awhkacey · 1 year
The thing is that the second you start affirming a new self concept, your story instantly starts to change. There will be a few bumps and plot holes that need filling along the way just like with any story that’s being written but never feel intimidated by it. The second someone comes into your life acting in cause of your old self concept, you stop yourself before you react - breathe - and walk away and after you walk away you reaffirm that new self concept and trust they will come back and treat you the way you now identify with.
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bonefall · 2 years
I haven’t read the first arc in forever but if anyone else was a jerk to their best friend, ditched their clan, then ditched that clan and came back, killed someone, and didn’t even train their apprentice at all, that sounds like a horrible warrior and villain right?
But Graystripe is excused because Graystripe.
Also I swear Graystripe wanting to become a father came out of nowhere for me. Like yes, the treatment of half clan kits sucks, but Graystripe was well aware that there would be consequences if he fathered half clan kits, so he’s already ignoring that responsibility. And then he just goes into father mode and wants to be with them? And then he just leaves 💀Bro is a menace
I think the fact that Graystripe kills Clawface is super interesting, because Fireheart let him go to be a good warrior... and then Clawface attacks AGAIN, proving he will continue to be a problem until he's put down.
I think that's actually a really interesting vibe, that Fireheart WILL hold himself back for honor's sake. But Graystripe? Nah, one chance is enough, threaten Fireheart and Gray's gonna snap your neck LMAO
He is absolutely a menace, but I think that moment where Silverstream tells Fireheart she's pregnant is one of the scenes that makes me really like Gray in spite of it. She snaps, saying that is loving Graystripe is against the code, then it's the CODE that's wrong... and in this instance I think she's totally right!
The way that Graystripe breaks the code is exactly why I like him. For his own benefit; but he doesn't cross the line to put the people he loves in danger, you know? That's why he couldn't stay loyal to RiverClan... it came down to choosing.
Choose. Savage the clan of your best friend, or be banished from your children.
And more than just entering father mode, the death of Silverstream is so, so traumatic. It's sudden, it's bloody, it's violent. Cinderpelt AND Graystripe both walk away from it absolutely shaken.
Everyone forgets that Bluestar was ready to go to actual war with RiverClan over keeping the kits, at a point where RiverClan was their ONLY ally (Wind and Shadow had both united to try and kill blinded Brokentail)... and Graystripe is the one who begs for it to stop.
Bringing his kits to the Clan that demands them, but also, he can't bare to leave his children. Not after watching Silverstream die for them.
I just find him and his choices very interesting. I wouldn't have him any other way; my biggest problem is that the writers refuse to let other characters see him for the complicated, self-centered person that he is, you know?
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modwyr · 1 month
patron saint quiz
i was tagged by @sun-marie to do this quiz for an oc. thank youuu <3
Allara Leonis - patron saint of bones
patron saint of frameworks. of structures. of solidity. patron saint of things that break. patron saint of things that are left behind. the bones survive long after the body, the building: what is there left for them, when the rest has gone? what do bones do, with nothing to hold around them? who holds the bones?
tagging @glamfellens @isayashai and @poetikat and anyone else who wants to do it!
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desertdragon · 2 years
I hate raiders, mostly the hardcore's bc they're just cunts, but whenever they are in tune with looking at the game from a gameplay perspective (not just looking at logs), everything they have to report is shit I can feel even as a casual though I can't explain it as in depth as they can; and I have to agree it feels like the devs have forgotten how to make and balance a game in the last 3 years, as much as most players themselves suck at understanding and playing the fucking game (and how poor the game's learning tools and mentors are as well) since it's seen as a vehicle for story cutscenes or mashing buttons
If the gameplay keeps going dumber across the board that would take away the last legitimate reason I have to play it and surprisingly I don't like the thought of that conversation with myself
#my attitude is like half a toe in the raider mindset and half the toe in casual i can't commit to either bc i dont like either enough#but if you have a brain and have been playing as long as i have or longer its so obv we are downhill rn#Stormblood was the last time the entire game as a game felt engaging for a majority of time#ive been kinda lucky as a DRG main bc they haven't butchered it as much as others but idk how long that will last every patch#and the healing situation the last 3 years is fucking ground zero Chernobyl elephant's foot#anyone who had / has followed me long enough knew / knows i already feel this game sucks but if you make the Game part worse#then it'll Fucking Suck in a way where i don't think i could say I Hate It But I Like It anymore#it feels weird being someone who came in when Stormblood was Brand New bc i was there for all of it when the story sucked not the gameplay#then being here since is like watching the story have a seizure and the gameplay crashes into a fucking cliff outside of a few#DRGs are workhorses so if we go down too w these rework trends idk man... we're traditionally the burst#concerning to me that other classes are also revolving around bursts now plus shittier braindead buttons#homogenization sucks#i will say though im glad the frequency of LOLDRG jokes has gone down these few years bc it was never funny#its been used way too much to target and harass every DRG or if you made even one mistake- got called a lot of slurs & things bc of it#one last thing you may say There's More Than Fighting Here Wtf Are You Bitching About-#the main function of the game IS fighting it has ALWAYS been fighting its the main interface by which you play its why DF & MSQ are tied#combat is integrated into quests into dungeons into raiding into socializing into the MSQ etc whatever isn't fighting is subordinate#so yes if the combat system gets worse then that's a huge chunk of the game now shit- its not a visual novel go play a VN if you want that#now if you say the only reason i still play is bc i wanna eat Yugiri out then- *Squidward running meme*
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firadessa · 2 months
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Please acknowledge Bleakwatch Chronicles, Tinker Bell and the Lost City. I understand that BW chronicles may not have as much fans and are turned off by the art style. Also the author never posted (Zack Loran Clark) much promo for the book unlike Allison, nor mentioned anything about DF on his IG page. It is intended for a younger audience. However, I am much more excited for this book as it pertains to the movie universe. So please, just clap if you believe if you will.
