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flomelias · 7 months ago
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anyways look at his fucking teeth.. fanglander cld be real guys.. ( said while rubbing my hands together like an evil fly )
fanglander who lets his teeth graze teasingly / threateningly along the sensitive skin of your neck whenever you’re on his nerves ( which is so so often ). bitelander who doesn’t give you warning, just sinks his teeth into you. he likes the way you squirm, really, it’s cute.
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flomelias · 7 months ago
the boys ; washing off!
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requested by no one! afab, feminine, the deep!reader. includes depowered!kevin moskowitz. warning for nsfw mentions & general nudity (but this isn’t a nsfw piece) as well as gore descriptions (typical the boys stuff). fandom masterlist found here. 🧼 . . . author notes: combined some ideas that were floating in my head.. what if the deep was actually cool & respected as homelander’s 2nd in command? what if reader was the one covered in blood for once? felt silly. might make more unhinged reader pieces. lowk imagined reader as the same / close height as him, idk why but i tried to keep it vague regardless. this is rlly exploratory btw.
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kevin moskowitz
— you hear him on his feet before you see him coming towards you, a certain look on his face that you don’t really appreciate. he’s surprised, sputtering something or other about not expecting you like this — he’s acting as if you’ve never been in his home before. you can’t believe you’ve stooped so low, fucking a man named kevin. his dick was big, though.. enough to satisfy your supe libido, if nothing else.
— it’s only once you lift and press his hand to your cheek, his fingers rubbing against caked blood that you’re reminded of the viscera that covered you more than your clothes did. small bits and pieces of people clung to your form, your skin caked with layers upon layers, gallons of blood. the sheer number of people you’ve just disposed of for vought.. kevin tries not think about it, you can tell by the way he brushes your cheek with your thumb. he humanizes you, always. maybe that’s why you came here first. battered and wrecked, you came to him, him first —
— “let’s.. get you cleaned off,” he murmurs. it’s always a suggestion, he’s not in charge. you’re the one with powers, the one leaving red splatters on his floor. you’re in charge. he doesn’t move until you nod your head, words refusing to escape your lips. you’d like to say something. anything, really. unfortunately for you, somewhere between your brain and your tongue, the words happen to get lost. maybe behind your eyes, maybe in the back of your throat. it doesn’t matter, all that matters is the way kevin guides you to his shower, opening the door to the bathroom and urging you in.
— he strips you bare after a few checks of consent. he’s so cautious, almost as though he knows how tricky supes can be. careful hands peel your blood soaked suit off you — you can hear his breath hitch as he sees your breasts. they’ve always been his favorite part of you, you’re sure he just has a thing for tits. size doesn’t matter, imperfections don’t matter. it never gets old for him, seeing you in your rawest, most human form. seeing you naked.
— you were the deep. the fucking deep. mistress of the seas, a badass warrior, homelander’s number two. his right hand. do you know how strong, how ruthless you have to be for homelander of all people to acknowledge you? you were a pinnacle of strength, you could kill a man with a single punch and you were fast, not a-train fast but still. you were super. you were a supe. oh, and the public adored you. they saw a lot of you but they never saw this.
— never would the public see red dripping down your chest to the floor, they’d never be able to appreciate the way your body shivers against the sudden cold now that your suit wasn’t protecting you. the blood was even in your hair, he noticed. no, they’d never ever see you as he did. moskowitz had never been special until he encountered you. and now look at him.. stripping down to accompany you for a much needed shower.
— once you’re both under the running water, he starts with washing your hair. he’s tender in the way he scrubs at your scalp, letting his shampoo lather before he gently moves your head down so he can rinse all the gore and grime out. one or two rounds of this occur, just to be thorough. then he uses conditioner, his conditioner, and lets it sit in your head while he works on your body. you’re going to smell almost exactly like him by the end of this. the thought doesn’t exactly disgust you, not smelling like the sea for once.
