#didnt realize this was basically MHA
lunarifie · 1 year
The Hollow Super-Hero School AU
Taking place in a world where 40% of the population has super-powers, super-hero schools have been established. Made to help students with controlling their powers, while at the same time, educating them in a high school curriculum.
(Old post explaining the main 6s last names)
How The Hollow kids got their powers
— student info data —
Vanessa Kaarina
Age: 15
Power discovery age: 9
Power(s): Flight
Power(s) source: Genetics
Parental status - divorced
Parental Power(s): Mild Floatation - Normie
Parental Occupation(s): Fashion Designer/Tailor - Accountant
Introduction: Vanessa was the first to volunteer for the Power Assessment in the training facility (a side building specifically crafted for all types of powers. It is where the SuperHero Course takes place). She presents her flight, proudly demonstrating stunts the instructor provides.
Reeve Barima
Age: 17
Power discovery age: 6
Power(s): Levitation
Power(s) source: Genetics
Legal Guardian - Grandmother
Guardian Power(s): Normie
Guardian Occupation(s): Kindergarten Teacher
Parental status - Deceased
Parental Power(s): Levitation - Light manipulation/illumination
Parental Occupation(s): Super-Heroes
Introduction: Reeve was the second out of the main 6 to participate in the Power Assessment. He completed the tasks effectively if not disinterestedly, rolling his eyes at Vanessa for her obvious showman-ship.
Mira Lou Jones
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 4-5
Power(s): Commune with animals and water abilities
Power(s) source: Unknown (possibly genetics)
Parental status - Adopted
Parental Power(s): plant manipulation - calming energy
Parental Occupation(s): Gardener - Therapist
Introduction: Mira was the third out of the main 6 to do the Power Assessment. She is taken to the aquatics area as well as asked to converse with a student that could shapeshift into any animal as confirmation on her ability.
Bernard “Skeet” Moss
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 7
Power(s): Speed
Power(s) source: Chemical substance
Parental status - Single Father
Parental Power(s): Minimal Healing
Parental Occupation(s): Nurse
Skeet participates right after Mira, fist bumping her as she rejoins her classmates. Skeets assessment is quick, only checking to see what his limit is in speed and his coordination with difficult terrain.
Kai Parnall
Age: 15
Power discovery age: 15
Power(s): ??? Fire Manipulation
Power(s) source: Unknown
Legal Guardian - Caretaker
Guardian Power(s): Normie
Guardian Occupation(s): Butler
Parental status - Mother and Father
Parental Power(s): Heavy Persuasion and Enhanced Memory - Night Vision and Durability
Parental Occupation(s): Estate agent - CEO
Introduction: Kai is reluctantly picked and forced to explain how he isn’t quite sure what his power is. The instructor, unconvinced, has him go through the tests with little to no success. He is embarrassed, especially when a student with super strength and agility goes right after him, burning with jealousy.
Adam Gomez
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 10
Power(s): Strength and Agility
Power(s) source: Bestowed
Parental status - Mother and Father
Power(s): Normie - Normie
Occupation(s): Diner owner - Middle school teacher
Introduction: Adam winces at the students display of no powers, confused as to why he was enrolled in the SuperPower Course. He’s called up right after, given a thumbs up from Mira before completing the Assessment successfully.
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fictionfixations · 3 months
corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures /hj
(from this post translating the departure ova, or basically the prequel to world heroes mission bc idk where to find it normally)
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screenshot from this video cuz i cant replay cutscenes lmfao
like. okay so i started thinking about hawks and aventurine in the same thought train and i just. couldnt let it go. and then i remembered that departure ova where he had those sunglasses(?) (IDK The name of stuff. im just gonna call them glasses.)
didnt realize that they're kind of doing similar poses. thats because hawks had the glasses on his eyes but he pushed them up, and here aventurine is about to remove his glasses during the cutscene
MAJOR MHA & HSR spoilers
(if it gets confusing im begging you to read parts of it with the other character's part because im trying to connect them but it might get confusing reading it first)
no but listen me thinks of two boys with not great childhood in greedy corporation who h as. probably wronged them-
well in all honesty i dont remember shit about if the hpsc has done horrible things. scratch that they have because literally nagant. sorry ive forgotten so much mha story its been awhile (i was gonna go on a rant about how its just another thing the fandom considers canon because yes. like. i dont think tsukauchi has ever been confirmed to have a lie detector quirk, its just that his sister who appears in the vigilantes(?) manga does)
hawks cozying up to the league to get secrets (i almost said league of assassins im crying. batman go brr.) backfires
forced to reveal shit (remember dabi revealing in like his video in Dabi's Dance Hawks' backstory?? also portrays him in a negative light, viewing him as a murderer)
he also tries to make himself seem righteous like 'i couldnt let these injustices stand!'
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(from wiki. also his wings get damaged, they can regrow but not to what it was before) ALSO fakes death (temporarily. LMFAO tokoyami)
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also this is kinda weak but gets hit while hes down
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(technically) hawks is still alive but his quirk is still kinda gone forever i think
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anyway i think he appeared in the latest chapter. he seems to be doing well. tbh i have such a shit memory. uhm spoilers for that chapter but i just got so distracted by the todoroki family and dabi like holy shit
FHSOIfh i think hes the HPSC president now.???? DAMN good for him ?
bACK ON TRACK. aventurine cozying up to the family to find out the 'truth'
sunday does his weird shit to force aventurine to say the truth or get punished (asks him about his past and personal shit like 'do you love your family more than yourself' or something, asks about him being an avgin, if hes the only survivor, if he wants to destroy the world) (also sunday thinks of aventurine as like a liar?? like. like. i forgot what it was but he viewed him as like an ill-intentioned person he needed to get rid of. thinking of him in a negative light and probably partially because he was associated with the IPC.)
he calls him a villain. i. DAMN (from the wiki) so like. you see what i mean? also acts righteous acting like aventurines the bad guy while hes the one in the right
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bruh gets told he has seventeen system hours to live
cheeses through it (nihility able to cut through it if you were confused during the story on how he lived) but fakes his death (temporarily. he can come back out around 2.3 lOl but it still took a strain on him)
gets threatened while hes still recovering from the aftereffects of the nihility and everything
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genuinely dont remember hawks getting hurt during afo fight (and toga) but i also got so confused on what was going on reading the manga cause it was a lot. i dont think he got saved tho
aventurine survived but the cornerstones gone forever
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also while im here since yall probably dont know
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also he bet that he'd get a promotion but we dont know whats going on about that (and it doesnt seem like we will. or. theres implications that that the xianzhou(?) war dance is connected to the IPC cause of the special program where owlbert said he was gonna quit and that he got a better offer for the wardance. and it was revealed that actually it was them who gave him that better offer?? so maybe we'll see in next update(?))
like. like. hah ha hawks getting promoted? eh?? eh?? you see????
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tbh i didnt think i could connect them at all but here i am now finding more and more
also off topic
i thought this was a mistake or jab at mineta im CRYING his names GRAPE JUICE???
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your brain when you want to go to sleep because you have something you're looking forward to to do tomorrow (or today because its THREE AM) but you need to not be tired for it but then it pulls this thing out of nowhere to fixate over knowing you cant ignore it because they're characters you love and that the idea wont go away until you express your thoughts so you get the keyboard out to make a short post but then you keep thinking about it and it gets longer and longer cause you keep remembering more shit to add:
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 months
any predictions for the final MHA chapter?
Predictions? I honestly dont know, other than the guess this entire story was a tale Izuku told someone else, as suggested by the narration in the first chapters.
I do think ending it already on the next chapter was a genuine mistake. MHA for all it's flaws is a great world with interesting characters, who i genuinely WANT to see how they ended up. Basically the only two characters who i DIDNT care to see where they ended up was Bakugo(Who it was painfully obvious was supposed to die at the platform before the editor put the kebash on that), and Uraraka, who's romantic relationship with Izuku came way too late, and was way too boring for me to care about here at the final hour.
Momo, mina, kirishima, jiro, kaminaro, shoji, and so on. I WANT to see how they settled into a post AFO world, and the sinple reality is that unless we get a timeskip to them as adults, we wont be getting that inner look.
As usual for MHA most of the class except the most popilar characters(Todoroki, uraraka and bakugo) got shafted.
There is one prediction i WILL make though.
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Aizawa will hopefully finally make up with ms joke.
I have been preparing a series of deep dive essays into the four main teachers of Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight and All Might and their respective character journeys... And not too surprisingly the most developed one is aizawa and All Might's.
All Might's journey to recover his smile is done though... But Aizawa's isnt. It's lacking one, final chapter, where that sense of looking towards the bright future, the trait he lost when Shirakumo died, but that regained as the story went on, is fully put on display.
And frankly speaking, i cannot see any better way to end it, than have him finally mustering the energy and courage to let his one, genuine relationship all built around his own future, that he himself let crash and burn, another go.
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Aizawa as a character is, not too surprisingly for anyone who has picked up a DC comic in their life, inspired by batman.
What's not clear though at the start, is that he's inspired by one, specific direction, one iteration of Batman went. The DCAU's old man bruce wayne.
Aizawa at the end his time in school gave up on his own future, his own dreams and wishes and ambition and dedicated himsrlf solely to the mission, the job, the work of a hero.
