#dilf draco malfoy
rinamorten · 2 years
"Do you like my daddy?" asks little Scorpius gently petting her hand.
Draco dropped his now 4 year old son at her bookstore for children's book reading. Even though the reading ended freaking 15 minutes ago she actually doesn't mind having little Scorpi with her. Which is strange cause she doesn't like children in general.
"Why? I think he's cute... don't you think the same?"
"No, Scrop, I don't think you father is cute."
"But... but... maybe hantsome?" he pursing his lip and she can't stand his cute face.
And maybe... maybe she really think that Draco Malfoy in a way is cute. And DILF...
"It's handsome, love. And maybe yes. I find your father handsome. And you too."
"Wohoa." he screams.
"And he is a PIA." she mutteres under her breath hopping that Scorp won't hear her. But she guesses that it's just not her day, cause Scorpius looks at her with a very serious face and asks "What a pia?"
And suddenly she needs to find a way to tell something... something appropriate.
"Ehm... PIA... Pia means a Parent I Adore..."
"Is it?"
5 hour later Malfoy house
"Daddy, daddy, you know what miss Mione told me today?"
Draco chuckles slightly while tucking his son to bed.
"No, what?"
"She told me you are a PIA."
He stops immediately. Turns his eyes to his son watching him smile with one of the biggest smiles. That's making him to burrow his eyebrows.
"She told you that I'm a pia, correct?"
"Mghm... do you know what it means, daddy?"
"No, son, but enlight me."
"It means," he starts wishpering like it's the biggest secret in the world, "the parent I adore."
It doesn't make any sense to him. Did she... Did she just assault him or does she think about him in a way he thinks of her. Fuck, Hermione Granger definitely messing with his head.
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jomiddlemarch · 7 months
With you nothing is simple yet nothing is simpler 
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Rose stood before her, drooping, her braids coming undone, shoes scuffed, a new rip in her overalls, giving Hermione a look of absolute incredulity when faced with the undeniable truth:
Hermione had forgotten to pack snacks. 
She didn’t even have a bloody Polo mint somewhere in the recesses of her beaded bag, Transfigured to look like an ordinary mum’s ordinary leather handbag, designed to carry her through her day at the Ministry and any trips she might make to Muggle London. 
Forget about something healthy. 
She had planned to rely on the water fountain, that wasn’t another complete miss on her part.
She opened her mouth to begin the explanation-slash-apology that would not satisfy either one of them. Rose already had that furrow in her little brow that meant she planned to invoke Nan, which only ever meant Molly, and how important Nan said it was for growing human beans to have good homegrown food and not that muck Mum bought from Tesco’s.
“I have plenty, if she’s hungry. The fruit’s already cut, it won’t keep, and these pesto egg muffin bite things he said he liked yesterday, so of course I’ve gone and made far too many.”
That was Draco Malfoy, sitting on the bench just next to hers, a rucksack and some sort of sport-inspired hamper beside him, unable to resist rubbing it in, that he was a better prepared and more attentive parent than she was, the he his neatly and comfortably dressed five year old son Scorpius, who somehow made the jersey and shorts he wore look like the ideal outfit for a Wizarding child. His fringe was the proper length and not slicked back with some imported pomade like Draco’s had been for the first three years at Hogwarts, and he was busy constructing something tower-like from the stones, twigs and other assorted detritus he’d scoured the park for while Rose ran around, screaming like a banshee and climbing halfway up a tree before scuttling down again before Hermione had to call out to tell her too high, Rose!
Hermione turned her head to convert her explanation-slash-apology into a far more gratifying coldly cutting retort that she had to trust to inspiration to supply, since she had nothing approaching the moral high ground, when she actually looked at Draco’s face, which was tilted in an encouraging and frankly kind manner, and consider the tone of his voice, which had been commiserating and not the least judgmental. Hermione was quite familiar with the myriad shades of judgment and Draco’s voice hadn’t held even one.
He was also incredibly fit.
(That wasn’t really relevant to her decision-making, but it was note-worthy as a general fact.)
“Rose, Mr. Malfoy has some fruit if you want a snack. And something else tasty and homemade, just like Nan would have given you for tea,” Hermione said. Rose sized up Draco in an instant, pivoted to rifle through the sporty hamper, retrieved a little baggie of apple slices and another of the unexpectedly attractive pesto egg bites that reminded Hermione she’d also forgotten lunch and a stale ginger biscuit at her desk was going to have to hold her until after Rose was asleep.
“Ta,” Rose said, about to fly. It was impossible that she wouldn’t be Quidditch-mad. 
“Rose,” Hermione said. 
“Thank you, Mr. M’Foy,” Rose said. It was anyone’s guess if she would have gotten Malfoy correct without her mouth half stuffed with Braeburn. 
“You’re quite welcome,” Draco said.
Hermione nodded and Rose scrambled away, as fast as her hand-me-down trainers could take her.
“Thank you. I appreciate it. Her wild magic on an empty stomach is terrifying,” Hermione said. Was she bragging about Rose’s magic, when she’d heard rumors Scorpius Malfoy might be a Squib? Probably and she wasn’t proud of it, but that wasn’t unfamiliar either.
“I find them terrifying full-stop,” Draco said. “Adorable, would lay down my life for him in a heartbeat, makes me question every decision my own parents ever made on my behalf, but terrifying nonetheless.”
Hermione laughed. It was the first time she could remember laughing at something Draco said without there being any seething vitriol or tearful desperation she’d had to tamp down or put aside. It felt…nice.
“I have a bit more sympathy for my parents,” she offered. “My wild magic started when I was a toddler and they had no idea what to make of it. No context at all. My mother told me, during out sixth year, that she’d thought she was losing her mind. I was well on my way to inventing Leviosa before I got a hold of the first year spellbooks.”
“Yes, I can see how that might be where one would go. Madness, that is,” he said. There was a frankly companionable silence between the two of them and then he spoke again. “Sometimes, I can’t help regretting it.”
“Regretting what?”
“I love him, with all that I am, my heart and soul and magic. And I can’t help regretting sometimes I agreed to it, having him when I, when we did,” he said. He turned away slightly, so that she saw him in profile, a face like a god’s on a coin, the straight nose, the full lower lip, his jaw held tightly. 
“Why are you telling me?” she asked.
“For one, I don’t think you can think any worse of me than you already do, so that makes you perfect for such a shameful admission,” he said, shrugging. “Secondly, you let your daughter eat the snacks I made. Not that I’m trying to make you feel like you owe me something, that I’ve caught you out. You trusted me with your child, that’s what I meant.”
“I think you underestimate how I think of you,” she said slowly.
“Is that better or worse? Do you mean you think well of me and now I’ve dropped in your estimation? Or did I somehow go from sniveling worm beneath your heel to abysmal slime-mold you wouldn’t use your wand to scrape off with magic from said heel?”
He sounded resigned, amused, self-deprecating. His voice was low, a rich baritone, only a little of that drawl he’d had at Hogwarts left. The perfect amount. 
“I wear flats unless I’m in court,” she said. “I don’t hold the past against you anymore, we were children, child-soldiers, pawns moved around by people who should have known better. Played a better game of Wizarding chess, given that it was our lives they used. I regret it, myself, having her so young, though I don’t let myself think it if I can help it. I can’t, if I want to keep being a decent mother.”
“You are clearly an exceptionally fine mother. Why did you do it? You’re Hermione Granger, you don’t make decisions you regret,” he said.
Now she laughed, a bitter sound, that kept the tears in her eyes from spilling. 
