#im so wired though i might get up and get a head start on some homework
cinnamonest · 3 months
Can we talk about boobs? 👀 like im wondering if the boys are crazy over em or not since it's like... both intimate and perverted at the same time or one or either
Like it can also be super embarrassing for the reader when she's getting the life sucked out of her tits for like... minutes on end?? Just trying to pry these virgin boys off. It's also not "pleasurable" for either party in the sense that it gets you to climax (unless perhaps we're talking about Albedo who is insane), but if you're a horny yan boy you might not care
The Albedo slander I can't— but you're right he can and will get you to cum from nothing but sucking on your tits, no matter how many tries and experimentation with various substances it takes. Which you find laughable, mockingly tell him that he as an academic should know women don't work like that… until he makes it happen and you eat your words, somehow. It's equally humiliating for you as it is amusing for him… the sly you were saying? as you lay there shivering and panting makes you all flustered, turning your face away to bury into the pillow.
But hear me out — the animal boy club, most of them at least, have a predisposition to titty affinity.
Gorou and Tighnari experience this the most strongly. Stronger primal mammalian instincts mean he has a much stronger drive than a normal human man to very specifically be drawn to indicators of fertility and suitableness for reproduction and healthy offspring. Regardless of size, your breasts automatically send off all the right signals when he lays eyes on them — milk for the offspring, a good breedable mate… it's torturous that they're right there yet human social conventions demand he can't do anything.
Animals don't really have a sense of shame in that regard, so there's less natural inhibition holding him back, he has to make an active effort to remind himself that he can't just walk right up to you and sniff at you, press his face into your chest… the thought of how embarrassing it would be in hindsight is all that's holding him back.
Once things develop, though, and he has you behind closed doors and available, he can't keep his mouth off of them. It feels natural, instinctive, popping your nipple into his mouth and suckling like that for ages — he could keep going forever if you didn't stop him eventually.
The downside of this is that you have to remind them to be careful… it turns out they both have some rather pointy teeth. Dogs have more rounded teeth, but still a powerful biting force that you have to watch out for, whereas fox teeth are much sharper. He's being careful, promise! It's just very easy to get lost in the bliss of the moment and maybe start to nibble a bit too hard, making you jolt and squeal… except the high-pitched sound and the feeling of struggling against him mimics a little prey animal fighting back, and that triggers a whole new set of instincts, now you have much worse problems as you're getting bitten everywhere else, jaw locking down to hold you still as he ruts into you.
Razor has the exact inverse going on. Sure, he's technically not any more naturally inclined towards it than an average human, but his upbringing has long since wired the proclivity into his head. Thing is, with she-wolves, theirs swell outward from the body only once they're pregnant, so for him, seeing human breasts, which are constantly in a state of being pronounced from the rest of the body, might as well be a perpetual onslaught of blatantly provocative imagery.
Unlike the other two, though, he has the exact opposite degree of inhibition. He got the whole “personal space” talk already once or twice, he just… forgets.
However, unfortunately, by the time you meet him, no one has given him the “inappropriate staring” talk yet, so the moment you're introduced by the knights, you see his eyes widen, his head tilts slightly downward, his gaze fixates, and… stays there. No shame, no attempt to conceal what he's looking at, mouth slightly ajar in a dumbstruck stupor. You pause in confusion when he slowly reaches his hand up and out, fingers stretched out as if to grab something, only to be stopped at the last second by one of the knights who spotted the incoming social disaster just in time, grabbing him by the wrist and trying to change the subject with an awkward laugh.
Once he has you to himself, though, he develops a fixation with them. He will come up to you and just sort of… plant his face in the middle, like recharging energy, nuzzling and, to your dismay, sometimes trying to chomp down on them, which you have to actively discourage. During your naps in the sun, you often find yourself waking up to the sudden sucking sensation — and he’s relentless about it too, latching on firmly and refusing to let go. He’s a bit disappointed to learn that no milk comes out, though, at least not yet.
Xiao is the exception to this natural affinity — avians don’t nurse, so it’s a bit of a foreign concept… but the human form is still drawn to it. Except he’s more fond of them for softness, so once he’s more comfortable with touch (which does take a while), he tends to use them as a pillow, opting to rest his head on them for long periods of time. It’s comforting in a way that he can’t really articulate, it just makes him feel at ease.
And then there’s the staring — he’s more accustomed to human norms and social etiquette than Razor, he just sort of… gets distracted for a moment. You just bend forward in just the right way, or perhaps take a bouncing step or come down a flight of stairs, and it just grabs his attention to such an extent that there’s a solid few seconds where he’s left dumbstruck and completely captivated, trailing off anything he was saying, just staring downward in a slack-jawed daze… until you wave your hand in front of his face and he snaps out of it, going fully red in the face. You say you don’t mind, but that only serves to make him more embarrassed…
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fanficguy · 2 years
Yo! Can you do how toy animatronics would react to a darling who is surprisingly affectionate after being kidnapped? Would they be suspicious of y/n's actions? Are they more lenient knowing they wouldn't leave?
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
warnings- mangle + puppet uses all pronouns, obessive and delusional behavior, possesive and forceful behavior, other yandere things, some violence here and there
Toy Freddy ♩
♩ freddy probably is rlly happy about this!! he's excited and thinks you love him so he'll loosen up a bit. he'll even let you out of his sight now!
♩ he will get a little lot more possesive though since after all, you love him don't you? freddy would probably start being aggresive to his colleagues if they even got around your area.
♩ freddy will start forcing more prolonged affection compared to how he used to be, i mean he was affectionate but he will really amp up on it. it might even be a bit forcefull at times, but if you deny he'll get annoyed so you just have to tolerate it.
♩ a good thing though is that he probably won't be as occupied on getting you to like him! he'll even start getting you more grand gifts now, usually stuff by him or stuff he found in the lost and found(nobody'll notice anyways).
♩ expectedly freddy also gets more obsessive, he might start commenting on things you do, whether you realize he saw you doing those things or not. you wouldn't mind though right?
Toy Bonnie 𖦹
𖦹 omg he becomes so much more of a snobby duchebag because of this. i applause you for even tolerating bonnie, anyways. even though he is sucking up this attention a lot, he would be a little suspicious though. he kidnapped you and you barely even care?
𖦹 bonnie would probably get over being suspicious of you quickly though. he'll turn into kind of a show off though, he'll start telling everyone how much you must love him.
𖦹 he might start dragging you around more, like he already did but it's practically all the time now.
𖦹 bonnie will start forcing affection but less than freddy, he will start whining if you even think of the concept of getting up and leaving him, he probably wouldn't physically harm you for it but he's a BIG manipulator.
𖦹 bonnie starts being kinda softer though, he will let you get away with some things if you give him a hug! bonnie might even let you be alone for an hour at night if you give him enough affection, make sure to abuse that power!
Toy Chica ↯
↯ chica will probably take awhile to change her sadistic demeanor(which'll never change but can be softened!), it's so worth it when chica starts changing though!
↯ she'll probably be a bit curious on why you're being affectionate, she even tries to ruin any attempts by shoving you off her but eventually decides to just leave it be and start taking in the nice feeling.
↯ after trying to ruin it she'll decide you mold it into something similiar but a little more rough and painful. chica starts biting you when the two of you cuddle and doesn't let go until she's bored(she always makes sure you bleed too).
↯ chica also will be really forceful with how she touches you, not that she wasnt but now it's even more prolonged.
↯ chica will probably never change into a soft or gentle idividual but she will learn to be affectionate in her own cruel kind of way, she likes it this way.
Mangle ❥
❥ mangle would be a little scared tbh both because of concern for your health and also because he isn't used to this. i mean, they have wires and all sorts of things out in the open, you could get shocked and get hurt on accident!
❥ she learns to love it though, it's a really gentle and comforting feeling for them that they can't help but love. mangle's sure to be really careful of you though!
❥ mangle would definitely start snapping or growling at the others if they even get near you now though, even lunging at them if they bother you guys during affectionate hours.
❥ they'll definately start growing more lenient of you, mangle starts letting you leave his sight at night most of the time! oh but mangle will definitely return to you all bloody from the night guard and starts asking for affection.
❥ mangle will grow sad if you deny them any affections, they really grew dependent on you don't you realize?
❦ puppet’s not necessarily surprised but he didn’t expect this either, they’re happy though! They really like you being affectionate. :)
❦ she won’t make a big deal on the outside but on the inside he’s all squealing and kicking his feet.
❦ it makes him more protective definitely! he might not like you being outside her box for more than like 20 minutes now, and as soon as you’re back the puppet needs some hugs.
❦ you’re her little source of sunshine tbh, puppet really finds it cute when you’re all affectionate and whatnot.
❦ puppet probably would spend all the time cuddling with you now, he’s always really gentle and affectionate back 10/10.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
sliding into your asks once again to bring you this gifset and the thoughts i had as a result:
i'm thinking ransom drysdale x reader where the reader pegs the shit out of him. like, he’s just whining and whimpering and drooling. he cums so hard bc the strap is so big and he 'can’t take it' but he wants ‘more, please’ and ends up going limp in her arms bc of how good it feels. he might even pass out a little and later wakes up to her stroking his dick with her warm hands.
and he’s like ‘oh my god, i cant cum anymore, stop’ and she just sits on his dick with a smile and starts using his cock like a toy, saying ‘you’re not being a very good boy right now, hugh’ and shoves her fingers in his mouth. 'you can't tell me to stop. have you forgotten who's in charge here?'
she says ‘if you let me use your cock i’ll let you cum’ and ransom, thinking with his dick which is throbbing quite painfully inside her, shakes his head vehemently.
‘oh? so you don’t want to cum?” he says no bc at the time he's feeling really sensitive and so fucking naked and like he's a live wire - so she simply tells him, ‘okay.’ and takes her fingers out of his mouth so she can lean down to lick the drool from his parted lips and jaw.
‘but if you cum without my permission im locking your dick in a cage and you won’t be able to so much as get hard until i decide you can. is that clear, baby?”
ransom shakes his head again, ‘fuck- no! I want to cum, i don't think i can hold it, it was hurting but now it hurts good! Please, please don't put the cage on me, please keep fucking me it feels amazing-’ 
‘ah, ah- weren’t you the one who said you didn't want to come?’ and she keeps fucking him and her hips move in a way he’s utterly obsessed with and she cums on his dick without even looking at him, using him for his cock only, taking her pleasure and leaving ransom to sob and beg and whine and cry under her because it hurts so bad - ‘please, you’re so beautiful, please let me cum, please, i need it so bad, you cant- you cant, i’ve been so good!’ - but she ignores him, letting her orgasm wash through her and made more intense by the way ransom twitches desperately inside her as her pussy grows wet with cum.
