#deyas diary
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saturnniidae · 4 months ago
How to stop the passage of time fastest route no depressive episodes
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flappervcmp · 6 months ago
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comfort food(s) :   chicken nuggies, cookies (specifically triple choco chip chips ahoy), salt & vinegar chips, fruit gushers
comfort drink(s) :   tea (any kind), hot choco, ginger ale
comfort movie(s) :   avatar & avatar: way of water, twilight (all of them), pride & prejudice (2005), howls moving castle, labyrinth, crazy rich asians, lord of the rings trilogy (extended edition), beauty and the beast (cartoon)
comfort show(s) :    the vampire diaries, the walking dead, game of thrones (excluding s7-s8), gilded age, downton abbey, chilling adventures of sabrina, buffy the vampire slayer, interview with the vampire (if u havent watch it, u should bc its amazing)
comfort clothing :   a skort and a crop top for at home, or my pjs
comfort song(s) :  espresso - sabrina carpenter, better than revenge - taylor swift, endwalker (footfalls) - masayoshi soken, roses of may - nobuo uematsu, canned heat - jamiroquai, we didn't start the fire - fall out boy cover vers., phantom of the opera - ramin karimloo & sierra boggess, masquerade - phantom of the opera (25th anniversary show vers.), ain't no love in oklahoma - luke combs, 8 dates (demo version) - cast of why am i so single, long face - lestat de lioncourt (played by sam reid)
honestly my music taste is all over the place generally so its a mix of some of my fave songs, along with stuff that im listening to on repeat lately
comfort book(s) :   twilight - smeyer , the vampire diaries -lj smith, the forbidden game series - lj smith, acotar - sarah j maas, ruinous love trilogy (3rd one isnt out yet but i know ill love it) - brynne weaver , phantom of the opera - gaston leroux, vampire academy - richelle mead, lights out - navessa allen, the princess and the grilled cheese sandwich - deya muniz, ice planet barbarians series - ruby dixon
comfort game(s) :   oblivion (the superior elder scrolls), any legend of zelda game (tho OoT is my favourite overall), final fantasy x, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy ix, final fantasy x-2, final fantasy xiii-2, baldur's gate 3, stardew valley, the sims, dragon age inquisition, final fantasy 7 remake (part 1 & 2), vampire the masquerade bloodlines, animal crossing, assassins creed
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tagged by the lovely @dopplgaenger 🥰
tagging (ofc feel free to skip if you're not comfortable sharing!) - @broknfeed, @little-miss-buffy, @burninq, @insanislupus, @vervainlacedveins, @wiredcapability, @twiicetheheart
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404-systemnotfound · 1 year ago
This is the old intro post
vex is my favorite Minecraft mob I wish you could keep them as a pet yk -Entity 2024
: 17 (and white)
: names - 404, Vex, Hollow, Dark, Chat
: ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, POTS, C-DID, BPD
: Athiest
: Vex Collective, 404 System not found, TheDeepDarkSys, FalloutSystem
: Entity ✰ they/it ~ 🧿
: Shrubs ✰ they/honk/shoo/he ~ 🌳
: Scar ✰ they/he ~ 💎
: Pearl / Moony ✰ she/they ~ 👽🌙
: Vex Collective ~ ✰
: Awesamsys ~ ⚭
: Cards Subsys ~ ⚅
: unnamed subsys ~ Ω
: hermitcraft, life SMP, empires
: fnaf
: crk
: stardew valley
: Kandi, pearler beads
: Cult Of The Lamb
: Placid /r !!!! ^_^ >.< (hx’s so great)
: Frilly Sys /p
: Abandoned Sys /r
: Meat Circus Sys /<> (platonic)
Our blogs ::
@dsmpsfallout our dsmp au
@falloutjack the rp account for our dsmp au
@revivedtransfem Deya’s blog
@elysians3favoritevillians our blog about a roleplay server, called Elysian
@krowlikeshermitshipping our hermitshipping blog
@redstonespoon Mumbo’s account
@systemfriendlystims our stim board account
@iwasnotimmunetothegoodtimes Scar’s account
@rulerzreachfanog Hunters acct
@yourbelovedincel incel’s account (tw)
@whyhenosebracket our bracket for characters with goofy ass noses
@boywhyyousogneepgnarp our bracket for aliens (not started yet)
@vexygacha our gacha blog
@chatstf2 our tf2 blog
@outofcontext-dms our dms blog
@cherry-cove we live here now
@zombi3mama Cleo’s account
@mcytblrsleastsexyman our least sexyman bracket
@practicing-medicine our Medic’s blog
@valvesmashorpass our valve smash or pass account
@kmksvivziepoll our kiss marry kill smash poll for vivzie characters (doesn’t support her btw)
@cantfuckitweball our mental health account (tw)
@chatonmcd our Minecraft diaries blog
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chocoandart · 4 years ago
#WebtoonMyStyle !!
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Characters belong to:
Castle Swimmer- Wendy Lian Martin
Muted- Miranda Mundt
Jackson's Diary- Paola Batalla
Boyfriends.- Refrainbow
The Doctors Are Out- Blaubble
Blades of Furry- Deya Muniz/Emily Erdos
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loruleanheart · 3 years ago
‘no longer hylian’ sounds like a cool name why do you want to cancel it?
It's just very heavy subject matter and due to little motivation or ideas. I wanted to write a very sad and/or disturbing backstory for Astor that goes all the way up to his death. Also Ghirahim and Yuga are spirits that act as his guides. I wrote a bit for chapter 1 and I've never been completely satisfied with what I wrote.
Here is what I have for the first chapter. It's probably full of errors. My tense is all over the place. (It's a WIP after all, but....I would really like to read some feedback.)
Content warnings: frank references to birth, baby abandonment, suicide.
“Everyone has struggles that go unseen by the world…” - Princess Zelda, Diary
No one in the kingdom of Hyrule would have asked what it was like to be him. No one is simply born evil.
Although he would come to worship the greatest evil the kingdom had ever known, no one would ever stop and question why. After all, he was not the first who would seek to resurrect an incarnation of Demon King. And he would not be the last. For almost every instance of Ganon’s revival throughout Hylian history, there was someone working in his shadow facilitating his resurrection.
But of the many souls that had sought to revive Ganon throughout the ages, the Prophet of Doom was, perhaps, the most tragic.
He lived and died, like so many others before him, only to be forgotten. No one will record his efforts to revive Calamity Ganon in the form of a legend. No one bothers. In Hyrule, there is only good and evil, no inbetween. At least that is what the legends would have one believe. Only heroes, princesses, and sages live on in legends—with the exception of the Demon King in his many incarnations. He will simply disappear from written history and over the course of one hundred years no one will remember him.
His place of birth, Deya Village, sits nestled in the Hills of Baumer. Rising higher are the Popla Foothills to the Southwest. There is only one path in or out of this humble fishing village, unless one would wish to traverse the steep hills surrounding the village
The lake is frozen on this frigid winter night. It is a miserable and difficult time of year for the inhabitants of Deya Village. When the hills are covered in a thick layer of snow, as they are now, the children slide down on whatever scraps they can find, assuming they can gather the courage to abide the steepness and trust that the ice will hold as they come to a stop on the thin ice.
It is in the early morning hours, with only the dim light of the full moon, that a woman shambles out of her home. She carries a bundle in her arms against her bosom and lurches through the village, seemingly aimlessly, snow crunching underfoot. Under her heavy cloak, her tender belly feels as though it were deflated Octo Balloon.
The bundle in her arms begins to cry a terrible and shrill, pitiful wail, and the woman presses the palm of her bloodied hand over its tiny mouth, fearing that the sound will rouse her neighbors from their contented and ignorant sleep.
“What have I brought upon Hyrule?” She says in a thin, shaking voice as she nears the village limits. As she does, she passes a small statue of the Goddess. The stone monument clasps its hands to its chest as if in prayer or adoration.
This woman, known in the village for her prophetic abilities, has already seen quite clearly what it is she has brought upon the world. She had seen horrific visions throughout her nine months carrying this child.
Sometimes he comes to her as a small boy grieving within inches of her face the most terrible shrieks of horror she has ever experienced. His screams are pinched and impart upon her a sense of hopelessness and loss so deep and so vast it frightens her. And as the dream child throws himself at her with these terrible wails, she can’t help but follow his lead in response, and she too screams, mirroring him until her vocal cords give out and she awakens with a start, breathing hard and covered in sweat, tears running down her cheeks as she tries to reorient herself.
In other visions, he is only a shrouded figure. The man carries a mysterious orb and has a sinister laugh that turns her stomach to rot.
