#despite the teasing you know she cares about him deep down :3
pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
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Getting sick from the rain? Jeez. You’re so pitiful, master…
…but as your adorable partner I can’t just leave you to suffer. So don't worry, I’ll help you out!
I’m forever haunting you, in sickness and in health 🌡️👻
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promiscuouscutie · 1 year
All Yours pt. 1
Ethan Landry x fem. Reader, reader is a little naive and Ethan’s obsessed, eventual smut
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8
Word count: 1979
Warnings for this part: uhhh drinking under 21, murder, mentions of vomit
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
You look at yourself in the mirror in disgust. You were dripping in beer liquid, courtesy to a sorority blonde devil named Michelle. Ironically, Michelle was dressed as an angel. It was meant to represent her ‘angelic personality.’ At least that’s what she put on her instagram caption for her costume reveal post. She hated you, but you never knew why. Did she have an actual reason, or did she just want to put others down? You just wanted her to stop talking to you. You wanted her to stop trying to spread rumors about you, when she didn’t even know what she was talking about. You wanted her to stop sending you threats on social media. She never bothered making anonymous accounts. She didn’t care if you knew it was her. She thought she walked on water, that she could do no wrong.
“Angelic personality. What a joke,” You said to yourself. You dig through your purse and pull out tissues, trying to wipe some of liquid off of your skin. You sniffed your dress and gagged; you stunk of cheap beer.
Ding! You pull out your phone and read the contact name: Cason. You pressed on the notification and read the message:
I’m here, at the party. Can we talk, bunny? I really owe you an explanation.
You chewed the inside of your cheek. Bunny, his nickname for you. The way he said it would make you smile, but not this time. The pet name barely made you react. Some part of you felt happy to get a text from him. He hadn’t texted you in weeks. He hadn’t spoken to you in person. Every time you tried to talk to him, he’d walk the other way.
Most of all, you felt awful. He used to flirt with you, just simple teasing and compliments during your tutor sessions. You didn’t realize his intentions right away. You just thought he was being kind. When he gave you the nickname, you thought it was a sign you were becoming close friends. You were wrong. During one of your tutoring sessions, he kissed you. You were so shocked, but you didn’t kiss him back.
He had a girlfriend. He still does, the girl you hate more than anyone. Michelle, the devil’s wife herself. You pushed him away and ended the tutoring session early.
Despite your hatred for Michelle, you didn’t want to break up a relationship. But why would he make a move? You didn’t understand that part, but maybe he’d explain himself. Maybe he could explain why Michelle spread the rumor that you made the move on him, knowing that he had a girlfriend. The rumor made traction around campus, making you lose some customers for your job. People saw you as a home wrecker, a horrible girl.
You sniffled. God, don’t start crying. It’s going to be okay. Just hear him out. You took a deep breath and reply to his message:
Should we find somewhere private to talk? Maybe you could take me on a walk or something? -you
He read it immediately.
Let’s talk in an hour. Michelle’s slobbering all over me rn. -Cason
This was fine. You were going to be fine. He’d explain himself, clear everything up. He could apologize for the kiss and even try to debunk the rumor his girlfriend started. But why didn’t he in the first place? A good question, one you couldn’t answer yourself. Only Cason could, and he would. You were positive he had a good reason for it. You just couldn’t figure out what it could be.
You still smelled like beer. But who doesn’t at this party? There’s a mix of alcohol and weed in the air that’s traveled to the first and second floor of this frat house. You adjusted your sparkly, lavender wings to make them less crooked. The purple glitter on your eyes still stayed perfect, which you were relieved about.
It took forever to put it on. Your roommate Anika had to assist you with it, but she didn’t complain. She was obsessed with your costume. She thought you made the perfect fairy! Your dress was a royal purple and made of silk. It had lace on the chest, giving it a lingerie look. You had a flower crown on earlier, but it found itself on Mindy’s head halfway through the party. You didn’t mind of course; Mindy looks great with it on.
There was a knock at the door. “Yo hurry up in there!”
“Coming!” You shouted. You grabbed your purse and threw away your garbage quickly before the stranger let out another complaint. You opened the door and rushed past the random guy. You looked around the room, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd. You spot a shirtless cowboy: Chad Meeks-Martin, the frat boy and self-acclaimed feminist. He spots you from a distance and waves. “Y/N! Come have a drink!” He called out. You walk over to him and catch the beers can he throws at you. As you opened it, you spot a familiar face.
“Hey Ethan! I didn’t know you were coming,” you smiled sweetly. He smiled back at you, right before glancing at the floor awkwardly.
“It was a last minute decision,” Chad explains. He puts his arm around Ethan, pulling him close. “I managed to convince him to come hang out,” Chad added with a joking tone. Ethan rolled his eyes at his friend’s words.
“You make me sound like a hermit,” Ethan comments.
“That’s cause you are, my boy. You’re a hermit crab.”
“Don’t tease the guy! He’s just trying to have a good time,” you lightly pushed Chad’s shoulder. You took a big sip from your beer and looked around the room again. Ethan’s eyes moved down your body, fully focusing on your costume. He took notice to the fishnet stockings on your legs. He liked them. He liked them a lot. Your eyes landed on Ethan’s face, making him avoid eye contact. You caught him staring at you. You thought it was a little cute, but probably just a coincidence. After all, how could sweet, quiet, adorable Ethan look at you like that?
You felt a a shoulder hit yours hard. You watch Michelle walk past you, snickering to her friends. She had two drinks in hand, and her angel wings were practically almost falling off her body. You winced as your rubbed your shoulder as Ethan and Chad watched the blonde walk up the stairs.
“What a bitch,” Chad says bluntly.
“Yeah. Major bitch,” Ethan agrees. You were a little surprised by Ethan. You never heard him say something like that before, and his face! He was practically glaring at her as she disappeared. If looks could kill, Michelle would be dead by now. You awkwardly laugh it off, trying to move on. You reach into your purse and pull out your phone.
I ran into Michelle. I take it she’s done slobbering all over you? -you
He didn’t answer right away. It took him maybe five or six minutes to reply:
She didn’t give you any problems, did she?-Cason
Nothing too horrible. Can we talk now?-you
You watched the thinking bubble appear quickly, making you smile.
Give me a few more minutes, bunny. I’ll come find you when I’m done, okay?-Cason
You sighed in disappointment. You felt guilty for being impatient. He’s trying to have fun, just like you! You shove your phone back into your pocket and brushed your dress down.
“Let’s just keep the drinks coming, huh Chad?” You shake your beer can. Chad points at your face, grinning. “I like the way you’re thinking tonight, Y/N.” You both laugh as you chug your drinks, Ethan drinking his silently.
He watched you take drink after drink. After two more beer cans, you were cut off. Chad banned you from the fridges and coolers, but you managed to find one laying around. You just wanted to make your brain become sludge tonight. You wanted to forget your problems for just a few more hours. Fortunately for you, it was working. You found yourself wandering up the stairs, trying not step in vomit. You gag at the sight, trying to hold back any possible bile from your throat. When you made it to the top, you said “yes!” under your breath. That was your greatest accomplishment for the night.
You walk past rooms, trying to find an empty room to lock yourself in and close your eyes. You thought you found one, not seeing anyone on the bed. The music was so loud. The song Heartbeat by Childish Gambino started to play, and you dramatically sighed. “I love this song!” You grin. You shut the door behind you and throw yourself on the bed. How many hours had it been since you showed up to the party? Two? Three? Four? One? You couldn’t quite focus with the music playing in the background. You could practically feel the music’s beat inside your chest, matching your own heartbeat. You heard thumps near you, thinking it was just from the music. But you were wrong. You look to your left, seeing a tall, cloaked figure. You recognized the look immediately.
“Really? Another Ghostface? I’ve seen like two of you at this party already!” You sit up and stare up at the masked stranger. They tilt their head, staring at you. You notice the red knife in their hand and try to grab it. They move it away from you immediately, making you whine.
“Let me see it! Can’t I hold it? Just once?” You bat your eyelashes at them. To your surprise, it worked. They wiped the red liquid on their sleeve and handed the knife to you.
They still hadn’t said a single word to you. They just watched you grip the handle, swinging it around like it was a toy. You thought it was, at least. You tried to stand up, but you wobbled. The Ghostface grabbed your arms and helped you stand up straight. You looked up at the masked stranger and smiled. “Thank you, sweet thing!” Your feet feel stuck to the wooden floor, as if they were superglued down. Their grip on your arms felt stronger than before. “Can you..can you let me go please? I need to pee,” You squeak out. One of their hands lifts up and cups your face. The leather glove felt strange against your skin. You felt a fluttery feeling inside your stomach. It was a new feeling. They tuck some of your hair behind your ear, revealing one of your collarbones that hid underneath.
“Use the one downstairs. The one up here is broken,” the Ghostface spoke with a strange voice. Did they have a voice modulator? That’s pretty cool. You nodded along, as if stuck in a trance. They loosened their grip on you, finally letting you go. You reach for your purse on the bed, bending over. You felt the cold air on your upper thighs and ass as your short dress lifted up. You didn’t even think about how you could’ve been flashing this stranger. You didn’t actually think you were, but you were. They stared at the exposed skin they could see until you stood up straight again.
You turned back around to face the Ghostface. “Don’t be a lady killer, Mr. Ghostface.” You blew a kiss at them and walked out of the room, trying not to wobble or stumble again.
If you had gone into the upstairs bathroom, you would’ve found a very dead Michelle laying in the tub with her throat slit. But you didn’t. You believed the Ghostface, naively and foolishly.
Who knew how much of a problem this would be in the future?
Not you, but Ghostface would. Ethan would.
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jarofstyles · 6 months
21. “Go and lock the door for me.  I don’t want anyone to walk in while I’m balls deep.”
meanH would kill this.
mwah 😚 to you and your stories
Warnings- Mean Dom!H... Fratrry
Y/N knew it was a bad idea to go back up to his room. He had been badgering her at each party for a repeat of their sex a month back, and for 3 weekends in a row he was making it his personal mission to get her to repeat the process.
It fueled her ego to know that she was that good, that he wasted his time at the parties to follow her around and tempt her. A game of cat and mouse, a sensual back and forth. He'd cornered her in the hallway just 4 days ago as she was leaving the lecture hall, pulling them into an alcove and teased her about her leggings. They were flared and tight, no secret to her that they flattered her well. Secretly, she knew she'd pass him in the hallway and wanted him to look.
Her reservations were simply because he was a bit of a dick. Cocky and arrogant and all the things she shouldn't like, but it sent heat between her thighs when he gripped her chin and kissed her hard and deep, reminiscent of the kiss he'd given her in the dingy bathroom while she sat on the countertop with his prick pounding into her, the music muffling her whimpers.
Of course she wanted a repeat. No one had made her orgasm, not like that. For as cocky as he was, he had a right to be. Fucking her with that hat sitting backwards on his head and that pretentious old rock shirt, getting down on his knees mid fuck to taste her- that had thrown her for a loop. He was mean, which worked out in her favor considering she liked it. His hand around her throat and the filth that left his mouth. He'd made her see stars not once, but twice. Shaky knees as she left, despite his furrowed brow asking her to stay.
She didn't obviously, and he'd been chasing her since. It must mean he held similar sentiments to her, found her to be extremely compatible- to the point of scaring off other men. That had done it for her tonight. What had been meant to be a fight about him following her around had turned into her sat in his lap with his stupid fucking hat knocked off on the ground and her hands in his hair, her bandage dress pulled up to her hips as she rocked on his lap. He tasted like mint and cheap beer, but she didn't mind when he kissed her like he couldn't breathe without her tongue in his mouth.
Breaking apart from her, he held the back of her neck as he pulled her to look at his face. "You want this?" He murmured, slipping his thumb under her lip to clean up her smudged lipstick. "Want me to fuck you like the pretty slut you are?"
Y/N knew she was pathetic, nodding wildly as she tried to reconnect their lips. He wasn't done yet, though. "Good. Made it to my room this time, and you're not gonna run off on me after we finish once. Been Makin' me chase you around because you've got some golden pussy and it's been making me crazy. One time isn't going to be enough for me." He warned, making her melt. His voice had an edge of threat to it that only made her hotter, her clit swollen as she still rubbed up against his jeans. "You sure you're okay with this?" His tone softened a bit as he looked at her face. Despite being a dickhead he'd cared a lot about consent both times they'd fucked around.
"Yes- Yes, I really want it. Please." In the morning she was going to regret being so needy, so whiny. Giving him more fuel to feed his ego. But right now, she craved what only he seemed capable of giving her.
His swollen lips curled up in a smirk, humming in his throat. “Go and lock the door for me.  I don’t want anyone to walk in while I’m balls deep.” He sent her off, watching her on wobbly legs to flick the lock on his door. Peeling off his jeans, he kicked them to the side and stood expectantly as she made her way back to him. "There we are. Looks like you've got enough thought in that pretty little head to follow instructions." His hand came up and gripped her cheeks, making her lips pout out before dipping his head down to rest his forehead against hers. "Lets hope you keep that up. Know you get a bit dumb when you cum." He placed a sloppy kiss to her pouted lips before releasing her face.
She never imagined anyone talking to her this way would make her that horny, that melty and soft, wanting to get on her knees and listen him, but it did. He knew how to coax her, this near stranger. He pulled the dress off of her form, cursing under his breath as he pushed her back onto the bed and climbed on top of her. "Insane body, y'know that? Fucking mental." Her breasts were bare, as they usually were in outfits like this. His fingers ran down the valley of her chest, past her belly button and the waistband of her stupid thong. "Did you know you were going to give into me tonight? Couldn't handle a vibrator one more time?" He clicked his tongue. "Needed to be fucked until you're a begging mess? Didn't even do half of what I wanted t'do to you last time." His fingers tugged on the flimsy panties, tugging them down her legs. She let him. All she could do was nod.
It was like her mouth and brain weren't connected with him. All she wanted to do was say yes, please, more.
"Dunno why you fought me so hard when you know how good we feel together... But you're not going to be able to hobble out of here when m'done with you. So..." He grabbed her phone and placed it in her hand. "Let your friends know you're with me, you're safe, you've got a ride home tomorrow. Or not." His lips kissed sloppily over her breasts before he licked the right nipple. "Maybe you'll come to your senses and stay the weekend, let me do all the filthy things you want. Deprived, needy whore like you would probably love that."
She typed with shaking fingers, pausing when he sucked her nipple into his hot, wet mouth- only for him to pull back with his teeth grazing the swollen bud. "Not dumb for me already, baby..." He clicked his tongue in faux disappointment. "S'pathetic. Type out the message while I play with your pretty tits, and then I'll give you what you want."
