#devolping relationship
yumedoca · 11 months
Ah... the Mephisto arc was great... Mephisto and Takashima truly love each other..♥
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teethfl0wer · 10 days
I think more people would leave aro people alone if they got laid
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sebbyomg · 7 days
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@summerofbuddie ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ WEEK 7: alternate universes
Rising actor Edddie Diaz is invited to promote his new film on the popular talk show ‘118 stars’ hosted by Evan Buckley, known for his charismatic personality. During the interview, the chemistry between them begins to devolp, and what started out as a proffesional interaction turns into a meaningful relationship. Who knew that love can blossom in the most unexpected places?
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crazybiaatch · 2 months
Silco and Jinx were never weird
I saw yet another tik tok calling Silco a pdf file for his interactions with Jinx, so I need to rant and defend my favourite mentally ill daddy/daughter duo, so spoilers ahead
At the end of act 1 we see Silco and Powder in very similar postions. They have both just lost a sibling in the worst ways imaginable (to them, at the time). They obviously feel very differently about these losses, it was always in Silco's plans for Vander to die, but all the emotions from when Vander turned his back on their dreams had resurfaced while he was talking to Vander, whereas Powder had just tried to prove herself to her big sister and instead of being proud, Vi was angry, and told her that Milo was right, that she was a Jinx. So, when Silco accepts Powder's hug and even reciprocates, it does make some sort of sense. Not to us, and not to the people around them, but Powder and Silco are feeling very similar emotions, anger, confusion, betrayal, ect. Silco sees these emotions in Powder, and takes her in. We don't get to see much of their relationship here since this is the very beginning of the relationship, but I felt like pointing out the basis of their bond was important.
This is where some people start thinking their relationship is more sexual than it is. This is because of how touchy they are with each other. I'm talking about the scene where Jinx sits on Silco's lap.
Now, two points to get out of the way. 1, plenty of people show physical affection to their fathers this way and similarly, there is nothing wrong with this as long as it never crosses boundaries, and I cannot and will not speak on actual relationships I have no knowledge of, everything I am about to say is within the context of this fictional relationship within this fictional world. 2, Jinx is both Silco's adopted daughter (no blood relation, both of her blood parents are dead) and around 18-19 years old during acts 2 and 3, she is also severely mentally ill. Not in a silly, joking way, she at least has paranoid schizophrenia.
Silco and Jinx's relationship is not a normal father/daughter relationship. It literally never could be. Silco has been extremely traumatised by what happened with Vander and Jinx has devolped severe mental health issues while in Silco's care, while also being traumatised by what happened with Vi. So, instead of the breakdown I did above, I'm just going to point out things to contextualise how touchy Jinx an Silco are to each other, and I'm just going to go as chronologically as I can (I've rewatched this show 3 times, and I am rewatching all Silco and Jinx interactions as I write this)
Silco defends Jinx, in the conversation with Sevika after the Firelights fight. Sevika was 100% right, and a cold-hearted leader like Silco would usually agree with what she was saying and punish Jinx accordingly. Instead, he tells Sevika to "not dissapoint him" (do better) and sends her away, before asking for Jinx's side of the story. Not to sound like I have daddy issues, but my dad woudn't even do that for me. (quick little aside bc its on my screen right now - that monkey thing on Silco's desk? Adorable, anyone who claims to not know that Silco was Jinx's dad is clearly not paying enough attention)
Now, the infamous moment. Silco hands his eye-needle-thing to Jinx, and she moves to sit on his lap and wraps a hand around his neck as he leans back (pictures below).
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These pictures show just how physically close they are (literally touching) and yes, I can see how this looks weird, trust me, I've seen the fanart (i wish i didn't) BUT that doesn't mean I think that reading is right! For starters, physical closeness doesn't immediately mean sexual or even romantic tension, if this was true, that would ALSO mean that Vi and Jinx have a weird relationship (pictures below)
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Woah! Look! Physical closeness! They're even closer than Jinx and Silco! So, it's not the closeness that makes it weird. Maybe it's the actual actions! Vi is just hugging Jinx, whereas Jinx is sitting half on top of Silco. To inject 'medicine' into his eye. I would like to see you do something like that standing away from someone. The two times we see Silco get his injections, Jinx has to lean over him to get it done correctly, and when she rushes it the second time, it hurts him. (another thing this scene is showing us is how much Silco trusts Jinx, who would you let stab you in the eye? Probably someone you consider family, right?) But okay, it could be the dialogue that's got tension right? They're talking about Vi. And then they're talking about Zaun. And then Silco gets stabbed. And then Jinx goes straight back to sitting away from him. They only touch for a matter of SECONDS (about 10ish seconds, give or take since we don't actually see when Jinx moves away again) though in word it could be longer because of the glitch effect we get when Jinx talks about Vi, but it's not like Jinx was sat on Silco's lap for half an hour. She only moved to touch him a) when he asked (by offering the needle) and b) to help him, and moved away as soon as she was finished helping him. The rest of the interaction could either be read as fatherly or condescending, both are true enough ("Take some time" "I don't need it" "Take it anyhow") so this interaction? No tension. None. If you do see sexual tension, you are reaching. All I see is a father/boss trying to comfort his daughter, and then moving on to reprimanding her for her mistakes and essentially grounding her.