“I fear not even the Goddess will look upon you. You are damned.” She hisses between clenched teeth, which only causes the newborn in her arms to cry louder. She recalls the young boy from her visions and feelings of pity threaten to consume her.
She has barely laid eyes on the newborn—but if she had, she would have seen they shared the same intense yellow eyes, and if she cleaned him she would see the soft down of baby hairs that match her medium brunette locks.
She hasn’t tended to the newborn as one would after birth, merely haphazardly wrapping him in a heavy blanket, though not out of care, but to conceal. The blanket is already sodden with blood and amniotic fluid leaking from the caul that the newborn’s body is still mostly encased in, with only his head freed—a veiled birth as other seer’s would have called it. Many would have said this was a good omen—an outward sign that not only was the child born with the gift of prophecy but that he would be set apart—that he would go on to become more than just any ordinary seer. And this was true—horribly true. For she knows the tiny child she holds in her arms will grow to bring destruction to Hyrule. Already she can sense a dark aura surrounding him.
She approaches a mound of refuse piled high and wide on the outskirts of the village. This is where the residents of Deya Village discard their trash and belongings that can’t be repurposed, sold, given away, or put to any other use.
She can’t find it within herself to end the life of this child in any direct manner—abomination to Hyrule he may be—this is still her own flesh and blood.
So she lays him down in the pile of refuse and other things left forgotten, deliberating morosely whether to redistribute the trash over him to squelch his crying and prevent his discovery .Did she truly wish for him to pass away from exposure to the elements? Could Hyrule be spared? Then the horrible realization dawns on her that Calamity Ganon would only latch onto someone else. Her efforts, either way, are in vain.
I will leave the child and leave the rest in the Goddess’s hands.
He may go on, if that is Hylia’s will… But I cannot…
She knows no other way to cope, though her face is tearless. There is no livable resolution for either of them. She already has the vague sense he will meet a terrible fate in infamy and at the hands of his Master, Calamity Ganon. And this is what haunts her the most. He will be nothing but a pawn.
“Hylia forgive me…”
She reaches into the deep pocket of her cloak bringing out a long, thick rope, which feels rough and prickly in the palm of her hand. She turns back to the pile momentarily, her gaze not quite focusing on the child. “And may She show you mercy…whatever your fate may be.”
She turns her sights to a thick and gnarled tree adjacent to the pile of debris.
From the pile, the shrouded infant cries in his discomfort.
I know that someone had to play this role, but…why… why did it have to be my child? Her face contorts into a horrible look of grief, and she is resolute that this will be the last time she feels this deep well of emotional agony.
She breathes out through her mouth heavily as she slowly, and hesitantly approaches the tree, rope in hand. Those hands stiffen from the cold. She can feel every bone in her hand as she manipulates the rope into a noose. A frigid gale rushes over her then. The newborn cries out sharply from the pile, perhaps experiencing the same harsh, unforgiving wind. She is unfazed and doesn’t pause her efforts. She is already deciding which branch to hang herself from.
The minutes pass and soon the only sound is the guttural rhythmic cry of the newborn. The one who brought him into the world is no more and he is alone.
The residents of Deya Village begin to arise as a new day begins.
Yuga says nothing, just states at Ghirahim blankly for an extended, painful beat. He finally turns and walks away. Astor can see the man’s shoulders quiver as he retreats. - This is Yuga and Ghirahim arguing while young Astor watches them bicker.
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hanitheadventure · 3 years ago
Tentang kebodohan, IQ bawaan lahir
aku memutuskan membuat blog pribadi disini. isinya ya seperti buku diary. bahasa yang aku pakai juga sedikit baku. hitung-hitung buat memperbaiki tulisanku yang nggak karuan. 
Oke, mulai. Aku sering merasa bahwa aku ini banyak melakukan kecerobohan. Kalau aku mau berusaha, sebenarnya aku bisa masuk PTN di sebuah universitas negri walaupun jurusannya kurang dipandang orang. Memang, otakku pas-pasan. Aku bukan si jenius yang mempunyai otak cemerlang yang bisa membaca 300 kata dalam waktu 30 detik. Kayak Deya temanku. Wah, dia memang pintar betulan sih. Kaget juga saat dia cerita kalau bisa membaca tulisan 2000 kata dalam waktu 3 menit. 
Bahas kapasitas otak, kalau menurut ilmu weton, kapasitas otakku ada di bawah. Makanya aku sering melakukan hal-hal ceroboh. Contoh: aku banyak menghabiskan waktu SMA ku dengan main, tidak ketinggalan dengan masa kuliahku. Walaupun sudah ikut organisasi, itupun nggak memberikan efek besar. Justru aku sering kabur-kaburan pas rapat. Kabur-kaburan kemana? Main dengan alm. Ibu kosku. IPK ku nggak tinggi-tinggi banget karena aku malas. Kalaupun aku mau berusaha, aku bisa mendapatkan IPK tinggi. 
Ceroboh bukan? Ya.
Titik tertingginya adalah aku lulus kuliah dengan waktu yang lama. Hampir mau di Drop Out mungkin. 
Aku ceroboh karena aku hanya berfikir aku menikmati kenikmatan semu. Padahal hidup itu tentang berjuang kan? 
Sekarang aku masih terus refleksi diri. Mau sampai kapan aku ceroboh? Mau sampai kapan aku nyerah? Mau sampai kapan aku nggak punya pendirian yang bisa mengarahkan aku ke dalam tindakan ceroboh lainnya. 
Umur 25 tahun, bukan umur yang muda. Harusnya aku sudah bisa memikirkan untuk diriku yang mau dibawa kemana. Ingat, kamu harus punya pondasi yang kuat Hani.
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years ago
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 4 Gnome Your Enemy
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And gnome yourself.so you never forget rehearsal.
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“For centuries, the troll and human worlds stood separate and at peace, divided by bridges that acted as doorways between our two realms”
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“But the Gumm-Gumms wanted to devour all of mankind”
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“They were led by Gunmar the Black”
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“The rest of trollkind fought against him, culminating the great Battle of Killahead Bridge, the portal to Gunmar’s Darklands”
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“After many moons, good triumphed over evil”
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“And our great Trollhunter, Deya the Deliverer, locked Gunmar away, exiling him to the Darklands”
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“And sealed the Killahead Bridge with the sacred amulet. After we tore it apart, stone by stone”
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“We left the old world in search of peace. We stowed away on a ship called the Mayflower”
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“Just a handful of us and gnomes we’d brought along for companionship and nourishment”
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“Finally, we arrived in a strange and exotic realm” “New Jersey”
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“We kept walking”
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“Eventually, we came across a new Heartstone”
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“And we realized we had found a new home... Under Arcadia” Random backstory. Also Wizards might want to have a few words about this.
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There are two types of people.
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"¡Lo siento, Sr. Draal! ¡No me mates!" I suck at Spanish, but thanks to ToA wiki this translates to “I’m sorry, Mr. Draal! Don’t kill me!”
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“For these precious early steps will decide whether a young Trollhunter will become”
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“a Deya the Deliverer”
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“Or Unkar the Unfortunate” Translation: “Will Jim be remembered was great or bad”
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Also they fixed Unkar’s arm from last episode.
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“I recommend A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore by the venerable Bedehilde. Volume 1 of 47″ Can we get the manga versions? I can read them if they were mangas.
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“Oh, no. Is it the Heartstone?”
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“No! No!”
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“Is Bular in Trollmarket?”
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“No! Gnome!”
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“Rogue gnome!” Bular? No. Gunmar? no. Gnomes are the real problem.
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This is still a kids show. Right?
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“Why? He can’t be that bad”
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“Oh, no! My belt!”
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“At least he didn’t take my Nougat Nummy”
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“We need to catch that gnome” Belt gone? Oh well. Nougat Nummy gone? Get him.
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“Over there!”
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“Oh! Over there!”
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“No! Over here!”
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“Right here”
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Sonic the Gnome.
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“Oh, no. Where’s the amulet?
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“Oh, no!” And now to rename this series to Gnomehunters.
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I’m Jim when moving things, and my sister is Aaarrrgghh.
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“Come back, come back”
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“Shouldn’t the amulet be coming back to me right about now?”
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“Dolefully, that rule only applies if you’ve rejected it”
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“When thieved, it’s another story” But, why? That makes no sense. Look at the Miraculous. They can be used anyone. If stolen, then they can’t go back to their holders, they have a new holder. But the Amulet of Daylight, which chooses it’s owner, can get stolen in the blink of an eye and it won’t go back to the owner? What the fuck?
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“What else can i do? I can’t fit in that hole” That’s what she said.
