#desPAIRING xdddd
katyspersonal · 1 year
I genuinely had no idea how to call Rom x Ebrietas ship and your Spiderietas idea is really neat. Sorry if that's a weird question but do you have some other names for the ships that aren't really named by the fandom?
Oh, thanks! Yeah uhhh, "creative" names usually happen from the fact that actual characters names might not clash well at all... Normally I just clash names where they share a letter, but at times there is no shared one as well, or a character is not named..
So yeah I will just share names I am using:
Spiderietas - Rom x Ebrietas, obviously! Because Rom is a spider.
Iosedgar - Iosefka x Edgar. Another rareship, based on the fact that there is her blood vial in Nightmare of Mensis! I had an alternative version that it was a parting gift (?) from Iosefka to Edgar, and just recently some anon had the same idea, which prompted me to name the ship!
Crownalise - Bloody Crow x Annalise! This name is coined by @heraldofcrow actually, since Crow doesn't have canon name and you'd have to improvise, but it is cute as it has word 'crown' in it xd I also used to call King x Annalise ship cainnalise... Because king of Cainhurst and Annalise, and because of some headcanon regarding taking name/title of 'Cain' upon marriage, dating back to an important member of the dynasty named that, but my headcanons since then changed from THE first Cain being Yharnam's (sacrificial) spouse in cursed marriage ritual, to being her brother that had to continue the bloodline since Mergo literally fused with Yharnam's womb, sooo.. Yeah, I am not SURE if this name still works. I might cope with it being related to the castle rather than the person Cain, so that's up in the air!
Djurally - Djura x Djura's Ally. Again, that NPC has no name, he is literally titled 'Djura's Ally, so same thing x)
Assasimon - Using it for Brador x Simon. I did hear variant 'bradmon', but I think the "creative" one just works for me better. I'd usually use both in the tags, actually!
Simoonlight - Simon x Ludwig, another "had to use my imagination" moment because I swear Simon's name works sooooo awfully with most of the names ;-; I heard variant 'bowblade', but it really doesn't satisfy me because it is literally Simon's weapon's name dsjhfhds It is a personal nitpick and you should not use my silly replacement and instead should just use 'bowblade' like a normal person xd
Hunterriet - Hunter x Henriett! Aka wasted potential of the character on From's side in my opinion
Yahargura - okay, this ship 10000% doesn't exist, like, no chance in Hell. I totes made this shit up 😎 But basically, a Yahar'gul hunter we find in Underground Cells - same place where Yamamura and Gratia are at, is not Antal. He uses Church's pick too, but he has completely different data otherwise! I have this whole story in my head, with how Yamamura is a summon in Yahar'gul, and how there is already a defector Antal - that maybe it was another defector friend that helped him to escape! So Yamamura, Simon, Gratia and this hunter basically formed the YOU MEDDLING KIDS team to close in on Church's darkest secrets! So yeah, it is one the ships possible within the team (and my preferred one). There are also simamura (Simon x Yamamura) and gratimon (Gratia x Simon). See, Simon's name is so inconvenient! He makes ship names sound like Dig1mon names -_-"
Romaria - Rom x Maria. It is closer to a crackships than to a rareship, and was based off my old joke about how Willem x Rom is similar to Gehrmaria but with magic aesthetic instead of warrior one dhfdhs Granted, it is not that similar (for one I am CALLING status and age difference between Rom and Willem to be much bigger), but somewhere deep in my mind there are unborn shitposts mostly based off Willem and Gehrman getting cucked I am thinking maybe willemoonside for Willem x Rom (awful and cursed) since she is in the Moonside Lake as a spider.., because I am NOT calling it 'romushroom'. NOPE.
Yurimposter - Yurie/Julie x Imposter Iosefka. Really have had it with unnamed characters... :( Yuriedgar for her and Edgar, of course. And impostedgar for the remaining pair, though I've never seen anyone ship it?
Yurimian - Yurie x Damian. It was my very first BB ship, along with @val-of-the-north, based on the idea that both of these characters are, actually, "failed" members of their respective institutions. Since then my vision of both characters had changed so much that I find it hard to feel the same way about this ship now, but there is just still.. something. Besides Val still loves this ship, so I am not allowed to 100% disown it xD
I also simply use yurom for Yurie x Rom, although I personally consistently refer to her as Julie (a more accurate translation of her name). I tried to have something creative, like for example 'vacurie' (vacious + yurie), but I didn't like anything so I just clashing names here!