And just like it did for DCAU bruce wayne, he ended up alone as a result, as we saw in Vigilantes.
Rather than dealing with his trauma in any healthy or productive way, he instead buried it by dedicating himself to being the best hero he could possibly be... But not with the sort of genuine enthusiasm that All Might has.
He cares about his students... But he is absolutely terrible at showing it, he is willing to destroy good records by permanenetly marking them with an expulsion, as we learn through the series. Hard, well intentioned, but ultimately not the most healthy way to express it. Allways ensuring that there will be a distance between him and his students next year.
He threats them in the way he treated himself, which all in all lead him to be a very hit and miss teacher.
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However, over the course of the series, this changes. Aizawa begins to overcome the limbo he was stuck in, once more beginning to look head up, towards the horizon.
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This culminating in his motivation during the first war, when we see what really keeps him going, a new dream for the future he finally embraced.
His students. He is going to live, survive, and see them through to graduation. That was the happy dream he, withouth really realizing, was searching for all along.
Not the spartan teacher who only saw his students as project who's duty it was his to see through to the adult world, but a more healthy relationship that filled him with the very thing he lost so long ago. Hope, joy, smile and laughter.
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In the end, Aizawa's entire motivation and development led right back around to what His former GF told him they could build together.
A happy household where the good times and laughter never ends. Not the harsh, humorless classes Aizawa had engineered up until now.
Aizawa scoffs at it back then, but that is what he truly wanted, and i really hope this story actually has SOME sort of ending where Aizawa's arc finishes by giving the one part of his past we never got a good look into the closure it deserves.
The confirmation that Aizawa is not going to end up as old man Bruce wayne, alone and miserable, but instead embrace his newfound, open and healthy love for the people around him.
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Probably rambling, but here are some more reasons why I don’t (romantically) vibe with MHA’s Shoto Todoroki/Momo Yaoyorozu. Whenever the pair are painted in such a light, Todoroki’s needs are highlighted more while Yaomomo’s are often overlooked (as if her needs aren’t as important). A more realistic/plausible take would mean that neither of them are truly happy being in a relationship with each other. Which would lead them to seek their (non-material/financial) needs elsewhere. Also, I’m not fond of the fact that both Todoroki and Yaomomo are pretty watered down when romantically paired together (character-wise). Any problems they may potentially have are often swept under the rug (notwithstanding Todoroki’s difficult past). The combo of OOC (out of character) and sheer sexism are some of the major turn offs for me.
About Ships;
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You explained it well, anon. Thats also my problem too.
Actually, thats a common problem with most ships, especially canon romantic ones. There is a reason why people are interested in so called 'platonic friendship' between others than actual romance because when it comes to romance, authors dont seem to put any effort in it. Especially because of 'power of friendship' thing in shounen and mangas, besties have more chemistry than actual romance. Why? Because they are their own characters first. Because whole series is about their relationship and their center arcs connected to each others BECAUSE they care about each others a lot.
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For some partners, 'friends' (or even bros/sis) have lines that used in romance movies. (I didnt realize this until others point this out).
'Its always been you and me.' , 'If only i have you'.
Difference between that scene for so called friends and romantic scene? For 'friendship' or 'brotherhood/sisterhood' scene, its earned. Its not out of nowhere. It took a lot times them to get there. Its deep. Its so beautifully written to the point that it makes many readers question that those so called friends are actually in love with each others. And honestly, in most series, it is really questionable.
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Well, while platonic relationships are exist and its completely natural to explore those platonic relationships too. People can love each others without any romantic feelings but we rarely get actually well written romance without basic rules. Thats why it feels empty and superficial. And most of the times, its really toxic. It feels simple crush. It feels like it happenned because boy and girl are in same scene. It doesnt feel impactfull enough because in the end, we all know that its not true love. Because love is about getting to know each others, it happens with trust and respect. It takes time and effort. It doesnt happen out of nowhere. Especially at writing, i think it should be explored.
Like, some people already pointed it out;
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Romance doesnt even need to happen but if you are gonna put it into your story but dont make any effort to write or actually explore it, then whats the point of writing it?
This is also what i think about todomomo too. I kinda explained it in here. They feel like classic shoujo manga dynamic but just like you said, anon, i think they both are/can be more than that.
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Another reason why i think this happens is maybe because the idea of romance for them/media etc. Ships that naturally happen in story also works better than this. In real life, love that starts with friendship is the best, i mean if you cant even be friend with your partner, how can you even have healthy relationship with them? Let them interact first. Let it happen naturally. Let them have conflict. Let them try date. If it doesnt work, then it doesnt. Dont ruin your characters to make 'romance' work. (Because in life romance, most patners wouldnt want to date with someone who is 'in love' with their so called friends. Imagine, actually dating with brocon/siscon or some guy who would prefer their friends/or one specific friend over you, lol. Literally break up reason.)
Basically, i agree with you, anon and its fun to make discussion so dont be afraid to send more asks, if you want, lol.
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This post kinda become about ship post discussion but this happens too often and some people even wonder why others dont like their ships or they get mad at people for shipping so called friendship type of relationships. Hm, i wonder why, my friends.
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thefloatingstone · 2 years
In regards to writing dont be afraid to cheat. One time I wrote a story with MHA characters and by the time I was done i realized the story didnt necessarily need MHA characters. I could remove them and think about more original characters. Other times i would steal plot points from books and films to fill in the gaps of a story and as i got an idea for the kind of story it was and developed it I realized i didnt need those plot points anymore.
I guess so :(
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I genuinely am terrible at coming up with original content of any kind. I'm bad at making OCs and I'm bad at coming up with stories to put OCs in. Especially because I never form any feelings about OCs I make myself. I don't feel any attachment to them.
Meanwhile I have a dumb self indulgent concept in my head that's literally just
"lol what is Shepard and Garrus got trapped on an abandoned space station/spaceship run by a hostile AI who knocked out their omni-tools, shields and, most importantly, their translators."
Basically "haha what if Garrus and Shepard had to deal with Durandal from the Marathon games lol"
And I am genuinely more invested in that dumb idea than I have ever been about any character I've ever bothered to draw that was completely my own OC.
Every few years this frustration looms its head and in the past 20 years I have never found a solution...
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tylerxrbtwhp · 3 months
Idk what im doing, going to random people's account and sending random questions BUTT.
i have a fewwww questions cuz i saw that reblog where u said that anybody can come to your and ask yada yada SO im here!!
What name/names should i/we call you?
What is your fav color?
What is your fav food?
What is your fav drink?
What is your fav animal?
What is your personality type?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you have a pet?
Do you love rocks?
What fandoms are you in?
Mom or dad?
What do you want to be when you grow up? / What is your job?
If you like reading, what genre is your fav?
If you like art, what is your fav type?
If you like music, what is your fav genre?
What is your fav school subject?
Do you have siblings / a sibling?
What is your fav flower?
What is your fav weather?
Do you have a fav writer? If so, who?
If you like/love Genshin Impact then who is/are your fav genshin characters?
By your posts, you seem to like Marvel! Who is/are your fav Marvel and DC character?
By your pfp, who is your fav FNAF character?
Do you have a fav celebrity? If so, who?
What would you do if you changed gender for a day and everybody treated you as that gender?
If you like travelling then where would you like to go?
Which country do you hate the most?
Which country do you love the most?
Are you calm or the opposite?
Do you love eating?
Ohmagawd THIRTY QUESTIONS AND I OMG i didnt even realize 😇
damn dude chill out [jkjk] 😭
oki so here 1. Tyler or Xanical 2. I got 3 actually, Blue, Green and Purple though i like blue the most 3. Nothing really, I can take anything except pork and a few other stuff 4. Water, Coffee or Tea, idk 5. Cats and Horses! 6. i THINK its in my bio? idk but its ISTJ and specifically ISTJ-A 7. Whatever i want 💀But srsly, reading or gaming, either 8. Yeah actually 9. OH HELL YES THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT TYPE OF ROCKS!!! omg especially those sparkly ones!! I have two rocks on my desk, they were shiny when i first picked them up but unfortunately the shine didnt stay 😔 10. Theres quite a few 😭Marvel, FNAF, Football/Soccer, Creepypasta, Genshin Impact, One Piece, MHA (I dont even watch anime 😭), Countryhumans (I despise countryhumans/countryballs ships.) and uhh prolly Minecraft and Red Dead Redemption 2 11. Dad. (Tho i LOVE LOVE LOVE MY MOTHER SO MUCH TOO!! i was actually debating the other day whether i love mom or dad more but dad always wins besides she has her son 🙄) 12. tbh an officer, specifically a NAVY ones 13. There are a few like Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction etc etc but imo Fiction always wins 🔥 14. I dont like making arts that much 😭But seeing others make magnificent arts is always so cool!! 15. Rock or Country, cant decide 16. HISTORY AHH 🔥🔥🔥 17. yup 18. the classic, roses! 19. Rainy or cloudy, like a weather when everything is calm and stuff 20. Tbh i dont have one, every writer is unique in their own way and everyone's writing is so majestic that i cant even choose one 😭 21. ohoohoho ik ik!! Pierro, The Jester. My always no. 1 though im getting obsessed with Zhongli and Neuvillitte these days! 22. Iron man, Tony Stark my beloved no. 1 and i'd go for Heath Ledger's Joker for DC 23. IF IT ISNT OBVIOUS ENOUGH- 😭😭(no offense) Its Springtrap or Burntrap, cant decide but their the same person the basically William Afton! 24. IT'S ROBERT DOWNEY JUNIORRRR!!!!!! ahem. 25. I seriously dont know 😭 26. Prolly Russia, Britain, Germany or Switzerland, maybe Norway but Russia's my main goal!! 27. Israel. 28. My own country!!! 29. The ppl around me say that im calm so yeh 30. Idk im in th middle of the scale 🔥 ____________________________________________ DONEEEE yes. its 05:23 yo 🔥
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lizandbo · 2 years
could i request a scenario with mha boys where the reader is midsize and she is a foodie. she like cooking in the dorm kitchen, but her bf notices her not cooking as much and feeling self-conscious. srry if it sounds stupid :) <3
thankyou for requesting<333 i literally squealed when someone actually requested something :,) sorry if its long tho lol
if you wanna request other things go ahead!
