#diana usernames
intoxicao · 9 months
@nukicosas ❤︎ ˖ ݁
ㅤ๑ㅤㅤdidiluzㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ๑ㅤㅤdiahrt
ㅤ๑ㅤㅤartedediaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ๑ㅤㅤdi1anamp3
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yeonitgirl · 5 months
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janknabobfdi · 2 years
i made an oc
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yes, his legal first name is "badboi*
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him pretransition, yes his surname is "plushii"
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kyra45 · 5 months
Scammer pretending to be Palestinian v4
This list has been remade.
The purpose of this post is to compile a quick list of accounts confirmed to be stealing their information off of legitimate fundraisers or otherwise are shown to be taking their posts off Facebook and using it themselves. This list is intended to be a quick access point so if searched someone will see info explaining why the blog they shared from is a scam. Before asking if a blog is a scam, please refer to this post for better details regarding these particular scams:
Please keep in mind this post isn’t to say all Palestinian blogs needing aid are scammers; Rather, the purpose of this post is just to keep track of the accounts that scammers are using. As it goes on for months on end, this post may update accordingly with new urls so please make sure you’re checking the original post if viewing a reblog. You can see a few sources here for commonly used content stolen by scammers. You can find the third version of this list here. For a list of other fundraisers to support, refer to this post.
Please refer to the new list.
Names below are associated with these scammers, and may appear across multiple accounts. This is an entirely new list as the other one may have names that no longer are used. These names often are from real people being impersonated. They are not linked,related to, or associated to the person they may claim to be.
Rawan Abu'M (this name is impersonating a real person from a legitimate GoFundMe.) | maryline Otieno | Nicholas Ochieng | Jeff Owino | Grahy Marwa | Taheera Abdallah | Gloria Naomi | Amisi Twaleh | Salima Abdallah | Aisha Mahmood | Remmy Cheptau | Newton ombogo | Godwin Okoth | AHMED SHIMBIR | Wafula Valentine | Rahwan AbdiMahady (same reason as the above; Impersonating a name from a legitimate GoFundMe.) | Nada'r Ab hussein | DIANA MUTENYO | Hakim Malfadho | Leila Rajab | Elizabeth Omasete | George Ochieng | Cecil Wangila | Leila Rajab | Emmily Kimesis | hezron onyango | christine wambura | princereinhard baraka | Iyvon Wabuyele | Wafula Valentine | Raobh Tingo | Sophia Magubo | Sharon Opiyo | Nada,r Ab'r Hus'sein | Jared Orwa | Zalka Yusuf | Khriytine wambura | Ann Stephen | Niva Wangila | Dorine nanjala | Taheera Mohammed | Dorine nanjala | Jastus Kimanzi | Paul Sila | MERRINE ATIENO |
Laura mae Noro (Name associated with a scam account) | Maureen jane Aloot (Name associated with a scam account)/ Omar Mensom - OMensom (Name associated with a scam account)
To report scam accounts: Report -> Something Else -> Unlawful use or Content -> Phishing (If possible)
What else to do: Alert anyone sharing the scam posts and show them it’s a scam by linking to any post that explains how.
Additionally, blogs with GoFundMe links are highly likely to be legitimate accounts who may already be verified if you check the notes of their posts. A blog with a linktree link claiming to be a GoFundMe link is not a legitimate account. Also search the username if a day old blog says their vetted/verified and don’t have a GoFundMe link.
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Omg literally it would be SO cool if you wrote the rest of the playboy bruce trying to kiss the justice league without them realizing it (I know you said figure it out but the way you wrote it was so good and funn I would love it if you gave maybe a couple of scenarios)
Lmao honestly executive dysfunction is kicking my ASS rn and it was intended as a prompt. I will try tho, definitely taking inspiration from the others who responded to the post because I love them.
If you haven’t, go check out the notes on the OG Post above! @britcision, @ivywing, and @help-i-need-a-cool-username all had amazing additions and @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego wrote a fic:
As did @scrapcheck, still in progress
And Devilhorn!
Anyways LONG post under the cut
Hal Jordan
Hal is first to prove a POINT, as @britcision decided. Also because the bastard made it waaaay too easy. Remember- Hal was Joking. He genuinely thinks Batman isn’t going to try, because he’s way too straight-laced boring.
So when he’s at a bar in Coast City, and he sees this absolutely ravishing man lounging casually against the wall, bar lighting making him practically glow (he CALCULATED that) subtle makeup making his bright blue eyes pop as he looks Hal up and down… Well. Hal makes the first move.
Hal: “All on your own, handsome?”
Bruce, with “Mastermind” by Taylor Swift playing in his head, smiling sweetly at Hal: “Care to change that?”
They start talking. Hal doesn’t recognize Bruce Wayne at ALL (canonically he does not know who Bruce Wayne is, a point brought up by @help-i-need-a-cool-username) so all he knows is Bruce is a single father who works at a company he inherited from his parents, which is just (brucie voice) “so much less interesting than a test pilot!”
Bruce, grimacing internally but wrapped around Hal’s arm with the awed and interested eyes in full effect: “you have such a nice voice, tell me more about planes…”
He KNOWS what a fuselage is, thank you, Jordan. Whatever. He gets to gush about his kids, when its his turn to talk, good enough tradeoff. He can survive Hal Jordan’s bad pick up lines and pretend he’s into them. At a certain point Bruce breaks and kisses him just to shut him up. One down.
Diana Prince
I looked it up- kissing in Ancient Greece wasn’t always considered romantic, but also a greeting between two similarly-ranked people. Therefore, I think Diana would be pretty chill with kissing and honestly an easy target at a gala if Bruce plays respectful/clumsy/earnest himbo starstruck with the tall pretty woman, just a peck would make him the happiest man alive. But I wanna go a little more in depth.
Now, I’ve seen Flash and Martian Manhunter save Bruce and/or his kids and Bruce lays one on them, but honestly I think it would work well with Diana too, because she loves kids. Dick and/or Jason (whichever you want to imagine, I want them to team up screw canon) are WAY to excited for this, they’ve got a little script and everything.
WonderWoman, a kid in each arm, delivering them back to their tearful guardian: “Here we are, Mr. Wayne. Whole and healthy.”
Dick, playing into his role eagerly: “Oh my gosh, Bruce! Bruce we got saved by a princess! It’s like a fairytale! Except, you know, the princess is the hero this time, which is so freaking cool!”
Bruce, tears of gratitude rolling down his face (and he knows how to still look perfect while crying, its a skill): “I’m just glad the two of you are safe, Chum.”
Jason, big baby blues in full effect, absolutely asked Wonder Woman to be his mom earlier (to set groundwork, no other reason): “You know, usually the princess and the hero gets a kiss at the end of a fairytale, Bruce. But this princess is both. So how will she get a reward?”
Still choked up with relieved tears and now laughter, Bruce looks up at Diana and smiles: “Well, if the Princess wants a reward… then I would be a fool to refuse.”
Bruce kisses her on the lips, Dick and Jason both kiss her cheeks, Diana leaves charmed and amused by the sweet family. Such a good father, humoring his children and thier little fascination with her, so very respectful…
Two down.