Bradorence - Brador x Laurence, my beloved. If there is secretly a "fancy" name that is used instead, let me know! This ship basically doesn't exist so I cannot be sure on whether there is accepted name for it yet or not?
Romicolash - Rom x Micolash, I use it together with 'micorom' because I just like this name for the ship better.
Kosmicolash - Micolash x Kos, obviously, and Abductor Parents for Micolash x Wet Nurse because I honestly don't know what word to come up with BUT they do have a kidnapped infant xdddd
Djurman - Djura x Gehrman! Talked about this one, lotta parallels with Maria, lotta reasons to theorise Djura was his first Dreaming Hunter; and I think the only one that worked with him for him for more than one night.
Swordsmelia - Amelia/Emilia x Cleric Beast from the bridge! That beast drops Swords Hunter badge, basically a toned-down version of the badge of Ludwig's Holy Blades, so I presume it used to be one of the clerics who are also... well, swordsmen... Badge's description says so. Chiemilia is an alternative that I probably will use instead tbh, coming from chief + Emilia (it is a more proper translation of her name), since with that badge it is ALSO how you buy Hunter's Chief Emblem, so likely that cleric beast is now in the status Ludwig used to be... okay, this paragraph is just turning into 'why you should care about Cleric Beast of the bridge, lol sdhfdsdf. In fact, if there is already a name, I'd like to know, but I have not seen this ship often...? Like, at all? I've seen Laurence x Amelia more often than this, actually! (that I call amence, as hysterical as this name containing word 'amen' is lol.) Again, I saw these ships, but I never saw a name for either, even once? help
Adolline - Adeline x Doll! There are like 5 ways to justify how it could happen, so I will just leave it be here.
Mariador - Maria x Brador. If someone ever actually ships it please kick me, I am not proactive on this ship but it could be pretty fun I think xd
Maria x Ludwig genuinely has me puzzled, because mariudwig doesn't sound all that bad, but I also WANT to "get creative" xd Cainhudwig is as punny as I like em, but mariudwig sounds better? Honestly, I think with this one I am okay just calling it this..?
Nightmaresearch - this one is also silly, and comes from the fact that BOTH characters in it are unnamed. It is how I called a ship of those female Church hunters (black and white) that you have to fight before entering Research Hall. I also have a variant knightmaresearch when Maria is involved, because she is a Knight, so it becomes double pun.. I saw this "ship" with all three girls usually in pr0n context in Japanese sources, but also I once saw the white girl and Maria legitimately shipped. Basically, 'nightmare' is replaced with 'knightmare' whether it is Maria with both or only one of these girls. If Hell freezes over, sky falls on Earth, BB gets ported on PC and these hunters become popular enough to discern the ship names better, I might reconsider, but so far it works!
Micoed for Micolash x Edgar, damicolash for Damian x Micolash and edgamian for Edgar x Damian. Nuff said. Edgamialash for all three.
Forgotentacles - Forgotten Madman x Madman's Escort. xd I know this name is hysterical, but it makes sense because they both wear robes wrapped with coiled tentacles, and use Augur.... :') xd Again - when both characters are not named lmao bottomtext.
Despairing - both of Desperate Hunters / Hunters of Despair / whatever shipped.
Alfeather - Alfred x Crow, but it's been like two years since I've lost liking for this ship, sorry.. Too much hassle with how not only Alfred's questline should never progress, but he also should have been a total looser that never actually found and harmed a single Vileblood in his life- because Crow would never forgive that. I just prefer to let Alfred be eeeeeviiiiiil rather than "preserve" him from actually doing something for the sake of a ship I do not even main xd
Okaaaay..... That's all I have to offer for now- Again, maybe there are secret corners of the fandom I haven't seen that named some of these already and I am just being goofy, just hit me up if something comes up! I also absolutely cannot come up with a name for Maria x Bloody Crow... I was thinking Astral Crowtower, but maybe a better name is yet to come to me. (besides I do not main this ship either) Thank you for an ask! And honestly sorry for (most likely) frying your brain with the puns 💀💀💀
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despairforme · 11 months
His ass is flat? Not for long
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❝ What 'da fuck does that mean? ❞
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anonymousreader4d7 · 4 months
Hermit-a-day Day 28: Scar!