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Since you like to cook and katsu is good at cooking, yall can have lil dinner dates yk?
anyways yeah katsuki doesnt care if you eat like 6-8 times a day n make a lot of food
whatever makes you happy and comfy is what he wants for you
Usually you make food for the two of you in the afternoons, a mini date(?)
he spots you in the dorm kitchen and makes his way over to you; snaking his arms around your plush waist, putting his head on your neck
Katsu observes the food that your stirring rn and goes:
“Are you making a plate for yourself y/n?”
“Why’s it such a small damn batch then?”
“Im just… I guess im not that hungry today”
“Damn nitwit you think I dont notice? yesterday you only ate itty bitty snack. now today your portion of the food is rat sized shit”
he left the silence for you to answer, which you didnt really wanna answer since katsuki would quite literally explode if you told him the truth
“Theres nothing to worry about i just kinda got off tack the last two days ig”
the next couple days hasnt been any better
he saw you scrolling through tumblr, but around this time you were eating or at least both at the same time
“y/n stop fucking with me”
you: 😀❓
“tf do you mean”
“Im not blind y/n you stopped eating, this isnt like you”
he was practically towering over you while you were sitting on the bed
Kat stared in the middle of your gorgeous soul
“speak damnit..”
“… do you like me this way?”
“Like.. big? and i know eating all the time wont help either”
“This is the most dumbassery I've ever encountered in my whole life, it doesnt matter to me if you are bigger than most people. the only damn thing that matters is the person who you are in the inside… im not tryna be sappy damnit”
katsu crossed his arms “now, were going to eat your f/f whether you like it or not” he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the kitchen to have a lil dinner/ cooking date
throughout the dinner/cooking date he said lil reassuring words to you to help out your insecurity
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^ this is basically how he acts after sparring
Kiri hugs you from the back placing gentle kisses on your neck, going up down n across the nape
the gesture tickles you a bit, scrunching your shoulders up a bit
he squeezes you, loving the way that your whole body feels like a pillow
“How about we go out and eat today?”
“But its really expensive, i can just make something quick for you”
Kiri squishes you even more and basically hops on the couch with you still in his arms “but we can get all the food that we want tho!”
All you wanted to do is just run away, laser all the fat off and just be done with it and feel like a ‘normal’ person, without feeling like your being judged all the time
“Yeahh but we can also eat something… more healthy”
“but you always love to eat with me! whats wrong?”
“Idk i just dont feel like it today”
“Its ok, somedays are just like that”
he kisses you quickly and yall stay and cuddle there for a bit
eventually you guys pick up some snacks together
even just picking out something or mentioning food just makes you go uneasy and eiji notices
for the whole week you havent been doing your normal cooking, just simple quick snacks after school and avoiding eating out
kiri realizes he has to do something bout this
“hey baby?”
you were sitting at the table, scribblin things down
“did you eat today?”
“Yeah i ate some cereal and thats about it”
😐 “baby no you gotta eat more, why dont you cook for us!”
you continued scribbling
“But i dont need to eat more do you even know what i look like??”
“Yes i do and its a wonderful sight”
“Eijiro no”
“Eijiro yes!”
“wtf is wrong with you kiri”
“I look like a bloated walrus or a whale about to explode”
“No you do not look”
he squat down to your tummy, lifted the fabric that was covering it kissed it a bunch of times n nuzzling and everything
your cheeks got heated really fast by the action
he looked up to you “see? you got nothing to be ashamed of, its a really nice pillow” he went to your chest and nuzzled that too “and heres your really sweet personality”
he hugs you really tightly and kisses at the crown of your head and his hands goes to your cheeks and squishing them too
“your so cute, you know that?”
yall ended up cooking together, mostly you tho
“Your like a wizard in the kitchen!”
“And your the goblin that never learned how to cook”
“Damn y/n ig someones grouchy”
after yall are done making the food he spoonfed you, making sure that you felt loved and understood
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duckugou · 3 years
What if y/n was having a girls night and they started talking about lewd stuff or kinks (maybe they were playing T or D? Idk) and the mha guys they liked or are in a relationship with BUTTT it turns out they boys were eavesdropping ANDD THEY GOT ALL HOT AND BOTHERED AND WANTED TO FULFILL Y/ns FANTASY💘💦 you can pick which one ends up with y/n……….I’m not super sure how your requests work (I didn’t find your rules) uh so if it doesn’t work like this please ignore this 🙈😳🤭 thank you 
skrtttt my first request! I made a rule page after seeing this bc i realized that i didnt have one- but YES okay onward-
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sleepover fantasies
bakugou x fem!reader
aged up! american college AU
I made some changes but kept the basic idea of the request! I hope you enjoyyy!
cw: SMUT, Nosy ass boys, sex toys, discussion about fantasies and kinks, choking mentioned, impact play mentioned, choking, face fucking mentioned, the name princess used, oral (fem recieving), unprotected sex, gagging on fingers, cream pie, small aftercare, the whole fic is sexual, not proofread
!!come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!!!
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Being in college meant more work and less time with friends. Obviously, this takes a toll on a whole group of friends that have been together for years. So, naturally, Mina and Kirishima decide to plan a once a month group sleepover at their shared apartment just off campus.
A lot of the time, it started with everyone- Denki, Bakugou, Sero, Kirishima, Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Y/n, Ochako, Jirou, Asui, and Momo- in the living room lightly drinking, smoking, playing Mario Kart, debating random shit that didn't matter, and ordering food. It would always end with the guys in the living room and the girls in Mina and Kirishima's shared bedroom.
And thats exactly how tonight went.
Tossing their bags in various spots around the room, Jirou found herself sat on the floor next to Momo- who was half asleep. Ochako and Asui sat on bean bags they dragged in from the living room. Mina and Y/n flopped themselves on the bed. A collective sigh rang through the room as the girls were all relieved to be away from the guys for the time being.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP- YOU CHEATED SPARKY." Bakugou's voice was loud enough to boom through the shut bedroom door.
"I DID NOT- AND EVEN IF I DID YOU CANT KILL ME-" Denki sounded panicked.
"LIKE HELL I CANT-" Bakugou shouted back, the sound of Kirishima trying to calm the angrier of the blondes down made the girls laugh.
"God- how do they have so much energy still?" Momo asked, leaning her head on Jirous shoulder with her eyes closed.
"How are you so tired? Its like- 10 pm." Mina asked, laying on her stomach facing the girl in question.
"This week sucked- too many tests and projects all at once." Momo responded with closed eyes.
"Oh my god- me too! Why do all professors plan this shit in the same week?" Ochako piped in, earning a nod of agreement from Asui.
"They're all in on it together Im convinced." Asui added, making Jirou giggle.
"Just wanna see us fail-" Jirous thought was interrupted.
"YOU FUCKIN NASTY BITCH." Y/n yelled, hopping up from the bed, pink vibrator and a pair of keys in hand.
"OH MY GOD NO-" Mina tried to get the pink toy out of Y/ns hand to no avail as she jumped on the bed away from her.
"What the hell?!" Ochako asked, marveling at the scene playing out in front of her.
"ITS CLEAN I SWEAR- IT NEEDED TO DRY OFF FROM BEING CLEANED OFF." Mina exclaimed, snatching the toy from Y/n's hand.
"What the hell are these for?" Y/n asked, flopping back down onto the bed, dangling the keys in front of her face.
"I think I could tell ya-" Jirou said, pointing to the headboard where one end of a pair of cuffs was locked.
"YOU DIRTY BITCH-" Y/n started laughing.
"Oh shut up, he looked fuckin good today and I couldn't wait until everyone left tomorrow." Mina laughed with her, taking the keys from her and unlocking the cuffs from the bed.
Mina crouched down under next to the bed, pulling out a big black box.
"You're fuckin kidding me." Jirou said.
"No way!" Ochako leaned forward to see what was in the box.
"Oh my god youre all children!" Mina yelled, opening the box of sex toys and putting the toy, cuffs, and keys back where they belong.
The unusually high amount of commotion coming from the room where the girls were got all of the guys' attention.
"Theyre loud tonight." Kirishima said, starting the obvious.
"Thanks captain obvious." Bakugou scoffed.
"Shut up!" Kirishima said, throwing a pillow at Bakugous head.
