#digimon world digital card battle
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digi-lov · 2 years ago
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Veemon EX3-004 by tessy from EX-03 Theme Booster Draconic Roar
This card of Veemon from EX3 is a reference to Digimon World Digital Card Battle!
In the background, you can see Flame City.
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Also your last match in this area is against Veemon!
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otakween · 2 years ago
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digimonarchive · 2 years ago
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The Chosen Children/Digidestined (and Digimon Kaiser/Emperor) in Digimon World: Digital Card Arena/Battle video game
Since they are holding those cards, I could imagine them doing Card Slash/Digi-Modify in Tamers AU.
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zakbfree · 7 months ago
Animon Story: Legend’s Wake is now live on Kickstarter!
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Legend’s Wake is a new Pokémon-inspired expansion for Animon Story, the TTRPG about Kids & their Monster friends!
Click here to become a backer!
Originally released in 2021, Animon Story is an original ‘monster taming’ roleplaying game inspired by beloved anime and video games such as Pokémon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, and more. Players create a Kid character and an evolving monster buddy called an Animon. Together, they go on adventures, meet all kinds of animon, battle and evolve, and build the bond of friendship between them!
Legend’s Wake expands upon the original Animon Story rulebook in every way, providing more depth, more options for players and GMs, more guidance for running the game, and a fully developed setting and campaign to play out of the book, or customised to your liking!
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Journey across the Dunia Region, a place where humans and animon live alongside one another. This is a world of both tradition and progress, where sparkling modern cities meet rustic rural villages. As new technology confronts ancient legendary powers, can harmony truly be found between humans and animon?
The Legend’s Wake expansion is presented as both as digital PDF and physical hardcover book, which will be produced upon successful funding of this Kickstarter. Alongside the book, a brand new Animon Card Deck is being funded. The deck will contain 50 illustrated tarot-sized cards, along with game stats, making them a stylish and useful addition to your Animon Story campaign.
The core rulebook, Ani-thology! adventure collection, and original card deck will also be available for backers of the ‘Newcomer’ reward tier, or as add-ons, so this campaign is also perfect for those who are new to the game.
Back Legend’s Wake on Kickstarter now! 
Early pledges are greatly appreciated, as it will help the campaign get off to the best possible start.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 year ago
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Basic Story Info: Susie is the daughter of Max Haltmann, the CEO and founder of his own computer company. (kinda like the original Susie lol)
But on her 18th birthday, a bunch of Digimon came through a portal and kidnapped her father and half the employees of the company. And it's up to Susie to save her father from whatever evil Digimon is behind all of this.
Accompanying her as her digital partners are the first two friendly Digimon she met in the Digital World. Marxamon and Magomon. Two sneaky little scam artists that Susie saved from an angry mob.
Once they heard her story, they both (eventually) agreed to help Susie find her father and protect her from the dangers of the Digital World, with Susie mysteriously gaining a Digivice in the form of a wrist watch as a symbol of their friendship.
Together, the three of them traveled all across the Digital World, fighting battles, solving mysteries, exploring new areas, you get the idea.
Info on Susie: A young girl from the city of [insert place in Japan that isn't effing Tokyo]. She's a headstrong go-getter and intelligent gal, who's a major tech wizard, finding comfort in machinery and modeling. She has a weakness to cute fluffy things and sweet treats. She's a huge "papa's girl", as her loving father is the best dad (and only parent) a girl could ask for. Which makes finding him even more important to her.
Info on Marxamon: A silly little jester bat digimon that shares DNA with the Demon Lord of Gluttony, Beelzemon, and a childhood friend of Magomon. With a "gives no shits" attitude and a craving for mischief, Marxamon is always up for a good prank or two. His special move "Spiraling Scream" has been known to leave even the strongest of champions feeling dizzy and temporarily deaf.
His Champion evolution, Jecksmon, is no different. Growing bigger wings, longer legs, and an even bigger taste for mischief than before! Having the ability to create mirrored copies of himself with his special move "Mirror Dance", and shoots blasts of chaotic energy from his mouth with his other move "Soul Cannon", he truly becomes chaos reincarnated!
Info on Magomon: A little bell-shape feline magician that shares DNA with the Demon Lord of Greed, Barbamon, and a childhood friend of Marxamon. Although somewhat timid, his cunning and clever nature shows no bounds, treating almost anything like a performance he must perfect. Shrouding his secrets in veils of lies that he swears to never unravel, as it might bring unwanted attention, (aka: this bitch's got MEGA TRAUMA and is keeping it all a secret). His special move "Gemtastic Bombs" has him throwing multiple bombs made of different types of gems, usually Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald.
His Champion evolution, Galormon, gives him a huge confidence boost and some card tricks up his (metaphorical) sleeves! With the ability to spin around, creating a tornado of cards and fire with his special move "All-In-Spin" and sucking in enemies into his hat with his other special move "Hatter Hole", his performance on the battlefield makes this fancy Digimon a sight to behold!
The other evolutions are gonna be left a mystery for now, cuz I haven't drawn them yet, lol.
So yeah, I hope you like this new AU!! I worked my ass off to figure this stuff out, and I hope it was worth the wait!!! ^w^
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tobiasdrake · 4 months ago
Digimon Adventure 01x54 - A New World / The Fate of Two Worlds
Previously on Digimon Adventure: The true horror disrupting the Digital World was revealed. An eldritch thing of madness, beyond comprehension. Well, initial comprehension. The kids were having a hard time, so Apocalymon put them in the time-out corner until they could get their heads on straight.
Now they're back and ready to do this. This time's for real.
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This episode's off to a bit of a different start. Instead of the typical recap followed by title card, we open straight into a fast-forward of the evolution sequences from the end of the previous. Along with Show Me Your Brave Heart kicking us off right from the get-go.
From there, Taichi and the others reconstitute themselves and we pick right up.
Apocalymon: What!? Taichi: WE WON'T LET YOU HAVE YOUR WAY!!! Apocalymon: That's impossible! You can't evolve without your Crests! Yamato: Don't underestimate the Chosen Children! Taichi: You got that right! Come on! Let's go, team! Team: YEAH!!!
Taichi raises his fist, and the other seven raise their fists in unison. The time for the final battle has come.
An interesting note is that Apocalymon sincerely believed the kids needed their Crests to evolve their Digimon. They did not understand the lore behind how the Crests work. Which sort of implies that the Original Five did not screw up as hard as our team did. XD
In the dub:
Izzy: We're back! Apocalymon: What!? Tai: You're dealing with the new and improved DigiDestined! Apocalymon: That's impossible! How did you Digivolve without your Crests!? Matt: Nothing's impossible. At least not when you've got your friends helping you! Tai: You said it, Matt! Now! Time to fight! Team: YEAH!!!
Minor differences with Matt's line but nothing noteworthy.
From here, it's go time. The Children are done discussing Apocalymon's background lore. They're ready to kill this thing. The Chosen Children ride their Partner Digimon into battle.
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Which results in some... unintended hilarity.
Most of them fly through the void, but for some reason MetalGarurumon decides to run despite being flight-capable. It's not clear what his heavy tromping footsteps are running on, nor how he is casting a shadow on it, but there he is.
WarGreymon, AtlurKabuterimon, Lilimon, and the angel pair all fly.
Zudomon offers no indication of how he is moving. He remains entirely stationary and rockets forward through the void, squatting his way through space.
Meanwhile, for their part, Apocalymon remains motionless and lets the children come at them. The only movement comes from their cape flapping in the wind. ...kinda drafty in the void, I guess.
The dub adds no dialogue here and lets the silence do all the talking. The only difference is that, as usual, they didn't notice the sound effects so MetalGarurumon's footsteps and Apocalymon's flapping cape make no noise. No real loss there. Those things are confusing anyway.
Once the children get close enough, Apocalymon attacks.
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Apocalymon: DIE!!!
Apocalymon thrusts one of their DNA chain claws forward to attack, but before they can do anything, Zudomon blows it off with Hammer Spark.
Jou: We'll handle the tentacles! Mimi: Let's join in, Lilimon! Lilimon: Sure!
Mimi hasn't quite realized the logistics of how their handholding flight is going to work in combat, but Lilimon has. Without warning, she grabs Mimi's wrist with both hands and flings her past the tentacle, to free up her arms for Flower Cannon.
Mimi: Huh, what are--UAAAAAGH!!!
She catches Mimi after she's destroyed the tentacle, but her Partner Child is not impressed.
Mimi: (whining) AWWW YOU'RE AWFUL!!! Lilimon: (smugly) Well, I am your Digimon, Mimi. Mimi: (grumbling) And just what is that supposed to mean?
And so this adventure concludes the way it began: In ways that are extremely upsetting for Mimi-chan. XD
Obviously, Apocalymon does not tell the children to die in the dub. In fact, he mutters to himself rather than addressing them.
Apocalymon: They're doomed.
This is the dub's segue to the first commercial break. Upon return, he calls an attack.
Apocalymon: So you wanna fight!? DEATH CLAW!!!
He can't tell them to die but he can still use the name Death Claw. Weird.
This creates some ambiguity for the previous episode's renaming of Touch of Evil to its original name Death Claw. Zudomon destroys his claw before it can do anything so... Are they indicating he was going to conjure Devimon to use Death Claw like he did last episode?
Or did the dub team forget about Touch of Evil, and think that "Death Claw" is a unique Apocalymon signature move, signifying attacking with his DNA chain claws?
Or is it like Clown Trick and Trump Sword where they call the one name for a bunch of different attacks, many of which have nothing to do with the original move?
(Zudomon destroys the claw with Vulcan's Hammer) Joe: Alright! Your hammer nailed it! Mimi: We can help out too, right, Lillymon? Lillymon: Hang on! Mimi: Hang on for wha--AHHHHHHHHH!!! (Lillymon throws Mimi and destroys a claw with Flower Cannon, then catches Mimi) Mimi: Next time, Lillymon, can you use someone else as a boomerang!? Lillymon: Sorry, but I wanted to make sure you came back to me.
The dub plays this as surprisingly heartwarming rather than funny. One whole D'awww! Very different, but valid.
While Mimi and Lilimon are having it out, Zudomon destroys another chain-claw.
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Jou: The rest of you, use this opening to attack the main body! Taichi: Got it--AH!!!
Apocalymon's had enough of this shit. While Jou and Mimi's backs are turned to the enemy so they can address the group, Apocalymon capitalizes by sending a claw straight for them.
Jou and Mimi whip around, but it's too late.
Jou & Mimi: AHHHHH!!!
HolyAngemon opens Heaven's Gate all of a sudden. Then Angewomon destroys the claw with Holy Arrow. It is not clear what, if anything, Heaven's Gate contributed to this.
Takeru: Hikari-chan and I will protect you! Hikari: Could you please destroy the other tentacles? Mimi: Thank you! Jou: You saved us!
(Hikari wrenches one of Apocalymon's goddamn limbs off and then turns around and is the most polite and adorable thing ever to be born. The duality of Yagami Hikari. XD)
In the dub:
Joe: Tai! Now's your chance to go for his body! Tai: Alright! Huh!? (Apocalymon attacks Joe and Mimi from behind) Sora: Joe! Mimi! Look out behind you! Joe & Mimi: HUH!?!? (MangaAngemon unhelpfully creates Gate of Destiny) (Angewomon destroys the claw) T.K.: Don't worry about it, guys! We're here to protect you! Kari: We'll go for the other claws too! Mimi: Thanks, Kari! Joe: We owe you one!
