#didnt know wether i wanted to post this
intersquared · 27 days
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the computery guy
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Hi! Just wanna say real quick before i get to the point that i really love ur blog! Its been REALLY COOL to be able to scroll through and learn so much! Especially because you post a fair amount about western hognoses and garter snakes, wich are both some of my absolute favorites!
Uh, to the actial point of this ask though, i have a desision i need to make, and i know you cant/shouldnt make it for me, but i would really apreciate some advice if you can offer any.
See, my mum, brother, and I just bred our garter snakes for the first time, and while most of the babies were healthy, one of them has quite a few kinks in her spine. At first we only saw a couple, but as she got bigger we noticed more - at this point i think its about eleven kinks.
Even still though, she eats great, she does struggle to move around a bit but ive never seen her get somewhere she couldnt get out of, she's one of the bigger members of her clutter, she moves perhaps slightly less than the others and doesnt climb often if ever, but she does move around the tank throughout the day and at least occasionally climbs into the shallow water dish. Also, we know for a fact that she is passing food, as we put her in a seperate enclosure for about a week, and she definetly didnt seem to have any trouble with bowel movements.
Tbh i guess im not really asking for help to make a choice - honestly i probably made it a couple months ago - so much as your - an outsider's - opinion as to wether it was a good one, and wether or not we should stick to it.
Also uuhhhh hes a picture of her (my lil brother named her Ruby)
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Thank you!
She's very cute, and from this picture, her body condition looks very good.
When it comes to snakes with spinal kinks, especially in cases like this where it looks like she's got a lot of relatively mild ones, the biggest thing is making consistent and honest quality of life checks. I've met snakes who look just like her who've lived long and happy lives; I've met snakes like her who started having a lot of pain a couple years in. As long as she's eating, passing waste, and can get around without pain, her quality of life is good.
If I were you, I'd just keep a close eye on her and keep a journal of her QoL. Be on the lookout for any signs of pain, like not wanting to move or holding herself funny. Sometimes kinks get better or worse with age - with snakes like her, I always say to just live in the now and be happy with the time you get together right now.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
This one could get a bit chaotic but papercut going on a road trip? (And maybe some Pony trying to convince Darry to let him go??) Your headcanons keep me alive, i live and breathe papercut, so please keep up the good work or else I will die 💖
papercut road trip?? aw yeaaa baybeeee comin right up 🤵🏽‍♀️🍜
•it was def a spontaneous idea from curly, he was thinking one night and just wanted to drive somewhere, nowhere in particular just go around, he told tim and tim wasnt gonna fight him on it, if thats what curly wants thats his life, all he can hope is that he comes back in one piece (monkey d. luffy refrence⁉️)
•ik when he brought up the idea to pony it took a bit of convincing, not THAT much, but he still had to do it cause like, just a RANDOM road trip?????? pony joked that curly was trynna kill him, but curly did say they’d prolly pass the country side and he could take some pics as a remembrance so pony was down
•not gonna lie, ion know HOW, ponys ass is gonna convince darry to go, pony might be 18/19 but he is PUSHING his freedom here, ill tell u what tho it took a team effort from tim and buck (somehow), and darry probably slapped an airtag on pony or somethin so he knew where he was
•they were not taking curlys car, ill tell u that much, if u drove that thing for more than an hour i promise u theyre so dead before they even get to the 10th block out of ponys neighborhood, REGARDLESS OF HOW, pony kissed darry n soda goodbye (YES thats important to know)
•SKIPPING BORING DETAILS SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GET THE ON THE ROADTRIP, but they r STACKED w literally just snacks, no actual food, just chips, candy, juice and some water, lord help these two, they gonna crash on the highway🤦🏽‍♀️
•wether its a camcorder or just a regular ole camera, ponys documenting this, he also has a journal to write down his thoughts and draw, hes a man of many talents
•for every stop, when he can, he calls darry to let him know hes alive, even sends over post cards from the different places he’s at, stocks up on small lil knickknacks too!!curly also called to check in w tim and angela and pony made him send over letters too (curly HATESSSS writing letters)
•would it REALLY b papercut if i didnt say that one of em got them lost??? curly def cant read a map for shit and fucked up while pony was driving, that argument had ppl in other cars looking over
•they would take turns on who was driving but honestly just never let curly behind the wheel, be nearly missed an exit and pretty much drifted in the highway, curly would do WONDERS in a racing game, he did a “emergency” stop and almost catapulted pony out his seat when he was sleeping, hes such a lil asshole
•sometimes tho, they would just pull over completley and get in the back seat just to sleep, they had a blanket and like one pillow but its ok the one of em would just lay on the other, they had some pretty nice talks in there and pony wrote about it in his journal
•when they get to the country side, i could see pony having one of those nature books and finding what he could just to cross em off, hes a nerd like that, curly was way too fascinated by the insects to rlly make fun of him for too long
•took some good nature pics too, some silly ones as well, curly took some too!!
•one of em touched poison ivy, whoops
•how have i gone this long without mentioning that curly would def b the one blasting music, hes not the passenger princess, hes the passenger pain in the ass (pony doesnt wanna admit but video evidence proves other wise, he was singing too)
•pony is a pretty good driver i aint gonna lie, but maybe a lil too good, his eyes will NOT be leaving that road, curlys just gotta feed pony himself from the passenger
•they didnt pack enough clothes, they were def clothes shopping as they went, whoever car they took is a MESS by now
•at some point pony got sunburnt and curly was laughing at him bc it wasnt even all over his body, the sunburn just covered parts that his clothes didnt cover, had to make a stop at a gas station for sunscreen and aloe vera (if we r assuming curly packed enough money)
•they dont rlly go home for a while, they got too homesick
i need to stop here before i get anymore ideas,,,
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bonew3s · 1 year
a short ink sans character essay—
a short ink sans character essay (? can i even call it that i barely scratched the surface)
( Ink is made by @comyet, here is the faq i will be referencing often; https://comyet.tumblr.com/post/132998265968/i-n-k-t-a-l-e — and here is this whole thing crossposted on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49854430 )
His soulessness—
hes soulless yes and he uses his vials to feel, comyet had mentioned he pretended to have a soul— not to have feelings. He feels things even if he needs his vials to do so they're still his emotions. Ink vomits when he feels too much, that doesnt sound very emotionless does it? Ink technically isn't emotionless. He cant understand emotions, yes, but he feels them. He cant go off his vials without kind of, dying/ going comatose. Comyet said he became a lifeless husk without them— not emotionless.
Ink is a bit of a jerk, that will obviously happen if someone doesnt have a good grasp on feelings or social ques— yes im bringing up social ques now.
Social ques, are usually hand in hand with emotions, they're connected. Okay, expanding on this— lets say, someone is sad the thing someone would do is comfort them, judge the situation yes? but its so much more complicated than that, you have to read ques wether they want to talk about it, you cant ask " do you want to talk about it?" because they might not want you to point it out— or maybe they want you to point it out and end up getting mad when you dont, youre trapped all because you cant read what that person wants with their body langauge becaus people are so unpredictable.
I got a little carried away there but you get the point yeah?
I mean, ink's gonna be a jerk, purposefully or not either way cause he doesnt have a good grasp on emotions thats how his character is, him being soulless or insensitive doesnt make him an evil character, hes complex thats how people in real life are.
