#derek x tamarack
differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Dear dear writer friend I hope this message finds you well. I am a simple person and all I come to request is an extra part for your 'Daddy Baxter' series whatever you like but if youre looking for an idea maybe their little girl is older and they have a second child?
Dad Baxter is my favorite, bless you for this!!!
It was a Friday night, and you and Baxter were tired from a long week. You lounged on the couch together, snuggled cozily under a quilt, half watching tv and half chatting.
Your daughter, Penny, was out at a sleepover, so you had the house to yourselves.
You both had lapsed into a stretch of silence, and your eyelids were drooping as Baxter lazily stroked your hair.
Then he started talking.
"Would you like to know what I've been thinking about?" he asked.
"What's that?"
"Let me give you a hint," he said, bringing the hand that had been on your head down to your side.
He worked his warm fingers under the hem of your shirt and touched your stomach. You waited for him to go either further up or further down, sure he was trying to put the moves on you, but he didn't. His hand remained planted in the same spot.
Before you could guess, he started rubbing small circles on your belly, and in a lower voice he said, "I've been thinking about something growing right here."
You moved your head as best you could without actually moving, getting a glimpse of his face out of the corner of your eye. He was smirking, but he was serious.
"You want to have another baby."
"I think it would be enjoyable, yes."
You'd talked about having another kid one day after having Penny, but obviously there had never been any concrete plans. For him to put it out there so plainly and so suddenly had you reeling a bit.
Reading your expression correctly, he explained, "I find myself missing some of the moments from when Penny was younger, and in my humble opinion, we do make beautiful children together. But most importantly, and you may find this a tad surprising, is that I do find myself having more love to give."
You sat up for real at that point, facing him completely.
"That's not surprising at all."
Sometimes, every once in a while, the old Baxter popped up again. The self-deprecation that he tried to play off as a joke but that had a little too much bite. At this point in your relationship, you shut it down immediately when it reared its ugly head.
He smiled at you, aware of what you were doing. He moved his hand from your stomach up to your face, which he cupped lovingly. Then he kissed you, long and deep.
Pulling back just a bit, he said, "I understand completely if you don't want to have another child. I know it's a lot to ask, in many different ways. But if you do think you might want to --"
Before he could finish, you met his lips again. There was more passion this time, enough that it was an answer: yes, you would like to have another baby.
"Just by the way," you told him as you started undressing, "it might take a little longer to happen this time. We're not quite as young as we used to be."
As fate would have it, you'd already done enough waiting in your relationship.
Two months later, you were back in a bathroom with Cove, a line of pregnancy tests on the counter. This time, it wasn't in his old apartment in town -- he and Xavier had moved into a house down the block from the one you shared with Baxter. The door was cracked so he could listen for his son who was napping in his bedroom nearby.
"Well?" Cove asked, smiling down at you.
"Looks like you're going to be an uncle again."
Baxter was a wonderful father. He was there, ready and willing and eager to take care of you throughout your pregnancy, and the first time he held Penny, you saw his entire world change. He put so much love and care into being a parent, so it didn't surprise you at all to see how tender he was in the delivery room after you'd given birth to your son.
As the doctors and nurses were finishing up, you held the baby to your chest, and Baxter was leaned down close, openly crying. He planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, then gave you one as well.
Later, when you were moved to a regular room, you were holding the baby again, but this time Baxter was lying in bed with you, his arms around you and one hand stroking your son's back.
"I've got my names, have you got yours?" he asked quietly.
When Penny was born, you'd been the one to come up with her first name, and he insisted on giving her two middle names -- your mothers' names. After you got pregnant again, he suggested doing the same thing, but you'd waited to find out the baby's sex until the birth, so nothing was set in stone.
"I think so," you whispered, glancing up at him. "How do you feel about James?"
It was Cove's middle name, but it was also nice and solid. You thought Baxter would appreciate both, and he did.
"I was wondering, and let me know if you disagree, but I thought it might be nice if one of his middle names was Alexander?" he said.
"Of course," you said quickly, knowing how found he was of his own middle name. "But you've got one left."