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miguel-ohara-lover · 10 months
Hello I’d like to request something :3 what if miguel was a maifa boss and he was both Spider-Man and the worlds deadliest maifa boss and he teased reader as spider man, like when he saves her.
“You should really be careful. Wouldn’t want a monster swallowing you up now~” and one day she’s in danger from a tentacle monster (or something) and his identity is shown and the two go home after the monster is defeated and just have the most steamiest of S E X-
OmggGGGGG- yes yes yes
Miguel x F!Reader - Savior
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CW: NSFW, mafia, s e x w/ plot
Word count: 1,435
The infamous Spider-Man had saved you many times now. Honestly, with how much you needed rescuing it seemed like you were just asking for trouble. You never got close enough to learn anything… personal. He’d swoop in, save you, carry you off to a safe spot or even your apartment, and that was that. Despite not knowing him personally, you started developing feelings for the masked hero.
Every time he saved you, you became distracted by him. How tall he was, the way his tight suit defined every curve and muscle of his body. That sexy voice that made you wet every time he spoke. His entire being turned you on. Your body had very inconvenient timing. You couldn’t believe you were more focused on swooning over him than your life being in danger. Maybe your body just knew you were safe in his presence, and all worries washed away.
Today was no different. After so many encounters with villains and criminals, they started to not scare you, you knew he’d rescue you. So when a giant slimy tentacle monster grabs hold of you, the usual sense of fear didn’t overwhelm you it like so often did. You did scream at first, as the monster coiled it’s long tendril around your ankle and houses you up in the air. Blood flowed to your head quickly and you squirmed. Of course this happens the day you wore a skirt.
Just like clockwork, you saw the familiar neon red webs go flying by as Spider-Man swung in. And like every single time you grew so wet at the sight of him, your mind completely forgetting about the danger you are in.
“You should really be careful. Wouldn’t want a monster swallowing you up now~” Spider-Man teased as he tied the beast up with his webs. He did take notice of your skirt, exposed panties so wet. He’s so distracted he doesn’t notice the monster swinging a tentacle at him, slamming him against a building.
His suit glitched, and you could see his face for a brief moment. Your eyes widen in shock when you immediately recognize him. Miguel O’Hara. The mafia boss that practically ruled the country with his power. He was Spider-Man? He was the one saving everyone? The one that made you feel so incredibly horny every time you saw that blue and red suit.
He quickly got his suit fixed before getting back in the fight, easily defeating this monster. The tendril let go of you and you fell to the ground with a yelp. He caught you in those muscular arms and your heart skipped a beat. Spider-Man, well... Miguel, brought you to the rooftop of a tall building and set you down to make sure you're not injured.
“So...” You started, “You're Miguel O'Hara, huh?” That was a very bold starter sentence, even for you. His head snapped in your direction, the eyes of his mask squinting as he looked at you.
“Who told you that?” He growled.
You suddenly realize what the fuck you just did and you back up against the railing. “Well your suit glitched and I saw your face and-” You cut yourself off when you heard him chuckle. He was laughing at you?
“I figured you'd find out eventually, Carino. With how wet you are I just knew you'd learn sooner or later.” A deep blush spread across your cheeks as you realized he had seen your panties, soaked with your slick just from watching him as he saved you. You subconsciously closed your legs, and he definitely noticed.
Without saying another word he scooped you up again and took you to your apartment. You knew where this was going, and the thought just soaked your panties even more as you clung to him. He entered your apartment through the window and his mask dissolved so you could see his face clearly. He truly did look intimidating face to face, but you didn’t feel any fear.
Miguel looked around your apartment before looking back at you. He smirked before pushing you against the wall, and you pulled him into a deep kiss, feeling a bit impatient now. You didn’t know what came over you, you didn’t understand why you had this deep need to get fucked by him.
His hands are all over you as the two of you make out, your hands on his big shoulders. You felt the rest of his suit dissolve and his bare skin on your hands, letting out a small gasp when his hard cock sprung free against your clothed pussy. He shivered a little feeling the wet fabric on his dick.
You were lifted with ease, your legs wrapping around him as he pinned you to the wall. With a free hand he ripped your panties off using his talons. He rubbed his cock between your wet folds, getting it all slick and lubed up. You let out another gasp when you saw the size, now you were scared. How could that fucking fit? He was huge!
As he rubbed against you, the tip kept teasing your needy hole and covering your pussy with precum. You pulled him closer with your legs and he grunted when he felt the tip almost enter you.
“Cálmate…” He groaned into your ear before dipping his head to kiss your neck, nipping and leaving hickeys. His actions as well as the feeling of the cock tease your clit made you moan. You whine and try to pull him against you more. He gives in this time, pressing the tip into your hole slowly.
You moan as he enters you, feeling your pussy stretch so tight around him. He goes slow at first, pushing in inch by inch until he’s completely buried in you. His hands grab and grope as your body, your hips, your tits, your ass, he wants to feel all of you. He groaned when he couldn’t and started ripping the rest of your clothes off so he can see your skin against his.
His hands settled on your hips as he started rocking his slowly, moving his length in and out. It was agonizing. You needed more. To feel more. Your hands found their way to his waist and you tried to make him pick up his speed. He let out a chuckle, and suddenly your hands were tied with red webs, suspended to the ceiling. Now you were truly at his mercy.
You moaned as his pace quickened, your pussy clenching around his girth as he fucked you into the wall. Your mind went fuzzy, all thoughts consumed by Miguel and how fucking amazing he felt inside you. Your head fell against his shoulder as more beautiful moans escaped your lips. He whispered praises in your ear, telling you how good you felt on him and how amazing you sounded.
As you clenched around him more he groaned. He had been pent up all day, and everything about you was just pulling him to the edge. He did not want to release first, and he started thrusting faster in hopes to make you cum first, to give you a mind blowing orgasm. You moan against his shoulder as the tip of his cock hit that special spot.
His hand traveled down, and he started to play with your clit. You squirm and cry as he rubs circles around your bud, feeling that familiar tightness in your stomach.
“Shit I… fuck I’m close…” You moaned and he nodded in response, speeding up with hand to match the pace of his cock. A few more thrusts and you were undone, letting out a loud cry as you came all over his dick, tightening around him over and over. He grunted and hilted in you as he released as well, filling you up with his cum.
He rocked his hips slowly as you both rode out your orgasms, placing kisses to your neck and shoulders. Once you both calmed down you whined as the overstimulation as he continued his slow thrusts. He finally pulled out and you sighed in relief, your clit twitching from so my stimulation.
“Does this make me your hot trophy wife?” You joked as you panted, earning a grin from him. “You know ‘cause of the mafia thing. We could make this a regular thing~” You chuckled.
“I guess it would keep you out of trouble. So we’ll see, depends how much you can take.” He smirked, and your eyes widened when he moved you to the couch, cock already hardening again as he positioned you for round two…
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lovelyney · 2 years
───────DATING HIM !! WANDERER───────
CHARACTERS: wanderer
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: get’s a little suggestive at times, LMAO.
FLORIST’S NOTE: just!!! one!!! million smooches!!! pls!!!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2022 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Initially ?? This guy was the biggest twat of all Teyvat, LMFAO. Kinda still is, but shhh. . . He wouldn’t dare let anyone get close to him.
key word being ‘initially’ he came across you one day while wandering the forests of Inazuma and was like, “fuck.”
𖠵𝟎𝟐: It took him a while to fully warm up to you and trust you; you had to put in a reasonable amount of effort to show that you weren’t going anywhere.
he didn’t dare show it to you, but he felt relieved seeing you stick around after how bitterly he treated you.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: He’s always been incredibly protective over you. You’re the first one that’s decided to stick around him; you think he’s just gonna let you run off ?? Fuck no.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: That said, he’s also quite possessive as well. You’re his first love and, frankly, his last; he plans on keeping you for as long as you’ll let him. And if someone attempts to steal you ?? God bless their poor soul.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: A cocky bastard forever and always ‹3 He loves whenever you two go back and forth.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Before, he, quite frankly, rarely showed affection. But after he was defeated, he became much more open to it since he didn’t care what people thought of him.
he also just wanted to make up for the times he didn’t give you enough love or was being a nightmare, but you didn’t hear it from me.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: He loves to tease you !! Seeing your cheeks flush because of him is the biggest ego boost putting aside whenever you’re crying out his name he can ever receive.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Kisses you like the world’s going to end tomorrow. His kisses are always incredibly passionate and deep.
he has always loved making out with you, for some reason. he says it’s “a gentle reminder that you're mine and mine alone.” like ?? you call THAT gentle ??
shoving his tongue down your throat is his favorite pastime.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Calls you “sweetheart,” “(my) love,” and “(my) princess/prince.”
❝I have a feeling I don’t say this as much as I should, given how much it kills my ego. But, I love you, alright? I hope you never doubt that despite how much of a pain in the ass I can be sometimes. But hey, it takes one to know one, sweetheart.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎: 10000% pulls you close to him when it rains, so you don’t get wet. Sometimes he even lets you wear his hat just by itself !! (Alhough, the latter is more likely as it gives him a reason to keep you close.)
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Sometimes, when you two are out and about in the cities of Sumeru, Nahida likes to pop in to see how you two are doing!
she always tells you that he’s fortunate to have you and that she’s thankful that he has someone like you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: In more crowded places, he’ll always hold a little bit more tightly onto your hand, scared that you’re going to get lost and potentially hurt.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Holds you tightly and close whenever you two sleep, scared that you’re going to vanish the next time he opens his eyes.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Whenever he’s deep in thought, he’ll always absentmindedly play with your fingers.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Your entire presence is an immense comfort for him. He finds himself thinking that he wishes he could’ve found you sooner.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Always watches over you whenever you’re doing something, making sure you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Has a deep bitter resentment towards Childe since he constantly flirted with you back when he was in the Fatui 💀
𖠵𝟏𝟖: At home, he’s attached to you at the hip. Whenever you’re cooking, he’ll back-hug you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
sometimes he’ll use the excuse of “you’re obviously not strong enough to stir this so let me help you” just to hold your hand.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Seeing you play with children brings forth a new wave of emotions for him.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Sometimes bruises you from hard he grips you.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: Putting aside his anemo vision, fully loving and watching over you has given him a new type of freedom.
𖠵𝟐𝟐: You didn’t talk to him for a while after what he did to Nahida, and because he completely neglected your loyalty to him. Safe to say, it taught him a lesson, LMFAO.
during his resting period, he informed Nahida all about your relationship and how much he actually missed you after all of it; how, after the sour taste of defeat, he’d kill to be resting in your arms.
he cried in your arms for a long while when he finally found you; he missed you a lot more than he ever thought he would.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Listen, just because he’s a lot kinder now doesn’t mean he still isn’t a little sadistic. . . He still loves to see you squirm from underneath him.
𖠵𝟐𝟒: When he gets nightmares, or his abandonment issues are running high, he’ll lay on top of you so you can comb your fingers through his hair. ‹33
𖠵𝟐𝟓: Loves to mark you on places that are easily spottable. That way people hopefully know to back the hell off.
𖠵𝟐𝟔: He has pretty hands !! He doesn’t see the purpose in your fascination with them or why you like to play with them, but he finds it cute, endearing almost.
𖠵𝟐𝟕: Quick to snap at anyone who’s getting too close to you or is raising their voice.
𖠵𝟐𝟖: Kept you completely hidden from Dottore; he does not trust him around you in any way.
𖠵𝟐𝟗: Now that he has you, he wouldn’t trade you for the stars or any of the planets.
𖠵𝟑𝟎: Always aggressively gives you affection when you ask for it.
while holding onto you: “is this better?😡😡”
“yes, thank you, Kuni ‹3”
“good, it better be because now i’m not gonna let you go😡”
𖠵𝟑𝟏: (↑) He’s also rather aggressive when taking of you when you’re injured or sick—that’s just how he projects his worries.
𖠵𝟑𝟐: Will sometimes threaten to drop you whenever he’s holding you and floating in the air 😭
𖠵𝟑𝟑: Actively seeks out opportunities to hold your waist/have his hands on your waist. The way they fit around it brings him a sense of satisfaction and pride.
𖠵𝟑𝟒: Only cooks/buys you the best quality of food; he will not have it any other way. If food is something that’s required for you to live, then he will only give you the best to ensure you staying alive.
this means he will not have you skipping meals or not eating !! ):< he’ll figure out the root of the reason why, try to fix it, and continue to feed you smaller portions of the meals he cooks.
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97keanu · 1 month
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Digital Angel
Premise: In chapter four, we finally reconcile these two nerds into speaking again. A new deal is struck, and our two hackers might just be able to find love along the way. That is, if Neo can quell his new obsession with watching you without your knowledge…
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Slowburn, eventual smut, loser!neo, perv!neo, goth!reader, hacker!reader, reader is trying to forget Neo existed, Neo is not going to let that happen, enemies to friends to lovers, stalking, obsession, themes of loneliness and longing.
Words: 2.4k
Read chapters 1-3 here! Be added to Neo’s taglist here!
Last night’s rain has begun to tame the heat of Chicago, which you now walk down without a care in sight. You bounce on platform heels that come up just under your knees, hair teased to delightful extremes, and a black lipped smirk that has strangers moving out of your way. You were sick of being holed up in your apartment for so long, waiting on some half assed ‘knight in shining armor’, or should you say, trench coat. Even though it still hurt that Neo ghosted you, after a few weeks, you had to move on. It was more important than any hacking case he sent you tonight, you needed to feel like yourself again, first and foremost.
You enter Club Hel and greet the bouncer, who of course asks where you have been. You shrug and give a nonchalant answer before moving towards the call of the dance floor inside. Nine Inch Nails blasts through the speakers, Reznor whispering all sorts of filthy things he would like to do to all who can listen. You find the beat in your body and join the other gothic souls trying to get lucky on a Friday night.
You grind into a girl who has bright purple hair and a lip piercing, she laughs along with you as you kiss along her neck and hold her hips into yours. Tonight was all about having fun, you’ve decided. Not to think about Neo and his stupid cute face and the way he has avoided you for so long. You instead, turn your attention to feeling the fishnets on the thighs of the girl dancing with you, and soon enough the wind changes and you’re happily dancing with someone else.
That’s what you liked about being here. That you were so free. Free to do what you pleased, enjoy others' company without even saying a word, perhaps even quell that deep pit of loneliness that has opened inside you with a kiss from a stranger. You do just that as someone else pulls you in, letting their drunken lips taste yours, red lipstick meeting your black ones.