Their next interaction, after the bombing. Silco storms in and starts yelling at Jinx until she gives him the hextech crystal and hugs him. I wouldn't even call this interaction very 'fatherly' since Silco barely even hugs Jinx back and just stares at the crystal. This is more Silco the Boss than Silco the Dad. I guess you could say the way Jinx walked before hugging him was a little flirtatious? But that's pretty much how she always moves. I don't have much to say about this one, it's fairly straightforward, at least to me.
Silco defends Jinx, yet again, this time from Marcus who is trying to demand Jinx getting arrested. Silco is tense and turns down Marcus's idea immeadtly.
Not much happens, they're seperate for the rest of the episode until...
"You're the only one I can trust with this, Jinx."
This honestly is my main point. Jinx is one of three people Silco trusts. (the other two are Sevika and the Doctor, and he moreso trusts that they will listen to him, and he doesn't trust them anywhere as much as he trusts Jinx) Jinx is the one that is trusted with his medicine, and through the show, no one else really touches Silco. What I'm saying is, the man was drowned by his brother and hates the idea of other people touching him, except for Jinx. He obviously sees her as family of some kind, his every action and word screams it. (tiny aside, the look on his face at the end of that scene? my heart shattered. No one could make me hate him after that, he looked so scared and heartbroken.)
The next weird scene also happens this episode. The lake scene, or as I call it, the baptising scene. Silco dips Jinx below the water of the lake he was nearly drowned in, and to do that he holds her hand and holds the back of her head, and leans with her to dip her under water. They get very very close, and without the previous context I could 100% see how people would think this scene is romantic. But with the context of both their relationship and the actual action he's doing? He's baptising his daughter. (pictures below)
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I'm not sure if any of you guys have seen an adult baptism, but I have thanks to my religion class, and let me tell you, those priests get REAL close. Not to mention, this is the same lake he nearly died in. Of course he's going to want to be close to make sure she's alright. He doesn't get any closer, the only reason they're that close is because its when Silco is starting to tip her backwards, but while Jinx is still holding herself upright.
(honourable mention moment - Silco in the last scene of this ep is amazing and I commend the animators for being able to show his emotions so clearly.)
This first scene with Jinx doesn't add anything to the relationship with Silco BUT it does contextualise how touchy she is. She hugs this random guy. Sure, it's to plant a glitter bomb to his back and scare him, but still, she doesn't even know his name. Same with the Sevika scene, she's practically on top of Sevika, and then once Sevika tells her about Vi, she pulls Sevika so close that I just know they could smell each other's breaths. Their foreheads are literally touching.
So much happens this episode thanks to Silco and Jinx both finding out about Vi, but there are 2 things I want to note, 1, Silco praises Jinx to Vi, just. I wish MY dad did that. 2, this is the big shift away from Powder (Vi) to Jinx (Silco).
(sorry just - the ash tray covered in crayons? I did that to my parents ash tray once)
This is where the show stops going for subtext. Sevika compares her relationship with her dad to Jinx and Silco. THAT IS TEXT.
Anyways, the next big scene. The second injection.
"We are family."
I saw someone seriously try to say they never thought Silco and Jinx were family. Did you just, not watch the show? "Oh she's sitting on his lap again." Yeah she's also stabbed him in the face twice and in the neck once. Does that scream sexual tension to you?
Okay, so, Silco kisses Jinx this episode. On the forehead, while she's on her deathbed. He kissed her the same way I kiss my nephew goodnight. I cannot stress enough, I am a Jegulus shipper and even I am not seeing romantic or sexual tension and he actually just kissed her.
"I, too, once had a daughter" again. A character comparing their father/daughter relationship to Silco and Jinx.
(quick note - the way Silco acts when Renni's son dies is iconic)
Circling back to the trust thing, he is literally putting his life in Sevika's hands, she can chose to be loyal to him or to join Finn, and he knows that the choice is hers. Look at how he acts after she swings her sword. He is hyperventilating. He sat still and patient while Jinx literally stabbed him with that needle thing, but when Sevika had the choice between a gutsy kid or her longtime boss he feared for his life. Sure, he pulls himself together, but that was pure PANIC
Anyways, big moment here.
"You're my daughter." Silco to Jinx, moments before disaster. If you manage to watch that and still look back and think "The writers were trying to communicate that there was a sexual relationship between them." you are a child left behind.