J’ohn Jones
Okay, martians are telepathic. So this goes one of two ways, at some sort of charity or something-
Option 1, Batman is a realist: the charity event is a masquerade, and he wanders over to where MM is while thinking “it would be so funny, give me this.” As loudly as he can. And Martian Manhunter, who appreciates the audacity, gives him a kiss. (I don’t like this one because it technically breaks the rules of the bet, bc MM knows it’s Batman, but eh)
Option 2, Batman is a different breed: he manages to up the ante with his Himbo Persona. Creating a “slippery void” mental facade that blocks of his real thoughts and makes him read as really just that stupid. This would require functioning with two trains of thought at once, and making sure that the Martian can only read the surface level, “oh, this one is pretty” “I really wouldn’t mind kissing him” and other such decoy thoughts, instead of “target is approaching, signs of interest present despite this not being his natural form-“
Bruce also researches and copies Martian courting styles and copies them “by chance,” catching MM’s attention. (He offers him Oreos)
Martian Manhunter: “this man… he is so empty headed and yet clearly kind and willing. I would not take him for a life partner, but for some simple fun as he seems to desire…”
(Edit: Maybe, if B is confident enough, he lets through his loneliness. Missing his parents, wanting affection, an ache so strong it’s like a physical wound. J’onn feels the same ache for his lost family, and decides to try this human’s strategy to fill that void. Either way…)
Batman 3, League 0
Barry Allen
I’m strangely blank when it comes to the Flash let me just spitball and let it snowball
As I said above, people have had him save Bruce, had Bruce seduce him at his workplace while taking a tour, I even saw @help-i-need-a-cool-username have Dick set up a petition for Bruce to kiss the Flash. (An idea that I personally think would also go really well with Superman lmao.)
Anyways, I think it would be funny for Bruce to take it slow with Barry. For the irony of it all. Because Batman is doing this to prove a POINT. So he’s in central city, spots Barry coming his way, and “accidentally” slips right into his arms. Ooh, or covered in coffee, like a wealth disparity drama base script, and Barry’s like “omg i am so sorry let me pay you back.” And bruce is all “this shirt costs (stupid amount of money)”
Barry: (fear)
Bruce, rolling with it rn: “yes, it is horrendous, isn’t it? Hows this- I’m in central city for a day. You can pay me back by showing me around?”
He then proceeds to string barry along on an honest to god DATE for shits and giggles. They go clothes shopping, they go to restaurants, Bruce pays for a big meal bc this is after a fight or something and Barry got hurt, his speedster comrade needs to EAT, damnit.
After all this, he gives a cheeky smile and lightly smooches Barry. “Thanks for the fun day, Mr. Allen.”
Barry, bright red and goo brained: “hah- mmhmm. Yeah…”
Batman 4, League 0
Oliver Queen
This one… Oliver is on guard. He’s twitchy and suspicious, turning down men flirting with him, people are starting to notice. But Bruce? Bruce just walks up at a party while “tipsy” and lays one on him. Straight up. He wants to show just how EASY it is. Because Oliver doesn't even register it. He just laughs and goes: “Hey Brucie! Miss me?”
Batman 5, League 0
Dinah Lance
Of course, immediately after above, he turns and pouts at canary.
Bruce: “Dinah darling, you are a saint, I don’t know how you put up with the mess he’s got on his face. He was so much nicer to kiss when we were in (fancy private school name drop) together and didn’t have all this nonsense.”
Dinah, laughing at Ollie’s offended noises: “Oh, I don’t mind it. He’s a good kisser.”
Bruce: “Of course he is, I taught him. Care to compare?”
Dinah: “Don’t mind if I do.”
Batman 6, league 0
Clark Kent
For Clark, Bruce is originally talking to Lois before he turns his eyes on a quiet Clark and croons: “So, Miss Lane, does this lovely specimen have his own questions, or is he arm candy? And if he’s the latter, can I either tempt him off you, or secure an invitation?”
Lois, an excellent friend who will absolutely set Clark up with the hottest bachelor in Gotham: “Well, Mister Wayne, I’ve got all I need. Clark, take a page from my book and honeytrap a good quote out of him, hm?”
With an obnoxious wink, she pats a spluttering Clark on the shoulder, and leaves him with a very smug Batman.
(Bonus Superbat- Clark and Bruce’s conversation is going REALLY WELL and to the point where both of them seem on board with more than a heavy makeout when Bruce puts a hand on Clarks chest.
Bruce: “Stop.”
Clark, freezing immediately: “I’m sorry, did I go too far-?”
Bruce: “No, no. I think I might be though. See, I have all of you now, and I’ve won the bet.”
Clark: “What are you- oh. Oh- HUH?”
Cue sudden and shocked revelation, Clark’s mind going a hundred miles an hour, and then skidding to a stop on- he only did this for the bet. He’s not really interested. He stopped because I went too far-
Bruce: “You only consented to a kiss without knowing my identity. Right now, I’d like to do more, if you’d let me.”
Clark has the dial-up tone ringing in his ears, he has no idea whats going on anymore, the hot billionaire and his reclusive teammate aren’t quite slotting into place, because he wants both but rhey’re so different but they’re the same but-
Lois doesn’t get Clark back that night and she is delighted.)
Anyways, final results:
Batman: 7
League: 0
Batman talking shit about their secret identities again, Green Lantern is scoffing about it again, says something along the lines of: “You still think you’re sooooo great, huh? Hows the bet going, spooky?” Fully expecting Batman to get huffy with him.
Instead, Batman smirks.
He leans in
And purrs: “So you didn’t notice?”
The League freezes. The implications are dangling over their head. Did he… did he really?
Green Lantern, absolutely terrified: “No. no, there’s no way…”
Batman: “Oh, there absolutely was a way. I’d say you were a good kisser, but honestly? I think it might have been the euphoria of getting you to shut up.”
He turns on the rest of the league, still smirking. “I have kissed every single person who consented at least once in the time since the bet was made. Two of you with tongue. And no one has called me out on it. Now that you know it’s happened, you should be able to figure me out, so whoever can tell me my real name first, wont get thier story used as an example in the brand new “how to avoid honeypots” seminar.”
(If bonus superbat, B shoots Superman a Look and goes “except for you, superman, because I told you my name.” Which just ends up distracting everyone else until they get THAT story)
Diana wins bc she matched up the boys to the robins. Everyone else gets their stories told in excruciating detail. Batman rates them by kissing ability and how obvious he was on his approach. Oliver gets docked points for “texture.” Dinah gets docked points because “i griped about the exact same thing in and out of costume, how did you not notice-“
(Different reveal below)
@chaos-n-kindness @she-went-that-way @geekonaleash @redh00dsbf @howabouticallyou
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natailiatulls07 · 9 months
Princess Royal
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Carlos Sainz x Princess!Reader
British Royal Family x Princess!Reader
Summary - A glimpse into Carlos Sainz and King Charles’ and Princess Dianas youngest child, Princess Y/n
Warning - swearing?
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Princess Y/n in the royal gardens this morning, awaiting the arrival of the King and Queen and her husband, Carlos Sainz.
Liked by username and 126,629 others
username I live for how she acts like she’s not royal
username I wanna know what tea that is
= princess.royal Yorkshire 😚
username I just wanna be her frienddddd
username The elegant messy hair is AMAZING
username Love her 🫶🏻
username I love her and Carlos’ relationship 🥹
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Love my niece and nephew, they really embody how I feel most of the time
Liked by carlossainz55 and 223,728 others
username THAT DRESS
username Beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, amazing, glamorous
username When’s your next public appearance?!?!