You have no idea that while you forget your inhibitions, the person whose attention you want most is watching from the balcony…
Neo knew you were coming out tonight. He saw you getting ready through your webcam, and broke down and checked your IM’s to see where exactly you would be. That’s why he’s standing here, holding some kind of red liquid he doesn’t even really want to drink in a cheap black goblet. He leans his elbows on the balcony’s edge, looking down at the dance floor, watching as your lips connect with another’s. A part of him is pissed seeing this kind of behavior. He wants you all to himself, that much he has come to understand. The other part of him is turned on by watching your form move, tight black latex dress holding your curves better than any dance partner, the color glistening under the red lights.
Neo knows what he has to do. He has to get your attention, but he was never a good dancer. Or at least, he had never tried, he should say. This type of crowd was a place he had never been invited to before you, so the idea of going down there, working his way through the sweaty bodies, until he could plant himself there to grind against your lovely form, was a nightmare. He tried not to let his nerves get to him, instead watching you.
Despite initial jealousy, he knows he can’t be mad since you two aren’t officially dating, nor have you been on an official date whatsoever, no thanks to him. He was the one who got scared, who got too close to your flame that the warmth frightened him off. What could he expect from you? To have you wait forever? You were never the type, that much was easy to see. Instead, Neo finds himself appreciating that you kept doing what you do, being yourself in face of his rejection. It was really quite sexy actually.
He watches as you’re sandwiched between two other women, screaming out the lyrics to Love My Way by The Psychedelic Furs, full of life and laughter. Neo considers leaving, not ruining your night, letting you have fun with people your own age and all but forgetting about him besides the hacking projects you two complete together. Even that, he could try to turn away from, if it meant you more happiness. It was clear how down the whole situation had made you, too many nights spent all alone in your room, too many nights coming home early when you should have been out.
Letting you go would be the right thing to do.
But Neo has never done the right thing when it comes to you.
Your fair share of drinks have been bought for the night, and you feel the world around you move hypnotically. Your thoughts are lost in heavy bass and droning music, songs that you love coming on so you can shout your heart out without shame. You had almost forgotten that hole in your heart that had been consuming you the past few weeks.
That was until you felt a new pair of hands snake around your hips, fingers enjoying the feeling of the latex on your dress. You grind into the stranger as you have been doing, letting them feel your ass against them. To your surprise, they react differently than the other club patrons have been to such a move. Usually, you were being fondled and groped deeper when you invited it in such a way, but instead, the fingers of this stranger linger, slowly moving down your dress to touch your exposed thighs, almost marveling at how soft your skin feels there. Everything was perfect until you turned to see who this unusual, mysterious stranger was, your drunken eyes going wide with the sight.
There, in his best gothic attire(which wasn’t saying much), stood Neo. You looked into those dark eyes of his and could see there was caution there as well, as if he was unsure of how you would react to finding out your dance partner for the last minute or so was him.
“What are you doing here?” You blurt out over the speakers, confusion bringing your thin eyebrows together.
“Only place I knew you frequented.” He responded plainly, walking a bit as if to offer to find a better place to speak, knowing that a talk was in order.
You watch as he begins to move through the crowd of writhing bodies, and for a second you consider not following, letting him go after how cruel he’s been to you. Instead, you stomp after him on your platforms, wobbly after so many drinks.
You feel frustrated as he moves from you, making you physically chase after him now, not to mention ruining your night of fun away from thoughts of him by simply just being here. You two finally make it to a nearby booth, a few discarded drinks still sitting there, but Neo moves them to the side. You sit across from him, your chest bared and waist tight from your latex dress, putting you on almost full display in front of him. You hope he doesn’t think you dressed this way just for him to see.
“Look, I think an apology is owed…” He begins, looking around as if he’s nervous to be seen talking to you.
You almost scoff in his face. Who does this guy think he is?
”Um, yeah, I think it is,” you say bluntly, the liquor making you madder than you probably have a right to be in this situation. “You totally ran out on me.”
Once again, the thought that you two aren’t officially dating, so he doesn’t technically owe you anything as such crosses your mind. You throw that thought to the wind, you’re too pissed to care about the ethics of it all.
Neo hears your words, the tone in your voice, and looks down, fiddling with a black napkin that was sitting nearby. He opens his mouth to speak, his shoulders moving towards his ears as if to protect himself. He doesn’t know what to say, that much is clear.
“I just…” He tries to get out, but nothing more passes through his soft lips.
“Just? Just what Neo? Didn’t care if it hurt that you left without saying anything? Didn’t even want to come check on me at all? Just want to order me around to help you with your hacking, which I still haven’t seen a lick of pay from by the way.” You add the last part as an insult to injury here, crossing your arms underneath your breasts with a huff.
Not checked on you? If only you knew…
Neo clears his throat and puts a hand into the inner pocket of his trench coat. He pulls out a small, black bag. He passes it over the expanding space between the two of you on the table, then taps his fingers against it.
You say nothing, taking the bag and opening it. It was filled with cash, and from your short look through, enough to cover your rent for a few months or more. It was fair, for the work you’ve been doing. Your eyes glance up to where he sits nervously across from you.
“So, what? You grind up on me in the club just to hand me what you owe?” You say with snark.
“Hey, I seem to remember it was you who was doing the grinding.” He pipes back, holding up his hands in defense.
And in that second, you’re drunk enough to laugh out loud at the look on his face and the whole situation. This seems to calm his nerves for a second.
“Well, thank you, I guess,” You finally say, getting ready to stand and leave, seeing as there isn’t much else to talk about if he isn’t willing to talk about it.
As your hand moves across the table when you try to leave, Neo’s large one wraps around your wrist.
“Wait,” He starts, deep eyes looking into yours, a sense of pleading coming from him.
“You have every right to be mad at me. I shouldn’t have left when I did, and I especially should have reached out to you for more than just work after that night. I’m sorry.” He closes his eyes as he talks, as he’s afraid to see what your face will betray to him from being so open.
You say nothing, watching his eyes open, unable to contain seeing your reaction for that long, and you crack into a smile.
“Okay, okay. You’re forgiven,” You sit back down across from him. “But, I want to add a condition to our agreement.”
Neo nods along as you talk, almost ready to agree to whatever terms and conditions you have so long as you’re not mad at him anymore.
“And that condition is?” He says with wide eyes.
”That condition is,” You drag the moment out, looking down at the table before the confidence to say what you want comes. “I want us to be friends.”
Neo blinks, then blinks again, as if he hadn’t heard you right.
“Friends?” He says, as if the word is a foreign concept.
“Yep,” You say with a nod, holding out a black manicured hand across the table. “Friends. I want us to be able to talk to each other whenever we like without all the awkwardness. And I would appreciate it if we could go and hang out with each other sometimes.”
Neo’s hand nervously slides into yours, as if he’s afraid of what he’s gotten himself into.
“Go out together, sure, we could do that sometime.” He says, then looks down at the table. “But why?”
Now, it’s your turn to be confused.
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head, curious as to why he would ask such a thing.
“I mean,” He sighs out, then looks around again before speaking, then leans in. “I mean, why do you want to hang out with me? I’m hardly the type you usually go for if your dance partners for tonight were any hint.”
“I don’t ask my dance partners to go out with me during the day…Usually.” You say with a laugh, trying to make him understand that what happens here isn’t as deep of a connection as he thinks it is.
“But, I’m like ten years older than you, at least. And I’m not super into all this,” He waves a hand to the environment around him. “Goth-y kind of stuff. Not that there’s anything wrong with it…”
“I’m sure there’s a baby bat hiding in you somewhere, Neo.” You tease him, leaning forward as you speak. “Besides, I don’t care if you like the stuff I like. I just want someone to talk to…”
You don’t know if it was the liquor that made you comfortable enough to say that last part, or if your overwhelming need for true connection had finally come to a head, but you’re glad you said it. After you did, Neo sank back into the booth, thinking the whole thing over, before leaning in once more.
“Okay. Friends. I think I can manage that…” he says with a smile, a genuine smile that sneaks up to his eyes, makes his ears move with a tinge of delight at the concept.
“Friends it is.” You hold out a hand, and he takes it once more. “Now, as friends, let’s get our ass out on that dance floor!”
You yell with glee as Neo lets you pull him along back into the crowd, anger in each other forgotten. The promise of having a genuine connection with someone in this city was enough to sedate both of you into a more blissful night.
Still, you couldn’t help but kick yourself a little. You knew you wanted to be more with him, knew that you touched yourself just last night thinking of him, his name falling off your lips sweet like honey. But there was no way you could admit that this early. You still had no idea if he felt the same way.
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tojisxslvt · 2 months
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His Cargo pt.3
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ᰔ-𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: previously on His Cargo, you end up spending the night with Satoru Gojo, and you end up feeling some type of way about the man, the way he made you feel when you were in a time of need was enough to get addicted to. Yet the next morning after a night of party and drinking away your pain, Suguru Geto shows up on your door step, and the minute you see him, your stomach turns.
❥—𝗧𝗮𝗴𝘀: smut, a lot of dirty talk, (I guess you can say cheating), raw, multiple rounds, you go back and forth between the men in the series yw. Teasing a lot of it.
𝓐/𝓷: I’m so excited to get this story out my drafts, And thank you all to my consistent readers! @ll0rona @sunset-euphoria @iluv-ace @ghostfacefricker6969 @aaliyahlife and last but certainly not least @bambiimani111 enjoy the story!
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Geto watched you, his hands in his pockets as you closed the door behind you, your arms being crossed so you wouldn’t reach out and hug him, “Suguru..” you start but he finally meets your gaze; “please just..let me try Y/n” he says getting your attention.
You sigh in defeat, before giving him a small nod your eyes just gazing up at him, he had a small bandage under his eye, and a small barely visible blush on his cheeks when he looked down at you, “I’m such an idiot..and everyone has told me that, you shouldn’t have to deal with—more than half of the things I put you through, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say I love you..and I’m sorry..” he says as he holds himself back from pulling you close.
Despite everything he’s done, just seeing you like this made him want to hug you while you let everything out into his arms.
You tilt your head at him, it doesn’t seem like he even knows. “Thank you for apologizing..and the phone..” you take a deep breath before continuing “but as much as I want to believe you and accept your apology..” you look to the side sadly shrugging your shoulders, “I just can’t..you hurt me more than, anyone on this planet and this wasn’t your first time..”
Suguru furrows his brows at your words, what the hell did he expect? “I just need some time, I have too much shit in my head and I feel sick..we can’t go back to normal until then.” You say feeling your heart flutter when you look into his saddened eyes, “I respect your decision, can I make a promise to you? A promise I swear not to break.”
You shift your stance pushing your hair behind your ear as you drop your gaze to your shoes. Geto steps forward lifting your head; “I won’t even breathe in another girls direction while I give you the time to heal, I’m going to change my ways completely; that I promise to you..” he says softly caressing under your eye with his thumb.
You look up at him in awe, as you lean your head into his palm, “I hope so Su’..” you say softly breaking his very sensitive heart; Suguru then pulls you into a hug burying his face into the crook of your neck, which caused your heart to both sink and melt; if he sees the hickies Satoru made on you the night before, all hell will break loose.
You push your hand against his chest fighting the feelings of wanting to hug him back; “if that’s all..I need to shower and sleep,” you say not meeting his eye, Suguru looks at you his heart crumbling, you’ve never pushed him away before..he really fucked up.
“Yeah, of course; take care y/n..Kay?” He says softly patting your head, before turning and leaving, making you want to reach out and stop him in his tracks, but you don’t.
You get back into the house looking at Shoko, and she looks directly at you, “what happened?” She said making her way over, you shake your head, your mind scrambled, you thought sleeping with Satoru would make the situation better, less—heart retching, but the minute you saw his face before he walked away you knew, that all of the feelings you have for him was still there.
Shoko watches you as you sluggishly grab the alcohol bottle and make your way to your room.
You slide down your door once it was closed, feeling your stomach continue to turn and cramp, too much pressure on your heart and your head. You tried not to regret the situation that happened with Satoru, but you just couldn’t, if Suguru found out, his heart would be shattered; you felt as if you were no better than he was.
You then pop open the bottle pouring yourself a glass, these stressful situations turning you into an alcoholic, after drinking it all slowly from the glass You hunch over nuzzling your head on your arm, you couldn’t believe how stupid you felt right now.
You jump up to a knock on your door, hissing as your head made direct connection with the back of the door, such dumb decision to fall asleep like this, you glance down at your Apple Watch just to see that it was close to 7:00 pm, that was weird of you to just fall asleep like that, without even making it to the bed.
“Yes..?” You call sleepily just to have Satoru wiggle on the doorknob “it’s me..” his voice echoed in your ears as you pull yourself up.
You open the door peeking your head out, he looks at you unsurely as he tried to scan the little amount of room you let him see; “are you okay y/n? Can I come in?” You look around your room before saying “it’s messy..” “I don’t care about that, I need to see if you’re good.” He said pushing his palm against the door a little, “cmon’ I’m worried about you..” he insisted.
You pull the door opened reaching out hugging him gently, he pulls you up off of the ground hugging you back, his strong arms wrapped firmly around your waist as he waddles with you into your room closing the door behind him, “what’s the matter sweets..what’s got you so down..?” he holds you close walking over to your bed with you in his arms laying down with you on top, noticing the liquor bottle instantly.
You lay your head in his chest feeling nothing but comfort right now, “Su showed up..” and to that Satoru stayed quiet patting your back reassuringly, encouraging you to keep going, “we talked..and I told him I wasn’t fully ready to have him back in my life..” you quietly say.
Satoru stops his patting which causes you to lift your head staring him up in his eyes, he smiles gently pushing your hair behind your ear lovingly, he cups your cheek saying, “but is that how you really feel y/n?” He asks his smile fading.
You feel tears whell up in your eyes but instead of answering his easy question you burry your face into his chest feeling like it was the most hardest question to answer in the world. Satoru hums kicking his shoes off laying down with you on his chest going back to patting your back he takes a deep breath before saying, “Shoko texted me, don’t tell her I told you..but she said she was worried about you, she said: once Suguru showed up you didn’t come out of your room all day..” he confesses.
“Plus..I’m sure you’re drinking on an empty stomach..that isn’t good Y’know? You could get sick doing that..” he kissed the top of your head soothingly.
You stare at your nightstand before letting out a broken chuckle sniffling, you weren’t mad that Shoko told Satoru, you were just happy to see him, “I think I picked the wrong friend..” you say nuzzling your head in his chest, he chuckles sliding his hand down to your waist, “I’ll say..” he says before kissing the top of your head again.
