#diesel ten
that0neartist · 14 days
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🌸Worm James.
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dieseltentrillion · 16 days
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Boats too
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cheerfullycatholic · 8 months
Who's gonna get whacked by the snowstorm? It's supposed to get me the next two days and I'm kinda excited tbh 👀
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monstersteam · 2 years
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The real reason Edward wasn't in TATMR
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sudriantraveler · 11 months
Bigg City Port's Newest Addition - Traintober Day 13: Something New
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Both Stars and Z-Stacks watched as the new tug, its wheelhouse still covered in tarpaulin, glided almost silently out from the fitters wharf.
Hardly any smoke emerged from its short clean stack, and instead of the rhythmic pulse of a steam engine, only the low growl of a diesel announced its movement.
Lucky’s Yard had certainly outdone themselves with their latest project.
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Okay, I love Jason Momoa and all, but I feel he’s miscast as Dante in “Fast X”. I have no doubt he can play the villain role well, but I can’t buy him as the son of a Brazilian drug lord. One, he’s not actually Brazilian, or of Hispanic/Latino ancestry. Two, he doesn’t look related to Joaquin de Almeida, the actor who played Hernan Reyes. It’s the “John Cena is Vin Diesel’s brother” stuff all over again, in that the casting is leaning more on who is popular versus who fits the character the best.
Was Oscar Isaac not available to play Dante? Or Rodrigo Santoro? I could buy either of them playing as this character. Oh well.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
BoCo and Bear have this unique look they exchange. Not every day but like once every month or so—whenever there is extremely predictable drama going down at Tidmouth.
It's a wordless "Can you believe this shit?" / "No, somehow, even after forty years, I cannot quite believe this shit."
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emilykat-artblog18 · 10 months
Tillie’s Travels: Far From Port
(chapter 5)
.:: Missing Tug ::.
Meanwhile in Bigg City Port…
The storm had long passed in Bigg City Port but it had caused a great amount of trouble throughout the port.
Luckily all of my tugs had survived the ordeal, but there was plenty of work for them to do that day.
“The railway bridge down the canal has collapsed during the storm so Big Mac, Warrior, you two are to help with repairing it with Mighty Mo.”
“Right away Captain,” Warrior affirmed,
“Meanwhile Top Hat, you’re to report to the Railhead and help with taking away any destroyed rolling stock to Burke and Blair’s yard.”
Top Hat hooted his whistle and departed from the Star Pier,
“O.J and Sunshine, you two are to head up River to help Billy Shoepack and Little Ditcher clear any fallen trees and to see if Boomer made it through just fine afterwards you’re to go dredging in the estuary, the dump, and the quarry in case any rocks or garbage were blown into the water,”
“Yes sir!” Sunshine chirped and followed O.J to the Up River canal.
“and finally as for you Ten Cents,”
“Yes Captain Star?” Ten Cents acknowledged,
“You and Tillie are to head to the various piers in the harbor and help retrieve or take away any cargo that may have been tossed or destroyed by the storm.”
“Right then sir,” and Ten Cents headed off to the Coal Depot to reload on coal and to tell Tillie their jobs that day.
When Ten Cents arrived however, Tillie wasn’t there.
“Strange,” Ten Cents commented.
At that moment Tianna, a J50, came puffing up with a very anxious look.
“Did Tillie return to the Railhead last night?” Ten Cents puzzled,
Tianna frowned, “No, did she not end up morning at the Star dock with the rest of you tugs?”
“No, I’m afraid she didn’t,” Ten Cents faltered, “Maybe she ended up mooring off somewhere else when the storm hit.”
“Hope you find her soon!” Tianna called worryingly as Ten Cents headed to the Railhead.
At the Railhead, Ten Cents found Top Hat waiting with Frank and Eddie as Little Owl shunted cars onto the two rail barges.
“Ten Cents, have you not found Tillie yet? You two have plenty of jobs to do today,” Top Hat huffed.
“I know Top Hat, I haven’t found her yet but I was wondering, when was the last time you last saw her?” Ten Cents quizzed.
Top Hat thought for a moment, “Well, the last time I saw Tillie, she was taking her barges to the Melon Produce Warehouse. She said that it was her last delivery.