As this is the first book to come out since 2017 that is labeled as "Disney Fairies" and the second spinoff- like this is important. You don't have to buy the book or give it the free promotion, but acknowledge the existence of it at least. WoS is not labeled as DF, if it matters.
Here are some of the reasons why I am more excited for Bleakwatch Chronicles than I am for Wings of Starlight by Allison Saft (Clarion x Milori YA Novel):
It's a post canon story implied to take reference to the cancelled Tinker Academy movie where TB goes to study at the Tinker Academy on the mainland. The art seems like they took references especially when directly compared to the concept art. WoS is a backstory.
It releases first, BWC releases in November 2024 and WoS releases in Feb.
It seems like more of original concept to me, literally because of the new concepts like the Flutterpunks and the implied secret cities of the Bleakwatch and Clockwork Capital.
New characters like Quin and Ozwald will be joining TB on this journey.
It expands on a old concept, and tweaks it in a way that makes more sense. IMO, an idea like a Tinker Academy seems to hold less weight because before the events of Tinker Bell fairies couldn't go to the mainland to spread nature, and it's implied they always stay. It is also implied in GFR that Tinker fairies don't typically go to the mainland even if TB's inventions help them in the intensive summer season (the song implies that's why she's there- it's implied in the first movie she goes there whenever she has a job) Vidia is dismayed by this and says "this is why Tinker fairies don't go to the mainland" whilst TB is checking out the car. In a deleted storyboard for Tinker Academy it is implied that it is a prestigious academy that FM gets into before the events of Tinker Bell, yet to me the idea of underground London tinkers makes more sense to me than the academy. Think about it, it's implied that TB and FM are some of the most brilliant Tinkers in pixie hollow and yet the Tinker population is small. (only Clank and Bobble greet her and we see no one in green outfits) Why do you think that is? I personally like the idea of rogue Tinkers who would scavenge on the mainland for parts and self-exile themselves from Pixie Hollow. It explains why FM calls the lost things junk, if the difference in mindset between the mainland tinkers and the pixie hollow tinkers was that the mainland Tinkers are considered "scraps" (get it) while the PH tinkers are considered more put together and community driven. It makes sense that TB being a brilliant Tinker that outshines even Vidia gets such an audience if brilliant Tinkers do not normally last in PH because they are seen as too curious and ambitious, opting to start their own community of outcast Tinkers in the mainland. Vidia's talent switch in The Pirate Fairy also implies that Tinkers have the gift of thought, and literally think differently (regardless of personality) then their non-tinker peers because it's their talent. There is much potential for this storyline as it adds more nuance to the Tinker Bell movie and the dynamic between the nature and non nature talents, something I think it would benefit from. It makes a lot of sense if the edgier steampunk designs came from a secret Tinker counterculture and not a secret academy imo.