We've got a (pair of) Mr. GoodTimes here for Day 28!
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Scar is a Fae/Human Hybrid, with shapeshifting magics that were activated/"woken" by his (and Cub's) Deal with the Vex as ConVex... As always, check out the RMAU-Verse for details
So, when I first designed Scar in my Boatem series 2 years ago (wow, that was SO long ago...), I really wanted to strike a balance between his Minecraft character having to canonically have the ability to walk, while still paying "homage" (kind of?) to cc!Scar's disability - which also kinda has to be canon, what with the jokes/references and such that he makes. So, I settled on leg braces - and I liked the way they turned out and the idea itself so much that I HAD to keep it for my "new"/current Scar designs! So, Scar has leg braces he's able to "power"/enhance with his Fae magic for when he needs to walk, but he also has a wheelchair (not pictured in these designs) for days he's magically exhausted and can't, doesn't need to, or doesn't want to walk.
Also! Have a bonus Zookeeper Scar design - because Scar deserves to get to have his shorts, XD.
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I finished this one last night (and then made some minor additions to the other one), but I'm really pleased with how they BOTH turned out. His braces are clear and look good, his compass necklace (which, yeah, that's what it's supposed to be) works well with both skins, and I'm just... All in all very pleased with these Scar designs!!! (Despite the fact that I was despairing while drawing the braces, XDDDD - I managed to copy them for the second piece which made things a LOT easier, XD)
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What's the "For The Forgotten Ones" about?
Oh boy! Let me tell you bestie xDDDD
It’s a fanfic, amazing fanfic may I say, about the undertale multiverse. I know, not everyone like the utmv because it’s mostly sans xDDDD And we ship them together xDDDD But! This one is simply amazing!
A beacon of despair draws Nightmare’s attention to an empty universe. Or Nightmare recruits Ink before he destroys his soul and angst and fluff happens
It’s on AO3, by I’m_Sorry_Buddy (the name makes sense later lmao)
Btw, it’s very much possible that if you see my ftfo art you get spoiled so if you’re gonna read it avoid iiit xDDDD
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alchemicaladarna · 6 months
Little tangent about my journey with the QSMP fandom <3
First, I'm going to preface this post by saying, I wouldn't have been interested in the server, been introduced to so many communities, languages, and cultures, if not for the eggs and the admins. So, I initially gained interest when I saw a lot of people posting about Tallulah and.... Misclick duo (lmao) so I decided to check out what everybody was talking about mid-April 2023.
I watched Philza's April 29 VOD- "last" day of the eggs. Absolutely loved Chayanne and Phil planting potatoes because of Phil telling stories about Techno. Cried like a baby after. So now I'm invested.
I downloaded Twitch the next day, in time for the Brazilians' arrival. My main pov continued to be Philza, so I was a Crow for quite a while, mostly into the summer. I started watching Cellbit when the mystery really started to ramp up by the end of May.
Then Bobby died and everyone's reactions made me sob for like, a week.
Summer was probably the most time I've had fun watching QSMP. I don't know why, but it was such a good era, despite the discourse about elections lmao. I began to gravitate more towards watching Foolish's pov and when Jaiden began streaming every day, I had her as my main pov as well. Shoutout to the doozers and Jaiden mains <33
Then, Tina and Bagi arrived and I began religiously watching them as well for, uh. Reasons 🏳️‍🌈 XD. Got invested in Bagi's lore and then everybody became really busy during October so Bad and Bagi were pretty much the only ones consistently on the server XD.
Then, and only then, did I hear little whispers about q!Badboyhalo's soul vultures and possible death? And I got really really interested then. And that's where the Ghostie era started lmao. Up to now, Bad is the only person I'd watch consistently and keep up to date on his lore because well, after the soul vultures arc and especially Sweet Despair, you can't really go back to anything else after that you know?
Of course, without the QSMP, I don't think I would've discovered/re-discovered so many wonderful streamers like Fit, Tubbo, Étoiles, Mouse, or Baghera to name a few.
