#deranged women >
somin-yin · 4 months
Saraswati romance >
I'm living for all this forbidden angsty dark murderous wives trope, I'm telling you! and what better way to start pride month but with dark sapphic romance asdfghjkl ❤️
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"Sometimes I feel as if someone else lives inside my body" Alexa play Oshiete Oshiete 😂 (those are literally the lyrics of that song XD) okay let's get serious again (in all seriousness the lyrics fit tho 😂 okay okay I'll stop)
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I don't mind, I like my women dangerous and deranged 🤷‍♀️
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HHHHHHHHH seriously living for this trope of "I'm too dangerous for you so I have to get away" sorry I'm crazy
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"I'll care just as much about the darkest possible side of you. Just don't hide it from me" That's so intense and intimate and true love is acceptance so that's true love my honour ❤️
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This is giving me serious "I can fix her" vibes and I'm all here for that 😂
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Listen, I support women's rights but above all, I support women's wrongs and I can't help but liking my women insane so this is definitely my jam 🤷‍♀️😂
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And the cherry on top is Devi potentially becoming just as dark and murderous as Sara so they can be dark murderous deranged wives together hhhhh how delicious ❤️ to say I'm invested would be an understatement!
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
my absolute favourite genre of transphobic propaganda is when the caption is like “look at this poor, confused little girl who was forced to mutilate herself :(” and the picture is just the hottest man you’ve ever seen in your life with a full beard and a body that would make thor weak at the knees
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itwaslegendary · 4 months
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Taylor Swift's interview on CBS Sunday Morning; 25/08/2019
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foxglove514 · 2 months
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wishesofeternity · 2 months
The thing about HotD is that it while it absolutely minimizes the agency and ambition of both Rhaenyra and Alicent, this is specifically used to glorify Rhaenyra and frame her as righteous while condemning Alicent and framing her lacking. That's the key difference in both their textual portrayals that has directly led to 90% of the fandom hailing Rhaenyra as the second coming of Christ while spewing the most hateful vitriol at Alicent just for existing. But y'all are not prepared for that conversation.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
Mariella [Achromatic Loop / Blank Scripts AU]
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parvatisshallow · 1 year
These are my avengers
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ruushes · 1 month
probably not going to watch iwtv but LOVE having iwtv mutuals bc seeing ppl talk abt it is like getting secondhand gossip on the insane drama in your friend-of-a-friend’s toxic polycule and it’s literally just the canon events of the show, like as far as i can tell the show is just like that, also assad zaman may be the most beautiful man alive
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bonebabbles · 26 days
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Mm, if the tone of this book was different and WC was a series that was more willing to make characters flawed and self-destructive on purpose, I would LOVE the ring of this paragraph. Unfortunately, I feel like they're trying to frame this "former version of Ivypool" like it was a good thing.
It wasn't "courage, determination, and loyalty" that drove her to train there, those are excuses. Justifications. It was jealousy, anger, and fear. The Dark Forest exploited her weaknesses to groom her, suck her in. The fact she threw herself into danger, and no one protected her, was a BAD thing.
She was the worst possible version of herself back then, nasty and violent and terrified. She killed Antpelt on their orders, and was going to kill Flametail too. Without hesitation. It's not "falling from those days" to not be that person anymore.
So... the idea that she mauls this dog, revels in the satisfaction of sadism, and appreciates the dark-forest-red color of the blood on her claws, it would be a great passage to suggest that she was going to deal with her grief in a very self-destructive way. "Maybe I can be that cat again" could give me chills, man.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
Wait so geto is what kind of hot then?
i'm still working out the kinks but here's the rough draft. hoping this answers all future questions about everyone's placement.
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sillysnaildraws · 1 month
"I can fix her" She doesn't need fixing. I want that woman deranged and insane!
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coulsart · 8 months
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Danse Macabre
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soulsilvers · 8 months
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wakes up
thinks about my dark type leaf au
furiously sketches this in cold sweat
shes a scam artist and probably kantos most divorced woman and extremely likely to be plotting devious things but shes so funny about it
wonders what the hell is wrong with her honestly
puts her in a blender
refuses to elaborate further
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seasononesam · 2 years
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You can't honestly think you're happier now. A broken-winged suck-up. All I know is that for the first time in a long time...I feel at peace with who I am. Whatever that may be.
Brother's Keeper (10x23) Deleted Scene
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dailydccomics · 6 months
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interrogation, amazon-style Wonder Woman #8 art by Daniel Sampere
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ticklm · 11 months
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More girliefied creepypasta content + creepypasta yuri. also the first pic was requested^_^ I hve some more wips(in my head) of bimbofied creepypasta sexymen I'm just kinda lazy to draw them
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