— he’s even more caring with your body, his touch almost reverent as he gets into every nook and cranny. even the ones free of blood were cleaned. he can’t help but palm your breasts once he gets to them, doing a bit more than cleaning. you can’t say you hate the way he feels them up. the way he leans in to give your cheek a kiss. he’s not thinking with his dick, you can tell. he’s just.. being affectionate. “mm,” a hum escapes your lips, finally, noise. one hand of yours goes to his hair, snaking across his scalp and gripping his brown locks before pressing him to your chest so he can hear your heartbeat.
— “i love you,” he breathes out, holding onto you. the brunette’s so human, it’s cute. he doesn’t hesitate to let his cheek rest against your breast, doesn’t hesitate to listen to the constant beating of your heart.
— “so do i,” you murmur. and that’s that — he’d never ask for anything more. eventually you’ll come around. that’s what he tells himself anyways.. i mean, he’s pressed against your chest, he better not push his luck. he pressed a small smooch to your closest tit, the left one, and then pulls back some to finish washing you off. he goes back up to your hair, finally getting out those last stubborn pieces and massaging your scalp in a way you didn’t know you needed. and then the shower’s over.
— you’re left in the bathroom alone for a few moments picking gore bits out from under your nails as kevin grabs some clothes for you. an old oversized band tee and a clean pair of his own tighty-whities, how ridiculously unfit for a hero of such high standing.. and yet you put them on without a second thought, letting the feel of his boxers against your skin really sink in. nice enough. he’s a fan too, judging by how he’s eyeing you.
— “better?” he asks softly you’re both dressed. he’s concerned which isn’t unusual. he’s always worried about something, worried you’re somehow hurt or worried you’ll get in trouble; you’re always explaining that you’re powerful. the only one who could stop you was homelander him-fucking-self. and you had no worries about that happening, not when the all american asshat had some bitch he was bending over for himself against company orders.
— “much better,” you reply, coming over and resting your hands at his hips. you press your foreheads together the best you can, kissing at his lips. “much better, baby. thank you.” maybe it wasn’t so bad, fucking a guy named kevin. maybe it could even make you feel human.
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flomelias · 7 months ago
the boys ; nsfw alphabet!
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requested by no one, tagging @ginghampearlsnsweettea! afab, feminine reader. includes a-train. warning for nsfw. fandom masterlist found here. 📚 . . . author notes: this is mostly gn but i defaulted to an afab fem reader for certain hcs, thus the labeling. but now i’m thinking of him with a boyfriend.. maybe amab masc reader hcs soon…
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— a = aftercare — i think he’s very gentle throughout the whole affair, so i imagine he’d continue a sort of tender and sweet demeanor afterwards. depending on how much time reggie has with you, he’ll help you clean yourself up with a bath or get you into some fresh clothes. lots and lots of kisses follow, always. you’re his baby, he adores you.
— b = body part — i dunno your favorite part of him but his favorite part of you is probably your lower half! specifically your legs and feet. he’s not beating the feet allegations so just make sure you have them cleaned up nice at all times. i think a-train would like legs more than feet though, god, a good pair of legs really gets him going. just the natural curve of them.. skinny or muscular or fat, they’re gorgeous.
— c = cum — dare i say his cum tastes better than homelander’s.. i have a very strong vision. i think it has a taste that makes it clear he eats a healthy balance of all foods and stays hydrated.
— d = dirty secret — it’s not unusual for him to kiss at your feet and legs for foreplay.. also, he loves when his baby gets pedicures for him. i think the real dirty secret is that he wouldn’t mind trying pegging with you (but it has to be on a good day, lol).
— e = experience — trust me when i say reggie knows what he’s doing a good 90% of the time, esp with regular, vanilla sex. he’s only inexperienced in giving head & more taboo stuff like pegging & toy usage. he’s good at what he knows how to do!
— f = favorite position — any position where he can grip your thighs / hips / ass. as long as he grope and rub on that general area of your body, he’s fine. i think he’d also enjoy seeing your face but it’s not strictly necessary. casually down for anything as long as you’re sweet about asking.
— g = goofy — he’s not serious in the moment but he’s not silly about it? usually he tries to be sweet and romantic about sex. if a-train makes a mistake and you happen to laugh, sure, he’ll joke with you on it. but he’s not going out of his way to be a comedian most of the time. he’s definitely not formal about sex.
