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chipperchemical · 7 months ago
it's time for my annual insanity arc, so here is every hermit/traffic ship that i actively enjoy and 1 headcanon for each one! (worth mentioning that i love most ships, these are just my favourites)
Grian x Mumbo (Grumbo) -> Grian is the only one who can bring Mumbo out of his redstone hyper-focus mode by cooking him unnecessarily gourmet meals and pretending to be sad when Mumbo doesn't instantly sit down to eat with him.
Grian x Scar (Scarian) -> When Scar's in his wheelchair, Grian will run around while pushing him and sing the Mario Kart star song at full volume.
Grian x Bdubs (Gridubs) -> They have a STRICT nighttime routine and if anyone interrupts then they will never hear the end of it.
Grian x Doc (Gridoc) -> Grian keeps bringing different animals home and Doc keeps trying to say no, but every single one grows on him eventually.
Grian x Mumbo x Scar (Mumscarian) -> Mumbo keeps trying to convince the other two to eat redstone, but he's only successfully convinced Scar.
Bdubs x Doc (Bdoc) -> The absolute embodiment of the sunshine/moon trope, but Doc is the sunshine and Bdubs is the moon.
Bdubs x Etho (Ethdubs) -> Etho likes trying on dresses and skirts and gives Bdubs little catwalk fashion shows.
Bdubs x Impulse (Impdubs) -> Extremely sweet to each other while destroying their enemies.
Bdubs x Keralis (Kerdubs) -> They spend every Sunday eating cereal and watching a movie in bed.
Bdubs x Mumbo (Bedstone) -> Mumbo's fast food order is always incorrect and Bdubs is the one who has to ask the worker to correct it.
Bdubs x Zedaph x Impulse x Tango x Skizz (BZITS) -> The ONLY thing that makes them all chill out after hard days is a massive cuddle pile in their nest of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.
Cub x Scar (Cubscar) -> When they're close to each other, their eyes get slightly bluer and their prankster urges get stronger, like a physical biological change.
Cub x Doc (Docub) -> They constantly dress up as Dr Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster for Halloween, and they switch who is who every year.
Doc x Etho (Detho) -> Doc leaves little gifts and bouquets around Etho's base, but Etho either doesn't see them or has zero idea who they're from until Doc brings it up.
Doc x Ren (Rendoc) -> The fathers of the server.
Doc x Joel (Doel) -> They are the most stubborn and competitive couple to the point that the others can't tell if they're on the verge of breaking up or not -- they never are.
Doc x Zedaph x Impulse x Tango x Skizz (DZITS) -> They regularly smoke zaza together and bake brownies.
Etho x Joel (Smalletho) -> Their only petnames for each other are vicious insults.
Impulse x Skizz (Skizzpulse) -> Impulse doesn't typically like touch, but Skizz's hugs are so warm and comforting that he doesn't mind one bit.
Impulse x Zedaph x Tango (ZIT) -> Tango and Impulse have amazing body heat while Zedaph is always cold, so their cuddles are the perfect temperature.
Impulse x Zedaph x Tango x Skizz (ZITS) -> The other Hermits figured out that they were a polycule after extreme confusion over why they all kiss each other.
Impulse x Tango x Skizz (ITS) -> Impulse and Skizz both use Tango as a heat pack for their wings and chronic pains.
Tango x Jimmy (Ranchers) -> They're both the absolute best gift-givers and always give each other the perfect presents.
Skizz x Tango x Jimmy (Jizzango) -> Jimmy goes non-verbal sometimes so they all know sign language and are experts at Charades.
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possibly-in-mordland · 2 years ago
Toki 100% cries out that he's cumming and he likes to stay inside.
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indic0lite · 3 years ago
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444names · 2 years ago
bulgarian rivers + tolkienesque names
