#addictions worker diploma
tafsircareercounselor · 3 months
Empowering Change: Community Service Diploma in Toronto Overview
Are you passionate about helping others and making a positive impact in your community? Do you have a strong desire to work in the field of community care and outreach? If so, then the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus may be the perfect fit for you.
In this article, we'll explore the benefits of studying for your diploma on-campus at ABM College's Toronto campus and how it can prepare you for a rewarding career in community service.
Why Choose an On-campus Program?
While online learning has become increasingly popular, there are still many benefits to studying on-campus. Here are a few reasons why you should consider an on-campus program for your Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma.
Hands-on Learning Experience
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by Glenn Carstens-Peters (https://unsplash.com/@glenncarstenspeters)
One of the main advantages of studying on-campus is the hands-on learning experience. In the field of community service, it's essential to have practical skills and experience to effectively support and assist individuals in need.
At ABM College's Toronto campus, you'll have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, allowing you to gain hands-on experience in a simulated work environment. This hands-on learning experience will prepare you for the real-world challenges you may face in your future career.
Face-to-face Interaction with Instructors
Studying on-campus also allows for face-to-face interaction with your instructors. This means you can ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and engage in discussions with your peers and instructors.
In the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program, you'll have the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who have worked in the field and can provide valuable insights and guidance.
Networking Opportunities
Studying on-campus also provides networking opportunities with your classmates and instructors. These connections can be beneficial in your future career, as you may be able to collaborate on projects, share job opportunities, and receive recommendations.
What Will You Learn in the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma Program?
The Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the field of community care and outreach.
Here are some of the key topics covered in the program:
Addictions and Mental Health
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by Dan Meyers (https://unsplash.com/@dmey503)
The program covers the fundamentals of addictions and mental health, including the different types of addictions, their causes, and the impact they have on individuals and communities. You'll also learn about mental health disorders, their symptoms, and how to support individuals with mental health challenges.
Community Outreach and Support
The program also focuses on community outreach and support, teaching students how to effectively engage with individuals and communities in need. You'll learn about community resources, how to develop and implement outreach programs, and how to provide support to individuals in crisis.
Counselling Techniques
Counselling is a crucial aspect of community service work, and the program covers various counselling techniques and strategies. You'll learn how to conduct assessments, develop treatment plans, and provide counselling to individuals and groups.
Professional Development
In addition to the technical skills, the program also focuses on professional development. You'll learn about ethical and legal considerations in the field, how to maintain professional boundaries, and how to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues.
What Career Opportunities Are Available?
Upon completion of the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program, you'll be prepared for a variety of career opportunities in the field of community service. Here are some of the roles you may pursue:
Community Service Worker
As a community service worker, you'll work directly with individuals and communities in need, providing support, resources, and assistance. You may work in a variety of settings, such as community centers, shelters, or outreach programs.
Addictions Counsellor
As an addictions counsellor, you'll work with individuals struggling with addiction, providing counselling, support, and resources to help them overcome their challenges. You may work in a variety of settings, such as rehabilitation centers, hospitals, or community organizations.
Mental Health Support Worker
As a mental health support worker, you'll work with individuals who have mental health challenges, providing support, resources, and assistance to help them manage their conditions. You may work in a variety of settings, such as mental health clinics, hospitals, or community organizations.
Why Choose ABM College's Toronto Campus?
ABM College's Toronto campus offers a supportive and inclusive learning environment, with experienced instructors and state-of-the-art facilities. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose ABM College for your Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma.
Experienced Instructors
At ABM College, you'll learn from experienced professionals who have worked in the field of community service and have a wealth of knowledge to share. They'll provide you with practical insights and guidance to help you succeed in your future career.
Hands-on Learning Experience
As mentioned earlier, ABM College's Toronto campus offers a hands-on learning experience, allowing you to gain practical skills and experience in a simulated work environment. This experience will prepare you for the challenges you may face in your future career.
Career Services
ABM College offers career services to help students prepare for their future careers. This includes resume and cover letter writing, job search assistance, and interview preparation. The college also has partnerships with various organizations, providing students with job placement opportunities.
If you're passionate about making a positive impact in your community and want to pursue a career in community service, then the Addictions and Community Service Worker Diploma program at ABM College's Toronto campus is the perfect choice for you. With experienced instructors, hands-on learning, and a supportive learning environment, you'll be well-prepared for a rewarding career in community care and outreach.
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anoonimthepoorchad · 7 months
So the good Saint Mykolai Day news are that the infamous politician Illya Kyva is dead. And for those who don't know Ukrainian politics, he was a con-artist, a massive traitor, a right-wing politican for a little bit and lately he ran away to russia and said that all Ukrainians deserve to die, encouraged putin to use nuclear weapons in his social media. But back here in Ukraine he was a local meme mostly, as he wore his gun in the back of his underwear in public, lied about getting his diploma to the point there was a huge scandal about it, chatted with models in parliament and rubbed his pants there and got caught on camera, and was generally a giant Ukrainophobe and a bigot to the point it was ridiculous.
My mom got unfortunate enough to have him work in her department a long time ago, and she remembers how he didn't know a single thing about his job, walked everywhere with his bodyguards and used swear words as his first language. He also tried to get the complete list of all substance addicted people of Ukraine, along with their names, addresses and all of the illegal information he had no right to get. Of course he failed. Hated substance addicted people and constantly used stereotypes about the romani people.
And, my favorite event, he tried to film a local plug making drugs and show it on television, as a "preventive measure", but the footage was confiscated before it could be published. So Ukrainians sadly didn't get a drug Master Chef on national television. He argued with people on the official department social media with swear words and blocked them when he didn't like them, which is unacceptable for a public face on a public social media page.
And he also constantly encouraged the workers to lie about the information, trying to multiply numbers of confiscated substances by tens and making up fanstastic stories about the arrests. Thankfully, the workers were smart enough not to write that and just hoped he would go away soon, what he did eventually, moving up to a position of a politician in the parliament.
I'm sure I missed like a ton of things he did, so if anyone wants to add, feel free to do so. I'm glad he's dead, it's like a holiday present you didn't hope for. Happy Saint Mykolai Day!