I just hate when people automatically think soulless= evil, cause thats not true, maybe in canon undertale it is— but undertale aus arent canon thats why that doesnt apply, also ink is different from flowey because of his vials, flowey is alive because of determination that landed on his dust and the flowers near it, there wasnt any dt in inks case (that we know of) — and flowey pretends to have feelings, ink doesnt.
In inks faq, comyet mentions ink being emotional more than once, when mentioning his rainbow freckles he has when hes positivly emotional, and vomiting ink when hes emotionly shaken.
point being—Ink isnt emotionless he feels too much, hes not evil hes not exactly well behaved but he isnt downright evil. Everyone is morally grey, real life and fiction thats what makes it realistic and intresting, everyone has different perspectivs, opinons etc and that makes people morally grey.
"He is an insecure, self-centered character with abandonment issues who has a hard time trusting his emotions." again the word emotions pop up, and not just emotions his emotions. Those are inks flaws, and that gives perspective on his worldview, it makes sense, that he views other aus as just characters, he sees so many of them its better to disconnect himself right? The thing with abandonment issues is that it causes a feeling that everyone will leave you so its better you leave them— or disconnect youself from them, before they leave you.
Okay, lets talk about his past now, he was stuck in an abandoned au, he hated it so much and it was so blank that he didnt see any other way out than killing himself. He ripped his soul apart. He felt such great despair and hopelessness that he took his very being in tore into it, dusting instantly— and smiled as he dusted. It was worded as he "broke free", in a sense he did, but Ink didnt know he would be granted another chance, i dont think thats what it meant by broke free, because right after that it says he was given another chance. Ink didn't know what would happen after he died, in his mind death was better than being alone, being forgotten. I have a feeling that Ink not remembering his past, isnt just his regular spotty memory, i have a feeling it was a repressed memory— because some of it still carries over to him, like his fear of blank spaces, and being forgotten. Its somewhat similar to anniversary reactions, where someone doesnt even have to remember it, their subconcoius and body remember enough for feelings to peak through. Its not exactly aniversary reactions for Ink because there was no time in his au— point is his feeling still carry over even if he doesnt remember his actions. Ink is traumatized. Its so clear in his personality, quirks — everything. I hate when people completly brush over his past even if he doesnt remember it because in real life people block out traumatic events too!!! it still happend!!
his abandonment issues, insecurities, fears and overall flaws reflect that.
Ink isnt evil, comyet literally said he was a chaotic neutral.
basically im sick of people overlooking Ink— esp when people overlook is faq and past.
(i might add more to this later/someday idk cuz it is a little on the short side [alot on the short side] and i only coverd a quarter of what i wanted.)
update (9/13/23); okay, when i wrote this my thoughts were kinda everywhere despite how much i tried to organize this, its messy and i did not cover alot.
here i am coming to drop more info onto this, ok.
basically on ao3, someone had mentioned that the better wording for inks memory regarding the negatives of his past can be described better with dissociative amnesia, which supports my claim about ink being traumatized. (I assume that it would be nearly impossible for an emotionless person to have trauma, once again proving he does have emotions) But of course, if someone wants to write/portray ink as an evil character i am not the boss of you, i just hate when people think ink being an emotionless evil guy is canon when its not, he is traumatized. Trauma and abandonment issues can make people seem rude, act rude and we see that in inks character, and personally i think thats what makes him awesome. Ink is relatable and realistic, trauma does not carve a perfect angel of a person, trauma is ugly and rough, though i am not saying that every person with trauma is going to be rude of course, but no one is perfect.
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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sakuraghosttown · 2 months
omg i just found your blog while searching up info regarding digital witch mayura and i didnt realize other people also were into her character and design!
im designing my myspace page (aka on spacehey) around her and every single time i keep finding weird ass images of her T.T
im really glad your blog has none of that cause it freaks me out honestly
Hi (sorry for the very late response) thank you !
[The reply I wrote is pretty long and turned into a bit of a rant- I guess it's something I wanted to say and this ask is the perfect occasion for it]
i have just set a a plug-in (created by the wonderful @/glenthemes) that will filter and hide any content that is suggestive or is linked with 18+ sources on this blog. no matter what I post, I want to make sure everyone is safe and doesn't have to see content that could make them uncomfortable.
given the context, nsfw content of ukagaka is inevitable, and when it's not the content itself it's the source. it's not that easy to find a good middle ground between posting content of the time and wanting to keep the blog clean.
still, I want to note that: i will never post explicit content. suggestive, maybe, and content made by artist who draw nsfw, yes, it's inevitable but NEVER full on NSFW. And never anything suggestive featuring characters that are canonically minors, or drawings that were visibly, explicitly created with the intent of being seen as such.
I don't mind NSFW images of Ukagaka all that much (expect NSFW loli) what I cannot stand is irresponsibly posting it to public spaces for everyone including children to see, lying, deceiving and putting and putting sense of morals aside (for instance, buying netrunmon's weird ass magazines full of lolicon and litteraly illegal content -possibly related to real life CP- just cause there's biscuit-tan on the cover so you can fill your MFC page and post images on Tumblr and say "look I own some shit with the character you guys like on it" )
I know, I know, these characters are popular enough to where people want to see more of them and not popular enough to where there's a lot of content easily accessible, so you wanna be that guy who owns something that's kinda rare, it makes you feel good I know, but is your photo going slightly viral in communities already overflowing with content worth it ?
Conversation with a friend made me reconsider my views, I no longer feel its necessary to censor anything that could lead to potential NSFW as much as I used to, not only is it like i said pretty much impossible (wether we like it or not, Ukagaka is tightly related to echii and lolicon culture, most popular ghosts were created by people known in the doujin world- usually for their nsfw work and the program itself was created with options such as lifting the ghost's skirts up) it's also important to note that it is something that exists i don't want to censor the past and I'd rather be honest and mention NSFW when I post it, with warnings for those who don't want to see it than pretend it doesn't exist or try to deceive people into thinking is SFW.
Even if some things these Japanese artists draw are pretty questionable, they (most of them) at least make sure to put their 18+ works in different galleries with and appropriate warnings. As it should be. And we should do the same. (Honestly it's kinda funny how some people take artworks that are carefully stored away in 18+ galleries just to repost them in public, all ages blogs, as is)
Im gonna take an example of a person, if you know who, you know, but i won't mention any names (I don't want to bicker with them anymore I just think it's a good example of what I'm trying to say) someone who posted a cropped image of a hentai of Mayura, to make it pass off as SFW (because this person claimed to be against NSFW of her) by doing so, not only are they lying to their followers which kind of sucks but anyone who were to try and reverse search the image to find out what the source is would be met with NSFW. In that case it would be better to be honest about the NSFW nature of that image as to avoid that scenario. Either you want to keep anything NSFW away from your blog in which case, don't try and sneak in images of hentais in it OR post images coming from hentais but be honest about it.
Me ? That's what I'll do, if I post anything that is from an NSFW source, then I'll mention it, and I don't think I want to censor names anymore, because- if the viewer is fully warned that by looking into the source they will be met with 18+ then the responsibility, if they proceed, falls on them. I really am doing all I can to make sure that people know what they are looking at and what they would be getting into and I trust you guy's judgment to know wether you want to proceed with soemthing or not.