He looked down at the baby, thinking for a moment, then said, "If we gave Penny your mothers' names, then I see no reason to break with tradition now."
You looked at him again, not understanding where he was going with that. He smiled back at you.
"James Alexander Clifford Ward," he said. "What do you think?"
You could have blamed the tears on hormones, but they would have come regardless.
Nearly a year later, you had certainly gotten back into the routine of having a baby. It helped that this time around you had a third family member who was all too eager to help -- Penny was obsessed with her little brother, and the feeling was definitely mutual.
One day you came home from work, utterly spent, and as you were walking down the hallway to your bedroom you saw Baxter standing in the doorway to your daughter's room. He heard you coming, held a finger to his lips and smiled.
When you got closer, he pulled you to his side, snaking an arm around your waist. You looked inside and saw both of your children asleep on Penny's bed.
You watched them together for a moment before Baxter let you go, walking softly into the room and putting a blanket from the bed over them. As he walked out, he gave you a wink.
"We make cute kids, huh?" you asked, taking another look at them.
"Care to go for three?"
"Not on your life."
With Penny, things had been easy for Baxter, in terms of her interests. When she was little she liked playing dress up and having tea parties -- he was good at that. When she'd gotten older, she turned into a reader, and that was something they shared too. In general, they had similar tastes.
James, however, was different. That's why you were standing in Derek's yard on a Saturday morning, watching your old friend teach your husband the ins and outs of football.
Your son was 11, he'd just entered middle school, and he was desperate to try out for the team. He'd asked Baxter to help him, and of course he would, it's just that he had absolutely no idea about any of it. But Uncle Derek did. He was teaching them both as you stood close by the house with Derek's wife, Tamarack.
"I think he'll get it," she said, a little too much forced optimism in her voice.
"Baxter or James?" you asked.
The two of you laughed -- you were too far away to hear what the guys were saying, but based on the look of confusion that hadn't left Baxter's face since they'd stepped out together, you couldn't imagine it was going very well.
Eventually, Derek took the ball and ran off a ways with it. You watched him lift it, then throw it to James, who caught it easily. Derek cheered him on, then jogged back over and made a gesture to Baxter, who turned and walked off. There was a little more coaching, then James took the ball in his hands carefully, then sent it soaring towards his father.
Baxter had grace and agility, a born dancer, but he was not quite an athlete. He couldn't catch the ball, and instead, it hit him in the face. He stumbled and brought his hands up to his face, and a few seconds later you saw blood seeping out between his fingers.
"Oh no!" Tamarack said, already moving for the back door. "I'll go get the first aid kit!"
You ran out to where Baxter stood, sheepishly holding his bloody nose. James and Derek were there already, looking concerned.
"I'm all right," Baxter said. His voice came out a little stuffy, but he offered a thumbs up to drive his words home.
"I'm sorry," James said, his brown eyes locked on the ground. "I didn't think about you not being able to catch it."
Derek snorted, then started coughing to cover up his laughter. That set you off, and you tried clearing your throat as a cover.
"Amused by my suffering, hmm?" Baxter asked, cocking an eyebrow at you both. "Go ahead, don't hold back on my account."
When Tamarack came back with supplies to patch up Baxter, she got him cleaned up quickly. His nose was busted, not broken, so you and Derek felt free to continue giggling at his expense.
"I'll tell you what," Baxter told Derek after the bleeding stopped. "You help me not injure myself around a football, and I'll be there for all your children's dancing and formalwear needs."
Derek was about to respond, but Tamarack cut in with "And plan their weddings for free."
Baxter glared at her for a moment, then looked over at James, who had gone off by himself for this boring part of the morning. He was practicing his hold on the football, miming throwing it until someone was free to play with him again.
"It's a deal."
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ellemfaoh · 1 year
Guys what if I started writing for visual novels…
I’ve played a lot, if anyone has any requests leave them for me. Also suggest more VNs cuz I’m running dry.
