#different tone to what the original conveys but hey
variousqueerthings · 2 months
im watching a danish 1918 silent film called "himmelskibet" (the sky ship/spaceship) and it's interesting from several perspectives
for one, i enjoy the idea that these people have the notion of going to space and build a spaceship (an incredibly charming spaceship) in 2 years and it works! lifts ve-e-e-e-r-y slowly out of the atmosphere over the course of several days
for two, they're going to mars. which in 1918 reads differently im sure, than in 2024 and the rich colonialism wet dream -- also because in this movie mars is in fact populated, so it's actually not colonialist in the way it might have been x amount of years later in space-exploration cinema and the martians are depicted as being far more civilised (and also more... back-to-the-earth, we'll get to all of That) than earthlings, which is interesting
for three, they build the spaceship and point it towards mars, but don't have the tools to gauge how long it'll take to actually get there -- they calculate a presumed date before they leave, but whilst on the spaceship just have no idea where they are? this isn't deep, it's just funny to me
point the fourth. mars is populated. it's populated by a bunch of very human-looking aliens, because it's 1918 and the only difference between us and aliens is that the aliens are fruitarian hippies who all wear long robes (yeah, i can buy that) who have overcome everything bad that humanity currently is. the message is a hopeful one, with the lead martian saying "what we are, you will become"
the martian society is presented as a utopia. they're fruitarians, they've got no crime, no violence, and in what feels like some of the most long-lasting of political ideas, when the astronauts bring violence with them, they are made to think about it, but not punished (and there's some christian repent vibes to it, but it's not too egregious as to not work as concept -- the movie as a whole is very christian in feel though) and the protagonist considers how evil it is to throw people into prisons on earth. there's also a whole thing about embracing/celebrating death, rather than fearing it, which i wanna roll around in my head for a bit
but... the film tries very hard to juxtapose this utopian ideal with earth, however can't figure out how to make that work in imagery, or even put its finger on what is actually wrong with earth society that violence abounds in the first place (you'd think there might be some wwi imagery in there, but no, not a one -- its way of "showing violence" is random young well-dressed people on the street assaulting an elderly man and laughing, or smoking and dancing, or implied sex before marriage...)
all the scientists/leaders on mars are men, while the women... idk, frolic in beautiful dresses (there are a couple of interesting women in this, but they're not The Thinkers, they're The Feelers). they're all white and christian (if, danish christians rather than american christians). they're all thin and able-bodied and "beautiful." there's a scene where the women dance "a chastity dance." it begs the eternal question of "wait is this actually portraying a white supremacist eugenics cult?" WHICH is not what the movie wants to say, it very much wants to say something about anti-violence idealism as the future for humanity, it's like. got its heart in the right place, even if the final messaging is "we take this woman from a higher culture and within her lie the seeds for a superior earth," which hmm.. yeah. ive. ive heard things like that said before. not about a martian
it's interesting what kind of shorthand we have for storytelling. how the people making this movie undoubtedly were trying to think of the most visually effective way of conveying utopia, and how that imagery is mainly used today to make a viewer go "uh oh" to the extent that i almost briefly wondered if there was going to be another shoe about to drop, even though the movie hadn't been going in that direction at all
very much enjoyed it on the whole though. a moment in time. a very very early scifi film. ye olde danish text
And the most important thing.
Behold A Spaceship:
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Drake: "Hey, Mitsuki. Did you tame everyone in this mansion with your blood?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
I simply stared back at Drake, not understanding the meaning of his words.
Drake: "I've heard about your situation and the people in this mansion from Comte. After talking to them, I realized they're not bad guys."
Drake: "But I just don't get it."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
Drake: "Because they're vampires, right? No matter how you look at it, they're different from humans."
Drake: "They're creatures driven by the urge to drink blood and capable of taking lives like beasts."
Drake: "Well, it seems I'm a half, too. But..."
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Drake: "It's hard to imagine that vampires and humans live together under the same roof and get along well without one side having control in the background."
(He's right. I've been living with everyone for a long time and forgot, but vampires are objects of fear in normal senses.)
They fed on human blood and posed a threat to their lives.
Drake: "At first, I thought you were just being used as prey, and the butler might have been silenced."
Drake: "Vampires are said to prefer the blood of young women, but the people here seem to treat you well."
Drake: "There's also the possibility that you're controlling the vampires in exchange for your blood, like a queen bee."
The carefree and nonchalant demeanor he had just moments ago was replaced by a sharp gaze, sending a slight shiver down my spine.
(So he was thinking about that behind that smile.)
It felt like I caught a glimpse of his wariness.
But I guess it was only natural to be that cautious when he suddenly arrived at a mansion full of vampires.
Mitsuki: "I've never been bitten by a vampire, and I've never given blood to anyone."
Mitsuki: "There's no one-sided dominance going on. We're just living and supporting each other."
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Drake: ".........."
Mitsuki: "You may have concerns, but please trust us. Everyone here is trustworthy."
I conveyed my feelings, hoping he would take off his armor-like caution.
Drake: "Trust, huh? People can easily betray you. You never really know what someone's thinking deep down."
Drake: "Well, that's what I think."
Drake: "But if you're saying it like that, it's probably true. You don't seem like you'd be good at lying."
Drake's smile returned, and I let out a sigh of relief.
(I'm glad. Maybe his guard has loosened a bit.)
Drake: "Sorry for saying weird things."
Mitsuki: "No, it's okay. I'm just surprised you thought I was controlling everyone."
Drake: "Yeah? Even without the blood, those guys might still like you enough to be willing to change their fates, little fawn."
His almost sinister smile from up close caused me to catch my breath.
At that moment, someone knocked on the door.
Sebastian: "Excuse me. Is Mitsuki still here?"
Drake: "She's here. We were just flirting."
Mitsuki: "Drake, don't say that!"
Drake: "Haha! Sorry, sorry. Well then, goodnight, little fawn."
I left the room and found Sebastian waiting outside.
Sebastian: "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of flirting did Drake do to you?"
Mitsuki: "No, it's not like that. We were just having a serious conversation."
(But I feel like I touched on his true feelings just a bit.)
(Come to think of it, we were a little bit close.)
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Sebastian: "You got close enough for your cheeks to blush."
Mitsuki: "Don't you dare write that in your diary!"
I stopped Sebastian from taking out his diary and briefly explained my conversation with Drake.
After hearing my story, Sebastian's expression showed a hint of surprise.
Sebastian: "I thought you guys were having a friendly chat, but to think he was considering such things..."
Sebastian: "I guess it's only natural that he has a composed side, considering he originally led naval forces into battle."
(That's true, but...)
Drake: "Trust, huh? People can easily betray you. You never really know what someone's thinking deep down."
---------Flashback Ends---------
His voice at that moment felt cold, as if he didn't want to believe me.
(19th-century Paris was relatively peaceful without any conflicts. I wish he could become even more at ease in this mansion.)
I hoped for that, remembering the cold voice that lingered in my ears.
After that, Drake fully joined our everyday lives, spending more time with everyone at the mansion and even going to the mall.
Comte: "It's not good for you to keep using the guest room, so I'll prepare a room for you, Drake."
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Comte: "Is there anything you need? Just let me know, and I'll get everything for you."
Drake: "Oh, in that case, I'll make a request."
Drake: "How about a luxurious chandelier? And a top-quality fur carpet? And..."
(T-They are all expensive stuff!)
Leonardo: "Are you thinking of selling them?"
Drake: "Oops. You caught me."
The next day, while observing a match between Drake and Jean一
Jean: "Hah!"
Drake: "Whoa! My turn!"
Jean: "You're quite good, Drake. It's a different kind of challenge compared to Napoleon."
Drake: "It's fun, but I never thought that the Maid of Orleans was a guy with incredible swordsmanship."
Mitsuki: "I think everyone would be shocked by that revelation about Jean."
Mozart: "Discrepancies between what is known and the truth are common throughout history."
Jean: "Drake, I'll make some marorons for you later to thank you for the training."
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Mitsuki & Mozart: "!!"
Drake: "Marorons? I don't know what that is, but I look forward to it."
Mozart: "I'll warn you, Drake. Jean is the most terrifying when he's in the kitchen."
Then, on another night, when I brought tea to the parlor room一
Arthur: "Checkmate."
Drake: "What the?"
Drake: "Did I lose again? I thought I had a chance of winning at some point."
They were playing chess, and Drake seemed to be on a losing streak.
Arthur: "You're relying too much on brute force. Chess is a game of strategy."
Drake: "If it were a battle at sea, I'd send a flaming ship charging in."
Isaac: "It's scary how a pirate thinks."
Dazai: "Ahaha! Looks like Drake lost to his fellow countryman by a long shot."
At Dazai's words, I suddenly realized...
Mitsuki: "Aside from Drake and Shakespeare, you and Arthur were from England too, right?"
Isaac: "Yeah. Although the time periods we lived in were completely different."
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Arthur: "I lived during the glorious era of Queen Victoria."
Arthur said that proudly, and Drake blinked curiously.
Drake: "Arthur, do you admire the queen?"
Mitsuki: "Well, he named his dog Victoria."
Arthur: "Yes. Although, when I found out later that he was a male, I felt frustrated because he was so cute."
Arthur: "Anyway, Queen Victoria was charming and beloved by the people. Wasn't Queen Elizabeth the same?"
Arthur: "England prospered during the reign of the queens because of their great achievements."
Drake: "........."
Drake: "Well, she was certainly a cunning queen. She thoroughly eliminated any threats to England in the shadows."
Drake: "I was used like a pawn, too."
Drake chuckled sarcastically and shrugged his shoulders.
(It doesn't seem like he admires her as much as Arthur does.)
According to the history book I read before, it stated that the queen favored him. But considering she sent him to war, there might have been hardships that didn't make it into history.
Drake: "Anyway, let me have a rematch from earlier. Arm wrestling this time."
Arthur: "OK! I accept. Isaac here will be the referee."
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Isaac: "Why me!?"
Drake: "Alright, let's do it, Isaac!"
Dazai: "Go, Ai-chan."
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After those fun few days, a week had gone by since Drake showed up.
Under the clear blue sky, while taking down the laundry, I reminisced about the events with the other residents over the past few days.