Ablumen Ablund Adaihiron Adrin Aegolfwin Aenskalar Agovoro Aitsa Alakhôn Alestry Alimir Alitelpen Alitë Almael Alveth Amaerok Amchaldor Amchka Amdírion Amirë Amrant Ancarato Andia Andil Anska Aragoro Aramir Arapharion Araphorgor Arazlin Arazog Archka Arcil Arcilas Ardaca Ardanurië Ardin Aringbor Armavril Arufimbul Arvia Arwata Astel Azlijkast Badûn Balimë Barash Barasto Barfin Barnik Barth Batanc Batar Bathos Batna Belasa Belcwinur Belebreka Belegolf Belegon Belenska Belmalveri Berana Berest Berovelen Bifuinbran Bishaka Blaitë Bolda Bormear Borod Bramûl Braphen Braulwind Bravir Bregungon Bryarn Bryllob Bryondor Bucar Bulmorlin Bulyë Byagol Byahanna Byamrohir Bëoria Bórwaegoth Caldor Calgashan Calim Calimbrion Caliryath Caramlion Carasto Celcwined Celestrend Celmandë Cemer Ceorion Ceorn Ceorwen Cheldarok Cheleka Chelwë Ciryatanhe Cotel Cotha Cothorlad Círind Círindë Círishkas Dantoherik Delor Delyë Dendaik Denska Denwë Detho Dondir Dorin Dosion Dryalmine Ducarassë Dwain Dwaldamra Dwinen Dzhantone Dzhundir Déagallana Déagling Déaglúva Déawin Déothir Dírdilas Ecthaldan Ecthranwë Egnoria Egolatto Egoth Eladil Eldeórimë Eldorost Elebnitsa Elegol Elegolë Eleka Eleth Elfher Elfin Eliarë Eliyska Ellan Eloyn Elper Elraston Elwaeg Endil Erith Eritsaeleb Ermaurgoth Erumehta Essui Estara Estrimbul Eäregon Eären Eärwenel Eärwens Eärwinur Fakiyatard Fandirë Fanim Felbargorl Fernith Fimungwal Findor Findreth Finenene Foldon Forthing Fredur Fréalirger Fréalmovo Fundiyska Fëanataril Fírin Galalm Galdur Galin Galion Gandisuil Gelegimë Geriel Gilúk Gimbaria Gimrosilia Glanto Gliondil Goldir Gorouth Goteldog Gothmo Govor Grahtar Gramirion Grast Grian Grindamcha Grion Grouth Gríanákh Hadarmar Hadis Hadornui Haenor Hakasto Hakastri Halalimo Halgalla Halmo Halod Hamracir Handa Hannor Harat Harik Harliryon Hedhern Helro Herilm Hernaki Hilzôn Huandui Huanduil Huantil Hundur Huorn Hyala Hyamropoth Hyatel Hámain Ibûnayska Ilanur Ilgarion Ilzôr Imbalia Imith Imitsa Imitë Ingold Ingwin Invadorn Iryon Ishka Isibûn Isithos Iskasamir Isuinbulyë Ivegor Ivegorosil Kajalmo Kaleborn Kalenwë Khadontren Krion Kílim Kílimir Kílitsa Kúvirë Lebrothir Lebrían Lemmandoc Lendil Lestovo Lombragolë Lowfaldarë Ludar Lundir Lúvien Mabartz Madog Madorfind Maedher Maegon Mairine Malad Maldoc Maldui Mandilúk Manis Mannaka Maram Maranarë Maravor Mataminzil Matto Mauglúth Mauharwen Mehtar Mendë Menel Merufim Mielfwin Miendur Milmor Minbriveth Mingolë Mirgol Miria Miriel Miryon Mírimir Nielm Nielyundil Nieregolyë Nilan Nimil Náros Nárothe Níriel Nólijka Nómin Ogoldanfas Ogolodeór Ogostor Ohelsereka Oldan Oldwyns Ormeanisil Orodrimin Oronna Osalda Ospalganto Palchamo Palcwind Paldorn Palijka Palmo Palor Panuil Pered Pheneg Polfhir Prion Priond Privedher Prontor Prostë Rezog Rezovedh Rieleyn Rinarika Rivar Rospalane Rusen Rusirë Rómehtan Rúthorthmo Sacil Salada Sangria Saulador Sazôr Shalas Shien Shkarwen Shnil Shnárion Silska Silskas Snoron Snoronur Snovo Solatanton Solith Sorosto Stamir Stamûl Stancar Stanton Straphant Stredhe Stregolad Strienna Strum Súriela Tamdís Tamlob Taraghâl Tarine Taring Telanglóin Telestam Teleyn Tevil Theren Thirion Thramo Théod Timraher Timron Tindisui Tiryavinro Tundirë Tuoldand Túril Túrion Ufthrantin Ulfas Ulyamil Umbraglóin Unarth Undir Urasher Urovor Vador Vaiad Vaihiel Valdildil Vandor Vanurufin Varan Vinwë Voroplarië Voyalod Vánarast Vánat Whielob Wornilkhar Yahaur Yandil Yandir Yandrahiel Yávielin Yávint Yávithéod Zilmo Zimeanbor Zimrassil Zimro Zladil Éomen Éomilkh Íritsa
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nithyanandaparamashivam · 4 years ago
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2020年11月13日,星期五(印度標準時間) 9:09 Pm屏幕打開,印度(興都)教最高教皇,普世靈性導師聖尊尼希亞南達帕冉瑪希瓦上師給予達顯直播,與神聖直接連接(Shakti pada)和與神聖間接連接(Shaktini pada)。 9:08pm至10:12pm-共修講座