TL;DR, if I post a link to a website that has 18+ content or a drawing that is suggestive, not only will it be hidden behind a filter so nobody who doesn't explicitly click on the image has to see, so anyone is free to ignore 👍
I decided against censoring sources and names and instead give appropriate warnings (instead of "I won't name the artist cause they draw porn" -> "the artist is [artistname] just so you know, they draw porn")
Also maybe you're thinking "it's not that deep" but for one, protecting young minds against potentially shocking media is very important, I know the internet corrupted all of us, but I swear, you guys, we actually should try to keep porn away from kids (Crazy I know !) + as someone who certain trauma and who is very sensitive to nsfw, even drawn, I know it can be a hassle and some people would rather stay a miles away from it and this needs to be respected, I'm not gonna go "well the world shouldn't adapt to your problem" or "welcome to the internet" when i have the same problem (and when the problem is people not wanting to see things that shouldn't ever be out so freely in the first place)
Let's just be responsible people who don't post weird porn into public spaces because honestly it just doesn't need to be 👍
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desswright29 · 1 month
I dont think Tish is even gonna say anything. She been in her own little world sometimes and really act like she don’t know that people wanna hear from her. So if anything her publicist might make her post something, but it’s gonna be a generic response. Granted, we don’t know who made this decision. It could have been Letitia. Maybe she is double booked with projects and can’t commit to this anymore. But if she was actually dropped I don’t think she’ll say much. She dgaf what we think anyways.
I’m gonna use this ask to say something just because I want to put some things into perspective. 
Wether she cares or not is above me, but I need us to be realistic and look at things objectively. I’m just gonna jump right into it and say what I mean. We as in Letitia’s lesbian fanbase did not make her career. We made her a trend. As in we gave her generic fame that was always going to be unsustainable. The only way she could’ve rode that wave is if she became almost an influencer and she was NEVER gonna do that. 
If you take away the edits and all the lesbians and straight women alike who walked out of that theatre and thought she was fine and look at the actual reviews you’ll notice that she wasn’t recieving rave reviews. The type of fame she recieved from Wakanda Forever was finicky because it was based off her looks and that gets old quickly. Lots of people are attractive. So after she came down from the high and got back to work, I’m sure she realized, damn I’m not as liked as I thought and the vaccine thing was still very prevelant. There was a hard crash in her fame even before she stopped being as active.
So now. The fans that stopped being fans because of the vaccine still aren’t fans. The fans that stopped caring she was fine are gone. And now She has a new group of fans that think she’s attractive and they’re lesbians. Here’s where it gets sticky. She’s now in a position where people want to know about her sexuality. We don’t know if she ever intended to make that statement. And she has that right, because you know what…her career has nothing to do with her sexuality. She didnt come out and ask for a devout lesbian fanbase so how we feel entitled to her catering to that, I don’t understand. 
We’ve proclaimed self hatred, her not knowing herself, and not caring, when in all honesty just living your life as a lesbian with out all the bells and whistles is the most authentic version of lesbianism if you ask me. Maybe that’s just apart of her she wants to keep for herself. I just want people to accept that that’s ok. 
I question certain decisions about her personal life at times but let’s be real since Wakanda Forever she’s taken a lot more loses than wins. And she’s in a lot of lose lose situations. It’s hard to see and sounds easy to deal with when you’re not in her position. But I just wish her fans showed more of an out pouring of love for her projects outside of her being attractive in them. Then maybe she would interact more because her work is what she cares about. 
I just feel like she needs to be loved on a bit right now for real.
And now I’m gonna add a statement from Queen B
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I feel like this maybe the way she feels.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
I’m new here and I’m not sure if your requests are open rn or if I can even request an x reader but if you could, could you please write an Asa Emory x reader (preferably wife reader but that’s your choice) who knits him scarfs/gloves and stitches his name into his clothes (clothes such as jumpers, shirts, vest, underwear e.c.) obviously you don’t have to and it’s fine if you ignore this! Wether you do or don’t, keep safe and take care of yourself x
I love it!!!! Asa is so underrated love him so much! She/her pronouns! Request are still open but i might be busy sometimes!
Asa Emory (Collector) x Reader who makes him clothes!
First of all, he finds is very cute how you make him this little gifs randomly! He probably wont ever tell her how much he adores it but trust me he really does
Double points if you knit something with bugs on it! like sweater with cockroaches or epic gloves with spiders! Man will be all over it!!
Sometimes he feels like stuff you make is too precious to wear and it just hangs in closet forever! not because he doenst like it, but he just doesnt want it to get dirty or anything
But imagine. imagine Asa wearing some goofy cute sweater with come cockroaches on it to his "work" place, like imagine torturing people while wearing the cutests sweater ever made
Winter time is a blessing for both of you, you finally see him wearing stuff that you made and he can finally wear those cute scarfs he got from you!
idk about yall but i find it rather funny- mass murderer just casually wearing bug-themed clothes
But if you make him normal clothes (shirts jumpers vests ect) not only winter-themed stuff, then oh boi fuck other clothes, why does he need other clothes when he has wife that litteraly makes him those. But fr he will wear them everyday, and he will go out of his way to buy better matterials and tools so you can make this stuff better!
He gets that its a hobby and your way of showing affection so he wont force anything on you but he will have some requests "honey can you knit me blue vest? i really dont have any of those.."
He is very proud of those outfits you make for him! love them as much as he loves you<3
(for anyone wonders why i didnt post in about month i just got few mean comments about my headcanons from people i know irl and it made me a little upset and i didnt know if i even want to continue wrtiting)
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seaweedbrain3 · 6 months
i had to get on my laptop for this because i didnt know if i was gonna get a little upset and start angry typing cus angry typing is uncomftorable on my phone BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH WAFFLING
i dont like how unreasonably joshua is, i dont care if you dont like him for like no good reason cus i hate characters for no reason but THE REASONS PEOPLE HATE HIM ARE NOT ACTUALLY GOOD!! i think im very upset about this because when i read over the transcripts with him i relate to him on some level, like his alpha male thing is just him using metaphors to help explain his points which is how i see it, and people think its weird or him being some alpha man, which he isnt, he was explaining how he doesnt want to be replaced just in a way that makes him seem like some alpha male, and it alos angers me how in that session he wasnt being taken very seriously, is his way of explaining things weird?? yea it kinda is but thats not excuse to not take him seriously or dislike him, he had a valid reason to be upset, and yea his solutions were not good at all, but tbh if i were him i would also want juniper out of the cabin, and by the end he understood that his solutions weren't good and he just came to terms that juniper will just be there for one more day, he also showed genuine concern for what it being taught to the kids, he wants them to learn life lessons and be responsible, not little shit stains who run around with no remorse for anyone, which isnt bad at all, he wants the kids to be good people when they grow up, does it cause him to be a little up tight?? yea, but theres always that one person everywhere, wether it be school or camp or again everywhere, persnally if i was there i would understand him completly, hes also like me in the sense that he cannot express his feelings well, so he tends to make up excuses to avoid actually stating his feelings, yea sure its annoying but its not something to hate someone for, also that whole mediation session is just joshua explaining how hes upset that his routine was broken and how it got taken over and he was replaced, which i would be upset over too, and what is this a trait of?? both adhd and autism, which goes into my point that joshua is neurodivergent, is that one of the only traits i found?? yea, and why is he still neurodivergent?? because hes literally me, (please do not take my word for it, i just see a few neurodivergent traits in a character that fit me and i make them neurodivergent) i also think sydney's hateful attidute towards joshua made some people feel the same which goes into my previous argument that i said in a past post about how syd is an unreliable narrator, and also, his reasons like the life lessons thing and stuff they may hjave been excuses but they're still reasons, and his main thing was being jeaslous but HE STILL HAD SOME GOOD POINTS
please take this post with a grain of salt, im very bad at explaining things and i dont know if i explained everything the way i wanted to, i might reedit it at a further date when i actually find the words to explain everything correctly and i might be wrong about some things so again TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT
(also i swear tumblr hates me cus i've been posting shit for a while and after many hours they still have 0 notes)
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mananyx · 4 months
Ok, so its not surprised for everyone here that i like the MCU and that i have an hyperfixation towards it for better or worse. But i have to clarify that i dont think the MCU its a perfect franchise, there are certain entries that i genuinely dont like and others that i still dont want to watch because lack of interest or for anxiety (which it tends to change overtime). And its truth that im not very good when it comes to analizing media, but when I like a MCU movie or show, im completely sure that its because its great, i have a long list. But for this post i want to start with She Hulk.
