#devil of caros
therookandthecrow · 4 months
My zodiac headcanons for the POE 1 companions
Aloth = such a Virgo in my eyes. He is such an earth sign. Moon sign likely Capricorn.
Grieving Mother = to me she is a Pisces. I think that she could be a triple Pisces.
Hiravias = Sagittarius with a Gemini moon. Fire grand trine.
Edér = another Pisces but with heavy earth placements. Pisces sun/Capricorn moon.
Sagani = an Aries with a Libra moon. Gemini rising but with substantial earth energy.
Pallegina = a Leo with her moon in a water sign. Venus in Virgo. Leo/Virgo energy is strong with her.
Kana = a Gemini, maybe with a Sagittarius moon. A good balance of earth and air energy but with little earth energy.
Durance = a Scorpio with a lot of fire placements. Scorpio sun/Sagittarius moon.
Devil of Caroc = an Aries with a Scorpio moon. Chaos gremlin energy like Hiravias, so she definitely has Gemini on her chart.
Zahua = an Aquarius, maybe even a triple Aquarius. Add Pisces to the mix, and you've got Zahua.
Maneha = a Taurus with an Aries moon. She probably has some Gemini placements.
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pennielane · 1 year
based on the results from the following polls: (x) and (x)
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
The amount of times Olivia stumbles face first into Jack’s titties while he goes “OOF” is magnificent. Between the Devil and Desire is a MAGNIFICENT book.
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daredevil-artwork · 2 years
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Daredevil by Ryan Caro
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
metal mouth
a lil pairing for @yesandpeeps's comic here about my beloved mountain getting braces. he's so fuckin cute i can't stand it
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1.3k of grumpy mountain under the cut:
"Now, caro, there is no need to be upset," Copia soothes. "They will help you, si? I do not want you to be in pain, my earth ghoul, that is no good for any of us."
Mountain shrugs, gaze downcast. “It just seems so . . . trivial.”
“Your health is not trivial; it is simply unfamiliar, or perhaps, er, too human?” Copia offers. 
The ghoul looks the man in his eyes, apprehensive. But he nods, agreeing. 
Braces. What a mortal thing to be burdened with as an ancient hellbeast. 
Mountain had started to complain about mouth pain a few months ago. His teeth, especially his fangs, had never been perfect. None of theirs were. Crooked teeth were not high on his list as far as complaints about appearance. Fitting oversized, monstrous bones into a mortal mouth certainly isn't a comfortable thing. 
But they all managed. Mountain managed. Until, that is, they started shifting, crowding in on each other and messing with his bite. The perfect space that his fangs fit into was suddenly too snug, the points of them clacking together if he chewed wrong or made a funny face at Swiss over his cymbals. His bottom incisors had begun to tip forward, threatening to give him an underbite. 
Suddenly, his teeth were just . . . wrong. And once they started becoming tender and sensitive to his favorite meals, Aether determined it was time for Copia to get involved, much to Mountain’s chagrin. 
“You know, I had braces as a child,” Copia muses now. “Quite bulky things. I could never pick out the right colors.” He chuckles a little, but stops when he catches the frown starting to form on Mountain’s face. He reaches up to pat him on the shoulder and scritch under his chin. “Not to worry, they will not look as bad as mine did, my ghoul.”
But they’ll still look bad, is what his brain translates Papa’s words to. 
Mountain’s already regretting complaining about it all.
The afternoon and evening after getting them placed is spent alone. Mountain is none too kindly reminded of the first time his horns shed, hours spent hiccuping through tears as he stared at his foreign reflection. 
They look . . . weird. They feel weird. Little bits of metal poking at his gums, his tongue, the inside of his mouth. His teeth look too small, too human for his liking. Mountain couldn’t fathom adding some unnatural color on top of it all, so he chose the translucent, slightly frosted elastic chain. It may yellow overtime, the orthodontist had said. Mountain had nodded, accepted this potential side effect, but he really didn’t care. 
He’s thankful to have an entire drum kit to hide behind. But his pack? Well, he can hide from them at least for the next twelve hours. 
Mountain steps away from the bathroom mirror with a sigh and goes back to uselessly pruning the ferns hanging over the windows. 
He rises the next day from a fitful sleep just as the sun peeks through the leaded panes. His mouth is screaming at him, gums sensitive and too much pressure everywhere. Lines of pain shoot up his jaw when he rubs across a nerve, and Mountain winces with a curse on his tongue.
Begrudgingly, he gets dressed for the day, despite the urge to crawl back into bed and sulk for as long as he can. But he can't very well do that with tour starting up again in a matter of weeks, so he pulls on some sweats and slumps to the kitchen. 
Tea. He needs tea. And probably a few hours alone with a quintessence ghoul.
No one’s in the common area when he arrives, and he silently thanks the devil below for a moment of solitude. The earth ghoul huffs a sigh through his nose and rifles through the teabags for something smooth and spiced. 
The warm scent of chai and orange zest hits his nose as Mountain waits for his cup to steep, smiling ever so slightly as the fragrant steam wafts over his face. It makes him feel better, even if just for a moment. 
Mountain cringes internally as he hears small feet padding down the corridor. He knows it’s Dew before he sees him, the little ghoul often rising with the sun most mornings. He tucks his face further into his mug, caging his forearms around his face.
The fire ghoul lets out a big yawn as he rounds the corner, stretching to brush the top of the short archway as he enters. Dew chirps when he sees the earth ghoul hunched over at the table. 
“Mornin’ Mount,” he mumbles. He inhales a lungful of air, sighing with a happy hum. “Hm, smells good. Mind if I join?”
Mountain shakes his head, mussed-up waves falling in front of his face. 
“Thanks,” Dew says. He makes his way over to the cabinets with a lilt in his step, humming some indiscriminate tune as he selects his favorite mug. Tired, but still too cheery for how early it is. It’s quiet between them for a few moments, save for the clinking of ceramic and Dew’s song. Mountain lowers his shoulders a little. 
And promptly raises them back up under his ears when Dew asks: “How’re the braces?” Mountain knows the fire ghoul is looking at him expectantly, ears perked. He doesn’t have to look to know his eyes are kind, rather than filled with malice or ill-intent. Dew wouldn’t make fun of him he knows, but he would love nothing more than to escape to the forest and bury his head in the dirt right now. 
“Fine,” he lies. “Kinda hurts,” he mumbles as an afterthought, doing his best to speak with the least amount of mouth movements. 
Dew tuts empathetically. He doesn’t speak again, but Mountain still feels his eyes on him. He chances a glance at him, which was really the wrong thing to do, considering the way Dew’s face perks up when he does. His arms are folded across his chest as he leans nonchalantly against the kitchen counter, hair and eyes glinting gold in the rising sunlight. 
Dew gives him a knowing grin and raises his eyebrows, attempting to prompt the earth ghoul into sharing his new set of braces. Mountain stares back, shy. But, against his will, there's a smile tugging at his lips, like he simply can't help it when Dew looks at him like that.
He smiles wider. "Come on big guy, will you show me?" Dew shuffles over to him at the table. "Please?"
Mountain bites the inside of his cheek, eyes steely. He shakes his head sheepishly, already pushing away from the table, chair legs scraping against the floor as he moves to make his escape. 
He doesn’t get very far. The fire ghoul steps in front of him, one hand grabbing Mountain’s sweater sleeve and the other reaching up towards his face. Dew waggles his fingers under his chin with a stupid giggle, bouncing on his toes as Mountain jerks his head away from his hand.
“Dew,” he warns, unable to escape his little fingers. “Swear t’ Satan, ‘f you don—”
“Ha!” the smaller ghoul exclaims, grabbing Mountain’s cheeks at last and squishing them together until the earth ghoul can’t help but bare his teeth, a grimace more than a grin. Mountain pulls at Dew’s wrist to try and dislodge him.
“Stooop,” he groans. Dew gives him a few squeezes before releasing him, opting to wrap both arms around Mountain’s middle instead and nuzzling against his chest in apology.
“But you look fine, Mount. Cute, even,” he laughs, looking up at him. 
“Do not,” Mountain responds, shaking his head. He rolls his eyes, sighing. He brushes a stray strand of hair out of Dew’s face, holding back a laugh when Dew purposely bats his lashes and nods solemnly back at him.