To sum my points up + stuff that doesn't really have a nice spot to put it:
Silco and Jinx are the only people they truly trust. Silco hates being touched and Jinx is a very tactile person, she is also consistently the only person that touches Silco.
This relationship isn't normal or healthy, it's co-dependent asf but it's also 100% platonic and never once moves towards sexual or romantic
This is dedicated to the people that think their relationship is gross, not to the shippers. The shippers are already too far gone.
Watching the whole show through only Jinx and/or Silco scenes is still cohesive and you don't see Jayce until the very end, 10/10 for the writers
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ahoppingmagician · 3 months
The show is honestly boring because all the fun stuff happened before the series even started. You might wonder what the hell I mean. Well, this show feels like an epilogue of all the fun shit. Moxxie and Millie are great if not perfect examples of this.
The couple started off married, now this isn't inherently a bad thing, but there's a reason why many shows don't do this. You will feel more invested if you get to see the relationship make steps towards that big goal instead of starting off there. It's like playing a game, sure you want to reach that next big boss but you normally have to defeat smaller bosses to get to that fight because when you win against that boss it feels way more rewarding. I would fix this by making them more of a situationship that slowly builds into something romantic, then devolpe it into marriage.
Millie's whole family situation has already kind of been dealt with because fuck fun conflict. Moxxie's family and mafia conflict has also been dealt with before the show really starts. I mean aside from exs and ows, which felt like more of a backstory episode anyway. His self-confident issues are the only thing he needs to really overcome. Millie is still too much of a cutout to even get a fault out of, the most I have is her anger issues...maybe insecurities but that seems to flip-flop around like a dying fish.
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futbol16 · 2 years
Just tell her! ・ Clàudia Pina
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Request: "Hey, if you're taking requests, could you maybe do an Aitana or Alexia (whoever you prefer or someone from Barca) x Reader where R joins mid season from a top European team in a shocking transfer? Really just Barca team getting to know R & devolping a relationship along the way. Please & thanks. Love your work BTW."
Hope I this turned out better than I think it did, but enjoy!
Word count: 1,5k
Your transfer from the top women’s football team in Italy to Barcelona was shocking to say the least. Fans and players collectively were surprised and confused at the news, especially after your phenomenal 2020/21 season.
The whole Barca team was astounded by your signing, but they couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of having you on their team. They’ve seen how good you are.
Your first training session with your new team was at the very beginning of the 2022 year and you felt good as you pulled the Barca training top over your head.
You had met the team a couple of times since you’ve signed, but they were yet to learn your reasoning for the sudden transfer. Yes, they believed that you’ve always been a Barca fan, but many of them felt like that wasn’t the full extent of your story.
 As you tie your boots you feel a nudge to your leg and you look up at the person.
“Aitana was asking you why you signed with us.” Claudia repeats the question and you look at Aitana confused.
“I’ve told you guys already, I’ve always wanted to play for Barca.”
“But is that all to it?” Aitana questions carefully and she studies your face for a second. Your expression falters at her heavy gaze. “We’re just curious and want to get to know you Y/N, but if you’re not comfortable you don’t have to.”
Taking a look at the rest of your teammates who all nod at the girl’s words and you take a deep breath, readying yourself.
“The coach didn’t like me, I was constantly benched from the bigger games. Barely brought on for the last 20 minutes.” you start explaining and suddenly the floor becomes very interesting to look at. “He said I wasn’t playing good enough, wasn’t fast enough and that he couldn’t risk bringing me on for the more important matches.”
The girls around you share a look and you feel a hand on your shoulders, Claudia smiles at you softly.
Your training session soon begins after your talk and as you near the end of it, you’re put into groups of 5, an end of session scrimmage 5vs5.
The players currently standing at the side, those who aren’t playing at the moment, watch dumbfounded as you dribble up the field with insane speed, nutmegging and outsmarting the opposing team before you cross the ball to Patri for a tap-in.
“How the fuck?” is heard from Jenni and Alexia smacks her in the arm for her use of language.
“No, but seriously, how the hell did her coach think she wasn’t good enough?” Claudia also comments and yelps as she gets smacked in the back of the head.
For the remaining 15 minutes of your scrimmage, the ten Barcelona players watch stunned as you manage to pull tricks on every single one of their teammates and your team eventually wins the game.
This wasn’t the first time they’ve seen you play, they've watched plenty of your games before, all of them big fans of the energy you brought with you every time you stepped foot on a pitch. But seeing your magic right in front of them was a whole different experience.
They couldn't be happier to get to call you their teammate and they’d make sure you’d never get disrespected by anyone ever again.
As the months passed by, you formed a close bond with most of the girls on the team and you were performing better than ever, Joanatan actually put you in for the majority of the games you’ve played so far.
There was one person in particular who you got extremely close with.
Claudia and yourself have been named the most iconic youngster duo at Barcelona. The two of you spent every waking moment together, becoming bus buddies not long after you joined, rooming together at away games and always reserving a seat for the other during team lunches. 
