#didn’t even realize I’ve been flirting for the past 2 weeks with this girl enough to the point where almost the entire cast knows about it
the0retically · 5 months
Who would’ve thought: I’ve got that autism rizz
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 2
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: Smut 18+ only please
When Bucky made it up to your shared room he slowly and silently opened the door. You were sitting on your bed, your back facing the door, but he could tell you were crying by the shaking of your shoulders. It broke his heart to see you so upset.
He closed the door behind him and walked over to sit next to you. He wrapped his metal arm around your waist and pulled you into his embrace. You then openly sobbed into his chest. Bucky caressed your back and kissed you on the head, allowing you to cry.
When you started to calm down you sighed deeply, sniffed, and said, “Are you going to break up with me now?”
Bucky’s heart completely broke. He put his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “No, baby. Of course not. I love you. I love you so much! Why would you think that?” He asks.
“Because before we started dating you told me about Dot and how much she meant to you. You were going to propose when you got home from the war. Well here is your chance to live the life you wanted with the girl you wanted,” you say as tears again start to leak from your eyes.
“Baby, I’m not the same man I was then. Yes, I still have love for Dot, but I’m so madly in love with you. I promise,” he said, kissing your forehead, nose, and then lips.
“I’m going to help Dot become acclimated to the world now, and help her settle. But I promise I will always be here for you, ok?” He asks.
You nod, feeling slightly better. “I love you,” you say.
“I love you too. I’ve gotta get down to the lab. I promised Dot I would be down there with her. But I won’t be long,” he says before kissing you again and then leaving.
You sit and wait for him, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. But after 4 hours you give up on him and go to sleep. You hope that he will keep his word on still loving you. You don’t want to lose him. You love him too much.
- -
1 month later
Over the last several weeks, you’ve only seen Bucky’s about a handful of times. He’s always off with Dot, helping her learn the ways of today, and helping her deal with her “trauma”. Every time he tries to give you a little time she always calls for him saying how upset she is or that she’s about to have a panic attack. You try and be understanding but at the same time it’s really starting to annoy you.
One of the worst things is that he barely even sleeps with you anymore. This morning you woke up to an empty bed, yet again, and head downstairs for breakfast. When you got down to the common room you heard the sound of Dot’s giggles and saw her sitting on the couch with Bucky, her feet on his lap. At that point you lost your appetite, so you went up to the roof instead.
After an hour you hear the door to the roof open as you’re staring off into the distance. You feel arms wrapped around your waist as a stubble chin rest on your shoulder. You decide to ignore him and continue staring off into the distance and several thoughts past of your mind.
“Was looking for you,” Bucky said as he kissed your shoulder. “Why you up here all alone?”
You sigh, “well I’m used to being alone a lot these days. And I guess I didn’t feel like sitting there watching you and Dot flirt in the common room,“ you say annoyed.
You hear him sigh behind you as he puts his forehead on your shoulder. “I know, and I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around much. I’m just trying to do my best to help her,” He said.
“I promise I’ll try and do better at managing my time so that I can spend more time with my girl,“ he says as he kisses the back of your head and trails kisses all the way down to your neck.
He turns you around in his arms and rests his forehead on yours. Before you know it you are both swaying to no music, until Bucky starts singing your song. You wrap your arms around his neck as you both slow dance to your song as Bucky sings. When he finishes you kiss him passionately.
“Tonight we will have date night. No Dot, no interruptions, just you, me, and that new lingerie you bought a few weeks ago,” he says as he continues to sway you.
You smile widely at the thought of spending a night alone with your boyfriend. “Oh Bucky, that sounds amazing! I’ve missed you so much, and I get what your doing, but it’s hard,” you say.
“I know. I’ve been neglecting you and it ends now. You are my priority, not Dot. And I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. Tonight,” he says.
You kiss him in reply.
- -
Later that night, after dinner and another bout of dancing, you come out of the bathroom with your new lingerie set. You stand in the doorway staring at your half naked boyfriend. Bucky’s eyes darken with lust as he starts to stalk towards you like a lion about to pounce.
“You look good enough to eat, baby,” he says huskily. He then pulls you into his arms with a searing kiss.
He leads you to the bed and throws you on it, before jumping on top, connecting your lips again. His hand travels down to your core and he moves your panties to the side, putting pressure on your clit. He starts rubbing at an intensely fast pace, making you lose your breath. Very quickly he pulls your first orgasm from you.
Before you come back to earth you feel your new panties being ripped from you, as well as the bra. Bucky loved to rip your underwear all the time. He kissed his way down your stomach to your wet core and dove in. Your back arched off the bed.
“Oh my god, Bucky!” You moaned as your hand pulled his hair.
He then stuck two metal fingers into you and started pumping. You knew it wouldn’t be long now. You couldn’t stand the amazing sensation of his fingers and tongue. You started to feel the build up of pressure in your belly.
“Bucky! I’m going to cum,” you cry as you again orgasm on his face.
After a moment Bucky kisses his way back up your lips. You taste yourself on his tongue, which makes you wetter, if that’s possible. “You are the best thing I have ever tasted, Doll. Truly exquisite,” he says.
He then pulls off his pants and boxers before lining up with you. He slowly starts to push in, which feels amazing. After a moment he completely bottoms out in you. He kissed you, and just as he is about to thrust, you are both interrupted by FRIDAY.
“Sergeant Barnes, Ms. Jones is requesting to see you sir,” she says.
Bucky groans into your neck, “Tell her I’m busy and we’ll talk in the morning,” he says.
“I’m sorry sir, but she appears to be having a panic attack and having trouble breathing,” FRIDAY says.
“Shit,” Bucky says as he pulls out of you and grabs his sweats. He looks at you guiltily, “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops, and then we can finish what we started,” he says before running out the door.
You stare at the door as it closes in shock. He just left you in the middle of sex for his ex. What the hell! You lay there and wait, but after 2 hours you decide to get dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. You take your ruined lingerie and throw it out. You lay back on your bed thinking about how you will have a stern discussion when he comes back.
Before you know it, another 2 hours go by and it’s the middle of the night. You’re more than angry, now you are hurt. You grab your pillow and your blanket and leave your shared room with Bucky, and head to your old room. After locking the door, you inform FRIDAY not to let anyone, especially Bucky in. You climb into bed and allow a few tears before falling asleep.
- -
Bucky woke up the next morning disoriented. When he realized he was still in Dot’s room he panicked. After he finally got Dot to calm down last night he went to leave but Dot begged him to stay until she fell asleep. He must have dozed off too. He quickly got out of the bed and quietly exited the room.
Steve was coming down the hall and saw Bucky’s coming out of Dot’s room. “ why are you in Dot‘s room?” Steve asked.
“She had a panic attack last night and I came to calm her down and fell asleep. Y/N is going to be so pissed at me,” Bucky said.
“Wasn’t last night date night?” Steve asked.
Bucky nodded, “Yea and Dot interrupted right in the middle of sex. I left Y/N there naked on the bed like a jackass,” Bucky said angrily.
“You left her in the middle of sex to deal for your ex!? Why didn’t you ask me to deal with it?” Steve yelled.
“I don’t know. Dot says she only feel comfortable with me. I’m just trying to help her. But I’m going to lose my girl in the process. I’ll talk to Dot later about it, but things have to change. I can’t keep ignoring my girl,” Bucky said.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, we’ll good luck with talking to her after last night,” he said before slapping Bucky’s shoulder and leaving.
Bucky sighed and went to your shared room, only to see that you weren’t there. He checked the kitchen, common room, roof, gym, and lab but couldn’t find you. The last place he went was to your old bedroom. He found the door locked, which told him he found you.
“FRIDAY, can you please open the door?” He asked the AI.
“I’m sorry Sergeant Barnes. But I was requested by Agent Y/L/N to not let anyone, especially you in,” FRIDAY said.
Bucky’s heart dropped. He really messed up.
- -
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3
A lot happening in this chapter. Bucky being stupid, but at least he is aware. Now can he fix it? will the reader let him? And what else will Dot do? Feedback is appreciated!
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys @roserose26 @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8 @shinykoalacat @white-wolf1940 @jessyballet
Story Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse @wintrfld 
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[4.25] badboy!seonghwa × reader
⇀ you should've seen the signs. God, why were you so blind ?
⇁ part 1 / 2
⇁ prologue part 1 / 2 / 3
Having already spent so much time with him, it didn't take you much longer to finally realize that you've harboured feelings for the one and only Park Seonghwa.
Knowing the risk of liking him, which is unrequitted love, getting played, or even getting murdered by his fangirls, you're surprised that you threw all caution aside to satisfy your heart.
"Hey," Seonghwa called from across the table, poking your forehead with the back of his mechanical pencil, "what 'chu thinkin' about?" He smirked.
You playfully swat his hand away, "linear regression," you poked his forehead playfully back, "what 'CHU thinkin' about?" You copied him, making him chuckle, "me? I was thinking about how adorable you look while thinking about linear regression, that shit doesn't deserve your attention and yet you're freely giving it, lucky bastard,"
Damn his smooth words.
Blush creeped on your face when he said that, rendering you silent despite having participate in his mutual teasing.
"Aww, baby, are you shy?" He asked, hand creeping forward to cover yours, his thumb was stroking the back of your hand softly.
It had been like this for the past few weeks, secret hand holdings, playing footsies during study times, playing with each other's hair, heck you both even have your own spot in this little diner just a little further from the campus, a hidden gem no one really know about.
"You kids are just so adorable," the middle-aged waitress cooed, she had been serving you and Seonghwa since the very first time you both came here, "tell me, young man, when are you gonna finally lock this young lady with you? Because if you won't, I have a few other nice boys in my mind that I'd like for her to give a chance with," she said, narrowing her eyes at Seonghwa.
Seonghwa chuckled, more in a subtle mocking manner because he honestly doesn't know why the prospect of you being with another guy that isn't him bother him so much, but he wasn't gonna let you know that.
"Don't worry about that, I've had everything under control," he vaguely said, making you blush even harder and the waitress squeal before walking off, promising a piece of chocolate cake for you two to share.
The door of the diner opened suddenly, and to Seonghwa's shock, Yunho and Mingi came barreling in, laughing loudly. Just by seeing how they giggle at each other, Seonghwa immediately know that they're shitfaced.
It was a good thing that you were so into your statistics homework that you didn't realize his sudden shift from relaxed to tensed.
Mingi was the first to notice Seonghwa and Seonghwa noticed him noticing him. So before the loud mouthed boy was able to scream out his name, Seonghwa excudlsed himself quickly and ran to Yunho and Mingi, dragging them out.
"Hey, my fries-" Mingi's whines were cut off by Seonghwa, "what are you guys doing here?" He asked. Yunho held a finger up at him, he looked like he was gonna puke but he swallowed it to answer Seonghwa, "getting burgers and fries, and Jongho wanted a milkshake," "no, what are you doing HERE, you could've gone to mcdonald's or something,"
At that, Mingi smacked Yunho's arm, "mcdonald's! That sounds waaaaay better! Let's get some mcnuggets and mcflurry!" Before Yunho could protest, Mingi had already drag him away towards the direction of the nearest mcdonalds which is near the campus.
Seonghwa made sure that the two were really gone before he ran back inside to you.
You had seen everything unfold, though you weren't sure why Seonghwa felt the need to drag his two friends out, you had found it slightly weird.
When he came back and sat in front of you, he had pretended like nothing happened. He went back to doing his own homework, having finished his part of both of your homework.
"Hey," you called, getting his attention. You nodded your head towards the door, "who was that?" "Who?" "The two guys you just dragged back out? Seemed serious,"
Seonghwa chuckled at you, "the only serious thing was their inability to stay sober for more than two days a week, they were drunk and if I hadn't send them away, they would've destroyed this place withina minute,"
You nodded slowly at his explanation, feeling slightly assured in some way because maybe you really do want to believe that that's the whole reason and nothing else.
The waitress had came back and put a plate of chocolate cake in the middle of the table, telling you both that it's on the house as long as you two keep coming back there.
For some reason you couldn't shake the weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, like something's slightly off.
Your head was so out of it that you hadn't even properly processed the fact that Seonghwa has been feeding you the cake. He realized that your head was not where it's supposed to be, but he was amused at your zoned out state so much that he wants to see how long it'd take for you to snap out of it.
You eventually realized what had been happening when you felt Seonghwa wipe at the corner of your mouth and proceed to lick it with a satisfied smirk.
"My theory was right," he spoke, tongue still dragging slowly on his thumb.
God damn it, why can't you look away?
"Things do taste sweeter from your lips," he finished.
Feeling very flustered, you raised yourself a bit to lean forward and smack Seonghwa on his shoulder. He only let out a satisfied laugh that wasn't very loud.
Somehow hearing his laugh melt all your worries away. You found yourself laughing along with him and taking the fork to feed him.
For now, being with him in a place where you both can freely flirt and throw playful banters seem very much perfect. You didn't even care about the possibility that he'd only take you there so that other people wouldn't see you two together, see THE Park Seonghwa hanging out with a girl without the intention of having a one night stand.
Because his genuine laugh and smile is all that you need.
Until you realize that it's not enough.
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Little Unicorn Day Center
Title: Little Unicorns Daycare Center
Prompt: day 2 - meet cute
Rating: G
Brief Summary
Any Content warnings: 
Hermione had cared for many children in the three years since she had opened the Little Unicorns Daycare Center, and she had always been careful to be impartial and fair to every little boy and girl that walked through her doors.
But she couldn’t deny that Lily was one of her favorites.
The vivacious red-headed girl had been in her care for around six months, and it had been obvious from the start that she was different from the other kids. She was well ahead of the group on her reading comprehension, and she had a highly developed sense of humor for her age. She also loved to tell detailed, fantastical stories about magical creatures, and people flying around on broomsticks, and Hermione was amazed at the depth of her imagination.
Hermione had only ever met Lily’s mother, Ginny, who shared her daughter’s long red hair and quick wit. Ginny was always in and out of the cottage in a hurry when she came to drop Lily off or pick her up, but she was always friendly enough. She knew that Ginny was in publishing, and her husband in law enforcement, jobs that surely kept them both very busy, so Hermione didn’t think anything of the quick visits.
It never struck her as odd, either, that she had never met Lily’s father; it was common for her to deal with one parent more than the other. She finally met him on a cold, snowy day, when the front door opened and Lily burst in, shedding her hat and gloves before she had even made it past Hermione’s desk, and a tall, gorgeous red-headed man trailing behind her.
He smiled apologetically as he bent to pick up Lily’s things to hand to her. “Sorry about that. Is she always like this?”
Hermione’s fingers brushed against his as she took the gloves, and she was surely imagining the spark that ignited her skin at the contact. “Oh, it’s um…” Hermione unconsciously raised her hand to flatten her bushy hair before scolding herself. This man was married, and it surely did not matter how her hair looked. “It’s finger paint day. I’m sure she’s just excited.”
“Oh, that explains it, then. Can’t say I blame her.”
He gave her another brilliant smile, and she melted as she looked up into his vibrant blue eyes. Lily had bright eyes, too, but hers were an almost unnatural shade of green. Ginny’s, if Hermione remembered correctly, were brown, and for a fleeting moment, she hoped that maybe the man was a family friend or something. But then she saw the shiny gold detective's badge pinned to his trousers, and the hair color, of course, was unmistakable. Even so, Hermione couldn’t stop herself from asking, “Will you be picking Lily up this afternoon?”
“Nah, Gin just had an early meeting this morning. She’ll get her later, like normal.”
Hermione hoped that her disappointment wasn’t glaringly obvious. Her instant attraction to this man was undeniable, but it was also incredibly inappropriate. He was a parent of one of her charges, for goodness sake! Hermione put on the most neutral smile she could muster and then motioned to a pile of papers that she was certain were nothing more than coloring sheets. “Okay, I hope you have a lovely day. If you’ll excuse me, I really should get back to work.”
“Oh, yeah, me too.” He leaned to the side to look through the open doorway into the playroom beyond the lobby. “Bye, Lil! Be good!” Hermione heard no response from the adjacent room, but he turned without one and gave a slight wave of goodbye to Hermione before heading back out into the cold.
It was several weeks before she saw him again. Lily again raced through the door while her father ambled in behind her and smiled at Hermione. “Must be finger-paint day again,” he said teasingly as he approached the desk. “I realize I didn’t properly introduce myself before. I’m Ron.” He held out his hand for Hermione to shake and she took it, trying to ignore the warmth of his palm.
“Hermione.” Their hands remained linked for just an instant longer than was probably proper, and Hermione forced herself to break their gaze. “Lily’s a wonderful child,” she said, determined to focus on the little girl.
“Yeah, she’s a hoot. She—“ Ron cut himself off with a frown and fished a buzzing pager from his coat pocket. “Sorry, duty calls.” She caught another glimpse of his badge and nodded in understanding. “Nice to see you again.”
“You, too.” Hermione lifted her hand in farewell, and she was so distracted by the view of him from behind, that it completely slipped her mind that Ron was not the name of the other parent on Lily’s paperwork.
She saw Ron several more times over the following months, and he was always so charming with her. Hermione was horribly embarrassed by her attraction to another woman’s husband—though she had noticed that he didn’t wear a ring—and even worse, the fact that the feeling seemed to be mutual. She wanted to believe that it was just his personality, that he was the outgoing type, and not that he was a man who would shamelessly flirt with other women. He didn’t seem to be the sort who would do such a thing. Or maybe she just didn’t want to admit to herself how unseemly her behavior was. Either way, Lily would be moving on to kindergarten soon, and she could forget all about Ron.
Usually if she saw Ron, it was at Lily’s morning drop-off, so Hermione was surprised when he appeared one afternoon at pick-up time. He was quieter than usual, not his typical cheery self. “Lily!” Hermione called to the other room. “Time to go!”
“Coming!” the little girl hollered back as Ron approached her desk.
“Hi,” he said, his tone soft. She didn’t know him all that well, even now, but he actually sounded nervous. “So, I um...wanted to ask you something?”
Hermione’s heart started pounding, and she rubbed her palms against her jeans anxiously. “Sure,” she replied, and she hoped he couldn’t hear the tremor in her voice.
He hesitated, and then blurted out, “Are you free for dinner tonight?” He must have registered the look of shock on her face at his overt invitation, and he began to ramble. “I’ve got to take Lily home, but after that, or—or maybe this weekend we could—“
Hermione gave a vehement shake of her head and lowered her voice to hiss at him, “That is wildly inappropriate!” As much as she couldn’t deny that there was a chemistry between them, acting on it was a whole different matter.
“I—“ He seemed taken aback by the severity of her response. “I can take the rejection, but...inappropriate?”
She looked at him incredulously. “Yes. I don’t make it a habit to fraternize with—“
“Uncle Ron!” Lily’s exclamation and pounding footsteps cut her off and stopped her cold. The little girl threw her arms around one of Ron’s long legs, and he reached down to pat her head.
“Hey, kiddo. Have a good day today?”
Lily nodded. “Where’s mummy?”
“Waiting at home, and your dad is picking up your brothers.”
She then glanced at Hermione before gazing up at Ron with a knowing look beyond her years. “Did you come just to say hi to Miss Hermione?” Lily half-covered her mouth to whisper loudly to Hermione, “My mummy says he fancies you.”
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief. Here she had been berating herself all these months for nothing. She wracked her brain, but she couldn’t recall Lily ever mentioning her father or Ron by name, and she had never addressed him directly until now. She had just been assuming that Ron was off-limits, and couldn’t remember ever being so pleased to be wrong.
Ron’s face was red with embarrassment, but he was still smiling shyly at her, and the look was incredibly endearing. “Did you really think I was her dad? Haven’t you ever met Harry?” Hermione shook her head.
“No, I haven’t, actually. I saw your badge and, well, your hair—I just assumed.”
“So...any chance that changes your mind about dinner?” he asked hopefully.
Hermione crouched down to the ground and motioned Lily over. “Maybe you could tell your Uncle Ron,” she said in a stage whisper, “that I fancy him, too?”
Lily nodded eagerly before scampering back over to Ron. “Uncle Ron! Miss Hermione said she fancies you.”
Hermione straightened and beamed at Ron. “Seven okay?”
“Tonight?” Hermione nodded; she didn’t want to wait any longer to get to know him better. “Brilliant. Seven it is.” He took Lily’s hand and led her toward the door, glancing back over his shoulder at Hermione with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
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abbysfrenchbraid · 3 years
Daring - Chapter 2
This is part two of my Abby Mordern!Au, you can read Chapter 1 here.
Abby and the reader have dinner at Abby's place. There is music playing and referenced, so I'd recommend you listen to this playlist with all the songs playing in order as soon as the date night begins. About 10k words.
CW for alcohol consumption, mention of death/murder, mention of dubious consent (and possibly terrible grammar. It's 10pm, I just finished this, I don't have a proofreader atm)
Thyme and Tree Bark
“Don’t mess this up, airhead. Take care!”
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, idiot!”
You closed the door behind Mark as he vanished down the stairs and headed straight for your bed. Though you were less wobbly on your feet after devouring half of a perfectly cheesy pizza with just the right amount of jalapenos, it had thrown you straight into a food coma. Your angel of a brother had come over at noon with two chilled cans of coke and a large pizza from your favorite Italian place and not even ripped open the curtains as he usually did. Instead, he had thrown himself on the bed right next to you, handed you a slice, and demanded you start talking.
Of course, he already knew about Abby and your embarrassing shyness when it came to the buff blonde, so he was extremely proud of the progress you had made with your excruciating crush. You both agreed that Abby had definitely invited you over for a date this week - alone, without Manny there - and that it had to mean she was interested, too. He had laughed about the little bar stint when Abby had shut down your flirt with the hot waitress in an instant and was now 100% sure this was going to go great. As long as you kept it together and didn’t ruin everything. As you often did. This needed some tactical planning.
Mouths full of cheesy delight and laughing at each other’s stupid ideas, you and your brother had come up with a fairly foolproof plan. You would text Abby in 1-2 days, keeping it cool and asking when you should come over. Then, you would suggest making cocktails at home, already granting a fun activity and something to loosen the mood. You would keep it casual and bring over some nice liquor and maybe a bag of chips, perfect for watching a movie. You’d try to keep the conversation casual and try to speak mostly about Abby, asking lots of questions so you didn’t get tangled up in speaking about yourself. If you steered the conversation toward movies, you could watch something exciting and maybe even scary together so you could cuddle up on the couch together. And well, if you got that far, things would probably fall into place naturally. Foolproof. Y/N-proof.
You groaned as you reached over to grab your phone from your nightstand. You had a message from your mom asking if you wanted to come over for dinner next weekend and an email from your professor who wanted to submit your last essay to some kind of grant application. You’d have to answer her later, your head still felt like it was filled with cotton. Instead, you sent Leah a message.
-Hey, you still alive? There’s leftover pizza and coke over here.
Five seconds later, there was a delighted squeal at the other side of the wall and you heard the click of your roommate’s door before yours opened and Leah tiptoe-danced inside, beaming at you. She was wearing nothing but an extremely tight-fitting cropped wifebeater and a khaki thong, accentuating her long legs as she leaped right onto your bed and almost made you fly as her weight hit the mattress. You tried not to stare at her perfectly toned abs as she opened the gigantic carton and held up a slice of pizza over her head, letting the tip dangle in her mouth before biting down with a moan that made you snort awkwardly.
“Good morning, you animal.”
Leah just moaned again, making a grabbing motion with her hand and pointing toward the second can of coke on your nightstand. You laughed silently as you handed her the cold can, condensed water running down the sides and wetting your fingers. You wiped them on the blanket. The tall brunette swallowed hard and took a sip of coke.
“Good morning, womanizer.” She grinned widely. “I’m so proud of you, man. This is the first time I’ve seen you in action and I can safely say Abby was just as surprised as I was.”
You buried your face in your hands.
“Oh god, was I that obvious? Did I do anything inappropriate? I thought it went well, but now I’m not so sure.” You spread your fingers to peak at your roommate who was currently chewing on a ginormous bite, tomato juice running down her chin. No manners, that girl. She just shook her head and made a noise somewhere between protest and encouragement.
“No, you were fine,” she said with a full mouth, “very tipsy, but cute. I hope you remember Abby inviting you to her place.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
You ran your fingers through your hair, immediately getting stuck in a tangle of knots. God, you needed a shower.
“Yeah, I already went over it with Mark. We made a plan so I won’t embarrass myself.”
“Good. I hope it goes well, you two would be cute together. Hot, even. I mean, no one can deny the allure of those biceps. And her ass?! Godly.” She easily evaded the kick you aimed at her ribs, laughing and slapping your shin away.
“Come on, let’s not act like you’re not ogling her every chance you get. I am, too - the woman looks like a greek goddess!”
“That’s enough,” you giggled, aiming another playful kick in her direction but only lightly hitting her in the thigh. “I know what she looks like.”
“Right. And soon, you’ll hopefully see a lot more of her.” This time, Leah jumped off the bed before your toes could sink right into her side. You tried to suppress a grin as you two stared at each other for a moment before Leah sat back down cross-legged and began eating the last slice of pizza.
“I mean,” she said casually, “you have seen more of a woman before, right?”
You grabbed your coke and turned it in your hands before answering.
“Yeah, I have. It wasn’t… It wasn’t all that, though. Just one time and we were both so nervous it was just awkward.”
Now Leah looked at you with a mixture of shock and pity.
“Come on, Y/N. Only once? You’ve never seen stars because of a woman’s tongue? Never screamed into a pillow because of some skilled sapphic strap game? Never lost your mi-”
“Leaahhhh!” You groaned, feeling blood shoot into your cheeks. “No, okay? I… I made the other girl cum, but for me, it was just… it was too unfamiliar and I didn’t know her well enough to really let myself enjoy it.”
Suddenly a thought crossed your mind and you felt your eyes open wide.