“You do. It’s different, yeah. But you’re still you,” he offers. 
“Thanks,” Mountain says in a small voice. 
Dew gives him one last squeeze before pulling away and sitting down at the table. He smiles and waves his earth ghoul back over. “Come on, finish your tea. I’m sure Aether’ll be up soon, and I’m sure he’ll need no convincing to help you with the pain.”
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Hii there's absolutely no pressure but I love your writing and thought: what about Ravine working with the 141 on a mission where drugs are related and they need to find them (or something of that sort, I'm no expert in military stuff) and they bring a k-9 with them that is known for being aggressive and attacking if not treated with utmost precision, only for it to warm up to Ravine and snuggle up to him even tho he's the scary and "mean" one?
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Pictures: Cooper with Ravine VS Cooper with anyone else
Dear Anon, I love your magnificent brain for coming up with this scenario!!! And thank you so much!🤗 Also no worries I don’t know anything about the military either :’)) I hope I wrote this how you imagined, do let me know 🙌
Warning: Mentions of drugs, PTSD, amputation, transplant- Probably wrong military name usages and stuff. Maybe OOC?💧
Let me know if you want a part 2 of this, where they chase down the drugs with Cooper 😀
Drug mission with an aggressive K-9 who only turns putty for the "mean” Ravine. The boys are conflicted about who to feel jealous of- Cooper or Ravine, both who usually don't let themselves be touched.
Ravine, who just finished his massacre, was sent to 141’s base once their mission to get intel turned into a drug chase. Along with the confiscated information, they found a hidden stash of high class heroin on the boat, therefore they wanted the soldier to join them.
Laswell had tracked the owner later: Caro Edgar, a well known drug lord that has been long enough on the wanted list. Price decided it was time they get the man behind bars- or dead.
Someone from the DATR (Defence Animal Training Regiment) was delivering their best narcotic detection dog to the squad per Price’s request. Some of the boys were ecstatic to have a little furry friend with them…
Until the dog actually came into the base.
The K-9, Cooper was a menace to deal with.
He bared his fangs at the men in front of him once his cage was open. Gaz, who was excited to greet their four-legged friend, took a sudden step and Cooper was already in his face, mouth ajar to bite his head off, if it weren’t for the chain being pulled back by the dog handler.
Soap flinched back from the sudden hostility and that owned him a bunch of barkings while saliva flew from the K-9’s mouth.
Safe to say, both men backed off and used Ghost as a human shield. Said man glared at the canine, his shoulders tensed. Price on the other hand looked at the soldier with a questioned look, who lent them the aggressive canine.
“I apologize but he is the only one qualified with the mission, the others aren’t ready or already on duty.”
 For the past two days, they tried to get along with the aggressive K-9 but it wasn’t getting any better.
If they moved too fast, he barked.
Breathed wrong? He growled.
Too close and shifting wrong? Cooper jumped them if it weren’t for the chain stopping him. They had to fill his bowl and slide it over from a distance due to Ghost almost losing his hand the first time he tried to fill his plate.
Price was 100% certain that Soap was having nightmares of the dog ripping him to shreds while he slept. Gaz refused to come near the devil spawn and walked along the edge while pressing his back to the wall. His eyes never left the four-legged demon when he passed around it.
Ghost? He and Cooper had a glaring contest every single time the dog started barking and growling like a feral animal when they came across each other.
 On the third day, Ravine finally reached the base and the dog hadn't lessened his bullshit which made the Task Force slowly lose it. Cooper made noises throughout the night when he felt like they didn’t suffer enough trying to take care of him.
The dog trainer admitted that she was a little afraid of the Belgian Malinois herself. The previous owner died on the mission so the dog was passed down to her. Cooper was one of the best K-9 they had so they had to keep him even if he was being hostile to the other dogs. They had to separate him into solo training with a group of supervisors to get the K-9 under control.
They were all currently all out in the open, trying to make Cooper listen to their commands. They couldn’t keep waiting due to the risk of Caro Edgar shipping a whole warehouse of drugs underground.
“Steaming bloody Jesus!”
Soap jumps back, close to losing his footing when Cooper jumps up to meet the man face to face.
“This isn’t going anywhere! We need a new dog damn it!”
Price sighs and opens his mouth to agree but notices the collar ripping from the sideline.
“Get away from him, NOW!!”
Cooper wastes no time to attack, Gaz who he seems to be running to, screams in fear and throws his body to the side. Only to reveal Ravine appearing from behind him, the men panic at the soldier staring at the report in his hands.
Their hearts skip a beat when the dog comes slamming down onto him from above. Papers flew through the air as Ravine couldn’t even finish registering what Ghost was screaming about until a blur of black and brown came into his sight.
They run towards the fallen soldier, expecting blood to pour from his shoulders or any part Cooper decided to bite into.
But Ravine laid on the ground unharmed with a hand holding the front legs and the other grabbing tightly on the dog’s mouth like a muzzle as he proceeded to get the K-9’s face further away from his.
“That was close. You good mate?” Soap warily inches closer but stops when Cooper starts growling again.
Ravine sits on the dirt for a moment before casting the dog to the side. As if the squad felt the change in their newcomer, they huddled together on the sideline with the dog trainer holding a brand new collar in her hands.
Cooper shakes his fur, his fangs out, ready to pounce at the threat in front of him. Ravine on the other hand stood calmly on his feet, his height casting a shadow on the dog as it came flying towards him.
The dog flinches at his voice, hesitates for a split second then prepares to pounce, his jaw open-
What some humans didn’t know was the highly sensitivity of a dog to pheromones. Cooper feels it, the malice from the stranger standing before him seems to grow and expand to an immeasurable size, all pointed at him and him only. Cooper was lost inside, alone, hunted down like a prey. If he didn’t listen now- he knew he was actually going to perish.
So he sat down, lowering as far as his body allowed.
 Gaz glances between Ravine and the dog in worry. “He doesn’t actually think this is going to work, is it?” His hands feel sweaty as he wiped them down on his clothes, his eyes peeking at Ghost and Soap. “He wasn’t here to see how dangerous it is.”
“I don’t think he’s dumb to believe that.” replies L.T. with crossed arms, the thought of shooting the little menace crossing his mind if the mutt decided to take a bite out of him.
They suddenly find themselves on the ground before they hear Price cackle loudly on the bench. Soap’s legs felt like jelly when Ravine ordered them- the dog with a tone he hadn’t heard him use before.
Ravine stared at the quartet on the ground and Price on the bench, curious what the Captain found so funny at him getting the dog to lay down. He might never know because they avoided looking into his general direction.
Soap laid on his back, his face in his palms, Gaz pushed his hat down to hide his expression and Ghost was lucky to have his mask on as he grabbed his arms while turning away, the dog trainer pushed her head into her knees that were pulled towards her chest.
And lucky Price, who was already sitting, continued to crack up towards the squad with the occasional whines being let out from Cooper in the background.
Ravine thought the Captain told a joke that made the others react so strongly and didn’t bother questioning it, to their relief. When everyone calmed their hearts, they mentally agreed to never talk about this situation ever again but they knew Price would never let them live this down.
 They decided the little demon was Ravine’s responsibility now.
And at first they were glad to not have to risk their limbs anymore.
Cooper listened to every word Ravine spoke and slowly throughout the day, the dog started to waddle around without having to be leashed although he would still snap at the other’s who weren't Ravine.
What started out as an aggressive attack dog, turned in half a day into a puppy longing for affection and attention.
 On the fourth day, 141 was slowly getting fed up.
At one point they were jealous that Ravine gets to be on the menaces' good side. He gets to ruffle the dogs fur, pet it while they get a face full of teeth and saliva. Along with Cooper sitting on his lap, his thighs making it look really cozy to touch, the K-9 performed tricks and wagged his tail like a love-sick puppy yearning for cuddles from the man.
As if the four-legged demon didn’t plan to give Gaz a nose transplant, a hand amputation for Ghost and PTSD for Soap.
Then they couldn’t approach Ravine without Cooper getting in between them.
They weren’t allowed to be near him and had to stay at least a good few feet away. They couldn’t even hand him things over without the damn dog scaring them, so Cooper could bring the stuff to Ravine like some newspaper.