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compressednerve · 9 months
Exploring Zachariah Trench's Office with @parasitefun
So many crazy white boy moments in his office so here's rambling about observations we made together. BTW we haven't finished the game yet (we're at The Prime Candidate Program and just found out who P7 is) so PLEASE DON'T TELL ME IF THESE ARE CORRECT OR IF I THEORIZE THE WRONG THING. I don't wanna be spoiled on anything >:O thank you.
Analysis, headcanons, and observations below!
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What does his diploma say? Lets zoom in
Zachariah Trench
One morning, when Zachariah Trench woke from troubling dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.
..........oh!! oh ok, the Kafka quote about becoming so disabled you can no longer work? And you see yourself as A HORRIBLE VERMIN because you're disabled? And they put that on a diploma and proudly gave it to Trench! Jesus Christ!!! Go listen to some of The Downward Spiral, Zachariah!!! My god I'm so fucking heartbroken over how Zachariah talks about being old and frail and weak and BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!! and useless and-I could go on. I'm a mostly bedridden disabled person myself and I usually find myself relating the most to the older characters in casts of media because they're usually the ones portrayed with the same issues I have as a younghead (arthritis, brain damage/brain fog/amnesia, fatigue and exhaustion, difficulty moving and speaking, just.. yum). And being bedbound myself is something that I feel really deeply in Kafka's work. To realize Trench relates so deeply to Gregor Samsa as well is just such a juicy delicious detail for him. And it's a diploma? My head is spinning! His self-hatred is infinite...
I love that the diploma is tucked away behind the slide projector as well. I'm not sure if this is The Slide Projector that's been hinted at but it'd be neat if it was!
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NOBLE SHERIFF: "There can only be one Sheriff in town" ... :rolling_eyes: ok Mr. The Only Person You Should Fail Is Yourself ok Mr. She Knows I Don't Like Relying On Other People ok Mr. I Need A Team To Clean Up My Horrible Mistakes (k!lls self to avoid taking accountability for his actions and dumps it all in Jesse's lap). He was just drinking straight from the fucking bottle at his desk!! That's so disgusting I love it, no chaser or anything. I love the tasteful rolodex, the smooth marble pen holder (with silver in the black, but, kind of evocative of The Astral Plane hmm?), his stapler, his disgusting jug of booze, and the FRESH PACK OF CIGGIES!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! God, Trench's addictions and compulsions being literally on his desk, the most intimate and well-frequented area of his general daily life, is just so fun! Remedy does so good with environmental storytelling.
I love how even the brands he uses are manifestations of his inner thoughts. The booze label, the tool that relaxes him and dampens his inhibitions, is of course praising him. The Lone Sheriff. The Director. The Last Line Of Defense. Zachariah Trench sees himself as the sole protector, and The Oldest House his town, his community, his ward. The most likely intentional framing of the documents he was signing being splattered with blood, acting like a barrier of his Work vs his Needs (need to relax, need for a painkiller cuz booze is a great painkiller)
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I got to his documents piles and literally shouted, "HE HAS SO MUCH MORE WORK TO DO!!!!". I love that the OUT pile is more full than the IN pile, Trench is so judicious with his correspondence :pleading_face: he's so tired. I bet he wishes he was still a Field Agent a lot of the time :sobbing: Looking at all the stuff on his desk like the sheer amount of documents and phone calls and other shit he has to do in a day to day as The Director must be sooo overwhelming...
It was during this moment that Paras and I realized that the greater joke of Control is about older people who stay in their jobs and refuse to make room for other workers, and they get Promoted To Incompetence! lmfao because like, Zachariah was so focused on Field Agent Stuff (in one of his Hotline calls he says, "I kept my head down. I worked my ass off." in a classic blue collar way) and being all tragic and putting his life on the line for his squad, then suddenly and forcefully being promoted to The Boss Of Everything. No wonder he has such a complex about Failing The Bureau :O
the same applies to Dr. Darling--! He's been in The Bureau for a 24 years!! He has 22 labs spread across the ever-shifting expanse of The Oldest House. He, mainly, wants to Do Research and Write Essays and all sorts of other shit that mainly revolves around being an isolated scientist with a modest team. And instead he has to make presentations for the laymen of The Bureau and he has to manage all THE ENTIRE RESEARCH SECTOR, who sends him catty memos about how their department deserves more funding (parakineseology department bribing him with his favorite booze???), and interns and junior scientists who don't know the first thing about The Astral Plane, and as Dr. Underhill complained about- The Bureau's ultimate goal is to exploit what they find, rather than actually comprehend what it is they're dealing with. Most Rangers retire due to cognitive collapse because The Bureau just shoves them in the meat grinder of trying to contain/control Everything. Ugh!
So anyways Zachariah Trench isn't a bad Director but then he's literally such a bad Director, the Worst Director Ever at the same time because it just wasn't his archetype. He took it way too seriously with a hammer in hand, seeing every problem as a nail. Dr. Darling fits the opposite of this niche as well in his own archetypical way- going from goofy underling to The Guy In Charge Of Everyone. They're both socially awkward, domineering, prone to pettiness/hostility, and under so so so much pressure for roles they were universally understood to not be able to fulfill.
All of the people we see in Control that are actually useful and agreeable with Jesse (who has been a dropout who mainly ever worked manual labor jobs up to and including janitor) so far are like, Ahti the mid-60yr old janitor who also just so happens to be the first friendly face you see when you enter the FBC and like, Simon? And fucking Langston (who is so hot I gotta write some Jesse/Frederick later)!
Langston, who is what I imagine is a direct parallel in a positive light compared to Dr. Darling and Director Trench, as in, how he entered The Bureau (he worked in the Postal Service of all places and an uncle at The FBC got him a job there), and Langston, like Trench, worked his ass off, kept his head down, but schmoozed enough to get a nice promotion, and then continued to work at a slow, steady incline for 15 years until he became Panopticon supervisor. He's like one of the only dudes in a high ranking spot who actually respects his position.
