abnerkrill · 1 year
hey! do you have any axe-centric fic recs? 👀
i do!!!!! the axe tag is rather sparse at the moment (join me on my mission to change that), but here are some i've enjoyed!
fair warning, i'm an axe x anyone truther. to me, that man's a bisexual whore (affectionate.)
a place where we can grow again by kaydear: after paz's death, axe adopts ragnar. really gorgeous prose and a fully believable adoption scenario (i think a lot of adoption scenarios overlook the fact that ragnar thinks axe is a heretic / axe is a long way away from being gung-ho about kids, but this one does both characters justice!) rated G.
face in the mirror by Crystalshard: axe meets boba fett! fun linguistic/historical theorizing, great character interactions. rated T.
meet me halfway by Perilous_Grey: paz x axe, axe saves paz's life. rated T.
flourishing by beautifulbb8: paz x axe, marriage, gorgeous infatuated inexperienced husbands. rated M.
blowing off steam (series) by @chadillacboseman. axe x reader. 2021 era axe fic my beloved, only had him for a few weeks and already making it everyone else's problem <3 rated E.
and plugging my own axe-centric fics:
bird in your teeth: axe x bo-katan breakup/character study. rated T.
the blade against myself: axe masturbation fic. rated E.
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
🌹 if your still doing this I love your writing updates.
Aww, thank you! 💜
Ask game's still active so feel free to keep them coming:
"She was your Artemis."
From the outline for Deathly Weapons, Chapter 26: Withered Red Rose
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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discocritic · 1 year
Summary: While on a routine trip through the Zones, Jet Star finds a boy all alone in need of immediate help. Instead of parting ways afterward, Jet and the boy form an unlikely companionship.
here’s an old piece of a fic (originally it was going to be longer but i never finished it) i was writing back in like 2021 that i found and was convinced to publish! just in case anyone that’s still active in dd is still following this account <3 
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void-kissed · 2 years
🌹 🌹 🌹 three roses for you!
Thank you kindly for these, Hope!~
(source: this post by discocritic)
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random piece of a random WIP i’m currently writing - these excerpts come from a Pavo/Ardea piece I started back in December!
Iris and Avalon were still standing next to each other, watching out for Pavo in particular. They both knew she would be strongly affected by what was about to happen, as she was much more of a fully-fledged Celestrian in the first place compared to Ardea, who had already lost many of her powers when she fell from the sky.
The silver-haired angel took another deep breath, and then after a long pause.. her mind seemed more determined.
Slowly, slowly, she brought the divine fruit closer to her mouth, closing her eyes as she prepared to consume it-
-only for Ardea to snatch the piece out of her hands and bite into it herself.
"What are you-"
Before anyone else could move or even react, Ardea then had her claws to Pavo’s throat - the shock of this caused her to stumble and crash to the floor, and yet she remained right on top of her all through that movement, keeping Pavo's body down on the ground with her knee.
There was one terrible moment of stillness.
I hope that this was alright, hehe - thank you very kindly once again for the roses~
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andpierres · 4 years
vaya and vamos? 🥺
Tumblr media
cannot BELIEVE i hadn't drawn them at all until now..... goo
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graffitibible · 3 years
why do you not usually use the diner as a setting?
lot of reasons, principle among them being that the way i write the fabulous killjoys, they're just way the hell too high profile for them to have a static home base. they are in CONSTANT motion; the trans am is the closest thing they have to a "home" structure.
ive noticed that a lot of fanon tends to hold the diner as this kind of home base and the ubiquity of that mindset has always kind of puzzled me considering that we really only see it in a handful of shots in the "na na na" music video. everyone spends most of that music video on the move pretty much perpetually.
but i don't knock it! it's just not something that suits my understanding of the universe. the killjoys are hugely wanted targets and being in one consistent location is incredibly, incredibly dangerous, particularly with the girl in tow. no way are they risking indulging in anything as traceable as a consistent location! they have to be sporadic even when checking up on allies like dr. death, again by necessity - BLI wants them bad and they can't afford the risk of becoming predictable.
add that to the fact that the idea of "home" and "family" are pretty central themes to the way i write the canon, i like the idea of those things being tied more to people than to objects or locations. the killjoys' home isn't with any particular building and it's not even really the trans am - their home is each other, first and foremost.
so thematically and logistically, it's just not a location i utilize a whole lot. that being said in my version of canon the killjoys do have to hole up in the diner setting for a good six weeks (they're all very used to their nomadic lifestyle so they pretty much all hate it) and for this bit i've been stuck revising, i'm taking time to sort of dwell on how being stuck in one physical location has taken its toll on some of them psychologically.
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hyperthrust · 4 years
top 5 things u can find in kobra's pockets at any given time
clippings of wires and yarn (sometimes tangled up to make the nastiest texture)
keyrings (no keys attached)
nifty little knife (useful)
piece of rubber (not useful, likes the way it smells and to chew)
Smooth Ass Rock
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saveyourself · 4 years
14 and 22 for poison? 👀
y’all really like 14, huh? 
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited?
Painting! He tends to just get votes from around the Diner on what to paint when they don’t know what to paint, and it’s usually the act of painting itself that gets him excited. It’s just - it’s just fun and methodical and it brings art into the world. 
22.How indecisive are they?