“Is that all?” Ten Cents quizzed,
“If I knew anything else I’d tell you.” Top Hat replied bluntly.
“Alright, thanks anyways.” Ten Cents sighed
Ten Cents departed from Railhead and made his way to the Melon Produce Warehouse. When he arrived, it was in quite a state: cargo had been blown off the quay and into the surrounding water, Tillie’s barges were tied in their place despite the mess however. But there wasn’t any sign of Tillie anywhere and Ten Cents was getting more worried for her.
“Where could she be?” Ten Cents pondered as he helped to retrieve any spilled cargo out of the water.
As Ten Cents finished he spotted something differently colored floating on top some splintered wood aways from him, he chugged up to it and realized it was a torn piece of a light lavender ribbon.
“That’s… That’s Tillie’s ribbon.” Ten Cents examined, looking up to the direction of where the ribbon went out in the open ocean, Ten Cents felt his boiler churn.
His crew grabbed the ribbon and in order to make haste he headed out to Dem Der rocks.
When Ten Cents arrived at Dem Der rocks, he looked around and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t see Tillie holed on the rocks but it didn’t make any sense to him.
If she wasn’t swept onto the rocks from the storm, where else could she have been? As Ten Cents turned back to port he heard a foghorn.
He looked where he heard it and saw it was coming from Lillie Lightship.
“Lillie?” Ten Cents uttered.
“Ten Cents!” Lillie shouted trying to get his attention.
Ten Cents’s boiler bubbled and he hurried over to Lillie; As he drew closer he noticed that she looked distressed, her mascara was running as if she had been crying the whole evening.
“Lillie! Lillie what’s the matter? Are you sinking again?” Ten Cents panted out of breath.
“No, it’s not that, Ten Cents, but something awful happened last night!” Lillie wept
“What? What happened..?” Ten Cents plead.
“It’s Tillie… she was swept out to sea by the storm.” Lillie blubbered.
The news hit Ten Cents hard like a stone.
“I saw her being taken away by the currents, I tried to radio for help but… a ferocious wave swept Tillie away into the open ocean. I couldn’t make it to her if I tried… it was too late, all I could do was listen to her cries for help… I’m very sorry” Lillie lamented on the verge of tears.
Ten Cents comforted Lillie the best he could, he felt bad for Lillie but he knew he had to tell me immediately about what happened to Tillie.
Ten Cents chugged as fast as he could back to the pier. I practically could hear him panting outside my office. I went to my megaphone and called out to him,
“What’s the rush, Ten Cents?”
“Captain, Tillie’s been swept out to sea!” Ten Cents cried in exhaustion.
“Oh dear, well… I’m afraid there’s not much we can do at the moment, Ten Cents. Hercules is away working in another port and communications with other harbors are down due to trees taking out the power lines at Control. You’ll just have to carry out your duties on your own until all these inconveniences are rectified.”
Ten Cents didn’t like the sound of this but what more could be done? As he worked he thought long and hard about the current circumstances, as he was helping to clean up a pier, O.J. paddled over to him,
“Penny for your thoughts?” he queried.
Ten Cents told him what happened to Tillie and the old paddle wheeler listened closely.
“Oh dear… and there’s nothing that can be done to get Tillie back?” O.J. added,
“Not at the moment. With communications down and Hercules not around there’s nothing anyone can do, but I can't just sit here and not do anything either. Tillie’s probably out there by herself in who knows where.” Ten Cents maintained,
“And what are you going to do then, lad?” O.J. quizzed,
“Well… this might sound crazy but, I was thinking of going out to find her on my own.” declared Ten Cents
O.J. was taken aback, “Are you sure about it lad?”
“Yes, I'm sure. If no one else can, I can at least try.” affirmed Ten Cents
“Ten Cents, while I appreciate your bravery and persistence to bring Tillie back, I don’t think it’s possible to do it on your own. How would you even know where Tillie ended up or if she even did end up anywhere at all?”
“I’ll ask Lillie where she saw her swept away, then I’ll travel to the nearest port and ask around, if she’s not there then I’ll travel to the next until I reach the last possible port,” Ten Cents explained
“and if she isn’t there...” he began again before O.J. interrupted him
“It's a bold plan Ten Cents, but you couldn’t possibly last the journey out there, not without enough coal or water.”