= princess.royal Soon my love, soon 😋
username My Queen!!
username She takes after her mother 🥹
carlossainz55 You’re beautiful princess
princeandprincessofwales posted a story
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Our muppet friend came to visit during his time off
Tagged: princess.royal landonorris
Liked by princesandprincessofwales and 201,573 others
username Not Lando just being on his phone the whole time
username Girls just need someone like Carlos, he left his f1 career just to be with her
= username IKRRR
username He is literally Prince Eric!
landonorris I was being sociable I promise
= princess.royal Sure…
= landonorris Your nephews loved me!!
username Their child
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Happy Birthday to the Princess
Tagged: princess.royal
Liked by charles_leclerc and 255,383 others
username She is gorgeoussss
username Happy Birthday!
username Happy B-day 🥳
username The hair and tiaraaa
username I LOVE HER
username 🥳🥳🥳
princess.royal posted a story
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username Sooo apparently Carlos got the princess a black kitty!!! I can’t do this todayyyyyy
username I want someone like this 😫😫😫
username OMFGGGG
username They are just perfect for each other
username FR FR FR
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cieloclercs · 1 year
hiii I would like an au wherein Ollie bearman is sunshine bf and y/n is grumpy gf like that would be a cutee trope
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better half of me | ollie bearman
genre: social media au pairing: ollie bearman x fem!reader face claim: diana avel
author’s note: rolling two requests into one here! hope you enjoy <3
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liked by francisca.cgomes and 21,837 others
tagged: olliebearman
yourusername taken by my professional photographer/boyfriend 🖤 love u baby
view all comments…
olliebearman love you more 💕
*yourusername liked this comment
olliebearman you’re so pretty my love
yourusername ☺️☺️
username i don’t think i’ve ever seen this girl smile 😐
username fr she always looks so miserable 😭
username black cat girlfriend golden retriever boyfriend frrr
username tbh if i was dating y/n y/l/n i’d be obsessed with her too
username i want to be her 😩😩
username omg where did you get that skirt? it’s so cute!!
yourusername thrifted!
arthur_leclerc he’s been grinning at these for 20 minutes
olliebearman NO i haven’t shut up
yourusername ur so adorable
username girl u know there are other colours than black right 😭
username dream body 😍
jakcrawford_ you mean to tell me ollie actually took these? 🤨
yourusername he did! he’s got a surprisingly good eye :)
olliebearman told you i’m a pro 💪
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liked by arthur_leclerc and 31,837 others
tagged: olliebearman
yourusername life lately… 📸
view all comments…
olliebearman did u like your flowers?
yourusername i loved them baby 🥰
olliebearman my girl 😍
olliebearman what did i do to deserve you?
yourusername i’m the one that doesn’t deserve you pretty boy 💗
arthur_leclerc we get it guys you’re in love 🙄
yourusername @/carla.brocker come get ur bf please x
carla.brocker the cutest couple 🥹
arthur_leclerc excuse me?
username the only time she ever smiles is when she’s with ollie…
username STOP that’s adorable 😭
username highway’s looking real comfy rn 🥲
username y/n i swear i can treat you better than this vroom vroom boy just give me a chance 😫😫
yourusername sorry ml, ollie says no 😔
*olliebearman liked this comment
username y/n’s such a bad bitch how did ollie manage to pull her? 🤨🤨
olliebearman it was my irresistible charm ☺️
yourusername *nonexistent
yourusername truth is i felt sorry for him 😔
olliebearman babe???
username CRYING she’s so unserious 😭
username erm hello??!! why is no one talking about the note with the flowers!!!
username EXACTLY it’s so sweet 🥹 if anyone ever did that for me i’d melt
yourusername ollie gets me flowers with a note every week 🥰
username awww that’s adorable but THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL EVEN MORE SINGLE 😃😃😃
username the way they look at each other is just nghhshs 🦋🦋🦋🦋
username the definition of grumpy girlfriend sunshine boyfriend
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requests are open! send something in if you’d like <3
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cinnamostar · 10 months
colors of you
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pairing : felix x gn!reader
summary : skz, semi pro league of legends team, now has a new competitor to face in the scene in the upcoming regional tournament, but after a few practice matches, felix knew he hated you and thought you were a complete asshole.
wc : 5.8k
cw : not proofread (i am lazy), collegiate esports au, very competitive rivalry on one end, unrequited love, enemies to a secret third thing i won't disclose, cursing, some angst, sadness, fluffy feelings, and y/tn = your team name + y/ign = your ingame name/username.
a/n : this fic was inspired by league of legends worlds 2023, except not as hardcore. i didn't write tooo much on the gameplay so anyone who didn't play league would also be able to enjoy and follow the story well. likes, reblogs, and feedback is appreciated as always
⌲ SKZ - semi-pro league of legends team
member profile
⌲ channie - in game leader, mid laner, azir + zed main
⌲ dwaekki - adc, caitlyn main
⌲ hyune - supp, pretty girl supp main (everyone has to beg him to play anything else)
⌲ miniverse - top laner, sett main
⌲ sunlixie - jungler, diana main 
* currently undefeated in collegiate regional cup, three year streak
⌲ Y/TN - up and coming semi-pro team
member profile
⌲ y/ign - in game leader, jungler, briar + kindred main
⌲ nyangknow - adc, kaisa + jinx main
⌲ jone - mid laner, ahri main
⌲ bibibread - supp, renata + rell main
⌲ some guy - top laner, yone + aatrox main **
* has won smaller level tournaments, gained entry to collegiate regional cup through these wins
**(a/n: some guy is literally some guy lmao sorry i did not feel like adding some random idol to the story)
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・
Felix clenched his jaw as flames of anger flickered within him, the obnoxious, classic, yet familiar, league of legends red defeat screen only fanning the resentment that burned hot through his veins. He ripped his headset off as he swallowed down the third bitter loss his team faced that day, his face glaring down at your username that seemed to mock him in every post-game lobby chat. 
y/ign: GG! Thanks for the skrims :) Same time tomorrow?
He rolled his eyes at your message, trusting Chan to coordinate with your team for the next matches as he closed out the client while reaching for his headset once more, letting out an exasperated groan. 
“Well… that went as well as it did last time, huh?” Chan’s lighthearted laugh rang through Felix’s ear which only irritated him more, unsure how he was able to remain so positive after three soul crushing defeats. “Overall, their team is really solid and versatile. I can see why they’ve been dominating the lower tier teams and why they’re in our division now, but those games definitely helped us understand the skill of each of their players and what champs we need to ban.”
Changbin hummed in agreement gloomily, “Man, I don’t wanna play against them more, that y/ign guy is fucking annoying to play against. I can’t even farm properly without them ganking my lane every few minutes.”
Felix scoffed, “Yeah, imagine being counterpicked by them and having them take your jungle camps every game,” frustration colored each of Felix’s word a bright and gaudy crimson as he spoke through gritted teeth, taking a swig of water hoping it would somehow cool down the unbearable rage he felt bubbling inside him.
“I’m sorry, man, I know those games were especially rough on you,” Chan mumbled apologetically, carefully choosing his words to avoid hitting a nerve, “But we now know what champs to ban for them, we know to ward your camps early game, and to change our approach.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try out a more dive heavy comps and try to get early picks so they can’t shut us out of the game so quickly,” Seungmin suggested with uncertainty as he weighed the options his team now had, “Or more tanky… Maybe we need more CC?”
“Ah, well, it’s hard to say because god knows what other champs they can play. Each game they had an entirely different comp, so I guess we can try to prepare for every scenario we have seen so far, but we will still have to stay wary during the champ select process,” muttered Chan as he reflected today’s matches, trying to formulate a game plan for the team, “All good though, let’s just rest up for today. Skrims at the same time tomorrow, but log on an hour before so we can review our vods and discuss what we wanna try out in our games, alright?”
With that, the team grumbled a disheartened goodbye as Felix exited the call, once more tossing his headset in annoyance while he rubbed his face, clicking his teeth as he replayed each death from today’s games and how it was always you flashing your mastery after each kill. 
Felix had no idea who you were, but your team had randomly emerged into the scene these past few months, quickly making themselves a well-respected and feared team as you dominated the lower tiered scene which now meant SKZ, a team well known within the semi-pro scene had no choice, but to take your team as a serious threat. Chan had reached out to you via discord, asking if your team was interested in a few practice sessions against his, which leads us to today.
There was no mistaking that your team was extremely well-versed and had done their research against SKZ, promptly banning each of their signature mains during the champ select process while picking characters that were either, quite frankly, annoying to deal with or countered their own. Felix should have known it was a bad omen when your team banned Chan’s Azir and Changbin’s Caitlyn, but once he saw you pick Briar against his own Diana, he knew he was in for a rough day.
