#depression bug infestation
Oh fuck well depression room goes crazy
(mentions of bugs/bug infestation below)
So I've been seeing bugs every now and then on my stuff and I'm like "oh fuck do I have an infestation haha" and it's always been a joke but now I'm cleaning and I'm pretty sure I ACTUALLY HAVE A BUG INFESTATION AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL TO DO ABOUT IT
So please post tips I guess!!!!
My heart's literally racing and I'm not breathing correctly because I'm so scared of actually having this oh god I really didn't think it was that bad most of the bugs I've actually found are dead I think because they don't move but like help???? PLEASE I SWEAR IF I FIND LIVING BUGS IN MY STUFF IM ACTUALLY GOING TO START CRYING
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clanoffelidae · 2 months
Pitcher Plant Inspired Fruit Fly Trap With Stuff You Have In Your House (/Apartment/Dorm/Place Of Residence- you know what I mean)
Before I start (not required reading feel free to skip):
Why is this tagged under adhd and neurodivergent? Because I suffer from adhd in addition to other mental illnesses and I wholeheartedly believe that these are major contributors to how I got to the point of needing this in the first place. Tasks hard. Dishes gross. I don't like living in a dirty environment but when Thing Hard and Brain Says No shit happens and here we are. I hope this may be able to help others with similar issues!
I have no idea how successful this idea is on a larger scale. I just came up with it myself two weeks ago, it seems to be working, so I'm sharing it in the hopes that it will help others! Please feel free to let me know if it works for you/offer any suggestions or critique!
Okay, read here!
Because reading hard and attention span equivalent to said fruit flies, I have turned this into a bullet point list. :)
Items needed:
soap (i used generic dish soap)
plastic wrap
sugar (potentially not needed?? idk i thought maybe it would help mask the soap)
fruit (i used watermelon)
put some soap in cup
fill maybe 2/3-3/4 of the way full with water
mix to make sure water is nice and soapy
swish to make sure sides of cup are soapy
put a decent amount of sugar in there (it'll dissolve in time just ignore it)
fill as much as possible with fruit chunks
put plastic wrap over the top
poke decent sized hole in the middle
put near sink/fruit fly problem and ignore
ta-da all done, you can stop here :)
How it's worked for me so far:
It took a while to really get going, they seemed largely uninterested in it for the first few days. A few of them got caught but not very many. However, once the watermelon started rotting it really picked up steam. The plastic wrap has helped keep the smell mostly trapped so as long as I don't pick it up and take a sniff I can just leave it there and it doesn't bother me or my roommate. The trap has been going for just about 2 weeks now and here's what it looks like currently.
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The thing is full of the little buggers, and while I haven't been staring at it to know if the plastic wrap has successfully kept them from escaping/the soapy sides have caused them to fall, or if they'd be getting caught regardless, I DO know that it keeps the smell in and I have seen some crawling on the underneath of the plastic wrap and tapped it to drop them in the water several times before so hey I think it's helpful.
The fruit flies aren't COMPLETELY gone, and no doubt it's being helped by the fact that I haven't let the sink get as bad as it was before (you don't wanna know), it seems to have caught a fair number of them and I am more than happy to know that at least this many fruit flies have died a soapy death instead of buzzing around the kitchen so hey if it works it works. I'd say I generally only see 1-3 around the kitchen at any given point rn so take that as you will. It's undoubtedly a combination of factors but I like to think my pitcher plant inspired trap is contributing!
Anyway, I hope this helps someone! Again, feel free to add in any critiques/ideas for improvement, I just made this up two weeks ago out of frustration and being BrokeTM (plus: go shopping for bug traps??? in this mental state??? it took me ages to clean the sink and you think i want to go to the store???) so it's not exactly a long process of development here lol
Good luck to everyone suffering with fruit flies they are. Annoying. :))))
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Lectularius Is Visitor at Jail,” Border Cities Star. April 5, 1930. Page 5. ---- Prisoners Not Alone In Their Misery At Sandwich ---- MR. and MRS. CIMEX LECTULARIUS, of no fixed abode, direct descendants of a long line of Roman emperors and others of less enlightened tastes, were reported unofficially today to be in hiding in the county Jail in Sandwich.
The Cimexes were not sentenced to jail, but it is assumed that they slipped in quietly with some prisoners. Since then they have lived off their hoosegow associates - for whom they furnish exercise and other diversions - and have managed to keep out of sight of Acting Governor Ernest Hopgood and his assistants.
NOT only have the Cimexes hidden themselves in the jail, it is claim- ed. but they have reared a family of sizeable proportions during the weeks or months they have been there. Scores of playful little Lectularii are alleged to have come into being in the jail, without the assistance of Dr. H. R. Casgrain, jail physician.
The Cimexes have a lengthy record. and have had it for years. This record, filed in Funk and Wagnells dictionary, stated that they are "cosmopolitan, blood-sucking. wingless, depressed bugs." In other words, bed-bugs.
PRISONERS for some time past are said to have suspected that it wasn't the cigarettes they smoked that spoiled their hours of rest. The suspicion is that the hungry Cimex family, in the course of its nocturnal prowlings, had something to do with it.
Two county constables who took a prisoner from the jail to Kingston penitentiary this week found, shortly after they left the Border, that they had brought other company along. In fact, this prisoner is said to have heaved several dozen Lectularii out of the train window during the trip. He found them clinging to his clothing.
Touched by this sight, the two guards declined to sit in the same seat with their prisoner. They didn't want to take any chances on interfering with his aim.
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phoward89 · 7 months
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Based on this ask & this ask
Dark!Coryo, Dark!Peacekeeper Coryo, Innocent!Reader, obsession
Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1:
Coriolanus, now Private Snow, hated District 12. It was so depressing. Between the coal dust, mud, and poverty, he’s surprised that half of the district's population hasn't killed themselves yet. The atmosphere is horrible.
He hates it.
Would've never made it to adulthood if he was raised in the back hills of the Appalachian mountains. Seriously, he would've offed himself. Between the mud, the muggy heat, the never ending coal dust, the bugs (locals call them skeeters), and the overall atmosphere of despair, he hates District 12.
Oh, how he missed the view of the Rockies that surround his beloved Capitol. He had such a lovely view of the superior mountain range from his former penthouse. Even though it was falling apart, moldy, and rat infested, the penthouse was still on the Corso. Was still in the wealthiest part of town. Yes, he was struggling to stay afloat; was impoverished, but at least he lived in the prized and most sought after part of the Capitol.
Keyword: lived. As in past tense, as in he used to live there. Now he lives on Peacekeeper Base-12, District 12.
From a 12th floor Corso penthouse to a peacekeeper’s base in 12. Oh, how Coriolanus Snow has fallen.
High-as-a-kite-bottom must be shitting rainbows at Coriolanus being a peacekeeper in a backwater district.
And to think he was originally assigned to the peacekeeper base in 8. Oh, how he's glad he spent every last cent to his name to bribe his way into service in 12. He doubts that he could survive District 8 considering it's full of nothing but smog, tenant buildings, and textile factories.
At least in 12 he has some fresh air to breathe.
But, he hasn't been able to find his reason for being in 12.
Lucy Gray.
He's been in 12 for a few weeks now and can't locate her. Even Sejanus can't get anyone to tell him where she's at. That's bad considering how everyone seems to trust Sejanus; open up to the naive revolutionary due to his warm and friendly personality.
So, Coriolanus is stuck patrolling the streets of District 12 while rethinking his life choices. God, how he wants to be back in the Capitol so bad. He'll do anything to get back.
Anything at all.
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One day, while on patrol in the Merchant Sector, he spotted you, a pretty Seam girl, making her way to the apothecary shop.
You had on a pretty floral dress.
No, not just a floral dress, but a dress with tiny red roses on it.
It suited you.
You had a book tucked under your arm as you walked down the cobbled streets of the nicer part of the district. And when you noticed him, you gave him a small smile.
That was the biggest goddamn mistake you've ever made in your entire life!
That one small smile sent Coriolanus’ mind into overdrive. You were so kind to him with that one tiny gesture. So kind when everyone else in the district looked at him with disgust because of the uniform he wore on a daily basis. Everyone else in this back asswards district looked at him like a bug to be squashed, but you didn't. You looked at him like he was a genuine person.
Your small smile was full of warmth and sunshine. It reminded him of his mother, who he lost such a long time ago.
Oh, how he secretly craved the warm gentleness of a woman. The warm gentleness that he's only known while in the embrace of his mother.
He wonders if you would sing to him late at night when sleep seemed to evade him. When he was deep in thought, too focused on a problem that needed solving to sleep. Would you wrap your arms around him, hold him when he needed solace? Would you be that gentle woman's touch he's craved his entire life?
Yes, you will be.
Coriolanus vowed that he'd find a way back to the Capitol, but now that's changed. Now, he needs to find a way to bring both of you back to the Capitol.
As delusional as it might seem Coriolanus was instantly obsessed with you all because you gave him a kind, small smile while on your way to intern at the apothecary shop.
But he didn't view it as obsession, instead he viewed it as love. And he loves you with his entire being all because you smiled sweetly at him.
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Your older brother Rein and his girlfriend Ashlie raised you to be leery and fearful of peacekeepers. They told you not to trust them; to stay away from them. And most of all, they told you to never ever look them in the eye or talk to them.
Not unless you wanted trouble to rain down on you like hellfire, that is.
But you made the mistake of flashing one a smile while on your way to the apothecary. The peacekeeper was young, you reckon around your age, and very tall. He had to be one of the tallest men you've ever seen in your entire life. But it wasn't his height that made you notice him. No, it was his eyes. Eyes such a pure blue, that they reminded you of the beautiful crystal clear water of the lake.
He seemed unlike any man you've ever seen before. Yes, he was a peacekeeper on watch duty, but he looked miserable. As if he didn't want to be here.
So, before you could think twice, you gave him a small, warm and friendly smile. Hoping that maybe you could cheer him up. Make his day a bit brighter in the desolate, depressing coal mining district you were cursed to be living in.
To your surprise, he smiled back. It was a closed lip smile, but it took over his entire face and just made his eyes sparkle. Made him look youthful underneath his peacekeeper's persona.
You barely made it a yard away from him when suddenly, a large shadow loomed over you. Looking up, you saw that the very same peacekeeper you just shared a smile with was right next to you. Walking by your side, like your personal golden retriever.