“Wait. Has Abby…? Is she..?”
Leah paused mid-bite and thought for a second.
“Well, she does have experience with men, obviously. As far as women go… I honestly don’t know. She’s dated a few, but it never went longer than a couple of weeks. I don’t know how fast things go with her and she’s never gone into detail with me. I have to ask Nora about that.”
“Don’t you dare! She’ll know this is about me and tell Abby!”
“Oh come on, I’m interested, too.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll tell you so you know what to prepare for, win-win!” She nudged your foot and gave you a mischievous half-smile.
“For god’s sake, do what you must.” You finished your coke and threw it perfectly into the bin beside your desk. Leah gave you an impressed nod. “And now I desperately need a shower. There is a literal nest on top of my head.”
“True,” Leah said and stood up, stretching her limbs as she walked to the door. “Thanks for the pizza. I’m gonna ask Jordan if he wants to come over, so don’t walk out naked if you don’t want a threesome.” She winked at you before closing the door, but a small part at the back of your brain knew that she wasn’t completely joking. You sighed and swung your legs off your bed. No point in lying around, it was past 3 pm anyway.
Grabbing your phone, a shirt, and some clean boxers, you headed for the bathroom. You took your time showering, detangling the mess on your head with lots of conditioner, humming along to Marika Hackman’s cover of I Follow Rivers as you stood under the hot stream of water and brushing your teeth for at least five minutes while waiting for a hair mask to do its magic. When you stepped out of the shower, the bathroom was filled with hot steam and you felt like a whole new person. You slipped into your fresh clothes and held the blow dryer to the mirror until your reflection was clear.
So. Here you were. Finally, you had spoken to the woman of your dreams and even flirted with her. She may have even been jealous of your short conversation with Ellie, the bartender. Tomorrow, you would text her, you would be brave and cool and not at all awkward. As you collected your clothes off the floor and took your phone, you suddenly realized something that would destroy your entire plan. You didn’t even have Abby’s phone number. Why hadn’t you asked her? Of course, you could ask Leah for it, but Abby would know because she knew she hadn’t given it to you. It would be a lot less cool and casual. Fuck.
You stepped into the hallway and ran straight into Jordan. Perfect. Good thing Leah had warned you.
“Oh, hi Y/N! You doing alright after all those tequila shots?” Jordan’s face was open and kind. You immediately relaxed. Just a guy, not a threat.
“Better than I thought I would, actually. What about you?”
“Well, I sent them back out the way they came as soon as I got home.” He grimaced and shrugged. “Just glad I’m still alive, to be honest.”
You had to laugh. “I’m glad, too. Leah would have been devastated.”
“I hope so.” He grinned back. The silence between you stretched a little bit too long.
“Anyways, I’m gonna see what she’s up to. See you later?”
“Yeah, sure!” You said, relieved that he didn’t make it awkward. You quickly slipped into your room and sank down on the bed, composing a text to Mark.
-Minor hiccup - I don’t have her number.
His reply came immediately.
-Shit. What now?
You let yourself fall back on the mattress and covered your face with your arm. Your phone vibrated again and you lifted it up, hoping for a brilliant idea.
-Hey, this is Abby. Are we still on for next week?
You almost dropped your phone on your face. For a minute, you just stared at the message. Then you rolled over onto your stomach and screamed into your pillow.
-Hi Abby. We absolutely are. Y/N.
You tried to suppress a fit of giggles as you texted your brother.
-Nvm, she just texted me.
-Omg what!! Play it cool, don’t answer yet. What did she say???
-Oops already answered. Still on for next week.
-Incredibly casual lol. Whatever, good for you!
-Shut up!
Another text by Abby came in and you actually started drumming your feet on the bed with excitement.
-Tuesday? I could cook for us
-Very impressive, I’ll bite. What time should I come over?
-Very clever. 6pm? Any allergies?
-Vegetarian, hope that’s okay. 6 is great, text me your address?
You watched the little text bubble pop up and vanish again for a good minute, getting more and more nervous for her answer.
- No problem. 2425 Constance.
There was nothing else to do but scream into your pillow again.
The next two days went excruciatingly slow. You spent the rest of your Sunday in bed, watching a terrible zombie movie and later ordering curry because you couldn’t be bothered with preparing any food. As it got late, you suddenly heard a knock on the wall. At first, you thought it was accidental, until the knocking started to continue in a steady rhythm. With a death glare that you hoped would reach through the concrete, you plugged your headphones into your laptop and continued watching your movie.
On Monday, you threw yourself into art history coursework and caught up on your studies, emailed your professor, and spent three hours on an essay about the depiction of blood in paintings of Judith beheading Holofernes. Lovely subject. Even though you got through a lot of your tasks for the day, you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at your phone every 10 minutes to see if you had missed a message. Of course, nothing came up. Around 4 pm, your phone buzzed and you leapt for it only to find out it was Leah asking you to buy toilet paper later. At 6pm, you shut off your laptop and grabbed your backpack to go grocery shopping.
Standing in the liquor store you realized you hadn’t asked Abby about cocktails.
“Looking for something in particular?” the elderly lady behind the counter asked. It seemed to be her own shop and to have been hers for a while, judging by the elegant wooden shelves and the warm, nice feeling of the room instead of neon lights and rows of white metal.
“Uh, yeah, actually. I have a date tomorrow and I thought we could make cocktails, but I forgot to ask what she likes. So now I don’t know what to bring.” You gave her an apologetic half smile. She stood up from her seat behind the register, growing not even 2 inches standing compared to sitting and made her way over to you. Her eyes twinkled behind thick glasses that made her look a little bit like an owl.
“Well, dear. I don’t know if I would go straight into the hard liquor on a first date. On my last first date, we had a delicious red wine, a Merlot. Couldn’t that be something? Are you going to eat anything?”
“Oh yes, she said she’d cook for us, but I don’t know what exactly.”
The shop owner gently put a hand on your arm and guided you to a shelf of dark bottles.
“Well, Merlot goes well with any food, so I think it would be perfect. Cocktails come later, when you dress up and go out together or after a night of theater.” You felt a surge of warmth spread through your chest. Theater? Well, why not? For a second, you began to trail off, imagining Abby in a perfectly tailored suit, you at her arm just as dressed up, every head turning as you entered the room and ordered Gin Tonics at the bar during the break. The voice next to you pulled you back to the present.
“If you’re cooking at home, wine is the thing to bring, trust me.”
“I trust you,” you said with a smile as you took the bottle she handed you. The label was a creamy white, with beautiful golden letters. Hopefully this wouldn’t bankrupt you. “Thank you for your help.”
The shopkeeper sat back down in her chair with a sigh and typed into the cash register. 15.99$. That wasn’t so bad. You paid and gently put the bottle inside your backpack.
“You know, you should come by soon and let me know how it went. I think that Merlot will bring you good luck. My wife and I still have it every Sunday.” Your head snapped up and your eyes met that charming, smart twinkle again, flashing at you out of dark brown irises. For a moment, all of the things you wanted to say were stuck in your throat, then you just broke into a smile.
“That’s wonderful, ma’am. I hope I can have that, in the future.”
“Of course you will, dear.” She really sounded like she meant it. A small lump suddenly appeared in your throat.
“Thank you so much. I wish you all the best.”
“Go get her!”
You laughed and waved at her again as you exited the shop, taking the warmth and comfort of it with you and tucking it right beneath the bottom of your heart and the top of your stomach where you knew it would fuel you for a few days. You had already decided that you would come back and make it your mission to befriend that old lady. What a wonderful woman.
Only 23 hours to go. That night, it was almost impossible to fall asleep.
You got through the next day by once again banning any thought of the evening from your mind and diving head first into your assignments. You were going to lead a discussion on different planes of language or communications in women’s art and literature and reading up on the historical differences between male and female narratives, beginning with the ancient poet Sappho. It was an exciting topic, something you were extremely thankful for. Otherwise you might have been looking at your phone every 3 minutes instead of every 20. Of course, no message from Abby.
The bottle of wine was standing on your nightstand, reminding you of your plans with an exciting tingle in your stomach. At 4pm, you gave up on doing anything productive. You spent forever in the shower, stealing some of Leah’s expensive pink body scrub, shaving everywhere and regretting it immediately because you felt stupid for assuming anything, entertaining the but what if thoughts while you thoroughly lathered your entire body in Leah’s shampoo and shower gel and spending a good 10 minutes just standing under the hot water because you weren’t ready to leave that fantasy yet. When you stepped out of the shower, the bathroom was an actual steam bath and you could hardly see the door through the thick waves of wonderfully scented fog. You took your time stealing some more of Leah’s skincare products, having come to the conclusion that if she noticed anything and scolded you for it, you might as well try out the whole arsenal.
When you finally opened your closet door, feeling luxurious and clean and fresh, it was 5.10pm. What the hell were you going to wear? You and Mark had agreed on casual, but what the hell did that even mean? You decided to ask him.
-Help!!! Freaking out over my outfit, need a definition for casual
-Jeans and T-Shirt, just your standard outfit. Imagine meeting me for sushi.
-I’m bringing red wine. It seems wrong to bring wine in jeans and a t-shirt..
-What happened to cocktails?? Trust me, keep it simple. You don’t wanna turn up in a dress and she opens the door in sweatpants.
-I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in sweatpants. Ughh fuck I don’t have time for this. Jeans and t-shirt it is. Lesbian grandma recommended wine, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow x
-Go get her x
You quickly slipped into some black jeans that were just the right amount of tightly fitting around your ass and a white shirt with a tiny pomegranate embroidered on the front. Then you put on your jacket and quickly threw your wallet, phone and keys into a tote before grabbing the wine and putting it in as well. With a last look into the hallway mirror and a yelled goodbye to Leah, you rushed out of your apartment.
The evening air was not as cool as you had expected and the sun was just about to set. On your way to the train station, you typed out an on my way! message to Abby and quickly deleted it again. No sense in sending it now when you hadn’t spoken since Sunday and were about to see her. The train ride was annoying, the wagon stuffed with commuters and some guy trying to convince you the apocalypse was upon you all. Zombies, not the last judgement - something different at least.
During the walk from the station to Abby’s house, you were sure it wouldn’t take much more for you to actually start levitating. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your throat was so cramped up it was hard to breathe. When you pulled out your phone, your fingers were actually shaking. Jesus Christ, get a grip. 5.58 pm.
And there it was, 2425 Constance. Just a normal suburban white house, like any other in the street. It actually seemed a bit weird, Manny and Abby living here in the midst of what seemed to be a family neighborhood with real adults . Then again, they both weren’t in college, so you supposed they actually were real adults. When you walked up to the front door, you could hear faint music from inside - jazz? You wouldn’t have guessed she was the jazz type, but then again you knew almost nothing about her. Right. Ask questions, keep the conversation about her. Be cool.
You knocked.
Abby opened the door, a wave of warm air hitting you from inside. It smelled delightful. Her face was slightly flushed, her lips parted as she took in a deep breath. She had tied her hair back in a low bun, but a few strands had fallen out and framed her face. One was standing up in a funny angle.
“Hi, Abby,” you said, trying to keep your voice level and not stare at her body. Fuck, she had dressed up. And she looked hot.
“Hi!” A smile slowly grew wide on her face. When she realized that she was blocking the door, she quickly shook her head and stepped aside. “Come in! Can I take your jacket?”
Oh God, this was hopeless. You already knew you were hers. Thanking her, you took off your jacket and she hung it in a closet next to the entrance. When she turned around, you got a chance to admire her fully. She wore wide dress pants that perfectly accentuated all of her muscles, topped with a loose white shirt with wide sleeves, reminding you a little bit of a pirate. Her jewelry rounded off the pirate look and you had to bite back a grin. She raised her eyebrows at you.
“What?” Her cheeks were still slightly red, but you attributed it to standing in a hot kitchen for probably the last hour, judging by the variety of smells overlapping and mixing together, already making your mouth water.
“Uh, I brought wine,” you said and held out the bottle. Eloquent as always. Abby took it and whistled through her teeth as she inspected the label.
“That looks classic. The sauce I made has some wine in it as well, this is perfect. Thank you, what a great idea!”
You were overwhelmed with her generous praise and didn’t know where to look, so you settled on her hands. You had always sneaked looks at her hands, at the way she held a glass or drummed on a table or clasped them when she was intently listening to someone. They looked strong and rough from work, but there was also a delicacy in their movement and you were sure her touch could be as gentle as the brush of a hummingbird flying past. Realizing you were staring, you tore your gaze away.
“It smells delicious in here, I can’t wait to see what you cooked.” You followed her into the kitchen, where she placed the bottle on the counter and took a corkscrew from a drawer. A big red pot was standing on the gas stove over a tiny flame, the lid still hiding its contents. Your stomach suddenly growled loudly into the silence.
“Someone’s hungry.” Abby gave you a side glance and an amused smirk as she screwed the silver device into the cork. “Everything’s already set, we can get started right away.”
You covered your eyes with your hand for a second before laughing.
“Yeah, I kind of forgot to have lunch earlier and then I figured I’d just wait so I could really savour this.”
“Smart thinking. I made patates au vin , a vegetarian version of coq au vin which is chicken in wine. It’s basically potatoes and vegetables in a thick brown sauce, served with some good rustic bread.” You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back at the thought of getting to eat home cooked french cuisine made by Abby in a few minutes.
“Oh my God, say that again.” You could barely stop yourself from moaning. Abby laughed and opened the wine with a loud pop.
“Here, take this over to the dinner table. I’m right behind you.” You took the bottle and followed her nod into the dining room. The wooden table was beautifully set with big and small plates, glasses for water and wine, candles, two blue glass bottles of water and a bowl of salad topped with what looked like apples, pomegranate seeds and feta cheese. You carefully placed the bottle of wine next to the water bottles and stepped aside for Abby, who came out of the kitchen carrying the heavy pot and placed it on a cork coaster in the middle of the table.
“Wait, let me just…” she trailed off as she grabbed her phone from the sideboard and changed the music. A saxophone led a jazz band into the song before a beautiful female voice set in, soft as butter and filling the room like the smell of roses. The voice was familiar to you, but you couldn’t quite place it. As Abby sat down, the music came to a crescendo before breaking off, the voice setting in again with a soft
is it a crime?
“Who sings this?” you asked as Abby opened the water bottle and filled your glasses.
“Oh, it’s Sade. She was my dad’s favorite.”
And I want you to want me too, the woman sang, and your eyes met over the table. You swallowed. Was? Not the right time.
“Sade? Oh, she sings Smooth Operator, right? I know that one, but I never checked out more of her music.”
Abby smiled at you and opened the lid of the pot.
“Yeah. This is the Promise album, my favorite. She is a force.”
A wave of steam erupted from the pot and you bent forward to look inside. Thick, roasted wedges of yellow potatoes lay in a bed of orange and purple carrots, mushrooms and tomatoes in a thick brown sauce, a stalk of thyme on top and a bay leaf poking out from the sauce. You weren’t sure if you were drooling, but you didn’t care.
“Abby, oh my God! This is fantastic.”
A spark had lit in her eyes when she heard you say her name. She elegantly stood up again, grabbed a serving spoon, and held out her hand for your plate. You watched her hands again as she plated an array of vegetables for you and used the spoon to draw a little sauce heart on the rim of the plate. Your ribs felt two sizes too small around your chest. This woman was actually going to be the death of you.
“Thanks,” you quietly said and waited as Abby helped herself to a plate. She sat down and gestured toward the small basket with thick slices of grey bread with a dark brown crust.
“Help yourself. Bon appétit.”
After a few moments of eating in comfortable silence before you showered the blonde in an array of compliments, this time not able to refrain from moaning when you bit into a tender, sweet purple carrot, the conversation began to flow. Abby complimented the wine, you talked about your studies, Abby told a few work stories in which both she and Nora were involved, you told her about your close relationship with your brother and she bittersweetly reminisced about her upbringing as an only child with a single dad. It had just been the two of them, moving frequently because of his changing jobs in different hospitals. He had been a neurosurgeon, and a brilliant one at that, but always humble and ready to help wherever he could. Abby sat up straighter when she talked about him, her chest actually swelling with pride when she told you about one time they had rescued an injured horse that had run away and been hit by a car in front of them.
“I think I was 16 back then. It’s one of my favorite memories of him. It actually wasn’t long before…” Her eyebrows moved into a frown and she bit her lip, pushing a small piece of onion around her plate. Fuck, maybe it would have been easier to talk about you, after all.
“We don’t have to talk about it. You can tell me when you’re ready.”
She looked up and you expected to see tears, but her eyes were full of love and her face smoothed out into a gentle smile.
“No, it’s okay. I’m still working on it, and part of my therapy is telling people who don’t know yet. You know, I don’t really have a lot of friends.” She suddenly laughed, easing the tension at the bottom of your lungs. “That sounds stupid, of course I do. I have Manny and Nora and Leah and Jordan and Owen, I guess. But the thing is, they all knew me before. I haven’t really made friends ever since my dad.. passed away. The idea of needing to open up to someone about all this so I can develop a real connection and friendship with them is just a lot to bear.”
“The mortifying ordeal of being known,” you mumbled, more to yourself, crumpling up your napkin in one hand.
“Oh, it’s this quote from a New York Times article that has been floating around the internet for a while. ‘If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known’.” You looked up at her and inhaled deeply. “It’s something I’m also terrified of. Although it seems kind of stupid sometimes, because compared to you for example, I don’t really have a good reason.”
Abby looks at you like she’s just discovered something extremely interesting. She takes a sip of her wine before answering, her silver rings blinking at you in the candlelight.
“It’s not at all stupid. I’ve always been very careful with who I open up to, even before my dad died. It’s horrifying, laying yourself bare for a person, putting yourself on a silver plate and handing it to them and saying there, now do with it what you wish. Maybe they’ll look at it and say no, thanks. Maybe they’ll call everyone and say hey, look at this mad woman with her twisted insides, isn’t that funny? Maybe they’ll see it and think, I can do this, and then after a few years they suddenly realize they actually can’t and you’re way too much and so they leave for someone with a more simple, prettier silver plate. Maybe they’ll even take a few pieces with them as they go.”
She didn’t sound bitter as she said it, and she didn’t look terribly sad either, more as if she was making an observation about something she was mildly interested in. You didn’t know what to say except for show me your silver plate, please show me your all, and I will devour it, savor it, keep it with me forever. But you stayed silent, your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth.
“I’m quite the handful, am I? Sorry, I shouldn’t have thrown all this” - she gestured toward herself - “at you during our first date.” Then her eyes widened as she realized what she had said. “Fuck, sorry, I just assumed… you probably don’t…”
Finally, movement came back into you. You jumped from your chair and were next to her in a few paces. She lifted a hand and you took it in yours.
“Of course this is a date,” you said gently and smiled at her. “Otherwise why would I have been this nervous for the past three days, thinking of nothing but you, constantly checking my phone to see if you texted me? And I brought red wine, come on.” That brought a smile to her face. She chuckled lightly.
“So I haven’t just ruined everything?” The hope in her eyes was mixed with real, honest fear.
“No, of course not. I’m glad you’re being open with me. You know, I planned not to reveal too much about myself tonight, fearing I would scare you away or say something stupid and make you suddenly lose interest.”
The current song ended and a soft, funky beat came on. There it was again, that twinkle in Abby’s eyes. Your hands were still clasped around hers and she made no move to pull back.
“Well, now I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me. Lay it on me. Over dessert, maybe?”
You raised your eyebrows.
“There’s dessert? You’re going to have to roll me out of here later.”
She laughed, warm and genuine, and the pride you had felt back in The Closet filled your chest again. You would do anything just to be the one to make her laugh every day for the rest of your life. She got up and you both started clearing the table together.
Never going to know
What fate is going to blow
Your way, just hope that it feels right
Could that Sade lady be any more on the nose? You risked a glance at Abby, who was smiling to herself. You followed her into the kitchen and she opened the fridge to produce a large glass dish, showing the several layers of biscuit and white cream, topped with dark cacao.
“Tiramisu? Seriously Abby, how much time did you spend in the kitchen today?”
She gave you a crooked grin before exiting the kitchen.
“Took the day off.”
You just sighed and went back into the dining room.
Such a fine time as this
“Here.” Abby handed you a small plate with a piece of her gourmet tiramisu. Your fingers brushed against each other and you both paused for just the blink of an eye.
What could equal the bliss
The thrill of the first kiss
You sat down and grabbed the small fork left next to your wine glass. On second thought, you took another sip of Merlot. It really was exquisite.
“Buon’ appetito,” you said and sliced off a perfect edge of tiramisu. The soft, coffee-drenched biscuit fell apart on your tongue, mixing with the heavy vanilla-flavored mascarpone. “Did you know where the name tiramisu comes from?”
Abby lifted her fork to her mouth and softly closed her lips around the piece of creamy dessert. You were entranced, watching her hand sink down to the table again, then her jaw moving and flexing as she chewed. She raised her eyebrows questioningly and you cleared your throat, taking another piece on your fork.
“ Tira mi su is Italian for ‘pull me down’. It’s the last thing you eat after dinner and the thing that makes you tired, pulls you right into the food coma. In restaurants, it rounds off the meal and guests will probably leave in the following hour because they feel they’re ready to go home.”
Never as good as the first time
Natural as the way we came to be
“Oh,” Abby said, her voice quiet. She looked up at you through dark lashes. “And are you going home after this?”
“No.” You said it without thinking, only knowing what was true in your heart. “I don’t want to.”
“I’m glad.” Taking a deep breath, Abby straightened up, then reached a hand across the table, her palm facing up. You stared at it for a fraction of a second before placing your hand in hers, feeling something fall into place inside you. The glances you exchanged said so much more than you could possibly dare to say out loud right now.
You used your free hand to stab the last piece of tiramisu. This time it was Abby who was watching you with hungry eyes as the fork vanished between your lips and emerged clean.
“This tiramisu could be the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life,” you said after swallowing and Abby’s fingers twitched ever so slightly around your hand.
“Thank you. I’m really into French and Italian cuisine, as you may have noticed.”
You leaned back in your chair, careful not to pull back your hand.
“I couldn’t do it, honestly. Spending so much time in the kitchen. Especially not with a job like yours, on your feet all day. I’d probably survive off of pasta and takeout.”
Abby smiled and began slowly drawing circles on the back of your hand with her thumb. You were already hyper-aware of how your blood rushed through every vein of your body, a side-effect of the red wine, but now it came to a roar in your ears.
“I guess I need some kind of hobby besides lifting weights. It calms me down. And it’s not just about the end result, about getting to eat something, but also about picking the right ingredients, taking my time cutting them up, trying new recipes with new flavors, and learning more about food and culture, and honestly about myself. It’s like meditating.”
“That sounds…” you were at a loss for words, “unbelievable? I’ve never heard someone talk about cooking like that. And I’ve never felt that way about it, too. I guess I’d like to, though. It sounds nice.”
Abby brushed her thumb over your knuckles.
“Well, I could show you.” You tilted your head slightly. “I mean, we could cook together. Next time. If you want to?”
Sade’s voice, smooth as polished wood and dripping with honey cut into the moment.
How could I have doubted
Honey, it's with me that you belong
“Yeah, I’d love to. What do you have in mind?”
“Do you like lasagna? We could make a vegetable lasagna and substitute the meat for soy. I could show you how to make a béchamel.”
You laughed and squeezed her hand.
“I love lasagna, although I have no idea what a beshmel is.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Abby’s face was glowing with happiness.
As the last two songs of the album played, you helped Abby clean up the table. You got into an argument about doing the dishes - Abby said she’d do it later but you insisted you would do them now or at least help because so far you had not lifted a finger.
“Come on, Abby, please let me help?” You tried your best doe eyes at her. She grinned and playfully slapped your upper arm.
“Okay. But I’ll put on different music.”
She vanished to the dining room while you began filling the sink with water. A high note filled the room before a man spoke.
You broke my heart / 'Cause I couldn't dance
You didn't even want me around
And now I'm back / To let you know
I can really shake 'em down
Abby stepped into your field of vision. The music set in, a delightful 60’s rock and roll melody, and Abby began dancing toward you with tiny steps and shaking shoulders. She was lip synching to the coarse voice of the singer and reaching out her hands for you. Snapping out of your frozen position, you shook your head, grabbed her hands, and were immediately twirled through the kitchen. A squeak escaped you as Abby pulled you back toward her and with another pirouette, you almost slammed into her chest. You both laughed out loud, continuing to dance through the kitchen with big, overexaggerated moves, flailing your arms and shuffling your feet across the tile.
I can do the twist
Now, tell me baby
Do you like it like this?
You quickly began singing along to the simple lyrics and both of you were giggling at each other’s dance moves. The next song was Stand By Me and you both settled down, beginning to clean the pots and dishes. You did the washing while Abby dried off the pieces you gave her and put them back into the right cupboards. Both of you were swaying and humming along to the music.
During the second chorus, both of you began belting along, filling the kitchen with the wonderfully familiar sound of slightly drunk women singing together. As the song ended, you both comically froze and waited for the next song to set in. When it was La Bamba by Ritchie Valens, you both continued singing along and showing off some probably terrible salsa moves. You were done in no time and Abby took your hand, pulling you into the dining room and sliding across the wooden floors with you. Your stomach hurt from laughing and you couldn’t stop smiling.
Next came the bittersweet Be My Baby by the Ronettes, a song you remembered from your childhood, vague memories of your parents slow dancing together after another terrible fight. You swallowed down the hint of bitterness creeping up from your stomach. Instead, you looked up at Abby, almost a full head taller than you, and dared yourself to step forward. You placed your right hand in Abby’s and your left on her tricep, coming unbearably and exhilaratingly close. Abby put her hand on your back, right below your shoulder blade, warming you through the fabric of your shirt. Your faces were incredibly close, her breath warm on your nose, and you could have counted every single freckle on her beautiful face. There was a slim ring of gold around her pupil, complimenting the green of her iris. She was breathtaking.
