#did i even enjoy cutie pie? not really! did i watch all of it AND cp2u? i sure did!
spohkh · 1 year
men will literally train their dog to respond to key words cueing them to act up, play shitting noises on a speaker in the bathroom to make it seem like theyre fighting for their life, and then secretly book a flight to switzerland rather than have a frank conversation with their partner about why they’re not having sex anymore
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struwberrii · 3 months
haikyuu!! boys date night 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
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here are my cute headcanons on where i think haikyuu boys would take you on dates!! hope you guys enjoy (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
characters: kageyama, tsukishim, kuroo, kenma, bokuto, akaashi, oikawa, iwaizumi
movie date!!
he would def pick you up super awkwardly but try his best to show that he’s excited to be with you
pays for all your snacks, also buys himself snacks even though he’s not hungry so you don’t have to eat alone
would probably watch a rom-com with you
leaves the movie in tears because he thought it was cute but he tries to hide it (╥﹏╥)
wins you a plushie at a crane machine on your way out
walks you home too :)
would shyly ask you to be his partner at the door to your house
arcade date!!
meets you there
smokes you in every game, shows no mercy (¬_¬")
wins you prizes though
gets you drinks/candy
if you actually do beat him in a game he says he let you win (he totally did NOT let you win!!!!!)
would probably want to stop and get fast food on the way out
walks you home and thanks you for letting him take you out
probably gives you like a keychain or something as a gift lol
escape room!!
he picks you up from your house
you guys stop and get food before you get there
he catches onto most stuff pretty fast but slows down so you don’t feel bad if you don’t catch on as fast lol
still teases you a little if you don’t get something
gets super into it when he’s trying to solve a puzzle
genuinely stressing out if you can’t solve something ᯣ.ᯣ
when you guys escape he gives you a kiss on the cheek
like hes so happy he was taking it so seriously
walks you home and says next time he takes you out it’ll be as your boyfriend (>_<)
lego building date!!
i don’t see him as the type of guy who would want to go out if he doesn’t really have to so he’d probably invite you over
he picks you up from your house and walks with you to his for your date
also wants to play video games with you
he buys a lego for you guys to build together
you guys have really good convos :3
hes honestly kind of shy (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
also orders you food for you guys to eat together
not much to it;
he walks you back home at the end of it
amusement park!!
def tries to talk you into going on all the tallest and fastest rides and almost passes out on all of them
he still gets back on the scary rides though
buys you funnel cake and ice cream
probably carries you on his back if youre tired
buys you guys matching hats too
makes you take pictures of him with all the mascots (˶˃⤙˂˶)
you guys take the cutest photobooth pictures and he ends up kissing your head in one of them (such a cutie pie ♡)
your amusement park pictures are his lock screen
brings you home too
home cooked dinner!!
hes really awkward and anxious so i think he'd avoid somewhere super crowded but still would want to talk to you
you guys watch an online cooking class and make food for eachother :)
you guys have super good convos all night
he romantically wipes food from the corner of your mouth at some point (idk guys sorry)
hes super sweet all night and cracking jokes awkwardly (っ- ‸ - ς)
you guys build a puzzle together :D
probably end up watching a movie together too
mini golf date!!
probably only takes you there since hes pretty decent at it
kind of shows off but still praises you for your for your skills (or lack there off)
takes so many pictures of you guys
he probably cheated behind your back and kicked his ball into the hole
gets you food and drinks after obliterating you in mini golf (he didnt he actually went easy but still didnt let him beat you)
carries all your stuff for you when youre finished
takes you home after and asks if he can kiss you ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
hiking date!!
doesnt take you down a crazy path but its still a bit of a workout
def picks a route with nice scenery
takes a picture of you in front of the view and cant shut up about how pretty/handsome you look (cutie patootie ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
constantly pushing you to keep going (hes literally so fit its hard to keep up!!!)
he probably ends up having to carry you back (its ok guys i couldnt keep up with him either)
takes you to a cute sandwich shop after (healthy king)
brings you home and kisses you goodnight <3
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ruruvxz · 2 months
hello! new reader here. i think hanni would write romantic love songs!
“My Dearest Clementine”
Hanni Pham x fem!reader
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↳ synopsis: You and your overachieving (ex)girlfriend broke up, but little did you know, she still hasn't gotten over her little clementine. And what's better than food to get into a woman's heart? A good serenade.
↳ cw: foul mouth reader, reader once again is lowkey so mean, breakup, established relationship, comfort, fluff
↳ word count: 2.1k
a/n: omg my first ever anon, im tweaking out, but i agree she definitely would make/cover love songs about reader. and she’d put her whole heart into the performances too… she’s such a cutie pie nfgagggghhhhhh fun fact this was originally a jihyo fic but then i thought really hard, and decided on not making it about her. oh and this is song is clementine by grant perez heheheheh
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Skimming through the channels, you really couldn't help but be so agitated by everyone broadcasting this god-awful music show. "God, do these people only watch one thing, and why does it have to be music shows of all things?" You huffed to yourself, whilst aggressively mashing the poor remote. To be honest you'd be the first one to admit that you did enjoy all the award shows and music festivals. Hell, you've even been to your fair share, but do all these channels have to screen the same thing?
It's been the same MAMA award show on almost every channel, even networks that talked about important news, couldn't help but talk about it. Almost as if there wasn't anything else of importance to speak about, making your blood boil even more at the thought.
However, your visceral hatred for music programs wasn't always like this, well, not before at least. You used to adore watching the latest performances, always admiring the work put into performing on stage. It came to the point where you'd buy tickets for venues near your apartment. Despite not always recognizing everyone performing, you'd always sit through every performance, all the while waiting for that one special person to take the stage. Embarrassingly your true intentions were to go watch your then-girlfriend, Hanni, and cheer her on from the sidelines.
That was before, and now, the one who you called your one true love, had just recently shattered your heart into pieces because of work.
All the memories of her loving presence came back flooding into your mind, like how she'd escape practice using Minji's help just to find herself wrapped around your arms. Everything was just too much, the fact she would leave you to save face just enraged you further. "Argh! I am not about to reopen old wounds! Leave me alone you— minx!" You yelled at the screen, before throwing profanity after profanity, like some madwoman trying to stop the voices in her head. At this point, your neighbors were on the verge of sending a wellness check to the apartment.
Your rage was at a tipping point when you saw her gorgeous face popping up on the screen. You held up the remote, ready to shatter the poor television by projectile throwing the remote at the screen. It wasn't until your phone started vibrating erratically that snapped you out of your female rage. Holding your hand out and snatching the phone from the coffee table, you put the speaker to your ear.
"Yeah? Who is this?" You asked curiously, taking a mental note of how the caller's number looked eerily familiar, summing it up to being a coworker.
"Hey, I know we aren't close, but my friend needs a favor." The woman on the other side spoke with a soft and soothing voice, it sounded familiar, though the loud sounds of chanting made it hard to decipher who was on the other end. Thinking for a moment, you took your gaze out from the phone and to the television screen, biting your teeth as you saw New Jeans without Hanni nor Danielle. Sighing in relief you didn't have to see your stunningly aggravating ex-girlfriend.
Still reminiscing about all the times she's carefully and delicately peeled various fruits for you to eat without you even asking. You started to drift off thinking of ways to get her back, before snapping out of your pitiful daydreams, just to respond to the woman on the phone. "Uhm, not to sound round or anything, but who is this? I mean I'd love to do you a favor but—" You rightfully questioned, since this was just such a perplexing thing to ask someone, especially since you had no memory of them.
"Listen I’m…a friend of a friend...?" She spoke unsurely.
"Look, I'm really busy at the moment, I've got a maximum of 30 seconds before the next song starts..." The woman spoke, while you sat there still trying to puzzle together who she was. "It's just, my friend REALLY—" she exasperated the 'really' as much as her voice could. "Wants you to watch the MAMA performance today."
"What... I'm sorry, with all due respect, that's such an odd demand. I must emphasize that I don't know you, and you're not making the effort to state who you are." You commanded at the mic before the call closed, the woman on the other end not wanting to argue with you.
Before you could interrogate me further, the speakers connected to the television erupted loudly with my nose, the screams and praises abundantly clear. And of all the songs it could blast powerfully loud, it was "How Sweet" by NewJeans, but all that you could notice was Danielle throwing the phone to one of the staff before her muscle memory pushed through. (And that Hanni, who was previously sitting perfectly fine with the other members wasn't going to perform the song with them.)
As quickly as you comprehend the song was playing, you put down the volume to a bearable state. Admittedly you still felt a bit creeped out by that call, but then again compared to the phone calls and letters you received from crazed lovers, it wasn't the worst thing you've gotten.
Suddenly a sinister realization hit you, other than working, you didn't do much during your day off, only thing mildly interesting happening today on my day off was this fuck ass show. And if that caller's so-called "friend" wanted you to watch the performances, you'd do just that. So that's how you decided that you'd spend your precious time letting out your toxic rage on these performances in the comfort of your own home.
The time flew so quickly, and most if not all the artists were so enjoyable, but then, the performance you had dreaded the most was about to happen. However, a part of you was quite ecstatic to watch that dreadfully alluring woman fail miserably on stage. (But be honest, Hanni never does, she always looks perfect doing what she loves, not the mention how elegant she sounds when she sings.)
"God Hanni, even till this day you're insufferable. Fuck." You screeched, as the painfully beautiful memories of her flooded your brain, while all you could do was continue to shove chips into my mouth, eating them up with a bittersweet rage. But with your prior knowledge, before the performance started, the artists were given about a 10-minute break to get all the equipment and stage ready. So you were left with your heart racing inside your chest.
After a dreadful wait, you watched as the dim lights began to slowly light the stage with a warm spotlight, and the LED backboard displayed a beautiful orange orchard. It took you aback since Hanni’s most recent solo tracks never mentioned anything about flowers or fruits. You hated to admit that no matter what you still supported her career to the bitter end of your relationship, so every little detail about her was engraved into your mind. But oh hell, if it's a mess up, even better for you right?