At the meeting to track down Caro Edgar, Cooper decided to interrupt by going in between his legs and standing up to put his front legs on Ravine’s chest. He wouldn’t stop bouncing until his human put an arm around him, his hand laying on top of his head for scratchies.
Price’s content that Ravine was a help to get the dog under control. They couldn’t risk flunking the mission caused by a misbehaving K-9. He lets his eyes linger on the duo, a smile spreading on his lips when the faceless man doesn't repulse from the physical affection.
He wanted to go back to the report but noticed that no one was really paying attention anymore besides Ravine, who was looking at the documents on the desk.
Gaz is tempted to pull at its tail beneath the desk so the K-9 would stop bothering Ravine so much. He snaps his eyes away from it when Cooper looks directly at him. The menace threw his attention back to the man petting him when the smell of fear slowly radiated off of Gaz.
Beside Ravine sat Soap as he wondered if one day the slouching male would give him a hug too. For a while he stared at the demon disappearing and replaced by a puppy in Ravine’s embrace.
Ghost gawks at the mutt in irritation. He fed him and got his limp nearly bitten off and now the same mutt is squeezing his teammate’s chest like some paw toy. He knows that Cooper was given him side eyes and showing his sharp fangs to mock him. Ravine looks down to check on the K-9 and there it goes acting all innocent.
 On the sixth day, the dog trainer already left while the team wanted to get the mission done and over with, so they could immediately return the K-9 back to her.
Soap’s mind wanders around until he thinks aloud, his eyes following the dog wagging his tail at the tall man trying to train in peace. He grimaces at it for stealing his chance to bond with Ravine all to itself.
“Do you think that brat sleeps in the same bed as him?”
“I’m sure it does-” Gaz sips loudly from his bottle, his eyes glaring down at Cooper when the K-9 gets to snuggle closer to his chest before being pushed to the side, “Look at it! The dog gets to hug him before I even get the chance for Ravine to let me touch his shoulder!”
“I don’t even get a high five from him.”
“Me neither.”
Both turn their heads towards Ghost, silently edging him to answer the question. He sighs under his breath. “Negative.”
They all turn back to watching their friend from afar, occasionally cursing the dog under their breaths when they see how physical Cooper was getting with the man who was known to back away from people who wanted to touch him.
Even Ghost wasn’t that stingy.
Hell breaks loose when Cooper starts to put his paws on the man’s ass.
“ThaT’S IT-”
“Wait Soap, don’t dO THAT-!”
Terrified screams could be heard through the base along with a string of curses and a dog’s vicious barking. It ended with Ravine ordering Cooper to back off from his friends with a slight edge to his voice which scared the dog into laying on the ground shamefully.
On the other hand Gaz and Soap grin victoriously and pull faces at the dog behind the safety of the soldier’s back. Ghost silently curses the mutt for acting inappropriately while Price is hiding in the back, recording the whole situation to send to some people.
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seeminglydark · 1 year
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‘Kill your demons, kill ‘em dead
In your mirror in your bed
In your heart and in your head
Don’t you look Good in Red?
Slay your devils, kill ‘em all
Take your throne and paint the walls
And if you make it out alive
Hold that bloody head up high.’ -Good in Red by The Midnight
A little exclusion art cuz it’s very fun to do (basically draw a blob and erase the line art instead of inking it, you’ll see a lot of it in Mil-Liminal and in Seemingly Dark, especially in the In Between Place and Rok!) in my fave palette from my comic Prom Night. I like to make quick pieces to get a feel of what a new story will be, instead of writing down beats, so here’s a little peek at my ideas for book two of Mil-Liminal: The Gateway!
This one’s for T, cuz they always encourage me and make me feel good about my art, which is rare haha, and I know the exclusion art and In-Between Caro is their fave!
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ghulehunknown · 11 months
Papal Punishments
Secondo x GN!Reader
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Day 10 of KINKTOBER is here! 🎃
Also available on AO3!
“Punished by Papa”
Summary: You go to the Ministry Halloween party wearing your sluttiest costume and of course Papa punishes you for looking so sexy and attracting everyone’s attention, he can’t stand it
CW/Tags: gender neutral reader, clothed male/partially nude reader, roleplay, spanking, slapping, whipping, spitting, degradation, fingering, edging, masturbation, zero aftercare
Word Count: 2069 (nice)
“Did you really think you could hide from me all evening, tesoro?” said Secondo, glowering at you.
You flashed him a coy look; your plan to fluster him all evening at the Ministry’s Halloween party worked. You were supposed to attend in your spookiest of outfits, but you ended up in something a little saucier: a bunny costume, complete with a black corset bodysuit, ears, and fishnet tights.
You waltzed through the halls of the Ministry, drinking and flirting with the Ghouls and other Siblings as the Monster Mash blared in the background.
Alpha looked the cutest, dressing up as a little devil, his whiplike tail blending in for the most realistic costume. The two of you had exchanged glances before, but never acted on whatever tension there was between you. Now that you were with Papa, you would never dare jeopardize what you had with him…but that didn’t mean you couldn’t look. Perhaps tease him, or even pique his interest in inviting a Ghoul to your bed. And by Lucifer’s grace, Papa had noticed. Though truthfully, you weren’t really hiding it.
He cornered you down a hallway, backing you up against a wall. “I said, ‘Did you think you could hide from me?’” he repeated.
You didn’t respond immediately, pondering your options. “Absence does make the heart grow fonder,” you said, taking a sip from your cocktail slowly. Papa went for a classic Dracula look this evening, though not changing his usual Papal makeup much.
He spat out the fake vampire teeth into his hand. “Or it makes your Papa impatient. And you do not wish to see me be a cruel man, do you caro/cara?”
“What does that look like, handsome?” you asked, trailing your fingers up the buttons on his cloak and feeling his muscley pectorals.
“I could rip this corset off you in an instant, make an example of you to the Clergy. Then you would find out what happens to disobedient Siblings who leave their Papa in such a helpless state,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
You looked down and thought you could see a small tent forming in Secondo’s trousers, and smirked. “It sounds like a good time. But, I think my shame should be in private this time around.”
“I expect you to be in my chamber in five minutes. I suggest you don’t be late.” He swept off down the corridor, leaving you breathless, a tingling sensation creeping below your navel. Like butterflies, without the anxiety - you always felt safe with Papa. No matter how much he pretended to be a cold bastard, you knew how warm he truly was.
You swallowed what was left in your cocktail glass for some liquid courage and made your way down the halls, talking yourself up the whole way there. You knocked on the giant oak door, heart pounding wildly.
“Come,” he called, his voice projecting surprisingly well through the thick door. You turned the brass knob, prepared for anything. Not much had changed from the last time you visited his room, except this time Papa was fully clothed with a whip in hand. He was clapping it against his hand menacingly as he stood beside his large leather chair. He had shed his cloak and rolled up his sleeves, the veins in his arms protruding everytime he palmed the whip.
“Kneel,” he said, pointing to the floor by his feet. You obeyed, getting down on your knees and looking up at him. He looked down at you, a sneer on his face, almost a look of disgust.
“Have I disappointed you, Papa?” you asked shyly.
“Hush, puttana,” he warned. “You know exactly what you’ve done. Anymore cheek and you’ll receive a slap on it.”
“But I - ” you started but got the wind knocked out of you with the ends of his fingers striking you across the face.
“I said silence. You will be receiving your punishments this evening, is that clear?” You nodded. He knelt down to firmly grasp your chin in his hand and continued. “You know damn well I could give a shit who you fuck. But don’t you dare parade it around in front of me like I am some old fool.” He spat in your face then released you with such force you flew to the floor and threw your hands out to brace the impact.
You sat up and rubbed your face, still stinging.
“Have you fucked him?” he asked, leaning against the chair.
“Are you stupid now too as well as a whore? You know who I mean. Alpha.”
Your heart sank. “No, Papa, I swear - ”
“Not yet, then,” he said, pondering and pacing around you.
What? Did he want you to fuck Alpha?
“How many times do I have to tell you caro/cara? I do not care who you fuck or how many times, but do not presume to think I am unaware. There is no use in hiding, when truthfully I would rather you waste someone else’s time than mine.”
Ouch. You swallowed the wad of saliva in your throat, almost forgetting to breathe and swallow at all.