And of course who could forget dear Emily Pope :pleading_face: she's been Dr. Darling's underling for idk how long but clearly a while and she's so so ambitious like Darling is ambitious but she's so so so inhibited and held back by Darling's misogyny and higher ranking and having to be ordered to research shit but not actually be able to ask the real questions. You can really get a feel for how passionate Emily is in her work by like, not just how she talks to Jesse but in her correspondence and especially her research papers. The way she words documents ordered by Dr. Darling vs how she words documents ordered by Director Jesse Faden is literally night and day, but not for lack of enthusiasm. You can tell under Darling's mentorship she's soooo stifled, and with Jesse's lax permission "please just do whatever you want so long as it advances my (and The Bureau's) understanding of things". Emily's like a kid in a candy store and it's exactly what she needs to flourish.... Oh to bask in the light of a manual laborer :heart_eyes:
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Another angle of his documents which I find titillating. The majority of his blood splatter landing on the IN pile... efflorescent....
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THE FUCKING. BLACK ROCK PRISM ON HIS DESK. Paras has something to say about that later in a fic or some art. The other pack of ciggies that he was in the process of smoking (I counted the cigarettes. He has 8 ciggies left which means he's smoked 12 already. There are 4 in the ashtray which means at some point after opening the pack, he smoked 8 and then dumped the ashtray. This shows he keeps his ashtray relatively clean, which is a specific kind of character quirk about Tidiness and Cleanliness for Trench because chainsmokers like me and Paras are disgusting and our ashtray is overflowing by like, three packs and it smells horrible). The way it sits atop all his other shit he needs to sign, he's just drowning in documents (sort of like how I imagine Alan is drowning in manuscripts? WHO SAID THAT?)
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*looks over Jesse's shoulder and realizes Trench's body is gone* *nearly shouting to Paras, who is sitting right next to me* WHERE IS TRENCH'S BODY? WHERE DID HIS BODY GO? WHY IS HIS BLOOD ON THE FLOOR BUT NOT HIS BODY? DID THE FUCKING BOARD TAKE HIM? DID THEY EAT HIM? WHO ATE TRENCH?
I've been likening Zachariah Trench a lot to Rorschach in his perpetual death-wish (he wants to die so bad but he'll fight everything that tries to kill him to the bloody end because he feels he can only die when he's ready to die ugh yum). The empty blood splatter after you come back from The Hotline Chamber for the first time (and realizing that The Hotline Chamber is DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO TRENCH'S OFFICE? HELLO?) is soooo fucking reminiscent of Rorschach's final death scene, where the blood splatter is the shape of his mask :hand_over_mouth: soooo symbolic sooo iconic. Note to self: Paras and I need to write/draw something about different people devouring Trench's corpse (yum).
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I wanna lick the blood off his desk and phone. Oohhhhhhn n the way it drips down the edge of the desk. I want to give him so many head wounds here. He spilled his final blood all over his classified documents and telephone and finished work and desk that he sat at a lot :pleading_face: and he was only 64 years old wah. He was so tragic and so sad and what if there was a dude who was so sad he DIED because his boss was like "put the gun to your head and see if we still like you" and Trench was like "oh good, finally, an opportunity to see if I'm still worthy" AND HE FUCKIN. WAS PROVED. UNWORTHY? OUCH, DUDE!!! HARSH!!!
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Zachariah's Personal Signature Rubber Stamp (CUMS UNCONTROLLABLY)
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Dude I had no fucking clue he had a picture of himself when he was younger (and healthier, and happier, and) with his kid that he accidentally killed. Like what??? He's so miserable and he sits at his desk with TWO packs of cigarettes and a giant bottle of like i'm guessing whiskey or scotch, and he just sits there and gets nosebleeds from using The Hotline and chainsmokes and stares at his Former Glory. MY GOD!
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...............pistachios :pleading_face: he eats pistachios. he has pistachio snack. he enjoys pistachios. there is a bag of pistachios at his desk. he had to have gotten that at a vending machine. zachariah trench had to either ask someone to get him some pistachios (vulnerable) or he had to get up and go to a vending machine and put his money into the vending machine because he wanted a snack and he chose to get pistachios and he had to bend over and get the pistachios out of the bottom of the vending machine. zachariah trench eating pistachios. he has to crack the shells open and dispose of them somehow. pistachios are green. he eats pistachios. he wants a snack. i am literally a shell of a human being.
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Imagine the smell of his nice leather briefcase. The weight of it in your hand. The privilege to watch Trench open it up and rifle through the papers, or *gets lightheaded* being able to hand him a document that he then has to place in his briefcase. I can't breathe. I like the pneumos in the background too. He has a very natural gentle clutter to his desk, like I imagine how he perceives the clutter of his mind. There's so many things to keep track of, and he's so tired... :weeping:
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I'm so utterly enraged that he didn't finish two of his cigarettes. He didn't even finish his ciggie before he died!! are you fucking kidding me?! I was somewhat bewildered because the texture of the inside of the ashtray (the ashtray) looks... wet? and the two finished cigarette butts are visibly wet (distorted color, swollen cotton) and Paras said that the ashtray probably has a sort of perpetually wet sand inside it. Works for me!
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Did you know if you shoot the Prism, it's breakable? I didn't know that. Makes the screenie a bit goofy but I don't care. Look at his over half-finished pack of ciggies. I would pay. kind of a lot of money. for like a collectors edition of real Black Pyramid Cigarettes are you kidding me? What kind of nightmare dimension tobacco do they put in those things?
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He looks so moe here receiving his gay little medals or whatever's happening (idk if this has story relevance and gets revealed later or not). His hairdo is so cute??? Did he... did he bleach his hair? It looks like his roots are showing thru old bleach... is... Yung Trench a bleached hair baddie? I'm gonna pass out.
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Me: look at that! Trench is watching the presentation! Paras: LOOK AT HOW SMOKY THE ROOM IS! HE'S HOTBOXING HIS OFFICE WITH NICOTINE! Both of us: *gagging*
So first of all this is such a big moment in terms of setting up Zachariah and Casper's relationship to each other, and how they interact with each other. Jesse uses The Hotline, and then we're treated to an interdimensional 3D Memory Flashback of observing Trench. He's sitting in his office, which is dimmed so the projector can play. He's chainsmoking so much that the ENTIRE VOLUME of his MODESTLY LARGE OFFICE is FILLED with CIGARETTE SMOKE. I genuinely am so disgusted and enamored by Trench's hardcore nicotine addiction, his.... dedication to the Ritual of Smoking. So anyways, engaging in his comfort ritual of Smoking, sitting in his nice chair and watching Darling's presentation. Imagine him ordering Darling to put together research on The Hotline immediately after his first call with The Board... and he's the only one who can communicate about what the experience is like... and then when Dr. Darling is done he delivers the video to Trench and then Trench sets aside specific dark-room-and-smoking time JUST to watch The Presentation? CAN IT GET ANY MORE HOMOSEXUAL THAN THIS? I *will* be writing about this later.