More than you’d think, but only about the little things. Like which way to part his hair that day, he doesn’t know what to decide, but if it’s between going out to a Zone 4 party or stay in, he’s got his answer on the tip of his tongue.
send character asks !!
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enby-jetstar · 4 years
do you have any favorite jet star hcs? 🥺
Yes!!! 💜🌟💜😍💜🌟💜 In no particular order:
Purple hair!! He rarely if ever bleaches it, just puts the dye in on top of his natural brown hair, so it's a really dark purple that can be hard to see except in the sun.
Chaotic fashion!! He wears crazy mismatched stuff all the time, and it's always an amazing outfit that no one else could pull off.
Nonbinary!! Jet's amab and still has some connection to his assigned gender, but he is decidedly not a man. He's tried using they/them, she/her, and a few neopronouns, but none of them fit and he likes he/him, anyway. He also likes to keep his chest covered up for gender reasons.
Dad bod!! Jet's got a nice combination of fat and muscle, with big strong arms and a soft chubby tummy. This means he gives excellent hugs.
Blind in one eye!! This hasn't appeared in any of my fics yet bc it's a relatively new hc, but he got injured during a fight and his eye was damaged. He doesn't usually wear an eye patch though, not since the wounds healed.
T4t king!! He only dates trans men and nonbinary people. This isn't an intentional choice, he just realized one day that he's only ever really formed deep romantic connections with other trans people.
I think that's it!! I love jet star very much..... As you know..... :') 💖
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voughtcorsair · 3 years
can i have an airplane fun fact? 🥺👉👈
the circles on world war-era allied aircraft (i don't recall if they're still there currently) are not, in fact, targets as i thought- they're called roundels and they just serve as markings for what side they're on. additionally there's currently a soft ban on aircraft nose art (in the military at least- unless you professionally redo your own aircraft under supervision of an aviation mechanic or pay ppl to do so, you have to register your aircraft as experimental) unless you go through a whole lot of bureaucratic red tape, and usually they only approve very patriotic designs (no pin-ups :-( ) BUT some people do still draw nose art with chalk and simply wash it off later. the black and white stripes painted on wings and occasionally fuselage are known as invasion stripes & were painted to avoid friendly fire.
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
you 🤝 me solidarity on having baby kj ocs and i think that's fantastic of us
hell yeah!!! go us!!
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threewaysdivided · 2 years
“You keep a lot of secrets - you know that?” “Yeah, I know”
From the outline for Deathly Weapons, Chapter 36(ish): Mission 9, The Other Side
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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killjoynest · 4 years
worst food texture is undeniably warm brussel sprouts
i am in distress why would you make me consider that texture awful bad terrible disgusting i am filled with anger at the mere idea of the texture
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daysfade · 5 years
any headcanons for party poison?
Party Poison believes in angels. He doesn’t know why, but he feels like they look after him when he does particularly dumb stuff or when he’s in a firefight. He has a rosary around his wrist at all times for this very reason.
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void-kissed · 2 years
🌹:3 (dragonsmooch)
Hello, dear dragon! Thank you very kindly for this rose!~
(source: this post by discocritic)
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random piece of a random WIP i’m currently writing - this is from an Arilio piece that's sort of a continuation to my previous piece!
The dark corridor's entrance loomed ominously before her, standing out like an anomaly in the otherwise-bright and peaceful fountain square. Chirithy raised an eyebrow as Clio went against its prior suggestion, summoning Missing Ache again rather than her stronger Sleeping Lion, but its concerns were allayed when it saw her determined expression. "I'm all set!" she declared, turning to look over her shoulder with a smile. With the bracelet's light shining, and her Keyblade glinting with it, she stepped into the corridor of darkness.
I hope that this is alright!~
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starman-trashcan · 5 years
what are some antics kobra and ghoul like to participate in during their free time?
What do Ghoul and Kobra get up to?
-pranks (each other and others. When they gang up on others though it’s definitely more power than either of them should be allowed to have...)
-blowing things up
-sparring/fighting with one another. Sometimes this is for fun, sometimes it’s just because they hate each other a little bit sometimes
-tell dirty jokes (obviously)
-partying (kinda includes drinking but it’s different)
-shenanigans of pure idiocy
-causing trouble for themselves and everyone around them
-Anything that a normal person would look at and say “that’s a bad idea”
——examples of those bad ideas:
finding a parking deck and a shopping cart and attaching bottlerockets to the bottom and sitting in it and zooming around the parking deck
“let’s see if we can stand on top of the car while it’s going 80 and see which one of us falls off first”
Strapping rockets to Show Pony’s skates, a scooter, a skate board, or anything else with wheels and no already present motor that they can get their hands on
Picking a fight with a whole squadron of Dracs that one time
A party they threw that ended badly
Giving people unauthorized haircuts, dye jobs, fashion changes, etc
The many many times they’ve tired to fly
Messing with sleeping teammates
Messing with sleeping friends
Messing with sleeping joys they didn’t know
Messing with sleeping BL/ind people
-building things which are more often than not dangerous
Honestly, they’re both just really stupid and impulsive and sometimes manic and they probably shouldn’t be trusted alone together nearly as often as they are...
Credit for most of these goes to my gf and also to Ax, who now has a tumblr! @corvi-of-the-raven
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