“Is that the issue, Papa? I will be more forthcoming in the future…”
“The issue is, my little problem,” he started. Were you his ‘little problem’? “ - that I have been thinking of fucking you all day, and here you are parading your ass around. And you are just too fucking sexy to not take care of this…big problem.”
“And how do I fix this ‘big problem,’ as you call it?”
He snapped and pointed at his feet, the shiny leather of his shoes slightly scuffed. You crawled over to him, and began to kiss his shoes, working your way up, almost eye level with his big problem - until he snatched you by the hair and pulled you away. He dragged you a few feet over to the chair, tossing you over one of the arms.
He grabbed the whip from the other arm of the chair and threw himself into the lounge. He grabbed your legs and draped you over him, your ass cheeks peeking out of your bodysuit. He hiked up the bottoms into your crack, exposing more of your cheeks and the fishnets underneath.
You gripped into the leather arm of the chair as if your life depended on it, bracing yourself for what was to come.
“Are you ready, puttana?” asked Secondo. You nodded, waiting. A loud clap rang through the room, as he struck you with the palm of his hand.
Okay, not so bad - holy shit! You thought too soon, his hand coming down on you again with much more force the second and third times. The brass beads embedded into the seams of the arm were also leaving their own indentations into your fingers from how hard you were holding on.
“Ah shit, Papa!” you cried, hissing an inhale through your teeth. He spanked you again for your exclamation and foul mouth. He unclasped the buttons on the crotch of your bodysuit, roughly pulling it up your body and grabbing your cheeks and massaging them, then smacking them each again.
He grabbed the whip and trailed it along your body, then between your thighs to the sensitive flesh between them, teasing and tickling you along your entrance. You gasped and let out a moan - until he spanked you with it - hard.
“Are you enjoying this, mm? Is my little slut enjoying their punishment?” he said, cracking the whip against you again.
“Ah!” you exclaimed, not sure if you were supposed to answer or not.
“I can’t hear you.” Smack.
“Yes, Papa!” you cried. Smack!
He gripped your fishnets in his hands and said, “These will have to fucking go,” ripping them apart in between your legs. Now there was easy access into your nether regions.
Damn, there went $12.
He spat into his hand and inserted two fingers inside your entrance, feeling you clench around him. When you moaned involuntarily, he retracted his fingers and smacked you on the ass again. You could tell your rear would be red for quite a while.
“Hands on the floor,” he said gruffly, grabbing onto your legs. Carefully you moved so you were reverse straddling him, your entrance almost level with his cock, now protruding from under his trousers and poking you in the groin. Your shins laid flat against his chest, your high heels resting on his shoulders. You held yourself steady, palms to the wood floor - though you didn’t need to use all your upper body strength as he tucked your knees under his elbows.
He gripped onto your cheeks and rubbed them soothingly, then massaged your muscles deeper before smacking you again. Each time instinctively you clenched as he struck you, eliciting a secondary smack from him.
“So tense, caro/cara,” he remarked, slipping his fingers into you once more. Again you clenched around him but as he pumped in and out of you, your body started to relax. Until, that was, he repeatedly removed his fingers to slap you square across your behind again. He repeated these motions over and over, changing up the speed he was fingering you and for how long, so you never knew when to expect the relentless assault on your rear end.
Again and again he fingered you almost to completion, just stopping short each time to give your ass another spank, judging by how quick your breathing got each time.
“P-please, Papa,” you cried after what felt like an hour, your arms shaking as you continued to hold yourself up, resting yourself against his legs from time to time.
“Please what?”
“P-please let me c-cum,” you said, trembling.
“And why should I do that? I like seeing you here, vulnerable and begging.” He paused in thought before clapping your cheek again, though not hard at all this time. Still out of fear it would be a harder spank, you shook as he touched you. “Beg.”
“Mm?” you said.
“You heard me - or are you stupid? Beg for it.”
“Please Papa,” you said barely above a whisper.
“I can’t hear you. If you are worth my time at all, at least be heard.”
“Please Papa!”
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum, Papa!” you practically screamed this time.
He inserted three fingers inside you this time, knowing by feeling that familiar stretch pull you apart like putty in his hands. He groaned as he humped his clothed erection against your sensitive bud in front and mercilessly fingered you from behind, this time to your completion.
You almost slid off his lap as your whole body shook, your orgasm practically exploding over you like fireworks - but he held onto you tightly. Until, that is, your breathing returned to normal and he released you from his grasp, letting you fall to the floor in your exhaustion.
He stood up and looked down at you with a sneer, one hand on his hip, the other on his cock - somehow already out of his pants. He began to stroke himself steadily, staring you down as you watched wide eyed below him.
You scrambled to your knees with an open mouth, leaning in to take his thick member and get face fucked. You practically salivated at the piercings lined up along his shaft, waiting to taste metal. Instead he pushed your head away and tossed you back to the floor.
“Who said you could touch me, puttana? Open,” he instructed.
You sat patiently with your mouth open while he continued to pleasure himself in front of you, moving swiftly and smoothly up and down. Lucifer, he had to be at least 8 inches - maybe even 9 - with a girth you knew would fucking hurt. He leaned down towards you, steadying himself by gripping your hair and pumping long warm strands of cum all over your face - grunting roughly while doing so. You happily licked his juices off your face, longing for more when you cleaned yourself of him.
He continued to look over his nose at you while he adjusted himself back in his pants. Turning on his heel, he walked to another part of his room to sort through some papers and pretended you were no longer there. You sniffled and readjusted yourself, buttoning the clasps of your bodysuit back up before awkwardly waddling out of his door and making the walk of shame down the hallway.
Italian to English Translation
tesoro (treasure)
caro/cara (dear)
puttana (whore)
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cupfullofpapas · 7 months
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(Yes I'm reusing this image too busy to doodle a new one :''( life has been super crazy as of late ) Second Vol in The Assistant series: In the arms of a Devil Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader Also read it on my Ao3 here Previous Vol. : The Assistant
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5: Screen Share
Sleeping was difficult that night, you tossed and turned until your body was too exhausted and you passed out, when morning came you reached out expecting to touch your Cardinal's sweet face but found only cold sheets, the confusion it hit you before your memory did. “Ah.. the tour,” you thought out loud with your hand still on the sheets.
Your Cardinal would be lying beside you, waking up to him you would crease his cheek and get a genuine smile from him, a smile you missed already. Grabbing your phone and tapping in the security pin, the envelope icon had a 1 on it. 
Copia:  Goodnight Cara Mia <3, call me when you get up
You smiled looking at the message the little heart he typed out made you giggle as you pressed the call button on his name, it rang a few times before he picked up.   "Dolcezza, good morning!."  He greeted putting a smile on your face as you sat up in bed leaning against the headboard.  "Morning Caro, how did you sleep?."  You heard Copia groan.  "Without you by my side, horrible I used to be able to wake up to an empty bed and not think anything of it, and now? it is the worst feeling in the world."  You couldn't help but chuckle at the dramatic tone of his voice her hand cupped over your face to keep any noise from escaping.  "Well it's only for a few months Copia, remember-"  "Cara" He interrupted "If you are, going to say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder  please Mountain has already given me the entire lecture about it, no wonder he  is Primo's favorite ghoul."
 A smile came to Copia's face as he heard you laugh on the other end ahh what a laugh you had he could listen to it for hours, there was a moment of silence the Cardinal swallowing hard trying to decide if now was the right time to say those three little words to you, he shouldn't be this nervous about it he'd already slept with you several times. Copia opened his mouth to speak however Rain appeared in the doorway his thumb pointing over his shoulder.  "Ah, dolcezza, I need to go and get started first concert is in a few days."  "I know."  You replied swinging your legs over the side of the bed and getting up.  "I need to get my butt up too."  At that moment there was a quick rapid knock on your door as one of your siblings of sin stuck her head into your and Copia's dorm room as you and Copia said your goodbyes. "Come quick!, Sister Gemma has gone into labor!." 
You stared at the sister in shock. "But" You started. "She isn't due until next month."  This made you get up quicker throwing on her habit, instead of brushing your hair you shoved it into the hat there was always time to brush it later. The closer you got to the infirmary the more siblings of sin and ghouls alike littered the hallway, pushing one of the shorter ghouls aside. 