So far I’ve played:
- our life (all dlcs for 1, beta tester for 2)
- blooming panic
- Error 143
- 14 days with you
- Sunny Day Jack
- My Dear Hatchet Man
I definitely forgot some, so just comment whatever character and the title of the game you want from me and I’ll try to fulfill the request. Also I’m in a JJK mood recently so,,,yk,,,maybe
Toodles ~
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Games I think the Romanceables would play
Tamarack: I feel like when it's winter, she craves that autumn feeling, so she'll play games like these.
Stardew Valley (Has only one save in the game, and tries to make her farm look pretty but she's more focused on keeping a routine in the game)
Minecraft (Building a little village and having an army of cats or dogs. Has built many treehouses)
Sky - Children of the Light (The one who is actively looking for player to share a candle with)
Qiu: He plays games later when he's older. Middle school he's become slightly more reserved, so having a game to destress by himself always helps
Animal Crossing "What do you mean you don't wanna look at my island? Guys."
A Tale of Crowns He seems like the type to enjoy prince x knight and multi-choice stories.
Detroit Become Human The amount of times he's almost had a breakdown just trying to make everyone happy.
Cove: He prefers classic games, nothing too big or a waste of money.
Unpacking He cries
Tetris He stresses
Legend of Zelda, the Windwaker (my childhood fr) he's obsessed
Baxter: He doesn't play games, he claims. He's too busy going out and being busy, but if he ever truly had a rare moment or just by looking at him... he's choose these.
The Sims Self explanatory.
Hollow Knight He feels like he's one with the knight.
Stray Cats and Robots in a game? He's sold. Take his money.
Derek: Derek plays a lot of video games (a healthy amount), he loves it. I imagine he's played these games while you guys weren't together for a while :(
Until Dawn He got jump scared at least twice
Final Fantasy 14 if he has the time. it's a really long game. He plays either a Hyur or Hrothgar Paladin.
The Last of Us 1 and 2. He played the 2nd first though, and he was really upset at that choice when he finished playing)
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
Our Life x Reader Masterlist
Fandom Masterlist
💧 = nsfw
🐡 = angst
🍁 = personal favorites
🤝🏾 = black!reader
how this character loves (as told by tarot)
oneshots + other fictions
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building castles in the sky
If Tamarack is a princess, you are her knight. It’s what you decided you’d be a long time ago. 
You ask Tamarack if you can braid her hair one summer afternoon.
After Tamarack accidentally leaves her scarf behind at school, you decide to help a friend out and lend her yours.
untitled drabble🤝🏾
Of course you're her plus one
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
not rlly an ask but i think ur onto something with renee li like if there were going to be dlcs aside from wedding and moments (which there aren’t due to time) i feel like there would be a renee dlc like baxter / derek in ol1
Tbh a lot of us were thinking that Renee would become a dlc Li as a stretch goal during the crowfunding before we got told that it was not a possibility due to the very understandable issue of « this would add way too much work » and in a way we got the Poly route option at least.
I think why renne fit as a li is because she has the same position than Qiu and tamarack hold ( a kid the same age who you befriend and with who you grow up with ) which in my mind makes her even more of a li position than derek and baxter ( both not appearing before step 2 and having one step where they are not in entierly)
And also simply I just think she’s neat you know ? Trans girl who likes zelda and has an angsty phase in her childhood but who’s chill and has an endearing personality ? Sign me up, truly sign me up !
Understandably we won’t get a dlc for her but that dosen’t stop the Renee love her to hype our wife okay- I love her very much and in my heart and headcanons my mc and her are kissing alright- who’s gonna stop me ?!? The sapphics yearns for renee content okay-
Also on a side note i am more than on the renee x tamarack train. This ship is adorable !!!!
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cinna-rose · 7 months
So... *leans against this post* I got invested into this idea and the discord server I'm in didn't help and grew it into an entire au, so now you guys get Our Life x Avatar headcanons made by the server :)
Cove would 100% be a water bender. However, he'd get his bending from Kyra instead of Cliff. Cove used to learn water bending from his mom, but when Kyra and Cliff got divorced, Cove didn't have anyone to teach him water bending anymore (since I see Cliff as a non bender in this au).
Derek is an earth bender. If his siblings are also earth benders, (or benders in general) I can see him being the one to try and keep everything in order and not chaotic. If they aren't benders, then I feel like Derek would be relied on a lot.
