Ace’s Posts
7 posts
A polytheistic pagan who loves Percy Jackson, hazbin hotel, and a bunch of other things just ask.
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
I hate not being good at drawing because I have all these ideas That I would love to draw but my art skills suck so I’m just stuck with all these ideas and no outlet and no satisfaction of seeing them come to life ugh
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
Huskerdust headcanons
-Husk doesn’t know he can purr and both him and Angel find this out when they’re cuddling one night and they’re both caught off guard by the vibrating/noise
-Husk’s tail twitches when he’s annoyed so Angel does everything in his power when Husk’s tail is twitching to cheer him up
-Angel is an amazing cook and loves to cook for Husk especially Angel’s family recipes
-Husk teaches Angel the best ways to win certain card games without getting caught
~Angel finds out how sensitive Husk’s wings and tail are during an intimate make out session because his hands run down Husk’s wings and Husk moans loudly and both are very embarrassed
~Angel may be a “power bottom” but he does like to sometimes take control especially after being under Valentino’s control for so long(Husk finds this attractive)
~Angel got very confused when Husk demonstrated proper after-care because he was so used to being used and left that it confused him
~Husk is a vanilla switch (no I will not explain)
Edit: i thought power bottom was another way of saying brat(which I could see for Angel) so that was a misinformation on my part
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
Observation of episode five of Hazbin Hotel
During the song “More Than Anything” when Lucifer is singing in the beginning we see weapons aimed at both him and Charlie when they’re standing in the light so he pulls her to darkness where the Angels can’t reach (at least that’s how I interpreted it)
What do you think? Am I just grasping at straws or does it make sense?
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
I found this and fell in love with it
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
My personal ranking of the Hotel Gang+Lucifer and Cherri
1. Alastor
2. Lucifer
3. Angel Dust
4. Husker
5. Sir Pentious
6. Vaggie
7. Charlie
8. Niffty
9. Cherri bomb (great character not enough screen time in my opinion)
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
Observation of episode 8 of Hazbin Hotel
When the Hotel gang is cornered by Exorcists Husk spreads his wings in front of the others as if to say you’ll get to them over my dead body
I can’t find picture evidence but if you watch the scene closely when Adam says “it’s time to die with the rest of them” it’s at that moment we see husk extend his wings
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hh-pjofan101 · 1 year ago
A few of my Hazbin Hotel headcanons
Rosie gave Alastor the “Oh deer” mug shown in episode two
Huskers wings and tail are sensitive to touch
Speaking of wings Lucifer’s are also sensitive to touch which is why he keeps them hidden more often than not
Sir Pentious’ egg bois joined him in heaven(I hope)
Alastor doesn’t know the term for AroAce(which he canonically is) so it doesn’t define him and he thinks it’s just everyone’s choice
Remember Alastor died in 1933 so “the tea” wasn’t commonly used so Angel Dust taught him what “the tea” is
Rosie and Niffty are the only ones who can touch Alastor without him initiating the contact
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