#depression mode
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democracyunderground · 1 year ago
Black Celebration
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mr-malumm · 6 months ago
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Something told me yall would like this
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lil-vibes · 5 months ago
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Day 22: Get drunk
(prompt list here!)
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sweetsouldhavernas · 8 months ago
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I need more time but time can't be borrowed I'd leave it all behind if I could follow Since the love that you left is all that I got I want you to know
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foodcu-be · 2 years ago
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Hi I love lower decks with all my heart and soul
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haggz-is-here · 1 month ago
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“The moment for paying your debt has not yet come, but it will come. As a man falls sideways into deep water and finds no foothold, so will you fall from the desire of your heart, and forfeit your life. There is a debt to justice, and a debt to the gods; where these two coincide the payment is final and complete” (Hecabe, Euripides).
@greedykrab ‘s snow lamb‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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slapthebass · 3 months ago
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Source: @atami46791 on Twitter
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alienorchids · 2 months ago
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DIR EN GREY ‘TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of 鬼葬]’ artist portraits, 2016
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class1akids · 3 months ago
How was Hori trying to balance Bakugou’s ending when he got just as many bad moments in the war arc? And the bad moments outweigh the good ones. And then he gets dropped to 15 in the rankings. How is this balanced?
I'm just going to look at the main 4 - wishes / realities / pay-offs to show that not a single one of them got what they wanted / dreamed off:
WISH: "OFA is not for killing, it's for saving. I want to save that little boy"
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Reality: he ends up killing the crying boy, using OFA to destabilize his body. He loses the quirk he worked so hard to make his own in the process.
Pay-off: All Might calls him greatest hero together with Bakugou. Becomes a teacher, and realizes that his quirkless self could have become something other than professional hero, and still be heroic (probably, not shown). His friends give him a mecha suit. After 8 years, he (maybe) asks out a girl he likes.
WISH: Wants to save his brother, and share a meal with him.
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Reality: Despite saving everyone, his brother is still dying, his family is alive but scarred and fractured, his family name is pulled through the mud and spends the first few years of his career overshadowed by a disgraced father and a criminal brother.
Pay-off: Gets no thanks or praise from anyone, but gets to ask his brother about his favorite food. Not that they'll ever eat it together. After 8 years of hard work people stop seeing him as Endeavor's son. He processes his grief over his brother into finding a new hobby.
WISH: (This one is not so clear-cut), but she wants to see people smile and be able to be open about her feelings and wants to learn more about Toga and save her (maybe)
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Reality: She gets wounded and Toga has to die to save her. Their battle is not even recorded and doesn't really influence or inspire anyone, other than Uraraka herself. She remains closed off about her feelings out of survivor's guilt.
Pay-Off: She gets a quirk upgrade. Toga thanks her. She gets comforted by Deku and Class A. She gets called Deku's hero and be thanked by him. She starts a successful quirk counselling program. Deku confesses to her instead.
So like nobody else gets their dream fully either.
Bakugou already got some amazing pay-off during the war:
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He's the center of the effort to buy time for Deku and gets some amazing scenes of self-sacrifice
When he "dies", his team puts everything on the line to save his life
His resurrection is the biggest scene of the war, plus gets a quirk awakening
Gets to save All Might while the whole world watching
Gets the kill shot on AFO, and almost a solo credit for that kill despite everyone else's efforts
When he goes over to the final battlefield, he gets praised
Despite his injuries, he has a viable road to recovery, supported by his loving parents
All Might calls him the greatest hero and thanks him
His "death" and "resurrection" comes with only light costs - both Mirko's and Edgeshot sacrifices are turned into gags
He is admired by people and enters the chart at No 4.
Everyone helps him to organize the mech suit for Deku - and make his childhood dream an option.
I feel like Hori making him No 1 and making Deku his sidekick would have further increased the resentment of especially Deku-fans who felt like Bakugou got everything, while Deku lost everything.
So Hori gave him still some way to go to reach his dreams. He's only 25 - it's not like his life is over. Unlike the Savior Trio who all lost their villains and there is nothing they can do about it, Bakugou can still become No 1. He can even be partners or lovers with Deku at a later stage. Like none of those dreams are lost forever.
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yridenergyridenergy · 8 months ago
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Kaoru with lipstick, with lips in the background, bathed in red~
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sacke-and-sugar-jewelry · 11 days ago
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Sure you’re feeling moody. But are you sitting on a pile of logs playing an accordion in black and white moody?
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sableeira · 2 years ago
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dazai makes atsushi take random photos and videos of him throughout the day (most of them are super dramatic and/or aesthetic) only to caption them with the most unhinged stuff when he posts them on social media
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poppyrays · 1 year ago
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Human Accessory - Aka a minor emergency came up during mandatory Human Cuddle time
Anyways have an Alan and Robin. Are they together?Absolutely
Canonically? Shutup.
Idk how Robin keeps her hair so nice though in the SEA she must be using some future magic bullshit shampoo and conditioner
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slapthebass · 11 months ago
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Amazing video by @ginaxhk on IG!
DIR EN GREY - EUROPE TOUR24 FROM DEPRESSION TO [mode of Withering to death] - WARSAW 19/03/24
↳ Toshiya being Toshiya during C
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theballadofmars · 9 months ago
I'm rereading svsss (this time in my language I'm so happy), I just finished volume 1 and god, I didn't remember so many things.
Bingqiu teasing each other at some points. Lbh loving when sqq infodumps about monsters. Sqq calling himself a widow after lbh "dies". Sqq not eating, spending time at lbh's grave and calling for lbh because he forgot he's not there. Sqq sometimes talking not as an immortal cultivator but more as himself and lbh's reaction is "i love him".
The first time I didn't pick all this but now I'm having a breakdown because I can't they're made for each other and they're SO ANNOYING and this is only book 1.
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alienorchids · 10 months ago
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DIR EN GREY 'TOUR 16-17: FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of MACABRE]' Artist Portraits, 2017
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