Except you didn't know that Private Snow isn't a golden retriever. He's more like a demon possessed Chihuahua from the deepest pits of hell. Shit, scratch that, he's legit the hellhound Cerberus that's guards the gate to the underworld for Hades.
But you didn't know that. How could you? You've just seen the man. Up until now he's been nothing, but a stranger to you.
Just another random peacekeeper.
“Um, hi.” You greeted your new companion, your voice a near stutter, as you passed by townspeople and shopkeepers while walking down the cobblestone street of the Merchant Sector.
Everyone looked a bit wide-eyed since you were side by side with a peacekeeper. Surely your name would be in the gossip mill tonight; it wouldn't be anything good either. Your older brother was going to flip his shit when he found out.
“Hello, Miss-” The peacekeeper at your side greeted, leaving an opening hanging for you to supply him your name.
“Y/N Halvir.” You simply supplied.
“Well, Miss Y/N, I'm Private Coriolanus Snow; I thought perhaps I could escort you to wherever you're going since, after all, it's my duty to patrol these streets and keep the good law-abiding citizens of 12 safe from harm.” Coriolanus told you, laying the charm on real thick since he wanted you to believe that he just wanted to do something nice and dutiful for you. He didn't want you to know that he wanted to take you to your destination in order to show you off to the entire Merchant Sector. To make sure that everyone (and he means everyone) in that part of 12 knows that you're with him.
Commissioned Officers are the only ones allowed in the Peacekeepers to have serious relationships (usually they would have an arranged match in the Capitol) but he didn't care. Coriolanus Snow did what he wanted; the hell with anybody else. He wanted something, he took it. Right now, he wanted you.
He was taking you.
Or at least he would be taking you back to the Capitol with him once he figures out a way back there. But as for right now, Private Snow was letting everyone see you together; letting everyone know that you were his girl.
His girl and off limits to anyone else.
And if someone even did so much as look at you sideways, well, he'd kill them.
“Oh, you don't have to. The apothecary’s right up the bend and I'd hate to be a bother; make you take time out just to walk me there.”
“It's not a bother at all, darling. In fact, I insist on walking with you, to keep you safe.” Private Snow smiled, seeming to be a friendly and helpful gentleman underneath his grey uniform. “Never know who out there might try to harm such a pretty girl, like you.” He added in to drive home his reason for walking with you.
Hearing him call you pretty made your cheeks grow hot. Oh my… Nobody's called you pretty before, not even your own brother and his girlfriend (and they raised you). No, Rein and Ashlie always said that you looked nice.
Coriolanus calling you pretty did something to you.
The peacekeeper smirked to himself, knowing that his words had ensnared you to him. He honestly did think you were pretty, so having you react to the compliment by getting all flustered made his heart soar. It gave his obsessive nature a large ego boost, because to him your reaction meant that you loved him back, just like he loved you.
That the two of you shared the unbreakable bond of love at first sight.
But the truth of the matter was that Coriolanus was obsessed with you in an unhealthy way after seeing you and sharing a few words while you were just a kind person that wasn't used to being called pretty
You're from the Seam; girls from the seem don't get called pretty.
Well, not unless they're one Lucy Gray Baird.
But that reality would never be Private Snow's reality. No, his reality’s one where you're both crazy in love with each other after sharing smiles, a few words, and a walk.
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Coming to a stop right in front of the apothecary, you looked at the peacekeeper and politely told him, “Thank you for walking me here, Coriolanus.”
Coriolanus leaned forward, closing the space between you, only to request, “Please, call me Coryo. All my friends and family do.”
His words took you aback. Blinking, you asked in disbelief, “You want to be friends?”
“Yes.” Coryo nodded, a too wide smile showcasing his pearly whites on his face.
That was a big fat fucking lie!
He didn't want to be your friend, he wanted to be your boyfriend. No, no. That's not true either. Scratch that, Peacekeeper Snow wanted to be your husband.
Yes, that's right. He just met you and barely knows you, but he wants to be your husband. All because he's obsessed with you; thinks that you share some kind of special undying love all because of a kind smile and a blush.
Boy oh boy, seems like he forgot about Lucy Gray real quick.
Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray who?
She didn't matter to him anymore. Coriolanus realizes now that the songbird was just a means to an end; that it would've never worked out between them.
That you're his true prize. The girl that's meant for him. The girl that's kind and pretty, just like his mother used to be before she was taken away from him by dying in the birthing bed with his baby sister.
You're his perfect girl.
“Okay. We can be friends.” You naively responded.
If only you knew what he truly meant by ���being friends’. It'd save your family a whole lot of trouble and heartbreak. That's for sure.
“I'll wait around; escort you back when your done.” Coriolanus offered as the young dirty blonde man inside of the apothecary shop looked at the window, stunned to see you talking so easily with a peacekeeper.
A peacekeeper that had no need for herbs, remedies, and healers since he had access to all the modern medical marvels Panem’s Capitol had to offer at the PKB-12 Military Hospital. The young shopkeeper was concerned for your safety, seeing you exchanging words effortlessly with the uniformed grunt.
“I’m interning here til 5:30, sometimes 6.” You told Coriolanus because you didn't want your new friend waiting around for you when he had work to do.
Before Coriolanus could tell you that he'd be back around then to escort you home, the door to the apothecary flung open and out walked Juris Ashberry.
Juris was a dirty blonde of average height that you had gone to school with. His father was a clerk at the Justice Building; worked closely with the mayor. His mother was good friends with the old hag that owned the apothecary.
So, Juris arranged for you to get an internship at the shop after his family had arranged for him to be in a courtship with Belladonna, the daughter of the old hag that ran the apothecary.
Belladonna hated you because her intended, Juris, had a sweet spot for you. A sweet spot he was too chicken to openly declare.
And it was the worried look in his eyes that tipped Coriolanus off that the man who just walked out of the apothecary felt something for you. He wanted to stab that dirty merchant boy's eyes out for looking at you.
Coriolanus is the only one allowed to look at you with such sweet worry and care.
“Y/N, you're needed inside.” Juris told you as a way to separate you and Coryo. His eyes sized up the Capitol born and bred peacekeeper, concluding that if he had to then he could take the tall and athletically built peacekeeper on in a fight.
“Bye, Coryo.” You waved at your new friend before turning towards the apothecary.
You were almost to the door whenever it opened and out strolled Belladonna, your boss's daughter. She gave you a glare before skipping over to Juris and snatching his hand in hers. “Now that she's finally here, we can go have midmorning tea with Mayfair and Billy.”
Juris just nodded before silently walking off with Belladonna in the direction that the Mayor's large lavish house was in.
Coriolanus didn't like Juris. Even though Juris has himself a pretty flaxen blonde on his arm, the way he looked at you was dangerous. And the fact that the man seemed comfortable at your place of employment (internship, but practically the same thing) didn't go over well with him either.
Coriolanus decided that he needed to get you away from that dirty blonde man; he needed to make you dependent on him. And he needed to do those things because it was the only way to ensure that you'll join him back in the Capitol.
So, while you went about your midmorning in the apothecary, Coriolanus patrolled the streets while scheming up a way to get you fired. Hmm, maybe he could threaten the shopkeeper’s family? People seemed to do anything to keep their family safe.
Whatever he’s got to do to get you out of that shop, he’s going to do it. He was going to stop at nothing to have you on his arm as he stepped out of the train and onto the platform during his return to the best city in all of Panem.
The Capitol.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak, @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @staylowessafe
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rintoshis-archived · 1 year
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𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃 - ft. miles morales
🀄、pairings: miles morales x reader warnings: mentions of paranoia, death, mentions of blood, slightly angsty, fluff at the end, slow burn, legit doesn't make total sense, not proofread, lyric references, venom, profanities, kissing (nothing smutty), mentions of gwen and hobie, poor spanish (blame duolingo...), with translations, no actual current plot of atsv, own plot, might not make sense if you didn't watch the movie, mutants, giants, mentions of skinned bodies, false accusations, arguments, a lot more within these lines, peter being a bad mentor, involves miguel, margo, peter. w/c: 4,297 notes; i really did not expect this to be long ... but yeah! this might not make sense and there might be whole lotta ooc BUT THIS IS MY PLOT I DO WHAT I WANT RAHHHH 🤣🤣🔥🔥 anyways i didn't know what i went with the storyline but there are a lot of depressing moments here ... i hope y'all are ok btw .. okay bye ily
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'SOMETHING BAD IS 'BOUT TO HAPPEN TO ME' You thought. Your paranoia didn't help you sleep at night, the empty feeling of always being secluded from the world. Your dimension didn't have any Spider-people, and in contrast to Miles's dimension; it was harder to pick yourself up and fight for the city.
The feeling of cold sheets wrapping around your limbs, the fabric only bringing you more comfort. His smell lingered on your pillows, his jacket hanging on the back of your door. You didn't wanna leave Miles. The banging headache raised when you cried for the rest of the night, tears flowing down your cheek.
This might be pathetic, sure. But you weren't happy with the world you were born into. You missed the vibrant city of Miles's dimension, the moments you spent together to train him to become the best Spiderman of the century. You could only laugh at that thought.
Your eyes are glued onto your ceiling, the empty white color reflecting your current mind. Hell, if you could go back; you would. Your eyes close heavily, and the feeling of your hot eyelids resting on your eyes.
'I DON'T KNOW IT BUT I FEEL IT COMING.' The returning feeling of being helpless, a deep voice circulating in your mind. As much as you didn't wanna admit it, you were fragile. The Spider that bit you wasn't as ordinary as you thought. That goes without saying; Miles got bit by an unordinary spider, too. But something about that insect made it a little more special than other Spider origins.
The Spider actually talked to you. Its venom projects into your blood cells, infesting your mind and body. ''The city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs-'' If you could spray bug repellent inside of your head, you would've done it already. The echoing voice inside of your brain didn't subside even after you've covered your ears with pillows.
You were restless. Your spider suit resting on your chair. The radio your dad previously had woken you from your slumber, the screams and sounds of innocent people screaming, a cop reporting for backup.
''This is Agent- Shit! Get away- We need backup, now! Call for the nearest-'' The voice cuts off, only leaving you with the sound of a broken stereo. Out of instinct, your webs sling the radio to your hands, turning some of the knobs to get more surface of the situation.
Nothing comes out, the last person who reported to the station was that 'Agent'. You hop out of bed, took the suit, and quickly put it on. You contemplated for a while, but the sudden shiver of guilt only awoken the voice that whispered in your ear. ''The city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you.''