"Sorry, Lenti!." You called back finally pushing the door open and heading down the hall.   "Sorella." Came Primo's worried voice taking your hands in his.  "We were in the garden when the pain started."  "Has her water broke?" you watched as Primo stared at you blankly.  "I'm not sure, I do not remember Sorella"  You knew he was worried and some information could have escaped his mind especially with everything moving so fast and his fear of losing a second wife. 
You heard Gemma call for him it took you aback for a moment to hear her like that, fearful, fearful was one thing you would never classify Gemma as. Primo had let go of your hands and rushed to Gemma's side.  "Mi amore, do not worry everything will be okay."   "I hope ah!- so caro."  You watched them for a moment and wondered.. if one day that would be you and Copia, shoving the thought aside you stepped into the room. "Gemma how close are the contractions?"  Before Gemma could answer you heard Sister Imperator behind you.  "They are close now, if you would please step out into the hall."  You wanted to argue about staying there, however, Lenti was already tugging you out of the room to stand with the rest of the ghouls, ghoulettes, and siblings of sin. The heavy doors kept Gemma's cries at bay, time seemed to stand still as you worked your way to the outer edge of the group squeezing out of the crowd. 
"You!." You heard a voice yell out and before you knew it you were tackled to the ground and with weight sitting on your stomach the air had been knocked out of you.  "Divine!." You heard Alpha's voice as he picked the ghoulette up off of you the blond giving a nervous laugh, meanwhile, Terzo and Omega helped you sit up you were about to thank them but only glared at Terzo. 
"Yes, yes I know I was a dickhead, look I've already called and apologized to him, as much as I didn't want to-" "He felt awful after the fight, he didn't even do his skin routine or bubble bath" Omega butted in, thankfully the young Emeritus had worn his paint or else you would have seen his cheeks go red. "Shhhh! Omega!."  He spluttered "What? it's not like it's a secret" You mustered out a small laugh looking up as Alpha walked over still holding Divine by the back of her top, like a cat that had been caught.  "What do we say Divine?" the ghoulette hissed only to get shaken slightly. "Okay! okay!."  The female huffed.
"I'm sorry for tackling you, I saw you and got too excited- now put me down Alpha!!." The Ghoul opened his hand dropping the girl who landed on the floor with a thud. "Ow! you motherfu-" She started but huffed making her way to Terzo on all fours taking a seat by him and Omega grumbling.  "I see she's still pretty feral."  "We're working on it." Alpha shrugged before asking.  "Any news on the baby yet?."  You shook your head. "Nope, Sister Imperator had Lenti pull me from the room, I think she's pushing right now." 
"She pushed you from the room? the old witch"  Terzo grumbled running his hand through his hair in annoyance. "She better be kind to my niece or nephew" Terzo hissed quietly. 
It felt like forever until the door finally opened and Sister Imperator stepped out.  "It's a girl."  She announced to the waiting crowd Primo being the next to step out of the room holding the baby girl wrapped in a yellow blanket.   "Alessia Anna Emeritus." He announced blinking as several of the crowd members were pushed aside Terzo forced his way to the front his eyes having a shine to them. "Fratello, she is beautiful"  He spoke his voice a whisper as those tiny mismatched eyes looked up at her father and uncles her little head was covered in soft blond hair.  "How is Gemma?." You asked as you made it through the crowd Omega, Alpha, and Divine having acted as bodyguards. 
"She is doing well, come"  Primo spoke as he turned allowing you and the others to walk in the older Emeritus considering you part of the family now.  Gemma looked up from her place on the bed. "Sister, there you are." She held her arms up allowing you to hug her Terzo was next followed by the two ghouls before Alessia was handed back to her mother. 
"They said she was early but strong with everything fully developed." Gemma smiled as Alessia's little hand took hold of her finger, you turned your attention hearing the door open only to see Secondo standing there he looked surprised or maybe shocked?, to see you there, you couldn't pinpoint it. 
Saying your goodbyes you headed out of the room so the brothers could marvel over their new niece, thankfully the crowd outside had departed making it easy for you to be on your way.  Time seemed to slow down and you hated it, you hated going to bed alone at night sure Copia and you would talk for a few hours until you both eventually fell asleep while still on video call there were a few times you woke up seeing him fast asleep you had learned a few things from this:  One Copia was a heavy sleeper. Two he sometimes talked in his sleep. And three he sometimes passed gas in his sleep, the first time you heard it, it sent you into a fit of laughter that woke the poor man up out of a dead sleep. When he asked what was so funny you spared him any humiliation and simply said that Bisscoti had done something funny, from then on if it happened again you always muted your side to laugh or giggle. 
Two months in and time started moving faster, thankfully mostly because you were watching little Alessia, rather watching Primo gush over his bundle of joy you had to remind the eldest Emeritus to take his medications and of his appointments with the abbey's doctors. You watched as Primo gave his daughters' belly a raspberry which made the youth squeal in laughter, feeling your phone buzz before ringing the screen and flashing Copia's name you waved to the two happy new parents before taking your leave and answering.
"Hey babe."  You answered giggling as you heard a wheeze of surprise on the other end.  "Hello sorella, how are you?." Your Cardinal asked once the camera had been turned on allowing you both to see each other, you swore he grew more and more handsome each day.  "I'm good, missing you, you have what, one or two more shows before you return, yeah?."   "Si, and non too soon." "Oh?, trouble in paradise?." "I wouldn't say trouble more like ehhh.."  He rolled his wrist looking for the right words to say. "Getting the ghouls and ghoulettes to listen to me, especially Omega and Alpha but enough about work how is la mia nipotina doing?"
You stared at him for a moment. "My little niece."  He respoke as you gave a thankful look. "She's doing well, a little small, other than that she's in perfect health." "Does she have the ehh, eye?." 
"Yeah she does, it's so weird, seeing a tiny set of eyes like that makes me wonder if there are any baby pictures of you lying around."  You laughed as you heard Copia wheeze a 'no'. You laughed while heading back to the dorm,  flopping onto the bed while holding the phone above you. 
Copia watched as you flopped down onto the bed seeing your gorgeous hair fanned out and the way the blankets hugged you... his mind started wandering, wandering right down into the gutter it had been too long since he had pleased himself, so long that seeing you sprawled out on the bed made him stand at attention. Copia was mentally thanking Lucifer and the infernal princes that he had remembered to lock his bunk door for some privacy. 
"Ahh, cara mia the things you do to me."  He whispered which put a smile on your face as you rolled over onto your belly the phone held out in front of you.  "Oh?, and what do I do to you?, my Cardinal?."  You watched as his face turned a soft shade of red.
"W-Well I-I that- that is uh... um.. eh... that- you see ehh..." He was flustered and you loved it.  "Well?."  Your voice took on a flirtatious tone. You watched as he smirked feeling the rare boost of confidence. "How about I show you, eh?."  Now it was your turn to turn red as you heard the rustling of clothes and a zipper and with the turn of the phone, you were face to face with his cock standing erect and proud. Copia's leather-dressed fingers came into the frame to stroke at himself slowly. You watched biting your bottom lip as you felt a tingle between your legs watching, listening to his breathing grow deep. 
"I see you miss me quite a bit hm?."  You giggled lifting your hips from the bed and rolling them feeling yourself starting to grow moist. You had almost forgotten how good it felt when he was inside of you, how good it felt while your Cardinal slammed into you hitting all the right spots while he had you on your hands and knees taking you from behind.
"More than you know tesoro."  You watched as his hand pulled away his cock throbbing, you watched it bounce with each pulse. Biting your lip you looked around as if to make sure no one was looking at your screen in your own damn room.
"You know- letting it go like that isn't good." You whispered. "Perhaps you should take care of it mio caro." You rolled your r and you swore you saw his cock bounce harder.  "Si, si dolcezza" You heard your Cardinal gasp as he took a firm hold of his cock starting to stroke his erect member soft moans passed his lips, moans that went right to your core making your slick walls throb and grow slicker, they gave a harder throb as you heard him groan your name.  "Fuck that's hot." You wheezed out in a whisper.
"Bellezza, what I wouldn't give to have you here with me right now bouncing on my lap, to be deep- so deep inside you." Copia panted out.
"Oh fuck, yes Copia."  The words came out in a hushed gasp of a whisper, they seemed to just spill out on their own as your hand snaked down between your legs slipping past your panties and feeling your moist lips.  "Sweet Lucifer, I'm so wet."  
