#diploma of community services
sydneycollege · 4 months
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Make a positive impact on communities with our Community Services Diploma Courses in Sydney. SCPE prepares you to excel in roles focused on community welfare and support.
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rplmesblog · 4 months
The Diploma of Community Services
The diploma of community services provides individuals with a theoretical foundation and practical training to address social issues. It enables them to understand the root causes of diverse problems and develop effective intervention strategies.
The specialised diploma of community services case management offered by TrainSmart delves into the intricacies of case management. The program equips you with the knowledge and industry exposure to take up roles as case managers, intake officers and support coordinators.
Theoretical foundation
A diploma of community services provides individuals with the theoretical foundation and practical expertise they need to tackle social issues. It also promotes cultural sensitivity and ethical practice. Its wide-ranging curriculum covers a broad spectrum of topics, from individual counseling to community development initiatives.
Online learning platforms provide students with access to a variety of resources. These include engaging videos and simulations that make theoretical concepts more interesting. They also allow students to interact with other students and professionals from the field. This enables them to develop friendships that go beyond learning alone.
Some online programs even host virtual guest lectures from industry experts. These sessions are a great way to connect with people from the field and learn more about the latest trends and challenges in community service work. These seminars also help you improve your decision-making and communication skills. In addition, they prepare you for your work placement. Work placements are mandatory for some courses and typically begin once you have completed most of the theory components of your course.
Practical training
Having the right skills and knowledge is crucial for a career in community services. TrainSmart offers a comprehensive course that prepares students for this rewarding field. The curriculum teaches practical training and provides flexible study options. Additionally, it helps students build a strong professional network and enhances their employability.
The program also offers industry placements that allow students to gain hands-on experience in a real-world setting. The experience helps them understand the practical realities of community service and develop a deeper understanding of the issues they will encounter in their careers.
A Diploma of Community Services is a specialised qualification that reflects the roles of community service workers who manage, coordinate or deliver person-centred services to support individuals and families. It is a pathway to advanced level work, such as a role as a case management worker or community service supervisor. This qualification is suitable for people working in areas such as community care, family violence, youth, migrant and employment services.
Industry exposure
A community services qualification is an ideal pathway to a career in social work. It offers a range of job opportunities in different areas, such as disability support, family assistance, youth support and housing. It also provides opportunities to gain industry experience through a workplace placement. These experiences will help you to gain practical expertise and develop a deep understanding of the challenges that people face.
It also enables you to work in a multicultural environment, promote diversity and facilitate workplace support processes. It also prepares you to develop and implement service programs for disadvantaged communities. It is suitable for those who enjoy working with people and want to make a difference in their lives.
However, the industry can be challenging and requires a robust and resilient personality. This is especially true for case management roles. To be successful in these positions, you will need to be able to deal with emotional distress and traumatic situations.
Job prospects
Work in the community services field is a rewarding career for people who enjoy helping others. This type of work requires patience and a willingness to work with different types of people from all backgrounds. It also involves a lot of problemsolving, and you may be called on to help solve issues that are beyond your control.
Graduates with a diploma of community services can find employment opportunities in various areas, including family services, drug education, youth work, and advocacy. They can also choose to specialise in particular areas such as disability, housing, and social justice. Those who want to advance their careers can also pursue a bachelor’s degree in social work or community services, which will open up more advanced career options and higher pay.
TrainSmart offers flexible study options and supervised practical placements to give students hands-on experience in the workplace. The training institute provides career guidance and support to help graduates explore their career prospects in the field of community services.
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tafsircareercounselor · 3 months
Empowering Change: Community Service Diploma in Toronto Overview
Are you passionate about helping others and making a positive impact in your community? Do you have a strong desire to work in the field of community care and outreach? If so, then the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus may be the perfect fit for you.
In this article, we'll explore the benefits of studying for your diploma on-campus at ABM College's Toronto campus and how it can prepare you for a rewarding career in community service.
Why Choose an On-campus Program?
While online learning has become increasingly popular, there are still many benefits to studying on-campus. Here are a few reasons why you should consider an on-campus program for your Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma.
