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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 179
“Pa, there’s a weird lookin’ cat outside!” 
 -Said by a sleep deprived Danny Phantom while in Clockwork’s Lair, about a hero displaced in time. Clockwork is in fact amused. Batman is simply confused about the entire situation.  
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genderfluid-jew · 10 months ago
I think one of the easiest ways for me to mistrust a book and all it’s saying is to see how wrong it gets history about Jews.
This came about because I’m reading a book on indigenous activism and theory and it’s really good!
Too bad I can’t trust anything about it because I’m their little ���history of colonialism” section they went “the three largest religions of the world-Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (collectively called the Abrahamic religions”.
Bestie. Jews are .2% of the global population. If you’d done a basic google search it would’ve told you the largest religious groups are Christianity, Islam, irreligion, Hinduism, and Buddhism, each of which have over 5% of the global population as adherents. It takes about five seconds to check that and see if you’re being accurate.
If your book is trying to be a reputable source of information and you can’t even put 5 seconds of effort into basic factual double-checking, you are not worthy of my trust about anything else you say.
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woosh-floosh-art · 2 months ago
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A holiday themed fancomic for @gertritude !🙂🎅
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cupiidzbow · 8 months ago
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thinking ……..
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novantinuum · 5 months ago
i think a lot about how back in the day (like... mid to late 2019) i was told that "writing a story about Steven dealing with the ramifications of PTSD would not only be a False reading of the text, but also in poor taste," and like
quite frankly, given what SUF was about i believe i am owed a serious apology iujfnsujkdngj
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vigilskeep · 4 months ago
huge fan of when something happens in a video game that is not technically even bad but unfortunately i know my protagonist and that this just signed their death warrant for the earliest opportunity
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isawritesshit · 1 year ago
Lavender Detangler
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image was taken from @ hankaashi on pinterest
Synopsis: You are Nishinoya's older sister, the fearless, confident, and reliable manager... except when faced with your feelings with the team ace. As both of your high school years are going to be coming to a close, will one of you be able to say something about how you feel? Who will overcome their nerves first?
Warnings: reader has she/her pronouns, reader is described as being short because she's nishinoya's sister, language, karasuno being chaotic, season 4 spoilers, tooth-rotting fluff.
Author's Note: My old Asahi fic, as promised. This one is a bit longer and used to be on my old wattpad account some time ago. Asahi is one of my favorite hq characters, literally my baby. This one is pure fluff, and is a bit on the longer side. Also, this fic takes place during the events of season 4 so there are some spoilers in that sense, but nothing too major. Enjoy lovelies <3
Word Count: ~ 6.9k
They did it. In your two years of being a manager for the Karasuno boys volleyball team, you probably would have never thought that the boys would beat Shiratorizawa, much less make it to nationals. And yet, even as you stared out at the Tokyo sky on the way to the inn, even as Asahi landed that last spike to push them through to the 2nd round, you still felt that little voice whisper in your head in complete awe and disbelief. 
They did it.  
After the game, the Karasuno gang packed up and headed back for the inn. Most of them took a nap or stared tiredly out the window. They were all exhausted from the thrill of their first game, and they should be. They fought hard and restlessly. The boys showed everyone watching in the stands today that they didn’t come here on some fluke, they came here because they are going to win. 
That’s right. The entire damn tournament. 
Takeda shouted from the front, breaking you from your thoughts. “We’re here everyone!” Hinata immediately jumped up from his seat and barreled full speed toward the front. Kageyama chased after him not much longer (probably because Hinata woke him up when he started running). You chuckled at the duo and slowly got up from your own seat in the front. As everyone else piled off you began making your way toward the back. You kind of made it your own job to wake anyone up once you’ve reached the destination on road trips. 
You spotted Tanaka and Yuu dozing a few seats back. You silently made your way over to them, and started to shake Tanaka. 
“Tanakaaaa, wake uuuup,” you sang while shaking his shoulder. He lazily opened his eyes and let out a yawn. You then reached over to poke at Yuu’s back which was turned to you as he wrapped himself around his duffel bag. “Come on Yuu.” You didn’t have to try that hard with Yuu. After all, you woke him up for school every day. 
As you leaned back, Tanaka stretched his arms above his head and asked, “(Y/N)? Are we here?” You gave him a nod and moved out of the way for him to get up. Yuu was glaring at you from behind his seat. 
“What’s wrong Yuu?” you asked, smirking. “Mad cause I woke you up?”  
“I was having a good dreaaammm,” he whines. 
“Whatever, just get your lazy ass up and let's head inside,” Tanaka drawls as he slaps Yuu upside the head. 