(It looks like he became close with everyone. I guess I didn't need to worry.)
Since Drake and I had met, there had been an atmosphere of mutual wariness. But that wasn't the case now.
(I'm glad Drake already feels at home here.)
Feeling relieved, I suddenly remembered the time when I first came to the mansion.
(Back when I first came here, I was eager to return to my original world as soon as possible.)
(I wonder if Drake ever misses his homeland.)
Lost in these thoughts, a gust of wind suddenly blew through.
Mitsuki: "Ah, my handkerchief!"
The handkerchief I had placed on top of the laundry got blown away, and I hurriedly chased after it.
Then, a bird swooped in from somewhere and skillfully caught the handkerchief with its feet.
The bird's entire body was red, with hints of green and other colors mixed into its feathers, creating a vivid display of colors.
(That's a parrot, right? I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.)
The familiar parrot gracefully circled the sky, seemingly enjoying itself.
As I followed its movements with my eyes, the parrot suddenly let go of the handkerchief, and the person it was hovering near raised a hand and caught it.
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Drake: "Is this what you dropped, little fawn?"
The parrot perched on Drake's shoulder.
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Mitsuki: "Thank you for helping with the laundry."
Drake: "It's no big deal."
He helped me carry most of the laundry, leaving only the sheets to be delivered to his room.
Drake: "Well then, welcome aboard my ship."
He opened the door to his room.
Mitsuki: "Sorry for the intrusion. Wow, your room looks like this now!"
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His room, which I entered for the first time, had a different atmosphere compared to my room and everyone else's.
Drake: "I asked Comte to make it as comfortable as a ship's cabin, and this is what I ended up with."
Mitsuki: "A cabin, huh? It suits you."
As I looked around the room with great interest, the parrot perched on Drake's shoulder, flapped its wings, and moved to the deer antlers hanging on the wall.
Mitsuki: "I guess that bird is your pet? Thank you for picking up my handkerchief."
Drake: "Glad my partner could be of service. I guess he wanted to look good in front of a lady since he's a male."
Mitsuki: "Hehe. You looked quite dashing, Mr. Parrot. Um, what's its name?"
Parrot: "Draco, Draco!"
Mitsuki: "Wow, it talked!?"
Drake: "Yeah, he can talk. His name is Draco."
Mitsuki: "Does the name have any special meaning?"
Drake: "In the past, I was called El Draque by my enemies."
Drake: "He somehow picked it up and started squawking 'Draco, Draco,' so I just made it his name."
Mitsuki: "El Draque...?"
Drake: "It means demon."
(Is that because his opponents feared him?)
It was kind of hard to imagine since he said it so casually, but I guess he was really that scary to end up with a nickname like that.
(And he boldly used that as his pet's name.)
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Drake: "Draco, meet Mitsuki, the little fawn. Get along, okay?"
Draco: "Fawn, fawn!"
(Hehe. Regardless of the meaning, Draco is already an important partner's name for him.)
Mitsuki: "By the way, there's something I've been wanting to ask. Why do you always call me little fawn?"
Drake: "Hm? Because when we first met, you were trembling in my arms like a fawn."
Drake: "Also, the name of the ship I used to sail on was the Golden Hind, which means golden female deer."
Drake: "So, it somehow felt fitting."
(So that's why. Maybe it just resonated with him in his own way.)
When I think about it that way, it feels like something special.
Drake: "You didn't like it?"
Mitsuki: "I don't mind. I'm glad you answered my question!”
Drake: "That's good, then. To be honest, you were trembling back then because I scared you."
Drake: "By the way, Fawn, can you take your hand out?"
I extended my hand as instructed, and he placed beautiful red-feathered earrings on my palm.
Mitsuki: "Wow, it's cute."
Drake: "Take it. I made it using one of Draco's feathers. Don't worry, I properly washed it."
Mitsuki: "Can I really have this? You even made it by hand."
I tilted my head in surprise at the sudden gift.
Drake: "Remember how I scared you and accused you of taming vampires?"
Drake: "I realized I've been giving you a hard time, so consider this my apology gift."
(Even though he had his reasons at the time, he still cared about how I felt.)
His feelings, along with the earrings, reach my heart without delay.
Mitsuki: "I'm so happy. Thank you, Mr. Drake!"
Drake: "Great. Now that we've made up, I have a suggestion."
Drake: "How about we drop the formalities? I mean, I'm calling you by your first name freely."
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Mitsuki: "Then, Drake."
Drake: "Hmm, that's okay, but why not try calling me by my first name?"
Mitsuki: "Francis?"
Drake: "Perfect. I like it, Mitsuki."
(Suddenly calling each other by first names feels a bit embarrassing.)
He playfully deepened his smile.
Drake: "Come on, try calling me by my first name more, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "What!? You're teasing me, right?"
Drake: "Come on, of course not."
Mitsuki: "Don't tease me, Francis."
Drake: "You don't have to be so reserved. Just call me normally."
Mitsuki: "Geez. Francis!"
Drake: "Haha! Well done. You're so straightforward."
He laughed out loud at my somewhat embarrassed and half-shouted words.
(It feels like he's playfully manipulating me.)
But why did I feel ticklish even though it seemed like I was being rolled around in the palm of his hand?
Mitsuki: "Well, calling you by your first name alone is a little embarrassing, so I'll stick with Drake."
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Drake: "Back to formal language, huh?"
Mitsuki: "Let me call you Drake."
Drake: "I wanted it to feel special, but okay, call me whatever you like."
He seemed satisfied and nodded with a smile.
Feeling my cheeks blush, I directed my gaze back to the earrings in my palm.
Mitsuki: "Can I try wearing this now?"
Drake: "Of course."
Drake: "It's difficult to put it on without a mirror, so sit on the chair. I'll do it for you."
I sat down as prompted, and he brushed my hair behind my ear.
Mitsuki: "Ahh..."
His finger brushed against my earlobe, causing my body to twitch involuntarily.
Drake: "Did that tickle?"
Mitsuki: "Just a little."
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Drake: "Is this your weak spot?"
He playfully leaned closer to my ear, his voice and breath tickling me.
Mitsuki: "H-Hey, stop fooling around..."
Drake: "Sorry, sorry. I got carried away there. But bear with it a little longer."
Drake gently touched my earlobe and inserted the earring.
Drake: "Now, the other side."
(It feels strange to have someone put earrings on me.)
(I didn't realize my ears were this sensitive until now.)
Maybe I was feeling more sensitive because of his playful teasing earlier.
Coming to that conclusion, I held back the trembling sensation that almost overwhelmed me.
Drake: "Okay, there you go, Mitsuki."
I looked at my reflection in the window since we didn't have a mirror and saw vibrant feathers swaying on both of my ears.
Mitsuki: "Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you so much, Drake. And Draco, too."
Draco: "Fawn and Draco, together!"
Mitsuki: "That's right, we have matching feathers."
As we exchanged words, Drake suddenly turned serious.
Drake: "Just to make sure, you're not in a romantic relationship with anyone in the mansion, are you?"
I vigorously shook my head, startled by the sudden question.
Mitsuki: "Absolutely not! Everyone in the mansion is like a roommate and a friend to me. I don't have that kind of relationship with anyone."
Drake: "Heh?"
Drake: "Well, I was just worried because I gave you a gift. I didn't want it to create any misunderstandings if you had a boyfriend."
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Drake: "If that's not a concern, I don't need to hold back. It suits you well, little fawn."
He took a step closer and placed his large hand on my head.
My heart was beating like crazy as I felt his gentle hand and gaze.
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hey there! i was reading your translation of volume 6 and noticed a difference in "double team" from the version i originally read. in yours it reads "everything's different when i'm back to back with him", whereas the version i initially read translated it as "it's completely different when i turn my back to him". they sound similar but have very different meanings imo, so i was just wondering about the thought process behind your translation?
Hey and thank you for the question!
I can see the version you've read is likely the Scanlation, however the Dark Horse version translates it in a similar vein.
While it is not an entirely inaccurate translation, you're completely right that there's a huge difference in tone and meaning, something that really changes how we perceive the scene.
The original lines are:
"全く エライ違いやで このワイが背中をあずけてまうとは"
Directly translated with no rewording, that's:
"My God. What a difference / I can't believe When I give him my back / I'm giving him my back."
This comes across as a lot more of a surprise to Wolfwood, that when they fight together he just forgets all about his fear of him. That is also why he mumbles to himself on the previous panel that he's underestimating him, because he kept telling himself he should be afraid and yet he easily fights side by side with him.
The wording of "It's different when I turn my back on him" is not entirely incorrect, yet it doesn't convey the same meaning, as you say. Turning your back on someone isn't very clearly about willingly offering your back, or going back to back with someone, it's more about literally turning away or forsaking something.
Ultimately, we came to the conclusion of rewording the line so that it still conveys the willingness to fight together, therefore "When I'm back to back with him", and how everything feels different when he does. The other translations muddles the meaning and makes it harder to make out that it's about fighting together and makes it about literally turning his back to him, as seen on the panel.
An important side note is that other translations do often mess up Wolfwood's dialogue because he's written with a very specific accent, something that changes the sounds of words used. It is a pain in the ass to translate, but not impossible since it's obviously a pattern of repeated changes.
Hope this helped clearing up our thought process and the reasoning behind our translation.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight
A/N: this was an old request, originally posted on 18/8-22. it read: Can you do a Steve Harrington request set during his senior year where he and his girlfriend are having a study date but Steve eventually quits and has to coax his girl to bed since she is staying up late studying?
Warnings: Steve Harrington x reader, studying, being very tired, Steve singing, literally just fluff
Word count: 640
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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The soft warm light that was coming from your pink bedside lamp caused your studious figures on the floor to cast an unintentional shadow puppet show onto the opposite wall. 
Sloppily copying into your notebook, the last few sentences from the open book in your lap, you let out a long yawn.
Feeling the boy behind you lean forward and rest his head on your shoulder, he murmured in your ear, “babe…”
“Huh?” you just flipped to the next page and kept reading. 
“It’s 1:53,” he informed you, snaking his arms around your waist. 
“So, it’s 1:53 am!”