"Ah, hello everybody. I hope you've been enjoying the performances today. Everyone is so good!—" Hanni spoke, the crowd roared at her words, and the camera flashed to her coworkers smiling proudly at her words.
"I understand everyone wants my more recent solo songs, but I wanted to showcase a new song. I made it about someone close to me." She continued, while even more mental anguish bubbled up inside your head by how she spoke so softly about the song, and how you assumed she moved on so quickly.
"I hope you all will enjoy this performance." That was the last thing she said before the backtrack began to play. It was a gentle stroke of a guitar before the other members of the band continued to play to the rhythm. The song continued as you leaned closer into the TV, using your remote to turn up the music playing from the speakers.
“Color it gray...” She sang, your heart thumping out of your chest, your mind drifting to the moments leading to your eventual fallout.
“Until I forget you
Like I never met you” The memory of her pleading you to forget about whatever connection you both shared because she didn’t want to drag your career down. Her tears still linger in your mind.
“My dearest, my dearest Clementine” She continued, looking back at the first time she ever spoke so dearly about you, using ‘Clementine’ as a term of endearment because you both cringed at the thought of calling each other ‘baby’ or anything of that sort.
“Color it gray
Until I forget you
Like I never met you”
“My dearest Clementine”
“Throw it away
But close enough to you” Her voice strained by her sorrow.
“Cause although I hate you
I will still fall in love, my Clementine”
“Every time, always”
“No matter how hard I try”
“My Clementine, every time”
You're always on my mind” She ended, fixing her gaze to the camera, looking longingly, as if she was looking at something— no someone through the screen.
You watched in disbelief as she closed up her performance, and walked off the stage, still wearing the matching dragonfruit and orange necklace you bought together. It was a few minutes sitting in utter bewilderment before getting a call on your cellphone. All you could do is weakly pick it up, while still being in complete shock at what you just watched, and without checking the contact you forced yourself to speak up, "Uh..." with a very long pause, you resumed "Hello."
"Clementine!" The voice on the other line spoke loudly, there was no other person who called me that sickening nickname other than the one and only Hanni Pham.
"I thought I blocked you!" You shouted defensively at your phone trying to get this woman to hang up.
"Yeah! But you never blocked Danielle since she never really messaged you, haha!"
"Just leave me alone you freak!" You argued loudly, "I'm hanging up on you Han—" Before you could press, block caller, you heard her scream from the other side.
"No wait!"
"You saw my performance right?"
"Uhm... I wouldn't say I didn't." You awkwardly admitted, still trying to avoid answering her questions.
You sat in awkward silence for a while before she spoke again, "Please, I know you— we weren't the most mature people, but please give me one more chance. I know I shouldn't be asking you on the phone…” You hear a faint sigh before Hanni carries on with her whole speech. “but I don't know any other way to contact you without you running in the opposite direction."
Rolling your eyes behind the phone, you took in a deep breath and analyzed the situation before making a very calm, calculated response. "No! Die in a ditch, Hanni! You dumped me! Then made a song with my nickname and aired it out to everyone!"
"No! No! No wait! Please! Clementine! That's the only way to get through to you! Please Y/N, I wouldn't be begging like this for anyone else."
"Ugh... fine! We'll talk about this later once you're done with work alright? Besides you shouldn't be stressed during award shows, it shows."
"Really?!" She questioned, a bit shocked that you would even give her the time of day.
"Yeah, whatever, don't overwork yourself."
"Thank you so much, I promise I won't, thanks for caring so much, even with everything I’ve done."
"Yeah yeah, you know my place, I'll cook something up, and bring you comfortable clothes, because I'm going to give you a piece of my mind."
"I should've expected that, don't worry, we'll talk, I promise, I’ll listen to whatever you have to say— and I promise I won’t make any more stupid decisions."
"I never break my promises clementine."
"Just— go back to work, Hanni! You're pissing me off, your sweet talk won't work on me this time, I'm gonna beat your ass no matter what."
"It was worth the try." She laughed before hanging up the phone, you swore you were gonna kill her when she came back home. But for now, you forced yourself off the couch and prepared everything for her arrival, after all, she never broke her promises.
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via-l0ve · 1 year
supernatural guys + gabe and Lucifer's reaction to walking into the reader changing please.
“Knock Next Time!!” (SPN pref!) 🩷
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a/n: I LOVE THIS IDEA!! i absolutely will do this. hope you enjoy!!!
warnings: swearing, suggestive/innuendos
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dean just stands there
he’s foaming at the mouth for you rn
wowie wowie wowowowow
“you know, if you wanted me to see you naked so bad you could’ve just asked. you didn’t have to keep the door unlocked and wait for me to come in to strip.”
he reluctantly leaves but comes back two seconds later.
“sorry i forgot my uh… my pencil.”
“your pencil?”
“mhm. totally.”
he walks into the room and grabs a random ass pencil off of your bedside table
“looking good, by the way.”
he’s thinking about that image of you in his mind for the next three and a half years
i’m torn
i’ll give you two options
this sam:
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would open the door and go
“OH! OH UM.. UHM-“
whip around and smack his head on the door and go “OW!” and then walk out.
“i’m so sorry y/n!!”
but THIS sam:
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would just watch you for a minute
“wow, y/n.”
“you’re like… gorgeous.”
you guys are having sex now
he dosent really get the notion of boundaries and how watching people change is weird
he blips in and is like
“y/n, have you found a lead for your case? i am thinking about it a lot recently-“
“cas!! i’m literally naked right now.”
“…okay. have you found a lead?”
you have to explain that it’s WEIRD
he’s flustered bc he realizes he saw your body and how intimate that is and he’s giggling and kicking his feet
what a cutie pie
“y/n, it’s been a. while since i’ve spoken to you and i was just - oh. oh wow.” smirking and looking at you
“sorry, darling. keep going. i don’t mean to be a bother.”
this mf sits on ur bed and waits for you to finish changing.
“cover your eyes.”
“but that takes all the fun away, Love.”
i’m giggling
omfg give him a kiss!
(or more)
But he’s also such a flirt
“y/n, i didn’t know you wanted to give me a strip show.”
“sorry, sorry.” eyeroll
“but seriously can i stay?”
“go away!!”
he’s giggling and blushing afterwards
you don’t even notice he’s there until you’re done changing
“wow, y/n.”
“jesus. when did you get here?”
“when your clothes were on.”
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“i was supposed to interrupt your elegance?”
lmfao slap him
noooo but he means well <3 he thinks you’re so wow
he definitely got turned on though
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thebowieconstricker · 9 months
Stagedoor Sparks! (Matthew Patel x Reader) ✨🔥🔱
masterlist link
I’m so glad to see people hyped up for my pathetic pirate boy. Please enjoy and if this goes well I may turn it into a series lol
We’ve got a gender neutral reader, idiots in love, I saw someone say pathetic x pathetic and YES, theater kid lingo, mild swearing, and your favorite cutie pie. ⚠️Also, this is heavily based on Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, so spoiler warnings for that if you haven’t seen it! ⚠️ Enjoy!
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“Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical”, was what the bright lights of the massive sign on your local theater boasted. Recently, your coworker Julie had been telling you about the ridiculous life of this ‘Scott Pilgrim’, ranting about the conga line of characters that filled his (frankly, pathetic sounding) existence. She had also alerted you to this… musical. A musical that had been written about his life.
You sighed to yourself and adjusted your bag. Making your way to the golden, elaborately designed doors, just barely dodging all the paparazzi (why was there so much paparazzi?), you somehow successfully made your way into the main lobby of the theatre. Ivory and gold filled your vision as you observed the plush red carpet that lined each of the three floors. You had visited this theater before, and it’s gorgeous grandeur never failed to amaze you.
Now, you did not at all care about this guy. Yes, you had been silently internalizing every minuscule part of this random guy’s daily shenanigans, but that was because you were being a good friend to Julie! This Scott guy seemed like a tool, and you weren't particularly interested in listening to a…?
You checked the playbill the usher had just handed you.
…THREE HOUR MUSICAL?!? You almost started laughing right there.
But anyways, you weren’t here for this Scott guy.
You were here for musical theater. You had always been drawn to the fantastical world of lights and costumes and music. Plus, this was a community production with actors from Toronto, and you were always happy to support your local theater kids.
As you finally made your way to your seat, you sat down in the plush red chairs and opened your playbill to the cast section. You didn’t see any names you recognized, but one stood out to you.
Matthew Patel - Scott Pilgrim
Obviously, Scott Pilgrim was the lead role, but what really caught your attention was the picture attached to the name. Matthew Patel, you respectfully observed, was mad cute.
The lights suddenly began to dim and you settled in for whatever was in store, keeping a keen eye out for this ‘Matthew Patel’.
~~~ Holy shit, this is the best thing you’ve ever seen.
From the moment Matthew Patel walked onstage, you were absolutely smitten. He wore a bright orange wig that clashed horrendously with his dark skin, and an oversized jacket, but he was the hottest thing you had ever seen. Also, holy shit, Matthew Patel could sing. From the first line, you were completely enraptured by his high tenor belting. As you watched him onstage, you saw literal sparks in his eyes, his excitement and passion for the stage radiating off of him.
At the curtain call, you stood and enthusiastically clapped for each of the cast members, but hooped and hollered for Matthew especially. Even though you knew he couldn’t see you from the stage, you found yourself blushing at the thought of him looking at you.
That’s when it hit you: You’ve gotta book it to stage door to meet this guy.
~~~ Matthew Patel was completely exhausted. As the curtains flew closed, he sighed and turned around to smile at his cast mates. Although he was drained by his performance, he always took this opportunity at the end of a show to look to his fellow caste mates.
And hopefully someone would invite him with their group to an after show dinner.