“My lazy ass?” Yuu retorts. Yuu grabbed his duffel bag, and then returned a smack upside Tanaka’s head as they walked toward the front of the bus. “You were sleeping too!” Here they go again… 
“Boys!” you yelled at them. They stopped. “Just get off the bus!” The libero and the wing spiker left without saying another word. 
You sighed while shaking your head. You considered this your own role as a manager sometimes. Kiyoko was more of the quiet one that did her job well, Yachi was the newbie still getting used to the reins, and you were the one that kept the boy’s attitudes in check (yes, even Daichi sometimes). 
You still remember back when you were about halfway through your first year as a manager. You were a second-year at the time. There was a day when the boys were so rowdy that not even the old Coach Ukai could calm them down. You must had been on your period or something that day, because you got so mad at them. All of a sudden, you had started scolding them for their attitudes and lack of respect, telling them that they needed to represent Karasuno High School the right way. It scared the team a bit. Their tiny manager that was practically a foot shorter than them was putting them in line and they actually listened. And so, the role kinda stuck (though you try not to lash out like you did that day). 
You smiled at the memory. You started your way towards the front until you heard a few light snores coming from a seat further back to your right. Huh, guess I missed one. You walked back to the seat, almost yelping in surprise at who you saw. 
Asahi? The ace slept with his own duffel bag propped up against the window as he snuggled it like a pillow. Half his face was buried into the bag while the other half was still in a peaceful slumber. Little bits of his brown hair fell around his forehead and over his ears from his bun. One longer strand of hair fell out over his nose, and would lift up slightly whenever he let out a small snore. You wondered how he didn’t wake up from Yuu and Tanaka yelling as they got off. Daichi and Suga did say that Asahi sleeps like the dead, but you’ve never got to actually see that for yourself. 
You felt heat crawl up your face and ears at the sight of him. Asahi’s face was usually always concentrated, scared, or smiling. But this was somehow different. Seeing him sleeping like that made you stop dead in your tracks and stop thinking rationally. What’s worse? He’s not even trying. Asahi’s expression, mixed with his messy hair and snores, was pulling you in like a magnet. You thought it was downright adorable.You wanted to sit by him, maybe get a little closer. Close enough that perhaps you could smell the scent off his jacket or… 
Your blushing got worse. You liked to keep these thoughts under wraps, but when they did come up you couldn’t help but get flustered. Fortunately, sitting next to him was as far as you got. 
Hesitantly, you reached over to grab and shake Asahi’s shoulder. “Asahi,” you whispered. He didn’t budge. God, you were so lucky that no one could see you doing this. Under normal circumstances, with everyone in here, you would have been redder than a Nekoma jersey. “Asahi,” you whispered a little louder this time, shaking his shoulder a bit more. When he stirred and sucked in a breath, you flinched and stood up so quickly that you thought your spine snapped. But sadly, it didn’t, and now here you are, watching as Asahi opened his eyes ever so slowly. 
When he sits up and his eyes finally land on you, you glued your eyes to the seat you were just sitting on. “O-Oh, (y/n)! Are we here?” Asahi asks in a groggy voice while looking up at you and then out the window to see the inn. 
“Y-yeah!” you answered, cursing your voice for going a little more high pitched than you planned. You forced yourself to look up at him and conceal your blush. “I woke you up…” Just as he rose, you started to walk to the front with Asahi now not that far behind you. You swore, even just feeling him walking behind you was setting off butterfly cannons in your stomach. So, you composed yourself and tried to just walk straight.
But, what if you stopped? What if you leaned back, felt the warmth of his broad chest against your head… who are you kidding, both you and him would have a heart attack if you ever tried something so bold. You couldn’t seem to place how these thoughts entered your head about someone so fragile like that...
Both of you got off the bus and walked side by side now toward the lobby. You were mentally smacking yourself for thinking such things with him so close by. 
When you entered the lobby, you took a seat and forced yourself to stop and think about something else. 
“I’m going to put my stuff upstairs, see ya (y/n)!” Asahi called to you, turning for the stairs. Man, you were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn’t even talk to him! Just how awkward can you get-
“See ya for dinner!” you called from over his shoulder as he, much to your relief and dismay, disappeared upstairs. 
You let out a small sigh as you watched him disappear. Of course, you’ve fallen for the Ace of Karasuno. You just couldn’t help it. Asahi is one of the greatest friends you have and probably the most caring and understanding person you’ve ever met. He interested you too, how someone that big and imposing could be so gentle. Not only that, you did think he was really attractive. You started feeling this way at the beginning of your second year, and it didn’t take long for everyone to catch on. Heck, even the current first years have noticed it (Tsukishima teases you about it so much you have to remind him to respect his fucking elders and their problems). Somehow Asahi hasn’t caught on, probably due to his usual softie mentality. 
That’s probably for the best. Not wanting to screw up your friendship with Asahi is probably the reason you’ve never confessed anyway. Probably.