You breathed you felt a slight wave of embarrassment however the feeling was pushed away as you sank two fingers into your cunt making yourself gasp his name, before you knew it you both were masturbating listening to one another, the phone had been moved so you both could also see each other while your hands went to work.  "Fuck, cara I want you, I want you so fucking bad."  Copia breathed as his hand pumped his leaky cock, beads of precum had welled and started to spill giving his erection a soft shine. 
"Ragazza birichina... I can hear your wet cunt from here."  Copia breathed making you clamp around your fingers.  "Oh fuck, C-Copia-."  You panted as you thrust your fingers in and out of yourself faster. "I want you here in me so fucking bad." You whined your back arching into the huge mound of pillows. 
"Ohh.. you have no idea how much I wish I was there." Copia breathed. "Amore I'm close." 
"Hold it baby, just a little longer wait for me."  You gasped as your second hand joined in rolling your clit, as good as it was it couldn't compare to the feeling of Copia's hands on you. Your mind trying to trick yourself into thinking it and surprisingly it works bringing you closer to your peak.  "Cara-."  Copia started but you cut him off.
"Now, now, oh fuck- now! oh baby I'm cumming I'm cumming!." You moaned as you felt the pressure snap in your pelvis it felt as if your blood rushed from top to bottom and back while your cunt squeezed your fingers.  Copia had sped his hand up until his balls finally contracted as he released. His head was thrown back as thick streams of cum splurted from his cock splattering onto the camera, you could only hear a faint breathless 'ah shit' as your body was starting to come down from its high falling back onto the bed. 
It took a few minutes before you finally had enough energy to get up and clean your mess, Copia doing the same on the other end wiping his phone clean.  Afterwards, you lay in bed with a pillow propping your phone up next to you as you both continued to talk into the night feeling even more in love as you said your goodnights and blew a kiss at the screen.  You were settling down for bed when you heard a knock at your door, mumbling you dragged yourself from the bed to answer it finding Emilia at your doorstep, your brow arching. 
"Mi dispiace, sorella, for coming to you so late but you are the only one I could think to ask."  "What is it Emilia? and it's okay."  "Mi dispiace, but do you- umm."  Her pale face grew red as her dark eyes looked away, she looked kind of cute that way almost too innocent to be in the church of Lucifer.  "Do I?."  "DoyouhaveanyextracondomsIcoulduse?."  She said quickly her voice hushed, there was silence for a moment while you both stared at each other before you laughed which made her face redder.  "Yeah yeah I do, come on in." You waved your fellow sister of sin into your dorm room while you vanished into your room grabbing the box from the nightstand and popping it open pulling a line of the foil packages out. 
Folding them you headed back to the living room where Emilia was still standing her face still red with blush.  "Here you go." You handed them to her as she gave a thankful smile.  "Grazie."   "No prob and don't think there is any bad blood between us just because you're with Secondo okay?." Emilia stared at you as if you had read her mind and seen right through her fears, you watched as her hazel eyes welled a little.  "Grazie, grazie sister."  She spoke smiling as you hugged her. 
"Now go, rock his world sis." You snickered as Emilia squeaked at your words, one final hug and she was off to nail the man of her dreams, you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she could go right to her lovers' room and be with him while yours was miles and miles away. Your final thought that night was if this was how Gemma felt when Primo was on tour during his era as Papa, if she could get through it then hell you could too!. Tag list: Please message me and tell me if you would like to be tagged! @thesoundresoundsecho @xpapaemeritus @copiasprincipessa
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car-o · 3 months
Ight car facts yea
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• Caro canonically has curly hair
• His hair is seemingly always messy, for he does not care for it
• Caro only bathes in his human form, and only precisely when needed
• Despite not usually bathing, caro has no particular smell, not bad nor good.
• Caro is fond of human meat.
• This happens due to him being an animal-shifter devil.
• According to him, his favourite part are human arms.
• He will often make deals for human meat, instead of money
• Money has no value to him
• Despite that, he enjoys the sound of coins clinking
• He does not like how money smells
• Caro's hearing is overly sensitive
• He can be seen with sound-cancelling headphones or earplugs on one ear usually.
• He will always cover his ears when people clap.
• He has a very specific set of sounds he enjoys hearing
• Those being: coins clinking; horse footsteps; soft bell rings; muffled gunshots and rocks hitting against eachother.
• Caro has a very poor sense of smell.
• He can only smell very strong odours
• This does not affect his proficiency.
• He states that even if he can smell something, any kind of smell makes him feel sick
• His attention can be caught easily
• If he hears any sound that particularly catches his attention, his ears will turn to where the sound came from
• If he's not in the middle of a conversation, this will cause him to look directly at where the sound came from
• Bright paintings and shiny objects also catch his attention easily
• His functional pupil dilates when seeing something interesting
• Electronic devices fascinate him too
• His body refuses to be dismembered
• If a weapon cuts thru him, there will be blood and a deep wound, however, the part cut will refuse to deattach from the rest of his body.
• Caro has no pulse nor heartbeat
• Despite that, his blood still flows normally.
• Caro has impulsive vocal Stims
• He meows and purrs at random
• He hisses when angry or bothered
• Caro does not consider any of his coworkers to be his friends.
• He has a strictly closed circle of people he likes.
• Those being: Anna; Sara; Light; Chloe; Pipple; Baphomet; leviathan and Vapor.
• Caro can be fond of others, but he will not admit friendship.
• Caro's favourite music genre is rock.
• His favourite bands would be Arctic Monkeys, Linkin Park and Gorillaz.
• He is a fan of Dante's music.
• Caro makes little to no sound while walking
• He normally does not wear any kind of shoes or socks.
• The sole of his feet have wounds from walking barefoot and stepping on nails, rocks or sharp objects.
• Caro considers himself to be "somewhat a goth"
• He would wear black eyeliner but does not know how to use makeup and does not care about his appearence enough.
• He is the type of guy to wear band t-shirts.
• He usually wears black or dark clothing to mantain his camouflage in the dark.
• Caro rarely smiles
• He only smiles to people he considers close to him
• Caro's smile is, according to Light and Chloe, "one of the most comforting things to see"
• He will smile if he is enjoying a battle, however, it is not the same as a normal smile, it just means his adrenaline levels are high.
• When he smiles due to adrenaline, it will usually not be visible due to the shadow that covers his face.
• His laugh is not an "evil laughter"
• His laugh and giggles have no sound, as if he's just with hiccups
• Caro knows how to cook
• Despite not liking to eat, he cooks for the people he likes
• He will cook anything but will usually wear a face-mask so he doesn't smell anything
• If he was to feel a smell while cooking, he would feel sick and would refuse to continue cooking.
• Caro avoids any type of physical touch
• He will, however, demand touch of people he likes
• When walking side-to-side with someone he likes, he will hold their hand out of habit
• If their hand is not avaliable, he will grip on their shirt.
• Caro is a dry texter.
• Caro enjoys scaring people for fun
• Even when he does it accidentally, he still seems satisfied if he can get a scare out of people
• Caro has a passive hability that surrounds him in transluscent-pink mist
• The mist can take form of any kind of cat, however they have no details or facial traits.
• The mist can make sounds and act like normal felines, however, they dissolve when touched.
• The mist are not alive.
• Caro can control the mist, however he does not, for they are not useful in combat.
• The mist are not councious, and act as if they were pre-programmed to act like a normal cat.
• The mist can fuse to form bigger felines, usually panthers or tigers.
• Caro is the only one able to touch the mist as if it were solid
• Which is actually an ilusion. His hands get extremelly close to the mist, which make it seem like he can touch them, but he cannot.
• The mist are formed if caro is summoned.
• If caro is smoking a cigarette, instead of smoke, mist will come out of it.
• The mist are not pets, seemingly, is it part of caro's aura which comes visible when magic is present.
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starry-hughes · 1 year
following the last blurb i see caroline just going home to michigan and kent literally says fuck my job and drives to michigan to get his girl back
i don’t know remember if i have written the proposal, i think i have but i couldn’t find it, sooo
caroline is crying in her childhood bedroom. her parents were surprised when she showed up at home, crying and heartbroken.
“call jack,” ellen whispers to jim and jack is on the phone within minutes. “caro what happened?”
