#dennis brown bot
peak-dumbass · 7 months
I’m bored and procrastinating so let me spout my rid2015!smokebee propaganda at y’all please just hear me out
Now y’all maybe wondering “why are you specifying rid2015?? Smokescreen was only in TFP, bro doesn’t exist in rid2015–” EXACTLY! Smokescreen wasn’t in rid2015 so most of the stuff made for the ship is for them in TFP but that’s not what I’m trying to sell y’all on
I’m trying to sell y’all on the idea that — if Smokescreen was in rid2015, he would be in a relationship with Bee — hence the specification
Now what y’all are probably asking is “why????”
Well that’s what this post is for!! First off:
The Shenanigans
Idk if y’all remember but Smokey was the silliest bot on Team Prime, easily the most immature mf in the main cast (other than Miko) — now try to tell me without lying to my face that he wouldn’t fit in perfectly with the goofy goobers the make up Team Bee??
He would definitely see himself in Sideswipe and try to bond with him thru pranks and goofing off while also trying to guide him into avoiding the same mistakes he made (ex. Hard Knocks)
He probably makes Strongarm feel conflicted cuz his reckless personality clashes with her image of what an “Elite Guardsman” would act like, but I think Smokescreen would just try to get her to loosen up a bit while not bickering with her unlike what Sideswipe and her usually do
Upon seeing Grimlock he’d immediately go “HOLY SCRAP ARE YOU A DINOBOT!?!?!”, he thinks Grim is so cool and really wants to spar with him
He probably sees Arcee in the way Drift acts and respects him a lot just based on that alone, though he knows it’s gonna take time for him to earn that respect back from Drift (I LOVE HIS CHARACTER GROWTH IN PRIME AND I WILL KEEP THAT IN THIS SILLY LITTLE IDEA OF MINE, HE DID GET BETTER AND I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE IGNORE THAT JUST CUZ THEY FIND HIM ANNOYING)
He’s probably not met much minicons so he’s not used to them, but I can see him having a good friendship with Fixit and being very nice to Jetstorm and Slipstream
He takes one look at Russell, turns to Bee and says “do you have a thing for human kids with brown hair and names starting with R??” Other than that I think he vibes with Russell and Denny well
As for his dynamics with the Decepticons — he’d be making constant quips, he’d make fun of all of them immediately like a robot alien version of Spider-Man — after previously fighting against Megatron himself he cannot take any of the furries of rid2015 seriously
The Fluff
Look at me. Like seriously look at me. Look into my eyes and imagine with me for a sec.
Bee and Smokey learning how to work with each other in the field again, reminiscing about the rare good memories during the war
Bee infodumping about Earth culture to him while Smokey just listens while looking at him with borderline heart eyes
I think Bee really likes physical affection and words of affirmation so randomly Smokey will just hug Bee when they’re in the scrapyard and will compliment him when he does well at leading and mentoring the others cuz he knows that shit ain’t easy (again, he sees himself and Sideswipe and realizes “damn I really was annoying holy scrap I’m so sorry”)
I HC that Smokey can still move his doorwings like he and Bee did in TFP, so whenever he sees Bee and gets excited his flap up and down (I know this is purely self indulgent BUT IN MY DEFENSE THIS ENTIRE POST IS ME BEING SELF INDULGENT, THIS FANDOM IS ALREADY DEAD AS HELL I’D BE SURPRISED IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS FAR INTO THIS POST, LET ME BE SELF INDULGENT IN PEACE)
When either of them get bad days where they just keep thinking about the war, they do their best to comfort each other thru it cuz, unlike the rest of the team, they were both there for most of the late-war-shit together on Earth — and for the stuff that Smokey wasn’t there for, he just listens and makes sure Bee knows that he’ll always be there for him
The shock of the team finding out that Bee has a partner is amazing and it could happen in so many ways (if y’all wanna see one of my interpretations on how this could go you could check out my fanfic: Old Recruit on AO3)
The team seeing their usually serious team leader be partners with this unserious constant-joker of a bot stores a lot of cute potential stories in it that no one is writing about — like come on guys I want Bee trying to be serious in the scrapyard but then Smokey just hugs him from behind out of nowhere and Bee just has to process it for a sec cuz touch starvation go brrrr while the rest of them is like :O
The Angst
While this section is mainly Smokey focused more than smokebee focused, I’m still adding it cuz this still falls under the “what if smokescreen was in rid2015” idea
Smokey definitely has claustrophobia and a hatred for being restrained in anyway from the TFP (waking up captive on a Decepticon ship after being knocked out, Knockout restraining him on his operating table while he tears the Omega Key from inside his body, being stuck with a dying Optimus in a cramped cave for a while panicking cuz holy shit Optimus, his #1 hero, is fucking dying) so any mission that requires going into a cave or dark & cramped area is gonna cause him to freak out — but of course he wouldn’t actually admit that until it’s too late and he’s having a breakdown in a cave cuz he didn’t want to let his “stupid irrational fear to ruin a mission”
Same goes with Bee and his fears — I touched on this a bit earlier, but Bee & Smokey definitely have some days where they’re gonna feel off and they can’t get the war out of their heads — and those days are gonna be the worst cuz most of the team outside of maybe Drift won’t really understand it
Smokey is gonna have some feelings about Optimus coming back and Bee not telling him immediately — while this isn’t the first time Optimus died and came back to him, last time it was for a few seconds, this was for THREE WHOLE YEARS — he’s still gonna be happy that he’s back, it’s just gonna take awhile longer for him to be ok with it than the others (the way that Ratchet is immediately ok with Optimus coming back out of nowhere in rid!2015 was weird to me so I’m fixing that with Smokey)
While he loves giving Bee physical affection, he hates unwarranted touching from anyone else, specifically stuff like pats or punches on the back (Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha—)
For a potential angsty introduction to Smokey in rid2015: He doesn’t meet up with Team Bee until the finale episode on Cybertron, where he’s being mind controlled by The High Council to capture them (I’m a sucker for brainwashing/mind control/hypnotism plots so I need to understand how BADLY I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN IN THE SHOW IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO COOL)
That’s all I can think of for now, I just love these funky big robos a lot and I’m currently smashing their faces together like a kid with 2 Barbie dolls in my mind, hope y’all enjoyed reading <3
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1000night · 2 years
pairings: SS&CE characters x female short chubby reader
words count:1530
a/o: I don’t know why my fic become this but...alright.
warnings: none, just fluff, and self insecure,
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It’s your first time going to the men’s dorms. 
“You sure you can find the dooms on your own, Lambchop?”
“Buck is right, we could leave the class earlier and pick you up…or we could skip today’s class.”
Shakes your head, you give both of your best friends a ‘Don’t you dare to try’ look and continue gathering your stuff.
“I know my terrible ability about the roads is the reason why you worried about me, but I have the Google map and the GPS. Or I could ask other guys how to go to the dooms. There are so many ways! Besides, I couldn’t always hide under your wings, right?”
“I’d rather and will always protect you, there are so many bastards in this world…”
Steve murmurs under his breath but he sighs while Bucky strokes your hair softly with the back of his left hand.
“If someone tries to hurt you, you call us ANYTIME without hesitation, you got me, doll?”
You nod and snuggle against his hand.
Follow the map and GPS, you stop at a historic building, the ivy climbs up the stone walls, small, rectangular windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the house in a very symmetric way.
The house is equipped with a large kitchen and two bathrooms, it also has a spacious living room, four bedrooms, a roomy dining area, a multimedia room, and a grand storage room. The roof is high and triangular and is covered with stone slabs.
The building is shaped like an L. The extension extends into wooden sunscreen structures reaching the end of that side of the house.
The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly unique style compared to the floor below.
Press the doorbell, wait a few moments until someone opens the door.
A man with caramel brown hair and a pair of dodger blue eyes leans against the door frame, his arms cross in front of his chest, and he raised his brows.