*帕冉瑪希瓦的直接來自凱拉薩的訊息: *在你的生活中不斷地點燃強大的認知,並確保你有勇氣緊跟/追隨強大的認知。 *這是光明節/排燈節的信息和祝福。 *喚醒你心中強大的認知,勇猛地跟隨這些強大的認知,顯化你生命中所有的吉祥。 *這是我的信息和祝福。 *讓所有正在慶祝光明節的人們,在你的內心空間裡體驗到強大的認知覺醒,顯化所有的吉祥,你想要的最好的生活,帕冉瑪希瓦想要的最好的生活。讓這兩者美麗地顯化在我們所有人身上是我的祝福。 *光明節慶祝活動已在世界各地開始了。祝福所有的印度(興都)教徒、凱拉薩居民、活出印度教、一出生就是印度教徒以及實踐印度教的印度教徒,以及每一個慶祝光明節的人。我祝福你們所有人。 *光明節是時間女神(Mahakali)出現的時候,祂顯化了自己,使自己可以被宇宙所用,納拉卡蘇拉(Mahabali)被奎師那(Sri Krishna)殺死,馬哈巴利(Mahabali )被派往帕塔拉(Pathala)。 *光明節發生了一連串的吉祥事件。 *今天是帕瓦蒂完成祂的Kedaragowri Vrata的日子。祂是我家族的家神,他們遵守這個;我母親過去每年都遵守這個。 (注:Kedaragowri Vrata典故:Brungi rishi是一位偉大的奉信希瓦者。.當他向神祈禱時,他只向希瓦神祈禱,而無視沙克提。沙克提因他的舉動而感到憤怒,消除了他體內的能量。他無法忍受,向希瓦神祈禱。神給了他一根棍子來支持他的身體。希瓦神安撫了沙克提,然後讓睿士意識到無視神聖母親的愚蠢。.因此,Shiva-shakthi Aiykyata在這一天(Deepavali日)被睿士重新安置,並親自呈獻了Kedara-gowri Vratha。) *這個吉祥的日子在凱拉薩的歷史上是非常重要的,因為在2000年我有一個偉大的暫停。我生命中的多個項目——偉大的停頓發生了——我被捲入凱拉薩里,新的軟件被插入,一旦存在再次可用,它又開始運作了! *在我生命中發生的一個偉大的停頓是在2000年,那是在光明節的那一天,在那次偉大的停頓之後,我又回到了身體裡。 *在光明節這一天我們有很多事情要記住。對所有的印度教徒和所有的人類來說,這太吉祥和重要了。 *光明節是現在洛杉磯神廟落成典禮的日子。洛杉磯的凱拉薩項目始於2003年。就在那時,凱拉薩在洛杉磯的複興開始了。現在的寺廟在蒙特克萊爾(Montclair)。現在已經13年了。 *“蒙克萊爾”在西班牙語中翻譯成“阿魯納恰拉”——“光明的山”!你可以用谷歌搜索看到! *在光明節那天,我們建立了許多寺廟。 *我有在陽曆新年(四月)舉行寺院落成典禮的習慣,因為我來自Surya Vamsa。就像我過去在光明節為寺院舉行就職典禮一樣。我在光明節主持了許多寺院的落成典禮。他們明天都將要慶祝。 *我來向你們大家致以深深的問候。 *在光明節這個吉祥的日子,作為帕冉瑪希瓦的在世代表/顯現,我祝福你們所有人,全世界和每個人——幸福。我以所有的吉祥祝你幸福。 *今天,在光明節的吉祥之際,我衷心地祝福你們,全世界和所有人幸福快樂。 (印度教最高教皇用以下語言發表了上述“光明節”祝福語) (泰米尔语) (Tamil) தீபாவளி நன்னாளில், இந்த இனிமையான தீபாவளி திருநாளில் பரமசிவனின் வாழும் வாரிசாக எனக்குள் இருந்து வெளிப்படும் பரமசிவத்தன்மை, பரமசிவசக்தி உங்கள் விதத்திலும் விதத்திலும் ஆனந்தத்துடனும், எல்லா நன்மைகளுடனும், மங்களமாக, இனிமையாக வாழவைக்கட்டும் என்று ஆசிர்வதிக்கின்றேன். எல்லோருக்கும் தீபாவளி திருநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள். பரமசிவ பரம்பொருள் நம் எல்லோருக்கும் எல்லா நன்மையையும் அளித்து வாழ்க்கையை மங்களமாக்கிட பரமசிவ பரம்பொருளை பிரார்த்திக்கின்றேன். பரமசிவ பரம்பொருளின் வாழும் வாரிசாக உங்கள் எல்லோரையும் ஆசிர்வதிக்கவும் செய்கின்றேன். (泰卢固语) (Telugu) Ee Rōju, DīpāvaḷI Śubha  SandarbhaṅGā, Nā Hr̥DayapūrvakaṅGā, Mī Andarinī, Prapan̄Caṁ Mottānni Mariyu Prati Okkariniī Āśīrvadistunnānu, ĀnandaṅGā UṇḍAṇḍI. ఈ రోజు, దీపావళి యొక్క ఈ శుభ సందర్భం గా , నా హృదయపూర్వకంగా, నేను మీ అందరినీ, ప్రపంచం మొత్తాన్ని మరియు ప్రతి ఒక్కరినీ ఆశీర్వదిస్తున్నాను, ఆనందంగా ఉండండి (卡纳达语)Indu Diipavaliya Shubha Sandarbhadalli, Hridayaaladinda, Naanu Nimmellannu, Idii Jagattannu, Mattu Ellarannu Aashiirvadisuttene . Aanadavaagiri (印地语) Aaj Deepaavalee Ke Shubh Avasar Par, Aap Sabhiko - Aur Saare Vishwa Ko - Mera Poorna Aashirwad (古吉拉特语)Aajna Diwalina Shubh Prasange Mara Hradayathi Hu Aa Duniya Ma Badhane Khub Khub Subhejchao Aapu Chu Badha Sukhi Raho (马拉雅拉姆语)Innu Deepavaliyude Mangala Dinatthil Ningal Ellavarkkum, Ee Samastha Lokatthinum, Ente Hridayam Niranja Anugrahangal. Anandamaayirikku! (孟加拉)Aaj Deepavalir Pobitro Utsabe Aami Tomader Sobaike Ebong Saaraa Bishwake Aamar Hridoy Theke Aashirvad Kori. Aanandamoy How. (马拉地语)Aaj Deepawalichya Ya Shubh Muhurthaavar, Manaapaasun Mee Tumhala, Sampoorn Jagaalaaani Sarvaana Aashirvaad Detho Aanandith Vhaa. आज, दीपावलीच्या या शुभ मुहूर्तावर, मनापासून, मी तुम्हाला , संपूर्ण जगाला आणि सर्वांना आशीर्वाद देतो, आनंदित व्हा (奥里亚语) Aaji Ehi Deepavali Ra Subha Abasara Re Tuma Samasatanku O Pura Bishwa Ku Mora Hrudaya Ru Anek Ashirvaad. (旁遮普语) Aj, Diwali De Es Subha Avasara Te, Pure Dila Nala, Main Tuhanu Saria Nu, Sare Sansar Nu Ashiravada Denda Han. ਅੱਜ, ਦੀਪਾਵਾਲੀ ਦੇ ਇਸ ਸ਼ੁੱਭ ਅਵਸਰ ਤੇ, ਪੂਰੇ ਦਿਲ ਨਾਲ, ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਾਰਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ, ਸਾਰੇ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਆਸ਼ੀਰਵਾਦ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ (法文)Aujourd'hui, À L'occasion Propice De Deepavali, De Tout Mon Cœur, Je Vous Bénis Tous Et Le Monde Entier Et Tout Le Monde, Soyez Heureux (斯洛伐克文)Dnes, Pri Priaznivej Príležitosti Deepavali, Z Celého Srdca Žehnám Vás Všetkých A Celý Svet, Budte Blažení (荷兰语) Vandaag, Op De Veelbelovende Gelegenheid Van Deepavali, Met Heel Mijn Hart, Zegen Ik Jullie Allemaal En De Hele Wereld En Iedereen, Wees Gelukkig (德语)Heute, An Diesem Verheißungsvollen Anlass Von Deepavali, Segne Ich Euch Alle, Die Ganze Welt Und Jeden Von Ganzem Herzen, Seid (Glück-)Selig! (中文)今天,在吉祥的的排灯节,我真诚的祝福全世界的每一个人,祝大家喜悦Jin Tian, Zai Ji Xiang De Pai Deng Jie, Wo Zhen Cheng De Zhu Fu Quan Shi Jie De Mei Yi Ge Ren, Zhu Da Jia Xi Yue. (韩文) 오늘, 디파발리의 이 길서로운 비밀에, 진심으로, 나는 여러분 모두에게, 그리고 전 세계�� 모든 사람들에게 축복을 빕니다. 