay self-promo ad based on these prompts:
Mainly searching for a Derek Goffard for my barista oc. (As another option I'm also looking for a Strade)
Her name is Valentina Rose and she is fully fleshed out! I'm pretty proud of how well I've written her.
If you are interested please reach out! I roleplay on discord.
(Disclaimer: due to the nature of those games -TPOF, BTD- it is mandatory that you are an adult. Dont interact with this post unless you are over the age of 18.)
I have a few boundaries, but those can be discussed over disc.
Also, if doubles up are an absolute must for you in order to roleplay, its important for me to say head-on here I don't feel comfortable playing any aggressor characters specifically from btd/tpof. If you need a more dominant character, I'm willing to double up your part with someone from a different fandom (demon slayer, jjk, aot, csm, hxh, tokyo revengers -only the adult characters-, monster x mediator, black lagoon, john doe, alice in borderland- will play any character from the latter except as Niragi-)
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the-light-of-stars · 1 year
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tried to figure out younger and older versions of the ocs ~
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spirngakawening · 1 year
hanschen talking about skimming off the cream
musical ernst:
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play ernst:
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2-dsimp · 3 months
Yandere dom rabbit hybrid bf with a sub wolf hybrid darling!
This ask just reminded me of a fun ramble in my discord 🤭
Cw: NSFW MDNI 🔞 fem reader!
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mylittleponyauprompts · 3 months
An AU where Rainbow Dash and Discord switch places/roles.
Rainbow Dash being the Draconequis of chaos, particularly of weather and geopolitical events like tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Perhaps even making them more chaotic. Doesn’t a rainbow tornado sound fun! How about a hurricane filled with live sharks!
Discord is Fluttershys childhood friend, being a Pegasus in the same flight camp as her. He became friends with Fluttershy through a class for those that have a hard time flying. While others like Fluttershy and Bubbles had problems with wing strength and eyesight, Discord had problems with his magic abilities. He was rather gifted magically all things considered, but translated into his ability to fly was rather chaotic. His magic typing caused him to fly upside down, sideways, zigzag, with reverse movement, constant spinning, constant barrel rolling, you name it he’s probably went through it. He just can’t fly normally no matter what he does. He is extremely gifted in weather magic and management , and magical theory. When he eventually becomes friends with Twilight they enjoy talking about magic and science. Discord is a mad scientist kind of pony. He loves creating improbable magical events. His favorite creation is cotton candy clouds!
How Discord does the Sonic rain boom event is up to you.
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kalza · 1 year
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Another piece I did for the "Summer Prompt Event," on the Duros Hoes server. The prompt I went with this time was "Fireflies," and I drew my OC, Ma'Nix.
This took me a while to complete, because I took a bit of a break for mental health reasons, but I'm doing a bit better now.
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dinosquad-central · 1 year
Since it's autism awareness/acceptance month, here's the real prompt for April 2023:
What if Liam was part of the squad’s field trip group, and swam into the ocean with them that day? | Make Liam a dino-sona
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soclonely · 1 year
Mug for a Master
Summary: Padawan Obi-Wan gets his master a meaningful little gift Word Count: 335 Warninings: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Master," Obi-Wan began, his blue eyes sparkling with emotion, "I wanted to express my gratitude for your guidance and wisdom. You've been more than just a teacher to me, you've been a reliable partner, excellent role model, ally, and above all else a great friend. I hope this gift conveys the depth of my appreciation."
“You didn’t have to do that. Thank you, my dear padawan.” His master replies, taken aback. Qui-Gon accepted the package from his Padawan. He carefully unwrapped it, revealing a beautifully handcrafted ceramic mug. The mug was adorned with intricate designs, each one representing a significant moment in their journey together. He can’t help but smile down at the small gift
"Each symbol on the mug represents a lesson I've learned from you, Master.” Obi Wan explains. “The lotus flower signifies our commitment to mindfulness and serenity. The rising sun represents hope and new beginnings, which you've always encouraged me to embrace. And the phoenix, well, it signifies rebirth and transformation, which I've experienced under your guidance."
His master smiles softly down at the mug, gently turning it to examine each marking once more. He slowly sets it down on the ledge next to him, turning his attention to his young companion."Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, placing a hand on his Padawan's shoulder, "the Force has truly blessed me with your presence in my life. You are not only a gifted Jedi, but you are also a kind and compassionate soul. I am proud to be your Master."
Obi-Wan smiles, a faint dusting of red adorning his cheeks. “Thank you master.” He clears his throat quickly, turning. “Ah, ahem. Well, we better get to preparing for this next mission, Master.” he grabs the datapad and quickly opens the Navigation map.”It looks like we are almost to Naboo.” He points out, showing Qui-Gon the data pad. “Lets hope negotiations with the Trade Federation go smoothly. The quicker we can get home, the better.”
Qui-Gon chuckles. “One can only hope, my young padawan.”
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