“kent is cheating,” she finally chokes out. the devils had a game that night, but the canucks were on a three day break, so quinn took a trip to michigan.
“caroline you can’t lay in bed all day,” quinn sighed. “i can’t move. my heart hurts too much.”
“okay kid, i’m going to get you some ice cream. mom and dad are picking up dinner,” quinn says. kent drove to michigan a day after everything happened.
he knocked nervously on the door and quinn opened it. “can i see her?”
“i don’t know, did you bring your other girlfriend with you?”
“quinn you don’t understand. blanks didn’t know that i was planning to propose. it’s a whole misunderstanding, i swear. i was getting this custom ring done, with anna, the girl, and i didn’t want anyone to know yet, especially without asking your parents for permission!”
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pennielane · 1 year
me listening to all of paul’s self written work: yeah, he’s a super fantastic singer, duh, obv!
me listening to paul’s cover of lonesome town: HE IS THE BEST SINGER TO EVER!!!! EXIST!!!EVER!!!!
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ftlcast · 2 months
Join Jade, Zachary, Annya, and August as we play Last Train to Bremen by Caro Ascersion. Four musicians board a train in a last-ditch effort to outrun the Devil. Will they be successful, or is this train only going straight to Hell?
Aisling is played by Jade.
Sadie is played by Zachary.
Gallus is played by Annya.
Moira is played by August.
Produced by August.
Sound effects from Zapsplat and freesound.org user khenshom.
"Railroad's Whiskey Co" is by Jahzzar
Additional music by Dark Fantasy Studio.
Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ftlcast for bonus content like outtakes and bloopers as well as early access to episodes and special bonus episodes.
Find out more about the games we play (and where to buy them): https://www.ftlcast.com/games-weve-played
Episode summaries available here: https://goo.gl/3nXVpA
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/zzuPqne
Cover image by Sam and original music by Bryan
Follow the Leader is part of the Standing Stones Productions podcasting guild. Find out more about us and our projects on Twitter: @stones_standing
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childofthewolvess · 3 months
Hiya, I like your blog and your overall style. What music do you listen to?
Hey there! Thank you so much!! This is such a good question, and a hard one to answer at that. Good job ;)
I listen to a little bit of anything and everything. For context, I grew up in the deep south and lived in a jazz city for some time, so... some of these things are not like the other (lol).
Hozier, Sleeping At Last, and Richy Mitch & The Coalminers are my all-time favorite music artists.
Indie folk/rock, like forest ranger in the mountains vibe, this is definitely my biggest category (Hozier, The Paper Kites, Fleet Foxes, Richy Mitch & The Coalminers, Lord Huron, Gregory Alan Isakov, Caamp)
Calm indie alternative in a poetry-writing and introspective mood (Sleeping At Last, John Vincent III, Novo Amor, Amber Run, Radical Face, Daughter)
Alternative rock/indie alternative rock (flipturn, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Florence & The Machine, Fleetwood Mac, The Orion Experience, alt-j, Greta Van Fleet)
Modern-pop or 2000s pop (MARINA, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, Lady Gaga, Glass Animals, BøRNS, Fall Out Boy, Lorde, Chappell Roan, Macklemore, Pitbull, Rihannna)
Folk country or bluegrass (Watchhouse, Jimmy Buffett, Zac Brown Band, Johnny Cash, Zach Bryan, Colter Wall, Tyler Childers)
Female rage and hyper-pop mania vibes (also MARINA, Paris Paloma, Olivia Rodrigo, Mother Mother, AURORA, The Crane Wives, Grimes)
"I grew up in jazz culture" (Count Basie, Stevie Wonder, Sonny Rollins, Caro Emerald, Miles Davis, Weather Report)
2000-2010s radio EDM/Dance (Calvin Harris, Martin Garrix, Caravan Palace, Axwell, Empire of the Sun, David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia)
Orchestral or soundtrack for when I'm writing in my fantasy series (John Powell, Woodkid, The Amazing Devil, Hans Zimmer, Two Steps from Hell, The Oh Hellos, Cody Fry, The Family Crest)
60s/70s/80s pop bops (ABBA, Elton John, Queen, Franki Valli & The Four Seasons, Indigo Girls, Glen Campbell, The Dream Academy, Bob Dylan, The Cranberries)
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lilspacewolfie · 6 months
CRASHES IN. Devil!Terzo x Copia (Or Omega) for 4, 5, 11, and/or 12 !!
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
I gotcha buddy! I combined 11/12 at the end by the way. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to write Omega as I had these scenes instantly pop into my head. Maybe in the future, the beloved ghoul can get some love from his Lord! I hope you like them regardless <3
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Content: 1.1k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, copia suffers from migraines, a lot of softness here, very soft and sweet, sexual content, playful flirting, teasing, oral, love-making, lots of forehead and temple kisses, truly those are my weakness, grief & loss of a pet at the end, minor death if that bothers you. but it's not described in detail, smut!
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4… where it hurts.
The headache has been thrumming in his temples for what feels like hours, shifting throughout his skull and infecting every inch. He should rest, but he can't when he has papers to sign off on and autographs that need to be ready. 
Hunched forwards over his desk, leaning on his palm with his fingers covering his eyes, Copia feels the pressure shift in the room. It’s like a window being open, letting in a warm breeze that encircles him in its heat. It sends tingles all the way down his neck, rising goosebumps along his flesh beneath his cassock. 
The pressure of gentle fingers settles over his shoulders. He feels two bare thumbs pressing in, starting to massage carefully at the back of his neck. He winces slightly and sits up, eyes closed as he sinks back into his office chair. 
“You are in no fit state to be working, topolino,” Lucifer speaks softly by his ears. 
“It needs to be done, sua Maestà,” Copia can’t help the way he shivers when Lucifer drops a kiss below his ear, applying a bit more pressure at his nape. It feels so good Copia has to bite down a moan. 
“Well, as your God, I am ordering you to take a break.”
Copia huffs a breath of laughter through his nose, chest light and relaxed. He lets the feeling overtake him, guiding him into its gentle lull. His pen falls from his grasp and opens his eyes when he feels the chair move. Lucifer spins him around, away from the desk towards Him. 
The hands leave him, and when Terzo comes into view His painted face is excruciatingly soft. His mismatched eyes roam over Copia’s features as if trying to discern how best to handle the situation. Then, Lucifer leans forward and braces on the arms of the chair, cupping Copia’s cheek with one hand. 
“It’s only a headache, amore. I’m used to it.” 
“That does not mean I have to like it, caro.” 
Copia leans into the warmth of Terzo’s warm, bare palm and sighs, curling his fingers around His wrist. He closes his eyes again when Lucifer dips in and presses a kiss to his greying temple, slow and lingering. He drags his lips up, over to the opposite side and does the same. Copia’s heart flutters, and he draws in a deep calming breath as Lucifer presses a final, firmer kiss to the centre of his forehead. Amusingly, the headache dampens. He gently squeezes Lucifer’s wrist.
“That’s cheating,” Copia laughs in a hushed whisper, eyes blinking open when Lucifer pulls back a bit. “And I’m going to have paint all over me…”
“But it feels better, no?” Terzo tips His head, stroking His thumb over Copia’s sideburn and the top of his cheek. 
”Sì,” he can't argue with that, “it does. Grazie, sua Maestà.”
He watches the way Terzo’s mouth pulls up a touch at the left corner, His mismatched eyes lowering. He leans in again, pressing another kiss to Copia’s forehead.
5… where it doesn’t hurt. 
“A-Amore,” Copia pants, fingers curled tight into the bedsheets. “Don’t tease me.”
His half-lidded eyes are fixated on Terzo, naked, flushed and lying on his belly between his parted thighs. He pets his fingers over Copia’s bare skin, the shimmer of His illuminated gold gaze catches against the candles that flicker from the bedside. Lucifer’s room around them is dark, everything beyond the bed falling away until it’s only the two of them left in the universe.
“I thought we agreed that you had to wait, topolino, hm?”
A shudder breaks through Copia and he tears a hand from being twisted in the bedding, reaching out to stroke through Terzo’s silky, raven hair. Lucifer snakes a hand up the grain of his thighs, carefully curling his fingers to cradle beneath the head of his sensitive cock. 
“Mio re—“ Copia arches, hissing a breathy swear. His fingers in His hair grip tight and tug, needing Him closer. 