“Name and who do you want to find?”
You shift your feet and hold your bag tighter; you’ve heard him before.
Hugh Ransom Drysdale, a fabulous frat boy in your college. He and Lance Tucker, the car racer, are friends. And he’s another roommate with your boys.
“I’m here to wait for Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.”
Ransom frowns and looks you up and down, then he shrugged.
“Come in and close the door.”
Ransom doesn’t give you second attention when he goes back to his room directly.
Sitting on the soft and cozy couch, you take your phone and text your best friends that you’ve arrived at the dorm. When they text you back and say they’ll bring your favorite restaurant meal back, you smile at the screen.
The bang of the door shuttling startles you and makes you jump slightly. Turning to the door, you meet your classmates.
“Um…what are you doing here?”
“Hey, Jake, Dennis. I’m waiting for Steve and Bucky. You two just finish your class?”
The two of them let their bags fall on the ground and then sit on both sides.
“Den and I finished our programs, so we decided to play some video games in our rooms. I, I never thought I’d meet you here. I mean, you’re so shy and sweet, and the two pricks protect you so well that the whole dooms have a bet that when will you be a thing…”
You chuckle when you hear Jake’s words. 
The reason Steve and Bucky are so protective is that you are their childhood best friend. You three are always together like each other’s shadows. You’ve been their support friend and sunshine since they could remember.
Before Steve turned into a delicious beefcake, it was you and Bucky who protected him; Bucky protected him from those bullies, and you saved him from those mean girls. Steve was a stubborn cat, and he still is. Then, he became beefy and taller after your last summer vacation in your high school. So did Bucky, only you became twice the size, though both reassured you that they still think you are the most beautiful woman in this world. But you’ve seen those pretty women around your best friends.
None of them like you.
Everything changed after the summer. You were no longer the sunshine and confident one, you don’t like jogging with them anymore because you didn’t like to bear those stares on your body. You don’t like to see your reflection in the mirror or take photos.
You thought they would dump you or distance themselves when they realize you’re not enough for them. But no, both those boys glued on your sides and be more protective after you met some pricks and bullies.
“I knew the feelings about trusting people you loved will love you back unconditionally. But you did that to the skinny Stevie, so I want to do the same to you, sunshine.”
Steve sat on your left as he admired the same sunset as you. The soft wind kissed both your faces; your eyes locked at each other. You could see sincerity, and something was hidden in the depth of blue. You didn’t dare to discover those, not when you couldn’t even accept and rebuild your confidence.
And what about the rest? What happened after the New Year party in your fresh year?
You only remember that you cried in Steve’s warm and safe arms, Bucky whispered how beautiful you were, and they love your every inch ‘less perfect.’
And when the ray of sunshine peeked through the curtains in Buck and Steve’s room, you found you were sleeping between your best friends, and their hands trapped you as if you were in the safest golden cage.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” Bucky slowly opened his eyes while he gave you a breathtaking smile.
Steve held your left hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
“Waking with you and Buck in the peaceful morning is one of my life goals, and now my dream has come true.”
You couldn’t stop your tears falling and the feelings about cotton swelled in your heart.
After the chaotic night and the soft morning, you told yourself that the whole world didn’t worth you to upset your two fucking ‘the best’ best friends.
Who cares about those girls, frat boys, or gossip when you have your boys?
In their eyes, you’re like the goddess herself and to you, you know they’d never judge you if you are happy and healthy.
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“Lambchop! Sorry, we’re late.” Bucky’s voice lets you jump and stand up quickly, running to him and giving him a bear hug. He catches your weights easily, his hands cupping your hips while he kisses your right cheek.
“Miss us so much, hum?” You nod and peck his lips, arms around his neck. Then you rest your face on his shoulder while you smile at Steve, who stood behind Bucky and is lifting your favorite meal.
“Steviee~~” You swear Bucky and Steve flinch at the same time when they heard you calling Steve’s name sweetly.
 The blonde chuckles and bends over to kiss your left cheek.
Your giggle dies down when you see someone show up behind Steve, he wears a red and white racer coat, and he clears his throat.
Bucky groans when he sees the man. “Oh no the troublemaker is here.”
“What are you doing here? I supposed today’s Scott or Nick to come here.”
Steve clenches his jaw and shifts between you and the man so he won’t see you.
“Lance is invited by me, you two idiots in love. We’re not interested in your Lambchop.”
Ransom’s voice draws everyone’s attention, you climb down from Bucky and suddenly noticed that there are so many men in the same place.
“Buck, can we go to your bedroom? Or the dining room?” You tug Bucky’s sleeve and give him your best doe eyes.
“Anything you want, sunshine. Let’s head to our room.”
You could sense the two pairs of eyes gawking at you when you follow your best friends.
After you left, Dennis and Jake went back to their room silently, only Ransom and Lance still stood there.
“You should come sooner, it’s impossible to meet her alone. They’re like her guards or something.” Ransom frowned while Lance shrugged
“Sorry, Branden and Nick want to see her too, we took some time to decide who could come here this time.”
Ransom sighed and stepped toward the fridges, pouring himself a glass of icy water. 
“I bet she has something to bait all of us curious about her, and I don’t know why those two idiots craved her so much. She’s not special.”
“Or just to us. Barnes is like a tamed puppy when he’s around her. I’ve never seen him like that.”
Lance smirked when he rethinks Steve’s actions and your sweet giggles, his Adam's apple babbled.
“But…I might could realize why they’re adore her.”
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might have part 2? reblog and comments are appreciated
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princesscatalina99 · 6 months
Harry Potter Golden/Silver Trio Era Discord RP Group
Themes May Include: Strong Fantasy Violence, Strong Fantasy Violence, Small Private Fantasy Sexual Scenes, Small Consumptions of Alcohol & Drugs, Strong Dark Fantasy Themes that may make people uncomfortable
Small Introduction:
Hey there! I have done many iterations of this and honestly I just miss it! I hope you all will take the time to read this over as i spent a lot of time on this and it's not fun when people don't read everything.
This does go chronologically through Harry Potter's years at Hogwarts and the struggles he deals with as well as his friends and enemies at school. But not only will we be following Harry Potter but some other characters.
My main character, Catalina Thorne, has gone through quite a lot. Not by any means as much as Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived. But she has dealt with things her classmates and friends could scarcely ever go through. She had to watch her life unfold as a lie and had to lie about the true death of her family. She has to keep a secret of the family safe. The one person she shouldn't trust her secret to is the son of a death eater. But Catalina, the shy sweet innocent girl that she plays, goes and gets a crush on the worst person she can, Draco Malfoy. Can she manage to keep her family secret when her boyfriend's family is one of the darkest wizarding families? Find out!
1. Please make sure you know Wizarding World lore and background. I will make a channel for information if anyone has any questions.
2. Sexual activities must happen in a private channel and with the proper procedures. The students can only do this if you are in year 5. Younger years are allowed to do hand holding and kissing and the like.
3. You are allowed to play as many characters as you can control. Just please don't play too many that it's a burden for you.
4. Any ocs are allowed. Just please provide a bio and picture and let it be approved beforehand.
5. Please no fighting for ships. I have set some but if you want to create one, let me know
6. I will need help to make this group as making groups isn't my forte. I'm not great at creating a bots channel. So if you want to help me, please inform me immediately.
7. I would like you all to be semi literate to literate and speak in full sentences. The more details, the better!
8. If you need a refresher course in how to make bots and tulls, let me know. I forgot after a while but once you learn, it's not hard to do!