The sounds of police car's sirens echoed in the street, a building being griefed by an explosion. Big claws and bloodied cement was the scenery when you arrived. You heard a lady scream in an alleyway, and all of the police cars emptied out of people. No cop was left alive, they were all skinned out of their bodies.
''G-Get away from me!'' The lady's voice stung your Spider-sense, the sound of big feet stepping towards the lady. You were on the walls, peeking at the villain. It had a broad back, spikes decorating its spine, and green and vibrant reptile skin. You land on the floor, attaching your webs to the spikes of its back. ''You heard the lady.''
Your webs were strong enough to pull the reptile back, jumping high to let it sling behind you. A loud thud could be heard miles away, the cement of the building cracking from the giant's impact. You approach the lady, putting two hands up. ''Are you okay?''
The lady's eyes widened while looking behind you, your spider sense didn't detect the big chunk of cement that was coming your way. Your hands almost act instinctively, grabbing ahold of the cement before it crushed the two of you.
Your webs threw the brick back, crumbling on the body of the reptile. ''You should run.'' you flash a small smile of assurance to the lady, webbing the two buildings to get closer to the villain. Your eyes catch a small glimpse of a black and red suited person in the sky, spider sense tingling at the sight. Your head turns to the building where it landed, getting distracted from what was in front of you.
''Move!'' A voice echoes from the roof of the building, your head quickly turns back to the lizard, his hands almost grabbing a hold of you. A sudden bolt of lightning almost blinded you, causing your eyes to close at the brightness.
A huge hole in the sky opens, the edges of it being coated with pink, purple, and hints of green. It looked like it glitched into the sky, with strings of what looked like webs inside of it. Miles had already electrocuted the lizard for a short time, as he approached you.
''Y/N! I'm here!'' His hands wrap around your torso, feeling your warmth over your suit. ''Miles?'' Your hands wrap around his neck, pulling him into a hug. ''H-how are you here? What the fuck is that?'' You ask of the hole in the sky, some of the cars and poles flying inside of it.
''Listen, we need to go.'' His hands grab yours, webbing to the closet rooftop. ''No... No! I need to see my aunt-'' Your eyes widen, his hands pulling you into the black hole. Your argument with your aunt didn't lull even after the 'talk' you both had.
''¡Dios mío, Y/N! Te lo dije una vez, dos veces, trice! Y no nos escuchaste ni a mí ni a tu mamá!'' (Oh my gosh, Y/N! I told you once, twice, thrice! And you didn't listen to me or your mom!) Your hands slam the door on your aunt, refusing to continue this talk with your aunt. You had just lost your dad, you couldn't save him from that stupid mutant that appeared right in your dad's station house. Your dad's friends whom you even considered your own; dead before your eyes, bodies laying and pierced in her stomachs. ''Do not slam that door on me, we are not done!'' Your aunt opens your door with pressure, her words poisoning the whole room. ''Tía, yo también te lo dije un millón de veces!'' (Aunt, I told you a million times too!) It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that your dad still wanted to be the hero even when he can't. It was his fault. ''¿Cuántas veces tengo que decir esto? You can't be meddling in the policía's jobs! You killed your-'' (How many times do I have to say this?) ''Get out!'' Your webs shut your door with force, webbing the door handle closed. ''No entiendes, tía, I didn't kill Papa!'' (You don't understand, Aunt) ''You just don't understand, Y/N! Your mom is crying, the whole police is after you! They think you murdered your father! You need to stop, Y/N. You are not the 'hero' of this city!'' Your auntie bangs on your door, but your hands remain on your ears, cuddled up to your pillow.
It 'MIGHT BE SO SAD, MIGHT LEAVE MY NOSE RUNNING.' You couldn't leave your auntie, and your mom didn't stop crying, she stopped coming to her job and didn't speak to anyone else.
'I JUST HOPE SHE DON'T WANNA LEAVE ME.' Those words ring inside of Miles's head, he had already fought his battle with Miguel just to see you again, and he was willing to go through it all over again.
''Listen, your aunt will be fine! You'll be safe there!'' Miles tries to pull you in, and you let him. You take his words and put them inside of your heart. The feeling of being airborne in the galaxy takes over your senses, a huge tube leading you both into another portal. Your hands tremble inside Miles's grasp.
You both land in an elevator, a platform bringing you to up top.
His thumb rubs your skin, hoping to have calmed you down. You both fall into an elevator, Miles's hands still intertwined with yours. ''I should probably explain, huh?'' You didn't respond, your mind almost wandering away staring at the wall. ''Y/N?'' When the warmth of Mile's skin leaves yours, your head turns to him.
''Did you say something?'' ''Yeah... Did you listen?'' ''No... Sorry, could you repeat that?'' You hear Miles sigh, his hands knotted with each other to his chest. ''Well, Miguel wanted me to pick you up... Kinda.'' Your head tilts a little, and a tinge of unsureness laced Miles's words. ''Kinda?'' You ask, almost surveying him. ''Well I did kinda sneak out and asked Margo to take me to your dimension but that's not the important part!''
Miles raises his hands as if it were for defense and you laugh. ''You're so stupid.'' You nudge his shoulder. ''Why'd you take me here-'' You feel almost a big punch in your stomach as if you'd glitched out in a game. ''Woah!'' Miles panicked, rummaging through his pockets. You were surprised he had put pockets in his suit. Maybe you have to do that, sometime.
''I forgot to give you this.'' He takes your hand before you glitch out again and put on the bracelet on your wrist. Nausea stopped, feeling a little bit better from the piece of silicone around your skin. You laugh a little, seeing Miles's panicked expression even from over his mask. You took off your own mask, breathing in some air. ''So.. Why'd you take me here?''
Miles took off his, too. ''Well, I missed you, of course.'' A window appears behind you both, the land seemingly upside down. ''Woah...'' ''We're in Nueva York.'' The door opens, and Miles captures your hands in his, leading you to the upside-down hallways.
''T-there's so many...'' You didn't expect almost a hundred- maybe more Spider-people. All of them were different, some were on wheelchairs, some were riding horses, and some were incubated in a yellow-orange barrier.
After what seemed like a million light-years, you both reached a dark part of the building, a girl who seemed like she was purple waved at you two and started working back on her computer.
''Miles Morales.'' A dark voice grew out of the dark, a floating platform lowering from the sky. ''Miguel, we're back.'' ''Another outsider.'' Miguel turned to face you both, the man looked like he hadn't slept in years. You frown at his comment, he didn't know who you were.
''Miguel O'Hara, this is Y/N L/N.''
An infant webbed around the room and caught you three off-guard. ''Mayday! Good job Honey!'' A man with a baby carrier enters the room, phone pointed at the child. Mayday, cute name. You smile at the sight of a cute baby webbing freely, she'll be a good Spiderwoman when she grows up. ''Miles! I haven't seen you in so long!'' The man put his phone back in his pocket, putting two of his hands on your shoulders.
''Peter!'' ''Miles! Hey, bud! Who's this?'' Peter smiles at you, and you give him another smile back. ''I'm Y/N.'' You shook his hand, and he immediately pulled away to catch Mayday. She was climbing on Miguel, a funny sight to see. You didn't fail to see how Miguel was so... Muscular. His webs looked different, it looked like it glowed with a orange light.
You knew to not fuck with him, especially when he was the only one in the room who didn't wear a bracelet to keep him from not glitching out. ''Y/N L/N. You must know what kind of place this is, I assume?'' Miguel says, capturing Mayday in his hands. Miles looked at you, slight panic arising in his eyes.
''Uhm, I brought her here. She can help me, Hobie, and Gwen-'' ''There are enough problems that I have to deal with. Put her back, Morales.'' You didn't know who Hobie or Gwen was, but Miles mentioned that they went on missions together. That Miguel had a foul mouth, for sure.
''You've caused enough shit, Morales! The start of the spot, breaking a canon event, and even rebelling against my rules!'' Miguel webbed down to the floor and threw a bomb on the floor. Once it hit your foot, it opened up a dome.
''What the fuck-'' You try banging on the walls, the sounds outside almost being muffled from the inside. ''Miles!'' ''Enough is enough, Morales. I guess I'll have to send you both back then.'' You see Miles trying to bargain with Miguel, but Peter interrupts. ''Miguel, loosen up pal. Let them experience their puppy love in the HQ, gosh they're so cute together-'' Miguel shoots a web to Peter's mouth and put him in a dome as well.
'DON'T YOU GIVE ME UP, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP.' These words fill your mind, still trying to get out of the barrier. Your words couldn't reach Miles as he backed up beside you, his hands on the dome. ''Miguel, for someone who's the so-called 'master' of HQ, you really don't know how to stop making the same mistake all over again.''
Miles shatters the projected dome and takes your hand to escape out of the HQ. Peter waves at you both as a goodbye, seemingly proud of Miles for what he did. ''You're a bad mentor,'' Miguel says, chasing you both. The dome fades away, and Peter takes off the web on his mouth. Peter grabs Mayday's pacifier and put it in her mouth. ''Let's go, honey!'' Peter chasing you both.
''If I would've known we'd be running from a Headmaster of an HQ full of Spider-people, I would've come prepared, Miles.'' You two web from wall to wall, knocking some people over and leaving them with a short 'sorry'.
''It's not like- Woah-! I planned this to happen!'' You laugh at his words, keeping up with his pace. ''You can't let me leave you in the dust, Miles!'' You pass Miles, but he quickly catches up. ''I won't!'' He grabs your hand and slings you on his back, sticking onto him like a koala. You both giggle a bit while making your way to Margo. ''I missed you... I missed... Us.''
You rest your head on Miles's shoulder. ''What you said earlier... Who's Hobie and Gwen?'' ''Some friends of mine.'' You smile, kissing his cheek. ''Gwen, huh?'' Miles laughs at the pout that he felt on his skin, ''HONEY, I BELONG WITH YOU AND ONLY YOU, BABE.'' Miles's words made you smile as you both land in Margo's office, seeing her work away on her computer.
''Miles. What did you do now?'' Margo didn't look back, she already knew what you both wanted. ''Send us back to my world,'' Miles says, but your eyes almost want to disagree with him. Miles notices the slight worry in your eyes, he only captures your hands in response.
You knew you'd always wanted to go to Mile's dimension and spend time with him and Mrs. Morales. ''Alright. But I can't guarantee you'll be able to go back to HQ in one piece.'' Margo stated, her spider was already ready for you both.