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“You broke my tooth. I’m going to break your life”
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“When i’m through with you, you’re going to-” “Is that Diary of a Wimpy Kid?” “Wait what? No. This is you!” “No that’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid”
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“And, by the way, i know Steve is a jerk, like a really big jerk. Okay, what does Aja see in him?” “He’s a himbo. She likes himbos” “Oh, that makes sense”
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“But there are better ways to finish a fight than punching someone in the face. You should’ve fought him in a alley, alone, and if he dies you need to get rid of the body. But don’t worry i know a few places to get rid of a body so no one can ever find it” “Uh... What are we talking about again?” “Uh... See you at rehearsal!”
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“So, what was that all about?” “I don’t know. I think Claire said something about a body?”
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“Whoa. Did you hear what Claire said?. But who’s body was she talking about?” “What do Aja and i see in you?” “Said something?”
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We interrupt Trollhunters to bring you Night at the Museum.
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“Full disclosure, i’m a little worried how i let you talk me into this” Ain’t that a mood.
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“So, how does me going into this thing help me get a gnome out of a hole”
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“If a gnome won’t come out, the Trollhunter must go in” That’s what she said.
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Honey, i shrunk the Trollhunter.
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“I can’t be shrunk! I have exams to take!”
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“I have sinks to reach!” Shit i have sinks to reach too. Oh well.
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“Nothing in this world makes sense” Our world never made any sense.
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This is not creepy at all. Okay yeah, it is. Remind me, how is this a kids show again?
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Gnome pencil sharpeners.
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New meme template.
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“You touched my hat, prepare to die!”
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It was at this moment he knew; he fucked up.
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“And what about this shrinking stuff? When does it wear off?”
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“Don’t worry. Sleep it off. By morning, you’ll be as good as new” They always say that, and it never happens.
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“All that is left is for you to take care of it”
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“Wait, what? Take care of it?”
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“Rule number 2″
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“Always finish the fight”
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“And by “Finish””
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“Deaden. End. Le Coup de grace”
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Finish him!
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“Neither of us are killers”
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“I am”
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“You are?”
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“Detective Snuggles. Nana warned me not to leave my chocolate lying around”
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“But it was just after Easter, and i had pulled in a big haul”
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“I never thought that cat would find my stash”
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“But he did. And by the time i found him, it was too late”
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“Death by chocolate”
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“There are worse ways to go”
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“That wasn’t the worst of it”
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“I never had the heart to tell Nana, so to cover up the murder”
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“I used to eat his cat food just to make it look like he was still around”
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“And i liked it” What a sad, yet funny, but also scary story.
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“By morning rise, the dark deed will be done and my soul will be damned” Wait did he just say damned?
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Well, Jim slept with a girl. Only downside it’s not Claire.
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“Oh, no! School!”
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“We have to call you in sick”
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“Tell them you ate too much chocolate. That always works”
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“No, Senor Uhl can sniff out a lie a mile away” So is he related to Tanjiro?
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“¡Hola! Sorry i couldn’t be en escuela, Senor Uhl, but i just tested on Covid and waiting for the results”
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“No, no... no need to fight at home”
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“Ponce de Leon joined Columbus in the New... New-”
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“What in the world?” That’s my reaction to world events.
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Sonic the Gnome 2
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“It’s happening!”
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“What’s happening?”
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“It’s happen” “High five!”
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“Internet connections, am i right? Gotta go. Bye!”
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“Is this the part where Jim becomes Half Troll?” “No, no it can’t be. Claire doesn’t know yet” “Steve, did you just say something smart?”
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“We can keep him? Jim, i already have a name”
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“Gnome Chompsky” “Not going for Sonic the Gnome?” “Nah, we’ll get sued”
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“Two crises averted it’s not like you get to rehearse these things” I feel like we’re forgetting something.
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“Oh, no! Rehearsal!” Oh yeah. Fuck.
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“Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?”
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“Shall i hear”
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“Shall i hear more”
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“Or shall i speak at this”
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“Oh, Mr. Lake!”
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“Your repeated tardiness has forced me to take precautions. Mr. Palchuk will now serve as your understudy”
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“I told you i was going to break your life!” “Okay first off, your drawing looked like something out of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and second i thought you meant my Trollhunting life!” “Why would i want your Trollhunting life? I could die” “You do realize Romeo and Juliet dies at the end, right?” “Wait what?” “Yes, they do., Everyone knows this” “I don’t want to be here anymore” “Too late!”
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“Hey! What are you doing in here?”
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“You were followed?
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“Of course not. I brought you a midnight snack”
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And with that, Night at the Museum comes to an end.
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Well, let’s not go to the museum at night.
Wait we’re going there tomorrow? Crap.
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magic-and-moonlit-wings · 6 years ago
Chapter 22: Goblins and Bular and Treason, Oh My!
Becoming The Mask
~Text with a little curlicue on each end~, which according to Google is called a 'tilde', is goblin language.
Content warning for this chapter: part of the fight scene borders on being a torture scene. A character is thrown into a wall, choked (sort of), and beaten unconscious.
When I said this chapter would be 'a dramatic return to the main plot', I meant it. This isn't the longest chapter (according to my word-count that was Chapter 16) but a lot happens in this one, so you might want to make notes as you go along? Or don't and just enjoy the ride.
It was Saturday, just barely. Jim's hopes of an extra hour or two of sleep were startled away at four, when he awoke to scrabbling and chittering at his window.
He sat up in bed and pulled his blue sweatshirt on over the T-shirt he'd slept in. By the time he'd located and put on his jeans, the goblin had figured out his window latch.
"Fragwa," Jim greeted the swarm's current leader in a growl. "~Did Stricklander lose my~ phone number?" He was too tired to remember if the goblins had a word for 'phone'. They probably did. They ate them often enough.
"~Bular said to bring you to Killahead. Otto is back!~" The mustachioed goblin bounced a little. Otto was the goblins' favourite Changeling.
Jim held back a shiver. "~The Eyestone?~"
"~Yes! Otto found it!~"
No, no, no – no fear, goblins smell it.
Fragwa hopped onto Jim's shoulder. "~Bring the Amulet.~"
"~I have it.~" Jim got it out of his pocket. Fragwa took it and turned it over, then lightly bit it. Goblins were like toddlers and sharks – always investigating things with their mouths. Jim wiped off a speck of spit and put it away.
Changeling and goblin left through the window. Jim climbed over the roof, switched forms, and dropped into the backyard. There were some noises of approval from the shadows. Many eyes began to glow. Together, they swarmed into the woods.
This was not how it was supposed to go. Jim's very loosely sketched out plan was that Stricklander would call him to bring the Amulet to the Bridge, and then he could tell Draal on his way out and Draal could bring word to Blinky and AAARRRGGHH. He'd been tumbling possibilities through his mind and still hadn't come up with contingencies for not being able to warn his allies a fight was coming.
Killahead Bridge … shouldn't work, with a piece missing. Bular would be enraged, and likely go on a rampage. Jim hoped to get a chance to imply Deya must've done something else to the bridge besides tying the portal to the amulet, and if only he could go to Trollmarket and see if she'd left a diary or something …
Bular would insist on being taken to Trollmarket, and Jim, as a lowly Changeling, would be in no position to deny Gunmar's heir anything, even for Bular's own good.
The sheer number of trolls would overwhelm Bular as they fought to defend their home, and the battle would be contained underground, preventing human or Changeling casualties.
Jim would probably never be forgiven for letting a Gumm-Gumm into Trollmarket, but odds were good Bular would decry him as a 'treasonous Impure' in front of witnesses, so Jim wouldn't be able to go back to Trollmarket anyway. And, since Jim was the only one who knew there was a piece of Killahead hidden in Trollmarket, let alone where in the market it was, his banishment would keep the bridge from ever being fully reassembled, trapping Gunmar in the Darklands forever.
The remaining Changelings could be rescued by Fetch. He wasn't sure what to do about the Gumm-Gumms who opposed Gunmar, but so long as they were still human-eaters, Jim wasn't inclined to set them lose in a dimension where the humans weren't under the ferocious protection of a goblin horde.
Arcadia Oaks was not a fully 'green' city. There were few solar panels or wind turbines, and the recycling program was limited, and proposals of community gardens with attached communal compost heaps were shot down, citing the city's chronic raccoon (goblin) problem. But the people there took pride in the strips of woodland twisting around and through town.
Jim and the goblins made it two thirds of the way to the museum before they had to leave the trees. Half of them continued on lampposts and rooftops. The other half, including Jim, took to the sewers.