"I wonder what the commotion is." Sero said, thinking out loud.
"Wanna find out?" Denki asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What, just go in and ask why theyre being loud? Thats rude." Todoroki inquired.
"No, you simple minded man. We eavesdrop!" Denki exclaimed as if it were obvious.
"No! We cant- thats invading their privacy!" Deku's face reddened.
"You're such a pussy." Bakugou said to the green haired boy, throwing the pillow at him instead of back at Kiri.
"C'monnnn they HAVE to be talking about something good- we never know what they do in there!" Denki said, thinking of his deepest fantasies.
"Oh god- what are you thinking about in that tiny brain?" Sero asked, tapping Denki's forehead.
"C'mon! I'm going- it's gotta be interesting." Denki said, walking towards the room.
The remaining boys sat in silence until Sero stood and followed Denki. "He has a point- they could be talking shit."
"It could be something embarrassing and funny! I could always use more ammo against Mina. C'mon." Kirishima said, Standing, dragging Bakugou with him.
The remaining boys followed, not wanting to be left out, Deku muttering to himself about privacy.
Leaned up against the door, Denki signaled the guys to be silent.
"NO WHAT IS THAT ONE-" Y/n yelled, lunging forward to the box, reaching in. She and Mina were always closer than the rest of the girls, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. They invaded each others personal space and belongings on the daily.
She pulled out an O gag, holding it up in awe.
"It's to keep my mouth open." Mina explained simply with a small smirk.
"Oh my god." Y/n felt like she discovered the secrets of the world in this box. "What about this?" She asked, the rest of the girls gathering around, Momo suddenly more awake than ever.
"That one-" Mina took the toy from Y/n. "-is a vibrating butt plug."
"Holy shit." Y/n sat back on her butt, wanting to learn what everything was.
"Is that a fucking whip?" Momo asked.
"Sure is- I like that shit." Mina said plainly, holding the small whip in her hand.
"Like...being hit is a turn on for you?" Ochako asked, sitting next to Y/n.
"Only with consent and in a certain setting. Its just harder spanking." Mina explained.
"Spanking?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah- the basics. Spanking, hair pulling-" Mina started.
"Have you never done that stuff, Y/n?" Jirou asked.
"No. I mean nobody has ever like...Its always been quick hook ups ya know?" Y/n explained.
"I havent either... I'm too nervous." Ochako admitted.
"Oh my god! Ladies! You should experience your fantasies! You deserve it!" Mina exclaimed.
"You really should be able to, but with someone you trust." Asui added.
"I dont know if Izuku would be into it...I'd love for him to pull my hair sometimes though..." Ochako blushed.
"Never know till you ask!" Mina said.
"God- I want to know what it all feels like. I need to get laid." Y/n sighed.
"Aw baby! What are your fantasies? We can find ya someone!" Mina offered, sitting with the rest of the girls.
"Damn Kirishima!" Denki whisper yelled to the blushing red head.
"Didn't know you two got down like that man." Sero whispered. "Props."
"What does- Ochako wants me to- what!?" Deku whisper yelled.
Bakugou didn't respond. He was too tuned into the girls' conversation, wanting to hear with his crush would say about her fantasies. He had been pining over Y/n for years from a distance, admiring her courage, her humor, her talent, and her ass- sorry boobs- sorry hips- sorry intelligence.
"Shut up, you idiots." He finally whispered, making the boys lean back in to the door.
"Well, I mean hair pulling and spanking is a given- but like. I want the whole uh- calling someone daddy. Being called names maybe? I dont know, I've seen some stuff in porn too- like being bent over a counter? Or do shit in public even? God that sounds weird when I say it out loud-" Y/n said, shaking her head, trying to laugh it off.
"It isnt weird!" Asui reassured her.
"Babe, you just saw my gags, cuffs, and dildos. You're not weird." Mina giggled.
"Oh the gags too!" Ochako piped in. "I love that idea."
"I wanna be gagged with fingers not a ball." Y/n admitted.
"Oh my god- you would love being face fucked." Jirou chuckled.
"Face fucked?" Y/n asked.
"Like when a guy pretty much uses your mouth to get off." Mina explained.
"Oh... yeah... thats-" Y/n blushed and laughed, the entire group of girls laughing.
"You're a subby bitch, huh?" Mina asked.
"Guess so!" Y/n replied, laughing further.
"You need to be tied up and fucked-" Mina started, Y/n stopping her by yelling.
"STOPPP Oh my god SHUT UP." Y/n was red and warm.
"Who would it be?" Ochako asked.
"What?" Y/n replied.
"Who do you want to fuck you?" Jirou asked, catching on.
"Oh my god yeah!" Asui leaned in.
"Who who who!" Mina shook the girl's shoulders.
"IM NOT GONNA JUST SAY IT WHEN HES LITERALLY IN THE SAME APARTMENT-" Y/n admitted, shaking Mina shoulders as well.
"Oh fuck." Denki muttered.
Bakugou's face was red and he was thinking about all of the things he wanted to do to the seemingly innocent girl on the other side of the door.
"I bet its Sero." Denki whispered.
"Nah, I'm betting Todoroki." Sero replied.
"Totally not me." Todoroki whispered.
"Shut. Up." Bakugou seethed.
The guys all shut their mouths, realizing Bakugou wanted his name to come out of her mouth.
"Oh shit-" Denki started.
"Dont." Kirishima warned.
Denki chuckled and leaned back in to the door.
"No- I'm not saying. It would NEVER happen anyways." Y/n said, blushing and looking to the floor.
"Is it Todoroki?!" Ochako asked.
"No its totally Sero." Jirou said.
"No no no it HAS to be Denki-" Momo started, the girls all debating with each other, except for Y/n and Mina.
"Oh my god." Mina said quietly, realization hitting her. "OH my GOD." She said again, louder, making everyone silently look at her.
"It's fucking Bakugou." Mina said, sure that she was right.
"No way." Asui said, convinced otherwise.
"Its absolutely Bakugou isn't it?" Mina asked her best friend with a smirk.
"FUCK OFF- oh my god- its not like- he wouldnt even- he wouldnt look in my direction- its not a big deal!" Y/n stuttered around her words, hating that she was found out.
"HOLY SHIT." Jirou yelled in shock.
"You really must want degradation." Momo chuckled.
"Shut up- he's literally the hottest guy I've ever met." Y/n stated, crossing her arms.
"OH MY GOD!" Ochako squealed.
"No- like- and his voice?! God, call me princess and choke me OUT." Y/n said, full thirst mode activated.
"No because like- I want Todoroki to ruin me." Momo admitted, taking the pressure off of Y/n.
"Seriously- I want Denki to live his nasty fantasies out with me." Jirou said, joining in.
"Sero could bound me up any day." Asui added.
"I need Izu to be mean to me so bad." Ochako groaned.
"Kirishima is so fucking good- guys. Last night, he ate my ass and I couldve died happy right there."
"The way I need Bakugou to touch me literally all over- his hands are so hot." Y/n continued.
"OH dont even get me started on hands." Ochoko laughed.
"Get Bakugou to like.. hang out with you. One on one." Jirou suggested.
"No no no, I've come to terms with that never happening, He would never go for me- I'm sure he barely knows I exist." Y/n said, waving her hands in front of her.
"That's so not true- youre so hot!" Mina said, smacking her hands down.
"If he doesn't want you, hes insane." Jirou added.
"Gah- whatever. It's not like its gonna happen tonight or whatever- just. Can we drop it?" Y/n asked, feeling the insecurities creeping in.
"Yeah- no problem babes. Oh! Wanna watch New Girl?" Ochako suggested.
"Yes!" Asui, Mina, and Momo said in unison.
"Momo... wants me to ruin her? What's that even mean?" Todoroki wondered out loud as the guys walked back out to the living room.
"I can pull Ochakos hair lightly. And be like moderately mean-" Deku thought out loud as well.
"Shut up- JIROU WANTS ME!" Denki jumped around the living room.
"And Asui wants me!!" Sero joined the blonde in jumping around.
"Dude..." Kirishima sat down next to a blushing Bakugou.
"What, shitty hair?"
"You're into Y/n arent you?" He asked, making the remaiining guys stop and look at them.
"No!" Bakugou got even redder.
"Oh my god. And she wants your fingers down her throat!" Denki celebrated.
"Shut up!" Bakugou said, putting a pillow over his lap.
"Make a move!" Sero said, patting his friends shoulder.
"I know I'm gonna make a move on Jirou tomorrow-" Denki said, settling down.
"I'm going to ask Momo out." Todoroki confirmed with himself.
"Can we just- turn something on." Bakugou said, throwing the remote at Deku, making him come back to earth.
"O-oh yeah. Sorry Kacchan."
Y/n woke up around 3 am, the need to pee stronger than any thought in her mind. Getting up, she stepped over her friends on the floor, all asleep.
Meanwhile, Bakugou was awake getting water from the kitchen, noting mentally that all of the guys were passed out.
Hearing light footsteps, he turned his head to see Y/ns figure walking to the bathroom, light turning on as she disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door.
His hands shook a little as he remembered all the things she said about him that night, the blood rushing to his dick.
"Tch." He scoffed, trying to shake the thoughts from his head as he heard the toilet flush.
She... wanted to fuck him, right?
So why not... now?