Sidenote the perspective of viewing behind his head like this is so intimate. I feel so voyeuristic, I want to hover closer to the back of Trench's neck and feel/see the hairs rise up in extrasensory response to my presence. I want to nibble on his ear.
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I need him. to blow smoke in my face.
Well that's all the screenshots I have at the moment! Thank you for reading my post and please feel free to contribute your own ideas and observations to this because I LOVE META!! And I love hearing other people discuss it too >:3
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Favourite Stucky Fics of 2022
This feels a little bit like a farewell, but don’t worry... I’m never too far away! Here’s my favourite Stucky fics of 2022 :) 
💙 FUBAR by Ginny_Potter/ @hipsterdiva​ (Post-Endgame Fix-It | 64K | Explicit): Steve jumps in the past to return the Infinity Stones and doesn’t come back. When Bucky travels to 2012 to look for him, the Ancient One tells him just one thing: “Captain Rogers decided to move on”. Back in the present, Sam Wilson is more driven than ever to find his friend, believing him to be lost in the Quantum Realm but Bucky knows, just knows, that Steve made a choice and the choice was to stay in the past. Struggling to cope with a world he doesn’t recognise, Bucky falls in an addictive spiral of jumping up and down the timeline under the vigilant eye of the Ancient One, just to see Steve one more time, just to get his next fix. And in doing so, without even realising it, he heals and in the end finds out if he was right. Or, Time Travel is addictive, Steve is lost, and Bucky slowly realises that healing together is better than healing alone.
💙 he said, there’s a paradise beneath me (she said, am I supposed to bleed) by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (Hunkyclunks aka Winter Soldier Bucky/Modern Beefy Steve, BDSM | 23K | Explicit): “If you kiss me like that, Rogers, you’re gonna have a hard time convincing me you want to fuck me.” “Can’t have that,” Steve says and— And the fucker bends Bucky back like this is a goddamn romcom and kisses the everloving shit out of him. (Part 1 of some sweet violent urge)
💙 The Devil and Captain Rogers by kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria, zilia/ @ms-zilia​ (Post-Avengers, Canon Divergent | 55K | Mature): Steve Rogers woke up in the twenty-first century and joined the Avengers to defeat Loki and save New York. But afterwards, he finds himself struggling to adjust to his new circumstances, desperately lonely and missing Bucky more than ever. So when the Guardian of the Soulworld visits him and offers to give him one person back from the dead, he jumps at the chance to get Bucky back. The only problem is, when he arrives in the Soulworld, Bucky doesn’t seem to be there.
💙 Maybe we’ll get it all (If we choose one night) by sourwolphs/ @sourwolphs (A/B/O AU, Sex Worker Bucky | 69K | Explicit): As it turns out, it’s pretty hard to find a job as an ex-firefighter omega with PTSD, no left arm, and no high school diploma. After the accident forced Bucky to leave his job at the fire department, he stumbles upon ComfortCycle— a service that helps alphas and omegas get through their heat and rut cycles— and becomes a trained Cycle Partner. And for the first time in his 34 years of life, lonely, rich alpha Steve Rogers is considering paying for sex.
💙 Blooming Under the Dappled Light by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Historical AU, Secret Identity | 52K | Explicit): Despite being the son of a gentleman, James “Bucky” Barnes could scarcely allow himself the hope of one day being tied to another in happy matrimony. In a society where the first-born children are revered and inherit all of a family’s wealth, last-born Bucky feels trapped in a life he did not ask for. When he makes the drastic decision to run away and become a tutor for a wealthy family, he is hoping to save enough pennies to someday have a dowry and be worthy for marriage despite his deposition. What he is not anticipating, however, is falling into the rough and skilled hands of his employer, the rakish widow Lord Steven Rogers.
💙 Okay, so he can play… (pretty’s got nothing to do with it) by darter_blue/ @darter-blue (University Hockey AU | 50K | Explicit): This is supposed to be Steve’s year. He’s meant to be taking his team to finals. He’s meant to be the number one draft pick. He’s meant to have it all. Until in walks the new kid, with his beautiful face and his tiny shoulders and his long hair and his graceful skating. Who doesn’t look anything like a proper hockey player. Who’s going to ruin everything. Bucky Barnes is about to bring Steve Roger’s world crashing down. And Steve is about to realise that’s a good thing.Maybe the best thing that ever happened to him.
💙 Rhapsody on a Theme by Astaraiche, Bittersweet_in_Boston (Orchestra AU | 41K | Explicit): in which Steve Rogers, principal cellist at the Boston Symphony Orchestra, meets Bucky Barnes, piano soloist and BSO artist in residence, and the inevitable occurs. 
💙  Read, White & Blue by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Shrunkyclunks, Librarian Bucky | 99K | Teen): If Steve was certain one thing would have stayed the same during his sixty-something years in the ice, it was that libraries were still the place to go if you needed information. And Steve needed information. Lots and lots of it. aka Librarian Bucky helps freshly desfrosted Steve learn how to use computers and catch up on everything he missed whilst he was in the ice.
💙 hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) by buckyismybicycle/ @buckyismybicycle (NHL Hockey AU | 18/? | 55K | Explicit): Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong.
💙 Love isn’t always a ‘coup de foudre’ by Becassine/ @becassine, kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria (Bridgerton AU, A/B/O | 6/13 | 26K | Explicit): When Steve Rogers is presented at Court as a desirable Male Omega to the world, he has no idea what to expect. But after meeting the sought-after Duke of Buchanan through a chance encounter, his life is forever turned upside down.