Now Baxter? he wouldn't be a bender. His family probably came from a lineage of benders and when Baxter turned out as a non bender, his parents would push him to be better in other things, but would always be disappointed that he wasn't a bender.
Baxter being a non-bender would make his feelings of inadequacy worse. He would have to find ways to stand out in a world where people can bend things like fire and water and move the ground.
Qiu would be a fire bender and would amazing at it. In step 1, they'd use his bending to impress people and their popularity would probably be bigger since he can bend almost flawlessly.
In step 2, Qiu wouldn't use their bending in public anymore and would only use it around the people he's close with.
Tamarack would be an earth bender, but she wouldn't be good at it. She wouldn't put too much time in training and wouldn't want to since she thinks earth bending would destroy the forest.
In step 2, Tamarack would try to practice her earth bending due to her being insecure that she can't bend too well, but she struggles with it.
Renee would be a fire bender, which helped her friendship with Qiu in their childhood. While she wouldn't be as good at it than Qiu is, she can manage it well
Liz would be a fire bender. Pamela would be a fire bender and Noelani would be a water bender. I can see Pamela and Noelani adopting Liz and a MC that they could teach bending to if they were benders.
As for Lee, she would be an Airbender.
Terry would be a water bender while Miranda is a Airbender.
Xavier would be a non-bender and it's one of the things that helped them and Baxter get along.
Now, if either MC is the avatar...
Cove would be surprised when you first meet, but he gets over it pretty quickly. He'd be glad that there's someone else who can waterbend with him.
When Derek meets an Avatar!MC, he would be shocked and it'd take a while for Derek to see it as normal.
An Avatar!MC would make Derek be harder on himself and push his earthbending abilities to be a suitable partner for the avatar.
Baxter's problem with seeing value in himself and feeling like he's not good enough to be with the MC would be doubled if he's with an Avatar!MC. 
When first meeting Avatar!MC, Baxter would freak out internally but keep a cool front
If Baxter is with an Avatar!MC, his parents would see it as an opportunity for better connections and Baxter would hate that because he doesn't want his relationship with the MC to just be something to satisfy his parents.
When Qiu meets an Avatar!MC they would be surprised at first but would take it in a stride and proudly talk about being friends with the Avatar to anyone that will listen
If asked, Qiu would be happy to help MC with fire bending (they get even more giddy if they’re at crush with the MC)
Tamarack would be in awe that they're the avatar because they can control all four of the elements rather than the social status and influence that comes with being the avatar
Noelani and Pamela would go into shock because they adopted a child that's the avatar, but would try their best to help an avatar!mc learn the elements
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orion4ever · 1 year
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Request: Closed!
🇵🇸 Palestine Resource Masterlist🍉
Remember my Baxter Idea where he plans yours and your douchy spouse’s wedding?
Who I write for:
Cove Holden
Baxter Ward (Both Sunset Bird or Golden Grove)!
Derek Suarez
Qiu ‘Autumn’ Lin
Tamarack Bauman
Renee/Darren Murray
More Characters can be added at people’s request!
My Rules!
Only SFW
No extremely specific OC details (Like hair color or physical ! Although , I can do stuff like they do ballet , a sport , mobility aids etc!)
You are aloud to request three characters at a time!
If you don’t specify what kind of fic you want (Head canon , Drabble , full on fic etc) then I will by default give you some head canons!
Please feel free to request scenarios or ‘what ifs’!!
MC/Reader x Canon Characters Only!
Nothing too vague
Nothing too angsty , I don’t like writing it and I am not good at writing it! You can still request angst tho ^^
Be Kind and Patient! I still attend school!
About Me!
My name is Orion!
17 years old
I love Gb patch games!
I love VN games
I like project sekai
I love horror!
I love to draw!
I have a tiktok account : coveandbaxter4ever
DNI /j
Seteth Enjoyers
People who voted for Seteth
Seteth Simps
Thank you for reading!
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periludic · 10 months
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𓆩♡𓆪 ( WELCOME ) . . . !!