“Then I’ll… borrow some barges here and load up on more at the ports” Ten Cents persisted
O.J was about to interject again but Ten Cents cut him off before he could.
“Even if she’s nowhere, at least I tried. And if I run out of coal and water along the way or back, so be it, I’ll still try to find a way to press on” Ten Cents vowed
O.J didn’t know what to say, he took a deep breath and chose his last words carefully.
“Alright lad, as long as you know what you’re doing, then I wish you luck.” OJ said before heading back to work.
Ten Cents continued his work as usual but throughout the day he slowly began putting his plan into action.
Ten Cents had put the first step of his plan into action. He had to be careful the best he could as if he was caught taking barges, much like Zebedee did once during the high wind season, he’d be in big trouble. Ironically though he went to the coal depot and picked up a coal barge, as he was turning to leave he heard an engine whistling trying to get his attention.
“Hey Ten Cents, where are you off to? Have you found Tillie yet?” Tianna called with a slight panic in her voice.
Ten Cents stopped and tried to think of what to say, “Uh… no I’m afraid I haven’t,” he started, Tianna’s face fell, “The truth is she had been pulled out to sea, once communications with the other ports are back on, Captain Starr will send Hercules to go searching for her” Ten Cents reassured her.
This managed to put Tianna’s mind at ease for a moment, “Okay then Ten Cents,” Tianna said with a small smile, “But where are you going with that coal barge? I thought you were scheduled to help clean up the harbor”.
“I uh… Captain Starr wanted me to take coal to one of the factories. He said it was important,” Ten Cents fumbled.
“Alright then, well good luck with that, I hope Tillie gets found soon though,” Tianna said finally.
“So do I…” Ten Cents said as he headed to the waterworks for a water barge. Little did he know however that another tug was watching him from afar.
Ten Cents crept into the waterworks and tied onto one of the water barges near the dock. As he was about to pull away he heard a voice,
“Where do you think you’re going with that?”
Ten Cents turned towards where he heard the voice and then he froze. It was Zorran.
“Shouldn’t you be clearing the docks with that other switcher friend of yours?” Zorran snarled.
“Uh no, Captain Starr took me off that for another job.” Ten Cents quivered.
“I see, did it require you to deliver water and coal to a client?” Zorran added
“Yeah.” Ten Cents replied.
“You’re lying, No one’s been giving out orders because the telegraphs are down because of the storm last night.” Zorran snapped.
Ten Cents went pale.
“I’ll be sure to report this to your Captain. I’m sure he won’t be pleased to hear one of his tugs have committed mutiny.”
“Now wait just a minute Zorran, I-”
Ten Cents was interrupted by the sound of a horn and the humming of an engine approaching. Zorran too was silent,
“Now what’s going on here huh?” quizzed Jacob,
Jacob was a Diesel Tug built at Lucky’s Yard. He did odd jobs around the port but he had no allegiance to the Stars or the Z-stacks.
Zorran scowled, “None of your business Jacob.”
“Well I’m here, so it is my business. Unless you don’t want to have a problem, you’d clear out of here.” Jacob said bluntly.
Zorran scoffed and then he puffed slowly away.
“Thank you for that Jacob, I’ll be on my way now,” Ten Cents sighed.
“Not so fast,” Jacob said, blocking Ten Cents’ way.
“You’ve gotta tell me what's the deal with that load of yours”
“Yeah? And what if I don’t?” Ten Cents growled.
“I’ll report your thefts to the coast guard. He won’t be pleased with this, nor will Captain Starr when he finds out,” Jacob dagged.
Ten Cents gave in and told Jacob his plan. The Diesel Tug was perplexed by it all,
“There, can I go now?” Ten Cents hissed.
“Not yet.” Jacob smirked,
“I must commemorate your willingness to go out and search for your work colleague as stupid as it may be. It’s no loss if you wind up lost with her, however I’ll keep this a secret under one condition:”
Jacob paused.
“Yeah? What?” Ten Cents queried.
“You let me do all your jobs in your absence.” Jacob finished.