The past few weeks have probably been the shittiest and most anxiety-ridden weeks for me ever. But, I don't want all the negativity and anxiety to overshadow what was, for me, THE most special and unique fandom experience I've ever had. The QSMP is such a special project, there's no doubt about that. I want that to continue.
So, if this post can offer any sort of positivity and relieve some of the dread we've all been feeling, to any person from any community, that would mean so much to me already.
Send love to and the utmost kindness and care to any and all ex admins, and continue to show your support for the current admins too please. It will take a long time for this to be resolved, and it's terrifying I know, but all we can do is support each other and wait.
Remember to always take care of yourselves and no matter what happens, it always rains before you can see a rainbow right? So, in other words, things will become worse before they can get better. Idk what will happen with the QSMP, but know that life becomes better eventually. No matter the outcome, you'll be ok. We'll all be ok. <333
Edit: oh my god I just realized qsmp 1st anniversary isn't tomorrow. Today is the 20th djrjtbrbebd
There's still 2 days but um everything else I said is still true XDDDD
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month
"Damn kich' even you weren't this innocent when you were his age."
"Hey!.... you're not wrong though. Maybe it has to do with that Luck that Enoshima mentioned?"
"Maybe, still feels a bit- oh thanks for the drawing smaller Kichi. You.... really captured our...."
"Oh you made us look so evil! Good job!"
XDDDD Honestly Lil baby Kiki is adopted as a little brother to the Twins and if anyone tries to hurt him they WILL end you.
... If the Despair Family doesn't get to you first!
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
P3R while I was gone, part 3: The False Prince and the Rainbow Disco Party
Life is good in the aftermath of the final shadow. Yesterday was a terrible battle, but I must still go to school today, etc. And after school, it’s time to celebrate!
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We’re all so glad to be done with this nonsense. Even Mitsuru’s dad is here, to officially disband SEES at midnight.
I forgot Ken has never met him. XD
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The only people missing are Aigis and Ikutsuki; he took her back to the lab to check up on a few things. Junpei really wants a group picture, and since they still aren’t back, we’re just going to have to take another one later.
He asks one of Kirijo-san’s guys to take the picture for us. It goes great. XDDDD
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It’s getting later and later, and I like to think that Mitsuru’s dad enjoyed spending time with us. We had a good time. We ate so much sushi! And now it’s time to count down to midnight.
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...well, fuck. X’D
Yeah, there was no way that was the final boss. Ikutsuki and Aigis still aren’t back, and Mitsuru’s dad is furious, because this was supposed to be the end of things. We get Fuuka to search for Ikutsuki, and she locates both him and Aigis at the entrance to Tartarus.
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Ikutsuki has removed her free will to make her obedient to him. But aside from that, SEES wants to know what the fuck is going on, because ridding the world of shadows and the Dark Hour was our entire purpose, and it’s still here.
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Apparently the end will come and free the world from despair! The only salvation lies in ruin!
Right. Sure. Why is everyone always trying to free the world from despair in the wrong way?
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Well, that’s a bit arrogant, huh? Somehow I don’t think that getting us to kill the shadows makes you the prince. I think you’ve misinterpreted something, since the note we found in Monad said that the Prince of Salvation would be “born” after gathering all the shadows.
You, sir, already exist. Regrettably.
Ikutsuki gets Aigis to capture all of us and drag us up to what would be the school’s observatory in normal time. God only knows how you find a specific room in Tartarus when it’s constantly changing, plus, like… did the shadows not bother you and Aigis while you hauled seven people and a dog up the tower?
Not to mention, how long were we out, because how long did it take to do this?
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Oh, yeah, Mitsuru’s dad came after us and wants to know what the hell is going on. Ikutsuki is very chill about mass human sacrifice of teenagers and children.
Mitsuru’s dad is NOT down with this, because he does not want the world to end, and he ends up getting away from Aigis to take a shot at Ikutsuki.
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Ikutsuki gets gut shot and screams at Aigis to kill the rest of us.
Mitsuru’s dad collapses.
And Aigis looks at all of her friends, and shoots out the chains to free us.