You were perhaps the most annoying person Felix has ever had the misfortune to go against, somehow knowing just how to piss him off as you counter jungled him throughout the game and took every opportunity to gank his teammates, ultimately ruining their chances to catch up to your team’s gold. You even stole Baron from them, which ended up costing them the second game after your team immediately wiped his. He was filled with vengeful rage each time he saw your character on the screen, cursing internally whenever you made a good play, not even giving him the chance to trash you because you seemed to never make a mistake.
After today, Felix knew he hated you with all his being and made it his personal mission to give you a taste of your own medicine, swearing up and down that he would make sure that any games he played against you were absolute hell. He had a month to prepare for the next LAN tournament, where he would embarrass you on stage and disgrace the newly-founded prestige your team name had earned this past year. y/ign would no longer be the latest jungler breaking into the scene, you’d no longer be the new talent to keep an eye out. He wanted to make sure you were nothing but an utter disappointment to everyone who looked forward to your next performance.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・
When the next day came, Felix was brimming with confidence after spending last night researching your team, but with extra attention focused on you and your playstyle. Felix looked through your team's past matches and if he was lucky enough to find an old broadcast of the games, he’d scrub through them to gain a better understanding of your jungle pathing and how it differed by each character you played. Today, he refused to be caught off guard by your skill and would not give you the chance to gain as much map control as you did yesterday. 
When logging onto his PC, Felix noticed a notification on his discord:
✩ y/ign sent you a friend request!
hey! wanted to thank you for the games yesterday and look forward to playing you guys again today :) 
While you probably had the best intentions in mind, Felix immediately felt the scorching, yet thrilling, heat of competitiveness settle into his body as he scowled at your message. “Fucking asshole,” he mumbled under his breath in disbelief, assuming you sent that as a way to get under his skin before today’s skrims. 
sunlixie accepted y/ign’s friend request! 
sunlixie reacted to y/ign’s message with a thumbs up!
Great, not only are you extremely talented at the game, but turns out you’re an incredibly cocky person! Anything Felix had ever learned about you, aside from his research last night, was completely against his will and it was only making him despise you even more. He hated how easily you ticked him off, how easily you filled him with unbridled rage by doing the absolute bare minimum, and he hated how sour the taste of anger was. He hated this feeling, as it always ended up clouding his perception and made him an absolute hellish person to be around, but it was also one of the most driving forces behind his competitive nature. 
Despite his huffing and puffing, Felix decided to close his eyes for a brief moment, as if he was meditating away all the negative emotions you so effortlessly planted within him with a simple message. After taking in a deep breath, Felix joined the discord call with the rest of his team, greeting them with a cheery ‘hello!’
“Felix! You sleep well? Sounds like you’re feeling better from yesterday,” asked Chan, the smile in his tone was impossible to miss.
Felix nodded before responding with a “Yup, got my eight hours and feeling a little more confident after some research.” 
“Good, good, that’s what I like to hear.”
Before Chan could continue with their pre-match meeting, Hyunjin piped up a question, “Did anyone else get a message from y/ign?”
Just hearing your username was enough for Felix’s entire mood to deflate as he sunk into his chair with furrowed eyebrows. He was about to open his mouth to tell everyone how rude you just are, but to his surprise, Changbin beat him to it, “Dude!! They are so nice!” a giggle escaped Changbin as he recalled the message, “They said my Draven was pretty good and that Hyunjin’s Lux had their bot lane nervous!”
Now that was not what Felix was expecting to hear from anyone as his jaw dropped, completely shocked to hear just how sweet your messages were to everyone else and how downright rude yours was to him. What the hell is your problem? Felix hadn’t realized how tight he was gripping his mouse til he felt the plastic material slip from under his fingers, landing on desk due to all the force applied.
“Right! It’s nice to know we had them sweating even though they looked so composed,” Hyunjin eagerly added.
“They’re super kind and humble, which is refreshing to see in this scene,” laughed Chan, “Maybe I gotta play a little better today to get my own compliment, but they did thank us for playing against them and for agreeing to not post the vods. What about you Felix? They say anything to you?”
Felix was still recovering from shock after processing the information he just learned, stammering in both surprise and upsetness, “Dude… I… I don’t know what to say because they were a straight up asshole to me.”
“What?! No way!” gasped Changbin, “Maybe it’s because you’re their match up in the game, but that doesn;t sound right…”
“Yeah, that’s weird,” Seungmin added, “What did they say?”
Felix then pulled up the message you sent, reading it out for the rest of his team to hear, adding an annoyed “Can you believe the nerve of this guy?” 
A few moments had passed by where no one had said anything, the call remained dead silent as everyone tried to figure out how to gently inform Felix that he was being an idiot and turning a very friendly message from you into an ill-intended one.
Chan cleared his throat, holding back a laugh as he realized your performance yesterday really struck something in Felix, “Bro, I hate to break it to you, but that was definitely a nice message… I don’t really see where they’re being rude at all.”
This time, it was Felix’s turn to stay quiet, a perplexed look overtaking his features after hearing the rest of his teammates agree with Chan. Maybe if he squinted really, really hard he’d be able to find a hint of kindness in your message, but Felix had already convinced himself you were his ultimate rival who was trying to throw him off a game. There is no way you’d ever send him a nice message just because, right? 
“Well, I don’t know… Maybe you guys are right,” mumbled Felix, not completely convinced by his friends, which prompted Hyunjin to chuckle.
“Lixie, I have never seen someone get to you so easily before! Those games yesterday must’ve done a number on ya, huh?” 
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a peeved exhale through his nose, unable to deny any of what Hyunjin had said, “Yeah, yesterday was rough, but surely today will be different, yea?”
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Luckily for the SKZ boys, today was different from the day before. This time, the boys were able to secure a win in the first game, while the second game was a very close loss due to Changbin being caught out, but this just called for better positioning and map vision, all things that could be easily resolved by being more mindful. 
Despite the major improvements in the SKZ team’s gameplay, your performance did not fall short from yesterday’s as you still managed to be a threat SKZ couldn’t ignore. Although Felix was able to maintain control of his side of the map and trade some camps with you, you were still able to fill him with rage by somehow targeting him every fight, which made it nearly impossible for him to play the game. Luckily, Seungmin ended up using his Mordekaiser ultimate on you, which gave SKZ a chance to focus on the rest of your team while Seungmin did his best to tank your damage in his realm. This strategy definitely led them to their first win against your team, but as soon as the second match started, your team switched up to an entirely new comp, which SKZ struggled to answer.
Unfortunately, your team wasn’t able to stick around for a third game due to some prior commitments, so there was no decisive winner for the day.
y/ign: GGs! sunlixie, you really were sweating today on that diana jg kek
nyangknow: if i ever see you irl, its on sight, sunlixie… targeting a poor lil adc like me? 
nyangknow: lol but gg! y/ign slammed their desk when u stole elder last game kek
y/ign: shut up before i expose ur government name
nyangknow: …
channie: haha, sunlixie wasn’t gonna let u guys embarrass us again 
channie: GG! dm me on disc if you guys wanna set up some more skrims 
dwaekki: :3 gg!!! u guys did great, heh ty for games!
Once again, Felix found himself frowning at your message in the post-game lobby, irritation bubbling up in the pit of his stomach as his knuckles turned white from clenched fists. “Dude, I don’t get what their problem is with me,” whined Felix as he closed out the client once more, not even bothering to send a message in the chat.
Seungmin snickered over the mic, finding Felix’s one-sided rivalry hilarious, “That was definitely a compliment, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled snarkily at Seungmin’s response, not being able to find any of the validity in his comments, “Just felt like they were poking fun at me.”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚
The weekend of the Regional Collegiate LAN tournament had finally arrived, and luckily for SKZ, they didn’t have to worry about traveling since their university was hosting the event. This event did hold some importance, but it mostly helped determine seeding for the next tournament with only a few teams at risk for elimination. Due to SKZ’s skill level, elimination was the least of their concern with them being favored to win first place. First place did receive a cash prize to help cover travel costs to nationals, but it also helped any team gain more support and made the pro scene more aware of potential candidates for their team. 
