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#jirai onna#jiraiblogging#jirai kei#jiraiblr#landmine girl#jirai girl#landmine kei#landmine type#landmineblogging#landmineblr#jirai#jirai joshi#landmine fashion#wlw landmine#jirai lifestyle#landmineposting#tw self destructive behavior#tw self destruction#depr3ssion#d3pression#d3ath#d3pr3ss10n#988blr#988twt#suic1de#suicideprevention#mente suicidia#pien culture#pien kei#pienblr
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my pain is not the poetic nor the glorious kind of pain. that's probably why i feel so shameful and repulsive. my suffering is just ugly, nonsensical and burdening
#deppressed#tw self destructive behavior#d3pr3ss10n#tw selfhate#deppresing thoughts#depr3ssion#depressing life#deppresive#tw 3d vent#deppresion#d3pr3ss3d#tw 3d diary#tw 3d in the tags#tw 3d diet#tw 3ating d1sorder#tw ed disorder#tw 3d rant#tw edtwt#tw ed implied#tw eating issues#tw ed not ed sheeren#mentally insane#mentally exhausted#mentally unstable#3d vent#sad vent#personal vent#vent post
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#mentally unstable#depr3ssion#tw ana bløg#tw ed ana#memes#4n4blr#4nor3xia#4n4rexia#4norexla#4n4m1a#@na fast
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every night i sleep asking god to kill me. every morning i wake up sad because it didn't happen. i wanted a natural death so people i love wouldn't feel guilty.
#suic1de#sewer slide#tw depressing thoughts#tw sui talk#tw sui ideation#tw depressing stuff#tw sui vent#depr3ssion#depressing shit
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I don't know how to make it better anymore.
#idk what to do anymore#i feel like crying#bad mental health#i feel so fucking alone#adhd#bpd#i feel like im going insane#i cant do this#tw depressing thoughts#depr3ssion#tw depression#hopelessness#im very fucking tired#tw self destructive behavior#self h@te#tw sui ideation#im a terrible person#and i hate it#what the fuck#this is what makes us girls#this is girlhood#hell is a teenage girl#desi teen
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ja wiem ze to nigdy sie nie zmieni
bo zawsze bylo tak samo
i jest tylko gorzej
nic nie zmienia sie na lepsze
wiem ze nikt mnie nie pokocha
wiem ze nie poradze sobie z przyszloscia
wiem ze powinnam skonczyc to cierpienie juz lata temu
ale nie umiem nie dlatego ze sie boje
tylko dlatego ze trzyma mnie ciekawosc
wciaz mam nadzieje w tym balaganie
choc wiem ze ta nadzieja jest zalosna
nie chce sie zabijac
ja tylko chcialam byc szczesliwa
ale te mysli nie daja mi spokoju
gdy szlocham godzinami wiedzac ze to nie ma sensu i zawsze tak bedzie
czy naprawde nie zasluguje na normalne zycie? bez problemow psychicznych i traum?
czy jezeli poczekam to doznam kiedys szczescia?
#ból psychiczny#cierpienie#nie chce zyc#mysli samobojcze#nie chce cierpieć#ból#ból życia#ból istnienia#potrzebuje pomocy#sala samobójców#nienawidze siebie#chce sie zabic#samobojca#zabij mnie#nie chce żyć#chce umrzeć#notatki samobójcy#samookaleczenia#samookaleczanie#samobójca#samotnosc#smutne#smierc#smutne cytaty#depr3ssion#smutny cytat#smutna prawda#smutny tekst
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I just want to feel loved and important, but it's impossible
#jirai kei#jiraiblr#jirai girl#jirai onna#jiraiblogging#landmine girl#landmine kei#landmine type#landmineblogging#landmineblr#wlw landmine#landmine jirai#jirai#love#romantic#relationship#im ugly#i hate my face#pien culture#pien girl#pien kei#pienblr#jirai joshi#landmine posting#depr3ssion#tw depressing thoughts#depressing shit#tw depressing stuff#sorry for being depressing
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#depressing memes#tw ed ana#fuck it all#sh addict#mentally unstable#depr3ssion#self mutilator#selfh4rm#meme dump
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Możesz wyjść z depresji ale
Nigdy depresja z ciebie...
#tw depressing thoughts#mysli samobojcze#będę motylkiem#depr3ssion#notatki samobójcy#samotność#mam depresje#cytaty o depresji#bede motylkiem#blogi motylkowe
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i don't know when, but i'm going to kill myself. that's it, it's a question of "when" and not "if". i feel so bad for wanting to do this. in fact, i'm scared. but at the same time, i'm very sure that it will be for the best. i can't live like this anymore. my main fear is reincarnation. i don't want to live another second here. another life? even worse. anyway, i'll be writing stuff here.
#suic1de#sewer slide#tw depressing thoughts#depressing shit#tw depressing stuff#tw sui ideation#tw sui talk#depr3ssion
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Ciekawe jak to jest być szczęśliwym...
#depr3ssion#ciecie sie#depressing shit#depressiv#i wanna kms#i want to diiieeee#pocięte nadgarstki#pocięte ręce#samookaleczanie#samotnosc#polski cytat
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czasami sie zastanawiam jakby wygladalo moje zycie gdybym urodzila sie w zdrowej rodzinie i bylabym normalna
#nienawidze siebie#chce sie zabic#samobojca#zabij mnie#mysli samobojcze#ból psychiczny#cierpienie#nie chce zyc#nie chce cierpieć#smierc#smierć#samookaleczenia#smutne cytaty#depr3ssion#ból w sercu
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questioning if i should die (i should)
#jirai kei#jiraiblr#jirai girl#jirai onna#jiraiblogging#landmine girl#landmine kei#landmine type#landmineblogging#landmineblr#landmine#landmineposting#landmine jirai#lifestyle landmine#landmine fashion#pien culture#pienblr#pien kei#pien girl#bpd vent#actually bpd#bpd thoughts#bpd problems#bpd#bpd blog#actually borderline#borderline blog#borderline problems#depr3ssion#depressing shit
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Estava lá sozinho, numa experiência sublime, enquanto a morte sussurrava em meus ouvidos mais uma vez.
É que tenho o costume de morrer demais.
Naquele dia completei meu décimo óbito da semana.
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