The implication of this book suggest revitalizing the Disney Fairies franchise, possibly not just as a "brand". Not sure what that could mean but it's interesting
IMO, Wings of Starlight has more of a "booktok" vibe I'm getting from it. I'm not just saying that because it's YA, but given the (beautiful) cover design it feels more targeted for what Disney thinks grown fans of Disney Fairies might like based on whatever market research was done (and you know it was). WoS has been receiving better marketing and there are people out here that don't even know two books exist. I'm not saying the book looks lazy, slapped together, or unoriginal- or it will just be corporate and bland, I mean I'm a Disney Fairies fan I don't believe that everything is corporate greed lol and like to see creativity in the "unexpected". But I hope that future Disney Fairies books won't just be going for what is "trendy" to reel people in and instead invest in creative storytelling *in general*, in other words I hope they keep concepts and genres broad and inclusive enough so we have the potential for more creative stories. Not just expanded stories on specific characters and stories like the Twisted Tales series, or sticking to specific genres for this specific niche audience in a way that feels too specific. I feel like there has to be some sort of balance struck, or DF may be a little stuck for a while and may still have "missed potential".
On expanded stories, like I said, Disney has done a lot of that and there is an audience for that. However, I prefer the idea of post canon more than a backstory or expansion. From what I know, we know some details of the Milarion backstory and it will be adding more layers and expanding on the dynamics of the existing characters, where the new book seems to be more lore driven in focus.
I don't like Secret of the Wings that much in terms of lore as a lore fanatic. I feel like this book could also retcon other things when possibly trying to explain things that make sense in SOTW. If BWC is good, I can imagine myself thinking about it more after it releases but I can just imagine myself thinking more of how I felt and my emotional reaction after WoS with fading interest afterward, it just sort of feels like the book could resonate with me more y'know? and I got a pretty good gut feeling for that sort of thing.
Underdog bias, just acknowledge it's existence. Do that with the NG graphic novels from 2022, heck the whole Never Girls series. Do that with the whole DF franchise if you are new here somehow. That's it, that's the post.
The mystery. What is the mysterious pocketwatch and who's on the cover?
Copy and pasted plot summary- Tinker Bell loves nothing more than solving a problem. For her, red buttons demand to be pushed, treasure maps need to be followed, and lost things ought to be found. So when a strange fairy crash lands in Pixie Hollow and leaves Tinker Bell two clues to find a mysterious necklace on the Mainland, she really doesn’t have a choice but to help. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a hidden city of fairies living below the streets of London.
In this city called Bleakwatch, she’ll meet the Flutterpunks, the most infamous band of trinket scavengers around. Helping her may just give them their biggest score yet. But when the Flutterpunks’ plan goes haywire, they’ll be forced to choose between a big payday or saving their new friend.
When their adventure takes them inside the glittering Clockwork Capital, Tinker Bell and the Flutterpunks will uncover a villainous secret that threatens all the fairies in Bleakwatch. It turns out there’s more at stake than just finding a missing necklace, and it’ll be up to Tinker Bell to set things right. Luckily, that’s what tinker fairies do best!
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portableleo · 1 year
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after posting several drawings of my tmnt au i've finally created a name for it! Welcome to...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dark Fate
Want to know more? Keep reading below the cut!
Four baby turtles lost in the sewers of New York City were found by a mutant rat. The rat -- Master Splinter -- raised the turtles as his own sons, and trained them in the art of ninjutsu. Once the boys matured into teens, their master gifted them sacred artifacts -- emblems that imbued each of the turtles with their own unique and powerful elemental ability. With their own abilities and the powers they were gifted, the turtles soon find an enemy in the great and evil Foot Clan and their master -- the murderous Shredder. While at war with the Foot, the turtles also struggle with their own internal war. Was this all coincidence, or are they the subject of a dark fate?
Meet the Turtles!
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Element: Water Age: 16
The only of his brothers to have been found separately by Master Splinter. Despite this, as well as being the second youngest brother, Splinter had made them the leader of the group. While young, he was as carefree and easygoing as his brothers, however, by age 7 he had abruptly become serious about his training, and practiced excessively. He holds a deep respect for Splinter and is quick to follow his orders.
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Element: Fire Age: 17
The oldest brother, he felt responsible for his siblings growing up. However, when Splinter began to focus more on Leo and his training, he began to develop a short temper and more irritable personality. He became competitive towards his younger brother, and would constantly vie for Splinter's attention. This frequently ended with him being scolded and punished. Now, he holds a heavy grudge and deep jealousy for his younger brother.
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Element: Darkness Age: 17
Raph's younger twin brother. He is constantly tired, and has a tendency to spontaneously fall asleep. In part due to his chronic narcolepsy, he seems somewhat out of touch. In reality, he is aware of the tension and strained relationship between his two brothers, and tries to take an objective approach to resolving it. However, his fact-driven mindset and flat personality has made his own relationship with Mikey awkward.