The sounds are obscene but they’re done now, and the reader curls up on top of ransoms chest, feeling it heave underneath her and the way he tenses up as her pussy drags against his cock and tightens up. She’s got him on the edge and she doesn’t even know, too caught up in how good and sated she feels from her orgasm. ‘You were so good, baby’ she says, and kisses his mouth filthily whilst rolling her hips subconsciously, ‘such a good boy’ as her lips trail down his neck because he’s so pretty, down to his flushed chest and biting at his nipples. A flood of something warm spreads inside her and she realises, with a wicked gleam in her eye, that ransom just came.
‘did you just cum?’ she asks, and he blinks hard, grunting underneath her and nodding desperately. ‘i'm sorry, i'm sorry, please don’t put the cage on me - i didn’t mean to! I swear, you just- you were kissing me like that and moving your hips and it just felt so good, i couldn’t help it!’
she’s not one to go back on her word, though, and after a few minutes of shushing and letting her boy calm down, she’s getting up and cleaning them up with some wipes and a cloth, pulling on a big shirt and kneeling beside ransoms quivering body.
‘here we go…’ she puts on the cage and locks it, putting the key in its box and tossing it on the floor next to the bed. ‘Sleep well, baby’ she says, tucking ransom close to her chest and spooning him until they fall asleep.
if i had time i'd make this a full fledged fic but i do not :(, so i decided to share my thoughts with you and your blog instead so you can tell me what you think! 🫶
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No thoughts.
Congrats, you've scrambled my brain 😮‍💨😮‍💨🥴
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I am imagining the fucking mess that Ransom would be vividly and you--
You added ✨️women✨️ which means that these thoughts are too much. No processing. Only an italicized oh.
The pure filth that is Ransom crying and begging for her to stop because her cock is too big inside him, stretching him so much that it aches, yet... at the same time, Ransom absolutely doesn't want it to stop.
There's no way in hell he's going to use his safeword.
No, he wants more. He's rich, spoiled, and greedy. He needs this. He needs more. He's a fucking size queen. He will cry and squirm and moan until he's unraveling and need more. He will beg for mercy without meaning it. Well, he does want mercy, she might murder him like this, if she keeps going, but he wouldn't dream of stopping.
"Mor', mmm, ah, mmngh! M-more. Please! More!" I can hear his pathetic moaning from here.
The fact that he cums again from kissing and that little bit of praise is spot 👏🏻 fucking 👏🏻 on 👏🏻 . And you know she was kissing him. He's wrecked. There is not a single thought bouncing around in his melted brain. So, there's no way in hell he's putting himself together enough to kiss back.
He's getting off on the way that her tight, unbearably wet pussy is clenching around him, claiming his cock for herself, and the way she's claiming his mouth. She's kissing him, bruisingly so. Grabbing his chin and keeping them mouth to mouth, even as Ransom pants and gasps and moans into her mouth. Even when she stops possessively taking his mouth and instead slowly draaaggs her hand down his flushed throat toward his hard, peaked nipples. He's fucking getting off on it. On her staking her claim. Him. Staking her claim on him.
Just a flick of his hard nipple, and Ransom is jolting with a choked, "a-ah!"
It's over for him the second her lush mouth is on his skin. Grazing his nipple with her teeth and chasing the sweet flare of pain with pure pleasure, her tongue hot and wet and good against his tits.
Oh, God.
How's he not supposed to cum? Especially when she, under her breath, almost to herself, murmurs, her voice all husky and sensual, "there's my good boy. Pretty boy. Look at you."
Ransom throbs.
He cries.
He cums.
It's so good he feels it in his teeth.
But, yeah, the moment it's over--she doesn't even have to ruin his orgasm--he's upset. He didn't mean to! He's just--
He didn't--
He didn't think! He couldn't think! He just, just had to! He's sorry! He's wailing a little, he knows he is, but he's upset. And he can't help himself. She can, though, she can calm him down and get him comfortable enough to accept that, yeah, he needs this. He needs his punishment. It centers him. It's what makes this work. Get the cage.
In conclusion:
I fucking love this idea. Thank you for sharing! I will be coming back to this later and picturing Ransom being tamed by a domme again. Soon.
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yuuxhan · 1 year
Wanderer Headcanons!
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Im starting to really like him for some reason.. I guess I never really gave his backstory some thought until now 🥹… poor guy
I’m still fairly new to learning about him.. but none of my ideas are canon! Though, if I get anything wrong or if you have any ideas or other headcanons then please LMK! I’ll be happy to hear!!
Anyways.. enjoy!
That black shirt he has under is clothes isn’t exactly a shirt.. it’s his body! That’s why it emits that blue light.
Wanderer was made out of clay.. so his body is mostly freezing cold to the touch. He almost feels metallic.
When he was first made, he was unable to move is body much, confused on how to work it since Ei/Raiden had been using him like puppet stings for the longest time… he couldn’t stand on his own, he didn’t know how to move his fingers/etc
He doesn’t eat.. he’s not human.. so why should he? Yet.. Nahida forces him to eat all the time.
That battle.. when he got his gnosis taken away, I think we can all agree that he got into a coma or smth right? But I don’t think that happened. He’s not human, so I think all his parts just flew off off him, he broke like a piece of glass. Especially his head since he went face first down. I’m positive he passed out or ‘died’ I assume. But nahida pieced him together.. and wanderer finally came to be.
He’s actually a big softie.. as cold as he must seem, he loves kids. He likes playing with them and talking to them like they are his own friends. And if he ever had kids of his own (I don’t think he can have kids bc… he.. yk, he doesn’t have ‘that’ it’s plastic) he would treat them with so much love and care. He wouldn’t want them to end up how he became, unloved and abandoned.
Ontop of loving kids, he’s a big fan of animals.. and I do think he tamed a fungus of some sort in Sumeru, sort of like how we tamed them for that one event in Genshin. Those Aranara too, he’s close with nahida.. so I’m sure he’s good friends with the Aranaras.
He can’t swim. Lmao. Even if he did, I think he wouldn’t be able to float, as much as he practiced and practiced with nahida.. he’d just keep sinking and someone would need to save him.
I don’t think he can get cuts and bruises. Like I said he’s made out of clay.. but maybe he could get a chip here and there.. and his body would have a couple cracks. Especially after that fall with the gnosis.
He actually really likes hugs.. it’s warm and very comfortable compared to his cold body.. and if you hug him for long enough, you might be able to warm it up.
Speaking of comforting, he has no heart! Everything inside of him is wires and cables.. he’s a small compartment in his chest, probably where that blue light is. You can open it and see inside of him… he kinda looks like inside of a computer or a phone lmao.
He hates being tied or held down, it reminds him of being tied up like those puppet strings. No matter if it’s for ‘doing the dirty’ or just being held down to tease him.. he’d immediately get agitated and throw you off of him.
He really likes sumeru compared to inazuma, it’s his comfort nation.. and he can feel at ease there. He likes to sit high up somewhere and just admire the beauty of Sumeru. But he hates the desert, it’s quite annoying even though he can’t sweat like how we humans do.. the heat still feels like it’s melting his clay body.
He has major trust issues.. and once you do gain his trust.. he had abandonment issues. He won’t let you go, that’s it. It’s either be close to him, or be his enemy.
•He doesn’t blink. Hes a puppet, right? A doll? So why would he have to blink? For all we know his eyes are people’s drawn on, or some sort of machine in his body.
That’s all for now! I’ll add more later if I ever have more ideas! Thanks for reading!!!
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frogbearwhatever · 1 year
The Mad Grot
(This is a Warhammer flash fiction piece I wrote, it was meant to be for a Cold Open competition but didn’t quite fit the theme and not sure it’s good enough to win, but I’m quite happy with it. I love the Warhammer universes, and am nerding out big over them. I’m still fairly new to it all, so apologies for any mistakes/inaccuracies. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.)
Tupzin threw an elbow into his neighbour's face and darted forward, scrapping a few more feet in the swirling scrum at the mob's centre.
He'd been pushed forward at first, but had no interest in being first to face the humie guns, but the rear held the threat of Brazgot's lashes and squig hounds. 
The best place to be was in the middle of the horde. Unfortunately, every other git knew this, and there was a mass of conniving cowardice at work.
It didn't help that countless squabbles and grudges were getting settled in the ruck too.
Tupzin, hissing angrily, shoved off a grot who tried climbing over him.
That's when he saw Loonza the Mad Grot.
                               *    *     *             
Loonza was angry, he'd wanted to get a place right at the front. 
They was fighting humies, and he wanted to get stuck in straight away.
He was sure if Gork or Mork saw him go down scrapping, they might let him come back as an ork or something, a proppa fighter!
He'd charged up his beloved laspistol, but when unplugging it from the frayed wires, he'd been zapped and woken up to find most of the other grots already scrapping.
Mad Grot. 
That's what they called him, Loonza knew. But they were just as mad as him. Fighting for a few more moments of life.
Not him, though. 
Nope, he knew he'd die eventually, but he was gonna go down swinging and blasting.
He'd had to fight his way through a bit, but most grots, seeing his determined expression, cleared out. 
The eagerness for a fight and determination marked him out as different right away.
There were his clothes too, which were more warlike than the usual grot rags. He's scrounged up plenty of blue, wanting the luck to kill some humies before they got ‘im.
And wedged on his head was a metal pot serving as a helmet. He had his laspistol in hand and a crude knife strapped across his back.
Loonza was ready for a fight.         
             *     *      *
Tupzin shrieked, running towards the human guns. 
He needed a place to hide! 
The ship had landed, or rather crashed, into the planet, and Brazgot had forced them into a charge.
Tupzin had been with hundreds of others but now ran with a small clutch of fellow grots. 
Hopefully, they'd catch any shots sent their way.
The gang ducked behind some rubble, jabbering nervously.
“I think Brazgot's dead! We can just stay here.”
“If 'e’s dead, his squigs loose! I ain't gonna sit and wait to get eaten!”
There was a demented whoop, and Loonza rushed over to them.
Figures. All that blue makes 'im lucky, Tupzin thought. Tho' real luck woulda been not being a grot to start with.
                *     *      *           
Loonza had his pistol slung over his shoulder and his bloody knife in hand. He'd found a humie hiding in a tower with some fancy gun with a tellyscope on it.
Typical humie nonsense! Aiming was cheating, and took the fun outta the fight. Better to just blast away and let Gork and Mork sort it out, innit?
“Wot you lot doing? Fights over there.” He grinned, nodding towards the enemy.
“Get lost you daft snot!” Tupzin snapped. “We is using cover for tacti-kal vantage, ain't we?”
“Youse is hiding!” Loonza cackled. “Well, not me, lads! Loonza's gonna fight!”
 He ran off hooting and hollering.