You couldn’t take this any longer. Should you kiss her? Everything inside you wanted to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to close the last inch of distance. It felt like wanting to do a handstand but pulling back at the last second every time because of a deep fear of failing and hurting yourself. It was terribly frustrating.
Instead, you leaned your head against the round muscle of Abby’s shoulder, turning your face toward her chest and pressing your temple to her collarbone. You could smell the herbs she had used to cook earlier in the fabric of her shirt, but her skin smelled like pine and something else, earthy and dark, like tree bark or wool. Abby rested her chin against your forehead and her low hum of contentment vibrated against your cheek.
A light waltz melody began, Unchained Melody, a song you knew from some commercial and had listened to for a few weeks straight after.
I need your love
God speed your love to me
You smiled to yourself and could sense Abby was doing the same. You kept slowly turning, dancing through the candle-lit room and swaying side to side. The band set in louder and you lifted your head again. Abby’s eyes were fixed to yours, but you couldn’t stop yours from wandering lower, finding those perfectly pink lips, hanging open ever so slightly. Your hand wandered upward, along her shoulder, and to the back of her neck. As the last verse of the song began, you stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against her. Abby inhaled sharply, her fingers spreading on your back and pressing against your skin. You gently pressed your lips to hers again and this time, she kissed you back. You dug your fingertips into the back of her neck, desperately wanting to come closer, to pull her down to you, hell, you would climb her like a tree if you had to.
Feeling courageous, you stuck your tongue out and ran the tip upward over her lips. Abby instantly reacted, opening her mouth for you and greeting your tongue with hers. She tasted like wine and cacao, and faintly like thyme. Releasing your hand, she wrapped her arms around your waist. You reached up and buried your hand in her hair. She gasped into your mouth. You tucked that sound away for later, swearing to yourself you would make her do it again as often as you could.
A few seconds of silence between songs were disrupted by your wonderfully frivolous wet kissing sounds and a small whine that escaped you when Abby’s hand wandered lower to cup your ass. The first guitar chords of Nights In White Satin vibrated through the air and Abby grabbed you tightly before lifting you off the ground and wrapping your legs around her hips. She carried you over to the dining table and set you down.
The dramatic crescendo in the song you loved so much began.
And I love you
Yes I love you
Oh, how I love you
The singer’s voice filled every corner of the room, his declaration hovering above you, the high voices of the background singers ringing in your ears and Abby’s hands everywhere, her body leaning over you, her hips pressed between your legs. You flexed your legs to pull her in closer, almost falling apart when Abby let out a low moan and rocked her hips forward against you. Then she suddenly slowed down and broke the kiss.
“Wait, let’s talk for a second.”
You kept your legs clamped around her, but relaxed back a little, brushing back a strand of hair from her forehead and giving her an encouraging nod to go ahead.
“I haven’t… I’m not that experienced with - with women. And generally. And I don’t want to rush things and do something wrong and lose you. I don’t really know how this works and I want to do it right.”
Her hands on your waist tightened slightly. You gave her a shy smile.
“Me neither. I’m scared, too.” You surprised yourself with your openness. “How about we take this slow, then? Talk about everything openly? And just go one step at a time?”
Abby nodded and pulled you closer again.
Holding Back The Years began playing.
“One kiss at a time.” She gave you a gentle peck on the lips.
“Oh, really? I would have never picked you as the sappy type,” you laughed against her lips.
“You wouldn’t?” She acted shocked. “Let me remind you of how I took the day off to cook a gourmet french dish for you.”
“True.” You shrugged and pulled her in for another kiss. “It’s probably the muscles. With those guns, you can do anything and still be taken seriously.”
Abby snorted and you realized that had been the wine talking. For a second, you were mortified, then she scooped you up again, holding your body with one arm as she ran her free hand through your hair.
“Oh, those? You know, they’re specifically for carrying you around all day. Anything for my - princess.” You had very well noticed the little pause there, but you decided not to say anything yet. Instead, you lifted your chin and eyebrows, imitating what you thought a royal would look like.
“Well, what does that make you? You’re obviously not a prince. My lady knight?”
Abby nodded solemnly.
“Sworn to protect and defend you. And to carry you wherever.”
“Well, do you have a sofa you could carry me to?” You tightened your hold on her shoulders and leaned in closer again.
“Of course, my lady.”
Abby carried you through a doorway at the back of the dining room into a cozy living room, equipped with a large sofa and a gigantic flatscreen tv, two vintage armchairs, a wooden bookshelf with at least 100 books, and a desk facing the window, medical books spread across the surface. The blonde sat down on the sofa and you knelt left and right of her hips, straddling her as you gave her another soft kiss.
“You know,” you began, “I’ve been crushing on you for months now. I thought you had absolutely no interest in me. I didn’t even know you liked women.”
Abby’s eyes widened at your confession.
“Shit, I had no idea. You weren’t exactly forward, you know. The first time we met, you already had this pull on me. But you were so shy and I didn’t want to jump you or annoy you, so I tried to keep my distance and wait if you would come around.”
“You have Leah to thank for that. Me coming around. I kind of forgot to come out to her until karaoke night and she told me you were dating women as well. She knows I’ve been a hopeless case when it comes to you, but she wanted me to figure this out on my own.”
Abby thought about this for a second.
“Yeah, Leah probably only told you because she knew I liked you, too. I haven’t been that open about dating women in the past, just because talking about dating in general was weird with Owen and Mel around and I also just don’t like everyone knowing my personal business.”
“I get that.” You nodded. “As I said, I hadn’t even been out to Leah. Mostly because I haven’t dated anyone in forever and the last time was a disaster not worth talking about.” You winced at the memory.
“You wanna tell me anyway?”
You thought about it for a second, then you climbed off Abby’s lap and laid down on the sofa, resting your head on her thigh. Her fingers immediately began brushing through your hair and massaging your scalp.
“Well, I met this girl during a freshman party at a sorority house the weekend before my first semester in college,” you began. You had felt weirdly out of place, but were determined to speak to at least one person. A few hours and an almost-lethal amount of tequila later, the girl you had talked to all night had dragged you into one of the bedrooms. You both had no previous experience, were extremely drunk and it was already 5am. You had fun making out and were both eager to try more, but it had been more out of curiosity than desire for each other and so the experience had not ended in the expected bliss of lesbian sex. Rather, she had come pretty quickly and afterward she'd begun crying and told you she had a boyfriend, and you had gotten dressed and fled the house. After that, dating in college was not really something you thought about much.
Abby listened to your story with interest and sympathy, laughing at a few parts and stroking your hair as you told her about the end of that fateful night. She felt deeply sorry for your experience of strangeness and betrayal, immediately promising to you that she would always tell you what was going on inside her head and what she wanted.
“Like you just did,” you smiled at her. “That was brave. It’s what I should have done that night.”
“I mean, I had a few weird moments, too, before I learned to speak my mind.” Abby’s gaze unfocused and she frowned as she clearly recalled some not very pleasant memories.
“Wanna tell me, too?” you asked, keeping your voice light. She nodded, looking down at you again.
“I mean, there's Owen, obviously. That didn’t work out well and now he is with Mel, leaving me wondering if he was interested in her while we were still together. After we broke up, Nora and I went on a little bender.” Your heart jumped into your throat. Did Abby and Nora...? A wave of jealousy rose from the bottom of your stomach, but you forced yourself to keep your calm, smiling at Abby as she continued.
“We spent every weekend at a different bar, and one of them was actually at The Closet. Nora was making out with a woman in actual overalls” - she snorted - “and I just hung out at the bar, drinking Long Islands and not brave enough to make eye contact with anyone. And then the bartender started talking to me.”
Suddenly realization dawned on you. You sat up and stared at Abby.
“Wait, Ellie? The short-haired one?”
Abby grimaced.
“Yeah. We talked for a while and I came back the next week with Leah and Jordan. They didn’t even notice I was spending a lot of time at the bar. Ellie and I met for coffee a few days later and I mentioned my dad and she got really quiet and strange. Turns out, she’s related to the guy that murdered my dad, so...”
You were pretty sure your heart stopped for a moment, all the air in your chest building up pressure as you tried to figure out how to breathe out. Abby noticed and gently guided you to lay back down, continuing to weave her fingers into your hair.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I’ll tell you the whole story another time. So yeah, Ellie and I. It was horrible, but we still stayed and talked for a while. She couldn’t tell me a lot about what happened, but she had no idea that I even existed and she was about to have a panic attack over it all. I helped her calm down and then she felt terrible for reacting so badly when it should be me panicking and I just told her that there’s nothing any of us can do now and we should probably leave it at that.” She sighed. “I hadn’t been to The Closet until a few days ago. I only came because I knew you’d be there.”
“Fuck, that’s terrible,” you mumbled. “I don’t think I could have gone back there. I’m still glad you did, though.”
“Me too,” Abby said, her voice gentle and honest. She leaned down to kiss you, deeply and passionately.
You stayed on the sofa for the next few hours, talking about school crushes and gay awakenings, about women constantly hitting on Abby and her being confused for a long time. She told you more about her relationship with Mel and you started to actually resent that woman. Who did she think she was? You told Abby about living with Leah and about your current research projects and she listened intently, asking a lot of questions about the art you were analyzing. You began diving into queer art and Sappho and your theory on the different languages of different social groups. Abby actually gave you some great new ideas and some good questions you couldn’t yet answer and you were actually beginning to look forward to writing tomorrow.
As the clock moved past midnight, it became clear you would have to leave at some point soon. Abby had to get up at 7 in the morning for a 10-hour shift, and you had stifled one too many yawns. You were cuddled up on the couch, kisses interchanging with long, deep conversations and more kisses.
“I can accompany you to the station,” Abby suggested as you looked up the departure times on your phone.
“You don’t have to. That’s sweet of you, but I’ll find the way.” You kissed her for her generosity, but she pulled back.
“Honestly. I don’t want you walking alone. I’ll go with you.” A sheepish smile appeared on her face and she did a tiny bow. “My lady.”
You rolled your eyes and got up, making your way to the entrance hall. Abby gently helped you into your coat and put on a black bomber jacket, a strange but hot combination with her fancy pants. She opened the door for you and you stepped out into the cold night together.
You held hands on the way to the station, stopping at every corner to make out, laughing together, and making plans for your lasagna night. You would come over on Thursday, promising to yourself you would finish all your coursework until then. Manny would come back on Friday, so you’d have the house to yourself again.
You arrived at the station way too soon, but your train was announced to arrive in two minutes. Heavy-hearted, you flung your arms around the tall blonde and she wrapped hers around your waist, lifting you up for another deep kiss.
“I can’t wait to see you again,” she whispered against your lips.
“I’ll even dress up next time,” you mumbled and she grinned at you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything but jeans and a t-shirt. I’m excited.” Well, now you had to go shopping. Leah would be delighted to go with you.
You pressed a last kiss to Abby’s lips before unwrapping yourself from her arms as the train rolled into the station. As you stepped away, she caught your hand and pulled you back for another one, cheekily running her tongue over your bottom lip. You sighed and kissed her hand, wrapped firmly around yours, before stepping back and boarding the train. You waved at her through the window as you departed and watched her stand on the platform until she was out of sight.
Letting yourself fall into one of the seats, you pulled out your phone and texted your brother.
-We kissed!!!! Call me when you can
Then you texted Leah about shopping tomorrow, just able to send the text before your phone vibrated with a new message.
-You looked beautiful tonight. I’m the luckiest person in the world.
You tried to keep your squeal as quiet as possible. A woman a few seats ahead of you briefly looked up from her phone.
-Can’t believe I have a personal knight who will carry me wherever I want to go
The reply came in seconds.
-Anywhere and anything you want. Text me when you’re home!
-Can I text you before I’m home? I miss you already :(
You had to wait a few minutes before your phone vibrated again. This time, Abby was calling.
“Sorry, I was cleaning up and getting ready for bed.” She sounded a bit breathless.
“No worries,” you said. “What are you wearing for bed?”
Abby let out a surprised laugh.
“Really, now?”
“I’m serious. I want to imagine being with you.”
“Well, I’m wearing a gigantic black t-shirt with a ton of holes and boxers.”
You closed your eyes, envisioning Abby’s thighs straining against the hem of her shorts and the soft cotton of her shirt that you could bury your face in. She would smell like nature and like home somewhere far away.
“I wish I was there.” You noticed you were sounding desperate. Fucking hell, were you about to turn into a 13-year-old? You could hear the smile in Abby’s voice when she spoke.
“I wish you were here with me, too.” She paused for a moment. Then, “Do you want to sleep over on Thursday?”
“Uhm -” you had to think for a second, remembering you only had dinner plans for Friday with your mom. Before you could answer, Abby cut in again
“Fuck, am I rushing you? I didn’t mean - I just thought it would be nice, falling asleep together. But I totally get if that’s -”
“Abby! Of course I want to stay over!” You clenched your free hand into a fist, punching your thigh a few times in order to divert the explosion of energy inside your chest.
“Oh, thank god,” Abby’s shaky laugh was heart-wrenching. “I thought I messed up already.”
You stood up to exit at your station.
“No, not at all. I’d love to fall asleep with you.”
The way to your apartment was over faster than you wanted it to be.
“I’m home now. I think I should hang up, Leah is probably sleeping.”
“Yeah, don’t wake the monster.” Abby chuckled.
“Good night, Abby. Tonight was incredible.”
“Good night, Y/N. You’re incredible. Sleep tight.”
Author's note: Thank you so much for your comments and kudos! If you'd like to support me, you can buy me a coffee here
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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Uncomfortable Questions
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction occurring after the events of the romantic epilogue! Approx. 3000 words of fluff and stuff.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Friends and Frenemies
Miyake was nervous. He did his best to hide it. His job today was to stay with Lady Akechi, to keep her safe and happy. Normally, he’d consider it an easy task. A pretty girl, a new place to explore . . . but this was his Lord’s wife! And . . . other complications.
He swallowed.
“Do you want to go shopping too, Miyake? I see you’re wearing another of Sasuke’s t-shirts.” The lady smiled back at him as she asked.
“Nope! I’m good. I like this shirt. And the ninja took me out for some pants that fit too. I'm just here to keep you safe.” He glanced up at the tall tall buildings to their right and left. “Where, uh, do you want to go?”
Her shoulders sagged. “It’s not so much what I want to do as what I should. I need to stop by the clothing designer here - the place that hired me. To apologize for disappearing like I did.”
“Think they’ll be mad?”
“I hope not.” She mumbled something else, something Miyake didn’t catch.
“What was that?”
“Oh. Ah, just that I imagine they won’t be nearly as hard to apologize to as my family.”
Miyake nodded. Families were tough. He’d left his own to go serve Akechi, and never looked back. Not everyone could or would do that.
The lady stopped at a gift shop to pick up flowers for her former co-workers. Miyake didn’t let her lift a thing. Better safe than sorry. He even offered to carry her bag - her purse, she called it - but she wouldn’t let him.
Then they rode the train - which would have been fun if there’d been a seat for the lady. Standing, Miyake spent the whole time worried she might fall. Every little lurch made his jaw clench.
She seemed to notice his concern, and when they got off the train, stopped. “Miyake, I’m not that fragile. I don’t know what Mitsuhide threatened you with, but I promise, I’m perfectly capable of carrying things, walking, and standing on my own.” She laughed. “I’ve been doing it for years.”
“I know, my lady. But it just seemed like . . . in your uh, your state . . .” He gestured helplessly. Neither the lady nor his lord had said a word, and it seemed wrong to just put it out there before they did.
“My state?”
Miyake tried to hide behind the bouquets in his arms. “Ah, maybe it’s the wrong word. But hey! Isn’t that the shop you’re looking for?” It was a two-story building. A large sign hung above the double glass doors, with a spool of thread and a needle.
The lady turned. “Yep. That’s the place.” She squared her shoulders like a soldier going into battle. “Let’s do this.”
Grateful for the topic change, Miyake followed her across the street and inside.
The woman at the front counter recognized her immediately. Rather than anger, her face lit up with a big smile. “You’re ok!” She called out, “Hey ladies, our new hire just showed up six months late.”
Lady Akechi blushed deeply.
Three heads peered past the corner and then the other designers filed into the room. Besides the young lady at the counter that recognized Lady Akechi, there was an older woman with red cheeks and a round face, a short, thin girl with ponytails, and a tall woman that looked like she might arm-wrestle in her spare time.
There was a round of re-introductions between the five of them, hand shakes, and bows. Lady Akechi apologized several times, and then came the barrage of questions.
“Is this the guy you left us for,” one asked, coming over to inspect Miyake.
“N-no, he works for him though. Oh! And those flowers are for you.” She gestured for Miyake to hand them out.
He dutifully gave out the bouquets under the speculative stairs of four strange women.
“Huh,” said another. “So you found some rich guy and now you don’t need to work? Lucky!”
“This one’s pretty cute though,” the older lady said.
The short one with her ponytails smiled bashfully. She hid her smile behind her hand.
Lady Akechi stumbled over her words. “Oh - oh, I still work. I just do commissions now. And ah, ah, that’s Miyake.” She pointed to the older woman. “Miyake, this is Aiko.” She gestured to ponytail girl, “And Masako.” She nodded to the girl from the counter, “Takara,” and then to the tall woman, “And that’s Kei.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Miyake bowed. He felt himself blush under the weight of their gazes. He hoped this apology and leave-taking wouldn’t take too long, but that was a futile dream.
The women invited them out for tea, and promptly closed the shop. They walked, chattering together, to a cafe nearby.
Masako hung back to walk beside Miyake. She kept glancing up at him, shy but forward. After a block or so, she shoved a piece of paper into his hand and then hurried back up to join the other women.
Miyake looked at the paper. It had some numbers on it. Some sort of code? Was Masako a kunoichi? He studied the paper. Ten digits. Three numbers and a dash, three more numbers, a dash, and then four more numbers. The number 2 repeated. Huh.
He put it away when they got to the cafe. The place smelled strongly of coffee, a bitter beverage that people in this era seemed to enjoy. Miyake preferred tea. There were glass cabinets with sweets on display too. Things he didn’t even begin to recognize.
“What would you like,” lady Akechi asked. “I’m getting a cold coffee and some financiers.”
Aiko laughed at the expression on his face as he scrutinized the display. “You look like you’ve never been to a French bakery before.”
He nearly admitted he hadn’t, but he knew better than to give information away. Instead he just smiled. “It all looks so good. What do you recommend?”
Takara shrugged. “If you like sweets, the macarons are great. Otherwise, get a croissant or some brioche.”
“I like the crepes,” Mayako added.
He wound up getting the crepes and a tea. While the girls continued their chatter, now asking lady Akechi about her whirlwind romance and her future plans, he focused on his plate. Miyake prodded the food suspiciously. What was a crepe made of? What was in it and on it?
Miyake picked up the fork the way Sasuke taught him, cut off a piece of fluffy golden crepe and some of the fruit and poofy white stuff inside, and then stuck it in his mouth. The flavors hit him all at once. Sweet and buttery, the texture smooth as velvet, contrasting with the tart fruit.
“I think he likes it,” Aiko grinned.
“I know how to make crepes,” Mayako spoke up.
Takara elbowed her.
Kei laughed. “Men don’t usually order stuff like that here. Glad you’re not shy about what you like.”
Lady Akechi gave him a gentle pat on the arm. “He doesn’t go out for sweets often.”
Miyake nodded, feeling his cheeks flush again. Going into battle was easier than sitting through tea with a bunch of women, he thought.
When the ladies returned to their conversation, he felt safe enough to polish off the crepes, and order a second round. By that point, Aiko and Kei were giving lady Akechi tips on how to keep her man, and Miyake wished he could turn his ears off.
The conversation finally wound down, and the group returned to the clothier shop.
“You know,” Takara said, eyeing lady Akechi, “if you’re going to be around at least a few weeks, I have a commission or two you could pick up. Since you’re still working.”
“I’d love that!” The two of them headed to the back of the shop, and Miyake followed.
Masako gestured for him to stop. “That’s not for customers.”
“I’m not a customer.” He stopped though. From here, he could see lady Akechi and the other woman chatting beside some bundles of fabric.
The girl squinted up at him. She was, he thought, exceptionally short for a grown woman. “Are you some kind of mafia guy? Yakuza? Are you in a gang?”
“What?” Miyake’s eyes widened.
“I won’t tell anyone. Just me and Kei thought, the way you follow her around, you must be hired muscle.”
“I work for Lord Akechi,” he said slowly. “He is not . . . any of those things. I think.”
Masako frowned. “Fine. Don’t tell me. At least, don’t tell me yet.” She tugged at a ponytail, pulling it over one eye. “Maybe you can tell me when you . . . when you call me.”
From behind them, Kei snorted. “That is not how you flirt, Masako. You sound like a salesman.”
“I do not!” The shorter girl bristled. “Just because I’m not pushy like you!”
“Guys like pushy. Makes it easy for them to say yes.” She was standing pretty close, Miyake realized. She’d come up behind him and now he was trapped between the two women. He turned to look at Kei.
This was the wrong thing to do.
When he turned, she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. It was . . . not a bad kiss. She was clearly experienced. Still, he gently pushed her away.
“See? Now if I gave him my number, you know he would call me.” Kei smiled smugly.
Masako looked furious. “I can’t believe you just did that!”
Mikaye understood now that he was the cause of this bizarre argument. A few days ago, he might have enjoyed being fought over by two attractive women. Not today. Today, he knew who he was going to marry and it surely wasn’t either of them. “I’m sorry ladies. I am already spoken for.”
“Oh sure! All the hot guys already have girlfriends.” Masako threw her hands up.
Kei chuckled. “What she doesn’t know, hm?”
“I ah, appreciate that, but -” He looked down the hall toward lady Akechi. She was lifting one of the cloth bundles. “My lady, no!” Miyake pushed past Masako. He lunged into range and grabbed the cloth out of her hands.
“What are you doing?” She looked stunned. A few bits of thread still stuck to her fingers.
Miyake grimaced. “You can’t be picking things like this up, my lady. It’s not safe for the baby.”
The four shop women all gasped at the same time. “You’re pregnant?” The question was a chorus of sharp disapproval to happy surprise.
Lady Akechi’s hands went to her hips. “No! Not, not as far as I know. Miyake?” One eye brow lifted and the expression was so like Mitsuhide’s that Miyake nearly handed back the bundle of cloth, certain he was wrong.
But he knew she had to be with child. Otherwise the dates wouldn't add up. “I - sorry my lady. I know you didn’t announce it yet.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Miyake took a deep breath. “Well. Yesterday, you know how I got quizzed by those professors?”
“They said I’m going to marry your daughter. Lord Akechi’s daughter, I mean. So I assumed . . .”
The four women burst into a whole new round of excited questions and now Miyake was the focus.
Lady Akechi came to his rescue. “I think Miyake’s just being . . . metaphorical. Yes. Not literal. Because I’m not pregnant. And anyway, ah, it really is time for us to go! But I’ll be back in a few weeks with the evening gown you commissioned. Thanks for that!”
Saying goodbye still took half an hour more, but they did get out and back onto the street alone.
Miyake snuck a look at his lord’s woman. She looked angry. Or worried. Maybe both. She kept touching her belly as if to be sure there was nothing new there.
“I’m not pregnant,” she said after they’d walked a little way back toward the train station. “I think I’d be able to tell. I mean, Mitsuhide and I, we don’t . . . you know, we just . . . but it takes awhile to make a baby, right? Like, lots and lots of . . .”
He swallowed. “Uh, sure? I mean, I knew some girls that got babies after one night with a man, but, I don’t know?”
“But not me. I'd know,” she said more firmly. “But . . . let’s stop at a pharmacy before we go home.”
Mitsuhide was having a fantastic day. He and Sasuke were riding the train out to the university. He tried to memorize the map of train stations, and even took a snapshot of it on his phone before Sasuke showed him how to download the ‘app.’
“Are you planning on traveling places on your own? I wouldn’t recommend it.”
Mitsuhide smiled obliquely. “I don’t know yet. But that is the problem for me here. I don’t know many things.”
After a moment, the ninja nodded. “And that is also why you agreed to come with me today.”
Sasuke bowed slightly. “It would be my honor to teach you whatever you want to learn in this modern day.”
“You have me at a disadvantage but do not seek to exploit it?” One white eyebrow lifted in a gesture his fiancee was mimicking half a city away.
“No. I wouldn’t do that to the man my modern era bestie loves.”
Mitsuhide pressed. “This, despite working for my sworn enemies, Takeda and Uesugi?”
Sasuke’s shoulders tensed. “Yes. And technically, they are Nobunaga’s sworn enemies, not yours. And in this day, they are dead.”
“I see. You are desperately balancing your allegiances and rationalizing your actions to suit the situation and your preferred outcome. Are you sure you aren’t interested in a job?”
“You aren’t in a position to hire me.” Sasuke’s mouth quirked into what Mitsuhide was realizing was his smile.
The warlord nodded. “True. Perhaps I will ask again when we return home. Which will be . . .”
Sasuke flushed. “I am not certain. Perhaps, three months? The magnetic device I put together to predict and to enhance the conditions surrounding the wormhole was destroyed when we were pulled through.”
“So we could be stranded here.”
“Yes.” Sasuke’s voice was very quiet as he agreed.
“You seem unusually disturbed by that. Yet, this is your home?”
The ninja shrugged. “It was. We should be going now. The professors will be waiting for you, and we still need their help.”
Mitsuhide knew he hadn’t gotten to the reason for Sasuke’s unhappiness at their current predicament. He needed to know why the ninja was perturbed, but good intel took time. Instead, he spent the rest of the trip to the university solving the mysteries of bank cards and how to operate a smart phone.