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Element: Light Age: 15
The youngest brother, he is brimming with optimism and cheer. He greatly looks up to Raph and is deeply troubled by his brother's emotional issues. He is generally sensitive to the feelings of others and is driven by emotion, causing him to have an awkward relationship with his more objective brother, Donnie. He has made himself responsible for the overall stability of the team.
Have any questions or comments about TMNT: DF? Any and all are welcome to shoot me an ask!
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dollfaceirene · 6 months
hi I’ve been struggling with manifesting my df I’ve listened to subliminals but I’ve seen nothing and I’ve been stuck on this for months I don’t know what to do at this point I want to try and just affirm but I don’t know how to go about it. my df is a person not just features I want to change how would you affirm to look like someone? Do i have to be specific like saying each feature and also saying the name of the person? I feel like saying the name feels more I don’t know if powerful is the correct word than just saying desired face. I also have a not so good mindset and I have doubts just crawling in.
you do nawt need to be specific when describing your df. Your subconscious, a.k.a you, already knows exactly what u want so no matter how specific or vague you are with ur affirmation, you will still manifest ur df, regardless!
you act of manifesting u cannot struggle with (since u are manifesting 25/8 regardless) but dwelling can be a problem. My honest thoughts & solution to this is working on seeking validation from the 4D because whatever you persist in (the 4D) has absolutely no choice but to reflect to the 3D. Thats how it always has been and will be.
also no affirmations have more power than others. All affirmations work the same, it honestly depends on what you assume. Do you assume that saying ur df name is a more "powerful" than simply saying u have ur df? it depends on if the person views one affirmation as more powerful than another.
also seeing nothing in the 3D ≠ not having it. If you already have ur df in ur 4D than u already have it. The 3D is nawt a source of validation since it is simply a byproduct of your assumptions from the 4D.
Having doubts = normal. Even ur fav loa bloggers will doubt themselves from time 2 time. However, don't let these doubts define ur assumptions. If your doubts are saying "u dont have ur df" then realise, u already do have ur df and ur doubts have no power unless u give them.
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yuikomorii · 10 months
Let's judge fairly. Yui had her development too. It's not like she didn't have any development.
// I wouldn’t necessarily call it development, I would rather say the story itself advanced and she grew accustomed to the circumstances. Over the course of the games, she got better at managing the Diaboys since you get to know someone after spending a lot of time with them and well… she also started acting more cheeky and bolder with them, for the reason that they started dating. She didn't know Karlheinz well in HDB and MB, so she didn't have any opinion about him, but in DF and CL, she called him out after Karl revealed how much of a jerk he is. It's not like she wouldn't have done that earlier if she had known the truth about him from the beginning—she called out Cordelia in the first game, after all.
However, I do think there are two particular scenes where they tried to highlight some major (?) development.
One is from Ayato's MB route, when she acknowledged acting in a selfish manner and concentrating solely on her feeling rather than on Ayato too, who was also having difficulties. She came to the realization that Ayato isn't perfect, despite being cute and giving her pleasure, and learned to accept him for all of his good and bad traits.
The other one is from Laito’s LE route, in which Reiji tries to make her understand that not believing in your lover can be very painful and that it’s not okay talking like that behind his back.
The message itself was good but this is the type of forced character development I have mixed feelings about. They didn’t have to make Yui act like that because it only portrays her as the bad one here. Yui is the first person Laito has ever opened up to and she was well aware that Laito hates Karlheinz, so getting his powers would undoubtedly damage him, yet she kept failing to understand that, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for some months and should have known better. The scene in which she says that Laito knows everything about her, yet she knows nothing about him only makes her appear so foolish in order to generate conflict. Like… come on, how can the heroine claim such a thing after dating a guy for SIX games?? Plus, the reasons of Laito’s actions were OBVIOUS that not even Reiji could entirely put the blame on him based on his situation.
As for Ayato’s MB route, I can’t entirely put the blame on her; I mean… Ayato is super good-looking and could probably pull anyone, but I can’t comprehend how she failed to realize that he has negative traits too?? It should be crystal clear that nobody is perfect and that everyone has their own issues, so you can’t beg someone to consider you special if they don’t feel like it.
It would have been 10 times better if Rejet actually tried to overcome her weaknesses, instead of adding new flaws. No, writing the heroine to suddenly have a shallow or selfish mindset only to make her “become a better person after realizing her mistakes” was not needed at all. And it’s also not fun making a character learn the same lesson in more games.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations on Tumblr
The best scene, in which they could have genuinely made her evolve as a person, was in Carla’s LE route, when she admitted wanting to help him and the ghouls. It would have been nice seeing Carla putting faith in her and giving her an important yet hard task. Seeing Yui try her best to do it right, even if she was struggling at first, would have been such a cute moment. But nope, they decided to push her aside instead.