✎ . . . Hi my name is Peri and I figured I should make one of these introduction things :D I honestly don't know how these work but here are the basics of what I am willing to do if you want to request headcanons or short stories :
Our Life (Beginnings & Always)
Our Life (Now & Forever)
Our Life (Beginnings & Always)
Romantically . . . Derek, Cove, Baxter (Any Steps)
Platonically . . . Any Characters (Any Steps)
Our Life (Now & Forever)
Romantically . . . Renee, Tamarack, Qiu (Step 1-3)
Platonically . . . Any Characters (Step 1-3)
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ ─ THINGS I WONT WRITE :
Kidnapping, the leads hurting the MC, yandere hc's, etc.
Homophobia, Racism, Ableism, Minor x Adult
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ ─ THINGS I WILL WRITE :
Alternate Universes (Royalty AU, Swap AU, etc.)
Angst, Fluff, etc.
Honestly, anything that wasn't mentioned above
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lunadeathbed · 2 years
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Hey! I'm Luna, a fanfic writer I enjoy doing this stuff so I'll poste on here every so often. I'm also open to suggestions if anyone wants something specific.
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I'm writing for these fandoms:
Visual Novels :
• My Dear Hatchet Man - Alan
• 14 Days With You - Ren
• Sunny Day Jack - Jack (Possibly Shaun & Ian)
• SNAGEMON - Garrett (Bram and King will be added after the game updates)
• John Doe - John
• Comfort Pillow - Illow/Siorce
• Honey Hotline - Fone, Amesy, Seon
• Blooming Panic - Xyx, NakedToster, Nightowl, Quest
• Slasher Dating Sim - Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (Haven't written for any of the other boys but I'll try 'em out once there routes are released)
OL1 - Cove (Sorry to Baxter Derek and Jeremy enjoyers)
OL2 - Qiu, Tamarack, Daren, (Possibly some Baxter if I feel up to it.)
Media :
• Marble Hornets - Jay, Tim, Brian, Alex, Jessica, Amy (Mostly Jam, poly Tim Jay and Brian, also some angst, im open to other suggestions tho)
• VTubers - Nigisanji En, Indie creators (I'll probably be doing Shoto x Vox Akuma and some x reader stuff, I don't know to many indie creators so if anyone wants to suggest someone specific, tag there Twitch or YouTube with your suggestion)
South Park - Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Cartman mainly (Probably quiet a bit of aged up high school scenarios, Creek, Style sometimes Stan and Wendy will be together for plot purposes, Himan I know there toxic as fuck but what can u do, also a little bit of Bunny if anyone asks, if I'm writing a reader X character then if they are canonically gay or lesbian they will be catered towards there respective audiences)
My Comfort Levels :
I'm mostly comfortable with writing everything there are a few things I refuse to write though.
No Thankyou List :
• Non-con (Pretty self explanatory)
Minor sexualisation (If characters are young in the original fandom they will be aged up)
• Hardcore gore (Nothing that can be described as gut wrenching, other gore is fine)
• SOME Kinks (Anything I find uncomfortable, I'll still do other kink stuff tho)
• If there is any content creators that do not feel comfortable with fanfiction being written about them please don't ask for me to write about them. (PLEASE check if the creator you are asking to be written about is comfortable with it!)