The university was a pleasant surprise. A vast complex of buildings dedicated to furthering knowledge and culture. There was one entire center given to poetry and literature. Another to medicine. One to agriculture. Walking through them made Mitsuhide miss his friends. He thought of Ieyasu and Mitsunari, of how they would enjoy the time to page through these endless shelves of books and scrolls.
He thought too, of his lord, and the oceans of blood they shed to reach this place. This time. Mitsuhide could not help but wonder if there was ever another way to get here, to this, or if war and sacrifice was the only way forward.
It was with these troubling thoughts in mind that he sat down across a desk from two aged men. One of them looked deeply distrustful, while the other seemed excited. The excitable one was Sasuke’s contact, and they greeted each other familiarly before the ninja introduced him.
“Professor Fukuda, this is Akechi Mitsuhide,” Sasuke bowed to his friend. “And this is Professor Sakai.”
The men greeted one another and then the questions began.
“So you claim to be the historical figure, Akechi Mitsuhide? The traitor of the Oda?”
“I do.” Mitsuhide smiled sharply.
The enthusiastic professor Fukuda nodded, interrupting. “No need to be hostile to the man. Just ask your questions. For verification.”
“Hmph. As if I can verify an impossibility. But . . . the other one, Hidemitsu, he was very convincing. Alright.” And he proceeded to ask about minutiae. Random details. The color of this, the material of that, the name of this or that scribe, and so on.
Mitsuhide wore his patient mask. The face of the eager servant, he called it. He answered the questions as fully as he could until finally, the skeptical Sakai ran out of steam.
“Are you satisfied, sir? Do you believe me now?” Sasuke waited for a reply.
“I suppose I have no choice. Besides, Professor Fukuda was showing me the formula for your time travel theorem. I’m no physicist, but it looks solid. And . . . Mister Akechi answered everything correctly. Down to the last detail!”
Mitsuhide took a breath. That was one obstacle down. “Now that I have your confidence, are you willing to make a deal with me?”
Fukuda took a breath. “Sasuke already gave us a list of your needs -”
“Yes. He provided the beginnings of our requirements. There is more.”
“Well? Go on then,” Sakai gestured.
Mitsuhide nodded. “I require unrestricted access to your libraries and data - databases. I will require an assistant to teach me how to navigate your net-work, and may also need to use your laboratories, which you will allow with proper safety measures in place.”
The two professors exchanged a glance and then nodded. “Done. Is that all?”
“No. I’ve one more request. I may at some time, need,” he glanced to Sasuke, fishing for the word from his new vocabulary. “Scholars. Scholars’ ships.”
“Scholarships. For special situation admittance,” the ninja added helpfully.
“Yes, that. Three of them.”
Fukuda leaned forward on his elbows. “Is it for more of you people from the past?”
“No. Let’s say, as a reward of sorts for some of those assisting us. I am not in a position here to offer them places in my retinue or at my castle. But I will provide for them.” Mitsuhide’s eyes were hard. This was not a negotiable point.
“Why not,” Sakai waved toward the window. “We have people drop out of programs all the time from the stress of studies. It shouldn’t be a problem to put three people in.”
Mitsuhide relaxed back into his chair. “Then we have a deal.”
*In IRL history, Miyake marries Mitsuhide's daughter and takes the name Akechi Hidemitsu so I decided to include that tidbit!
Next: In the Spotlight
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x09 Review
Spring Break was a bit of an odd ep but helped move some key plots forward. Let’s dig in!
Well people can no longer claim that Portwell is one sided. We finally got Gina’s pov and she starts off the ep uncertain whether the shift in their relationship means that EJ likes her but by the end of the ep she seems sure of herself and that EJ likes her back. I liked that she didn’t try to pretend that nothing had changed or that she hadn’t noticed potential signs that EJ might like her; it always sucks when tv characters act like idiots. 
Perhaps the most important reveal of this ep was that Gina has a much older estranged brother who left her and her mom many years ago. That certainly makes her backstory more tragic and is definite set up for her brother to eventually return.
The writers continue to give Portwell great tropes, capping this ep off with an airport rom-com trope that also calls back to EJ getting Gina the place ticket so she could come back in S1. Not only did Gina keep EJ’s Duke sweatshirt but she altered it to fit her better which is both sweet and bold in the assumption that it was hers to keep. Gina got her sign when not only did EJ show up to drive Gina home and take her luggage but he brought her the granola bar that she had wanted but forgot to pack. I wonder if her posting on her story that she was ubering home after her flight was cancelled was intended to see if EJ would show up since the camera focused on her posting it. Also sweet that she’s taken to calling EJ, ‘ Eej’. 
EJ’s opening was good, shows a lot of his character growth from the selfish guy he was in S1 and how he’s learned to value other people which of course leads into his feelings for Gina. We got another great use of the camera as character tonight when Gina was laughing after her facetime call with EJ until she realized that the camera was on her. 
Jack was a lot of fun. Though he didn’t really change Gina’s mind over anything like the ep description said he would.  Seemed like Gina was largely over Ricky and wondering about EJ at the beginning and the end solidified her feelings for EJ but Jack didn’t really play a role in that, it’s not like he encouraged Gina to reach out to EJ or anything. There’s a vague sense in which Jack being nomadic linked him to Ricky’s unreliability in Gina’s eyes with her craving stability but that’s a stretch. Jack mentioned that the second most dangerous part of a plane ride is when the plane takes off, a hint to the blossoming Portwell relationship where in order to take off one or both of them has to risk a confession even though they could be turned down.
This ep might seem a bit weird in hindsight. The zoom parts probably won’t age well and five years from now people might be wondering why they had Gina hang out with a manic pixie dream boy of sorts for an ep.
The path is clear for canon Portwell in the finale with EJ being Gina’s second chance at romance and her first kiss since they clearly telegraphed it out of nowhere. I’ve been impressed with the great work the writers have been doing since 2x05 to build up Portwell as a ship but also work on Gina and EJ as individual characters; they’ve been the highlight of the season so far. 
There was discourse this past week over how well or poorly Portwell has been set up. Objectively very few ships on this show get much in the way of set up or consistent writing. Redlyn and Kowie had barely any set up before getting together. Seblos had none (though in fairness that was due to Disney restrictions) and Miss Jenn and Mike Bowen didn’t have much set up either. Rini did get lots of development in S1 but that’s because they had already dated and were the main ship of the show. The show’s not really about slow burns, if Jenzzara canons in the finale they’ll count and if Rina ever got together they’d also count but neither of those ships have gotten consistent development with Mazzara not being in several eps and Gina and Ricky not even interacting for the past 3 eps. 
Is Portwell a slowburn? In a sense since they did feature quite a bit in each other’s S1 plot lines and even had a fake dating plot but it is true that they were platonic and not that close in S1 so it’s a wash. There was clear set up for romantic Portwell in 1x10 with team wonderstudies and Gina staring at EJ (which interestingly enough looked more like set up for Gina to pine over EJ). I think the main problem is that even though we saw Gina and EJ hanging out in the background we didn’t get any scenes of substance between them until 2x05. It was a mistake and there should have been some scene, like EJ and Gina commiserating in 2x03 over being single on Valentine’s Day or something like that. Hell there was even that still from 2x01 of EJ and Gina looking at each other at the piano while they were in the frame between Ricky and Nini singing and having a moment  which would have been good foreshadowing but that shot wasn’t in the ep.
Whether Tim just really wanted Portwell to be a surprise in 2x05 as a mid-season twist to throw the audience off of what looked like a Rini/Rina triangle or he was unsure as to whether he wanted to go with Portwell or if he just planned it out poorly we may never know. Regardless they’ve had great writing for 4 eps in a row now which puts them slightly ahead of the 3 eps in a row of development Rina got in S1. I’m sure if someone added up their screen time they’d find that Portwell has more screen time this season than Kowie and more screen time than Redlyn or Seblos  got in S1. 
Caswell cousins was fun and Ashlyn did in fact paint EJ’s nails. 
Set up for Seblos drama next week, it’s refreshing to see Seb being jealous over Carlos flirting with other boys that’s definitely not something you see on Disney shows.
Ricky got some healing done with his mom. Enough to cover their issues? No but this is probably the best this show is capable of. There was a brief mention of therapy sandwiched between other options which sounds more like checking off a box then setting up Ricky actually going to therapy. I noticed Lynne was smiling at odd times like when she told Ricky she knew about his breakup with Nini; whether that was poor directing or acting I don’t know. Who knows if we’ll see Lynne again. As an aside still so wild that Tim named Lynne who’s been a kinda shitty mom after his own mom who he seems to be fairly close with.
Really liked You ain’t seen nothin as a song but not a fan of the Tiktok style vid. I’ll level with you wildcats, I’m too old to really get Tiktok, it just seems like a crappy version of Vine to me. Let you go was good, seemed better fitted for Joshua Bassett’s voice than some of his previous songs. A big sign that they’re not circling back to Rini for a long time for sure. Though on that note we got a bit of a hint that Ricky was Nini’s muse which may one day come back as a way to help bring them back together. 
Looking Ahead:
If there’s only 3 weeks left till the Menkies, with only 2 weeks left for rehearsal due to spring break, it’s hard to see East High winning unless North High is disqualified or has to withdraw. 
Lily is in a promo photo so she’s likely the unexpected facetime Ricky gets which is what I had theorized. Also makes it much more likely that she’s the party crasher Ricky re-evaluates in the finale though what Tim actually wants to do with those two I do not know.
There’s little point in bringing back the Valentine’s chocolate since there’s no real stakes. Rini are already broken up, Gina hasn’t spoken to Ricky since 2x06, and it’s not like Nini and Gina were ever close so even if they stopped talking to each other it wouldn’t really affect the show in any way. 
Seems pretty likely that Second Chances refers to Gina realizing that her first try with Ricky failed but her second chance with EJ won’t and that leads to her sharing her truth and cue the Portwell confession and kiss, perhaps with an assist on EJ’s end from Mazzara. We’ve gone well past the point where Portwell can be brushed off as just a plot device to help Rina but Tim is playing with fire by getting the audience so on board with Portwell if he’s once again going to have EJ lose a girl he likes to Ricky in S3.
Gina certainly needs to talk with Ricky and I do think that happens in ep 11 or 12 and leaves them on better terms. As I mentioned last week, if Tim was smart he’d slam the door on Rina if he’s going with canon Portwell or vice versa. If he wants Rina to be a slow burn he’s really botched the writing this season, it’s been too one sided and too angsty to sustain any kind of momentum or audience interest. They haven’t even interacted for 3 eps now and not only has it not affected the show but it’s inarguably made Gina’s story line much better.  Again I don’t think he’s smart enough to not try and do Portwell and then later Rina but he’s accidentally set up the Rina story line to quite easily slam the door permanently on them by having their conversation be closure for Gina who’s moved on and an apology from Ricky who never liked her back as much as Gina liked him.
Not looking forward to seeing Nini basically live out Olivia Rodrigo’s life in future seasons
Curious to see Carlos’ apology song to Seb. Ricky helping him with it is a great way to help start redeeming Ricky’s character in the audiences eye’s. According to Matt there is a bit of a Ricky/EJ rivalry this season and if it’s really happening the sleepover would be a good place to do it though I hope it’s not about Gina. 
Until next week wildcats.
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h0-e · 4 years
Envy & Desire - Fred Weasley
Part 1/2
Part 2 is here!
Summary: With the Yule Ball coming up you hope that Fred, who you’ve been secretly meeting up with the past few months, would ask you. When he doesn’t it, George, being the only person who knows about your feelings, takes it upon himself to make sure his best friend (you) has the time of your life and his brother realizes his feelings.
(Heyyy guys so 1. I really hope that summary didn’t just give the whole story away:(...like the last imagine I said I suck at summaries and I still stand by that! 2. I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile now so hopefully you guys enjoy the story as much as I do. Buuut lastly, please send in any requests you may have!! Honestly all I need is a person and a plot:) doesn’t even need to be a detailed plot but if I don’t start getting something my whole account is gonna be Fred Weasley content and as much as I’m in love with the boy I would love to write about other characters for you guys!!🥺❤️)
flashbacks are bold
Warnings: None
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As soon as the Yule Ball had been announced it was all that anyone was talking about at Hogwarts. Who was bringing who? What color are you wearing? What was the theme? It was hard to pretend that you were not as equally as excited as the other girls in your grade, especially when the question ‘who are you hoping will ask?’ came up as often as it did.
All you wanted to say was the name of your best friend, Fred. But no one, not even Hermione or George, knew of your crush on the older twin and you planned to keep it that way until he decided to let the world know what was happening between the two of you. You had been friends with the twins since your second year and their fourth, always helping them get out of trouble, sell their products to the first years, and even going as far as letting them convince you to get detention with them. Your crush on Fred had always been there and maybe it wasn’t until your second year knowing them that you had finally acknowledged it, when his hair started to grow out and his voice started getting deeper. It was as if a bell went off in your head letting you actually feel the emotions that had been growing for the boy.
You don’t really remember when things started to change between the two of you but one day they just did.
It was a Sunday night and you were studying in the library, preparing yourself for the test in potions that you had the next day, when suddenly you weren’t alone and you were greeted by Fred.
“Hello, Y/N.” he sat down in the chair next to you, peering over your shoulder and reading out of the book that was opened in front of you.
“Hello, Fred. Where’s your partner in crime?” you closed the book, being sure to mark your page first, knowing that with the boy next to you being here you wouldn’t be getting any studying done. “He’s in detention, didn’t run fast enough from Filch.”
He smiles, obviously amused by the memory and you laughed along with him. “You just left your brother? And you wonder why I won’t help you when it comes to pranking people.”
“Nah, I’d be sure not to leave you.” he nudges your shoulder and you turn your head back to your book and open it again, hoping that the blush that crept to your cheeks weren’t too noticeable. “Well, Mr. Weasley, what can I help you with while your brother is in detention? I have to study.”
“With George in detention and Lee out trying to impress Beauxbatons I have no one to hang out with...” he says this almost shy as if he’s just now registering how it sounded out loud. “Not that you’re my last choice out of people to hang out with.”
I nod my head slowly, followed by a small ‘mhm’. “Come on, you know that’s not how I meant it.”
You smile to yourself, happy with how easy it is to mess with your best friend. “Why aren’t you trying to impress the Beauxbatons with Lee, surely you were happy with their arrival.”
Fred brings his hand up to the table and starts mindlessly playing with the fold on your paper, marking where you stopped reading. “Sure, they’re nice to look at, but to be completely honest they’re kind of intimidating.”
You laugh loudly, earning glares from the few students around you guys and when you look back at Fred you now see a faint blush rise to his cheeks.
“Fred Weasley, intimidated by girls. Never thought I’d see the day. You’re usually all cocky around girls.” As much as it hurt for you to say, reliving the countless times he had come to you about someone he had thought was good looking or was planning on asking out, you had to play it off as if it didn’t matter.
“I’m only cocky around the ones that I fancy, Y/N.” with this statement he holds eye contact with you, your heart starts racing from the intense gaze but you remind yourself that he’s just a friend, a close friend to be exact, so of course he could look at you like that and it not mean anything.
But a little part of you wanted to hold onto that sliver of hope and before you knew it the words were tumbling out of your mouth.
“Then you must fancy me a lot, Weasley.” making sure that you said it in a joking manner, Fred caught on to the slight sound of hope in your voice and smiled softly to himself. “I must then.”
Your eyes snap up to his, trying to see if this was another one of his jokes but when they met with yours you could see that he was serious. You made an ‘O’ shape with your mouth but no words came out. You didn’t know what to do with this information, your best friend, the guy you’ve liked for the last year now, has just confessed and you don’t know whether to just grab him and kiss him how you had imagined all of those times or to run to your room and hide yourself because of your nerves. You don’t do either of those things though and Fred takes this as a sign to continue going on.
“I’ve liked you for awhile now, Y/N. Just didn’t know how to tell you and I get it if you don’t feel the same, and I hope that this doesn’t ruin anything between us as friends. But it also gives me hope when I catch you looking at me from the side or when I see you blush at a comment I make.” he takes a deep breath and looks at you.
“Could you let me know if I’ve made a fool of myself or not?” he lets a nervous smile break onto his face and starts to play with your fingers so effortlessly like he’s done hundreds of times before, but still it makes a swarm of butterflies go off in your stomach. You grin widely at him.
“No, you didn’t make a fool of yourself.” with this statement a wide grin that matches your own makes its way to his face and squeezes your hand. “You have no idea how happy I am right now, love.”
You chuckle at his comment and nod slightly. “I think I have an idea.”
He soon leans in and moves your hair behind your ear. “You know what this means, don’t you?”
Your brows furrow in confusion as you try to think of what he means but it’s hard to concentrate when Fred’s fingers are brushing against your knee as he moves his feet back and forth waiting for you to answer. You shake your head no.
“It means...” he uses his thumb and pointer finger under your chin and directs your face to his. “...I can do this.”
His lips meet your own and you gasp lightly at the soft feeling he leaves behind as he moves his lips against yours slowly. The kiss is sweet and delicate, almost as if you were made of glass and he was scared to break you. His one hand is now fully cupping your face and his other is pressed against the cool desk that you two are sitting at. You don’t know where to place your hands at first but as you get more comfortable with the kiss your arms comfortably rest on his shoulders as you play with the hairs on the back of his head.
That kiss had happened at least two months ago and neither of you dared to speak about it in front of anyone, scared it would make things awkward and the thought of sneaking around made it exciting. Nothing ever went past a makeout session between the two of you and though both of you wanted to go farther, something was stopping you. Even though you guys didn’t have a label, even behind closed doors, you still couldn’t hide the jealousy that consumed your being when a girl flirted with Fred or leaned in a little too close to him during potions class.
“You okay there, Y/N?” the glare you were giving to the back of a blondes head was interrupted when George nudged you with his shoulder. Your head snaps to him while he looks at the sight in front of him.
“Hm?” you put on a confused face, trying to hide any emotion you may be giving away. “Yeah, I’m fine. Some people just have annoying laughs, y’know?”
You smile at him then turn back to your paper, copying whatever it is Snape had on the chalkboard. “Is that all?”
You can feel your heart hammering in your chest, scared that George may already know. Why wouldn’t he know? Him and Fred are twins and share practically everything with each other, what makes this different? “Yeah, what else would there be?”
He squints his eyes at you and is soon leaning closer to your face. Your eyes widen when he gets so close to you that you can feel his breath. “You’re not a slick one, Y/N. I know your secrets.”
“I don’t have any secrets.” you say this trying to keep a straight face.
“Ah, but that’s not true, everyone does.” he smirks to himself and leans his elbow onto the desk, holding up his face with his fist. “I see how you look at my brother.”
You laugh at him, trying to remain in character, but before you can respond your name is being said.
“Miss. Y/L/N and Mr. Weasley, do not use my class as a place to prance around in your lovesick bubble. Ten points from Gryffindor.” you sigh and before you go back to writing you make eye contact with Fred as he furrows his brows at you. You don’t acknowledge his look, still slightly affected by the flirting him and his potions partner were doing and continue doing your work.
The Snape incident happened a week ago and what made it worse was that you and Fred hadn’t had a chance to be alone since. With the Yule Ball being so close you were hoping Fred would ask you and you guys could finally make things official but with the recent events it almost seemed like the boy was avoiding you.
As you were making your way to the Gryffindor common room, you were greeted by George on the moving staircases. “Hello, George.”
“Y/N, how are you?” you looked at him confused. How is it that the twin you didn’t have any feelings for could tell when something was off with you but the other seemed to have no clue? But still you lied.
“I’m fine, why are you asking?” he sighs.
“So I guess you haven’t heard. Fred asked Angelina to the ball.” that statement made you want to crumble to the floor if we’re being honest. You were hurt and confused. How could he ask Angelina when he said those words to you weeks ago? Was he tired of you already? So many thought were rushing through your head but you tried to not let George see how hurt you really were.
“Well good for him.”
“You know you don’t have to put up a front, I know that it sucks—“ you cut him off before the two of you stepped through the portrait and into the busy common room. “I’m fine, George. Really.”
The common room was packed with all your friends, excited chatter about the ball was the topic for everyone, including the boy you’ve grown to care about even more then you thought you possibly could. The sight of him could’ve made you forget about what you had just heard, with his bright smile and booming laugh that seemed to be the only thing you heard over all the talking. But what was next to him was what made your blood boil, Angelina was the one causing the laughter.
“Oi! Y/L/N, finally come to join the party?” Seamus was the one who noticed your arrival first, causing most of the room to look at you, including Fred who made eye contact with you before you looked away. “I’m gonna have to pass on this one, as sweet as that invitation might’ve been.”
The teasing tone you used with him made Fred visibly tense up and it just made the confusion inside of you grow. If he was affected by how you spoke to other guys why would he ask someone else to the dance?
“Y/N, guess what!” this time the voice belonged to Angelina. It was surprising that she was coming up to you considering you guys weren’t more then acquaintances. You shoot your eyebrows up in surprise waiting for her to continue. “Fred asked me to the ball! Can you believe it? I always thought that he fancied you bu—“
“Good for you, Johnson. Should’ve seen it coming, you guys are quite the pair!” you called the last part out, making eye contact with Fred making sure he knew you were speaking to him as well.
You turn away ready to go up to your dorm and go to sleep, possibly cry. Before you can go though your name is being called for the third time, and it’s by Ron this time. “Do you wanna go to the dance with me? I haven’t got anyone else to go with.”
You give him a tight lipped smile even though you see Fred’s attention has fallen on you and can definitely hear due to the fact that most of the room has quieted down, waiting to hear your response.
“Ron, I’m sure you’ll find someone. You won’t have a good time with me if we’re only going together because neither of us have anyone else. Besides...” you’re sure to make eye contact with Fred again. “...I’m not gonna be anyone’s last choice.”
With that you pat Ron’s shoulder and make your way up to your dorm.
A/N: Omygoodness i actually really like how this is turning out and i promise to have part 2 out by saturday!! but please let me know what you guys think and be sure to send in requests!!❤️
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity Chapter 2
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (Curvy OFC)
Warnings: alcohol, we’re going out people
Wordcount: 2.9k
A/N: chapter 2 here we go! Hope you enjoy 😘
Chapter 1
“Mel you have to come!” Gia said while jumping up and down. “You have been here for over a week, and not once we have gotten a drink. I need to know what you’re like drunk.”
“I absolutely agree with her,” Carmen said, grabbing her purse. The three of us were still in the office, everyone else had already left. It was Friday, 6pm, and they wanted to get drinks after a long week of work.
“Alright, alright! I’m coming with you guys!” I laughed as we walked towards the elevator.
“Good, because the bar will probably be packed with detectives since they closed that difficult case today. Sometimes they go out and celebrate afterwards,” Gia babbled, “I hope the hot ones will be there tonight. It has been way too long since I had a good shag,” she said mischievously while playing with a strand of her pink hair.
We stepped in the elevator while Gia and Carmen decided we all needed to hook up with a hot detective tonight. They were already getting excited and discussing horrible pick-up lines.
“I think I should let you guys know, I am terrible at flirting,” I say. “I just start to make stupid jokes no one but me finds funny and I get so awkward.” The elevator has reached the ground floor, and as we stepped out, I noticed it was already getting dark outside.
“It’s a good thing you are going with us, because we are masters at flirting, aren’t we Carmen?” Gia said as she nudged Carmen in her side with a spark in her eyes. Next thing I knew she ran towards the door that led to the parking garage.
“Carmen, I’m coming with you. I need something to wear and tonight I’m borrowing that cute little black dress you bought the other day,” Gia yelled.
Carmen and I looked at each other and laughed as we followed her into the parking garage. As we walked to our cars, we decided that I should go home and change before going to Carmen’s place where we would order some take out.
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I went home and quickly freshened up. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans with a dark green satin blouse. I completed the outfit with my black leather jacket and white chunky sneakers. I reapplied my make-up and added some glittery eyeshadow. Once I was ready, I grabbed a bottle of wine and drove to Carmen’s house.
We ordered pizza and had a few glasses of wine. Unfortunately for me, they became noisy after a few glasses of wine.
“So, tell us about that guy you met at the supermarket Mel. We need to know everything and so far we haven’t heard enough details!” Carmen said with a big smile.
“Yes, yes, yes! Tell us!” Gia yelled as she jumped up to grab another bottle of wine.
“Alright, alright! So, I had forgotten to buy groceries and realized that like half an hour before the store would close. I jumped in my car and drove there. It was late so there were just a few people inside,” I told them as I got into a more comfortable seating position.
“I grabbed the stuff I needed, but I remembered I needed some cereal. I walked to that aisle, it was empty, but I had had a long day and I was so tired I just stood there staring at all the boxes. Completely zoned out for a moment. I finally regained my conscious and wanted to grab a box, but at the same time someone else grabbed the exact same box.”
“You didn’t even know someone was behind you?!” Carmen yelled while her eyes nearly popped out. “I just met you, but I already know it is impossible to sneak up on you.”
“No! I was completely zoned out there! And when I turned around, I bumped into him and I dropped the apples I was carrying,” I said while I hid my face behind my hands. “But then, I got to take a good look of him. And I swear, he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.”
“We need more details girl. Way more,” Gia said while shoving the last piece of pizza in her mouth.
“Well, first of all he is so tall. And he is big and muscular. He made me feel small, and that doesn’t happen very often,” I explained and took a sip of my wine. “Besides that, he had gorgeous blue eyes and brown curls. I seriously had to slap my hand away so I wouldn’t touch the curls.”
“That might’ve come across a little weird,” Carmen chuckled.
“Just a little? I would have to move again! It would be that humiliating,” I laughed. “Anyways, then he picked up the apples and handed them back to me, but me being my clumsy self, I almost dropped them again if it wasn’t for him. He grabbed my elbow to prevent that. Oh God it was so awkward.”