He walked through the crowd, giving pats on the back and thumbs ups as he made his way to his dressing room. Lots of smiles, lots of “great job!”’s but… no invitations.
Slamming the door to his room he quickly took of his wig and put on his regular clothes, deciding that he would take off his stage makeup at home (aka the makeup he regularly wore but no one cared enough to know that). His room had a window where he could look down at the stagedoor line, the line that had been non-existent since opening night. He didn’t take it personally, since this musical was for a very specific audience of people and he understood that outside of them, no one knew or cared who Scott Pilgrim was. But still, he was onstage. He was singing and dancing and his art was being celebrated. Yes, he was lonely, still, but life wasn’t too bad right now.
As he did every day, he quickly glanced out his window to check for audience members at stage door and, sure enough, no one-
Someone was there?
He did a double take and physically walked to the window, his hands placed against the glass and his now quickening breath creating a fog.
From high up in his dressing room, he saw a small figure holding the bright red playbill of his show. They seemed to be moving back and forth on their feet, bouncing excitedly. From so high up he couldn’t see their expression, but could make out what he thought was a smile.
He broke out into a wide smile. Running around his room, gathering his things and throwing them into his backpack, only one thought raced through his mind: He had to get down there.
~~~ As you waited, the cold Toronto air stung against your flushed cheeks. You were still high on endorphins from the show, the songs already worming their way into your head as you tapped your feet in anticipation.
Suddenly, and without warning, a man burst out of the dark black door you were waiting out, out of breath and panting. He was so hellbent on running out the door that he ran right into you, knocking you over!
“AH-“, you both made the same sound as you fell, the man directly on top of you.
“Oh- apologies, ma’am, I uh-“
You would have said a number of rude things to this man but, seeing his face, you were starstruck.
“Matthew Patel?”
His eyes widened in shock. Carefully, he got off of you and onto his knee in front of you. Gently, he took your hand and pulled you up, the both of you now back on your feet.
“You know me?”
You couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on his cheeks.
“Of course! Well- I mean, you know, you’re Scott Pilgrim! You were absolutely incredible up there, just amazing! My jaw was the floor the whole time! I mean, your voice and your dancing and the fight scenes-“
As you rambled on and on, Matthew was unable to snap himself out of the trance you had put him in. Visually, you were breathtaking, so much so he didn’t know how he had ever found anyone else attractive. But more so, you were genuinely complimenting him. He was never complimented on his theater work. He’d get the rare one from his cast mates, but never an outside fan.
Noticing his silence, you suddenly stopped talking.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to rant, it’s just- one theater kid to another, you were so amazing.”
He shook his head at your apology. “No, don’t be sorry. You’re- you’re very kind. Thank you. And I’m sorry again for… running you over.”
You laughed- a leitmotif to rival Sondheims to Matthew’s ears- and looked at him with a goofy grin.
“Would you sign my playbill?”
“Would you like to have dinner tonight?”
The two of you spoke at the same time, and one’s question made the other blush furiously. Matthew’s entire body tensed in embarrassment that he had been bold enough to ask you out like this, not even knowing your name.
You were absolutely over the moon.
“I- uh- yes. Yes, I would love to.”
Your smile got impossibly wider, and the sparks in Matthew’s eyes that you had noted during his performance returned. With a huge grin, he reached out his hand to take your playbill. You handed it to him and a marker appeared in his other hand as he quickly scribbled his signature.
“What’s your name?”
You told him and his blush deepened. He turned back to the playbill and scribbled a bit more, then handed it to you. You squeaked in excitement and looked at what he had written.
To my biggest fan,
Looking back up at him, you were certain this was the start of something new.
“So… do you like Italian?”
~~~ HEY MATTHEW FANS TAKE THIS FIC! GO, FETCH! This’ll make a lot more sense if you like musicals, so have fun! Like I said at the start, if y’all want more and I’m feeling up to it, I’ll write more! Happy holidays, folks!
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week in BL - just RELAX BL, you're stressing me out
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 10 of 12 - Boyfriends are cute boyfriends. Reconciliation with daddy and then major brother drama. How exciting. Gah but that closing scene, these two are such great actors! 
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 8 fin - A perfectly serviceable final episode. I did love the red Chinese-style wedding to go with the “hia.” Also, just a little Thai 'poke poke poke' at China. 
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Final thoughts?
This is a nice addendum to Cutie Pie, but it’s relatively incomprehensible even if you’ve watched that previous installment. I can’t imagine it will make any sense at all if you haven’t. Frankly, the most impressive thing about this show was the makeup team. MaxNat give excellent chemistry, all the high heat is well done, and the friendships are adorable, even if the story is nonsensical. It’s fine, I’m relieved it was only 8 eps. I enjoyed it for the pair but I will probably never rewatch. A weak 8/10
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 9 of 24 -Heartbroken (drunk) gay boy meets (fights) sister’s new chef. I love the femme bestie. Adorbs. This one seems pretty good actually. I like all the shots of Bangkok’s actual traffic. POV is a bit of a sad sack tho. 
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Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - There is something clever about this narrative in the way that they are each each other’s first and second loves, but also age gap kinda creepy (Thailand maybe leave this one for Japan?)
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 8 of 10 eps - So much whiny gay drama babies. However, it also manages to be painfully slow, through the simple act of having 90% of the show be boys sitting around staring at their phones. Then it suddenly got way higher heat than I expected. Honestly, this could’ve ended at 8 sps. I don’t see how extending the show is going to improve it in any way.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 11 of 12 (not a BL but I'm watching it anyway) - I don’t have faith in any couple. One of my favorite things about this show is watching how many boys Mark can kiss. I know everyone is focusing on Neo, but seriously baby boy got game. Meanwhile Boston’s dick must be made of self-lubing steal pipe; I remain entirely uninterested is TopMew; Mew’s fam demonstrate why a gay boy should never take advice from straight women; and the slut-shaming agenda continues. NO SINGING. No character in this show is happy when Boeing turns up, but the rest of us trash-loving muckrakers are thrilled.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 3 of 5 - Oh it is so cute and so sweet and so aching. I really did not want the confession to happen, even though I knew it had to. There is an element of torture to this one that only Japan can execute with such precise softness.
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 7 of 10 - I remain charmed. But while the me of 2018 would have thought this one of the best BLs ever, the me of now is finding it a bit dated and nostalgic.
Bon Appetit (Korea Weds iQIYI) 7-8fin - Romance between an office worker and the man from his past next door who cooks well. It was a very sweet and cute tale of food as love in the All the Liquors family of KBL. I’m not wild about it, I did enjoy it, I was happy to have it show up on my dash, but ultimately it will simply become one of the KBL crowd. 8/10 
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 10 of 13(?) - another one where they are separated for most of the show. Although the sides are giving win. 
Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 1-2 of 8 - from Idol Romance staring OnlyOneOf's Nine & Mill, this released as a movie in July in SK but is now being recut/reissued as a series. Love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity plagued by scandal. After that OmegaX Shoulder bullshizz business I am very wary of this show, but this pair is already better cast.
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Out of the mouths of OnlyOneOf (!!!) babes...
As to the show? I don’t know. I mean I love the idea, am nervous about Korea (with that bubble) doing a meta critique of the BL industry, with K-pop idols, using an existing group. It just seems like there’s a lot of mines in this small field, and it could go horribly horribly wrong. I am enjoying it, but also anxious the whole time I’m watching it for culture/market reasons. That said, I did pretty much ask for this exact show. So I can't complain, now can I?  
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 5 of ? - I honestly don’t entirely understand what is going on. But it all seems to be the Psychotic Pretty Kitty’s fault. Oo caught in the act of drug-induced cheating - DRAMA. Dung should cut his losses and leave - cute doctor husband or not. Lovely kiss from the sides. I gotta say, this cast is hella pretty. I’m not mad that this team is kind of turning into GMMTV Vietnam.
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It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch 8-12 and do a series review when I get back in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed, my final thoughts in Nov.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
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I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - Yukinori, a convenience store clerk was accidentally stabbed by a thug and nearly died. He returns home to find an angel waiting for him. The drama is an adaptation based on Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like). With only five episodes and a good chance this won’t end happily, I am going to wait and let you tell me how it goes. Binge it when it is complete if it's safe.
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In Case You Missed It
GMMTV posted their initial 2024 line up, here's my round up of the BLs. It includes 2 JBL adaptations, 2 KBL adaptations (that they aren't admitting to) and vampires. If you want to know how I did on the predictions that's here and the answer is: very badly indeed.
I am watching the Y Journey: Stay Like a Local series. But they are essentially tourist board long-form advertisements. I enjoy the promo aspect with regards to the food. And seeing some of my favorite pairs do interesting other things is kinda fun. But the whole thing feels disingenuous when gay marriage is still not legal and it’s essentially the Thai government (making these ads) who is stopping that from happening. I have a similar feeling to iQIYI as a content provider. It’s not queerbaiting in the original sense of the term, but it’s pretty gross to use gay for advertising with a nationalistic propaganda agenda, when being gay is still not legal in your country. Yes I struggle to reconcile myself with this on the regular, and it’s an ongoing hypocritical struggle for my tiny withered tired old heart.
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All that said, this week's installment, He’s Not Happy, did make me want to rewatch Make a Wish. There’s no kissing in this series but JudoFluke kiss beautifully, so If you haven’t seen Make a Wish, it’s very good and I recommend tracking it down.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/26 My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thai iQIYI) 8 eps - nerd retreats from the world into an online game and makes friends with a little group, they meat in real life, one of them is hot, they fall in love, hottie turns out to be a gangster. Trailer
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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We stan consent and talking about sex during sex. Thank you Venus in the Sky.
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I guess Ray's getting his 3some? Only Friends
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Dangerous Romance hitting up some old school tropes.
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Naughty Babe giving us our beloved domesticity and tiny gay families. @heretherebedork you happy?