💙 A Story We Must Tell by AHM1121/ @love-ha-fge​, MissyRivers (Modern AU, Fisherman Steve, Writer Bucky | 8/15 | 61K | Explicit): Or, the story of how ex-military turned Author - James Barnes collides with ex- Army Commander turned Lumberjack/Fisherman Steve Rogers and all the ensuing fluff, drama, romance that comes their way.
💙 This is (not) a Ghost Story [COMIC] by PottersPink/ @potterspink​ (Post-WS | 10/31 | General): Steve moves into a haunted house. Well — everyone else is convinced it’s haunted, anyways.
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native123-world · 2 years
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Open for Enrollment - Mental Health & Addictions Worker - Online with the Native Ed & Training College https://nativetc.com/website/education/diploma-programs/mental-health-addictions-worker/
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roadhomewebsite · 17 days
- #GLOBAL - GLOBAL CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.  The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding certificate and diploma programs for Healthcare Assistants and Mental Health & Addiction Counsellors.This cohort of 50 graduates joins a prestigious alumni network of over 1000 healthcare professionals who have graduated from the institution since its inception in 2020. Notably, the college, a member of the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), has achieved an impressive track record of its graduates working in various healthcare organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada, Dubai, etc.L-R: RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College; Joy Emoredo, Best Graduating Student, Health Care Assistant, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024In her welcome address, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College, acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director and Board Member, MTN Foundation, delivering the keynote speech, highlighted the crucial role of the private sector, encompassing not only corporations but also individuals and institutions, in bridging the skills gap within the Nigerian healthcare industry.“The private sector isn’t just about companies and tuition fees. It’s about organisations, institutions, and everyone coming together to make a difference in their communities,” she added.Sanya also emphasised the importance of a strong healthcare system for a thriving economy. “When people are well, they can thrive.  A healthy workforce is essential for any economy. When there are issues with healthcare access, it erodes the talent pipeline, hindering economic growth.”Her keynote address resonated with the graduating class, underlining the importance of collective action in building a stronger healthcare system for Nigeria.L-R: Tolu Omolaja, Head of Admin, CLI College; RN. Unwana Etebong, Facilitator, CLI College; Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director & Board Member, MTN Foundation; Christian Nwoke, Host; RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024.The ceremony’s highlight was the conferral of certificates and diplomas by Chizea, where she praised the graduates for their unwavering commitment and hard work, extending her heartfelt congratulations on their achievements.The institution also announced the launch of new health care programs including Health Office Administration, Developmental Support Worker and Pharmacy Assistant programs to further enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills.CLI College’s graduation ceremony exemplifies its dedication to equipping Nigerians with the skills and knowledge needed to address the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals. Their programs empower graduates to enter rewarding careers and contribute significantly to the national healthcare workforce.About CLI CollegeCLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative. Their focus on
practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.“designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative The post CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus appeared first on SocietyNow…”Source Link: https://societynow.ng/cli-college-unveils-new-programmes-as-over-50-graduate-in-lagos-campus/ CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus GLOBAL - BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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staruniversalnews · 17 days
- BLOGGER - GLOBAL CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.  The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding certificate and diploma programs for Healthcare Assistants and Mental Health & Addiction Counsellors.This cohort of 50 graduates joins a prestigious alumni network of over 1000 healthcare professionals who have graduated from the institution since its inception in 2020. Notably, the college, a member of the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), has achieved an impressive track record of its graduates working in various healthcare organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada, Dubai, etc.L-R: RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College; Joy Emoredo, Best Graduating Student, Health Care Assistant, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024In her welcome address, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College, acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director and Board Member, MTN Foundation, delivering the keynote speech, highlighted the crucial role of the private sector, encompassing not only corporations but also individuals and institutions, in bridging the skills gap within the Nigerian healthcare industry.“The private sector isn’t just about companies and tuition fees. It’s about organisations, institutions, and everyone coming together to make a difference in their communities,” she added.Sanya also emphasised the importance of a strong healthcare system for a thriving economy. “When people are well, they can thrive.  A healthy workforce is essential for any economy. When there are issues with healthcare access, it erodes the talent pipeline, hindering economic growth.”Her keynote address resonated with the graduating class, underlining the importance of collective action in building a stronger healthcare system for Nigeria.L-R: Tolu Omolaja, Head of Admin, CLI College; RN. Unwana Etebong, Facilitator, CLI College; Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director & Board Member, MTN Foundation; Christian Nwoke, Host; RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024.The ceremony’s highlight was the conferral of certificates and diplomas by Chizea, where she praised the graduates for their unwavering commitment and hard work, extending her heartfelt congratulations on their achievements.The institution also announced the launch of new health care programs including Health Office Administration, Developmental Support Worker and Pharmacy Assistant programs to further enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills.CLI College’s graduation ceremony exemplifies its dedication to equipping Nigerians with the skills and knowledge needed to address the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals. Their programs empower graduates to enter rewarding careers and contribute significantly to the national healthcare workforce.About CLI CollegeCLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative. Their focus on
practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.“designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative The post CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus appeared first on SocietyNow…”Source Link: https://societynow.ng/cli-college-unveils-new-programmes-as-over-50-graduate-in-lagos-campus/ CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.   The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding … Read More
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tafsircareercounselor · 5 months
Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online in Manitoba & New Brunswick
Are you looking to develop your skills and make a positive impact in your community? Look no further than ABM College's Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program, now available at our Calgary campus for students from Manitoba and New Brunswick. This program offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable skills in the field of addiction and community service, while also providing the convenience of online learning. Keep reading to learn more about this exciting program and how it can benefit you.
Skill Development
The Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the field of addiction and community service. Through a combination of theoretical and practical courses, students will learn about addiction and its impact on individuals and communities, as well as how to provide support and assistance to those struggling with addiction. This program also includes courses on communication, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention, all of which are essential skills for working in this field.
Volunteerism is a key component of the Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College. Students will have the opportunity to participate in volunteer work within their local community, gaining hands-on experience and making a positive impact. This not only allows students to apply their skills in a real-world setting, but also helps to build connections and networks within the community. Volunteerism is also a valuable addition to a resume, showing potential employers a commitment to community service and a desire to make a difference.