His mind raced as his feet took him closer to the bathroom door, brain full of images of what she might look like naked, what sounds she might make.
He stood in front of the door, hearing the sink turn off. He could turn around right now. But what if she noticed him walking away?
His thoughts were stopped by the door opening, his eyes greeted by the sight of Y/n in a long t-shirt looking startled by his presence.
He pushed her back into the bathroom, covering her mouth to make sure nobody woke up.
Shutting the door behind them, he pushed Y/n against the wall opposite the door, looking into her eyes.
"B-Bakugou. What are you doing?" She whisper-yelled, catching her breath from being scared.
"We- I heard you." He said, staring at the most perfect lips he'd seen.
"Heard me? Heard me wh- no. Nonononono." She whispered, panicking, hiding her face in her hands.
"Shhhh." He shushed her, moving her hands from her face, holding them. "Were you telling the truth, princess?" He asked, whispering, breath ghosting her face.
"Y-yeah. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable-" She was interrupted by lips against hers.
His kiss was harsh and urgent, yet it made Y/n's panties soaked.
Y/n felt her hands get pressed against the wall above her, whimpering into Bakugou's mouth at feeling of the cold wall.
Pulling away, he attached his lips to her neck, nipping lightly.
"You never had someone take care 'a ya right, princess?" He asked between nips.
"N-no, just quickies." She admitted, biting back moans.
"Let me take care 'a ya. I'll let ya live out those fantasies" Bakugou demanded, earning a whimper and a nod from Y/n.
Letting go of her hands, Bakugou was pleased to see she kept them up. Obedient, he thought.
He lifted her shirt up and off of her body, revealing her tits. Groaning, he dove into the mounds in front of him, sucking both nipples individually, making her moan.
"Shit, baby. Been hidin these from me?" He asked.
"Ba-bakugou~" She moaned out.
"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki." He demanded, dropping to his knees.
"Katsuki-" She moaned out as he rid her of her panties, spreading her legs, admiring her glistening cunt.
"Damn. You are gorgeous." He praised, fingers starting to toy with her lips.
"Oh my god."
"You really thought I didn't know you existed, princess?" He asked, looking up at her and maintaining eye contact.
"Yeah- you never talk to me-" She muttered, trying to grind her hips against his hand, being stopped by his left hand holding her hips against the tile wall.
"Doesn't mean I havent fucked my fist thinkin about the noises you might make. I watch you- I see how fuckin smart and skilled you are. Not to mention sexy as hell." He admitted, touching Y/n's clit lightly, watching her squirm and gasp.
"P-please, Katsuki." She whined.
"What, princess? Tell me what ya need." He teased her clit more, her hips jerking against his left hand in response.
"Touch me-"
"Touch me what?" He asked, chuckling.
Not knowing what he wanted her to say more, Y/n decided to loop two words into the sentence.
"Please touch me daddy."
With that, Bakugou was holding her hip up with his left hand still, lifting her leg over his shoulder to give him easier access to her wet pussy. He licked a stripe up the center, tasting her slowly. Her hands flew to his hair to stabilize herself.
"Shit, daddy!" She whispered, head pushed against the tile wall as she started to grind her core against his face.
Pushing a finger in, Bakugou felt her pulling his hair lightly, making him moan into her.
"M-moreee." Y/n moaned, feeling her climax already creeping up on her. He added another finger, giving her what she needed.
"Gimme it- cum for me princess- oh fuck-" He went her faster, feeling her walls clench around his fingers. Licking her cum from her pussy, Bakugou was in absolute heaven.
"Pleasepleaseplease-" She whined, feeling him pull away from her and move her foot back to the floor, standing up.
He kissed her, making her taste her own essence, both moaning into the kiss.
"You need to be quiet, princess. Gonna wake everyone up." He whispered into her ear, moving her body to be in front of the counter and mirror. He turned her around, letting her watch the way he played with her nipples for a moment before he couldn't take it anymore.
Taking his shirt off and pushing his pants down, Bakugou knew he needed to be inside of her.
He pushed her shoulders lightly, making her bend over.
"Aint this what you wanted? Hmm? To be bent over a counter and fucked?" He asked, rubbing his dick along her center.
"Y-yes. Need it so bad." She whimpered.
"Your wish is my command." He stated, pushing his cock into her pussy slowly.
She moaned quietly as he bottomed out inside of her, his balls resting against her pussy.
"M-move. Please daddy move- fuck me- god-" She blabbered, hands gripping the marble counter.
Without a word, Bakugou pulled her hair lightly, making her watch them both in the mirror as he began fucking her.
Thrust after thrust, she got louder and louder.
He pulled her hair harder, making her arch up into his chest.
Putting his fingers in her mouth, he whispered in her ear. "Guess ill have to shove my fuckin fingers down your throat to keep ya quiet, hah?"
She gagged as he pushed his fingers further, moaning lightly as her eyes rolled back.
"Gonna cum again, princess? Aw, thats it, cum for daddy." He teased, whispering becoming more horse as he felt his own climax nearing.
"Shit baby- gonna cum- can I- in ya?" He grunted out, feeling her walls tighten around his dick as she drooled around his fingers, letting it drip down his hand. She nodded the best she could as she came, legs twitching, screams of pleasure caught in her throat.
He painted her walls with his cum, grunting with each weak thrust.
As the two came down from their highs, he pulled out, turning and lifting her to sit on the counter, making a mess.
He watched as she leaned her head against the mirror, catching her breath and gripping the counter still as after shock like waves of pleasure ripped through her weakly.
He grabbed a wash cloth from the closet, knowing where everything is as he helped Mina and Kirishima move in and unpack a few months ago.
Wetting it, Bakugou checked on Y/n, seeing that her eyes were shut and her body was calming.
He cleaned Y/n up, starting with her thighs and center, moving down her legs. He got a separate wash cloth to wet with cold water and set on her forehead.
Putting his own underwear and sweat pants on, he gathered her shirt and panties, handing them to her as she came back to planet earth and gave him the cold wash cloth.
"Thank you, Bakugou." She muttered, smiling as she got dressed.
"Hey, I told ya. Katsuki." He reminded her, tilting her chin up and giving her a kiss. This kiss was much softer in comparison to the one earlier.
Pulling away, she blushed.
"Thank you, Katsuki."
"Thank you, Y/n. Hope we can uh- ya know. Do it again?" He asked, not sure how to go about this.
"Absolutely. And maybe I can even hold your hand now and then." She giggled.
"Maybe I'll take ya on a date then, how's that sound princess?" He asked, unsure of where the confidence came from.
"Perfect." She smiled, kissing him one last time before they walked out of the bathroom. "Sleep well, Katsuki."
"You too, princess."
Walking back into the bedroom and laying next to Mina, Y/n was spooked by Mina asking "What the hell took so long? I got cold."
"Oh uh- just had too pee."
"That was a long pee." Mina said, cuddling up to Y/n's side.
"Yeah- Bakugou needed some help." She suggested, hinting a little.
"You fucked Bakugou in my bathroom, didn't you?" Mina asked, yawning.
"Nahhh. He fucked me." The two laughed lightly, falling back asleep.
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shiggyscumrag · 3 years
How the MHA boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes<3
I also plan on making a demon slayer and haikyuu version so look out for that hoessss
Midoriya Izuku
Dude he would flip, but like in a positive way-
He would get so flustered and immediately start muttering on and on about how pretty you look and try to poorly hide his embarrassment
He would find it really cute, plus he wears slightly bigger sized shirts so it wouldnt fit to tight on you
And even if it did he would find it absolutely adorable
You wearing one of his shirts that literally say "shirt" and a pair of his sweats to go along with it and it would be one of his new favorite things
He would ask if he could take a picture to save as his new homescreen deadass
He just cant get over how adorbale you look so of course hes gonna get all flustered and lovey dovey
10/10 would cuddle you for the rest of the night and not let you leave. Sleepover timeeeee
"What are you wearing?" He said as he stumbled across you in one of his shirts and sweats. You were bored and uncomfy in your jeans and tshirt so you decided it was a good idea to steal some of your boyfriends clothes to get more comfortable. Of course he was a little smaller in size then you but it would still work.
"I got uncomfortable and I thought you wouldn't mind if I borrowed some clothes to change into. I can change if you want-"
"No no no, you're okay! I mean I like you in my clothes, and I'm glad they make you comfortable! I just didnt know what you were doing and I was a little confused at first but you look really cute so I really don't mind at all, I swear! I was just a little startled-" you were interrupted by Izuku's rambling. He always did this when he was nervous. All you could really do is chuckle, and have your cheeks blush slightly at the compliments while getting comfy on his bed.
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou thought it was a dumb idea at first, like he just didnt get it
Though after your persistent meddling he gave in and gave you one of his shirts
After you put it on and showed him he got all flustered and very horny
He felt weirdly proud about it, it was like a way of marking you as his and he liked that
And omg when you stole and wore a pair of his boxers, he fucking malfunctioned. Heres how the scenario would go in my head-
"Welcome back Katsuki!" You said cheerfully from further inside his dorm.
"Ah, what are you doing here shitty woman! I'm tired and want to go to bed-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw you laying on his bed in his boxers and his classic skull tshirt. He didnt realize how horny he had been but now the bulge in his pants was very prominent and uncomfortably tight.