“Don’t believe everything you hear. Or read,” she said. “I lost my parents in the war. They were both only children, my grandparents were gone a long time ago. Rose was my one chance to have a family, someone who belonged to me.”
“I’m terribly sorry. I hadn’t heard they’d died,” he said.
“They’re alive. Just…lost. Turns out, if you do a thorough enough Obliviation, there’s no return. The person they were before is effectively dead. They’re just not sad about it. That’s for other people,” Hermione said.
“Astoria told me it was her dying wish to have a child, even though it would kill her,” Draco said.
“That’s why you agreed?”
“No. I refused when she said that. She used blood magic, from the binding. Once that was done, it was either lose them both or just her,” he said. “She didn’t know that for sure, there was plausible deniability and we’d said someday. She made someday happen sooner than I thought possible.”
“You loved her,” Hermione offered. She’d never met Astoria, who’d been a few years behind them at Hogwarts and in Ravenclaw, had only a dim memory of the photo that had been in the Prophet when the marriage was announced, a slim, dark-haired young woman wearing a lot of lace standing next to Draco, who’d been all in black. Wizards wore all sorts of things to funerals. Only Hermione saw him in mourning at his wedding.
“In a way. I hated her too. I didn’t want to be either of my parents and I didn’t know how to be anything else,” he said. “My parents were overjoyed, a Malfoy heir, no miscarriages, no stillbirths. A healthy Pureblood baby. That’s quite rare, all the inbreeding, you understand. They think Astoria was a paragon of virtue and also, they didn’t give a damn about her.”
Scorpius ran over and stretched out a hand to show Draco a stone. It was an unremarkable piece of quartz, though it did catch the light.
“What a find, love. You can bring it home if you like or leave it here. You could even hide it, like goblin treasure,” Draco said, studying the stone, reaching out to straighten the collar of Scorpius’s jersey. He touched Scorpius’s cheek fondly, but he didn’t try to wipe the smear of dirt there, nor did he say anything about his son’s grubby hands. Hermione recalled what a pristine child he’d been, all silver and green, how he’d stand between his parents, very still, as if a portrait were being painted. 
“Hide it—” Scorpius said and darted back over to the field, just at the edge where a copse of trees stood, shadows beckoning. The whole playground was heavily warded and there were monitoring spells St. Mungo used for observation. It was safe enough to let him run away.
“That’s what I thought,” Draco said, shooting her that familiar parental glance, proud and powerless. 
“Ron begged me not to end the pregnancy. It wasn’t planned. The Healers said the curse damage I suffered from Bellatrix was unpredictable, the interactions with contraceptive charms and potions would have made them less effective. It wasn’t my fault, except I never told them I hadn’t bothered with any spells or potions, so it was, in a way. I didn’t care and then I did. I told Ron I was pregnant and he told me he was gay and in love with Theo and it would break his mother’s heart if he never gave her a grandchild. My parents were gone. Harry and Ginny were expecting, Andromeda was raising Teddy, Bill and Fleur just had Victoire. It was easier to say yes. It made so many people happy and Ron did what he said he would,” Hermione said. Andromeda knew most of it, but Hermione had never told anyone all of it, certainly not in one sitting, not sitting on a park bench in the weak English sunshine, without a Polo mint to her name. Augusta Longbottom had said Hermione should do as she liked but it was rare to see such a strong magical signature in the first trimester, though likely it would happen again, for a witch of her abilities. Likely hadn’t seemed like a good enough bet, not when Ron’s blue eyes had pled with her and he’d held her hands in his instead of touching her completely flat stomach. 
“What he said he would?” Draco repeated. He sounded encouraging, not nosy. Not prepared to made a rude remark about Ron or the Weasley family as a whole. It felt…good.
“Molly wanted me to name her Frederica. Winifred. Or Elfreda. It was ghastly. Even I knew Fred would have loathed it. Ron put his foot down and told her we weren’t doing that to a baby and that I had final say on her name. Then he came out to them, Molly and Arthur, so the name part receded as something anyone cared that much about,” Hermione said. “I don’t have to tell you how Purebloods feel about that, however warm and Muggle-forward they seem to be.”
“Bloody hell,” Draco said.
“There was a lot of screaming. Arthur finally told Molly to be grateful she had a son alive to tell her what made him happy and she piped down,” Hermione said. “She started knitting a jersey for Theo as soon as Ron let it slip they were involved. It was a little forced, but I think the knitting settled her down, let her feel like she was back in charge of the family. Molly had a great need for that.”
“Ah, the famous Weasley jersey,” Draco said.
“Infamous is more like it,” she replied. “Fleur won’t wear hers at all. But she’s married to Bill, so she can get away with it.”
“I gather you don’t have the same option,” he said.
“Molly watches Rose when Ron and Theo and I are all working or busy, always sends home dinner, invites me to Sunday lunch even when Ron and Theo have Rose. She’s Rose’s only grandmother. She means well,” Hermione shrugged. “Fleur wears cashmere and Molly sniffs. I Transfigured mine into a cardigan. Molly didn’t mind that, as long as the H is all on one side. I hid the pockets I added.”
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” he said, squinting a little against the light, the sun lower in the sky. Rose had approached Scorpius and now they were working on something with less height but a larger area. Hermione suspected St. Mungo’s had tracking spells to evaluate wild magic. At Rose’s last Healer’s visit, Hermione had been advised to stock up on Easiheal and beginning Arithmancy books, as if she and Ron hadn’t already done so (plus the Wizarding chess set Theo had brought out to let Rose watch them play.)
“It beats the alternative,” Hermione said. He shifted, faced her full on. They both looked older than they were, Draco with shadows under his grey eyes that spoke of broken sleep, Hermione with a streak of white in her hair like a ribbon, neither of them partial to glamours. He’d grown a fair amount after Hogwarts, his shoulders broader, his lanky frame filled out, and he dressed the part of an older man, much as Hermione had her mum’s uniform on. For a moment, she only saw the boy he’d been, too clever by half, preening, insecure, nervous he’d be caught caring. He’d taken the Dark Mark or rather, it had been forced on him, hidden by the sleeve he had securely fastened with monogrammed cufflinks. He could be the Dark Lord’s deputy, she could be dead in a ditch, both their first wands broken.
“I don’t think that’s as true as people say,” he replied. “We could have been given a chance to grow up. To put ourselves first, not the survival of the Wizarding world or the Noble House of Black. We could have found ourselves here in another ten years or twenty, with children we had chosen to have. Had wanted to bring into existence from dreams. We wouldn’t have to be alone, here, and at home, sitting by ourselves with a drink after we put them to bed, wondering what happened—”
“It’s hard,” she said, to stop him, because he was so right it hurt. She drank tea at night, even though it kept her up, because drinking wine or whiskey alone was worse. Ron and Theo encouraged her to go out when they kept Rose, but she didn’t. She didn’t want to explain who she was and she couldn’t bear it they already knew. She drank oolong, Darjeeling, PG Tips, always black, and she never read the leaves.
“What if it were easier?” he asked.
“What if you told me what happened and I told you, after we put them to bed. What happened that day, not just what Rose did and what Scorpius said, but how you dealt with that stroppy minister from Croatia and how I heard back from Damaris, in Alexandria, about that manuscript revision, and what we could bring to the potluck Neville’s insisting on hosting instead of getting a proper caterer,” he said. “Samosas, for the record. Though I can manage vol-au-vents in a pinch, if you wanted to be Muggle retro about it.”
“That’s a lot happening,” she said. It was a leap, an enormous, across-a-chasm leap, he was describing and also just words, a possibility she could dismiss with a shake of her head, a slight frown, some politeness he’d accept instantly. His eyes, though, were hopeful, watching her.