“Well, if you’re tired,” you mumbled, fighting your body’s urge to yawn again, “you can just go sleep in my bed, I don’t mind. Just don’t let my dad find you tomorrow morning.”
“Y/n, you’re half asleep right now and still doing your homework.”
“So are you!” you smacked his forearm lightly. 
“Nope. I actually stopped about twenty minutes ago.”
“What?” you craned your neck to look at him, “have you just been sitting here staring at me study like a creep?”
“It wasn’t creepy!”
“Hmm…” you smiled, “sounds like something a creep would say.”
“Pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight. You’re so tired that your brain won’t even be able to retain any of this knowledge tomorrow!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” leaning back into his warm embrace, “I’m not tired, I’m fine, I’m-, hey! I was reading that!” you exclaimed as he snatched the book from your fingers and tossed it far enough that you couldn’t just reach it again. “Do you want me to get an F?”
“You won’t get an F,” he hugged you tighter, preventing you from reclaiming the hefty tome. “You’ll ace it, as always. Pulling an all-nighter on top of the amount of time I know you’ve been studying for, won’t make a big difference. It’ll just turn you into a zombie tomorrow,” you felt his lips on your neck. 
“But, I still have so much I wanna go over again.”
“Then it’s a good thing you still have a whole week left to do so. You'll be fine.”
“Steve, I-“ you tried but were abruptly interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend singing softly into the back of your neck.
“Though I've tried before to tell her, of the feelings I have for her in my heart.” 
Closing your eyes, you sighed and gave up, letting yourself feel just how worn out you really were. 
Letting him gently drag you with him, he pulled you up onto the small bed that was right next to the round fluffy rug the two of you had been situated on, all the while never skipping a single beat in his lullaby, “every time that I come near her, I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start.” Scooting further up the mattress, he clung to your body, wrapping it up in his love, never giving it a chance to escape and return to its studious ways. “Every little thing she does is magic, everything she does just turns me on. Even though my life before was tragic, now I know my love for her goes on.”
“That was a dirty move, Harrington,” you mumbled, surrendering in the gruesome fight of keeping your eyelids open, “you know how to push my buttons too well.”
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” he kissed your temple, “you’re in bed and practically asleep already.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled at his victory, then added in a serious tone, tugging at his shirt just in an effort to convey the message, “no, but seriously, my dad will kill you if he sees you here in the morning.”
“Pumpkin, I am like a ninja. Trust me, he will never know I slept here,” sounding overconfident in his groggy promise.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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wishing-stones · 1 year
(Forgive me for the complete art history tangent I am about to go on…) 
So I briefly mentioned this before but I wanna go more in depth with it after seeing the interiors you chose for the mood board; those examples? Aren’t actually Rococo, but instead qualify as Baroque. It’s easy to get the two mixed up -there are tons of shared qualities and a close history between the two styles and the line can get pretty blurred at times- but the reason I stress this as much as I do is because the core design philosophy of Rococo is completely contradictory to Nightmare’s whole vibe.
The entire idea behind Rococo was to, unlike Baroque, embrace a frivolous and jovial aesthetic that pulled away from the more serious and dramatic tones that its predecessor embodied. There was ample use of playful curves, asymmetrical designs and lighter colours with decorum inspired more by nature (garlands, flowers, seashells, etc). If not for the existence of cottage-core, Rococo would honestly fit Dream more than it would Nightmare.
Baroque on the other hand had a heavy focus on the provocative: bold colours, heavy contrast, dramatic lighting (chiaroscuro in painting was also developed in this period), heavily symmetrical and orderly layouts. Compared to Rococo, Baroque is considered to be more serious, somber and strict in its aesthetic. In a way, it was a near ceremonial display of divine power (which made it a popular style in churches).
It is also worth noting that Baroque originates from the term “barocco,” which has a handful of meanings, including bizzare, extravagant, elaborate and even barrueco (spanish) which roughly translates to ‘Irregular/ Imperfectly shaped Pearl’ (and considering Nightmare, I’d say that tracks nicely).
While Rococo was a more centralized movement in France that didn’t even last a full century (before The French Revolution and Neoclassism basically obliterated its popularity), Baroque originated in Renaissance Italy and was able to take a more stable hold throughout most of Europe (including Spain) and lasted about twice as long.
Here’s a link to an article that goes more in depth, but generally the main difference between the two periods are the moods each is trying to convey, which when the focus is emotion based deities, means everything: https://dengarden.com/interior-design/Rococo-vs-Baroque-in-Architecture-and-Design
(Thank you for coming to my TED Talk)
Hey! I always like an impromptu art history/architecture lesson!
Also it helps so much. I saw the initial difference and was like “No, baroque isn’t fancy enough” and then, in googling for normally colored examples, I found some rococo ones that were about what I pictured. 
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But yeah, baroque for sure! (this via ‘black and gold baroque interior’ search) That was a fascinating read, thank you!
Also fits with the exterior, which is...
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...Gothic, but fits with his dramatic, extravagant ass. (A baroque exterior isn’t quite dramatic enough, nor intimidating enough.)
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maggiedelusional · 2 years
Superstar (Preview)
Pairing: Rooster x f!reader
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Author's Note: Hey besties! I am so so so sorry for the long hiatus, the fall semester started and I am taking 18 credits this semester along with 4 jobs and studying for the LSATs so I've been in the trenches to say the least. I have been sporadically working on this fic, and I originally did not want to release it until it was fully completed but today is my birthday so I was feeling magnanimous and have decided to release this preview of my one shot that is currently in the works. Please hold on a little bit more. If you all like this preview I will release the full version. Also keep in mind I started writing this before TGM was released on streaming so I wrote parts of it based on memory (because the beginning is set during the actual movie).
Hopefully Part 10 of Let Me Go will be out soon!
Okay on to the story.
Bradley Bradshaw’s voice was an enigma to you. How could anyone's voice be so hoarse and yet so strong?
As an air traffic controller for the Navy, you’ve heard every type of voice imaginable. The gruff demanding ones from the Air Boss, the shrill screams of pilots having to eject due to a bird strike, the quiet dulcet tones of a shy WSO, and everything in between. 
The first time you heard his voice through the comms, you weren’t exactly starstruck per se, just a bit thrown off.
“This is Dagger 2, asking for clearance for take off.” 
It’s not like you didn’t know who the pilots flying this mission were. Everyone in the goddamn Navy knew who they were, they were the best of the best. 
You even saw their pictures. Thought some of them were cute (especially the one rocking the Miami Vice Stache). But hearing their voices was different from reading their files.
Though most of the details of the mission were classified, you had a basic idea and knew that there was a good chance that someone wasn’t coming home. 
“This is Dagger 2, asking for clearance for take off”
The voice repeated. You snapped out of your thoughts, the voice was smooth as honey and it had just a hint of fear but yet so heavily determined. Your heart really went out to the poor pilot. 
“Dagger 2, you’re clear for take off.” You said, trying to convey as much sympathy as you could in those words. 
The actual mission itself didn’t last longer than 3 minutes. Working for the navy, you should’ve been used to the high stakes situations that often go hand in hand with these kinds of assignments. But you couldn’t help but sit on the edge of your seat during the duration of the mission.
There were a few initial hiccups, you felt like you were watching a movie as you listened to the daggers communicate with one another. Their nervousness (and to be honest your own) upon seeing the SAMs and your both concern and irritation at Lieutenant Bradshaw’s cautiousness. 
Yes, his by the book and precise flying is part of the reason why he was considered one of the best, but if he didn’t throw that shit out of the window and speed up he will end up getting himself killed. And even though you didn’t necessarily know him, this possibility filled your body with so much dread.
You felt relieved (well only slightly, they hadn’t made it out of the woods just yet) when Rooster finally got out of his own head and sped up. The two miracles were successfully pulled off and the 4 jets had made it past Coffin Corner. Now it was a dogfight all the way home.
You commended just how level headed and pragmatic the pilots were as they evaded the SAMs and attacks that were thrusted upon them. You knew if you were in the same situation you would’ve panicked and blown up by now. Your admiration was interrupted by the mayday call of Captain Mitchell.
A heavy tension set in the control room, everyone was shocked at what just transpired. It was interrupted by the voices of the other daggers. Notably Lieutenant Bradshaw and Lieutenant Trace. 
Phoenix had announced that she and Lieutenant Floyd were heading back to home base, along with Payback and Fanboy. However, you were yet to hear confirmation from Rooster, with the last thing he said went along the lines of going after Maverick. 
You held your breath as you heard Admiral Simpson demanded his return. The control room was met with silence, and you knew exactly what he was going to do. 
It was less than 5 minutes when it was confirmed that Lieutenant Bradshaw’s plane had been shot down after attacking an enemy plane. His beacon went dark. 
Lieutenant Seresin requested clearance for take off but was rebuffed by the Air Boss. You had to take everything in you to not shed a tear.
A thick silence fell over the entire ship. The mission was technically a success but you wouldn’t be able to tell based on the solemn look on everyone’s face. 
Even after the remaining daggers returned on the ship, no one wanted to leave the control room. The entire ship was at a standstill. 
That was until a beacon marked “Rooster” started beeping on the screen. 
No it couldn’t be.
“Sir, Rooster has gone supersonic.” You told Admiral Simpson with a gulp, trying to contain your hope. 
“An F-14 tomcat has been spotted sir.” Another ATC announced. 
“Maverick.” You heard someone say, not sure who but you did not care at that point. What’s important is that they were alive!
But it was not time to celebrate just yet. Two bogies were spotted alongside the F-14 Tomcat. And everyone knew this meant a dogfight was about to commence. 
The situation looked more and more grim. An ancient F-14 against Fifth Gens? It was unlikely for the two pilots to make it out unscathed yet alone alive.
But by some grace of God (or possibly Maverick’s unbeatable skill, probably both) they managed to take down two bogies. 
Rooster managed to turn on the plane’s radio to contact the ship. You felt relief which was instantly thwarted by the news that there was still one Fifth Gen, directly in front of the plane. 
You knew they needed help. You looked at Admiral Simpson desperately, hoping that he would allow the Reserve Dagger to go assist. But Cyclone seemed frozen and you knew you had to take matters into your own hands.
“Dagger Reserve, are you ready for liftoff?” You spoke into the mic, the other people in the control room looked at you in shock.