''Miles, why are you doing this to yourself?'' Margo asks, as you both hop on the platform, hands still in his. ''I JUST DON'T WANT HER TO LEAVE ME.'' Margo only rolls her eyes with a smile and started her machine. The spider started knitting a cocoon around you two, and your hands tighten in nervousness.
''It'll be okay. As long as you have that bracelet, we can live together forever, happily.'' Miles reassures you, tucking hair behind your ear. Miles snakes a hand around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss once the spider finished webbing.
Miguel and Peter could only stare at you both, Peter looking like he was lovestruck. Peter's hands rest on Mayday's eyes while Miguel only rubs his temples. ''Oi! No lovey-dovey in the machine!'' Margo teases before it teleports you both.
''Miles, Y/N! Dinner!'' ''Innaminute!'' Miles screams out while you two were playing on a PS4 in the living room. Lieutenant Morales watched you two, occasionally taking photos of you both. ''That's unfair!'' You laugh at Mile's whining when you threw a banana on the road, causing his character to slip.
''See 'ya! Eat my dust!'' Miles bit his lip in concentration, leaning his body on where his character would go, bumping into each other. ''Dinner is getting cold, you three!'' Mrs. Morales approaches you three in the living room, catching her husband taking a video of you two playing games.
Her head rests on his shoulder, smiling at the view. ''Amor de cachorro, eh?''(Puppy love, huh?) Mr. Morales laughs and kisses his own wife once you two finally finished the game. You jump in celebration, laughing at Miles's frown. ''I won! I thought you were the best of this game-'' Miles grabs your hand and pulls you into his lap, kissing your lips.
Once Miles's parents finished smooching Mr. Morales interrupts you both. ''Oi! No kissing in the house!'' You smile on Miles's lips before pulling away from his lap. ''I'm hungry.'' ''Let's go eat?'' ''Race 'ya there!'' ''No fair!'' ''Don't run in the house!''
Because in the day, you both are just teenagers attending school, but at night you both have duties to save the city.
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woahwoah this was so long ... ‧₊˚ ⋅ fusaes 2023 do not copy
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AITA for breaking up with my partner of four years who I live with?
sorry this is a long one but I don't want to leave stuff out and make it seem biased.
My partner (22F) and I (22F) have been together since senior year of high school, just before COVID hit, and have lived together for a bit over a year now.
It's her first time living outside her parents' house, and early on she was a really crappy housemate. I ended up nagging at her a lot and having to use gentle parenting techniques to get her to do basic housework and do her share of responsibilities. We had a fight around six months in, where I told her I felt like I had to parent her, and she understandably took it poorly. Since then, she's put in a lot more effort around the house in a way that felt less like it was a product of caring, and more like the product of fearing abandonment. I pointed this out to her, and she said that she was trying harder because she loved me and wanted me to be comfortable in our home, though she had made several offhand comments that she was always worried about pissing me off.
I've been clinically depressed for a long time, and one of the chief ways it's manifested is irritation and anger. It developed into a problem, and I started getting therapy/ medication. Often I would end up being pretty mean to her. I felt bad about it, but she would get on my nerves a lot. I get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily. She has unmedicated ADHD and often comes in and starts hyperactively info-dumping about her day without a greeting or anything, knowing I had just woken up (I work nights).
She stopped doing that only after months of me asking her to and enforcing that boundary. Sometimes I was hurtful about it, but when I was nice about it she tended to ignore me or "forget" I'd asked her to stop doing that.
The last six months she's been better about things, but the first six months of living together kinda killed my feelings for her. At first, I thought it was stress from school, work, and other things related to the house (bug infestations, things breaking constantly, standard Landlord Special bullshit). But more and more I found myself annoyed with her. I'd often make rude comments about her behavior out of frustration. When I tried to discuss things more maturely, she'd break down crying and panicking, and I'd reassure and comfort her afterward instead of getting to express my feelings. She'd rarely express hers, just start sobbing and apologizing and saying she'd change, which made me feel awful and like I couldn't express grievances to her.
I'd try to get some space from time to time, and she'd get extremely anxious and seek reassurance, which I'd give to her because I didn't want to start anything. I thought I'd come back around and find happiness with her again. She'd been extremely patient with me throughout the relationship, with my moodiness and temper. I'd tried changing that about myself, but I found that the only thing that ever seemed to help my moods was getting space from her.
In late 2023/Jan 2024 I ended up having to get a couple surgeries, and she was supportive and caring in a way not many people would be for their partners. She made time to take care of me while I was more or less disabled and gave me grace as I worked through the emotional aspects of my health issues.
During this time I started having feelings for her again, but within a week of recovering, I was back to feeling the same sense of vague irritation and resentment as before, even though her behavior had changed and she was objectively being an amazing partner.
I realized I wasn't happy in this relationship and felt tremendous pressure to be responsible for somebody who had fallen behind me in terms of emotional maturity. I couldn't discuss big issues with her without her breaking down and panicking, and I felt like I had to walk on eggshells because of it. I was hurtful to her because of it, and it wasn't fair to stay a relationship I was no longer emotionally invested in.
Before I left for work one day, she ended up pressuring me into talking about what was on my mind after I told her I didn't feel the time was right to discuss it. I told her how I felt and that a breakup seemed like the healthiest way forward for us. She shut down, started crying, panicking, saying that we could work it out and go to couples therapy, etc. By this point, I had kind of lost faith in her ever fulfilling any promises related to therapy. I had to leave for work and she wouldn't stop talking about it, so I ended up apologizing, taking it back, and saying we could work it out.
A busy week or two went by where I was noticeably less nice to her, hoping that when I tried to break up with her again she wouldn't get emotional whiplash from it coming seemingly out of nowhere. I wrote out what I wanted to say in a letter and told her that I had things to talk about, but put them in a letter so she'd have time to process it instead of shutting down. I told her this, as well, to give her something of a warning.
I asked her what she thought we talked about during that big argument, and she said she honestly couldn't remember. We then went to a concert where I got drunk to try and enjoy things (I did) but she couldn't have a good time due to worrying about our conversation. I gave her the letter two days later, left it for her in the morning to read and process while I was in class that day.
It understandably went poorly, and she blames me for being a shitty partner, for being mean, for ruining the concert which was the one thing that she had looked forward to us doing as partners, and for treating her like shit in the weeks leading up to the breakup, and has indirectly asked if I can stay elsewhere on the nights where we'd be sharing a bed. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
133 notes · View notes
pedrointofolklore · 1 year
Long story short
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
summary: weeks had passed since your steamy kiss with joel, and you wanted more. sequel to this is me trying.
warnings: smut 18+ mdni, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v, creampie, joel miller has a big dick, emotional sex, brief mention of sex as currency (as part of reader’s backstory), allusions to depression and suicidal ideation, lots of fluff with a bit of angst, enemies to lovers (they’re in their lover era), extremely soft joel, joel is so disastrously in love, self-loathing due to a guilty conscience, lots of swearing, age gap (unspecified), no use of y/n, ellie era (ellie is only mentioned)
word count: 3.4k
a/n: hey y’all. so part one did way better than i ever expected. thank you to everyone who has supported it. if you haven’t read it i highly recommend you do before reading this. if you have read it: enjoy part two! the title is once again a taylor swift song.
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It had been weeks since you kissed Joel.
Neither of you acknowledged it. After the shitstorm that was Kansas City, your focus was making it to Wyoming on foot. Addressing one kiss wasn’t high on the list of priorities.
But you still thought about it. A lot. And it seemed like Joel did too.
Joel Miller wasn’t nice as a rule, but he was good to you. He confided in you, asked for your input, and did what he could to make you feel like your presence was important. Whether or not it was actually important, you just appreciated that he was trying.
And you were trying too. You were doing your best to be present, focus on the positives, and take a breath before sprinting headfirst into danger. Just as Tess would have done.
You couldn’t have predicted that Ellie would end up inspiring you. There was something about her that reminded you of yourself (which was ultimately cause for concern), but she was different in the ways that mattered most. She was funny and resilient and excited about things, even in this vile world she was living in.
You wanted to be more like her.
There was an abandoned, isolated cabin somewhere between Kansas City and Kearney—you weren’t sure exactly where at this point. It was a corroded, rotting structure, with shattered windows and wooden panels threatening to collapse, but it was better than sleeping outside in the middle of nowhere.
There were two beds and a couch inside. Ellie passed out almost immediately after calling dibs on the bed upstairs. The poor girl was exhausted. Meanwhile, Joel laid down on the couch and shut his eyes, pretending to go to sleep. This was clearly an act; he wasn't going to sleep, he was going to keep watch.
You hadn’t slept in a bed since the QZ, and though this bed was old and musty and probably infested with microscopic bed bugs, it somehow felt like the most comfortable thing in the world. This was the first time in so long it didn’t feel like you were in a rush. You could just exist and let your mind wander.
Letting your mind wander was something you typically avoided, but instead of your thoughts leading you down a trail of despondency, they led you to Joel. You pictured him sitting upright on the couch, scanning the area through fractured windows, clutching a shotgun and trying to stay awake. You wondered what he was thinking about.
If you still want it later, you can have it.
That was what he’d said to you. It was such a new feeling; wanting Joel, wanting anything. You thought about the kiss again, and a warm, tingly sensation spread throughout your entire body like ink seeping into wet paper.
It was later, and you still wanted it.
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Joel was awake.
This wasn’t new. Joel hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in 20 years, but it had gotten worse lately.
He’d failed everyone in Kansas City, but most of all Ellie. It left him in a constant state of unease, just waiting for something else to go wrong. Even sleeping stressed him out now.
Then, there was you.
As everything around him gradually fell into shambles, it felt like he needed you more everyday. You were good and clever and really the only person in the world who made Joel feel like he could do this, and that terrified him. You were trying so hard, but he still had this paralysing fear of losing you.
Joel hadn’t forgotten what happened, and he hadn’t forgotten what he said.
If you still want it later, you can have it.
He wasn’t even sure what ‘it’ was referring to. Was it that he’d fuck you if you asked? He would, but he didn't think that was really what he meant.
He also wasn’t sure if you wanted it. Maybe the kiss had been just a random moment of weakness for you. Maybe you woke up the next morning and realised that Joel was the last person in the world you could ever want. The thought gnawed at him; infected him like some faceless monstrosity with razor-sharp teeth.
But if by some chance you wanted it—wanted him—he would give you everything he had. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness, and certainly not your admiration, but you deserved to get whatever you wanted out of him. He would let you come to him, and he would do anything you asked if it meant keeping you here.