Community Service Diploma Online
The online aspect of this program allows students from Manitoba and New Brunswick to access the same high-quality education as those attending the Calgary campus. This means that students can complete the program from the comfort of their own homes, without having to relocate or commute. The online format also offers flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and balance their studies with other commitments. This makes the program accessible to a wider range of students, including those who may not have been able to attend in-person classes.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program at ABM College will be well-equipped to pursue a variety of career opportunities. These may include roles in addiction treatment centers, community outreach programs, and social service agencies. With the growing demand for professionals in this field, graduates can expect to find meaningful and rewarding work in their communities. Additionally, the skills and knowledge gained from this program can also be applied to other fields, such as social work and counseling.
Enroll Today
Ready to take the first step toward a fulfilling career in addiction and community service? Enroll in ABM College's Addictions and Community Service Diploma Online program today. With the convenience of online learning and the opportunity to make a positive impact in your community, this program is the perfect choice for students from Manitoba and New Brunswick. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity – apply now and start your journey towards a brighter future.
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- GLOBAL - CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.  The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding certificate and diploma programs for Healthcare Assistants and Mental Health & Addiction Counsellors.This cohort of 50 graduates joins a prestigious alumni network of over 1000 healthcare professionals who have graduated from the institution since its inception in 2020. Notably, the college, a member of the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), has achieved an impressive track record of its graduates working in various healthcare organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada, Dubai, etc.L-R: RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College; Joy Emoredo, Best Graduating Student, Health Care Assistant, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024In her welcome address, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College, acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director and Board Member, MTN Foundation, delivering the keynote speech, highlighted the crucial role of the private sector, encompassing not only corporations but also individuals and institutions, in bridging the skills gap within the Nigerian healthcare industry.“The private sector isn’t just about companies and tuition fees. It’s about organisations, institutions, and everyone coming together to make a difference in their communities,” she added.Sanya also emphasised the importance of a strong healthcare system for a thriving economy. “When people are well, they can thrive.  A healthy workforce is essential for any economy. When there are issues with healthcare access, it erodes the talent pipeline, hindering economic growth.”Her keynote address resonated with the graduating class, underlining the importance of collective action in building a stronger healthcare system for Nigeria.L-R: Tolu Omolaja, Head of Admin, CLI College; RN. Unwana Etebong, Facilitator, CLI College; Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director & Board Member, MTN Foundation; Christian Nwoke, Host; RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024.The ceremony’s highlight was the conferral of certificates and diplomas by Chizea, where she praised the graduates for their unwavering commitment and hard work, extending her heartfelt congratulations on their achievements.The institution also announced the launch of new health care programs including Health Office Administration, Developmental Support Worker and Pharmacy Assistant programs to further enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills.CLI College’s graduation ceremony exemplifies its dedication to equipping Nigerians with the skills and knowledge needed to address the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals. Their programs empower graduates to enter rewarding careers and contribute significantly to the national healthcare workforce.About CLI CollegeCLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative.
Their focus on practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.“designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative The post CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus appeared first on SocietyNow…”Source Link: https://societynow.ng/cli-college-unveils-new-programmes-as-over-50-graduate-in-lagos-campus/ CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus GLOBAL CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.   The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding … Read More
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informationblognews · 17 days
- BLOGGER - GLOBAL CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.  The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding certificate and diploma programs for Healthcare Assistants and Mental Health & Addiction Counsellors.This cohort of 50 graduates joins a prestigious alumni network of over 1000 healthcare professionals who have graduated from the institution since its inception in 2020. Notably, the college, a member of the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), has achieved an impressive track record of its graduates working in various healthcare organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada, Dubai, etc.L-R: RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College; Joy Emoredo, Best Graduating Student, Health Care Assistant, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024In her welcome address, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College, acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director and Board Member, MTN Foundation, delivering the keynote speech, highlighted the crucial role of the private sector, encompassing not only corporations but also individuals and institutions, in bridging the skills gap within the Nigerian healthcare industry.“The private sector isn’t just about companies and tuition fees. It’s about organisations, institutions, and everyone coming together to make a difference in their communities,” she added.Sanya also emphasised the importance of a strong healthcare system for a thriving economy. “When people are well, they can thrive.  A healthy workforce is essential for any economy. When there are issues with healthcare access, it erodes the talent pipeline, hindering economic growth.”Her keynote address resonated with the graduating class, underlining the importance of collective action in building a stronger healthcare system for Nigeria.L-R: Tolu Omolaja, Head of Admin, CLI College; RN. Unwana Etebong, Facilitator, CLI College; Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director & Board Member, MTN Foundation; Christian Nwoke, Host; RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024.The ceremony’s highlight was the conferral of certificates and diplomas by Chizea, where she praised the graduates for their unwavering commitment and hard work, extending her heartfelt congratulations on their achievements.The institution also announced the launch of new health care programs including Health Office Administration, Developmental Support Worker and Pharmacy Assistant programs to further enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills.CLI College’s graduation ceremony exemplifies its dedication to equipping Nigerians with the skills and knowledge needed to address the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals. Their programs empower graduates to enter rewarding careers and contribute significantly to the national healthcare workforce.About CLI CollegeCLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative. Their focus on
practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.“designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative The post CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus appeared first on SocietyNow…”Source Link: https://societynow.ng/cli-college-unveils-new-programmes-as-over-50-graduate-in-lagos-campus/ CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.   The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding … Read More