Hands-on Learning Experience
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by Glenn Carstens-Peters (https://unsplash.com/@glenncarstenspeters)
One of the main advantages of studying on-campus is the hands-on learning experience. In the field of community service, it's essential to have practical skills and experience to effectively support and assist individuals in need.
At ABM College's Toronto campus, you'll have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, allowing you to gain hands-on experience in a simulated work environment. This hands-on learning experience will prepare you for the real-world challenges you may face in your future career.
Face-to-face Interaction with Instructors
Studying on-campus also allows for face-to-face interaction with your instructors. This means you can ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and engage in discussions with your peers and instructors.
In the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program, you'll have the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who have worked in the field and can provide valuable insights and guidance.
Networking Opportunities
Studying on-campus also provides networking opportunities with your classmates and instructors. These connections can be beneficial in your future career, as you may be able to collaborate on projects, share job opportunities, and receive recommendations.
What Will You Learn in the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma Program?
The Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of community care and outreach.
Here are some of the key topics covered in the program:
Addictions and Mental Health
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by Dan Meyers (https://unsplash.com/@dmey503)
The program covers the fundamentals of addictions and mental health, including the different types of addictions, their causes, and the impact they have on individuals and communities. You'll also learn about mental health disorders, their symptoms, and how to support individuals with mental health challenges.
Community Outreach and Support
The program also focuses on community outreach and support, teaching students how to effectively engage with individuals and communities in need. You'll learn about community resources, how to develop and implement outreach programs, and how to provide support to individuals in crisis.
Counselling Techniques
Counselling is a crucial aspect of community service work, and the program covers various counselling techniques and strategies. You'll learn how to conduct assessments, develop treatment plans, and provide counselling to individuals and groups.
Professional Development
In addition to the technical skills, the program also focuses on professional development. You'll learn about ethical and legal considerations in the field, how to maintain professional boundaries, and how to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues.
What Career Opportunities Are Available?
Upon completion of the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program, you'll be prepared for a variety of career opportunities in the field of community service. Here are some of the roles you may pursue:
Community Service Worker
As a community service worker, you'll work directly with individuals and communities in need, providing support, resources, and assistance. You may work in a variety of settings, such as community centers, shelters, or outreach programs.
Addictions Counsellor
As an addictions counsellor, you'll work with individuals struggling with addiction, providing counselling, support, and resources to help them overcome their challenges. You may work in a variety of settings, such as rehabilitation centers, hospitals, or community organizations.
Mental Health Support Worker
As a mental health support worker, you'll work with individuals who have mental health challenges, providing support, resources, and assistance to help them manage their conditions. You may work in a variety of settings, such as mental health clinics, hospitals, or community organizations.
Why Choose ABM College's Toronto Campus?
ABM College's Toronto campus offers a supportive and inclusive learning environment, with experienced instructors and state-of-the-art facilities. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose ABM College for your Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma.
Experienced Instructors
At ABM College, you'll learn from experienced professionals who have worked in the field of community service and have a wealth of knowledge to share. They'll provide you with practical insights and guidance to help you succeed in your future career.
Hands-on Learning Experience
As mentioned earlier, ABM College's Toronto campus offers a hands-on learning experience, allowing you to gain practical skills and experience in a simulated work environment. This experience will prepare you for the challenges you may face in your future career.
Career Services
ABM College offers career services to help students prepare for their future careers. This includes resume and cover letter writing, job search assistance, and interview preparation. The college also has partnerships with various organizations, providing students with job placement opportunities.
If you're passionate about making a positive impact in your community and want to pursue a career in community service, then the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus is the perfect choice for you. With experienced instructors, hands-on learning, and a supportive learning environment, you'll be well-prepared for a rewarding career in community care and outreach.
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getskillednow · 9 months
Get Skilled Now: Your One-Stop Solution for Diploma of community services RPL
Get Skilled Now provides a platform for aspiring individuals to connect with different colleges and RTOs to help them get skilled and job ready. RPL Qualifications can help individuals develop new skills and knowledge that can be applied in their personal and professional lives. The RPL certificates can bring about personal development and career progress.