But you’re running out of time. After this tournament, you have a few more weeks before you both graduate and you go off to attend university. So maybe you’ll just enjoy the time that you have with him, even if you most likely won’t tell him in the end.  
Asahi walked up to the boys room with his duffel bag, his mind a flurry of thoughts. Should I have stayed back with her? No, that would seem a little creepy… What do you mean creepy? She’s your friend! Shoot, I didn’t even tell her thank you for waking me up! Great going Asahi-
When Asahi entered the boys room, he was met with Kageyama being shoved into him, causing him to drop his bag. 
“Ah! Sorry Asahi,” Kageyama apologized as Asahi bent down to pick it up. 
“I-it’s fi-” 
“Yeah Baka-yama! Say sorry!” Hinata shouted from across the room, sticking his tongue out at Kageyama. 
“You’re the one that pushed me, dumbass!” Kageyama roared before storming back over to Hinata. 
Asahi chuckled and made his way over to where Suga and Daichi were watching the pair fight from a safe distance. 
“Hey, Asahi! Why’d you take so long to come up?” Daichi asked. He looked a little concerned, maybe even worried. Him and Suga really are just like his parents… 
“O-oh no r-reason I-” he began. Asahi tried to avoid eye contact as his own voice began betraying him again. Eye contact was dangerous with these two sometimes, even if they were his friends. Both Suga and Daichi raised an eyebrow at him. “Um… I fell asleep on the bus a-and… (y/n) woke me up,” he muttered while getting quieter as he said your name. 
“Aww, well isn’t that sweet!” Suga cooed with a teasing smirk. Asahi swore, whenever he brought you up when you weren't around, they were always quick to tease him. Maybe they are his parents…  
Asahi felt a tiny blush begin to form on his cheeks as he stuttered “S-S-Suga, can we not talk about this right now…” 
Daichi let out a disappointed sigh. “C’mon Asahi, you’ve basically had a crush on her since she became a manager. You gotta tell her already!” 
“Tell who what?” asked Hinata who suddenly appeared beside Daichi. Asahi went stiff as a board, looking nowhere else than his shoes. 
“Tell (y/n) that he likes her,” he heard Tsukishima say from beside Hinata. “What? Did you not know that he has feelings for her?” 
“Wait, you mean… those kinda feelings?” Hinata’s voice got louder. It felt so loud that Asahi thought he was going to faint from the embarrassment. 
Yamaguchi was quick to chime in with Tsukishima. “Well yeah! Hasn’t Tsukki told you this before?” How did they know?! Noya didn’t tell them… right? 
As if on cue, Tanaka and Nishinoya also joined the conversation. “Yeah man! Who would’ve thought that Asahi would have a crush on such a hot girl like her, huh? What’d you think Noya?” Tanaka asked as he laughed along with the group. 
“Asahi!” Noya yelled right into Asahi’s ear, scaring the living shit out of him. Almost the whole room went quiet. Noya pointed straight into Asahi’s face, causing his eyes to widen and look at his finger. Noya then began speaking as if he were talking of destiny, “Azumane Asahi, as Nishinoya (y/n)’s younger brother, and as her sole protector for life, I grant you permission for you to court her, and-” 
“Oh please. Do you even know what the word “court” means when you say it like that?” Tsukishima snickered. Asahi’s body went cold with chills as his face flushed crimson. “You’re basically giving him permission to-” 
“Would you guys shhhhhh!” Suga screamed at them before dropping his voice to a whisper. Oh thank God for Suga- “The girls room is right next door! They could’ve heard you for all you know! Have some respect…” Hinata squealed a ‘sorry’ and Tsukishima just walked away with a smirk. Noya gave Asahi a firm slap on the back. Everyone else that took part in the conversation left to do their own thing.
Suga put a gentle hand on Asahi’s shoulder, causing him to look into his eyes. “Look Asahi, whenever you’re around (y/n), I notice a slight change in you. You’re not super tense. You’re actually a lot more relaxed around her. You’re more confident and a lot more happy. She pushes you to do better unlike any one of us. You gotta tell her how you feel, and you have to do it soon, Asahi.” 
“Yeah, and even if she doesn’t feel the same way, she isn’t the type of person to avoid you afterwards,” Daichi adds, giving him a reassuring smile. 
Asahi blushed again before smiling at the ground. Is that really how he seems around you? Sure, some of what Suga said is true. He does feel a slightly bigger push when you’re the one to give pep talks before games, and it would be a lie to say that he wasn’t happier around you, but he thought everyone felt that way… 
And the other things that Suga said? Asahi would just have to see for himself. Confess to you? Him, who has never been so in love with someone, and just happens to have no experience when it comes to that same department? He’s even surprised that words just came so naturally with you but confidence be damned! He never prepared himself for this! 