행복하세요. (Polish) Dzisiaj, Z Okazji Pomyślnej Okazji Deepavali, Z Całego Serca Błogosławię Was Wszystkich, Cały Świat I Wszystkich, Bądźcie Błogosławieni (尼泊尔)Ajako, Yo Depawali Ko Subha Abasar Ma, Mero Hridya Bata Sabae Lae Ashribad Ra Subhakamna Dinu Chahanchu. Sadhae Anadamaya Rahos. (Bhojpuri) Aaj, Deepawali Ke Shubha Avasar Par, Hum Apna Sampoorn Hriday Se, Aap Sabhin Log Aur Samast Samsar Ke Logan Ke Ashirvad Devat Bani. Aananda Main Rahin (马来语)Hari Ini, Pada Perayaan Deepavali Yang Murni, Dengan Sepenuh Hati, Saya Memberkati Anda Semua Dan Seluruh Dunia Dan Semua Orang, Hidup Bahagia (西班牙语) Hoy, En La Auspiciosa Ocasión De Deepavali, Con Todo Mi Corazón, Los Bendigo A Todos Y Al Mundo Entero Y A Todos, Sean Dichosos (捷克)Dnes U Výjimečné Příležitosti Oslav Deepavali Žehnám Z Celého Srdce Vám Všem I Celému Světu. Buďte Blažení. (意大利语)Oggi Nel Giorno Di Buon Auspicio Di Deepavali , Con Tutto Il Mio Cuore Benedico Ciascuno Di Voi E Tutto Il Mondo. Siate Benedetti! (斯瓦希里语)Nawatakia Kila La Kheri Hii Deepavali. (索马里) Kheer Ayaan Idhin Rejeyey Maanta Deepavali (挪威) Dag, På Den Lykkebringende Anledningen Deepavali, Velsigner Jeg Dere Alle Og Hele Verden Av Hele Mitt Hjerte. Vær Lykkelige! (瑞典) Idag, Vid Det Lovande Tillfaelle For Deepavali, Av Hela Mitt Hjarta, Jag Onskar Er Alla Och Hela Vaerlden, Var Lycklig (奥罗莫)Guya Deepavali Gaari (梵文)Vishvesmin Vidhya-maanebhyaha Sarvebhyaha Sanaatana Haindha-vebhyaha Shubha Deepavali Dine Adya Mama Poorna Asheervaa-daaha. (克罗地亚语)Danas, U Povodu Deepavali, Svim Srtzem Dayem Blagoslov Svima Vama E Ceyelom Sveyetu, Budite Blagoslovlyeni (Arabic) Niimat Alyawm Deepavali (泰米尔语) இந்த தீபாவளி திருநாளில் தான் ''ஆனந்தமாக இருங்கள்'' என்னும்  இறுதியான, அறுதியான, ஞான ஆசீர்வாத மஹாமந்திரம் எனக்குள் மலர்ந்த திருநாள். உலகமெங்கிலும் எல்லோரும் இந்த இனிய தீபாவளி திருநாளில் எல்லா நலமும், வளமும் பெற்று 'ஆல் போல் தழைத்து, அருகு போல் வேரூன்றி, மூங்கில் போல் சுற்றம் சூழ' வாழையடி வாழையென பதினாறும் பெற்று பெருவாழ்வு வாழ்வீர்களாக., ஆனந்தமாக இருங்கள் என்று ஆசிர்வதிக்கின்றேன். *我們所有的全知寶座靈修院(Sarvajnapeethas)都會慶祝時間女神禮拜法事。 *明天我們將舉行Anna Koota,屆時我們所有的廟宇將提供整千和整萬的糖果和美味食物。信徒組織了25,000個活動,但我聽說它將有100,000個奉獻。完成貢品(Naivedyam)後,將向全世界分發貢品(Prasadam)。 *印度教傳統中發生的所有吉祥美好的事情都記載在《往世書》裡。我想讓你知道,印度教《往世書》不是神話,而是歷史。至少在世界上有一個地方,我希望印度教《往世書》被稱為歷史而不是神話。這就是我創造凱拉薩的原因。在凱拉薩,印度教《往世書》是歷史而不是神話。 *即使是新印度教徒也不相信《往世書》是歷史。他們認為這是神話只是一些思想和哲學,以詩意故事的方式呈現的表現手法。 *你找不到比毘耶娑(Vyasa亦稱廣博仙)人更誠實的歷史學家了。你找不到比那拉達(Narada)更真誠的媒體人了。這是絕對的歷史,真實的歷史,沒有詩歌的混合,沒有誇張。 *印度教徒不需要誇大。他們有足夠的榮耀。只有當你沒有的時候你才需要誇張。 *幾乎每一節課或共修講座,我都會談論社會、政治、道德的印度教,並要求人們投票,發表他們的意見和關切,與印度教的投票制度相一致,這種制度自古以來就存在,並在卡納達文獻中被記錄為Veera Shaiva傳統中的Anubhava Mantapa,並且曾經發生在大壺節(Kumbha Melas)中。 *從我被加冕以來,我在公共生活的最後26年裡重新���起了這一點。 *現在,我們正在使它更有組織性,並提供��全世界。 *印度教的選票是神聖的。這一傳統源遠流長。 *印度教傳統是最真實、最真正的民主傳統。這是更偉大的科學和更偉大的民主。真理以毫不妥協的方式被揭示出來,人們被要求去應用,在應用方法論中,人們被要求投票以達成共識。 *明天我們將有“印度教的投票是神聖的——無論是素食還是非素食”。 *讓我們投票吧。如果你沒有投票給素食者或非素食者,請投票。印度教的選票是神聖的,印度教的選票很重要。 *我祝福大家。 英文原文:https://www.facebook.com/138595819561610/posts/4572673072820507/?sfnsn=mo ~尼希亞南達中文翻譯小組
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chalkboardjogja-blog · 6 years ago
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Daftar Vendor Wedding Gunungkidul 2019 ㅤ Ini adalah contoh kolaborasi 2 pengusaha lokal Gunungkidul yang sangat terkenal bagi yang sudah kenal @chalkboardjogja × @karismaarga . Bagus sekali kan, Gunungkidul gituuhhh ㅤ _________________________________ ㅤ Banyak sekali referensi pendukung pesta Anda di Gunungkidul yang sudah terbukti profesionalitas dan kualitas kerjanya telah diakui tingkat nasional bahkan internasional : ㅤ / @chalkboardjogja / adalah Jasa Seni Tulis Kapur Terbaik dan Termahal di dunia yang dibuat di Gunungkidul dan siap kirim ke seluruh dunia ㅤ / @letsgophotojogja / adalah Jasa Souvenir Foto Langsung Jadi atau lazim disebut Jasa Photobooth untuk pengganti souvenir acara Anda dengan sebuah foto langsung jadi yang bisa langsung dibawa para tamu. Kantornya ada di Baleharjo ㅤ / @karismaarga / adalah perusahaan jasa dekorasi Gunungkidul yang berdiri sejak 2003 dan telah membahagiakan pesta di seluruh Gunungkidul dengan dekorasi berbagai konsepnya