SKZ was getting set to prepare for their first match of the weekend, but had some time to kill so they settled on roaming around the venue to catch up with some friends from other teams and greet any fans that approached them. In this world, it wasn’t uncommon for any of the more popular teams to have fans, as some people were either fans of individual players, their skills, or they were a fan of the entire team. 
Today was no different as Felix walked through the venue on his own, chatting with friends from other teams and meeting any new recruits while he was at it. Frustratingly enough though, your team and you had been quite the topic amongst his friends, each of them expressing concern at how intimidating and difficult your team seemed. Everyone in the scene knew that SKZ and Y/TN had gone against each other in a few practice matches, meaning everyone was swarming to them like flies, trying to extract as much information as they could against your team. Although, you and SKZ had an agreement to not leak out any team comps or skrim information before playing, so Felix had to deal with a whole lot of begging while trying to skirt around the subject.
Felix had finally gotten a moment of peace as he excused himself from the last interrogation, deciding it was time to group up with the team seeing that their match was in about an hour from now. Before he was able to get far, he heard a voice behind him call out:
“Yo! Sunlixie, is that you?”
Well, he was wearing a jersey with his name on the back of it, so it wasn’t weird for fan interactions to go this way. He put a smile on his face and turned to greet the owner of the voice, who he honestly thought was a little too cute to be wandering around the convention center on their own, but nonetheless he pushed the thought away and decided it was best to maintain a level of professionality when interacting with fans. 
“Hi! Yup, that would be me!”
The mystery person had a smile stretching across their face reaching out to shake Felix’s hand, which he took politely. He had no idea who this person was and it didn’t look like they were part of any teams since they weren’t wearing a jersey, so it was safe to assume this was just another fan.
“Wow, it’s so great to finally meet you! I’m y/ign, or you can just call me Y/N if you prefer.”
Felix eyes widened in pure surprise when your username left your mouth, not expecting the human he was talking to was you of all people. He did his absolute best to maintain his composure, but the sound of your name dampened his mood in the blink of an eye, his shoulders visibly tensing as his smile fell into a more awkward version of it. 
“Oh, sorry! You aren’t wearing your jersey, so I didn’t realize it was you,” he forced an uncomfortable laugh, but you had already picked up on the stiffness Felix was now carrying in his shoulders, “But, uh, you can call me Felix.”
Ever since you became acquainted with SKZ through your skrims, you could tell that Felix definitely wasn’t your biggest fan. Maybe you had gotten off on the wrong foot, but other than playing the game, you weren’t sure what you had done to make him dislike you so much. You had quickly befriended everyone else on the SKZ teams, even going as far as playing other games outside of league with them or meeting up with them to get food, but Felix was the only member who was uninterested and incredibly dry towards you. 
You had done your best to reach out to him and try to get to know him a little better, thinking maybe he just needed time to warm up to strangers, but that theory was quickly disproved when you found out Jeongin and Jisung had played some ARAMs with him and even met him in real life. Apparently, he was the sweetest and most pleasant guy to be around, yet you never had the pleasure to be met with his warmth. Instead, all you knew was an icy and cold exterior that pushed you away at every corner. At some point, you had been discouraged to attempt to be his friend, but you still thought it would be best to remain as cordial as you could with him, which meant greeting him and inviting him to any events your team hosted.
Not everyone was going to like you, that was a lesson you had learned long ago and you weren’t going to let it get to you when you had other things to focus on. You didn’t need to be his friend, anyway. 
“Yeah, my team isn’t scheduled to play til way later, so didn’t really need to wear it,” you smiled at the boy, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as you watched Felix’s expression slowly drop, “Well, uh, I’ll let you go back to your team. Good luck in your games!”
Felix raised an eyebrow as you hastily turned away, surprised at how different your demeanor was in person compared to his initial impression of you. 
Online and through your varied interactions, Felix had pinned you as some overconfident, cocky, and disrespectful asshole who was purposefully targeting him. While everyone around him insisted that was not the case, he couldn’t help but feel the burning flames of hatred burst in him every time he received a message from you, each seemingly mocking him for whatever play he made that day. 
However, this version of you was entirely different than what he had imagined this whole time. You didn’t ooze out that same confidence he had pictured you to have, but instead you seemed a lot more timid and welcoming in person. There was a gentle shyness that accompanied the warmth of your aura, golden and bright hues of yellow radiating off you as you smiled with not a single hint of malice in your eyes. When he met your gaze, he thought he would be staring right into the same sweltering, scarlet fury he had become so familiar with, but while searching your eyes, all he found was the brilliance of your tender-hearted benevolence, only rays of sunshine and light coloring the bright green meadows that expanded across your being.
What was this? This wasn’t the scorching, volcanic, blindingly red world he had been living in the past month, yet he still found himself melting under the comforting warmth, wanting nothing more to bask in your glow and forget the blistering one-sided rivalry he had imagined. For a moment of time, he felt the amber light you emanated was slowly turning his ugly red into a more placid orange, one akin to the sky’s palette during sunset. 
Maybe the boys were right, maybe you did mean well. Maybe he was the asshole, not you.
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The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer’s voice boomed over the intercom, officially declaring SKZ as the victors of the regional collegiate cup for the fourth year in the row. As soon as the blue victory screen popped up during their 5th game against Y/TN, the boys quickly stood up from their seats as they huddled into a group hug while gleefully jumping up and down, ecstatic screams and laughter leaving them as they celebrated their win. After an intense final match where SKZ and Y/TN had traded wins, in the very last game, SKZ was able to pull out with the third and final win needed to end the tournament. That was perhaps one of the most difficult finals SKZ had to play in a long time and for the first time in years, they were afraid that their reign was coming to an end, but luck was on their side today and all the skirms against your team had come to fruition. 
Across the stage, your team stood amongst the chaos erupting throughout the venue, you remaining still in your seat as you watched the defeat screen go through its animations, tears pricking the corner of your eyes in humiliation. Second place was nothing to be ashamed of, but you couldn’t stop the overwhelming rush of emotions that filled you, the blinding stage lights causing your vision to go blurry as the feeling of failure took hold of you. You enviously watched SKZ celebrate their win as you wiped away your tears, standing from your seat with the rest of your team as you headed to congratulate the opposing team.
As your team approached SKZ, Felix immediately noticed the shift in your emotions and saw through the fake smile you forced onto your face as you congratulated each of them. All he could see was the bleak tears that clouded the brightness that once occupied you, the golden aura of yours being overtaken by the blues of sorrow and disappointment. The sun that once gleamed through your entire being had been replaced by flooding waters from a relentless storm of emotion, the cerulean raindrops overtaking the shining yellow hues of your personality. 
As the colors of your emotions blended, Felix swore he saw the slightest tinge of an ugly green forming as the two aforementioned colors danced with one another. Was that jealousy? Although, as soon as he took note of it, the color instantly melted away as you shook his hand, a sincere ‘congratulations, you did amazing,’ leaving your mouth despite the tumultuous storm that dampened your conscience. Somehow, even as the bitter taste of failure lingered on your tongue, your genuinity never once faltered.
The vengeful, piercing, crimson rage Felix had felt for you weeks prior had dulled out as your sadness bleed all over him, guilt now washing over him as he had realized how sorely mistaken he was about you. The burning competitiveness and hatred that once fueled him had been put out by your misery, a deep violet now painting over him as the heavy hands of culpability dragged him down into numbing darkness of shame.