And so you two lay there for a while, Satoru closed his eyes, in complete comfort under you, being your human teddy bear, he sighs softly relaxing his body as you fall asleep in his arms, he didn’t care how long it took you to get over Suguru, he’d be there with you every step of the way, he just couldn’t understand why he had this overwhelming feeling to protect you.
He looks down at your off guard sleeping face that he didn’t get to see before, and the only thing he did was smile and kiss your forehead again, you were so cute. He wanted to wake you so you could eat, but he wouldn’t dare wake you right now, rest was the most important part of healing.
Satoru laid there figuring he couldn’t get out of this, not that he minded, finally the weight of the long day began to weigh on his eyelids, making them heavy, and without another thought he closed his eyes falling peacefully asleep.
Earlier the next moring, you start to wake up because of Satoru’s hands, rubbing your body softly but hungrily—you whine groggily causing Satoru to softly chortle below you, “I’m sorry..did I wake you?” He asks quietly grabbing your ass firmly.
You open one of your eyes peeking at the alarm next to your bed, it reads 6:39 a.m, you lift your head looking at the beautiful man below you, and he seems to have a small gleeful smile written on his face: you giggle quietly kissing his cheek, “Satoru it’s 6 in the morning..” you tiredly say.
“Hmm..it appears so..~” he whispered grabbing the fat on your hips with passion, Satoru wanted you..more than before; he couldn’t understand this feeling he felt being under you like this for that long, it felt like torture.
You push back into his hands glancing down into his lustful eyes, “cmon y/n..~ you’re up now..I waited long enough..~” he negotiated as if you were gonna put up a fight anyways, you hide your face in his neck saying, “just dont make me too loud these walls are paper thin..”
Satoru huffed out being annoyed at your request, he Slid his hand into your shorts and as you lift up a bit he pulls them off, “what if..I can’t promise you that?” He teases nibbling gently on your earlobe.
You hum above him rocking your hips back and forth on his throbbing hard on, “Toruuu..~” you couldn’t believe how Horny this man made you, he held you close with such eagerness and lust. Satoru chuckles before he pulls back biting his lip at the friction he felt against his covered Cock.
He sat back as you lifted your torso looking down at him as his hair laid messily on your pillow, one thing the two men in your life knew how to do, was to be effortlessly erotic.
Satoru looked up at you with his low titillating blue eyes, sliding his veiny hands into your shirt gently squeezing my breast. “I’m feeling pretty lazy princess..you mind helping daddy out..?~” he utters sliding his tongue against the pad of his index and thumb before pinching your nipple with those exact slimy fingers.
You drawback at his touch your hips twitching, the feeling being so similar to his tongue. Satoru smirks at your reaction, “is that a yes..pretty?~” He asks in a taunting tone causing you to unconsciously nod your head.
He slides his fingers back down to your waist, “then come on..I don’t wanna wait any longer..~” he impatiently said pressing his bungle against you.
You hum pulling his Cock out of his sweatpants and boxers and you see the veins in his arms strain against his skin. You slide yourself down sitting up on your knees. You kiss his stomach sliding your tongue down from his stomach to the slit of his dick. 
“Heh..~” he shakily chuckles looking down at you, he wanted you to suck his cock again since the first time you two fucked, he loved feeling your tongue wrap around his length more than anything right now.
Satoru watches in awe as you take his dick Into his mouth your yearning eyes piercing him directly, he grunts in response, “you’re looking at me—like you want me to shove my dick down your throat..~” he said with a half snarl as he clenched your hair into his hand pumping his hips into your open throat.
You gag uncontrollably as he pushed his dick down your esophagus, your hands rested firmly on the bed beneath you as he fucked your mouth mercilessly. He let’s you pull up as you gasp for air not thinking a second thought once you go back down swallowing him whole.
Satoru huffs out one of his eyes close as he practically got too close to say anything else, his shoulders jumped at the sound of his phone ringing “ughhhhh what?” He called out in annoyance and pleasure, “don’t stop y/n, until I tell you to, just keep the-Haa..~” you bob your head faster at his command getting eager to taste his cum.
You couldn’t even hear the phone ring, your mind being blink and only focus on the main task at hand. Satoru grimaced before picking up the phone, “What you idiot..” he hissed out at the man on the other line trying his hardest to keep his cool.
Suguru sighed in the other line, “what are you doing I need to see you quickly..” Satoru pulled the phone away for a second to look down at your slutty face, he felt too close and was just ready to cum all down your throat, “I have work in a bit and I’m sure you’re—calling me about stupid shit..” he said pushing his hands through your hair and began thrusting again as he held onto the back of your head.
Your mind became disoriented as he fucked your throat, you bob your head in a circular motion receiving a quiet moan from the man underneath you. “Haa..~ lemme—call you back I’m busy right now..~” he insists looking down into your eyes.
The minute he hung up he came all into your throat holding your head down as his hips hitched. “You’re such a dirty— little one..heh~” he said through held back moans as You swallow everything down with no hesitation; your blank cum hungry mind now satisfied at the taste of his hot load covering your tastebuds.
Satoru pushed your hair behind your ear a soft breath leaving his lips, you couldn’t help but smile as you wipe the side of your mouth licking your finger, “feelin’ better?” You coo crawling back on-top of him. “Yeahhh but—I’m not done..~” he said with a lustful grin, wrapping his hand around your thighs pulling you closer.
Suguru looked down at his phone and sighed, his own best friend was too busy for him. Slumping down on the couch he kicked his feet up on the coffee table scrolling through the numbers in his phone, he couldn’t help it that he missed you more than ever.
He scrolled one last time until his thumb hovered over your contact, should he do it? Should he push the boundaries you’ve strictly set? Suguru sighed as he closed his phone and threw it gently beside him. “Why bother..” he said to himself slumping down in the couch, he couldn’t lie even if he wanted to, he missed you.
It killed him to say it or; feel it, but it was true completely true.
Meanwhile Satoru placed a soft hand on your rapidly moving hips as you bounced enthusiastically on his hard on, receiving low grunts from the man underneath you. “Sa—ah..~” you moan out rolling your hips in a slow hard pace.
Satoru grabs a handful of your ass looking up at you with low sex driven eyes, “I know..I hear ya..~” he softly murmured panting out softly as he tried to hold back a moan. The way you squeezed and squelched around him made him loose his fucking mind.
You whimper as you look down at him, your fingers spread out against his chest to keep yourself steady as Satoru held your hips still to pound up into you, leaning up to catch your moan in his mouth sliding his warm tongue against yours as you groan and cry out into his mouth.
He made you feel so good, just having his body  ricochet off of yours the lewd sounds of your skin clapping and sticking with his from sweat and precum kept an embarrassing blush on your face.
He took one of your nipples into his mouth flicking and sucking sending shockwaves through your body, you were way past your limit clinging onto him in desperation to cum, Satoru getting out of his lazy state when you clung onto him, held you up as he pounded his hips up into you.
“Shhhh-shit!~” you moan out burying your face into his shirt to muffle your cries. He tilts his head back on the headboard biting his lip hard as sweat dripped down his temple, God he couldn’t believe this.
This was his second time shoving his dick Into you without a care in the world, and by now he was thinking about all the other times you’d let him do it again. “Fuck don’t—squeeze around me so..fahh..” he couldn’t get the sentence out and at this second he tried his hardest to not be too rough with you.
But damn you felt so damn good, and despite his warning you squeezed even tighter reaching your limit as you threw your head back tears flooding your vision and leaving your eyes, Satoru clenched his jaw snarling as he came deep inside of you making your body shake ontop of him.
You felt your stomach fill with him and his seed, making your vision blur as you fall into his chest, panting along with him matching his exhaling breath.
Exhausted you were, not even being able to lift your head, Satoru chuckled breathlessly rubbing your back softly as you two relaxed, “I have work, let’s get cleaned up so I can leave..” he said making you whimper, “you have to go..?” You ask making him childishly giggle, “I don’t think I have a choice sweets..” he kissed the top of your head standing with you making his way out of the room.
Later on you tap your nails impatiently on the counter as you wait for the lady in front of you to tell you if there were anymore plan B pills left. As she looks you feel your phone vibrate just to see if from Satoru the gesture making you smile happily, but your smile fades when the lady returns to the counter.
“I’m sorry, there doesn’t seem to be any more plan B pills, I can request you to another pharmacy.” Though this was the second pharmacy you went to you shrugged at the attempt trying to not show your obvious panic, “no it’s fine thank you..” you say fixing your purse on your shoulder, picking up the phone for the now frantic man.
“Not there either?” He ask over the FaceTime call, you sigh as you get to your car, “no and the place I’m gonna go to is so expensive it’s gonna be like 80 something dollars..” Satoru chuckled before saying “better than spending millions on a kid, I’ll send you the money okay?” You shake your head.
“Unnecessary I got it,” Satoru sucks his teeth, “I’m sending it, I want to come see you tonight? Is that good?” You think for a moment knowing damn well you didn’t have shit to do.
“I have to check my schedule..” you cheekily say just for him to roll his eyes, “just say no.” He says making you giggle sweetly, "of course you can come see me Toru." you answer trying to hide your head over hills smile.
And so was he, he smirked tilting his head back on the headrest of his chair, "you have no idea what you just did..." he says looking back at the camera, watching you jolt the phone away from you face for a few seconds, you were so cute.
"Well then, I'll come pick you up later, and I'm sending the money for 2 just being smart." you roll your eyes "l’ll see you later Satoru." Before hanging up.
You walk through the perfume you hurriedly sprayed from the annoying consistent beeping Satoru was doing.
You walk out of your room pushing your bag over your shoulder making your way to the door, “shut him up..” Shoko demanded making you giggle, “I’ll try..” you say hurriedly making your way out the door.
You walk quickly to the still beeping car opening the door, “cmon man! Cut that shit out!” Satoru snickers as you hop into the car, “not a fan of my entrance? How else would you have know I was out here?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the too gleeful man.
“A simple call would have sufficed you big dummy..~” you giggle out feeling your face heat up just from being near him, “heh..” he softly chuckles pinching your reddened cheeks, “you really are cute..let’s get going hm?” He says before driving off.
You pull your food away from Satoru as he uses his chopsticks to take some, you two sitting on his black sofa sipping wine and eating ramen, “you’re honestly an asshole..” you say poking at your noodles just for him to lean his head on his closed fist, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.
“Hmm? Really that’s what you think of me? Tell me more..” he said staring at you with his cunning gaze, you tilt your head at him, “hmm since the first time we met? Y-you really wanna know?” “Why not intrigue me..” he said showing you a flashy smile.
“Well..” you start setting your chop sticks down, “I thought you were a no good dumb pretty boy with no morals..” you say with a shrug making him flinch back a little “damn all that?” He ask jokingly, “it was just the picture that was painted for me, what about you, what did you think of me?” You ask intently.
Satoru sit back for a few before letting out a breath.
“I didn’t care much about you to make an impression of you, I mean you were Suguru’s.. did it even matter if I saw you in any other way? You only had eyes for him.”
That made your heart flutter, to be honest; you loved spending time with Satoru but just spinning back and thinking about someone you once had had the power to bring a tear to your eye.
You swallow the lump in your throat with a nod, “understood..” you say with a little clear of your throat. Satoru felt the energy shift, and that was enough to make him cringe, he just had to go fucking up the mood by saying the name of the man that hurt you the most. And maybe he was a little too harsh.
You stand grabbing both you and Satoru’s food putting it on the counter, he springs up, “I say we watch a movie, today has been a busy day and I just wanted to end it with you..” he states watching your expression.
You turn your head to him, “oh yeah! A movie sounds great…I claim first pick!” You say rushing over to the remote to have Satoru pick it up and hold it over his head, “not if I have a say in it you won’t..” he snickered.
You let out a hushed sigh as you feel the albino man kiss up your collar bone, you two not even making it half way through the movie before he already tried to eat you whole.
“Shouldn’t we turn-“”mm mm pay attention to it, I want you to tell me what it was about..can you do that?” He ask with a playful smirk on his face pushing his nose In the crook of your neck “that makes no sense—ahh..” your body jolts as he slides his hands up your waist.
Kissing and sucking on the skin of your neck receiving soft hums from you, “mmph-don’t!” You quietly hiss grabbing his wrist as he slid his thumbs into your sweatpants.
“Really? Do you mean it..~” he asked with a sensual smirk, your body hitches when you feel his thumbs slide under the lining of your laced panties, “seems like you dressed for the part..” he whispered kissing your quivering lips.
You kiss back with no hesitation playing with his tongue, as he greedily rocked his hips up against you, he pulled away sliding his tongue across your lips.
“Fuck..I want you now y/n..” he says softly looking up at your low erotic eyes, rolling his hips up against you, with desperate sighs leaving his throat, the thin fabric not being much of a barrier against his hard on that was all too noticeable.
He sucked on your neck leaving very visible hickeys as you tried to stop your hitching hips, “Mhn!~” you whimper watching Gojo chuckle below you, he pulls back and you meet his gaze as he pushes his nose against you.
“You like looking down on me huh..?~” He teased with a cocky smirk, “I love looking at you anyways..~” you whimper out receiving a rather cocky chuckle from the man below you, “how could you not..?~”
He interjects as you lift up to pry off your sweatpants with quickness. Satoru who sat there manspreaded looked at you with awe at the way your thong was practically decorating your sexy ass.
With one hand he unbuckled his pants lift a bit to pull them down to his ankles as you straddled him again, “ah? I figured you’d want me to do all the work because you did it this morning? You like going for a ride huh princess?~” he teases making your face heat up uncontrollably.
“Shut up..” you say turning your head just for him to slide his tongue against your ear, whispering “shut me up then..~” he coos out as your body shivers. You never thought another man could EVER make you feel like this.
But Satoru excelled limits, limits not even Suguru reached. You lean your hand down to rub his length through his Ethika Boxers that perfectly complimented his bulging print.
He tensed at your touch, feeling all pent up and sexually frustrated, the slight blush on his face made your heart rate rise. He slides his thumb in your thongs tracing the lining on the erotic panties until he brushed up against your clit.
“Not to rush you or anything but I can’t wait anymore..~” you say pushing up against his wandering finger, “yeah? Eager are we..~” he says his voice softer and more hypnotizing.
You shiver at his words, “please Toru..” you beg as you feel his thumb creep into your thongs rubbing up against your soaked folds causing you to groan out trying not to be too loud for the maids.
“Alright..alright..~ I just had to make sure you were wet enough mama..~” he chuckles out at your hands grabbing and pulling down his boxers, he couldn’t help but notice how cute you were right now, begging to be filled with his mind boggling Cock.
The minute his cock was released it collided with your overly wet folds, causing your hips to rise in an attempt to hurry this rather slow process.