ㅤ / @magdalena_widie / jasa make up artist Gunungkidul yang selalu hadir di setiap wedding Gunungkidul ㅤ / @dethophotography / perusahaan Foto Video Dokumentasi yang digawangi oleh Dewi dan Thopix (deTho) yang sudah teruji kualitas dan terobosan konsep prewedding-nya ㅤ Dan masih banyak kawan-kawan saya asli Gunungkidul yang lain yang bisa kita ajak untuk mengisi 2019 dengan penuh kerukuan serta kesuksesan ㅤ Oiya, satu lagi ada MC Wedding asli Gunungkidul @mcberanakempat tapi muuuahal banget sih harganya, mosok cuma ngemsi resepsi di gedung cuma 2 jam area Gunungkidul 1.500.000, tapi kalo pengen acara wedding kamu gak gitu-gitu aja dan duitnya ada gak papa sih pakai jasa MC Wedding beliau, dijamin selain acaranya sukses, doa MC Beranak Empat itu pasti dikabulkan Tuhan 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 ㅤ _________________________________ ㅤ #wedding #weddingequipment #weddingGunungkidul #gunungkidul #gunungkidul #muagunungkidul #dekorasigunungkidul #fotovideogunungkidul #chalkboard #jogja #iklan #chalkboardjogja #handdrawing #handlettering #photobooth #wedding #manual #photographer #photography #mafia #chalkart #worldwide ㅤ NB : vendor wedding asli Gunungkidul yang belum tercantum boleh nyusul di kolom komentar. Terimakasih ㅤ (at Gunungkidul) https://www.instagram.com/chalkboardjogja/p/BsSC4msl0cn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g4p09c1bqofi
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years ago
Surrogacy Doctors in Uae | Dr. Gautam Allahabadia | Elawoman
Finding the correct Surrogacy Doctor in Uae under any conditions can be an irksome errand. A patient who needs assistance with ripeness may face confounded medical choices. Companions, family and even the Internet can give misleading information, making it incredibly hard to choose the suitable fruitfulness specialist that can exhort, backing and guide the patient through treatment. You have to realize that the surrogacy specialist you choose is in charge of directing medical testing, offer suitable direction and perform IVF system during the course of treatment. Unmistakably, finding the correct Surrogacy Doctor in Uae to direct a patient through the procedure can be troublesome.If you know more about Surrogacy Doctors in Uae you can click here.
Numerous patients depend on the proposals of their past obstetrician and gynecologists, with whom they already have an involved acquaintance and on whom they trust for good medicine and a word of wisdom while others rely upon healthcare facilitators and organizations to guide them. Regardless of whether one uses Internet web crawlers, advertisementor verbal, it creates the impression that especially in the field of richness, not all IVF doctors and specialists produce identical outcomes.
Doctors are required to satisfy guidelines set by the state in which they practice, however being a Surrogacy Doctor in Uae, the necessities go past these set criteria. Actually, the level of emotional help and probability of a fruitful result may incomprehensibly vary depending on where and by whom the patient is treated.A sympathetic and caring frame of mind and a capacity to teach patients in a touchy way are essential in each surrogacy specialist. Indeed, even in a world-class richness clinic where the quantity of patients is high and doctors have a tight calendar, it is significant for surrogacy doctors to give each individual case its due consideration, have their inquiries replied, and realize that they are being dealt with.
Dr. Gautam Allahabadia
Dr. Gautam Allahbadia is Consultant Reproductive Endocrinology and IVF at the Millennium Medical Center, Al Thanya; Canadian Specialist Hospital, Dubai; Orchid Fertility and Andrology, DHCC Dubai; Dr Amal Elias IVF Center, SZ Road; Bourn Hall Clinic, Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE just as Indo-Nippon IVF, the widely acclaimed infertility clinic at Mumbai, India. He has as of late joined Indira IVF – India's biggest chain of IVF Centers as Head of Medical Education and Research.