9. Have fun and make friends!
Canon Roles and My OC Roles-
Fleur Delacour:
Gabrielle Delacour:
Olimpe Maxime:
Chinese Fireball:
Lucy the cat: Taken by me
Mrs. Norris:
Death Eaters & Allies:
Alecto Carrow:
Amycus Carrow:
Antonin Dolohov:
Augustus Rookwood:
Avery Jr:
Barty Crouch Jr:
Bellatrix Lestrange:
Corban Yaxley:
Crabbe Sr:
Fenrir Greyback:
Greyson Thorne [talk to me about playing this character]:
Goyle Sr:
Lord Voldemort:
Nott Sr:
Peter Pettigrew:
Pius Thicknese:
Rabastan Lestrange:
Rodolphus Lestrange:
Thorfinn Rowle:
Walden Macnair:
Igor Karkaroff:
Viktor Krum:
Bloody Baron:
Fat Friar:
Helena Ravenclaw:
Myrtle Warren:
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington:
Alicia Spinnet:
Angelina Johnson:
Colin Creevey:
Cormac McLaggen:
Dean Thomas:
Dennis Creevey:
Fred Weasley:
George Weasley:
Ginny Weasley:
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger:
Katie Bell:
Kenneth Towler:
Lavender Brown:
Lee Jordan:
Neville Longbottom:
Oliver Wood:
Parvati Patil:
Percy Weasley:
Richard O'Reilly: Taken by me
Romilda Vane:
Ronald Weasley:
Samantha Rockwell: Taken by me
Seamus Finnigan:
Hogwarts Teachers & Staff:
Alastor Moody:
Albus Dumbledore:
Argus Filch:
Aurora Sinistra:
Bathsheda Babbling:
Charity Burbage:
Cuthbert Binns:
Dolores Umbridge:
Filius Flitwick:
Gilderoy Lockhart:
Horace Slughorn:
Irma Pince:
Minerva McGonagall:
Pomona Sprout:
Poppy Pomfrey:
Quirinus Quirrell:
Remus Lupin:
Rolanda Hooch:
Septima Vector:
Severus Snape:
Sybill Trelawney:
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank:
Wilkie Twycross:
Beatrice Haywood:
Catalina Thorne: Taken by me
Cedric Diggory:
Ernie Macmillan:
Grim Fawley:
Hannah Abbott:
Justin Finch-Fletchley:
Roman Harmon: Taken by me
Susan Bones:
Zacharias Smith:
British Ministry:
Amelia Bones:
Barty Crouch Sr:
Cornelius Fudge:
Kingsley Shacklebolt:
Rufus Scrimgour:
Dudley Dursley:
Petunia Dursley:
Vernon Dursley:
Order Members:
Aberforth Dumbledore:
Alice Longbottom:
Arabella Figg:
Carson Thorne [please talk to me about playing this character]:
Charles Weasley:
Dedalus Diggle:
Elphias Doge:
Frank Longbottom:
Hestia Jones:
Mundungus Fletcher:
Nymphadora Tonks:
Sebastian Thorne [please talk to me about playing this character]:
Sirius Black:
William Weasley:
Amos Diggory:
Lucius Malfoy:
Narcissa Malfoy:
Xenophilius Lovegood:
Anthony Goldstein:
Cho Chang:
Duncan Inglebee:
Eddie Carmichael:
Grant Page:
Jason Samuels:
Jeremy Stretton:
Luna Lovegood:
Marietta Edgecombe:
Marcus Belby:
Michael Corner:
Padma Patil:
Penelope Clearwater:
Randolph Burrow:
Roger Davies:
Terry Boot:
Xiaojung Starling: Taken by me
Adrian Pucey:
Blaise Zabini:
Daphne Greengrass:
Draco Malfoy:
Elizabeth Farnon: Taken by me
Flora Carrow:
Graham Montague:
Gregory Goyle:
Hestia Carrow:
Marcus Flint:
Millicent Bullstrode:
Pansy Parkinson:
Theodore Nott:
Vincent Crabbe:
Harry Potter × Cho Chang (year 5 fling)
Harry Potter × Ginny Weasley (years 6-7)
Ronald Weasley × Lavender Brown (year 6 fling)
Ronald Weasley × Hermione Granger (year 7)
Dean Thomas × Ginny Weasley (year 5-6)
Draco Malfoy × Catalina Thorne (years 3-7)
Theodore Nott × Catalina Thorne (year 6 fling)
Richard O'Reilly × Xiaojung Starling (year 7)
Elizabeth Farnon × Pansy Parkinson (years 4-7)
Lord Voldemort × Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley × Molly Weasley
Vernon Dursley × Petunia Dursley
Rubeus Hagrid × Olympe Maxime
Lucius Malfoy × Narcissa Malfoy
Remus Lupin × Nymphadora Tonks
Bill Weasley × Fleur Delacour
Please comment accordingly. I spent a lot of time on this using intense research and time on this.
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avictimofthejazz · 1 year
if Booker xElaine had a kid
Name: Julian Peter Booker
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Julian has a slighter build then most guys. He got Elaine's brown hair, instead of Dennis's black hair, but his hair is a bit straight and unruly like his dad's. Unlike either of his parents, he has to wear glasses, and this has given him a 'nerdy' appearance.
Personality: A living example of 'still waters run deep'. A quiet, hard-working student, who is good at math and wants to be an engineer, few people realize that Julian has his dad's streak for insanity. If left unchecked, he is on the road to being a mad scientist.
Special Talents: Julian can get anything mechanical or robotic to work with a bit of tweaking. Likes to build battle bots, and find places to fight them against other bots.
Who they like better: Julian tends to gravitate toward Elaine a bit more, finding his dad a touch intimidating. He is not afraid of Dennis, by any stretch of the word, but he feels like he is not 'manly' enough to make his dad proud. He tries his best, but often feels like he is lacking.
Who they take after more: Despite gravitating toward his mom, he is 100% Dennis's son in a somewhat different wrapper. He just does not realize that yet.
Personal Head canon: Julian would 100% build his own electric chair in shop class if he could get away with it.
Face Claim: Owen Vaccaro
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anotherhumanpet · 3 years
Mermay is done and gone, but let's see some mermaid au headcanons!
[Send me an au and I’ll give you 5+ head canons about it]
Personally speaking, I lean heavily on the idea of Dennis' mer species being a betta. I'm not 100% committed to it because I generally don't make him the creature of the AU unless it's a role reversal AU as well, but still; Betta feels like a good fit on account of how scrappy they can be. Also they're really fucking pretty.
@koi-dog-bot actually made a really pretty animalistic mer Dennis for me while a group of us were discussing mers in a Discord server ♥
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Hilariously, he is the tiniest one of the bunch in our group, when the scales are set to very roughly line up with what the fish species are like. (Look for the brown speck on the left; Third one in the line up.)
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Regardless if he actual-betta sized or human sized though, Mer Dennis is scrappy and will try to pick a fight with just about anything he sees. Luckily though, it's easy to earn his love and trust, thus curbing his eagerness to fight you (although he will, instead, try to fight for you so watch out).
In general mermaid universes though, Dennis is... very leery towards mermaids. Not because of any negative feelings towards them, but for his fear of the ocean. It's big. It will drown you if you disrespect it in the slightest way. He does not want to be drowned at all. And the only way to interact with a people who literally hail from the ocean is to go near the ocean. So it's a very slow burn for him in building up relationships, but he gets there.
In instances where he doesn't have much fear though he usually winds up giving the mermaids a ton of anxiety because this kid is really testing the limits of his skills and the ocean. Rescues and scoldings are frequent, and it isn't too long before the mer just straight up refuse to let him swim alone and-or just insist on carrying him everywhere so nothing stupid happens.
This an AU where Dennis actually lives with his mom as well! I imagine Rob is a permanent fixture in Jasper, Nevada so in any instance where the setting is outside of that, Dennis is a momma's boy.
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Lavender, turqoise, orange, black, coral, brown
Lavender - hey do you wanna go to denny’s
Sure, but you’re buying. (I have no muney >.>)
Turqoise - i think you are very cool! :D
Danke, friend! :D
Not if I bite you first!