“Scorpius will probably interrupt. He usually wants a glass of water exactly when I’m at a good part,” Draco said.
“Rose talks in her sleep. In French. It’s quite distracting,” Hermione said. When had she ever backed away from something daunting? Granted, she usually did some research first. Draco knew what a vol-au-vent was; she clearly wasn’t the only one who prepared. “It’s better than mine. She talks to Fleur and Gabrielle a lot.”
“I’m fluent,” he said. “In French and wheedling.”
“I’m good at pouring a glass of water wandless. I make the water take the shape of a dolphin going into the glass but I can do a Hippocampus too,” Hermione said.
“Are you hungry? I have apple slices and pesto egg muffin bites going begging,” he said, smiling. He had a sweet smile and a gleam in his eyes that was positively, gratifyingly filthy. She blushed, dropped her gaze from his.
“You’re a very pretty mummy, Hermione,” he said softly. “But it can be whatever you want, however you want. It can be maybe later, after you look at your calendar. Half-past never. Whatever’s easier—”
“I didn’t bring any snacks to the park and I have nothing planned for dinner unless we get Indian takeaway again. For the third time this week,” she said in a rush. “It would be easier to have someone else take care of dinner. I’m not picky, Rose isn’t either.”
“Bolognese or carbonara?” Draco asked. “Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is made 98.2% from pasta. Don’t be deceived by the organic apple slices and pesto egg affectations.”
“Carbonara’s faster,” Hermione said. 
“But what do you want?” Draco hit the you and want with a perfect balance of emphasis. It made her remember she was only twenty-four years old. Hermione, not only Madam Granger and Mummy and ‘Mione.
“Bolognese,” she said. She reached over, touched his hand where it rested beside his leg. He couldn’t mistake her intention. “Everyone calls her Rose, but I named her Roseline, from Shakespeare. Roseline’s the one Romeo liked first. She goes away. Lives her own life off-stage.”
“I had to pick a constellation. I wouldn’t do it again,” he said.
Ten years later, after a long day and a longer night, he arrived, only a little later than they’d planned and just as they’d hoped. They named him Hugo.
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dewitty1 · 1 year
Harry Potter: DILF Hunter
Vukovich @vukovich
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy Additional Tags: Himbo Harry Potter
Auror Potter doesn't know what a DILF is, but if Malfoy's one, then Harry's gonna be the Ministry's best DILF Hunter ever! Or, five times Harry heard Draco was a DILF, and one time he found it to be pleasantly true.
*All spelling errors are Harry's, not the author's.
“Fill in the blanks for me?” Harry asked sheepishly. His hair wasn’t doing a great job of getting the nervous sweat off his palms.
Grey eyes rolled up to judge him. Judge him worthy or unworthy of a chance at redemption. An opportunity to wash the taste of his own foot from his moronic mouth.
“Fine,” Malfoy said with a sigh. “Fifteen minutes, by the way.”
Harry released his grip on his hair in favor of settling his hands on his hips.
“You figured most of it out. Well past-due, but you got there, so brava, I suppose.” He leaned back, coolly assessing Harry. “I think the only parts you missed were that we moved back for the unicorn blood supply, all of my research is on unwinding Blood Curses, and I was never particularly appreciative of the fairer sex. Faithful husband though I was.”
Harry stared at him, parsing through his words. He was too close, and his hair was too distracting for his admissions to make any sense.
“Salazar’s sphincter, Potter. The abbreviated version?”
Nodding, Harry returned his hands to his hip pockets, again resisting the urge to pat them down.
“A woman with a hereditary curse and a gay man who’s an unwitting curse carrier get married for the purpose of making a baby to be raised by a gay widower. Baby is cursed. Gay dad and baby wander off into the world to figure out how to undo the curse. Following?”
Harry’s hands slid in his pockets to check their contents, but found a better purpose in stretching the tightening fabric away from his cock.
“You’re gay,” he blurted.
Malfoy simply blinked. “Yes,” he deadpanned. “The man who told you to show up with a bottle of wine and asked you to tie him up, strip him down, and grope him repeatedly is, indeed… profoundly gay.”
“I’m gay,” Harry mumbled, and wondered if he’d ever actually said the words out loud to anyone before.
“I gathered that.” Malfoy gestured to Harry’s crotch with an open palm. “And if this is gay wizard dating, I’m going to get several cats, instead,” he muttered.
Harry’s head buzzed with too many ideas, and the feedback from his body wasn’t helping him sort through any of it at all. Malfoy wasn’t evil, but he was nearly naked. He wasn’t a murderer, just a dad. And dating? Had he just said dating?
“I don’t…” Harry muttered, scrunching his eyes shut against the onslaught of too many simultaneous thoughts. “I don’t know what to do.”
His breath came fast, and his hands skittered over his pockets, absently brushing Malfoy’s thighs, but not really feeling it. Grey eyes watched him, more concerned than accusatory.
“Pressing issue first, Potter. Literally,” he said with a smirk, eyes on Harry’s crotch. “Would you like to have sex on this table? With me? For…” He cast a glance up at the wall. “Fifteen minutes or less?”
“I…” Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes in a secure room with a man who hated being in the newspapers as much as he did and made the most delicious sighs. “Yeah?” Harry asked. Malfoy nodded sheepishly, but stayed quiet. Harry took a second long breath. “Yeah, okay.”
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xxphenomeniall · 2 years
“You just broke open a bottle of one of the most highly-controlled substances in the world, threatened a child, and are sneaking around Knockturn like a goddamn DILF.”
He stopped to turn and meet Malfoy’s glare.
“Which is why I’m here, by the way. Looks like I was fucking right!”
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sorry guys the evervale brainrot is setting in
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Lucius Malfoy vs Jaime Lannister?
While I was looking for the images of Joffrey Baratheon and Draco Malfoy comparing, I saw this chart
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Lmao how exactly is Lucius better looking than Jaime F*cking Lannister?
Lucius is supposed to look like an older version of Draco. And Draco wasn't exactly a Brad Pitt...
(Speaking for the books. Because both Jason Isaacs and Tom Felton are so damn charismatic and cute actors)
Jaime on the other hand... He was described as literally one of the most handsome men in the world! The golden hair, wild green eyes, and the perfect body that we all know even though it was never particularly described (Just imagine a 6'2 ft tall guy with a dorito proportion, 6 packs, biceps and triceps...)
This is the guy who is supposedly good-looking according to Malfoy stans:
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(Basically a normal pale dude)
And this is the man she told you not to worry about:
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(I downloaded these arts a while ago, so I don't know the artists who drawn them. If you know them, please tell me so I can give them the credit)
CONCLUSION: Jaime is objectively hotter and a total dilf
Though if we speak for the show and movies, I'm not so sure. Because Jason Isaacs, unlike how he's described in the books, is a handsome man.
And even though Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is a good-looking man with a certain charisma, I feel like he lacks the striking beauty of Jaime in the books. I mean even when he was badly wounded, sleep-deprived, hungered, literally at the rock bottom both physically and psychologically, Jaime was still described as half corpse and half god.
So, the other CONCLUSION: They're both handsome in the show/movies. So whatever...