Well, it is his third year after all… maybe he could learn a thing or two before ending high school. What does he have to lose? 
There was a knock before the door opened. “Alright guys, meeting in the conference room in five. Dinner will be ready shortly after!” Coach Ukai yelled above the conversations. As soon as the team responded, one by one each boy began to leave the room. Daichi gave Asahi a small pat on the back before leaving with Suga.  Soon, Asahi was the only person left in the room, and the only tension present was created within his thoughts. 
You leaned your head back and closed your eyes as you let the steam and heat of the bath allow you to unwind. Kiyoko and Yachi had already climbed in with you. You sat to the right of Kiyoko and Yachi sat on her left. 
“Rough day so far, (y/n)?” Kiyoko asked with her usual calming gaze. You could tell why almost all the boys were so into her. Seeing Yuu, Tanaka, and even boys from other teams try to hit on her was one of the funniest things to you. There was no denying that Kiyoko is pretty, and she always had this earthly calm about her that you just couldn’t put your finger on sometimes. Kiyoko has been your closest girl friend since you started as a manager, and now even Yachi was one too. 
“Yeah,” you groaned. It may not seem like it to everyone else, but you had been stressed almost since you woke up this morning. First, there was the tension of the boys first game. Then, Kiyoko had to run back to grab Hinata’s bag that he left at the train station. The stress went away slightly after the boys won the first game, but the tension was still there now that they have to win the next one. To top it off, the boys just found out at their meeting that they would be going up against the team was ranked #2 to win nationals. Not to mention, their setter (according to Kageyama) was on the All Japan Youth team. If that didn’t make everyone’s anxiety for this tournament any worse, you didn’t know what did. You’re definitely going to make sure that the boys settle down to get enough sleep tonight. 
Kiyoko and Yachi listened as you went on your rant about the day. But as you continued on, you let something slip out. “Not to mention, I woke up Asahi on the bus today. Asahi of all people! Then when we walked back I didn’t even say anything! I got so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn’t even realize how awkward I was being…” 
You paused, realizing what you just said. Your hands flung up to conceal the blush now forming as you muttered something incoherent about not meaning to say that. 
“Honestly (Y/N), I think it’s pretty funny how you react around someone like Asahi!” Yachi giggled. Kiyoko must have been pointing things like that out to her…
Kiyoko smiled at you. “She’s right, you know. It’s almost like you two switch personalities when you’re together.” 
You turned your body to face them. “T-that’s not true!” you argued. The massive blush on your ears and face said otherwise. “I’m still the same person!” 
The bathing room went suddenly quiet as if they were silently disagreeing with you. You turned to face forward again. It was if there was still another question that hung in the air that remained unspoken. “(Y/N)?” It was Yachi that spoke up. 
“Yeah?” you asked somewhat hesitantly. 
“You’re not...nervous to tell him you like him… are you?” Yachi asked. Your breath shuddered. There it was, that unspoken question. While it might seem normal for a person to be nervous to tell someone they liked them, much less to feel nervous about other things, ‘nervous’ was not a trait among the Nishinoya siblings. In fact, no one believed you and Yuu have ever felt nervous before. Despite Yuu’s personality being different from yours, it’s still centered around that shared trait between the both of you. The Nishinoya siblings were known on the team for being the fearless ones, Yuu in his playing ability and happy-go-lucky attitude, and you with your confident decision making and ability to push each player to do their best. It’s what made you two so reliable. You and your brother never got nervous… right? You guessed maybe that should only be said of Yuu now. After all, how can someone have no fear if they can’t confess to a silly little crush… 
Maybe that’s the reason you’ve never confessed. This entire time, you thought the reason you never told Asahi how you felt was because you didn’t want to mess things up between the two of you. 
I’ve been lying to myself this whole time, you thought. But, I shouldn’t lie to my friends about it…
After a few more minutes of silence, you spoke up. “Yeah. I am nervous.” Both of your friends looked to you. As you continued, your voice became lower and quieter as you sounded out your thoughts slowly. “This entire time I’ve been telling myself that maybe it was better this way because he probably wouldn’t return my feelings, but I guess I’ve been stalling.” 
“That’s ok (y/n)! It’s perfectly normal for someone to get nervous over someone they like!” Yachi reassured you. 
“She’s right,” said Kiyoko, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Try to be yourself around him. He’s actually a lot more confident around you than you think, so it should be like having a conversation with someone like Daichi or Suga. Just try to take those baby steps, ok? If you talk to him tonight, tell us how it went afterward.” 
You smiled timidly at your two friends. “Okay, I will.”
You stared at your phone and groaned. 9:00pm.
The boys would not shut up. 
