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she/her - 25y swiftie/hufflepuff/dramione
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
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As promised, thank you @funkiemoon for feeding my draco brain rot!
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
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Love is ... to pretend, that you forgot to cast a spell of warm and give him a chance to be a gentleman.
New parts of aurors' and healers' day life
(Yeah that's Ryan Gosling mem)
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
NYE Masquerade 🎭
Those masks are charmed so they wouldn’t know who the other person is.
Happy new year Dramione fam! I wish you all the best this 2025.
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
“Measure Of A Man” 🌿 by Inadaze22
I just finished my 3rd reread and I drew this while I listened to it. Lovely fic, I learned so many things, and each time I reread it I notice more little details and learn new things. 10/10 recommend.
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babywhosaid · 3 months ago
Many years ago I used to read a lot of fanfics/AUs of Julie and The Phantons (btw, I'll never forgive you, netflix), but this year I got to read dramione and I have to say, I was obsessed. I read three in the beginning of the year, stayed on an hiatus and than BOOM! came back with full force.
A couple of days ago, I was talking with my friend and decided that would be so fun to write about what I read, but I have such a bad memory and I would like to write it with details, what won't happen (LoL)!
I read about 67 stories, I'm currently reading the 68 and I appreciate every single person who dedicated their time to write and create such beautiful stories. Between them there were a few that I believe I should comment on it (in positive and negative aspects).
Before I continue, I believe it's important to say that the stories I read might have some delicated topics that I don't recommend for people under 18 or are uncomfortable with it. I don't necessarily mean sexual topics, that I will mention for sure, but also topics that can trigger your mental health. So, please, if any of what I just said fits you, I recommend stop reading this post! Take care of yourselves!
Now that we have talked about that, let's go!
One of the first fanfics that I read this year was the amazing, the beautiful, the extraordinary story "Draco Malfoy and The Mortifying Ordel of Being In Love" by isthisselfcare.
I have to start saying that I'm obsessed with stories that have strong names and this one has. In this one, Hermione Granger is a healer who has a dangerous project that only a few people know what is it about, because of the dangerous of it, an auror was assigned for her protection and can you guess who it was? Yes, the one and only, Draco Malfoy, ladies and gentlemen.
What I like about it, it's that the author don't make it their contact immediate as if they need to see each other 24/7 right in the beginning, by the opposite, it grows through the story, specially when she needs to travel because of her project and he needs to go with her (yes, that makes me giggle... a lot), in those travels, they spent a lot of time together and we get to see they going to some adventures together. In the books, we see hermione being the smartest one, but draco isn't very far behind her.
Hermione is AMAZING, she's not only a healer, but algo a doctor. Draco is INCREDIBLY, he's also very sassy. (Tell your cat I said psipsipsipsi)
Another point is the beautiful fanarts in the chapters, it brings life to what isthisselfcare wrote.
Is it HEA? Yes, it is!
Is there smut? I think it has, yes.
ISOLATION by bexchan
I believe that Isolation by baxchan it's the most accurate option for what could have happen on the book "Harry Potter and The Deatlhy Hollows". For this one, we have to come back for the end of "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince".
Draco Malfoy is in dangerous after the astronomy tower and Snape (and I think that McGonagall) create a plan to hide him. Where? Well, of course it's in hogwarts, but not anywhere, no, no. On Hermione's private monitors bedroom.
What I like in this story is that they don't have secret crush, at least I don't believe so (please, I love that trope, but not for this fic) and Draco Malfoy is a little shit, he still believe in blood supremacy and all those horrible things we was raised to believe. Hermione is also not very please to those news.
This fics happens through the last book, hermione in deathly hollows is supposed to be with the boys hunting horcruxes, but she had to stay in this fic.
I like that through the story, we can see Draco changing, questioning his beliefs. Hermione also has to go through what she created of him in her mind. It's very well constructed.
If you like forced proximity, this is for you. I love it, a 100% recommend.
Is it HEA? Yes!
Does is have smut? But of course.
As I said before, I do love stories names that makes an impact, and WhatMurdah has done just that. Well, please, believe me when I say that Draco Malfoy is all of those things and we are here for it.
In this one, the Minister of Magic creates a law that people have to get married for a reconciliation in the magic world. Guess who gets married? Of course, Draco and Hermione.