Fragwa and two other goblins lifted a panel in the ceiling and shunted it aside. Jim, not wanting to risk squishing one in an attempt to assist, waited for the goblins to get up and through and out of the way before approaching the trapdoor himself.
A massive claw lifted him through by the scruff. Jim thrashed and almost attacked before recognizing Bular and assuming a more appropriately submissive posture and expression.
He offered the Amulet. Bular took it and dropped him – thankfully over the floor rather than back down the hole. Jim moved to a sideline position near the back of the room, with Nomura and Otto. Stricklander was by the Bridge, and glaring at Bular. The goblins chanted Gunmar's name.
Otto had a goblin on each shoulder and a third sitting on his head. He was grinning and flickering between forms, a mishmash of trollish features as he decided on the best face with which to greet his Underlord. Nomura seemed more at ease to a casual glance, but her forward-leaning stance and subtly twitching hands betrayed her excitement.
Jim was surprised there weren't any other Changelings there. He understood building the bridge in the museum instead of at Headquarters – museums received more packages than travel agencies – but surely the entire Janus Order would want to be able to say they were there for Gunmar's return?
Maybe it was a power play on Stricklander's part? The fewer Changelings were there, the easier it would be to catch Gunmar's attention, to be remembered, if the Underlord were ever inclined to express gratitude.
… Or was it a protective gesture? To spare the majority of Changelings from Bular's wrath if the portal failed, or from Gunmar's army if he decreed the Changelings 'no longer needed' right away instead of waiting until after blotting out the sun?
Bular was standing on the bridge, holding up Jim's amulet and making a speech, which ended, "Tonight, we take back the surface lands! Tonight, we feast!"
Bular put the Amulet into the Eyestone. Blue light filled the lines between the stones. A haze gathered under Killahead's arch. A wave of glowing mist fanned out from the bridge, washing over the goblins and Changelings. Then everything, except for the blue stone in the amulet, went dark.
The Amulet of Daylight burst out of Killahead Bridge, bounced a few times on the floor, rolled to a stop, and fell silver-side up.
Bular jumped from the bridge, shaking the floor when he landed.
"What happened? He stormed on all fours over to the trio of Changelings. "Why didn't it work?" He scruffed Jim again. Jim whimpered involuntarily when he was lifted close to Bular's snarling face. The goblins, scenting fear, went quiet and attentive. "What did you do? Explain yourself, Trollhunter."
"Bular, stop!"
Bular gave Jim a hard shake before rounding on Stricklander. The green Changeling was holding the amulet now. He gestured to it, tracing the edge.
"The inscription. 'Daylight is his to command'. The Trollhunter once sealed the bridge, and now, the Trollhunter must open it."
"Unless –" Jim cut off in a squeak when Bular jerked him sharply in midair. "If I can't, then – I could go to Trollmarket. See if Deya" – he squeaked again – "wrote down what she did? Or told someone?"
Bular let him down and shoved him towards Stricklander. A glance backwards revealed Nomura had slipped almost out of sight near the doors, and Otto had settled on brown skin, large arms, and curling ram's horns. Stricklander lightly touched Jim's shoulder when the young Changeling took back the amulet.
It was cold in his hands. Jim's fingers were numb when he got to the top of the bridge. He took a deep breath and pressed it to the matching round indent.
Magic swelled, coalesced … and burst.
Bular roared. There was fury and agony in that sound. Mostly fury, and a promise of sharing that agony with everyone else.
So. This is what he's going to kill me for.
Jim didn't realize his armor had formed around him until Bular threw him into a wall. He ripped a tapestry on the way down. It fell over him. He scrambled to free himself from the heavy cloth. Bular tore it away. The large troll pinned the smaller Changeling to the wall in a crushing one-handed grip, and drew one of his swords.
"No," Jim begged shamelessly. "No, please …!"
"Let him down," said Stricklander – or perhaps Mr Strickler? It was the same tone he used in class when students goofed off. "We still need –"
"We need the Amulet," Bular growled. "We don't need the Trollhunter. He failed."
"Amulet … teleports," Jim wheezed. "I die … You lose it." He coughed. Was Bular strong enough to crush his ribcage doing this?
"Then I'll just have to kill the next Trollhunter as well."
Bular slammed Jim into the wall again. Jim saw bursts and flashes too vague to call stars, and bursts of shadow, too. His arms were pinned to his sides. He didn't have the leverage to kick and make it count. He heard a high keening sound and didn't realize it was him.
The museum faded into a blur of darkness, light, and pain.
"Bular, stop!" Walt shouted again. Jim was lolling, unconscious but still armoured. The armour was fading. If he'd been in his human form, Walt might have thought he was dead.
Bular ignored Walt. He dumped Jim onto the pile of shredded tapestry. As though in surrender, Jim's armour vanished. Bular raised his sword.
Walt threw a knife.
It missed Bular's face, as intended, and struck the wall where Jim's neck had been. Bular's wrath refocused.
"You would stop me from executing a traitor?"
"Jim is no traitor. He is our best chance of opening the bridge. Your father would not want you to throw away this opportunity in a fit of temper –"
"MY FATHER is still locked away because of YOUR AGENT'S failure!"
Your father is a short-sighted brute with unsustainable plans and you're worse than he is because at least he values patience!
"Jim alerted us to the possibility there may be more at work here than a simple lock. If allowed to live, his contacts in Trollmarket may reveal –"
"Enough 'maybes'! You Impures may be content to play games of chance, but I am the Son of Gunmar, Heir to the Skullcrusher, and I demand absolutes!" Bular ominously stopped bellowing. "My terms for letting your pet Trollhunter live were simple. 'He will help open Killahead Bridge, or he will die.' The Impure had his chance. And the Bridge. Is not. Open."
It would be more effective to reason with an inanimate rock than with this living one. Walt tried again anyway.
"One mistake does not erase years of loyal service. You can't –"
Bular swung his sword at Walt, forcing Walt to leap back out of range.
"Do not presume to command me!" Bular attacked, ruthless and reckless, abandoning his intended target to pursue a new one. "I've had enough of you and your orders! You will not live to see our victory!"
Walt threw another knife. This one ricocheted off Bular's broken horn.
"Stricklander's gone mad!" cried Otto. The polymorph sharpened his tusks, horns and claws.
Walt dodged Bular's swords, jumping over them and springing off the enraged troll's head. Otto charged him, clumsily. Otto could assume any form, but that didn't mean he could use them all equally well. Bular swung at Walt again. Walt was forced to run towards Otto to avoid bisection.
Otto knocked Walt down, but didn't twist his head in time to gore him. Walt rolled tightly. He grimaced as the move tugged his shoulder. The goblins cheered Bular's and Otto's names. Nomura had vanished.
Walt tossed knives at both of his attackers. One blade tore at the canvas blocking off the rest of the museum, and Walt caught a glimpse of the skylight.
He was herded to the wall by the two larger trolls. Bular chuckled ominously. Walt grabbed a goblin by its spindly leg and threw it in Bular's face. The unfortunate creature burst into green slime.
While Bular was occupied and Otto tried in vain to redirect the goblins' wrath at the thrower rather than the target, Walt ran for Jim. He heaved the boy over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, grabbed the fallen amulet, and made a break for the atrium.
Bular shoved Otto away and pointed at Walt and Jim. "Get them!"
Walt rearranged Jim so the young Changeling was held securely in both arms – ideally he'd be conscious and able to hold on – and opened his wings. He launched into the air and through the glass.
Otto flew after them, in a mimic of Walt's troll form. He crashed much more roughly into the window, not being adept in flight. Walt dove and led him through the trees until he stopped hearing crashing behind them.
The sun was rising. They had a day before Bular could come after them. They needed to get somewhere out of sight before any humans woke up.
Walt circled around to the canals. Jim had told him which bridge hid the entrance to Trollmarket. It was the one nearest to the school; the one Kanjigar had died under.
He landed, and set Jim down on the cement as carefully as he could. The boy wore much the same outfit in his troll form as his human shape. Walt checked the stomach pockets of Jim's sweatshirt. On one side, he found a phone, a pen, and a small brick of sticky notes. On the other, he found the horngazel.
Changelings could transfer the contents of their pockets between forms, even without carrying over the same clothes, or hide things on one form that were inaccessible on the other. Walt didn't know enough about magic to understand how or why that worked, but he was profoundly grateful it did, and that Jim had chosen to keep his pockets full. He put the amulet in Jim's pocket and took the horngazel out.
"Trace an arch, then press your hand in the centre, like you're giving the wall a high five. The door does this cool spiral thing when it appears. Disappears? When it makes the hole."
Walt settled the two of them on the flat platform inside, well away from the top of the stairs. He wanted Jim conscious to lead him into Trollmarket.