“That mad git is gonna get 'imself killed.” Tupzin sneered. “Shoulda stayed here, nice and sa-”
That's when the shell hit.
               *      *       *
Loonza had swiped a grenade from a dead humie and now held it like a prize as he ran along a rubble wall that ran through the human lines.
Three humies were crouched behind a big shoota on three legs, blasting away at the orks attacking.
Loonza watched for a moment, mesmerised by the awesome firepower.
'Cor, what I wouldn't give to have a shoota like that one day, Loonza thought, even though the gun was far bigger than him.
Well, if he couldn't have it, why should they?
He armed the grenade and lobbed it into their little nest.
One humie gave a little shriek, and then the gun and the three men vanished in a blast of flame, gore and smoke.
Loonza hopped down and ran along the humie line, occasionally finding a humie hunkered down in the mud.
They was all looking the other way, so he shot them in the back. Nuffin’ wrong with that.
Then he found a whole bunch of 'em all huddled together. Looking away and shooting at the charging greenskins off in the distance.
“Well, this'll do! Hope yer watching, Mork! You too, Gork!” Loonza said cheerfully.
Then with a manic whoop, he charged them.
Diving down into the foxhole he unleashed a volley of lasblasts, scorching the air and catching two of the humies in the head and neck.
The humans yelled, spinning around at this surprise attack and firing in panic.
One humie's shotgun cut down another, and the humie froze, staring at his dead mate, giving Loonza an easy target.
Then Loonza was thrown forward as a shot hit him in the back. He rolled over, dropping the humie who'd shot him, the last survivor in the place.
“Hope you enjoyed the show…” The grot muttered, before everything went black.
           *       *       *
Fixxbash looked at the towering metal form in front of him.
This was the mastapiece of kans, and he'd not wanted to waste it on another cowardly grot who'd still run even when inside his magnificent creation.
But Brazgot assured him this grot was different. They'd called him the Mad Grot, and the little git had killed a buncha humies before getting hisself shot.
“Plug him in.”
The grot he barked at hesitated a moment, saw Fixxbash's heavy wrench and then obeyed, jabbing a wire in through the top of the Killa Kan.
There was a flash, the smell of burnt grot and then the machine roared into life, belching thick fumes from the exhausts.
From inside came a manic cackle, and the arms moved, testing the giant pincers on the left and inspecting the heavy gun on the right.
“Oh, yeah! This is more like it!” A voice cried excitedly.
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pokegalla · 11 months
Decided to work on a little chaotic collab with my mutuals.
(Marco belongs to @marco-here
Rebel belongs to @tryslogic
Hero, Lisa, and Bunny belong to me)
@tryslogic and @marco-here
I’m sorry I included you in this chaos- 🤣
They will write the other parts. (Yes there is more-)
Enjoy the chaos✨
A Drink Too Many
“Wanna run that by me again-“ Hero asked.
“I said I want to strengthen the truce between The Star Sanses and Bad Sanses by bringing them closer!” I say with an innocent smile.
Hero pinched his nose ridge, “And to do that…..you want to take them ALL out to drink??? You know this is not going to end well…..I mean in general their teams are already barely getting along. But they are MORTAL ENEMIES. I doubt just a few drinks will-“
“Mi amor? You think too much. And since you also work too much? Take this as an opportunity to unwind for the love of your SANITY-“ I said while pulling him along.
“But I have files to do-! Dammit…..,” Hero ends up getting dragged by me anyway.
And when we go inside the room I rented however?
“C’mon ol pal, I know you can go faster than that!” Ink taunted Error.
Dream gulps, “H-Hello brother…..”
Nightmare chuckles darkly, “Hello brother…..I see you brought me the golden apple…..”
“Eek-! Brother no! Remember the truce! REMEMBER THE TRUCE-!” Dream had to hide behind Cross.
Let’s not even mention Dust messing with Swap, Killer and Marco pulling pranks, Rebel just either messing around or flirting- so what do I do? Blow horn into a megaphone- everyone stopped and covered their ears or held their heads.
“SIT YO ASSES DOWN-,” I shouted, “God…..listen. Here’s what’s gonna happen. We drink, we have a good time, might get drunk, and we GET. ALONG. You understand me?”
“And if we don’t? We don’t have to you do realize that…..” Nightmare said in a taunting tone. He caught the Chancla I threw at him.
“Don’t get smart with me Jackass! NONE of you are leaving until you’ve had some fun!” I huff.
Ink laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders (after standing on his chair to do so-), “Trust me Lisa! We’re having plenty of fun! Ow-!”
I pinch his cheek, “Having fun being a little shit? Yeah I see that.” I grab Error’s cheek too “You two are sitting together until you get along-“
Error wriggled around, “DON’T SIT ME WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT SQUID-“ I sat them down anyway, “Shit…..” Ink was giggling with his shit eating grin but I bonk him.
“Don’t start yo shit either. And Marco sit with the Murder trio and Cross. No funny business. Rebel don’t start yo shit either or I’m getting Lust and Fresh on yo ass- And Nightmare let your brother sit with you WITHOUT scaring him-! Swap? You will be helping around as well,” I take a deep breath finally, “And waitress? You got drinks? I’ll take your entire stock- We ALL drinking tonight-“
Bunny jumped, “Lisa you can’t handle your alcohol!!!”
“I WILL TONIGHT-,” I stomp away.
XChara sighs, “……We’re gonna have a rough night huh? Watching these idiots.”
“Yup,” Bunny says, “And unfortunately I gotta do it with you.” She walks away, leaving XChara to process that and shout a loud and offended ‘Hey-!’
Some time went by and everyone was finally unwinding. And I was not slowing down in my drinking- some of the guys were already getting drunk.
Ink was hugging me and giggling nonstop, “This really is fuuuuun! Thanks for the idea Lisa!”
I was suddenly yoinked back via wires, Error huffed, “Hands off the chocolate supply!”
Nightmare suddenly slams the table, making us jump as he suddenly yoinked me away with his tentacles, “You fools…..she’s MINE.”
Small squeak of literal fear, “Help meeeeeee-!”
“I-I’ll help!!! Brother please let her go-!” Dream said, prying at the tentacles.
But Nightmare was too drunk to care, having me near him just to piss off Ink and Error and laugh like a maniac. I definitely need more drinks after this- Hero eventually comes around to help, though it was a struggle. I went to get more drinks, running off before the three got me again.
Hero went to check on the others, “Is everyone alright here too? ……I hope-?”
Hopefully Marco and Rebel are doing better.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
SHELLLLLLSSSSZZZZZZZZ *trashing like a cartoon character gripping high voltage wires*
accent on seb loosing control when he marks you!!! THIS IS SO PAINFUL bc like, he feels so good right afterwards?? he isnt sure if he have ever felt like that but probably not??? and he is so so happy and content and in love and doesnt know how he gets to feel like this and then he sees the scratches and oh. oh yeah he doesnt actually. thats why. SHELS HELLO????
(i also LOVE how the moisturiser routine starts because !! he might have exactly one (1) functioning braincell and the only thing this braincell wants to do is !! give back !!!! screaming crying etc)
OH MY GOD what if he doesnt want people to know you're his dom??????? shels? shels have you changed your mind about the wedding are you trying to kill me before i can marry you (which, if youre serious and 📓 would also have me, YES YES YES AND YES AGAIN im awaiting eagerly in my bridal glitter)???
oh my god he would be so upset you would EVER think he loves you anything less than 400% hed literally dedicate his life to proving it wrong (even after being told repeatedly its okay and youre convinced bc ARE YOU SURE?? do you know how much he loves you ?? dO YOU??? no you DONT its more actually comE OVER HERE)
also yes the last scene is exactly what i pictured when i was writing this weeewooo 💜💜💜
Lemon 💜🍋💍
p.s. did the ask for later come through btw? i also can send it again as close to the date as i can if this will make it easier for you sorting-wise
EPP LEMON WELCOME TO THE POLYCULE!! We’re married now. Also yes! I got the somno ask and it’s SO good I’m so excited to answer it. You don’t need to resend it, but when we reach somno day, just remind me that I have that ask and I’ll look for it. Yeah? Please?
Also, because I love you I’m just gonna write more detail into the Seb wanting to put moisturiser on you concept because why not?
It starts out after a scene where you tie Seb up. When you untie him, there are rope marks all over his skin.
You know the marks will fade in an hour or so, but you can’t help but feel your heart clench when you see the rope marks on your sweet sub.
So you just have to rub some moisturiser into his skin.
At this point, Seb is in absolute heaven. He’s so happy and warm and safe? Still kinda in subspace because you’ve fucked him so well and now he’s just laying in bed, waiting for you to come back for cuddles.
And then when you arrive, he realises you’ve got moisturiser with you and you’re going to rub moisturiser into his skin?
That only makes it better?
He just lays there, eyes closed as you rub lotion into his skin and it’s just so good? He feels so loved and taken care of, not a single worry in his head.
And then when you finish, you go to put the lotion away and Seb realises you don’t have any?
He whines then, sitting up and making grabby hands for you, so obviously you stop and turn around to go back to him, asking him what’s wrong and what he needs.
All he says is “you, want to help you!”
And of course that’s just the sweetest thing ever. You assume he just wants cuddles, so you climb into bed.
Seb is so excited! He takes the lotion from you, trying to open the tub and then whining when he’s too weak for it.
You realise then that Seb wants to put lotion on you, which just makes your heart want to burst because you love him so much.
To be honest, he does a terrible job. He’s pretty much half asleep at this point.
But that doesn’t matter. You’re more than happy to sit there and let Seb put lotion on you, even though he doesn’t do a very good job.
Seb, however, is VERY proud of himself? Cause he’s helping you! He’s being such a good boy!!
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
NAME: Alana
MUSES: A few??? Okay, so, so many. But my current hyperfixation is my Wednesday muses.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I'm easy breezy, either tumblr IM's or discord. I do forget to reply sometimes though. I don't mean too, but its like I plan a response in my head and forget that I didn't actually send it.
EXPERIENCE: 15-17 years (ewww)
BEST EXPERIENCE: I tend to have the memory of a goldfish, so it's hard to think of any. I remember my bad experiences in life better than the best experiences; but I would have to say the friends and family by choice I have met and made along the way.
PLATFORMS YOUV’E USE: Uhm, more than a couple actually - Hexrpg, various forum based rp's, discord, kik, tumblr, over text with a friend in high school, over email, wire, msn - tumblr's been the longest running one though.
RP PET PEEVS & DEAL BREAKERS: God modding is definitely a big one. Also and I might be showing my age a bit with the terminology but Mary-Sue's. I think my biggest pet peeve though is how female muses get overlooked a lot of the time in favour of male muses, like I don't care if your muses are only romantically interested in male muses, we can still do platonic/family/enemy stuff with my girlies.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Admittedly, I'm not the best at plotting. I'm good at adding onto plots if my partner has a base idea but I blank when I try to come up with plots myself honestly. I love meme's though, even if I'm 500 years behind on meme's, I love them so much.