A bit different. Joe only tells Tai to attack the main body while Jou instructs the rest of the team to do it. Similarly, Mimi (arguably correctly) only thanks Kari.
Kari's line is totally different. The plan is that Jou and Mimi will attack the claws while Takeru and Hikari watch their backs. T.K. gets this right, but then Kari suggests that T.K. and Kari will be attacking claws side-by-side with Joe and Mimi instead.
As agreed, Taichi and Yamato charge Apocalymon.
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Taichi: Alright, Yamato! Full speed ahead! Yamato: Yeah! Taichi: CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon go straight down the center. In the process, we sort of get a glimpse of what MetalGarurumon's running on? A "floor" made out of waves of darkness seems to be emanating from Apocalymon. This raises further questions.
Apocalymon sends a claw their way to fend them off. However, an offscreen Flower Cannon obliterates it. Mimi and Jou are doing their jobs.
(Poor Mimi probably got tossed again.)
Sora and Koushiro join the charge on Garudamon and AtlurKabuterimon.
Sora: Koushiro-kun and I will assist Taichi and Yamato! Koushiro: Please, the two of you just focus on attacking the enemy! Yamato: Got it! Apocalymon: YOU LITTLE-- PLUG BOMB!!!
Furiously changing tactics, Apocalymon fires off Nanomon's signature Plug Bomb, machine-gunning the tiny explosives in every direction at once.
(I think that answers the question of whether Apocalymon has the moves of every Digimon or just the Big Bad Evil Guy Digimon.)
Garudamon: AtlurKabuterimon! Take Sora, please! AtlurKabuterimon: Right!
Garudamon has the same problem Lilimon has. Her Shadow Wing starts by engulfing her entire body in phoenix fire. Can't exactly do that with a rider. XD There was a critical flaw in this "Let's ride our Digimon into the fight" plan.
Garudamon deposits Sora on AtlurKabuterimon, then fires. Her phoenix-shaped projectile flies ahead of them, obliterating the Plug Bombs in their path. Once the path is clear, Sora returns to Garudamon's shoulder.
Sora: Thank you, Garudamon!
In the dub, Tai and Matt seem to be having fun with this.
Tai: Matt, this is better than any video game! Matt: I'll say! Apocalymon: DEATH CLAW!!! Lillymon: (offscreen) FLOWER CANNON!!! (Lillymon destroys the claw)
...okay, yes, I think we can confidently say that the dub does think Death Claw is an Apocalymon signature move.
Sora: Hey, why should you guys have all the fun? Save some for me and Izzy! Izzy: We'll distract Apocalymon while Matt and Tai concentrate on attacking. Matt: Watch our backs! Apocalymon: Let's end this. VIRUS GRENADES!!!
Cannot say with certainty whether they caught that "Virus Grenades" is supposed to be Nanomon's move or not. They never gave Plug Bomb a name way back when. So. Maybe they remember and are finally naming it or maybe they think this is an Apocalymon move too.
Garudamon: MegaKabuterimon, protect Sora! MegaKabuterimon: Got it. Garudamon: WING BLADE!!! (Garudamon destroys the bombs) Sora: Thanks, guys!
Most of this is pretty close to the original. The one point of contention is that Izzy volunteers to "distract" Apocalymon. That is. Not what they're doing. You don't distract the enemy by charging in right alongside the main attack force.
But we're used to Izzy being wrong about stuff. Matt gets it right when he tells them to "Watch our backs". Sora and Izzy are providing cover for Tai and Matt, just like T.K. and Kari are doing for Joe and Mimi.
As Taichi and Yamato close in, Apocalymon fires off one last shot.
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Morphing one of their claws into Mugendramon and letting off Mugen Cannon.
AtlurKabuterimon: Now it's my turn! HORN BUSTER!!!
AtlurKabuterimon's there to provide covering fire and destroys it with Horn Buster.
Taichi: LET'S FINISH IT!!! Yamato: TAKE THIS!!!
Once the boys get into attack range, they unload. Cocytus Breath and Gaia Forge plunge together into Apocalymon, oblitering them. The main body of Apocalymon disintegrates into pixel dust, and it seems to be over. Most of their outer shell goes with them, leaving behind only the featureless dodecahedron that Apocalymon originally emerged as.
Apocalymon: HUAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Yamato: We did it! Jou: We disposed of the tentacles, too! Taichi: How do you like that!? Give up! Apocalymon: Hehe, you think you've won? Yamato: There's no point in acting tough! Apocalymon: Isn't there? We will perish. But we won't just perish. You smug little shits and this world will all be caught up in it too! Taichi: What!? Apocalymon: Just watch. Our ultimate special attack!
Oh, this is it! Remember, the rundown warned us of this. Apocalymon does have a signature move all their own: Darkness Zone, which reduces all things to nothingne--
...or that. I guess it could be that.
Apocalymon's dodecahedron collapses into a single point. This is followed by a sudden flash of light. Then an explosion, expanding outwards in every direction. An effect that looks remarkably and alarmingly like a supernova going off.
In the dub:
MegaKabuterimon: Now it's my turn! HORN BUSTER!!! (MegaKabuterimon destroys the final defense) Tai: ATTACK!!! Matt: NOW!!! (The boys destroy Apocalymon's main body) Matt: We did it! Joe: We destroyed all of his claws! Tai: Still think you're so tough!? Apocalymon: Ehehehe... Is that your best shot? Matt: You know you're beaten! Face it like a 'mon! Apocalymon: You think so, huh? Well, I may be beaten but I won't go down that easily. I'll take you and both worlds with me! Tai: What!? Apocalymon: You still haven't seen my ultimate attack: TOTAL ANNIHILATION!!!
An interesting note is that in the original, Apocalymon doesn't threaten the human world. He only says this will destroy 貴様 kisama, which is a rude way of saying "you" with the implicit meaning that the person you're speaking to thinks they're better than you, and この世界 kono sekai, which is "this world".
This is the second time Apocalymon has angrily dropped a 貴様 kisama into conversation. It's almost as if they're insecure about something. I wonder what.
So, Apocalymon only threatens to collapse the Digital World. However, it has long been established that the collapse of the Digital World would have catastrophic knock-on effects for the human world. There is, right at this moment, a tear in the fabric of reality in the sky of the human world above all places at once, where people are seeing this happen.
So even if Apocalymon doesn't directly threaten to destroy the human world, their actions will do that if allowed.
The dub cuts out the implied threat and instead makes Apocalymon fully aware of both worlds, and actively trying to destroy them both. This meshes with the previous episode, when they added dialogue of him threatening to "start [reducing all things to nothingness] with Earth".
Original Apocalymon wants to destroy the Digital World, which will consequently destroy the human world, while dub Apocalymon wants to destroy them both. No idea what his beef is with the humans. We've never successfully Digivolved either.
Well, not in Adventure continuity, anyway. I see you over there, Biomerge Digivolutions.
Anyway, where were we at? Oh, yeah. Being killed by a supernova.
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As the supernova approaches, we flash from child to child, hearing their thoughts while their Crest symbols float over them.
Yamato: They self-destructed! Jou: Is this the end for us!? Mimi: IT CAN'T BE!!! Takeru: It's not the end! Koushiro: This can't be the end. Yamato: I won't let this be the end. Taichi: Like hell this is the end! Jou: NEVER!!! Sora: Because.... Hikari: We all have.... Team: TOMORROW WAITING FOR US!!!
As the children refuse to relent, their Digivices activate. Each taking a different point around the supernova, they form the eight points of a cube, made from the children's holy light. The cube suppresses and contains the supernova, until it detonates harmlessly in the void. The final trace of Apocalymon's wrath is gone.
In the dub:
Matt: He's gonna destroy everything! Joe: I should have made out my will! Mimi: I'm too good-looking to go! T.K.: I want my mommy! Izzy: There must be a solution! Matt: We won't give up! Tai: We're stronger than he is! Joe: We're a team! Sora: It's destiny! Kari: After all! Team: WE'RE THE DIGIDESTINED!!!
A bit different. Mostly lateral changes, but I don't like that they stopped T.K. from being the first one to retain hope and made it Izzy instead. Refusing to lay down and die in the face of the unwinnable is literally his Crest virtue but the dub's only ever seen "littlest kid" in him.
As the blast dissipates, the children unpack. They aren't quite sure what just happened there.
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WarGreymon: What.... MetalGarurumon: ...was that? Takeru: What happened to the explosion? Koushiro: It must have been contained through the power of our Digivices. Taichi: So, does that mean we won? Yamato: Seems like. Jou: Then the destruction of the world.... Sora: It means we stopped it! Hikari: Yeah! Ogremon: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!
Ogremon runs on into the void, waving his club. He's followed by Andromon, who is carrying Elecmon.
Ogremon: You did it? HolyAngemon: Yeah, we did! Ogremon: You punks are really something else! Mimi: (pleased) Is that so? Andromon: Thank you very much. Koushiro: (embarrassed) Uh, there's no need to thank us!
Meanwhile, in the human world, those weird otherworldly Digimon that had been silently rampaging freeze up and disintegrate. The void vanishes from the sky, and the people of Earth look up at a bright beautiful sky.
Shin (Jou's Brother): You all did so well (ganbatte).
Now, at the very end of the final battle, the title card for "A New World" appears.
In the dub:
WarGreymon: What was that!? MetalGarurumon: I'm not sure! T.K.: What happened to the explosion!? Izzy: It was completely contained by the power of our Digivices! Tai: Then it's over! We actually won! Matt: Looks that way! Joe: Excuse me while I throw up. Sora: I guess we saved the world. Kari: Mhm! Ogremon: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! Elecmon: You did it! Ogremon: You're amazing! Remind me to call you the next time I have trouble with my landlord. Mimi: It was nothing! Andromon: Thanks for everything! Izzy: Well, I did have some help, you know. (Meanwhile the human world returns to normal) Jim: Great, bro! I'm proud of you.
Ogremon suggests unleashing unrelenting violence upon landlords and I approve this message.
Once the title card is past us, there are more visitors to Apocalymon's void.
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Gennai and Centarumon show up.
Gennai: It looks like your world has been saved too. Kids: Yes! Takeru: What will happen to the Digimon World? Centarumon: Look carefully under your feet.
The children look below them and see the darkness peel away, revealing File Island in the distance.
Takeru: An island? Garudamon: It's File Island! Centarumon: The prophecy in the ancient ruins concluded with these words: "The first to return to life will be the island. From the island will come new skies, seas, and land. Mimi: So, what does that mean? Centarumon: It means the Digital World is being created anew.
A linguistic note: When Centarumon says the Digital World is created, he uses the word 天地創造 tenchisouzou. This is a composite of 創造 souzou which means to create something and 天地 tenchi or heaven. Heavenly creation.
He's saying that the Digital World is being "created" anew in a Biblical sense.
Then the kids notice black and white pixels fluttering around File Island.