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glitterdisposition · 10 months
LADIES i have had the most productive day i am GLOWING
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lakuronekobaka · 1 year
I need to be punk-er
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writingwithfolklore · 1 month
I Will Edit and Give Feedback on Your Writing For Free
Hello all!
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As many of you know, I’m a part-time editor of non-fiction and writer of all things fiction, but I would love to get more experience editing creative fiction. I don’t consider myself experienced enough to charge for this, and I also understand paying for editing or feedback can be a huge barrier for improving a manuscript! For these reasons I’m offering my services for the low, low cost of absolutely free :-)
My credentials:
I’ve been a creative writer for over a decade and have written countless novels, short stories, and other forms of fiction.
I have been published several times in magazines, newspapers, and literary journals.
I am an editor for a newspaper and have been an editorial intern at a magazine, an editor for a literary journal and also a marketing intern at a publishing house.
I have a diploma in filmmaking and a degree in Communications studies.
Here’s what I can do:
Give feedback on the first 30-ish pages of a novel, short story, or other work (including fan fiction!)
Edit/copy edit up to 30 pages.
Look over and give feedback on outlines, character building, world building (or all three).
Edit and provide feedback on academic/school work or essay planning (though I can’t write any of it for you)
Offer peptalks and encouragement!
What I can’t do
Smut or otherwise explicit/spicy romances, sorry.
Poetry (I’m useless with it, I don’t think I’d be very helpful in this area)
Writing without any content/trigger warnings (I am able to provide help here, you just need to add the warnings first)
AI-generated work
Write the work for you
Send me a DM and I'll give you my discord! If not discord, just let me know where you'd prefer to chat instead in your message :-)
Questions? Send them my way through comment, dm, or ask box and I'm happy to answer!
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madameaug · 10 months
Meet the Mod || JJK x OC
Pairing: Streamer Jungkook x Black Female Modder
WC: 1.4k >
NOTE: Now finished :)
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"Hey, chat." Jungkook greeted the thousands of viewers tuning into his stream. His eyes glossed over the moving text as he adjusted his camera equipment. Jungkook had recently returned to his streaming schedule after taking a temporary break. The past two weeks had been pretty stressful for the young streamer. He had just moved from his small apartment to a much larger, more comfortable place.
It was crazy for him to think that he could sustain his lifestyle off his streaming income. Four years ago, he would have laughed at someone telling him he would average 70,000 viewers a livestream.
Did you eat? What did you do today? Marry me pls!!!
It was the same typical chatter that he was used to seeing.
"I ate three cups of spicy ramen. I did some training with my boxing mentor today." Jungkook rubbed his slightly pudgy stomach. He slid his beanie slightly higher, showing more of his forehead into the camera.
Mang_luver: Ur back!
Jungkook recognized the username of one of his modders. 'Mang luver' was a part of the handful of mods Jungkook had in his streams. Three of them were his close friends from high school, and the other two were viewers in the beginning with him. Mang luver fell into the latter category. She was always kind to him and helped foster the culture within the community.
Since there were so few mods, he was in a private and somewhat active group chat with his moderators. They spoke frequently with each other. Some of them even meet up in person.
"Hey Mang."
What games are you playing today?
That was the question that most of the viewers were asking Jungkook.
"Ah, I think I'm just gonna chat today. I'm not in the best mindset to focus on Overwatch or anything like that tonight."
Several topics for conversation spoke over the AI Jungkook has set up for his stream. Most of them asked for advice in school, which Jungkook wouldn't mind discussing; however, he doesn't think he's the best person to talk about school motivation.
His life path was quite untraditional. He dropped out of high school to pursue music. He was semi-successful and eventually returned to school to complete his high school diploma. Now he streams and boxes.
He sorted through the chat, looking for interesting topics. Straying away from suggestive or potentially sexual topics.
"My ideal type?" Jungkook read out the chat. It intrigued him.