Satoru looks up at you with half lidded eyes, pushing the tip of his cock into your contracting hole, you choke back a moan biting harshly on your lip as he pushed every inch into you.
“Mm~ it’s as if she’s getting used to me..I slid in so easily~” he teases as you sway your hips back and forth. He filled you up completely and almost instantly hit the spot that made you see stars.
You lift your hips slowly before slamming down again, all with his help, his hands clasping on your hips as he pulled you down with force.
“Ha! Oh my g-Ngh!” Satoru looks up at you as you bounce on his cock hearing the sounds he made you make was enough to make him love this shit.
And so repeatedly you bounce making his Cock hit point that made your ears ring, your legs shook with excitement after hearing Satoru’s soft groans. You felt so good being wrapped around him like this and the simple fact that you must remain silent or someone will hear the two of you intrigued him even more.
With his thumb prying your bruised lip from your teeth, he then whispered “don’t quiet yourself mama..let it all out..~” before he slammed himself harshly into you, now hungry to hear just how loud he could make your scream.
“N-no Toru I—Ah! Please!~” you beg as he pounds cruelly into your cervix, confiding your hips in one spot so he could thrust how ever He wanted.
“There you gooo..~ see? Doesn’t it feel better when you can actually scream?” He declares not even trying to make this less embarrassing for little ole’ you. “They’re gonna h-Mmph!” Satoru’s brow furrowed as he felt your gummy insides squeeze and hold onto him, “mm, so what? It’s my house scream as loud as you like..~” he encouraged, pushing you down onto the couch.
You flip over panting upset at the fact that he even pulled out, you felt all empty now.
You turn your gaze back at the provoking man behind you just to be met with his dawning gaze. He hold onto your hips pulling you back onto his cock making your body spasm, “shit!” You curse.
It was something about this position, Doggystyle, that made the feeling in your tummy be out of this world.
Satoru let out a shaky breath as he slammed his hips against you in a wild tortuous manner, you bury your face into the cushions hoping no one saw you or him like this.
But in this moment he made you feel like all time stopped and it was just you and him on this planet right now. He leans down holding himself up with his fist being planted firmly into the couch as he kisses the tip of your ear.
Thrusting his hips slowly to reach every part inside of you and that alone made you muffle out a scream into the couch, his thrust had such persistence and from the way your walls wrapped around him it was obvious that you didn’t ever want him to stop right now.
“Look at me..~” he demanded in such a tone that you wouldn’t dare defy, the minute he met your watery eyes he couldn’t help but feel his heart burn at the sight of you, you were stunning when he saw you like this.
Tears leaving the corner of your eyes, your eyes all puffy and red from unstoppable tears that fell every time he shoved his length into you. You whimper at his fleshly Gaze.
Your body lags when you feel it, this orgasm you were about to reach was gonna be like no other, you could just feel it, and so could he by the way you latched around him. “Ah! Toru I’m gonna!~” you roll your eyes back in pure joy, “gonna what princess? Hm..~ Gonna cum f’me?~” He taunts making your mind go blank.
“Fuck!~” you moan loudly grabbing onto the arm of the couch with desperation, “gooood girl..~” he praises and as soon as he did you came harder than you ever did before slamming your head against the soft couch, “please~” you muffle turning your tired head to the man behind you “inside—Satoru cum inside!~” you plead just to have him chuckle softly.
His thrust became dagger like each time “don’t have—to ask twice..~” he grunted out until finally his thick white load painted your pink insides causing him to shutter with one eye closed; cumming inside of you like this felt so fucking good.
He looks down at you panting softly as he grazes his hand down your spine causing you to shiver. He pulls out of your clenched walls with a loud pop using his thumb to spread you open just to watch his cum drip out of you slow, such a sight made him want to go again.
“That’s embarrassing..” you manage to get out looking at the man behind you, and he smirks “sure but it’s so fucking sexy..~” he debates slapping your ass lightly, “can you stand to get cleaned baby?” He ask standing from the couch pulling his pants up.
Satoru leaned down grabbing his phone off the floor but the minute he saw the text message he came off of his high quickly. You stand up fighting the shooting pains in your hips and uterus to even walk.
You turn your head to the man that stood frozen his eyes locked in horror on the screen, he then says, “either this creep is watching me or..he has your location..” you tilt your head at his words.
He sighs flipping his phone to show you the heart turning message.
Why is y/n, at your house Satoru.
You couldn’t believe your fucking eyes, and too be honest you were scared to even pick up your phone ever again. You turn your widened gaze to Satoru.
Satoru rubbed the back on his head before saying defeatedly; “we’re fucked.”
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tayytae · 2 months
You should do one where bill fuckes a Freader and overstimulates her cause he’s so sexually frustrated till she uses a safe word and then he takes care of her like a princess 🫶 I love your writing you just might be my new fav writer 🧏‍♂️ if your not comfortable you defs don’t have to do it <3
“Melody of Frustration”
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Synopsis: Bill, who comes home angry after a disappointing band practice where he kept messing up his singing. His bandmates' teasing adds to his frustration, leading him to take his anger out on his girlfriend..
Bill stormed into the house, his face flushed with anger and frustration. He had just come from a disastrous band practice where his singing had been off-key and filled with mistakes. To make matters worse, his bandmates had teased him mercilessly, poking fun at his missed notes and laughing at his expense.
As soon as he entered the living room, he saw his girlfriend sitting on the couch, reading a book.
“Hey," I greeted him with a smile, unaware of his mood.
Bill scowled and tossed his shoes off and onto the floor. "Don't 'hey' me," he snapped, his voice sharp with irritation.
I looked up, surprised by his tone. "What's wrong, Bill?"
He paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair. "Everything's wrong! I can't believe how awful I sounded at practice, and then those idiots won't let me forget it."
I frowned, concern clouding my features. "I'm sorry, babe. That sounds really tough."
"You have no idea," Bill muttered, still seething with anger.
Suddenly, without thinking, he lashed out at me. "And what are you doing just sitting there? Why don't you ever understand how I feel?!"
I recoiled slightly, hurt evident in her eyes. "I do understand, Bill. I'm here for you, always."
He immediately regretted his harsh words, realizing he had unfairly taken his anger out on the person who cared about him the most. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just so frustrated."
I nodded, a small smile returning to my face. "It's okay, Bill. We all have our moments. But remember, I'm on your side no matter what."
Bill took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I know, and I'm grateful for that. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
I reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "You don't have to make it up to me, Bill. Just know that I'm here to support you, even on your bad days."
Bill looks at you with teary eyes, his expression full of gratitude and love. "Thank you, love. That means everything to me. I don't deserve you." He leans in and presses his lips against yours gently. "I'm lucky to have you in my life."
I felt Bill’s hands grab me by the waist and pull me closer, then trailed his hands down to my ass. I let out a slight moan as our kiss continued to grow more rough and demanding.
Feeling my body respond to his touch, Bill deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth as his hands squeeze my ass firmly. "God, I want you so fucking bad,"
“Gonna make it up to you love, I promise..” Bill said, just above a whisper as he removed his lips and attached them to my neck.
Bill trails kisses down my neck, nipping at my skin lightly as his hands roam up my body, reaching for the hem of my shirt. He pulls it up over my head, revealing my bare chest and gasps at the sight. "You're absolutely breathtaking, my love."
I covered myself with my arms, a bit embarrassed and shyness of my body takes over; despite Bill’s compliment. Bill notices my hesitation and immediately pulls my hands away from my body, holding them gently in his. "No, don't hide yourself from me, love. You're perfect in every way. I want to see all of you, but only if you're comfortable."
I nod and then glance up at his towering figure, “Please.. I need you.”
Bill's eyes darken with desire as he takes in my words. "Thank god, because I need you too." He swiftly removes his own shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs, before moving his hands to my pants. "May I?"
I nodded again, my eyes watching his movements intensely as i felt my legs get hotter. Bill slowly undoes my pants, sliding them down my legs along with my underwear until i’m standing in front of him completely naked.
“Fuck, you're gorgeous." He leans down and presses a kiss to your stomach, causing you to shiver at the sensation.
With a swift motion, Bill carefully lays me down on the couch, his eyes drinking in every inch of my body as he kneels between my legs. "You're so fucking beautiful." He leans down and presses a kiss to your inner thigh, causing me to gasp at the sensation.
“Oh, bill-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence as I felt his lips suck my clit. My hands gripping his hair as I throw my head back in pleasure.
Bill smirks against my skin, his tongue swirling circles around my clit as he sucks gently. He uses his fingers to tease my entrance, occasionally sliding a finger inside to prepare me for what's to come. "You taste so fucking good, love. Better than I even imagined."
Bill groans against my skin at the feeling of my thighs tightening around his face, the vibrations only adding to my pleasure as he continues to suck and tease my clit with his tongue. "Mmm fuck, you're so fucking wet. And for me, all mine."
I’ve been occasionally moaning, but at this rate im whimpering and letting out loud moans as his fingers move faster in me, curling them to my g-spot with such good memory.
Bill smirks against my skin, his fingers moving faster and faster inside of me as he continues to suck and lick at my clit, his memory serving him well as he expertly curls his fingers to hit your g-spot. "Fuck, come for me beautiful.”
I clenched around his digits as I let out a loud moan, my white juice coating his fingers.
Bill's smirk widens as he pulls his fingers out of me, watching as my white juice coats his fingers. He brings them up to his mouth and sucks them clean, his eyes never leaving yours as he savors the taste. "Mhm- you taste amazing.”
I glance up at him with tired eyes, before bill quickly unbottons his pants and pulls down his jeans; along with his boxers.
Bill's cock springs free, already hard and ready for me. He steps out of his pants and boxers before climbing back onto the couch with me, positioning himself between my legs. "Do you want me to fuck you, baby?"
I nod as I wrap my legs around him, “Fuck Bill, I would want nothing more.” my red cheeks becoming more noticeable as I smile slightly.
Bill lines himself up with my entrance before slowly pushing inside of me, giving a low groan at the feeling of my tightness surrounding him. "Fuck, you always feel so good. But right now, I need to fuck you hard and fast.”
At that moment, Bill speeds up his pace and fucks me dumb. My face completely twists as I feel every inch of him in me. “Mm- Bill!” I moaned, my hands resting on his chest as he takes me rough.
Bill grips onto my hips, pulling me against him with each thrust as he fucks me hard and fast. He watches as my face contorts with pleasure, the moans that leave my lips driving him wild. "God damn, you're so fucking tight. You wasting my cock like that?"
I nod, moans and whimpers leaving my mouth. His name being repeated and repeated, as if it’s the only word i’d ever known.
Bill groans as he feels me starting to tighten around his cock, my moans and whimpers driving him even closer to the edge. He speeds up his pace, fucking me even harder and faster as he feels himself getting closer. "I'm gonna cum, baby. Cum with me."
As if I could tell the future, my juices cover his dick and a ring appears at the bottom of his cock. A loud moan escapes my mouth as I gripped onto his shoulders.
Feeling me tighten around him and my juices coating his cock sends Bill over the edge. He groans loudly as he releases himself inside of me, the ring at the bottom of his cock pulsing as he fills me with his release. "Fuck, baby..”
Bill's breathing is heavy as he collapses on top of me, his sweaty forehead pressed against mine. He pant from the intense orgasm that just ran through him and rest his weight on me. "Shit, babe..”
“Y-You still mad..?” I panted through my heavy breathing.
Bill chuckles and tilts his head to press a soft kiss on my lips before answering. "No, I'm not mad anymore. That dumbass band practice just had me heated, but seeing you like this... It takes all the anger away and just leaves me wanting to give you more..”
I nod, Bill leaning over and kissing the top of my head.
“Round 2?..”
Ok so like i havent posted ina minute.. so idk
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 10/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
The more I think about it...
This is looking a lot more like an Infected AU.
P.S. already apologies for the Hamilton reference laksjdlksaj I couldn't help it.
Lucifer is having a hard time breathing.
Beyond the safety border is a sea of red flowers of a kind Lucifer has never seen before in his lifetime. They seem to have sprouted from the crawling roots.
The King of Hell would've even said it was beautiful- he would've been in awe what with the flowers shimmering under Sloth's source of light creating serene waves whose sounds can lull one to sleep.
He would have.. if it weren't for what's coming out of it.
A thick, black miasma is seeping its way out of the flowers' mouths causing the suffocating air in the previously cleanest place in all of hell.
Roo's presence is more prominent than ever. Belphegor and her people at the site are all wearing masks to protect themselves from the dark mist.
Belphegor's voice makes him come down from the skies.
Belphegor: Lucifer!
Lucifer: What is this?
Belphegor: Sloth lost power for an hour which we guess is Roo's doing. When it came back... all these flowers were here. Most inhaled a bit of the miasma but no immediate effects. We have required everyone to put on a mask to be sure. With the sudden onset of this presumably toxic air, evacuation to Lust is starting earlier than expected.
Lucifer: That's good.
Belphegor: The sealing ritual will start in a day or two. Satan wants to be sure there are no more surprises once we start.
Lucifer: He's right. t will just be a waste of time and resources.
Belphegor: ...Lucifer?
Lucifer: Hmm?
Belphegor: Will I lose your respect if I admit that I'm afraid?
Lucifer turns to his old friend (sibling, really), eyes growing soft.
Lucifer: As long as you won't lose yours for me.
Belphegor: You're afraid?
Lucifer: Yes. Just like I was when I rebelled against heaven. Or when I was made King of Hell. Or when Charlie was born. I'm as afraid now as I was before.
Belphegor: Oh..
Lucifer: Am I worth any less to you now?
Belphegor: No! Of course not! You will always be my, our, King. When you say jump, we ask how high. If you wish to go to war with Heaven, we shall ask when.
Lucifer smiles a bit. He was just teasing Belphegor. He and the Sins have endured Hell's greatest hardships together- he doesn't think he can lose respect for any of them if they tried.
Lucifer: Then there's my answer.
Belphegor: I- thank you.
Lucifer: I have to get going now. The sooner I find her, the sooner I can get back.
Belphegor: Are you sure that she will provide assistance for Hell's problems?
Lucifer: Let me worry about that.
Belphegor: Of course, do be careful on your journey, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Thanks, Bel.
Lucifer mimics opening a curtain to create a portal to the living world. He's about to go through when the Sin of Sloth calls his name once more.
Belphegor: Lucifer!
His sister gives him a deep bow. Murmurs around them spur as the people of Sloth have never seen their Prince act like this before. Lucifer can't blame them, it's not like he and the Sins ever interact in public. They don't know that Belphegor and the others always make sure to show Lucifer their loyalty to him.
Belphegor: I- we- have the greatest honor to be your obedient servant.