"See something you like katsu?" You teased. You knew he had been stressed from interning lately and I mean so have you, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
"Hell yeah I do." He said crossing the room fast and finding your lips. A heated makeout session started, you had sat up and placed your hands on his chest starting to undo his tie and unbutton his uniform shirt. He pulled away and smirked grabbing you by the chin making you look at him.
"You're such a naughty girl." He pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion, hissing when the cool air hit his cock. "Now get to sucking slut." You smirked and went down to lick his slit, some pre hitting your taste buds making you mewl. You began to bob your head at a steady pace. He groaned as his head fell back, a hand falling behind your head guiding your movements.
"Such a good little slut for me. Got any panties under here?" He said snapping the elastic of his boxers, leaving a delicious sting on your hip. You hummed causing another groan to rip through his throat. He pulled you off his cock with a pop.
"Is that a yes or a no sweet cheeks?" He said dragging his thumb against your drool soaked lips
"No sir, I dont have any panties on." You say, eyes half lidded and full of lust.
"Good answer-" He started as he pinned you down on the bed and left a chaste kiss on your lips. "Cause I was gonna take em' off anyways."
Kirishima Eijiro
When you first ask if you could borrow a shirt and pants to wear to sleep in his dorm he gladly excepted
He found it to be quote on quote "the manliest thing ever"
He would feel bad that his clothes are tight on you so he buys a couple over sized ones and wears them to get them to smell like him and next time you come to trade out hoodies he gives you those in hopes it'll make you feel more comfy
He would def also steal your clothes
He would love to wear your hoodies around the dorm and flex about having them
He loves that you feel comfortable enough to wear his clothes and to also let him wear yours
It's a trust and comfort thing that he finds the most adorbale
It makes him feel so happy, you make him so happy<3
You heard a knock on your door. You got up from your bed and made your way to the door as whoever it was continued to knock. You opened it up to see a red head with sharp teeth grinning widely at you.
"Hey kiri!" You said wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped one arm around your waist and chuckled at your kiss.
"I came by to swap hoodies again! Yours stopped smelling like you." He said with a pout on his lips.
"Ah its okay baby, I'll give you another one!" You said with a smile.
Todoroki Shouto
Shouto would be confused on why exactly you would want to wear his clothes when you have your own that are perfectly fine
But he would still find it oddly comforting and very cute
He didn't really know that was a thing that couples do, you know trading clothes
So you would steal his hoodies and you would give him yours to sleep in
Dude he would get so happy
He would put your hoodie on for the first time alone in his dorm after you dropped it off and gave him a kiss goodnight
So he puts it on and just feels so comfy and at home in a sense. He just feels so calm and at peace with the world
Plus when he realizes it smells like you he goes wild
Would sleep in it every night and every morning he would fold it neatly and place it on his pillow so that when he gets home after a long day of class and interning with his dad he can wear it straight out his shower and smell your scent and be able to go to sleep peacefully that night
He can only hope his hoodies make you feel the same way yours do to him
"I can have this?" He says holding out the hoodie of yours you just gave him to be able to wear, a stoic expression still painted on his face.
"Well yeah! I thought since you let me have yours that you could have mine!" You said with a smile. Shoto couldn't help the heat that started to flush his face. He never knew that this is what couples do. He just knew they cuddled, kissed, held hands, and went on dates. He didn't know you could exchange clothing as a form of affection, but when you asked to have one of his hoodies he did love the idea of you wearing them. Shoto liked it even more when he saw you around the dorm in them.
"Thank you y/n. I appreciate it greatly." He spoke.
"Of course roni!" You said leaning in and pecking his lips "Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" You said skipping towards the girls dorms.
"Goodnight. Sleep well." He said softly. You smiled and waved goodbye. Once you rounded the corner and he could no longer see you he entered his room now staring at the hoodie once again.
He pushed the hoodie over his head and put his arms through. He adjusted the material until he was comfortable. He looked in the mirror and stated to go red. He was wearing your hoodie. He started to get this euphoric feeling of relief. A sense of home is what he felt while wearing it. He tucked himself into bed and laid his head on his pillow when he got a sudden whiff of your scent. It smelled like you too. He felt even more comfy now. He went to sleep peacefully that night. It felt like he was going to sleep in your arms. It was amazing. He now wears it every night and when it doesnt smell like you anymore he asks for you to wear it to make it smell like you again. You have definitely created a monster-
Mezo Shoji
Shoji is a pretty big fella and because of his quirk his clothes are kinda unique
BUT his pants and boxers are normal and can fit you fairly well
I feel like he would also get over sized clothes to lounge in so he feels less restricted so that's a bonus for you
So now you steal his pants all the time when your too lazy to go to your dorm and change or if you haven't done laundry and your out of comfy clothes
Plus you steal his boxers to basically substitute them as spandex shorts
I feel like he wouldnt know that he would like seeing you in his clothes until he did and he would get really happy.
And he finds it incredibly sexy when you wear his boxers, like damn you finna get WRECK-
You have once again stolen one of Shojis pair of boxers to wear as spandex, cause their just so comfy! Your boyfriend was currently downstairs in the kitchen getting you guys snacks for your movie night in his dorm.
You had gotten one his boxers and hid your panties in your pants and folded them nicely over on the nightstand. He came in with his hands full of popcorn, candy, and drinks. Not the healthiest but for sure yummy!
"Here let me help bubs!" You say getting out from under the blanket and standing to help grab stuff from his hands. He stared down at your lower stomach, hips, and thighs seeing them covered in the print of one his boxers. He was used to you stealing his pants and boxers but their was something different this time. Something in him snapped. "You okay Shoji?" You asked placing your hands on his chest after already setting the drinks and candy down. Popcorn still in one hand he took the other and stroked your cheek.
"I'm okay love. I see you stole my boxers again." One of his arms finding its place to settle on your hip.
"Oh yeah I did. I didn't feel like running back all the way to my dorm just to change." You spoke "Is that okay?" You asked, a silent plead in your eyes for it to be okay with him.
"Yeah it's okay." He said bending down and nuzzling his cheek against yours. You hummed in contentment before speaking.
"I'll get the movie ready!" You said running over to his laptop on his desk across the room. Shoji saw your pants folded neatly on his night stand where he was gonna set the popcorn and drinks so they were easier to reach. He set down the popcorn on the bed and picked up your pants accidentally unfolding them and causing your panties to fall on the floor at his feet. A flush crossed Shojis face, a scorching heat firing through his body. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.
You couldn't figure out what movie you wanted to watch. You just scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through Netflix's recommended page finding absolutely nothing. Next thing you knew you felt Shojis hands wrap around you waist and his face right next to your ear.
"Shoji what are you-"
"No panties huh?" He interrupted.
That's all you needed to hear to know you were gonna have a long night filled with hours of unwatched watched movies and a bunch of screens saying "Are you still watching?"
Hanta Sero
He would praise the ever loving dog snot out of your bro
Dude he would praise you left and right, up and down, side to side which is basically the same thing as left to right but we wont talk about it
He absolutely loves it
He never knew he needed this until now and he is never going back
He loves how you look in his clothes so he would for sure start getting slightly oversized stuff so it will fit you more comfortably so you dont have an excuse not to wear his clothes
Even though he would be perfectly content if you only wore them in his dorm, he just wants you in his clothes now 24/7
He would also steal your clothes<3 and he would always say he likes how they smell like you AHHHHHHH
"Come on, do a little twirl for me!" Sero teased as he spun his finger around in a circle.
"Sero!" You said, you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. He loved when you got all hit and bothered by his praise so he always teases you.
"You just look so damn good~" he said as he snaked his arms around your waist. He leaned in making you eager and lean in as well. Just as your about to kiss he pulls away.
"Sero stop teasing!" You whisper shout, a bit of whine in your voice.
That's when he leaned down fully and gave you a kiss on your lips. You depended the kiss and started a full on make out session. His hands trailed down to your ass grabbing it firmly cause a gasp from you. He took that as a chance to slip his tongue in. After a couple minutes you both pulled away for air, slightly panting and a string of salvia connecting your lips.
"You look really cute in my clothes but I think they'd look cutest on the floor-"
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thestarsanctuary · 3 years
hi! I was hoping you could do a Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima (separate) with an s/o that has Tourettes, preferably they/them pronouns please. I hope you're having a good day <3
Of course! I was gonna take a break in the middle of my (unspoken) break aka me being lazy, but this request was so nice I- I had to 😔✋🏾 it was definitely the heart. It got me.
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Bakugo wasn’t really sure when he first met you about why your head was twitching or why you were repeating the sentences Aizawa had said sometimes, as he didn’t know you had tourettes. He never even spoke to you like the others did so you never had the chance to tell him until Kirishima did.
When you two started dating he started seeing patterns of when you would get to stressed and start jerking or spouting out random things you heard from youtube videos, he did his best to make sure you knew he was there for reassurance, whether it was a hand on your hand or just pure presence.
There were times when you would have ticcing fits and he would have to sit and rub your back and watch you, and in those times you realized he really was there for you.
He likes to do this thing where he rants on about things he doesn’t like to try and distract you- I’m not sure how he has so much he doesn’t like but every time it’s a new odd topic....sometimes it can literally be something like how he hates trees because when it’s fall he has to rake up the leaves and you have to say
“Bakugo they literally help you not die.” It really is a mystery sometimes how he’s so smart.