FLUFF/ANGST/SMUT: I love fluffy or domestic/slice of life threads. Angst I can enjoy, but in small doses because I start to empathetically feel what my muses are feeling. Smut, I need to be close to and
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I'm down for all lengths to be honest, the only thing I can't really do is one liners for more than a couple of opening posts. I always end up making it longer. I try to match my partner as a minimum though. Longer threads do take me a while though.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Irritatingly, at night. Which sucks because I need to get up early for work and my brain is like 'I'm on a roll - let me write', next thing I know it's 1-2am and I'm up at between 5.30-6.30am on weekdays.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES ?: Honestly? I'm not sure. I'm sure there is certain traits and qualities I share with some muses (I do have plenty muses after all), but not really sure what traits or which ones.
TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM: @shatterxdsouls
TAGGING: Anyone who would like too!
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pixyys · 2 years
At this point, I'm just used to your jokes now. Still doesn't mean that I cringe whenever I hear them /j
Indeed, I suppose I could become novice musicians along with Lippmann. Do you want to join us? It might even be cheap because of a two-in-one deal. I'll keep on learning the piano while you two can learn the violin. Maybe learn some musician pickup lines to impress Lippmann later on.
And for the Chopin? I thought about it again, but I think that it isn't considered sacrilegious. It still sounds nice afterall, and I'm pretty sure Chopin wouldn't mind. But I prefer the piano version as it sounds more clear.
Please don't give your jokes to Lippmann or anybody else. I can put up with it as I'm your brother, but other people will simply die of the cringiness of your corny jokes lmaoo /j. And afterwards I'll actually decapacitate myself because of the amount of terrible jokes I've had to hear. Pianoman don't you dare xD
An old couple, you say? Well, I don't know how to feel about that; we aren't even together. I convinced Silver to finally take a nap, but she just couldn't sleep. So in the end I had to literally hug her and stroke her hair to help her fall asleep... my heart has never pounded so quickly and loudly before.
Oh, my dear sister, how you make me laugh. I just wonder how you haven't thought up of such an easy reply, but I guess I am a genius. And do not worry, your secret is safe with me, because I definitely do not want to be strangled by those wires while being bombarded with your corny jokes.
Really? Is that what you know him for? Well, that Dazai definitely is cunning and mischievous. I'd have you know that he went head-to-head with Iceman, and Iceman even failed to assassinate him, so he isn't a 'poor guy'. And please don't try your jokes on him. He'd quite frankly punch you.
P.S. At least you think so? Well, pray tell, what happens in those 'romance novels' that you read? And as for the date? I think it's still too early... however I think I know what Silver feels for me
ahh this is exactly why i love you <3 finee, i'll tone it down with the "cringy" jokes, at least in your presence.
see? i was right when i said you should change your name to "genius man." do you need to ask? i'm definitely down for it. finally, i'll get another chance. this time with the musician pickup lines. there's really no going back if i mess up again. i just hope i won't embarrass myself in either that or my violin learning process. thanks, genius man!
hm. by the way, do you think lippmann is "lippmann" because he has pretty-looking lips? /lmaoooo plss im cryinf asdfjkl anyway-
ooh, i'm glad it isn't some form of artistic sacrilege. i sometimes listen to orchestra performances, but you're right. having a single musical instrument-say, a piano- dedicated to a single piece will make the performance much clearer.
ha! bet! maybe i'll start saying it to someone i probably won't meet again. like the barista i buy my morning coffee from! or the newspaper guy, or the old lady walking her dog down the street-okay that may be a bit too cruel. i'll probably still say one or two things to the men you stationed near our house though. to alleviate their stress and tension for a bit./lmao the saga continues
you.. you what?? brother, you don't even hold me and stroke my hair to sleep when we were toddlers. i think i'm missing something. oooh boy, when's the wedding day? i can't wait to be an aunt. i wonder if it's gonna be a boy? or a girl? or twins! everyone should be invited. we'll have the grandest celebration ever.
aww this is why i love youu (2nd edition). seriously though. err, does this 'nakahara chuuya' has bright orange hair and uh, quite petite in stature? i bumped into him when i was on my way to see you, and he looked quite.. severe. my tongue just acted on its own, and that "axolotl joke" came out. he did give me a nasty sting eye, but i didn't get punched! i guess that's a good thing..? ahaha..
p.s. you know of her feelings?? excellent. this is all according to plan. i'm just a little worried a possible misunderstanding might breach you apart, though. you know, what if she thinks you're feeling attraction to someone else after you asked her about that "crush"? that sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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aamethyst000 · 2 months
feeling meh, now (may 10, 24 - 11:04pm)
i had to go to the store again today to pick up some extra ingredients we needed for tonights dinnwe. we are having sweet thai chille with rice and my little brother had homemade shake n bake and rice. even though its going to be very late when we finally eat. dinner is still going to be worth it. while i was waiting, i downloaded a few more games for the 64 on my laptop, so i cant wait to try them when the power goes out again. i say "when" because our power seems to go out a lot within a year. not going to lie, it is quite annoying to deal with when we go through a power outage (unplanned). oh well, what can we do when the birds constantly fly right into the pole wires and fry to death. they have a place to sit on, on every fricken pole but they never use it. so much for being so smart lmao
im almost finished watching shera again, i might rewatch it again or go back to hazbin hotel. i dont know, just something to keep me occupied for a little while. dinner will be ready in less than 20 minutes, so i am going to get ready for dinner and then relax for the rest of the night watching shra. im thinking of starting the dishes sometime tomorrow.
2:28am - im having a puff bu myself right now while listening to my spotify playlist <3 i always loved having a puff by mysekf. however, ive always imagined having bedtime puffs with my future lover, it seems nice and relaxing, it would bring me imence joy and happisness and would appreciate life again. i get the feeling id be a changed person once i fall genuinly inlove again. once i allow myself at some point. ill admit, im scared of letting myself go like that again. im afraid of letting someone else in my personal space like that again, despite me really really wanting that again. id over think every action that they have, and as ive mentioned before, my "jealousy" is doing well with coping right now. i still dont understand why, anyway, i should head to bed soon after im done having a puff. im nice and high in the clouds right now. im loving this feeling and i want to go to bed feeling like this. its really nice to feel this high, i wish i can be like this all the time, even during work hours would be awesome. id handle the day with more confidence. for now though, id just have to deal with that by taking cbd edibles and joints. which is okie, it deffinitly can get me through most of the day. it just doesnt stick like thc does. id prefer that over cbd. oh well, good night, readers!~ im going to go finish my puffs then head to bed.
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windalchemist001 · 8 months
Today was one of the days were all the staff got together and had meeting compared notes and graded papers. And here i was also being forced to be here, because unlike the housewardens who can come in but can't stay, i as the perfect im forced to stay.
Sighing I was going over Crowley's paperwork because of course I have too, in between that I was also helping grade papers and than also had to go get people drinks and stuff. Well not really that last part when Crowley was gone. When here yeah.
Honestly how their hasn't been a riot against the jerk who knows. And at least I've sort of got on the good side of a lot of the teachers, so that was nice.
Speaking of teachers, one of them came to me and asked how the calander was. I paused from the paperwork and moved to pull put the plainer and quickly flip to this month and hummed.
After a moment I told them that in two weeks Crowley was going to be on vacation and that this week and next week he'll be taking three day weekends so he could get ready for it.
I could hear train and crewel getting upset for me. Though they weren't the only one. And honestly i was truly greatful for them, because sometimes I don't think I would have made it with all the weight on my shoulders, and sure it took a total brake down and being bought back by a bunch of RSA students plus their head mage (i will never out live the shame) to show that I was doing to much.
But still, I blame that fake nice neige for thinking ita ok to be a wired creep, since the guy set me off when he couldn't just leave me alone.
Shaking away the thought I moved to grab a new paper though this was not a grading paper but rather one if the ones I have to read and stamp for the headmaster, since he's got me handling all the boring paperwork while he gets to do the fun stuff, which is why I never get to know about events because he handles that at the least, but it makes me feel stupid when people talk about stuff an I got no idea as to what is going on.
Another sigh and I heard someone call my name and noticed Sam. I rose a brow only to notice he was bring food, guess that makes sense since this was bound to be dinner for most. Reaching out I took the drink and food with a polite thank you
Which was returned. Same was a bit of a live saver since he's always had a lot of odd oddities ans he did help me start valentine here. (Mostly so I can do something for trey and Horton)
I open the food and was glad that it looked like some good food. Honestly this might be the closest to food that is like home. Not to say the food here inside good and I've had good food while here just its all like other nations and when there is something from my home area its more of a northern style or the generic style of style you would get from any old store.
Taking a deep breath and quietly ate, glad that grim was at ramshackle doing his own thing since he hadn't felt like coming today, ans I also think he wasn't to worried about today so I guess that's good.
Sighint again I quietly ate and being mindful of the food did paperwork.
Others were also doing the same while Sam was trying to promote more stuff that wasn't on the original food plain and sure everyone knew what he was doing but still bought more cause again this was a lot of peoples dinner.
Sighing I stamp a few papers with Crowley's signature. Honestly why do I have to do all this? I glanced up and what if maybe I could have a hint to what's going on but just pray for the best and went back to it, cause while the teachers were willing to help, I still had to do all the work, and sulking about it won't get it done. But hey at least if careful I can get a few parties that jerk bird won't be allowed to go to. So petty revenge is better than nothing. So with that thought in mind I went to work... well inbetween bits of good food anyway.
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camping diaries of a charub: alternian forest-side b
a massive blood shot eye with red iris glares into the camera before pulling back. the same creature as the last entry sits cross legged in a cruncified tent. they wore a somewhat tattered purple outfit with the same such hue. the only difference seems to be that four of their fangs are turned outwards and a somewhat shoddily made tricorn perched on their head.
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he walks out of frame, still talking as if the camera was with him. its not. its on the floor. recording a patch of intresting tent interior. it would take exactly one hour of recording for the alien to realize their mistake and reterive the camra...
he turns the camera towards his work, scrap would has been constructed into a crude set of tables. on one, a few cans of soda and other such tins. had been assembled in a rather odd configuration.