While Kiyoko and Yachi were settling down into their own sleeping areas, you calmly went over and asked Daichi if he could settle down the boys a little. That was 30 minutes ago…
Oh well, you thought. Kiyoko and Yachi were asleep now, so you thought it would be fine. It had been a while since the team got to hang out as just a plain group of chaotic high school boys rather than a serious volleyball club. They’re on this trip to have some fun too. 
But if they're not quiet by 10:00, you’re definitely making sure they actually fall asleep. 
With a sigh, you turned off your phone and made your way across the dark room. Careful not to wake your friends, you tiptoed to your bag in the corner and fished out your favorite pajamas: an old yet suitable t-shirt and a fuzzy pair of light orange shorts. 
After changing, you grabbed your small toiletry bag and walked out of the room. Across from the girl’s room was a small washroom that was shared among all three of the rooms. You were sure that no one would enter since all the boys were in their room and Ukai and Takeda went drinking again. The washroom was completed with two sinks surrounded by a wooden counter, and a public toilet further back in the room. 
You set your stuff down on the sink closest to the door. As you started to brush your teeth, you questioned if you should stay up longer tonight than usual. You didn’t feel that tired yet, and you did hear that there is a balcony near the rooms. 
You leaned over the sink to spit before faintly hearing the door open. You quickly spit out the excess toothpaste and wiped your mouth on your sleeve before looking to see who stood in the doorway. 
“(y/n)?” Asahi stared back at you with his wide brown eyes. He had switched his tracksuit for a plain white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats, which you assumed was his sleepwear. He had a small green bag under his arm. Was he washing up too? 
“Oh, I’m sorry I thought no one would come in here,” you tried to laugh about it as you quickly started to pack up your toiletries. Damn, you’re just acting nervous around him again! 
“No! You can stay, I’ll just come back later,” he smiled politely and turned to leave. 
“Wait!” you called before you even realized what you were doing. Asahi turned to look over his shoulder, surprised. Baby steps rang in your head as you took a breath and said “There’s another sink if you want to use it…”
Asahi peered over your head. “Oh! Sure...” He walked past you to the other sink and you turned to your own bag. As you brought out a comb to run through your hair, Asahi started to run the water in his sink as he fished out his own toothbrush. 
Almost on instinct, you started talking to yourself in your own head, even when you desperately wanted to talk to the boy next to you. Should I even say anything in the first place? No… baby steps (y/n)! Remember! Ok, what should I say? “So how do you think tomorrow will go?” No, the tension for tomorrow is already high enough. “Nice… weather? here? in? Tokyo…?” Goddammit why is this so hard-
You sighed through your nose and put your comb back. As you looked for the next thing you needed to find in your bag, your eyes slowly drifted to Asahi. He was looking at himself in the mirror as he ran a knuckle along his jaw and muttered something about needing to shave. You assumed he decided against it as he fished out a brush and a bottle of… detangler? 
One part of Asahi was happy and glad that you were sharing the washroom with him. But, the majority of him was feeling like an anxious wreck. It was only three hours ago when Asahi had promised his friends that he would finally confess his feelings to you. And now you’re here with him, alone, and you haven’t spoken a word to each other. Maybe he should say something about it now, close the gap he so desperately wanted to reach. Was he ever going to get a good enough opportunity such as this (even if it was in a washroom…)? 
As Asahi got out his brush and detangler, he decided that maybe he would just talk to you for now… yeah. But, what is there to talk about- 
“Is that lavender detangler?” 
He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at you. You looked first at the detangler in his hand, and then up at him with a quirked eyebrow and wide, expecting eyes. You held your face wash in one hand and a hair tie in the other. And those pajamas you were wearing… gosh you looked so cute. 
“Oh… yeah. It’s kind of weird I guess,” Asahi chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. 
“No, not at all,” you replied matter-of-fact. “I was actually kind of wondering why some parts of the gym smelled like lavender and I was trying to figure out who it was!” You laughed. It’s true, some corners of the gym started smelling oddly great (for a gym especially). When you asked Kiyoko and Yachi if they had bought new perfume, they both replied with no, and so you became suspicious. 
When you turned away to wash your face, Asahi took out his bun and began his own nighttime routine. Your butterflies fucking exploded as you rubbed the face wash gently into your skin and listened to the soft spurts of his detangler. 
For the rest of your time in the washroom, both you and Asahi held great conversation. Though the time was little, the detangler topic led to both of you complaining about your hair consistency, to what color you both would want dye your hair, to favorite colors, to favorite school subjects, and then finally to what you were talking about now, favorite parts about school. 
“Well that’s easy. Being the manager for the team,” you replied nonchalantly. 