— h = hair — very clean, likes to make sure it looks appealing down there. you’re supposed to want to fuck him, lol. i do think if you wanted him to change the way he cleans or shaves himself, he’d follow along with it.
— i = Intimacy — reggie is extremely romantic ( or attempts to be ) every time he has sex with you. even with lustful quickies, he’s whispering and groaning about how perfect you are. oh, you’re so good to him. he likes to make sure you know that he loves you. even if you’re just fuckbuddies, there’s a level of respect that he finds himself hinting at in the moment. only you, it’s only you for him.
— j = jack off — can & will masturbate anywhere if he’s desperate enough. supe libido is nothing to play with!!! sometimes he’ll facetime or call you while he��s jacking off — not that you’d know, he’s pretty good at keeping a straight face.
— k = kink — i think he’d have a bunch of lil “interests” that could grow into full fledged kinks but like. haven’t, yet. like a-train enjoys dominant woman, he likes it when you take charge.. but he hasn’t fully delved into like, dommy mommy type stuff? same with voyeurism, he’s not willing to let the public see just because of his reputation but maybe you could set up a camera sometime?
— l = location — your bed, his bed, & dressing / changing rooms. those are his favorite places. the beds are an obvious choice, especially yours because it just feels better there, for whatever reason. but dressing rooms, the cramped space where you’re left alone to touch up your makeup.. mm, let him in!!! he makes every ten to fifteen minute outfit change into a quickie.
— m = motivation — reggie loves it when you strut, when you move your legs in that sexy, scandalous way. when you bend over or stretch up to reach for something, showing off yourself.. it gets him going just to see you walk sometimes. god forbid he sees you masturbating — it’s over, you’re going to poundtown.
— n = no — no face sitting, sorry everyone! he doesn’t find it appealing, even as he dabbles into giving head more. in my opinion, he also wouldn’t like bondage. like.. ever.
— o = oral — definitely receives more than he gives oral but i think he’d slowly learn and try giving it more for you. a-train’s inexperienced with giving head but he’s attentive enough to figure out what you do and don’t like through trial and error.
— p = pace — definitely on the faster side but he tries not to be rough because.. it would be super awkward if he accidentally super-speed fucked you to death. talks a lot during the whole affair, i think his words are the sensual and romantic part and his actions are usually more lustful.
— q = quickie — in his ideal world, you guys would have a quickie every single time you see each other. but alas, reality is disappointing… on a serious note, reggie loves quickies. loves to make you feel good midday, esp if you work at vought. mid office hours, he’s reminding you of the joys of life that are often forgotten the harsh corporate environment.
— r = risk — down to experiment, especially if it’s something you have experience with! makes him feel a lot more comfortable. a-train doesn’t often bring up new things to the table, he more or less gets into everything he likes the first few times you fuck.
— s = stamina — he lasts. he lasts. that’s all you need to know. you guys stop when you say to, not him. his stamina is nothing to go by.
— t = toys — does not use toys! he’s never had toys used on him, though once or twice a partner wanted him to use a toy on them and he obliged. generally inexperienced here.
— u = unfair — a-train is so in love with you, he doesn’t really like to make you whine or beg. he’ll tease a little, just to make you pout or lightly scold him but if he ever senses you getting desperate or agitated, he’ll be quick to concede and give you what you want. doesn’t mind being teased to the brink btw.. if you were curious..
— v = volume — can manage his noises and stay quiet when necessary but prefers not to. reggie’s generally loud and vocal to encourage the same behavior from you. he loves hearing you moan, loves hearing the two of you grunting together.
— w = wild card — i think he’d be more than happy to make at home movies with you that you guys can watch. videos for when you to watch when he’s busy, vice versa, videos for certain holidays, roleplay-esque ones. you guys would have to make new ones frequently because he’d delete the older ones for safety & privacy. the public CANNOT get their hands on them.
— x = x-ray — i’m not very good at describing penises. this one is up to your imagination 🫶 #peace
— y = yearning — supe libido. i believe that all supes have higher libidos generally but he’s definitely on the higher end of that. a-train’s drive will NEVER slow ‼️
— z = zzz — considering you guys only stop when you say to, he’s usually not tuckered out much from the sex. he does nap with you anyways though when he can because life is tiring and your arms are so comforting.. reggie makes sure you’re as clean as you like to be, makes sure you’re comfortable too before settling beside you for a while.
