#but the bottom line is that its not pretty either way so myeah you win some you lose some
graffitibible · 3 years
why do you not usually use the diner as a setting?
lot of reasons, principle among them being that the way i write the fabulous killjoys, they're just way the hell too high profile for them to have a static home base. they are in CONSTANT motion; the trans am is the closest thing they have to a "home" structure.
ive noticed that a lot of fanon tends to hold the diner as this kind of home base and the ubiquity of that mindset has always kind of puzzled me considering that we really only see it in a handful of shots in the "na na na" music video. everyone spends most of that music video on the move pretty much perpetually.
but i don't knock it! it's just not something that suits my understanding of the universe. the killjoys are hugely wanted targets and being in one consistent location is incredibly, incredibly dangerous, particularly with the girl in tow. no way are they risking indulging in anything as traceable as a consistent location! they have to be sporadic even when checking up on allies like dr. death, again by necessity - BLI wants them bad and they can't afford the risk of becoming predictable.
add that to the fact that the idea of "home" and "family" are pretty central themes to the way i write the canon, i like the idea of those things being tied more to people than to objects or locations. the killjoys' home isn't with any particular building and it's not even really the trans am - their home is each other, first and foremost.
so thematically and logistically, it's just not a location i utilize a whole lot. that being said in my version of canon the killjoys do have to hole up in the diner setting for a good six weeks (they're all very used to their nomadic lifestyle so they pretty much all hate it) and for this bit i've been stuck revising, i'm taking time to sort of dwell on how being stuck in one physical location has taken its toll on some of them psychologically.
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