The sound of your door clicking open jerked Joel from his anxious ruminating. His eyes followed you as you sauntered over to the couch and plonked yourself down next to him, crossing your legs with an air of forced nonchalance.
“What are you doing up?” Joel asked.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you said. “You’re also up.”
“Just keepin’ watch.”
“We’re indoors in the middle of nowhere, Joel,” you replied. “I think you can sleep for a bit.”
Joel didn’t say anything. He couldn’t get into this with you. He didn’t want to ruin the newfound trust you had in him by letting you know what a mess he was.
“Unless there’s something else keeping you up,” you spoke in a nervous whisper, like you were testing the waters to see if Joel would actually entertain this conversation. 
Of course he would. There were things Joel didn’t want to talk about—anything that had ever happened to him, for example—but the only thing stronger than his propensity to never let anyone in was the urge he had to never deny you.
“Just been worried about you, I guess.” 
Your mouth formed a constrained smile. It didn’t quite reach your eyes. “We talked about this. I’m fine now, Joel.”
“One talk can’t solve everything.” Or one kiss, for that matter.
“I’m not asking you to solve anything,” you replied, your tone becoming heightened. “Worry about the important things, like Ellie and finding your brother and—"
“You are important.”
He felt a rush of anger, but not at you. Never at you. He was angry at himself. Of course you felt unimportant when he’d spent so long making you feel that way. It wasn’t fair that he got to wake up one day and decide to stop being an asshole while you still had to live with the consequences of his assholery.
You sat there not saying anything, and Joel was certain that you were about to walk away from this conversation. The irony wasn’t lost on him; for two people who hated heartfelt discussions, you couldn’t seem to stop finding yourselves in the middle of them.
“Joel…” Your voice came out breathy and desperate. It was completely unexpected. He couldn’t describe the feeling of hearing you say his name like that. All he knew was that he wanted to fall to his knees at your feet.
“What do you need?” Joel asked. He hoped that he already knew the answer.
“I need you.”
He let out a shaky exhale—relieved and nervous all at once. “You have me, sweetheart. You know that."
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Being naked on a grotty mattress with a fully-clothed man above you should have been horrifically vulnerable, but you couldn’t muster up any uncertainty with Joel. All you felt was an excited kind of anticipation.
You never expected Joel to be so affectionate, but he held you like you were something worth caring for. He took his time, kissing you slow and undressing you bit by bit until you were bare for him. You felt the same heated intensity you had that night in the woods, but without the crushing sense of urgency.
Your breath hitched when Joel trailed kisses from your chest down past your navel. He stopped at the lowest part of your belly, looking up at you with lustful, imploring eyes. “Can I taste you, sweetheart?”
“Please…” You already sounded embarrassingly wrecked.
Your body jolted when Joel dragged a finger through your soaked slit, gathering up the obscene amount of wetness that was dripping out of you and spreading it over your aching clit.
Then, without a word, he pushed himself up and off the bed. You looked at him in dismay, about to berate him for teasing, but your voice caught in your throat when he crouched down at the end of the bed and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you forward until your ass was lined up with the edge of the mattress, and your legs were thrown over his shoulders.
The sound that escaped you when Joel sucked your clit into his mouth was borderline feral. You didn’t know you were capable of making a noise like that—something between a pathetic gasp and a wanton moan.
“Oh f—Joel! Feels so good. What the fuck.” You were breathless and shaking and grabbing a fistful of his hair.
“Ssh, sweetheart,” Joel hushed. You clenched around nothing when his warm breath hit your drenched core. “Need you to be quiet. Can you do that for me, baby?”
He didn’t even wait for you to try and compose yourself before devouring you again. He had a lot of audacity to think he could tell you to be quiet as he tongue-fucked you senseless. And then, like he was trying to get you to scream, he prodded a finger at your entrance and slipped it inside.
“That feel good?” Joel asked, curling his finger as he pumped it into you.
You whined and pulled his hair harder. He let out a low groan and continued flicking his tongue over your clit, and it dawned on you that he wasn’t just doing this to make you feel good—he was doing it because he liked it.
He added another finger, and this time you did scream, but not before clasping a hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. It was too much now. His mouth and fingers were unrelenting, as if worshipping your cunt was his only purpose on this earth.
“Joel—F-fuck—I think I’m gonna come.”
“You can come, baby. I got you.”
Those three words were all you needed. You came hard, sobbing and writhing and crushing Joel’s head between your thighs as you tried to clamp them shut. He could not have given less of a fuck—he continued his onslaught between your legs until you were twitching with overstimulation and pulling him off by his hair.
You threw an arm over your eyes, trying to catch your breath and recover from that earth-shattering orgasm. You heard the faint clink of a belt, followed by the soft sounds of fabric hitting the floor. You opened your eyes when the mattress dipped, revealing a very naked Joel Miller.
This took you by surprise more than anything else. You never thought that Joel would take his clothes off for you, and you wouldn’t have asked him to—he’d done it of his own volition. He wanted to bare himself to you like you had to him.
Plus, he was hot. You would have been attracted to him no matter what, but he was so undeniably sexy. His arms looked like they were carved from marble. He was broad and strong, but still had a wonderfully human softness about him. And his cock. Your mouth salivated at the sight. It was thick and long and beautiful. You wanted to drag your tongue along the vein that ran down his shaft and taste the leaking precum at the tip.
“You done starin’?” Joel asked, blushing at the way you were blatantly ogling him.
You giggled and climbed into his lap, your knees settling on either side of his hips. “Stop being so pretty if you don’t want me to stare.”
Joel let out a genuine, light-hearted laugh—something you’d only witnessed him do a handful of times. You wanted to bottle the sound and keep it forever. “I’m pretty, am I?”
“So pretty.” You leaned forward and kissed him, painfully aware of his hard cock pressed against your inner thigh.
You reached down and wrapped a hand around his length, teasing the slit with your thumb and spreading the dribbling fluid. You pumped him a few times, noticing the way his belly tightened as he sucked in a sharp breath.
“You’re so good, sweetheart," he spoke with a low, sultry tone, "but I really need to fuck you now.”
Joel had you pinned under him in a second, hiking your legs up around his hips while his cock bumped your entrance.
“Ready?” Joel asked.
You nodded eagerly and repeated what you told him earlier, “I need you.”
Joel lined the head of his cock up with your wet heat, stroking it through your folds and teasing your sensitive clit. He leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on your lips as he finally pushed into you.
The stretch stung even with how wet you were. You dug your nails into his back and tried not to wince, all while Joel planted comforting kisses around your face.
“It’ll feel good in a second, baby,” he whispered against your cheek. “Tell me to stop if it’s too much.”
“It’s okay, Joel,” you assured him. “Don’t stop.”
He paused when he was buried to the hilt, giving you a moment to adjust. You weren’t completely inexperienced, but the sheer size of Joel was a lot to take.
But it wasn't long before the sting started to morph into pleasure. You felt keyed up and desperate and so incredibly full. “You can move now.”
His hands settled on your thighs as he pulled his cock out and slowly pushed it back in. Your walls fluttered around him, spurring him on. He did it again, this time plunging it harder and faster.
You gasped at the feeling, gushing around his cock and wrapping your legs around his waist to bring him closer. He set a steady, delicious pace, pounding into you the way you hadn't even known you'd been craving.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight, sweetheart. Shit. So good. So fuckin' perfect.”
You moaned at his slurry of praise, angling your hips up so he reached even deeper. You ran a hand over his back and down to his plush ass, giving it a firm squeeze. Joel chuckled fondly and traced affectionate nibbles along your jaw.
It hit you all at once that you had never been this happy before. Having Joel in your arms, buried inside you, giving you everything he could was beyond euphoric. You didn't know if you would ever feel this good again.
And suddenly, he stopped. “What’s wrong, baby?”
Fuck. You were crying. “Nothing. Just don’t stop.”
“I need you to talk to me, sweetheart.” He made a move to pull out, but you panicked and tightened your legs around his waist to hold him there.
“It’s nothing bad. I just can’t believe this is happening,” you told him. Warm, pearly tears leaked from the corners of your eyes, but you smiled in spite of yourself. “It feels so good, and I’m just…really happy it's you.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Joel cooed, kissing your tear-stained temples. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? So fuckin’ sweet. Gonna keep you forever, baby. Don’t worry.”
His mouth caught yours in a kiss that was both fervent and impossibly romantic. He tongue slipped past your lips, licking into your mouth with a tender intensity that had you mewling.
Joel resumed thrusting into you. His pace was slower, but his cock was hitting deeper. The warmth in your belly was quickly turning into a burning fire—a fire you wanted to keep on raging.
You were so close, and you knew Joel would never come before you did, but you were determined to hold out; to hold onto this rapturous intimacy as long as you could.
“It’s okay,” Joel said, as if he was reading your mind. “You’re okay.”
You couldn't stop it. Your walls tightened like a vice. You arched and trembled and clawed at Joel, muttering broken curses as he fucked you through your orgasm.
His hips faltered, his thrusts lost their rhythm, and you knew he was about to come. He probably needed to pull out. You probably needed to tell him to. But he just kept plunging his cock into you, and you kept letting him. His eyes were dark and pleading—he was begging you to let this happen.
You wanted him to do it. “Please, Joel.”
He growled a deep, rumbling ‘fuuuuck,' cock twitching and painting your walls with thick ropes of come.
He let out a contented sigh once he recovered and collapsed on top of you, burying his head in the crook of your neck while your fingers sifted through his damp hair. 
This would be over soon. Before Joel could give in to his exhaustion and fall asleep on top of you, he would remember where he was: in a decaying cabin at the end of the world with two people who needed him. Soon enough, he would stand up, dress himself, and go back to keeping watch.
You wished you could have this with him all the time. You wished you could fall asleep with him, wake up with him, and spend your days together with some semblance of peace. You didn’t want much, but you wanted that.
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“Was that your first time?”
The thought only occurred to Joel when everything was said and done and he was cleaning you up. It made sense—you were young when the outbreak happened, you’d been relatively alone until you met him and Tess, and he could tell by the way your body reacted to him that it wasn’t used to such an intrusion.
“No, but it felt like it,” you replied. “It’s the first time I’ve ever wanted to.”
Joel’s heart plummeted into his stomach. His mouth went dry, his jaw clicked the way it did when he was enraged, and he felt just about ready to kill someone.
“Not like that, Joel,” you said quickly. “I agreed to it. It was...I didn’t have anything else to trade.”