“Finally!” The elated voice of Hangman came through the comms.
Admiral Simpson shot you a hard glare, if only looks could kill, you’d probably be as screwed as Maverick and Rooster. But you knew you had to do something. 
“Yes this is Dagger Reserve asking clearance for takeoff.” 
“Dagger Reserve, you are clear for takeoff. Bring our boys home.” You said with a small smile, if you get fired and discharged, possibly thrown into the ocean it’ll be worth it knowing what you did to save the aviators.
Hangman shot down the Fifth Gen with ease, earning him his second confirmed air combat kill. You knew that the other pilots would never hear the end of it. But all you cared about is he saved HIM.
Rooster’s laugh and banter with Hangman might’ve been the most wonderful sound you’ve ever heard. 
Seeing him on the tarmac reunited with the rest of his team had to be one of the highlights of your career with the Navy, if this was the last moment you had in the branch then you were perfectly content. 
“What you did was reckless insubordination! If there was another fifth Gen out there, we would’ve lost 3 of our best pilots and 2 planes worth millions of dollars!” Admiral Simpson had chastised you. 
“I have half a mind to dishonorably discharge you!” You 're ready to accept your punishment with grace. You were however surprised at his next words 
“But your actions saved 2 of our men.” He added with a gulp.
“You are clear from punishment, but DO NOT make this a habit!”
“Yes sir.” You told him with a steady voice.
“Thank you sir.”
“You are dismissed, go join the rest of the fleet.” He told you.
You ran down to celebrate the returning pilots, but so was everyone else. You could only see a glimpse of Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradshaw past the dozens of bodies approaching to greet them. 
But even from where you were standing you could see the beaming smile and bright eyes of the mustached pilot. And from that exact moment you knew you were a goner.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 14/05/2024
Feeder Castle 1
Season 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips Volume A
Ripped by Cryptrik
Hey look - Cryptrik's back!! It wasn't all that long ago that they were featured on here with the delightfully danceable A Mambo Moment after all, but it's been a while since I've featured a rip that truly showcases the thing that really sets the guy apart. Indeed, it was mostly a topic brought up in his very first post on here, Halation Generation: moreso than just a fantastic ripper, Cryptrik also has plenty of experience as a DJ, and has leveraged that experience to great effect throughout their time on the channel. While most everyone else was doing melodyswaps and mashups in the channel's first Seasons, Cryptrik was out here feeding us with Feeder Castle 1 - a full-on techno rearrangement of an iconic, yet arguably restrained, Mario Kart theme.
I'm sure many of you can relate if you've grown up nostalgically attached to any Mario Kart (I've certainly not been shy of it in posts like Neon Wi-Fi and Initial Deluxe (I've Just Raced on this Course Before)) - the series' music just has a way of getting absolutely stuck in your ears. Yet a lot of the music from Super Circuit to me has long felt...unrealized - something about that game's particular instrumentation, held back by the restrictions of the GBA, made its tracks unable to flourish as much as their melodies suggest - thus, its Bowser Castle theme has been ingrained into my head from years of playing Mario Kart Wii, yet never been able to truly register as a great song. That was, of course, until I heard Feeder Castle 1 - leveraging a song that I'm convinced almost nobody in the target audience had properly heard of before in order to finally make this theme click into place.
It is of course a completely different vibe from the original GBA Bowser Castle theme, heavy techno likely wasn't what any of the original composers had in mind for giving Bowser Castle its finalized sound. Yet the different sections of Feeder, a techno song made through the combined efforts of Technikore, JTS, Al Storm and Weaver, lend themselves amazingly to the track - because where they differ in instrumentation, they make up for in having a pretty similar tone in sound. Bowser's Castle is meant to sound heavy and imposing to reflect the character itself, and though conveyed in an unorthodox way, that is ABSOLUTELY what Feeder Castle 1 manages to do, althewhile making the track's earworm melody sing all the louder through the bolder instrumentation.
The rip feels like the kind of thing that ONLY Cryptrik could make, leveraging a song that's seemingly on the more obscure end in the scene he's most familiar in the music world to use for such a specific purpose as an old GBA Mario Kart track. The passion behind the rip feels similar to You Give Me Color Power in that sense - yet the degree to which Feeder is modified to borderline just feel like an original rearrangement of the source track, PARTICULARLY in the opening few seconds, gives the rip such a specific character unique to Cryptrik.
Put bluntly - it bumps!! Its a hidden gem the likes of which I'm always fond of stumbling onto in running this blog. If you follow SiIvaGunner, you've likely listened to a Cryptrik rip or three unknowingly in your time on the channel - but I hope posts like this highlight just how distinct of a style his rips tend to have, and puts you on the lookout for them in the future.
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Hey friend! I am so so so looking forward to reading your upcoming fics! The little blurbs and summaries you have given sound amazing! I have a few questions about your WIP’s (and a few about your fics in general) if you don’t mind me asking them ❤️❤️❤️
Is there one that you are most looking forward to posting? Do you usually have the plot in mind before you write it, or do you create the plot as you write? What are some ways that you get inspiration for fics? How do you come up with fic titles? (Whenever I write anything, I can never think of a title) Hopefully this ask didn’t format weirdly, I’m on a different device. I hope you have a great day/night!!!
Hello lovely! 💖 I am ALWAYS happy to answer questions about my WIP or just questions in general! I appreciate you asking them! 💕
Is there one that you are most looking forward to posting?
I'm looking forward to posting all of them just because they are all so varied and I'm excited to see what people think of them all. But if I had to pick one or two I am most looking forward to, it would probably be the next part of Jake's Destiny (because I am so absorbed in this world I have been creating) or That's What Family is For Part 2 (because it has been such a long time coming that I'm excited to get it finished and posted for everyone who loved the first part)
2. Do you usually have the plot in mind before you write it, or do you create the plot as you write?
It depends on the story, but most of the time I have a basic idea of the plot and just start writing and see where the story takes me. I also jump around a lot so I might have 100 words at the beginning, then jump down and write a scene in the middle, then write a conversation that takes place near the end. Then I go back and connect the dots.
3. What are some ways that you get inspiration for fics?
Music is a big one. I just had a break through yesterday with one of my original works because of a song I was listening to. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a song with words. I listen to a lot of instrumental and film score music while I write that matches the tone of what I'm writing to help set the mood. Prompt lists are also a great springboard to get ideas flowing which is also why one of my favorite ask games is the Made-Up Title Game because it just gives me a starting point to latch onto and let the ideas start flowing.
4. How do you come up with fic titles?
Titles and summaries are the bane of my existence 😂I hate coming up with them. But to get ideas, I usually try to look for a line from the fic or something that conveys the tone of the fic.
Thank you again for the questions! I really enjoyed answering them. And I hope you have a great week! 💕
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lire-casander · 1 year
#10 having a fight with just looks
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having a fight with just looks original prompt list here
Marjan is certainly not hitting it off with Mr. Harry-Potter-Is-My-Middle-Name. Carlos can see it; he's sure everyone in this damn restaurant can see it. The only ones visibly unaware of that fact are the guy sitting in front of them and Captain Oblivious — TK is obviously enjoying himself as he needs out with the guy whose name Carlos has already forgotten.
It's not that he wouldn't have enjoyed this conversation had the situation been different. But they're here for Marjan, and she understands next to nothing of what the man across the table is babbling about. Still, she hasn't played the popcorn card yet, which Carlos finds weird. She's visibly uncomfortable, although he would dare to say that not as awkward as she'd been with the jerk who told her she wasn't way past her prime.
"Hey," he whispers, leaning slightly into her during one of the guy's heated arguments about why Ron and Hermione were star-crossed lovers, "I can tell you're not having fun, Marj. Just say the word and we'll start Operation Extrication."
"I can't," she whispers back. She waves her hand discreetly toward TK. "He seems to be having so much fun."
"Well, we can set up a playdate for them," Carlos jokes. "Just know I have your back."
"Oh," the guy suddenly breathes out, interrupting his tirade. "I see you two cozy over there. I thought you said they were your brothers? Brothers-in-law?"
Carlos can feel TK tensing up by his side. He also doesn't particularly like what the other man is implying, and he definitely can see the turmoil in his fiancé's eyes.
"Brothers," he states simply at the same time as Marjan explains, "Brothers I love getting popcorn with."
"I don't think I—"
"I need to go to the toilet," Marjan adds, getting up. "If you'll excuse me."
And, just like that, she leaves them with Mr. Harry Potter Wannabe. TK fidgets uncomfortable beside Carlos, so much so that it makes him cringe. The uneasiness doesn't help with the heavy silence that's descended upon them.
Mr. Harry Potter Wannabe cleats his throat. "So, uh, you two close to Marjan?"
"Pretty much," TK deadpans, his voice teetering dangerously toward the icy tone Carlos knows he uses when someone angers him. "You could say we're brothers and sister. We're very protective of her."
"But you aren't actually related, are you?" the other man keeps going, unaware of the way TK's anger builds up.
"TK, you should go check on Marj," Carlos intervenes, squeezing TK’s hand to divert his attention to him. "It seems to me she's taking quite some time."
"No, we're not actually related," TK replies to the other man, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge Carlos. "But that doesn't—"
"TK," Carlos says, a little more authoritative than he would have liked. But it serves its purpose, as TK finally looks up at him. Carlos tries to convey in one glance what he really wants — the Carlos Cow Eyes that his fiancé wishes to get trademarked forgotten in favor of the Officer Reyes Look.
He can see TK's inner turmoil; his fiancé looks back at him with determination, telling Carlos with just a look that he's not letting this go, that he's not allowing this man to disrespect them and Marjan in such a way. Carlos shakes his head almost imperceptibly, blinking in a way to let TK know that he agrees but they're better than a petty fight in a crowded restaurant.
The battle between them keeps going for a few seconds, Carlos relentlessly staring down at TK in an effort to keep him from making a mistake.
"I'll go check on Marj," TK finally concedes. "Could you please—"
"I'll take care of this," Carlos promises.
When TK leaves the table as well, Carlos stares down at Mr. Harry Potter Wannabe with what he knows is an evil smile. His inner self is already rubbing his hands in delight.