For some unknown reason, Felix felt the urge to run after you as he watched your figure shrink off the stage, wanting to apologize for his unwarranted attitude towards you this past month and bring you back to the warmness he had just learned about to revel under it once more. He remained unmoving as his teammates dragged him into another celebration hug, insisting to take a photo to remember this moment, yet Felix wanted nothing more to forget the sight he had just witnessed. Even though his wish had come true, he couldn’t bring himself to savor this victory against you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
A few days had gone by since your team had lost the tournament, suffering from what you had considered a rather embarrassing loss. While the games were incredibly close, you were sorely disappointed in your own performance, as you felt that you made too many mistakes that had cost your team the game. After walking off the stage, you succumbed to all the emotions you felt in that moment, letting your body tremble as tears rushed down your cheeks, choked sobs escaping your mouth. You remember how hot your face grew as the rest of your team turned to console you, feeling self-conscious how you were supposed to be the leader, yet you allowed your emotions to get the best of you. 
Despite that, you had managed to get over the brunt of your emotions after a few days, but the message you found waiting for you today on discord had taken you by complete surprise:
✩ sunlixie sent you a message!
hi y/n! i wanted to reach out and apologize to you for how rude i’ve been to you. i’m really sorry, there’s no excuse for any of it. to be honest, i kinda just got rlly tilted from when we played our first skrims, and i guess i ended up taking anything you said the wrong way. again, there’s no excuse for this and i apologize for being that way, but i’d like to have a fresh start and be friends if you are ok w that!
oh, also, you did really great during the tournament! don’t beat yourself up for it, that was the first time we had to play all five games out in the finals, so you guys had us nervous!! 
Well, that was entirely unexpected, but as soon as you read the message, a smile broke out on your face while letting out a sigh of relief, happy to know that it had all been a rather strange misunderstanding and not something you had done. With that, you hastily wrote out a response to Felix, letting him know that all is forgiven and that you would love to be able to finally form a friendship with him. Well, maybe something good did come out of this loss.
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After playing a few league games with Felix, you both began to develop a close friendship with each other. You finally began to understand what everyone else meant when they described Felix, you were beginning to see why his username was sunlixie. The coldness you had come to know him as melted away as the days past, only to reveal that under that hardened exterior was a boy filled with so much love and gentleness, that it’d blind anyone who stared into his soul for too long. The deep tone of his voice only added to this inviting warmth, adding a layer of comfort and safety that could lull anyone in a peaceful sleep, it was no longer a scary sound that reeked with hatred. 
Eventually, you and Felix had decided to go on small outings together, usually opting to grab a bite at your local coffee shop as either of you would ramble on about a new game to try out or discuss practice for nationals. On the occasion, one of the SKZ boys would tag along or Minho, a member on your team, would join you both, but every time this happened, Felix always felt disappointed that he would miss out time with just you alone. 
Truthfully, he wanted you to himself during these rare moments, wanting to be the only one who made you laugh and be the center of your attention. Jealousy would inevitably creep up behind him, pointing out each and everyone of his insecurities while he watched you interact with the others, it whispering in his ears that you’d never look at someone like him romantically, that he’d never have a chance with someone like you. He hated how much time he had missed out on getting to know you and being your friend due to this childish rivalry, feeling jealous over how much closer you were with everyone else, especially Minho.
Of course your bond with Minho was deeper than everyone else, you had known him longer than Felix and the other SKZ boys and were teammates. Yet, the pangs of insecurity would hit his heart directly each time he’d watch you laugh at a joke Minho made, always playfully slapping his arm in a fit of laughter. 
All Felix could ever think was how much he had wished that was him, how much he wished he’d be able to make you laugh to the point of tears as the unpleasant color of green slowly festered within him, becoming more vibrant as time passed. He was crushing hard on you and he needed to do something about it before it became unbearable to deal with because he hated the unsettling feeling of jealousy.
Thus, Felix decided to finally bite the bullet and asked you to come out for some coffee today, but letting you know he needed to talk about something personal, so he’d prefer if you came alone. 
As you approached the coffee shop, you wondered what Felix could have possibly needed to discuss with you, but you were honored to know that he felt comfortable enough to reach out to you and confide in you with something so personal, which only goes to show how much closer you two have gotten. Upon entering the building, your eyes searched for Felix, finding him seated in a more secluded corner with two coffees waiting on the table. Once his eyes met yours, you waved from the entrance with a smile on your face as you skipped over to the table.
Sliding into your seat, you caught onto Felix’s jittery energy as his legs bounced while his fingers anxiously tapped against the table. His body stiffened as he met your eyes with a nervous smile. Your eyebrows furrowed upward in concern, as you never seen the boy in this state before.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
Felix’s eyes widened at your question, his body completely stilling, not completely aware of how on edge he looked from the outside. He felt a familiar warmth rush to his face as a gentle pink dusted across his cheeks and ears, the rosy color of shyness making itself nestling itself in his stomach. The buzzing flutters he had felt in his stomach earlier sped up with the drumming of his heart, his head feeling like it was about to explode as he scrambled to find the script he rehearsed last night.
“Uhm, yeah, everything’s okay. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” his voice trembled meekly, cringing at the sound of his voice.
You nodded at his words, a panicked look overtaking your face, “Oh, no, did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
The blonde haired boy shook his head vigorously, finding your worriedness a bit charming, “Ah, no, not at all! It’s nothing like that!”
The tension in your body dissipated, as a caring smile returned to your face, “Oh, okay. Thank god, I was scared for a bit. Then what’s up? What did you need to talk about?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this…” he mumbled quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear. He felt himself shrink under the intensity of your gaze, surprised to see an overwhelming amount of concern etched on your features. 
“That’s okay. Sometimes, you just gotta say it.”
He exhaled nervously, nodding in agreement with your words because he was freaking out on the inside, unable to recall any of the words he had prepared for this moment. Right, at this point, he should just say it.
“I… I like you, Y/N. I really, really like you and-”
Oh, that isn’t the reaction he thought he’d get.
You were never good at hiding your facial expressions, and this moment was no exception as your face morphed into a surprise expression, your mouth dropping as the words left Felix as the warmth you once held paled into white cast of shock and confusion. As soon as you processed his words, you bit your lips while trying to find the words to respond to the sudden confession.
“Ah, wow, thank you, I’m really flattered, but…” you paused for a moment, confusion and uncertainty laced in your voice, “you do know I’m dating Minho, right?”
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d1ana-m0nd · 10 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : A Q&A video with Y/R/N and Aidan Ghallagher.
➢ Word Count : 1,750
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Note : Not gonna lie, I am uncomfortable about writing a real person 😭, well, real people in general. That's why in this fanfic, Mr. Gallagher may come off as OOC. So please don't be surprised that I focused more on the reader's chaotic energy to contrast with Mr. Gallagher's tame personality. For the record, Y/R/N means your real name. Also please comment or let me know if you want a part 2 but with your questions instead.
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Q&A with The Umbrella Academy cast ft. Aidan Gallagher and Y/R/N
"Hello everyone! As promised I promised to you guys, I brought over Y/R/N who plays Number Zero of the Umbrella Academy, for today's video." Aidan Ghallagher introduced the girl beside him who wore a large cardigan and an unamused look on her face. 
"Are you for real?" Y/R/N asked, not humoured by Adian’s introduction but the actor looked amused by his fellow co-star’s reaction.
"Is that all you have to say I mean? You don't have a catchphrase or introduction for your channel?" She added but the brunette actor ignored her words knowing she’s just jesting for the video. 
"Anywho, we will be answering some of your questions and we will be providing our answers to the best of our abilities."
The (your hair color) actor huffs and pretends to be hurt by being ignored. 
"Oh yeah, I just wanted to double check Y/R/N, are you okay with answering the questions-"
"Of course I am, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here."
"You've been in my channel for 15 seconds and your already acting like it's yours."
The actress dramatically flips her hair then bats her lashes at the camera making Aidan laugh, "It's my job to make this entertaining. I know you can't possibly handle the weight of being the only star."