Joel was destroyed, but it wasn’t even a shocking revelation. He didn’t judge you for it—he’d turned to a lot worse in the name of survival—it just made him feel sick that you were ever in that position. You deserved to be cherished and taken care of, not used and discarded.
“Do you still do that?” He almost wanted to ask if you’d ever done it for his or Tess’s benefit, but he feared the answer would crush him.
“No. Not for years,” you replied. “It wasn’t that bad, honestly. It was only a couple of times.”
That’s still bad.
Joel held you close, stroking your hair and kissing your lovely face. Maybe it was because you had told him all of that while you were both still naked, but he felt like he needed to remind you that he adored your body, as well as the soul it carried.
He also felt like he needed to apologise. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“What for?”
“Just…everything. I hate the way I treated you.”
“I already forgave you, Joel.”
Your words should have been a relief, but they felt like a hot knife piercing right into his chest. “Why?”
“You apologised, and you changed.”
“And that’s enough?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Because I hurt you. I made you feel like you shouldn’t be here.” His throat ached as he swallowed down the emotion rising in him. He didn't want to sound as devastated as he felt, because he knew you would comfort him if he did, and this wasn’t about him.
“You didn’t make me feel like that, Joel,” you spoke with gentle reassurance. “I felt that way for a long time. Before I met you.”
“Okay, but I didn’t help.”
“No, you didn’t, but that’s over now. I don’t want to keep harping on it.”
“What do you want?” Joel asked. It was a heavy question, and one you hadn’t considered in so long—he knew that because he hadn’t either.
You snuggled into him, so cute and cosy it made him ache. “Just this. Can we have this?”
Truthfully, Joel was terrified, and he knew it wasn’t going to stop. He used to think that having you close like this would make it harder, but there was a strange sense of relief in having this with you. He didn’t have to worry from afar anymore. He could hold onto you, and look after you. He had you right there with him.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Joel laid with you until you fell asleep. He wanted to stay like that all night, sleeping with you curled up in his arms. He hoped that one day he would get to.
Right now, he needed to keep watch.
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a/n: im so awkward about writing smut so if that came across while reading pls forgive me. im overall pretty happy with how this turned out. i might write some drabbles about this relationship down the road, but im leaving these two here for now. thanks for reading! p.s. in order to stay true to part one, im sick again posting this. (why do i keep getting sick??)
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parrythisucasual · 9 months
HmmMmmMM I’ve had this idea for a bit basically Jax would have his like go to pranks be ones involving bugs so obviously he tries to screw around with the reader not knowing they actually really like bugs and ending up finding it cute or whatever. I’d just imagine him being utterly confused or concerned lmao
JAX X Bug Enthusiast! Reader
Jax waited around the corner, snickering. Just a few moments ago, he’d slipped a few pincher beetles under your door. He eagerly awaited the scream of terror with perked ears and bated breath.
But… It never came. Jaax waited for almost twenty minutes, though it never came. He groaned, deciding you were probably too stupid to notice the bugs infesting your room, so he trudged back up the hallway to make sure you did.
He knocked, and your cheerful voice called back. That was odd, usually, you were depressed and apathetic all the time. “Come on in!” you had chirped at him. Jax shrugged, turning the kob and entering- only to be faced with you laying belly down on your bed, kicking your legs up. With the beetles. In your bed. Just… crawling around.
You smile up at Jax, “These are my new pets. This is Dave the Magical Cheese Wizard, and that’s Suction Cup,” your grin bears the satisfaction akin to that of a Gen Z teenager that made a popular shitpost. He stared blankly at you, almost in a state of shock. 
You reached out to Dave, rubbing his shell a bit. He flexed his pincers but did not attempt to pinch you. You seemed thoroughly happy, although it was a relaxed sort of excitement. Happily content, perhaps? You glance back at Jax, “Thank you for them,” you speak slyly, “I knew you were the one to do it.” 
“How did you know it was me?” he raised a brow, surely you couldn’t have known. “Partly the knowledge you’ve done similar to Ragatha. But mostly your footsteps,” you respond, as if it had been clear the whole time, “Everyone walks differently. And in a few different ways,” you continue. He frowns, only more questions appearing in his mind.
“Really? You recognize everyone?” You shrug, “Well, Gangle is too light, I can't hear at all, and Kinger is hard to hear because he slides. But I can tell from the rest.” Jax nodded, then steered off of that conversation, now more interested in you keeping the bugs.
“I put these in here to freak you out,” he reminded, “And you like them?” You nod, picking up Sucion Cup, “I was in college for etymology,” you explain, rubbing the side of the bug’s pincer to demonstrate how much you trusted it, “bugs are a passion of mine.” Jax gives a small grin, “Really?”
You chuckle a bit, “Yeah, a lot of people think it’s gross and lame.” He shakes his head, “Nah, its totally cool. Bugs are freaky. Its cute how much you like it,” hes waving his hand. You nod, “You think so?” You smile at his nod and begin rambling about the beetles.
A few minutes later, your brain finally loaded what he’d said, “Wait, you think it’s cute?” you question, disbelieving. Jax’s face grew a bit darker, and your brain skipped forward again. Oh. OH. You’d first though he meant you were cute like a puppy, now you’re realizing you were very wrong.
“I don’t know, maybe? I guess so?” he tried to play it off, acting so casual about it. You merely blink, “Me? You like me?” He doesn’t respond, now avoiding eye contact. “Holy s*1t! You like me!” You couldn’t believe it. Your embarrassment finally joined the party, causing you to scoot backward, in a flustered mess. The situation was incredibly tense.
“Well yeah, yeah a little,” you being so flustered seemed to help him regain confidence, “I mean yes, I do. And it’d be pretty cool if you wanted to talk more or something?” he was struggling, but you were entirely ensnared by his awkward attitude. When he wasn’t being so fake, or at least when you could see through it, he was really sweet. You snort, smiling as you relax a bit.
“A date? Yeah, I’d like that.” He’s stunned as he looks into your face, his dumb grin having been wiped clean off, “Yeah? Yeah, okay, cool!” He perked up more, leaning in eagerly, “I’ll think of something really good, wait here,” he jumped up and hurried to the door, “Ill be back!” and disappeared.
You giggle, “Looking forward to it.”
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Things I’m doing instead of cleaning
Why does it take me months to clean and put away laundry why am I like this why 🥺I’m not even talking deep clean. I’m talking the basics of straightening. Living in such a small space with kids is fucking hard yall. It’s so hard. Part of it is I’m fucking tired and therefore lazy. Part is I feel stressed and angry at how messy my kids are and I just avoid addressing it while they’re here so I don’t lose my cool and yell. (And almost everyday I don’t have them I’m working or recovering from working 14 hour shifts). And then there’s the fact that this place is infested so there’s no “if I clean there won’t be bugs” bc I spent a year of spotless house with all the bugs and it’s fucking depressing. Im deadly afraid of roaches but I’ve desensitized my self enough to where I can kill one behind my kids back with my bare hands just to avoid scaring them. 😳🤮(bc they don’t love them either)
I silently and calmly killed a wolf spider the size of my palm with my bare hand in the bathtub yesterday while Molly was about to shower bc I didn’t want her to freak the fuck out too. Living in the country has its downsides I guess.
Re court. I need to win. I need to get the fuck out of this or gut it and start over (which I’m renting so lol I can’t but I could do something better with like a little spending money as far as organizing tools/dressers shelves etc🤦🏻‍♀️)
Part of my lease agreement is/was? mowing like 10 acres. Well the landlord recently said I need to look at buying my own mower this coming year. LOL. I currently use one of his 2 zero turn commercial ($20k) mowers…bc that’s what he said originally. Because one time in 2 fucking years I accidentally ran over a hose and he had to remove it…everything was fine…... I’m just gonna not. It’s not in said lease. Said lease is also not valid since like a year ago…bc he never made a new one for me to sign. I figure if and when he asks me to leave (if it’s before I can feasibly leave on my own) I’m just gonna middle finger and let him go to the courts to get me out bc fuck him and his judgmental racist self. That should give me like 8/9 months right?
My kids still take turns sleeping with me. Because they want to. My girl is super cuddly. My boy has stopped w cuddling but still likes being near. It was his turn last night. When he got up this morning Molly immediately jumped into bed curled around me and said “my mama” like she did as a baby and my heart melted. This is why I don’t clean while they’re here rn. I don’t have the patience to do it calmly(lately) and top tier requirement for me is to make my home a safe space emotionally (and physically) for my kids.
I’m rambling bc hey I’m still avoiding cleaning. I need a friend. Someone to come over and just chat w me while I do this. But I have one friend and she only comes over like 1-3 times a year. I usually go see her bc she lives in a “mansion” with a craft room and I’m already out driving kids to school anyways.
Anyone wanna call and chat? Or text? Pm me if so. I’m US based. No it won’t be sexual. Just friendly chit chat
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tiffauthor · 3 months
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Bug Girls (gore/death fiction)
When Earth's infestation started, the bugs hid like they had on the other planets they conquered; creating hives in dark places, entrapping unlucky girls in thick resinous webs, impregnating them with eggs and holding them tight as their deadly offspring hatched and birthed. Scientists set up field labs around these hives and studied the process, shocked that the captive girls cried out in orgasm from oviposition right through the violent deadly birth bursting their swollen bellies. It was a titillating horror.
One video that made the rounds on the web was a girl whose belly had burst and birthed her pupae, who cried out as she convulsed in diminishing orgasms; "I'm done. I'm a done bug girl."
We learned that once you became a Bug Girl your life expectancy was a only a few short hours.
The bugs soon adapted to human physiology and began to exude a blend of irresistible sexual hormones that caused girls to be drawn to them no matter how frightened they were. The bugs abandoned the hives and clattered down streets and alleys on crablike legs, chemically attracting girls who followed them, becoming horny suicides. It was better that way for the bugs, and so many girls couldn't resist the intense arousal and gut clenching orgasms through their oviposition, pregnancy, and birth, so better for them too in a way.
Kim and I were aroused as well as terrified whenever we felt the affects of the bugs' hormones.
Like so many girls who absorbed the airborne hormones wafting up from the street through our apartment windows, Kim and I grew instantly aroused. Quickly gripped with an irresistible craving to be fucked and impregnated; a need to feel our bellies swell with life - even alien life. Needing to feel our tits swell with milk that would never feed an infant. But then, when we closed our windows in fear, we grew depressed about the inevitability of surrendering to the bugs one day as their numbers grew and our resistance weakened.