Other than that, idk if becoming a masochist and less sane as in the beginning count as development, lol, but if it does then it works like that too.
I get that it’s an otome game and most people play it for the guys but I feel like the heroine deserves to have her own storyline where she discovers herself and improves. DL feels more like the Diaboys' journey than her own, which is ironic because she’s the HEROINE, and in her most recent appearance, Rejet literally described her as “Ayato’s lover” without even using her name. I don’t really think the developers care that much about her, otherwise I doubt they’d be ok with all her character inconsistencies.
Yui is my favorite heroine because I find her really cute and likeable, plus I relate to her, but I’m aware of the fact that a likeable character does not equal a good one. She’s your average early 2010s heroine, who could have been indeed better written but serves her purpose, which is still good.
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thearchercore · 6 months
I’m not saying Charles fumbled the qualis, I just rate him so high and expect more from him. I have rooted for him since 2013, he became my favorite after he signed with FDA. No doubt SF24 handles the soft tyres in Q trim very differently from last two cars, but he has the ability to handle it better and I believe he can do it.
Also I always have some concerns about this ground effect regulation cars, they naturally tend to have tonnes of read DF with lower front DF causing much understeer (F175 is an exception TD39 just destroyed all possibilities) . Although sf24 have a relatively strong front end compared to sf23, it has showed some tendency towards performing better with some understeer set ups (you could ignore this bc it’s just my observation and some discussions with my insider friends)
i get it! but sometimes the "i rate charles high" mindset can get more negative because getting two front rows out of 3 qualis was a great & consistent stat that charles has. like, it's obvious even charles believes everything other than pole is a fumble but also expecting him to get pole after pole when red bull are still so incredibly competitive may be a reach on our end so it's better to keep the expectations realistic and not press him too much just to end up being disappointed because one out of the past 8 qualis didn't work out
also @tsarinablogs mentioned an interesting thing that many people "basically expect him to pull a Max (who doesn’t even get all the poles of the season) while driving an inferior car"
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bunny-queen · 6 months
How would I apply this, the acting method for ny dream life.? (My dream life contains my DF my DB, good high grades being smart high iq rich wealthy, SP ect..)
hello lovely anon!
so to better visualize how you're gonna act, I suggest you write out in your notes app or anywhere else (doesn't matter) a summary of WHO your ideal self is
maybe even give them a different name, as if it's really a character
when you want to embody them, you shut out the old story (that you *don't* have your desires), and tell yourself "ok, now I'm playing the role of (name). in this situation, they'd be thinking this..."
example: if you're manifesting your SP and you see a cute couple out at the supermarket, (name) wouldn't be envious, right? why would they be? they already have their SP! so instead of "oh, I wish that was me", think "aw, they're so cute! but not cuter than my SP and me"
when you look in the mirror, no matter what you see, don't think "oh no, that outfit doesn't look good on me". instead, think "damn, I look good! I really love my body, I can wear whatever I want and I look great regardless"
when you study and do your homework, don't fret if you have a hard time. think to yourself "I'm so smart, I'll ace this assignment. Thankfully, I can learn new concepts very easily"
basically it all boils down to denying what you don't like about the 3D and entering the mindset of your ideal self, who is CERTAIN they have everything they want
send another ask if you still have questions 🩷
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gorgeouslypink · 2 years
Hey pink!! Sorry for this super long post but I rlly wanted to share emy entire story. So before the void and everything I was pretty decent at manifesting. I used sunliminals and changed my nose, good grades, and some money and luck stuff. Then after struggling with the void my mindset went to shit. Like I would do SATS and affirm 24/7. I even did that 10k challenge thingie and did the 3dolc×roe and failed to get into the void. It was messing with me so bad. Then I came across your blog and your sabatoging post. And I really sat down to think abt it. Honestly I was so preoccupied with the void that I hadn't manifested anything in a while. But back when I did manifest stuff what did I do? I just listened to subliminals and went on with my day. So I used the subliminal you suggested to lucid dream and went to sleep listening to a lucid dream binaural beats video and I woke up in a lucid dream. It was so crazy bc I've never done it before and I had no idea how I knew I was in a lucid dream but I rmbred someone saying something about fingers or hands or something and I looker at my hand and I had 7 fingers lmao (ik, disgusting). Anyways, I closed my eyes and then when I opened my eyes I had woken up. To be honest I was so frustrated but then I read the other success story that was like wait for your dream to stabilize so I did the entire process again and this time I just like tried to control my dream (sooo weird I felt like I was in that one Leonardo DiCaprio movie where the girl is like making the buildings roll over on thenselves) and anyways some time passed and I knew my dream was stable so I did it again and I affirmed for a bit like "I am in the void state. " for 5 minutes then I opened my eyes and I was there. I got a bunch of things including df, db, and my desired voice.