He shudders when Lucifer’s lush, swollen mouth meets the plump head of his cock, gliding wetly down the shaft and back up, mouthing the pre that beads at the tip. The sight almost makes Copia cum right there. 
You taste exquisite, Lucifer’s words fill his mind while His mouth is occupied.  
Pleasure races lightning hot up Copia’s spine, and he surprises himself when he laughs, breathless. 
The wanton desire of need and adoration never hurt so good.
11… in joy / 12… in grief. 
Another little life gone, another one of his beloved rats buried beneath the oak tree. Each one gone, but never forgotten. 
Copia can’t crowd any closer. He’s tried, but the physical restraints of his body don’t allow him to crawl inside Lucifer’s mortal form. As much as he wishes he could, all he can do is cling to Lucifer and sob. 
Lucifer holds him tight in His arms, stroking his hair and back as the brush of His plush lips speak whispered words against his temple.  
“You will be able to see them again, amore,” Lucifer tells him, fingers caressing the base of his neck, letting a calming swaying motion move them. “This is not the end for them. They may have left this mortal life, but they are not truly gone.”
Despite the little flicker of hope and the small spark of joy that comes with it—because yes, Copia can. He knows he can and will see all his beloved little creatures again… it still feels like ice freezing in his chest. 
“I—I hate that it hurts so much,” Copia whimpers, breath hitching as he clings tighter to Lucifer. He nuzzles closer, burying his face into Terzo’s throat against the winter chill that makes him shiver. Lucifer is his sun, warming against the cold despair.  
“I know,” Lucifer says, kissing his forehead. “I know. I wish it did not have to. I wish I could take this pain from you.”
Copia sniffles, hiccuping before he manages to speak again. 
“You… you always used to tell me that… having emotions is what makes us human. Even when it hurts.”
Lucifer lets out a soft huff of a breath, nuzzling against Copia’s greying temple.  
“And it is true. And that is why I love you, all of you. Despite how much it hurts. You know they are safe with me.”
Copia nods, swallowing another choked sob. Slowly he gets himself under control, quietening to little more than soft sniffles and heavy breaths that make his chest ache. 
When he eventually leans back enough to look at Him, Lucifer meets him, gloved palm tender against his cheek. 
“Grazie, cuore mio.”
Lucifer smiles, eyes full of affection. He meets Copia halfway when he presses closer, leaning down to press a soft kiss against the Cardinal’s mouth.
masterlist ⛧ Ao3
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
nice! in that case i'll request omega/terzo just anything random you might think of, no specific prompt because i'm curious about how you imagine them being first
pretty sure this is my terzomega writing debut. i hope ive done them justice--they really are a fun pair!
Omega presses into his back, resting his chin on Terzo’s head. He slips his arms into the sleeves of his ornate papal robes to clasp around his middle, humming a rumbling, contented noise. It’s innocent enough, but to seasoned ears, it’s laced with mischief. 
“Why is it that every time I sit in the front pews you can’t take your eyes off me?” the quintessence ghoul teases. 
“I know nothing of what you speak of, my ghoul,” Terzo chides in reply, feigning disinterest. He smooths his palms over the leather-bound tome full of sermons and ancient scriptures in various dead languages, centering it on the ebony pulpit. 
“Oh, no? You’re very mysterious, Papa, but that white eye is very easy to follow.” Omega runs his hands over his middle, claws grazing the buttons of his shirt.
“Do not taunt me as if you are completely innocent, Omega.” Terzo turns his head slightly, peeking at him out of the corner of his eye coquettishly. “Your mask does not hide your smirk as well as you think.” 
No longer burdened by the fake visage, Omega flashes him a genuine smile, all fang. The big alabaster incisors make him look like a starved but playful tiger, with Terzo as his prey. “Ah, so you were looking.” Omega drops his head down to nuzzle against Terzo’s painted cheek, no doubt coating his own in a smear of black and white. 
Terzo chuckles at the affectionate gesture. “Can you blame me, caro?” He pats Omega’s clasped hands over the chasuble. 
“I have been told I am quite irresistible, yes.” 
The Papa sucks his teeth and scoffs, slipping out of Omega’s hands and turning to face him. He chucks the ghoul under his chin lightheartedly. “Such a humble beast you are,” he teases. 
“I learned from the best.” 
Terzo smirks at that, stepping closer and running his gloved hands up the quintessence ghoul’s sides. Omega mirrors him, resting his hands at the man’s waist and pulling him close. He smells of incense and expensive cologne, but underneath both strong aromas is the scent of arousal, quickly ripening at the closeness of their bodies. 
“I do believe the devil is reaching out to me tonight—whispering in my ear, as it were,” Terzo says in that rumbling, seductive tone. He smooths a hand over Omega’s chest, tracing over the line of embroidered elemental symbols and coming to rest underneath the heavy silver pendant. 
Omega leans in, just close enough to feel a little huff of breath ghost over his chin. “And what is our Dark Lord saying to you, Papa?”
Terzo smiles, playing with the metal symbol, twirling it between his fingers. He runs the tip of his nose along the side of Omega’s—teasing, toying. “He’s telling me to indulge," he purrs. "To sin." He drags his mouth along the ghoul's cheekbone, halting at the shell of his pointed ear. "To live deliciously," he whispers. 
Omega chuckles low in his throat. “You know, I do believe I’ve been ignoring my confessions recently,” he rumbles. He grips a little tighter on Terzo’s waist, leaning into the lips on his ear. “May I divulge to you, Papa?” 
“I was hoping you’d say that, my ghoul.” Terzo pulls him by the necklace over to the confessional booth in the corner of the chapel. It’s a tight squeeze with both of them on one side of the box, but they press close, the back of Terzo’s knees knocking against the small bench as Omega draws the curtain closed. They don’t have to be secretive, not really. But it’s part of the allure, the tongue-in-cheek roles they play. 
Terzo pulls him down into a kiss, licking into his mouth with fervor. Omega returns the enthusiasm, cradling the man’s face between his hands. Terzo fumbles with his robes, rucking up the hem and shucking off the chasuble in one swoop. 
He grabs one of Omega’s wrists and forces his hand to palm at his crotch, cock already tenting against the fly of his trousers. “Look at what you do to me, mi amore.” He grinds into his hand with a groan and captures Omega’s mouth in another kiss. It’s fast and dirty, heavy with need. 
The quintessence ghoul hums against Terzo’s mouth when he feels his cock kick under his palm. “Bless me, unholy Father,” he whispers between kisses, “for I must sin.” He gropes him through the fabric of his pants, stroking roughly once, twice.
Terzo moans long and decadent before pulling away. His lips are spit-slick and pink, now completely devoid of any makeup. Omega supposes it’s smeared across his own face instead. Terzo’s gaze flicks pointedly to the ground and back up again, his white eye almost glowing in the dark of the booth. “On your knees then,” he commands, pressing a single finger into Omega’s broad chest. 
He goes down without a fight, eyes fixed on his Papa’s as he sinks to his knees. “That’s a good ghoul,” Terzo smirks. He strips off the leather gloves, biting each by one of the fingers and pulling them off with a classic flourish. He then makes quick work of freeing himself from his trousers, making a show of pulling his length out and stroking it from base to tip in front of Omega’s face. 
The quintessence ghoul grips the back of Terzo’s thighs, eyeing him hungrily. He slides his hands all the way up to his waist, groaning low in the back of his throat, looking at him reverently. “You’re so small I could just . . .” Omega wraps his hands fully around Terzo’s middle, claws touching together at the small of his back. 
“I am not small, mi amore, you are just a big hellbeast,” he chides, giving the side of his face a firm pat. But he can’t hide the flush that creeps up from under the facepaint, bleeding down his throat in a rosy red. 
Omega hums, sliding his hands down to rest on Terzo’s hips instead, pressing closer to his cock. Terzo strokes a thumb over his bottom lip, through the gray smears of makeup and into his mouth. The quintessence ghoul opens up obediently, lolling his tongue out for Terzo to pet over. He presses down slightly, right in the middle, as if placing a wafer for sacrament. Saliva pools under the digit as Omega looks up at him, excruciatingly doe-eyed. 
“Now, Omega,” he says, drawing out his name in his signature way, smiling suggestively. “Start praying.”
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