Jungkook stroked his imaginary beard, thinking about his ideal romantic partner.
"I would say someone who is confident and not afraid of a challenge. I'm really attracted to a person's aura and the vibes they give out."
Jungkook was quite honest with his words. In the past, he's thought about the physical attributes that he wants in his future girlfriend. He didn't have anything that was top priority. Most of his deal breakers involved personality. Like if they were rude to customer service workers or if they were disrespectful.
It was hard for him to narrow his ideal partner to a list of physical attributes.
"I guess I can also add that the person would have to be an ARMY. Jungkook smiled. His shameless flirting ignited the chat. The chat eating it up.
Mang_luver: are you tryna rizz up the chat?
Mang_luver: L streamer
"You don't like my flirting skills Mang? Jungkook couldn't hold back his smirk. He and Mang had a teasing report with each other. Causing live entertainment for those in the chat.
"You know what, chat, I think I know my type. I like girls who don't like me back."
Jungkook waited patiently for another witty remark from Mang. The chat commented that the two were acting like a married old couple. They always bickered about small, petty things that eventually it just became part of their dynamic.
Mang_luver: YUCK
Mang_luver: *gag*
"You know you love it, Mang."
Mang face reveal?
I'm tryna see something? What they said ^^^
The thought crossed Jungkook's mind that he had never seen an image of Mang. While he knew her real name, Jennette, and her age 24. He would never reveal such information while he was live. In the back of his mind, he wondered what she looked like, but the thought never developed into more.
But now the chat was begging for the modder to reveal her face. Spam flooding the chat box, Jungkook watched, curious as he wanted to see her face.
"Mang get on Discord." Jungkook instructed pulling up a new tab, before sharing his screen for the thousands to see.
Mang_luver: ... Mang_luver: fine Mang_luver: i hate you all
Upon reading the last message, he clicked the call button above her username. The chat was probably more excited than Jungkook. Mang answered the call ten seconds later, showing nothing but a black screen.
"Turn your camera on."
"You're so pushy." Jenette pouted on the other side of the camera. She was up trying to freshen up her looks, to make it not look like she was lying down in bed. She removed her satin head scarf and shook her mini twists that dangled by her shoulders. She washed her hair last night and did the twist til she got her braids in the next few days.
"I just wanna see what you look like Mangy Pangy."
Jennette rolled her eyes, hearing that awful nickname.
"I thought you agreed you weren't gonna call me that?"
"I thought you agreed you were gonna show your face?'
"Actually, I agreed to get on Discord. Not to show my face." Jennette smiled at her response.
"Such a smart ass."
"Don't wanna be a dumbass like you." The comebacks rolled off her tongue easily. She didn't have to think when she said them at all.
"You are lucky I like you." Jungkook grumbled, clicking around on his computer. He pulled up Instagram on the tab. Jennette knew that Jungkook didn't "like" her that way, but its effect on her was apparent. She cleared her throat, snapping out of brief feelings of attraction.
"So you can turn on your camera or tell me your Instagram. I wanna see what you look like."
Jungkook started typing in guesses for Jennette's Instagram without giving her time to think. The first few guesses were unsuccessful, pulling up random people who looked nothing like her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked over her appearance, unsure about the whole face reveal deal.
Her skin was slightly dewey from her skincare routine. Acne scars covered certain areas of her cheeks. More importantly, her purple cat-eye glasses. The frames enhanced her almond eye shape and made her look slightly younger in her nighttime apparel.
Without another word, she turned on her camera. Jungkook wasn't looking at the video call. He was still trying to guess her Instagram. Little did he know that her Instagram didn't contain her name at all. So at this rate he would never find her Instagram. The chat jumped with the thousands of new comments, all discussing her appearance.
Omg she's so pretty. Damnnnnnn Black Barbie fr fr She's not one of us
It took a message being read by the AI voice for Jungkook to redirect his attention to the Discord call. He had to readjust himself on the couch. He pulled one of his knees to his chest.
Jenette looked away from her screen, blushing at his reaction. She was nervous, waiting for him to be compelled to react in a humiliating way.