Anyways this is just my theory and I barely did it once but I think that closing your eyes during a lucid dream wakes u up except like when you do this, you're at that super suggestible trance state where you're barely awake yk what I mean? Sorry idrk the word to describe this but anyways so I think that you should close your eyes and affirm for a bit before you open them again because if you open them, you might end up waking up but if you take advantage of the suggestive state then entering the void is easy. Anyways thank you for your blog and I know you're on break so publish then when you can. Thanks gorgeous <3
Hey love! I'm so proud of you and thank you for sharing your full experience and your thoughts 💗
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awhkacey · 1 year
You are no longer them. Get that old version of you out of your head. Stop dwelling on the old story. Do you know how much AWARENESS and ENERGY you are putting into keeping the old version and old mindset of yours?? You do know that energy, that power, that awareness could be going on embodying the highest version of yourself? The person you want to be. The person who has it all and living YOUR dream life. But you are just sitting here using every ounce of energy you have to wrap yourself in limitations you never had to begin with. You are the only reason why you are not who you want to be, you are the only reason why you don’t have what you want. Realise if you have the power to limit yourself, you have power to be free yourself of those same limits and live the life you were always meant to live.
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bonefall · 1 year
So, since BB!Ivypool will use her newfound deputy status to force a confrontation with Dovewing- how would she react if Dovewing snaps and told her to her face that she never, EVER wanted to speak with her again after everything? Like, would it click for her that even if she deeply regrets the way she treated her sister, no matter how sorry she is its up to Dovewing if she's ever forgiven? Or does she blame Heartstar thinking she turned her sister against her?
Let's pop open the hood of BB!Ivypool and her fucked up little life, and every person she's been leading up to the end of BB!TBC.
All of this starts with her father, Lionblaze, raising her with this axiom; That you are given strength to serve your Clan.
While he used Dovepaw and her powers in service of ThunderClan (often fighting with her mentor, Birchfall), Lionblaze encouraged his daughter to involve herself in Dark Forest training. Ivypaw felt like this was how she "earned" affection from her Ba, with hard work.
Just as Lionblaze believed that his physical abuse at the paw of Ashfur made him stronger, Ivypool also came to believe that growing up thrown to the wolves made her stronger too.
So when Dovewing first started to... not even REJECT the idea, just display any resentment towards it at all, it's like a personal slight.
No one ever fucking listens to Dovewing. No one cares what she wants. Just what she can do for them.
And Ivypool was super part of that. Her mentor is Brightheart, who often overexerts herself as an expression of PTSD. She saw Hawkfrost "die" turning against Tigerstar for the greater good. She sees Bumblestripe "working so hard" to "help Dovewing adjust" while she's losing her hearing.
In her eyes, Dovewing was being selfish. Look at all these people who give EVERYTHING to their Clans-- how dare you try and make it about yourself?
Tigerheart, in and out of their life constantly, gets blamed because it's a lot easier to pin it all on the Evil Codebreaking Foreigner than admit that maybe Dovewing has a point. Ah HA! THERE is the villain responsible for making my sister act weird! I knew it all along!
(Plus Tigerheart and Ivypool got pitted against each other a LOT in DF training because Ivy was Hawkfrost's apprentice and Tigerheart was Tigerstar's, for some incredibly fucked up projection reasons you'd expect of Tunnelbunstar. Ivypool will nonsensically blame Tigerheart like she's a Dinkleberg.)
(Also tbf tigerheart would 100% let her believe it, 1. Because it's funny, and 2. Because it takes the heat off Dovewing)
And Ivypool was VICIOUS about this. AVoS is still getting shuffled but if anything vindictive she did towards Dove in that arc gets removed, I will replace it with something just as bad. She would actively sabotauge ShadowClan if it meant keeping Tigerheart away from Dovewing.
She can't handle the thought of losing Dovewing. At some point, it became about control. It's her insecurity towards herself, towards her family, towards all of her losses, and even towards service of her very Clan.
And then Dovewing booked it. Couldn't handle this shit and panicked and BAILED.