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BLOGGER - #GLOBAL - GLOBAL CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus Leading career college in Nigeria, CLI College, is celebrating its 10th graduation in four years, with the passing out of over 50 students from the institution’s Lagos campus, on May 25th 2024.  The institution specialises in healthcare, business, technology and creative, awarding certificate and diploma programs for Healthcare Assistants and Mental Health & Addiction Counsellors.This cohort of 50 graduates joins a prestigious alumni network of over 1000 healthcare professionals who have graduated from the institution since its inception in 2020. Notably, the college, a member of the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), has achieved an impressive track record of its graduates working in various healthcare organisations in Nigeria, the UK, Canada, Dubai, etc.L-R: RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College; Joy Emoredo, Best Graduating Student, Health Care Assistant, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024In her welcome address, Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College, acknowledged the graduates’ dedication and emphasised the importance of education in shaping their futures. She also expressed gratitude to the college staff and supportive families who played a role in the graduates’ journeys.“We acknowledge the critical role played by our college staff, whose tireless efforts and unwavering support have helped shape your journey. And to the families and loved ones who have supported our graduates every step of the way, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.” Mrs. Angela said.Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director and Board Member, MTN Foundation, delivering the keynote speech, highlighted the crucial role of the private sector, encompassing not only corporations but also individuals and institutions, in bridging the skills gap within the Nigerian healthcare industry.“The private sector isn’t just about companies and tuition fees. It’s about organisations, institutions, and everyone coming together to make a difference in their communities,” she added.Sanya also emphasised the importance of a strong healthcare system for a thriving economy. “When people are well, they can thrive.  A healthy workforce is essential for any economy. When there are issues with healthcare access, it erodes the talent pipeline, hindering economic growth.”Her keynote address resonated with the graduating class, underlining the importance of collective action in building a stronger healthcare system for Nigeria.L-R: Tolu Omolaja, Head of Admin, CLI College; RN. Unwana Etebong, Facilitator, CLI College; Odunayo Sanya, Executive Director & Board Member, MTN Foundation; Christian Nwoke, Host; RN. Angela Chizea, Head of Health School, CLI College and RN. Charity Achodor, Facilitator, CLI College at the CLI College Graduation held in Opebi, Lagos, on May 25, 2024.The ceremony’s highlight was the conferral of certificates and diplomas by Chizea, where she praised the graduates for their unwavering commitment and hard work, extending her heartfelt congratulations on their achievements.The institution also announced the launch of new health care programs including Health Office Administration, Developmental Support Worker and Pharmacy Assistant programs to further enhance healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills.CLI College’s graduation ceremony exemplifies its dedication to equipping Nigerians with the skills and knowledge needed to address the critical need for qualified healthcare professionals. Their programs empower graduates to enter rewarding careers and contribute significantly to the national healthcare workforce.About CLI CollegeCLI College is a leading private career college in Nigeria offering diploma and certificate programs designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative. Their
focus on practical skills and flexible learning options empowers individuals to launch new careers or advance in their current fields.“designed to prepare students for success in healthcare, business, technology and creative The post CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus appeared first on SocietyNow…”Source Link: https://societynow.ng/cli-college-unveils-new-programmes-as-over-50-graduate-in-lagos-campus/ CLI College Unveils New Programmes As Over 50 Graduate In Lagos Campus GLOBAL
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gabrielxpierce · 2 months
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The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times, and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. It is something that is subjected to both kings and workers, and that nobody on earth can avoid what is fated. When you have good moments in your life, make sure that you enjoy to the fullest, for what comes up must always go down. The same is true in reverse - when you are in a bad situation, things will eventually become better again. 
FULL NAME : Gabriel Henry Archer Pierce ALIAS : Dom AGE : 30 DATE  OF  BIRTH : June 30, 1993 HOMETOWN : Kismet Harbor, OR, USA. TIME IN EAST HAVEN :  April, 2024 RESIDENCE : Emerald Mist. FACECLAIM : Thomas Doherty trigger warning: missing person, bodily trauma, memory loss
EDUCATION : High school diploma. Fire Academy. OCCUPATION : Unemployed. GENDER : Cis-Male PRONOUNS : He/Him SEXUALITY : Pansexual. HAIR COLOUR : Black EYE  COLOUR : Blue HEIGHT : '6'0'' BUILD : Lean/Muscular ACCENT : American LANGUAGES : English, Italian., Arabic TATTOOS : One saying 'who is this' on his chest. Hilariously before his amnesia SCENT: Davidoff Cool Water ZODIAC : Cancer LOVE LANGUAGE : Physical touch. CLOTHING: Various styles but loves bold patterns HAIR STYLE / BEARD:  ( x )
CONDITIONS : Amnesia ALLERGIES : Strawberries, pumpkin EATING HABITS : Big eater, barely gains weight. But loves junkfood. EXERCISE HABITS : weights and treadmill SLEEPING HABITS : 4-6 hours a day, has night terrors but can't remember upon waking. ADDICTIONS : None DRUG  USE : None ALCOHOL USE : Yes
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Intelligent, patient, empathic, helpful NEGATIVE TRAITS : overthinker, uncertain, abrasive, lost PHOBIAS : Unknown FEARS : Unknown HOBBIES : Soccer, true crime, mixology HABITS : repeats the tunes and catchphrases on the radio USUAL DEMEANOUR : Searching.
FATHER : Archer Pierce (Deceased) MOTHER : Violet Pierce (Deceased) SIBLINGS : Rosalie Pierce (Missing) COUSINS: Valentina Delgado, Joanna Pierce OTHER: Viktor Pierce (Paternal uncle) PARTNER(S) : None CHILDREN : None PETS :  None.
April 9th, 2024. Gabriel's life began when he woke up in a hospital bed in Kansas city. Bruised and battered, with no recollection of his past at all. He found out pretty quick he had a love for bananas and mashed potatoes and that he was allergic to pumpkin. He could quote marvel movies but when seeing them only had a vague recall of what was going to happen.
With his uncle's contact in his emergency tab on his phone, his uncle was called, who arrived in Kansas soon after, with photos of proof of their relationship. He was told of his parents, and how they were gone. Of his sister, who was missing and who was the reason he was in Kansas in the first place, looking for her after a tip. It was probably how he end up being beaten up, having pried in wrong corners and talked to the wrong people.
He's trying to piece together who he is. He has the facts, knowing he was a firefighter back in Seattle, he found out he has a love for metal music, considering he had many records in his apartment of various bands. He had both the bible and the Koran on his shelf, but whether he was a believer of either religions he could not tell. His favourite colour was red, with all the red in his apartment and he loved dressing in bold patterns.
It was easy to see he was overwhelmed in his apartment, trying to catch fragments of his past that his uncle suggested packing it all up and living at his place in Kismet Harbor until he felt up for living on his own again, and so he did. He's still searching in terms of what to do. He feels torn for searching for a woman he doesn't remember, but if his current state had anything to do with his search for her, doesn't that mean he was on the right track?
This biography will grow the more Gabriel finds out about his past.
1993 - Born june 30th.