(But my heart always goes for Jaime♡)
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diorsluv · 8 months
feather , part 23
“ like a feather, like a feather, like a feather ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( second post is based off of the request/ask “oh my god what if she doesn’t go to the lake house cause she thought luke and the girl were going to be there but the girl wasn’t there, so she went to a different place for the summer for no reason :(” )
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by dylanduke25, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 104,680 others
yourusername i need these cakes and i need them now
view all comments
luca.fantilli is that charles leclerc 🤨
→ yourusername yes what about it
→ colecaufield oh god don’t remind her
→ jackhughes calm down cole it was lando norris not leclerc 🙄🙄
→ yourusername i would actually really appreciate it if you baked me a cake and put an edible photo of carlos sainz on it
→ trevorzegras first of all yourusername you’re delusional and he’s like 10 years older than you
→ yourusername incorrect but proceed 😒
→ colecaufield and also your obsession is getting scary
→ yourusername IT WAS A JOKEEEE 🙄
username36 wondering how luke feels about this
username17 i just know luke’s punching the air
username26 luke’s prob sayin “why am i not on those cakes”
username92 if i don’t get a cake like that i’m throwing hands
→ yourusername shush thyself
→ mackie.samo what 💀
markestapa you’re desperate
→ yourusername STOP DRAGGING ME
→ markestapa you could do a lot better
→ yourusername A LOT BETTER THAN DYLAN O’BRIEN?? i beg to differ
rutgermcgroarty smash
→ yourusername #harrypotterdefender4life
→ rutgermcgroarty wasn’t talking abt him but yes queen he’s hot too!!!!
→ yourusername oh.. why r u speaking like that it’s kind of scary 😥😥
lhughes_06 they’re not that hot 🙄🙄
→ yourusername I’M SORRY WHAT????
→ lhughes_06 idk theyre mid tbh
→ yourusername check ur eyes kid
→ lhughes_06 ok lil buddy
→ yourusername ihy
→ lhughes_06 i love u too
→ jackhughes 👀
→ luca.fantilli 👀
→ _quinnhughes 👀
→ trevorzegras 👀
→ mackie.samo 👀
→ colecaufield 👀
→ rutgermcgroarty 👀
→ adamfantilli 👀
→ _alexturcotte 👀
→ dylanduke25 👀
→ markestapa 👀
→ jamie.drysdale 🤢
→ yourusername you guys need to stop doing this so much oh my god 😭😭
username15 yall all keep asking how luke feels but what abt the bigger question: ARE THOSE THE STURNIOLO TRIPLETS???
→ username7 okay but the biggEST question is: IS THAT GRIFFIN GLUCK?!?!?!
→ username55 i thought it was fucking white boy carl 💀 username7
trevorzegras i sorta approve of your taste in mid white boys
→ yourusername says the mid white boy
→ trevorzegras HEY ☹️
dylanduke25 “smash” means
→ dylanduke25 goddammit i didn’t mean to post without the definition
→ yourusername get ur definition shit AWAYYYYY 🤺🤺
→ markestapa dilf is an acronym for "dad i’d like to fuck". a dilf is any man (typically between the ages of 30-50) who is incredibly attractive and has kids. they are usually really cut, from activities such as pushing strollers, giving piggyback rides, and intense trips to the local park or disney world. the also have a killer smile and sense of childlike joy, because they play with their kids all the time. unfortunately, getting with them is hard, as they are typically very faithful to their wife (see milf).
→ yourusername that’s plagiarism ‼️‼️‼️
username11 the taste in men is immaculate
colecaufield now i don’t comment a lot on your posts anymore but i want you to REAAAAALLY think about what you’ve done here
→ yourusername i posted pictures of hot white men’s faces on cakes!
→ colecaufield yes yes and how do you think that might make other people (cough cough) feel?
→ yourusername grateful because i showed them these masterpieces 🤗🤗
→ colecaufield oh kid you’re hopeless
jamie.drysdale dad asked what dilf means
→ yourusername tell him it means “drake is literally fire”
→ jamie.drysdale too late he saw mark’s definition 😂😂😂
username46 draco malfoy 💚
missseraphina lmao fangirl
adamfantilli let’s split the cake in half
→ yourusername sure <33 you can get the part with the word on it and i can get everything else 🥰
colecaufield i’m surprised crosby isn’t somewhere on there
→ _alexturcotte goddammit whyd u bring it up
→ yourusername SID!!!!!!
→ jamie.drysdale she still has that pinterest album of ONLY pics of him
→ trevorzegras lil drizz u had a crush on him when you were like 5
→ yourusername we all had a crush on him 😒
_quinnhughes would now be a bad time to tell you he’s punching his pillow in the other room
→ jackhughes hey he made us promise to not snitch
→ _quinnhughes stop acting like we actually do what he tells us to do
→ jackhughes you’re right we never do that
→ lhughes_06 you snitched i’m telling mom
→ jackhughes mom doesn’t care ur such a baby
→ lhughes_06 fine i’m telling dad
→ _quinnhughes dad does not give a flying fuck
→ jackhughes dad wouldn’t even know what we’d be talking about
→ jackhughes actually scratch that moosey you’re really damn obvious
→ yourusername what the hell is going on
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liked by markestapa, _alexturcotte, dylanduke25, and 94,292 others
yourusername oui oui paris 🥖🎀 (creds to jamie for the pics ig)
view all comments
jamie.drysdale wow i’m so honored you remembered to give me creds
→ yourusername because we’re not allowed to argue on our trip 🤬
→ jamie.drysdale dad said and i quote “no squirreling”
→ yourusername what the fuck is squirreling
→ jamie.drysdale yeah yeah so we can’t squirrel
→ yourusername it’s QUARREL
username88 mother is in her coquette era
trevorzegras come backkkkkk wmy
→ yourusername no can do trev 😔
username21 hold up but i thought everyone was spending the summer at the lake house?
rutgermcgroarty but WE were supposed to go to paris together 🙁
→ yourusername no sweetie it was athens..
→ rutgermcgroarty either way it’s still in france
→ yourusername no…….. no its not 😭😭
→ rutgermcgroarty damn it i’m just trying to say you’re always going to OUR dream places with other people 😒
→ rutgermcgroarty is that in europe
→ yourusername 😟
_quinnhughes it’s so weird not hearing you badly scream-sing in the shower at 2 in the morning
→ yourusername oh shut up you love my hamilton marathons
adamfantilli you should be the one wiping out on the wakeboard not me 😔😔
→ yourusername wow i feel sooooo missed
→ adamfantilli we do miss u tho (PLEASE COME BACK WE NEED YOU)
username2 wait why didn’t you go to the lake house 😟😟
→ yourusername jamie and i didn’t feel like getting harassed 💔
→ username2 BY WHOOOOO??
→ username2 actually that’s a dumb question i know who
username75 this is the first summer they haven’t spent at the lake house 😧
luca.fantilli don’t worry lil drizzle we bought u two tickets so u can come back 😁
→ yourusername noooooo
mackie.samo you need to come back rn no excuses
edwards.73 duker almost burnt the house down please we need you back
→ yourusername thought my cyberbully was going 😣😖☹️🙁😓😥
→ jackhughes LMFAOOO as if
→ yourusername i’ll consider it 🙄
_alexturcotte our karaoke nights are so boring without youuuu
→ yourusername you can solo our mariah carey songs trust 🙏🙏
→ _alexturcotte NO I CANT
→ yourusername turcs we booked our hotel for 3 weeks i can’t do anything 😭😭
dylanduke25 i almost burnt the house down making waffles
→ yourusername oh duker..