“Tell me you at least spoke with him?” Gia asked.
“I obviously thanked him and we exchanged a few words. Nothing really interesting though. Well, then he said he needed to go and started to walk away.” I took a deep breath and continued. “Of course, I had to say something to embarrass myself.”
They looked at me waiting for me to continue.
“I said, and I quote, ‘see you around?’. I swear I could hit myself in the face once that popped out of my mouth.”
“What did he say?!” Gia and Carmen both yelled at me.
“He said, and again I quote, ‘I hope so’.”
“Girl, I am proud of you. He’s clearly into you,” Gia said while she raised her wine glass.
“I’ve met this man once Gia, and we barely spoke. It is practically impossible to know if that’s true. Besides, while I was driving home, I remembered I forgot to do something.” I added.
“What did you forget? To check him out properly? Because I think you checked him out pretty well,” Carmen gave me a wink.
“I forgot to ask his name, so it is impossible to track him down ever again. There are so many people in this city,” I murmured.
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Apparently not so impossible I thought as Gia, Carmen and I walked through the doors of the bar. He was hard to miss. I recognized his massive shoulders and curls immediately. He stood there with some other men around a few standing tables. He had his back towards me, but I knew for sure it was him. I believe he even wore the same sweater. Or he has multiple of those.
“Look, that booth is still free,” Carmen said. “Go sit, I’ll grab us some drinks!”
The bar was packed and some rock music blared through the speakers.
Gia and I walked through the busy crowd and sat down in the booth. I made sure I could still see him. From this position I could actually see his face, and it was indeed him.
“What are you looking at?” Gia noticed me staring. She turned around and scanned the crowd.
“Nothing. Just looking around,” I lied, but then I remembered I was a terrible liar. Oh no, I have to tell them. This is not going to end well.
“You’re obviously lying so spill it.” Gia narrowed her eyes.
“What is she lying about?” Carmen asked as she placed our drinks in front of us.
“Alright, don’t look but I think the guy from the supermarket is standing over there.”
“Where?!” They both turned around at the same time.
“I said don’t look around!” I hissed. I scooted over so I was leaning against the wall and took a big sip of my drink. “Oh wow, what did you give us?! This is actually pretty good,” I said while I felt my throat burning from the alcohol.
“That is an irrelevant question right now Mel and you know it. Is it that guy over there?” Carmen pointed at the standing tables. He had a beer in his hand and he laughed with the guy next to him.
“Sit down! Now! Don’t point, but yes that’s him.” I could feel my cheeks burning already.
Gia and Carmen sat down and sipped from their drinks.
“He is really handsome, but dear, you have no idea who he is? Really?” Carmen looked at me suspiciously.
“No, I don’t! Remember, I just moved here not too long ago,” I said.
Carmen and Gia looked at each other and laughed before Gia spoke. “First, as I predicted, there are some detectives here. Second, your guy over there, is one of them.”
Wait, what? Well that explains why I felt safe around him. And why is has such an authoritarian vibe. I looked over at him and noticed his glass was empty. No, no, no don’t get a new beer now. You have to walk past us and I am not ready for you to see me. Carmen and Gia saw the panic in my eyes and they looked over at his group.
Gia also noticed that they were all out of drinks. “Wait here.” She said before standing up and walking towards the bar. She came back in a few minutes with a tray full of shots.
“Follow me,” she instructed us and grabbed her own drink. Carmen got up and grabbed my arm, making me stand up.
“No, we are not going over there!” I protested but it was already too late. Gia placed the shots on the standing table and started talking to them. She waved at me and Carmen and gestured we had to come over.
“Come on, what could go wrong?” Carmen laughed. We grabbed our drinks and I looked at the ground while we walked towards them. When I looked up my eyes locked with his and I felt something familiar. I felt the same shot of electricity going through my spine as the one in the supermarket.
“These are my friends! We all work for the Minnesota Daily,” Gia said. “We heard you guys solved a case today, consider these shots as a thank you for protecting us from all those creeps out there.” She batted her eyelashes at the man next to her.
Everyone grabbed a shot and I couldn’t wait to have one myself honestly. Gia shouted a toast and we all took the shot. I might need 5 more of these. I was getting nervous from just being this close to him again and I had no idea what Gia or Carmen might do. They could easily embarrass me right now.
But they were already talking to some guys before anything embarrassing could happen. I looked around and felt a little uncomfortable and insecure between these guys. I always seem invisible to men, which is ironic since it is kinda hard not to see me. The friendly looking detective next to me seemed to sense my insecurities and started a conversation with me. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and answered his questions relieved.  
We chatted for a couple of minutes when his boyfriend walked in and greeted him. I looked around for Gia and Carmen. Gia was still talking to the man next to her with a new drink in her hand. Where did she get another drink?
Before I could ask her, Carmen showed up with another tray of shots and a deck of cards. “Who knows a drinking game?” she shouted. The group answered by cheering and pointing at one of the guys.
“Make sure Walter needs to take some shots, he always finds a way out!” another one shouted. They all laughed and looked at the man from the supermarket.
“I play fair and square guys, I can’t help it I always win,” Walter says. His eyes lock with mine again and I quickly look away. Why can’t I just look at him? Why am I so awkward?! At least I know his name now. I thought while grabbing a shot and pouring it down my throat.
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I should not have played this game. I gave all the wrong answers, so I had to take a few shots too many making me drunk. And drunk me? Well, drunk me gives even worse answers. I embarrassed myself so many times I thought the night couldn’t get any worse. I was wrong.
After the third tray of shots we ended the game. Most of us were drunk, especially Gia. She wobbled on her legs and had her arms wrapped around the guy next to her, John I learned.
A few guys started to leave, but Walter and the guy next to him, Liam, stayed. Carmen stood next to me, she looked at me with a smirk and walked towards them while dragging me along.
“Hi guys! So, tell us, what’s the weirdest case you’ve had?” she asked.
Liam starts telling a story, but I couldn’t focus. I stood next to Walter and I could smell the same musky cologne he wore in the supermarket. I smiled at him and I received a small smile.
We looked at Liam and Carmen and see that they were already making out.
“Well, that escalated quickly,” I chuckled. Oh no, it’s just the two of us now. Mel, act like a normal person for once please.
He nodded and awkwardly took a sip of his beer. Silently we stood next to each other. I opened my mouth to say something, but I had trouble with forming a sentence. He looked at me and I laughed nervously.
“So, you look less tired than the last time I saw you,” I blurted out. I need to have a chat with drunk me tomorrow. I mentally slapped myself across the face.
He blinked a couple of times with a confused look on his face.
Wait, maybe he doesn’t even recognize me. Of course not, why would he?! I anxiously fiddled with a paper coaster in my hands. I should say something.
As he opened his mouth to say something, I beat him to it. “You probably don’t remember me or anything, but we met a few days ago in the supermarket. We grabbed the same box of cereal and I dropped the stuff I was carrying,” I started rambling.
He looked at me amused. Is he smiling?
“Yeah, I remember. The stuff you’re referring to are apples in case you forgot,” he responded. “Did you drop them again?”
“Nearly, when I put the groceries in the trunk of my car.” I felt relieved he did remember me. That would’ve been very awkward.
“I have never seen you here before, you are new in town?” he asked. I explained I had just moved here and why. We actually had a quite decent conversation until I had to pee really badly. I grabbed my drink to take the last sip, but it slipped out of my hands and fell on the floor.  
“Shit!” I yelped. “Oh well, I have to pee so maybe I shouldn’t have tried to drink it anyway.”
Again, he looked at me amused. Why do I say I have to pee?! Why am I like this?
“Yeah, so, I’m going to the ladies’ room now. I’ll be back.” I want to walk away, but somehow, I forgot I had just spilled my drink a few seconds ago and that the floor is slippery. As I turned around to walk I away, I felt my shoes slip away and I started to fall.
“Careful out there, don’t fall like those apples,” he says with a smirk while he prevented me from falling as he grabbed my elbow. I immediately felt the heat from his hand on me. My cheeks burned and I felt my head spinning a little.  I regained my balance and chuckled nervously.
“I wish I could say I’m a lot less clumsy sober, but we both know that’s not true,” I joked.
I quickly walked towards the ladies’ room and luckily there is no queue. Once I peed, I look into the mirror. My hair is a mess and my cheeks are burning. I tried to make my hair look a little more presentable and take a few sips of water.
I am actually having a conversation with the most handsome man I’ve ever met. And it isn’t even going that bad! Alright, time to go back. I check my make-up one more time and walk back out there.
I almost stood next to Walter again when Carmen came up to me.
“So, Gia is way too drunk and is about to throw up,” she said with a panic look in her eyes. “I can’t help her because I will throw up myself! You need to help me get her out of here. I’ll grab our coats, you get her,” she ordered me.
I wanted to question her plan, but she stormed off. Walter looked at me with question marks in his eyes. Suddenly I heard a girl laugh loudly. Gia. I looked at her and I saw she is not fun drunk anymore.
“Shit,” I muttered and walked towards her. She clung to John and I apologized to him as I took her over. “Come on, let’s go home Gia. Please don’t throw up now.”
Carmen showed up again with our coats and I felt how Gia clasped her arms around me. I practically lifted her up as Carmen pushed us outside.
We were almost outside when I heard a deep voice from behind.
“Hey, what is your name?!”
I looked back but couldn’t answer because Carmen closed the door of the bar behind her.
> chapter three
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae​ / @klaine-92​ / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112
If you want to be tagged, let me know! ✨
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pink-flame · 4 years
Juke Bodyguard AU Pt.3
Here it is! The third and final part of the Juke Bodyguard AU inspired by your requests from the trope game. I reserve the right to do a standalone in this universe at some point but this wraps things up nicely for now. Enjoy! 
Part 1
Part 2
Bodyguard AU + Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C)  
Julie was used to change.
Bad change like when her mom got sick and she had to learn who she was when she couldn’t see it reflected back at her through her mother’s eyes. Bad change like when music felt like a stranger and everything she had ever wanted seemed suddenly pointless.
Good change like when she found her way back to it with a vengeance, Alex and her dad and Reggie and Carlos and Flynn refusing to give up until she started chasing her dream again. Good change like when against all odds those dreams actually started coming true, the record deal, and the hit albums and now her first national tour, a new city every night.
What she wasn’t used to was waiting for a change that didn’t seem to be coming.
She had been so sure after what she now internally referred to as “the flu incident” that things between her and Luke would change. That their vaguely flirty dynamic would transition naturally into more flu incident level expressions of affection and then a love confession, marriage and 2-3 obnoxiously good looking babies. Not right away on those last two or anything but still.
And yet here they were, three months and 24 shows later, and they were right back in vaguely flirty territory. Only she was finding it harder and harder to flirt back now that the realization that flirting was all it might ever be started to sink in.
And maybe that was the way it was supposed to be.
After all, he was her bodyguard. She was technically his boss.
She was a strong, independent woman with a thriving music career. She didn’t need some floppy haired boy to complete her life.
Didn’t stop her from wanting him though.
She didn’t bother to go to Alex for advice since he was firmly on what he had taken to calling “Team Juke”. Reggie wasn’t much better, asking her if Luke was there every time she called and never believing her when she told him she was alone. So she did what she always did when she needed someone to tell her the harsh truth.
She called Flynn.
“Look, girl, I haven’t met him but I’ve seen him on tv hovering behind you so I get it. He’s so your type. But he’s not real. He’s a fantasy you can get invested in because you know nothing will ever come of it.”
“It could,” She grumbled into the phone.
“Are you planning on confessing that you’re madly in love with him any time soon?” Flynn countered pointedly.
“I can’t,” Julie answered quickly. “Not when it’s so obvious he doesn’t feel the same.”
“Then he’ll always be a fantasy. He’s like air.”
Julie sighed.
“Cute air.”
“You wouldn’t have called me if you weren’t tired of feeling like this,” Flynn insisted. “I’m not going to let you get your heartbroken. And right now you’re on tour with Luke. So the key is avoiding those big, beautiful, dangerous eyes.”
And as much as the idea of avoiding Luke, eyes and all, seemed ridiculous when he was literally paid to follow her around, she knew she had to give it a try.
Because Flynn was right.
If she couldn’t have him then she couldn’t let him consume her life.
She was sure she would get a great song out of the situation one day but for now she just needed to pull back a little until she could see him as just a coworker she was friendly with. She could do that. Right? Of course she could. She was Julie Molina.
Only it was easier said than done.
Because Luke did not seem to take the hint.
She came stumbling off the stage after a particularly epic encore, vision blurry from the blinding lights, every muscle weak from hours of exertion, yet feeling incredible. At least she was feeling incredible until she tripped over her own unstable feet and Luke was right there, like he always was, to catch her. His hands latched onto her forearms gently, steadying her even as he grinned directly and dangerously into her eyes.
“You ok there, Boss?”
Julie managed a nod, the pounding of her heart combined with the still echoing roar of the crowd leaving his voice sounding far away and yet annoyingly clear.
“They were loving you out there,” He told her in that specific, Luke way. “You were amazing, Jules. Insane, spectacular, rad!”
This guy and his insistence on using slang from two decades ago. She definitely didn’t find that endearing.
She had to stick to the plan.
Julie ducked her head and pushed back from his grip gently at the same time.
She glanced up just long enough to see a confused and slightly hurt look on his face before she pushed past him and headed towards the green room, Alex falling into step next to her.
“Are we going to talk about why you just kicked that helpless puppy over there?” Alex asked.
Julie punched him in the arm.
“Keep your voice down, he’s right behind us! And that helpless puppy is literally the very capable bodyguard tasked with keeping me alive, so.”
“So you admit you kicked him,” Alex responded in a completely unhelpful manner.
“Ugh, shut up,” Julie groaned, glancing back and catching Luke’s eager eyes for a split second before quickly facing forward again. “I have a plan.”
“Flynn has a plan,” Alex corrected. “A stupid plan that she never would have suggested if she had seen for herself how crazy he is about you.”
“Has he said that?” She turned her head towards her best friend sharply.
Alex tilted his head.
“Not in so many words but Julie…”
“Then we stick to the plan.” She interrupted determinedly.
Alex sighed.
“Idiots, I’m surrounded by idiots.”
A couple of weeks later, Julie was starting to think he was right.
She had been doing her best to keep her relationship with Luke strictly business and it was somehow more exhausting than the two shows a week and all the time spent trying to sleep in a tour bus cot. She pretended to be busy when he offered to work on a song. She said she was tired when he tried to get her to join him for a beer with the roadies. She pretended she didn’t see him trying to catch her eye during the thousand little moments during the day when she had grown used to making eye contact with him to laugh at something Alex had said or roll their eyes when her manager tried to talk her into something completely dumb.
It was exhausting.
And the thing was it wasn’t even working.
Because every sad, kicked puppy look (as Alex called it) he gave her only left her more distracted and in more emotional turmoil. Part of her was a little mad at him. How dare he look so hurt that she wasn’t playing their usual game when he clearly didn’t want anything more? She wasn’t just a convenient outlet for his excessive flirting energy. But mostly she was just mad at herself for thinking that this ludicrous plan could ever work.
She had thought he was trouble since the moment she met him.
And she was definitely in trouble now.
It was the night of the last show of the tour and they were back in LA to finish things off. Flynn was too sick to come (ironically she thought she had the flu) but Julie’s family were out there in the VIP section. Even Reggie had come down from San Francisco to catch the show.
Julie was feeling oddly nervous for some reason. She had grown up dreaming of playing the Orpheum. It was the smallest venue she was playing on the whole tour, her manager had tried to talk her out of it, but she had insisted it was the Orpheum or nothing. Reggie and Alex had taken her to so many shows there when she was a teenager, it’s where she had discovered rock. Somehow even after everything she knew it wouldn’t fully feel like she’d achieved her dreams until she played there. It was time. Only she had finally made it there and she felt like she was going to throw up.
She wanted desperately to seek Luke out so he could tell some dumb joke to distract her or give her one of his borderline too intense pep talks. But she wasn’t doing that anymore. In fact she had insisted he go take his break now before the show, promising not to leave her green room just to keep herself from giving in to the urge.
“You doing alright there, Jules? You look kind of green.”
Julie spun on her heels and barreled directly into her big brother’s arms.
“Oof!” He huffed as she knocked the air from his lungs, his arms still coming up to wrap around her despite his shock. “You ok?”
“I’m fine,” She told him, her voice muffled as she buried her face against his chest. “It’s just that it’s the Orpheum and you know what that means to me, and the whole family is here to see me play and I’m so nervous and I’m missing Mom and I’m totally in love with my dumb bodyguard.”
Reggie pushed her back by the shoulders until he could see her blotchy face.
He reached up to ruffle her hair affectionately.
“First of all, Flynn and I totally called it,” He said with a smirk. “And Alex swears the two of you have taken ten years off of his life with your stupidity.”
“Alex talks too much,” Julie grumbled. “And Flynn is the one who told me to stay away from his annoyingly pretty eyes to begin with.”
“That’s only because she wants you to be happy. So do I by the way. And this?” He waved his hand to indicate her current state. “I hate to break it to you, Jules, but this isn’t happy.”
Julie sighed as her shoulders sagged and all of the fight went out of her at once.
“I know,” She said defeatedly. “But what am I supposed to do? I can’t force my feelings on the guy especially when I’m his boss. That’s creepy on top of being pathetic.”
“Funny,” Alex broke in from the doorway. “That’s exactly what he just said to me.”
Julie just gaped at him for a few long seconds while Reggie and Alex exchanged amused yet exasperated looks.
“Wait...what did he say exactly?” Julie finally managed to get out.
Alex rolled his eyes.
“Oh you know, ‘What did I do? Why is Julie mad at me? I’m so in love with her do you think she figured it out? Did I come off as a creep? Do you think she’ll have my babies?’”
Julie felt her mouth drop open.
“Dude!” Reggie protested.
“Ok, so the last part was more implied than said directly,” Alex admitted.
“But he said he loves me?” Julie asked hurriedly.
“Yeah,” Alex confirmed. “I’ve been telling you he does for months by the way, but nobody listens to me.”
Julie ignored her best friend’s statement and sprinted for the door.
“Where are you going?” Reggie called after her.
“You go on in ten!” Alex added frantically.
“I’ll make it!” She shouted back without slowing down.
She ran down the hallway, dodging makeup artists and promoters and so many people she’d wanted to impress just a few minutes before. There was only one person she wanted to see at that moment.
Julie kept going until she found the exit that led to the alley outside and burst through it. Luke felt caged in if he was inside for too long, something about living in a garage for a year as a teen. He stuck by her side and did his job perfectly but any chance he got she knew he could be found breathing in the fresh air and feeling like his lungs could fully expand. Sure enough, there he was, leaning against the probably filthy wall humming some song that she knew would be amazing if he ever really gave it life.
He stood straight and took two steps towards her as soon as she emerged from the door, a look of concern immediately taking over his features.
“Julie? What are you doing out here? You’re about to go on…”
She closed the distance between them and stopped just a half step closer than she normally would, her sudden proximity shutting him up for a moment.
She just looked up at him for a few seconds, just to enjoy it after weeks of denying herself. He broke the eye contact first, chuckling awkwardly as he looked down briefly.
“Can you do me a favor?” She asked seriously.
He answered instantly.
“Anything, Julie, you know that.”
“Tell me what you just told Alex.”
His face drained of color, almost ghost like in appearance.
“He promised he wouldn’t say anything,” He mumbled.
Julie shrugged.
“He probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t walked in on me telling my brother pretty much the same thing.”
Luke’s eyes widened comically as he took in her words.
“You told your brother that I did something to make you hate me and that I don't know what it is and it’s eating me up inside?” He asked in confusion.
“I told him I love you,” She said bluntly, all the bravery she had inherited from her mom giving her the nerve. “And that I’ve been trying to distance myself from you because I didn’t think you felt the same.”
“That’s...that’s...Jules, that’s crazy!” He exclaimed, bouncing a little to emphasize his words. “I’m head over heels, crazy in love with you. Always have been.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” She asked softly, managing to step even closer to him.
His eyes softened as he reached down to tuck one of her curls behind her ear.
“Because you’re my boss, and you’re totally out of my league. You’re this super talented, total force of nature. I mean you’re Julie Molina and I’m…”
“A big fan?” Julie interrupted, raising one eyebrow teasingly.
Luke froze.
“How did you…”
“I’ve been in your apartment, remember? When you had the flu I snooped a little. Sorry. The fact that you have my first album on vinyl is one thing but to have a cd of my first EP is really impressive. I didn’t know hard copies of that still existed…”
Like groaned.
“Ok, ok. You got me. I didn’t want you to think I was a pathetic fanboy, alright?”
Julie grinned.
“Isn’t that what you are?”
Luke smiled softly down at her, brushing the back of two fingers over her cheek.”
“Only for you, Boss.”
Julie instinctively stretched onto her toes, raising her face towards his, her eyes starting to flutter shut…
They sprang apart and spun to face Alex who had just emerged breathing heavily into the doorway behind them.
“You know no one is more Team Juke than I am but Julie you are going on in 2 minutes!”
“Oh crap,” Julie said. “I’m coming.”
Alex shot her a skeptical look.
Julie glared at him until he sighed and disappeared back inside.
“Team Juke?” Luke asked.
Julie giggled, already backing towards the door.
“Don’t ask. I’ve got to go but later we should talk about your future with the company.”
Luke’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’re firing me?”
Julie grinned.
“Well, I think we both might find your current duties a little too distracting. I think I need a stoic, middle aged man built like a linebacker. But we’ve been looking to hire a new songwriter to help me with the next album if you know anyone who might be interested.”
Luke grinned back.
“I might.”
He bit his lip and stared after her with those big, beautiful, dangerous eyes.
He was such trouble.
Julie ran back to him wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up to a plant a quick kiss on his lips, pulling back before he could fully register what she was doing.
“Hold that thought,” She whispered with a smile before turning and running back through the door and towards the second dream come true of the night.
She was Julie Molina. She was about to play the Orpheum. She was in love with her bodyguard.
She was in trouble and she couldn’t be happier about it.
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This is chapter two (Chapter one)
Nurse Namaari struggles with the idea of visiting her past patient Raya, but caves.
Warnings: Brief mentions of addiction, and survivor’s guilt. 
Word Count: 2533
Three days later
Namaari was sitting in her office writing reports when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," She said as the door slowly opened.
"Hello, It's Sisu; I'm a Psych nurse, we've seen each other multiple times around the ER, but you officially meet me while I was comforting Raya, a past patient of yours. Could I possibly speak with you?" Sisu confidently states while poking her head through the crack of the door.
Namaari raised an eyebrow, shocked to see Sisu at her door. Nevertheless, she nodded. How could she forget that day? Raya's pale body...Sisu's screams...
Snap out of it!
Because of Hippa, Namaari was not allowed to check on Raya. Once a patient leaves the ER, they are no longer her patients, and she has no say in their care, and nine times out of ten, she'll never know if they survived. "Of course. Come take a seat," She finally answers as she motions with her hands that Sisu sits across from her.
Sisu nervously walks over to the chair, sitting down. She looks at a Namaari whose eyes are locked on her purple ones. She chuckles. "This isn't me talking to a coworker, okay. This is me talking to my friend about another friend." Sisu states as she watches Namaari's eyebrows raise before she nods yes, "Raya is in the cardiovascular/pulmonary unit. She survived the emergency surgery! She's still recovering, but she has made it clear she wants the gorgeous nurse that saved her life to visit her."
Namaari was extremely relieved but also confused. "Wait, what? She isn't your girlfriend?" Namaari asked as Sisu's face turned bright red, and she burst out in laughter.
"Hahaha, no! We dated for like a week during nursing school, but we never clicked romantically; We've been best friends ever since tho." Sisu managed to say between her laughter. Once she was able to control herself, she continued talking, "Anyways, she is in the J6 unit in the room: J601," Sisu says with a smirk before standing up from the chair; walking to the door, before stopping to say, "If you visit her, don't do it as a nurse. She's not looking for another member of her health care team. She wants to get to know the YOU who isn't a nurse." With that said, Sisu walks out, closing the door behind her.
Namaari sits at her desk, even more confused. She leans into her chair, thinking for a moment. She really found this girl alluring in every sense, but how was she supposed to chase after a girl she talked to for two minutes before she practically died in her arms. Not practically! She did die!
Maybe that's the reason.
What a great love story would it be...
When Namaari finished her shift three days ago, she broke down: She hadn't cried like that in years! She does remember crying somewhat similarly when she lost her first patient five years ago, but it was a different kind of sadness.
The truth is death was something Namaari had grown accustomed to. Of course, she felt emotional distress when a patient died, but when Raya flatlined; It shattered her.
She often found herself running through the event over and over in her head, trying to pinpoint how she didn't realize the gasps for air between Raya's flirting, where she struggled to breathe.
She should have seen the signs.
She should have realized Raya's heart was straining itself to keep her alive; that's why her blood pressure and pulse skyrocketed before they plummeted.
No matter how many times she runs the scenario in her head, she always blames herself.
When in reality, Namaari is excellent at her job. She has ample experience and education.
Yes, Raya's smile ultimately left her defenseless, but Namaari stood her ground.
Yes, Namaari's heart was fluttering for her patient, but she still put those feelings aside to save her life. Maybe she should stop scolding herself and accept that life is unpredictable.
And one thing holds true: Namaari felt immense attraction for Raya, but she still acted professionally.
Namaari blinked a few times, trying to pull herself out of her thoughts before bringing her hands up to her face, gently rubbing circles into her temples. "What has she done to you?". She asked herself as she laughed and looked at the time; 4 PM, her shift will be over in three hours. After her shift finishes, she'll shower quickly in the staff showers and change into clean scrubs. She scoffs when she realizes she'll have to wear blueberry-colored scrubs; that's the only colored scrubs the hospital provides.