“Really?” Asahi packed up the rest of his things in his little bag and turned to you. He left his hair down. You were leaning against the door, your own bag under your arm. Seeing him with his hair down is having you battle the flutter in your stomach as you try to get used to the new sight. 
“Well yeah, but I guess I have to thank Yuu though after all. If he didn’t play volleyball I would probably be tripping over myself in a dance club or something!” You both laughed. 
He was still laughing as you caught a glance of his face. You wanted to see his smile more. You wanted to hear him laugh more. You just wanted to keep talking to him. This is the first time you’ve been able to have a normal conversation with him without stumbling over your words and you did not want it to end this quickly. But at the same time, you probably shouldn’t keep him if he’s tired. 
Asahi felt a little conflicted inside. It was clear that both of you were done washing up, but he still wanted to confess, but… well maybe now isn’t the time after all. It was still great to talk to you though. 
You opened the door and walked past the doorway. “So um, are you going back to the room?” 
“Well, I guess. But I probably won’t be able to sleep because of the noise. That’s the reason I came to wash up a little earlier.” Asahi responded. The moment was slipping away...
Maybe that’s one thing to thank the boys for. But is there some way to keep talking to him? He obviously doesn’t want to be by the rest of the team. Maybe you could save him from them for a couple of minutes. But where- 
“Um… a-are you tired?” This was about to take a lot of courage from you…
“N-no…?” Asahi was a little confused by your question. What were you about to ask him? 
“Do you wanna go hang out on the balcony for a bit?” You finally said it. A huge weight was lifted from your shoulders, but the even larger weight remained as you waited for his answer. You squeezed your hands behind your back and gulped. You prayed that he didn’t notice how nervous you were… 
Asahi just stared at you for about 2 seconds, because 2 seconds was all his brain needed to overcompensate and overthink everything you just said. Did you say hang out on the balcony? As in like, with you? Alone? Together? No one else is there, right? Why? Just to keep you company? Because he said that he didn’t really want to be by the rest of the loud and obnoxious team? Did you really care enough about that to invite him on the balcony? Did you actually like talking to him? 
No, that couldn’t be true… 
“Yeah. We could do that.” 
You stood on the balcony, eagerly awaiting Asahi. You leaned over the railing as you took in the cold evening. The wind blew just enough to leave a slight shiver through your body and stir your hair. The lights and sounds of Tokyo filled your senses as you watched the bustling city from afar. You took a look up. The pollution of Tokyo meant you couldn’t see stars, but you imagined they were there. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, save for the occasional airplane flying to or from the city. You brought your gaze back down and stared forward in silent thought. 
Asahi was grateful that you had arrived at the balcony first after you both left to put away your toiletries. He tried his best to get into the room to put his things away, grab his jacket, and be out of the room where the boys were now playing truth or dare. Noya caught him and tried to convince him to join in, but he politely refused and left without another word. He would have to explain himself later. 
And now, there you were. You didn’t notice him behind you on the balcony. His gaze softened as he took a moment to admire you. 
You were the only thing that immediately captured his attention, as always. Not the blinding lights of the city beyond, not the atmosphere around him, just you, with your back turned to him as you faced Toyko. Asahi’s breath hitched in his throat. It was in that moment that he realized that nothing else mattered. Not even breathing mattered. The lights weren’t as beautiful, the city wasn’t as loud, and the chill in the air wasn’t as prominent. Everything else seemed to dull and fade, leaving only you. 
There was just something more captivating in the way your hair flowed in the wind that he seemed to forget that the wind was the reason your hair moved so fluently. The way you were standing and observing the view, almost as if you didn’t know that if everything else had eyes, then everything would be gazing and admiring you just like he did every day. The way your eyes were shining so perfectly ahead that the stars would become jealous and try to take that shine, but he would never let them because no matter how high and mighty the stars might be, no matter how many of them there were, you were so much more above them in his own eyes. 
His thoughts were broken when your body jerked in a slight shiver. He realized that you had forgotten a coat because you were still wearing the same pajamas. 
It was a lot windier than you thought it would be. You wrapped your arms around yourself and rubbed your bare arms. You were in such a hurry to put your things away that you didn’t have time to consider the weather. 
You jumped when you felt a slight pressure on your shoulder, and then something laying across them. As you reached your hands up to feel what it was, you ran your fingers across the material of a jacket, and then heard the shuffling of someone next to you. Then you realized… 
Asahi was here, and he gave you his jacket. 
You turned to look at him. He was standing about a foot away from you to the right. He had his elbows propped against the balcony railing as he leaned against it. His shoulders caved slightly inward as he stared at the ground. His eyes were casted downward in a way that he almost looked ashamed, but if not, then just lost in thought. A slight tint splayed itself across his cheeks from the cold. The wind moved through his long brown hair like a dance and ruffled his white shirt against the muscle that laid beneath. 