And THEN it's about getting Dovewing BACK. She's even dragged Fernsong into this and tried to leverage his friendship with Dovewing to this end. She'll even support Bumblestripe when he tries to argue for an invalidation of Queen’s Rights on technicality.
Ivypool: "Those kits are Bumblestripe's! He has a claim! They even have HIS MANE"
Heartstar: "Hmm. No, it is very clearly MY mane."
Ivypool: "You can't-- wait what?"
Heartstar: "Lightkit even has my beautiful smile <3 so fuck off, maybe?"
For a long time that's where Ivypool was. She was the awful, vindictive sister-in-law constantly trying to weasel in to make Dovewing feel bad. When she had kittens of her own, she was still in this mindset.
It didn't end well. In BB!TBC, Bristlefrost needed her. Ivypool stepped in to prevent her from being the impostor's pawn, but refused to do anything when she was caught and imprisoned for being in a HalfClan relationship. She needed to be punished as a codebreaker.
Brought to the next Gathering, the impostor reiterated the need to enforce the code, and desperate times calling for desperate measures. He called for SkyClan to punish their own warrior. They refused to make this a public spectacle.
So he sliced open her throat, right on the branch beside him.
Ivypool didn't imagine she would be KILLED. Suddenly her whole world shattered. The moon stayed clear and bright. Her daughter was dead before she hit the ground and she had HERSELF to blame.
Dovewing and Ivypool served in the rebellion together, and eventually Ivy went into the Dark Forest as a Light in the Mist. She watched Bristlefrost die, AGAIN, knocking Ashfur out of the sky and burning them both up in orbit, and how brave Shadowsight had been in pinning him in place.
Ivypool NEEDS Dovewing to know now that she's different. She's learned a lot. She understands so, so much more now...
But DOES she? She still hates Heartstar's guts. She still feels abandoned. How different ARE you now, Ivypool, with your renewed interest in finding some petty reason to skirt around Dovewing's direct wishes? When you're still here getting into blowout arguments with Heartstar?
So to answer the question, if Dovewing told her directly, "I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR DESPERATION. IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FEELINGS. PISS OFF"
Ivypool would not be able to accept that.
It just wouldn't stick, ever. It really is desperation. Dovewing NEEDS to know that Ivypool loves her and misses her, and that she understands, but also that Heartstar is delusional, and this is still kind of Dovewing's fault. And Ivypool will do anything to make her know this.
But I also DO want to say; this is a very unique weakness. It is Dovewing Derangement Syndrome. Ivypool is a competent deputy, and she is a devoted and respected warrior of ThunderClan. It will be no surprise she's being picked for deputy, especially considering (god willing) Squirrelstar is seeking war with ShadowClan.
She is a good friend, mate, and leader. But BB!Ivypool is so, so fucked in the head about Dovewing. This family can fit so much trauma in it
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year
Hi darling!!!
So i just found out about ur account, and im lowkey obsessed, ur so motivating, and u don't overcomplicate things, especially about manifestation, so i wanted to ask a question.
Basically i wanna manifest my desired life (df + db + own apartment), do u have any tips, or how can i exactly live in the end (apart from imagining it)?
Also, how can i accept something to be true ? Cz i see so many blogs say that that's the only thing u need to do in order to manifest, but irdk how to do that, like, I don't have that acceptance feeling in me, if that makes any sense.
Anyways, thanks in advance!!
yes ofc <3
okay first things first THANK YOU, i'm so glad that u enjoy my blog. i'll separate this post into living in the end, and accepting something as true.
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LIVING IN THE END໒꒰ ´ ` ⑅ ꒱ఎㅤ
to live in the end simply means to fulfill urself in the 4D. apart from imagining it, switching up ur affirmations is a rly simple way to subconsciously live in the 4D. instead of affirming that "i am manifesting my own apartment" try saying "i am in the apartment that i already manifested". just try and switch from present to past tense.
don't IGNORE the 3D per say, the 3D isn't something separate from u so why would we wanna ignore it if its a part of us? yk?
doing SATS is rly helpful when living in the 4D because it gets u into that mood of the wish fulfilled.
since u wanna manifest ur db + df try this;
don't see ur desired face and ur current face as anything separate instead, FUSE them. instead of trying to imagine it like "how would i react if i had my df" go about ur day thinking that everyone that looks at u see's u as u want to be seen.