The hospital has their staff color-coded, adult nurses wear grey scrubs, child nurses wear pink, x-ray technicians wear black, pharmacists and phlebotomists wear light blue, nursing assistants wear burgundy, and surgical residents wear blueberry-colored scrubs. Actually, most residents wear blueberry scrubs, but most commonly, you'll see surgical residents marching around the hospital in their blueberry scrubs.
"OWW OWW OWWW," Raya screams as a surgical resident removes the chest tube that was once allowing the excess air pooled in her chest cavity to escape her body, caused by her collapsed lung. It was no longer needed as the punched lung was fixed during her emergency surgery; they should have taken it out before but hadn't, fearing her lung could collapse again.
Raya felt utterly stupid. She was an extraordinary nurse, and she knew the signs of a collapsed lung, pneumothorax, but she ignored them.
If she thinks back to that day in the ER, she can vividly remember her chest burning in pain; shortness of breath, lightheadedness, an elevated pulse, and finally, the icing on the cake, her left shoulder hurt: All tale signs that her broken rib punctured her lung. Yet, she chose to ignore the warnings.
At least now, she can fully understand the power of adrenaline on someone's mind and body. It can genuinely make you believe that severe pain is minimal and that you'll be okay.
"Sorry, Ms.Hart. Do you want me to press on your magic pain button" The resident stated, causing Raya to stare back at them with frowning eyebrows before nodding no.
Raya was given a medicine button she can press for narcotics every so often, but she was trying not to press the button unless she really needed to. She knows firsthand how quickly people can get addicted to those meds.
The resident chuckled. "Sorry, I forgot you're a nurse, and I don't need to call it a magic button." Raya faked a smile before chuckling. She wasn't trying to be mean at all, but she hated being on the other side. Raya loved being the nurse, and suddenly she's the patient.
The resident smiled once more before excusing themselves out.
"You can stop fake smiling now," Sisu said.
She was curled up on a couch against the window. She had her eyes closed as she was sleeping. "Ughhh, I'm going to be late to my shift," She said, opening her eyes, noticing the clock on the wall before standing up from the couch, where she stretched before smiling. "Nightshift is the bestttt" She joked as she folded the sheets she was using to sleep.
"You must be exhausted! You haven't left the hospital in three days because of your back and forth from your shifts to watching me!! Go home, sleep in your own bed, and shower with shampoo that actually cleans your hair because your hair looks a mess right now." Raya sighed as she sat up in the bed, looking at Sisu with pleading eyes.
"You're my best friend, Raya!" Sisu stated as she finished folding the sheets and turned to look at Raya with tears beginning to pool in her eyes. "You dead...I watched you die." She exhaled as solo tears escaped her eyes; she quickly wiped them away with her thumbs.
Raya was looking at Sisu with sorrow and regret. She knew getting into a fight with Tong was stupid, and they didn't mean to injure each other terribly, but somehow they did. However, she knew she couldn't keep this conversation going as Sisu had 10 minutes to get to the psych department for her shift. So instead, she smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Note to self! Never die again." This statement caused Sisu to chuckle as she picked up her overnight bag; that holds her clean scrubs.
Sisu quickly walks over to Raya, side hugging her gently to not hurt her before pressing a quick kiss on her cheek. "I got to go. If anything happens, please call my office, okay! I MEAN IT." She stated firmly before running out the door.
Raya sighed before she burst out in tears. She had been playing strong for Sisu, but she was in shock. She was sure her best friend knew, but Raya really wasn't ready to talk about it. Raya knew deep down that she was having survives guilt, an overpowering and almost dominating emotion.
Her tears soon became sobs, and she felt her body begin to shake. She knew it was a panic attack, so she began to take deep breaths to calm herself.
Eventually, the trembling stopped while her tears persisted; her body was weakened by the energy needed to cry. She was also physically distressed now as each sob caused a painful sting to travel up her spine.
So she finally pressed her medicine button.
As time went by, her tears lessened, and her pain was managed. Soon enough, she found herself drifting off to sleep.
"You're the girlfriend?" Some unknown voice asked.
"Yeah, sure." She heard Namaari's voice hesitantly answer. "I've been in here for an hour, and she just doesn't wake up. Is everything okay?"
The other voice hummed as the conversation amused her. "I'm looking at her patient chart, and it only says to release personal information to Sisudatu." The unknown voice said,  probably her night nurse. "HIPPA Man. I wanna help you, but--"
"Yea, I know. It was worth a try, though." Namaari answered, sighing.
"She's just tired. Look closely at her face; maybe you can figure out why she is so exhausted--ANYWAY, press on the call light if you need anything, or poke your head outside the door. Great to meet you...girlfriend Namaari." The nurse chuckled; it was clear she didn't believe that.
Raya so badly wanted to open her eyelids, but they felt so heavy. She tried to speak, but she was too tired to make words. So as she heard Namaari sit on the chair next to her bed, gently grabbing her call button (that's also a tv remote), turning it on. With the very little energy she had, she smiled as she drifted to sleep once again.
Nammari woke up curled up in a chair. She looked to her left, seeing a snoring Raya in her patient bed. She smiled, noticing the puffy eyes were gone.
When she came in yesterday around eight pm, she found Raya passed out with red puffy eyes. Tears had stained her cheeks, and her eyebrows frowned. Namaari knew she probably cried herself to sleep before she got there; she even tried to confirm it with her night nurse but to no avail. She yawned as she brought her left hand up to her eye level to look at her watch. 7:30 AM.
She lightly rubbed her tired eyes as someone burst into the room. She removed her hands from her eyes, spotting a very tired Sisu pulling the curtain open. Once Sisu noticed her, a wide smile spread on her face; she turned and noticed Raya was sleeping, so she whispered, "Hey, Namaari. Great to see you! Did you just get here?" She said excitedly as she yawned, placing her bag on the floor; Quickly shuffling to the couch that folds out to a bed.
"I came yesterday, but she was sleeping. It looked like she shouldn't be left alone, so I kinda fell asleep here," Namaari replied as she watched Sisu unfold some sheets, probably getting ready to sleep, she presumed. "I don't work today. I can stay with her..." She began to say as Sisu's eyes shot up from the couch to meet her's with a massive grin on her face.
"Are you completely sure?" Sisu asked, raising an eyebrow. Namaari noticed the eyebags and the apparent exhaustion. She nodded yes before opening her mouth to speak but was cut off by another voice. Raya's voice.
The voice Namaari's been repeatedly hearing in her mind. Precisely when Raya called her a 'godly woman.' Thinking back to that moment made her blush.
"She's... *yawn* ...giving you... *yawn* ..an out.. *yawn* ...take it," Raya stuttered as her eyelids fluttered open. She noticed Namaari first on her right and smiled but brought her gaze back to her best friend. "Go home. It's been four days now. I'm okay."
Sisu tilted her head to the side, looking at Raya with knowing eyes. She turned to look at Namaari. "Raya had a panic attack after I left. That's why she was so exhausted; I'm assuming it's survivor's guilt, but I'm her best friend, so I'm not allowed to evaluate her." Sisu said while crossing her arms across her chest, raising her eyebrows before turning her gaze to Raya. "I'm scared to leave again," She admitted as her tone became soft.
"I'm very much capable of taking care of her," Namaari stated. She knew this current situation was unusual. Truthfully a part of her wanted to leave, believing she didn't deserve even a slimmer of a chance of happiness. However, something kept her there—the desire to TRY and get to know Raya.
Namaari was very self-aware that if she let the opportunity of getting to know Raya personally slip, she would always wonder, what if . Because the truth is, if it doesn't work out, then she can at least say she tried.
Sisu uncrossed her arms and looked over at Namaari. "As a friend?" Sisu questioned Namaari, "Or as a nurse?"
Namaari chuckled. "I'm not part of her medical staff," She stated as she raised her hands in defeat. "I'm here as a friend."
"I thought you said we were girlfriends tho? Or was I dreaming?" Raya randomly blurted, both the other girls looking at her. Sisu's face showing confusion, and Namaari's embarrassment.
"OKAYYY, that's my queue to leave! Tong should be here around 2 PM so you can go home, Namaari." Sisu said, winking at Raya before grabbing her bag and walking out of the room.
Namaari's heart was beating faster, realizing she was alone with Raya. Her cheeks burning as if they were on fire. She turned to look at her and found she was already staring and smiling at her. "Was it a dream?" Raya asked again as she slowly sat up, clutching her chest.
"No, it wasn't a dream," Namaari whispered as she brought her hands down, looking at them.
Namaari was unsure how the next few hours would unveil. All she was certain of was:
She is sitting in a past patient's room.
She agreed to stay for hours.
She's highly attracted to this patient.
She thinks she's lost her dam mind.
I’m already working on the next chapter. It should be up in the next coming days. But realistically once I finish it; I’ll post it.
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rawmeanderson · 4 years
pretty please ― saturday.
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ft. Kevin Hayes plot: with Kevin, Brady, and Jimmy all gone from New York and the new season about to start, everyone gets together for a long weekend. warnings: swearing, drinking, body issues, soft Nolan Patrick content. there’s quite a bit of smut in this tbh. word count: 8.6k many thanks to @danglesnipecelly​ for proof reading and putting up with my ridiculous typos 
THURSDAY / FRIDAY You didn’t sleep well that night, tossing and turning and never feeling like you actually got beyond dozing. Guilt was eating at you, even as you slept, and at one point, you opened your eyes and saw the first bits of daylight peaking through the window. There was a certain numbness to you, as when you rolled over, trying to get back to sleep, you realized you were parched.
Sitting up, you stretched for a moment before getting out of bed. You felt like running. Not like, physically running, but running away from the cabin, from the conversation you were going to avoid for as long as you could. When you checked your phone, you saw that it was barely 7:00am, and you yawned, forcing yourself out of bed anyway. A walk might do you some good, let you wear off some of this anxious energy so you could get more sleep later.
You changed out of your pjs and into a pair of jean shorts and a clean shirt, stuffing your feet into your sandals as you went across the hall to brush your teeth. Your hair was an absolute mess, but you just tied it up in a bun, deciding to deal with it later. 
To say you tiptoed past Kevin’s door on the way to the living room was an understatement. You wondered if he was awake, or if he’d woken up at all in the night and realized you’d left. Your palm itched as your eyes settled on the doorknob, shoving down the urge to go inside and slip into bed with him, but you kept moving. 
The living room and kitchen were empty when you got there, and the cabin seemed peaceful despite the way your brain was running wild. You got yourself a glass of water, leaning back against the cabinet as you sipped at it. Really, you were poised to sprint out the door if you heard any sign of Kevin, your shoulders tense as your heart thundered in your chest. Coffee was already brewing, so someone had to be up already. 
You heard voices a moment later, the sound of footsteps, and just as your fight or flight instincts had you ready to bolt, you realized that it was Nolan and the friend of Jimmy’s whose name you never remembered coming out of the garage. They had fishing poles in their hand, among other things, and Nolan nodded to you in acknowledgement. 
“Morning,” you said, refilling your glass of water as Nolan put down the things in his hands to reach for a mug from the cabinet. He kind of grumbled in response, and you didn’t take it personally as he filled the mug with coffee. “Are you guys going fishing? Like, off the boat?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan,” no name responded, nodding as he got a cup of coffee for himself. 
“Can I come?” you asked before you really thought about it. “I mean, I won’t fish, I’ll just sit there and read. I’ll even keep my mouth shut so I don’t scare away the fish or whatever.” What better way to avoid the problem you created than by sitting in the middle of the lake for a few hours. 
The two guys looked at each other and shrugged. “Yeah, that’s fine, I guess. We’ll be out there for a few hours,” Nolan said, sipping at his coffee as he shrugged again. “We’re leaving in a few.”
You nodded, finishing your glass of water. “Alright, cool,” you responded, deciding that the awkwardness of a silent fishing trip with two people you barely knew was better than the chance of running into Kevin in the next few hours. “I’m gonna grab some stuff from my room, I’ll meet you guys down at the water.”
When you ran to grab your sunglasses and your iPad from your room, the rational whisper in the back of your mind told you this was a dumb idea, that you needed to put on your big girl panties and deal with it. You were too panicked to listen to yourself though, and you tiptoed past Kevin’s door again on your way out of the cabin. Making your way down to the dock, you texted Sophie to tell her you were going out on the boat, and that Nolan and what’s his name were waiting for you.
No one said much as you settled yourself at the opposite end of the boat from them, putting your feet up as the boat pulled away from the dock. The sky was overcast, but you wore your sunglasses anyway, looking out at the water with a sigh. You opened your book on your iPad, but never really got around to reading. The guys decided on a fishing spot, and the boat came to a stop. 
Your mind was cycling, thinking about what needed done at your apartment in the next few weeks ahead of Sophie moving out, thinking about the meeting you had to be in on Tuesday morning, thinking about almost anything besides the 6’5” man you’d slipped out on the night before. As soon as your mind even started to drift to him, you corrected course by thinking about something boring and menial. 
After an hour on the water, you started to realize why people might enjoy fishing. None of you had said a word since leaving the dock, and if your mind wasn’t an anxiety ridden frenzy right now, you’d probably find being on the boat rather peaceful. Nolan had moved seats, sitting closer to your end of the boat as he cast his line into the water. 
You finally did your best to start reading, but after reading the same page four times and still remembering none of it, you promptly gave up. Glancing at your phone, you remembered that your service was hit or miss on the water, and maybe that was a good thing. Feeling a little fidgety, you turned in your seat, leaning against the railing to look out at the water again. All you had to do was withstand another 32 hours or so of avoiding Kevin, then you and Sophie would be on your way home and you could go back to pretending he didn’t exist.
It was the sound of Nolan’s voice after a while that zapped you back to the present. When you looked at him, he was already watching you and you blinked. 
“I’m sorry, were you talking to me?” you asked, eyebrows raised. You could feel your cheeks warm as you straightened up in your seat. 
“Uh, yeah. I asked if you were good, considering you’ve been staring at the same spot of nothing for close to 45 minutes,” he responded, actually chuckling a little bit. You didn’t want to believe you’d been staring off into space for that long, but you checked your phone and it had actually been longer.
“Oh,” you said, not sure what to say. Your response surely told him everything he needed to know, so you didn’t bother trying to act like you were having an awesome morning. “I’ll be okay.”
Nolan nodded, eyes moving back to watch the fishing line. You expected that to be the end of it, and you were already turning your head back to look out at the water again when he spoke. “Is this about Kevin?”
You froze, shoulders tense as you took a deep breath. Looking at him again, you were surprised by how direct he was about it. You hardly knew him, so you weren’t sure how much of your soul you were willing to bare to him in the middle of a lake.
“Kind of,” you said finally, looking down at your lap and picking a piece of invisible fuzz off your shorts. You were being truthful. Kevin was the immediate issue, but of course, it all stemmed back to the fact that you were about to be the last of the group left in New York.
Nolan was quiet, chewing on the inside of his cheek like he was trying to figure out what to do next. After a moment’s thought, he sighed, reeling in his fishing line before getting to his feet and moving closer to where you were sitting. That surprised you more than the fact that he was speaking to you to begin with, and you straightened up in your seat when you noticed that his brow was creased still.
“So, Kev’s probably gonna kill me for telling you all of this, but I don’t see much point in you both being miserable for the rest of the trip because you’re both too afraid to talk about your feelings,” he started, looking at you pointedly enough that you felt like a kid getting a talking to from their teacher. When you didn’t say anything to stop him, he continued.
“I met you two days ago, but I’ve known about you since my third conversation with Kevin. He talks about you all the time. The whole reason he invited me this weekend was because he wanted me to meet you. He invited a few others too, just to meet you, but they weren’t able to make it,” he told you, and you knew your eyes were wide as you listened to him. 
“Well, hopefully I lived up to the hype,” you said, exhaling a breath of humorless laughter.
“I’m undecided, so far,” he responded, his tone flat as the corner of his mouth twitched up in a grin that put you a little more at ease. “He hasn’t gone on more than 2 dates with someone since he got to Philly because he compares them all to you. I know, because I live with him, and he whines about it constantly. I had to stop him from drunk dialing you about nine times last year, then he’d go on and on about how he just wanted to go up to New York and see you, and that he was happy to be in Philly because he was closer to you again. He misses you, and he’s crazy about you, but he’s either too fucking dumb to realize it or too scared to say anything to you about it.”
You ran your tongue along your teeth as you thought over what Nolan had said, and you were grateful that he’d paused to give you a chance to process all of it. The words had surprised you, that was for sure, but thinking back to yesterday and last night...he was never this sweet with you before. Sure, there’d been some light flirting here and there between hook ups, but he’d never seemed to want you this badly before. You thought back to the other night and what he’d said about the two of you dating. This was all stupid, you decided, and you didn’t really know what to think.
“From the things he’s said, I don’t think he fully realized how he felt about you until he was traded to Winnipeg, and then he didn’t know what to do about it,” Nolan said with pursed lips, like he somehow could read your mind. 
You were grateful that your sunglasses were on, because you felt tears burning in your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you swallowed, glancing out at the water again. You hated this feeling, the sinking in your stomach of not knowing what to do, not knowing how to fix the whole situation. Sniffling, you took another deep breath and looked at Nolan again.
“Well, since you’re obviously smarter than both of us, any advice on what to do?” you asked finally, your throat tight with the threat of tears. He looked pleased with the compliment, then continued.
“It’s so painfully obvious to everyone that you’re both waiting on the other to make the first more, so I say just talk to him. You know he’s a good dude, you know he just wants you to be happy, so you both just need to find the time to talk about what’s going on,” he said, shrugging again. Talking about things like this clearly wasn’t his strong suit, but you appreciated the effort that he was making to help you out.
Nodding, you looked down at your lap momentarily, checking your phone again. Sophie had texted you, saying Kevin was looking for you, followed by a sad face, asking what happened last night. You’d respond to those later, after you had time to process your emotions a little more.
“Thanks for this, really,” you said, hoping you sounded as sincere as you felt. 
“You can thank me by getting him to shut up about how much he misses you,” Nolan told you, letting out a dry laugh. “I guess I get the hype, kind of, but Philly and New York are close enough that the only thing keeping you guys apart is the fact that you like to avoid each other instead of talking about it.” You snorted softly, glad to see that he at least had a sense of humor about it.
“I’m glad he had you at least, to whine to enough that you took matters into your own hands,” you told him and he gave you a genuine smile with a nod. 
“I had a rough year too. Kev did a lot for me, so this is just me trying to repay him.” 
You both fell silent then, looking out at the water. It was nearly 10:30 by then. You hadn’t read a single page of your book, but your mind wasn’t racing anymore. Now, the thought of talking to Kevin didn’t make you want to hide, and you decided that was a good start.
Half an hour later, the guys decided they’d had enough fishing and started packing up to head back. Despite your better attitude, nervousness fluttered in your stomach, but you knew you’d survive talking to Kevin, just like you had survived for the last year and a half of carrying around all of the feelings. You made a plan for yourself and felt good about it: get up to the cabin, shower, then find Kevin to fix the problem. 
Your plan immediately went out the door when you realized that Kevin was already sitting on the dock waiting for you. When you looked at Nolan, you saw the corner of his mouth turn up slightly and you gather that he must’ve texted him that you guys were heading back. Nolan raised his eyebrows at you with a look that said ‘if you don’t figure this out, you’re dead to me,’ and you clenched your jaw.
The boat docked a minute later, and the guy who’s name you really should remember started toward the cabin while Nolan stood on the dock for a short moment, talking to Kevin before taking off as well. You stayed where you were as he stepped onto the boat, and when you took your sunglasses off, you realized that your hands were shaking. It was nice to better understand how he felt about you, but that didn’t stop the flood of emotions that rose in you when you looked at him. 
Kevin looked tired, like he’d slept as poorly as you had, and a wave of guilt made your stomach churn. He stood there for a minute, hands in his pockets and neither of you really seemed to know what to say. “Can I sit down?” he asked eventually, nodding to the spot next to you. 
You could feel your bottom lip quivering, and you nodded, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. “Yeah,” you managed to say without your voice breaking. When he sat down, he turned toward you slightly, close enough that his leg was touching yours. By the time you forced yourself to meet his eye, your vision was blurry with tears, your mouth drawn in a tight line. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, frowning as he reached for your hand. The contact was all it took for the tears to spill over and you wiped at them quickly with your other hand.
“I’m sorry,” you told him, sniffling as you looked away from him. He squeezed your hand tightly, bringing the other up to cup your face, guiding you to look at him. “I’m sorry I left last night, I should’ve stayed.”
“Jesus, what did Nolan tell you? Why are you crying?” he asked, looking concerned as his thumb swept over your cheek.
“I’m just so sad,” you admitted, stifling a sob as you avoided his eyes. Your face was hot, because you were upset and because you were embarrassed by the fact that you were such a blubbering mess all of a sudden.
“What, about last night?” Now he really looked concerned, and it actually made you let out a breath of laughter as you shook your head. Kevin looked relieved by your reaction, and easily pulled you into his lap before you could say anything else. His arms were tight around you, holding you against his chest as he sighed quietly.
The way he was holding you made you feel so small and so secure, and you just stayed like that for a moment with your face pressed into his neck. “I’m just sad about everything right now, I guess,” you admitted, shifting enough to wrap your arm around him as well as you leaned into his chest. “I’m sad about Sophie again, I’m sad we’re all leaving tomorrow. I’m sad you got traded to begin with, and I’m sad I wasted a year and a half being too scared to talk to you.” Your voice was raw with emotion and tears started spilling down your cheeks again no matter how hard you tried to stop them.
“Why were you scared to talk to me?” he asked, his lips pressed to the top of your head. His hand moved over your back in a firm motion that was hypnotically soothing, making you feel safe to spill your heart out as he held you.
You sniffled, shrugging as you took a shuddering breath. “I just didn’t know what to say to you. I didn’t know where we stood or how you felt. I don’t look like the girls you usually date, so I thought that whenever we hooked up that it had just been out of boredom, since it was always at the end of a night out. I figured you’d be too busy getting settled and I guess I felt like I cared more about you than you cared about me.” You felt bad admitting it after hearing what Nolan had had to say, and you couldn’t help the way your voice was shaking as you spoke. 
Kevin’s hand slid along your jaw gently, bringing your face up to look at him. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. It was never out of boredom either, I spent so long trying to figure out how to get your attention,” he told you, practically whispering the words. He kissed you softly, his lips just barely brushing over yours. “I was scared to talk to you too, but I shouldn’t have let that stop me.”
Determined to stop crying, you wiped your eyes, already tilting your head enough to kiss him again. Your eyes moved over his face like you were committing it to memory, letting your knuckles drag over the stubble that covered his jawline. “And why on earth were you scared to talk to me?” you asked, your throat still tight even after the tears had stopped.
“Because you’ve always been way too cool and smart for me, and I was so close to finally working up the nerve to ask you out when I got traded,” he told you, a sad smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. His fingers were still moving up and down your back in a way that made you want to press closer to him and just stay like that for the rest of the day. “Once I was in Winnipeg, I didn’t really know what to say to you either. I didn’t know what your feelings were about us, and I didn’t know how to even bring it up. I don’t think I even knew how badly I wanted there to be an us until I was already in Winnipeg. Since I wasn’t sure where I was going to end up once the season ended, it didn't feel fair to you to drag you into something long distance.”
“Then you signed to Philly,” you said softly, feeling tears fill your eyes again as your head settled on his shoulder. 
“Yep, I signed to Philly, then each time I was in New York last summer, you never came around. I figured you had moved on or something, or that you hadn’t felt the same way to begin with.”
He kissed the top of your head and fell silent, both of you letting everything hang between you for a few moments. You still felt sad and angry with yourself, but at least him holding you like he was made it easier to let go of those feelings. 
“What do we do now?” you asked eventually, though really you were content to stay there all day, soaking in the warmth of the sun and Kevin’s body. He seemed to be enjoying the contact as much as you were, and didn’t answer right away.
“Well, are you hungry?” He pulled back a little to look down at you, eyes sweeping over your tear stained face. You nodded quickly, realizing that it was nearly noon and you hadn’t eaten anything that morning. “There’s a restaurant down the road a bit, we can go get lunch if you want, and this is me making it clear that it would be a date.”
Snorting, you grinned, your hands coming up to cup his face. “I like that idea,” you said, kissing him softly. You only pulled back enough to look at him briefly, but his mouth found yours again, making you smile. “I want to take a shower first though, then we can go.”
“Good, you need it,” he responded, already laughing by the time you poked him in the ribs. Before you could shoot something snarky back, he kissed you again, harder this time to make you groan into his mouth. When you pulled back again, you got to your feet, knowing that otherwise, you’d never want to move. 
Lunch was wonderful, honestly. After your shower, Kevin drove you to the restaurant, his arm stretched over the center console to hold your hand. As you ate, he told you about his favorite spots in Philly and about his teammates, and you talked about your family and the ongoing drama at your office. Admittedly, you had one too many mimosas, leaving you giggling as Kevin nudged your foot gently under the table.
As soon as you made it back to the cabin, Sophie was hugging you so tightly that it hurt. Jimmy eventually got her to let go and you laughed as she made you promise to sit with her at dinner. On the way back from lunch, you and Kevin had decided a nap was in order since you’d both slept like shit, and you let him pull you into his room with a grin. 
The making out was kept to a minimum, both of you tired and full from lunch, but it still felt nice to curl up with him, knowing you had nothing else to be doing. With your head on his chest, he asked if you wanted to put a movie on or anything, and you just shook your head sleepily, pressing your face into his neck. His arm was around you, keeping you curled against him, and it occurred to you that this was the first time you’d fallen asleep with him. He kept kissing the top of your head like he was realizing the same thing, murmuring to you that you made him happy. 