Taichi: What's that down there? Gennai: The Digimon may also be reborn right alongside this world. Kids: REALLY!?!? Taichi: Let's go, guys! Kids: YEAH!!!
So, it seems the Digital World was destroyed utterly once Apocalymon's void emerged. That's probably why we all suddenly fell into the void. When the void erupted and spread down across the wireframe of Spiral Mountain, I guess it didn't stop there.
But with Apocalymon's destruction, the void is giving way for a new Digital World to take its place. And, of course, the Village of Beginnings lives again.
In the dub:
Gennai: Sorry I'm late. Forgot to set my alarm. Is it over? Kids: Yeah! T.K.: So what's gonna happen to the Digital World now? Centarumon: See for yourselves. Look down. Kids: Huh!? (The kids see File Island emerge) Tai: It's File Island! Centarumon: The ancient prophecy said that after the great darkness is over, the first thing to be reborn will be the island. And from that island will come the land and the seas. Mimi: Yeah, but what does that mean? Centarumon: It means that the Digi-World will start over from the beginning. Izzy: What's happening down there? Gennai: The Digi-World is being reborn as are all the Digimon from the past. We're gonna need a lot of diapers! Kids: Huh!? Tai: Alright! Let's go! Kids: Right!
Pretty much the same. "The Digi-World will start over from the beginning" is a pretty solid pragmatic translation of "The Digimon World is undergoing heavenly creation again."
The children and their cohort return to Primary Village, where Elecmon's ecstatic to see it alive and vibrant again.
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Elecmon: The village is back to normal!
A shower of Digitama from all the Digimon who died since Spiral Mountain was erected rain down across the village.
Takeru: IT'S FULL OF DIGITAMA!!! Patamon: YAY!!!
Takeru and Patamon race into the village, eager to start rubbing some eggs.
Elecmon: HEY, WAIT FOR ME!!!
The three set to work, rubbing the shit out of those eggs. Hikari, a bit lost about what's happening here, approaches them.
All Three: (singsong) Rub-rub! Rub-rub! Hikari: What are you guys doing? Patamon: We're hatching the Digitama. (A Digitama rolls to Hikari's foot. She picks it up.) Hikari: Are you going to hatch all of them? Elecmon: That's right! A lot of Digimon will be born from these Digitama. The future of the Digimon World begins right here!
Hikari looks up to the sky and sees the Digitama continuing to rain into the village. She smiles brightly, now understanding.
Takeru: You should join us, Hikari-chan. Hikari: Okay! (rubs and sings) Rub-Rub! Group: Rub-rub!
In the dub, Sora kicks us off with a reminder of what this place is.
Sora: It's the Primary Village! Elecmon: And everything's back to normal. Joe: Looks like it's starting to rain. T.K.: (excited) Whoa! A Digi-Egg storm! (T.K. and Patamon race into the village) Elecmon: Wait, those eggs are my responsibility! (The boys start rubbing eggs) T.K.: Are you gonna count them all? Elecmon: Are you crazy? You never count your Digi-Eggs before they hatch. Kari: What are you doing? Patamon: Helping these Digi-Eggs hatch. (A Digi-Egg rolls to Kari's feet. She picks it up.) Kari: Are you going to hatch them all? Elecmon: What do you suggest? We make an omelet? Of course we're going to hatch them all! The future of the Digi-World depends on it! Kari: Yay! Patamon: You can help! Just rub them gently.... (Kari starts rubbing Digi-Eggs) Kari: This is fun! Elecmon: We should be done in about sixty years.
Some decent laugh lines added but otherwise pretty similar. The omelet crack and "sixty years" got me. XD
Though the tonal difference between "The future of the Digimon World begins here" and "The future of the Digi-World depends on this!" is a bit eyerolling. Americans gotta have everything fierce.
The rest of the group watches, unhelpfully opting not to join in the hatching spree.
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Ogremon: Now Leomon will be born again. Mimi: Really!? Does that mean Piccolomon, Whamon, and the others will be too? Gennai: Uhhh, eventually.
Gennai, your tone of voice is really bringing the mood down. Do not shit in our pancakes right now. We earned these pancakes.
Andromon: What do you think, everyone? Should we take a photo to commemorate the occasion? Taichi: A photo!? Let's do it! Sora: Good idea! Yamato: I'm in! Koushiro: I'll grab Takeru-kun and the others. (Koushiro exits) Gennai: A photo, huh? (excited) Yehhhhh!
Gennai fusses with what passes for his hair, and we cut to everyone lined up for the picture. Hikari even brings over the little yellow Digitama she's been rubbing. The gang's all here, except Andromon because he's taking the photo.
Taichi: Alright, go ahead! Andromon: Hai, chizu! Digitama: (wiggle wiggle) Hikari: Huh? Takeru: What's wrong?
It's falling a bit out of style since smartphones have replaced cameras and the entire culture of picture-taking is different. But the phrase "Hai, chizu!" has a long history with Japanese photography.
It translates to "Okay, cheese!" So it's similar to the western custom of saying cheese, but it has a different purpose. In the west, it's the people having their photos taken are supposed to say cheese because the mouth movement to enunciate the word stretches their mouths into a wide smile. But in Japan, it's the picture-taker who says cheese.
The phrase "Hai, chizu" is spoken at a rhythmic cadence, with the understanding that the photo will be snapped on the syllable "zu". So Japan uses this sing-songy phrase as a metronomic countdown. It's so everyone's on the same page, holding still, and looking their best when the picture-taker hits zu.
Youth culture has changed a lot in the twenty years since this show came out and I don't think this is in style anymore. But it was when the show was made.
So Andromon counts down and snaps the picture. However, right as we hit zu, the Digitama in Hikari's hands suddenly hatches. The resulting photo captures the shocked and startled reactions from the group around her.
(It's a Botamon like how Hikari's first Digitama was a Botamon! Ending where we began!)
Absolutely nobody cares about the picture anymore; All eyes are on the newborn Botamon in Hikari's hands.
Tailmon: What happened!? Elecmon: It hatched! Patamon: So cute!
In the dub:
Ogremon: This means Leomon will be reborn. Mimi: That's right! And Piximon, Whamon, and Wizardmon too! Gennai: Yes, someday. Andromon: We should take a picture to commemorate this special occasion! Tai: A picture! Good idea. Sora: Sure, let's do it. Matt: Yeah, I'm in. Izzy: Great, I'll go get T.K. and Kari then. Gennai: Gotta shine my head! (Gennai fusses with his hair and everyone gathers) Tai: Alright, we're ready! Andromon: Say "cheese"! Digi-Egg: (wiggle wiggle) Kari: Huh? T.K.: What's wrong? (Digi-Egg hatches right as picture is taken) Gatomon: What is it? Elecmon: Look, it hatched! Patamon: It's so cute!
This is almost exactly word-for-word. In fact, it skews so close to original script that they don't even westernize the photo-taking. Not one of the kids says "cheese" after Andromon tells them to.
There is one subtle difference that stands out to me, though. Mimi. Uh. Mimi shouldn't hold her breath for Wizardmon.
(˙ ◠ ˙)
Welp, time to hit the ol' Digi-Trail. Ogremon, pulling a sandogasa and cloak straight out of his asshole, says his farewells.
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Ogremon: Well then.... Kids: Huh? Mimi: (confused) What are you wearing? Ogremon: I'm not hanging around here anymore. I'm going traveling! Palmon: Why!? Stay with us! Ogremon: Not happening! A proud Virus-type like my glorious self doesn't hang out with Data and Vaccines like you punks! Ha! Later!
After once again very pretentiously referring to himself as ore-sama using a super-respectful honorific meant for venerating respected superiors and elders, Ogremon overdramatically vanishes into the distance.
To answer Mimi's question, the traveling cloak and straw hat are stereotypical Japanese wanderer attire, popularized by people who lived their lives on the road during medieval Japanese history. A common look for ronin or masterless samurai types, but also worn by merchants and other kinds of travelers.
Piyomon: He left. Gomamon: He just can't be honest with himself about his feelings. Tentomon: I just can't get my head around those Virus-type jerks. Gennai: Now, don't say that. When Agumon became SkullGreymon through Dark Evolution, I said that it was the wrong evolution. However, what I meant was that it was wrong for your purposes. There is no right or wrong way to evolve. Agumon: (unconvinced) Hmm. Maybe next time, I'll evolve into a Virus-type then. Other Partner Digimon: NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!
This is a joke about the fact that MetalGreymon, prior to the anime retconning the species and changing their color scheme from blue to red, was a Virus Digimon. MetalGreymon (Blue) still exists as a separate species but doesn't come up in games and stuff nearly as much.
In the dub:
Ogremon: I'm outta here! Kids: Huh!? Mimi: What do you mean, you're leaving? Ogremon: It's time to hit the road. Take a hike. Make like a tree and leaf. Palmon: But Ogremon, why not stay here with us? Ogremon: Look, I'm a Virus-type Digimon. You guys are Data and Vaccine types. If I hang around here too long, I'll get sick to my stomach! Catch you later! (Ogremon teleports away) Biyomon: He vanished!
Presumably for purposes of animation budget, as Ogremon leaves, his animation cel just sort fades, becoming increasingly transparent until he disappears completely. Easy shorthand for him disappearing into the distance.
For some reason, the dub decides to take this super literally. They add a warping sound effect to him fading away, which Biyomon then reacts to. Canonizing for their continuity that Ogremon's been sitting on the ability to teleport this entire time.
(What a dick! Really would have come in handy when we needed to transport Mimi's army up to the Dark Masters' base.)
Gomamon: He just can't face the fact that he likes us. Tentomon: Hmph, I've never heard of a Virus giving someone a cold shoulder! Gennai: Don't say that! Do you remember the day that Agumon first Digivolved into SkullGreymon? At the time, I said it was the wrong thing to do but the truth is, when it comes to Digivolving, there's no right or wrong. A Digimon's destiny cannot be changed. That day was a real eye-opener for me! Of course, I haven't been able to open them since. Agumon: Well! If that's the case then next time I'll just Digivolve myself into the next Dark Master! Other Partner Digimon: OH NO!!! / DON'T!!! / WHATEVER YOU DO, NO!!!
In the original, Gennai clarifies his original statement about SkullGreymon to mean that this evolutionary path wouldn't work for the Chosen Children's purposes, not that it was inherently wrong for a Greymon to evolve that way. What he said was true; He just realizes now that perhaps he didn't communicate his meaning clearly.
In the dub, Gennai corrects himself and renounces his original statement. He's changed his mind since then and decided that SkullGreymon's Dark Evolution was fine, actually. Then he ends on a joke about his character design.
From here, the children leave the Village of Beginnings. They return to Seadramon's lake, with that out-of-place trolley still sitting on its own little island a short distance out.
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Sora: Isn't this nostalgic? This is where we spent our first night in this world. Koushiro: That's right. Gabumon evolved into Garurumon and fought Seadramon here. Jou: Well! It all ended on a happy note, anyways. We can return to our world with our heads held high! Maybe they'll treat us like heroes! They'll make us do tons of interviews. What do you guys think? Gomamon: ...Jou....