I know that a lot of people dislike the show or they are not interested in watching it because they are tired of the comedy in the MCU or just tired of the MCU in general, or just because the CGI looks not very good, or some jokes just didnt work (im seeing you twerking scene), and also because is not realistic when it comes to handling courts and laws. And all of that its totally understandable, you dont have to watch or like the show if you dont want to. But i genunely have reasons to think that this show is great despite its flaws.
For me She Hulk is different from anything the superhero genre in movies and shows has ever done before because is a show that at first refuses to be a superhero show in the first place, despite the fact that Jen has powers, she just doesnt want to be a superhero, she just wants her life and her show to be just a simple and comedic lawyer show, so there is a bigger focus on her cotidian life as a civilian instead on her superhero identity doing superhero cool stuff, which in other superhero stuff most of the time is the opposite (or is the spiderman case in which despite Peter wanting to have a normal, he sees spiderman as a responsability that he is willing to accept), which is why i like the comedy of this show when the jokes are based or how Jen is trying to look for happiness in her own life despite those changes, and how she doesnt even try to be a role model to be inspired by little girls like Captain Marvel or Ms Marvel because she doesnt care for all of that, and a lot of times it feels very charming and wholesome.
But despite all of that the plot and the society constantly put her in superheroic situations wether she likes it or not, she is recognized as a superhero for the society, and her frustration is the feeling that she doesnt have control of her own life. Another thing that reflects that is how much she wants to be liked by people as just Jen, but everyone one around her just pay attention to her as She Hulk, whether its with love and admiration, or its with hate, and that affects her specially when it comes to dating, because despite of how much she wants to have a romantic relationship, men just wants to date her as She Hulk, but they are not willing to be interested in Jen. And i mean, a lot of people in the world have this anxiety in which your friends and relatives and romantic interests just like one part of you but they are not willing to like you as you as a whole, which tends to break relationships.
And what makes things worse is that she has to deal with incels as her enemies, men who extremely hate her for being popular and for having powers to the point of stalking her on internet and on real life with the purpose of making her life miserable. The only thing is that those topics are getting more explicit in the last three episodes, when the others still feel very light and sitcom, so i understand why most people didnt notice those topics to begin with and thought that show was just funny and thats it. And I feel like most of the time this show understand how hard it is to live as a woman. And despite me not being a woman i still relate to all of that because i myself have failed in having romantic relationships because of my own personality.
And with all of that it can be clear that Jen has an inner anger inside of her, despite the fact that in the first episode she said to Bruce that she is better controlling her anger than him, she just said that in a matter of overconfidence, but after dealing with a lot of situations, she ends up realizing that she is not so different from Bruce, even she can lose control of her anger, and when she does, everyone sees her as a monster. So she even have to learn to make peace with her own anger in the same way Bruce did years ago.
With all of that i want to say that for me She Hulk is the show that proves that most MCU main characters from Phase 4 and 5 has humanity and they are not just their suits.
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saintone · 2 years
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@everyonesfavoritebastard left this quesiton on my latest post and i decided to answer them instead of studying!
We could say sqq goes from hero to villan bc its something very common in fiction, that the villan is a failed hero. I think this hapoenes to og-lbh too.
BUT sqq wasnt a villan, he WAS MADE the villan by others.
Everyone saw him as one. Like he was given that lable. But i dont think he was a villan, per se. He wasn't evil, he didnt do evil. He tortured Binghe as a child, that's true, but outside his wicked obsession with hurting Binghe bc of his trauma, he wasnt going out and doing evil. He was actually pretty good, taking in consideration that he still was a cultivator who helped others, that in any situation in the novel where he had to choose wether to save someone or let them die, he choose the first option, even at his sake (In contrast, at the end og-lbh was truly evil, and didnt care about anyone if he didnt get something in exchange. Women were prices, people were subjects. He was god).
Outside of having a sharp tongue, Sqq didnt hurt others (except binghe, oc). Like, he could have been much more worse. We are talking about a smart, cunning, maybe not the strongest, but he still was strong- with a SHITTON of trauma on his back. Shen Jiu could have been a real menance, and that's something i would like to see bc i think that if he set his mind to it he would have been unstoppable.
Like someone with Sqq's background could have been crazy. A compleate psycopath. Even with his mental problems, he had some real solid mental streght bc WOW. Everything he went through? Sometimes fans talk about what sqq could have been if he grew above his trauma. He was GREAT. His trauma didnt break him. He was standing, he was kinda good, kind, he was still alive.
He could perfectly have cursed the world like binghe did and use his powers to destroy it.
But he didnt.
First if all I dont think he cared enough. Like at the end he barely cared about his martial brothers and what they thought of him. And that's bc, and we always forget, that at that point of the story Sqq was heavily depressed. He suffered from insomnia, from trauma, his insecurities, his fears.
The man didnt even care when he was taken by lbh.
About sqh decision of making him the villan, we kinda know he didnt want to. We dont know the og story, but sqh said shen yuan and bingmei's relationship was "closest to what he had pictured at the beginning". So no, Sqh didnt want to make sqq a bad guy. He was supposed to have a relatevely good relationship with binghe, or maybe at least a good ending, or a better story.
The problem is at some point, sgh stops making the decisions about the story. It slips through his control. Sqq becoming the villan is like him being misunderstood: maybe, his martial brothers are nothing more than a reflection of the fans, who despice sqq without trying to understand him (and sy is our examplary fan).
The other day I saw a video that called shen jiu "the villan of a wrongly told story". And thats it. Thats the key of understanding SVSSS to me. The story had to be told THREE TIMES bc it kept failing (sqh's original story, PIDW and SWSSS). Inside SVSSS, there are three stories intervined. But the only one we dont know about is the first one: we only have some snippets.
And reflecting abput the way our enonomic system shapes the way we tell stories or force creative works to adapt to the rules of capilasim is also a greaat thing to analize.
Even better than that, how authors lose control of their stories.
At that, MXTX probably wont agree with my theories. She has said that Sqq deserved what happened to him and that he wont reincarnate. So sj is dead, dead dead, gone. In my very personal opinion, bc Shen jiu is a not a villanous villan, in MDZS she made Jin GuangYao undoubtely evil (like yeah, he was mistreated, but THATS an evil character who doesnt care about others! Thats selfishness! Sqq doesnt have a drop of selfishness in his characterization). To make sure her villan wasnt idealized this time.
The thing with SVSSS is: the story went wrong. The characters went wrong. Something happened. It was not supposed to go like that, but it did. Sqh didnt wanted it, but it happened.
Wtf is the system? Good quesiton. I have no idea. Is it fate? No, bc fate according to the creator was something else, a different ending for the story.