Lucifer looks around and sees that all the people have followed suit in bowing.
Lucifer: And I you.
And with that, he finally leaves Hell.
The moment Lucifer sets foot on Earth is a whiplash. It has been a while since he even ventured outside of Hell despite being allowed to- too guilty to leave because if the souls his actions had dammed to hell can't, then he too shouldn't-
He feels the cool breeze caress his face and play with his wings like a child would. There are birds up on the trees singing, fish in the nearby pond splashing, and then a few deers looking at him with curious eyes. Wow, Alastor's still following him.
Lucifer casts an invisibility spell on himself and prepares to fly. Once he was up in the sky, he took in one last appreciative look at the scene.
Lucifer: You've grown, Eden.
He says to no one and leaves.
A gust of strong winds suddenly blows through the forest below, causing the animals to sing their sounds along with the rustling leaves of the trees and grass.
If the fallen angel stayed a while longer, maybe he would've heard the wind utter a reply.
'We've missed you, dear angel.'
What to look forward to in Part 11:
Luci's thoughts as he travels around Earth.
The meetup
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st-armand · 1 year
Author’s Notes: Ha, yall thought that the Plug!Hobie fic was gunna be posted first, gotta keep yall on your toes. I finished this first so here it is <3 Also any content by me about Hobie his age is 21-24. Im also looking for people to beta read.
CWs: Mention of piercing gone wrong, suggestive, stealing, not beta read
 Random Hobie Brown Headcanons
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He has/had more piercings, notably a pair of sub-clavicle piercings, a belly piercing and nipples piercings (I know other people headcanon him as having a prince albert, but god I know that shit hurts so we’ll be skipping for now). He took those out because they kept getting caught in the frayed fabrics of his clothing, and especially worse his spider suit.
His final straw was amidst fighting a foe, he sustained several injuries, but he was horrified looking at the ripped skin of his clavicle, frantically looking for the bar and the flesh still attached, he did, but it was deep in the crevices of his suit and didn’t find it until after repairing it.
That was enough to get rid of all his torso piercings.
Hobie is extremely anal retentive when it comes to the upkeep of his piercings though, every night, maybe except those he’s really incapacitated from battle. He spends so much time in the morning carefully soaking q-tips in saline to clean the puncture holes, if he can take the jewelry out to let it soak in peroxide for a few hours.
You both fight over the real estate of the sink and its mirror, until you ask (threaten) him to get you a vanity so you both can have space to get ready, he does and its gorgeous; a vintage one he found abandoned on a side street.
But this doesn’t stop him taking up vanity space.
“Feel pretty sitting here luv”
Hobie is of Jamaican heritage, I headcanon that his grandmother is his only living relative, and he dedicates so much time taking care of her in her old age, despite their arguments about Hobie being able to be free, and not held down by family. She knows she won’t have many years left, and she may want to embrace him in her love for these final years, but she also doesn’t want him to feel a great heartbreak at the loss.
That being said he visits her every few days, stopping by for some beef patties, jerk chicken, curries of all kind, taking home the bulk containers of sorrell and ginger beer, Grandma Brown doesn’t question how her lanky streetlight grandson has gotten so strong and fit over the last few years, or how he’s able to take the large crates back to his flat.
She has her suspicions and theories, but she would rather not pry if it could end in harm for the both of them.
When he’s off being spiderman, or doing shows and odd jobs, you take up the mantle, visiting Grandma Brown and aiding her around the home, Grandma Brown gets to sit back comfortably as you take over cleaning and seasoning the chicken, she trusts you to remember all the ingredients she uses to make Hobie feel like he’s still a child with how nostalgic the food makes him.
She genuinely loves having you around, but she also loves to tease her grandson, “Don’t know what you see in that boy, he should kiss the ground you walk on darling,”
And that’s not to say he doesn’t. The undercurrent of his unruffled attitude, is an adoration for you, he loves you in a way he can’t even put into words for his songs. He thanks whatever cosmic source there is for dropping you in his lap, like a starved dog given shelter, and cared for the rest of its life.
Sometimes you catch him staring at you deeply, teasing the inside of his lip piercing with his tongue causing it to wiggle around, youre locked into his penetrating gaze, you feel critically wounded by his affection, it always comes in sudden frothing sea waves, cooling your body, leaving you to yearn for the warmth of the sun that is his love.
Hobie isn’t the type of punk to wear sexually suggestive clothing, but he does use riskier photos of you or the both of you, faces obscured or cropped, and edited heavily with grain to make it look vintage, he takes them to a vendor he works with closely for band merch and has them screen print the design on shirts for the both of you, loves wearing them during concerts especially to ward off erratic fans.
You let Hobie pester you about getting a piercing, which you know you can’t handle the pain for, but you humor him.
“Luv ya need some metal on that leng face of yours” He’ll say every few weeks, despite knowing the answer, insanity is doing the same thing knowing the results won’t change, Hobie’s fine with being insane if it means maybe one day your resolve will crack and he can see you two with matching jewelry.
He often ponders about what gems and metals would look best, the color, the shape, the size, and how all these can complement that enticing face of yours.
Steals you clothes (duh not original, but considering my taste of clothes…), and I don’t mean a few pieces here and there, he actively searches for things that will compliment your wardrobe, and in the span of a few months together your closet has doubled in size.
One day you say you’re interested in latex, he’s going to barter with some craftsperson to get you a few items to experiment with, maybe a few gloves.
You say you want to be corporate goth (I don’t see people ever adding corp goth to their alternative reader fics) ? He’s nicking the most gorgeous pants and skirt suits he can find, getting accessories and sitting beside you as you customize the outfits together.
Like high fashion, Thierry Mugler or VW? He has no problems with linking up with Black Cat to get into stock warehouses and design studios to steal some, Black Cat teases him by saying ‘You owe me for this bug.’ But she gets compensation by nicking a bunch of clothes for herself.After the fact they bound off in separate directions carrying webbed satchels of merchandise.
You know he stole them, in fact youre proud he was able to do it with ease.
(He doesn’t tell you Black Cat helped him, you wrongly assume they are attracted to each other, but Black Cat is actually a lesbian, he’s seen her in costume as a spectator of a dyke march parade under the guise of ‘watching out for the community’, he doesn’t tell her he’s seen her sneaking off into a civilian woman’s apartment, he’s happy to keep the city safe enough for everyone to nurture love.)
You wear these outfits with pride, sauntering down the street as an orchestra of gawks, and stares fills the area, blown away by the complexities of the outfit, and attention to detail to every complimentary aspects of the look, the essence of slay cunt one could say.
When Hobie’s there walking alongside you, he lets a hand glide to your lower back, urging you to walk faster, whispering into your ear,
“Walk faster luv, don’t you wanna give them a show?”
And scene. Hope yall enjoyed these, I aint great at british slang so be patient and give tips!
Comments, questions, criticisms? Let me know!
Request are OPEN
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hi! I rlly loved ur recent Kaz Brekker fic n I was wondering if u could do one where the reader had an ED. Like how Kaz would react to it and what he would do to help?? I’m currently getting over an ED n need some comfort rn xx
Hi! Thank you so much for reading and for requesting! As someone who watched many loved ones go through recovery, let me just say how proud I am of you (and anyone reading this!) for trying. You’re amazing and doing great, I promise. <3
Not Giving Up
show! kaz brekker x reader
gender neutral pronouns
TW: eating disorder (following the symptoms and recovery for anorexia nerviosa), low self esteem, mentions of restrictive eating. nothing graphic, and there is comfort/healing in this fic, but please be careful when reading
shadow and bone masterlist
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Kaz Brekker didn’t know how he never noticed it before.
When it came to you, he typically was so attentive, noticing even the smallest details. And he did technically notice all the symptoms; the way you were always cold, the way your wounds would take longer to heal, or how you would sleep too much or none at all. But it wasn’t until The Crows were gathered for brunch one Sunday morning that Kaz finally put all the pieces together.
It was a joyous occasion, and despite being some of the most secretive people in the Barrel, the seven of you made quite a ruckus. But it was joyful, everyone teasing and messing with each other. Weekly brunch was Nina’s idea, her having lamented that she never got to see everyone all together anymore. So everyone agreed that once a week, they would all get together, the true Crow Club.
And every week, you would join in on the fun, laughing and joking with everyone. But as Kaz watched you nonchalantly tell the waitress, “Oh, I’m not really hungry”, that something clicked in his brain.
As the gears in Kaz’s mind began to turn, he soon came to realize that you said that every week. And beyond that, Kaz couldn’t recall a time where you had eaten a full meal around him or any of The Crows. It was plausible that you ate alone or when Kaz wasn’t around, but when compared with some of your other behaviors and symptoms, Kaz was fairly sure of what was happening.
Not wanting to cause more distress, Kaz had the good sense enough to leave you be during the brunch. But the moment the both of you got back to the club, he uttered only three words as he walked pass.
“My office, now.”
Despite being close with Kaz, those words still brought a chill up your spine. Cautiously you followed your friend up the stairs and into his office, following his gesture to sit down. For a while, the two of you sat in silence, Kaz staring at you with his chin resting on his clasped gloved hands.
Finally, you couldn’t take it any longer. “Is there someth-“
“Do you have an eating disorder?”
You weren’t sure what you had expected Kaz to talk to you about, but it was certainly not that. Your jaw slack, you rapidly blinked, trying to collect your thoughts.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kaz’s eyes narrowed. “Do you have an eating disorder?”
You started breathing rapidly, wondering how this man had put the pieces together when you had been so careful to hide it. “I’m fine Kaz.”
“Why don’t you eat with us? Or ever?”
“I-I,” Your words failed you, your brain trying to find some way to combat Kaz’s questions. “Like I said, I’m totally fine. I’m just not hungry a lot.”
With a deep sigh, Kaz got up and moved around the table to sit next to you. When you looked into his eyes, you were surprised by just how gentle they were. “You don’t have to lie to me…or to yourself.”
As you saw the pure concern and affection in Kaz’s gaze, you felt the dams break. Tears freely fell from your eyes as the fears you had been holding in for so long finally came out. Kaz gently placed his hand on your back, trying his best to show comfort and support.
“I don’t-I don’t like my body. Or me in general. Or life. I just…” You trailed off, hanging your head. “I just thought that if I could control what I ate, everything would be so much better.”
“And did it?”
Closing your eyes, you let the truth come out in the smallest whisper. “No.”
“I didn’t think so.” Kaz responded, his voice thoughtful. “Do you want to get better?”
Slightly surprised by the question, you looked back up into Kaz’s eyes. “I—I think so. I’m just scared of what might happen.”
Kaz took his hand off your back and took your hand instead. “You don’t have to go through this alone.” He promised.
“You want to help me?” You asked, searching for any sign of doubt or falsehood in Kaz’s eyes.
But as his blue eyes pierced your soul, you felt the truth of his words. “Every step of the way.”
Good to his word, Kaz Brekker was there for you through everything. He found the best physician and psychologist in Ketterdam, and he was there for every meeting to be a support. Kaz also let you tell the other Crows at your own pace, but when you did, your support system went from one to six instantly. Your little family was there for you, and even though you were scared, it gave you comfort.
Following the treatment plan was difficult. The old inner demons that had haunted you for so long constantly reappeared, making eating difficult. But Kaz and the Crows made sure that you were never alone at mealtime, and they never shamed you for struggling with a particular food or for needing more time. So slowly, with the help of everyone and especially Kaz, bit by bit you learned to heal your relationship with food and your body.
It was a surprisingly clear and sunny Sunday that spring when Ketterdam’s deadliest gang walked down the street, laughing and cajoling the whole way. Upon entering the familiar restaurant, all seven of the crows managed to squeeze into their familiar booth, with only a few complaints and pokes along the way. As you all settled in, a serving girl came up to the table.
You and Kaz were sitting closest to the edge, but the girl elected to talk to you first. “Are you ready to order?”
Kaz held his breath as he watched you hesitate for a moment, looking at the menu on the table.
Looking back up at the serving girl, a bright smile adorned your face. “I’ll have [your favorite breakfast food], please.”
The girl nodded as she wrote down your order, and moving on to Nina, who launched into her elaborate waffle order. But Kaz felt his heart swell with pride, knowing deep down the effort that you were putting in. Kaz reached out underneath the table, and softly he took your hand inside his gloved one. Slightly surprised, you looked up at him, but looking into Kaz’s eyes told you everything he couldn’t say aloud.
Gently squeezing Kaz’s hand in return, you looked around at the little family you and he had built. The journey ahead was long, but your future was bright and full of love.
Recovery is possible; you are wonderful and loved, and you deserve happiness. Real, true happiness. If are struggling with any kind of ED and you are in the united states, please go to this link and get the help you need. <3
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jostyriggslover96 · 2 years
Unexpected Connections Pt.2
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Summary: Y/N has a complicated history with Navy men and has sworn off dating them completely. When she finds herself working at the Hard Deck to earn some extra money, Navy men are hard to avoid. Catching the eye of Rooster, Y/N is determined to avoid any potential feelings she may have for him, despite his persistence. Will Y/N be able to avoid her feelings for Rooster and avoid the Navy man that made her resent the profession? Or will she make some unexpected connections that she can’t shake off?
AN: Thank you so much for all the love on the first part of this story, I truly can’t explain what all the support means to me. I hope you all enjoy this part, there’s some drama ahead! If anyone wants to be tagged, let me know! Thanks again, you’re all the absolute best!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol and drinking, complicated history with a parent, angst.
Word Count: 3.3k
Pt.1  Pt.3
Unexpected Connections Pt.2
“So, you and Rooster?” Penny slyly glances away as your eyes shoot daggers at her after she interrupts the blissful silence you were both enjoying while deep cleaning behind the bar. You could recognize that smirk on her face anywhere; it’s the same look she used to give your mom when she was dating and the look she started giving you once you entered the dating world.
“There is no me and Rooster,” you fire back as you continue to scrub the calcification building up on the edge of the sink. You knew Penny would never fall for that, she knew you just as well as your mother. The two were close as they were the only single moms in the area at the time; they helped each other raise their girls and navigate the world of single parenting. Penny and Amelia were just as much your family as your mother was. Now that your mother was living in Chicago to be with her aging mother, you could tell that Penny felt responsible to offer you the support any mother would. Even if it meant teasing you like a teenager who had their first crush.
 “Sure thing, just like there was no me and Mav. I saw that he gave you a ride home the other night, most men wouldn’t do that,” her eyebrows were raised, she clearly was not buying it.
 “Penny, you know I don’t date navy men. We haven’t even spoken since he dropped me off anyways. Let’s just move on,” you were now avoiding eye contact as she was sure to have more motherly advice for you. Or teasing, honestly it would probably be teasing.