It's only at that moment that Jou takes a vibe check and realizes this is not a triumphant moment for the rest of the group. The other children seem dour, as do their Partners. Takeru may even be crying.
Jou: Oh no, I may have misspoken. Hey, even after we go home, we can always come back! Gomamon: (more forceful) Jou.... Jou: (mutters) Right, that won't work out even if we do come back. The flow of time is different between this world and our world, so we don't even know if we'll live to see each other again. (to the others) I'm sorry.
Well, there he is. Jou's all caught up to where everyone else is. After these many months in the Digital World growing into a proud nakama, the time has come to finally part ways. Time to send the children back to their own world while the Digimon remain in this one.
In the dub:
Sora: This sure brings back memories! This is the exact spot where we spent our first night here in the Digi-World. Izzy: That's right! This is where Gabumon first Digivolved into Garurumon and fought Seadramon! Joe: Yeah! And this is the place where I fainted for the first time! Well, the first time in the Digi-World, anyway. Boy, it sure is great strolling down memory lane, isn't it? Hey, do you think when we all get back, we'll be some kind of heroes? Haha, And-and win a whole bunch of awards like an Emmy or something. Gomamon: (despondent) Joe.... Joe: Sorry! Old dopey me. Open mouth, insert foot. I mean, we can always come back, right, guys? ...right? Gomamon: ...Joe.... Joe: Oh. Heh. I forgot. Faux pas. Time passes differently here than in our world. You guys will probably be long gone! Whoops... there goes the other foot.
They play this for comedy, but still in a really sad way. Like, it almost feels like Joe's rambling incoherently to stave off a panic attack, which works pretty well for the vibe of the scene.
Suddenly, Yamato has an idea.
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Yamato: Hey! Sora: What? Yamato: We still have a lot of time left in summer vacation, right? I'm thinking of staying in this world until the holiday's over. Jou: Ah! That's a great idea! Takeru: If Onii-chan is staying then I am too! Hikari: So am I! Is that okay, Onii-chan? Taichi: Yeah! Koushiro: Maybe I should too. Mimi: Me too! Sora: And me too! We have plenty of time! Koushiro: That's right. If we consider one day in this world to be the equivalent of one minute in our world and we have four weeks of vacation.... Jou: Let me do the mental math.
The sound of a cash register ringing up items plays while Jou's calculating in his head. His eyelids flicker in tune to it.
Jou: Let's see... 40,320 days... (ka-ching) That's 110 years! Mimi: Really!? Yamato: Great! Let's go on a brand new adventure! Taichi: SWEET!!! LET'S GO!!! TO A NEW ADVENTURE!!! Kids: LET'S GO!!!
(These children are gone a few days and then their parents finally get them back and they're ninety.)
In the dub:
Matt: Hey! You know, we've still got a lot of summer left. I was thinking maybe we could stay here until our vacation's over. Joe: Yeah! That's a great idea! T.K.: If Matt's staying, I'm staying too! Kari: Me too! Is that okay, Tai? Tai: Sure! Mimi: I'm staying too! Sora: Me too! Izzy: We might as well. We've got plenty of time. Since an entire day in the Digital World is equal to just one minute in the real world and we've still got four weeks left of summer vacation.... Joe: Then we can stay here in the Digital World for up to... let's see... carry the four, divide by three... a really, really long time. Izzy: To be precise, it's 40,320 days. That's about 110 years! Tai: ALRIGHT, WE'RE STAYING!!! Kids: YAY!!!
I guess the dub didn't like Jou scooping Koushiro on the Smart Boy moment. They also didn't catch the cash register visual gag, as is usual with sound effects.
It made perfect sense to me. Koushiro has a lot of practical knowledge because he's a very curious boy. However, Jou is two grades higher than him and attends classes at a private cram school to prepare him for entry into a highly-accredited middle school.
So I do buy that Jou, rather than Koushiro, is the one who can suddenly pop off mathematic calculations off the top of his head. Koushiro is smart in an "I read the entire Wikipedia front to back because I wanted to know why frogs are that color" sort of way, but Jou-senpai is the most formally educated.
Unfortunately, as much as the kids may want to stay, it's not going to be that simple. Agumon notices a shadow passing over the sun.
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Agumon: Huh?
The kids all look up to see the shadow. While they're doing that, Gennai and Centarumon slip into their midst with sick ninja skills. Very impressive, especially considering Centarumon has hooves.
Koushiro: That's a solar eclipse, isn't it? Gennai: Children, I have something I must tell you. Mimi: Something to tell us? Is it good news or bad news? Gennai: It's probably... bad news.... Kids: (collective groan)
And he'll be right here to deliver the new new dire news about their predicament RIGHT AFTER THESE MESSAGES.
(Apocalymon's big sister EvenMoreApocalymon just showed up and is trying to eat the sun! She's Hyper-Evolved to a stage beyond even Ultimate Evolution! In these next fourteen episodes we will--)
In the dub:
Agumon: Hey, look! (Everyone looks at the eclipse) Izzy: It's an eclipse! Gennai: Yes, it is. And there's something very important you should know about it, children. Mimi: I know! You're not supposed to look directly into it! Gennai: True! But that's not all. This eclipse could cost you your lives....
Gennai plays this even scarier than the original does.
I love his reaction to Mimi trying to guess about his impending topic. She isn't right but she's not wrong, and he validates her for that.
The dub also takes their second commercial break here. Then we return from commercial to unpack this new development.
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Koushiro: Isn't this just an eclipse? Centarumon: That part that's in shadow is the gate that connects us to your world. The eclipse will end in two hours. Yamato: So what? We'll just wait for the next time a gate opens. Mimi: That's right! We still have 110 years of summer vacation left. Gennai: Actually, the arrival of Apocalymon has caused the flow of time between your world and the Digital World to align. Taichi: WHAT!?!? Yamato: B-But what would happen if we stayed anyway!? Jou: (wincing) Yamato.... Gennai: This world may recognize your data as a foreign contamination and delete it. Yamato: Then... Gennai: I'm sorry.
THAT'S BEEN A THING THAT COULD HAPPEN THIS WHOLE TIME AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO MENTION IT!?!? JIJI!!! I don't think we're gonna be able to Warp Evolve our way out of this one, guys.
Not super clear from Gennai's phrasing if the reason time aligned is because Apocalymon was causing the time distortion and died, or if the alignment of time is one last distortion from the road.
Gennai says it was caused by Apocalymon arriving, not Apocalymon's defeat. Sure enough, people back in the human world did seem to be watching the Apocalymon battle take place in real-time instead of ultra fast-forward.
The subs here say it brought the flow of time "back into alignment". But the line he delivers is that Apocalymon's appearance made "時間の流れが同じになったのじゃ Jikan no nagare ga onaji ni natta no ja" between the two worlds. Which translates to "the flow of time became the same." No indication that this is how it was originally.
So I think the Digital World moving much more quickly through time than the human world was how it was originally, and this was one last distortion caused by the final battle with the reality-breaking Apocalymon.
In the dub:
Izzy: You mean it's not an ordinary eclipse? Centarumon: That shadow is the gate that connects your world to the Digital World. I'm afraid the eclipse will only last for two more hours. Matt: That's not a problem. We'll just wait until it opens up again. Mimi: Yeah! After all, we still have over a hundred years of summer vacation left! Gennai: Actually, when Apocalymon appeared, the flow of time here and in your world became synchronized. Mimi: So then we still have four weeks left, right? Matt: That's plenty of time to have fun! Gennai: Well. Actually, you only have the two hours because once the portal is closed, it's closed forever. Matt: But.... Gennai: Sorry. It's time to say goodbye.
The dub merely says the flow of time "became synchronized", which lines up with the original Japanese line.
Gennai having to reassert the two hour time limit when Mimi still refuses to accept the urgency is a good bit. XD
Though, notably, the dub only threatens that they'll be trapped in this world forever. Gennai leaves out the scary part where the Digital World will fucking delete them for being invalid data.
Homeostasis may have brought them here but they aren't welcome. The Digital World considers Homeostasis's whole "We should do an isekai" thing to be that "That's just, like, your opinion, man" meme. These kids were kidnapped, smuggled here in the back of a truck, and then made to work but now the job's done so they can get the fuck out.
It's honestly pretty rude. For a reality created by human data they have some problematic societal structures. Humans would never treat people this way!
>.< Fuck me, they learned it from watching us, didn't they?
Now on a time limit, it really is time to say goodbye.
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Piyomon: When you get back to your world, say hi to your mom for me. Sora: Mhm... I want to thank you for that, Piyomon. There's always been a misunderstanding between me and my mom. But you stepped in and fixed it. I think my mom and I will get along fine from now on. Piyomon: Really. Sora: Hehe, really. Piyomon: If that's true, then I'm really glad! I thought you always spoiled me because I was constantly bothering you.
With tears in her eyes, Sora hugs Piyomon.
Sora: That's not true. It was never true, Piyomon. Piyomon: (crying) Sora! Sora: (crying) Piyomon!
I mean, it was kinda true for like one episode, but Sora was still really freaked out about every single part of being plunged into an unfamiliar wilderness to fend for herself.
In the dub:
Biyomon: I'm sure gonna miss you, Sora. Say hi to your mom for me when you get back. Sora: Sure. ...I want to thank you, Biyomon. Before I met you, I didn't get along with my mom very well. We argued. She would never let me do anything! But thanks to you, I understand her a lot better! You showed me how much my mom really loves me. Biyomon: You mean it? Sora: Hehe, of course! Biyomon: That makes me so happy to hear you say that! Sometimes I thought I was just bothering you and getting in your way all the time. (Sora hugs Biyomon and cries) Sora: Don't be silly! You weren't a bother! You're my best friend! Oh, Biyomon, I'm gonna miss you so much! (sobs)
Some minor changes but the dub hits the key points: Sora never considered Biyomon to be a nuisance and Sora's grateful to Biyomon for helping her appreciate her mother more.
Jou's turn next.
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We find Jou sitting with Gomamon on the edge of Seadramon's lake, throwing rocks into the water.
Jou: You and I might not have been a good pairing, but I had a lot of fun. Gomamon: (somber) I did too. (suddenly cheerful) A-Anyways, when you get back to your world, work hard (ganbare) on your studies! Jou: Yeah....
Jou holds out his hand to Gomamon.
Gomamon: What? Jou: Let's shake hands. Gomamon: Huh? Okay.
Gomamon places his flipper in Jou's hand.
Jou: Huh? Gomamon: What? Jou: That was a hand after all!
With tears forming in their eyes, the boys laugh and gently shake hands; In the process, paying off their long-running gag about Gomamon's "hands".
In the dub:
Joe: I know it's gonna be hard to find a friend as great as I am, Gomamon, but you'll have to try. Gomamon: Not a problem. I took an ad out in the personals. I've got five interviews lined up for next week. Joe: (unconvinced) Hmm. Gomamon: What!? Joe: At least let's shake hands. Gomamon: Okay. For luck. (Gomamon puts his flipper in Joe's hand) Joe: Wow! Gomamon: What? Joe: For someone without a hand, you've got a pretty strong grip.
The hand joke is different but it's fairly close to original. However, the brief heart-to-heart talk at the start is replaced by more gags.