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Ikutsuki wants to know why we’re even bothering to search for a reason to live in this “broken world”. No one really has an answer for him, especially not Mitsuru, who is busy trying to save her dad. And failing.
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You really weren’t.
Ikutsuki stumbles back and falls from the edge of the observatory platform, so we’ve lost all the adults who knew what was going on in one fell swoop.
It’s just us now.
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But I must still go to school today?
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Ah. Yeah.
Mitsuru doesn’t have any other family to deal with arrangements or the company, so… Yeah.
None of us are really okay. But there’s not much we can do at the moment. But Fuuka did dig into Ikutsuki’s computer files. He doctored that video of Yukari’s dad to make it sound like we needed to destroy the shadows, but Fuuka found the original.
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This leads to Yukari’s second awakening, changing Io into Isis to symbolize her newfound resolve. That’s five teammates so far! Mitsuru, Aigis, Koromaru, and I are left. And I don’t think Koromaru gets a second awakening.
My schedule returns to normal, and I’m wandering around as usual.
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I will find my Fortune! Even if it won’t be official. ^_^
Igor also wants to talk to me, but other than opening up some more special fusions, he just wants me to remember that I have to take responsibility for my actions.
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Honestly, my guy, I still don’t know what fate I chose?
Or maybe it’s the fate I’m going to choose, in which case, there’s only one choice.
On the social link front, Kenji has come to a decision!
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Well, I don’t know what the fuck is going to happen with you from here, but uh, good luck I guess?
Hey, who’s that over there?
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Oh. Oh… Okay, yeah, you’ve just been an idiot this whole time. She was talking to her fiance.
But… I dunno, I feel like at some point she should have noticed how Kenji was acting around her and shut that down a lot harder.
Chin up, Kenji. I guess. I’m gonna go ask my weird blue cousin what she wants to do tonight.
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Huh. Ken has one of those! We can talk about how the ending of season 2 was such a disappointment for the shippers.
(Also, is that a Sailor Moon reference?)
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Okaaaaaaaay, what is everyone else up to?
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...too real, sir. I’m going home.
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…...not sure how to tell you, Mamoru, but I do not take the sport seriously.
ANYWAY. I guess after Featherman tonight we should head back into Tartarus. It’s the only lead we have, and there has to be a top up there somewhere. Besides, I’m gonna be busy tomorrow, so let’s go now and see what’s up with the next area. We were at a border floor before.
Do you hear that?
It sounds like… eurodance Caramelldansen remix.
Getting closer.
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I love Harabah. Oh my gosh. This is fantastic. It’s hard to see the shadows roaming the floors, but I don’t even care, this is incredible. It’s SO different from all the other blocks and it’s amazing. I’m gonna have so much fun here.
I also finally fused Decarabia, so I got a new fusion spell!
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I love Star Forneus, too. <3
Tomorrow is Monday and we will go back to school and all will be right with the world because it’s November 9th and I have reasons to Scream. :D
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princessvoid78 · 9 months
facts about my ocs part 1:
- Chiawase is Chiru and Saiko’s lil sister
- Chiru is second vilain’s crush (My bestie is going to die of laugh ig- but none cares-)
- Saiko ever wanted to kill someone only for someone (like a yandere would do... LOL XDDDD)
- Saiko had a immortal wolf (don’t ask how and why, i don’t even know why i decided that), named Okami...
- Chiawase is litteraly the most mature
- Saiko forgot all of her family after she locked herself with her siblings
- Tsuki actually never locked herself with Saiko, Chiru and Chiawase, they got seperated after an explosion, who made her searching them for 5 WHOLE FUCKING YEARS
- Saiko got somehow kidnapped by her own PC after started playing dangaronpa, who made her participate the game... (to the Trigger happy havoc, Goodbye despair, and Killing harmony, so the scenario change a bit//My AU), she got stuck for 3 whole fucking years, she knews how yo guide everyone to survive, even if not everyone is alive actually-
- Saiko was supposed to be dead since she is 12... (and a half) during the explosion.
- The second vilain was manipulated bybthe main vilain
- The second vilain (Hernos/Herna) is trans (Male to Female), for being respected by his family who thought "she" was a cisgender girl...
- Hernos loves being called Herna, because "her" supportive sister called her like that when she was a kid...