I think, the system its the narrative. The plot. Something there to keep the story going. Some people have theoriziced that it was evil, and that kinda could make sense, and then we would have a true villan in the story.
Though Im not sure we have arguments solid enough for that one.
Maybe the OCC warnings, and now im just guessing, could be bc the og MC was Shen Jiu, so the system wanted a protagonist the most alike to sqq.
I also have this personal theory, that the reason everyone accepts Sy so easily is bc they already wanted to get along with Sqq. Like the guy was pretty asome. And undoubtely attractive. This sounds basic, but it is centifically proven that we like drawn to good looking people. Cang Qiong peak lord had truly no reason to reject Sqq from tje begining. The werent that bad either. Its just the mistook him, and then they hated him, bc instead of the person THEY wanted him to be, the person THEY wanted to get along with, Sqq didnt give shit about them. Pero lords were bitter tm.
So maybe the system wanted to prove that his sqq could fit. That sqq didnt need to CHANGE to be accepted.
But i also think this is too daydreamy thou.
If the system is the plot, assuring the story continues how it should, but with a protagonist that hopefully wont fail this time, there are also some things that it has to make sure are fulfilled. Missions, arcs, and the correct flow of the characters. Nobody likes it when a story makes a 360° with no reason.
So yeah. Idk if i answered anything hahaha. At this point im just wordvomitting my SVSSS theorys bc I think its a great work.
Also i should be studying.
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chaitigers · 8 months
Ivan infodump
OK SO i posted my little guy Ivan (big deer guy) and as i mentioned in his post, hes a mix of different characters i've like found interesting and that had interesting concepts that i wanted to explore in a character so yeah I decided to make ivan!
Ivan's like part of this universe im a part of w some buddies and he's like a werecreature (i cant rlly go super in depth w the lore here because i dont rlly know it that well LHDFCBDVLKHB) he was turned into one like after some stuff happened in his life that left him broke so he needed money to like get back on his feet and doing that (essentially making himself a test subject for this thing some scientists were doing) was the only way he could. Heres where the first theme i wanted to explore comes in, Guilt and Debt.
If anyone's read crime and punishment, the main character Raskolnikov essentially k1lls his crusty musty landlady so he doesnt have to owe her his rent anymore which imo, slay, but at the same time he is riddled with this immense guilt and like questioning himself as to wether or not committing a crime and a deadly sin (because hes also catholic so another LAYER of guilt added)
Raskolikov gets sent to prision to like seve his sentence but most of the book is like him debating with himself wether or not what he did was right, because he mrd3red someone that was a pest both to him and everyone else who owed rent to her, and she was a busive and mean so like thats someon no one would miss because she was bad so he's good for killing her, it was for the greater good, but at the same time in the eyes of the law Raskolnikov is a criminal, as well as in the eyes of religion because he murdered someone and thats an unforgivable act and hes supposed to go to hell for that.
In Ivan's case, his guilt lies in the fact that he was essentially the reason him a nd his family's business went into banktrupcy, if he was never born he woudln't have caused much trouble to his parents. He's the son of a violin maker, meaning business is not as big as theyd wish it to be especially as violins are expensive as shit because theyre handmade works of art that only few know the trade of making them and stuff. Ivan obviously inherited the knowledge from his father, helped him in the shop and helped to provide for his own family even as a child, but he still carries that guilt of being the reason niether one of his parents could fulfill any of the desires they had due to him being just "a burden" in his tiny little head.
In the debt aspect, he is quite literally indebted, left with the previous unpaid bills and unfinished projects his father left after he passed, and left with a bunch of customersn his father still owed things to like money, instruments and materials. To Ivan, thats the way he's repaying the hardships he made his parents go through. the family burdens are passed down generation by generation as well, because many of most of the monetary debts came from people of the past that made those bad desicions and left their descendants to deal with them. Ivan is determined to fulfill these depts, at all costs, and eventually that costs him his humanity.
I mostly wanted to do the c@nn1balsm as a metaphor for all consuming, obsessive love with Ivan , especially the love for his craft (because in the end he loves what he's doing, hes a passionate violin maker) but literally in the way that he loves as well. He isnt that bad looking, at least according to him (in my head his face claim is jacob elordi specifically in saltburn and like post euphoria and the kissing booth) but he does feel like he's hard to love because of all the guilt hes carrying for shit he didnt even do (like be incredibly indebted to the state). hes super inexperienced in love, has only had one long lasting relationship, and that relationship is one that consumed him so much that he couldnt see himself living apart from that person he loved after they broke up. Ivan has an anxious attachment style, always has and hes like a kitten with separation anxiety, he will wail and scream until he gets back to that person he feels safe with even if it means that he's actively pushing them away because of how clingy he is.
all that to say that he ate his ex boyfriend because if he couldnt be with ivan then no one could have him
So yeah that is like almost all of Ivan's story! i love him dearly and rlly want to expand more on him in the future!
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vveakfish · 1 year
re: lrb
Not Strong Enough (by BoyGenius) is such a timkon song to me like
i didnt wanna add this on to the tags of that post bc i could already feel that this was going to get long, BUT!!!!
they are both people who take the weight of the world and put it on their shoulders. they each believe (albeit for different reasons) that they need to be able to take care of everything themselves. That if they cant, then what are they worth?
And its just like, the whole song is about the little things, right? Its about how sometimes its not experiencing trauma itself that gets you, or even the moment trauma happens, its the after.
Its the living with it — its the way trauma festers. How you can think you’ve moved on, think that you are stronger than what hurt you, that it doesn’t have power over you anymore.
Then you’re sitting alone in your apartment, a fuse tripped & the clocks are all blinking 12:00. This moment isn’t big, but you’re sitting in it and suddenly everything is too big. Your emotions are too bug for you to sort through, your memories are to big for what you allow yourself to remember, your tears are too big to keep them from falling.
It’s not the clocks that are the issue. Its not the tripped fuse, or the flashing numbers on the stove, or on the microwave. Its the fact that everything happens so fast. its the way you can be perfectly fine one second, and drowning in everything you’ve lost the next — doing your best to put yourself back together before the next wave comes.
Doing your best to be strong. Strong enough that you wont break again. Strong enough to hole everyone else up, even if you can barely keep your own head above water.
Its the way trauma colors even the good times. How you can be with the people you love, surrounded by warmth & light & laughter, and still get hit by the truth if how things used to be.
That no matter how much you might want to live in the moment, trauma seems determined to keep you living in the past.
remember, trauma whispers, even as you sit at a campfire with your best friends, remember how easy it is for this to all go away. Remember how delicate life is, remember that nothing is sacred, nothing is safe — everything ends.
And now you aren’t in the moment, you’re back then, whenever then is.
You’re alone, or he’s dead, or she is. Or he’s lost, and you’re the only one who seems to care about getting him back.
Or your back, despite being gone for so long. Despite the fact that your friends and family mourned, put you in the ground, wrapped you in memories, and watery eyes, and eulogies.
You’re back, but they still look at you like you’re dead. Like you’ll disappear again just as quickly as you came back.
You weren’t strong, not strong enough to stay the first time. And now your friends know what its like to lose you. How to be without you, how to move on — or how not to.
You weren’t strong enough then, and you see the scars your weakness left on them, and you cant help but feel responsible.
look at the damage i did.
but even through all of it. Through the split second falls through the suddenly split floorboards of your mind, or the wrong turns you take that turn a perfect night into a maze of uncertainties you thought you had gotten through already.
Through all of it there’s something you keep reaching for. There’s something beyond the dark, beyond the fear, beyond the regret and the pain and the shame.