"You happy?" Jennette found it hard to look at the streamer. Gosh, he was so boyfriend-coded that she knew that her thoughts would start to evolve this simple interaction into something more. She got like this with most of her crushes. It never took long for her to fall for someone.
"You're so cute."
"Shut up."
Rizz her up Jungkook!
Yall look good together omgggg
"Yall, it's not like that, I'm not gonna rizz up, Mang. I was just curious to see what she looked like. Now, we can move on to something else." With a smile, he redirected the stream to a totally different topic. Mang took this as a segway to leave the call and rejoin the chat. Junkgook discussed the latest SZA music video 'Snooze', with Justin Bieber.
However, the chat was still discussing Mang's looks. More and more comments were becoming passive-aggressive. And Jungkook couldn't ignore the overwhelming backhanded compliments. It was time for him to step in and say something.
"Ayo, chill. That's enough on Mang. Don't forget she can ban any of yall."
I wish someone would defend me like Jungkook does Mang. ooop hell yeah- put them in their place!
He scrolled up the chat logs to see if Mang spoke. But she was radio silent. With his phone unlocked and off-camera, Jungkook privately messaged Mang. He wanted to ensure she was okay and confirm that he wasn't okay with the rude comments she was facing. Mang texted back pretty quickly, confirming that she was fine.
Mang_luver: I don't know why I just felt so nervous
Mang_luver: Face reveals always stir up anxiety for me
ABCDEFGHI__LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: But don't listen to them. You do look good, like really good
Mang_luver: That's really sweet
ABCDEFGHI__LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: After stream I'll call you to ensure that things between us are still cool. I don't fuck with that bully shit.
Mang_luver: Yeah I'll be up
Closing out of his phone, Jungkook reacted to a couple of other music videos released in August. Before he knew it, it was a quarter past three. Jungkook yawned before wrapping up the conversation he was having with chat.
"I'm gonna get off, guys. This was fun, per usual." Jungkook smiled and started waving at the people, saying 'good night' to him.
He's probably going to talk to Mang goodnight kookie you never answered?? will you marry me??? pls!!
He ended the stream, rubbing his face. Walking to his bedroom, he thought about what to say to Jennette. He was use to the 'mean' comments that he would get from trolls in his comments. Working in the music industry for all those years helped him grow thick skin. Plus, he knew that they wouldn't return that same energy if he ever met these people in real life.
He thought about how to properly apologize to Jennette. Eyes getting heavy, and the last thing on his mind was his really pretty modder.
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thecryptidart1st · 10 months
When did alive au Mikey get kicked out? Was that rough for him, or was he back on his feet pretty quick?
William found out about Michael’s relationship with Jeremy when he was about 16. And by the end of the night, Michael stormed out of house. Though Evan kept in contact, William fully disowned him, and Elizabeth refused to speak to him. And months after the fight, police cars had arrived to the house, taking Clara with them; William soon after filed for divorce. No one knew the full story of what happened that night, but the rumors speculated that Clara became completely distraught over what happened to Michael.
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Things were rough during the couple of weeks living on Jeremy’s couch, as Michael struggled with the guilt of leaving his family for what was essentially his own happiness, and later what happened to his mother because of his actions. And this internal fighting with himself led to Mike panicking and walking out of Jeremy’s apartment…
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…But, things started turning up when Charlie came home to Hurricane for the summer and found Michael living in his car.
Charlie didn’t care about Mike being gay; all she cared about was that her pseudo-brother was safe and happy. And she forced Henry to let him stay in the Emily household with them while he worked on getting his GED. Though Henry was hesistant about the circumstances, he also knew he couldn’t sit aside and let Mike suffer because of his and William’s internal homophobia.
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So he offered Mike a job at Fredbear’s. Mike got his diploma through community college and he worked nights as a security guard. And over the years, he worked his way to a managerial role in Fazbear Entertainment. Charlie worked her summers alongside him and when she graduated, she started training full-time with her dad. When Henry retired, she inherited Fazbear Entertainment. And the first thing she did was make Mike her financial partner and creative director for future restaurants and animatronics.