Black - im going to give you a hug. this is bot a question you need a hug dude
Coral - i think you are swell. i refuse to elaborate i just think you are swell.
Cool. Can I, perchance, get a bit more info?
Brown - you’re funny but im assuming thats mental illness
Nah, I’m just sarcastic 90% of the time.
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etkinmedikal-blog · 7 years
www.ortopedikterlik.com sitemizden topuk dikeni hastaları için terlik ve ayakkabı, diyabet ayakkabı ve terliği, halluks valgus ayakkabısı, ameliyathane terlik, antistatik terlik ve sabo terlik modelleri 
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try-again-bissh · 6 years
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
I was tagged by the lovely @smittenwithsugden ! 
Nickname(s): I am not a fan of any of them, Yarny, Yarnizzle. I think these are gross but my friends are assholes
Zodiac: Capricorn :)
Height: 6′0
Time: 12:56pm I’m on my lunch break 
Favorite Band/Artist: The 1975, Prince, MJ
Song stuck in my head: Sweet Love- Anita Baker
Last movie I saw: Oceans 8, it was fucking amazing
Last thing I googled: What time Denny’s was open till, I really wanted pancakes and they were amazing
Other blogs: My fashion blog ! ! @fashion-fro-ward
Do I get asks: Not really, unless porn bots count then I’m hella popular 
Why I chose this username: I’m not clever at all, I literally made it up. 
Average amount of sleep: 4-6 
Lucky number: 2
What I’m wearing: Black denim shorts that I cut, my American Hiking Society volunteer shirt and my Nikes. 
Dream job: The CEO of an NGO that works with the chronically homeless 
Dream trip: European road trip. I wanna start from Ireland and end up in Greece. and of course, I wanna go to the damn Maldives. 
Favorite food: Don't really have one since I gave up meat but I can't stop eating pancakes lately so let's go with pancakes. 
Play any instruments: I used to play the violin
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark brown
Languages you speak: English, French
Most iconic song: Don't Stop Believing 
Random fact: I beat stage 3 cancer at 16 years old :)
I tag: @nieceyyypoo @depressosuppresso @hiimsidd @fanfemme  @hertroubledparadise @criticaldamag3 @the-cimmerians @crazyforklaine @ohshizzlesitzcandy @rajalagangg @tonyspegasus @loonyle  @highkeykenny @yune02  
I cant come up with 20 to tag here is what I have 
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omgniatheapricot · 7 years
WAS TAGGED BY: @bakusuki and actually @randumjunk a long, long time ago
TAGGING: @dererlking , @lucifermistress, @silken-petals, @i-survived-twist-and-shout , @nightmare-court , @mixedmermaid , @the-saint-dennis , @fudging-pudding , @themusicalbookworm , @lolothenerd , @annadramatically , @wildestmemories , @favourite-waste-of-space , @sassy-popcorn , @isoji-bot , @coming-straight-from-hell , @futuristicallygreatphilosopher , @flyxiee , @daii-san  and  of course, @mrsandmaninatrenchcoat
1. DRINK: Water 2. PHONE CALL: My grandpa 3. TEXT MESSAGE: An old friend. 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Agnes by Glass Animals 5. TIME YOU CRIED: Last month, I think.  6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: kinda, since we were six the first time and ten the second 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: unfortunately, yes. and it’s my only kiss, that makes it sadder. 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: nope 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: kinda 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: yup 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP:no
12. blue  13. indigo 14. lilac
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: no 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: I laugh very easy, so this often happens to me. 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: i heard my mom talking shit about me, it was hurtful 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: no 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: not reallt 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: does the cheek of a relative count?
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: I’ve met almost all of them, so about 300? 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: nah 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: no, I really like my name. 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: watched a movie with a few friends 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 9:04 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: watching Outlander 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: the sweet release of death 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: half an hour or so ago, she’s in the kitchen.. 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Shut Up by Jhameel 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: I think I did once, on the internet 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: my sister getting upset over the smallest thing.
34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: surprisingly enough, not tumblr. it’s a site called quotev I often write on
35. HAIR COLOUR: dark-ish brown with a hint of blond 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: long, am debating whether to cut it or let it grow more 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: I wish 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: my smile is cute sometimes 39. PIERCINGS: none 40. BLOOD TYPE: no one knows 41. NICKNAME: nyunee, or however I’m supposed to spell it and sometimes jordan or nini 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single and too scared to mingle 43. ZODIAC: scorpio 44. PRONOUNS: she/her 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: Brooklin 99 is all I’ve ever wanted 46. TATTOOS: zero 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right 48. SURGERY: once, I almost died afterwards 50. SPORT: I can watch most sports and enjoy them if I’m cheering for someone, but the only one which I can play decently is basketball 51. VACATION: this only shows how much of a weeb I am, but Japan 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: i got two
53. EATING: nothing, but am craving bacon. 54. DRINKING: nothing. 55. I’M ABOUT TO: check my quotev account 56. WAITING FOR: the time when I’ll finally be able to use my coke coupon 57. WANT: a big ass knife, so I can show it off 58. GET MARRIED: if I found someone who wants to, sure 59. CAREER: I’m not sure, but I think I might go into medicine 60. HUGS OR KISSES: hugs, because they susally last longer 61. LIPS OR EYES: I used to have a mania with eyes 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: both have their perks, so I can’t decide 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: I don’t know 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: considerig how much I love admiring people’s biceps, I’d have to say arms 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship, i guess 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: depends 
67. KISSED A STRANGER: nein. 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: nope 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: do sunglasses count 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: no, I have a bit of a problem with that 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: not really, thank you very much 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: maybe 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yes, but it wasn’t in a romatic sense
77. YOURSELF: no, I’m just a figment of your imagination 78. MIRACLES: yes, it’s a miracle I have friends 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: complicated, since I can’t fathom how you can love someone with out knowing them, yet am completely in love with Jeonghan from Seventeen , even though I don’t even listen to K-pop 80. SANTA CLAUS: no
82. ANGELS: you mean the biblical ones? complicated
84. EYE COLOUR: brown, or as my grandma says “cherry black” 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: Howl’s moving castel, I adore it
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techno-woman · 7 years
(Transformers rid Bumblebee X Reader) Sweet reunion
It had been five years since Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots returned to Cybertron after bringing it back to life. You were happy for him but at the same time you were sad to see him leave. Bumblebee was the first Autobot you encountered when you walked home from school and the two of you became close ever since. Despite the fact that Bumblebee was assigned to be Raf’s guardian he always made time for you.
Not long after you grew accustomed to hanging out with the Autobot scout you also developed feelings for him. One day you confessed your feelings to him in private and he happily admitted that he felt the same way as you do. You often went on several drives together and during those times Raf would join you sometimes. A few years had passed since you and Bumblebee started dating and on rare occasions you both made out with no one looking. Then after the final battle for earth against the Decepticons you were in deep shock when Bumblebee actually talked to you in his own voice. You found his voice pretty cute.
Sadly he had to go back to his home-planet and for five years you never heard from him again. That was until you moved to Crown city where you heard about strange incidents happening inside and outside the city. Incidents that seemed all so familiar to you, so you decided to investigate it. Driving into the outskirts of the city you came across a junkyard that seemed very well organized and it might be a good place to start looking for any shape changing robots. ‘No. What am I saying?’ You thought. 'There hasn’t been any signs of Autobots or Decepticons on Earth for five years.’
You drove into the junkyard and parked your car to see what the place was about. A man with a brown beard and a Hawaiian shirt approached you.
“Hi there! I’m Denny Clay.” He said with one hand out and a smile on his face.
You took his hand and shook it. “I’m y/n. So what is it that you do here?”
Before he could say anything else a yellow muscle car drove up to you slowly and cautiously. “It’s alright, Denny. I know this girl.” The car spoke.