You keep reaching for it, because theres no going back.
Theres only moving forward, wether you want to or not. You can’t undo what was done — but you can try and learn to live along side it.
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moody4world · 2 years
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I posted 7,902 times in 2022
That's 7,743 more posts than 2021!
958 posts created (12%)
6,944 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,412 of my posts in 2022
#jack harlow - 350 posts
#anon - 227 posts
#jack harlow x reader - 215 posts
#jack harlow concepts - 187 posts
#jack harlow imagine - 183 posts
#jack harlow x y/n - 158 posts
#jack harlow x you - 154 posts
#urban wyatt - 124 posts
#jack harlow smut - 88 posts
#jackman thomas harlow - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#this is just so embarrassing for you. why would i send myself an anon instead of just saying what i wanted to say?
My Top Posts in 2022:
moody can you write about jack and reader having fun at a club but her feet hurt from her heels so he carries her to the car like the gentleman he is 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Piggy back rides
A/N(?): i am !!NOT!! a writer, everything i write and post is simply for fun and not to be taken seriously
This fic is longer than the ones ive written before and i had some help from the amazing @harlowcomehome . I’m so sorry it took me so long to post this, i changed it up a bit so i hope you like it!! @exoticr0ses
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See the full post
193 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
What was that?
reader showing jacks arms some extra love
A/N: once again everything i post is just for fun and i am !!NOT!! a writer. ( Jack harlow fluff)
Jack has been working out every chance he got lately and you’ve definitely been noticing the changes in his muscles.
These days you noticed how he flexes his muscles in front of the bathroom mirror in the morning and before bed, meanwhile Jack has noticed how obsessed you’ve become with his arms.
Your favorite thing to do was peck them whenever you got close enough, which was quite often.
The first time you walked past him and gave him a peck on his bicep he was not expecting it and was slightly confused but still quite flustered. “Uh…what was that?” you give him a questioning look and say “What was what?” “You just kissed my arm…why?” “You’re lucky i didnt bite it. It just looks so big and soft now i cant help it.” you shrugged and walked away.
A few days later he started wearing anything that would have his arms on display just so he can get pecks from you all day every day.
He would never admit it to you but it was secretly one of his favorite things that you do.
A/N(?): hope you like this @bigschmood
214 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Got you good
A/N: Requested by zooty aka @webinurcloset Artist!Reader pranking Jack while on the radio
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Today was one of the days you had to do back to back radio interviews to promote your new album. You were tired and ready to go back to the hotel to annoy Jack like you always do. you can’t help it though, it’s your love language. Luckily this interview has been the most fun so far. The host named Daniel has been asking you all the right questions and made you feel very comfortable.
“Aaand we are back, the song you just heard is called Sanity from y/n’s brand new album Shadows. Now before we played the song we were talking about how the album came about and all the ideas you guys had for it and you mentioned that Jack, your boyfriend helped you out a bit right?” You shrugged as you said in a joking tone “I mean I wouldn’t say he helped helped but i guess he did something.” Most people that know you are aware that you like to joke a lot. You’re not one to take life too seriously but you are serious when you need to be….some times. “Nah i’m just playing he definitely helped me, he’s very supportive and helps me whenever he can wether its an advice or if i ask him his opinion on something so i really love him for that and i really appreciate him yeah”
“That’s really nice, I had Jack in here at the beginning of may when he released his album and all he would talk about is you, it was adorable. The guy was red in the face almost the entire time.” Daniel laughed remembering his interview with Jack.
“He’s obsessed with me and he admits it”
“Yeah that’s exactly what he told me, he’s a proud boyfriend”
“Would you believe me if i told you he tells me that every day? because he really does and i’m not even kidding.”
“Wow” Daniel was surprised and impressed.
“It’s like a part of his daily’s affirmations at this point.” You managed to get another laugh out of Daniel once again.
“Okay so i remember you saying how much you love pranking Jack, is that true?”
“Definitely true”
“Definitely, he just falls so easily for them it’s hilarious like how can i stop?!”
“So would you be down to prank Jack right now?”
“Shit i’m down let’s do it” You took a sip from your water bottle while Daniel explained the prank to you in detail. “Okay so we’re gonna call him right now on your phone and let’s see how this goes.”
“Make sure you sound super hysterical so he falls for it.”
You tell Daniel before he presses the call button. “Hysterical, okay got it.” Daniel presses the button and the phone rings twice before Jack picks up. Daniel doesn’t waste any time waiting for him to greet you before he starts his master plan. “Jack you need to help me, y/n hurt her ankle really bad and i don’t know how to help her, she can’t stand or walk at all.” Jack was immediately confused and on high alert panicking to get you some help. “Wait how did she get hurt ? What do you mean?” You were covering your mouth trying to muffle your laugh at his panic and so was Daniel, he quickly recollected himself so he could continue the prank. “What else would i mean?! She fell off the bed and her ankle i don’t know what happened but it’s hurting really bad man. You should call an ambulance, tell them we’re at the Marriott Hotel on 46th street”
And that’s when something clicks in Jack’s brain. Bed? hotel? Something was not adding up. “Wait wait wait who even are you? And why are you guys sharing a hotel room? Because y/n said she had brunch with a friend right now. Who the fuck are you man?” “Dude y/n is literally in pain, that should be the least of your worries right now. Don’t worry about all that, help me help her.” “The fuck do you mean don’t worry about it?! You’re some random fuck sharing a room with my girl when she said she had brunch. Pass the phone to y/n, where is she?” You and Daniel were in absolute tears at this point.
You felt a little bad for making him get so worked up but you would apologize later. Right now you were too busy holding your stomach from the pain of laughing too hard. Daniel quickly muted the call so he could get his own laugh out but since he didn’t hang up all you guys could hear was Jack’s constant “Hello?? Helloooo? Pass the fucking phone to y/n bro i’m so serious.” “You know what it’s fine i’ll just drive her to the hospital by myself. I managed to help her stand up and she’s getting dressed now.” You and Daniel both knew that this would send Jack in to a spiral and you could feel the rage in his tone. “DRESSED?! what do you mean you’re getting dressed? IS SHE NAKED?! Pass her the fucking phone.”
Daniel gives in passing you the phone while he runs to the corner of the studio to laugh even more. You wiped your tears and got into character as best as you could after laughing so much. “Hey Jack, can you meet me at the hospital?” “Y/n i’m not playing who was that?” “It’s no one Jac-“ Jack never cuts you off but in this moment he was so mad he could not care less. “Y/n i’m dead serious i’m gonna pull up to that hotel and i’m beating his fucking ass. Why are you at a hotel with this man and naked?! WHO IS HE” Jack started rambling non stop and asking you a bunch of questions. You actually started to feel bad now and although it was funny at first you didn’t want to hurt his feelings this much or any more. “Jack it’s a prank it’s a prank.”
“Heeey Jack it’s Daniel from 808.9 Radio. It was a prank, we really had you.” The other side of the phone went dead silent. Jack was fuming but he felt a huge relief knowing that it wasn’t real. He would’ve recognized Daniel’s voice if he spoke more calmly but they called him in such a panic that he panicked as well and didn’t pay attention. “You guys are fucked up for that. I almost had a heart attack and Daniel was about to get his ass beat.” “Well lucky for my ass that this was just a prank, it was nice hearing from you man. Sorry about that.” “Nah i need to get you back now so be on the look out man.” Jack joked to Daniel as he hung up the phone.