It didn’t take you long to realize your feelings for the shorter girl went beyond those you were supposed to have for a friend. 
With the Spanish already being a very affectionate bunch, you relished in the feel of Claudia’s soft skin on yours every time the girl would scoot closer to you.
Those not so subtle touches the girl sent your way wasn’t missed by your teammates who were counting down the days to when the two of you would finally admit your feelings.
Patri and Leila have already approached you on more than one occasion as they tried to convince you that your best friend did have feelings for you. You denied their claims though, you didn’t want to believe them, to have false hope. 
It wasn’t until the Barca team went to the beach on a random weekend towards the end of the season that things changed. 
You were currently wrestling with both Leila and Mapi in the sand, hair full of sand as the three of you laughed your asses off over nothing.
Claudia watches as your arms flex when you flip Leila over, her heart fluttering at how you still make sure she lands softly on the sand before you get knocked over by Mapi who laughs at the two of you.
Patri and Alexia sit on each side of her and she already knows what they’re going to say. You weren’t the only one who was constantly pestered by your friends.
“Come on, just tell her! This is becoming pathetic!” Patri exhales loudly as she throws her hands up frustratedly.
“Patri!” Alexia scolds the younger girl who just raises her hands innocently. “It’s not pathetic..you just, you have to admit it Claudia. Go up to her and be brave.”
Contrary to you, Claudia was aware of your feelings, but she didn’t know how to approach you. You were her best friend and even though she knew her feelings were reciprocated, she couldn’t help but be afraid of actually having to confess to you.
A not so gentle push to her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts and she looks at Patri confused. Her friend just nods towards where you are making your way towards the water, presumably to wash the sand off you. 
She takes this as her chance and as she stands up she’s again encouragingly nudged, this time by Alexia. She takes a deep breath when she nears the water, seeing your head reemerge from the water, she starts swimming towards you.
The giggle you let out when she finally reaches you is music to Claudia’s ears and she grins back at you before her expression becomes nervous. 
“What’s wrong Pina?” you ask concerned. She holds onto one of your shoulders as the waves seem to want to pull her under and you quickly follow by placing your arms around her waist.
She blushes at the contact and circles her own arms behind your neck as you hold her above the water. She realizes that she hasn't yet responded to your question and clears her throat.
“So uh I actually wanted to tell you something?” she starts “No, I need to tell you something. I erm..well you see..I-” she stammers nervously and you look at her, patiently waiting for her to finish.
She soon gets frustrated at not knowing how to confess and as she sighs, she momentarily closes her eyes.
You lean your forehead against hers, hoping your touch would calm her enough so she could say whatever she wanted.
Your thumbs rub circles into her skin soothingly and when she next opens her eyes she has this look in them, one that you can’t describe but it makes the butterflies go wild in your stomach.
Claudia opens her mouth again, seemingly wanting to speak again before she abruptly closes it. Her eyes bounce across your face as she stares at you before her gaze settles on your lips.
Your mouth grows dry at that and your breath hitches as she starts leaning in.
You close the distance between the two of you as your lips hug hers and the both of you sigh into the feeling of being so close.
She pulls you closer as she enjoys the softness of your lips and it’s only when you hear loud wolf whistling from the shore that you pull away and look towards your teammates.
They’re cheering, many of them have their phones out and Patri is standing with a huge grin on her face as she shows you two a thumbs up.
You giggle at the girls, pulling Claudia out of the water with you and pressing a kiss to her cheeks as the two of you get wrapped in a big towel.
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devine-fem · 7 months
does that one dami x jon post where it calls damian and jon’s relationship in SSOKE character devolpment not put anyone else off? like that’s not character development, the personality switch up on both of their parts was shoehorned so it could happen as quickly as possible. any positive dami x jon interactions after the age up feels like written apologies to super sons fans.
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madmanwonder · 5 months
A Well-Deserved Break (Marvel)
Type: Poll Winner
AU: Domestic AU
Fandom: Marvel Comics - The Avengers/Spider-Man Comics
Summary: Peter and Carol had been dating over three and half years which was bliss for the down-on-his-luck spider-themed hero who needed a good break and the beautiful blonde bombshell was more than fine in giving him that one good break.
Theme: SpiderMarvel, Wholesome, Happy Relationship, Peter need a Break
It been three and half years of bliss for him which made Peter quite happy to have a well-deserved break after the past years of struggle and failures for him. But now...it feel like he got a lucky and very well-deserved break from the struggles and failures in his life.
Peter smiled a content smile as he lazed around the couch watching some good TV wearing nothing but simple plain t-shirt and flannel pajama pants and cute house spider-themed sippers his girlfriend of three-and-half years give to him as a gag joke for his birthday.