 “Sweetheart, you and I both know you created that arbitrary rule for yourself when you were 15,” hands on her hips and motherly judgement in her eyes.
 “Who says it’s arbitrary? I refuse to let another navy man or top gun pilot hurt me,” your voice laced with malice. You were quickly losing any shred of patience you had for this conversation.
 “Y/N are you really going to miss out on what could be the happiest relationship of your life because of him?” Penny didn’t dare say his name around you, knowing it was a trigger for anger and anxiety. Sighing loudly, you threw your sponge down before rubbing your temples with your fingers.
 “They’re all the same, they care more about that elite program than they do their families.”
 “That’s not true for all of them, give him the benefit of the doubt,” Penny placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, trying to offer some form of comfort.
 “I watched my mother’s heart get torn apart by that man while I was growing up. All he cared about was ranking number 1 and going on missions. Penny, I was little, but I saw it. I remember her crying in the middle of the night thinking I couldn’t hear it. Then he just leaves and finds some other family, like we were nothing,” your voice raising as you shrug her hand off. Anger growing inside you as this conversation continued.
 “Y/N, your dad is a complete asshole. I agree with you, but not every pilot is the same.”
 “Penny stop!” you shouted, startling yourself and Penny. You never shouted, even in your angriest moments. “I’m taking my fifteen,” you mutter before walking off and out of the bar to sit on the patio by the beach.
 “What was that about?” Maverick asked as he approached the bar cautiously, sweat on his brow from the beaming afternoon sun.
 Penny let out a long sigh before answering, “Y/N and Rooster. There’s something there, everyone in this bar could feel it. But she won’t go anywhere near another man in the navy.”
 “Rooster wouldn’t stop asking Phoenix about her. Even took his shot at me,” Maverick said with a smile.
 “They would be perfect together! We have to get them together somehow,” Penny muttered, half to Pete, but mostly to herself as she began scheming.
 “Well, Rooster and the crew are playing dogfight football on the beach with the new recruits. She’s bound to witness quite the show while she’s on her break,” Maverick pointed out as Penny smiled, thinking fondly upon her memories of dogfight football. What a glorious game indeed.
 As you sat down on the patio chair you noticed there was a large group of people running around on the beach. Leaning back and crossing your legs, you pulled your aviators off your shirt to shield your eyes from the sun. You saw a football flying through the air and what looked like Phoenix running after it. Ah, so this was a group of aviators. Of course it was, you could never escape them. You just hoped Bradley Bradshaw wasn’t among them.
 As you zoned out for a few moments, you saw a second football being tossed through the air. Wait, that couldn’t be right. You didn’t know much about football, but you did know there was traditionally only one ball in play. Rolling your eyes, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and tried to distract yourself by scrolling through Instagram.
 You were quickly disturbed as you heard someone shouting in celebration. Annoyed you glanced up and noticed Rooster in all his shirtless, sweaty, ripped glory tossing down the football and celebrating, Biting your lip, you couldn’t help but stare at the man who was sculpted like a Greek god. It was like a scene out of a movie.
 Was this man even real? Real people don’t look that gorgeous. You were practically drooling by this point when his head turned in your direction. He clearly noticed you gawking as he sent a wink your way. Quickly scrambling to avert your gaze and look busy, you practically dropped your phone.
 Peering back up to check if he was still looking, but he had gone back to the game and was intensely trying to wrestle the ball out of someone’s arms. Scanning the crowd you noticed Natasha standing with her arms crossed, a knowing smirk gracing her face. You felt your cheeks burn as your eyes darted back to your phone, realizing you had been caught staring by two people.
 As you attempted to focus on the different pictures of your friends on vacation or a cousin’s wedding, you found your mind drifting back to the shirtless sculpted Bradley. You had to admit, he looks amazing. You were adamantly against dating anyone in the navy but between his six pack abs, deep gravelly voice, and panty dropping smile you could absolutely get behind dating someone like him. Or in front of him, you thought chuckling to yourself.
 Realizing you were fantasizing about a man who was off limits to you, you shook your head to snap out of it. You needed to get it together; you vowed to yourself after watching your mother’s heart get shattered by a Top Gun pilot that you would never do the same. Bradley Bradshaw was off limits and that was how it was going to stay. But he was just so dreamy, god you knew he was going to be trouble.
 “We’re still on tomorrow?” a voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Glancing up from your electronic device you saw Phoenix standing in front of you with others approaching behind her. Her skin was glistening from the hot sun high in the sky. “For dinner Y/N?” she questioned again as you brought yourself back to reality.
 “Oh yeah, absolutely,” you stammered, still recovering from the heart stopping good looks of a certain pilot. “I’m off all day, so let me know when you’re ready after work,” you forced a smile as she nodded in agreement.
 “I’d love to take you to dinner too,” the voice of Rooster chimed in as he came to stand next to Phoenix. Before you could rebut his offer, he kept going, “We could go grab a bite now, I’m sure you noticed we all worked up an appetite,” he said with a smug smirk. You cheeks warming at his teasing.
 “I don’t think so Rooster,” you bit back before he could try to further convince you. You weren’t sure you had the will power to say no if he kept asking.
 “It’s Bradley,” he quipped.
 “Whatever,” you said with a roll of your eyes. His head tilting to the side, this was a game for him.
 “Come on, there’s this great taco stand not far from here,” he pushed.
 “Sorry Bradley, but I’m working.”
 “Oh, I’m sure I could talk Penny into giving you the night off,” flashing you those glimmering eyes. His voice was rough yet sweet as honey, and oh so tempting.
 “No, I’d rather stay here and serve the rowdy day drinkers,” you commented while standing and turning to head inside.
 “So you’ll go to dinner with Phoenix, but not me? I see how it is,” he called as you started walking away as more of a group formed around him.
 “Well you see Rooster, Phoenix isn’t trying to get into my pants. So we’re good,” you smirked leaving him stunned as the group around him laughed at his rejection. Flipping your hair over your shoulder, you took the final few steps to the door and pulled it open before heading inside without another glance at the shocked aviator.
 A short while later you were wiping down the bar, things were still fairly quiet aside from Rooster and his crew who were occupying the pool tables. You were zoned out, determined to get the mysterious sticky substance off the bar top when you heard someone clear their throat. Glancing up you froze, shocked to see the man in front of you. The man you could’ve gone your whole life without seeing again. The man standing in front of you was your father, if you could even consider him that…. Vice Admiral “Cyclone” Simpson.
 How didn’t you notice him come in? Kicking yourself for zoning out so you couldn’t hide from your father.
 “How have you been?” he broke the silence with a feeble attempt at conversation. No! You didn’t owe this man a damn thing. He lost the right to know how you were doing a long time ago.
 “What can I get you?” you tried not to stammer, but you could tell your voice was shaking. Hell, your whole body was shaking.
 “Whisky, two fingers,” he responded, noticing how cold you were to him. You turned around to pour his drink and avoid his lingering gaze. This man left you when you were one, missed countless birthdays, forgot to pick you up for visits, and even missed all your graduations. To you, he was nothing more than the sperm donor in this situation. Yet he still managed to fill you with rage and sorrow at the same time. Silently, you slid the drink across the bar to him, not saying another word to the man who didn’t deserve your time. “So, how’s your mom?”
 The fucking audacity of this man. “You have your drink, now you can go,” your voice laced with anger as you gestured for him to leave the bar. He stood there, holding his ground. It looked like he was going to say something else to you when you felt a hand on your back. Glancing to the side, you noticed Penny shooting daggers at Cyclone.
 “You heard her, you have your drink, it’s time to go,” she stood with you until he sauntered back to the table of men he was here with. “Sweetheart, why don’t you take the night off” Mav can help me out.”
 You felt like a ghost as you nodded your head in agreement, practically running from the bar after you grabbed your purse. He never came to the bar, why today? You cried the whole way home, and to your mom for an hour after that.
 Little did you know, Rooster witnessed the whole thing and found it quite interesting. He spent the rest of the evening grilling Phoenix about your reaction to Cyclone. Yet, he never guessed the man was your father. Bradley thought the man was your former lover or a current flame, it was hard to tell from the interaction. He practically begged Phoenix to ask you about him, having to make promises to her that he would have a hard time keeping in order for her to agree. Rooster needed to know who the man was to you, he wanted to do everything in his power to protect you from him.
 The next evening you were seated in a booth at the local burger joint with Natasha laughing as she told the story of Jake having to do two hundred push-ups after betting Maverick he could beat him in a dogfight. Natasha had told her the intense story of one of their last missions, some kind of top secret nearly impossible to survive missions that they had to do insane training for. Apparently this mission was why the whole crew was called back to Top Gun in the first place. Natasha explained after the success of the mission, they were all stationed at Top Gun as some kind of elite team of the already elite pilots.
 The two of you chatted for a while, discussing your upcoming trip to Chicago, her plans to fix up her dad’s old motorcycle, your car being on its last life, her plans for a summer barbeque, and your new job at the Hard Deck. The two of you were fast friends when you met last year. Despite your distain for the navy, Phoenix was convincing you there were good people amongst the aviators.
 You were picking at your fries as Natasha transitioned the conversation in a direction you never expected. “So, how do you know Cyclone?” you practically choked on the fries you were chewing, her question like a punch to the chest. You chewed your fries slowly, trying to come up with some kind of excuse to avoid the real conversation.
 “Why do you ask?” you tried to come off casually. You hadn’t expected the subject of your estranged father to come up. On the other hand, you ran from the bar so quickly yesterday you had no idea how many people saw the tense exchange.
 “Things looked tense yesterday at the Hard Deck,” her voice filled with concern and compassion. You sighed, realizing you were about to lie to one of your very good friends. Natasha was always so vulnerable with you, even though it was partially against her nature. You knew it was only right to do the same. You weren’t going to let that man come between your friendships.
 “He’s uh, he’s my dad,” your eyes focused in on the neck of your beer bottle to avoid her gaze. You didn’t really talk about him with anyone, so this was incredibly awkward.
 “Holy shit, Bradshaw thought you might be sleeping together,” she sounded slightly relieved at this discovery. “I didn’t know he had any other kids.” Of course she didn’t. It’s not like he had pictures of you up in his office beside his two younger children and wife. You doubted he even had any pictures of you at all.
 “Yeah, he does.” Part of you felt hurt that your father never showed enough interest in you for people to know you existed in his life, but the other part of you was grateful. It took you years of therapy to accept that you wanted nothing to do with him, but that still didn’t make this hurt any less.
 “Wait, his wife looks way too young to be your mom.”
 “She is not my mother,” you voice sounding more annoyed than you intended. “He ditched me and my mom a long time ago. Like when I was a baby. I’ve never actually met his wife or his other kids. My mom raised me alone, with the help of Penny. She sacrificed everything to give me the best life. She’s the absolute best woman I know, aside from Penny,” you felt yourself growing slightly emotional. Your mom truly was the best mom out there. You hoped someday to be half the mother she is, just not with a navy man.
 Phoenix was silent for a moment, respecting your mixed emotions on the subject. “I knew he was a dick!” she commented, letting out an exasperated sigh. You couldn’t help but chuckle. He truly was a dick. The two of you laughed for a few minutes, you were finally making eye contact again. She just had a way of making any situation comfortable, which was not an easy job. You barely spoke about your father with anyone, not even most of your friends.
 “Fucking Rooster, thinking I would sleep with someone like Cyclone. The man is married,” you shuddered at the statement. “He’s a dick too.”
 Phoenix gave you a knowing look, she knew you didn’t really feel that way about Rooster. “He’s really not Y/N, you should give him a shot.”
 “I don’t date navy men, Tash. You know this about me.”
 “Why not?”
 “I’m not going to get hurt by anyone else in the navy,” you commented firmly.
 “So you’re going to let Simpson ruin your shot at what could be the greatest relationship of your life?” she scoffed.
 “Yeah right, Rooster would not be the greatest relationship of my life,” rolling your eyes at her statement
 “Y/N, Bradley is actually a good guy. Yeah, some guys in the navy are assholes, but that’s not him. He tours all the little kids around the base when they come with their classes. He always stays late at the bar to make sure we all get home okay. When Bob was sick, Rooster made his mom’s chicken noodle soup recipe for him. He even stayed at my bedside after I had to eject during a training exercise until I woke up to make sure I was okay. I even heard he gave you a ride home the other night when your car wasn’t starting, ,” she took a big gulp of her beer after her speech.
 Maybe you were wrong about him, maybe there was a good guy in the navy after all. The two of you were silent for a few minutes as you continued to pick at the remainder of your fries. “Thanks Tash,” you smiled at your friend. Even though you didn’t like to admit it, sometimes you were wrong. You just weren’t ready to let your guard down with Bradley quite yet. After all, you had promised yourself to never date a navy man for a reason, part of you still wasn’t convinced he was so different from the others. No, you still couldn’t go there with him. Your heart was too fragile. You weren’t going to let the dreamy aviator be the reason you broke your rules.
 You excused yourself from the table, needing a few minutes alone in the bathroom to recover from the intense conversation. Little did you know, Natasha would take this time to send Bradley a text, filling him in on the Cyclone situation. Rooster was shocked to say the least. Phoenix got a string of texts about how much of an asshole Cyclone was, what kind of monster could do that to their family, and how much he wanted to lay into him if he ever so much as gazed in your direction.
 You had a feeling Rooster was trouble, you just didn’t know that now he was going to be trouble that vowed to protect you at all costs.
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type1dragonwolf · 6 months
SAMS fan theory/rant: Is Moon a good brother?
Note: This will be a long rant, but I just want to get something off my chest.
so, is Moon a good brother? More or less, a good brother to SUN? I started coming up with this theory when I read a fan theory of how Sun could possibly die. And some of the reasons were focused around Moon and his relationship with Sun. So, I’m going to deep dive today into the reasons why his is good or bad.
Information 1: Wiki. Im going to start with the Sun and moon show wiki, and see what I picked up from there. I will just be putting examples of how he acts towards Sun. ‘Though he is closed off and puts on an act of indifference towards Sun.’ ‘He can still be mean and insulting, though he seams to try and do this in a playful way. However, he has issues with misplaced anger, often taking it out on Sun.’ ‘His relationship with Sun is not a healthy one despite both parties caring for each other.’ ‘He is also very trusting of sun, despite his gut telling him something is off.’ Those are just a few examples from the wiki. However, something stood out to me. Almost every paragraph I read, it said: ‘Sun comforted his brother’ but I hardly read any ‘Moon comforted his brother.’ You can tell from that, that’s a step down.