Ten Cents was worried. He didn’t want anyone else to know he was leaving to find Tillie. He didn’t know if he could trust Jacob but what choice did he have?
“Alright Jacob, you have my permission,” Ten Cents caved.
“Good. Leave these barges with me, I’ll meet you at Burke and Blair’s yard tonight to give them to you” Diesel instructed.
“Why there?” asked Ten Cents.
“It’s the most discreet place for you to depart from. Not to mention, you have work to finish today.” Jacob explained.
“Oh uh alright then.”
The two parted ways, as Ten Cents went to see Lillie.
“The storm swept her northward,” Lillie explained through her streaking make-up,
“I only hope she’s alright.”
“So do I,” Ten Cents said before steaming back to Port.
Ten Cents helped Sunshine dredge in the estuary for the rest of the day. He didn’t talk much during the operation, he was beginning to have doubts about his decisions; Not just to go out to look for Tillie but to give his work to Jacob to keep his plan a secret.
“Everything alright Ten Cents?” Sunshine puzzled.
“Not really,” Ten Cents sighed, “Sunshine, if you had to do a good thing at the cost of something bad would you do it?”
Sunshine pondered for a moment, “Well it depends I suppose. How beneficial would this good thing be, and what would the cost be?”
“It benefits you and our fleet personally, but it costs well… I don’t know, it's hard to explain” Ten Cents stammered.
Sunshine conceded, “So something similar to what happened a couple 4th Julys ago?”
“Well yeah,” Ten Cents admitted, “We could’ve gotten into a lot of trouble with the Navy for that maneuver”
“Indeed, but we didn’t and you know why?”
Ten Cents was about to reply but Sunshine interjected, “Because Captain Starr understood our intentions and he forgave us.”
Ten Cents added, “And you said before that that friends are valuable”
“Not sure what that’s got anything to do with this conversation but if the good thing is as important as our mates then I’d say it’s worth doing” Sunshine smiled.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Ten Cents said, “thank you Sunshine”.
“Any time Ten Cents.” Sunshine winked.
That night Ten Cents crept out of the dock and steamed towards Burke and Blair’s yard where he found Jacob.
“It's all here for ya,” Jacob called in a hushed voice,
Ten Cents mosied over to his “borrowed” barges.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up. Do you know how hard it was to sneak these things here without those two demons knowing?” Jacob huffed.
“Well I’m here now and I’m going through with this” Ten Cents retorted.
“You do know you’re going to be in trouble regardless if you come back with that friend of yours right?” Jacob quizzed.
Ten Cents shot him a dirty look,
“I’m just saying,” Jacob sighed, “This friend of yours must mean a lot to you if you’re willing to do this.”
“She does,” Ten Cents admitted,
Jacob gagged “You’ve got a lot of guts, a stupid kind of guts but guts nonetheless. Good luck out there.”
Ten Cents headed out of the port; he didn't know whether or not to be thankful or slightly suspicious about Jacob but he knew he had to do one thing, find and bring home Tillie.
[End of Chapter 5]
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specialtrees01 · 1 year
Original TUGS Trainz Scene
Based on a scene that's present in the 2nd draft script to "Sunshine", I give you a loose adaption of that scene, in Trainz and with voice actors!
My first time doing anything Trainz related, so I hope you all enjoy!
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ye-olde-sodor · 2 years
"Get outta my way!"
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Sodor Syndrome Diesel 10 is here! Again, still wanna do the full bodies for everyone, but a mugshot headshot is easier to do lol. In due time.
At least we got some LORE for this lad. (Long post time)
-Diesel 10 (real name Cockade AKA D810) was built in 1959 alongside D800-D13.
-In his earlier years, he specialized in heavy goods and eventually worked his way up to pulling express trains for the majority of the time. He was particularly fond of his express, as it reminded him of a certain blue express engine from a book series that was read to him as his other siblings were being made.
-in 1964, he was tasked with retrieving a goods engine that had failed on the line. Once the steam engine was dumped in a siding, Cockade took the train the rest of the way to its destination. Course, the trucks didn't like being pulled by some "fancy showoff diesel" and caused him to derail before he could get there.
-The crash wasn't fatal for his crew, but it left them pretty scarred. 10 himself was battered and badly beaten from the incident, and even lost a tooth!