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Jeremy and Mike continue to be off and on in a relationship during this time, but regardless of their status, Jeremy at least helps Mike embrace his sexuality and make more friends in the LGBTQIA+ community in Utah. And when Sammy came home from college and started his service in the Hurricane Police Department, suddenly people at Fredbear's continually witnessed three of the town's local bachelors be "very friendly" with each other.
Over time, Elizabeth begrudgingly lets Evan invite Michael back into her life. Michael finds his mother thanks to Sammy's connections with the police department and continues to keep in contact with her to this day.
And when William has his heart attack years later, it was the first time seeing Michael after their fight...
and then he has another heart attack finding out his son is married to two different men and they have a boy together.
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sydneycollege · 5 months
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SCPE's Diploma of Community Services prepares you for impactful roles in community development and social welfare. Gain the skills to make a positive difference.
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rplmesblog · 5 months
A Diploma of Community Services
A diploma of community services is an essential step towards a rewarding career in the field. It provides a comprehensive theoretical foundation that allows individuals to understand the root causes of diverse social issues.
It also prepares students for further study in the area of community services or case management. This qualification reflects the roles of support workers, community services or case management officers who manage, coordinate and/or deliver person-centred services to individuals, families and communities.
Theoretical foundation
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A diploma of community services provides the theoretical foundation that individuals need to understand the complexities of diverse social issues. The curriculum includes a wide range of disciplines, from sociology to psychology, helping students gain a holistic perspective on these challenges. The knowledge they gain helps them develop effective and compassionate interventions.
Many community service courses also include practical training, giving students the opportunity to apply their theory in real-world settings. This hands-on approach helps them build confidence and hone their critical thinking skills. It also allows them to work with people from diverse backgrounds and develop their cultural competence.
The TrainSmart Diploma of Community Services Case Management is an engaging and specialised program that delves into the complexities of community services case management. This course offers specialised case assessment, intervention planning and referral process training. It is ideal for professionals who are working with complex individuals or families. It can also be used as a stepping stone to the Bachelor of Community Services at Swinburne University.
Practical application
The practical application of a diploma of community services helps individuals gain the confidence and expertise they need to address real-world challenges. Often, this means implementing person-centred approaches to assist individuals in finding solutions to their social and personal problems. Diploma programs also integrate contemporary theories and research findings to prepare students for the rapidly changing dynamics of society.
Moreover, many of these programs also offer industry placement opportunities that help bridge the gap between theory and practice. These hands-on experiences allow students to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios while gaining valuable career experience.
TrainSmart’s CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services is one such program that combines a comprehensive curriculum with extensive practical training. The course is ideal for those who want to work in the community service sector as support workers, case workers or community development officers. Students can also opt for a 200-hour field placement to gain hands-on experience and bolster their resume.
Career opportunities
The career opportunities available through a diploma of community services are diverse and include aged care, disability services, counselling, drug education, youth work, housing and community development, family services, advocacy, and child protection. You can also choose to specialise in a specific area, such as case management.
A career in the field of community service can be very rewarding. Many people choose to pursue this field as a second (or third) career, because it is flexible and offers excellent job satisfaction. The field is also growing rapidly, with new opportunities for those looking to help others lead fulfilling lives.
TrainSmart’s Diploma of Community Services provides a foundation for a rewarding and impactful career in the sector. The course goes beyond theoretical knowledge, with a strong emphasis on practical application. It includes real-world scenarios and simulated situations to prepare students for the challenges they’ll face in the workplace. It also includes career guidance and placement assistance.
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is an ongoing pursuit of knowledge and skills that improves an individual’s ability to thrive in a changing world. It also promotes social inclusion and active citizenship. It can also help people develop a more positive outlook and selfesteem. The process of acquiring new knowledge stimulates the brain and leads to greater focus, productivity, and retention of existing skills.
Whether you want to become a better communicator or learn a new skill, there are countless options for lifelong learning. TAFEs, universities, and private institutions offer a variety of courses that can help you grow and develop as an individual. Some even provide opportunities for students to interact with industry professionals and gain valuable career insights.