In that instant you recognized that voice. “Bumblebee?”
The yellow car then transformed into the bot who had left Earth for Cybertron five years ago. “Long time no see.” Smiled Bumblebee.
You ran towards him as he reached out with both hands and you both embraced each other happily reunited.
“I missed you a lot!” You said to Bee.
“I missed you too, y/n.” He replied. “Sir? You know that human?”
You and Bumblebee both turned your heads to see a blue and white female Autobot standing there with a red male Autobot and a green dinobot.
“Everyone meet y/n. She’s my girlfriend.” Bumblebee introduced you to them. “Hi! It’s nice to meet you.” You waved.
“Hold on! Girlfriend?” The red Autobot said. “You never said anything about having a girlfriend on earth.”
“Sideswipe, there are some things that the lieutenant does not want to share about his personal life.” The blue and white Autobot responded.
Ignoring the arguing bots you turned your attention back to Bumblebee. “Lieutenant?”
“It’s a long story but I’m really happy to see you again.” Bumblebee kissed you on your head as gently as an Autobot can be to a human.
“Me too.” You returned the kiss.
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transformers zombie world Rid2015 Special:
The following is a non profit fan based story,  Transformers RiD2015 belongs to Hasbro entertainment .
please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
This is how zombie world would have played out if it were in RiD2015!
"urg...what happened Fixit? Strong-arm? is everyone alright?" Bumble-bee asked as he opened his optics checking on his team as they slowly reactivated, "We're alright Lieutenant." Strong-arm said as she transformed and stretched as Sideswipe followed suit "Save for the headache, and stiff joints." the red bot said as he tried helping Grimlock up
"Whoa, why do I feel like I was hit in the head with Keith's rocket hammer?" the dinobot said leaning on his friend who just shrugged as Fixit stretched "Oh steer, leer, Dear! that solar storm must put put us into stasis lock." the minicon said as he scanned the team for any lingering effects finding none, he decided to check on the humans,
"Fixit where are you going?"
"To check in with Denny and Russell, I'm sure our sudden absence must have worried them."
"Right we should probably check in on Abby and the others too..."
"Huh? clawed, Flawed ODD! I can't seem to unlock the gate..."
Fixit said as Bumblebee checked his comm and couldn't pick up a signal "The comms are down too, Grimlock?" The dinobot nodded as he grabbed the rocket ship gate and lifted it open as the bots walked out of the command center, and were greeted by an eerily silent scrapyard which confused them "Hey, guys I'm picking up a radio signal on emergency channel, it sounds like Kendra?" Sideswipe said confused why the hell was she on the broadcast? the other bots changed their comm to radio.
"Echo 2-4-1-10 am I Transmitting? can anybody hear me? My name is Kendra Mason, and if you can hear this stay away from Crown City! The city has fallen it belongs the dead now! I found this radio tower still functioning I'm leaving this message on repeat...I'm not staying long! The crown has fallen! Repeat! the crown has fall-Chop-Shop?! What the-! *Message rewinding* Echo 2-4-1..."  
The bots were silent as they tried to understand what the hell was going on? but before anyone could say anything a sudden slam caused them to jump they looked to the front of the scrapyard and saw a man walking around on the scrapyard's warehouse roof only for him to fall off the roof,
and land with a sicken crack! causing them all to gasp and run over the fallen human, Fixit scanned him and suddenly backed away in shock "What"s wrong? is he.." Bumblebee asked worriedly, The orange bot nodded "Yes. but, a-according t-to my scan he's been offline for three weeks!"
Fixit said fearfully as Sideswipe looked around unnerved "B-but we saw him wal-wah!" he suddenly points behind Fixit who whirled around to see the fallen human slowly standing up he was missing his jaw the orange minicon let out a girly shriek, before punching the man his little metal fist went right through the shambling man's head as he fell for the last time. as the autobots gawked at the body then at Fixit's bloody servo then slowly came to a horrifying realization; Where's the rest of their team?
"Oi, princess, the little squish wants ya.."a tired Chop-shop said poking Kendra in side the one eyed human groaned as her colbalt eye adjusted to the light and glared at the five spider-cons four were sleeping or her case hogging the makeshift bed, while one was curiously watching the baby girl sitting on the shack floor coloring "What cha drawing Monkey?" she asked stretching a bit as she stood up and went over to the baby and Righty,
the little blond haired toddler babbled as she happily patted the paper covered in purple and pink scribble, "Ah, it's like that eh?" the fallow haired girl stared at the paper for a few moments "Is..it me?" she asked the little mumbled before pointing behind her.
"Oh, it's me and Chopy! now i see it, good job Alix!~" she mused as Boss came up behind her and snorted "That load of scrap?! that dudn't look lik...." he swallowed his words when the rest of the lads and Kendra gave him the look. and Alix looked at with her big brown eyes.
"It's ah...nice." he huffed as the sudden sound gunshots and someone banging on the trailer door got their attention, one of the lads when to open the door and an old man Boss tried to remember his name something with an L? "Louis? what's going on?" Louis that was his name as the rest of the Spider-cons woke up to look at the old man, unnerved he rarely visits their little abode, due to arachnophobia.
"What's all this then?"
"that group from two weeks ago they broke fence, and released a bunch of walkers and they're killing everyone!?"
"How the hell did they break, the fraggin' fence?!"
"There was a back panel that was falling apart we going to fix it! no one except me and a few guards knew about it! We have to go! now!"
*It must have been an inside job*...Boss thought as he watched Louis pick up Alix while Kendra and Righty pack supplies, before the eight of them ran out of the campgrounds they used as a home for the past year, all round they could hear screaming and gun shots some of them whizzed past Kendra's head as she turned around to Louis whose bum knee was slowing him down.
"Gimme Ally!" she yelled to the man when suddenly he was he shot in the head and his body landed on the baby who screeched in pain as Righty rushed over to her "she's alright!? Your alight!" he said picking up the baby running behind Kendra and the rest of the lads.
"Eh see ya running baby!" one the attackers hollered at Kendra he took a shot at her but, got distracted by a Hopper jumping on his buddy, they didn't notice chop-shop's crew as they were faster the Kendra, Boss growled as he resisted the urge to transform and kill of every single one of those fraggers who threatened his home and charges. But, at the moment he was more concerned with getting away.
a few days, later...
Kendra was walking along an old bike trail carrying Aliz on her back, when she saw a rabbit dash in front of her, crouching down she aimed her crossbow, when Al woke up and saw the bunny and immediately giggled causing the animal to run off "Ally! that wasn't a pet! it was dinner!"
she hissed at the baby who flinched at the fallow haired girl's tone "Sorry, kiddo! I-I just I miss my friends, and being separated for this-" she was cut off by a dead rabbit being held in front of her face and saw one of the spider-cons holding it.
"Well, are ya takez the damnz thing or whot?" he huffed before a growling noise got their attention the con and humans turned and saw a female Hopper and few walkers crawling out of the woods! "Shit!" Kendra stated pointing her bow at the when Alix started to cry as the Hopper jumped and almost tackled Kendra to the ground only for a giant purple fist to punch her into the ground and crushing the zombie's head in,
Kendra stared in shock when Boss's voice broke her out of it "Get your aft and the kid up in that tower right now! And don't you dare come out til I say!" he roared as the last spider con shoved the dead rabbit into Kendra's bag and she took off towards a hunting tower she practically flew up the steps, she quickly scanned the inside it was clear as she put Alix down on a cot and locked the metal door.
there must more walkers out there then Kendra thought, as she heard Chop-shop fighting the hoard and assumed a few stragglers had managed to get up the stairs "Oi, get the hell down from there ya rotted pus buckets!" the was more fighting before the sound of a loud engines and transforming Chop-shop suddenly yelled out "Ow, damn it we're on your side now dumb afts! check the tower if ya don't believe us!"
there the was silence for a few moments then someone knocked, Kendra cautiously opened the tiny slot on the door and saw "S-Sideswipe? I- how? where were you guys?!" she yelled opening the door all the way then checked for Chop-shop to see him being held by Grimlock and the others while glaring at the red bot who just stared at her, his brows furrowed and hesitantly reached out to move her hair out out of her face only for her put her hand over her bad eye,
"Don't." she said as Sideswipe optics darkened. "Did, he do that to you?" he hissed glaring at Chop-shop who glared right back. "No coppa' she bloody lost her eye, fighten' er way through the city."  the combiner hissed "Your precious little princess wouldn't be talking to you if it weren't for me." he growled as Sideswipe sighed he couldn’t believe he was doing this.