You get through the rest of the interview before finally being on your way back to the hotel to meet up with Jack. You were nervous to see if he would still be grumpy about the prank or if he would laugh it off like he always did with your other pranks.
You opened the room door slowly and peeked your head in first before walking in to see Jack sitting against the headboard with his left hand behind his head of curls and his phone in his right hand. He didn’t even spare you a glance and that’s when you knew, you fucked up.
So you decided to butter him up the only way you knew how. You jumped onto the bed right next to him and stared into his soul until he finally gave in and acknowledged your presence. “That prank was not cool.” You could tell it really hurt his feelings which was not your intention at all. “I’m really sorry, i promise that wasn’t my intention.” You apologized to him sincerely.” “You’d never cheat on me unless it’s with Chris Evans so i should’ve known it was some fake shit.”
He was definitely right about that so you weren’t going to deny it. “Yeah that’s definitely true, but i mean it though i really am sorry.” You climbed right on top of him with your full body weight and cuddled him. Jack was much taller and heavier than you so he never minded when you did this. He was actually the one who suggested you do it claiming “Weighted blankets cost money and i already pay a lot to keep you.” His words, not yours. The two of you laid there cuddled up and just enjoying each other’s presence. “Jack?” “Yeah?” “You gotta admit i got you good.” Jack rolled his eyes not willing to admit it. “Yeah i guess you did.”
307 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
You idk if you taking requests but you know that one award show moment where Nicki Minaj is like “Shoutout yo Donatella for custom making this dress for me and shoutout to Michel B Jordan because he gonna be taking it off me tonight” PLEASE do one where Jack says something along those lines omg 😭😂 I just feel like Jack would say that about the reader
Big shout out
A/N: This is rapper!reader i hope that’s okay. I got this request a while ago but im glad i could finally get to it.
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Jack and You have been friends for a couple years now. Both your careers started around the same time and you two became close after being part of the XXL freshman class of 2020. Jack was always very supportive of you and you of him.
He would give you advice on how to deliver your bars and flow while you would give him advice on his lyrics and beats. Things tended to get a bit hectic when albums had to be dropped and tours had to be done but the two of you always made time for each other.
Whether it’s a facetime or a brief text or a voice recording, you guys did not go a day without hearing from one another. Most people believed that the two of you were dating until you made an instagram post revealing your brand new relationship with Polo G.
That was your first mistake. Posting a brand new relationship was never a bright idea and unfortunately you learned that the hard way. You and Polo had a rough start to your relationship due to claims of him talking to other women while we he had you convinced that he was loyal. The two of you would break up and make up constantly and your business would be on gossip pages every few weeks.
On the other hand, Polo always had an issue with Jack being the friend you confided in during your fights with him. It ended up with him dissing Jack in one of his songs which simply lead to another fight between the two of you even though Jack never gave any reaction in return. December 2021 you finally had enough and posted an official announcement that Polo G no longer have or want anything to do with one another. Your comments were flooded with mixed reactions but sadly, most of them were saying how this is just another one of your stupid fights and you would take him back again.
This time you had put your foot down and wanted to start your 2022 peacefully with brand new goals ahead. Throughout all your drama, Jack never treated you any differently. In fact the two of you got even closer after your break up and dropped an album together in March. You had made an instagram post wishing him a happy birthday and it went viral unintentionally.
“The guy she tells you not to worry about.” Was what everyone but mainly men were saying. The thing is, you and Jack had never crossed any lines of friendship. Everything between the two of you has always been strictly platonic except for a couple suggestive jokes here and there but that was normal between friends. Everyone around you and Jack always say that there’s a spark and lots of tension between you two but neither of you ever acted on it.
Around may you noticed Jack started flirting with you a lot more and the lines of friendship began to blur. It wasn’t surprising but at the same time you were never prepared for the things he would say. “Megan asked you to perform at her birthday party right?” “Yeah, i’m excited.” “Isn’t it at a strip club?” “So?” “If I come will you do a dance?” He said it with such a straight face and that only made it more shocking to you. No smug or goofy smile that he usually had when he was joking.
The flirting went on for months and you were definitely flirting back.
September rolls around and it was soon to be the VMAs. You were set to perform your new song with Flo Mili and Jack was opening and co-hosting the show. You were getting ready in your hotel room with the help of your team when your phone started ringing and of course it was Jack.
“I’m getting ready what do you want?” You say while your makeup artist applied your eyeshadow. “Damn. No hello? Let me see you, all I see is the ceiling.” “Jack I can’t move too much i’m getting my makeup done.” You lifted the phone facing you and Jack let out a loud whistle that even startled your make up artist. “WHEW you look so fine my goodness.” He had a giant smile on his face just like a kid on christmas. “That color looks beautiful on you.” You were a giggling and flustered mess. “Thank you. Now show me your snazzy suit Mister Givenchy.” Jack panned the camera down to his all black suit that was snug around his small waist and just right around his wide shoulders. He looked so good you could just eat him up.
See the full post
503 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bitch I’m not shady
How about something with jack just coming up with new nicknames for you every week like one week you’re his “stinkabutt” or the next week you’re his “baby boo” or “pookie boo” and urban and coplean laughing and making fun of him but jack doesn’t care cause he loves you and loves making you feel loved
My baby boo
A/N: nads i know you sent this like a month if not two months ago but hey, at least i got to it😭 i hope you like it sis!!
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“Goodmorning stink.” Was the first thing Jack said to you when he walked into the kitchen. The nickname took you by surprise because it was not something Jack usually did.
Most of the time you were the one who would call him silly nicknames like stink or pookie but Jack always stuck to the regular ‘baby’ or ‘babe’. Even getting a ‘baby girl’ from him was rare.
“Oh? what’s gotten into you huh?”
You asked him while you were making breakfast for the two of you. Jack shrugged “Just felt like being extra sweet to you stink, showing you some extra love.” Jack wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a quick kiss on your temple then went to get plates to set up breakfast.
Through out the entire month Jack has been switching nicknames every week. It first started with Stink then it was Pookie boo then he went back to Stink but decided to make it Stinkabutt. Sometimes it was Bubba and the latest, Baby boo.
Jack did not care where you two were, wether at home or out and about he would call you the nickname he chose for that week. If Neelam was around when he said one of them you were guaranteed a shake of the head or an attempted hidden but very obvious giggle. But the good thing was, she still thought it was very cute. She had never seen Jack so swooned and she had to admit that she really enjoyed the ‘in love’ look on him.
Apart from Neelam you guys had to deal with the one’s who didn’t think it was as cute. Urban and Cope would always get on Jack’s ass for the silly nicknames he used for you lately. They would laugh their asses off, mock him and then laugh their asses off some more. This time happened to be no different.
Jack had just finished his performance as he walked back into the dressing room backstage where you were all hanging out and waiting for him.
He walked to where you were sitting, first thing. Bending forward and puckering his lips asking you for a kiss. You gave him a very quick one not wanting to full on kiss him in front of his friends. You didn’t mind a bit of PDA but kissing him how you really wanted to with Urban and Cope sitting so close was a bit much for you.
Jack, however was not satisfied so of course he had to whine about it. “Come on Baby boo what was that? Kiss me right.” You didn’t even get a chance to let out an answer before Urban and Copelan started to cackle very loudly. They were wheezing and slapping each other’s shoulders and even turning red from how much they were laughing at Jack.