Sometimes you can be a bit upset with your tics. It’s not that you’re insecure or that you’re ashamed, but they’re difficult to deal with. The control that you could have isn’t there and that’s stressful in and of itself, and in those moments Bakugo realizes the best thing he can do for you - is make you understand that you are just like the rest of the class and the rest of the people in the world.
“Listen it doesn’t matter if you’re different because to me you’re still cool, you’re still funny, you’re still incredibly sarcastic and while I don’t enjoy that for the most part- you’re my extra regardless of whatever you feel. Get that bull out of your head.”
I mean, he wouldn’t date anybody less than the best.
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Midoriya is the predictable character in the relationship. He researched about Tourettes and what he could do in times when you needed him, I mean he’s not perfect but he’d rather know something rather than nothing.
You tended to be the one who was more of a risk taker, and sometimes your tourettes got in the way of that- which could frustrate you to no end then causing harsher tics like hitting or yelling, and those were the times Midoriya tried to get anything too dangerous either out of your hands- or just out of the way so you didn’t get hurt, he was smart with it.
Other times he could be too much for you, almost treating you like a kid so you had to remind him that you know and understand precautions, but that you also want to live like everybody else and that is nothing short of your business.
You’re favorite activity with him was when he would help you study because he made it so fun for you. It could be hard to pay attention in class sometimes and do your work after school so Izuku would come over and assist you. He would make sure you guys took breaks and that you understood the topic at your own pace.
“Izuku can you like- give an example?”
“Well it’s just kind of- wait what is an example-“
In many situations Midoriya LOVED holding your hand, like he did it at any time, any place. It was something he thought wasn’t too much in public and it was reassuring for you both. When you’re tics got too much you could squeeze his hand, and other times when he wouls get anxious or something would happen he would squeeze yours. It was cute and handy!
There were instances when Midoriya definitely had his mistakes with your tics and how to deal with them but he was willing to take his time and learn because who would he be without his perfect person stayin’ by his side?
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Kirishima is probably the most sympathetic with your tics because he stay prepared for them. It’s never been like “Kirishima can you” but it’s always been more like ‘Kiri how do you always know’ and there’s never been an answer that he gave other than ‘I gotta stay ready for my lovely lover~’
Kirishima likes to do this thing where he goes “neck” after you have a rough day with your tics and with massage your neck for you or your back, depending on how your tics were. He likes takin’ care of you, and it’s not like he doesn’t know you can’t take care of yourself because hey, you didn’t get into 1-A by being a pushover.
Sometimes you’ve had times when people in school just aren’t all that accepting and Kirishima will clap back unprovoked.
“Sometimes I think about how sad you have to be to make fun of them and dang man, you got a therapist?”
Other times you’ll basically respond for him, like I said, you can DEFINITELY take care of yourself.
Whenever you’re in the car or on the bus on a trip in the case that you’ve gotten real excited (which is natural being around your boyfriends and your friends at the same time) he’ll play this playlist he made of your favorite songs and sing to distract you. Does he sing well? That wasn’t the question- but he does sing, only for you though because the other students keep dissing him.
He has a reflex of rubbing your back during free period or at lunch. I don’t think this is relevant but it’s something super adorable, and sometimes he just gives you his hand to look at and play with when you have anxiety as well to keep you calm.
Also irrelevant but other times he’ll facetime you before you guys go somewhere and ask what to wear because he wants to match with you, and it’s so cute because you could lie so hard and he’d believe everything you say.
You two are kinda a power couple like- you both can hold your own but also are such nice people, good job makin’ the rest of 1-A feel lonely guys.
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Todoroki is a simple guy. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things for the most part because “why would I act like your guardian, if I’m literally your boyfriend” and that’s that.
He tends to try and keep you calm, as it’s something pretty simple for him, he knows a bunch of tactics for distractions or when those are obsolete, he’ll just sit there with you, and maybe rub your back or get a water bottle for when it’s done, he just never wants to do too much because he knows your capabilities, and he knows your limits.
He is also a large hand holder. Mostly because he doesn’t like the idea of PDA for the most part, and he doesn’t like leaving your side either, because you’re very comforting to him. It’s a given we all know he needs love and comfort please.
There have been times when people look at your because of your tics in public and Todoroki has had to give a little glare back because of the disrespect being blatantly put out. In rarer times you will both glare at the same time, those are the coolest moments of you as a couple.
Shoto doesn’t really care much for your tics only because he’d rather just make sure you’re ok then watch Avengers rather than treat you like a child if anything, and that’s because you told him first that you wanted a boyfriend not a babysitter (speakin’ facts) and at first he didn’t understand and he thought you didn’t want his help but soon understood otherwise.
Some cute things I like to think of are that he likes to put on your favorite songs when you’re anxious and try to dance for you. It’s not good- let’s start with that, because he’s kinda...stiff, but the attempt is absolutely adorable (and oh so funny).
Other things are he likes to call you cheesy nicknames when you’re cuddling because he likes your reactions everytime, because according to him, yeah he said it himself, you are very adorable when annoyed. Don’t @ me!
Overall he just loves spending time with you whenever he can, you’re truly a safe-haven for him.
Alright tourettes is a real thing y’all, so I didnt make this rainbows n cupcakes bc im sure that’s not always how it is.
If anything in this is offensive or too much for somebody I can take it down and re-do it! I’m not too sure how it is bc it feels kinda repetitive but we’ll see I guess, and thanks to the person who requested my day was fine thanks 😩✋🏾.
I also included some things I like to do (play with hands and listen to music) because i have anxiety and I known that can worsen tics and can also come with tics (a lot of ppl with tics have adhd, anxiety, or some sort of disorder along with it)
- SS <333333
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Bakgou has a crush
Bakugou x male reader
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Now, you knew better than anybody that Bakugou had a temper. What you couldn't figure out was why said temper seemed to be directed to you?!
"LISTEN YOU DAMN EXTRA, YOU'RE GOING TO COME TO THE STUDY SESSION CAUSE I'M SURE YOU'RE FAILING JUST LIKE THE REST OF EM!" You do your best to resist the urge to wipe imaginary saliva from your face.
"Bakugou I'm doing just fine in my classes." You say slowly in an attempt to avoid more screaming. Bakugou crosses his arms as his frown deepens. "Tch, well you still need to come and help me with the other dumbasses." You sighed realizing there was no way out of this situation.
"If I come will that make you happy?" Bakugou visibly bristled, "Ha?! Happy, I dont give a damn if you come!?" With that he stomped off, leaving you to deal with your whiplash. A hand comes down on your shoulder, "Don't listen to him man, he wants you to come. "You sighed as you turn back to look at the retreating pomeranian.
"Well why didn't he just say that?"
"I swear he acts like he's got a crush on me." Sero laughs as you two walk toward Bakugou's dorm. "You never know he might." Sero wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you punch his shoulder. "Yeah and I'm general Kanobe."
When you arrived, it was the usual group of kids surrounding Bakugou. Denki was getting yelled at by said man and Kirishima was fixing one of Mina's mistakes English. "Hey guys!" You say sitting down next to Bakugou. Bakgou didn't say anything but you couldn't help but feel as if he was trying to lean away from you.
As you participate in the mostly silent study session, you watched Bakugou skillfully teach the others basic history in a way that even made you understand more. "Hey Bakugou you should become a teacher."
Bakgou laughs, "Like hell I will, I can hardly handle these dumbasses." Denki whines, "Oh come on Bakugou, we aren't that bad." A book comes your way in an attempt at hitting Denki. Before it could hit you however, a small explosion goes off in front of you, "Hey watch it raccoon eyes!"
You fan the slight dust in front of your face and resist the urge to cough as you laughed. Bakugou looks at you with wide eyes and a faint blush, but turns away before you could see it. The others looked at him with a knowing smirk.
"Hey Mina, remember that thing you promised we would do?" Kirishima said, sneaking glances at you as you wipe your face. Kaminari looked at the two with a raised eyebrow, "What thing?" Mina tried to respond discreetly, "Ya know the thing." Kaminari looked at the two with a blank gaze.
Sero releases tape from his elbows and uses it to quickly silence Kaminari. "He's a lost cause we might as well stop now." Bakugou looks at the others just as clueless as you, as they drag a silenced Denki out the room.
"Did they make something up to leave us alone?" Bakugou asked, already lifting his hand to cause destruction. You quickly grab his fist in your hand, "What no! I know the thing they're talking about, it's a serious…..thing"
The sound of your voice was completely tuned out as Bakugou's eyes narrowed down on your hands. They were larger than his, and were able to completely cover his hands yet still managed to be soft. As you rambled about something he couldn't be bothered to care about, Bakugou instinctively intertwined your fingers together.
Now that got your attention as you watch the boy have a completely elated facial expression, one that honestly was disturbing out of context. You muttered to yourself as you squeezed his hands back, "Do you really have a crush on me?" Bakugou's sensitive ears caught onto that real quick and he released you almost immediately.
"W-What the hell are you talking about?! Why would I like you.." you rolled your eyes already ready from some pushback. His defensive demeanor soon dripped away as you gently held his chin. "Don't lie to me Bakugou." The sound of your deep voice made him shiver as you slowly cage him in-between you and the floor. "W-What are you doing dumbass!?" He said eyes getting more wide the closer you got.