"Thanks for?..."
"Protecting my femme, can we go now?'
Sideswipe and the bots blinked looked back at Kendra in disbelief "What do you mean no? did he threaten you?" Sideswipe whispered to his girlfriend while glaring at Chop-shop "I did no such thing!" the spider con growled "Me an' Princess 'ere have an agreement; I protect her while she protects my precious cargo..." the autobots looked between the con and Kendra confused when a sudden thud and crying caught them off guard, Chop-shop eyes widened as he disassembled himself and the crew ran up the stairs.
The spider cons and Kendra went to go check on what ever was inside with her "She's okay I think she just surprised herself." they heard the fallow haired girl say as Boss's came from inside the tower "Ah, she's gonna 'ave a little bump on 'er noggin that's for sure." the other three spider's nodded agreement as Kendra came outside carrying a baby?!
the autobots all gawked at the weird family unit as Sideswipe finally spoke "What. the. Frak." he said looking at his femme unsure if he should be feeling betrayed, angry or confused.
what happened while they were asleep?! "Before you ask no, it's not my baby." she said bluntly as she tried handing the baby to one of the spider cons. but, they refused touch her because they were cover blood and other nastiness, they just opted to make funny faces rattling noises at her.
"Chopy here, just show up after I recorded my message, took me to his hideout where he had a pregnant lady in labor with him, said he found her by the docks and didn't know what was up with her.
next thing we know there's this baby no bigger than a bag of milk, (Real thing look it up!) in my arms and the mother's bleeding out! I couldn't stop the bleeding she died only she didn't stay dead...I think you can figure out the rest, as for why he kept Alix? your guess is as good as mine, maybe he has baby duck syndrome? who knows!"
Kendra finished her explanation as the autobots processed what she was saying, "So, you didn't cheat on me with spider breath?" Sideswipe asked as everyone just stared at him "No." everyone said at the same time
"Then why do you smell like him?" Sides asked suspiciously as Kendra rolled her eyes...eye "trust me you'll figure it out later at bedtime, for now let's get some rabbit meat into this little monkey." she said tickling Alix's belly causing her to giggle.
Kendra wasn't kidding as the autobots and a jealous Sideswipe, watched as the chop-shop crew slept in a odd formation that had Kendra and Alix practically under the sleeping spider-cons.
one of the five would take shifts waking up and standing guard, listening for enemy humans and walkers, Bumble-bee called it smart it kept the two humans hidden while at the same time the cons were all together and combine if a threat did show up and well they saw the after math to that!
it was around three am when Bee decided to ask something "Hey, uh..." the spider currently on duty looked up at him "Boss." he said his name as Bee nodded "Boss, right do you know where the other humans went? from our group I mean." the yellow bot asked hopefully getting some good news on his spark-mate's well being.
"Nope, can't say I do, Princess said she an' the rest of er friend got separated when the bridge collapsed." Boss said keeping his eyes peeled for any threats to his camp, as Bumblebee looked distraught,
the spider-con noticed this and sighed "But we're looking for them too. so, don't give up so easily." he said before yawning and scuttling to the pile  "alright you lot' shift change, Lefty yer up! chop chop!" Boss ordered taking Lefty's place on the spider nest as Bee looked up at the sky "Abby you better be okay..."
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aili-chan · 8 years
[ ⚘ ] — RP Character Stat Sheet REPOST replacing the old information with your character’s information. HOVER underlined ‘links’ for better explanations, should you need them. PASS it on to your mutuals for a better understanding of their characters. TAGGED BY: @autobotsteely BASICS — ♦ Designation: Elena Star Supreme Prime ♦ Face Claim: (I don’t know how to add 😓) ♦ Age: middle of 20’s ♦ Gender: Female ♦ Nationality/Race: half Earth, half Cybertronian/human, bot ♦ Place of Creation: Earth U.S. ♦ Creation Date: in late 80’s early 90’s ♦ Sun Sign: um… ♦ Residence: (at moment)Denny Clay’s ♦ Marital Status: single ♦ Alignment: Autobots. GOOD Autobots LIKES — ♦ Drink: (hot) Tea (cold) sodan or Energon. ♦ Food: bit spicy ♦ Day or Night: Both ♦ Snack: depends what there is 😅 ♦ Song: hard to decide 😅 ♦ Quote: “Be careful” ♦ Historical Character: huh? ♦ Colors: pink, light colors and white ♦ Pet/Animal: wish for cat or a dog ♦ Books: mystery, fantasy, romance (including mangas) ♦ Flower: Roses and Cherry Blossoms ♦ Sexuality: straight LOOKS — ♦ Frame Type: ♦ Optic Color: blue ♦ Hair Color: as human brown ♦ Skin Color: as human bit tan ♦ Body Reference: same size as Strongarm. ♦ Beauty Scale: Not sure if she is no one has ever said that to her (but yes she is beautiful)
0 notes
wishingfornever · 6 years
12/25/17 – No Contact:  Christmas
I hate Christmas.  I feel very alone right now.  I got back from work and I’ve been awake since.  Current time is 1am.  I wrote a bit of a rant on Facebook.  It was more to address those who experience today in Solitude.  I wrote this rant more for myself… but if asked about it, I’ll deny it.  I wrote about how many people are alone and feel the burden of the holiday.  So if I’m asked, I’ll say, “No, I’m with my cousin.”
Excuses.  It’s a poison and I’m the only one drinking it.  Tomorrow, Adela and I will try to find a place to get food.  I guess I’ll get some McDonald’s. Fuck it, I’ll have meat.  -,-
On Twitch, two people have added me.  I’ve accepted.  They don’t seem to be bots, at least not when I added them a week or so ago.  I asked one why they added me.  Rather, how they found me.  He (assuming this person is male but he has a feminine name) said we have a mutual friend.  Shane.  I haven’t seen hide nor hair from him in a long while.  Very peculiar.
It’d be funny if it were Esther and she were stalking me, but this person is playing World of Warcraft.  She never heard of it when we met.  Of course, she and Dennis could have gotten into it… I wonder.
Remember how I said “Dennis and I never go out so his stories are false.”  Thing is, in World of Warcraft, we did A LOT of things together.  That is far more likely.  Again, doubt it’s Esther but if Dennis got her into WoW that’d be a place where a lot of his stories involving me would be true.
I suspect Shane told these people to add me.  I think he’s busting my balls.  Just sort of trying to upset me or something.  I don’t know.  It’s a very weird circumstance.  I’m going to try to avoid these folks but if they message me, I’ll respond.  I don’t even know how to check mutuals on Twitch, so it’s more than likely he told them to add me.  Whether his intention is malicious or not has yet to be determined.
Anyways, time to ruin Christmas.  As I said yesterday… or the day before? The transcript for me trolling.  I probably won’t share anything like this again, so this will be for educational purposes only. Behold:
Original Post by Mutual Friend who ISN’T a Nazi (Was Posted on Twitter but Appeared on Facebook which he neglects): Journalists need to realise that the erosion of trust doesn't matter for their political antithetics. Trump supporters won't watch @CNN anyway.
It's their normal audience that'll tire of constant mistakes, of immature antics. Yelling about apples won't help with that.