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he tosses a stick into the feeder and ontop of the grate, he places a hunk of werid looking steak...
theres an edge of actual enjoyment to his voice as he flips the steak over again.
to demonstrate his point, he forms his strife, a wooden baseball bat covered in various shards of scrape metal.
he contemplates his weapon for a second before grabbing the now slightly cooked hunk of steak and ripping into it with a bit of ferocity.
they gain a werid twitch in their eye...
another bite of meat and he seems to come off his second of indignit anger...
from his inventory, he unloads a large pile of scrap metal. he starts digging around looking for specific pecies. thick nails, peices of an old lawn mower blade...
he looks around and stares up a tree...
he climbs a tree up and out of frame, theres the sound of rustling, angry birds and wood ripping before the charub drops back down with a branch.
he starts to scrape away at it, creating a decently sized handle, useing a scrap metal knife to shape it through widdling. it takes him a few hours but he soon has a semi decent handle. he rummages through the junk again to drag a long length of wire.
he uses the knife to cut out a channel into handle. he gets distracted and looks around, abandoning the project to mess with something in the crater and grass, ripping chunks off it and going off screen to where the stove is.
Theres a gagging noise, and a rather noxious looking smoke that roils out from of screen... he quickly comes back with a tin can filled with something miasmic that he dips a stick. he pulls it out to reveal a semi liquad black material that he pours into the channel. he shoves the old mower blade in and ties at two points with a wire. he lets it sit as he throws the contents of the candy pitch away into the crater.
The charub reaches over and cuts off the feed.
0 notes
s1st3r · 3 years
Soo... how would the Bad Batch react to a S/O that has a very snarky/dry sense of humor? Just always cracking jokes and finding humor in everything? (Love ur content btw <3)
Thank you for your request!!! And THANK YOU IM GLAD U LIKEY!!!!
Ok I have seen this but knew it would take me hours to write so I was waiting for the write moment! (get it? write = right? teehee) talk about a terribly dry sense of humour my goodness.
How Would The Bad Batch React to a Snarky/Witty/Dry Sense of Humour Significant Other (s/o)
Factz: Not even kidding, I feel like the boys would kill for a hella sassy partner in crime.
Oh my gosh they are literally best friends!!! They speak in a very similar style to each other.
Hunter expects a little bit of snark from Cross, sarcasm from Echo, and quips from Tech, but when his s/o just dishes his dry humour right back at him the first time they meet, he's like "Why was that so... hot???"
So from then on, most of the dialogue exchanged between the two of them are like super sassy comments and witty replies, until it unintentionally gradually morphs into really heavy flirting. They get so into teasing each other, the whole batch can feel the tension in the air.
Of course both are oblivious of this for the longest time.
But when eventually they do figure it out and get together, the whole batch sigh in relief thinking "finally this intense pining is over"... But it actually just gets worse?
So now during missions, the two of you verbally dance around each other like you're in some comeback war.
In the middle of a serious mission:
Hunter: "I need you here now!"
S/O: "wow wow Hunter. babe. cool your jets. i know we haven't really done it in a while but we're in the middle of a mission and-"
Hunter: "As much as I love how you think mesh'la, I think you're misreading the situation."
His s/o also keeps ruining his *tough guy* persona. During briefs, his s/o keeps making him crack his skillfully honed poker face.
The teasing through dry humour is just a really fun and goofy way to connect to each other and is their common ground of affection.
We all know Tech is a witty boi, and man do we love him for it!
Tech finds his s/o's attitude quite entertaining.
He does like it when they use their snarkiness to defend him from people that give him a hard time, but he like his s/o's humour best when it's just the two of them having fun.
I feel like Tech would find it 10x funnier if his s/o was also really smart and able to understand his technical language, because they just pass these really witty/funny quips back and forth to each other that are actually hilarious but no one understands. It's like their own hidden language.
Now we've seen Tech smile and m a y b e chuckle a little before?? But so far, we've yet to see Tech actually laugh and I headcanon that Tech snorts when he laughs. (Has anybody seen the live action TMNT?? Kinda like how Donnie laughs in those). So ohmiGOSH it's so WhOlEsOmE when his s/o makes Tech laugh!! He's so CUTE!
The rest of the batch will be out getting supplies while Echo works of the exterior hull of the ship and Tech and his s/o fix up the systems inside.
Tech laying under a panel: "Hm, this wire seems to be adhered to a far less efficient arrangement." Tech's s/o wordlessly shuffles over from their panel to analyse the problem. Their shoulders touch as they lie side by side.
S/o: "Mm, I think you're right, but see here? It looks like it's been manually transfigured. Probably by Echo in one of our many quick fixes. It looks like he's done it so he can easily access and program the flight module."
Tech: "I'm going to rewire it to-"
S/o: "To that one right?" His s/o says, suppressing a smile as they point to clearly the wrong wiring. Tech's eyes narrow and his brow furrows.
Tech: "Of course not! That would compromise the-" He catches a glimpse of his s/o's cheeky grin, "oh you're joking." His s/o bursts out laughing and he can't help the smile that stretches over his face as he shakes his head.
By the end of the repairs, the batch come back to find you both practically rolling on the ground in snorting fits of laughter.
Their humour paired with their competence makes them super attractive to him.
Wrecker finds his s/o's dry humour the funniest thing in the galaxy. He is one of those blessings that will always laugh at your jokes.
Which is a relief cuz I have dry humour and almost no one ever laughs at my jokes rip.
I mean, you guys saw how he reacted in ep 1 when Omega DeStRoYeD those regs in the mess hall. He was so proud and supportive of her.
So yeah he's pretty much his s/o's hype man.
He loves that his s/o's humour means that they quite enjoy playful competition and games. So they're always playing random games together, even going so far as to arm wrestle (S/o: "But we both already know who's going to win... Me. Obviously.")
And sometimes he will let his s/o win, just because he thinks it's so cute when they start flexing their arms and boasting about how strong and amazing they are.
He knows they're joking. He knows they know he let them win. But even though they've never really beaten him, he still thinks they're strong and amazing.
There is always friendly banter between the two but what Wrecker loves the most is how easy his s/o makes things for him.
He's not a natural at romance, and often finds himself making mistakes or he might do something a little awkwardly. But instead of being mad, disappointed, or judgmental, his s/o just smiles or laughs it off and walks him through things.
He feels like he can always be himself around his s/o.
Again, it's canon and fanon that Cross is a bit of a grumpy pants so he obviously finds his s/o's wit irritating at first. Which his s/o finds annoying, so his s/o just does it more just to get under his skin.
Totally enemies to lovers trope. I see it no other way. FiGhT me.
His s/o would make jokes all the time but I see that one day, his s/o makes a dry joke and he gives them crap for it, and they've just had enough and so they absolutely *slam* him with snark, sass, and wit that cannot be rivalled by Crosshair himself. They get right up into his face; tension as thick as s o u p.
And then he just grabs their face and makes out with them.
His s/o's like "ok" and totally rolls with it.
The Bad Batch wonder why they don't fight as much anymore (not that they're complaining).
Now they both use their sass to bully the regs.
They kinda become this unbeatable pair of unrivalled attitude. Unlike Hunter and his s/o who use it to tease each other, while Cross and his s/o do that a little too, they mostly direct their humour and sarcasm outward. Cross's s/o is a little more good natured than him though and will pull him in when he goes a bit too far.
He generally finds his s/o's humour quite funny now (though he'll never admit it), and the fact that he smiles a little more doesn't go unnoticed by his brothers.
Ok while Hunter is master of the dry humour, Echo is KING of sarcasm.
Having said that, I feel like Echo would actually far more appreciate light humour over sass/snark/wit/etc.
I think after being through the crap he's been through, echo baby just needs a light hearted, positive beam of sunshine in his life and his s/o is it.
He loves that his s/o always has a way of making others laugh and smile, even on really hard missions and in rough times.
I think his s/o having a lighter humour also makes him feel safer. Like there's no chance of miscommunication whereby this s/o accidently hits a sensitive topic. His s/o sticks to surface level humour which makes it easy to digest.
They are also absolutely fantastic at telling funny stories which is a real treat when his s/o will retell stories about some of the missions the Bad Batch has done and they just execute the story perfectly.
Echo is in love with his s/o's laugh and thinks it's so cute when they giggle at their own jokes.
He'll never say it, but his s/o's humour sometimes reminds Echo of Fives and Cutup, which is a bit bittersweet for him.
They say that "a joyful heart is good medicine" and for Echo that couldn't be more true. His s/o's joyful heart and nature revive and heal him. He is so much happier because of them and will tell them so in between little kisses as his s/o giggles playfully at his gentle yet eager ministrations.
~ Sister
Tag list: @damerondala @imalovernotahater
@kaorikoizumi @xlittlemissydjx @in-the-crosshairs @dionysuskid21
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katsukikiss · 3 years
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WARNINGS: NSFW 18+, cheating(ish?), oral m receiving, soft dom jean, face f*cking, suggestive dancing (w/connie and eren), alcohol use, reader is wayyy too flirty with others lol
Jean is a super kind and forgiving boyfriend, but what happens when you push his limits?
AN: idk wtf this is I just know I love this man and I had to write for him at some point, let me know if I should make a part two 😵‍💫
WC: 2.5k
The air was warm despite the sun being long gone. The summer was nearly over and classes would be starting up again soon. Obviously someone needed to throw one last hurrah before that, and your boyfriend and his friends were going to do just that. Jean was such a kind lover, and was a bit possesive in the beginning but now he was nothing but a sweetheart and kept saying how he couldn’t wait to dance with you later that night. You had known his friends for years, hanging out with them since you guys were freshmen and always staying in their shared house they had together. But their eyes would linger on you for too long, something your and your boyfriend had always noticed, but a sloppy tongue kiss or an ass grab would usually solve the issue. He trusted you, and trusted his friends for the most part…
They placed you in charge of getting drinks for the party since you always complained about the beverages they would offer. You and Sasha went together to buy some beer, seltzer and liquor. It wouldn’t be a party if there wasn’t snacks, or at least that was Sasha’s motto. You drove to one more store to pick up chips and pretzels before bringing your friend home and heading back to your boyfriends place.
You made your way up to Jeans room to finish getting ready. He was busy downstairs fixing up the basement with new LED lights since the old ones short circuited at the last party. You were probably too comfortable in his shared house, most of your clothes were here too. You undressed out of the t-shirt and shorts you were running errands in and sat on a chair in your bra and underwear. Music blasting, half naked, sitting in front of your boyfriends mirror applying makeup, you had no care in the world. You couldn’t hear the belligerent knocking on the door so they entered.
“CONNIE! GET THE FUCK OUT!” you squealed at the man who had just entered, instinctively throwing your arms over your chest, leaving your legs and panties exposed.
“MAYBE TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN AND I WOULDN’T HAVE BURSTED IN LIKE THIS” he yelled back at you, laughing at your flimsy attempt to cover yourself. You fumbled with the volume buttons on your phone before looking back at him.
“Can I help you?” you questioned, giving him the faintest tint of attitude.