“Now,” he says slowly. “I’m going to tell you what we’re going to do. You’re going to grab your things and you’re going to apologize for having insulted Marjan in such a way.”
“I haven’t—”
“Oh, yes, yes, you have,” Carlos murmurs. “What were you looking for, exactly, when you even mentioned how cozy my sister in amrs and I were? I sure think it wasn’t chitchat. So, as I was saying, when Marj comes back you’re going to apologize and you’re going to leave. Don’t worry about the bill, we’ll cover it. Understood?”
The look in the guy’s eyes was of pure terror, but when Marjan came back with TK, he apologized profusely before stumbling his way out of the restaurant. Carlos had never seen Marjan more relieved in his life than when the guy left them to pay the bill and enjoy the rest of their afternoon doing something they all liked: being together.
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onewingedsparrow · 1 year
Holy Grail: Which figure do you want the most?
Crossover: Is there a series that you’d like to see a crossover of with Transformers?
Meet & Greet: If you could meet only one Transformers voice actor, which would you want to meet?
@novafire-is-thinking Heya Nova! 💜 Thanks for the ask! :D (For this ask game) Holy Grail: The giant, app-remote-control, talking Optimus Prime. Oh my goodness. I've seen videos. I've beheld it in store. He is SO COOL but my poor budget...! One day. But it is not this day :') Crossover: Oooh 👀 Lol I hope you don't mind multiple answers because here they come!!! A while ago I saw this amazing art and it blew my mind. I had never crossed-over Zelda with TF before but that was so amazing!!! I would love to see more of it! Twilight Princess Maximals are amazing. There are already robots in Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild so why not make some of the Guardians into Transformers? Maybe even Titans? Each dungeon could be a Titan! Your companion character could be a Cityspeaker! The King of Red Lions in Wind Waker could be a Cybertronian! The Master Cycle could be a Cybertronian! There is so much room for crossover potential! I know it will probably not happen in canon, but oh, fandom has so much room for ideas. Transformers with Need for Speed would also be so fun. Idk how they would incorporate robot stuff into it, but I really just want a TF racing game where I can go to Velocitron and pit 'Bee and Knockout against each other, to the background of epic electric guitar, with the actual licensed car models. AND because I've been thinking about StarFox a lot lately...a Transformers-StarFox crossover!!! Arwings versus Seekers! Landmaster vs tank Megatron! It'd be SO easy and DELIGHTFUL to blend these two. Put the vehicles on rails...they could be fliers, in the air like normal StarFox gameplay, to "DO A BARREL ROLL" and aerial tricks like normal, OR you could have grounders, but because they're Cybertronian and a bit more athletic than the Landmaster, allow them to partial-transform and do flips and other wild and fun moves. And IMAGINE the fun dialogue boxes that would pop up onscreen when the characters talked over the comm link. FOX: I'll go it alone from here. OPTIMUS PRIME: Are you certain of this choice? FOX: You sound kinda nervous, Prime. Know something I don't? OPTIMUS PRIME: ...One does not say those words lightly. I have reservations about your intentions. PEPPY: It does ring a bell, Fox. FOX: I'm coming back, Peppy. I swear. PEPPY: ...You'd better. FALCO (after his ship is shot by friendly fire): Hey, Einstein, I'm on your side! MEGATRON: Ah, how unfortunate. My mistake. SLIPPY: Whoa! Megatron's aim was off? Was that...ac...actually a mistake? SOUNDWAVE (in a different font): Affirmative. Original target: Starscream. STARSCREAM: What?! Why me? What did I do wrong? *Soundwave's text box immediately floods with lines of code detailing every single thing Starscream has done wrong (mostly treachery and assassination attempts against Megatron) and the text flows so fast that the Player can't read it all before it's gone 😂 Lol these are all crossovers with video games, but I like them all :D I think they'd be GREAT. Even though they may never happen. Meet & Greet: This probably won't surprise you at all :) Peter Cullen. Optimus Prime can be written however Hasbro or whoever sees fit, but Peter Cullen is the one who made Optimus Prime into who he is. The emotion and feeling and, especially, WISDOM that he pours into his voice for this character is unmatchable. You can practically hear the millennia of Cybertron struggle; the weight and honor of the Matrix of Leadership; the quiet, longing hope for peace; in his gentle-but-mighty tones. He can convey layers of emotion through this voice, which I think is so important to Optimus' character, because in my humble opinion, Optimus needs nuance. Side note: just so we're clear, I genuinely don't have anything against the other Optimus VA's...but Peter Cullen's Optimus is just...special. All that to say: Peter Cullen's Optimi truly inspired me and I would love to meet him to say a "thank you" face-to-face. I really want to meet him soon if I can. I know he's getting up there in years. Thanks again for the ask! This was really fun :D
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filthforfriends · 2 years
Hey, regarding your post about Damiano's health, I know it comes from a good place but I'm not sure if "caring about his health very loudly" is a good idea. If he is suffering from a health crisis or is struggling with something privately such as stress, overwork or addiction, a barrage of public speculation about his private life from fans will likely cause more harm than good, and could cause him a great deal more stress. If something bad ever did happen to him, the fault would never be because the fans didn't care enough or speak up about it, it would be because those closest to him were not getting him the support he needs. Unfortunately, as fans, our relationship with Damiano is parasocial and we wouldn't be the ones who could convince him to get help if he needed it. The best way we could support him would be to continue to be kind and compassionate if the band ever did have to cancel a gig or a tour last minute. I hope what I'm saying is making sense. Also I understand it's hard to convey tone over text but I'm not saying this in an angry way or trying to tell you off, I think it's great that you care about him, just wanted to offer a different perspective.
This is the original post: "And I have to say that yes, Damiano is still gorgeous, but he is not healthy. Pretending like everything seems fine is not helping anybody. Caring about his health very loudly is what’s gonna help because public opinion matters to their management team. If enough of us are worried about Dami, then they have to worry about him instead of turning this into another rock n roll tragedy."
I should clarify that when I say "caring bout his health very loudly," I'm referencing to his health in relationship to his record contract which requires him to keep up this insane schedule. Those contracts are what allow Maneskin to perform for us. So while there will be disagreement within the fandom about this, I do feel some responsibility to make sure the band isn't being robbed of their life force. I also have a personal stake in this because bands with bad contracts break up or aren't allowed to record, release, or promote new music.
When I say "Damiano is unhealthy," I don't mean "Damiano has freely neglected his health." Health is a very broad term. It's not necessarily "Damiano has a substance abuse issue." or "Damiano is having a mental health crisis." (Although he has voluntarily shared information that could reasonably raise such suspicions.) I mean "SME has driven Damiano to exhaustion and detrimental coping mechanisms that I believe have made him unhealthy at this time." It's a criticism of their management team, not the band or individuals. With the invisible, omnipresent forces behind them, Maneskin are not operating solely of their own volition. The only way we can judge the quality of the contracts is how that scheduling manifests in the band. Right now, it's looking like Sony is abusing its power.
"So how does caring loudly change anything?"
Short answer? Cancel culture. Companies are terrified by it. It is a brand new, useful, and effective tool that can be mindfully weaponized against appropriate forces. Does Sony Music Entertainment deserve it? Absolutely.
Maneskin aren't in a place to negotiate. They don't own their masters, they don't own their likeness, they won't win a law suit, and can't afford to buy themselves out. The only way something changes for the better is if we, as a fandom, throw an epic shit fit and drag Sony to hell and back by their ear until the news starts reporting it. Get absolutely pissed at how exhausted they look! At the doing TWO WORLD TOURS IN UNDER A YEAR. Giving Maneskin a better contract is cheaper than then their stock price falling over public outrage.
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clairethecutepup · 1 year
Weekly Update: 5/1/23 - 5/6/23
Entertainment/Art Progress:
Man, I really do believe my work speed doubled, at least, when it came to my new tablet. I dunno if it's the bigger touch screen or the ability to use my computer's mouse, but something seems to be making my work on it more progressive and easier.
Speaking of, I'm nearing the outlining (and possible end) of the "Chapter 1" image for Getting Your Goat. I mean, it'd feel too disorganized to not have that matter of "divider" between comic sections/chapters, ja? Plus, it makes it feel more like a real comic, when it's finally all together. However, I'm feeling the urge to sketch traditionally, rather than outline on the tablet and digitally. I dunno what it is, but I feel easily peeved off with sketching on the tablet... Yet, coloring and outlining? I feel right and happy as rain.
I'm also doing another "writing practice" to help further ease any tedium of drawing and fully original writing, so keep your eyes peeled for more "fanfiction," per se. Hey, just a little something to tide me over, while I excitedly await Peach Creek to finally make its official debut. I've kinda fallen out of using NovelAi for assistance, during "dry spells" and all that with writing... Eh, why pay for the privilege when you can come up with an idea of what to do next, for free, if you're willing to be patient? Also, be prepared for a majority of Ed Edd n' Eddy themed ones, in that regard; but allow me to warn you right now, the canon characters they'd focus mostly on are Sarah and Jimmy, and follow a 2nd person narration of you being an alternate version of Claire that joins them in either simple antics or learning self-improvement. Sure, it involves everyone else, too; but if not something you'd read for fun, I'd say read it to critique and tell me how to do better, so my original works can benefit from that improved sense of quality.
Personal Life:
Well, I've gotten back into Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and it's certainly a nice experience to relive. I recall abandoning it for a couple years, but I've decided on resuming that matter of escapism. I mean, it doesn't take up too much time, you can play at your own leisure... It's a nice little matter of relaxation, when you just want a small break from things and also don't want to get sucked into playing for longer than intended, having to "complete missions" and all that.
I've also gotten my mother into Invader Zim, and it's nice when your parent can share fondness for a beloved cartoon series. She really seemed to enjoy the Gir shirt I got her for Mother's Day: it uses Gir to convey different emotions, with them listed under each picture.
I'm hoping that dedicating each weekday to a certain muscle group, instead of working them all on both days of the weekend, will not only help me better build them up and tone them, but also allow for more time on weekends to further speed up creative work progress.
Since my tablet functions as a replacement monitor (I can only use my traditional monitor or tablet to display things), I've also taken to using it as a new "game device" with my Steam list. I feel like I do better in the likes of Pizza Tower and all that, with the closer screen and tilted angle. So, yeah, that's a pleasant, yet admittedly "unorthodox," use for a tablet screen!