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flomelias · 7 months ago
the deep is the type of guy to say he likes crazy girls and then get scared when he sees his supe partner covered in blood from head to toe after causing soo much carnage. he has to step over disfigured corpses to get to you. he sort of glances at them and laughs nervously. “you’d never do that to me though, right?” lol. he’s so sillyyyy i want to bite his head off.
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flomelias · 6 months ago
the boys ; nsfw alphabet!
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requested by anon! afab, feminine reader. includes the deep. warning for nsfw. fandom masterlist found here. 🖍️ . . . author notes: sorry this took so long to roll out! my mental health’s been so up & down <\3 but i think i’m back on track!
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the deep
— a = aftercare — doesn’t know the world aftercare. he does know generally to hold you for a few minutes afterwards. but i’ll be honest his street name with women is probably “get off and go”… the ridiculous way he fucks and ducks would be funny if it wasn’t so annoying. just coax him ( or demand of him ) to stay. you’ll have to train him a little like a pavlov dog but he’ll get there.
— b = body part — not sure about your favorite body part of his but his favorite part of you is likely your tits. i think kevin’s a total boob guy, they’re just so aesthetically pleasing to him. doesn’t matter if they’re big enough for him to rest his head on or small enough to fit fully in his palm; he loves tits.. first thing he does when a girl undresses is sucks on her nipples. he’s actually really good at palming, kissing, sucking, and occasionally nipping at your breasts.
— c = cum — a tinge salty. usually a warm off-white color. thick, also. the deep’s favorite place to cum is of course on your tits, but he also enjoys seeing your thighs all sticky and shaky too.
— d = dirty secret — is not an anal virgin! i just know he’s taken it up the ass at least once, though he refuses to say whether it was from pegging or from a man. one day you bring pegging into the picture and moskowitz’s a little too casual about letting you slide that strap of yours into his eager hole. it’s a lot less tight than you imagined, too.. that’s when you realize he’s not new to the concept.
— e = experience — he’s fairly experienced especially in the realm of vanilla sex. he’s not new to toys or to taking it up the ass but he doesn’t exactly say that he’s experienced with those things.. so you’re introducing them and thinking he’s never done it before and then you’re like “wow he’s taking this really well… wait.” i feel like he goes on freaky side quests so he’s got knowledge on some more taboo things but he’s slightly ashamed of it in a way? he’s ashamed of getting off to things like being pegged or being in positions where his partner’s in power. fragile masculinity and such.
— f = favorite position — he would probably tell his friends something stupid like “whichever one where she’s bent over and i’m fucking her from behind”. but secretly? kevin’s favorite positions involve you standing up or sitting in a chair and him on his knees or somehow lower than you. when he gets to kiss up your legs or eat you out from under — sometimes you make him ride your boot and ( despite his hesitation each time ) he likes it a lot more than he cares to admit. he likes being put in his place. loves when you ride him like he’s nothing, too. he’s fucking you but you’re still in charge.
— g = goofy — he’s usually pretty goofy, making jokes until you tell him or force him to shut up. on the bright side, things will never be awkward! he’s relaxed enough to let a lot of mistakes slide if you’re inexperienced. he’ll laugh it off, though he might bring it up to tease you later. i think the only time he’s not so goofy is when you’ve got him needy and restless, pleading with you for something. when he’s all desperate, his only focus is behaving for you. no jokes, just pleas and whimpers and those darling eyes of his tearing up as he begs.
— h = hair — shaves when you ask. doesn’t shave unless you ask him to or unless he gets bored and wants to clean himself up.
— i = intimacy — the deep is definitely not the most romantic in the book but he tries during foreplay. he’ll press his forehead to yours and maybe make a corny ocean related love pun. you’ll laugh and he really likes that, your laugh, and he’ll kiss your neck and then.. he’ll see your chest rise and fall and.. fuck, he’s getting hard. and then it’s all out the window — sex, now. please. he’ll be romantic again afterwards if you’ve schooled him on aftercare but — babe, when you look so good and you’re already so close to him? sex, sex, sex.