What is very important in this one is that her "mudblood" scar hurts her a lot and she finds out how to make it better, I won't get into details so I don't spoil it.
I like it how the author constructed the marriage and even tho I don't remember much (not because I didn't like, but because I forget things), I remember I had a really good time reading it.
Does it have smut? Baby, WhatMurdah didn't put slutty in the tittle for nothing! *wink wink*
A YEAR AND A DAY by Pubella
Can we bring Daddy Draco, please? Yes, let's to this. As you can see, I'm a fool for a single dad trope, in this fic, he's not exactly single, he's getting a divorce (bye, bye, Astoria) and wants to keeps he's son, Scorpius. Narcisa, as the wise woman that she is, thinks it's better for him to marry someone and who's better than the golden girl? No one. Hermione is going through a rough path and kind of don't have other options and Narcisa's ofter becomes very appealing as she thinks about.
I LOVE Scorpius, but in this fics he's brilliant and he's relationship with Hermione is amazing.
Another thing that I was amazed by was the epilogue, I confess that epilogues in general always go in the same way, but in this fic, I was positively (and emotional) surprised by it.
Hermione and Draco's relationship isn't good in the beginning, and I love how it grows. What can I say? I like the yearning, the doubts, they questioning feelings and while you read you are screaming inside saying "STOP THAT NONSENSE AND KISS"
Is it HEA? YES and I cried.
Does it have smut? I do believe so.
MEASURE OF A MAN by inadaze22
There are a few fics that are very popular in the dramione fandom and Measure of a Man is one of them AND FOR A REASON.
Let me start saying that this fics is so so sooooo long, it's not a bad thing tho. Inadaze22 wrote 3 acts, they being nothing, something and everything. I like her choice in acts because it makes easier to see and understand when things change.
Narcisa Malfoy has dementia and Hermione Granger ends up being her healer (please, it's not a spoiler), that makes her get in contact with Draco Malfoy, but it's not a fast burn, but the opposite. They contact starts to grow.
Through the story he see Draco as a man, a father and a son, how much he has changed before the story started but algo through it. Hermione is not perfect and I'm here for it. I will defend woman's right and wrongs. What I like it that they both calls each other's bullshit and I think that honest that they develop is beautiful.
In this one, we have Scorpius, he's a child going through so much, I like how the author shows how much the parents' figures have an impact on a child's development. (Oh, please, let's give a round of applause to the emotionally supported cactus)
This fic is real, it brings pain, love, suffering, healing, acceptance, forgiveness and also mourning. That does not include necessarily the couple here. I did wish sometimes for more fluff, but that's on me, not in the author, this story was not about that and I love it how it was written.
Is it HEA? YES!
Does it have smut? Yes and also NSFW art.
I read many others, but for this post, I decided to only talk about those. I tried to not give many spoilers or get into dedicated topics.
I hope you all liked and please let me hear your thoughts!
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babywhosaid · 8 months ago
Part of me will know deep down that I am pretty cool
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The part of me that knows I never cared for being cool
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
y'all missing the whole point of stardew valley. it's supposed to be slow paced. you're a farmer. crops do now grow instantly and you wont be making millions in a season. enjoy the fucking game, take your fucking time. take days off to just forage and talk to people. aren't yall tired of the grind from real life??? do you want to experience burnout in a farming game too??????
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
I find it kind of funny that Shane is labelled the "i can fix him" romance of sdv but...he really isn't. You, the player, actually do very little in terms of "fixing" him. You watch him have a few breakdowns, and you intervene when he's drunk on the cliffs, but...he's the one who decides to start going to therapy. He's the one who decides to quit drinking. These are not things that you ever encourage him to do. You can headcanon certain interactions all you want, but this isn't like "the player chooses the genre of Elliott's future book." You have no impact on whether or not Shane cleans up his life. You support him at a few key moments, but the desire to change and be better comes from Shane, not the player.
You don't fix him. He fixes himself.
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
“You like to make me suffer, don’t you Sanem.”
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
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babywhosaid · 1 year ago
I’m sorry, but the way he bites her hand and smirks at her. . .
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babywhosaid · 2 years ago
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their dating-in-secret era was unmatched
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babywhosaid · 2 years ago
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"Sanem has a photographic memory. She remembers every detail." pt 1/3 ep 1-20
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babywhosaid · 2 years ago
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sanem being delusional
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babywhosaid · 2 years ago
Can Divit is GOALS
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