"Hiya go, Pete." Carol Danver, his girlfriend and light of his dreary life handed him a nice steaming cup of tea. She was wearing one of his shirt and simple boy short underwear that hugged her well-devolped and toned lower body like a second skin. "Fresh cup of tea for my spidey-bug." Smiled the mighty Avenger-level heroine as she took a sit next to her handsome boyfriend.
"Thanks for the tea." Peter thanked Carol who let out a small hum as she snuggled up to Peter and watched the TV simply enjoying slow domestic life with her man who need a well-deserved break and she was more than willing to give him the break he desires.
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hupla222 · 23 days
Liko and Amethio
Oh boy. Amethio's back. I care so deeply about this devolpment. Oh, I just cannot contain my excitement. For anyone that doesn't know me, that was sarcasm.
But anyway, yeah he's back and I've seen a lot of people writing their excited little predictions about what could happen, a lot of them involving Amethio and Liko being stuck together in an avalanche. At first, I kinda laughed at these predictions. Yeah, right. As if. How lame. But the more I thought about it, I kinda liked the idea.
Now the way I see it, the first of the two newly announced episodes, that could be the trio being ambushed by the Explorers on the mountain. Hopefully with the other two jokers as well, or maybe just one. Maybe they're bored or something. Also we've never actually seen Sidian and Amethio interact so he's the only one that we have no idea what his relationship with Thio is like (that extremely brief thing in episode 27 doesn't count. All Sidian did was mildly agree with something Amethio said). The blah blah fight scene, really cool, and the two characters are trapped by snow, leaving the other two kids with the remaining character(s). Then sparse Amethio backstory, not the whole thing, but a little more info. (also then when they're free Liko learns her poor father has been kidnapped by Spinel or something wait what)
To be honest I think I'd still be more interested in the B plot. Dot and Roy being stuck with either part of the chaos duo sounds funny. Guess I'll just have to wait until the preview comes out tomorrow to see if I'm right.
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teganstable · 2 months
rwby ships brainrot thoughts pt1
lowkey I would rather ship Weiss with a can of tuna before I ship her with Jaune💀 and I cannot explain why I dislike him so much(which actually bothers me usually I feel like i have solid reasons) but when it comes to Jaune I can't think of any that are satisfying.
And before people say I'm hating just to hate. I'm not I love most of the male characters in rwby because they were presented in a much better way e.g Ren Qrow Ironwood Ozpin all of these characters had something about them that made them interesting and more appealing to learn more about they had a sense of "You're a little strange.... why?" Which is important to me at least to get your audience to like said character. With jaune home boy started out acting so "woe is me 😔 I'm never gonna be good enough" and that is an immediate turn off his vast lack of self of steam (other than flirting with Weiss for some reason) was just so Fustrating. Because in a world like Remnant you can't afford to have that sort of attitude but then still want to be a hunter
But I digress
RWBYs general messy writing aside I feel like when it comes to Jaune there's just something about his compatibility with both Pyrrha and Weiss that I instantly hated it didn't feel equal or natural but after finally watching the cross over I was actually suprised with how mildly intriguing him and Jessica were.
A lot can be said about the ships of Rwby and I do think some have more natural chemistry than others there are a few that I just know for a fact I'd hate to sit through as a viewer and kinda hate that I do. (Terrible addiction I've got here)
Jaune and Weiss kinda feels very.... forced of course they have both changed a lot since Vol 1 but they seldom did any of the growth... together which if your going to devolp some sort of romantic tension or something they kinda have to interact outside the bounds of Weiss just shutting him down
Pyrrha and Jaune were unbalanced. In the sense that what we did see of them in the show it was really Jaune was so full of self doubt it felt like without Pyrrhas constant support he'd wither away and die and Pyrrha was also full on the poster child for "I can fix him!" And I just hate that trope all together but ironically even with all her "fixing" she still didn't trust Jaune to fight along side her at that tower. And isn't that like one of the most important things in a relationship? Of course on some level she was doing it to save him but I feel like she would have had less hesitancy, if her partner had been stronger or even a proper student 🤭
Which is another Intresting point I think about often, what if Pyrrha was partnered with someone else would she have gone alone still? Or not. It's hard to speculate about that I mean I saw so very little of her to fully form a character assessment. But anyway I'm not tryna yuck anyone's yum if you do ship either Arkos or WhiteKnight you obviously see something I dont and that's the great thing about storytelling I guess but to me at least they both feel very off. 🤷
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leggerefiore · 9 months
So in light of the Sync Machine, the best way to domesticate Cyrus would be as follows:
Drag your long-term boyfriend out of the Distortion World.
Sync with your shared Rotom (super effective if it's THE Rotom you both befriended as children) and tell him off for trying to play God, all the holes in his plans, his lack of self awareness and how he almost ruined his relationship and nearly broke his Beloved's heart.
Nurse him through the worst depressive episode he's ever had (which is saying something) and talk him down from his nervous meltdowns over everything that happened and all the ways his plans could have backfired even if he had succeeded.