username24 the way they’re all begging her to go back to the lake house lmao
missseraphina it’s giving nepo baby
liked by yourusername
→ username1 LMAOAOAO at this point drizz is just clowning this bitch
lhughes_06 i need you here
this comment has been deleted
lhughes_06 we need you here
next chapter notes ) so regarding the request; i wasn’t sure if it was like a request or more of just a thought but i felt like it could add more angst so i took it as a request anyways 🤍 i also wanted to say that the time between the first and second post was a bit of a jump but like let’s just say the first post was during finals week and the second one was obv during the summer and WE ARE FINALLY IN ACT IV WOOOOOOO 👏👏👏 also thank you all so much for 300 followers AHHHH!! it genuinely does mean so much to me and i’m glad you’re here on my journey to stir up more shit between luke and “his” girl
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys @loveforaugust
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kenziekay · 5 months
Harry Potter (part 2) Recommendations
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Recommendations Masterlist (here)
Part One (here)
Part Three (here)
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Draco Malfoy Smut-
Possessive @mattyriddlesbitch
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
Short Funny Things-
Disaster @incorrectquotesharrypotterv
Sad @incorrect-malfoys 
Leave. Or Not @incorrect-malfoys
Slytherin Boys With Modern Social Media @scvrllet 
Draco-poo @jiasoulwrites
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Theodore Nott Smut-
Repeat it @mattyriddlesbitch
Break Time @mattyriddlesbitch
Who Did This to You @teddynottss
Jealousy, Jealousy @demieyesore
Study Session @jayybugg
Touch Tank (w/c 2k) @sadnymi
Anonymous Flowers @mattyriddlesbitch
Texts With Theo @kaciebello 
Nott @bellatrixscurls 
Kisses @muchlovekatia
Face Masks @muchlovekatia
Espresso @thestarsarebrightertonight
I'm Better Than The Cat @muchlovekatia
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
Short Funny Things-
Water to Wine @dontsearchformyaccount
Slytherin Boys With Modern Social Media @scvrllet 
Raccoon @blondwhowrites
Loaf @blondwhowrites
Draco-poo @jiasoulwrites
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Tom Riddle Smut-
Not a Gentle Lover @sallowsswan
Spoiled (short texts) @sallowsswan
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
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Matteo Riddle Smut-
Tell Me @mattyriddlesbitch
Well, Good Morning to You Too @thatdammchickennugget
Jealousy, Jealousy @demieyesore
You Can Take it @mattyriddlesbitch
Brat (short) @blondwhowrites
Anonymous Flowers @mattyriddlesbitch
Relentless @mattyriddlesbitch
Be Quiet @mattyriddlesbitch
Chasing Highs (w/c 2.6k) @amongemeraldclouds
Texts With Matteo @kaciebello
Rainy Nights @crvptidgf 
Spoiled (short texts) @sallowsswan
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
On a Night Like Tonight @weasleyreidstyles
Short Funny Things-
Bookworm (short) @blondwhowrites
Slytherin Boys -Casual Dominance @finnott 
Whipped @slutforslytherinx
C'est ta Love Story (w/c 487) @thatdammchickennugget 
DILF @blondwhowrites
Water to Wine @dontsearchformyaccount
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Lorenzo Berkshire Smut-
Taunting (w/c 3.5k) @distantdarlings
Chasing Highs (w/c 2.6k) @amongemeraldclouds
Pretty Please @quintetz
Texts With Enzo @kaciebello 
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
Someone Else Makes You Laugh @sadnymi
Your "Bestfriend" Flirts With Them @finnott 
Short Funny Things-
Water to Wine @dontsearchformyaccount
Raccoon @blondwhowrites
Loaf @blondwhowrites
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Blaze Zambini Smut-
Innocence @mattyriddlesbitch
A Night at The Museum (w/c 1.4k) @pizzaapeteer 
Slytherin Boys Watching You Get Ready @zriasstuff
Short Funny Things-
Hobbie @incorrectquotesharrypotterv
Slytherin Boys With Modern Social Media @scvrllet 
Draco-poo @jiasoulwrites
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127 notes · View notes
sitp-recs · 1 year
Top five: sexiest Dracos😌🫡😏
Right away dear sir/madam, I live to serve 🫡
To me sexy Draco = competent + confident Draco, I Iove seeing him tough, bossy and comfortable in his own skin. Some faves in no particular order (except for #1 on both sides, I am right and I should say it):
1. Far From the Tree by aideomai (and @bluebutter-art can - and did - prove it!)
2. Trouble, My Old Friend by Tepre
3. When You Kiss Me (What A Lovely Way To Burn) by Femme
4. I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore
5. Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by Tessa Crowley
Underrated bonus: draco malfoy's substitute murder service by @oknowkiss
Rare pairs:
1. Ultimate DILF Draco by birds: Euphoria & Unguarded (Dralbus)
2. To the Vagaries of the Young by secretsalex. Cw: dubcon (Dralbus)
3. Toeing the Line by @shiftylinguini (Tedrarry)
4. A Bigger Splash by @wolfpants (Dralbus)
5. A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells (Dron)
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protea-drarry-shit · 2 years
Draco: Andromeda? Sorry I’m late but I’m-
Harry, sitting on the floor with baby Teddy: Malfoy?
Draco: *softly* fuck.
Draco: I don’t know what I expected out of this year but DILF Potter was not on the list.
Pansy: Draco please shut up about this.
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Harry Potter fic rec Time travel/dimension travel
Organised by word count. This rec list involved time travel and dimension travel, not really alt dimension/au. This will include multiple ships like Drarry, Tomarry, Jegulus and Wolfstar.
Ouch you landed on my hand and somehow we are in the past - Gravepizza
Scorpius/Albus, wolfstar, Jily meeting the family | G | 1k
Fucking with the future - plecotusauritus
Wolfstar time turner used for inappropriate things, smut, Remus certified DILF | E | 1.6k
Changelings - TreacleTeacups
Tomarry time travel, kid fic, humour, established relationship, mamma bear harry | T | 1.7k
He Who Knows Too Much (and I, Who Knows Nothing) - coribbit
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, seer harry, obsessive tom | T | 1.9k
Everything and Nothing - XxTheDarkLordxX
Drarry post-hogwarts, time travel, hurt/comfort, angst | T | 4k
A Perfect Night for Trick or Treaters - PhantomGrimalkin
Wolfstar time-loop, first war, 1981, angst | T | 4k
Draco at Nineteen - birdsofshore
Drarry Time Travel, Age Difference, Hogwarts 8th Year, First Time | E | 5k
Our Little Life - tackytiger
Drarry post-hogwarts, time travel, dream sex, falling in love, past lives, idiots in love | M | 7k
The Soldier - woobyo
Wolfstar sirius fix-it, bamf sirius, harry is not a horcrux | M | 9k
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity - babooshk_art, onbeinganangel
Drarry Post-War, Time Travel, Auror Harry, Domestic Fluff | E | 10k
Fifteen - mysid
Wolfstar time travel fix-it, alternate realities, veil of death/opportunities | T | 11k
Brevem Conspectum - Lauren3210
Drarry Kid fic, Domestic, Fluff and Smut, Short Time Travel | E | 12k
Eudaimonia - duplicity
Tomarry time travel, child abuse, angst, age difference, happy ending, harry kinda helps raise tom | E | 15k
tempor · al | ary - asterismal (asterisms)
Tomarry time travel, established relationship, voldy wins, threesome | E | 16k
Yuletide Discussions - J_L_Hynde
Tomarry time travel, discussion of wizard politics, tom lusting harry, alt reality, auror harry | M | 18k
Relativity. - Ideasofmarch
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, BAMF harry, morally grey harry, slytherin harry | M | 18k
Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue 
Drarry PTSD, Time Travel, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Character Study | M | 20k
Enoument - Accipitae
Tomarry master of death harry, harry grows up with tom in orphanage, time travel, homophobia, angst | M | 22k