Bular was a loose cannon and could not be trusted. Gunmar was out of the way and his long-term strategies were inherently flawed. If they could get Bular out of the way – there were a few, like Otto, who might make trouble, but the majority of Changelings could recognize power and opportunity. From certain questions Jim had asked recently, Walt suspected he was one who could be made to see reason.
If the Gumm-Gumms could not appreciate the Changelings' help, then the Changelings would just conquer the world for themselves.
No more accusations of treason when a plan didn't function perfectly on the first attempt. No more kneeling to brutes with more muscle than brains and more temper than sense. No more insults for being what their Lady had made them.
Walt always had to play his hand carefully during recruitment, of course. Even after that beating, Jim might remain loyal to the Underlord over his fellow Changelings. He'd work on persuading the boy while they searched for any records of how Deya truly sealed Killahead Bridge.
Walt had been certain the amulet was the key. Perhaps there was also an incantation?
He realized he was flexing his wings in agitation. That was one reason he kept them hidden most of the time; so they couldn't reveal his mood. Walt shifted to his human form and neatened the lapels and cuffs of his jacket.
Jim coughed. The younger Changeling brought his hand to his mouth. In a flash, he turned human as well.
"Good, that suggests you don't have a concussion." Head injuries could affect the ease of transformation.
"Strick– Mr Strickler? What happened?"
"Bular finally discovered the human Trollhunter. Your history teacher happened upon the fight and we fled in my car. You directed me here. We had to abandon the car to open the portal, and presumably Bular destroyed it in a fit of rage when we escaped him."
Walt didn't expect the trolls to go up to the surface and look for his car, but it might make them more sympathetic if they thought 'the new human' had made a sacrifice to help their Trollhunter, and it would explain why there wasn't a car in the canal bed if anyone did go look.
"Once inside, you succumbed to your injuries and I, unsure how to get out or what might await below, have been waiting for you to regain consciousness. Now you need to find all the information you can about Killahead Bridge, to learn what Bular might be plotting."
Jim stood, slowly, carefully.
"You crossed the Rubicon for me."
"… Jim –"
"Bular thought I failed on purpose. He was going to kill me. You stopped him. You saved me. Even with loyal intentions, in his eyes, that makes you a traitor, too. You crossed the Rubicon."
Well, you're not wrong.
"And now I suppose I have to give you extra credit, for not only remembering that turn of phrase, but using it in such appropriate context."
Previous Chapter (The human kids hang out in Trollmarket)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Where Nomura went and what she’s up to)
I watched a documentary on Julius Caesar and apparently, back when Rome was still calling itself a Republic rather than an Empire, he went and conquered a bunch of territory without the Senate's permission. They ordered him to come back to Rome and face charges. Instead, he came into Roman territory – over the Rubicon River – still leading his troops, which was an act of treason and declaration of war against Rome. According to one of the interviewed historians, "I think the fact that we still have the phrase 'crossing the Rubicon' shows how influential this decision was."
Prior to seeing this documentary, I had never heard that phrase that I can recall, but according to a quick online search, it colloquially means 'making a decision that cannot be taken back'. The fact Jim specifically used it to describe an act of treason and defiance is why Stricklander agreed it was particularly accurate.
The Killhead Bridge has not been doing the thing that lets characters on the other side talk to Gunmar through it, because it is still missing a piece. I choose to believe they weren't actually expecting the partial-reopening that happened in the show, or at most considered it 'a thing that may or may not happen'; therefore, this is not cause for suspicion.
Speaking of suspicious, based on Season 2 there were over a dozen Changelings in Arcadia at any given time, so why were there only three present for the attempted Bridge reopening? Otto shows up, gives them the Eyestone, hears Gunmar speak through the Bridge, and ... we don't see Otto again until just before we meet Angor Rot, despite how gung-ho he is about freeing and serving Gunmar. It's just Nomura and Strickler and NotEnrique, and NotEnrique didn't even want to be there! Nomura and Stricklander just agreed that he 'should be'. I get that it was easier on the animators and the voice casting budget, and the limited numbers made it easier to choreograph the fight scenes, but what was the in-story reason?
The goblins were not sent to get NotEnrique here, because Bular had already sent them to get Jim, and Stricklander is more confident giving orders for Fragwa to give the other goblins than in telling a random one to do something.
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tfloosh · 7 years ago
Dear Diary
Three weeks of Zelink Month are already over! I’ve been having so much fun, and I hope all y’all have been loving it as well.
Today I’m giving you some BotW Zelink, my take on a diary entry Zelda would have written about the memory “Shelter from the Storm.”
A storm cut short our return from the Spring of Courage. Deya Village was the closest town, but I didn’t want to make a fuss by going into the village. Link took the time to train with the sword that seals the darkness. I couldn’t help but admire his dedication. His father is a knight in the royal guard, so it only made sense for him to join the royal knights as well.
It made me think of my father and my relationship with him. I have always been told what I must do and who I must be. It made me wonder aloud if Link would ever wish to choose a different path. I didn’t think Link was paying attention to me, so I was surprised when he answered.
Zelda paused in her writing, still marveling at how Link had answered.
“Yes,” he had said. “I would have chosen a different path.”
He had come to sit on the ground in front of her and carefully placed his sword in its scabbard.
“Before this sword chose me,” he started quietly. “I had doubts about continuing my training as a knight. I felt pressured by my father and feared I would never live up to his expectations or emerge from his shadow. But now I don’t have a choice. Neither of us do.”
He had looked up at her then, his blue eyes burning into hers.
“Our path has been laid before us, and we must walk forward or perish. But the real trick is finding love and support to help us along the way.”
I stewed over his words for hours after. Was he simply referencing our inevitable battle against Ganon? If legend was to be believed, then we would fight the monster together. Or could he be implying that he would love and support me? I admit my feelings for Link have been growing beyond that of a Princess and her appointed knight. Am I reading too far into his actions?
Surely I couldn’t be. There was something more in the air between us at Deya Village; I could feel it. I suspected he could read past my veiled attempts of opening up, and he always reciprocated without extra prompting now that we were on better terms. Could there be something more there?
Link is like a kindred spirit to me. We share similar burdens and fears, and I would pride myself in saying I’ve grown rather good at reading Link despite the mask of indifference he usually wears. He has become far more open with me in the past few weeks, definitely far more open than he’s been with Mipha, and they were childhood friends.
But of course just because I have strong feelings for him, does not mean he definitely has strong feelings for me. Link could just be strengthening our working relationship so things go smoother. And now I’m second guessing myself.
Zelda stared at the diary page before her. She usually never wrote this much in her diary or this openly if she was being honest. She read back through what was on the now two-page entry. Goddesses above, she rambled about Link for so much of it. Her feelings for Link were something that she knew was there but thought she could push aside and continue as if they didn’t affect her. Apparently she couldn’t; those feelings crept up no matter how far down she thought she had buried them.
“This is ridiculous,” she muttered as she ripped the two pages out of the diary. She couldn’t allow these feelings to distract her from awakening her sealing power. She tossed the pages in the burning fire and began getting ready for bed.
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commander-goo · 7 years ago
Link's Diary (Part 3)
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achraf1149 · 5 years ago
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I love hyped books. Whenever could be a} new book abuzz around that everyone's demand is a should scan, I am unable to wait to urge my hands thereon and check it out for myself. however generally they do not perpetually live up to the hype; as each true book slut is aware of, that is such a bummer. Here are eighteen books wholly well worth the promotional material. We've scanned all and they've received our hyped-up seal of approval. you'll be able to dive into these rest assured that you are sure a good read!
I love, love, love hyped books. Whenever there’s a brand new book abuzz around that everyone’s demand could be a should scan, I can’t wait to urge my hands thereon and check it out for myself. however generally they don’t perpetually live up to the promotional material and as each true book slut is aware of, that’s such a bummer.
Here are eighteen books wholly well worth the promotional material. We’ve scanned all and they’ve received our hyped-up seal of approval. you'll be able to dive into these rest assured that you’re sure a good read!
Just a heads up, this post contains affiliate links—that means that I buy a tiny low commission of any sales made of the links below, however, the worth is that the same for you whether or not you buy via my link or directly from Amazon 🙂
1. the foremost FUN we tend to EVER HAD
AUTHOR: Claire Lombardo
GENRE: up to date Fiction | Family adventure story | returning old-time
SUMMARY: the foremost Fun we tend to Ever Had is that the story of the Sorensons—a Chicago-based family with four adult daughters, Wendy, Violet, Mugil liza and Gracie, and their still-madly-in-love oldsters, Marilyn and David.