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luckyfortune · 2 years
Variations of Urban Streetwear-
She can be sporty, she can be weirdo-lux-chic, she can be anyone she wants to be.
Written By Allison Ruiz
Hey there and welcome back! It’s Allison again. This week, we will be diving into the various moods and tones you can incorporate into your urban streetstyle looks. Urban streetwear has evolved astronomically over the years and the lines that define what it looks like have been blurrier than ever. To recap on what urban streetwear is, urban streetwear is a casual, contemporary fashion style influenced by various subcultures. Urban streetwear is known to be non-conforming and allows wearers to express themselves in a dynamic and authentic way. Urban streetwear takes elements of multiple styles and fuses the looks together. According to VOCAST writers Georgina and Olivia, “streetwear is all about the message you want to convey… [it] is the true voice of the fashion consumer”. As wonderful as this sounds, it’s lacking actual descriptions of what urban streetwear even looks like. Not to fear, I will be diving into an assortment of select urban streetwear genres we currently dig. Let’s get after it.
Utilitarian Urban Streetwear- Who is she?
First up is a utilitarian take on urban streetwear fashion. Workwear has become a staple in many urban streetwear wardrobes. From skateboarding culture to hip-hop culture, the origins of urban streetwear are heavily influenced by utilitarian apparel with a functional design, and the authenticity portrayed by the long-standing timeless brands that make it.
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Source: High Snobiety
Here we have a Carhartt WIP ensemble that is functional, cool, and sleek. The simplicity of this outfit is what makes it effortless, and the combination with the understated loafers brings the outfit together in an unexpected manner. Blue collar attire has been known to make an excellent addition to your streetwear ‘fits, giving off elements of skater style blended with worker attire. These functional garments can emit a cool yet sophisticated look- if worn right. You can pair utility-style outfits with loafers or any kind of statement shoes, boots, and accessories to create a blue-collar chic look for almost any occasion.
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Source: The Vou
Carhartt WIP is a good option for classic urban streetwear pants, outerwear, accessories, and more.
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Source: TrendHunter
Utility vests are another utilitarian way to spice up an urban streetwear outfit. Here’s one we liked from Heron Preston’s Fall/Winter 2019 collection of luxury streetwear. The cropped straight-fit is good to pair with some loose cargo pants, loose jeans, or low waist bottoms.
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Source: Jaded London
Here’s another fashionable utility vest from Jaded London, with a twist. This utility vest is a jacket, and it adds a unique post-apocalyptic element to streetwear. This might be sold out already, but as a reference, you could totally throw a utility vest over a ribbed zip up and get a similar look.
Eccentric Urban Streetwear
Sometimes referred to as “Weird Girl Aesthetic”, this is a look that will turn heads and keep the people admiring. This look involves compiling different styles of clothing pieces together and making an outfit that doesn’t typically make sense- make sense. This style can be super fun and it can take some practice and experimenting because it can look great if done right and it can look a little crazy otherwise. Still, you should try it out.
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Source: Style Caster
Here's another rendition of this weird-girl urban chic look from none other than Miss Bella Hadid. The vibrant colors from her striped, cropped cardigan/bolero are an unexpected addition to an otherwise neutral toned outfit. The cargo pants and wife beater tank contrasted with the knit multicolor cardigan increases interest in the look. When in doubt, you can try this look out by combining a fun multicolor accent piece like a striped cardigan or scarf with a simple top and cargo pants or jeans.
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Source: Getty Images
This urban streetwear look from Copenhagen Fashion Week S/S 2023 is another weird girl aesthetic type of outfit that caught our attention. The ensemble features a fun combination of a gray quilted vest-dress, leg + arm warmers, running shoes, a pair of sunnies, and a striped wool scarf that ties the whole outfit together with a pop of colors.
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Source: Free People
These utility pants from Free People combine both the utilitarian style and the weird girl aesthetic, forming a unique streetwear look.
Motorcycle Jackets X Denim Skirts
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Here we see Renee Bellerive sporting a classic urban streetwear look, mixing a midi denim skirt with a statement belt, and a classic red moto-leather jacket. Denim midi/maxi skirts are currently trending and for good reason. These long skirts can be an alternative to regular jeans, and they can still work with any outfit that you’d normally wear jeans with. The red leather moto-jacket is a sporty chic addition to any outfit.
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Source: Elle
This look from New York Fashion Week AW23 also included a moto-jacket and some bleached wide legged denim jeans. A moto-jacket can be classic and memorable, they can also be a fun way to play up your adventurous side.
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Source: Urban Outfitters
Here’s a three-toned motorcycle jacket from Urban Outfitters. As you can tell, this style of outerwear is versatile and very cute. It can be paired with a denim, pleated, or any style of skirt you might have in your closet. They can also work well with a variety of pants, making moto-jackets a good staple piece to add to your closet.
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Source: Urban Outfitters
Here is one of many long denim skirts from Urban Outfitters. These long denim skirts are perfect for most climates and can be a nice option for casual urban streetwear looks that can be worn to any fun events, school, or Trader Joe’s.
Throwback Moment for Moto-jacket Representation
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Source: Getty Images
Here we have Brittney Murphy and Ashton Kutcher in 2003 attending the Cadillac Super Bowl Grand Prix. Brittney Murphy is really rocking that fitted motorcycle jacket over a graphic tee, knee-high boots, and a denim skirt. The originals normally do it best, so when in doubt, you can also find inspiration through past generations urban styles. Rest in peace Brittney Murphy.
Well, that’s all for today! Stay tuned for next week when we will talk about upcoming streetwear brand collection drops for this season of Spring/Summer 2023.
Thank you for reading.
Written by Allison Ruiz
Works Cited:
*I do not own any rights to photographs, sourced from links above.*
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Cliché" ~ D. Winchester (requested)
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Summary: When Y/N tries (and miserably fails) to convince herself that she hates Dean, things take a much different turn than she'd anticipated.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,177 (ik i'm so far off word count I'm sorry)
Content Warning: very mild swearing, normal SPN violence (a vamp gets decapitated but it's not too heavily detailed), food consumption by Reader and Dean, lmk if i missed anything!
Genre: Friends to Lovers, a lil bit of Angst ig
Extra Notes: uh AU where Sam isn't here? i guess we can just pretend this takes place while Sam is in college 😭🤣
Based On the Prompt: Person A tries to hate Person B so A can try (and miserably fail) to convince themself they aren't in love with B but B could never hate them.
Features the One-Liner: "Is that my boxers you're wearing? With a sports bra?"
Originally Written/Re-Written: 05/01/2022 and 05/15/2022
Supernatural masterlist can be found here!
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I loathed Dean.
Or, at least that's what I was trying to convince myself, repeating that mantra quietly in the mirror.
"I loathe him. I loathe him. I loathe him."
After all, he clearly didn't want me. Why should I keep pretending I wanted him?
In the three years I'd been hunting with Dean, not once had he looked at me the way he looked at all those random girls in random bars across random cities in America. Not once in the year it had been since I realized I had a crush on him had he noticed the way I acted around him: batting my eyelashes a couple extra times when I spoke to him, lingering behind in the doorway of my motel room to make sure he'd made it to his room in one piece, certainly not the prolonged eye contact or the glances I'd steal of him when he was turned away.
"Y/N?" I heard that all too familiar stupid (and sexy) voice call from outside the door to my room.
"Coming!" I called back, attempting to sound annoyed, or put out, or some expression conveying my hatred for Dean.
I knew it was stupid. I knew I should've just told Dean point blankly how I felt about him. But I couldn't bear the idea of possibly losing our friendship—possibly losing Dean—if things went south.
I pulled on my sweater and grabbed my duffel, strutting over to the door. "Hey," I said in an almost monotone voice.
"Hey," he greeted in his everyday, normal tone. "You ready to go?"
"Mhm," I answered with a nod, swiftly closing the door behind me.
Soon enough, we'd made it to the Impala, ready to find our next case. I figured out I might have closed my door a little too hard when Dean asked, "Are you OK?"
"I'm fine," I answered, promptly buckling myself in.
"OK, what's with you?" he asked point blankly.
"Nothing, I'm fine!" I retorted, throwing my hands up. "Just drive, Dean."
"I'm not starting this car until you explain to me why you're mad at me."
"I just told you I'm fine!"
"OK, I may do a pretty crappy job at keeping a girlfriend, but I have learned over the years that when a woman says, 'I'm fine,' it never actually means that she's fine," he rebutted.
"Just drive," I groaned, turning to face the window.
"Fine," he grumbled under his breath, finally starting the car and speeding off toward the highway.
"Home sweet home," Dean sighed, throwing his bag to the side and jumping onto his bed.
"Remind me again why we don't take cases at nice hotels more often," I laughed lightly, starfish-ing onto my own bed.
Dean rolled onto his side, facing me. He had a smile on his lips, that signature, goofy, Dean smile.
"What?" I asked, rolling over to fully face him.
"Nothing," he replied, that stupid grin still plastered on his face.
"You're not gonna give me that look and say that it's nothing, Dean Winchester," I demanded, "Tell me what's up."
"Well, that's something, coming from you."
My eyebrows creased in a mixture of confusion and accusation. "What are you talking about?"
"Just the way you treated me earlier versus how you're treating me now," he explained, rolling onto his back and looking up at the roof. "I guess I underestimated what a good nap in the car could do to a person."
I scoffed, hopping up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" he asked, sitting up to face me.
"I need some air," I grumbled.
He let out a long, surrendering breath through his nose. "I'm gonna go round us up some grub. Try not to come back too late. Make sure you take your key with you."
I didn't say it, but my brain was filled with petty thoughts of, "You aren't the boss of me."
He turned to take one last look at me. "I'd prefer if you'd stay here since I don't want you getting killed by the rogue vamp on our hands, but even if you don't stay here, just please promise that you'll be careful."
I sighed, but reluctantly nodded.
And with that, he grabbed his wallet from the bedside table and marched out the door of the hotel room.
I sat back on the bed, running my hands through my disheveled hair. I took a deep breath in, deciding that my mantra wasn't going to stop my feelings for Dean, and treating him like an asshole surely wasn't going to fix things either.