Next up, it's Koushiro's turn. Koushiro is with Gennai and his Mekanorimon suit at the trolley, working on something. We see Gennai welding something on the undercarriage, while Koushiro and Tentomon are in the driver's compartment.
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Koushiro: Tentomon. Tentomon: (already half-crying) Koushiro-han.... Koushiro: Really... You're....
Socially awkward as ever, Koushiro trips over his own words. Finally, he falls back on old habits and gives Tentomon a polite bow.
Koushiro: Thank you very much for taking care of me.
It's a memorized gesture he's falling back on because he can't find the words to say. お世話になりました osewa ni narimashita is one of those stock Japanese phrases for being polite. Its purpose is to show gratitude for someone letting you stay at their house overnight or putting you up while you're in town or somesuch.
He's doing what he always does with people and reciting memorized politeness because he doesn't know how to express himself.
Tentomon's so startled by Koushiro's reaction that he stumbles back and falls over himself. Panicking, Koushiro jumps to his feet and rushes over to Tentomon. He's so concerned for Tentomon, he doesn't even notice he accidentally smacked his laptop off the dashboard.
All this commotion causes the windshield wipers to turn on, which silently squeegee the windshield in the foreground through the rest of the scene.
Koushiro picks up Tentomon off the floor, holding him in his hands.
Tentomon: Even right up to the very end, you still speak so formally to me. Koushiro: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But what would be the right thing to say at a time like this? Tentomon: Hmm... That's a hard question. I don't think you need to force yourself to find the right words. Maybe it's okay to stick with formalities. Some day, your words will flow more naturally. Koushiro: You think so? I'd like that too.
Abandoning words, Koushiro pulls Tentomon in for a hug, and the boys cry quietly together.
The dub has the unfortunate task of needing to make this scene work with an Izzy they have not been writing as endlessly formal, polite, and socially awkward. Their plan is to drown the scene out in ob
Izzy: Tentomon. Tentomon: Yes, Izzy? Izzy: There's something I need to tell you before we part ways. Okay? (Izzy bows politely) Izzy: I love you. (Tentomon freaks out and falls over; Izzy rushes to pick him up)
When Izzy picks up Tentomon, the dub gives the windshield wipers a loud, obnoxious squeegeeing sound that's a little louder than the dialogue and very annoying.
Izzy: TENTOMON!!! Are you okay? Tentomon: Yes, I'm fine. But I was a little taken aback by your sudden display of emotion. Izzy: You're right. Sorry about that. I don't usually get emotional but this was a unique occasion. Tentomon: I understand. You don't have to say it. I know how much our friendship has meant to us and, in the name of our friendship, I need to ask you one last favor. Izzy: Yeah, what is it? Tentomon: WOULD YOU PLEASE TURN OFF THOSE WINDSHIELD WIPERS!?!? Izzy: Sure thing, pal. Anything for you. Give me a hug. (Izzy pulls Tentomon in for a hug) Tentomon: ACK! ACK! YOU'RE CHOKING ME!!!
The wipers continue loudly squeegeeing while Izzy hugs Tentomon.
So, for the dub's version, Izzy's just... suddenly overcome with a huge surge of affection and emotion he's rarely shown before. To be fair, this is a super emotional situation to be in.
Next up, Takeru. Takeru and Patamon are standing side-by-side bawling their eyes out in a field of flowers.
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Patamon: (bawling) Takeru, don't cry! Takeru: (bawling) But... But... We're never gonna see each other again! Patamon: (bawling) You're wrong! The flow of time between your world and my world is the same now, so I'm sure we'll meet again someday!
Takeru's tears dry up and he looks down at Patamon with renewed hope.
Takeru: Really? Patamon: We met again after Devimon, didn't we? Takeru: Yeah... Because, at the time, I believed we would meet again. Patamon: Then believe that now! Takeru: Okay. Then let's meet again! Promise? Patamon: Promise!
Takeru shakes Patamon's little paw as the two boys put their faith in what the future holds for them. A faith that will be rewarded through the power of franchise expansion, woo!
In the dub:
Patamon: (bawling) T.K., please stop crying because you're making me cry! T.K.: (bawling) I was just crying 'cause you were crying! Patamon: (bawling) Well if you're crying because I'm crying and I'm crying because you're crying then neither one of us needs to be crying, do we? (T.K. stops crying) T.K.: Oh. Oh, yeah. Patamon: Besides, I'm sure we're gonna see each other again one day. T.K.: Yeah! Just like we saw each other again after that thing with Devimon. Patamon: That's right! We did! T.K.: Let's make a pact. We'll see each other again! Promise? Patamon: Promise!
T.K. is a lot easier to pacify than Takeru is. He's even the one who brings up Patamon's death and reincarnation in the Devimon fight, rather than Patamon having to remind him of it.
Next on the list is Yamato. (Wait, really? I figured Yamato and Taichi would go last. Huh.) Yamato sits in the grass with Gabumon at the top of a hill.
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For a moment, neither of them say anything. They sit there in silence, eyes watering. Gabumon is the first to speak.
Gabumon: Hey... Yamato.... Yamato: Hm? Gabumon: Could I hear it again? Your harmonica? Yamato: (smiling, faintly) Yeah....
Yamato takes out his harmonica and plays.
The dub lets the quiet moment sit.
Gabumon: ...that says it all. Matt: Hm? Gabumon: I wouldn't mind hearing you play your harmonica one last time. Matt: Glad to.
This is perfect. The "one last time" in particular adds a heartbreaking touch.
We move from there to Taichi. Taichi can hear Yamato's harmonica playing, and the tears well in his eyes.
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Taichi: Ugh. Yamato, you jerk.... Agumon: What's wrong? Taichi: (frantically wipes his eyes) Nothing! Agumon: (unconvinced) Mm.
Moving along, Agumon calls Taichi's attention to the area behind him. They're on the little island with the trolley.
Agumon: Taichi, this is it, right? This is where I torched the firewood with my Baby Flame. Taichi: Yeah, that's right. Then the flames from our bonfire burned Seadramon's tail and made him mad. Agumon: (realizing) Whuh? ...that was my fault!? Taichi: Huh? Nah. I'm the one who stuck his tail in the bonfire. Hahahaha! Agumon: TAICHI!!!
It doesn't take Agumon long for Taichi's jubilation to become infectious, and soon he's laughing too.
AT LONG LAST, EXONERATION FOR SEADRAMON. Y'all have been painting that poor sea serpent with the "evil Digimon" brush for SO LONG.
(I did not realize they were actually going to talk about this. But I've been banging this gong for so long that I'm pleased to see it come full circle.)
In the dub:
Tai: Stupid Matt and his harmonica. Agumon: What's the matter? Tai: Nothing. Agumon: (unconvinced) Yeah. Sure. (Agumon draws attention to the area) Agumon: Hey, come over here and look at this! This is the spot where I first made my Pepper Breath, remember? Tai: Remember? How could I ever forget. That's where you burned Seadramon's tail and he attacked us. And your aim hasn't gotten much better since then either! Agumon: Hey! You don't really believe that, do you? Tai: Mmmm... Well, look at the bright side. Your aim hasn't gotten any worse! Hahahahahaha! Agumon: (disappointed) Come on, Tai....
Agumon does not join Tai in laughing at his expense. This is absolutely terrible. Tai's final words to Agumon are to mock him for being a poor shot, so that already sucks.
But also, they reminisce like in the original but they do it so badly. According to the dub, Agumon used Pepper Breath for the very first time in episode 3, when he fired off a shot that hit Seadramon's tail by accident. What was he supposed to be shooting at? No idea.
This is wildly incorrect for multiple reasons. Dub team. Dub team, you dubbed that episode already. Be better.
In the woods, Hikari takes off her whistle. The whistle she's had since she was a baby, that was such a huge part of her character in the OVA.
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Tailmon: For me? Hikari: Yeah.
Hikari puts the lanyard around Tailmon's neck.
Tailmon: Thank you. Hikari: It looks good on you. Tailmon: Does it? Well... Take care of yourself, Hikari. Hikari: Yeah. Until next time. Tailmon: Next time? Hikari: Yeah! Next time! Tailmon: (blink blink)
Tailmon blinks, surprised by Hikari's words, but she does not elaborate.
Very little is directly said here, and yet this brief exchange carries so much weight. Hikari encourages Tailmon to believe they'll meet again the same way Patamon encouraged Takeru. So there's a symmetry there.
But moreover, Tailmon spent years of her life alone and abandoned. So Hikari gives her something really important to her. A physical memento she can keep close to her chest and always remember Hikari by.
In the dub:
Gatomon: For me? Kari: Uh-huh! Here, let me put it on you. It doubles as a flea collar! (Kari puts the lanyard around Gatomon's neck) Gatomon: Thanks, Kari. Kari: It looks good on you! Gatomon: Gee, thanks! Oh, wow... I guess this is... goodbye.... Kari: Yeah. 'Til next time. Gatomon: Next time? Kari: Yup! That's right! Gatomon: Huh...?
It doubles as a flea collar? I have questions for Yuuko and Susumu.
This one's perfect. No notes.
Well, that's everyone. It's time to head out-- Wait, what do you mean there's one left? Who hasn't said goodbye yet?
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Mimi: (distraught) PALMON!!! PALMON!!!
Mimi wanders through the woods, frantically calling out for her Partner. Some of the Gekomon notice her.
Gekomon: Huh? Mimi, what are you doing geko? Mimi: Palmon isn't here. Have you seen her? Gekomon: We haven't seen her geko. Mimi: Oh. Where could Palmon have gone? There's so little time left. (Mimi resumes her search) Mimi: PALMON!!! PALMON!!!
As Mimi disappears into the woods, Palmon pops out from the underbrush with tears in her eyes.
Palmon: Mimi....
She isn't lost. She just... can't face this moment with Mimi.
In the dub:
Mimi: PALMON!!! WHERE YOU ARE!? I WANT TO SAY GOODBYE!!! Gekomon: Huh!? Princess Mimi, what are you doing? Mimi: Palmon's disappeared. Have you seen her? Gekomon: Not recently. Sorry. Mimi: I don't understand how she could leave at a time like this. There's only a few minutes left. (Mimi resumes her search) Mimi: PALMON!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!? I'M LEAVING SOON!!! (Palmon watches Mimi go) Palmon: Mimi....
The dub is still calling her Princess Mimi.
Soon, the time has come. The children return to the trolley, where Gennai and Koushiro are waiting for them.
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Gennai: Have you all said your goodbyes? We've finished preparing for your departure. Once you get on this trolley, it will take you back to your world.
Well, the kids aren't entirely ready to go. The kids look at Mimi, who's leaning on Sora and crying her eyes out.
Taichi: You see.... Sora: Can we have a little more time? Just a little bit? Gennai: You can't just stick around. The Gate won't wait for you. Sora: But- Gennai: What's wrong? Agumon: Palmon's gone. Mimi: (bawling) STUPID, STUPID, STUPID PALMON!!!
T_T Mimi.... Palmon no baka indeed.