(Last week)
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starsunderwaterr · 1 year
Dating Pearl Headcanons! (pt. 1)
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We have reached ultimate baby girl status.
Ok enjoy-
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Alright let’s be real, baby girl is a gremlin
You guys met in a pretty natural way—if you call being an agent normal-
At a hangout with 4 and the Squid Sisters, she took a strange liking to you
You pissed her off, even if you were the nicest person ever
Something about you made her angry, and she had no idea what it was, and when she got home…?
“I hate this, Rina! I can’t. Why are they… so…? So…?!! Ugh!”
Marina looked over at Pearl with a confused and almost disturbed look, “Uh, Pearlie…”
“And they just… ugh! I can’t take much more of this!!! Where is my mayo!?”
She couldn’t stop thinking about you and would get extremely angry that you wouldn’t leave her head, and she had barely spoken to you
You thought her anger was adorable, which made her all the more frustrated
The funniest part??? The second she talks to you she’s a puddle
You walked over to Pearl, who was trying her best to stray away from you
“Hey, Pearlie!”
She practically exploded and choked on her soda-
Her face instantly brightened, and she stammered, looking at you, “I- Shit, you bitch! Ah! Shit! I mean!- You’re not a bitch, I just!- UGH!”
Safe to say she ended up hiding in her hoodie that day
Once you become friends though??? Instant baby
She loves you so so much and makes that very clear. By annoying you. 😃
She will joke around with you, prank you, but most of all—she openly flirts with you.
Will use the cheesiest pick up lines on you
Like if you guys are baking together, she’ll smirk and look at you like that before blurting out, “Is your mom a baker? ‘Cause you’re a cutie pie.”
You slammed your spatula down on the counter, “PEARL. WE TALKED ABOUT THIS-“
It took almost a year for her to finally say anything about how she felt about you
You two had grown close, and she honestly could not stand if you guys didn’t hang out for at least 2 times a week
“(Y/N)!!!! When are you coming over??” “Pearl, I told you, I have an important appointment today.-“ “Okay, and?” Like 😭
Girl doesn’t give two shits if you got plans she’ll have plans WITH YOU 😭‼️‼️
When you hang out, she loves to watch shows with you and stretch her legs out into your lap
Even if you complain, she’ll still do it
“You know you love meeeee~”
You were already frustrated and had had enough of her bs
The constant flirting, the constant remarks, BUT SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT
You glared at her and said it, “Yeah, I do. A lot. I’m just finally did something about it.”
Pearl looked at you with a laugh, “Ha! That’s funny…”
You didn’t answer, just kept staring, and her smile quickly faded into surprise and shock
“Wait… shit, you’re serious?” Her face was starting to turn red and she sat up now, her legs now criss-crossed on the couch
You only nodded, your own face beginning to flush as you crossed your arms over your chest
The two of you sat in silence, Pearl’s face redder than red
She kept opening and closing her mouth like she wanted to say something, but no words came out
Not until she finally slumped and looked down, mumbling, “Think… ‘s self… ‘splanatory….” “Hm?”
She finally huffed and groaned, looking at you with an angry look, “I think it’s self explanatory that I like you, too!!”
After an awkward confession, the two of you talked through it and decided to start dating
Very quickly it became apparent of how affectionate Pearl really was, but only when it was just you two!
Similar to the sleeping hc’s, she really loves to peer out of your shirt or hoodie or sleep against your neck
The first time she did it, it scared the fuck out of you
She was laying on your chest just cuddling with you when all of the sudden, she lifted up your shirt, and in a swift motion just popped her head through
You jolted so fast when she did that, yelping and cursing
“Cod- Fuck, Pearl! What are you doing?!” “Shaddup!”
When she popped her head out, she smirked just before she snuggled her head into your neck
The moment quickly became a really cute and memorable one, especially when she fell asleep against you and did that little cat stretch before falling back asleep LIKE????
She’s like a little koala—she loves to cling to you
If you try to leave mid cuddle sesh, she’ll whine and complain
You really had to go to the bathroom, and Pearl was busy clinging to you rambling on about her latest mayo review (she would never stop talking about her mayo collection) and she wouldn’t stop
Finally, you sat up, “Pearlie, I really need to pee-.”
She looked at you like you incinerated her mayo pool
Then came the pouting 😭
“I’ll be gone like 3 seconds, Pearl! I really need to go!” “Don’t talk to me ever again.”
As you rushed off to the bathroom you screamed back, “We both know how long that’ll last!”
Yeah,,,, it didn’t last long at all. She lasted about 10 minutes before she looked at you and began to tremble her lip
You sighed, “Go ahead, Pearlie.” Instantly, she snuggled up against you and began rambling again
Point is,,, she’s a snuggle bug
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fatuismooches · 2 years
HIIII ITS 🎐 ANÓN HERE! I HOPE YOURE DOING AMAZING CUTIE PIE MWA MWA! I’m writing this pretty late but fragile reader who used to paint in their free time before getting sick. Which they were praised for back when they could, but nowadays since they have trouble moving and need to depend on the clones, they can’t draw or paint anymore…which makes them sad since they would really want to draw something for Dottore and the clones, but even picking up a pen is difficult nowadays…I can imagine fragile reader has tried to draw something but, their hands are so shaky the most they can draw now are simple figures like stick men…if anything it looks more like a 5 year old did it than an actual adult…and one day they tried to draw but to not luck…so they just crumble up the paper and throw it to the side. Unaware that one of Dottore’s clones was watching. So once reader is put to sleep, the clone picks up the wrinkled piece of paper to see that they actually tried drawing a few random things, but they tried drawing Dottore most of all…and a few clones! Which is impressive with how shaky their hands are now. The clone shows the “masterpiece” to Dottore, who just stares at blankly, but internally he’s actually surprised reader could even do that…he could still recall how lovely they used to draw before they got ill…and how they actually even promised to draw him…so Dottore takes the wrinkles up paper and tells the clone to go back to work. But, as he does experiments/paper work (idk), he looks back on the drawing, which does look like it was drawn by a 5 year old…but yet, Dottore can’t help but feel glad somehow…seeing that despite the fact reader is so ill, they continue to think of others despite their condition…which he can’t help but fold up the paper nicely and put it in a drawer for safe keeping.
Anyways I got lazy at the end but take this is a small Drabble! I’m sorry if it’s not the best ;w; It was a random thought I made up since I’m an artist myself and I couldn’t help but have to write it! I hope you enjoy reading it though! I LOVE YOU SMOOCHES MWAH MWAH KISS KISS CHU CHU!! ❤️❤️
Associating with the arts was always a daunting task if you lived in Sumeru. Dancing, singing, drawing, hell, even writing was looked down upon if it wasn’t academically related. And while you did face a large amount of side eyes and tongue clicking from the Akademiya folks, there was surprisingly a great number of people who enjoyed your art, and you were immensely grateful for them. But no one quite inspired you as much as Zandik.
You were honestly baffled when he didn’t turn his nose up at your paintings. You had kept it a secret from him, hidden drawings in a concealed compartment of your shared dorm, but he still managed to find out, when you were so into your painting you did not realize his arrival. You thought that considering how much of a man of science he was, he'd think that painting was a waste. But you were wrong.
That was so long ago, it hardly mattered now. After all, reminiscing about the old times only served to make you more downhearted. What good was it when it was just a painful reminder of what you could not do anymore? The simple action of gliding pen against paper had become an activity that you started to dread. Your shaky hands always produced what you desired least, crude stickmen and doodles littering the page you’d wasted. It looked like a child’s mindless scribbles, and you sure felt like one after all your unfruitful labor. It was no use, you decided, throwing it into the trash. You simply weren’t in the same state as you were before.
You go to sleep tired as usual, and a clone is cleaning your room as usual. There is never much to clean, but Prime had made it a rule to keep your quarters as clean and spacious as possible. Needless to say, the clone is surprised to see a lone crumpled ball at the bottom of the bin. He can’t help but be curious - all of the clones crave to get to know you on a personal level - and is surprised at the painstakingly drawn art. The segment can tell you erased a copious amount of times, from all the wrinkles and barely legible lines. Yet he knows how great a feat this is, considering your condition. The rough art can’t help but make him grin too - he can still recognize some of his fellow clones and his creator despite the lack of proportions.
When Zandik sees the image, a sense of surprise but also relief flows through him. Surprised that you still managed to pull this off, and relief that you are still yourself despite everything that has happened. He knows that your body has changed, but he doesn’t want you yourself to change. Though the drawing may seem distasteful to anyone else, he is content.
You are still trying, and he shall too. He swears that you’ll be able to deliver that painting you promised to him centuries ago.
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BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Alright, I was tagged in this game by @clara-maybe-ontheroad, so it's time to make some enemies.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
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I don’t really pay the most attention to this, I can’t recall anything that sticks out to me as particularly egregious even if it may be a tad odd. Weirdest song choice though is Jojo and Ninew letting First sing in Only Friends. I love the boy but we all have our flaws and his is being horrifically out of tune.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
“Then I am gay too,” Bee from Between Us. A show that I did actually enjoy despite many people grumbling. I hold that it’s cause I didn’t wait three years for it, and didn’t know Until We Meet Again existed when I started watching it. But regardless, Bee and Prince had like 5 minutes of screen time, max and they won my motherfucking heart.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Not a specific line, but literally any time that Nuea questions whether or not Hia Lian loves him in Cutie Pie 2 You. Bestie, you already agonized over that for far, far too long in Cutie Pie, by the time you ran out of the marriage proposal at your father in law’s birthday, I was already way past over the bullshit. And now you want to get back on the bullshit when you are planning your wedding? Come on…
Most stupid decision made by a character
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I agree with @bengiyo, Teh giving up his spot in school for Oh. Honestly, you know what, looking even further back the stupidest decision was Oh and Teh’s friends coming up to Teh AT FOUR O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING THE DAY HE WAS GOING TO GO COMMIT TO COLLEGE TO TELL HIM OH WAS GIVING UP. Y’all couldn’t have fucking waited like…one day? You know Teh is stupid motherfucker prone to grand gestures.