Declan: Nope it won't help them, but there is a NEW NAZI BORN every MINUTE these evil and vile people exist! GOOD AND JUSTICE IS COMING! [At this point, he shares a video titled “88 Problems” which is a Nazi remake of “99 Problems” and is ABUNDANTLY Fascist]
Declan: [He shares a picture of Stalin furiously grabbing his head and looking down upon a series of pictures depicting Communism and Homosexuality with Hitler laughing in the corner]
Stephen: [Shares a picture of a Pencil with the words “This Machine Kills Fascists” on the side]
Declan: Hahahaha, gotta love the queer unnatural filth that rose up to exist because we chose the wrong side in World War Number 2. Thank the CREATOR for Generation ZYKLON which is rising in huge numbers. I guess the degenerates pushed too far too fast. Just a matter of time now, the days of the degenerate is numbered. THANK GOD!
Stephen: Lel, not sure if you're serious or not. Either you're telling a joke or you are the joke. ;)
Stephen: [Shares a picture of Che Guevara, on the top is written “I bet you won’t repost because you’re too ashamed to have a picture of Jesus on your feed.”  The purpose of this was to target his blatant over-religiousness and was more to draw him out as the image will offend him ideologically as well as spiritually.]
Declan: [Tags Me] - HAHAHAHHAHAHA, [Includes picture of Che Guevara with the quote “’The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized, and intelligent.’ - Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara” and is immediately followed by another quote saying, “THIS DUMMY NIGGER SAYS NIGGERS ARE LAZY AND LAZY… In his nigger mind while attempting to promote Europeans… IS NOT EUROPEAN!”]
Declan: Now run to facebook and cry to CUCKERBERG to ZUCK me
Stephen: Oh, you're serious. The thing is, Che isn't black. In fact, his ancestry is Spanish-Irish. It's alright for not knowing, however. Ignorance can be cured through education. Education is a machine that kills fascists. :D
Declan: [Tags Me; mind you, the hyphen is a part of his responses, this has all been copied and pasted directly with the exception of describing the text in images] - YOU SAID ONLY BLACKS CAN BE NIGGERS! You, YOU, are clearly anti-black.
Declan: [Tags Me, yet again] - you should be ashamed, BLACK LIVES MATTER!  
Stephen: "Nigger" is a derogatory term for people of color. Much like how "Kike" is a derogatory term for Jews. If I were to call you a kike and then proceeded to insist that Kikes aren't specifically Jews, that'd be ignoring the original meaning of the word. The more you know. :D
Declan: People of color? You mean how "white" people are all the colors with various hair and eye colors, and brown people are just brown…
Stephen: More how in the US and other western nations determine someone's race by the color of their skin as opposed to standards in other nations. For example, in the Balkans, race is more nationalized and has more to do with culture. For example, Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo. They're different peoples and are considered a different race despite having the same skin color, but I digress.
Anyways, race is a boring topic and you're so very ignorant. Instead, let's talk politics. Since you're super into Black Lives Matters, then certainly you've heard of the glory that is Marxism, yes? :D
Declan: [Tags Me Again; please stahp] - I have heard of it, yes indeed. I figure cuckerberg is getting his minions ready to ban me as I type, so I better respond quickly… [Shares a picture depicting Romans carrying the fasces and is captioned, “In ancient ROME the fasces were carried by the lictors to assemble the court of the magistrate. They brought justice & light of ROME as they bore the fasces on their shoulders. The fasces remains a symbol of justice to this day because of it’s use in history. A bundle of sticks, in this case it was an axe bound around it with rods, held in place by leather strapping. The fasces served as a symbol of the people united together in the purpose of service to one another to build society under the law. It is this unity of purpose that is the basis for FASCISM.  I am a FASCIST.”]
Stephen: Nonsense, nobody is listening to your banter besides me. You're making it clear that you like Fascism so I'd like to ask you more about your ideology. What do you like about Fascism?
Declan: I believe in natural order and seeking real truth. This leads to true justice.
Stephen: Right, but truth is subjective. Rather, let's talk about the political intrigue behind Fascism. For example, what are your views on economics? Do you think Fascism can work with Capitalism?
Declan: Economically, Hitler's policy on National Socialism was an amazing success. So much so, that he turned the ruins of his Republic into a shining war machine.
Stephen: That doesn't answer my question. At all. Do you think Fascism can work along side with Capitalism?
Declan: This is what sums up the ideals of that economic ideal. [Shares yet another picture with a wall of text, I honestly haven’t read any of this until now because fuck that shit.  “HITLER’S DEFINITION OF SOCIALISM
‘A Socialist is the one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.  Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism.  Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not.  Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, or efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community.  All great inventions, discoveries, achievements, were the first product of an individual brain.  It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist.  Both charges are false.’
- Adolf Hitler, December 28, 1938”
Bullshit propaganda, designed to sound good while kissing ass.]
Stephen: It’s a yes or no question, Declan.  ;)
Declan: The simplest answer is yes.
Stephen: So yes?  You believe Fascism could work with Capitalism?  You do realize that much of Hitler's economic success was due to the state taking over control of industry in the nation?  If Hitler ran today's world, Walmart and all those other businesses wouldn't exist in favor of a state-owned economic industry.  That's the opposite of what capitalism and the free market stands for.
Stephen: Very peculiar thinking. Knowing what you know now, do you still believe capitalism is compatible with Fascism knowing that Hitler's success was largely in part thanks to state controlled industry?
Declan: I disagree totally, given I know what Hitler actually did and promoted. [lol, no you don’t]
Stephen: You disagree that capitalism will work with Fascism? But you just said the simplest answer is "Yes." Why the change of heart?
Declan: [Tags Me once more] - I disagree with you. Hitler's ideals of private property and personal industry was promoted in his work. National Socialism is NOT the same as the disease that is marx. [shares the most previous image again because if I read it once I really have to read it again]
Stephen: I'm not talking about private property as that has little to do with the free market. The thing is, in Nazi Germany you had to work through the Nazis in order to run ANY business. You needed to be a member of the Nazi party. The state controlled almost the entire industry of Germany. This was a requirement for the war effort, after all. Hitler was not one to support the free market as that was part of the Jewish agenda.
Stephen: "These capitalists create their own press and then speak of the 'freedom of the press.' In reality, every one of the newspapers has a master, and in every case this master is the capitalist, the owner." Addressed to the German workers of Berlin in 1940. Hitler said this. He was not a friend of Capitalism. [This is the comment he liked]
Stephen: Hrm, seems you've vanished. Was hoping you'd stick around longer. Perhaps a change of topic would encourage your return. Let's talk about the Fascist's strengths. How do you feel about Nationalism? :D
At this point, he stopped responding.
I was going to talk more about this and explain certain things, but I ended up spending an hour going back.  Remember when the paragraphs were doublespacing?  I mentioned it briefly and didn’t really talk about it again.  I realized that if I have to rely on someone else to post these, I need to make them orderly.  So… I did it.  Just now.
I don’t suggest it.  I was getting rid of the double spacing manually because this is SO long that the program I’m using is just… well, it can’t handle uniting all the edits and making the spacing universal.  So, I pressed down on the arrow keys, hit enter, then clicked the mouse multiple times on the “Decrease Paragraph Spacing” button.  This lasted a while and I reread a lot… not a healthy trip down memory lane.
Before Shane told me what he told me, I was super chill with Dennis and Esther.  I REALLY turned against him.  I trusted Shane so much. Trusted Daniel, too.  I toyed with the idea that Daniel was untrustworthy… I think Shane too.  But I never really confronted it.  Of course, Dennis isn’t the ideal character.  He still betrayed me.  And Esther became a bit of a bitch.