TrainSmart’s Diploma of Community Services Case Management is one example of a course that provides students with the practical expertise and industry knowledge they need to work in the community services sector. It is designed to give you the tools to effectively manage individuals and families with complex needs.
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Study Community Services Diploma for Better Future
If you’re looking to kick-start a career in an industry that you know has opportunities to bloom, then the Diploma of community service is the right career for you. A Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) can help you advance your career in the community services field. Want to know more about the roles within this rewarding community services industry? Let’s read on.
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less would I be the asshole and more would I be pretentious/self centered/trashy, but the two are close enough to me- I don't want to seem like any of those things. I'm also neurodivergent and can't tell how serious everyone is being/how big of a deal it is
people who go on about high school being the best thing ever for years are annoying, this is something I know well. but when does that start?
I'm 19, a full year out of high school. I did well in high school, and graduated with three medals and six cords. in the interest of avoiding an info sweep, I'll state what they were for in case that would change anyone's answer. (??)
one medal was for a honor roll, one was for my gpa, one for a nerd diploma (bonus diploma with an sat/ap/community service requirement)
two cords were freebies- "career readiness" with requirements very close to graduation requirements, and a cord for my score tier of a required test. the rest did require work- college readiness, foreign language program, stem program, and arts program.
during my freshman year of college, I hung up my cords and medals under my loft bed. they're pretty, and I'm proud of earning them. I only really talked about them when people asked, to the point where I had to look them up to write this.
I was wondering whether I should hang them in my dorm this coming year or not, and I've been getting mixed reviews from people about whether or not that would be appropriate.
some are saying high school is relevant until I finish my next level of education (makes sense), while some say that a year of celebration is enough for someone without any monumental achievements (also understandable).
wibta if I kept my decor up?
What are these acronyms?
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tafsircareercounselor · 5 months
Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online in Manitoba & New Brunswick
Are you looking to develop your skills and make a positive impact in your community? Look no further than ABM College's Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program, now available at our Calgary campus for students from Manitoba and New Brunswick. This program offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable skills in the field of addiction and community service, while also providing the convenience of online learning. Keep reading to learn more about this exciting program and how it can benefit you.
Skill Development
The Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the field of addiction and community service. Through a combination of theoretical and practical courses, students will learn about addiction and its impact on individuals and communities, as well as how to provide support and assistance to those struggling with addiction. This program also includes courses on communication, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention, all of which are essential skills for working in this field.
Volunteerism is a key component of the Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College. Students will have the opportunity to participate in volunteer work within their local community, gaining hands-on experience and making a positive impact. This not only allows students to apply their skills in a real-world setting, but also helps to build connections and networks within the community. Volunteerism is also a valuable addition to a resume, showing potential employers a commitment to community service and a desire to make a difference.
Community Service Diploma Online
The online aspect of this program allows students from Manitoba and New Brunswick to access the same high-quality education as those attending the Calgary campus. This means that students can complete the program from the comfort of their own homes, without having to relocate or commute. The online format also offers flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and balance their studies with other commitments. This makes the program accessible to a wider range of students, including those who may not have been able to attend in-person classes.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College will be well-equipped to pursue a variety of career opportunities. These may include roles in addiction treatment centers, community outreach programs, and social service agencies. With the growing demand for professionals in this field, graduates can expect to find meaningful and rewarding work in their communities. Additionally, the skills and knowledge gained from this program can also be applied to other fields, such as social work and counseling.
Enroll Today
Ready to take the first step toward a fulfilling career in addiction and community service? Enroll in ABM College's Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program today. With the convenience of online learning and the opportunity to make a positive impact in your community, this program is the perfect choice for students from Manitoba and New Brunswick. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity – apply now and start your journey towards a brighter future.
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getskillednow · 1 year
 If you are looking for a diploma in Community Services, Getskillednow has the perfect platform for you! This program is designed specifically for community service professionals like police officers, social workers, and mental health therapists.
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