Worst plot line
“I’m going to kill your mother from third hand cigarette smoke and spend the last hour and a half of a genuinely otherwise beautifully crafted show making the world’s longest anti-smoking campaign” by New Siwaj in My Only 12%. What a way to ruin a show at the very last minute.
The most problematic show you've watched
Fish Upon the Sky, what in the racism, support of stalking, invasion of privacy, manipulation was that show?
A show people love but you find bad
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Enchante. I just hate Theo so goddamn much.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Also gonna agree with @bengiyo here and say Wedding Plan, I have seen so little conversation around that show since it aired and it was super adorable and very very outside of MAME’s typical taboos. Just fluff, lesbianism, and lavender marriages abound. But if you think La Pluie is bad, then I will fight you to an early grave.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
I wouldn’t say it is my favorite, but I didn’t mind Vice Versa, but maybe that’s cause I was paying attention to trying to predict the next episode’s colors and not to the plot?
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
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Mine is the same as @waitmyturtles. It’s currently still airing, so it’s entirely possible I drop it, but, Dangerous Romance, I am so mad at how quickly it is brushing past interesting topics, but I am still watching it because I am curious where they intend to go with it. I don’t think they can salvage it, but I need to know what it is they want to say that made them think handling this show the way they are is better than exploring literally any of the class questions presented in the first couple episodes.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
I don’t really watch shows because I am horny,  I watch shows because- Why R U? FighterTutor, only reason I watched that show, I skipped through most of the rest of it.
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Why R U? Because Fighter was such a compelling character and I thought Zee did a phenomenal job in the way he handled Fighter’s internalized homophobia. I wish they were giving Zee more complicated roles than Hia Lian because he’s a strong actor and I think his talent is wasted on Cutie Pie.
A bad show that you would still recommend
I don’t really recommend shows that I think are bad to people, so it is a case by case basis. I did not end up liking A Boss and a Babe, but I did recommend @emotionallychargedtowel watch at least some of it so she could get a better idea of Book’s acting ability.
The character that ruined a show the most
Nadia, My Ride. She’s such a self-entitled, incredibly judgemental bitch and I hate her, runner up is Toy for destroying Boss’ bookshelf.
Most awful character that you hated
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Tawan, KinnPorsche. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I was glad when he died, and I must commend Na for his performance because he did such a good job playing an asshole that I still hate his face when I see it.
Most awful character that you loved
Korn from KinnPorsche, I am obsessed with how casually evil he is, and how he keeps his loyalty through faked compassion rather than abusive fear the way Gun does. He’s consistently winning, even when his lies are revealed. I think he does a superb job of flying under the radar as a visibly awful character. But he’s a terrible person.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
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Saifah, Why R U? It’s not his fault, but I just hate Jimmy’s face.
A hero that should have been a villain
Palm, Never Let Me Go, I had too many theories about the ways in which Palm could have betrayed Nuengdiao. Hell, I’d have settled for Chanon being a villain, but no, only loyalty :(
A morally bad character you're into
*ahem* *gestures to my username*
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Wen Kexing, Word of Honor who has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Theo, Enchante, I hate that motherfucker with a burning passion. I know that I said I think Book should be able to play more assholes cause he’s doing a great job with Mew’s revenge era, but Theo was a goddamn fucking major asshole who was not really presented as such.
The show that disappointed you the most
Again, it’s not done yet, so there is still time to maybe climb out of this hole, but I am very disappointed by Dangerous Romance at the moment.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
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Enchante because how the fuck do you think it is okay to write a romance where one of the romantic interests both creates the most fucked up, convoluted lie to mess with your feelings, AND is so goddamn helpless that you GET FIRED FROM YOUR JOB FOR HELPING HIM, and not have either of those things be a wake up call or deal breaker?!
Tagging @ranchthoughts, @respectthepetty, @solitaryandwandering
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laurenkmyers · 2 months
you’re so sweet. thank you so much!! i’ve watched love in the air. i know boss but i didn’t know his partners name. i’ve also watched:
dead friend forever (it was so fun; tan was right and he should’ve been able to kill all of em. except my sweet sunshine bby white who didn’t deserve anything bad to happen to him ever)
two worlds (loved it)
cutie pie 1&2 (eh),
naughty babe (loved but i think i love the pairing),
not me (chefs kiss),
kinnporsche (the volume in which i screamed cousin fuckers and then sung sweet home alabama, 10/10 would recommend to a friend),
the sign (so ridiculous but like in a great fun way; i like police procedurals and i like fantasy)
only friends (i wish i had a toxic dramatic friend group :/),
between us (that jaw thing mr blond did was oddly attractive; can’t wait to see the pair in the vampire show!),
last twilight (my heart ached and baked and was made into a cake. that means i loved it),
kiseki: dear to me (ai di owns my heart forever; i like his big puppy chen yi too. i couldn’t get into the main pairing tbh),
together with me 1&2 (it was okay)
love in translation (cuuute)
do you have any more recs???
First of all can, this list is immaculate (bar cutie pie, did not vibe with that one bit)
Secondly, I see you with your insane taste in ships. Maxnat from Two Worlds/Naughty Babe? This is top tier shit. I found Naughty Babe awful and mostly unwatchable (I'm not domundi's- the company who produced naughty babe and cutie pie- biggest fan) but MAXNAT??? That pairing have me wrapped round their fingers. Especially Max. Goddamn.
Thirdly, did you like love in the air? Thoughts on the second half of the show in particular? Because the other main couple (fort and peat) are my precious fucking baby angels and I would die for them. And if you liked them then my first recommedation is the currently airing Love Sea the series, because they're tearing me limb from limb. Every week they do something that thrills, excites, and terrifies me all in equal standing.
In terms of other recs, I can definitely give you a few I enjoyed, because your list is very good already and I'm seeing that we have quite similar taste.
I want to throw the show Manner of Death at you. You've seen Together With Me, and if you liked our boys Max and Tul and managed to wade your way through that show plus it's sequel, based on their chemistry alone, then Manner Of Death will be refeshing change for you. Because their chemistry is even better and the story line actually has a very clever and exciting narrative. Plus, its a lot more mature than your average highschool drama bl.
Tale of 1000 Stars is another show I really enjoyed. Its bl pairing is Earth and Mix, they have fantastic chemistry and the show has a really interesting plot that kept me hooked. It's a bit more typical thai bl in certain aspects, and the intimate nc scenes are next to none, but their relationship is one I was hooked on and I enjoyed the story a lot.
I have also enjoyed: 4 Minutes is only one episode in, but I can already tell it's going to be a favourite, which says a lot. But I am also very biased towards the lead male, Bible Wichapas aka Vegas from Kinnporsche. Man Suang is a movie, not series, but its on Netflix and its Mileapo from Kinnporsche. It's historical, gritty, heart-hitting, and just generally very fucking well produced. Moonlight Chicken (the side couple had me hooked immediately) Ingredients (cute af mini series with a Jeff Satur-Kim from KP) My Stand-In (I endjoyed it for what it was, it was a bit ridiculous) Vice-Versa (If you liked JimmySea you'll probably enjoy this) Bad Buddy (Great chemistry between the main characters) And a Taiwanese bl I liked was: History 3: Trapped.
(Your kinnporsche review is EVERYTHING. No notes.
The Mr Blonde jaw thing had me chuckling. I too, very much enjoyed the jaw thing. Hope the vampire show is directed well. Bounprem deserve it.
Tan absolutely should have slain them all. Apart from bb White. Agreed. Wholeheartedly.
Ai Di x Chen Yi were the only reason I was watching that show. For real.
Last Twilight was fantastic. I just didn't vibe with the ending. If it had ended on that rock cliff? Perfection. Stunning. Show-stopping.)
I hope you enjoy some of these! Sorry this got SO LONG.
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markmybirds · 6 months
15 Day BL Challenge
Doing this Day-By-Day will probably be too much for brain so I have decided since it's relaxed I will be doing this 1-5 days over 3 days. I just want to also add on that I am an avid watcher of many different kinds of dramas, and I embrace different countries also. But I will probably go off of mostly Thailand here. This will get more complicated if I invest in my JBL and TaiwanBL pools and Growing KBL. I may do honourary mentions to those couples though I choose to use some of those pairings as my faves.
(Mom Life..) Also final beginning note: All original screen grab/posters/gif makers are given credit in the image descriptions. Day One: Favourite OG Actor Pairing My choice is Boun Noppanut Guntachai and Prem Warut Chawalitrujiwong (With Honourary Mentions: Billkin & PP Krit, Both Nattapong & Newyear Kitiwhut, Max Kornthas & Nat Natasitt and Ja Phachara & First Chalongrat) I will say I didn't know who to choose because I don't know who would be considered "OG" so I went with like a comfort couple of mine that has been continuously a comfort couple. I can't put into words how much I love them but really, if it's BounPrem I'm there and I'm watching it. I love how both of them are "comfortable" in their own way and they have shown us that they can be supportive of one another even when working on their solo activities. Boun has also put people in their place a few times for misconceptions of himself and Prem. As for Prem I just have always enjoyed his quiet nature. Also his quick responses that come out of nowhere and surprise Boun. (Example: Saying I love you when Boun told an interviewer he would love someone to say it genuinely to him one day.. Or that he'd donate his heart to Boun if he needed a replacement. Actually my husband and Boun have the same condition! It's something that can be helped when they're older.)
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Also. Boun has one of the best laughs in all of Thailand oh and his earrings~! Come at me if you disagree. I am vibrating in anticipation for The Vampire Project.