2024 - moved to Kismet Harbor in April
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long-lasting-loss · 4 months
I am not where I want to be, but I am far from where I used to be.
Today I am over a decade sober, a busy mama with my almost 10-year-old daughter, a full-time college student about to collect my three-year diploma in Child and Youth Care, engaged to my fiance of 7 years, and working as a supervised access worker part-time, while applying to full-time positions to work with youth in mental illness and addictions. I attend counselling sessions regularly, journal, prioritize self-care and advocate for mental illness and addiction at any opportunity. These days I hardly drink even in social gatherings. I prefer a tea and book over a party scene. This new life I have worked so hard for is so beautiful despite the storms that will continue to come through. They remind me to be grateful for the days of sunshine.
I am currently writing a biography of my wild little life and planning to return to school for my bachelor's in psychology to fulfill my dream job of being a Mental Health & Addictions Counsellor. *Little Kylie would be so proud of big Kylie.*
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Aspiring to Be a Mental Health Worker in Sydney? Follow This Guide
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Australia's increasing focus on mental health has created a demand for dedicated professionals committed to supporting participants with complex emotional needs. If you aspire to become a mental health worker in Sydney, here's a roadmap to guide you on your journey.
Educational Foundations:
Start by obtaining the necessary qualifications. Mental health diploma courses in Sydney on psychology, social work, or a related field is often a prerequisite. Consider pursuing a higher degree for advanced roles and increased career opportunities.
Gain Relevant Experience:
Practical experience is invaluable in the mental health field. Seek internships, volunteer opportunities, or entry-level positions to develop your skills and understanding of the industry. This hands-on experience will also enhance your resume when applying for formal roles.
Specialise Your Skills:
Mental health is a diverse field. Consider diploma courses in mental health in Sydney for areas such as addiction counselling, trauma therapy, or child and adolescent mental health. Specialisation not only makes you more marketable, but also allows you to focus on areas you are passionate about.
Obtain Professional Certification:
Many mental health professions require certification for practice. Research and pursue certifications relevant to your chosen field. This includes Certified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor (CADC) or Accredited Mental Health Social Worker (AMHSW).
Stay Informed and Network: 
Stay tuned to the latest developments in the mental health field by attending conferences, workshops, and seminars. Networking with professionals on LinkedIn and other portals can open doors to job opportunities and provide valuable insights into the industry.
Meet Registration Requirements: 
Register with the appropriate regulatory body in your state or territory. For instance, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) oversees the registration of health practitioners, including mental health professionals.
Embarking on a career as a mental health worker in Sydney requires dedication, continuous learning, and a genuine passion for helping others. By following these tips, you can build a rewarding career in this dynamic field.
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tafsircareercounselor · 6 months
5 Ways Addictions And Community Service Workers Can Support Young People With Addictions
Addictions and community service workers save lives. By enrolling in an addictions and community service worker program, you will gain essential knowledge and skills that will help you build a strong foundation for comprehending and empowering young individuals and their families to tackle addiction issues. 
However, knowing the main aspects involved in supporting youth facing these complex challenges can assist you in determining if pursuing a career in this field aligns with your aspirations. This overview will help you recognize the fundamental areas that must be understood to provide the right support to youth dealing with addiction.
This is a rewarding career only if you are dedicated to helping someone with patience and understanding. Let us read further to know how an addiction and community service worker supports the young generations with addictions. 
5 Ways Addictions and Community Service Workers Can Support Young People with Addictions
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Understand and Planning
This is the foremost step in saving somebody’s life, especially a youngster who is prone to addiction. Assessing the actual cause and the needs of young individuals with addiction issues. This can be done by knowing different aspects, how it started, current mental health, personal circumstances, and previous history of addictions if any. Based on the understanding an addiction and community service worker will prepare their treatment planning. The planning goals vary from person-to-person and situations they are facing. 
Education and Prevention Programs
The younger generation these days is at a higher risk of easily falling into the prey of addictive influences. They are at the mental level of adopting the road their peers are taking. Education and prevention programs are crucial aspects of dealing with the addictions of the younger brigade. Addictions and community service workers develop and deliver educational programs in schools and community settings to raise awareness about addiction, its risks, and its consequences. By providing young minds with accurate information, they empower them to make informed decisions and prevent addiction before it takes hold.
Counselling Sessions
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Addictions and Community Service workers are even responsible for organizing the counselling sessions for young ones. It can be done individually or in group sessions. This gives a chance to young people to express their thoughts and feelings and helps them navigate through the challenges they face. The sessions depend on the person seeking guidance and help. Some may hesitate to express their emotions in groups so for them individual sessions are preferred. These workers provide guidance, support, and personalized strategies to help young people cope with addiction and make positive changes in their lives.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Addiction issues are often complex - even more so when young people are involved. Every aspect of support needs to be handled with additional care. This situation requires a multidisciplinary approach. Addiction and community service workers act as a bridge between young minds and other support services. If additional help is required, support workers must collaborate with appropriate specialists. They also coordinate services with different stakeholders to ensure that young people receive comprehensive support from various avenues. With the ABM College Addictions and Community Service Worker diploma program, you will learn different multidisciplinary approaches.
Lastly, a follow-up is an essential part of recovery. The job of an addictions worker does not end when the treatment is over, rather they have to keep in touch with their patients afterwards too, to monitor their continued well-being. The ongoing support cannot be missed to prevent relapse. This even involves providing job opportunities to those facing issues, guiding the youths to join therapy groups, and many other ways that can be adopted to save the future of our younger generation. 
Final Words
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In conclusion, the support provided by addictions and community service workers is vital for young individuals battling addiction. Their assessment, counselling, education, referral services, and continued follow-up empower these young people to overcome addiction and live fulfilling lives. 
If you have a passion for making a positive impact and a commitment to supporting young individuals on their journey, consider pursuing a career as an addiction and community service worker. Join the Addictions Program at ABM College to learn different approaches and become a successful professional in this field. 
‍Contact us now to learn more about ABM College.
You can also read more industry-relevant blogs here.
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native123-world · 4 months
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Open for Enrollment - Mental Health & Addictions Worker - Online with the Native Ed & Training College https://nativetc.com/website/education/diploma-programs/mental-health-addictions-worker/    Emal: [email protected]
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