“Nah, Jean asked me to grab some wire for the speakers, but I might stick around a little longer” he said with a sly smirk. Connie was never afraid to openly flirt with you, even in front of Jean, and it didn’t bother the two of you much, you knew it was all in good fun so sometimes you’d tease him back.
“Oh yeah?” you mused, removing your hands from your chest. “I dont think you’d last very long in here” His face turned bright red, as it always did when youd pretend to be interested in him. Before he could even answer Jean was barging into the room and instantly stood in between you two to cover your body from his friend.
“Find the wire?” Jean asked plainly. Connie nodded and swiftly made his way downstairs to finish setting up. Jean pressed a hand onto his door to close it before turning around to face you with a disapproving look.
“You know youre mine right? I dont need Connie doing something dumb later because you were teasing him” he growled at you. You looked up with innocent eyes and rutted your lower lip out. Your pouty face and adorable eyes made it hard for him to seriously be mad at you.
“Im sorry baby you know I was just messing around”
“Yeah yeah I know” he said, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “hurry up though okay? People are gonna be here soon and I dont need more people seeing you like this”. You gave him a confirming nod and proceeded to finish applying your makeup, this time with the music playing a bit lower than before.
“To senior year!” Eren chanted and everyone repeated back “to senior year!” before you all downed shots of various liquors in the crammed kitchen. Jeans hand rested on your hip in a show of dominance. You were earning looks from his friends as well as some other senior guys you didn’t know. A tiny black dress was fitted to your figure, leaving very little to the imagination with the way it accentuated your curves.
“Y/N! Come dance with MEE” Sasha called out to you. You looked up at your boyfriend who nodded with a smile. He removed his hands from your body and watched you skip away to follow your friend down into the basement. He watched as a few others proceeded to make their way downstairs as well, as if they were following you.
The temperature of the basement was at least 5x hotter than the rest of the house because of all the bodies crammed into it. You were pretty drunk already, which is why the heat didn’t bother you or anyone else that much. Sasha pulled you through a sea of people to the back wall of the basement. The led lights outlined the ceiling with a purple glow that made it hard to see. You leaned onto the concrete for support because your head was spinning a bit after being bumped and pushed around while music was blaring. Your eyes attempted to refocus as you looked around for your friend.
“Stay here!!!! I will be right BACK okay?” she slurred. You lazily nodded as you watched the girl who brought you to this cave of a basement leave you alone. You scanned the dimly lit room for someone you knew, stumbling through the hoard. Two hands snaked their way onto your hips without you even noticing until your ass was aggressively pulled up against someones crotch. They forcibly swayed your hips in line with their own to the rhythm of the music. Your body stopped resisting and started to move on its own, the strangers hands no longer guiding you but rather holding on for the ride.
“Your ass feels so fuckin nice y/n” a familiar voice gruffed in your ear. You recognized it as Eren; Your body halted for a moment as you thought of your boyfriend, but he wouldn’t be mad at you right? It was all harmless fun, he was the only one that got to really have you at the end of the day. The alcohol in your system drowned out those thoughts as you bent over and shook your ass against him, his hips rutting forward to feel every little movement you were making while his hands dug into you. You heard him whisper ‘fuck’ a few times when you would throw your ass back into his groin.
When you snapped back up you felt a new pair of hands on you. The man behind you now had more rhythm in his actions, grinding his hips against you to the beat of the pop song that you could barely hear anymore. You turned your head slightly to see Connie, his eyes fixated on your gyrating curves while the rest of the men were watching. You laughed internally, faintly recalling what happened between you two earlier.
“I was waiting for my turn sexy” he whispered in your ear, his hot drunk breath making your neck feel sticky. You wrapped your arm back and hooked it around his neck while slithering up and down his body. Your vision was blurry and your head was all over the place. You could feel his bulge growing with every twist and turn you made. His hands made their way up your sides to the front of your body and onto your breasts, squeezing entirely too hard. You pulled yourself off of him instantly upon feeling his intrusive hands on your chest, it was as if the feeling snapped you out of the drunken haze you were in. You turned around to scowl at him, backing up a foot or two before you bumped into someones chest. Connies eyes left yours and looked up to the person behind you with a shred of fear. Turning to look up, you found relief in knowing it was your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around Jean and pulled him in tightly. One hand of his rested on the top of your head but he never stopped looking at his group of friends.
“Had fun?” he growled at them. Eren walked away, annoyed that their fun was ruined. Connie hesitantly backed up before attempting to apologize over the noise. He left and made his way upstairs, fearing that if he stayed any longer Jean would really hurt him.
“What was that about?” he snapped at you. While he didn’t care if they tried to flirt with you, actually putting their hands on you was too far for him. You backed off of his chest before speaking.
“I didn’t think you’d be mad baby I’m sorryyyy, but don’t you wanna dance with mee?” you slurred. He didn’t have his usual soft expression this time and your adorable looks didn’t have any effect on him anymore.
“Not anymore, you’re coming with me” he demanded. His low tone made you weak, you knew what was coming next when he spoke to you like that. He latched onto your wrist and pulled you up the stairs, through the kitchen, pass Eren who gave you a wicked smile and wink, as if knowing exactly what was about to happen. You made your way up to his room, he scooped you up into his arms and threw you onto the bed and stood at the foot.
“I said I was sorry” you pleaded, desperation in your voice and eyes. He liked when you would beg for mercy like this, you wanted what was coming next but pretending like you didn’t was so much more fun.
“Oh I know baby, but sorry isn’t gonna cut it tonight” he hummed. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and began crawling on top of you like a lion about to devour its prey. You felt so small underneath him and his presence. You could feel the heat from his breath on your neck as he leaned closer, and he could feel the heat between your legs as you pushed your hips forward. You were waiting to feel his mouth on your neck but he pulled away and got up from the bed, your face was visibly upset.
“You know I like to make you feel good sweetheart, but I don’t think you deserve that tonight, not after what you’ve done” he said, unbuckling the belt encasing his hips. He slipped it off and let his pants fall to the floor and signaled with a finger for you to come closer. You crawled across the bed and tugged at his boxers he still had on. He lowered them a bit and allowed his long thick cock to spring out onto your lips.
You gathered saliva and spit onto him, massaging it around with your hands. You kissed the tip a few times, giving it sweet little licks before wrapping your lips around and taking him in, your behind in the air while you descended onto his cock. His hands massaged at your legs as your head bobbed in an attempt to please your man and receive his forgiveness. He pulled you off his cock by your hair and flipped you over so your back was against the bed and your head was hanging off the side. He bent down to your ear and spoke.
“I think I deserve to fuck this pretty mouth of yours, especially since you were being such a slut tonight” he whispered. You nodded, a mix of concern and kexcitement on your face; he NEVER called you names like that before, but something about it was making you feel hot; you didn’t want it to end. He stood back up, your mouth hanging open waiting for him to use. Slowly, he pushed himself in, watching you struggle and gag from the sheer depths he was reaching in that position. He wrapped two hands around your neck and began to thrust ferociously, causing several tears to fall down your cheeks. His cock was pounding into your throat that could barely accommodate.
“Your my fuckin slut, you got that?” he growled at you, his voice shaky. You tried to reply but only gurgles came out. You loved this new side of Jean you were seeing, and wondered what else you could do to get him to treat you like this again. He could feel himself in that little throat of yours against his hands, and with every thrust he could see the bulge he was creating and it drove him wild. A sweet mixture of your gagging and his mumbles and groans filled the small room. His resolve was gone as his cock began to twitch, spewing his warm white seed down your throat. He had never came in your mouth before so you were surprised when he did, you felt so full with his cock and stuffed down your throat. He dragged himself out, a string of your saliva and his seed connecting you two to eachother before snapping apart.
“Open up sweetheart, I wanna see it” he said, looking at you upside down. You opened and allowed your tongue to hang out, exposing all of the sticky white fluid coating your mouth. He admired it all for a minute before he teasingly squeezed your cheeks together and stood up.
“You can swallow now” You gulped it down and coughed a bit, your throat sore from the abuse it just endured. Jean walked over to the bathroom and filled a glass with water and grabbed you a t-shirt. He sat down on the bed beside you, you stripped yourself of the little black dress you had on and slipped into the t-shirt.
“C’mere” he pulled you by the waist into his lap, “you know I love you right? I’m sorry if I was too rough” You nodded no, and nuzzled your face into his chest, his fingers drawing little circles on your back.
“I love you too Jean” you cooed. He was always so forgiving with you, never staying mad for too long, never going too far.
“How about we make a little more noise hm? Let my boys know who you really belong to” he suggested, a primal look in his eyes. Your legs quivered at the thought of Jean making you scream, and all of his friends getting hard just listening.
“Do it, make me scream” you whispered. In one swift motion he flipped you over onto your back and grabbed your face by the jaw, towering over you again like his prey.
“Im gonna make you regret that”
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Steve Harrington sucks.
Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
A/N: Yay! My first request done!🎉✨ Please don’t hesitate to request anything, and I hope you enjoy. Sorry it tooks so long, I just started school.
Summary: (Y/n) Henderson has been through some shit in her 17 years. Her father leaving, an overprotective mother, bullies, interdimensional monsters, government conspiracies, etc. Needless to say her life was constantly changing.  There was one thing that will always remain the same though. And that was the hatred she has for the one and only Steve Harrington. 
Request from anon.
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 You and Steve have never seen eye to eye. You haven’t for a very long time. You two used to be best friends, but that was a long time ago. Before high school and cliques mattered, and before Steve was known as “King Steve.” But once you two entered freshman year, Steves popularity rose and you were left behind. 
Even though you and Steve no longer associated with each other, that didn’t stop you two from fighting any chance you got.
You two argued about everything. If you said the sky is blue, Steve would argue that its actually purple. No kidding, he actually made the argument that the sky was purple. Needless to say, you two hated each other.
“Steve, I swear if you don’t move your feet I’ll--”
“You’ll what Y/n, please tell me what you’ll do?
“ I’ll take your feet and shove it up you---”
“Can you guys not...”
It was always like this. Ever since Steve started dating Nancy it was like he was always there. And because Nancy was your best friend, you got reacquainted with the King of Hawkins High.
After everything Will with through with the Upside down and El, you were relieved that it was over. You could go back to your normal life of being a big sister and being top of the class. But then your brother started acting weird. 
It started on Halloween, he came home and was holding his ghost trap thing from Ghostbusters weirdly. You thought it was a rat or something at first but something seemed off.
Then Mews went missing. Mews was given to you on your thirteenth birthday, so loosing her was devastating to you. You still had faith that she just ran out and was lost somewhere in the woods. You spent hours looking for her but no dice so far. You were in your room when your mom called you from the kitchen.