- Saiko and Chiru are autistic
- Saiko’s backstory was based on a alternative version of mine
- Saiko made new friend while she was stuck in her pc with danganronpa (Ibuki Mioda [two idiots met :0], Kazuichi Souda [Soda’s protectors, also the third idiot], Chihiro Fujisaki [Saiko clearly knew everything about that buddy], Kokichi Ouma [She knew that he will end up alone one day], Celestia Lundenberg [don’t ask how and why, i have the power of the winx])
- Chiru was abandonned because he was ugly
- Iniky somehow exists
- Saiko still remebers her bestfriend
- When they go out for the first time, the world was destroyed
- Saiko somehow managed to make appear all the danganronpa carather to the real world (the one who died are inclued) and then despair and hope had to team... (why, i don’t know !)
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errantscriptor · 4 years
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// it seems every time I post a HC I find out it’s canon. WHELP GUESS I CALLED IT BEFORE I KNEW.
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Hi y’all, may I interest you in some Madoka Magica x MDZS AU stuff xD
After the announcement of the next PMMM movie, I kiinda sorta binge watched the series again? And then when that scene with Kyuubey showing Madoka the history of humanity and magical girls showed up, I thought: hey. Why not.
I guess this counts as time travel too, except the source of time travel is a pain in the butt fkjsdgk
This is just the initial idea tho xD
So, in here, the setting is still MDZS canon. Tho I guess Jiang Cheng takes the role of Homura here. More stuff under the cut.
e one who takes Madoka’s role here is Wei Wuxian. Kinda xD I just figured that there’s a lot of designs for him, so I chose his Untamed demonic cultivator outfit for the Magi form bc it looks neat heheh
The events from the original canon still happens, and Wei Wuxian consequently turns into an extremely powerful witch that would have destroyed the whole world if Jiang Cheng didn’t make a wish himself.
I was also thinking that Jiang Yanli lived? But it’s only because she made a wish to Kyuubey–I don’t know the wish yet–and when she rushed in the battlefield and was struck, she was fine because she had the super healing Magi has to themselves.
Still, Wei Wuxian thought he killed his shijie and snapped then and there.
And you know witches; once the Magi turn into them, it’ll be like a fate worse than death. No one can reach them, and the witch will be trapped in their own despair until someone can destroy them.
Losing everyone he loved while facing the unjust hatred of the whole world…who wouldn’t turn into a witch with those circumstances?
With so much despair he shoulders, naturally his witch would be really powerful.  Not to mention that Wei Wuxian himself is super strong, so it’s not possible to defeat his witch.
So, then Jiang Cheng chose to make this right, making a wish that will save both his family and the world.
Aaand time travel comes in xD
Idk yet what the next events are, but I imagine that Jiang Cheng will do his best to stop his shixiong from making a wish–no matter the circumstances.
And also maybe at the same time save his Sect and parents? xD
That’s just the initial idea tho, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk xDDDD
Any thoughts, guys? owo
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despairforme · 2 years
I heard you're the Santa this year (Kisuke declared). Where can I send you my Christmas wish letters?
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      ❝ I can’t read! ❞ Send them to Tesla?
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doegred-main · 3 years
Savory/sweet, bow/sword, math/physics, feabor/maedhros for the meme!