The Sorensons perpetually assumed their family’s issues were pretty run-of-the-mill—potential torrid romances, serious overdoses, and personality disorder kids. however, once a long-buried secret emerges, the complete family needs to question “normal” they extremely ar.
Diving into the gritty, and infrequently dark, histories of every loved one, this book is an associate degree interesting story of the pain we tend to bring back those that love the US the foremost.
2. stuff you SAVE during a fireplace
AUTHOR: Katherine Center
GENRE: up to date Fiction | Romance
SUMMARY: stuff you Save during a fireplace is that the story of scented wattle, a feminine shielder United Nations agency prides herself on her ability to remain calm within the face of catastrophe, because of her rough and unemotional behavior. however once scented wattle accidentally lets her feelings get the higher of her, associate degree uncharacteristic moment changes the flight of her entire career, aka, her entire life.
In a moment of force, scented wattle agrees to depart her beloved capital of Texas, TX fireplace station—and home—to move to the capital of Massachusetts to require care of her poorly, and semi-estranged, mother.
Cassie believes she’ll be simply fine in her new male-dominated, non-progressive atmosphere attributable to her ability to follow the foundations. Thankfully, her previous fireman armed her with everything she must understand her new job—never allow them to see you cry, be stronger than everybody, and never, ever get entangled with a fellow shielder.
She’s got it within the bag—she’ll straightforward be her sometimes hardcore, rule-abiding self times 1,000,000. that's till she encounters The Rookie—another recruit United Nations agency stirs one thing in her she’s ne'er knowledgeable before. Before she even understands what happens, all her rules—and all her control—has gone right out the window.
AUTHOR: Jennifer Weiner
GENRE: Historical Fiction | returning old-time | LGBTQ
SUMMARY: Mrs. Everything is that the story of Jo and Bethie playwright, 2 sisters returning old-time within the ’50s and ’60s. Growing up, Jo and Bethie got on well, despite their variations. Jo was flashy, smart in class and harboring a secret that caused her to create significant walls around herself. Bethie was girly, felt alive within the center of a stage and would visit any length to appear the part of the glamorous star she believed she was meant to be.
But as time passes, Jo and Bethie grow apart.
Jo finds herself conformist to any or all the ideals and expectations of girls in trendy society, despite her earlier waster years. when fighting therefore laborious to remain out of the kitchen utensil mildew, pure exhaustion leads her to fall right within the middle of it.
Bethie finds herself lost, virtually and figuratively. when devastating and traumatic expertise, Bethie wanders the planet, sleeping on park benches, feeding no matter food she will be able to realize and roaming farther and farther removed from the idyllic life she’d perpetually wished.
But because the sisters become older they each begin to understand that there’s ne'er a time once one should stop trying—it’s perpetually potential to alter your circumstances. rather than property, their lives happen to them, they finally understand that it’s their responsibility to mildew their experiences into the lives they honestly wish.
4. the nice ALONE
AUTHOR: Kristin Hannah
GENRE: Historical Fiction | returning old-time
SUMMARY: the nice Alone is that the story of the Allbrights, a family on a perpetual seek for happiness. Leni, a sensible and lonely lady, is at the constant mercy of her parents—her broken prisoner of war father and her naive and over-trusting mother.
When Leni’s father, Ernt, uproots and moves the family to yet one more location, he’s convinced this point is different—Alaska’s the solution to any or all their issues.
Unprepared and unequipped, the Allbrights realize solace within the individuals of AK United Nations agency teach them how their new and wild home and share theirs provides.
Although Leni and her mother find out how to safeguard themselves from the hazards lurking outside their little wood cabin, they can’t find out the way to share what’s within their home, notably, Ernt’s demons.
Ernt’s temper turns volatile and out of management every winter because the cold and dark ascend, threatening to destroy everything Leni and her mother have found, and built, in Alaska.
5. huge very little LIES
AUTHOR: Liane Moriarty
GENRE: up to date Fiction
SUMMARY: In huge very little Lies, things don't seem to be as calm and innocent in the residential area state capital as they appear. when a dramatic and eventful college trifle night, somebody has aroused dead.
The book flashes back to 6 months before the murder, once young mother Jane and her son Ziggy initial move to the city. Jane is taken below the wing of Madeline, a lady United Nations agency is aware of everything regarding everybody. Jane quickly becomes a part of her cluster, growing getting ready to Madeline and her attractive succor Celeste.
As their friendships grow, Jane learns that she’s not the sole one who’s haunted by personal demons—Madeline and Celeste’s lives ar even additional tormented than her own.
AUTHOR: Gillian Flynn
GENRE: Psychological adventure story
SUMMARY: In Gone lady, Amy Dunne has gone missing. because of the investigating progress, it becomes additional and additional evidence that her husband, Nick Dunne, could have had an outsized half in her disappearance.
The story is told from alternating perspectives—Nick’s gift day account and Amy’s diary chronicling the year leading up to her disappearance.
Getting a glimpse into Amy’s diary lets the US fall loving along with her sweetness, straightforward quality, and humor. however the Amy we expect we all know presently becomes way more complicated than we tend to may have ever anticipated.
AUTHOR: Delia Owens
GENRE: up to date Fiction
SUMMARY: wherever the Crawdads Sing could be a coming-of-age story a couple of ladies named Kya Clark United Nations agency grows up within the marsh of the North geographic region.
Left by her mother once she was solely six, her brothers and sisters the years following, then eventually her father, she has no selection however to work out the way to do life utterly secluded and on her own.
Despite solely getting to college in the future in her entire life, Kya is sensible and sensitive. She has sharp insights regarding the planet and other people. She’s been abandoned, ridiculed, and on the receiving finish of prejudices no one—especially a child—should be got to endure, however, she’s still fascinated by life.
Kya could be a sensible character United Nations agency can soften your heart. And simply once you suppose you’re getting down to perceive her, she throws you for a loop when loop.
8. a lady is not any MAN
AUTHOR: Etaf Rum
GENRE: up to date Fiction
SUMMARY: during a lady is not any Man, 3 generations of Arab-American girls tell their story, one thing that’s ne'er been exhausted their culture before.
Fareeda is that the family matriarch, running the family in Brooklyn, big apple when she and her husband shake Palestine, their horrific motherland. Fareeda could be a disciplinarian for tradition and name, ensuring to let her new relative-in-law Isra acumen a lot of she’s property the family down by solely transfer baby women into the planet and no boys.
Isra moves to the borough from Palestine once she marries Fareeda’s son Adam in associate degree organized wedding. Eager at the concept of a brand new beginning in America and freedom to be her person, Isra’s hopes are destroyed once she quickly discovers that America is hard as dyspneal as Palestine, however, currently, she’s encircled by strangers move as a family.
Deya, Isra’s female offspring, has approached the age wherever she’s meeting with suitors, however, despite her gran Fareeda’s urging, she objects to the wedding and solely needs to line her specialize in school. once a mysterious alien shows up trying to find her, Deya begins to grasp why she feels therefore rebellious and what her past recollections extremely mean.
9. flower JONES & THE SIX
AUTHOR: Taylor Jenkins Reid
GENRE: Historical Fiction
SUMMARY: flower Jones & The Six is that the story of however one in all the foremost disreputable rock n’ roll teams rose to final fame within the ’70s.
Of course, it’s jam-choked with sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, however at its heart could be a tender story of sacrifice, love, and loss.
The Six was a rock n’ roll band United Nations agency was creating awe-inspiring music and having a good time doing it. flower Jones was an attractive and wild lady, partying her method through the glamorous world of Nineteen Sixties Hollywood.
When a music producer realizes that the mixture of flower Jones and also the Six could be a formula for warranted success, nobody says no to the smell of potential fame.
It seems the producer was right. once flower Jones joins The Six, they become the foremost far-famed dance band of that age. however, with fame comes responsibility they aren’t equipped to handle. The cluster lands up cacophonic up at the peak of their fame. And nobody is aware of specifically why, until now.
10. we tend to WERE LIARS
AUTHOR: E. Lockhart
GENRE: Young Adult Fiction | Psychological adventure story
SUMMARY: we tend to Were Liars is that the story of Cady, a really unhappy and broken lady. She’s conjointly sick, forced to remain home, sick-abed and within the dark, to wear down the enfeebling headaches she’s been obtaining since that summer.
The story shuffles back and forth between Cady’s gift day and a past summer spent within the Northeast along with her family several years before. Cady now not partakes in her family’s decadent summers spent on their island, her gramps, her mother, and each of her aunts every with their mansions.
As Cady’s story of that summer is told, we tend to learn of her love for her cousins and an in-depth family friend, the cluster deemed the “The Liars”.