If someone were to walk in at that moment they would think you just told them world’s funniest joke.You and Jack were not as amused but you had to admit that their ugly laughs were pretty contagious. A slight giggle managed to escape from you but not from Jack. Urban and Cope started mimicking Jack by teasingly calling each other Baby boo and making kissing noises at each other.
Yet Jack couldn’t care less. He shook his head at the two idiots he called his best friends, turned back to you and got a proper kiss from his Baby boo.
515 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
my longest tag has me cracking up cause i dont even remember that😭
also this is way too many posts i should stfu from now on damn
both of my @webinurcloset requests being in my top posts is a sign to write more of your requests fr
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butch-bakugo · 7 days
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Anyway here's your reminder that people on this website are ok just straight up fucking lieing to you half the time and the only chucklefucks who still bring up kamala's stance on Palestine, despite her saying MULTIPLE TIMES over the last few months AND DURING THE DEBATE her intention is an immediate ceasefire and two state solution with a stop on sending more weapons to isnotreal, are just trying to basically make you feel bad for doing what most oppressed people have had to in this country for the last hundred years: the best option over all even if it isnt perfect.
This weirdo's main point is " why hasn't she done anything to stop the genocide already >:(" cause shes the VICE PRESIDENT, DUMBASS, they don't fuckin make laws, they don't make decisions, she has litterally no control or power over genocide joe. Even if she was nudging that corpse awake and point out what she already had on the campaign trail, Biden in particular has a fondness for Isnotreal that Kamala could more than likely never shake. She has no real political power unless someone pulled what they supposedly did on Trump and didnt miss. For fucks sake, please understand the powers of a specific political position before you start spouting off about what they are or arnt doing.
The only point of posts like this are to sow disaffection with the best, most qualified and most competent person the democratic party has had in 2 decades. Do you not think this is on purpose on such a politically polarized site like Tumblr. Tumblr, the home of " if you do not 100% align with everything I've ever believed, you must be a raging Nazi bigot the likes the world has never seen because you don't believe in he/him lesbians. The only way to atone for your horrendous actions is to to kill yourself." Type takes. Russian bots, psyops and people with hidden views are horrific rn. They will spout all the wrong things in PC language just right so you think they are one of us. They are not one of us. They are not your friend. They were the origin of the horrifically stupid take that was popular for so long of "protesting voting". I can not believe so fucking many of you fell for it and STILL FUCKING ARE. WHY ARE YOU WILLINGLY GIVING UP ONE OF YOUR RIGHTS TO INCREASE YOUR OTHER RIGHTS OVER A SINGLE ISSUE THAT WILL ONLY BE MADE WORSE BY YOUR STUBBORN REFUSAL. Voting isn't a fucking testament to your "stubbornness to stop a genocide and protest what's been allowed to fester 😒". It doesn't make you a more moral person cause you didn't vote for one singular reason. In fact, if the history of "online activists" is to be believed with how little y'all actually volunteer or vote in your local elections or donate or do fuck all but reblog reblog reblog, y'all probably wouldn't of voted anyway cause you're fuckin lazy.
Idk how to tell you there's really only 4 options in the upcoming election and only one actually reduces harm for us here in the states and the Palestinians.
Option 1: Vote for trump. Your a shitty racist cause trump wants to " finish the job" aka complete the genocide. He also will enact project 2025 and sucks Putin's dick. He will happily kill you. You are a fucking idiot.
Option 2: Vote for Kamala. She wants to stop it and is the most progressive person we've had on the ticket and potentially could be the first female, biracial black president in us history. There is litterally no reason not to. She's stated at least 8 times on the trail she wants a fucking ceasefire.
Option 3: Vote third party. Dosent really matter the reason, wether trump is a little too extreme or not extreme enough for you or your stupid and dont realize 0 pple outside of your state know who your resident popular independent is. Jill stein should die. Wether trump or Kamala are too moderate or extreme for you, in our current climate, it's basically the same as throwing your vote away cause there's 0 chance in hell they will win. One vote less for Kamala might as well be a vote for trump or lack of vote. This does nothing for Palestine.
Option 4: Don't vote. Throw away your own voice to scream it on social media where it won't make any material difference. Sure you can scream about Palestine but you intentionally did not do one small free thing you could do to materially help them, like voting for a candidate that vocally wants a ceasefire.
The literally only option that helps Palestine in any major way is option 2. Dose she "both sides" the issue? Yes, abit. But grow a fucking brain and actually listen to her. She litterally, word for word, stated that the children of Palestine are being mistreated and killed in unprecedented numbers and a ceasefire and two state solution is the only way forward. That's what she fucking said. Imma be a realist again and some people will be mad but as much as I'd love for all of Palestine to be restored, Isnotreal to be completely dissolved and force Israelis to step out of their little white bubble and realize you can't just force your way onto a land without consequences, its not gonna happen. What will most likely happen, best case scenario, Palestinians will get part of their land back and be forced to reforge their own nation from the ground up mostly alone without much help. Which fucking sucks but it's better than ethnic cleansing and hotels built on mass graves.
Please disregard any of the nasty shit you " suddenly" learn about Kamala until the end of the election. Russian bots are also literally making up ai images and fake journalism websites claiming Kamala hit and ran a 13 yr old in 2011 and paralyzed her with a news title that did not exist on a website made only 3 days prior to posting only that story. We know it's fake because if it was real, all the conservacucks wouldn't of just discovered it now, they would of brought it up when she was running with biden. The local cops had to discredit the story as it was completely and utterly false with the picture of the car being from a bad crash in Ghana, the video of the " victim" being a victim of DV in fucking North Carolina and supposed x rays of her body being from medical journals talking about chest decompressions from car accidents and hip injuries having different symptoms between adult care and pediatrics. They are claiming Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, a place very close to my own fuckin home town, are eating cats and dogs... trump said it during the fucking debate... the Springfield police department and city manager had to come out and say it's not happening and they have zero reports. It's believed the lie got started when russian bots dug up the body cam footage and story of a white american born woman with severe mental issues in Springfield ate a cat on the street in 2013-2015... It's getting insane y'all, please be EXTRA FUCKING THROUGH with your sources and be suspicious of anyone still trying to split the party this close to the election.
Do not allow it and call out these moral purity dumbasses who straight up lie about candidates takes to make you feel bad over a singular issue. Kamala stands with Palestine, they are either intentionally lieing to you or that fucking stupid and didn't see the fucking debate they are claiming to paraphrase. I did. This is just stupidity. Please be more fucking critical than this.
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insanebirddog · 11 days
Little yap session here, hello chat. I'm confused about something I will yap about this. So when break-ups happen i seem to have experiences far different from other peoples. Other people seem to care for a lot longer, cry more, get depressed over it [ especially longer ones ] and they seem to believe they "cant move on" or they'd never dream of not loving this person. ive never experienced that, when my longest relationship ended i only cared for like abt an hour [ it was a two year relationship ] and i moved on by the time i stopped crying. Like idk if my love for the people ive dated just never existed or what but i really didnt care like that when my relationships ended, i had a different partner two weeks later. in posts and stuff i see or in media stuff related to break-ups people seem to experience it far different then i do.
Like yeah ill cry abt it sure, but i stop caring at all after like 30 minutes im not sure wether im confused on why im different or why other people are different and im not looking for an answer. just wanted to yap bc i can.
also this isnt a brag like "oooo look at me im so cool bc i care less then others!!!" its geniune confusion, i actually want to know why i dont experience things the same way others do plus i dont have a therapist to ask about it rn so you guys get my yap sesh instead
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