He is a prominent world expert on Ultrasound-guided Embryo exchanges and one of the pioneers in Third Party Reproduction in Southeast Asia.Dr. Gautam Allahbadia was in charge of India's first trans-ethnic surrogate pregnancy involving a Chinese couple's child conveyed by a random Indian surrogate mother.Gautam Allahbadia, MD is the Emeritus Editor of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India just as the IVF Lite (Journal of Minimal Stimulation IVF).
He treasures more than 150 companion looked into distributions, 134 book sections and 25 reading material, the most recent being a thorough content distributed by Springer International, entitled "Minimal Stimulation IVF", and is on the Editorial Board of several International Journals.Dr. Gautam Allahbadia was as of late chosen as the Vice President of the World Association of Reproductive Medicine (WARM), headquartered in Rome, and "Mumbai's Top Doc" for 2012 by a companion nomination process.
Dr. Ellen Snowden
Dr. Ellen Snowden is an IVF Doctor, Obstetrician, and Gynecologist practicing at Fakih IVF Fertility Center situated at Villa No. 2, Dubai. Dr. Ellen has finished MBBS and after that proceeded to seek after MD in Obstetrics and
Gynecology from Boston University School of Medicine. Further, she attained Fellowship of American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOOG). Dr. Ellen specializes in Infertility appraisal, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Gynecology Laparoscopy, Abdominal and Vaginal Hysteroscopy, Normal and Cesarean conveyance strategies. Dr. Ellen has been practicing as an infertility specialist for more than three and half decades now.
Before joining Fakih IVF Fertility Center, Dr. Ellen Snowden held the situation of Medical Director effectively at Pacific Reproductive Center in Dubai. Preceding that, she filled in as an IVF expert at Al Noor Fertility Center situated in Abu Dhabi Dr. Ellen Snowden is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. She got her medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine and has been by and by for a long time. Dr. Ellen's specializations include: Infertility treatment, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and different Obstertics and Gynecology techniques. Before joining Fakih IVF, Dr Ellen Snowden was a Medical Director at Pacific Reproductive Center in Dubai, and preceding that a Consultant IVF at Al Noor Fertility Center in Abu Dhabi.
Participations include: American Society for Reproductive Medicine American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Illinois Alumni Association American College of Physician Executives American Medical Association.
Dialects communicated in: English.
Dr. Sajida Detho
Dr. Sajida Detho is a Consultant IVF, OB/GYN who started her profession in Obstetrics and Gynecology and IVF in 1998. After obtaining her Medical Degree, Dr. Sajida worked at Liaquat Medical University Hospital Hyderabad, Pakistan, from 1998 to 2003 in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department. She at that point proceeded to work at St. James Hospital of Dublin.
From 2005 - 2013, she worked at Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, first in the Obstetrics and Gynecology division and afterward as a Consultant Reproductive Medicine IVF in the Human Assisted Reproduction office. During her training in Ireland, she gained involvement in Natural Cycle IVF/ICSI and had accomplishment during the Flare Protocol in IVF/ICSI at the Hari Unit from 2007-2013. Dr. Sajida joined Fakih IVF and Fakih Medical Center in 2014.
Participation: Irish Medical Council, General Medical Council UK, Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
Training: Dr. Sajida got her Medical Degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Liaquat Medical University of Health Science Jamshoro Pakistan in 1996. She proceeded to obtain enrollment in the Royal College of Physicians Ireland (MRCPI) in 2005 and the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology London (MRCOG) in 2007. In 2008, she continued her training by obtaining a Diploma in Women's Health from the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland. In 2011, Dr. Sajida obtained her Diploma in Laparoscopy from Kiels University, Germany. During this time, from 2007 - 2013, she sought after her sub-speciality in Reproductive Medicine and IVF from the HARI unit from Rotunda Hospital. Besides during this period, she was confirmed by the British Fertility Society in Pelvic Ultrasound, Embryo Transfer and IUI, Assisted Conception and Sub-Fertility and Reproductive Endocrinology RCOG, Assisted Conception and Management of Infertility Couple.
Dialects Spoken: English, Sindhi, Urdu.
Dr. Katty Khalil
Before joining Fakih IVF in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Katty labored for a long time in private practice and at the American University Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon.She has involvement in dealing with muddled obstetrical and gynecological cases and was in charge of delivering more than 500 patients per year.
Dr. Katty has extraordinary involvement in dealing with muddled infertility cases since she was an occupant at the American University of Beirut - Medical Center. The decent variety of patient cases she has gone over gave her a wide range of various methodologies. Likewise, her college hospital position improved her clinical abilities and sense within the OB/GYN and Reproductive Medicine fields.
Dr. Katty has broad involvement in normal and high-hazard pregnancies, ultrasound, Endoscopy and Hysteroscopy.Her special interests lie in Infertility and Reproductive Medicine and is at present working under the nearby direction of Dr. Michael Fakih.
Training: Graduated from the American University of Beirut with distinction.
Accomplishment: Ranked among top five understudies in Lebanon and the first in AUB-MC for the long stretches of her training.
Dr. Amal Al Shunnar
Dr. Amal Al-Shunnar is an Emirati Consultant IVF, OB/GYN and fellow benefactor of Fakih IVF with more than 20 years of involvement in her field. Subsequent to completing her training in IVF and Infertility in the UK and Ireland, Dr. Al-Shunnar came back to the UAE and worked in the Obstetrics and Gynecology division of Al Wasl Hospital before joining her family's training, Al Shunnar Polyclinic in 2003 as a Consultant IVF, OB/GYN. As of now, she also started working with Dr. Michael Fakih at Dr. Fakih Gynecology and Obstetrics Center before they together opened Fakih IVF Dubai in 2011.