When he had nowhere else to go, you leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose and pulled back. "Well I like you too Bakugou." You stand up and twirl around the room. "And I promise to be the best boyfriend ever and embarrass you from here on out!" Bakugou snapped out his stupor, "What do you mean I already have three other extras that do that!"
Your smirk as you stop your spinning and look at Bakugou with one finger pointing to him. "So you agree to be my boyfriend?" A blush resumes on the blond's face, "So you really like me?" He said gruffly as he looked to the side. You chuckled softly, "Hey that's my line."
Bakugou suddenly feels shy, "B-But we're both dudes." He brings a hand to come and scratch the back of his head and you tut quietly. "So what, your cute, I'm cute, together we make cuties and if anyone doesn't like it they can…" your place a finger and pretend to think, "What's that phrase you're always saying?" Bakgou looks at you with a raised eyebrow as you snap your fingers.
"Oh yeah, they can go to hell!" Bakgou looks taken aback at such a broad statement coming from such a sweet face. You take this opportunity to press another quick kiss on his face much to his embarrassment.
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bakug0z · 4 years
class 1A’s tiktok fyp
request: “idk if ur familiar with tiktok but headcanons for class 1A and their fyps?”
i am on multiple sides of tiktok so HELL YEA IM GONNA DO THIS REQUEST! i did “widen” the request a little bit i hope you don’t mind!
characters: momo, ochako, toru, tsuyu, jirou, mina, bakugou, kirishima, kaminari, deku. and a special surprise at the end
warnings: language, bakugou, and mineta lol
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i’ve never been on japan tiktok so this will be based on stuff from the tiktok i know
please don’t attack me for this but...momo, ochako, and toru would be on straight tiktok
i think they would really love doing the tiktok dances and would mostly use charli damelio as a reference to learn most of the dances
when they record themselves in the cafeteria doing one of the dances they would get a lot of stares
did they give a fuck? hell no
momo would be the one posting the tiktok
mineta got smacked by mina who was hyping the girls up
the rest of the boys were hyping the girls up too
the girls just rolled their eyes at bakugou cus he’s just bakugou
since class 1A was already pretty famous, they got like around 500k likes and 20k comments.
the girls read through the comments
“now i finally seen not only two but three pretty best friends”
deku in the back:  🥝👄🥝
they were most definitely not gonna delete tiktok anytime soon
alt tiktok.
they speak ALT
they like posting tiktoks of them on the subway, the little space between the subway boxes, or just riding in the back of the subway
most of their tiktoks are pretty much rebellious
they like showing their “alt” outfits a lot
on jirou’s account, she would like to show off what instruments she has
is musical tiktok a thing? she would be on there
they would make tiktoks in the school bathrooms
aizawa would keep a close eye on them
their tiktoks got super popular ofc
some news outlets were concerned about their actions because it’s UA
they read the tiktok comments
“spare hand in marriage 🤲🏽?”
“their outfits are so good wtf”
“bark baaaark baaark 😏”
all of them are on different sides of tiktok
kaminari would be on the weirdest side of tiktok
you guys know those heavily filtered random tiktoks? yeah he would be on that side
kirishima would DEFINITELY be on workout tiktok or something like that
maybe his fyp would have a mix of alt, straight, and workout tiktok but just mostly workouts
bakugou’s not really a tiktok type of person but eventually his friends forced him to get tiktok.
and he landed on...
UA tiktok.
he wouldn’t post anything
he would scroll through the ua hashtag and see a bunch of memes of his school
eventually he saw a tiktok meme of himself
it  went like
not one soul:
bakugou when he was first place during the sports festival:
and it was someone in a bunch of restraints mimicking angry bakugou in like 2x speed
him literally yelling out his hate comment while he’s typing it
kaminari looks at his phone
“that’s not how you spell accurate...you spell it a c c u r r -”
even kaminari spelled it wrong
suddenly his phone was buzzing repeatedly
“look, people replied to your comment!”
bakugou taps replies
“when he spells accurate correctly 😍”
“damn hows the education at ua LMFAOO”
someone replied to that comment
“what he gonna do? reply? 😭”
bakugou was about to burn his phone until kirishima quickly snatched it away from him
“i think that’s enough tiktok for today...”
aww honestly he’s so soft
if mha was real he would be on all might tiktok
just a bunch of fun facts or people showing off their merch
ok i just thought of something funny
he would see a false fact about all might that was clearly a joke
did you know that all might’s daughter is reese witherspoon?
he would be like WHA!? NO!
he would immediately go to the comments
all the comments were sarcastic but deku didnt realize it
he starts rapidly typing
“what? this isn’t true.”
here comes the replies
“who gonna tell him”
“ur so pure zuku”
“i cant tell if this is a sarcastic comment or ur bein fr lmao”
deku realizes and basically goes beet red from embarrassment
he responds back to his replies immediately
“hehe sorry guys :p”
don’t argue with me, deku would definitely put that at the end
even more replies
“fuck i could never hate deku”
“is he actually this pure or is this just for the public-”
“did he just use :p at the end BYE”
he smiled at his replies and continued replying to as many fans as he could
this is gonna be super short
sometimes he would see prison tiktoks on his fyp
he’s inspired
he would use this audio
he would show each member in each clip
toga would probably stick her tongue out for her pose
twice would definitely just point and mouth the lyrics but you can only see his mouth moving around his mask
spinner would probably just roll his eyes and before the clip cuts off you just see dabi rolling his eyes
as soon as dabi aims the camera at shigaraki, he’s confused at first until he realizes he’s being recorded and lurches himself to grab dabi’s phone and you just see blur everywhere due to dabi trying to keep shiggy away from his phone
then you see dabi holding his phone above him while he’s running and shiggy running far behind him
i would think the video would hit at least 1M likes because they’re fucking criminals
comments IMMEDIATELY started rolling in
“this aint who i think this-”
“average life with the league”
“who let criminals run tiktok 💀” 
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ging-ler · 3 years
so this is completely out of no where but as a physics student like denki’s quirk is just so cool and there’s so much that can be done with it but it just isn’t,
absorbing and taking electricity from this
manipulating electrical signals in the body and brain
electromagnetism and conduction (so basically moving metals and magnetic charges through induced currents)
he could create shields and things from repulsion of atoms
he could basically induce charges in atoms creating decay and nuclear decay
just electricity is so badass and powerful and no one is talking about it using physics lmao
gdi Tumblr didnt notify me about this message im so sorry im just now getting to it... but like exactly! the thing with mha is that the more you think about people's quirk the more you realize all the wild shit that they could be capable of. Kaminari could literally be unstoppable
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hi could i have a MHA/BNHA matchup please! i'm a short, extroverted, scorpio girl with no real gender preference. i like all sorts of things from sports to reading to drama but i'm not super talented at anything. i do pretty well in school and love to be the center of attention. on that note: one of my more negative traits is that i can sometimes be very manipulative and almost mean spirited in the pursuit of attention but i really try not to be (and when i do i feel bad about it) (1/2)
“I tend to be a very extravagant person and have very little shame (ill do almost anything to prove a point) i like to be right, but don't need to be. i have a ridiculous amount of confidence for the fact that i'm not actually that great. i live life in the pursuit of happiness and want to be adored but am more than willing to be loving, caring and nurturing. (2/2) tysm ( ^ω^ )”
Thank you so much for requesting! Sorry in advance if sentences sound weird, tired brain is tired
I match you up with Inasa Yoarashi!
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Okay, really, what part of you isn’t compatible with Inasa?
You both like all sorts of things and so your interests would basically be similar, giving you loads and loads of things to talk about
You both do well at school, but while he’s a natural center of attention, you strive to be a center of attention as well
He has his negative traits as well, for example become the kind of person he hates without realizing it through hatred for certain people
So you both could overcome your guilt over that together and present healthier options besides becoming mean or hurtful to yourself or others
Inasa has little shame as well, so you two would just feed off of eachother and the result would be amazing
Sometimes Inasa would fake not knowing things or say the wrong answer because he knew you liked to be right
Sometimes he didnt even do it on purpose
If you said you weren’t great or talented, or would put yourself down, Inasa would put a stop to it immediately
To him, you were amazing and perfect and nobody (not even yourself) could tell you or him otherwise
You two would strive to happiness together, lofting eachother up
Inasa was loving and caring just like you were, even though he showed it in rather loud and in your face ways
He would shout that he loved you so everyone in the room could hear
When he didn’t get to see you for a long period of time, he would bang his head against the wall because he didn’t know what to do with himself
You’d have to scold him when you saw him again for doing that, but he’d explain it was because of his love for you
He’d be let a little off the hook, but not completely
Hugs for days™️
Inasa would be so cuddly and huggy whenever he was with you and had to be holding onto your hands whenever the two of you were walking
He was so attached to you physically and emotionally because he didn’t want to lose you
Once you had came into his life, you were something Inasa wasn’t willing to give up or let go
He would fight to be by your side
No, I’m serious, he might punch someone if they tried to take you away while you two were dating stop him. Don’t blame him thought it was just probably an ‘in the moment’ thing
If it made you feel better he’d apologize
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