In the dub:
Gennai: Have you all finished saying your goodbyes? You can take this cable car home on one condition: You have to promise to bring it back to San Francisco where I borrowed it from. Tai: Well... um.... Sora: Can't we just have a little more time? Please, Gennai, do something. Gennai: I'm sorry, Sora. The gate won't wait any longer. What's the problem? Agumon: Palmon seems to have disappeared. Mimi: (bawling) Why would she run away!? Why!?
"You have to promise to bring it back to San Francisco where I borrowed it from." XD Goddammit, that was good. Raises so many logistical questions that can never and will never be answered.
I accept your premise that Gennai is probably wanted in the U.S. for grand theft auto, and that the only explanation anyone will ever receive from him is "You don't know my life."
While Mimi cries her eyes out, we cut to Palmon sitting by herself in the woods. The two Gekomon Mimi spoke with earlier find her there.
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Palmon: (crying) Mimi.... Gekomon 1: Oh, here you are geko. Gekomon 2: Mimi was searching for you geko. Palmon: I know... But I don't want to see her.... Gekomon 1: Why geko? Palmon: Because it hurts too much to say goodbye. So it's better if I don't see her.... Gekomon 1: Are you okay with that geko? Gekomon 2: Are you sure you're okay with that geko? Gekomon 1: Will you regret it geko? Palmon: ...Mimi....
The Gekomon recognize how important this is, and pressure Palmon not to make a mistake that will haunt both her and Mimi for the rest of their lives next three years or so.
In the dub:
Palmon: (crying wordlessly) Gekomon 1: Palmon! So that's where you're hiding. Gekomon 2: Mimi's been looking for you! Palmon: Yes, I know. But I don't want to see her. Gekomon 1: I don't understand. Palmon: It's simple. If I don't see her, then she can never say goodbye to me. Gekomon 1: Is that what you really want? Gekomon 2: I'm afraid you'll regret it one day. Palmon: It's too painful to say goodbye....
Pretty solid. Covers everything.
When we return to the trolley, the kids are gathered outside of it while Gennai watches the sun. Which sort of implies that they did manage to convince him to give them a couple extra minutes.
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Gennai: It's time. Mimi: (cries louder) Gennai: Everyone, board the trolley. Taichi: Okay....
The children sadly board the train, leaving their Partner Digimon behind on the island outside. They open the windows so they can see their Partners one last time.
Taichi: Well, guys... Take care of yourselves. Agumon: You too.
In the dub, it's Sora who kicks this off.
Sora: I'm sorry, Mimi. We can't wait for Palmon any longer. Gennai: It's time. Get on the cable car, everyone. Tai: Come on. Let's go. (Everyone boards the trolley) Tai: Well, guys, this is it. What can I say? Agumon: (gently) Try "goodbye".
Sora's line makes the implication that they got their extra time a bit more explicit.
But now, it's time to go.
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A sign on the front of the trolley changes to reflect their destination. Starting with 竜の目の湖 Ryuu no Me no Mizuumi or Dragon's Eye Lake, it changes to 光が丘 Hikarigaoka and then over to お台場 Odaiba. A neat reference to the fact that Hikarigaoka is where the first rift between realities was torn.
Tailmon blows the whistle Hikari gave her, and the nearby power poles surge electricity into the trolley through invisible cables. The trolley comes to life, floating into the air and moving away along a nonexistent track.
Digimon: BYE-BYE!!! Children: GOODBYE!!!
The children hang out the windows, waving their final farewell to the Partners they have to leave behind.
The dub cuts the footage of the changing trolley sign. I guess that's fine; American kids aren't going to be able to spot the Hikarigaoka reference anyway.
Digimon: Bye everyone! / Take care! / Goodbye! Joe: Bye everyone! Tai: Don't let anyone push you around! Sora: Make sure you dress warm! Izzy: Take it easy! Matt: Bye!
I think T.K. and Kari say something as well but it's hard to make out in the cacophony of voices.
Inside the trolley, however, Mimi is still crying.
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Suddenly, Mimi looks up at the faint sound of Palmon's footsteps. That. She can somehow hear over the trolley moving and everyone shouting.
Sora: Mimi-chan! Mimi: (nods, excitement noises)
Palmon runs along the shore, waving her arms frantically.
Palmon: MIMI!!! MIMI!!! Mimi: (leans out window) PALMON!!! Palmon: MIMI!!! I'M SORRY!!! Mimi: IT'S OKAY!!! IT'S OKAY, PALMON!!! GOODBYE!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! Palmon: GOODBYE MIMI--AUGH!!!
Palmon trips suddenly. The shock of which somehow causes Mimi's iconic pink cowboy hat to go flying off her head and sets off one last reprise of the series opening theme Butterfly.
In the dub, they add Palmon calling out to Mimi to better explain how she heard her approach from here.
Palmon: (faintly) MIMI!!! Mimi: (gasp) Sora: Mimi, look! Mimi: (nods, silently smiling) (Palmon runs along the shore) Palmon: MIMI!!! MIMI!!! Mimi: PALMON!!! Palmon: MIMI!!! I'M SORRY!!! Mimi: IT'S OKAY!!! DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!! GOODBYE PALMON!!! AND THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Palmon: GOODBYE MIMI--WHOA!!!
For the dub, it's... sigh... "Hey Digimon" that kicks up here. They do their own version of the dramatic musical reprise but their song sucks.
The other Digimon join Palmon in racing across the shore, waving goodbye to the trolley as it disappears.
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Digimon: GOODBYE!!!
An interesting creative choice is that as the trolley goes, we, the audience, remain in the Digital World. The trolley fades into the distance, rising at the very end and slipping through the gateway back to the human world just before it closes.
Then it's gone. The children are finally home, and that's the last we see of it.
The final shot is of the enigmatic train crossing that Takeru came upon when he was separated from the others, before reaching the Village of Beginnings. The one that came on but had no train that crossed. Once the trolley leaves, the crossing stops ringing and opens its gate.
Narrator: The eight children's summer vacation adventure is over. However, that does not mean the gate will remain closed. That's because this is neither the beginning nor the end of the Chosen Children's adventures. The Gate to the Digimon World will surely open again as long as we never forget the Digimon.
Mimi's cowboy hat tumbles on the wind, rolling across the sky.
Narrator: So long as you wish for it, then in your heart... no... maybe....
He was about to say that we'll carry our friends in our hearts. But then it's as if the narrator suddenly realizes that his words mean something else. As the screen goes to black, we hear the faint sound of a Digivice activating. Then the final credits roll.
All of which is a very flowery and poetic way, but also incredibly dry way of saying SEE YOU ALL IN SEASON TWO MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
In the dub, Tai takes over for the closing narration.
Digimon: GOODBYE!!! (The Children depart and we stay behind) Tai: Our adventure in the Digital World might be over for now, but that gate won't stay closed forever! I have a feeling that this won't be the last time we see our pals the Digimon! You wait and see. One day that portal will open up again and we'll return to the Digital World! (Mimi's hat tumbles by) Tai: I wonder if Agumon will remember me? I know I'll never forget him. Or the rest of the Digimon! None of us will!
As usual, there is no Digivice activation sound effect following Tai's statement. Which makes sense because his final line doesn't dramatically queue it up.
Tai puts a lot more heart into this and his parting words click right up through "We'll return to the Digital World". But after that it just sounds like he's vamping, and can't end as strongly as the beeping Digivice.
Assessment: Holy shit, we made it. The very last episode of the very first series of Digimon Adventure, and yes the departure did make me cry again. Apocalymon ate shit and died, the distortion of the Digital World was finally eradicated, and the now battle-hardened but still fun-loving children are finally going home to their terrified parents.
One thing I learned going through this is how much I did not remember or remembered incorrectly about the original series. There were a lot of surprises to be had here, even right up to the end.
Like. I could have sworn Apocalymon was, like, the resentment of species in the real world that had gone extinct. But that is never suggested in either version. In fact, Apocalymon seems blissfully unaware that the human world even exists. Their beef is solely with the Digimon.
Man, what a trip. Now I have to figure out how I'm going to tackle Our War Game before we can move on to 02.
Probably going to take it the way I did the Dragon Ball movies when I was covering that series for another site and cut it into however many chunks I need to fit episode-lengths into. Should only be two or three.
Looking forward to seeing the 02 kids again. See all-a-y'all next series.
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emeraldthelynx · 5 months ago
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Do you see my vision? Not just chosen children, but chosen Navis too!
I don't have too much of a plot yet, but, in typical Digimon fashion, a group of kids (Lan, Maylu, Dex, Yai and Chaud) get pulled into the Digital World against their will to save it. The difference this time is that they already have digital companions who get some major reformatting when entering the Digital World! The PETs get turned into Digi-PETs, but still have the ability to upload Battle Chips to give the Navis-turned-mons special attacks, kinda like the cards in Tamers. I haven't designed Digi-fakes before, but I do know I want the Navi-mons to get unique new evolutions despite their rookie forms being pretty normal.
I do have some reason when choosing the Digimon forms, (despite my Ghost Game bias...)
Megaman is a Gammamon because it has multiple evolution branches, including a dark form, much like Megman. Very simple explanation.
Roll is a Cutemon because it is a bunny, and is pink, and is cute. End of story. (I didn't want to use Lopmon because it wouldn't make sense without Terriermon.)
Gutsman is a Sunarizamon because I liked how bulky and ground-based it is. It also wasn't a partner Digimon, to the best of my knowledge, and I was trying for a bit of variety.
Glide is an Agoramon because I think it would be funny to have instead of a fluffy bunny knight, to have a fluffy bunny butler. Angoramon can also fly, and is big enough to carry people, which I think Yai would use to her advantage.
Protoman is a Gaomon because Saver's Gaomon won me over with his 'sir yes, sir!/yes, master!'s. (I had to doodle my point which is why ProtoGaomon gets a whole page to himself.)
If you want to talk to me about this idea, please do! Use the ask button or if you really want to, DM me. I really don't mind.
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digimitsu-art · 4 months ago
your digimon art is really beautiful! I wanted to ask- are you a long time digimon fan or is it something you’ve only gotten into recently? Do you care for any of the media (like games or shows) or do you like purely the monster and character designs? Do you have any favourite digimon(s)? Sorry for the barrage of questions, I hope you have a good week!
OOO no need to apologise! I actually love being asked these kinda questions! Honestly thank you for asking <3
I've been a fan of Digimon since I was a kid in the 90's! I grew up watching the first 3 seasons (and had a major crush on Ken and Stingmon back then lmao oh god). Sadly kinda fell out of the show when Season 4 aired because I was confused at the lack of Digimon partners haha but I revisited it when I was an adult some years back and I adore it.
I think at this point in time I've watched all the Digimon shows except for the Appmon one but I hopefully will get the chance to sit down and watch it. There are also some Digimon movies I've yet to watch too but hope to get to them. I also remember owning some of the comic books way back too.
I also played the Digimon games a ton growing up! Played a lot of Digimon World 1 and 2, a bit of 3 and 4. Rumble Arena 1 and 2 was super fun too. And the Digital Card Battle. I still revisit them from time to time.