Participation: Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Training: Dr. Amal obtained her Medical Degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and trained in the absolute most esteemed medical hospitals in Europe, the Hammersmith Hospital in London and Rotunda Hospital in Dublin. In the wake of obtaining her Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (MRCOG), she finished her partnership in Reproductive Endocrinology in London and is guaranteed in Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy.
Grants: In 2013, Women in Leadership Middle East named Dr. Al-Shunnar the Most Innovative Female Entrepreneur.
Dialects Spoken: Arabic, English, Hindi, Urdu.
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crows-evil-blog · 6 years ago
💭 (sixfingersixtails)
The memory begin in a highschool. You feel horrible and annoyed with everything. No one here will accept you as a hero, but thats always the more reason to prove them wrong.
But it was after school with dorms, but tonight wasn’t one for the rules, like all other nights. Stepping out the window, you tuck and roll into the bush with ease and book it.
Your destination wasn’t clear at all, but it was time to live something different a bit. Time to be a villain. Or- at least a punk.
There was a concert going on that night and you were going to go to it, no matter what. It took some time, but you snuck in and got backstage. The band was a villain icon: Death Eaters and The Honey Oats. Or DETHO for short.
The band takes off and starts, but after two songs they are noticing you from behind the stage and get security to take you onto the stage. They look down upon you with a grin of their own, praising you for your punk-ness and stealth. But then they toss you into the mosh pit below, yelling “Get that kid! Make sure he remembers this concert!” Which meant the Mosh Pit was targeting you.
It was the best night of your life- The fighting, music, and coming out on top was so invigorating. Not many nights beat this.
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crewiser · 6 years ago
Crewiser.com: New dance humour detho video https://youtu.be/gzDpZrT7Y1o
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manny-illustration-year1 · 7 years ago
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These are some of the sheets from the ‘image and text’ workshop in which we looked at how titles and visuals could be linked.
We were given a title of an image and told to come up with both a font that we feel would suit the name and also an image of what we thought would suit the title.
This was definitely an interesting workshop because I hadn’t given too much thought before about how image and text are linked through associations you make in your head. For instance although ‘Figures’ could actually be quite sinister as an image, because of the way my own brain works I immediately thought of light shapes of bodies moving gracefully which was put across in the font I designed. Similarly the title ‘detho knocko’ reminded me subconsciously of wood due to the phrase ‘knock on wood’ which was again reflected in the font that I would choose to go alongside it.
It turns out I’m very good at predicting the image that goes alongside the text and managed to more-or-less draw the correct image three times which is also quite odd. I did really like this workshop and it’s good to remind yourself about the associations you have with certain words and the power of putting them alongside your work.
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talhamsajid-blog · 7 years ago
Seminar over reforms in child, women laws
Our Staff Reporter Shikarpur Umar Tufail, Shikarpur police chief, with the collaboration of Social Welfare Department Shikarpur organised an awareness seminar on title “Police Training of Investigation Officer for Childe and Women Law” over reforms in child and women protection laws, at Gymkhana Club Shikarpur, here on Thursday. Iqbal Detho, prominent human rights activist, gave lecture to police…
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afrikmag · 7 years ago
Côte d’Ivoire : la CPI annonce une confrontation entre Philippe Mangou et Detho Letho
Le procès de Laurent Gbagbo et de son ministre Charles blé Goudé continue d’enflammer les débats politiques ivoiriens. Alors que la reprise de ce procès est annoncée pour la mi-janvier 2018, dans les coulisses, ils sont nombreux ceux qui attendent la confrontation annoncée par la CPI entre le général Philippe Mangou et son ex-collaborateur le
le blog post suivant : Côte d’Ivoire : la CPI annonce une confrontation entre Philippe Mangou et Detho Letho est disponible sur: AfrikMag News
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possibly-in-mordland · 2 years ago
he blows his partners back out fs and their legs are gonna be SORE AS HELL
yet the aftercare is so good and he'd be so sweet and reassuring esp if he knows he got a little rough with the degrading
Dude the aftercare with Toki is the best (rivaled only by Pickles)
Hugs, a hot bath, snacks, drinks, etc
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youmsi-blog · 7 years ago
Procès Gbagbo : le général Firmin Detoh Letoh, ex-commandant de l’armée à Abobo, à la barre de la CPI
Procès Gbagbo : le général Firmin Detoh Letoh, ex-commandant de l’armée à Abobo, à la barre de la CPI
Firmin Detho Letoh, 61 ans, est le cinquième général ivoirien ayant occupé un poste important dans le dispositif sécuritaire sous Laurent Gbagbo appelé à témoigner, ce mardi 7 novembre 2017, dans le procès de celui-ci et de son bras droit Charles Blé Goudé, à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI). De lui, le général Philippe Mangou, alors chef d’état-major des Forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS,…
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cellule44 · 8 years ago
Procès des disparus du Novotel: Le Général Dogbo Blé accuse Mangou, Kassaraté, Brindou, Detho, de trahison
Procès des disparus du Novotel: Le Général Dogbo Blé accuse Mangou, Kassaraté, Brindou, Detho, de trahison
Procès des disparus du Novotel: Le Général Dogbo Blé accuse Mangou, Kassaraté, Brindou, Detho, de trahison
Par IvoireBusiness – Procès des disparus du Novotel: Le Général Dogbo Blé accuse Mangou, Kassaraté, Brindou, Detho, de trahison.
Les généraux Mangou, Kassaraté, et Detho lors de leur allégeance à Alassane Ouattara à l’hôtel du Golf. Lu pour vous – DOGBO BLE MAUDIT MANGOU, DETHO LETHO , BREDOU…
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years ago
Surrogacy Doctors in Uae | Dr. Ellen Snowden | Elawoman
Dr. Ellen Snowden
Dr. Ellen Snowden is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. She got her restorative degree from Boston University School of Medicine and has been practically speaking for a long time. Dr. Ellen's specializations include: Infertility treatment, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and different Obstertics and Gynecology systems. Before joining Fakih IVF, Dr Ellen Snowden was a Medical Director at Pacific Reproductive Center in Dubai, and preceding that a Consultant IVF at Al Noor Fertility Center in Abu Dhabi.