Make me choose meme
Ohhh interesting ones! Thank you! <3
Savoury/ sweet Savoury: I love sweet foods as well (I adore food in general XD), but I tend to appreciate more nuances in savoury ones. Can I say I am glad this is only a game? Actually having to choose and eliminate one category from my diet would ensure me immediately regretting everything. XD
Math/ Physics Physics because, while I adore math (it is the most creative and yet strict languages), I am the “fuck around and find out is actually an invitation” type. XD Went from physics to chemistry to fuck around even more! Sometimes Math, for me, becomes a bit too abstract. I know I deserve to be beaten for this (at the very least), but I am the horrid beast that would simplify a dx. -is stoned-
Feanor/Maedhros And now you kill me. XD I love them both so much for different (and similar) reasons! Have I mentioned how parallelisms and juxtaposition between the two kill me? Only one thousand times? Wow; I was behaved! With a gun to my head, though, I would have to chose Maedhros because he is in the story longer and he is the first age, in all its glory, beauty, and horrors. Dad is the spark that generates it, the creative genius, motionless engine. Among his brothers Maedhros is the one coming closer to fulfilling the Oath and yet the one defying his father’s command. He has that banging line about any title being vain if left as nothing but a word (which is so true) and: I love how resilient he is, despite his end. Which, actually, makes his end all the more poignant. I hate when he is reduced to nothing more than angst fodder because he has a strength that is both his salvation and his downfall. He almost dies and recovers like “one that comes back from the dead” (minus the “”healing”” of Mandos), builds and rebuilds, makes alliances, hopes (he made himself be called “dawn”, which is so heartbreakingly hopeful!) and destroys. Even when things go to hell in a hand basket he tries to remain faithful to himself almost ferociously (which is a characteristic that, from what I know, tends to come out in people who have survived torture), even when it means holding on to his mistakes and being unwilling to change them (like dad! my babies). He is not about trusting anyone else to save his brothers. To me is a very important character because he is almost virulent in the way he won’t be kept down (like dad), but (unlike dad) he can wait and compromise (on his own terms) and it will take him longer to fall to despair. Which is a characteristic, a resilience (we say tigna, “ringworms” which is notoriously resilient XD) I wish I had myself. Minus the geological rift jumping, I cannot afford a ticket to Ethiopia. Or I could be a total asshole and pretend not to know who feabor is.... XDDDD Joking: I am the queen of typos so that would be vile of me, but I actually considered the possibility. Yes: this choice made me that desperate: be proud! 
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'Break You But You'll Mend' +
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Thank you! Aaaaaa, you always ask the tough ones XDDDDD I am incapable of picking either a) one single favourite or b) one single line from any of my works, but I will try and find ones I like! *dips into Scrivener* Actually, I'm just going to post a chunk of chapter 1 that includes both narration (thank the Valar for Legolas, who narrates very nicely when he talks, it's usually all bloody dialogue with me XD ) and dialogue - because why post a single line out of context when a whole giant passage will do? :D :D :D
I am not entirely sure what happens, then - everything is a little bit of a blur - but after a time, I am not sure whether it is moments or hours or days, we find ourselves in what feels like an arena, of sorts, surrounded by great high chairs, and some of them are occupied by - I want to say people, but I am not sure whether ‘beings’ might be a more accurate description. They are - they are large, larger than us, taller, and for the first time I think I understand what the Hobbits must have felt, moving among Men and Elves. They are blurred, somehow, as though my eyes cannot quite focus on them properly, and I only have an impression of colours, textures; looking too hard at any one of them makes my head hurt.
“What do you want?” comes a voice, deep and echoing, and I feel as though I am hearing it not only with my ears but with my whole being; it resounds up through my feet and into my insides and it makes me want to shudder.
But my mother is not daunted. “I want you to right a wrong,” she says, and her fingers interlaced with mine keep me grounded, keep me from shivering apart or running away in terror. “I want you to bring back a Man from wherever it is you send them when they die.”
There is a sound that I might almost describe as a laugh, if it were not so unearthly. “And why, pray tell, would we do that? The Men have their Gift, and it is theirs to enjoy.”
“The Gift of Men?” scoffs my mother, the anger already rising in her voice and the words suddenly pouring out of her. “Did any of you take even the slightest moment to consider that perhaps they might not want it? I can tell you of many who would consider it less of a gift than a curse. Did you come up with it as a way of keeping the Firstborn separate from the other peoples? Because I can tell you now that if you did, you failed quite abjectly, and in so doing you have doomed many of us to despair and death, including my husband, and I will not tolerate it any longer. Without him, Middle-Earth would have fallen to the servants of the Enemy long ago, and this is to be his reward? I tell you, the champion of the Greenwood lies in my house consumed by his loss, and I will not stand by and watch him fade for lack of action on your part.”
“And what do you suggest we do about it?” asks the voice, and my mother scoffs again, her scorn truly something to behold.
“I have already told you what I want. I suggest - no, I demand - that you grant my husband his just reward for his service in Middle-Earth, and do whatever it is you have to do in order to return Bard of Dale to life, and this time you make sure he is no longer subject to the curse of Men. Because I will not see you stand by and let my husband fade!” Her voice almost breaks at the last, and I glance at her, seeing that her face is wet with tears though her eyes are still flashing fire and anger.