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u need to get out of a mindset that limits u in the field that ur desire is in. like an apartment. try and figure out WHY u can't seem to accept the fact that u have ur own apartment as true.
some reasons that might be the cause could be self concept, or just limiting beliefs in general. then when u get to the root of ur belief problem, i want u to take all those limiting beliefs and throw them in the garbage.
the more u fulfill urself and rest in the state of having ur desires, the less likely doubts will come up and you'll be able to accept ur desires as pure fact. visualizing also helps a ton because if u see it then ur more likely to believe that its true. whether or not ur visualizing in ur head or ur making a vision board on pinterest, whichever way puts it into perspective for u DO IT <3
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sirensplayhouse · 2 months
quick question if you have the time or mind!: so i want to do revision, and there's nothing really stopping me from doing that. im aware i can revise anything i want to and change it however i want too, however its not my mindset thats the issue - i got that polished to a T - its my visualizing. 🥲 so recently i noticed that when wanting to manifest an appearance change i always have a HORRIBLE time visualizing my DF and DB, i have pins saved on Pinterest of them but when i think of them in my mind they're a really dark blur and i can barely make up anything. i dont think i have like... aphantasia (the inability to make mental images) or whatever but it really seems like it but like a mild case or something. so what can i do to revise besides visualizing? im seriously hoping that visualizing isn't the only way to revise 😭
food for thought
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 8 months
i keep thinking about ur stardew valley + land ownership/colonialism post and while i was thinking that too ive also been trying to think about like is there a way to make a farming sim not predicated on those? since as a game genre there is a niche of Watching Things Grow but also i know farming has been around since we first left huntergathering behind and it wasn't always about land ownership. i suppose the first step would be leaving behind the american/european idea/aesthetic of farming and finding some gameplay way of disincentivizing max yields/max profits playstyles
Okay this is an interesting ask and one I don't have all the answers to, but...
I think a game that comes much closer to simulating the actual ideals of communal land ownership is Dwarf Fortress and the way its mechanics depict dwarven society as at least communist-adjacent*. Now of course DF isn't exactly the type of game you would think of when someone mentions cozy relaxing farm games (it's, after all, a pretty crunchy simulator that can get pretty violent and gruesome when things go wrong) but you generally do a lot of the same things in it (growing crops, gathering resources, watching things grow, etc). and there are a lot of principles in it that could probably be incorporated into a Wholesome™ game.
In Dwarf Fortress there is the sense that the land you have is communally owned and managed by the entire population of your fortress. You as a player designate a list of tasks that need to be done and then available dwarves divide those tasks among themselves based on their labor preferences. And generally they don't have an economy based on wages and buying and selling products. When a dwarf makes a piece of clothing it isn't made to be sold, instead it goes on one of the clothing stockpiles, and then when a dwarf needs a new shirt they go to the clothing stockpile and grab one. The meals that are made in the kitchen go to the food stockpile, and then when one of your dwarves is hungry they go to the food stockpile and grab something to eat. And they don't have to pay for any of it because it's assumed that they're also doing the labor they can to contribute to the fort. So it works a lot less like Petty-Bourgeois Landowner Business Simulator and more similar to something like a commune.
Of course, this isn't to say that its base ideological assumptions don't share a lot of pitfalls with other farming simulator/terraforming type games. After all, it still fundamentally stems from the premise of "this plot of untouched land is here for you to do whatever you want with it" and more generally it still has a lot of themes of Civilizing Untamed Wilderness that have a lot of ideological implications which... You know, play into a bit of a colonialist mindset, but it's something you could potentially write around if, for example, your hypothetical game revolved around a community already living there or something like that.
And of course it still implies a bit of an extractivist ideology because ultimately you're still trying to Extract Resources and Maximize Efficiency but I think at least it has some mechanics that play counter to this e.g. having too many animals grazing in the same area for a long time will cause it to lose vegetation so your animals will go hungry if you don't rotate them between different pastures, fortress wealth is used as a trigger for events such as hostile invasions and megabeast attacks, etc.
Anyway, I just think the way land management is depicted in dwarf fortress avoids some of the bourgeois ideological implications of some farming games and incorporating some of the things it does right could be considered a step in the right direction.
*I say communist-adjacent bc I don't wanna fall into the trap of projecting my own politics into the game when in some aspects it just doesn't share them. I've heard several ppl claim that DF is a straight-up communist game, and while the way you play in it does share some aspects of communism, the government system of dwarves is still clearly depicted as a monarchy, and while nobles DO contribute to labor just like everybody else, the game still expects you to give them luxurious quarters, private dining rooms and offices that stand above those of other dwarves. I've had a lot of people reply to this with something along the lines of "oh but you know, when I play I just arrange 'unfortunate accidents' for all of my nobles" and like...yeah but that's not really the way you're intended to play, so saying that the game is straight-up communist because you can do that is still very much projecting your own politics onto it.
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