The sound of your phone vibrating beside you woke you up a few hours later. Kevin was still asleep, and you stretched as much as you could without disturbing him as you reached for your phone. It was Sophie, as nosey as ever, wanting to be filled in on how lunch had gone, and you grinned to yourself as you texted her back. You stayed put for a while, happy to be right where you were as Kevin continued to doze.
When he woke up, it was with a loud yawn, rolling onto his side and taking you with him. You laughed as he spooned you, immediately pressing his face into the back of his neck. 
“Don’t go back to sleep,” you warned, rubbing your hand over his forearm where it was looped tightly around you.
“Why not?” he murmured, his voice deeper than usual and thick with grogginess. 
“Because we’ll be up all night if we sleep too late,” you told him matter of factly, shivering as he nosed at your hairline lightly.
“Maybe I was planning to keep you up half the night anyway,” he countered. The laugh you let out bled into a soft moan as he tugged at your earlobe with his teeth gently. Your body leaned back against him more, just barely pressing your thighs together when arousal jolted through you.
“Jesus, Kev,” you said, enjoying the soft rumble of laughter that left him. You were both quiet for a moment after that, your heart racing as he alternated between kissing your skin and nuzzling against you.
“What time are you and Soph leaving tomorrow?” he asked, his hand sliding over your waist. He brushed his thumb against the band of your bra lightly, like he was trying to be casual about it and you grinned at the contact. 
“Between 3 and 4, I think,” you responded, squirming as his hand slid over your stomach. Your breathing had quickened from the light touches, and if it didn’t feel so good, you would hate how easily he was able to turn you on. 
“Good.” The word was short, and he said it as his fingers toyed with the button of your shorts. His mouth was still against your neck and you could feel him smirking into your skin. Your mouth was dry, your heart fluttering in your chest as your hips pressed back toward him. You murmured his name impatiently, enjoying that you could feel the hardening outline of his dick against your ass, when a knock at the door made you both jump.
“Kevin, stop hogging Y/N for yourself!” Sophie said from the other side of the door, voice slightly raised as she knocked again. You let out a loud laugh, leaning back against him as he sighed. 
“Finders keepers, Sophie!” he responded as he loosened his hold on you.
“We’ll be out in a minute, chill, Soph,” you said finally, your heart still racing from the touches that surely would’ve gone further had you not been interrupted.
Sophie’s response was to walk away, and you laughed as you sat up. You knew your cheeks were flushed and your hair was probably a mess from your nap, but you were smiling as you looked back at Kevin who was still stretched out along the mattress. 
“Maybe I should’ve warned you that she knew I was awake,” you teased, leaning over him to press a quick kiss to his mouth.
“Mhm, maybe,” Kevin hummed, his hand sliding along your jaw before he kissed you again. You pulled away quickly after that before he could pull you back down to him, because you knew that if Sophie came back, she wouldn’t hesitate to open the door. 
It was a really good evening, honestly. Brady, Jimmy, and Kevin all seemed a little down that it was the last night of the trip and that they probably wouldn’t see each other for a while. You played cards and pong, maintaining a slight buzz through dinner, where you next to Sophie as promised. Kevin was essentially glued to your side, mostly keeping his hands to himself despite the way he was looking at you. 
One simple grin from him had fire jolting up your spine, leaving you to think about his hands on you, the way they squeezed your waist, and the tight grip of them in your hair when you went down on him. He had even texted you at one point, telling you he was thinking about how good you tasted, that he couldn’t wait to be inside you later. Of course, he’d been sitting right next to you when he’d sent it and watched for your reaction, even when you’d been in the middle of talking with Brady about his new place in Raleigh. You’d stumbled over your words a little after reading the message, your cheeks flushing as your clit throbbed. 
Just like every other night of the trip, someone got a fire going once it was dark. Jimmy and Brady were both a little past drunk by then, making s’mores under Sophie’s supervision. You grinned as you watched, letting Kevin pull you into his lap. He kissed your shoulder through your shirt, then the curve of your neck and you leaned back into him. You were quiet, not really having anything to say as you simply enjoyed the togetherness of having your favorite people all in one spot. It was bittersweet, but it no longer felt like the end of the world, especially with Kevin’s warmth as he held you in his lap.
His hands started wandering a bit eventually, brushing his thumb over the clasp of your bra and letting his knuckles graze over your spine. You repaid him by shifting in his lap casually here and there, making sure your ass pressed against his lap to make him grip your hips in a plea to stop. He said your name at one point and kissed you when you turned your head to glance back at him, and you realized that was the first time he’d done that in front of other people. Brady was quick to make a comment that it was about fucking time, rolling his eyes dramatically before giving Kevin a thumbs up. 
Around 10, you stretched slightly in his lap before moving to stand up. Kevin’s arm tightened around you, and you scoffed. “I have to pee, dude, I’ll be right back,” you told him with a quiet laugh, squeezing his wrist when he finally released you. “You want anything from the house?”
“Nah, I’m good,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to your mouth before you got to your feet. 
When you came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, the cabin was dark aside from the string lights on one wall, and you jumped a little when you spotted Kevin on the sofa.
“You really did just have to use the bathroom, huh?” he said, grinning as he got to his feet. The look in his eye as he watched you made your back straighten as he approached. 
“Yeah,” you laughed, licking your lips. “What did you think I meant?”
“I dunno, I figured that was code that you wanted me to follow you up here to fuck you senseless or something,” he told you with a shrug, his hands finding your waist once he was close enough. You snorted softly, shaking your head as you looked up at him. He was grinning at you like he had been all night, like you and your body were the only things on his mind, and anything you’d thought about saying as a response was lost. 
He dipped his head to kiss you, pressing you back against the closed door of the bathroom, and you sighed into his mouth. Your hands came up to grip the fabric of his shirt, letting him keep the slow pace he’d set even as your restraint was threatening to fray. His tongue slid over yours, and he held your jaw tenderly, thumb brushing over your cheek. Your knees already felt weak as you leaned into him, all of the heat from earlier flooding back. 
You couldn’t help the way that you moaned into his mouth, your hips already pressing toward him eagerly. That was when he pulled back, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks were flushed. “You wanna go back out to the fire?” he asked, smirking casually and hellbent on torturing you.
Rolling your eyes, you brought an arm up to wrap around his shoulders, keeping him where he was. “I thought you were gonna keep me up half the night and fuck me senseless,” you responded, surprised that your voice wasn’t shaking as you repeated his earlier words back to him. 
His only reaction was to curse under his breath as he kissed you again roughly enough that you melted against him. Your hand slid along his neck, and when your thumb brushed over his pulse point, you could feel that his heart was racing. You were already wet, and had been since before Sophie interrupted you after your nap earlier. He squeezed your ass firmly, pulling your hips forward against his as his teeth caught on your bottom lip.
“Kev, we need to relocate,” you breathed, tilting your head back as he kissed down your throat. He let out a grumble that made you laugh even as you arched toward him again and he sighed, finally pulling back. 
“Meet me in your room?” he murmured, hands sliding up your waist like he wasn’t ready to let go of you just yet. You nodded, nudging his shoulder lightly to make him move finally, and you took off ahead of him. 
He smacked your ass hard enough to make you gasp before slipping into his room as you kept going toward your own. With the door closed behind you, you tugged off your shirt and kicked your shorts aside, knowing they wouldn’t stay on much longer anyway. You wished you had thought ahead and packed some cute underwear or something that would’ve made you feel a little sexier as you laid back against your pillows. 
You held your breath when you heard his footsteps come toward your door, and he cursed loudly when he saw you, making sure to lock the door behind him. He’d always managed to boost your ego, and damn, you were grateful for that. His eyes were glued to you as he approached the bed, already pulling his shirt off over his head with a grin.
When he set a box of condoms on the end table next to the bed, you laughed loudly. “A whole box, huh?” you teased, beaming as you watched him closely. 
Licking his lips as his eyes slid over your body, he shrugged. “Just trying to be prepared, baby girl,” he told you, smirking as his hands moved to unbutton his pants. 
He kicked his shorts off, and the outline of his half hard dick in his boxer-briefs was enough to make you groan. His body was absolutely stunning, perfectly sculpted by years of training and you had never figured out how someone as hot as him was interested in you.
“My eyes are up here, y’know,” he told you, still smirking as he joined you on the bed. You shrugged, continuing to check him out because you knew he certainly didn’t mind. The ache between your legs was becoming unbearable, and you pulled him over you as soon as he was close enough. 
Settled over you, his body was close enough for you to feel his warmth, and as soon as he kissed you, you were arching toward him for the skin to skin contact you were so desperate for. There wasn’t much restraint in his kiss as his knee sank into the mattress between your thighs. You put an arm around his neck, your fingers digging into his shoulder as you tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth. 
His mouth left yours to move along your jaw in hot, open mouthed kisses and you sighed softly, tilting your head back for him. You already felt like you were burning from the inside out, your clit throbbing as your hands moved to start tugging down his underwear.
He chuckled softly, his lips vibrating against your throat as he swatted your hands away. “So impatient,” he murmured with a soft tsk, letting his mouth slide over your collarbone. You exhaled a loud breath, a shiver running through you from the contact, and you made a pleading sound. 
When he kissed you again, you saw stars, only faintly aware of his hand slipping under your back to unfasten your bra. Pulling the fabric away from you, he cursed under his breath and his mouth was already making its way down your throat again. 
“Kev, baby, just fuck me already,” you whined, dragging your nails over his shoulder. He glanced up at you with dark eyes, and he had the audacity to grin at you before sucking your nipple into his mouth. You nearly jumped out of your skin, moaning loudly as your hips rocked in search of friction. His hand came up to tug your panties down in an easy motion, so at least he was heading in the right direction of what you wanted. 
You were about to whine for him again, damn near ready to beg by the time his hand slipped between your thighs. A loud, grateful moan left you from the contact, even if it was just him sliding his fingers through your folds. 
“How are you always just so fucking wet?” he murmured, mostly to himself as he purposefully avoided your clit. A frustrated sound left you as you squirmed, your hips twitching toward his hand. 
“It might have something to do with the fact that you teased me for half the day,” you responded, voice shaking slightly as you managed to laugh a bit. Sucking a mark against the curve of your breast, he hummed softly like he was acknowledging his role in the matter. 
Without much further teasing, he sank two fingers into you, and you each moaned in unison. You felt so on edge already, barely able to keep still as your body squeezed around his fingers greedily. His mouth moved over your chest and shoulder without much direction, like he was just happy to be able to touch you at all while his fingers rocked into you.
“You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart,” he groaned, nosing at the hollow of your throat. “Can’t wait to feel you around my dick, baby, I’ve been waiting so fucking long.” He said that just when you thought you couldn’t possibly get any wetter, but the words alone made you exhale a pleading whine. 
Your nails sank into his shoulder when his fingers curled against your g-spot and you cursed loudly as you rocked against his hand hungrily. He leaned up to kiss you again, happily swallowing the moans that were spilling out of you. His thumb had started rubbing circles and figure 8s against your clit and you swore that you were on the verge of actually exploding.
The motion of his fingers sped up and you were already so close, desperately trying to meet the motion of his hand to get what you needed. His mouth closed around your nipple again, nearly overwhelming you. Your heartbeat was roaring in your ears and your scalp prickled from the perfect pressure of his thumb against you.
“Fuck, Kev, I’m gonna cum,” you warned, panting as heat threatened to consume your body. He cursed, and just as you were right there at the edge, his fingers were suddenly gone. The sound that left you was practically a sob, your body shaking as you tried to squeeze your thighs together for whatever friction you could get.
Kevin actually chuckled at the sight, using the leg still between your knees to stop you as he leaned to kiss you again quickly. “Not yet, baby, don’t want you to cum until it’s on my cock,” he told you, and all you could do was nod out of desperation.
He brought his hand up to your mouth and you locked eyes with him as you sucked his fingers into your mouth, moaning at the taste of yourself. Eagerly, your tongue slid along his digits and you held his gaze, knowing your eyes were dark and clouded with lust. All you could hear over the rush of your own heartbeat was the soft mumble of his voice as he praised you.
When he pulled away completely, standing to grab a condom from the end table, your head turned to watch him, just as you had earlier. He smirked when he caught you checking him out, your eyes obviously stuck on the hard line of his cock as it strained against the fabric of his underwear.
“Turn over, sweetheart, get up on your hands and knees for me,” he told you, licking his lips as he tore open the condom.
You didn’t even bother to nod, just moving as quickly as you could on limbs that were still shaking. Your knees sank into the mattress, eagerness clawing at you as you heard the sound of his boxer-briefs sliding down his legs. Still trembling, you looked back at him, loving the look in his eye as he stroked his cock slowly, surveyed the way you were presenting yourself to him.
“Kev, c’mon, stop making me wait,” you pleaded, already rocking back toward him hungrily. He chuckled softly, letting his hand rub over your back in a way that made you shake even more. It surprised you when he pulled you to the edge of the mattress where his feet were still planted on the floor. 
“I don’t remember you being this needy before,” he mused, his voice a low hum as he smacked your ass, earning a gasp from you. You gritted your teeth as your hand tightened in the sheets, pressing back toward him again as your pussy throbbed. 
“Maybe because before, I hadn’t spent a year and a half fantasizing about you,” you responded, the words punctuated with a moan as he started to drag the head of his cock through your folds. You figured stroking his ego a little bit might get you what you wanted, and your arms were shaking so badly that you dropped to let your chest rest against the mattress.
“Let’s hope this lives up to the fantasy then, huh?” You had started to laugh at his words, but the sound immediately became a loud moan when he sank into you all at once.
You were so full that you swore you could feel him through every inch of you, your muscles already tightening around him eagerly. A grunt left him as his hands found your waist, squeezing you there while his hips ground against you in a way that left you whimpering.
Just as you were about to whine for him to move, to give you more, he pulled back, almost slipping out of you before slamming his hips into yours again. You cursed loudly, nodding in encouragement as he set a rhythm that was somehow both lazy and desperate.
That pace didn’t last though, not when you were still so close to an orgasm that you found yourself rocking back toward him hungrily. He got the message, starting to pound into you with shallow thrusts that had the head of his cock dragging over your g-spot with each stroke. Moaning loudly into the comforter, it was hard to catch your breath, but the need for oxygen was second to your need for him.
“Right there, Kev, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you gasped out, not even sure if your words were coherent by then. He seemed to understand well enough though, keeping the current pace as his hand slid up your back to press between your shoulders as he fucked you into the bed. 
When you came, you groaned into the mattress, only faintly aware of the sharp curse that Kevin let out from the way you tightened around him as he fucked you through it. It was the kind of orgasm that left you boneless and panting, clinging to the sheets in the hopes of staying upright as it faded. With your eyes squeezed shut, you may have blacked out for a second, barely aware of the fact that you were now on your back. 
“You good, sweetheart?” Kevin asked softly, leaning over you to press a gentle kiss to your mouth. You nodded, almost feeling drunk as you smiled at him, tilting your head up for another kiss. He was still buried inside you as you throbbed around him, and you were surprised that you were able to move your arm enough to loop it around his neck.
With the buzzing in your mind and body slowing, Kevin’s mouth moved over your throat again as he let you come down a little more. You didn’t need much of a break though, and you gasped when he leaned into you more. The sound made him smirk and his teeth grazed over your pulse point sharply enough that your hips rocked against him. 
“Ready for more?” he asked, straightening up before you were ready to lose the contact of him leaning over you. Looking up at him, you nodded, biting your lip. He swore under his breath again, glancing down between your bodies to where you were joined and started to move. 
Your urgency and impatience returned quickly, leaving you to roll your hips against his encouragingly as you gripped the sheets beneath you. The groan that left him was so hot, and you could practically see his hands shaking as he reached for a pillow to slide under your hips. You managed to wrap your legs around his waist despite the fact that they still felt like jello, and he made a sound of approval, guiding one leg a bit higher.
He was slow for a bit, just like he had been earlier, studying your body as it was stretched out in front of him. You knew you were flushed, your skin hot and there was at least one mark on you left by his mouth. When you said his name, your tone was desperate and he met your gaze as he nodded. His hand squeezed your thigh, moving to hold the crook of your knee as his brow creased in concentration. 
His pace changed quickly after that like he was tired of making you wait for it. The drag of his cock inside you was enough to make you arch toward him and your mouth fell open with a moan. He was far too good at this, he always had been. His jaw was slack as he looked down at you, obviously taking note of the fact that your tits were bouncing each time his hips slammed into yours.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he breathed, his voice tense as his hand moved from your hip up to your breast to toy with your nipple. The contact made you cry out, your chest rising to meet his hand in search of more.
A smirk flashed across his face at your reaction, his eyes dark as you dug your heel into his back, silently pleading for more. With your hands fisted in the sheets beneath you as you tried to rock against him, you whined his name, already the pressure building in you again. He had such a gorgeous body and you brought a hand up to his abs, letting your nails scratch over his skin lightly.
“Touch yourself, Y/N,” Kevin told you, guiding one of your legs higher on his waist. “I wanna see you make yourself cum while I fuck you, wanna cum with you.” His words were rushed, and the slight increase in pace told you he was growing close, just like you were. 
Your hand dropped from his abs to between your thighs, gasping at just how wet you were. Your clit was swollen and throbbing, and the pressure of your fingers made your body shake as his grip on your thigh tightened.
“Goddammit, Kevin,” you whined, rubbing frantic circles against your clit as he fucked you.
“Good girl, keep going, I know you can cum for me again,” he said, the husky tone of his voice only turning you on more. Your breathing was ragged as your legs tightened around him, still needing him deeper.
He leaned over you, one hand beside your head as he pressed his face into your breasts. Grateful for the contact, your arm wrapped around him and your hand found its way into his hair, tugging at the strands. The new angle had his cock grinding over your g-spot with each snap of his hips, sending you over the edge as you continued to rub hard circles against your clit. 
Your body arched off the mattress as you came, exhaling moans that were semi-pornographic as his mouth closed around your nipple. He moaned loudly, sending a vibration through you as his hips stuttered, and you both lost all sense of rhythm as you came, grinding together almost aimlessly.
As soon as your orgasm passed, your head fell back, desperately trying to catch your breath as Kevin nuzzled against our chest. He was breathing just as heavily as you were, and his skin was damp with sweat when your hand slid over his back. You doubted you were in any better condition, but you were so content to just lay there for a long while, tangled together and blissed out. His weight was slumped against you a little, keeping you from floating away. When you remembered how to move, your hand moved to his hair, and he hummed in appreciation.
“Holy shit, you’re incredible,” he breathed eventually, turning his head enough to kiss your skin lazily. You couldn’t help the quiet laugh that bubbled in you as you continued toying with his hair. He lifted his head to look up at you and a content grin slid onto your face. “Better than the fantasies?”
You chuckled, nodding as you let out a sigh. “Absolutely,” you told him, smiling as his lips moved up your throat to your mouth. The kiss was lazy but left you breathless, and when he pulled away, you couldn’t help but pout. He shot you a wink, making your stomach flutter as you moved lay against the pillows.
Laying on your side, you watched as he disposed of the condom and stepped into his underwear. You felt warm all over, admiring the lines of his tattoo as he climbed into bed again. He was quick to spoon you, pressing kisses along the back of your shoulder as you relaxed back against him.
It was easy to lay there for a while, talking quietly about nothing really, just light conversation as he kept himself curled around you. You had to get up eventually to use the bathroom, and Kevin made a displeased sound over the fact that you pulled on pants as you got dressed again. Scoffing at him, you made sure to remove them again the second you were back and you hit the light before getting into bed in your t-shirt and panties.
Laying together in the dark, Kevin’s legs tangled with yours as his arm held you around the waist tightly. He was so warm behind you, and neither of you seemed to want to talk about leaving tomorrow, so you talked about easier things until you both dozed off.
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mcfiddlestan · 3 years
WinterFrost Single Dads AU
Good news! I think I've finally settled on a title for this fic. I'm going to post the third chapter here, but I will probably wait to post any more until I start posting on AO3. Which will hopefully be soon. For now, enjoy this short chapter!
xoxo, La
Pairing: Loki x Bucky Barnes (there are others past and future, but I’m not giving them away just yet)
Rating: M
Word count: 1,289
Summary: Loki is living a great life as a Manhattan lawyer and constantly partying with Tony Stark, his best friend. Loki’s life before he came to New York more than a decade ago is a mystery for those close to him. But it’s all about to come to light when he gets a call from someone in his past.
Bucky is just trying to catch a break. A few hookups with a fellow soldier led to a quickie marriage and baby – and two years later, a quick divorce. His daughter is now eight years old and the light of his life. But he can’t seem to get his shit together. Struggling to find a job and keep a hold on his sobriety, it’s a one-night stand that gives him the kick in the ass he needs to be the man his daughter believes he is.
Warnings: Mature language and situations, some drug use, and talk about addiction.
Read: Chapter 1, Chapter 2.
Tag list: @teadrinkingwolfgirl, @abbessolute, @marvelswinterfrost
Chapter 3
Loki watched, entertained, as Tony flirted with and charmed one of the girls they picked up at the last place they’d stopped. And he meant girl; she couldn’t have been older than twenty, as far as he could tell. As Tony’s friend, Loki could only roll his eyes and laugh at his antics. As his attorney, Loki had to consider whether he should step in and stop his friend from creating a legal nightmare. Ultimately, Loki had, together with Pepper, now Tony’s co-CEO — and his next closest confidante next to Loki — devised a plan whenever Tony took a liaison back to the Tower.
The small party was tucked into a booth in a dark corner of the bar, and Loki was starting to feel his buzz fading. No one seemed inclined to get another round of drinks, so Loki decided he would just get his own. Sliding out of the booth, he made his way toward an open spot at the bar. Just as he reached it, another patron rudely shoved him aside as he tried to pass.
“Watch where you’re going,” the man all but growled at Loki.
Pushed into another person sitting at the bar, Loki apologized to him as he straightened. “I believe it was you who bumped into me,” he tartly responded as he made a point to brush off the jacket of his dark suit.
“Then get out of my way, you prissy asshole.”
“Prissy?” Loki snickered.
“Something funny?”
“You. Was that not obvious?” Loki laughed again and earned a thump to the chest that didn’t do much to move him. “Careful. This suit was expensive.”
“Maybe you’d like to step outside and settle this, huh, Chuckles?”
Loki laughed again, but before he could respond, the person Loki had fallen on turned around. “Hey, fellas, come on. I’m trying to wallow here. Do you mind?”
The man glared at Loki, who simply arched a brow and smirked, before he walked around Loki to leave. Loki watched him until he was gone, then relaxed his shoulders and turned to face the bar again. “Thank you,” he murmured to the interrupter.
“Hmm?” He hummed in question, half-turning so he could keep his straw in his mouth.
“You saved me an expensive dry cleaning bill. That wasn’t exactly the kind of distraction I was seeking out tonight.”
The stranger cocked a brow, his eyes running over Loki’s black-on-black suit. “Could you have? Taken it outside,” he added when Loki raised a brow. “You look a little slim there, doll.”
Loki's lips curved, tilting his head in amusement. “I can hold my own, thank you very much. May I sit?” He motioned to the stationary stool before him. The man shrugged and gestured to it himself. “Why are you wallowing?” Loki asked once he was seated.
“Hmm? Oh.” The stranger sighed, breathing out through his nose because the straw never left his mouth. He seemed to be sipping at what could've been a whiskey. “It’s my birthday,” he mumbled, looked at his watch, and grunted. “It was, at least, until about an hour ago.”
Loki waved down the bartender as he waited for a response. He frowned at the stranger's answer. “Oh. Happy birthday?”
He snickered around the straw. “Thanks. I’m just not in a great place to celebrate at the moment. Life is just kicking me in the balls lately. And, on top of that, none of my friends could find the time to join me. So that just made it worse.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Vodka rocks, please. Make it a double. Top shelf,” Loki requested once the bartender stepped up. He didn’t see the stranger's brows shoot up high over his eyes.
“Jeez. That’s some hard stuff for the middle of the week.”
Loki chuckled. “I suppose I’m doing a little wallowing of my own.” His eyes were drawn to the man beside him when he shifted to lean his head on his hand, raising his brows again expectantly. Loki only grinned softly.
“I shared, doll,” the stranger said. “Now you.”
Loki’s smile faded, and he looked away. He hadn’t even told Tony why he wanted to get totally out of his mind tonight. What was the harm in telling a stranger? “I, erm, lost a friend recently.”
“Lost like misplaced or...?”
Loki glanced at the stranger as the bartender set his drink before him with a cocktail napkin and sighed. “Or.”
“Oof. Condolences, doll.”
Loki brought the glass to his lips to take a sip and chuckled as he brought it down again. “Why do you keep calling me ‘doll’?”
The stranger’s mouth ticked up. “Ah, well. I don’t know your name, for one thing — which is fine, of course. I meant no offense if you are offended. ‘Doll’ is just what I say. Kinda like you Brits saying ‘dahling.’”
They both snickered at the stranger's exaggerated drawl of the word. “I’m not British, but I understand what you mean.”
“You’re not? You sound British.”
“I know.” Loki took another drink. “It’s a long story…” Loki looked at the man again and added with a twinkle in his eye, “darling.”
The stranger smirked. “You got a nice smile.”
Loki felt himself blush and smiled wider before he could stop himself. “Thank you. I expect you have one, too. To match those devastating eyes.” The straw fell out of the stranger’s mouth for the first time as he smiled fully. Loki nodded smugly, turning back to his drink. “I was right.”
The man beside Loki went quiet for a moment, but Loki felt his eyes on him as he continued to drink his vodka. “You wanna get out of here, doll?”
Loki almost wanted to puff out his chest proudly. For most of the night, it was Tony who’d received all the flirty looks and free drinks. Of all nights, it was a comfort to know Loki could still attract a good-looking man once in a while. Loki took a moment to contemplate his next move, even glancing at himself in the mirror behind the bar. “I live alone. My place is —"
“Okay.” The stranger tossed aside the straw from his glass, swallowed back the rest of his drink, and reached for his wallet.
