#devastated honestly!
inej-qhafa · 1 year
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direquail · 8 months
I don’t think people give enough weight to the fact that Nona is chronically-to-terminally ill in NtN, either—the reason she needs help taking care of herself, by the end of the book, is because her soul is eating her body and her body is dying. Every time she has a “tantrum”, or accesses Alecto, she uses up Harrow’s body in huge gulps—that’s why she gets sick or passes out after them. She spends most of her time in the early book thinking wistfully about how lucky she is to just have what she has and how much she wants to be useful and it’s a meditation on her awareness of her own death. Like.
Yeah, of course she needs other people to help her take care of herself. She’s disabled and actively dying.
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ashstfu · 1 year
rest in peace jane birkin, you will forever be remembered 🤍
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fatestayyuri · 1 year
Illyasviel von Einzbern — Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
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#He Couldn't Have Been More Wrong
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landedinpayne · 2 months
in case you are in the mood to feel devastated here’s an alternate way of viewing charles’ response to edwin’s confession:
we know that charles kinda puts edwin on a pedestal- yes they are partners but there is a bit of a hierarchy between them. charles just looks up to and admires edwin in so many ways while constantly looking down on and being really hard on himself. he puts on his big happy persona because he thinks that people wouldn’t like him if they actually got to know him.
so when edwin confesses, it’s like a blow to him. he took his charming persona too far and went and tricked the most important person in the world into thinking he was worthy of love. and it’s worse because he does love edwin in that way, which is exactly why he can’t let him know that. charles still believes that he is like his dad, and he saw exactly what his parents’ relationship did to his mother.
he thinks that loving edwin in the way that he wants to would only cause more pain to this boy who has already been through far more than he deserves. so he blinks back his tears, attempts the same charming smile he’s used all these years, and dishes out the gentlest non-rejection in the history of forever
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yashley · 2 months
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"His first experience of the real was pain. And your first experience of the real was trying to help somebody."
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buggy who turns to shanks one night after they've reunited and says softly, with indecipherable look in his eyes and says, "i'm not in love with you anymore." and shanks, shocked beyond belief, heart aching with a want he didn't even know he had, with a need he hadn't even realized was there, thinks quietly to himself, i didn't know you ever were
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vivaislenska · 3 months
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According to this month’s issue of Riot! Racing, a new champ just made history! (Tech. is. SO. busted.)
Wrecker and Omega are hanging up the poster as we speak.
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claudiaeparvier · 3 months
We simply do not appreciate Crystal Palace enough. Homegirl looked within, found her ancestors and the truth surrounding her gifts, came back to the present and confronted Esther not with her magical power…but with the power of these hands.
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fannyyann · 4 months
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The face he made when the reporter brought up Matthew’s “antics” is actually UNBEARABLE
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ruporas · 1 year
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honeymoon phase! (ID in alt)
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skeletal-butterflyy · 4 months
Will byers deserves to be happy, because imagine going to some shitty school dance and your best friend pushes you to dance with this girl but all you want to do is dance with him, and later you see him dancing with a girl and thinking that you just want that to be you.
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sunnibits · 1 year
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rlly just been going thru every stage of grief today do not hmu
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yshtal · 3 months
brosca is the only one who will ever see Duncan as a savior, at the end of the war.
you’re a human noble. you’re a proud, happy member of house cousland. when howe betrays your family and you’re there, terrified, in the cellar with the shattered remains of your dying family, it’s you and your mother against the world. your mother: the pain-in-the-ass, hardheaded, spitfire of a woman that sassed you yesterday about manners is beside you, her eyes haggard and haunted. “He’s my husband,” she says, begging, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “He’s your father, and he’s dying, and I love him. Whatever he faces next, he faces it with me.”
She cannot be argued with. She cannot be reasoned with. You can beg and beg and beg your mama to come with you, to survive beside you, but the outcome will always be the same. Duncan will ask you to leave, and she will choose to stay. How can you live with that?
(It’s poetic justice, perhaps, how quickly you come to understand it.)
You are a dwarven princess, beloved of the house aeducan, noble of caste and certain of birthright, when your brother betrays you.
Not the brother you expected to betray you, of course. Your bosom friend, your sovereign sibling. The one who would’ve had your back eternally, if the wide expanse of the throne hadn’t stood in the way. If only love could’ve bridged the chasm. the warden bridges what Trian could not, what Bhelen would not - a last-minute pardon, excusing you from a game you never knew you were playing.
(you had a birthright, certainly, and it was taken from you. all else you cling to is stolen valor now.
You are the young bride tabris, and your husband stands there bleeding.
Your cousin has already been stolen away, and it hurts, how innocent she was, when so much of you had been stolen away. You would’ve stood in her place a thousand times, and all the evil, lecherous, unspeakably human hands in the world wouldn’t have stopped you, if it meant shielding Shianni. Your husband, bright-eyed and already dying, even if he knows it not, comes to save you. He does not know you, but he saves you from horrors that you have braced against a thousand times before, before he knew you, even if it does not matter. he is noble, in that way.
Duncan is noble too. He offers you a way out - a way out from your family, from your friends, from the only world you have ever - could ever - know. he offers you a chance to die on the battlefield instead of dying in the cellar, before you would ever know this suffering, the suffering laid on you at birth, by mere sin of being elven.
(To die without knowing. Isn’t that worse?)
You are mahariel, free to the wind, to the rain, to the very corruption of nature.
shemlen in the forest was an ill enough omen. to come with grave warnings of burial grounds and curses and demons? you should have fixed your young dalish curses on them, da’len, on what they wrought, and you should’ve turned and fled
you did not, and, by your side, he did not. in another world, you would have lived by his side. in this one, you watch him die again and again.
(it is in your nature, after all, the watching over of dying things.)
You are a mage, human or elven, and it makes little difference.
the maker hates you regardless, or so the templars say. You are good, perhaps, and you turn them in, or else you are kind. It matters little to Andraste, if she’s the one listening, or to anyone else.
Duncan speaks. He offers you refuge, outside of the Circle, far from home. You’ve never seen sunlight unobstructed before, let alone war. You have to choose - Tranquility, or a noble death, somewhere down the road.
(it isn’t a choice, not really. it was made for you before you were even born.)
but you, grey warden, you are something special.
He offers you a worthy death, somewhere in that nebulous future, and you don’t have to worry about how it comes anymore. You know where death will take you - on the doorstep of one darkspawn or another, not here, gasping, in the dirt.
Your sister says this life is worth it.
And it is, isn’t it, for yourself, for your family, for the few lonely friends that you leave behind? for finally, desperately, clawing your w ay out of poverty, even when it costs you everything? for rica to be safe?
(It will be worth it.
It must be worth it.)
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 months
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Hoshi doodles ahh
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