Thank you for asking! <33333 Anyone else want to ask me stuff about my fics? :D (which I will probably then fail to answer in a satisfactory manner XDDDD )
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darkicedragon · 3 years
Livebloggin Danganronpa 2
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What? 8o
Is he just going to like, die in their arms for Moar Despair?
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Fuyohiko with an eye scaaaaaaar!
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Not really, aha
...He can be eye scar twins with Gundham! 8D
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Ahahaha, awwww, Hiyoko.
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Awwwwwwwww, Hiyoko.
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Awwww Chiaki. ;w;
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Gundham, no. XD
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Ahahahahahahahha ooooooh maaaaaaaaan. XDDDD In general as a group you’re splendind, pfffft.
I do like Akane and Nekomaru’s back and forth. ;w;
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I love how he keeps checking on her, ahahah.
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Green light district instead of red light?
No Chiaki in Electric Avenue? That’s surprising.
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Uuuuuuh huuuuuuuuuh?
Okay, there’s Chiaki, haha
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Uh-oh. owq He saw it first.
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Or is it?
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Yeeeeeey qwq
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How very surprising, pffft
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Fuyuhikooooooo qwq
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Feels like the focus is a little more on Nekomaru and Akane, so they might be invovled in the next trial.
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They looooove the double entendres, pffft.
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Just in time for the next trial, pfft.
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Akane, pls. XD
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Yep, def focusing on them two. qwq But yessss, Nekomaru influencing her to train a little more seriously. And also just him knowing her habits.
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sheerakk · 4 years
Okay but Weiss with Blake's weapon in despair and tears??? Can we do it more often?
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Alright. Okay. So... after finishing your quest for the quidditch cup story I have come to the conclusion that I now ship Carey with Orion and I just had to let you know 😭
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@drinkyoursoupbitch SOMEONE ELSE SAW IT!! 💚💚
Yes. Um. So while writing that Quidditch quest...yeah, I realized I ship Carewyn/Orion too. XDDDD It actually kind of perfectly fixes my biggest problem when looking for an endgame ship for Carewyn -- I couldn’t decide whether I thought the happier ending for Carey, after all of the hopelessness, fear, and despair, would be “peace” (i.e. Chiara/Carewyn) or “fun” (Diego/Carewyn).
But with Orion...Carey could theoretically find both! Orion is a very mediating influence -- unlike Carewyn, who isn’t really optimistic herself but is able to inspire people with her resilience and stubbornness anyway, Orion does tend to see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty and he’s very focused on finding balance and diffusing conflict. He’d be a great level head when Carewyn gets emotional, and the two could totally have deep, meaningful conversations. But on the other hand, Orion also loves flying and Quidditch and is a free spirit with no boundaries and a longing for family. Carewyn could provide great structure and a small, close family unit for Orion, and she’d be able to provide a kind of steadfast and sincere affection that Orion’s never really had in his life. (I could totally see Orion actually being a little unsure about how to even express physical affection and so sometimes having to defer to Carewyn and/or follow her lead a bit, which is kind of adorable, honestly.) Orion also can be so pacifistic at points that he isn’t great at standing firm when people are in the wrong (just look at his relationship with Skye), and we all know Carewyn would be more than able to swoop into Orion’s rescue in those instances. Following my headcanon of Orion having anxiety as well, Carewyn would likely be a good grounding influence for him too when things get particularly scary or he’s lost his “balance.” They both have a talent for leadership and tend to gather people around them, and yet it’s difficult sometimes for someone to truly get to know them as individuals. They’re both very independent and self-sufficient people who still love being around others. Not to mention they could help each other face off against their respective “magical beasts” of anxiety and self-loathing.
In any case, like with the other two possible endgame ships for Carey, nothing romantic would really go into effect until the Second Wizarding War’s timeline and after and I really don’t see Carewyn getting married (more likely she’d end up in a domestic partnership or queerplatonic relationship)...but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel some real chemistry while writing these two together. It was such a wonderful surprise, and I loved every second of it. ^.^
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