The boy smiles, clearly entertained by her actions but, managed to stifle his laughter. "We might as well start with the questions before this becomes her channel."
"So the first question is from, moe-moe-kyunette, I uh, did I say that right?" Aidan looked doubtful once he said the username then looked at Y/RN to help him out.
"Ship it and clip it everyone! You've tricked him into saying the thing!" The actress laughed as she slammed her fist against the table while holding her stomach, knowing the internet user just tricked Aidan into saying a meme.
"Wait, is it something bad?"
"Not a bad thing, it's like a japanese meme, an anime meme to be exact, about an idol girl trying to be cute so she says that."
"I see," As the actor was about to resume with the video but Y/R/N stopped him, "Wait, before you start, can you do the 'moe moe kyun' meme with the hand gestures?"
Aidan shook his head whilst smiling then resumed, "Well, they asked you the most important question. Have you ever listened to my music?"
The actress stiffened, "Did my manager really agree with the questions you picked?"
"Yes, yes, she did." He looks at her with a raised brow and an amused look then gestured to the camera, "Well, we are waiting Y/R/N."
"I-" She looks away flustered, "I'm sorry but I haven't listened to your music yet- I know I promised to listen to them but have not had the time to listen to them…"
"And why is that?" The brunette crosses his arms the look still on his face.
She nervously looks down at her feet, "It's just...I haven't been able to make time yet." He gives her a knowing look then gestures to the camera, "Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"
"I just, I just- I just think that we should move on now! How about I read the next question?" She then nears the monitor, and Aidan is silently laughing. 
"So Aidan and Y/R/N, is it true you guys fought on set?" The girl quickly hides her face in her cardigan from the camera. " I should have never read the question voluntarily!"
The boy beside her chuckles, "But, to answer your question, we have never fought on set, some people just misinterpreted that we had a fight because she hit the back of my head."
The actress hides herself with the cardigan she wore, "Look! That's how I greet my friends. I know that's not how other conventionally greet others that's why I only did it to people I was close with."
"Let me," She takes in a deep breath, then removes the cardigan from her face. "Let me add some context to the story first, so I mistook Aidan for my friend Astrid without her wig on, and yes, I didn't notice he was wearing his costume!"
"So like, I greeted him by slapping the back of his head. He turned to me confused why I just did that and I ran away out of instinct and never explained it until he had the chance to corner me." 
Aidan was laughing so hard, "I had to corner her because I didn't want our scenes to become awkward than they already were. When I found out the reasoning I just forgave her but told her that she really shouldn't have ran away."
"It was instinct okay! That was not the first thing I thought of when I processed I just hit you. It didn't help either that we weren't friends yet, so I thought my whole career was ruined at that moment." The (your hair color) actress covered the half of her face. 
The boy smiled though it was his way of attempting to stop himself from laughing anymore at his fellow co-star’s flustered state. "Gajh1098 asked, what is that one trait we like about our character at the same time hate?"
Y/R/N gestures for Aidan to start first, "You can start first."
He nodded then prompted his chin on his hand, "I would have to say, I hate how Five is confident in himself to the point it comes off as arrogance. Being confident is not bad but if you have seen Y/R/N here-"
She jumped then exclaimed loudly, "What's that supposed to mean?!"
"She acts too confident on camera but we all know - especially the other casts members - that she's actually tamed. You can see on our interviews as a cast, that she's like that one cousin in the corner, that doesn't know what to say so she hides behind her other cousins."
The girl cringed, "Oh, god, you saw those memes? I was hoping you wouldn't." 
"I was literally there to witness it," The actor laughed then, added on. "Anywho, Y/R/N acts confident but it doesn't come off arrogant. She knows her limits but Five doesn't because he thinks he can do everything by himself that he ends up not recognizing that he can't do everything himself."
Y/R/N nods, "Yeah that's kinda toxic in a way. It's kinda like how in group works. You lead the group and end up doing everything yourself, because you don't trust your teammates. I can see why you wouldn't trust them but, you shouldn't push yourself to the point where you crash down."
Aidan nods then gestures at the girl, "Your turn to answer the question."
"So the one trait I dislike and like about Y/N is that she's flexible with handling people. She is very understanding, too understanding! She knows how to interact with them very well. It's a good trait in hindsight - especially in work places - but, it's not a good trait if you become so malleable that people take advantage of it." 
The actor nodded along agreeing with her words.
The actress then abruptly sat up shouting, "MY TURN! I wanna read the next question! Oh yeah, do we have to mention the usernames? Or are you going to show them on screen?" 
"I usually mention them because I feel like it makes them happy-"
"Well too bad! I'm going to make their day miserable." Y/R/N cheekily grinned. "This person asked why I always hide behind other people or hold onto their clothes like a child… Can we skip this?"
The boy chuckled, "No."
"Seriously, I feel like you and my manager are trying to humiliate me for the video.” She muttered under her breath, narrowing her eyes at Aidan suspiciously, “Anyways, I'm still getting used to cameras and it's kinda instinctual for me to do that I suppose? I'm not used to cameras since I have been used to working with microphones being a voice actor first and foremost."
His hazel's eyes light up, "Oh yeah, I recall you saying you were a VA, why did you audition for the show to begin with?"
The actress scratched her nape with a wry smile, "I thought it was a voice acting job not acting. I didn't even know until I was picked that it was an acting job. I scrambled to research on acting and kept asking the others if they could give me advice on acting."
He face palmed, smiling, "Did you not read what you were screening for?"
"To be fair, it was my manager who read it out loud, I just butted in and just said yes mindlessly because I saw the character designs and thought they were cool, I'm referring to the comics by the way."
"Next question from is from wbip8581, they asked how we become close?" The brunette male read the question outloud.
"Since Aidan and I got a lot of scenes together, I asked if we could work on them - like rehearse with each other so he could give me pointers on how to deliver my character."
"We hung out but, it was more on watching reality TV shows to examine and decipher how an angry person acts or how someone similar to Y/N acts." He added onto the girl’s explanation to which she nodded along.
"I think because of him, I got into watching Hell's kitchen," Both the actress and actor laughed at how true the statement was.
The brunette male then decided to move, "For now, this is the last question since I know the video is probably going to be long with how much Y/R/N rambles-"
"HEY!" The girl pretended to look offended by putting a hand over her heart.
Aidan chuckled, "So, the last question is from Immpotato10, do you two plan to make more videos together? Assuming that the Q&A does well."
"That depends really… although I like talking to Mr. Gallagher." She says his last name mockingly which made him roll his eyes, "I don't wanna overstay my time here in his channel, and if he has good video ideas then I will probably reconsider."
“Well, I suppose that’s goodbye for now!” Aidan bid his farewell to his audience followed by Y/R/N waving her two hands at the camera like a child. 
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @instabull @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @danis-stuff-is-here @sol3chu @cxlynv @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @supernova25 @venuseuripedis
➢ Note : If your username is highlighted blue that means I cannot tag your blog. I suggest you either follow my blog and turn on your notifications or you turn on your subscription to the masterlist. Also, "Reblog to support your favorite writer" divider belongs to @/benkeibear
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miguel-ohara-lover · 6 months
Can y’all forgive me for switching sides for a minute? Pretend my username isn’t Miguel O’Hara lover and is instead Clark Kent lover just a moment okay then we will go back to normal…
I had a silly idea
I love the idea of Bruce/Batman and Clark/Superman being stuck in the ridiculous Miraculous Ladybug love square. Like imagine Bruce has a crush on this nerdy goofy looking news reporter who doesn’t care for him because said news reporter has eyes for Batman, then when Superman flirts with Batman, Bruce doesn’t care because he has eyes for Clark. And they just go round and round never learning about each other.