Information 2: Personality and impressions. This paragraph will focus on their relationship that we see on the show. When they first met, Moon threatened to kill Sun and make is life torture, just from sharing a body. When they split up, Moon decided that instead of destroying his kill-code he would put it in SUN. That caused the whole Eclipse problem. Soon, they started the show. Something I notice though, is that Sun was a LOT more outspoken, and always told Moon what he was doing. Moon, however, didn’t care. Whenever Sun accidentally said something wrong, Moon would LASH OUT at him. Skip forward a bit, they’re trapped in the bunker. Moon starts blaming Sun for things that Eclipse did, and even PUNCHED his brother. That caused a bit of FEAR in Sun. He left, and hadn’t been the same since. He shied away from his brother, not quite as outspoken as before. Skip forward a bit more. Sun killed Bloodmoon with the barrel. Instead of telling Moon when he asked, he lied, afraid of moons reaction. When moon found out, instead of talking with Sun about it, he locked him in the cellar Sun was scared of. Time travel to after Moon got his memories erased. Sun was having trouble coping. Moon was a lot nicer, and the only thing bad really, was that Moon teased him about his long gone crush on Roxanne. Then, Eclipse. Sun learned star power behind his brothers back, scared to lose him. He even lied to moons face. When moon found out, Sun was In tears from moon yelling at him. Earth even had to step in to help them talk. Fast forward to Eclipse’s ‘death.’ Sun had totally beaten himself up from Eclipse. Yes, moon did care, but Sun was still injured because of Moons mistake. The next few days we’re about moon forcing sun to go to different dimensions. Sun almost died MANY times. Fast forward, eclipse is back. Sun is freaking out, however, he tries to calm his brother. However, like before, Moon just shoved Sun away, yelling at him. The next few episodes, moon teases sun about Roxanne, calls him an idiot, and is just kinda rude. Moon knows this, and though he lost killcode and should be mean anymore, his old anger and hatred is coming back.
Information 3: other siblings and the future
this one will probably be my final paragraph. I really quickly just want to compare these two to Earth and Lunar. When they first met, Earth only have heard of Lunar, she was always sweet. They never hid information from each other, only when it was going to hurt them. When moon first woke up from the reboot, he instantly yelled at Sun. And when earth talked to castor for the first time, she didn’t hide it from lunar, instantly confronting him about it. Sun, however, didn’t tell moon of eclipse, scared of moon response. As for future predictions? Suns death has been teased MANY times. However, many people think someone will kill him. Well, I think that Sun will die, but at the hands of himself. He cares for his siblings, even thought he blames himself. He has mentioned this at his therapy session, though it’s not obvious, that he knows moon talks badly behind his back. I think the only reason he alive right now, is that he wants to fix the problem HE got blamed for, when it wasn’t his fault. And when it does, when he dies, maybe then Moon will finally see what he did.
So, in conclusion, is Moon a good brother? That’s what I want you to answer. I will put a poll with this, however if you have your own thoughts, reblog this and write it or put it in the comments. Thanks for listening to my ramble. 💕
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writerpey · 6 months
Cgs!Laszlo & Nadja Headcanons
i’ve had a few wwdits asks and decided to post for both laszlo and nadja bc they’re simply so mama and papa coded! <3
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Firstly, Laszlo was made to be a caregiver. We’re all thinking of the absolutely unbelievable plotline that was baby Colin, aren’t we? Well, I think that after Colin grew up far too quickly for Laszlo to catch up with, there was a deep, gnawing desire for him to take care of someone in the same way. In comes a special little regressor in the lives of the vampires!
Laszlo adores when his little takes interest in the fine arts. A bit pretentious of him? Maybe. But totally in character. He’ll pick up his little vampire with ease and sit them on the piano stool next to him and teach them how to play no matter how young they’re feeling. Super tiny? He’ll laugh at his little banging on the keys and gently play a tune that he knows will put a smile on their face. A bit bigger? He’ll gently guide their hands and glance over to Nadja with a very proud look on his face when they carefully play on their own. Very good, darling! Beethoven could not play as spectacularly as you.
Laszlo loves to tell stories in the mansion’s sitting room right before the sun rises. He’s an amazing storyteller, creating spinning tales of lords, ladies and King Arthur’s roundtable set with different voices for each character. He watches carefully when their eyes start to droop and they look sleepy enough to slumber as soon as the lid of their coffin closes. It’s either stories or early morning reruns on HGTV.
When Nadja is in charge of bedtime for her and Laszlo’s little one, it includes soft lullabies and her fingers or a brush through the regressor’s hair. It almost makes her giddy when her little one runs up to her before bed with a brush, comb, hair bow or bonnet in their hands and a sweet smile on their face. She’ll have them sit on the floor in front of the crackling fireplace while she scoots a plush armchair up and settles down to hum a gentle tune while being equally as gentle with their hair. Are you tired, little one? Papa will come and carry you to bed.
Mornings are frequently energy filled with Laszlo and Nadja, especially after a hearty breakfast. Laszlo is usually the last to rise in the mornings, and more than once his little has been sent to his coffin on behest of Nadja to loudly bang on it and drag him out with happy giggles. Nadja is a troublemaker that way, always sending their regressor to unknowingly tease or cause Laszlo grief because she knows they’ll get away with anything.
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It’s always fun with the both of them. There’s nothing they love more than hearing their little laugh and play, and they’ll do just about anything their little wants to make that happen. Games in the house go from Laszlo chasing their little around and building pillow forts to Nadja getting together every bit of clothing in the house so they can all play dress up together. (Guillermo and Nandor tend to be invited for dress up too. If their little demands a larger audience, by goodness will they get it!)
Both of them are pretty lax when it comes to rules and expected behaviour of their little. Nadja is quicker to berate their regressor than Laszlo is, but her scolding is usually tame despite her exasperation and is along the lines of, Sweetie, you can’t keep playing on that machine with Colin Robinson! and I have told you to be careful with Dolly. I will not remind you again. Laszlo is stern only when he truly needs to be, or when their little is being fussier than usual. He’s not afraid to take them by the hand and march them out of the basement when they’re caught rifling through the freezer. Darling, you know you’re not to be in there. Ah-ah, no excuses. Come along.
Nadja and Laszlo are both big on physical contact. Laszlo will pick up his little out of nowhere and swing them around just to hear their giggles. He loves to give them piggyback rides too! During story time he’ll pat his lap for them to come and curl up with their head under his chin. He gives the best cuddles. Nadja is a very scary tickle monster, and she is amazing at calming an overwhelmed or upset little down with back rubs and a steady hand on theirs, her thumb circling the top of their hand.
The couple use so many pet names for their regressor. Laszlo is extremely creative of course: Darling, sweetheart, vampling, sweet tooth, my little vampire, small one. Nadja is simpler but just as sweet: Little one, sweetie, baby, honey.
Laszlo and Nadja are ultimately a pair of sweethearts that always dote on and protect their little one. <3
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dangermousie · 15 days
City Hunter rewatch - ep 3
This drama holds up so spectacularly on rewatch (and it makes me a little sad because no kdrama makes me as rabid now as kdramas used to in late 00s/early 10s.)
The yearning Yoon Sung feels for a mother really gets me harder on rewatch. Of course Undaddy lied - he told Yoon Sung that his mother abandoned him (presumably so he won't go looking for her/because he'd hate Undaddy forever if he knew the truth). The first time I watched this, I wondered why YS didn't look for her and now it makes sense - Undaddy made him believe she didn't want him! His lashing out is the lashing out of a hurt child.
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That is going to do such a number on someone's psyche (see his reaction when ahjusshi finds her), but of course Undaddy doesn't care. But despite his harsh words, of course he goes looking and the yearning. Oh, the yearning! seriously can't think of a pit of hell good enough for Undaddy. I am sure your best friend would be so happy to find out you kidnapped a kid from his mother's arms, brought him up without an ounce of affection in a drug camp while training him into a fighting machine, did your best to try to turn him into a murderer, and made him carry out a revenge plan that would likely lead to his death. I am sure your dead best friend is doing a jig up in heaven, don't you agree, Druglord? That last scene with Yoon Sung spying on his Mom - all that longing and pain on his face, it killed me.
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It hits all over again on this rewatch both how surprisingly human YS is and how little he knows of normalcy.
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I mean, he's genuinely asking ahjusshi this because he's been brought up by psycho in a drug camp, his sense of what is allowed and what is normal in normal world is close to nonexistent. He has to cobble his own morality somehow since Undaddy provided none, and is in fact has come to Korea because he's angry YS is taking people down without murdering them (the way on rewatch, knowing what I know, Undaddy's revenge goes from just horrid to utterly heinous on levels I cannot even describe and how it denies YS' being an actual person is just...)
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The thing is, it kills me how young Yoon Sung is. I don't mean he acts 12 or anything - he's, refreshingly, a grown-up, but he still has this residual naivetee about the world (look at his face when Congressman invokes his immunity and is voted to keep it) but also this deep, ingrained kindness - he brings the Congressman down much more because of his treatment of the kid neighbors of Nana than any abstract murder of his father 25+ yrs ago. His emotions get involved because of the former, not the latter. That is why Nana is so necessary to him, even though he does not consciously realize it (nor his feelings, either) - she teaches him normalcy, something he's never had.
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(Ouch at his reaction at her comment about mother's cooking, you can see a slight, almost imperceptible flinch.) And later she actually does give him homemade food to take home!
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He is a teasing little boy with her, utterly happy and relaxed. She cooks him meals and scolds about his habits and talks to him and makes him interact with neighbor kids.
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Without knowing it, she is dragging him out of his cocoon. Prior to her, his biggest influence was Undaddy but now he has rational, warm, kind, joyous Nana. And you can see him changing without realizing it (I loved the little scene where ahjusshi made him coffee that he used to love and he found it too bitter because he got used to Nana's sweet variety. It speaks to so much). Just check out this scene the day he delivered the Congressman to the prosecutors - he and Nana and the two kids romp in the fountain, and then after carrying one of them home, he invites himself to her house, gets into her bathrobe, and nitpicks the food she gives him (I laughed about him picking out all the vegetables) and she teases him.
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They have insane chemistry, yes, but underlying the undoubted sexual attraction is their complete comfort with each other, their basic compatibility. And their ability to have fun together. He honestly shines like a new penny with her.
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She brings both vulnerability and comfort in him. What he really needs after the end of the drama is a ton of therapy - it's a kdrama so he won't - but being with Na Na is almost a form of therapy for him as is.
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PS This and Faith is the hottest LMH has ever been to me. I mean, look at him here shooting bullet after bullet in the same hole, upset the Congressman got off, but still remembering to shoot above bullseye so nobody would realize his skills.
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flames-tstuff · 11 months
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Not sure where this came from but here we are 🤷🏼‍♀️ disclaimer: I haven't read these books in like five years so these are solely based off of what I remember about the characters and their dynamics 😅
Actually finds it kinda fun despite his (supposed) aversion to touch
BUT. he is MUCH too embarrassed and too deep in denial to ever be able to admit to it
Easily flustered—both by giving and receiving—though he tries to play it off like it's no big deal
Too sensitive for his own good! Ticklish all over but if you target his ribs specifically he will probably die (again)
The others gang up on him if he starts getting too angsty or too in his own head
Usually targeted by Blitz or Alex
Often too shy to initiate anything but when he does it's usually playful little pokes
Can't say The Word
Snorts if you catch him by surprise—otherwise it's bouts of poorly suppressed giggling that everyone finds very endearing <3
Snarky ler
Will usually only initiate with Blitz and Hearth. He knows starting something with Alex or Sam is a death sentence (though he will retaliate if one of them started it).
Enjoys it on occasion but usually just likes to pester her friends with it
She has to really trust you if she's allowing you to get within a five-foot radius of her
.....and good luck trying to catch her and keep her down long enough to tickle her without losing a limb
If you do somehow manage to get her, it's all cackles and squeals (+ lots of cursing)
Loves a good fight! She enjoys it more when it's play or has some competitive component to it. It's all about the thrill of the chase!!! (no pun intended)
Loves to tease and torment Magnus and gets immense satisfaction from his embarrassment from it
Has no problem saying The Word (and ofc loves to use it against Magnus)
Typically would prefer the rougher play, but she too is not immune to the power gentle touch
Receiving gentle, affectionate touch is outside of her frame of reference (*sob*) so having her hair played with or getting a massage from a friend is simultaneously heaven and hell
Like Magnus, very sensitive and also a bit shy when it comes to the subject
(This is assumed to be post-marriage when she can be in contact with Amir. The others are considered family and therefore are in the clear.)
Doesn't usually like to be touched
She does, however, like to use it as a tactic for cheering up Alex (she's probably the only safe one to do so lol)
Targeting her will also put your life at risk (unless you're Amir... and even then you're on thin ice)
Devastatingly fast fingers
Doesn't see an issue with The Word
Will help destroy Magnus if the others have started it and need the extra help
The Queen of teases
Mostly indifferent but doesn't mind it
Mildly sensitive; definitely not as bad as some of the others in the group
Gentle touches will put him to sleep, though—anywhere is a melt spot if you're gentle enough lol. just putty in your hands
Ears, under the chin, and feet are especially sensitive
Be careful though because he WILL ragdoll if you get him good enough
Likes to tease Magnus and Blitz the most
Doesn't have a very wide variety of teases in ASL but that does not matter..... the look he gives you is enough
The knowing smirk, the playful glint in his eyes, the wiggling fingers.......
Those long, thin, gentle fingers are KILLER
He's a kicker if you plan to target him so you better steer clear of those long legs
The friends that do get him from time to time try to keep from restraining his arms or hands so that he can still sign
His cheeks and ears flush a greenish hue when he's embarrassed or flustered (a rare occurance, but it's that much more special if you do get to see it)
If you somehow are able to crack the stoic exterior, you will be rewarded with the most adorable wheezy laugh with eyes and nose scrunched tight in resistance
Gremlin switchhhhh. The switchiest of all.
An absolute force of chaos, both as a lee and as a ler
Feisty! He plays a bit rougher (if he knows you can handle it)
Loud, boisterous laughter. Incredibly contagioius
He can actually say The Word, though he does get mildly embarrassed from it
A Big Meanie (affectionate) to Magnus and Alex but is a little gentler with Hearth
He will almost never target you if he's in his regular nice clothes... there's no way he's gonna risk getting them dirty or torn
But if he's in casual/comfy clothes (still looking dope as hell ofc) or in battle gear you better watch out
And heaven forbid you start something with him while he's in his nice clothes. Because you are TOAST the next time he gets a chance
Sooo so fun to play around with (and unlike with Alex or Sam there is not a risk of dying :,)
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