Your heart caught in your chest. Your breathing stopped as you clutched the jacket. 
This was a new sight. He didn’t look scared. He wasn’t smiling. He wasn’t sleeping. He didn’t look exactly concentrated either. 
He looked… ethereal. 
His eyes caught yours and he stood a little straighter. “I-I… you looked cold… so… sorry if it’s weird...” His eyes casted off as he spoke. He’s adorable. 
“N-no” you assured. “Not at all! Um, thank you...” 
“You’re welcome... “ he smiled at you before looking down again. It was odd. It wasn’t like his body was anxious, more like just his eyes were. Could he… maybe? Unless he was just trying to be nice. 
You looked down and held the jacket closer to you. Your blush was growing by the second. It may be a possibility. The jacket smelled like the lavender detangler and cedarwood. Not only that, it was warm. It smelled and felt like him, like your Asahi. Well, he wasn’t yours just yet. 
Just yet. 
Asahi didn’t even know why or how he managed to give you his jacket. He just felt a surge of feeling that had him act. He knew it was love, but at that moment, he never felt it so strongly. It was almost as if it were his instinct to want to make you feel happy and comfortable. Maybe he should act on that more. 
Maybe he should act on that now. 
You talked up first. “So, um…” you mumbled just loud enough to be audible. “How are you feeling… about tomorrow?” You instantly regretted the words as they left your mouth. You couldn’t think of another topic, so you just blurted the first thing that came to mind. 
“Um… well, if I said I was feeling alright about it, I would obviously be lying,” he chuckled. 
“Well, I think you’ll be alright once you get out there and kick ass like always,” you said, trying to ease his nerves. You sounded so sure of yourself. That was new, especially around Asahi. 
“Thank you for supporting me…” he faced you as he leaned against the railing, smiling at you, though he didn’t make eye contact. “It really means a lot…” 
You gave him your best smile while clutching his jacket. “No need to thank us. We all have to push our ace so he can do his best!” 
He blushed. Something popped into his head, and before he could stop himself, he said it out loud. 
“No one pushes me to do my best as much as you, though.” He scared himself when he said it. He couldn’t even turn away. He just… looked at you. You were still so captivating. So much so that his anxiety and fears couldn’t even distract him now. 
You blushed. Did he just say that? Did he… there was almost no doubt now. Your heart started to beat so loud that you couldn’t focus on your own thoughts. You could only focus on him. 
You were looking at him with those beautiful eyes again. This was it. Now. He had to do it now. 
“Yeah…?” You turned to him. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He couldn’t stop staring at you. 
So captivating. 
There you stood, patiently waiting. 
“Asahi, are you-” 
“I love you, (y/n).” And that’s when the words began to tumble out. “I can’t believe I’m doing this… but it’s the truth. Ever since you became a manager for our team, I’ve never been able to get you out of my head and... and, I’m not sure how to feel about it. You’re just beautiful, and strong, and perfect… A-and I want to give you everything. I want to give you… more than everything really. But I’m just...I’m just…” 
He kept his eyes closed the entire time, brows furrowed and hands glued to his sides as he spoke. Were you actually hearing this? The person you’ve loved for so long confessing that he loves you- 
You felt this buzzing, warm feeling inside your heart. It spread like wildfire throughout your body, burning you and your senses down to the one source of the truth behind the flames which is that he. loves. you.  
He squinted as he opened his eyes to look at you. You looked… confused. You just kept staring at him. He felt this cold shiver as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. He clenched his fists. Here it was, you were about to reject him. Why did he even try- 
“I love you too, Asahi.” 
For a moment you two just stared at each other. You both couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Meanwhile, the same fire was spreading throughout Asahi. Burning down all insecurities, all negative thoughts. It was just that one fact. 
You love him too. 
And like fire, it spread throughout both of you quickly. Burning, destroying, until it bubbled over and- 
That space between you ceased to exist as you stood on your tippy toes, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and kissed him. You didn’t know what you were doing, but you didn’t care. You’ve waited too long to tell him how you’ve felt and this kiss lifted the last weight from your consciousness. You didn’t have to pretend. You didn’t have to be nervous. You were free. 
Asahi didn’t know how to feel at first. Was this actually happening? Were you… kissing him? Well, of course he knew that but he never thought it would happen. 
He wasn’t kissing back. You opened your eyes and leaned back, separating you from his lips. Was that too far? “Ah, s-sorry I thought-”
You were cut off by him quickly swooping in and returning the kiss while leaning down to wrap his arms around your waist. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and tangling your hands in his long hair. His lips were warm and surprisingly soft. You giggled as the scruff from his stubble tickled you. His kiss was so gentle that it was as if he thought you were a porcelain doll, and that if he put too much of himself on you, that you would break. It was loving and sweet, and filled with as much care as he could give you. 