• Nothing I just generally am uncomfortable with
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Who I Write For✦
(This will be added too over time)
⭑Bo Sinclair ⭑Vincent Sinclair ⭑Lester Sinclair ⭑Michael Myers (OG, 2007, & Gramps) ⭑Thomas Hewitt ⭑Bubba Sawyer ⭑Jason Voorhees ⭑Ghostface (Billy & Stu) ⭑Tiffany Valentine ⭑Brahms Heelshire ⭑Billy Lenz ⭑Carrie White ⭑Baby Driftwood ⭑Otis Driftwood ⭑Pyramid Head ⭑Herbert West (if a male/masc reader) -Bonus- ⭑Carly & Nick; House of Wax ⭑Sydney; Scream
Dead By Daylight
♢Evan MacMillan - The Trapper ♢Anna - The Huntress ♢Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly ♢Sally Smithson - The Nurse ♢Herman Carter - The Doctor ♢Ji Woon Hak - The Trickster ♢Danny Johnson - The Ghostface ♢Philip Ojomo - The Wraith ♢Amanda Young - The Pig ♢Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit (only SFW) ♢Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni ♢Frank Morrison - The Legion ♢Susie Lavoie - The Legion (only SFW) ♢Julie Kostenko - The Legion ♢Joey - The Legion ♢Adiris - The Plague ♢Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger ♢Carmina Mora - The Artist ♢Sadako Yamamura - The Onryo (only SFW) ♢Tarhos Kovacs - The Knight ♢Adriana Imai - The Skullmerchant ♢Nemesis - The Nemesis -Bonus- ♢Jill Valentine ♢Leon Kennedy ♢Cheryl Mason ♢Carlos Oliveria ♢Claudette Morel ♢Bill Overbeck ♢Vittorio Toscano
Our Life; Beginnings & Always
❧Cove Holden ❧Derek Suarez ❧Baxter Ward ❧Elizabeth Last (x readers for non-sibling characters) ❧Kyra Preece ❧Tamarack Baumann ❧Qui "Autumn" Lin
⚂Lawrence Beetlegeuse Shoggoth ⚂Lydia Deetz (only SFW) ⚂Adam Maitland ⚂Barbara Maitland ⚂Ms.Argentina
Call of Duty; Modern Warfare
✚Simon "Ghost" Riley ✚Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ✚John Price ✚Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ✚Alejandro Vargas ✚Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra ✚Valeria Garza ✚Alex Keller ✚Farah Karim ✚Nikolai ✚Konig ✚Horangi
❦Eddie Brock & Venom (2015) ❦Frankenstein's Monster - Mary SHelly ❦Classic Monsters; Dracula, Werewolves, etc. ❦Krampus(yes you read me) ❦Y/N from Stuck on A Childhood Crush/Friend & Killer (aka Cordelia)
Yes that's write. You can have your Y/N x Reader fics now.
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fafi-and-oblivia · 1 year
About Fafi! <3
Heya hello! You can call me Fafi! I am one of the admins on this blog! This post will tell you everything you'd need to know about me as a creator on this blog. I might eventually make a separate blog for NSFW works if I ever decide to take a stab at it, if it is created it will have a link in this post. (I do ask Minors to not interact with this blog if it ever comes up, the blog will strictly be for people 18+) I'd also be willing to touch a bit on more sensitive/heavier content in my writing. If you're looking for my art or to request art please visit my personal account over at @stintsy!
This post will take you into the depths of what I will and won't write on! please stay respectful of my preferences, thank you!! <3
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Things I will write on:
Heavy angst
Sensitive topics that require TW's
x reader (romantic & platonic)
Character x Character (platonic)
Things I might write on:
NSFW (though would not be posted to this account if I do)
Mild gore
Things I will not write on:
yandere (readers & characters)
Character x Character (romantic)
Heavy gore
Real people
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Fandoms I will write on:
Blooming Panic (Bloomic)
Cryptid Coffeehouse (CC)
Our Life: Beginnings and Always (OLBA)
Our Life: Now and Forever (OLNF)
YuuriVoice (YV)
Fandoms I might write on:
Error143 (don't know the character too well)
Fandoms I just like talking about/listen to:
RTGame (Youtuber)
Terraria (Game)
Hollow Knight (Game)
Kirby's Epic Yarn (Game)
Wii (Game Console)
Retro Gaming (Genre)
DS/3DS (Game Console)
Dr. House (TV Series)
Love Island US (TV Series)
Will Stetson (Music Artist)
BTS (Music Artist)
Lyricless Music (Genre)
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( * = specializes in character; aka I do best with this character)
( ' = not as well rounded with character)
Characters I will write on:
Quest* (Bloomic)
NakedToaster* (Bloomic)
Xyx* (Bloomic)
Nightowl (Bloomic)
Onion* (Bloomic)
Cove (OLBA)
Baxter* (OLBA)
Derek' (OLBA)
Qiu' (OLNF)
Artemis (CC)
Taz' (CC)
Kurou (CC)
Alphonse (YV)
Finn (YV)
Characters I could write on:
Tamarack' (OLNF)
Micah' (Error143)
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Thank you for reading! <3
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
wait hang on tamarack/derek???? 👀👀👀👀👀
So if OLBA MC ends up with Baxter, then they go back to Golden Grove with him to plan OLNF MC's wedding to Qiu. While they're there, Baxter introduces them to the old gang, he takes them to the wedding, and in the middle of all of it OLBA MC meets Tamarack, who is the maid of honor naturally. They think she is so cute, which is so right of them, she is so sweet and fun and lovely. They make friends and keep in touch. But wait!