We Shall Not Cease from Exploration - krabapple
Jily, Wolfstar golden trio time travel, Lily working for the order | T | 23k
The Devil’s White Knight - orphan_account
Drarry Time Travel, Alternate Timeline, Everybody Lives, No Voldermort | E | 24k
Just a Matter of Time - gracerene
Drarry Post-War, Time Travel, Unspeakable Draco, Age Difference, First Time | E | 24k
Draco Malfoy and the Letter from the Future - DracoWillHearAboutThis
Drarry time travel, POV draco, harry potter series retold, draco and harry friendship, draco questioning parents beliefs | G | 33k
More Than You Know - moonscone
Wolfstar friends to lovers, oblivious sirius | G | 47k
If we could turn back time - MBlack93
Tomarry master of death harry, magically powerful, time travel, fix-it, sane tom, slytherin harry, bamf harry, knights of walpurgis | E | 54k
Time is of the Essence - Leaslemoon
Jegulus time travel, fix-it, angst with happy ending, slow burn, friends to lovers, sibling bonding, OOC snape, canon divergence | M | 58k
The Guest - BummedOutWriter
Drarry kid fic, time travel, get together, mrpeg, truth serum, 6th year, seer draco | M | 60k
Heir Apparent - MonsieurClavier
Tomarry time travel, sane voldy, voldy adopts harry, pseudo-incest, powerful harry, possessive behaviour, enemies to friends to lovers, humour | E | 61k
The Devil's White Knight - orphan_account
Drarry dimension travel, no voldy, time travel??, enemies to lovers, post-war trauma, everyone is gay | E | 65k
The Lesson of You - thecouchsofa
Drarry accidental chil acquisition, getting together, family feels, kid fic, fluff, time travel, smut | E | 65k
Everything Black - General_Jellyfish
Drarry Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, BAMF Harry Potter | T | 66k
Game On, Your Move - Ailora
Tomarry time travel, crack treated seriously, obsessive tom, sassy harry, time loop, eventual happy ending, enemies to lovers | T | 75k
Tip of Your Tongue - Spork_in_the_Road
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, morally grey harry, dumbledore critical, slow burn, mystery | M | 78k
The White Pawn - Soupy_George
Drarry time travel, romance, adventure, disenchanted draco, relive sixth year | T | 81k
At the end of every road - sassysquatch
Tomarry time travel, obsessive harry and tom, mutual manipulation, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, class issues, politically motivated marriage | M | 84k WIP 1 last chapter
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
Wolfstar also drarry, time travel, established relationships, first war, slow burn drarry, suicidal thoughts, manipulative dumbledore, canon divergence | T | 89k
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
Drarry time travel, first war, slow burn, suicidal thoughts, hocrux hunting, established wolfstar | T | 89k
where are you (my lion)? - harrysblueshirt1
Drarry time travel, canon divergence, jily sent to future, fix-it, emotional hurt/comfort, good draco, professor harry | 99k
That'll Be The Day - Waterloo
Drarry time travel, friendship, hogwarts redo, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, pov alternating, wolfstar raise harry | M | 112k WIP
Far From The Tree - aideomai
Drarrys kids time travel to hogwarts, pre-relationship, down and out draco, dom draco | E | 112k
you belong to me (i belong to you) - Child_OTKW
Tomarry time travel, slytherin politics, mind games, auror harry, slytherin harry, master of death harry, PLS READ ALL TAGS | 112k
Turning Leaves - Kbrick
Drarry time travel, pining draco, slytherin harry, angst with happy ending, harry is bad at feelings, drunk sex, auror harry | E | 113k
good night, darling - purplemineralwater
Tomarry time travel, fix-it, master of death harry, slytherin harry, knights of walpurgis, possessive tom, sane tom, hurt/comfort, slow burn | E | 138k
Bewildered - SparrowGrim
Drarry dimension travel, canon divergence, a/b/o, magically powerful harry, top draco, happy ending | E | 148k
When you are ready to go on... but you go back - Sakura521
Drarry time travel, fix-it, harry heir of house black, slow burn, good malfoy family | M | 166k WIP, 1 more chapter
Always Already - aibidil
Drarry time travel, post-hogwarts, department of mysteries, drarry go back to marauders era | E | 171k
Praeclarus Anguis - KaedeRavensdale
Tomarry time travel, slytherin harry, possessive behaviour, tom has met his match | M | 172k
Diablerie - Oceanbreeze7
Tomarry bamf tom, sane tom, time travel, ptsd, book 5, mental health issues, canon divergence | T | 176k
47 Days to Change (a translation) - snow_owl01
Tomarry time travel, slow burn, dubious consent, alt universe | E | 200k
What He Grows To Be - Severus_divides_into_H
Tomarry unhealthy relationships, obsessive and possessive tom, master of death harry, time travel, tom raised by harry, self-harm, psychological torture | M | 266k
What Souls Are Made Of - Emeralds_and_Lilies
Tomarry golden trio accidently time travel, angst, mind games, unhealthy relationships, slow burn | E | 278k
168 notes · View notes
Kinktober (CLOSED)
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Hi everyone, so this year I decided to do Harry Potter/ Marauders Era kinktober and was hoping you could all send in requests based on the options below, I will also accept if you want two or three characters, thanks xx
Reminder: this is all 16+ as that is there legal age in the uk and since I live here, I’m going by the rules here. Thanks hope you guys enjoy xx
Character suggestions:
Marauders Era -
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Mary McDonald, Marlene McKinnon and Regulus Black.
Golden Era -
Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger, Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley and Neville Longbottom.
Kink suggestions:
praise, thigh riding, squirting, hate sex, innocence kink, daddy/mommy kink, dacryphilia, sir/master kink, corruption kink, threesome, overstimulation, edging, exhibitionism, voyuerism, biting, knife kink, marking kink, spanking, car sex, somnophilia, degradation, temperature play, cockwarming, possessiveness, size kink, masterbation, breeding kink, safeword, begging, choking.
Trope suggestions:
only one bed, criminal, supernatural, neighbour, dilf/milf, mob, bodyguard, ceo, coffee shop, florist, modern, college, royalty, pornstar, mutual pining, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, dadsbestfriend, bestfriends!parent, fairytale, horror/slasher.
Note: you can supply your own kink or trope if you don’t see it listed and you can also pick more than one but one of them will be considered main so there are enough days.
222 notes · View notes
Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by the hotness of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black*
inspired by a hilarious thread in @thethreebroomsticksficfest feat. @saintsenara and @artemisia-black
Walburga Black: Tom Riddle tried to ask her out but she turned her nose up at him. (asenora/saintsenara's idea!); Kreacher and his most beloved mistress
Orion Black: DILF. Harry to Sirius: did you look like your dad? Sirius: yeah, why. Harry: no reason. (artemisia!); Kreacher the trouser-snogger
Sirius Black: James Potter bromance, Harry 'he's handsome in everything' Potter
Regulus Black: Harry 'he's not as handsome as Sirius' Potter, Kreacher
Bellatrix Black: Lord 'if I had to have a baby with anyone' Voldemort and Harry 'look at all that panting and heavy breathing as I walk to my death' Potter
Andromeda Black: Ted 'runs away with the girl' Tonks
Narcissa Black: Lucius Malfoy, Harry 'her hands were soft that one time' Potter
Draco Malfoy: Pansy Parksinson, Kreacher
Nymphadora Tonks: Remus 'I didn't want to join this club' Lupin
*you may be entitled to compensation death
188 notes · View notes
mxlfoydraco · 2 years
hi! i hope its okay to ask but, i was wondering if you have read any fics where theres also draco's son? i really like their relationship and i would love to read something with him and drarry as a ''main'' topic!