Day Two: Favourite Rookie Actor Pairing Oh boy. Uh. There are so many but I think in the circumstances that both of the actors were rookies when they did their first series together? Tutor Koraphat Lamnoi and Yim Pharinyakorn Khansawa. Although Yim had been in the business since he was a teenager he didn't have a successful drama until he was paired with Tutor in Cutie Pie as NuerSyn. (Honourary Second Place: GeminiFourth Honourary Third Place: DaouOffroad Honourary Taiwanese Coupling: Tseng Jing Hua and Peng Cian You~. And shush! They were SO A COUPLE OK. ).
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I just enjoy these two so much, their aesthetic is of course off the charts with Yim's ethereal alien looks and the fae-kind creature we know as Tutor. I consider them my comfort couple. The moment Yim entered Cutie Pie as Syn I knew he'd be my favourite character. After I finally got more into CP due to War, I got smacked by them a second time years later.
Also don't tell Zee and NuNew or Max and Nat but they were my favourite land for DMDLand2. Poker Land slapped so hard and both of these men are super talented. Yim was even sick when he performed and Tutor kept taking glances to check in on him. They are my comfort couple, I enjoy their relationship (whatever it is offcam) dynamic that we get to see. They admit to bickering a lot at the beginning of their promotions as a CPL. I love how daring they have been since the beginning too, our poor Kla and Ker working hard to maintain their and our sanities with these two. I can't wait for "Battle of the Writers"! Day Three: Side Dish That Should've Been the Main Course Warning to those who are heart broken like me: NetJames Incoming.
This is going to hurt my heart. This drama was not a BL but the side dish was our same sex relationship trope in the drama. The main coupling was two amazing actors who I love dearly I just felt that the director did NOT use Great and Four's actually-there-tension at all. The side couple is: Net Siraphop Manithikhun and James Supamonkon Wongwisut as Captain and Foei in Catch Me Baby. (I advise for people's sanity to never read MDL comments on dramas though. They have a weird hate for Thai actors..) I am not going to sit here and explain how I feel about NetJames since the news. I respect them, and I think NetJames fans need to learn to respect their boundaries and what they are going through right now. Cause ISTG if I read another: WHERE IS ___!? in their IG lives again I will explode and take everyone out. Also, I will forever support them individually or together.
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That said Captain and Foei had that frienemies to lovers trope and chef's kiss. Just. I started this drama before I got back into the Thai BL scene again and it was what made me anticipate and watch Bed Friend every week when it aired. I have honourary mentions but every one of these I loved the main couple just as much or a little more than these side couples so I didn't choose them. Or they were the second half of their show's main couple or they got a spin off or show of their own (LOOKIN AT YOU YIDIAO~). GeminiFourth as Heart and Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken, JeffBarcode as KimChay in KinnPorsche, TutorYim as NuerSyn in CP and CP2 and NB, AyaKate as YiwaMarine in Wedding Plan (This is GL couple~), PealSee as TheeThai from Laws of Attraction and you can argue this with me but if you saw MoD you know this is canon: GreatMD as Inspector M/Dr. Oat in Manner of Death. Oh one more. Sorry. I love myself a good Side Couple: Xiao Kaizhong and Gao Han as MaoK in Falling Into Your Smile (they're a couple ok. AS READER OF THEIR WEBNOVEL YOU CAN NOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.)
Day Four: Fave Ship Dynamic Oh my gods. Do you know how hard this question is for me? I'm like.. "Yes?". As a character artist and avid role player I like most ship dynamics. Wardog would tell you it's "Side Character Plots". So if I had to choose only one it'd be Character with Trauma x Green Flag. I love it even more if the Green Flag learns to be one through trying to be there for their love interest. They could also just both be people with trauma and both be green flags who heal each other. I am extending an invitation to view this gifset by Pharawee in its entirety because it's my fave part of LITA. And I have a lot of fave parts in LITA.
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And here are some couples that fit here: FortPeat as PrapaiSky from Love in the Air, JaFirst as LeoFiat from Don't Say No, Okura Takato and Hyuga Wataru as Kaido Amane and Yamasuga Ryuji from Kimi to Narakoi wo Shite Mite mo, Tseng Jing Hua and Peng Cian You as Pu Yi Yong and Cao Guangyan from Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, NetJames as KingUea in Bed Friend, JimmySea as MhokDay in Last Twilight, PavelPooh (PoohPavel? ekeke) as CharlieBabe from Pit Babe and I could be here all day listing this trope.. So one more and I think this ship works on both sides: BillyBabe as PhayaTharn from The Sign.
Day Five: Biggest Flop Uhm. The problem is I like lower-income-shows but I think because of the lack of ethics behind this show: For Him and not because of the cast. I really enjoyed the cast, I just feel awful they had to work with so little to get at least decent content out. And that Tor had been harassed and stalked by one of the production members. I enjoyed the first few episodes, though the decline in quality of script and shots the cast had been given is very evident each episode you go through. The chemistry of the couples was chemistrying even with scenes like stepping on a new tattoo... For more information about this I would view befuddledcinnamonroll's 15 Day Challenge and pharawee's (wow we're on that tumblr a lot in this) coverage of the issues: here and here. Also reading through some of the casts' Twitters and
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Another "Possible Flop" right now, hopefully not forever, I would say is Red Peafowl. Which is such a shame since their pilot slapped so hard.
TBC tomorrow~.
To do your own 15 Day BL Challenge Go Here!
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
My thoughts on Sanuso's children!!
I recently got a Tumblr ask (I'll edit this later and write the link) that talked about Sanuso adopting a child, and it has opened my eyes to make this whole post about the three children I think they'd have!! (Also shout out to @latinokokonoi for the idea of Zolu's daughter).
The Strawhats are still together after finding the One Piece, being together still and enjoying their own dreams for a while without separating yet (honestly, with how fast this story is going they're gonna find the One Piece quickly af, just pretend they've already found it). Sanji and Usopp are 25/23 when they have their two twin daughters (accidentally. Because they are idiots and did NOT listen to Chopper's talk about protection). Even if they weren't planned they're still extremely excited to form a family together! They're a bit worried about what will happen from now on, but they've taken care of children before on their adventures, so how hard can it be? The answer is pretty fucking hard but, you know, it's not like they don't have other children in the crew (Zoro and Luffy found a 2 y/o in a treasure chest when they were 23/21 and they've been taking care of her for two years now. Called her Kuina!). They believe they'll be just fine.
The girls are named after their moms, Sora and Banchina, and they're Usopp and Sanji's little princesses. They instantly get along with Kuina, by the way, as they grow up together. She kind of acts like an older sister to them, being 4 years older and all. If anybody asks, they're cousins! I won't go into much detail about Kuina here because this is about Sanuso's children, but I love the idea I have of her already.
The thing is, the girls grow up to be brilliant and also a menace. They're twins but you can easily tell who's who when they're not together!
Sora: Oldest sister for, like, two seconds and she's always reminding everyone about that (in a good way. She takes pride in protecting her sister). She has Sanji's morals and ambition. She's passionate and pretty intense when it comes to protecting the ones she loves. But also she's an adventurer like Usopp! She loves getting into trouble, too, and she's strategic enough to know how to come out of them (most of the time. Well- Sometimes. Most of the time Kuina is the one saving her ass. But, you know, at the end of the day Kuina gets lost and Sora is the one to find her... They make a pretty good team). She dreams of being a pirate and having her own crew someday with Banchina. She's a natural dreamer. A bit idealistic. She has Sanji's smile and Usopp's skills. She wants to learn how to fight in every damn way. She asks Sanji to teach her how to fight with her legs and Usopp to use the slingshot (prefers Sanji's method, tho). She often trains with Kuina, too! She reminds people of Nami (that's, like, her favorite crew member if you ask her. That's her auntie!) because of her mischievous personality and ability to steal. She's also very impulsive because she has Usopp's sense of adventure but Sanji's inability to back down. So... Yeah. Luffy fucking loves her. But at least she's good at strategies! She would do anything for her sister and has been by her side forever. Often asks her to join her shenanigans and schemes and that's when Banchina is a bit more playful! Loves Sanji's cooking and eats almost just as much as Luffy. She talks about Usopp's stories, being so so proud of being his daughter! Her favorite aunt is Nami and her favorite uncles are Luffy and Zoro.
Banchina: The sweetest of the two sisters. She's pretty much like their mothers, personality wise. She's a cutie pie. She loves cooking and drawing because she grew up watching her fathers doing these mundane, more domestic and calm activities. If Sora is the clumsy more adventurous one, Banchina is the caretaker who's just done with her sister's bullshit but loves her a lot. She has Sanji's need to help and Usopp's anxiety (but not in a really nervous way. More in a careful, thoughtful way). It's not that she doesn't know how to defend herself, but she uses her slingshot only when needed and to back up her sister. She's more of a support person! She loves to cook but prefers to draw. Spends the day drawing. Kuina and Sora are very protective of her but she's usually the one who ends up rolling her eyes and taking care of them when they get injured somehow. However, she can be very playful too when Sora manages to get her in her schemes and shenanigans. She's a sweetheart but she protects her family when she needs to do so. She prefers more calm spaces but she appreciates the company of her sister and Kuina, finds them amusing. Basically, calm and helpful, very done with the chaos but secretly loves it, and ends up playing around when she finds it funny. Her favorite aunt is Robin (they spend time together reading and drawing) and her favorite uncles are Jinbe and Brook.
They grow up together and somehow they're not only the crew's most precious treasure, but also they're very helpful when they fight. I mean, they don't usually let them fight, but they always end up helping without being asked.
They're 10 and 14 when they find Takumi (Sanuso is 35/33, if you're curious) on a boat, fainted, and very very injured. The kid appears to be around 7 and he has chains on his arms and a metal collar around his neck. That doesn't sit right with any of them, so the kids call Luffy and the others and they instantly help him to get into the ship.