-He was quickly repaired and was back on the rails in 1968. He expected a repaint and a polish after this, but he received a few scars and a gold tooth for his troubles instead. He couldn't really complain though, he rocks the look.
-His life was pretty uneventful after that, up until 1972 of course, when him and the rest of his class were sent for scrap. Naturally, he's pretty bitter about this, and grows resentful that the outdated steam locomotives get be preserve but not the superior diesels.
-Cue a certain PT boomer who not only promises to get him out of the scrapyard AND revenge at the same time and you got yourself a deal. He sneaks D/10 out of the scrapyard and introduces him to the mercenary business, which specializes in hunting down lost or escaped steam engines to be brought back to their owners or to the scrapyard.
-Boomer eventually installs Pinchy to help with the business but had to gut 10s cab just so she can retract into said cab to make sure D/10 is still a legal engine.
-In 1977, a few years after the death of Boomer, he gets a bounty on Oliver and makes his way to Sodor. He masquerades as a newly purchased diesel engine that takes the midnight express.
-Course, with this being Thomas and FRIENDS, he ends gets attached to how nice everyone is and ends up completely abandoning the bounty. (much to the Mainland Scrapyards frustration). He goes through a mini redemption arc and becomes the dad to most of the other diesels, and eventually gets rid of his prejudice for steam over the years.
(See how this edgy bounty hunter turned into a Dilf in just 4 weeks!)
-In 2001, Diesel came to the works looking paler than usual, and became worse over the next few weeks. He grew weaker, and eventually his motor failed entirely. D/10, being the concerned and loving dad he is, takes him inside one of the repair sheds to get looked at. Not long after shunting him into the shed, 10 starts showing the same symptoms as diesel.
-What happened the next day can be summed up as followed:
Dodge: "Ey boss! You were late to roll call, you feeling good up there?"
D/10, looking at his new hands: "...UM NO I DON'T THINK I AM-"
Splatter: "Oh, a-are you still feeling ill or-"
-As an added bonus, the same thing happened to Diesel! And Pinchy's a Doberman now! So at least he isn't alone in this mess! Though, I'd imagine he'd have a few words with Diesel about all of this...
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that0neartist · 15 days
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🌸of course I had to make a goddess train that's best friends with Lady and OF COURSE I GOTTA SHIP HER WITH TEN- DON'T @ ME- IT'S BASED OFF RP STUFF I'VE DONE WITH MY FRIEND SHERLOCKIACAT
🌸Made it a long while ago, I definitely need to draw more 😔
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
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and here's the template if you wanna do the ttte version (or any other hf you may have), i havent watched enough episodes to know exactly where they would land.
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to me, everyone would purchase fast food and disguise it as their own cooking lol
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bruhstation · 2 years
Since you did captain zero and captain star, will we get their backstories?
absolutely :)
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dwarfman403-blog · 9 months
The opening 10 minutes of “The Fate of the Furious” (2017) was such a feel good sequence! The movie could have ended there and I would have been like, “yeah, that was a good movie” and walked away a better man
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homocorn · 1 year
so much facking NOISE lately shut the up !!!!!
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Since Vin Diesel wants to bring in Robert Downey, Jr. for the final “Fast and Furious” movie, I have an idea.
In the big, dramatic trailer for Fast 11 (or 12 depending if Diesel makes another movie since Universal requested it), we see RDJ playing this Elon Musk-type supervillain. He starts saying these vague villain lines, like, “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. It’s time I finish what you and your people started. This time, Toretto, you won’t be so lucky.”
Tyrese says something like, “Damn man, this guy’s got drone cars and satellites that shoot laser beams! How the hell we supposed to fight him!”
Ludacris follows up with, “He said that he wants to finish what we started. Dom…who is this guy?”
We then get a flashback…to the FIRST movie. It’s then revealed, through the magic of CGI, that RDJ is playing the KJ truck driver who Dom and Letty tried to rob. It’s the guy who tried killing Vince with a shotgun after he jumped onto his truck.
In the years since the first movie, the truck driver eventually took over the company he was transporting goods for, which was all part of his master plan to finally kill Dom and his family once and for all.
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