Reassure him you still love him and emphasize with his reasons and plight for a better world even if you vehemetly diagree with his methods.
Concieve Cyllene Jr. / Lenie (is she a happy accident or was she planned tho ).
Watch all his defenses crumble as he learns how to be a dad and immediately falls in love with his baby girl.
Enjoy watching the repressed spaceman's character devolpment/redemption arc unfold (he remains angry and emotionally constipated but it's not anywhere near as extreme and he's no longer using batshit insane means to change the world).
This is truly the best plan, but he still may one day snap and declare himself the unworthy one to remake the world before passing the task onto Cyllene. Granted, she won't actually do anything, but he still does that in some strange desperation to see something like his goals met.
Optional task is using the sync machine to possess Rotom and comfort him through the during his depressive episode.
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
So..uhmm I never wanted to do this bcuz...I felt...guilty but seeing this shit is fucking stressing me so let's start with this shit:
Let's start at the beginning like in 2019 more or less with a moth of about 12 or 13 years old at most but many knew me simply as sushi (somewhat random, my nickname was for my kitten but I changed it to my self insert moth girl )
At that time I had abandoned my old acc bcuz a girl certainly harassed me to answer her and to support her emotionally but she in itself degraded my problems, so I had decided to escape like the good coward that I am and I remembered that Jaja existed sooo I talked to her to tell her that sushi girl was me or just mysdered/mysde and we continued with our ships normaly(sfg! Nash x Classic!Frans and huhhh I think Rachel x Exterreri)
But despite the fact that everything was normal, something happened because Jaja began to talk to me a little about Zaiko, telling me to be careful when approaching them because they could hurt me and well, I blindly believed her, making me also fear and hate them for some reason.(Zaikoperdonameesqueestabachikitaypendejaigualnoeramiintención;;;;)
Although it seemed strange to me about Zaiko because I had not found any type of evidence that harmed Zaiko and in itself it was only Jaja answering ask type "She made me feel very bad with her actions..."(I'm using the old Zaiko's pronnouns acording to the year)and again I just keep listening only to Jaja because she was my friend in that time and I admired her art because for me was really pretty and comfy to see
Well, time passed all right I guess? There weren't many problems regarding our shipps until one day I drew a drawing of exterreri x rachel saying that their relationship reminded me of SasuSaku due to the fact that Exterreri left for too long and then came back and then Haha he spoke to me privately saying He did not like this comparison at all, asking me to perhaps delete the post or hc, I agreed and deleted the hc without too many problems, but a few months later the chaos began
I started to devolping a shipp with Zaiko and that ship was Seth x Cherry,Jaja she found out about this and she warned me again to stay away from Zaiko because they were a bad person and double-faced but I didn't noticed that honestly bcuz Zaiko was a very comprensive person and very very very kind and patient towards me and some mutuals in that time
And everything went down when I created my oc and shippchild of pf!frisk x killer! Sans,Artemisa Jaja inmediately talked to me starting the conversation with "I thought you didn't like that ship" and I told her that I was neutral regarding the ship and created Artemisa for fun too so that she could also interact with other fanchilds of the same ship or other ships as well. After I explained to her, she began with "You don't know how hurtful you are, I thought we were friends!" I felt horribly bad because I didn't want to make her feel that way with my fanchild and I was a bit scared to be honest so I told Zaiko that problem
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And I tried to resolve the problem with a serious dialogue to her and we broke our ships at Jaja's request I honestly was very sad I just loved the shipchilds that we make like Alexander(Sfg!nash xFrans) or Said(ExterrerixRachel),and she also requested me to delete the posts of said ships and childs (which she did not do because we made more than anything a deal)so we stopped talking and being less close than before and by that timeI started to talk to @yueart about our ships which at that time I think they were (AlexanderxViolet,BinariøxBermellon and TristánxZenka).
And among so much talk I brought up the problem with Jaja, realizing that I was not the only one affected by his actions because Yue also went through the same thing
So I had an idea, to make a reboot for Frans to see what he thought Haha, what did I get as an answer? well in the comments she sent me a "our ship is still canon right :)?" I was like "you're goddam kidding me right?!" But internally,and I said yes
But one day I just got tired of all that shit and well,tell her all the truth of the matter and blocked her inmediately
Voy a ser muy sincera con esto,este tema me estreso mucho e incluso mi ex pareja sabe del tema pues a él le pedia consejos de que hacer,recuerda que si tu pasaste la misma situación con esta mujer no estás solo! Me tienes a mi y a muchas personas más,debes mantenerte lo más firme y valiente que puedas ante sus estúpidos juegos,manipulaciones y llantitos. Espero que estés donde estés sepas que tienes apoyo tanto en este testimonio y muchos más
No te sientas mal si ella te hizo creer que la dañaste,literalmente tiene una mentalidad de una niña de 11 u 13 años
Para Jaja:
Honestamente...no me arrepiento haber dicho lo que dije en ese tiempo,me hiciste sentir tan mal con tus palabras,para mi eras una amiga más pero al final me di cuenta de algo,no conozcas a tus ídolos espero que estés donde estés seas conciente de tus acciones o el daño que le hiciste a personas. Sayonara~
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kidron · 1 year
Can I request General Hcs you have for Wukong and Red Son (separately) and how these hcs impact romantic relationships and crushes?
ahh this took like 3 weeks to be posted. I was waiting for the special eposides so that i can post most of my works at once, as that some of them are related to the special eps. So thanks for both your patience and requesting !