— j = jack off — sometimes calls you in the middle of the work day just to jerk off. he finds it so hot when you talk him through it from wherever you are.. also, moskowitz has definitely jerked off in the seven meeting room when no one else is around 😭 don’t flash any uv lights around his spot at that fucking table. if you tell him not to masturbate, he’ll try his best not to. but, i do think he is a victim of supe libido ( though not as much as a-train.. ).
— k = kink — being dominated easy. this is a man born to be a sub, forced to be a dom. doesn’t mean he doesn’t love pounding into your cunt every so often and making you scream his name despite yourself. but he is just as, if not more interested in being your little boy toy to use and abuse and all those things. and then tell him he’s a big strong man afterwards, that’s the cherry on top. he just took your strap like a champ — only real, tough men can do that!
— l = location — if you’re down, he’s down, especially when he’s horny. any location will do, though preferably somewhere with a little bit of privacy so he doesn’t have others seeing your body.
— m = motivation — the deep’s not extremely easily motivated but, c’mon. it’s you. if he’s in love with you he’s going to be aroused by whatever you happen to do in relation to him. you compliment his work? hard. you laugh at one of his stupid jokes? hard. you slap him? ouch.. hard. and probably needy too.
— n = no — don’t touch his gills ever or he will freak out. it honestly takes a bit of time for him to even be comfortable taking off his shirt around you. i think this is something you could try to work on but even as he grows more confident in himself and his body, kevin doesn’t want you touching his gills. you can kiss around them, however, once he’s close with you.
— o = oral — oral king. loves to eat, loves to be sucked. absolute adores oral, it’s easy and it’s fun and it makes his toes curl, giving or receiving. genuinely, i think he’d be a big fan of it.
— p = pace — depends on his mood, your mood, and what you’re both wanting in that moment. he’s usually not very sloppy until the very end unless he’s been edged for a while. every now and then he wants it fast and reckless but most of the time he’s fine with going at a medium sort of speed.
— q = quickie — if it’s oral then yes to quickies! but a strong no outside of that. moskowitz doesn’t want to fuck you for ten minutes, no, he wants it to stretch. to be fair, head is like perfect for quickies anyways. especially if you’re giving and he’s been pent up that day.
— r = risk — generally, if you’re down, he’s down. just talk to him about it while you’re kissing on each other, don’t spring it on him. you might have to walk him through the concepts you’re bringing up, maybe have a video handy.
— s = stamina — supe stamina is nothing to play with. he stops when you tell him to but if you don’t speak up he knows to stop when you’re all fucked out and babbling or out of breath. especially if he’s sub, he stops when he thinks you can’t take anymore because he’s a good boy who can take care of you. the deep doesn’t want to fuck you to death, silly.
— t = toys — not inexperienced with them but not a full fledged toy master. he’s open to using whatever you have if it looks interesting or sounds promising.
— u = unfair — every time he tries to play unfair, you quickly put him in his place and he loves that. just a little bit of a brat sometimes. he’ll tell you to beg for his dick and all you have to do is pull his hair a little — he’s rolling his eyes all playful and pretending like he’s not harder from that. “okay, okay, miss impatient…” as kevin lines himself at your entrance.
— v = volume — not loud, not quiet. kind of just average or normal? he doesn’t like it when you’re quiet though, makes him feel like he’s fucking a dead fish. react, respond, insult him, anything. just don’t be quiet, don’t seem bored.
— w = wild card — i think you guys should try using vibrators on each other throughout the day. i think he’d enjoy that. you both come home all shaky and aching and desperate for each other, barely making it to the bedroom because you’re undressing each other in the hall. 🫶
— x = x-ray — again, not good at describing penises. i don’t think his is the prettiest but it’s definitely big. homelander’s is the prettiest in my mind.
— y = yearning — medium to high range supe libido. jokes about fucking you all the time but he’s really not as sex obsessed as you’d think.