Participations include: American Society for Reproductive Medicine American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Illinois Alumni Association American College of Physician Executives American Medical Association.Dr. Ellen Snowden is an IVF Doctor, Obstetrician, and Gynecologist practicing at Fakih IVF Fertility Center situated at Villa No. 2, Dubai. Dr. Ellen has finished MBBS and afterward proceeded to seek after MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Boston University School of Medicine. Further, she attained Fellowship of American College of
Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOOG). Dr. Ellen spends significant time in Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Gynecology Laparoscopy, Abdominal and Vaginal Hysteroscopy, Normal and Cesarean conveyance methodology.
Dr. Ellen has been practicing as an infertility expert for more than three and half decades now. Before joining Fakih IVF Fertility Center, Dr. Ellen Snowden held the situation of Medical Director effectively at Pacific Reproductive Center in Dubai. Before that, she filled in as an IVF specialist at Al Noor Fertility Center situated in Abu Dhabi. She is an individual from American Medical Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, just as American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Further, she likewise got enlisted as a part at the American College of Physician Executives.if you know more about Surrogacy Doctors in Uae
Dr. Allahbadia Gautam Nandkishore
Dr. Allahbadia is a prominent world expert on Ultrasound Guided Embryo Transfers and one of the pioneers in Minimal Stimulation (IVF Lite) in South-East Asia. He has more than 150 friend audited productions shockingly and is on the Editorial Board of a few International Journals. He is at present the Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India and the IVF Lite (Journal of Minimal Stimulation IVF). All through his vocation, Dr. Allahbadia has been instrumental in developing new Fertility-enhancing conventions and propagating the utilization of Ultrasound in Embryo Transfer strategies.
Patients may benefit themselves of a bunch of regenerative alternatives ranging from in vitro treatment (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Ovulation Induction and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), to investment in a standout amongst the best IVF Lite projects in the nation. MMC IVF gives a full range of cutting edge Medical and Surgical treatment in Reproductive Endocrinology and Gynecology including progressed Laparoscopic Surgery, Tubal recreation, and Minimally Invasive USG-guided restorative methodology. Dr. Allahbadia and his reality class group of Reproductive Endocrinologists, Embryologists and Infertility experts have helped hundreds of couples have babies through Assisted Reproduction. The MMC IVF group has a combined encounter of more than 30 years in this super-strength.
Dr. Allahbadia has had a significant productive profession – he has created more than 150 logical papers, 126 book sections and 24 course readings, the most recent of which is a complete content, entitled "Minimal Stimulation IVF".
Dr. Allahbadia was an instructor for more than four years at the Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College pursued by a 12-year residency at the University of Mumbai subsidiary Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences before going full time into private practice. He is the beneficiary of more than 25 prizes and partnerships in the field remarkable among which are the Canadian Young Scientist Fellowship Award for the year 1994, which enabled him to train in Infertility at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and the National prize Dr. Kumud Tamaskar grant for original research work in infertility in the year 1991. Dr. Allahbadia is the beneficiary of six research gifts from the International College of Surgeons and the Medical Research Center of Bombay Hospital Trust. He has been an invited visitor speaker or employee at more than 200 Congresses, Workshops and Scientific Meetings.
Dr. Sajida Detho
Dr. Sajida Detho is a Gynecologist, Obstetrician and IVF Consultant practicing her aptitude at Fakih IVF Fertility Center, Hazza Bin Zayed Street, Abu Dhabi. She has attained enrollment of British Fertility Society. Dr. Sajida spends significant time in Infertility appraisal, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Pelvic Ultrasound, Embryo Transfer method, Subfertility and Reproductive Endocrinology just as Infertility cases the executives. Alongside this, Dr. Sajida likewise offers her patients with administrations, for example, Pre-pregnancy counseling, Pre and post conveyance care just as Sperm DNA Fragmentation test.
Dr. Sajida has finished MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences situated in Jamshoro, Pakistan in the year 1996. She has sought after a Diploma in Womens Health from the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland in 2008 and a Diploma in Laparoscopy from the lofty Kiels University, Germany in 2011.
Dr. Katty Khalil
Before joining Fakih IVF in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Katty labored for a long time in private practice and at the American University Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon.She has involvement in dealing with muddled obstetrical and gynecological cases and was in charge of delivering more than 500 patients every year.
Dr. Katty has extraordinary involvement in dealing with confused infertility cases since she was an occupant at the American University of Beirut - Medical Center. The assorted variety of patient cases she has gone over gave her a wide range of various methodologies. Likewise, her college emergency clinic position improved her clinical abilities and sense within the OB/GYN and Reproductive Medicine fields.Dr. Katty has broad involvement in typical and high-chance pregnancies, ultrasound, Endoscopy and Hysteroscopy.Her exceptional interests lie in Infertility and Reproductive Medicine and is as of now working under the nearby direction of Dr. Michael Fakih.
Dr. Rouba Obeid
Dr Rouba Obeid, Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology - Reproductive Endocrinology, finished her medicinal degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Dr Rouba represents considerable authority in all gynecological routine checkups, pregnancy and conveyance (Normal and Caesarian), Maternal-Fetal wellbeing and prosperity, PCOS, Menopause and so on with a unique spotlight on Infertility and Reproductive Health, just as High Risk Obstetrics.
Dr. Rouba Obeid is a presumed Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Hazza Bin Zayed Street, Abu Dhabi. She finished her therapeutic degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Dr. Rouba works in Infertility Evaluation, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), High-Risk Obstetrics, Pre and post pregnancy care, Maternal and fetal medicinal services, Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) treatment, Menopausal consideration and the board. Dr. Rouba is practicing for over 10 years now.
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