During that summer, the Liars devise an idea to interrupt down the grand rule of Cady’s gramps. Except, the set up doesn’t go something as they hoped. And worst of all—Cady can’t bear in mind any of it.
AUTHOR: Gail Honeyman
GENRE: up to date Fiction
SUMMARY: Eleanor Oliphant is Fine is that the story of a socially awkward woman, on the face of it mediocre, and stuck during a life-sucking routine.
But because the book goes on, Eleanor starts to reveal her quippy {and extremely|and terribly|and intensely} humourous temperament and her strange—and very interesting—views on life and other people.
Moved by the concept of potential love, Eleanor starts to interrupt out of her routine. In doing, therefore, she gains such a lot quite she could’ve ever anticipated. however, shaking up her everyday routine conjointly stirs up a number of her past and brings it to the surface.
The characters during this story are unbelievably crafted and multi-dimensional and also the pace and also the anticipation of the approaching plot ar even as amazing!
12. 3 girls
AUTHOR: Lisa Taddeo
GENRE: prose | Human sex
SUMMARY: 3 girls is that the prose account of 3 completely different Yankee women’s sex lives—Maggie, Lina, and Sloane.
Maggie’s story follows her from her high school days to the current, the six years between tied along by an equivalent torturing event—an illicit affair along with her married teacher once she was seventeen. Maggie has spent her entire life feeling lost and broken, till she gets a style of hope brought on by the eye of Aaron, additional unremarkably referred to as a man. Knoebel, her teacher. Desperate for his love, Maggie agrees to stay their relationship a secret, solely human activity with him through secret conferences and cloak-and-dagger encounters. however once Aaron suddenly takes his love away, cutting her aloof from her salvation, she can’t recover. Six years when their affair, Maggie decides to press carnal abuse charges. She takes him to court, her “troubled” word against his Teacher of the Year one.
Lina’s story conjointly begins in highschool wherever she meets a fellow schoolfellow United Nations agency appears to be everything she’s unreal a man can be. however once Lina is raped by 3 boys in one night, the atrocious rumors that follow cause her dream boy to run away. Years later, on the face of it through fate, she runs into him on Facebook. By currently Lina could be an old mother of 2 and married to a person United Nations agency shrinks away at her bit, feat her life sexless and mirthless. Through desperation, she reignites the candle she perpetually controls for her past man, hanging up an exhilarating and illicit extracurricular affair.
Lastly, we've got Sloane, a lady United Nations agency appears to own it all. She’s thin, beautiful, rich, and co-owns a thriving eating house along with her husband United Nations agency adores her. although everything in Sloane’s world appears pristine and wholesome, what happens in her marital relationship is something, however. Her husband, Richard, likes to see Sloane have sex with different men, explanation pleasure from selecting his wife’s partners then looking at as they create love ahead of him.
AUTHOR: Helen of Troy Hoang
GENRE: up to date Fiction | Romance
SUMMARY: The Kiss Quotient could be a gender-swap version of Pretty lady. Stella, an associate degree unfit lady with a giant brain and a good larger heart, hires archangel, knowledgeable male-escort, to show her how of the chamber.
Of course, it’s not as straightforward as that. Despite Stella’s rigorous lesson plans, she begins to fall for him. And not simply fall—obsess.
But archangel has some problems with his own—he incorporates a treacherous past and is continually living below the worry that he may be turning into his father, a very, terribly dangerous man.
This is a horny and fun amorous story that’s distinctive and refreshing.
14. to any or all THE BOYS I’VE adored BEFORE
AUTHOR: Jenny Han dynasty
GENRE: Young Adult Fiction | Romance
SUMMARY: to any or all the Boys I’ve adored Before is that the story of Lara Jean and also the love she’s unbrokenly buried deep during baggage.
Each time Lara Jeans falls loving, rather than confessing her feelings to the boy at the opposite finish, she writes an earnest letter. She pours her soul onto the page, then tucks the letter safely away, knowing it'll ne'er to be seen once more. Except, somehow, all of her letters realize their thanks to their never-intended recipients.
While mortifying, the general public reveals of her feelings wouldn’t be that dangerous, except that her sister’s freshly ex-boyfriend taunt received one.
To save face and take a look at to revive a number of her dignity, Lara Jean makes wear down Peter K., the school’s resident matinee idol.
As Lara Jean and Peter move their pretend relationship, she starts to understand perhaps she doesn’t have the sentiments for taunt she thought she had. And Peter isn’t in any respect like she thought he was.
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saturnniidae · 2 months ago
Joke so mortifyingly bad they ask if you've taken your meds yet 😭
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lyricsocean · 4 years ago
Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo.. Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo..
Ho sidha ae sanket mera ristedaara nu Maada dekh mainu chhadd chukiyan Oh naara nu Socheyon na kache pair jatt dig jauga Jidde aaya samne ta changi tarah aauga
Thodde bane supna saza naiyo sakde Kade vi gareeb muhre aa naiyo sakde Lagda ae thonu assi cycle’aan te giz gaye Jede kade gaddi’aan chala naiyo sakde
Diary wich naa dagebajan de ne chepne Khad ke stage’ae main vi sab ne lapetne Je chati deyu himmat thoddi oss time te veere Karke himmat hasseyon
Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo ho ho
Jaanda si jaanda si Jaanda si thonu tussi apne muhon daseyo Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo ho ho
Ho kahiya si jo mainu sab gallan yaad rakhiyan Kothiyan naa down kade jhopdiyan kachiyan Duniya na chaldi ae bandeya de kehan naal Jih din kade kise de vi ekko jahe rehan naa
Haan sacchi gall jeeb ji siyaneya di kehndi ae Chadheya je soorj te shaam vi ta paindi ae Rab ne aa time aithe saareyan layi banne aa Jagah kade kise di naa top utte rehndi ae
Lag jave time shortcut ajmauna ni Duniya te main koi chaar din da prauhna ni Oh safar ohna de hunde lambe sohniye ni jehde Chalde ne kadam slow
Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo ho ho
Jaanda si jaanda si Jaanda si thonu tussi apne muhon daseyo Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo ho ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo ho ho
Ho jag utte hunda naiyo bheti koi lekh da Dassda ae sama aithe kaun kide match da Tuttde hunde ne dekhi raatan nu jo supne Haan maa ae tera putt akhan khulliyan ch dekhda
Ho mere ch pyas paani aap aayu chalke Tikda ni koyi jagah kise aali malke Ho ajj chadd ohda kujh kal vi ni banda Mehnat to bina jidi nigah hundi phal te
Duniya ne rang nit navye hi dikhaune aa Kise ne fadaune hath kise ne chudaune aa Ho sab samme hath jadon ambran nu paune Phir khad ke zaroor takkeyo
Oh gallan sab sach veere jo jo tu kittiyan Tu ta vas kittiyan ne mere naal beetiyan Jide naal bainde saale ohnu dang marde aa Bukklan ch khed deya sappan diya neetiyan
Ek siga time lok taahne sige kassde Middle class banda mainu sige dassde Paise naal judge karde seege aukat’an nu Shaklon ni sohna bai aakh ke si hassde
Oh main keha bai oh tu game’an dekhi paindiyan Karda jo gallan ehe sada naiyo rehandiyan Zoorrat chahidi jung zindagi di jeetne nu Balleya mukaam ethe shaklan ni laindiyan
Ohi hoyi gall reet duniya di change hoyi Pehle seegha cycle te cycle ton range hoyi Maardi ae gallan saali duniya ta vaili ae Hunn dekh gt road utte kille ch haveli ae
Oh dekh maada time tera dil katon ghatt da Time naiyo daur ayaa moose aale jatt da Jadon aayi baazi teri aape hi agge javega Jinu kare rabb agge oho pichhe kado hatt da
Oh badlage daur oh tu gall kehdi kahi aa Dekh ajj gabbru ne dhood gaddi payi aa Duniya nu unj taan main kalla hi dowal ni Kismaton ho gaye aapan do
Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo oh ho Hunn mere te nazar rakheyo Nazar rakheyo nazar rakheyo oh ho Sadde te nazar rakheyo Ho ho ho.
The post Game Lyrics – Shooter Kahlon, Sidhu Moose Wala appeared first on Lyrics Ocean.
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404-systemnotfound · 1 year ago
All our side blogs (masterpost)
Alter specific:
@cherry-cove - Cherubim’s blog!
@redstonespoon - Mumbo’s blog!
@iwasnotimmunetothegoodtimes - Scar’s blog!
@rulerzreachfanog - Hunter’s blog!
@yourbelovedincel - Noah’s blog!
@zombi3mama - Cleo’s blog!