“Yeah?!” you shouted, finishing up some missing flyers for Mews. 
“Can you go find Dusty for me? It’s getting dark outside.” After the incident with Will and Barb, the parents became a lot more wary when it came to being out after dark.
Rolling your eyes, you get up from your small desk and walk out to the kitchen where your mom is. As you get closer, you smell the weird concoction your mother is making on the stove. Your mom wasn’t the best cook.
“Did he mention where he was going?” you ask, scrunching up your face at the sight of the...stew??  
“He mentioned something about Lucas and a code red?? Whatever that means.”
“Code red?” you ask, you weren’t too nervous because code red could mean anything. and Dustin tends to be over dramatic. But still, a small voice in the back of your head is warning you. 
“I’m not too sure dear. Would you like to have a taste before you leave?” aaand that was your cue to leave. You start rushing to the door
“Sorry mom! I better go find Dustin before it gets to late.” 
You start to make your way down the road when a flash of red catches your eye, you walk towards it . You realize its just some pieces of meat. Then you see what looks like a trail. Leading from your basement to the woods. A bad feeling settles in your stomach, and before you go in the woods, you get a hockey stick that you wrapped with barb wire a few months ago just incase. 
Then you follow the trail of meat into the woods.
You follow the trail till it leads you to the junkyard. By the time you got there it was already dark and surprisingly foggy.
“Dustin?!!” You shout, seeing the pile of meat stopping. You step over it as you walk around shouting for your brother.
“Hello!!? Dustin this isn’t funny, moms worried about you.” 
And that's when you heard it. A low growling sound. Right behind you. 
You spin around to see what looked like a demogorgon, but on all fours like a dog. And it was slowly walking towards you. Growling as it stepped closer and closer. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you tighten your grip on the hockey stick. Adrenaline rushing through your body. Your senses heightened as you focused on the creature in front of you. You lowered your body into a crouch to prepare for an attack. You slowly backed away slowly as it stalked toward you. You heard what sounded like Lucas or Dustin tell you to run but you knew if you turned around, that thing would pounce on you and you’d be dead. And if you died, what would happen to your brother? To Lucas?  
Then the demodog lunged at you. The muscles in its leg tightened as it jumped toward you. You held your breath as you swung the stick with all your might, hitting the monster in mid air. It yelped as its body was flung sideways. It layed there for a moment them leaped up on all fours again, You backed away but never took your eyes off it. 
“Holy shit what is she doing” a girl?? 
You can see another figure moving in your peripheral vison. Another one. You position your body so your able to see both dogs at the same time, but then you hear chirping and growling from all ends. You were being surrounded. 
Then, Steve Harrington runs out of a broke down bus, bat in hand as he settles up behind you. 
“What the hell are you doing here Harrington?”
“Saving your ass Henderson, what does it look like?”
“I had this under control”
“Oh yeah, being surrounded definitely screams under control.” 
You aren’t given a chance to respond as another demodog leaps at you and Steve, forcing you to swing out and hit it again straight in the head. Another dog leaps at Steve, and he manages to hit it with the bat. 
“We’re going to die if we stay here” you say assessing the situation. 
“ No shit sherlock.” 
“Shut up and listen” You shout. “you run back to the bus. You need to protect the kids. I’m going to distract these fuckers. When I say the word, you open the bus door and let me in. These things hunt in packs, so they won’t chase both of us if I run first.”
“Henderson thats--” You don’t hear the rest as you dash from the spot. As predicted the dogs chase you and don’t pay no mind to Steve. You can see Steve reluctantly run back to the bus as you take a lap around the junkyard. You have to hit some more dogs but you manage to get back where you were. 
Then you were tackled. Dropping your stick you scream in pain as the demodog digs it claws in your shoulder. You struggled to get your stick as the other dogs get closer and the one on top of you is lowering its flower mouth to your throat. 
“Y/N” you hear your brother scream desperately. You find the strength to kick the dog off of you and launch yourself off the ground. You scoop up the hockey stick and swat the other dog that was in your way as you sprint towards the bus. 
“NOW STEVE LET ME IN” You screech as you near the bus. The doors slide open as hands wrap around your arms and pull you in. 
You lay there for a few seconds breathless. Muscles burning and ears ringing. You ignore the kids talking over each other and Dutsin fretting over you. You just breath, feeling a bit safer than you did outside. Then something rams into the side of the bus. The kids start screaming and Steve shouts something. You gather your strength once more and stand up, your body screaming at you. You see those demon dogs are trying to get in through the roof. You watch Steve start fighting them as you push the kids behind you. You step forward to help when suddenly they stop. Then they all run away and its quiet. After a few moments you feel weak and slump to the floor.
“Woah woah, Henderson” Steve surges forward and grabs you by the shoulders, you hiss in pain as he grabs the wound, “Shit, this is bad”
“Bad? What do you mean bad? How bad??” Dustin questions, his eyes watering at the thought of loosing his sister.
“I’m fine Dusty.” You say standing up. “ It probably just needs a cleaning and some stitches that all.” 
‘You look like you should be an extra in a WW2 documentary.” Steve deadpans. “You should go home.”
You roll your eyes “ Oh like YOU would know what that would look like, you don’t even show up to history class.” 
“ That's not the point Henderson, your arm is about to fall off.”
“I am not leaving these kids here defenseless.” you say crossing your arms, but wince as you do.
“First of all they have me, and second of all, you can’t even move your arm! You’d be in the way.” 
“ I’m sorry but who was the one that distracted those things? Who came up with that plan to get you back in the bus??” you say, annoyed at the accusation of being useless. 
“she has a point” muttered Lucas, earning him a smack in the arm by Max and a glare from Steve. 
“Listen Harrington” You say poking him in the chest. “ I’m fine, im not going anywhere, and I can kick your ass even with my arm fucked up. Now we’re going to get out of this FUCKING bus and figure out what the fuck is going on. AM I CLEAR?” 
A shocked silence settles in the bus. Lucas and Dustin chuckled and Max smirked in admiration. Steve glared at you, simply saying “Crystal” and turned around marching off the bus. You roll your eyes as Lucas and Max get off as well, leaving only you and your brother.
“That was really badass. The way you fought those demodogs back there.” Dustin said looking up at you. 
You smile and ruffle his hair. 
“ I wasn’t going to let them get my Dusty Bun” You say in a baby tone pulling him in for a hug. He groans at the name but hugs you back. 
“HENDERSONS MOVE YOUR ASSES” Steve shouts. You roll your eyes and nudge Dustin towards the door. 
“Come on, before King Steve blows a gasket” 
You find out that Dart killed Mews and are absolutely devastated. Dustin felt guilty as he was basically the reason why your beloved cat died. 
“It’s fine Dustin, now I have even more of a reason to kick their doggy ass.” 
You walk ahead of the group seething in anger and fear. Your arm was still sluggishly bleeding and throbbing in pain. 
“You really should do something about that shoulder�� Steve said as he walks up next to you. 
“Sure, let me just stop at the hospital while my brother and his friends chase flesh eating dogs from another dimension.” you reply in an sarcastic tone.
“I’m just trying to help.” Steve says in a soft tione
You roll your eyes and mutter a fine. You then rip a strip of fabric from the bottom of your shirt and wrap it around your shoulder. 
‘There are you happy now?”you ask
Steve is stunned, he never realized how...tough you are.In fact this whole experience has made him realize how smart and resilient you’ve become. Far different from the shy quiet girl you used to be when the two of you were friends. He never wanted to stop being your friend, in fact he even harbored a little crush on you but he just got caught up in the popularity and attention. Then he got with Nancy and started seeing you constantly again, only now you hated him. It hurt him in ways he didn’t understand. And while he’ll always love Nancy, he’s starting to realize that maybe he’s starting to fall in love with you too.
You look at him weird, as he just stared at you with this weird look on his face. You walked past him as the entrance to the lab becomes clear. 
“Hey guys” You shout. “We’re here.”
Then you hear it. Bone chilling roars fill the air. The lights are out inside the lab and you can hear the screams of the people inside. and then rustling comes from the woods. You push the kids behind you and Steve as you tighten the grip on your weapons. 
“Steve?” “Y/n?’
“Nancy?’” “Jonathan?”
After finding out El was actually alive and Will’s interrogation, you officially have seen it all. You, Steve, and the rest of the kids stayed in the Byers house while the “A team” went back to the lab. You finally were cleaning your shoulder when you heard the rumble of an engine. 
Great Billy Hargrove.
“It’s my brother! If he catches me here he’ll kill me” Max says, he tone laced in fear. You and Steve look at each other, and then Steve walks out to deal with Billy. 
“Quick hide and don’t let him see you” you say moving toward the door. You open it in time to see Billy knock Steve down and kick him. You flinch and are just glad that it wasn’t you. 
“Oh” Billy coos, “ Are you gonna let me in Princess or am I gonna have to move you?” 
“Moving me sounds fun, how about we try that” you flirt back, hey anything to get him to calm down. 
He chuckles. “Nice try toots but I got a bone to pick with my step sister.” And with that she shoves you out of the way. You realize that you can’t fight Billy off alone, so you run to help Steve. 
“Come on Harrington, up you go” You try and help him up. You hear the kids shouting and some stuff smashing. “Come on Steve, he’s on there with the kids.” You say urgently.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Steve says, finally getting up. You and Steve rush into the house to see Billy holding Lucas up against a shelf. Steve then rushes to the two, as you go to the kids making sure they’re behind you. 
“No, you are” and with that Steve punches Billy in the face. You pull Lucas away, checking him over to make sure he’s alright. The kids are cheering Steve on as he beats Billy. 
Then the tables turn. Billy smashes a plate over Steves head, knocking him down and punching him in the face. They get into the living room and Billy isn’t stopping. He’s punching Steve in the face continuously. 
“STOP YOU’RE GONNA KILL HIM” Dustin screams 
You rush forward and try to pull him off. “Billy thats enough, he’s already down!” he just pushes you to the ground and resumes his beating. You get up, desperate to help Steve. 
“Y/n!” You hear Max yell.  You look at her and she hands you something. 
Will’s morphine. 
Without a second thought you ripped the cap off the needle and injected the drug in Billy’s neck. He flinched and stood up, giving poor Steve a break from his brutal beating. 
“youbitchwhatdidyoudo” He slurred as he pulled the needle from his neck. He then fell on his back, half unconscious. Max, surprising you all, took Steves bat and yelled.
“From now on you leave me and my friends alone, you understand?!” 
“Screw you.”
She brought down the bat between his legs. Your eyes widened as she slammed the nail covered bat on the floor between them. 
“I understand” Billy finally whispered as the drugs took over. After watching that you ran over to Steve. You checked his pulse just to make sure he was alright.
“Alright Harrington, get up” You said. “Come on Steve.” 