Until eventually the JL is formed and they have to be in close proximity at all times. Batman and Superman still haven’t learned about each other, because Clark is respectful and Batman doesn’t have time when he’s busy simping for a farm boy. Everyone can see just how down bad Superman is for Batman and Batman seems to just not care for him at all, so they try to figure out who Batman likes and they realize it’s Clark Kent. This irritates Diana who knows Clark is Superman and Bruce is Batman, because now she knows Bruce has been unknowingly avoiding the man he’s interested in.
Queue Diana having to play match maker while not revealing their identities to each other because it should be on their own terms. It’s not working out so she tries to rope the Wayne kids into it to see if they can convince their dad to try it out with Superman. She’s really trying, someone better appreciate her efforts.
Okay back to normal now
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lunarphoria · 3 months
☽ introduction post ☾
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This is just gonna be a little introduction since i started to be a little more active on here and i want to try to keep my account as clear & organized as possible!
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- 🌙 I go by both Phoebe (‹preferably) & Louisa , feel free to call me Lou if you'd like :3
- 🌙 my pronouns are she✦her✦hers
- 🌙 i'm an aroace sapphic
- 🌙 i'm a teenage girl from europe , specifically germany ( so please excuse any minor spelling mistakes :') )
- 🌙 i'm a hellenic polytheist ( I'm still pretty new to the practice & keen on learning! )
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- જ⁀➴ devoted to :
- 🌒 lady selene ; my matron , titaness , goddess & personification of the moon 🌘 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆𓆩☾𓆪
- 🕊️ lady aphrodite ; goddess of love , beauty & pleasure 🐚 ・❥・° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .𓆩♡𓆪
- 🦌 lady artemis ; goddess of virginity, the hunt & the wilderness 🪶 ⁀➴ˎˊ˗ˋ°•*⁀➷̗̀
- 🗡️ lord ares ; god of war , courage & civil order 🛡️ ␥•—⟪=====> ⛏ ⛉
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- 🌙 on this account, i mainly want to share my experiences with hellenic polytheism , share my art and get to know other people !
- 🌙 my dms are always open in case anyone would like to chat ! i do struggle with communication quite a bit but i promise i'll try my absolute best !
- 🌙 i'd really appreciate the use of tone indicators , as I often have trouble deciphering the authenticity of statements and how serious they are meant to be taken. Please be patient with me <3
- 🌙 i also have an account on cara & instagram , both are @ lunarphoria :3
(by the way , don't be confused, you can still see my old signature ( @ lunardewdrops ) in my art posts , I tend to change my username from time to time )
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-જ⁀➴ my interests :
- 🌙 paintings , sculptures & art
- 🌙 books & poetry
- 🌙 greco-roman mythology & classical religion
- 🌙 nature & wildlife
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- જ⁀➴ my personal tags :
- # ☾ ⋆*・゚phoebe's art 🌙 ➛ i use this one for my own art
- # ☾ ⋆*・゚phoebe's thoughts 🌌 ➛ i use this one for when i want to share my thoughts or experiences
- # ☾ ⋆*・゚phoebe's asks ☀️ ➛ i use this one for my replies to asks I get
- # -✦ •°to selene🌘 ➛ reblogs about lady selene
- # -✦ •°to aphrodite🐚 ➛ reblogs about lady aphrodite
- # -✦ •°to artemis 🦌 ➛ reblogs about lady artemis
- # -✦ •°to ares🗡️ ➛ reblogs about lord ares
( often I'll use personalized tags for other deities outside of my patrons that I love to talk about but don't devote myself to , so you'll see that too ! )
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- જ⁀➴ DNI :
- 🌙 This should go without saying, but my blog is no place for hatred or bigotry of any kind. This includes Homophobia & Transphobia , Racism , Misogyny & all of the usual DNI criteria.
- 🌙 Please also refrain from overly sexual behavior, jokes ect . It makes me extremely uncomfortable
- 🌙 this is a religious blog !! I don't want nor tolerate any disrespectful behavior towards my deities , especially from people who see Greek Mythology as just a silly little fandom. Please be kind and respectful towards my religion :)
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i'd say that's about it for now ! thank you so much for reading my little introduction post ! i'm really excited to learn & connect more with the gods , befriend new people & take you with me on my journey ♡ khaire !
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( divider made by me ! ♡ )
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juniemunie · 2 months
Hi I am desperately in need of help. I am Diana Samin a 34 year old woman living in a tent in Gaza with my two children. I urgently need insulin and medical attention for my type 2 diabetes, especially since I am pregnant.Please help by donating to my fundraising appeal for medical needs. Any amount will make a difference. Click my Donation Link on my pinned post to donate and share.
Once again folks, another scammer.
Lookrd their namr up and found an anon spreading the word.
From them specifically:
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: atomicollectorlady, greattriumphlady, thoughtfulpersonpersona, cleversuitsoul, al-rasher, mellowpaperluminary, supportdeeanaah, furiousinternetenemy, happydefendorhologram, scentedsublimenightmare, stevenmm, zaynabu, karldrogo2, gaziianaliifatmaah, gloriousdestinycollector
Anyways you know the drill. Report -> Something else -> Unlawful uses or content -> Phishing and explain how the account is not legitimate.
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odetteeternia · 4 months
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Just out of reach
My favourite ship in Zero Escape is Sigma x Diana, but I love the dynamic between Junpei and Akane. People say how Akane’s kind persona is only a lie in the first game, but they forget that both Akane’s younger self experienced that event too. I like to think not only is her personality but relationship with Junpei complex. She clearly likes him, yet she chooses her mission over her love for him. It’s sad to imagine those millions of failed timelines where she is forced to leave Junpei to stay at the moon.
Right now, I feel like there is something missing with my artwork, but I don’t know what it is. I hate shading clothing and avoid it so maybe that is the issue. I might experiment in the future, but right now I’m happy-ish with my art style. It’s a little awkward that I changed my username so my previous posts look possibly reposted… Well, I hope not, at least.
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artschoolglasses · 7 months
Tagged by @findusinaweek!🖤
What I've been listening to lately...
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Hozier - Unreal Unearth
Diana Damrau - Arie dei Bravura: Salieri/Righini/Mozart
Rufus Wainwright - Vibrate: The Best of Rufus Wainwright
Tinariwen - Tassili
Future Islands - People Who Aren't There Anymore
Pride & Prejudice Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
(I'll admit, it's probably been mostly Hozier and then the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack? But, you know, gotta mix it up sometimes...)
Tagging: @leofrith, @reiverreturns, @vikingnerd793, @aeide, @lizzaddams, @alethiometry, @chin-up-spartan... (Look, I'm not great at remembering usernames. If you want to, go for it! If not, don't go for it! 😅)
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dataentryspecialist · 3 months
Just started following you a couple days ago and absolutely love your blog! Haven't had a chance to watch Star Trek TNG but I'm 1000% in love with Data!!💖Keep up the amazing work!!!
Gasp! I take it from your username that you're a TOS fan? TNG can definitely be a "culture shock" for lack of a better term. TOS has that 60s cheesy camp (affectionately) and Spirk is just never quite replicated.
That said, TNG is my absolute favorite Trek and you will see some TOS people pop in a few times (McCoy, Sarek, Spock, and Scotty off the top of my head plus actors from the original like Majel and Diana Muldaur)
Data is obviously my favorite character so I'm glad you love him too 💖💖💖 he gets a lot of love throughout the series (in terms of screen time) so whenever you do start watching you'll have lots of TV minutes with which to gush over him. 🥰💛
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ladybugsimblr · 6 months
rules of the game: link a song for each letter of your username
Thanks for the tag @simsimulation !
L - Lonely
A - Alright
D - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
Y - Ya Llegue
B - Bounce
U - Upside Down
G - Get Me Bodied
I tag @igglemouse @storiesbyjes2g @digital-deluxe @pinkchocolatesims @ellemant and YOU if music makes you happy.
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