One last thing is that I don't write romance related stuff, you guys can check it on the rules please :]
( slight season 4 special spoilers )
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Sun Wukong || Monkey King
He prefers arm hugs, apparentily Monkey king doesn't seem very used to the full-body hugs; as when Mk pulled to his waist on the special episodes or when Tang hugged his shoulders from behind, he does not hate nor dislike them, just not that familiar with them.
He's now more used to someone coming out of the nowhere wrapping their arms around him, stroking his tail, or playing with his fur
He may also like wrapping an arm around the shoulder of close people to him, just like how he did to Macaque when handing him the peach.
Unlike his riskless behaviors, his diet is pretty much healthy, mainly on fruits which may be considered as too much carbs, but it's not; to the fact he's a monkey
If he saw someone generllay not eating well he would insist on them to eat with him
Macaque diet isn't the best, not the worst either, the main problem is that he doesn't eat at all... Wukong always need to double check on him
I suppose he doesn't like dried fruits, consedering that those lost most of their vitamins and the juicyness he enjoys in regular peaches and fruits, However, He's fine with most likley any dried food like those peach chips he was eating in season 1.
He's one of the best immortals when it comes to fitting in modern society, as well as learing what is and how to use new inventions by looking at how he knew how to use sunscreen propely. Lord I didn't know this information before and enjoyed searching about the scientist reason and entire history of sun cream, i had a good time.
One of Wukong's favorite activities while he's in town is buying any peach related merch, whether it's food or not; he doesn't only thinks peaches taste like heaven but also loves how they're shaped and the nice colors of them.
Self taught artist, a really good one but not that he takes it seriousily or what so ever, he like to draw from times to times, and through the years he devolped a nice style
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Red son
Even before they intracted that friendly in person, Mei may tried to find his number because she was amazed by his skills.
He enjoy letting the raindrops wash his clothes racing on his face while soaking his hair all at once, just before drying himself with his fire. well i'm not sure about this one since he didn't seem to be happy getting wet on the beach... but consedering that the relaxing rain drops and getting soaked with water are two deffrent things it may be reasonable.
By looking at his impresive projects, I wonder how many hours he sleep, how many countless restless nights he had, with the fire demon's eyes fighting the "desire" to keep closed everytime he blinks.
From times to times, him and Sandy meditates together, Sandy tries to help him to keep his nerves together and offers him tea, one of the few people Red son act pretty chill around.
He doesn't leave the lower buttons of his outfit open due to aesthetic purposes, but rather leaves them because they restrict his dramatic movements and therefore buttoning them is uncomfortable.
Red son prefers desserts saturated with cinnamon, the rich flavor that have some sort of spice-like impression matches his love for spicy food.
When Mei's hair ties got off when her powers went crazy, Red Son was the one who gave Mei two new ones. He has a few hair ties in his pocket just in case, his ties often gets cut or burned
Just like the Monkie king, he's one of the most demons with a good ability a keeping pace with technological developments, However, When it comes to communication he's not the best at it ( it's clear enough with no need to explaination )
Red Son prepares anything he needs before starting work, whether it's working on his machines or cooking, you will find the ingredients listed with the right amounts he need and the spices arranged in order. He does this in oreder to work smoothly and hates interruptions his work to fetch things over and over, and this method saves a lot of time ( try it, you will thank me ).
His caring language to people is placing his arm around their shoulders, just like he did to Mei, assuring them he's here, they have to keep going. Mei got it and so she does that to him too.
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Thanks for requesting, the Analysis will be done soon too, byiee
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voidandabyssal · 10 months
In all the aus u write which Toriel and Asgore would be most like to either get back together or at least have a cordial agreement? Who should NEVER been in the same room, let alone the same Planet with amount of toxicity they generate?
ehehehehhe I have been thinking about this!!
Okay so the ones with the best relationship would be the Tale couple!
At first Toriel and Asgore only get back together in order to present a more united front to the human government, they live in the same home together but sleep in seperate bedrooms, both take care of frisk. Basically acting as loving parents who've fallen out of love for each other.
At first, it's just a platonic friendship that devolps, both have sat down and discussed what happened with Chara and Asriel, both apologise, even Toriel, who feels guilt for abandoning both her people and her husband in a time of turmoil.