As MC gets to know Tam better, they're like "Wait a second ... I have A Thought." Because she is all things good and right with the world (I love Tamarack so much), and who deserves someone that great? Derek! Who is single! So there's some matchmaking going on, which takes a little bit because of the distance, but eventually it clicks and Tamarack moves to California and marries Derek and they have lots of babies and live happily ever after!
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gb-patch · 3 years
FAQ Update: Feb 16th, 2022
We’ve gone ahead and added more things to the Frequently Asked Questions page! It’s all about OL2 and how, unfortunately, it’s very early in development and we can’t answer most questions about it, aha. I’m really sorry if you sent in an ask wondering about future things that had to go unanswered.
Q: Will Our Life: Now & Forever have extra story DLCs for side characters like Derek and Baxter from OL1?
That’s currently not part of what we’re creating for the project. Maybe when the game is finished, adding on extra side stories will be possible. But there’s also a chance there won’t be time or funding for that. OL2 is even bigger and more complicated than the first OL, so all we can do for sure is promise to complete the main story with Tamarack and Qiu.
Q: Will Our Life: Now & Forever come out Step-by-Step over time or all at once in a single launch?
It’s too early in development to say. We’ll only make a definite announcement once the Derek and Baxter DLCs for OL1 are finished and we’re able to work on OL2 as the sole major project for the company.
Q: Will there be X type of story or character scenes in Our Life: Now & Forever/What will happen or change if I make X type of choices/etc.?
I’m sorry to say that almost any ask about what Our Life: Now & Forever will specifically consist of won’t be answered. Either because the answer is “the game is still in development and things could change” or because it is already decided but giving the info would be a spoiler. We have to let people find out what happens in the game by playing the game when it's done. I really appreciate all the interest in it, though.
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Characters I write for!
The Romanceable OL Characters <3 (reminder, I only write for male identifying readers)
Qiu "Autumn" Lin
Derek Suarez
Cove Holden
Tamarack Baumann
Baxter Ward
and for my own sake
Cliff Holden
I will probably write for other OL characters in the future maybe, but we'll see. Right now I'm planning on posting my OC info on my page.
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wqxianwriting · 2 years
online / offline 💤
— editing ‘they’re not into you, lil bro” && working on asks + new fic :] tba soon <33 thanks for the patience!!
— new fic coming out soon: ‘reasons why you’re my home’ !!
REQUESTS: [5/8] | Requests are CLOSED
🎵CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: space walk —hoyomix (1 hour) 🎥CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Walking Dead S7, Rewatching 9-1-1: Lone Star & Vampire Diaries S1
💭BRAINROT: Love & Deepspace, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Sims 4, The Sturniolo Triplets, Infamous (IF), Fallen Hero (IF) & 9-1-1: Lone Star <3<3
📝 LATEST WORK: f!reader that wears traditional masc clothes showing her fem queen side. (headcanons) // nick nelson into athletic women (drabble) // how to make a golden retriever happy. (fic)
last updated. 9/12/24
Updating my links properly soon! :)
TAGS — .my writing,, .writing reblog,, .anon asks ,, .moots,, .important,, .writing updates,, .writing tips,, .positive vent writing,, .vent writing,, .drabbles,, .sweater series,, .personal,, .ideas,, .request,, .brainrotting,, .headcanons,,
feel free to request those below for now! i’ll be making a proper “who i’m writing for” someday. yesterday, today, tomorrow nor the day after is that day 💀 or if there are fandoms not listed you can still ask and if i know said fanbase and feel like writing it, i gotchu. (there’s stuff on the actual masterlist too but things like genshin i wont be writing anytime soon aha)
QPR’s are very much so appreciated here! Just be clear on how you want it to be written since I’ve personally never been in one and know very basic things about them (willing to learn more!)