Long story short, they take care of him for a day or so, extremely worried about his well-being. Sanji and Chopper look after him until he wakes up. The thing is, the kid wakes up when he's alone with Sanji, and he's instantly frightened. Sanji promises they're not going to do anything to him, but the kid is only begging him to not bring him back to where he was. Anything but that. Sanji is- Well, saying he's worried would be an understatement. When everyone goes to see him, he doesn't want to tell them anything. For some reason he grows attached to Sanji and won't let go of him, apparently, and he refuses to tell anybody what happened to him. However, Luffy offers him to break his chains and Takumi hesitates but obviously says yes. When Luffy does so, he just smiles widely at the sight of Takumi's relief and says: "See? Much better now, isn't it?" And Takumi stares at him and whispers "You look..." Luffy only tilts his head, confused, and Takumi blushes shyly. "I just- You look like someone I know." And he tightens his grip inside the pockets of his hoodie, holding something they can't see but don't ask about either.
Basically, they take care of the kid but he isn't quite ready to socialize yet and his injuries are still bad. The only ones allowed to spend a long time with him are Chopper (he's looking after his wounds) and Sanji (brings him food and, well, he's apparently the only one Takumi is comfortable with enough to talk. Besides, Takumi apparently won't eat any meat or fish and he doesn't explain why, but Sanji makes new dishes for him gladly). The three girls want to know him better, but they're forbidden from bothering him (although they definitely sneak out to talk to him for a few seconds when the adults are busy).
Sanji sees a lot of himself in him. The scared eyes. The trembling voice. He's even blond, for God's sake. He spends a lot of time with the kid, and Takumi even asks him to sleep next to him most of the time. Usopp sees this and he just knows they're keeping him because now there's no way they can say goodbye to him. One day, Takumi has a very nasty panic attack and Sanji has to help him through it. When the kid asks how he knows to deal with this, Sanji thinks it's only fair to open up to him about some stuff about his own past. This makes Takumi open up too, finally explaining what happened to him:
Takumi's mom is a celestial dragon that cheated on her husband with a slave. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed and she died in an "accident" while the slave was brutally murdered (when you think Celestial Dragons can be worse, they- They just get worse). The man didn't even give Takumi a name, he just took the kid and made him a slave the second he could start working. That's all he's ever known. Long story short, he's locked in a cell for a while as a punishment along with some other slaves, thinking there's no hope. But there's always hope, because the revolutionary army suddenly shows up! Sabo frees all of the slaves from that cell, Koala leading them to their respective boats. But... There's a kid who won't move. Chained. Injured. It shatters Sabo's heart into a million pieces. Sabo tries to help him with reassuring words but the kid is visibly shaking. Sabo asks him his name, but the kid won't answer, to which Sabo just smiles and says: "Well! Isn't that just great? Now you can choose your own name!" and the little guy is all confused, but it's the first time there's true excitement in his eyes. "Really?" / "Really! Is there something you like a ton? A name you want to make yours?" The kid seems to think about it, a bit shy about his answer. "I want- I want to go to the sea." / "Oh! I come from there, actually. Is there something you want to do there?" / "It's dumb-" / "No dreams are dumb. Now tell me." / "I want to build things. Things that can help people! Like- Like machines but- But good ones. I dunno how to explain it..." / "Umm. Well. How about Takumi? You can write it however you want it can mean both sea and craftsman. Also an outstanding person. The person you'll become once you get out of here. How does that sound?" Takumi nods and takes the name as his, as long with Sabo's glasses. He says Takumi will use them way more than him one day.
However, there's a lot of chaos and Takumi gets lost in his boat. All alone. And ends up fainting in the middle of the sea until the Straw hats find him.
Sanji knows it will be too much for the little guy to tell him all he knows about this story, so he just comforts him and lets him rest for a few days until he's ready to come out of the room. He has dinner with the rest of them, finally, one day. And even though the three girls are curious about him they have a very calm dinner, respecting his space. That's when the crew does their presentations, Luffy being the last one... And of course, he says: "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! Captain of this ship and the king of the pirates!". Something inside of Takumi switches, a huge surprised smile decorating his face. "You are Sabo's brother! That's why you reminded me of him!" / "You know Sabo?". Takumi tells them about his story and shows them the glasses, saying he's worried about Sabo because he promised to take care of him and he's sure the blond blames himself for this. He tells them, also, about Sabo talking about Luffy ("The world is scary out there, but pirates aren't all so bad, all right? Monkey D. Luffy is my brother! The king of the pirates! And he's the best man I've ever met.") and Takumi couldn't be happier to have found him.
Basically, Takumi stays with them for a long time and grows closer and closer with everyone. The girls and he get along, even if he's still very overwhelmed by everything and has to take things slow. They protect him when there's a fight and they spend time with him, playing and teaching him everything there's to know. He also sleeps with Sanji and Usopp most of the time, also growing very fond of the sniper and his stories late at night when he has nightmares and refuses to wake up Sanji. Usopp is always there to distract him from bad thoughts and Sanji is always there to hug the anxiousness away. Sora and Banchina love him like a brother, so much that they even start calling him that. Sanji and Usopp don't say a word about it, but it hurts to know that there's a possibility of him not staying with them. Sanji says it's fine. That the kid deserves a better life. But Usopp knows Sanji wants the kid to stay with them.
Sabo appears one day with the intention to see Takumi again. They catch up and have a fun day together until Sabo offers Takumi the option of going away with him. However, Takumi says he prefers to stay here. With his new family, if they accept him. And so Takumi stays with them!
That's when his personality starts to form a little bit more with the passage of time. He loves spending time with Franky and Usopp, building things. Little machines and inventions. Turns out Sabo's glasses do end up being useful to him! He's still a bit shy. A very anxious kid. But he's so, so smart... A brilliant, outstanding kid who wants to make the world a better place with his inventions. He keeps being reserved and he isn't very fond of fighting, but he supports the whole crew with his inventions! Usopp couldn't be more proud. He also likes the revolutionary's ideology and lets Robin talk to him about it for hours and hours. Cooking is just like science, in his opinion, and once he says it Sanji's heart melts because that's exactly what Usopp told him once.
They end up figuring out that he ate a devil fruit, one that helps him talk to animals. That's why he refuses to eat them. Sanji tells him that it's amazing. One of the best powers in the world. Fascinating, even. He's his special boy and Sanji's just so jealous he has a power like that but he's glad Takumi is the one to have it and not some horrible pirate out there. Usopp and he grow closer talking about bugs and different types of beetles and arachnids! Sanji loves to see it, but can only talk about Takumi about it when it comes to regular animals.
They're so, so similar in a lot of things... Even if they are not his real parents. Yet. He hasn't called them that yet.
Until one morning Takumi calls Sanji dad and he has a whole crisis about it, the kid thinks he has killed his father but Usopp calms both of them down. Sanji asks the kid if he truly wants to be part of his family. Because if he does, he'd be glad to call him his son. And Takumi couldn't be happier. Do you know who's even happier? Sora and Banchina. They are THRILLED to have a little brother.
I've made these picrews based on the idea I have of them (if you like the idea I'll post more information about them):
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Age: 10 (Older twin for literally seconds of difference)
-> She's an adventurer, hence the bandages and band-aids. Prefers long hair because she refuses to cut it, mostly. Uses Usopp's overalls and Sanji's shirts because they're comfortable and they don't fit her dads anymore, so she gets to keep them!!! She likes nature (the bees and her leaf earring) and loves stealing Zoro's money at poker (Nami taught her).
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Age: 10
-> Usually has a ponytail or buns to keep them from bothering her while she draws. Lil' toad on her head (Wano Usopp reference, he kept that toad). She likes butterflies and bugs, too!! Big comfy clothes and a calmer, comfier energy.
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Age: 7
-> Lil' crown of leaves his sisters gift him. Animals around him all the time. He likes big clothes but usually just wears a synthetic leather jacket Usopp gave him and never takes off Sabo's goggles. Big sweaters, too. He's very tiny even for his age.
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Age: 14
-> Long hair for the same reason as Sora: Refuses to cut it. Bold of you to assume she showers, honestly. Lil' ponytail to see better. She has one of Zoro's earrings and a necklace with a sun (iykyk). She also has a bandana around her neck (Zoro moment). Have you seen her clothes? She wants to go to Wano so fucking bad.
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my top 10 bl drama’s of 2022 🥳
1. KinnPorsche The Series (I mean, what can I say?she’s in a league of her own like.. she’s really that bitch!! Everything about this series is just.. incredible!! all of it!! I can even count how many times i’ve rewatched tbh highly highly highly recommend you watch it!!)
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2. Bad Buddy (yes ik this technically came out in 2021, but!!! it didn’t end till 2022 so it still counts!!! I will not shut up about them especially now knowing my patpran are coming back! tyvm!)
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3. Cutie Pie The Series (ngl I did not think watching ep1 that i’d love this series as much as I did but I throughly enjoyed every ep and fell in love with all the characters too.. & we’re getting more?! we love it)
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4. Love In The Air (I like to pretend this show isn’t from the likes of m*me but.. what really pulled me in was the immense chemistry between the four leads like.. you can’t make that up!! I enjoyed both storylines too but the raw chemistry really sold it so well)
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5. Between Us (waited so long for this series and for my winteam to come home and its giving me everything I ever wanted! I’m so in love with this series and getting a deeper look into win and team individually & together also all the uwma references?? amazing)
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6. Blueming (wow wow wow!! this series!! its so beautiful and touching and just feels so grounded & real if that makes sense? Idk I think it’ll make sense if you do yourself a favor and watch this incredible series, I really can’t recommend it enough)
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7. Semantic Error (this has to be one of the best kbl’s I’ve ever seen no joke. I can’t even put it into the right words to express how good this series is, you just have to experience it.. if you haven’t yet, watch it rn!!)
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8. To My Star 2 (tho i’m not a huge fan of miscommunication being the central problem of a story, I really think it was executed beautifully here while staying true & in character to the two leads)
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9. Not Me Series (ik you’re probably wondering why this isn’t higher on the list and it has nothing to do with the actual series bc I honestly loved it but more to do with the fandom. I won’t get into it detail but the experiences I’ve had and things I’ve seen said really put a bad taste in my mouth.. so much so that this is the only series on the list I haven’t rewatched.)