Soon that friendship devolps into a romance. Both act like blushing schoolgirls at first, unsure of what to do, or even if the other reciprocates.
Overall, it's a very healthy relationship, stronger than it was before even.
The second strongest would be the Swap couple!
Basil (US Asgore) and Clover (US Toriel) they don't live together at the start like the Tale couple do. Instead they just have Chara alternate where they live for a couple years. Then Chara and Stretch decide to meddle, and for a couple months Basil and Clover are forced to endure being put in the most romantic and embarrasing of positons. Try and think of the worst and I can gurantee what Chara and Stretch did was somehow more chaotic.
Eventually, through all the pranks and chaos, they do redevolp feelings for each other. The dynamic is different, and sometimes they argue, but it's a pretty happy relationship in the end.
the Fell couple is not the most toxic, there's just no relationship at all. Rose (UF Toriel) barely tolerates being in the same room as Oleander (UF Asgore) and she barely tolerates leaving Frisk in his care. No sleepovers, no messages, the only time those two interact is when it's about planned speeches and such.
Oleander still pretty pissy at Rose for leaving so he doesn't particularly mind.
is about the right reaction to the SwapFell couple.
Hemlock (SF Asgore) and Dahlia (SF Toriel) hate each other. They can't even be in the same room as each other without a fight breaking out, Hemlock can't stand to look at the woman Dahlia become and Dahlia hates that pathetic man too even look at her.
Hemlock doesn't let his Chara vist Dahlia, despite her constant pressing for vists and such. He's genuinely almost gone to blows with her over this, he's not letting his children be put in danger ever again.
Genuinely, there is only pure hurt and hatred left. Too much history that neither wants to or can overcome.
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callmeahopelesscase · 2 years
kimchay fic rec
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a moodboard for @scattered-stardust for their post-canon kimchay fic series 'Astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered)' on ao3 which I adore so much!! It deserves all the love!!
The series currently spans 5 parts (all fantastic in their own ways) and is mostly written from Kim's perspective though part 4 (my favourite part) gives a look into Chay's head.
I'm in love with the characterisation of both Kim and Chay in it, the story's focus that is not just on them and their relationship to each other (which is slowly on the way to being fixed, they're working on it!!) but also on their respective sibling/familial relationships and the overall setting as well as the way the story explores each of their emotional devolpment <3 seriously I love it a lot please give it a chance if you haven't already!!
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tipsypixel-sims · 7 months
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Klick >here< for PART I.
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Officer Harper decided a police dog would be a good addition to the neighborhood and help her on her patrols. So she called an old friend and Pinnacle Peaks had gained not only one but two new residents within a week.
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In addition to managing the settlement's daily affairs and having to play mediator between resident scientists, the SimCity government and the SCIA, Finley had another big project planned: Establishing the power supply for Pinnacle Peaks. And she knew just the sim who could help her! Together with their aspiring city planner and brightest physicist the three of them startet the planning-process.
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With fall coming to an end so did the construction of the windfarm and electrical substation. The town funds were pretty much depleted, but everybody was happy to finally have more electricity than what their rooftop solar and photovoltaic cells were producing.
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Just before the first snow fell, Finley managed to have a radio-telescope and -tower built as well as some telephone poles. Since the SCIA offered to pay half it only cost the town 5,000§.
Over the course of the first year many new relationships blossomed and old ones deepened.
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Flora and Carter discovered that their feelings of friendship had changed into something more. And after years of being friends, they didn't need a lot of time to decide that they had found their forever person in each other.
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Caleb and Quinn started to spend more time together and soon had their first date.
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Bree had unexpectedly found a friend in jasper. And although the two would never admit it to themselves or to others, there was definitely some flirting going on.
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Niamh and Rae spent many summer nights camping out near their fields. They stayed up till long into the night talking, and sometimes doing... other stuff. But they both weren't quite sure what and if they were ... anything?
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To everybody's surprise, Finley and Fergus started dating, after Fergus kissed the mayor when they bumped into each other at the farmer's shop one day in autumn.
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And while many relationships lasted and devolped... (Caleb & Quinn | Flora & Carter | Bree & Jasper)
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...others didn't. (Niamh & Rae | Finley & Fergus)
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To celebrate winterfest, Finley organized a Secret Santa Gift Exhange. Some were more excited than others, but overall everybody was happy with what they got.
And Finley, who was really pleased with herself for having the idea was even more pleased to see everybody get along so well after this first eventful year...
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But just as the year was coming to an end, a visitor arrived and disturbed the quiet of Pinnacle Peaks. The SCIA had sent Agent Callista Silva to check on Pinnacle Peak's progress. And while Finley made sure to show her around and checked all the boxes of hospitality and friendlyness, she was relieved, when the agent finally left again.
And that marks the end of Pinnacle Peaks first year.
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