I absolutely adore Scorpius and dad Draco, I'll do this so happily! I'm adding onto these lists: Drarry + Scorpius & Draco and Scorpius are mutually protective
Close Behind by @oflights (134k)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (95k)
When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s.
A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Fire Meet Gasoline by @lettersbyelise (62k)
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
Shibboleths by @lol-zeitgeistic (109k)
Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his “dog,” teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor. But then the explosion happens, and it turns out they’ll all need Malfoy’s knowledge if they want the magical world to survive. The one with the scary things and Professor Dudley.
Harry Potter: DILF Hunter by @vukovich (11k)
Auror Potter doesn't know what a DILF is, but if Malfoy's one, then Harry's gonna be the Ministry's best DILF Hunter ever!
Or, five times Harry heard Draco was a DILF, and one time he found it to be pleasantly true.
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid (169k)
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. Living with Draco (biscuit-lover, no work/life balance, good hair) and his son Scorpius (also biscuit-lover, colour-codes his bricks, proud bearer of plastic swan-shaped garden ornament) gives Harry the routine and companionship he’s always craved. There’s also the matter of the really great sex (because what’s a marriage of convenience without a little fun, after all?) It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year… This isn't the story of the marriage. This is the story of two hurt and damaged men who learned how hard they could work for the sake of love.
Play Dates by @bixgirl1 (7k)
Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
All I Want For Christmas (Is For You To Stop Talking) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (162k)
The Niffler's Garden is the most prestigious wizarding nursery school in England and has been for the last century or more. Harry Potter's boys are both enrolled as pupils at the Garden. When he volunteers to assist with the Yule pageant, he has no idea that he'll be working closely with another parent, Draco Malfoy. Although they haven't seen each other much since their own school days, Harry faults Malfoy for not being a hands-on dad to little Scorpius. Will the intense weeks of preparation fan the fires of enmity or something else entirely?
Predictable Little Curses by brightowl (14k)
Two single fathers. One rather inconvenient bonding spell.
Harry Potter's biggest fan by @gnarf (9k)
Ever since Scorpius heard about Harry Potter for the first time from one of his friends, one could say that he was his biggest fan. So naturally, it would be the thing he needs to talk about while visiting his grandparents for Sunday dinner. Draco's father could not hold back the comments on why he had to go through this again, and Scorpius understood just enough to know that his father actually knew Harry Potter in person. That's when the pestering started. Not much later and Draco found himself face to face with Potter, all thanks to his son.
In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning by @sassy-cissa (16k)
Fourteen years ago Harry and Draco had one night together. It takes a stunt from Scorpius to bring them back together.
Harry Potter and the Great Cat Caper by @kbrick (78k)
Harry’s lonely in the aftermath of his divorce. Except for the weekends that he has the kids, Harry’s cooking gourmet meals for one in his big, empty farmhouse, with only his seven cats for company. Until, that is, Harry finds Al and Lily playing with Scorpius Malfoy in the front yard, and learns that Draco Malfoy is his closest wizarding neighbor. Oh, and also, Harry’s favorite cat is stolen (multiple times!) by someone who had the audacity to put a sparkly pink collar on her, with a nametag that reads “Plumeria Seraphin Snugglybug”. These things (Malfoy and the cat-snatching) may or may not be related. Featuring: a cat-loving Harry who loves to cook, has playdates with Pansy Parkinson, and tends to rap when he’s wasted, and good-dad Draco Malfoy who’s still a prat, albeit an irritatingly attractive and charming one. Also featuring: a slew of adorable children, a stolen cat named Stormy, copious amounts of sexual tension, divorce betting pools, amoral yet charismatic Slytherins, peeping-tom Harry, foot massages given while under the influence, Harry’s first time with a bloke, and did I mention cats?
Our Time by @m0srael (39k)
Draco Malfoy is an expert in Ancient Runes at Oxford University’s College of Advanced Magical Studies. When he isn’t at the head of a lecture hall, he spends his time alone in cavernous libraries with only crumbling scrolls and runic dictionaries for company. One day, a group of Ministry officials interrupts his research with the aim of recruiting him to lead an elite team of investigators in a top-secret race against time to decrypt a set of recently uncovered ancient runes that threaten the very fabric of time. Draco feels certain he can save the world, if only he didn’t keep getting distracted by his co-lead, one Chief Cursebreaker Harry Potter. If only that distraction didn’t evolve into something so much more.
the long ways by @oknowkiss (10k)
Five times Harry thought he was seeing Draco for the last time, and one time he didn’t.
OR: what it’s like to fall in love, slowly and without realizing it, over the course of 20 years.
Destination: Wedding by @mars-bar81 (31k)
Harry keeps accidentally getting married by not knowing the customs of cultures he visits and Draco is his long-suffering divorce attorney. Is Harry doing it on purpose? Are the people he’s marrying doing it on purpose? Is everyone involved just an idiot? Read on and find out!
All Missing Things (Can Be Found) by daisymondays (100k)
After a drunken hook up ends badly, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have no intention of ever speaking again -- but when they're assigned to solve a case of young child disappearances, they have to put their past behind them.
A Down and Out Christmas by @maraudersaffair (20k)
It’s Christmas and Draco and Scorpius have nowhere to go. Enter very sexy and very single Harry Potter.
The Opposite of Amnesia by @burning-up-ao3 (39k)
Draco's home has layers of old, dark magic that he can't remove. He has to hire the best person to keep him and Scorpius safe. Even if that person is Harry Potter.
When Hippogriffs and Pygmy Puffs Collide by oldenuf2b (32k)
Harry Potter bakes cakes, brilliantly. Draco Malfoy inks tattoos, brilliantly. Owls deliver post, including messages from clients, with an occasional lack of brilliance.
Trust In Me by unadulteratedstorycollector (7k)
Harry is met with blinding pain and Draco Malfoy. And Draco Malfoy's beautiful son. And suddenly a family is something that seems very within Harry's reach.
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A slow blink and Potter seemed to catch himself, clearing his throat and nodding, his smile friendly and bright when directed at Scorpius and Draco. “Hey Mal—” “Mr Potter,” Draco spoke up rudely, but necessary. “This is my son, Scorpius Black. He’ll be one of your students this year.” Potter looked completely wrongfooted for a few seconds before his mind appeared to latch onto the most likely conclusion. His expression cleared up as Scorpius took a step forward and offered a tiny hand. “Hello, Mr Potter. It’s nice to meet you,” Scorpius said, enunciation steady and practiced.
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It's Al's first day at preschool and Harry is a bundle of nerves. But he's certainly not alone.
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Harry and Malfoy shagged. But it’s fine, Harry doesn’t have feelings for him or anything. Yet he isn’t too thrilled when Malfoy gets hired as a Sports Therapist for Harry’s team – Puddlemere United. Of course, he gives massages. And of course, Harry has to bear witness to Malfoy making player after player groan in pleasure.
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When a sick child brings Harry and Draco back together, it’s up to Harry to figure out how to convince Draco that dating him really is a good idea.
Rebel, Rebel by @makeitp1nk (28k)
Thirty-six year old Harry Potter is the coolest bloke in muggle Camden Town. That’s right — he’s left the wizarding world behind and has been living his best life ever since. But will one chance encounter with a certain blond from his past change everything? Yeah, probably.
destination, destiny and definition by panicparade (17k)
It all starts with a blind date and a very confused Harry Potter..