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10. Kissable Lips (we are in desperate need of more vampire bl’s and they really delivered what they needed to & you know what? I ate this one up so so much)
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ddreamzee · 2 years
My Top 10 BL Dramas of 2022!!!
I figured I would also make my list of my favorite bls that came out this year (and ended this year) so here are my picks!
1. Love In The Air (Thailand)
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I think most people loved this series this year and it’s not very hard to see why. the couples are immaculate, the spicy scenes are SPICYYYY and the storyline is actually interesting. the couples also got equal amounts of screentime and each of their stories made coherent sense. i personally loved phayu and rain a tad bit more than prapai and sky but i love both either way. chef’s kiss
2. KinnPorsche (Thailand)
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once again I think most people love this series. I waited so long for this series and almost didn’t watch it bc I was annoyed it took so long lmao. but i’m glad I gave in and watched it anyways. this is art. this is how you do a mafia drama, this is how you act, this is how you depict love, lust, hatred, betrayal, all of the above. i thought i liked kinn and porsche the most out of the couples but after going through my saved videos I have found myself to be a clown, apparently I was subconsciously obsessed with vegas and pete.
3. Cherry Blossoms After Winter (S. Korea)
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LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!! THIS SERIES!!! IS SO FUCKING GOOODDDD!!!! i love cherry blossoms after winter so damn much. it’s so fucking cute and i love the characters so much, especially taesung. oh my boy taesung! he is such an angel pls. i always expected something bad to happen while watching this but I was so happy when nothing did happen. even when taesung’s mom found out they were together, haebom and taesung both stood their ground for their relationship although haebom was hesitant to even start dating taesung bc he was worried about his mom. but this is definitely one of my favorite korean bls
 4. Cutie Pie (Thailand)
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this is a very obvious choice. zee has been one of favorite actors since why r u so i was so damn excited about this. i really liked it and it was different for thailand, an arranged marriage bl series. i also really enjoyed the side couples in this, especially nuea and syn. in my opinion this series wasn’t completely perfect though, there were times i felt like things were a little too slow or a character would get on my nerves *cough* kuea *cough* but i’m really hyped for the special episodes and zeenew’s series coming in 2023
5. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (Japan)
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I love love LOVED takara kun to amagi kun. it was so cute, both takara and amagi are literal angels. it was pretty natural too like it didn't feel really forced and I loved when amagi would get all excited and like mess with takara or drag him around and takara just went with it bc he was so utterly in love with this boy. nothing but love for my two angel boys
6. Cherry Magic The Movie (Japan)
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the original series was so fucking good so i KNEW this was gonna be good but i didn’t think it was gonna THIS fucking good. this movie was everything i think all of us wanted it to be and more. i could not ask for anything else, this movie knew what it needed to give and it GAVEEEE. it was so cute and the serotonin boost i got while watching this, i felt like a lovesick fool smiling throughout the entire thing. it was certainly a perfect ending for this amazing series.
7. Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan)
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japan was GIVING in 2022. i cannot even begin to explain how in love i was with this series. even i was surprised at how much i loved it bc i usually don’t really like workplace/ office bls, i really don’t, but something about this year made me overcome that dislike and i was obsessed with so many workplace bls this year, i think this series is the one that started that trend for me.
8. Love Stage!! (Thailand)
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so this series was so unexpectedly good. the original anime has always been one of my favorites so i was so hyped about this. i saw the japanese adaptation that came out in like 2020 which was umm.....something. i will say that this was MUCHHH better than that. especially since it was kaownah and turbo, made it so much better, they were perfect. i remember while watching this there were so many issues with episodes like audio, quality and subtitles wise, like there was always something wrong. despite that though i got through it and still enjoyed it. the side couple was also really good. since this series revolves around celebrities, managers and the entertainment industry it gave very much war of y vibes but like not as dramatic(?)
9. My Secret Love (Thailand)
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everybody and they mamas was hating on this series and i never knew why, i felt like i was the only one enjoying it? i loved all the couples (especially park and lee) and like it was pretty much just a lighthearted university bl which i’m quite a sucker for tbh. i do admit some scenes were a little.....?? much? unnecessary? but overall i loved it, and the ost is such a bop, one of the few thai bl osts i really enjoy, bc it’s jeff satur so of course.
10. Oh! Boarding House (S. Korea)
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do not ask me why i loved this series so much, i really do not know. i feel like it just really stuck with me throughout the year and even till now i catch myself thinking about it for no reason. like there were so many good korean bls this year but this one was slightly different. i loved the main couple and i just really enjoyed the other side characters as well. it was like a found family kind of situation and it felt really cozy, fun and relaxing to watch. like while watching it, is almost felt like hanging out with friends? idk if you haven’t seen it pls go watch it and maybe you’ll understand what i mean.
Honorable Mentions!
- Triage (Thailand)
- Plus and Minus (Taiwan)
- Semantic Error (S. Korea)
I would say overall this was a good year for bl, it seemed like there was a new series almost every week and there was always something to watch. also the influx of korean and japanese bls this year was surprising but they were all decent, they are pretty much on the same level as thailand at this point, but i think thailand is still number 1 in all things bl.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Hi Doreen!! 🩵🩵 I stopped watching Thai shows for a bit and haven’t seen any literally since Not Me. But I started Be My Favorite when it began airing and it’s been fun!! Any shows you recommend from the time I missed??
Anya!!!! how have you been?? I missed you!! 🥺 I hope you're doing good!! 💜
It's nice that you're also enjoying Be My Favorite lol, you made a good choice picking that as your comeback show lol. Here is a list of 10 of my favorite thai bls I've seen since Not Me ended in early 2022 (in no particular order and with no spoilers):
Love Stage (this one is such a gem, I highly recommend!! The humor is ridiculous but the characters are extremely lovable and the story is just super sweet.) .
The Eclipse (obviously this is one of my all-time faves lol, excellent story with and even more excellent performance by First and Khao. You're missing out if you don't take a peek lol) .
The Warp Effect (this only has a bl side couple but I still highly recommend it, it's so brilliantly shameless in talking about so many important and stigmatized topics, I absolutely loved it) .
Ocean Likes Me (this one did not get good reviews sadly but I really liked it. it's simple and short but I really liked the chemistry between the mains, plus an lgbt actor playing an lgbt character? you don't find that often lol) .
Vice Versa (stunning cinematography + visuals and a very touching story plus a talented cast!! Highly recommend.) .
Cutie Pie (I'm sure you heard about this one lol it was pretty hyped when it aired; the plot is admittedly a bit plain lmao but the cast is A+ and I mean it's Domundi so you can imagine the chemistry is fire lol. It's overall a very enjoyable show!) .
My Secret Love (this one was sooo cute. omg. The writing was excellent imo and tells a very well executed enemies to lovers plot for the main couple. The side couples are also adorable and it just worked so well, despite having a simple plot.) .
My School President (a very successful revival of the classic highschool bl genre with very sweet characters, a good story and nice music. It was also very hyped at the time so I'm sure you've also heard of it lol) .
Moonlight Chicken (this one did an excellent job at realism, every story, every character and every line in this feels 100% genuine and real and it's an outstanding example of how you turn a simple story into something amazing with a good script and an A+ cast. Also very highly recommend this one.) .
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind (this one also didn't get the best reviews but I actually enjoyed it lol. It's admittedly a pretty basic story but idk I've always had a soft spot for JoongDunk and I liked their dynamic in this.)
I hope this helped you and if you do decide to check out one of these shows let me know what you think!! Have a good day and talk to you soon hopefully! 💜💜
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Reveal Your Watch & Rewatch List
Thanks for the tag @purpleguitar!
To Sir With Love — literally i’m taking a break in the middle of an episode to check tumblr.
Eternal Yesterday — it’s phenomenal. it makes me feel so many things.
Choco Milk Shake — i ❤️ milk. i have hope for the 11th episode, i think?
Why You… Y Me? — not primarily a bl, but the bl side characters are darling.
Between Us — i am watching without having seen much of UWMA. so far it works! i ❤️ winteam.
GAP — i love cats. and so i love sam.
Oh! My Assistant — cute! i like the assistant, and how gay they let him be. it’s a little slapstick and a little short for my tastes, but i think i will enjoy it.
My School President — the first episode was like the platonic ideal of a light-hearted high school bl. i ❤️ tinn & gun.
Older Shows I’m Slooowly Making My Way Through:
Vincenzo — i did not realize it was a comedy when starting. it’s great though.
Love By Chance — i love ae and pete (and the horny roommate). i’ve kind of stalled out though. took a break when mame started maming, and haven’t come back yet.
Cutie Pie — i have to be in the right mood to buy into the historical romance style of it all, but i generally like the characters.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry — also stalled out but plan to finish. there are many things i love, but shin is the type of seme i want to throw in a lake, so it’s been hard to get through.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha — i started it like a year ago, before i even really knew what bl was. i liked it, but it’s not really made for binging, and then once i stopped i never went back. but both @petrichoraline and my sister-in-law recommended it to me recently, so i want to pick it up again.
Nothing. There’s plenty I want to, but I’m just trying to keep up with the new stuff lol.
Plan To Watch:
Everything? Can I just say that? But also I’m trying not to add anything new right now because I need to do real world things. And I’ve noticed that, now that my initial hyper-fixation has ebbed, I get overwhelmed if I’m watching too much at once.
I will limit myself to tagging 10 people but really I want to tag everyone, so if you are interested consider yourself 🏷ed: @lelephantsnail @petrichoraline @clairificusrex @poetry-protest-pornography @benkaaoi @callipigio @shortpplfedup @bl-asted (welcome to tumblr!) @waitmyturtles @moonchildridden
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