I desperately wish I can collect Digimon figures and cards but space and money is an issue wahh 😔
Also I know it's not asked, but I do wanna mention: When it comes to fanart, I've also drawn a bunch of Digimon fanart since I was young, but there was a period of my life I stopped posting fanart online for years because I was really affected by art theft. It’s only recently that I’ve started to put myself back out there again, though the worry is still there. But I don’t want to hide forever, either. 🙏
And I have a lot of faves but my top fave is Beelzemon! Some other notable ones I really like: Madleomon, Lucemon FM, Lordknightmon, GulusGammamon, Metalseadramon... and tbh I could go on and on haha. 💕
Now have a pic of my BWG being my tablet pen holder lol
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acquired-stardust · 2 years ago
Game Spotlight #3: Digimon World (1999)
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Today is a special day and as such it is is only fitting that today marks the first Acquired Stardust Game Spotlight brought to you by me, Larsa. What makes today special? Well that’s because it’s August 1st, better known to many fans around the world as "Odaiba Memorial" or more simply "Odaiba Day", a day which marks the 24th anniversary of the chosen children, the “Digidestined”, who first made their way into the digital world. No matter when you became a fan of Digimon this date holds a deep meaning to all of us in the Digimon fandom for being the day that the original chosen children started their journey. 
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                                                  “ ! “
This is a universal day we in the fandom celebrate the world over and it is an eventful day like this that puts on full display how caring the Digimon fanbase is of the series. Whether you can visit the man made island of Odaiba in person on this day or you are browsing through your social media apps embracing the meme this is our day fellow "Digi-fans".  Digimon is the franchise that kick-started my imagination and truly meant the most to me growing up as a child back in 1999 when "Digimon Adventure" first aired on Fox in North America. It is no exaggeration to say years in my childhood that Digimon was very much my life. It was what I most often thought about when I would daydream at school, or soccer practice. I would even find the spare time as a child to desecrate an innocent sheet of paper with my personal crudely drawn original Digimon. ( We all did this am I right? )   As a way to make me happy with my childhood obsession the first home console game that my older brothers bought me was Digimon World for the original Playstation. The game blew my mind with how large it felt at the time and as a result was what largely consumed my summer vacation that year. I happily say that this game has been an absolute adventure to revisit to this day~!
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                                “ This was innovative at the time! “
Digimon, shorthand for " Digital Monsters ", started as a virtual pet toy created by WiZ and Bandai in the year 1997 as the more "masculine" companion to big sister toyline " Tamagotchi ". These new Digital Monsters weren't just adorable pets wanting for you to take care of them they were born fighters and you the player would tame these creatures from birth to battle other players of the game through connecting devices. It turns out many children did become tamers because the Digimon v-pet toy was an instant hit selling many toys right away. Immediately after the launch of the original toy-line it was clear that Bandai was very confident that they could shape Digimon into a successful multimedia franchise. The Digimon toyline was quickly followed up with a more expanded toyline, magazines, manga, trading card game, and several video game projects - the first notable home console video game release being "Digital Monster Ver. S" for the Sega Saturn in Japan.  The first globally released Digimon video game would be "Digimon World" for the Playstation console and this game was developed alongside it's own sequel "Digimon World 2" in an ambitious project by Bandai to ensure in their minds global domination. 
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“ Digimon World “ was originally was released on January 28th in the year 1999 in Japan to a successful launch.  The following year it would be first released in May to North America(NTSC) and shortly afterward in July to European(PAL) regions. Both of these version would both go onto be big selling hits on the console earning the Playstation's "Greatest Hits" label in North America and likewise "Platinum" status in Europe because quite frankly Digimon was that big of a deal already. By the year 2000, it was clear outside of Japan that Digimon would not just go down as another another contender to Pokemon’s reign. The Digimon series had become a champion in it's own right establishing itself as a rival even for Pokemon at the time. Digimon World was the first Digimon video game most of the world experienced. So the question is after all this time how does the game hold up 24 years later? Was it worth the hype in a crowded platform like the Playstation?
                      “ Sidenote: They were pushing the original Digimon TCG  “     
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                                  “Welcome to The Digital World “
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 The Digital World is a vast and mysterious place that exists both within our world and outside of it. You insert the Digimon World disc then go through the Playstation start up sequence where you are greeted by that haunting yet relaxing boot up sound of the console. After a brief load time you are shown in wonderfully aged FMV from a typical afternoon of the year 1999 in Japan complete with children battling virtually through the Digimon V-Pet toys. Before long the battle between the two players go from toy to imagination in our main character's head, daydreaming of the fight between two Ultimate level Digimon: the proud MetalMamemon and the imposing MetalGreymon. After the cut-scene you hit start to officially start your own journey to the digital world albeit an unintentional one for our avatar as they are forcefully whisked away into the Digital World itself through their own V-Pet toy.
                                      “ MetalMamemon wants to fight! “
Once the scene finishes playing then you are confronted by Jijimon, an elderly wise Digimon who asks the players some background questions which determine your starter Digimon. You see depending on the answers you gave Jijimon you will receive Agumon or Gabumon as a companion both Digimon whose potential take different shapes. After being introduced to your partner you are then given reason for why you were brought here to the Digital World: it turns out maybe you really do just love Digimon so much that it made you a chosen child yourself? At any rate you the player are tasked by Jijimon with the serious task of rebuilding " File City ", a village where Digimon used to live in peace with one another until recent times where the formerly peace loving Digimon fled the city after having forgotten their own past. As you guide each new Digimon back to the city you may uncover the truth behind the current ongoing mystery of File Island.  Those who re-join the new File City  will offer something helpful to the city whether it to run a Bank, Item Shop, Clinic, or much more.  Ideally you will help the village grow from its humble roots to a true city but it won’t be easy, tamer.
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                           “ Becoming Garurumon is gonna be tough... “      
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                        The game truly begins now as you are set on a journey to explore File Island, a wondrous land of mystery with many different ecosystems filled with many diverse Digimon and just as many wires emerging from the soil unlike anything you may have seen before anywhere else. And now with this journey comes responsibility - while your primary goal for being here may be to help File Island at large your more immediate task is to care for and raise your Digimon properly. It is up to you the player to decide how you raise your digital partner as each day passes by in a linear manner through morning, day, dusk, and dawn cycles. It is at this point you can immediately with courage choose to venture outside the city into the unknown or spend some time building the combat stats of your Digimon partner at The Green Gym section of File City. At the gym you can put your Digimon through a variety of training tasks which is typically focused on increasing one stat at a time primarily. These stats are known in the game as HP which effects how much damage they can take before fainting. MP which determines the amount of points how many combat techniques your partner can use in a battle. Off(ense) which is the stat the game uses to figure out how hard a Digimon hits another. Def(ense) which works as the opposite, this stat determines how much damage a Digimon takes from being hit in which the higher def means less taken away from HP. SPD which determines how often a Digimon attacks with a technique (this caps at 300 SPD), how often a Digimon guards against an opponent's technique, and how fast your Digimon's Finishing Move charges through their own actions. And last but not least is Wis(dom!) which can give your Digimon the ability to listen to more commands in battle. Each training session causes an hour to pass by in the digital world but this is time well spent because these stats are the key to success in combat.
                                     “ Yup, it really won’t be easy. “               
If you raise your Rookie-rank Digimon improperly they will eventually become a rather weak Champion-level creature known as "Numemon" hardly fitting for the moniker at first glance. However if you raise them well they can become something greater through digivolution and every Digimon has multiple evolutionary branches which are driven conditionally by how you raise the Digimon whether it be through hitting stat thresholds, battles, the amount (or lack of) care mistakes, techniques learned, or even body weight.  The game even has additional secret methods of reaching digivolutions that may surprise a player the first time playing and even longtime players who have yet to experience everything the game has to offer in their time with it. You may not always get what you want through Digivolution without proper planning so keep that in mind.
           Outside the city you may run into hostile Digimon that can quickly become challenging for your partner had they not been prepared properly for the dangers of the wild. Once in combat you have to leave the battling to your Digimon partner as you stand on the sidelines making commands or supporting them with various healing items. It is at this early point you learn that you cannot directly control what your partner does in battle you can only offer them orders to influence their behavior in a battle system akin to something known as an "auto-battler" today. Your partner when they achieve victory can learn techniques from their foes, obtain items, and Bits (currency). On the other hand your partner can fall in battle and for each time they fall in battle they will lose a heart which will result in them passing away upon losing three hearts. Between any battles that can occur your digital partner needs food, they need to use the bathroom, and your digital partner needs rest. Every time your Digimon uses the bathroom outside of a stall or porta-potty it will result in a "Care Mistake"  which the game will remember for that Digimon's lifespan through an in game counter. 
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                       “ Forget it. This dino is more cuddly than any wolf. “
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  I mentioned lifespan earlier, right? Well every partner Digimon generally needs to be cared for with love before unavoidably they pass away sooner or later. And when that time comes Jijimon will be there to reincarnate your partner Digimon into a Digi-Egg where they start life all over again. Due to the nature of this game you form a bond with your Digimon that you may not find yourself having with other similar monster raising video games such as Pokemon. The time you have with your Digimon in the Digital World is fleeting and it's quite sad. As a tamer it is with love inside of your heart that you must juggle that fleeting time between making your buddy stronger and spending their same limited time saving the Digimon outside the city alongside the player. There is a real somber feeling when you know your Digimon might be on your last day as you run a frozen tundra for the final time at night knowing it might be their last one with you. Everyone who has played this game enough understands that heavy feeling and it is that feeling which drives you to do better for your next partner.
                              “  This land is labeled correctly. “
This game world has its own logic and rules that are rewarding to learn to get past the harsh difficulty curves.  And now with that being said it is this same "gameplay loop" which I laid out in detail leading up to this which would often overwhelm me as a child. Many times I would aim for my Agumon to become the mighty Greymon only to get another alternate digivolution like Monochromon instead of the one which I planned for. This would happen to younger me even with the official Brady Strategy Guide by my side because a guide can only help you through so much - this was a game you had to experience and learn yourself back in the day to get the most out of it.
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                                  “ Time flows differently here! “
The Digital World in this game is all about discovery. Often you may have no idea what to do next exactly if you are playing the game blind though with enough discovery you will figure it out.  You may find that next Digimon you need to bring back to File Island in a place you never thought to check. You may even find a random item on screen you have walked by hundreds of time without ever having seen before that hundredth visit. Digimon World balances elements of a pet-simulator, and maybe more impressively a world that feels like it is really one of a kind.  The environments in this game are beautiful, populated with all kinds of digital critters, and accompanied by often fitting ambient sounds which fit the atmosphere the game presents to us.  There is nothing quite like walking through File City at nighttime with your Digimon partner as that lovely song plays away in the background. Composers Koji Yamada and Yuko Ishii outdid themselves with this game’s score, most songs being geared to the environment at hand and some others geared towards pulse pounding combat as your partner is locked in a fight for survival. For example the musical themes of Factorial Town feels daunting and mechanical in nature.  We now live in an era full of "open world" video games everywhere and yet sometimes Digital World feels more alive to me than even some modern AAA offerings. It says a lot about a game’s quality when it can stick with someone positively years later.