— z = zzz — he likes sleeping with you after sex a lot.. it’s something that surprises even him, as usually he does the good ol’ fuck and duck. he loves when you cuddle into him or when he’s able to cuddle into you, holding onto you by the waist and finally relaxing. he’s so content with the sound of your breathing or snoring. like constant ocean waves.. so comforting. you’re like home to him, in moments like these.
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flomelias · 7 months ago
ken!deep w barbie!reader stay with me…
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flomelias · 7 months ago
Imagine this though. The Deep paired with a user whose powers are chlorokinesis. 👀
if ur hinting at a poison ivy-esque user i will literally scream.. omfg yes?? yes?? both nature based heroes!
he’s as impressed as he is jealous of you. your power is just much more useful on a day to day basis — there isn’t a single place worth going on this planet that doesn’t have plant life in some way. it doesn’t help that vought pairs you up as often as possible for global warming and environmental aid campaigns (all while participating in oil rigging projects in foreign countries).
anon can we kiss…?
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flomelias · 7 months ago
i think the deep wld go well with someone he has a genuine underlying fear of. like yes he loves you.. but also jesus christ — did you just say human centipede was a cinematic masterpiece? the best movie of all? what?
“i like it for the plot ^_^” and then you explain the plot. all he can do is manage a strangled “cool.”
the hottest babes are always genuinely scary anyways
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flomelias · 8 months ago
( 🎒 ) the boys!
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O1 ) . . . . character ai bots!
— x ; the deep & a glorified babysitter ( fem user )
— x ; homelander & can’t say no to you ( gn, ceo!user )
— x ; homelander & a baby for your baby ( fem, supe!user )
— x ; homelander & maid&master ( femlander with fem, maid!user )
— x ; homelander & my immortal ( gn, undead!user )
— x ; queen maeve & exclusive interview ( fem, actress!user )
— x ; the deep & red flags ( gn, supe!user )
— x ; the deep & he’s your ken ( fem, barbie!user )
O2 ) . . . . hcs!
— nsfw / x ; a-train & taking it slow ( afab, feminine reader )
— nsfw / x ; a-train & nsfw alphabet ( afab, feminine reader )
— sfw / x ; kevin moskowitz & washing off ( afab, feminine, the deep!reader )
— nsfw / x ; the deep & nsfw alphabet ( afab, feminine reader )
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voidsuites · 6 months ago
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tysm for the tag!!! love uuuu <33333 (yes it’s 2 fixations in one SUE ME!!!)
no pressure tags!! ✷ @majoriehoax @charmvinyl @flomelias @julesssyy + whoever wants to do this!!! <3333
cute thing im coming up with
this picrew and your current hyperfixation !!
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no pressure tags @pearlzier @julesssyy @reidsfavoritegirl @whitney23317 @willowsblanket @flowercrownsandtrauma @rottenletter
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flomelias · 7 months ago
currently SO in love with femlander. milflander. sugar mommylander. i want to be her princess so bad FUCK no one else gets me
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flomelias · 2 months ago
may or may not be coming back for the new year guys <3 stay tuned
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flomelias · 8 months ago
( 🎒 ) mortal kombat!
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O1 ) . . . . character ai bots!
— none yet!
O2 ) . . . . hcs!
— nsfw / x ; tomas vrbada, mileena, + johnny cage & them giving head ( afab reader )
— nsfw / x ; tomas vrbada & princess treatment ( afab, feminine reader )
— sfw / x ; tomas vrbada & general hcs ( gender neutral reader )
— nsfw / x ; johnny cage & slasher star sicko ( afab, feminine reader )
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flomelias · 6 months ago
retheming my account so everyone forgets how inactive i’ve been ❤️‼️ but i’ll be getting back into writing & bot making err soon guys I promise
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flomelias · 7 months ago
literally no one asked but a homelander baby fever bot will be coming out soon
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flomelias · 6 months ago
u gotta watch gen v!!!!
I actually do omg idk if you’ve used yameoto’s (? hope i spelled the user right) gen v bots but literally i’m in love with yam’s cate & jordan bots.. the sole reason i adore cate as a baby girl princess. jordan I liked before but yam put me on cate..
anyways, i definitely plan on watching it soon! if you have any bot reqs for gen v u can deff send them in and i’ll get to them when i’m able!
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