“Just let me get my coat,” Loki said as he rose from the stool and dropped a large bill on the bar before he crossed back to the booth to grab his long coat.
Tony looked up from the slim, tanned neck he was currently nuzzling — which, Loki realized with a start, was a different female from when he left the booth. “Where’re you going?”
“Home,” Loki answered, a tilt to his lips, as he slipped on his coat.
“Already?” Tony glanced at his watch. “Lokes, it's not even two am yet. We still have all night.” He snuck a sideways peek at the girl beside him then leaned toward Loki. “Is it because of them? We can ditch them and head back to the Tower if you want.”
Loki chuckled as he tugged his long black strands from the neck of the coat. “No. Don’t worry. Stay and enjoy yourself with your bevy of worshippers. There’s no need to accompany me.”
“Are you sure?” Tony asked the question just as the stranger popped up beside Loki.
“You ready?” he murmured just loud enough for Tony to hear, leaning just so into Loki’s side. Tony’s brow cocked high.
Loki sent the unknown man a sly smile and nod before grinning at Tony. “I am. Have a good night, Anthony.”
Tony stared tight-lipped as Loki left with his new friend.
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Rating: G
Summary: According to Marinette, all's fair in love and Mario Kart. Chat Noir is determined to test that theory. Multimouse/Chat Noir for @kittylovezine volume 2
Word Count: 1,519
"HA! You snooze, you lose, Chat!"
“Now you’re just showing off,” Adrien grumbled from Marinette’s desk chair as her—well, Multimouse’s—kart passed him. One of her karts, anyway. The Princess Peach she was controlling bounced across the giant mushrooms as her Rosalina and Daisy tag-teamed his Yoshi with two green shells.
“You’re the one who wanted to test my powers,” the one of her sitting on his left shoulder teased. 
“Haven’t you ever watched Tom and Jerry?” another Multimouse chimed in while crossing the finish line. Her victory noise mingled with the sounds of late night traffic outside. “Mice always outsmart a kitty.”
He pouted while crossing seconds behind her. A new record—this time he’d only been beaten by two of her three avatars. The Multimice driving Rosalina had fumbled their too-large Wii remote while drifting around the last turn. 
“Dang it,” they muttered.
“I guess you can’t be perfect all the time,” he teased. “I’m not sure it counts though. You only lost because the controller is too big.”
Yet that wasn’t stopping the rest of her from kicking his butt, even playing as three separate characters. She’d been right—she didn’t need practice with her powers. Was there anything Marinette wasn’t good at?
“All’s fair in love and Mario Kart.” She shrugged. “Besides, you need all the victories you can get.”
The Multimouse on his other shoulder grinned and poked his cheek. She hadn’t been so willing to roast him while playing Ultimate Mecha Strike with “Adrien” before. He wasn’t sure if it was confidence from her new superpowers, or just that she felt more comfortable with Chat after their few weeks of training together.
“Love and Mario Kart, huh?” He grinned back as the game automatically began counting down to the last race of the Mushroom Cup—Toad’s Factory. “Which one of those are we talking about here?”
To his surprise, two of her three karts stalled at the starting line as his blasted off.
“Dumb cat,” she muttered from his shoulder. 
At risk of getting smashed by the course, he snuck a glance at her. A pink blush dusted her tiny cheeks.
Was his joking actually having an effect on her? No, it couldn’t. She (unfortunately) didn’t have a crush on Chat Noir anymore.
But if his attempts at flirting were distracting… all was fair in love and Mario Kart.
“What? Did you fall for me again?” He teased, and one of the Multimice controlling Daisy lifted the remote too high, sending her careening into the water.
“The only one who’s going to fall here is you,” she threatened, making Rosalina launch a red shell at him. 
Yoshi yelped as he too skidded off the track, but Adrien couldn’t bring himself to mind. He grinned at the duplicate sitting on his shoulder.
“More and more every day, Princess.”
That was less of a joke and more of an accidental confession, but hopefully she would be too focused on beating him to notice.
Or not. Rosalina and Daisy crashed into boxes. Princess Peach mired herself in a mudpit. For the first time since they’d started the grand prix, Adrien blew past all three of her characters.
“I swear, Chat,” one Multimouse from the table began ominously as her duplicates scrambled to right their remotes, “if you just said that to distract me, I’m going to make you regret it.”
“So you’d rather I said it for real?”
He bit his tongue. Stupid, stupid. Maybe he could wear his heart on his sleeve for Ladybug—she was used to it, and he was used to being rejected in turn—but Marinette? Marinette, who didn’t have to spend her precious time with him, let him into her home, joke like they’d been friends forever?
He couldn’t bear to lose her. But his stupid mouth had never learned to stay shut.
Six Multimice stood on the desk, and not one looked at him. Even the two on his shoulders were silent as a… no, no puns now.
Her karts stayed on the road this time. 
“I retract my earlier statement,” she huffed. “All is not fair in love or Mario Kart.”
His heart sunk to his feet. He didn’t care when the NPCs blew past him, when he got smashed by the course, when one of Marinette’s karts completely lapped him. Her miraculous’ warning beep sounded, but it hardly mattered; she’d win before her Multitude wore off.
...Unless she paused the game.
“I just red shelled you.”
He shrugged before remembering she could lose her balance. She didn’t, but only because the two on his shoulders grabbed his collar. Heat spread across the sliver of skin she brushed.
“You’re… what’s wrong?” She asked from his left, staring up at him in confusion. 
She… didn’t realize he’d meant it? A wave of embarrassment washed over him. If he’d played it cool, like he did with Ladybug, he might’ve been able to recover from his failed flirting attempt.
But this was Marinette. What she thought of him mattered. Even if “him” in this case was his superhero persona and wouldn’t affect their civilian friendship, he couldn’t have her think he’d flirt with her and not mean it.
“Sorry.” He shook his head with a rueful smile. “I wasn’t trying to distract you. Well, I was, but—I wasn’t just trying to distract you.”
“What?” Her breath hitched.
“If I did say it for real… that I was falling for you…” He swallowed before meeting her eyes. “What would you say?”
She clung tighter to his collar. 
“I—I would—why?” 
He blinked. 
(“No, Chat, I’ve already given up on you.”)
(“I’m in love with Luka. You’re just a friend.”)
(“Yes! I’ve already got our kids’ and hamster’s names picked out.”)
Any of those responses he might have expected—okay, not that last one—but asking “why?” 
“Because—why would I not? You’re incredible, Marinette.” 
Her necklace beeped again as her tiny head tilted sideways. “You, hero of Paris with a face that every girl in the city drools over, thinks I’m incredible?”
A choked noise came out of his mouth. Sure, he was used to unreasonable amounts of attention in his civilian life, but hearing Marinette in particular say it so matter-of-factly about Chat set his face burning.
“You can dish it out but can’t take it, huh?” She grinned.
“Y-you’re a hero of Paris too, you know.” He flicked the speck of a pendant at her neck.
“Not really. You know Ladybug’s never going to put me in the field again, and—you’re dodging the question!”
“About how incredible I think you are? I could talk about that for hours, Princess.” He winked. She hadn’t turned him down yet. That had to count for something, right?
“I can’t believe you,” she muttered through her hands. 
“Then let me tell you until you do,” he said, though he knew that wasn’t what she meant. “And you still haven’t answered my question. Do you… I know I turned you down when you confessed to me the first time, but if you’ll forgive how stupid I was… would you…?”
“What about Ladybug?” She interrupted. “Won’t she be jealous?”
Adrien laughed. “She doesn’t like me like that, no matter what your ladyblogger friend thinks. She’s made it clear enough times, and even if I’ll always love her, I know it’s time I let go.”
“I think you’d be surprised,” she mumbled.
“Nothing! Sorry, I’m just—I didn’t expect you to ever—yes!”
He wasn’t entirely sure what she was saying yes to, considering he hadn’t strung enough coherent words together to technically ask her out. And he didn’t know how dating her as Chat would work, anyway. Wow, he did not think this through, even if he regretted absolutely nothing because she said yes she said YES!
The two Multimice on his shoulders leaned in and simultaneously kissed his cheeks, and he effectively melted into a puddle of goo. He barely heard the beep from her miraculous—
Then a full-sized Marinette was sitting in his lap, blinking up at him with a mortified expression.
He couldn’t help it. He burst out cackling, only quieting when he remembered that her sleeping parents might hear.
“Shut up!” She smacked his chest lightly. “It’s not funny!”
“Admit it, Marinette, it’s hiss-terical.”
She bit her lip, but her cheeks puffed with suppressed laughter. Mullo took one look between them before deciding it was best to leave them alone.
“Don’t make me take it back, kitty.”
“Too late. No returns, no refunds.” He hugged her as giddy energy coursed through him. She liked him!
“Hm. I guess it would be rude to dump a stray out on the street.”
“Definitely.” He nuzzled her shoulder.
Marinette giggled. “So… I guess we’re not finishing that Mario Kart tournament. Unless you want to share some of Plagg’s cheese with Mullo?”
“Nah. Besides, I already won anyway.”
“Excuse you, you were going to lose anyway.”
“Doesn’t look that way from where I’m sitting.” He grinned and hugged her tighter. “After all, all’s fair in love and Mario Kart.”
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Trying to Hold On
Summary: You’re determined to get Natasha back.
Warning: Angst 
Part 2
It’s lost on you how long you sit on your couch staring at the framed picture of you and Natasha on your coffee table.
Even though you’re aware of all the time you spent with Wanda, you can’t place when exactly it had become too much for Natasha.
After having dated secretly for two years the woman was ready to introduce you to her team despite your anxiety at doing so. Even though they all seemed like great people, your introverted self had no plans to seek out a close friendship with any of them, figuring you’d see them whenever Natasha took you to the compound.
She’s the one who encouraged you to keep talking to Wanda. Apparently the brunette had mentioned how nice you were to your girlfriend and Natasha took that and ran with it, telling you that you and Wanda would be good friends and it wouldn’t hurt to get close with her teammate.
Now she’s more than upset with you because you’re doing what she wanted you to do.
You wipe your tears and sit up.
It’s not right to even remotely blame Natasha. This was all your doing. 
At the time you didn’t give it much thought. It was just you and Wanda hanging out, nine times out of ten you were talking about Natasha. But that doesn’t matter. All that matters now is getting your girlfriend back.
Knowing that she’s still upset and might be for a while you give it a day and a half. It would’ve been two but the emptiness of your bed, and apartment in general, was becoming too much already. Not waking up with Natasha hurt and you’re not willing to let that happen any longer.
You take a much needed shower and caffeinate yourself before leaving out. 
On the way to the compound you stop and buy a bouquet of Natasha’s favorite flowers: peonies.
Luckily for you the gate is open, saves you the possibility of being turned away before you’ve even tried.
Surprisingly, it seems pretty damn empty when you step up into the living quarters of the facility. You aren’t even sure if this is where Natasha is but it’s what you have to start with.
“Uh hello?” You call from the front door.“ Any Avengers present? I’m looking for Natasha.”
Nerves rush through your system when you realize how incredibly stupid this was. They’re the Avengers and you pop up? There is no stopping a vibranium shield or repulsor beam should they see you as a threat. 
“Damnit FRIDAY what did I say about letting fans in.” The familiar voice of Tony Stark greets you and you tense.
The billionaire, while intimidating enough, is very close with Natasha. Everyone is, if they know that you hurt her there’s a chance they’ll kick your ass. 
“Not a fan. Well, I am, but um I’m Natasha’s-” shoulders dropping you realize how untrue that may be,“ I hope I’m still her girlfriend.” 
Tony comes closer, his frown clear,“ oooohh, the girlfriend. Y/N right? Natasha didn’t tell anyone you were coming by.”
So she didn’t say anything.
“Y/N.” Wanda’s voice joins and you quickly look over at her.
“Hey Wan, do you know where Natasha is?” 
“She didn’t stay with you last night?” 
“No, we ended up fighting and she left.” You say dejectedly.
Tony sucks in a breath through clenched teeth,“ explains why she didn’t come back last night.”
Your gaze snaps to him,“ she isn’t here?” 
With a shake of his head he leaves, telling you he hopes things work out before he’s gone. 
Wanda steps closer to you,“ was your fight because of me?”
“No.” You’re quick to say.“ Not at all. It was mainly about me being a shitty girlfriend. I wasn’t spending enough time with her and not thinking at all about how she would feel if I spent so much time with you.”
Your friend offers to cheer you up and brainstorm a plan to apologize but you decline, instead heading back to your empty apartment where you dial Natasha. 
Of course she doesn’t answer, nor does she respond to the text(s) you send. 
In fact it’s silent on her end for the next week. 
You pushed through your worry and heartbreak long enough to get through your work days only to immediately repark your ass on the sofa and try contacting her again. On top of phone calls and texts you’d had a couple dozen flowers sent to the compound, as well as a giant stuffed Bunny.
Tony is probably annoyed with you but you have a bigger fish to fry. 
Today you decide to just go there. It’s been over a week and you two need to talk. Even if she isn’t there you plan to find out where she is.
You two have to figure this out. Even if she doesn’t forgive you, the both of you need closure on what this means.
When you get to the compound this time the gate is closed so you have to buzz in. It’s Tony who let’s you through.
“Kid the big bunny was genius.” Is the first thing he says to you, giving his fingers a chef’s kiss.
“I figured you’d be annoyed with all the stuff I was sending.” 
He waves you off,“ nah, I’ve done way more for Pepper. This barely scratching the surface.”
“Oh, okay. Um, Natasha isn’t here by chance is she?” 
“No she,” his eyebrows raise,“ is right there actually.”
You turn to follow where he’s pointing to see Natasha walking into the compound. Her name isn’t even out of your mouth before she’s shouldering past you.
This isn’t going to be easy, not that you were counting on that.
Smiling gratefully at Tony, you take off after Natasha. The woman moves quick when she wants to.
“I know you’re mad but making me run is just cruel.” You huff, having to jog to keep up with her.
You make a note in your head to get in shape.
“Natasha for fuck sake just listen to me and stop being so goddamn stubborn.” 
She reels on you, effectively stopping you in your tracks,“ I’m just here to pack and bag and go. I didn’t ask you to come here so you can leave.”
“You didn’t ask but you haven’t responded to my calls or texts. You could’ve just told me you were oaky at least. And I’m not leaving because we need to talk, just hear me out. I-”
The woman goes to walk away but you aren’t having it.
Being the idiot that you are, you grab the highly trained assassin by the arm and push her against the wall, only for her to grab your hand, get out of your hold, and slam you into the wall. 
There’s definitely going to be a bruise on your cheek but you don’t care.
“If you want to beat me up fine,” you speak despite your face being smushed into the surface,“ but at least listen to me first.” 
Her grip barely loosens, only enough to let you adjust your face so your words aren’t muffled.
“Natasha sorry obviously isn’t enough but I don’t know how else to express it. I know now how shitty of me it was to seemingly put Wanda before you but that was never the case. You always are and will always be my number one priority, I just, well, you know I don’t have friends, not real ones anyway and you’re my first real relationship, I didn’t know how to handle that at first.” 
Finally she lets you go, moving herself to the other side of the hallway but not leaving. You take a deep breath and turn around to face her.
“Look, I didn’t realize how much it was hurting you to see me spending so much time with Wanda. To my defense you never said anything and you told me you weren’t the jealous type so-”
She interrupts,“ that doesn’t give you the right to flirt with some other girl.”
“No but it doesn’t help my cluelessness either. Besides we never flirted, ever. Mine and Wanda’s relationship never stepped outside of platonic. Tasha half the time we were talking about you. With how much I love you and how much Wanda looks up to you there was barely room for any other topic.”
Her green eyes roll,“ so you two in the kitchen the night I got back. You were laughing at me?”
“Yes.” No point in lying, she’s already mad at you.“ I was missing you like crazy so she came over to keep me company until you got back and gave me the idea to fix you dinner. We started joking about how bad of a cook you are and hadn’t even started the meal before you showed up.” 
When she doesn’t reply, instead watching you, you get a bit hopeful.
Only for her to walk away. Instead of giving up, you follow after her.
“Tasha please, you can be made all you want but don’t throw our relationship away over one stupid mistake I made. You’re the best thing that’s ever-” 
Her sudden halt in movement has you crashing into her firm back. As opposed to her stumbling forward you stumble back. The woman’s practically a wall of muscle, one of the many things you adore about her body.
Whatever she mumbles, you don’t hear it. She steps further into the room and turns to you. The look on her face makes you frown and follow after.
Every bouquet you bought sits in a glass vase covering every surface of her room, and the big bunny you bought sits in the corner of her bed. 
This isn’t how you planned it to look, not by a long shot, but it seems Tony just put all the stuff you’d ordered for her in here. It leaves the room looking like one big romantic gesture.
“Did you do this?” She asks you.
“No. Not really. I mean I bought this stuff but I had nothing to do with this set up, admittedly I should have, it looks much better than it does in my head. Actually I thought you’d been throwing the flowers away but you weren’t here and so-”
Despite still being a little mad at you, the woman can’t fight the bemused smile on her face,“ you’re such a dork.” She chuckles.
You stop your rambling to look at her. Seeing that smile you love so much on her lips makes you smile. With this better mood you try one more time.
Stepping closer, you grab her hands,“ I never meant to make you feel less important than Wanda or like I didn’t care because I do, I care so much, and I love you more than I could ever speak to. My actions hurt you and I’m so so sorry for that but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you just give me a chance. Just one.”
Her silence is unsettling. The hairs on your arms stand up in your nervousness. 
“That’s not necessary.” She shakes her head,“ I shouldn’t have overreacted. You did hurt me and I was jealous of the time you spent with Wanda but I never should’ve even implied you were cheating on me.”
“Wait so you forgive me?”
Natasha can’t help but roll her eyes.“ Yes and I’m also apologizing.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” You waste no time in pulling her into your arms.“ Just promise to communicate with me. I genuinely had no idea you felt the way you did.”
The woman hold you close, arms wrapping around you as she buries her face in the crook of your neck,“ I promise.”
“God I missed you.” You speak into her hair.“ I am never letting you go again.” 
taglist: @wildhoney32 @thelastavenger-3000 @fayhar
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Detention, Retention, and Draco Being a Lying Shit -- Halloweek Day 2!
catch up on part 1 on my masterlist
request guidelines (in case you were thinking of it ;))
want to be tagged?
pairing: draco x reader
request?  nope
summary: 2 months of detention with Draco Malfoy might be a pain for Y/N, but Harry has other plans.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking (of course not endorsed by me...of course)
a/n: soooo things in my life have gotten a little crazy in the past 48 hours. you may have been wondering where part 2 was yesterday and while this post sums it up best, i’ll take a crack at explaining it here. my relationship got pretty messy and things have been a roller coaster ever since monday night my time. i try and be someone who can separate her emotions from her work but these past two days have made me realize how much my mood impacts everything :/ it isn’t my intention to lead you guys on at all and i want to keep writing this piece, but i apologize in advance if this doesn’t finish itself by friday. anyways, enough blather on my behalf. thanks to anyone who made it through this--you guys mean so much more to me than you know. i hope you enjoy.
tags! @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @shadyrose66622 @alwaysbeanunknownfan
word count: 1.3k
The plan they laid out over the remainder of the day was ambitious but at least do-able. Each week was split into different subtasks, the end goal being a somewhat tentative friendship between the two. 
“If you can flirt with him and get him to have a crush on you without scaring him off, you’d be in the best possible position,” Hermione told her as they walked back from the Quidditch pitch among the screaming Gryffindor fans. They’d won--yet again. “Obviously I don’t foresee that being likely, but if you pull it off somehow he’d probably be willing to tell you anything. The fact that you’re a pureblood is going to carry you through this whole ordeal. He’ll at least be accepting of your existence in the wizarding community.”
The bitter edge in Hermione’s tone made Y/N’s blood boil. There was no reason for Malfoy to be as prejudiced as he was--he’d spent his adolescence in Hermione’s academic dust. She was obviously smarter than him. 
“You got it, ‘Mione,” she said. Her voice barely carried over the cheers of her peers as they ascended the steps to the common room. “We’ll take this little ferret down. I can’t wait.”
“Don’t get too cocky, now.”
The Gryffindor after-party was crazy...per usual. The charmed self-filling goblets, the blasted playlist of Wizpop pumping through the air, and the buzzing energy of the room was giving Y/N a giant headache. She stood with Hermione and Harry by the edge of the crowd, watching Ron get hoisted up on the shoulders of the chasers. 
“No wonder the Slytherins think we’re Neanderthals,” Y/N mused. For once, Hermione didn’t respond. “Hermione? Is everything okay?”
The second she turned away to look at her best friend, gasps and whistles filled the room. She whipped back just in time to see Lavender Brown, a sweet but slightly ditzy girl in their year, pull away from a kiss with Ron.
“Oh shi--Hermione!”
Harry and Y/N shared a glance before darting after the witch--who had impressively already made it to the door. 
“Hermione, wait!” Y/N called as they jogged after her, throwing open the common room entrance and finding her sat by the tapestry on the other side of the hall, knees to her chest.
“‘Mione, what’s wrong?” asked Harry.
“Don’t be daft, Harry,” said Y/N. “You saw exactly what the rest of us did.”
“I don’t understa--”
“Harry.” Her voice was taut. “I know you’re just trying to help, but I think that it might be best if you let us be. Go back and enjoy the party.”
He gave her a tight, grateful smile before darting back through the door. Y/N wasted no more time in walking over to Hermione and throwing her arms around her shoulders.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, hugging her tight. Hermione made no move to detach them, so she continued. “Ron is an idiot. You deserve so much better--your first kiss was Viktor fucking Krum, after all. You’re hot stuff and this place is just unfortunately running dry of men who are impressive enough for you. Once you’re out of here and working in the Ministry, you’re gonna have the time of your life with men actually in your league.”
Hermione managed a sniffly laugh as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “It’s just so fucking embarrassing, you know. Like, I have a crush on him because I think he understands me and I smelled him in my Amortentia and I thought he’d like me back, but…” She hiccuped. “Then he goes off and kisses Lavender Brown, of all people. There’s nothing particularly wrong with her or anything, but she’s so different...I’m so bookish, and she’s so girly and everything I’m not…”
Y/N took the opportunity to tuck a lock of Hermione’s hair behind her ear as she listened.
“And it can’t help but make me think--was I ever anything to him but a friend? If the girl he ends up choosing is the opposite of me?”
“Girly, don’t think like that,” murmured Y/N. “He’s a teenage boy. They don’t think of love the way that we do--to them it’s a game of availability, not of choice. At least for Ronald. You intimidate him, and by extension, you’re not available.”
“That shouldn’t matter!”
“You’re right. It shouldn’t.” Y/N drew a long breath. “So you should find someone who always has you as their first choice--someone who isn’t intimidated by your intellect. They’re out there. I promise.”
Hermione managed a shaky smile. “Thanks, Y/N. I mean it. Do you mind if I have some alone time? I don’t think I’m ready to go back to the party but I just want some quiet.”
“Of course. Let me know if you need me,” she said, brushing herself off and making to walk down the hall.
“You’re not going back to the party?”
“Nah. It hurts my head and I want fresh air. If I’m not back here in a half hour, assume that I’ve been kidnapped.”
With that, she started her walk. She wasn’t planning on going on a long stroll--there was a small balcony that she often went to when she needed to clear her head. It was beautiful, especially on a snowy night like this.
But the walk was creepy.
There was only one way in and out--a narrow, damp hallway that had absolutely no light fixtures. If Y/N really wanted to, she could cast a quick lumos, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see what lived on the walls. The stairs were steep, too, but she managed to bound up all 40 of them in record time. 
“Who’s there?”
The sudden voice ripped a scream out of Y/N’s throat as she reached the top, catching a glimpse of the shadowy figure at the edge of the balcony that spoke. She clasped her hand over her mouth and she crept forward to the opening, getting a better look at the person that was in her secret spot.
The clouds shifted in the sky to allow more moonlight to cast a soft glow on Malfoy’s face, hardened with irritation.
“Malfoy?” Y/N asked, rather dumbly.
“What stellar observational skills,” he drawled. 
She felt her cheeks grow hot. “What are you doing here? This is part of the Gryffindor tower. Shouldn’t you be...I don’t know...playing hide and seek with the sewer rats in the dungeons?”
“Very funny.” His flat tone exposed the fact that he did not, in fact, find it very funny. “There’s no rule barring me from coming up here.”
“But why? This is my spot!”
“Because I wanted to get out. Now, I was here first, so unless you want your detention extended, I suggest you leave.”
Y/N bit the fiery comebacks on the tip of her tongue as the memories of her plan with Hermione began floating back to her. 
Week 1 -- Hold one neutral, civil conversation with Malfoy.
“I’ll be quiet. You won’t even know I’m here,” Y/N decided upon. leaning up against the balcony. The rogue snowflakes that made it past the overhanging roof melted on her cheeks. 
“That isn’t a suggestion,” said Malfoy. “I’m demanding you leave.”
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Y/N asked, pointedly ignoring his words. “I’ve always loved the snow. It’s so quiet.”
“And it would be even quieter if you left.”
“Aren’t you the conversationalist?” said Y/N.
“If you don’t leave, I will hex you,” Malfoy told her through gritted teeth. 
“I just love how the moonlight reflects off of the snow,” continued Y/N. “It’s so...pure.”
“Please leave.”
On her walk back down the dank stairwell, she allowed herself a little smile. 
Task 1? Technically done.
final a/n: haven’t done one of these in a while! anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed! i have a luttle more written for part 3 so hopefully i’ll have that out tomorrow too :) let me know what you thought! do you guys think that, even if this is a draco x reader pairing, he’ll ever really tell her what his 6th year task is? i’m curius >:)
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