Heartstopper — 🍂
Nick (F/M/NB), Charlie (M/NB), Tao (F/NB), Elle (NB), Imogen (NB/M), Tara (F) & Darcy (F),
NB doesn’t necessarily mean the reader is gn so you can insert your own pronouns and stuff, the reader is strictly non-binary (and anything under the umbrella term like being genderfluid.) So NB!Reader for Tao isn’t “Oh M!Reader’s can insert their correct pronouns to replace they/them” etc etc, the Reader is literally non-binary aligned!
Poly Requests: Nick & Charlie (M/NB/Platonic F - to Charlie!(V-Relationship), Tao & Elle (NB) - Reader is Non-Binary (you can ask for different pronouns under gn!terms), Tara & Darcy - Strictly Poly, you can ask for a Tara based fic but it’s still hinted you, her and Darcy are together. You will never have a T or D x Reader. (F/NB)
- Elle’s sexuality is never stated that I know of, if anyone knows please let me know but because of that, Reader will be strictly non-binary or gender just not stated, including if you request Tao x Elle x Reader! (So they will be strictly NB!)
- Imogen’s sexuality is kinda… AHA – lowkey questioning right now if you’ve seen season 2, haha~ Same thing as Elle though, will never state Reader’s gender! Unless it’s specifically requested for M!Reader because as we know she does label herself as straight but it may change in the future, until then I’ll be safe and do this.
Tears of Themis — 💧
Marius (M/F/NB), Luke (M/F/NB), Artem (M/F/NB), Vyn (M/F/NB), Rosa (M/F/NB)
Poly Requests: The whole NXX team or you can just pick specific characters! (M/F/NB)
My Hero Academia — ✨
Bakugou, Izuku, Shouto, Mina, Uraraka, Toga,
Poly Requests: You can pair anyone for the most part… (M/F/NB) Just don’t be weird. TDBKDK is 100% fine for example or like, BKsquad x DKsquad is fine too!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always — 🌊
Cove (M/F/NB), Baxter (M/F/NB), Derek (M/F/NB)
Our Life: Now & Forever — 🍁
Qiu (M/F/NB), Tamarack (M/F/NB), Renee/Ren/Darren (M/F/NB), Vianca (F),
Poly Requests: Qiu & Tamarack (V-relationship) which will be them in a relationship with you but friends with eachother (M/F/NB)!
- Renee’s sexuality isn’t confirmed yet but since she was potentially meant to be apart of the ROM squad if they had time to add her as a extra DLC romance, it’s assumed that she at least romantically would be interested in multiple genders. I’ll be following that idea for the meantime until we get her confirmed sexuality.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Derek and Tamarack, eh? Very interesting. Can you write a little about that? Like how you see them meeting and stuff.
I just posted another ask about this, but yes, I like them together!
OLBA MC, who ends up with Baxter, befriends Tamarack during a trip to Golden Grove where Baxter plans OLNF MC's wedding to Qiu. They keep in touch, and OLBA MC is just so taken with how sweet and cute Tamarack is, and it makes them think of Derek, who is still single.
It takes a bit of convincing (read: begging) on MC's part, but finally they get Tamarack on a video call while hanging out with Derek. They introduce them, and they are both smitten immediately because how could anyone not be? They are both shy and quiet about their feelings at first, but Tamarack asks MC for Derek's number and they start texting, then calling, and so on and so forth until Derek decides to make a Big Gesture and flies out to Oregon to actually meet her.
Love at first (actual) sight. Fireworks, butterflies, everything. Maybe he moves up there for a while to be with her, but they eventually settle back in California because she knows how important his family is to him. He buys her a house in the suburbs because he knows she wouldn't like living in the city. He entertains every single whim she has, no matter how silly it may seem, because he loves her so much. She takes care of him in every little way she can think of.
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