“Y/n, we don’t have time.” Mike said. “We have to help El.” 
“How are you even going to the tunnels Mike? It’s too far to walk.” You say as you put Steve's head on your lap. 
Max then walks up to Billy and pulls his keys out of his jacket. “Y/n can drive us.” she says. Then the whole party laughs. “What? What's so funny?”
“Y/n can’t drive us” Dustin said laughing. You glare at him from your spot.
“Why not?” Max asks.
“Because” Mike replies, “ She failed like three of her drivings tests”
“Yeah, unless you want to hit every mail box on the way and get whiplash, y/n is out” Lucas chimed in. 
“Hey! I was not that bad” you yelled incredulously. “ Besides what would we do with Steve?” 
“Leave him here?” Mike said
“With Billy?” You asked
“Yeah we could just tie Billy up or something” 
“We are not leaving Steve” Dustin said. “He’ll be chill when he wakes up, I promise.” 
“We still can’t go” you say. The group groans
“Why not” Mike says
“Because, I can’t drive you.” You reply. Then Max ‘s face brightens 
“I can drive.” She says 
Suddenly, you’re in the backseat of Billy's stolen car, Steve sprawled across yours, Mikes, and Dustin's lap as Max drives erratically to the field. 
And then Steve wakes up. 
“y/n??” He mutters looking at Mike, Mike gives him the side eye as Dustin starts talking.
“Hey buddy” Dustin says “ He kicked your ass but you put up a good fight”
“Dustin!” you shout
‘Oh god” Steve says realizing what was happening “ Oh my god stop the car!!”
“Steve I promised them you’d be cool if we brought you” 
“oh god 
“Make a left here” “you’re okay” 
“Steve relax she’s driven before”
“yeah in a parking lot””That counts!”
“Stop yelling!”
“Stop the car, stop the car” Max takes a sharp turn 
“Steve calm down” “I told you we should have left him!’“
Max hits the breaks as she makes to to the field. You all stumble out of the car and head to the trunk, getting ready to head into the tunnels. As you’re putting on your mask and goggles Steve stumbles to the back of the car yelling, 
“HELLO! Do you guys hear me, we are not going down there!” 
“Y/n how could you let them talk you into his” “ARE YOU DEAF? HELLO?
“WE ARE NOT---” 
“STEVE!” Dustin shouted, “The fact of the matter is that a party member needs our assistance. We can’t just abandon her.” 
“...fine” Steve says, and he puts on the bandana and goggles. You walk up to him and hand him his bat. “ Wow Harrington, you’ve never looked better” 
“Ha ha, get in the hole” 
After struggling to get into the hole, you finally made it into the tunnels. It was dark and damp in there. Cold as you and the party walked further and further into what could be your doom. Specks of...something floated in the air and the walls were covered in what looked like vines. Steve was at the from of the line while you were at the end.Making sure both ends were covered and there wasn’t any chance at a sneak attack. 
You stood at the back with Dustin as he kneeled down to tie his shoe and then a flurry of that white shit sprayed in his face. He started freaking out immediatly, screming and spitting
Steve ran over to him and started asking whats wrong. Seeing Steve so worried about your brother warmed your heart, especially because it’s been so long that Dustin had a male figure who cared about him in his life. Now that you think about it, Steve has been really protective over Dustin these past few days, in fact he--
“Hey Y/n, are you okay” Steve says, interrupting your thought. 
You look at him and nod, “We should keep going”
He nods and take his place back in the front. The group only had to walk a few more steps till they reached the hub, 
“Let’s torch it” Steve said as he stepped forward. The kids spread out, pouring gasoline on every inch of the  cavern.  After you were done, Steve pulled out his lighter and flicked it on. 
“You ready?” He said. You all nodded and prepared to run for your life. Steve threw the lighter and the whole hub was lit. The everyone ran. Mike got caught as a vine wrapped around his leg. Steve struggled to it get off when you came around.
“Stand back!” you yelled and swung you hockey stick down on the vine a couple times. This cut it in half as you heard it..squeal?? You then helped Mike up and urged him to start running. You were almost back to the hole when you were stopped. 
A demodog stood in the way of your freedom. Hunched low and growling as it wait for you to make your move. Thats when Dustin spoke up.
“Dart” “Shh Dustin get behind me” You shushed him, trying to pull him away from the creature but with no luck. He slowly walked toward iy.
“Dustin what are you doing?””Get away from it” the rest of the group whispered as he pulled a candy bar from his pocket.
“yumm nougat” He said, breaking the candy bar into pieces and fed them to the demon dog. ‘There you go buddy, eat up” He then waved to you. 
“hurry up go” He said still crouched down. Carefully, each member of the party passed by. Creeping passed the demodog who paid no attention.
“Bye buddy” Dustin whispered as you and Steve pulled him away. 
You finally got to the hole. You and Steve helped each of the kids up the rope. Rushing as you heard the rest of the demodogs running to find you. You finally got Dustin up the rope when you saw them. The pack of demodogs running full speed toward you and Steve. There was no time for either of you to get up the rope. Steve pulled you into his chest as the pack drew nearer. You tensed up, waiting to get torn apart by these creatures.
“Y/N! STEVE” Dustin cried, being held back by Mike and Lucas. 
The closer they got the harder it was for you to breath. You closed your eyes and dug your face into Steves chest.
They ran past you. The demodogs run right passed you and Steve as if you weren’t there. You feel them run past your legs, bumping into you as they are called somewhere else. 
You sigh in relief . You look around the cavern, realizing you’re not dead. Steve laughs a breathless laugh as you smile, the threat of death gone. You realize that you’re still pressed up against him, and look up. Staring into the brown eyes of the one and only Steve Harrington. His goggles pulled up against his forehead and his bandana around his neck. 
You don’t know if the adrenaline or you not giving a fuck, but you fling off your safety glasses, pull down your bandana ans surge up.
Capturing Steve’s lips in a kiss.
He makes a little ‘oomph” sound in surprise as he realizes what's happening. But then he relaxes and kisses you back, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your hands go into his hair as you wrap your arms around his neck, prompting him to  lean closer. His tongue brushes against your bottom lip and you begin to let it in when--
“Ewww, come on do you really gotta do that here” Lucas complains.
“Yeah! we don’t wanna see that” Mike says, frowning in disgust. 
“Come on’ Max says, pulling Dustin and Lucas by the collar of their shirts. Mike following behind them.
You pull away from Steve, giggling as you see the awe struck face he's making. 
“Come on King Steve” You say, starting to crawl up the rope. “Before Max starts joy riding and leaves us here. He shakes his head as he watches you get to the top and starts climbing. 
“Hold your horses Henderson, I’m coming.”
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reds-burrow · 2 years
Good evening! I was hoping to hear your thoughts on something, if thats alright? I am working on figuring out my secondary at the moment and need a person to bounce off of. So... here goes. I invest in the people around me. But i am very aware that i am doing so. It is very consciously done. I understand the benefits that come with being a good, nice person and so i do it. I'll bring you food i make from scratch. I'll help you when you're in a tight spot. I'll be the shoulder you can cry on. I really do enjoy helping others but there is usually an underlying reason why i invest in those around me besides me simply being a nice person. Now, most all people like me. But the couple that don't, really REALLY don't. I always ask them why they don't out of sheer curiosity. I wonder what i did wrong. What could i possibly have done to make you disdain me? Each of them said to me basically, "I can see through you. I know who you really are." That scared the shit out of me. Instantly, my defenses went up. It was like i barricaded myself from them, even though i had no real reason to do so. I cut contact with them. Then, later on i start questioning myself and my actions. I get filled with self doubt. Am i the good person i thought i was? I brought my neighbors homemade cookies, but did i REALLY care about them at the time? I lend a helping hand whenever i can, but do these people actually mean anything to me? Or did i just do it because i am some sort of narcissistic psychopath? Am i only nice as a means to an end? I freak right out. I suddenly dont know who i am. I dont understand myself. It really screws with my brain because, you know, being a really nice psychopath seems a bit oxymoronic. Is this indicative of any specific secondary? Or am i just crazy? I dont know my primary either, btw. I think ive narrowed it down to bird or badger but im not sure yet. Thank you for your time!
Okay, first and foremost: you were doing good. And in my book, in this random stranger on the internet's book, consistently doing good is all that matters. I'm not as interested in what you think in your head as I am in your actions. If you bring me a cookie because you think it makes you look kind, I will happily take the cookie and think you're kind because that was a kind action. And maybe this is an overly simplistic, overly pragmatic point of view, but this world is way too complicated to judge people on anything but their consistent actions. Many people have "bad" thoughts; it's what we do and the words we choose to share that shape who we are out here in reality. In your personal, internal reality? Whether or not that internal you is good is up to you and you alone. But I believe that simply recognizing that doing good things affords you benefits (people may reciprocate, people give you positive attention, you feel the ease of a clear conscious, etc.) doesn't automatically invalidate your efforts or disqualify you as a good person. None of what you wrote sounds crazy. In fact, it sounds incredibly human. Evolution has wired us to be community-minded creatures, meaning we feel good when we help others. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it. And seeing you worry about being a good person tells me that you most likely are.
Okay, I better quit the philosophy talk while I'm still making a modicum of sense. Onto your sorting.
The entire question of whether you can be a good person because you are consciously choosing to act like one is dancing the line between being a Secondary or a Primary discussion. You said you might be a Bird Primary, and I'd definitely lean that way since you've heavily implied that you consciously choose what is "good" as well. But ultimately that was just the implication. I suggest you examine how you came to the conclusion that investing in people is "good" as a starting place for determining your Primary. If any part of it is a subconscious instinct to help people, I'd say there's a good chance you're a Badger instead.
As far as your Secondary, feeling like you have a part of yourself that you don't usually show others, this second motive idea, all sounds like a Bird or Snake. The way you describe barricading yourself from others when you were scared also sounds like the social armor Circumventing Secondaries use. And then you keep using the word "invest" which is one of those key Built Secondary words. I'm not about to suggest cooking from scratch is a Built Secondary hobby only (anyone can enjoy that), but it does sound like you're using food as one of the tools in your repertoire to put people at ease. So, I suspect you're a Bird Secondary. You don't give any information on how you solve problems with no social element, however, so I suggest also examining how you solve these Single-Player problems to confirm or refute my impression. For instance, you can look at how you cook, especially when tackling a new recipe. Or if you discover you are missing an ingredient while cooking, how do you handle it? Or can you not relate to that at all because you always keep your pantry full and prepared? While all you've given me here reads like a Bird, I still see a possibility of you being a Snake Secondary, so you should try to examine how often, if at all, you find yourself trusting and acting on your gut reaction alone. Snakes will be comfortable with this, but Birds won't be.
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