Even the tone on the news changed from alarm to one of hopeless surrender and inevitability. Experts were featured on the news offering advice on the how girls could achieve the best experience with the bugs. They began to call them Bug Girls, harkening back to that early hopeless girl in the video.
"Don't fight it once they latch." one said, "Just relax and enjoy the incredible orgasmic experience as you become a Bug Girl. Though the birthing is intense, the orgasms are spectacular."
In the beginning, hopeless, lonely girls would lure the bugs into their homes and spread their legs and open their throats as they lay naked on their beds. Many left suicide notes, keeping their ovipositioning and birthing secret until their bodies were discovered. Sexual screams echoed from open doors and windows all over the city as so many girls ended their lives as they birthed a new generation of alien bugs.
As the epidemic spread and bug fucking became commonplace, girls began doing it in public, their pregnancy and catastrophic birthing on display for all to see. Kim and I both enjoyed having sex with people watching and enjoyed three girls surrender in the park across from our building. They lay naked on beach towels as they were fucked plump with eggs, then squirmed through long orgasms as the eggs grew and hatched, and finally vomiting and pissing as they birthed their pupae. Though deadly, it was orgasmic for them from start to finish.
Some girls in our neighbourhood put on shows at the Carry-On Tavern that many of us attended. Kim and I were among them, so horny as we watched the tight bellies of two friends plump during their oviposition, making them shudder and hump in orgasm. One who took her bug into her womb crying out as her lower belly expanded into a hard ball of eggs, and another who took her's anally moaning as her belly expanded into a slow outward curve starting under her sternum on a slow arc to her mound, disappearing between her quivering thighs. Their orgasms during the hatching and births were loud and wet.
And why not watch? It was an irresistible allure and thoughts of the intensity the girls experienced made our legs weak. But so did our fear of it. Kim and I grew depressed, torn between the involuntary arousal and the terrifying final process no matter how much pleasure was involved.
Submitting to the bugs began to feel so inevitable that one night, sobbing in each other's arms, Kim and I finally decided to give in to it after seeing so many girls succumb. Haunted by their moans as their bellies swelled then screaming through the orgasmic birth lingering in our minds. What made it a stronger biological imperative, along with sexual arousal, the bugs' hormones made our bellies ache to be pregnant. The hunger in our bellies was too much to bear.
We made our arrangements and texted invitations to all our friends about the entertainment we would be providing in Simpson Park in the afternoon and across the street in the Carry-On Tavern afterward.
Through the Carry-on we found a guy named Mark who captured and provided bugs for girls to choose from. Larger bugs gave you the deepest and best oviposition fuck and impregnated you with a single large egg which hatched as a huge pupae that really ripped you up in one explosive expulsion. Smaller bugs gave you longer oviposition fucks and smaller eggs that hatched dozens of pupae that wriggled and chewed their way out slower and with endless pain-triggered orgasms.
Mark also gave us advice; because Kim and I both loved being dirty girls, throat-fucking and puking on cocks and taking it deep anally, he helped us chose two small bugs each; one orally and one rectally. We planned a lot of eating and drinking between oviposition and birth and shuddered, imagining them squirming inside our bellies building to the ultimate climax.
The afternoon show was set and Mark guided us through it. Over forty of our friends and friends of friends showed up in the park and cheered as Kim and I stripped off our panties and Mark showed off our bugs.
We started on our hands and knees in the grass with Mark holding two bugs in front of us on their backs, their slim ovipositors erect and searching for us like long slender penises. Despite the arousal I was feeling from breathing their hormones so close to my face, I grew frightened knowing they wanted to possess us, to latch onto our bodies and turn us into their broodmares. To pay us in orgasms for becoming their short-lived incubators.
I almost backed out.
"Come on, girl." Kim said and nudged me with her elbow, then counted slowly down; "Three, two one." and we both lowered our faces and took the ovipositors into our mouths.
Like oiled silk, the ovipositors wriggled down our gullets like thick squirmy worms making us gag as Mark released the bugs and their claws wrapped around our heads. I choked on the ovipositor as it flared inside my stomach, pulling it upward and began squelching eggs and juices inside my belly, heaving wetly as each egg slid down my throat to plunk into my stomach, making me curl my pelvis. It was the best throat-fuck I've ever had.
I was deep into it when Mark quickly hoisted our dresses over our bare bottoms and guided our second bugs up our bums. The ovipositor slithered deep, twisting and curling in my bowels and began pulsing and that invasion cramped my belly with each egg rippling through the ovipositor inside me.
With them clamped to our hips and slithering through our bowels, Kim and I both awkwardly rolled on our sides to face each other as our bellies filled egg by egg. We intertwined our legs and humped our crotches against each other's thighs - in seconds we were that far gone and having wonderful, squirmy orgasms.
The serious belly fucking went on and on and our audience moved in.
They all wanted to touch us, to feel our plumping bellies, to feel the eggs plunking down our throats and pushed up into bowels; to smell how aroused we were. Some even pinched our tingling nipples as our boobs reacted to the hormones inside us and swelled. The extra attention made it feel even better, and made me feel less alone. We both gurgled out our pleasure, letting our friends know how good being bug-fucked felt, how strong our arousal was, how wonderful our bellies felt being filled with egg after egg after egg. We each shuddered through a handful of sweaty orgasms.
This was what we had craved from the bug hormones; our bellies growing tight with eggs; horny girls now pregnant with alien life; in complete sexual bliss, both with firm packed bellies like we were five months pregnant.
When the bugs were done and dropped from our drooling mouths and loose, oily bums, Mark removed their carcasses and Kim and I lay face to face playing with each other and shuddered as eggs rolled inside us, absorbing the bug juice and growing larger. Most of our audience stayed with us and I felt caresses on my quivering bum and fingers sliding inside my bumhole to feel the eggs, others hands pinching and twisting my nipples. Someone was fingering my pussy, grinding my g-spot and making me cum harder, my belly clenching down on the new alien weight inside me.
I was delirious with the feeling of completeness of being pregnant and I'm sure Kim felt the same, but under it came flashes of fear knowing how this was going to end. These were the final hours of our lives and I was unnerved by the violence to come. Kim and I trembled and kissed deeply, our mouths wet with saliva.
"Feels so good." I moaned as I pressed my firm belly against her's. Both of us so pregnant and so horny.
"Imagine the hatching." Kim replied and I did, which made it more sexually insane.
As dinner time approached, Mark got people organized and we were helped to our feet and half carried to the Carry-On Tavern across the street. Our legs were trembling, weakened by arousal and fear, bare feet dragging through the grass.
The Carry-On was once a rundown bar that had rejuvenated itself by allowing table shows featuring girls like us. They even stocked body bags and cleaned up the mess left once we were done Bug Girls.
Kim and I had eagerly watched those Bug Girls suffer their orgasmic final moments, but now this is our show. We've committed at last.
Our escorts sit us down at a table near one wall in the tavern. We part our legs to accommodate the weight of our stretched abdomens, tight with the growing eggs. Sweet foods and drinks appear before us which we consume lustfully, bloating our stomachs more, mostly for the final performance that is rapidly approaching. We squirm in our chairs and paint them slippery with our slick girl cum.
Friends come to us to say goodbye, strangers bend over behind us to pinch and twist our nipples to milk us under our dress tops, all the while we moan and shudder in the building sexual climax as the eggs bloat our bellies larger and the crowd murmurs encouragement and approval.
My arousal starts to feel like a sickness, I'm growing fevered, my crotch and clit throbbing, my nipples singing as they leak milk from my swelling tits.
Then the eggs start hatching and pupae began to squirm in our bellies. We both cum hard, cry out louder, and convulse like we are epileptic. The orgasms that grip me are more intense than I imagined, the hatching eggs feeling like wet popcorn exploding inside me, the emerging bodies wriggling in my belly and stomach feel like eels. With blurring eyes I look at the girls watching us with mouths agape, some masturbating. They're horny for us and I feel like a naughty pregnant slut, my sexual arousal becoming feral in its intensity. I want them to understand what I am feeling. I want them to crave this experience like I craved it.
I hoist my dress to expose my long full belly and open my legs wider. As a deep bellygasm grips me I arch my back and push my belly outward, my hands massaging the undulating mass of my tight gut, my feet flat on the floor, trembling thighs spread wide. I piss hard to relieve the pressure in my bladder and hear the cheers of the girls as I shudder through a prolonged deep orgasm from my bumhole to my tingling nipples as my stomach curls inside me and fluids rise up my gullet.
It's coming. It's coming now, and it's going to be more intense than I had imagined.
I hear Kim crying out as her orgasms build; "Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" as she lifts herself to her feet to lean over our table and our audience cheers. She's right. I can feel it too; strong orgasmic energy like no other is building in my belly.
Kim cries out as I too stand up on shaky legs to join her, gripping the table edge to steady myself, my dress still hitched above my belly, my bum bare. I feel Kim's comforting hand on my back as my belly convulses hard.
I'm gasping as the hatched pupae wriggle and swim in my guts and I haven't felt anything so sexual in my life. Sweet small pains from the pupae's teeth lace through me from my rectum up into my gullet, spreading like a sputtering firecrackers. My stomach curls tight inside me and I projectile vomit onto the table, my entire belly convulsing in pleasure/pain as my orgasms grow in intensity. Kim is vomiting beside me and making sexual sounds between heaves as this orgasmic riot explodes inside us both.
This is it; our final glorious seconds of life. The finalé of our show and our reward of a terrible ecstasy. I can hear our horny audience get into the show; some girls having orgasms as they masturbate watching us, dreaming of following us into this storm of sexual bliss.
Shiver-bumps wash over the skin of my belly and breasts, nipples puckering and electric, tight tits throbbing as milk spurts from my ducts. My bumhole yawns open and my rectum prolapses, gushing bug juice and pupae onto the floor between my trembling legs. I can't stop vomiting nor do I want to; each convulsive heave is an orgasm; everything I drank and ate rocketing up my gullet like a cock spurting cum, laced with bug juice and carrying the wriggling pupae over the root of my tongue prolonging each convulsive heave. My body is ejaculating in violent ecstasy from both ends.
Inside my belly the pupae bite and rip their way out of my bowels and stomach, the sweet sharp pains are lost in waves of pure orgasm. Pain becomes an intense pleasure that grips my belly as I feel a pupae breech my flesh and wriggle out of me, opening its own small birth canal just below my belly button as more gush from my blown bumhole and erupt up my throat.
