#you wanna know how im a real person and not a psyop?
butch-bakugo ยท 8 days
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Anyway here's your reminder that people on this website are ok just straight up fucking lieing to you half the time and the only chucklefucks who still bring up kamala's stance on Palestine, despite her saying MULTIPLE TIMES over the last few months AND DURING THE DEBATE her intention is an immediate ceasefire and two state solution with a stop on sending more weapons to isnotreal, are just trying to basically make you feel bad for doing what most oppressed people have had to in this country for the last hundred years: the best option over all even if it isnt perfect.
This weirdo's main point is " why hasn't she done anything to stop the genocide already >:(" cause shes the VICE PRESIDENT, DUMBASS, they don't fuckin make laws, they don't make decisions, she has litterally no control or power over genocide joe. Even if she was nudging that corpse awake and point out what she already had on the campaign trail, Biden in particular has a fondness for Isnotreal that Kamala could more than likely never shake. She has no real political power unless someone pulled what they supposedly did on Trump and didnt miss. For fucks sake, please understand the powers of a specific political position before you start spouting off about what they are or arnt doing.
The only point of posts like this are to sow disaffection with the best, most qualified and most competent person the democratic party has had in 2 decades. Do you not think this is on purpose on such a politically polarized site like Tumblr. Tumblr, the home of " if you do not 100% align with everything I've ever believed, you must be a raging Nazi bigot the likes the world has never seen because you don't believe in he/him lesbians. The only way to atone for your horrendous actions is to to kill yourself." Type takes. Russian bots, psyops and people with hidden views are horrific rn. They will spout all the wrong things in PC language just right so you think they are one of us. They are not one of us. They are not your friend. They were the origin of the horrifically stupid take that was popular for so long of "protesting voting". I can not believe so fucking many of you fell for it and STILL FUCKING ARE. WHY ARE YOU WILLINGLY GIVING UP ONE OF YOUR RIGHTS TO INCREASE YOUR OTHER RIGHTS OVER A SINGLE ISSUE THAT WILL ONLY BE MADE WORSE BY YOUR STUBBORN REFUSAL. Voting isn't a fucking testament to your "stubbornness to stop a genocide and protest what's been allowed to fester ๐Ÿ˜’". It doesn't make you a more moral person cause you didn't vote for one singular reason. In fact, if the history of "online activists" is to be believed with how little y'all actually volunteer or vote in your local elections or donate or do fuck all but reblog reblog reblog, y'all probably wouldn't of voted anyway cause you're fuckin lazy.
Idk how to tell you there's really only 4 options in the upcoming election and only one actually reduces harm for us here in the states and the Palestinians.
Option 1: Vote for trump. Your a shitty racist cause trump wants to " finish the job" aka complete the genocide. He also will enact project 2025 and sucks Putin's dick. He will happily kill you. You are a fucking idiot.
Option 2: Vote for Kamala. She wants to stop it and is the most progressive person we've had on the ticket and potentially could be the first female, biracial black president in us history. There is litterally no reason not to. She's stated at least 8 times on the trail she wants a fucking ceasefire.
Option 3: Vote third party. Dosent really matter the reason, wether trump is a little too extreme or not extreme enough for you or your stupid and dont realize 0 pple outside of your state know who your resident popular independent is. Jill stein should die. Wether trump or Kamala are too moderate or extreme for you, in our current climate, it's basically the same as throwing your vote away cause there's 0 chance in hell they will win. One vote less for Kamala might as well be a vote for trump or lack of vote. This does nothing for Palestine.
Option 4: Don't vote. Throw away your own voice to scream it on social media where it won't make any material difference. Sure you can scream about Palestine but you intentionally did not do one small free thing you could do to materially help them, like voting for a candidate that vocally wants a ceasefire.
The literally only option that helps Palestine in any major way is option 2. Dose she "both sides" the issue? Yes, abit. But grow a fucking brain and actually listen to her. She litterally, word for word, stated that the children of Palestine are being mistreated and killed in unprecedented numbers and a ceasefire and two state solution is the only way forward. That's what she fucking said. Imma be a realist again and some people will be mad but as much as I'd love for all of Palestine to be restored, Isnotreal to be completely dissolved and force Israelis to step out of their little white bubble and realize you can't just force your way onto a land without consequences, its not gonna happen. What will most likely happen, best case scenario, Palestinians will get part of their land back and be forced to reforge their own nation from the ground up mostly alone without much help. Which fucking sucks but it's better than ethnic cleansing and hotels built on mass graves.
Please disregard any of the nasty shit you " suddenly" learn about Kamala until the end of the election. Russian bots are also literally making up ai images and fake journalism websites claiming Kamala hit and ran a 13 yr old in 2011 and paralyzed her with a news title that did not exist on a website made only 3 days prior to posting only that story. We know it's fake because if it was real, all the conservacucks wouldn't of just discovered it now, they would of brought it up when she was running with biden. The local cops had to discredit the story as it was completely and utterly false with the picture of the car being from a bad crash in Ghana, the video of the " victim" being a victim of DV in fucking North Carolina and supposed x rays of her body being from medical journals talking about chest decompressions from car accidents and hip injuries having different symptoms between adult care and pediatrics. They are claiming Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, a place very close to my own fuckin home town, are eating cats and dogs... trump said it during the fucking debate... the Springfield police department and city manager had to come out and say it's not happening and they have zero reports. It's believed the lie got started when russian bots dug up the body cam footage and story of a white american born woman with severe mental issues in Springfield ate a cat on the street in 2013-2015... It's getting insane y'all, please be EXTRA FUCKING THROUGH with your sources and be suspicious of anyone still trying to split the party this close to the election.
Do not allow it and call out these moral purity dumbasses who straight up lie about candidates takes to make you feel bad over a singular issue. Kamala stands with Palestine, they are either intentionally lieing to you or that fucking stupid and didn't see the fucking debate they are claiming to paraphrase. I did. This is just stupidity. Please be more fucking critical than this.
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