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                                      “ Make the right choice. “
Speaking of the way the game looks all together it is a pretty nice looking game for the Playstation. It is the first time that the original Digimon which famed Digimon designer Kenji Watanabe created were being presented in a 3D environment within a video game. These 3D models are a huge leap in technology over the V-Pet sprites and these over several dozen designs really shined in this iteration of The Digital World. Often the monsters in this series are known for looking "cool" such as Leomon so it is worth mentioning even the cuter designs like Monzaemon look absolutely adorable in this game. The graphics, soundtrack, and presentation of this game are pretty strong in my opinion.        
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              “ This chart helps you raise every kind of Digimon available! ”
 I truly appreciate this game even more today then I did in the year 2000 when I played it for the very first time and there is so much more that I could muse over with this game. Now with all this being said there are many bugs and glitches in this game so be warned this gemstone can be rough around the edges.   Overall I will cut myself short to say proudly that this game stands up to the test of time and the influence of this game is felt to this day. Worth mentioning that "Digimon World: Next Order" serves as a true sequel to this beloved PlayStation title and yet as good as it may be the new title does not replace the original game. I'm urging anybody who has not played this game yet to seek it out and give it a chance. Better yet find the Digimon World Randomizer created by the game's devout community which adds many features and fixes nearly every game bug, all things in service of making the experience even better. There is even chatter from the current producer of Digimon video games that we can expect either a remaster or remake of this beloved title someday. Which makes sense considering Digimon is even more popular globally than ever now. No matter how you experience this game it is worth playing for any Digimon fan even just one time. 
Digimon World is an incredible adventure worthy of being called stardust.
-- Larsa
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digi-lov · 2 years ago
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Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode BT12-030 by toriyufu from BT-12 Booster Across Time
This card is a reference to its fight with Apocalymon in the intro of Digimon World: Digital Card Arena (Digimon Digital Card Battle in the West)
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otakween · 2 years ago
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Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (1999) - End game thoughts (20 hrs in)
Yay, this was really fun and easy to beat! Honestly, that's how I like my video games, I just want to chill at the end of the day, not stress out. There were one or two battles that presented a slight challenge and that's good enough for me.
This game had so much charm and was a fabulous companion to Digimon World 1. It's kind of like its quirky and more casual cousin. Kind of baffled that there isn't a fan translation (that I could find) because it's honestly a pretty short game with not a lot of dialogue.
I'm going to do a little bit of post-game poking around, but here are my immediate thoughts after beating it.
-I wonder if the lack of localization is 100% due to the Hitler stuff (which...fair) or if there's more to it than that. I get that it would have been difficult to cut that part out entirely, but maybe they could re-skin things to look less sus? I dunno...too late now.
-I was so happy with all the stats they give you during the end credits, that was such a nice touch! They gave me my playtime, how many times I saved, what decks I used and how I used them. Interesting stuff. I feel like TCG are for stats nerds lol (the only math class I enjoyed in high school)
-It was really cute how they recreated all of the scenes from the game with CGs. Of course, it would have been nice if those were just in the game proper, but oh well :/ it was fun looking back on all the battles and quirky events
-So...the Japanese was a bit tricky for me to follow, but it seems like this whole game had a gag plot? Like you spend the whole game trying to get to Mt. Infinity to retrieve a "bug card", but then you get to the final boss and he's like, "Huh? Who are you? What's going on? I've never heard of a bug card in my life." And then Betamon (who came with you for moral support) is like "oh yeah, I dropped that card and it was blown away by the wind to the top of this mountain teehee." Lol. So really, there was no villain...I guess. Really the MC and Babamon are the assholes for destroying Machinedramon's home for no reason.
-Speaking of gag plot, most of the plot of this game is on the very silly, toilet humor side. A majority of it is tracking down toilet paper and finding the culprit of who is breaking all of the toilets. In hindsight, this might be another reason this didn't get localized...
-So Babamon was Rosemon all along...okaaay. I didn't really get this twist because Rosemon switched back and forth between her two forms throughout the game before the bug card (which supposedly cause the transformation) was destroyed. Maybe it was a Fiona from Shrek situation.
-I was a little sad that I got all of these great "Sevens Cards," but then didn't want to use most of them. The only one I really ended up using was the holy one because it gave my digimon +1000 HP. Everything else seemed too risky to use. Honestly I used the same deck without many changes for 90% of the game. Kind of lame, but editing decks was sorta painful in how time consuming and clunky it was. It seems like arranging a deck would be a lot more fun IRL though, I kinda wish I had some actual cards to fool around with.
-I was surprised to see that there's no Analogman in this game. I guess that just goes along with this being a much chiller, parallel universe.
-I physically can't 100% this game (because of missable battles), so I'm just going to take it easy for post-game stuff. See how many more cards I can get and do a couple more battles. Excited for this game's sequel!
Despite the weirdo storyline and questionable content, this was one of the better Digimon games so far. Due to my high levels of enjoyment, I'm giving it a solid 7 out of 10.
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total-cards · 6 months ago
The Digimon Card Game had originated as part of the Digimon franchise, beginning in Japan in 1997. The franchise started with the release of Digital Monsters, a range of virtual pets aimed at boys in response to the popularity of Tamagotchi. Given the popularity of these virtual pets, Bandai then expanded Digimon into various media such as anime, manga, video games and a card game.
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The first version of the game, named the Digital Monster Card Game, released in Japan in 1999 and lasted until 2005. The game worked similarly to the Digital Pets, where Tamers could battle each other. We've even seen elements of this in one of the more recent sets the Classic Collection, which draws inspiration for the design and mechanics of the cards from the card game's origins. We have even seen the card game featured in the anime, with Digimon Tamers focusing on the existence of the Digimon Card Game in "our world" yet the cards are more than they seem. But what is Digimon Liberator?
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Digimon Liberator is a webcomic set in the future, where the Digimon Card Game has evolved into a fully immersive game allowing players to enjoy card battles in a metaverse space. Think Sword Art Online, but with Digimon. The story is entirely free to read online, and sets the stage for an intense story following Shoto Kazama and his journey through this digital world to discover the secrets from deep within.
As the Digimon Card Game in the world of Digimon Liberator is the same one we experience, of course that means we get a set! Digimon Liberator includes characters from the webcomic and their partner Digimon; Zephagamon & Shoto Kazama, Cendrillmon & Arisa Kinosaki, and HeavyMetaldramon & Yuuki. Not only that, but you will also find a new keyword <Iceclad>.
<Iceclad> is a new keyword effect that has excellent affinity with "trash a digivolution card" effects in blue decks!
Instead of DP, the Digimon with more digivolution cards will win battles with non-Security Digimon!
Use this to counter your opponent's Digimon with high DP!
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There are plenty of cards to be sought after in Digimon Liberator, such as the Mega Digimon special cards, and special alternate designs. You'll also receive a random alt-art card in the Legend Pack 2024, a booster pack box-topper included inside the booster box.
Digimon Liberator adds a new and unique twist on the existing card game, incorporating it once again into engaging media and spanning an Extra Booster for players to utilise within their decks.
Releasing on Friday 13th September, you can pre-order your packs from our site for as low as £3.45 for a booster pack, and £76.95 for a booster box!
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onceuponmyanime · 11 months ago
Anime that Raised me...
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Cardcaptor Sakura
This was back when the Internet was barely in full swing, and I had to wait for each episode every week.
To say I had the best patience to watch it on TV, compared to the access we have to Anime now, I really have to pay myself on the back.
I guess you could say I wanted to be like her.
I had the biggest crush on her brother and I always wanted a set of my own clow cards.
It still, to this day, is one of my top fave anime.
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Sailor Moon
I know what you're thinking, I have a thing for Magical girl type Anime.
Well the way I grew up, I loved Magic & Fantasy.
Not to mention stories of lost Princesses from other worlds.
My fave Sailor would definitely have to be Sailor Mercury.
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Dragon Ball Z
Apart from absolutely loving Magical Girl Anime, I was also a tomboy that was absolutely obsessed with Dragon Ball Z.
Vegeta would have to be my fave character (especially because Goku was too much of an airhead - even though he was such a good guy).And I really liked future Trunks.
I loved the storyline, being the tomboy that I was.
Not to mention the Dragon Balls and the wishes you could make.
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Right from the beginning.
As an avid animal lover, and loving adventures, this was the perfect anime for me.
I aspired to be like Misty (because I love the water.)
And Eevee is my favourite Pokemon.
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Even though it kind of reminded me of Pokemon, I did like the fact that it had a lot of differences too.
Like the fact that the creatures could speak.
And the whole digital world.
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Everyone in my family knew how to play this game, we all had our decks made to suit us (mine was a water-fairy type deck) with our own coloured covers.
We also had battles all the time.
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starwardking · 20 days ago
Something I wish digimon took an approach to that pokemon does all the time
Is showing domestic life with Digimon
.....but if you think about it, you Playing with a digital VPet is domestic life with your digimon BUT I WANT MORE
I want a card of a salary man going to work with his Digital Vpet clipped to his Briefcase and have the Digimon on the Vpet be Tyranomon
I want to be more Active in the Digimon World City building Aspect
I know digimon Was advertised as Battle Tamagochi but I feel like at this point they are so much more now
Like there are digimon in the franchise who have moves not centered around Combat I'm sure we can do something with that.
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digimon-pokemon-swap-au · 5 months ago
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Digimon is a beloved franchise created in 1996. It is the brainchild of Akiyoshi Hongo, who is actually multiple people. One of them is Satoshi Taijiri. The concept was conceived when he imagined creatures crawling into an arcade cabinet.
Digimon are yokai and beasts of myth who escaped into the digital realm to avoid extinction. In the modern world, they are friends to humanity. Using a common DigiBall, they can be captured. A captured Digimon is your best friend! Whether for battle and glory, breathtaking performances, assistants at work, or just a companion, Digimon can fulfill any role.
The Digimon franchise started with the games Digimon: Red and Green and has since ballooned into a multimillion dollar empire. Its central core has always been the games. But supporting that pillar is the trading card game and anime. From nearly the beginning, these three giants inspired a wave of merchandise sales.
The anime focuses on a boy named Sammy- dubbed "Satoshi" in Japan- and his Agufry. For over two decades, they've quested across the wide World of Digimon. Sammy's aim is to become a Digimon Master, but he still has a lot to learn. Together with his friends, though, there's no challenge he can't overcome!
Digimon presents a cozy world where children are safe. In the anime, every issue is resolved by the end of the episode. For multiple generations, it teaches kids the value of friendship, hard work, and respect and wonder for the world around them.
E̶v̴e̴r̴y̶t̴h̵i̶n̶g̸ ̸i̸s̵ ̸f̵i̷n̴e̷ ̵a̴n̵d̴ ̷n̶o̵t̶h̵i̷n̸g̵ ̸h̸u̶r̵t̵s̸
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tobiasdrake · 19 days ago
Starmon got an specifically made Perfect 6 months after this episode, in Digimon World: Digital Card Battle (a weird PSX game, the actual sequel to Digimon World, but everybody battles with cards; pretty much the final instance of Perfect being fully evolved in the franchise, and plenty of 02-tangential 'mons in there). Said Perfect, SuperStarmon, is literally Starmon in showy rodeo cowboy getup.
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It's perfect. There's no way this wasn't inspired by the episode.
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