I decided that the best way to blow off steam was heading toward the hotel pool. It was then that I grabbed my duffel bag, rummaging through it to find some swim-appropriate clothing.
"Great," I exhaled in frustration upon realizing I'd lost my favorite shorts.
I thought for a moment, pondering whether a swim was even worth it at this point, but deciding it was the principal of the thing. Out of habit, I took a quick glance around the room, locking eyes with Dean's bag.
"Am I really-"
Apparently, the answer was yes, because one minute, I was rummaging through his bag and the next thing I knew, I was walking into the indoor pool room, sporting a pair of Dean's black boxers and one of my sports bras, carrying a hotel towel over my shoulder.
I tossed the towel onto one of the poolside chaises, sliding off my shoes beside it. I noticed the room was completely empty, just the way I liked. I thought for a moment, attempting to decide between jumping in or taking the steps.
I sighed contently, deciding the diving board was the way I wanted to go.
The feeling of the cold water was enough to wash off both the sweat from that blazing hot, Arizona day and the resentment I'd felt toward Dean earlier that day.
When I surfaced, I was met with the sight of a man. I could've sworn I was the only one in the pool room.
"You're an excellent diver," he observed.
"Thanks. I've been on the swim team since I was a little girl," I told him, floating away on my back.
"And an excellent floater," he chuckled.
I didn't know exactly what it was, but something seemed off about this man. I had to consider all my possibilities, considering my profession. Not a demon, no black eyes. Wasn't a crocotta, no strange phone calls. I didn't think he was a rugaru, he didn't appear to want to eat me.
I let out a scream as his head fell from his shoulders, the body flumping over soon after. As I shrieked, I realized Dean had been hiding behind the man, who I then realized was the rogue vampire.
"Shh, it's me," Dean stopped me from screaming.
I pushed myself up before exiting the pool, still attempting to slow my breathing. "Please give me a warning next time you're gonna silently decapitate a vamp in front of me," I complained.
Dean bent down, lifting the now dead guy's upper lip. "Yep, extra set of teeth."
"How'd you know?" I asked, grabbing my towel.
"I didn't. I just took a chance on the way he was treating you."
I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious. I also couldn't tell if I was supposed to be taking that as him being overprotective of me or if I'd done that by accident.
I tried not to let my mind wander too much, promptly putting my focus back on drying off and getting my shoes back on.
"Hey, are those my boxers? With a sports bra?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
I wasn't quite sure how to answer—in fact, I was flabbergasted that he'd brought it up.
Changing the subject, I said, "You might wanna get rid of that before anyone sees it."
A little while after my shower (and presumably after Dean had disposed of the vamp's body), I found myself eating a fast food burger on my bed, across from Dean who was doing the exact same thing. He took another bite, focused intently on the SpongeBob episode in front of him.
"Hey, Dean," I spoke up, placing my burger back in its wrapper.
"Yeah?" he asked, muting the TV and turning to face me.
I took an internal deep breath in and out, repeating all sorts of positive mantras to myself. "I want to apologize for earlier."
"Which part?" he chuckled before taking a sip of soda.
"All of it. I shouldn't have treated you like crap and I'm sorry."
"It's OK," he said nonchalantly, like nothing had happened. Although, it could've been because he was preoccupied with trying to find his fries in the food bag.
"No, it's not. I yelled at you, I ignored you, and not that it matters, I stole your underwear, all because I l-"
I stopped myself. I couldn't believe I almost said that out loud.
"Hmm?" he looked up to face me, acting as though he was actually curious about the end of that sentence.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it," I tried to play it off.
"No, seriously, what is it?" he asked casually, finishing up his burger.
I took a deep breath, facing the fact that it was now or never. "Dean, can I be honest with you?"
"You've never given me a reason to think you were lying to me before."
I felt the air leaving my throat and lungs. It felt like I'd pass out the second I managed to get my confession away from my tongue. "I like you, Dean. I have for a while."
He stopped mid-fry, nearly dropping the box of fries onto his lap. "You huh?"
"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I repeatedly thought as I mentally face-palmed. "I know. Crazy, right?" I managed to say, followed by an awkward chuckle.
"No, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just… Why me?"
I felt something in the pit of my stomach, an unidentifiable something. It wasn't relief from getting it off my chest, and it wasn't excitement from the fact that he hadn't kicked me out or ran away yet. It was… almost like sadness. I reckoned it was from his question. "Why me?"
Oh, Dean, if only you knew why it was you.
"Well, why not? I mean, you're handsome, you've always been sweet to me, you're amazing. Not just at the job but at anything you put your mind to," I explained. "I think the better is why I'd ever think you'd want me."
This time he sighed, almost as nervously as I had earlier. "That's the thing, Y/N. I've always wanted you. I never said anything because you deserve better than me."
I was taken aback by his words, to say the least. I wanted to comfortingly hug him, kiss him, and ask him why, all at the same time.
Apparently, the second one got the best of me, because the next thing I knew, I was lifting his chin and leaving a delicate kiss on his lips.
You always hear about the stereotype where guys lead the first kiss. Well, this wasn't like the clichés.
For one, I'd been the one to lift his face by the chin, not the other way around. Secondly, his lips were weak, like he was tired. Definitely not someone who was yearning to kiss someone. Actually, it was more like he was yearning to be kissed. And third, he allowed himself to pull away first, since I'd initiated the kiss.
"Dean Winchester, I have spent every day for the last year wanting to do that very action. If you'd told me you wanted the same, I would have done it."
"You deserve better than me. That's the whole reason I never said anything," he clarified once more.
"I don't care. I love you just the way you are," I said, my hand moving from his chin to his cheek.
"You shouldn't settle, Y/N. You should find a good man who can treat you the way you deserve. Not a hunter who hops from place to place, lying his way through everything. There's still a chance for you to get out of this life."
I pondered for a moment, my mind thinking of a million things to say. "Hey, I've got an idea," was what I landed on.
"As cliché as it sounds, we could always improve ourselves for each other. Then either we're both settling or neither of us is settling."
"I think I'm willing to try that."
We kissed again, all the same love and emotion from before running rampant throughout my entire body.
My mind settled on two things: one, that I never wanted to stop kissing Dean. And two, I was willing to improve every aspect of myself for him, because I loved him with my whole being.
And if other people were going to consider all that cliché, I was willing to seem like an entire romance novel.
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Thank you so much for both the request and for being so understanding, @darkloverfox!! I am so sorry it took so long but I hope the outcome was worth the wait! You've been so understanding and kind and I am so thankful for that 🥺❤️
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watch-grok-brainrot · 3 years
It feels like more and more this fandom is becoming anti-new-people. I don't know how else to phrase it but like people being assholes to someone asking what a cultivator is rather than just explaining it so that they learn. Instead of answering questions people ask, they are attacked for not knowing the answer already. If asking questions is so bad then how is anyone supposed to learn anything?
Hey nonny!
I really appreciate your input in "how not to be anti-new people". I do think it's very important to answer questions and be patient and forthright.
That said, have you read @hunxi-guilai 's blog? Have you seen the insane amount of work hunxi put into the blog? Can you really tell me the fandom is anti-newbies when there is that trove of resources? Not to mention @drwcn and a bunch of other blog... and just the amount of meta and explanations -- DETAILED explanation to linguistic nuances. There are different things about linguistic register and naming. And all the different ways to address people and cultural implications of so many actions. There's even explanations on how hard it is to translate in general!
I can see why you think the answer is a snarky and rude. But have you considered who is asking these questions? And that there's been a lot of bad-faith questions? I'm going to be honest: I have hell of a hard time not reading this question as either in bad faith or unfathomably entitled. (This is the question that hunxi answered with a simple "yes" that I reblogged that I assume is causing this ask:)
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Why do I call this entitlement?
The person asking isn't putting in the effort to learn and is instead annoyed. How would you feel if some Chinese person showed up and asked you, "am I a dick? wtf is a wizard? Why can't you use a term from my culture in your translation and make it easy for me?"
The Untamed is Chinese media made for Chinese folk. And I'm so happy lots of non-chinese folk love it and share it and make content for it. As Chinese diaspora it makes my heart sing to get to talk to people in my everyday language about a media in the language that I was brought up in. I get to share all the beautiful things.
But not like this.
I don't have the energy to defend translation choices where the translator was trying to convey "this isn't your typical D&D magic system" by using a word that, frankly, if you just watched the show, you'd pick up.
So, please, if you're confused, ask me nicely why the word cultivator is used, what it means, etc. Please do not tell me you're "annoyed" with it because by framing it that way, it already feels like you're not willing to listen.
And nonny, that's why I reblogged so fast. I just don't have the bandwidth to deal with bad faith and entitled questions anymore.
Thanks for asking.
My inbox is open.
[edit] P.S. I would like to add that the question was not really about what a cultivator is. Clearly the original asker knew enough to ID them as wizard analogs. So the response isn't about not welcoming ignorance and unwilling to teach. The response, as I read it, is only about the framing of the question and the cultural entitlement of the asker. Has the question been "can you explain what a cultivator is?" or "I don't understand why cultivator was the word chosen for what clearly seems like wizards" there would likely be a different answer. Language, even on paper, has tone. And the person you are asking questions to is human. Both are important to remember.
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bts-weverse-trans · 4 years
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201127 Weverse Magazine ‘BE’ Comeback Interview - Jungkook
Jung Kook: “I hope this feeling never fades” BTS BE comeback interview 2020.11.27
I had a chance to interview BTS before, when they debuted. During that interview, Jung Kook had one small habit; when I met him again a while later, he had corrected it. He makes a conscious effort to change himself. And after seven years, I met Jung Kook again.
You directed the music video for “Life Goes On,” BE’s title song. Jung Kook: I was really eager to direct the music video from the outset. My plan was to organize the synopsis, discuss it with the  music video director I was working with, shoot and edit them, but we were short on time. So I worked on it while sharing ideas with the director. Originally there were a lot of scenes with lip synching in them, but we took some of them out and put in more scenes that conveyed the members’ emotions better. It wasn’t easy to combine scenes, but I think now I know more about how much of everything is needed when shooting a music video.