@practicing-medicine - Medic’s Blog!
@xdgodhimself - XD’s blog!
@revivedtransfem - Deya’s blog!
@aroacethemeparkowner - S9 Scar’s Blog!
@punzygold - Punz’s blog!
@bow-wielding-cutie Irene’s Blog!
@mcytblrsleastsexyman - our least sexyman bracket
@whyhenosebracket - characters with comedically strange noses bracket
@boywhyyousogneepgnarp - Alien Bracket (not yet started)
@thegreatjtrapshowdown - which JT music song is the best?
Fandom specific:
@chatstf2 - tf2 blog
@vexygacha - gacha blog
@krowlikeshermitshipping - hermitshipping blog
@chatonmcd - Minecraft Diaries and other aphmau content blog
AU stuff:
@dsmpsfallout - dsmp au that takes place after the nuke dropping
Roleplay accounts:
@falloutjack - Rp account for Jack manifold stated in the AU above
@systemfriendlystims - our stim board account by systems for systems
@outofcontext-dms - dms we get out of context
@valvesmashorpass - smash or pass valve characters
@kmksvivziepoll - Kiss Marry Kill Smash Vivzie Characters
@cantfuckitweball - mental health blog
@oceanmama-seaemperor - Coining MOGAI terms
@randomasspolls - random ass polls
@chatsicons - making icons!
@gneepgnarp - twitch streaming blog
@elysians3favoritevillians - Elysian blog!
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crijoh · 8 years ago
My StuffSpreadsheet of possible weapon modifiers. You can click the tabs at the top of the screen.All merchant inventories and locations. This includes wandering merchants!Horse guide. Includes information about where to find the best horses, and where to find Link's Horse.Coliseum enemies/weapons.List of glitched/impossible treasure chests.Others' StuffEnemy scaling mechanics.List of weapons obtained from Tests of Strength.Armor tracker. This website keeps track of armor that you've upgraded and the remaining materials needed to fully upgrade all the armor!In-depth cooking mechanics.No More Dubious Food. A cooking simulator. It contains some errors with meal prices and meal results, but it's mostly accurate.Amiibo item guide.4 Useful Interactive MapsZeldaDungeon's Interactive Map. Contains user-contributed locations.ZeldaMaps.com's Interactive Map. Contains datamined locations.Mr. Cheeze's Object Map. Contains datamined locations for every (static) object in the game, including all sorts of material locations!Mr. Cheeze's Discoverable Locations Map. Discoverable locations is part of what's needed for 100% map completion. You can hover over the blue dots to see the location names. You can ignore the "Hyrule Kingdom" placeholder on the upper-left corner of the Great Plateau.Useful Phrases for Mr. Cheeze's Object MapDragonDropItemTarget = Dragon pathways.Npc_Assassin = Yiga Travelers.FldObj_DarkWoodsCandle = Typhlo Ruins lantern locations.FldObj_RockZoraRelief = Zora Monument Tablets.TwnObj_AncientCandlePoleRoofOff_A_01 = Blue flame lanterns. After you light them, they stay lit forever (besides 1 glitched lantern).TreasureSpot = 1-time material locations. This is totally different from treasure chests; these are spots that you can "Search."A_Dynamic = Flippable Dead Guardian locations. Certain Dead Guardians have shallow pools of water underneath them. Some Dead Guardians will only have a shallow pool of water during a normal rainstorm. You can use Cryonis to flip the Dead Guardians for 1-time materials. (Large metal objects + Magnesis will also work.)WallCrack + Obj_RockBroken_A_02 + BreakableRockDeathMT = Cracked rocks. Cracked rocks that disappear forever after you bomb them are a staple to the Zelda series. For completionists.Impossible/difficult treasure spots. The developers placed many treasure spots underneath the map where the player cannot reach them. The Deya Village Ruins and Tuft Mountain treasure spots are actually possible to get, but it took another player about half an hour to successfully reveal the "Search" prompt.Dead Guardians west of Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. The developers placed 15 treasure spots on top of each other, making it difficult to find all the "Search" prompts. I outlined them in that link.Missable WeaponsForest Dweller's SwordKite ShieldLynel CrusherLynel SpearMighty Lynel CrusherMighty Lynel SpearForest Dweller's Sword is missable after you've exhausted all its treasure chests and completed the Wood Trial once. Subsequent runthroughs of the Wood Trial will not let you keep it, you can only borrow it for the minigame.Kite Shield is missable after you've exhausted all its treasure chests and obtained Selmie's only Kite Shield.Once all Red Lynels have upgraded, you can no longer obtain the Lynel Crusher or Lynel Spear. Since the Ploymus Mountain Lynel remains red, you can still obtain the Lynel Sword, Lynel Bow, and Lynel Shield.Once all Blue-Maned Lynels have upgraded, you can no longer obtain the Mighty Lynel Crusher or Mighty Lynel Spear. A Blue-Maned Lynel remains in Hyrule Castle's First Gatehouse. This Lynel is glitched in that it won't drop its weapons unless you save and reload inside the gatehouse. It drops a Mighty Lynel Sword, Mighty Lynel Bow, and Mighty Lynel Shield.Red Lynel Locations/Weapons (Before Upgrades)Blue-Maned Lynel Locations/Weapons (Before Upgrades)Missable Treasure ChestsAll chests on Vah NaborisAll chests on Vah RudaniaAll chests on Vah RutaAll chests on Vah MedohIf you directly obtained the Warm Doublet from the Old Man, you will miss the Warm Doublet treasure chest from the Old Man's cabin. You will obtain the Warm Doublet directly from the Old Man if you help him with his food recipe at his cabin or in the woods, or if you talk to him on the mountain in the cold region. This also affects his diary entries later.After you complete a Divine Beast, you can't return to the dungeon, making the treasure chests impossible to obtain. There also seems to be a treasure chest inside Vah Rudania that is not possible to get if you defeat the boss before treasure-hunting.Missable "Personal" PicturesNo pictures for the Hyrule Compendium are missable as they can be purchased from Symin. This list is for players who prefer to take their own photos.Sentry (During the part of the game where you board Vah Rudania)Thunderblight Ganon (Vah Naboris boss)Fireblight Ganon (Vah Rudania boss)Waterblight Ganon (Vah Ruta boss)Windblight Ganon (Vah Medoh boss)Master KohgaLynel CrusherLynel SpearMighty Lynel CrusherMighty Lynel SpearKite Shield** Normally, you could take a picture of the Kite Shield in Selmie's cabin, but I've heard that it disappears after you obtain Selmie's only Kite Shield.Extinct Yellow ModifiersSpreadsheet of yellow-modifier weapons that go extinct (incomplete). You can click the tabs at the top of the screen.Weapons come from 3 different sources:- Treasure chests.- Enemies.- Static locations on the ground.As you progress through the game, modifiers are more likely to appear on weapons that you obtain.There's 3 different kinds of programmed modifiers:- The weapon has a chance of obtaining a yellow modifier.- The weapon has a chance of obtaining a white/blue modifier, but never a yellow modifier.- The weapon will never have a modifier.With enough game progress, all weapons from treasure chests have a chance of obtaining yellow modifier. (There are a few exceptions: the Champion weapons from treasure chests can't have modifiers, and the treasure chests at Eventide Island can't have modifiers.) Only certain enemies and certain static locations on the ground are flagged to have yellow modifiers.Because of this, it could be beneficial to a collector to save a treasure chest containing a Shield of the Mind's Eye. It's still possible to get a Shield of the Mind's Eye from enemies, but it won't have any modifiers. There are many other yellow-modifier weapons like this, that eventually go extinct after exhausting all the treasure chests for it.Amiibo do drop weapons with modifiers. However, "Attack Up" always appears as a white modifier even if the modifier number is in the "yellow" region. Similarly, Amiibo weapons can only have the blue "Durability Up" bonus, even if the bonus is actually in the yellow "Durability Up +" region. Furthermore, Amiibo shields can never have "Shield Guard Up."The Traveler's/Soldier's/Knight's/Royal line of weapons will upgrade over the course of the game. So obtaining the best-possible modifiers on the lower tiers of this weapon line for collection purposes would be really hard or not possible. Other weapon lines that upgrade are listed in the spreadsheet.I have a couple of other minor links, but they're not really quality enough to be "resource material."The Sunshroom picture.Inventory items checklist. You can download it by clicking "File -> Save as."Recipe poster locations.Pikango pictures. via /r/zelda
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saturnniidae · 3 months ago
Talking is horrible and bad except for when it's not. hashtag I HEART Yapping!!!! except for when I Don't then I would rather peel my skin and take a bath in acid .
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