I am lost in this orgasmic storm, barely aware of Kim convulsing beside me, barely aware of our friends and strangers, noisy as they watch us empty ourselves of the alien spawn we welcomed into our bellies. I was once one of them, a watcher witnessing girls give themselves to this terrible bliss, and now I am one of those doomed girls; overwhelmed and on display as a spectacle of perverse bug breeding and overpowering sexual bliss.
My face begins to grow numb and I crumple to the floor, curling in a pool of my own sickness, staring at the feet of our audience, seeing the bare crotches of girls finger-banging themselves, of men frantically masturbating their cocks. I'm fading as my loose belly squirms with the last of the pupae fighting their way out of me, sending me on my way with such sweet pulsing orgasms in my now emptying core.
In the end I discover something that I didn't understand as a voyeur; my body calms and I feel a deep, comforting peace wash through me like warm water. I wonder if this too is the bugs doing; my final hormonal reward for becoming an alien breeder, for sacrificing my belly and life to their growth. If it is I am grateful as I feel my hollow and flaccid belly slump and I melt into the floor.
I've joined the ranks of the used. I've become just one more done Bug Girl and know the girls watching will soon open their throats and pussies and bumholes to feel what I have felt.
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Hiya yone! Recently my brain has been infested with bugs that want me to make a Circe Nico AU (Nico is Circe?? Kinda.) You are the glorious fanfic writer who can conjure up anything from anything, so please do your magic.
I'll try my best, however I only know like. 2 stories about Circe at best? So please don't put too much trust in me lol 😅😅
The first one is when Odysseus visits her during his return voyage to Ithaca. I forgot most of it (typical me) except that she turns his crew into animals, which Odysseus managed to convince her to undo and if I'm not mistaken, they live together for a while?? Let's just go with it.
As for this story, I think it would fit best with Jasico? Mainly bc they have that sort of enemies-to-lovers air (Jason distrusted Nico at first). Jason is best fit to be a returning hero, too. Though the Cupid debacle is like heaven and earth with mere convincing on Odysseus' part, I reckon we can work around it with enough maneuver. Why does Nico accept to turn them back? - Maybe he's feeling generous, maybe he's a petulant lonely witch who wants people to stay but never knows how to voice it, and ppl often run at the first sight of him, so he just turns them into animals to keep them by her side.
In the end, Odysseus leaves Circe. This aligns well with the fact that Jason just dropped dead shortly after he and Nico became friends. Which is a funny (and depressing thought) if you put thoughts into it. Which I can't atm lmoa.
Anw. think of it as a piece of quiet Jason has given Nico in the expanse of his loneliness. That, though he was swept away by the natural order of things at the end, Jason did try his best to alleviate Nico's pain. So I reckon there should be a little bit of affection - if not love - in there.
The second story is, well, Circe and Scylla. And the male lover whose name I forget.
This is a classic case of jealousy - so who fits it better than Percy, the canon epitome of every jealous trope in the history of fiction?
sorry that was my pettiness talking. Anywayyyyy, I suppose I don't need to talk about this... I mean it's pretty clear who is who and how the story transpires: Circe is in love with that-something-sea-god, who is in love with Scylla, so Circe turns her into a monster. The only difference between Circe and Nico in this is that he doesn't do anything to Annabeth (even refuses to hate her still. gosh).
But that wouldn't be Percico, is it? So I say just say fuck it and make Percy a sea monster or something Idk. A witch living secluded in an island with his beloved sea monster? I'm in.
Another choice would be to make Annabeth the bad one but I'm in no position to make that propose.
If you still want to keep the story, and if you're any of an unhinged person like me, just make Nico the villain. Well, Circe is the villain in this story, yeah? Embrace it - Nico as the powerful witch, whose loneliness-induced jealousy wreaks havoc on even a sea god. What's left is not love - because love is the last thing Yone needs in fanfics srsly - but an impression of terror, of how disastrous Nico's love can be.
The concepts mix well in this case btw. I remember a painting of Circe pouring a plate filled with poison into the sea. Just imagine it - a blinding blackness spreading rapidly across the lapping water with just a touch of Nico's dainty finger. The shadows overlap with the roaring waves - the black undercurrents raging all the same - and darkness swallows all those whom he call enemies. If Percy's the sea and Nico's the lightless bottom, dark, mysterious, and full of threats.
That's everything I have atm, I guess. Sorry for not being able to help much :(((
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birf · 2 months
I’m a little pissed at you that you have that many open drinks and cans in your room but no ants. My depression room had seven empty pop cans at max and it got so infested I almost had to call an exterminator.
this ask has really opened my eyes cause like you’re so right, why don’t have a bug problem?
maybe cause I’m on the second floor? I’ll get ants in the kitchen if I’m not careful but it’s never been bad.. man I don’t know cause there’s so many half full open cans that have been there for weeks dare I say months
my parents house growing up always had really bad bug problems that they refused to acknowledge so like is this me taking where am I now for granted?? am I finding out just now that diet soda doesn’t attract bugs? cause I can tell you right now if there’s one thing that would immediately make my ass get up and clean something it’s seeing a bug on it
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sagstelliums · 1 year
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(Top to bottom) what’s people’s karma for messing with you?
Pile 1
I see that people have to face failure and messed up plans when they mess with you, things go to crap and plans don’t work out. People deal with disharmony in their relationships and friendships, they start dealing with liars and start having bad dreams. They may even deal with losing money or things that were valuable to them, they start feeling less motivated and sluggish. They deal may start getting more bugs in their house like flies/spiders/roaches or anything that’s around them, people may start to get bite by bugs or get infestations. Signs- Gemini, Libra, Leo. Iitials- B, U, G, Y
Pile 2
I see that people’s creativity goes down and people start to have a mental fogginess, people that mess with you start dealing with alot of fallouts in their relationships/friendships. They start feeling more emotional and depressed/hopeless, I see that their finances start to crumble and the people they rely on aren’t really there for them. People start dealing with hard times out of no where, things that they want to work on never come into fruition. Signs- Gemini/Capricorn, initials- D, N, O, C, T
Pile 3
When people mess with you everything in their life comes to a halt, people’s life start feeling really stagnant in area of life. People start facing heartbreaks with finances and love, people start being mean/snappy with them out of nowhere. People become stuck where they’re at and they have a harder time get out of ruts, they face a lot of karma especially if you have prominent Venus/Saturn placements. Signs- libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini. Initials- A, F, S, R, V, Q, T, C
Pile 4
When people mess with you they start having a hard time growing, they start having bad luck like losing things or even people stealing from them. People that mess with you start struggling financially and they have to start budgeting more, people start dealing with unhappiness in their home life or with their friends. They start depending on other people since their finances get so bad, they start feeling isolated mad unmotivated. Signs- libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries. Initials- H, K, Q
Personal readings are always available please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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quinnhills · 2 years
Good to know you're feeling welcome! :D this is our little place in the internet, and we've decided to make it trans and gay as hell (n i gotta say, i did think "they-them gang! :o" when i found out you started using they/them too a while ago X3 ) n if you received this ask more than once, my tumblr bugged out before i could finish, sorry (。_。)
anyways, and sorry if this is long, but Woe- More Tumblr Things Be Upon Ye:
there used to not be an image limit before, causing a few- interesting posts… tho that changed a few years ago and recently, at first the limit being 10 images per post to now 30 images per post (you can also move the images around a bit)
if you plan on staying long term on tumblr and use desktop the most, i recommend getting the browser extensions Xkit &/or New Xkit cuz… yeah, tumblr is pretty nice, but it sometimes gets hard to use. it also adds extra useful things to the tumblr experience, which is nice to have. i'd say tumblr is like living in a cheap apartment in a calm area of the city. the place's great for what it is, just gotta be sure to leave rat traps near holes and dont worry about the Beast down the hall,
speaking of rats, we got an infestation. you may or may not have heard of it with the voter fraudage going with the polls a bit ago; since tumblr has little to No email verification, people outside tumblr buy bots to get in here and start posting malicious links. tho the bots are surprisingly easy to identify (often times blank blogs with very weird descriptions + stolen picture of lady or ai generated. you'll know it when you see it), and the protocol here is block and report spam so staff can deal with it
and btw if you want to keep a post for as long as your blog stands, i recommend rebloggin! thanks to how tumblr is build as, even if the original post or that blog is gone, the reblog will stay with you (+ tags on reblogs dont really make a post expand outside of your own blog, so many use this to create Very intricate personal tag systems to make easier finding posts, bc once a blog gets 1k+ post in it, it gets hard finding anything on it... <- knows this from experience u.u)
oh and last thing before i go again (and something i found out recently), another browser extension ive been loving: Stylus! with it you can customize a ton of sites to your liking And with a specific style found in the archive of this extension, you can change how the dashboard looks! even changing the background to any image you might want :D
so yeah, thats it, for now. i got more info if you want it, just lmk 👉👈
and you probably already noticed this, but there isnt really any word limit for posts or asks around these lands. tho on tags, the character limit on a single tag is 139. but you can put a Lot of tags, so there! be free mx quinn, no character limit holds you down no more ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Thank you so much for the knowledge!
Some Quinn Facts:
Mx., Ms. and Miss are all acceptable :)
I use “gay as hell” as a sort of tongue-in-cheek shorthand, but I also identify as trans as hell, queer as hell, non-binary as hell, lesbian as hell, and anxious/depressive as hell
I’m a vegetarian
My favorite food is pineapple pizza (controversial, I know)
For a few years in the early 2000s, I was a licensed auctioneer
The most times I’ve ever cried during a movie is 5 times during Happiest Season
I like the idea of books, but I’m bad at reading them
Overalls give me gender euphoria, and I don’t know why
I hope to release a solo album within the next year
I hope to direct a feature-length film by the time I’m 40
Coming out was the best thing I ever did
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Sorry to vent but I just cannot catch a break.
Today I'm super ill with a painful stomach bug that kept waking me up at all hours.
Yesterday I found a squash vine borer infestation and suffered a total crop failure of all pumpkins and most squash.
And the day before that personal issues that caused extreme depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
I am not doing great at all. Please send hugs.
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depression-culture-is · 7 months
(kinda venty tw)
depression+ maybe bipolar culture is not taking care of yourself for weeks to the point bugs infest your room and then you suddenly get a manic energy, empty your whole bank account, and then spiral into another depressive episode after realizing the damage that you have done to your perfectly calculated life.
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