When you both leaned back, he looked down at you. So small. So amazing. 
So perfect. 
Those were his words before he leaned again, pressing himself closer to you. Your back steadied itself against the railing as you continued kissing him. His hands travelled to cup your face, one hand resting itself against your soft skin and the other running itself through your hair. This kiss was just like the last but filled with more need and passion. The fire was growing. Here, nothing else mattered. The lights didn’t matter, the air, the city. Just you, with your lips on his.
When you leaned back again, he smiled as you kissed him on the nose. “Not as perfect as you,” you replied. You laughed as his face scrunched in confusion, and then when he realized what he had said out loud before he kissed you. 
“So, uh, does this mean… W-well, only if you want to of course! But, ah, what I’m trying to say is-” 
“Yes Asahi, I’ll be your girlfriend,” you said to him while rolling your eyes and smiling. It seemed that after your kiss, your confidence had returned. How could he kiss you like that but not be able to ask you out? He’s so awkward, and handsome, and yours. 
Both of you chuckled, finally before leaning in again. Finally yours. 
That’s when you heard the metallic door on the other side of the balcony open. 
“HEY ASAHI- woah” 
"So that's when I opened the door, and Asahi and (y/n) were making out, and-"
"Noya, stop-" Asahi pleaded.
"Dang, who knew that Asahi had game," Tanaka wheezed.
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kamil-a · 17 days ago
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The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for work that is real.
happy valentines day 💘
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jeusus · 9 months ago
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finnishbnuy · 2 months ago
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Happy new year from the tunnel! - Unelmatorttu the Lionhead
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forgettable-au · 1 year ago
How far are you with the story? Like, how far have you gotten with the dialogue and scenes and comic planning or whatever
Oh also I saw you said you were going to not include scenes you don’t feel are completely necessary towards the story
If the comic ever gets completed would you give us info on some scrapped scenes and whatnot
I want to eat every morsel of this AU it’s so yummy (it’s my favorite flavor)
Hi! First of all,
Thank you sm, I'm so happy u like it so far and find the concept just as interesting as I do:D
So, when it comes to the story
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Most of it is already planned out, but I'm really stuck on figuring out how to make a character do something or be motivated to do that thing that I need them to do... I'm not sure how to make it play out smoothly, but I'm getting there...
I've been stuck on that FOR A WHILE, before I paused this blog
About the scrapped content, sure! That would be fun to share. I changed a lot of stuff during the early development, wich was mostly me making little funny drawing to show my close friends
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Here are some very early design ideas I had for Wingdings:D I have some that were even BEFORE these but those are kind of ehhh, not interesting
I changed him A LOT, things that only I would notice but I think are very important and differentiate him from your typical Gaster design (He's more colorful for starters, not only black and white, and his hands are still perfectly fine), still, events will lead him to the same conclusion anyways. Poor guy's gonna have a self destructive arc and become less "Wingdings" and more "W.D. Gaster"
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teatitty · 8 months ago
KakaIru and the constant fight Iruka has to have to get out of bed because he needs to be at the school by 6 but Kakashi hates mornings and is super clingy and keeps whining "noooooooooooo" when Iruka starts moving about
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aquickstart · 1 year ago
one thing that's been talked about here and by creators and is obvious but still important to articulate (to me) is that oliver is not envious of the cattons because they are wealthier than him, necessarily. it's not about the money. or it is, but in a way that everything in life is about money: no matter how much you have, you kind of always want more, because want is a very strong driver. he's not coming from a place of poverty or any financial need at all, and he is not genuinely burning with the anger at the rich as a working-class guy constantly overpowered by them. there is no righteousness of the oppressed in his motives; sure, he "knows how to work", but to me—and this is, again, personal interpretation—the more important part is that the cattons "made it so easy" for him to take everything from them. it doesn't matter where oliver is coming from, ultimately (which is why he is so pointedly an upper middle class kid, quite comfortable, not a struggling genius he paints himself to be). for oliver, and for his audience, what matters is what he wants, not why he wants it; how badly he wants, how deep inside his own desire he is.
in short, it's not that the cattons had something he didn't have. it's just that they had something he wanted.
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maxipowell · 2 months ago
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the 3 and the celly ☆ dec 27, 2024
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coachbeards · 2 months ago
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when i remember rebecca never went to therapy and instead was forced to see a psychic!!! a psychic!!!
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novantinuum · 8 months ago
steven quartz universe is a wild character because never before have i simultaneously had various facets of imagined scenarios in my head where a character is either: cis+, nonbinary, a trans boy, OR a trans girl before
like you could genuinely go ANY direction with this character and still come up with a satisfying and interesting bit of character work for Why gender is the way it do be
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