Thanking You In Advance by @ladderofyears (13k)
When Draco Malfoy fled from Harry Potter's life it was without even a goodbye. He was left lonely and bereft. Now, almost nine years later it is Christmastime and Draco has returned to London, complete with a Scorpius-shaped surprise that Harry truly wasn't expecting. Can the two wizards get over the hurt of the past and seize the happy future that they both deserve?
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bvbygrl-writes · 10 months
Summer Lovin': Chapter 1
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Pairing: Dilf!Draco Malfoy x Blaise's Daughter!Reader
Series Summary: After years of being unhappy and doing what everyone else thinks is best, Draco decides to finally learn what he wants in life. Little did he know what he wants would walk in wearing a cute little dress.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Age gap (Draco is in his 30s reader is 18), unhappy marriage, reader is black, a bit of drinking
A/N: I haven't written a series in a while so brace yourself. If this chapter does well then I'll continue with it but if not I'll probably just drop this in the vault.
Draco could say with certainty that his marriage with Astoria was loveless from the beginning. From the outside, it looked like the perfect marriage, the perfect life. He was wealthy, his wife was beautiful, and they had a son who had grown into a lovely young man. But, if he had a choice in the way his life had gone, it wouldn’t have been like that. From the time he was a young boy till the time he was an adult, he had practically every decision made for him. He had hoped after Hogwarts, after he distanced himself from his father a bit more, he would have the rest of his life to figure out what he wanted to do. His likes, his passions, his interest for something outside of pureblood society or whatever agenda his father had pushed on him.
But over time, he had grown a distaste for the way his life was. While Scorpius was still growing up, he and Astoria had a common goal and interest: making sure their son grew up to be a well rounded individual. While their marriage and practically their whole lives were orchestrated, they made sure to give their son something they never had, his own choices and options. However, as he got older and started to attend Hogwarts, their attention had to be focused on one another and what they came to find out is that they couldn’t be any more different.
Constant fights, arguments about little petty things were the only things they could throw at each other (besides the dishware). If it wasn’t one thing, it was another and if Draco was honest, he couldn’t stand Astoria. Her laugh, the rude way she’d speak to the house staff, and constantly bringing up the stupidest of things that happened when they were still in school however many years ago. It was though she was still a rotten and nasty little girl instead of being in her mid 30s as they were. He found himself drinking quite a bit just to tune out the sound of her droning on and on about something he couldn’t give a singular fuck about.
“Did you hear me, Dray? This is important! The elves didn’t add enough salt into the soup so-”
“Add your own fucking salt then, Astoria! Are you so incompetent that you can’t even add your own salt into the meal? The soup tasted bloody fine to me.” he groaned, standing from the table. It was a long, dark oak table that seemed to go on for eternity. They both sat on separate ends and even then, it still didn’t feel like he was far enough. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he began to pace back and forth, sighing as he tried to calm down. A deafening silence fell over the room. He kept praying to a force that something, anything would end this moment.
And like clock work, in came his owl with the daily post. He stroked under its chin affectionately before grabbing the mail. With most of them, he read who the sender was and just tossed it onto the table. But one caught his eye. It was sealed with a dark blue wax with the initials B.Z pressed into it. A barely noticeable smile made its way into his face as he walked a few feet away from the table, ripping open the letter. The smile grew more and more as he read the contents.
Dear Draco,
How’ve you been, mate? I’ve been quite busy and I apologize for me and my small family for not being able to attend your residence during the Christmas season like you requested. However, my wife will be out for the summer visiting her family so I thought it’d be nice if you came to visit the manor and we can catch up like old times. Plus, from the sounds of it in your last letter, you’re very much overdue for a vacation of your own. 
Your friend, Blaise Zabini
“Rue!” Draco called out. The elf in questioning came scurrying around the corner, bowing before the man. “I’ll need you to pack up a few suitcases, I need about 3 months worth of clothing. Please and thank you.” the elf nodded, running off quickly with a few ‘right away sir’s and ‘a pleasure sir’s as he disappeared up the stairs.
“Three months?! Where do you think you’re going?” Astoria shrilled, standing up to cling to his arm. She had an overly dramatic pout on her face, lips quivering as fake tears appeared in the corner of her eyes.
“Away from you!” he yelled before sighing. None of this was her fault. She was forced into this connection as much as he was. He gently removed her hands from his body before turning to face her. “Astoria, let’s be honest with ourselves….neither of us are happy. We’ve been at each other's throats for years and if it wasn’t for Scorpius, the two of us would have separated years ago. I’m going away for the summer to spend some time with Blaise to have fun for once and I hope in this time you have some fun too.” his voice was full of sincerity and deep down, she knew he was right. So without another word she offered him a tight lip but understanding smile, walking off towards one of the many living rooms in the house.
“Your bags are packed, Master Malfoy.”
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Draco sighed in relief as he stood on the porch of his dear friend’s manor. It was made of light stone and marble, a nice change from the darker style of his own home. He reached forward to use the door knocker but was shocked as the door popped open revealing a familiar face.
“Malfoy. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come or not but I had a room prepared for you anyways. Lyra, fetch a bottle of the good scotch, will you?” he yelled, turning around and beginning to walk further into the house. Draco followed behind him, admiring the carvings on the border of the ceiling. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a living room. It had many windows causing the room to be well lit with natural lighting. But what caught his eye was the set of double doors. Outside appeared to be a garden with lots of greenery and an outdoor dining area.
“I’m impressed, Zabini. I didn’t know you had taste at all.” he chuckled, sitting down on the soft white couch. Blaise scoffed at his words, chuckling as he poured their scotch into two crystal glasses.
“As much as I’d love to take credit for this, a lot of this was the doings of Pansy and (Y/n). She was just starting Hogwarts when we moved here and we wanted her to feel at peace when she was away from the stress of school. It’s crazy to think she’s all done with it now.” Draco hummed at his words, sipping on the scotch. It was nice and smooth. He made a note to ask him about it at a later time. “Oh! Speaking of (Y/n), it seems her summer plans fell through and she’ll be here for the next few months. I hope that’s alright. Although, with the size of the house I doubt we’ll see her much but for meals.”
“That’s quite alright. I haven’t seen my ‘niece’ in quite some time. I believe she was six or so, still asking for us to check for the monsters under her bed." They both laughed at that. (Y/n) was a sweet and bright young girl. When the two families lived closer together, Scorpius and her would often have playdates together. (Y/n) would always call him Uncle Dray, begging to spend the night just so she could spend a bit longer with her favorite ‘uncle’.
“I’ll call her down so we can all catch up. (Y/n), princess, we have a guest!” Blaise called, his voice echoing off the walls. The room went silent for a bit before a faint ‘Coming, Dad!’ could be heard along with a set of footsteps clambering above them. The sound trailed from one end of the ceiling to the other before bouncing steps could be heard from the stairs.
Draco chuckled, sipping on his scotch which he soon began to regret as he choked on it a bit. His gray eyes practically bulged from his head at the girl, no, woman who was standing before them. Was this really the same girl, his little (Y/n/n)? This couldn’t be the same little girl he helped raise, the same one who always needed a flashlight in order to sleep, the one that’d fall asleep in his lap when he was finished braiding her curly hair. His eyes raked over her appearance. She took after her father in terms of complexion, rich brown skin but he had no idea who she had gotten that body from. It most certainly wasn’t Pansy’s. And her eyes? They were the most lovely shade of (e/c) he had ever seen. She had a set of fresh braids that complimented her face well and along with the bright yellow dress she was wearing…she looked nothing short of a doll. He felt his chest grow tight and his nose burned from the alcohol that had managed to make its way back up a bit. The summer had barely begun but he knew it was going to be the best one he’d had in a while.
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
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