You had shot the Golden Closet Films and uploaded them to the BTS YouTube channel, and now you shot a music video. Jung Kook: Once we were on location, we had directions for everything we needed to shoot prepared in advance, so I took candid shots of the members here and there with a camera during the shoot. We were filming in a beautiful place so when they asked me to take pictures of them as they wanted to be presented, I did.
What kind of pictures did you take of yourself? Jung Kook: I was just, in them. (laughs) I’m not in the shot for the Golden Closet Films either. I kind of take a back seat. The director had to shoot my parts for the music video, since I couldn’t film myself, so I relaxed a bit. I tried to make the other members look really good when I recorded them. Since this was a BTS music video and not my own, I wanted to show what was happening with every member and the team, not just one individual’s thoughts. Each person who watches the video might feel different, but I wanted to show that we feel what other people feel, that we’re in the same situation.
You get your picture taken a lot, but you don’t pay much attention to the ones you’re in. Jung Kook: I never really liked having my picture taken. (laughs) And I’m usually with the others when we’re working, obviously, but it’s hard to take a camera and take selfies. So I take pictures and videos of the other members every chance I get.
Do you still find it difficult to have your picture taken? Jung Kook: I put my best face forward when it’s for something I have to do, like  for photo books, but it’s still not easy. Videos are okay, though. And even though I’m not nervous at all when I sing in front of tens of thousands of people, if I have to sing or talk in front of a small group, I get super nervous. I never feel that way on stage, but maybe I have a hard time doing things that are a little bit awkward for me.
It seems like you draw a distinction between work you enjoy and work you find difficult. Jung Kook: Work related to music, like recording, composing, writing lyrics, filming music videos and things like that, are all fine. But anything outside of that is probably a challenge for me.
On BE, you each explained your feelings about work in the song “Dis-ease.” You must have experienced a cycle of enjoyable and difficult work over seven years, so how did you get through the hard times? Jung Kook: I actually understand my own problems well, so most of the time it’s okay. I can figure things out one at a time through experience instead of just looking for answers. I’m always growing and my personality changes, depending on my environment. I think I’ve learned to do things I used to find difficult by experiencing it little by little.
Speaking of growth, “Skit” was very memorable. You recorded it the day after “Dynamite” reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and you, who talked about what you did before you became trainees in “Skit” in your debut album,talked about being first place on the Billboard Hot 100 this time around. Jung Kook: When I was a trainee, I saw the older members rapping and thought, “Wow, they’re so cool!” But now, after having spent everyday together, I’ve forgotten about all that. (laughs) Sometimes I see the lyrics they wrote, see them dancing and hearing the things they say on stage, and think, “Oh, right. That is the kind of person they are. They’re a lot different now.” You know how you don’t feel it when you live with your family, but if you can’t see them for a long time, you miss them. You might even cry. We’re a real family. Like, legit! (laughs)
Your “legit family” (laughs) each put their own songs on BE and came up with units spontaneously. What was it like making the album that way? Jung Kook: We talked with the company over the outline of the album and organized our ideas together. That was our process for making songs. Then we’d listen to them together, and if we thought they weren’t great, we’d go back and work on them some more. The members would get together and say, “Hey, how about so and so do a unit song this time?” or, “What should it be about?” and share a lot of ideas that way.
How did the others respond to your song, “Stay”? Jung Kook: That song was originally meant to be on my mixtape. We planned to put a different song on the album, but after V heard it, he said, “This song that Jung Kook wrote is really good,” and then the other members all listened, said it was better than the other one, and somehow (laughs) “Stay” made it into the album. The message for the other song was also, “Even though we’re far apart, stay just where you are.” I wrote my song with the same theme so I loved that it was included in BE. At first, I wanted to talk about how we’re always together, using the English word “wherever.” I wanted to express how we’re always together no matter where we are, but Namjoon heard that and said “Stay” might be better. I liked his suggestion, so I changed it. He really helped me to organize my thoughts, since I’m not always good at writing everything I want to express.
One might go as far as to say the lyrics sound heartbreaking, but it’s arranged in EDM. Jung Kook: We imagined we were performing for the fans while we made it, jumping up and down with them.
It sounds like you really miss your fans. Jung Kook: This album really hit us in a different way, with this situation being what it is. Because the world is struggling with COVID-19, we have to keep our heads up and convey our messages to our fans.
What can your fans expect from you when you finally meet again? Jung Kook: There’s nothing specific, but when I watched our old performances, my facial expressions were awkward and my dance moves weren’t always perfect. I keep working to improve myself, so I hope   when the fans see me, they think my performance is amazing and that my aura fills the stage.
Are you happy with how you look in your latest work? Jung Kook: I’m not 100% satisfied, no. When we did performances for “Dynamite” recently I kept seeing my imperfections.
Your acting in the intro to your “Dynamite” performance was really impressive. Even in COVID-19 times, you captured a feeling of liveliness and being cool, as though to explain what the song is all about. Jung Kook: Actually, on the first day of filming the music video, I was supposed to film my parts first, but I was so bad that it had to be pushed to the end of the shoot. So,I was a bit more relaxed when the camera rolled.
So that’s what you get when you’re relaxed! (laughs) Jung Kook: Yes, I relaxed, and something went “pop!” and “boom!” inside me, and then I did it however I wanted. (laughs)
It’s fascinating how someone who performs the way you do during stadium tours can feel nervous while filming and yet still do so well in it. Jung Kook: I can be a shy person. When people used to ask me to sing, I couldn’t always do it—like in front of adults or teachers. And I’m still a bit like that. If I start thinking, “Oh, I can’t do this,” then I really end up not being able to do it. Even when I could have done well.
Why do you think that is? Jung Kook: I feel the same way about my dancing and my singing, and I can’t compose a really amazing melody either. I feel like I’m always somewhere in the middle. But then I also think I have my own colors, so I like to quietly, slowly open up to people, and let them know what kind of person I am. Yeah, something like that. (laughs)
But, when you review your songs and performances objectively, you see all of your changes, don’t you? Jung Kook: There’s a lot of change. My voice has changed a lot; I grew taller and my frame and facial structure have changed, too. I could tell how awkward I looked at the beginning, but after a while, I think, “My gestures look better now, but I feel like my dance is too rigid.” And again after a while, “Now my dance is fine and my gestures are good, but I’m making awkward facial expressions.” And later, I say, “Now I got the facial expressions down, but, hmm, there’s no killer move.” (laughs) That’s how I slowly changed. And then my actions, thoughts, dreams, goals, what I value, what I want to do—all these things will change depending on the situation.
You had some changes in BE, too. Throughout “Life Goes On,” you lightly carry your voice and tone throughout the whole song, like they’re flowing. Jung Kook: Right. I think that’s very important. My general feeling was my voice should be woven into the song, rather than bringing out my individual voice. The lyrics say the world stopped, but I can’t keep on being sad, and life continues and flows on. I wanted to mix a little bit of my own colors into that complex, subtle sadness. I listened to how the other members recorded their parts for the song, and I sang while thinking about how I could do it in a way that it would all blend together well. I kept changing my voice exploring how to make it sound better, cleaner. I kept trying new things while I was recording, performing, and practicing.
When you look back after all that change, don’t you feel like you accomplished a lot? Jung Kook: I don’t really pay attention to things that have already happened. I think more about what it is I need right now, so I rarely think, “I got a lot better from how I used to be,” or, “I did a good job.”
You sound insatiable, in a good way. Jung Kook: Yes. This is how I want to keep living, and I hope this feeling never fades.
You’ve found immense success with BTS. What makes you want to keep doing more and keep improving yourself? Jung Kook: I want to show people who I am: how I talk, how I act, how I sing, and so on. And after that, I want to be acknowledged for doing what I like to do, and for people to see what an amazing guy I am. I want to do these things step by step. I want to be appreciated as Jung Kook, as the real me.
What do you think is the source of that energy—the energy to keep proving yourself, even though you’ve already achieved so much with BTS? Jung Kook: I think my heart’s telling me to. BTS was able to climb this high thanks to the group members, the company and our fans. But there’s always the question of whether I could receive that kind of recognition by myself, so I have this feeling of wanting to throw myself at some challenge alone. There’s a lot I want to do, and a lot I want to achieve.
By gradually improving yourself, what kind of person would you ideally want to become? Jung Kook: A person who’s crazy awesome in their field. (laughs) Those kinds of people look cool even when they do something different. I still have a long way to go. I feel like I could be more captivating and draw more out of people by improving any number of things, by trying hard to be confident about my singing, or the way I dance and perform. BTS is way more important and meaningful to me than I am to myself, so I’m not saying I want to do anything alone. But I hope I get to the point where I can perform alone for three or four hours in a venue full of people.
It’s clear that your job, music, is very important to you. Jung Kook: I must never let it go. That’s what I always think. I have to keep it close to me, even if I get bored, or I don’t want to hear it, or it feels like a hassle. I want to keep on making music. It may be a long ways down the road, but I want to prove myself with my music.
You said before that your MBTI is ISFP, so I looked it up. Obviously, MBTI can’t sum up a person perfectly, but it says ISFPs tend to be “curious artists.” Your answer reminds me of that. Jung Kook: That sounds about right. I looked up the personality traits for ISFP too, and it was interesting. (laughs)
Maybe that’s the reason you set your goals so high. You seem like you have high standards and want to keep growing. Jung Kook: It’s like a foggy mountain top. (laughs) I can’t even see it yet.
You’ve been climbing for seven years, staying curious. Is there anything you want to say to the people who have been watching you all this time? Jung Kook: Umm … Well, there are seven of us, and the seven of us keep running ahead. So it’s possible we could get tired, one by one, and drop out, right? But if more people join us, one by one, and run with us, we can support each other and pull each other up if someone falls down. That’s kind of how I feel. There are people who supported us from the beginning who have been watching us the whole time since, and because of them our follower count keeps going up, and they all keep us on track. So the only thing I can say is—thank you. We were nothing special, really (laughs) but they keep on liking us and supporting us, and the best way we can repay them is to give them our all through our music and our performances. They push me to work hard, even on things I find difficult. (laughs) I’m eternally grateful.
Just like in the last line of “Stay.” Jung Kook: “We are together.”
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