Still, I wrote… a lot of sincere and heartfelt things.  I toy with the idea that if Esther were to read this, the first part of the journal would scare her.  Going through it again, not really.  Like, you can see my opinion of Dennis change.  I was honest about who I spoke with.  I wasn’t as deceitful as I thought I was.  And a lot of the dreams… ironically, I remembered the greatcoat burning dream the most.  I remembered it because the design of the camp had a sort of similar appearance to a Call of Duty Black Ops map.  The big snowy map in a factory.  Not exact layout, just looked similar which is strange for a concentration camp.  I can’t remember what I was, though.  Probably for the best.
Haven’t seen Cynthia or little Stephen in a while.  That’s good.  I still have dreams of Esther, of course.  Her spectre.
I had to change the name of a certain NationState to NationState Region Founder.  He has a funny name but it’s a shame I can’t reveal it. To protect his identity.  I sort of involved him in my drama.  That was wrong of me.
I wish I could convince Esther to read this.  I feel a lot of emotions that I felt back then.  I had really hoped that Esther would change her mind.  Shane built me up in a way.  When he was saying that Dennis was basically Hitler, I was convinced she’d see reason.  Of course, I attacked someone she had oxytocin for.  Thus, she hated me for attempting to rid her of her oxytocin source.
He’s still a little bitch.
Yeah, maybe I’m salty.  But Dennis wronged me.  She refused to see that. I forgave him, but he doesn’t want to be forgiven because he doesn’t think he did anything wrong.  I forgave her and same thing. She’s a good person… just fucking dumb.  ><
She has a lot of potential and it’s being squandered on fucking pot.  I hate marijuana.  If you smoke it, you’re a fucking idiot.  Yes, talking to you, Tumblr Reader.  Don’t smoke pot.  You need a sober mind.  If you do smoke pot, smoke it socially.  Don’t let it become a fucking crutch.  Overindulgence in anything is a bad idea.
Of course, I’ve basically pigged out these last few days.  Weirdly enough, whenever I do I tend to lose a lot of weight.  Weird how that happens.  I noticed that as I was reliving the journey so far.
I also noticed that I fell for something I told Esther not to fall for. Early in our relationship, before we became romantically involved and we were strictly platonic, I gave her a set of numbers.  She asked what the numbers meant and I told her to figure it out herself. I ended up talking about hidden messages and the Enigma Machine from WWII.  In an effort to learn the meaning of this set of numbers, she learned how to read the Enigma Machine.  She had a big crush on me, you see, and really wanted to impress me.
As she was learning to decipher the Enigma Machine, I told her that it’s possible the numbers have no meaning.  Immediately, she denied it and said that some of the numbers were making sense.  I told her that she’d find a meaning but that meaning would be entirely her own. She was looking for answers and if she looked hard enough, she would find the answers.  She’d find these answers even if there was never a question.  She still defended the idea that the numbers I gave her had a meaning.
Eventually this idea of hers vanished as I managed to convince her that it was an analogy for religion.  What’s the meaning of life?  Certainly, there are answers and we’ve found it!  Just don’t eat shellfish or pork!  Because you’ll get sick and die if the pork isn’t cooked well enough or if you have shellfish allergies.
We try to find a meaning for everything.  Everything must have an answer.  And when we find even a glimmer of an answer, we’ll do whatever we can to defend it.  That is why the most religious people are… well, religious.  Because they are determined that they have an answer to a question they alone asked.  A meaning to all of this.
The fact of the matter is, there is no meaning.  There only is.  We exist and we perhaps shouldn’t question why we exist.  Life is temporary as an individual… but as a collective?  Life is infinite.
Anyways, Esther tried to impress me by attempting to find an answer to a question that was implied.  Instead, I impressed her through a bit of insight.
Esther was strange at first, but she was worth talking to.  She was like a blank canvas and I was determined to take advantage of this.  I wanted to expand her mind, her thought processes.  She has so much potential that I know Dennis won’t see.  I’m certain he oxytocins her as well, perhaps as much as I do.  But his oxytocin for her? It’s a physical attraction.
To me, I oxytocin’d her because there were so many possibilities.  The idea of Cynthia and mini Stephen?  That’s recent.  To me, I had hoped to share experiences with her.  I wanted to do things I never have and have her do things she’s never done.  I never ice skated before I met her, for example.  A tip of the iceberg for me, the iceberg being adventures we may never do.
I mentioned that we had contracts.  She and I set these contracts and they began because I recognized that she was naive and would agree to anything.  Basically, I wrote contracts under duress to point out, “Hey, don’t fucking agree to everything just because you want one thing!”  It was GROSSLY against her.  However, we eventually rewrote the contract for other things.  We weren’t in a romantic relationship at the time, but we were flirting quite heavily.  It lead to the romantic relationship getting established.
My pride… it interfered.  She screwed me over in the contract and rather than letting her get too proud, I decided to weasel my way out of it and have her rewrite it.  Of course, it was a serious point so I weaseled for good intentions but I regretted doing it then.  Still regret it now.
Before we broke up, right after the event happened where I discovered Dennis was a piece of shit and the oxytocin for me Esther had once felt had faded, I wrote a new contract in an effort to get her back.  It heavily favored her.  She came over to pick up her things the day after, and I showed her the contract as well as a letter detailing my remorse.  I uninstalled all my games for the first time to prove my sincerity, showing her an empty steam library.  The contract I had written the night before was VERY hard on me… Esther even pointed it out.  It was a chance, but I was so scared of losing her that I lost my shit.  Ended up cutting my arm.  That was 9/3/17.  The End.
Love is strange.  Never have I… panicked like I had.  Never have I hurt so badly.  Losing Esther has hands down been the lowest point of my life.  It was only made worse by those I thought were my friends. Shane, Dennis… even Daniel.  Of course, Daniel is still a friend. But he’s not an ally.  He actively worked against me.  Admittedly, he worked against me on the behalf of his brother.  He was loyal and chose a side.  To him, blood was thicker than water.
The original quote, supposedly, is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”  That is to imply that the bonds you have can be thicker than the bonds you’re born with.  I told Daniel that Dennis never liked him, and it’s true.  Dennis NEVER liked him.  I’ve mentioned this multiple times.  However, Esther was told this and only saw the Dennis of… recent years. Perhaps Daniel and him repaired their relationships, but I always remember Dennis just shitting on Daniel.
Dennis was not a good brother.
So, Esther thought I was lying.  Me, being a narcissist, was turning Daniel against Dennis!  Yeah, I guess I was.  But it was still the truth.
Shane… he lied to me because he wanted to do what Dennis had done.  Esther had told me that he was getting… creepy.  I don’t want to see how deep that rabbit hole goes, but I trust it’s a dangerous one to enter.  At least for her.
And Dennis… I don’t know.  He’s a liar.  He’s admitted this.  She trusts him over me.  It’s the oxytocin.  Of course, I embraced Shane’s words wholeheartedly, so I proved he was more honest than me only in the sense that Dennis said nothing and I said everything. I panicked.  I never stopped panicking.
Still, Dennis is a piece of shit.  If I were in a position to help him, I would.  Certainly, I would help him in a heartbeat.  However, afterwards I’d spit right in his eye.  I respect our history but the loyalty and trust he and I had… he profited off my misery.  He did something I would never do.  But, I’m holding him to my own standards.  As you can see, I can’t uphold myself to my own standards at times.
Hrm… getting late.  It’s almost 5 in the morning.
Something else I saw…  I spoke about my witch friend a lot.  A quick word search has revealed I haven’t revealed her name, so I’ll keep it that way.  Witch I met about the time I met Ariel.  A bit later.  She had her birthday recently.  Taught me a lot about magic.
I… asked her to cast spells on Dennis and Esther.  Make Esther love me again, forgive me.  Less than stellar things for Dennis.  I didn’t actually think they’d work and they didn’t, obviously.  But the idea would give me peace of mind.  I needed… something.  Something to keep me grounded.  I omitted that information just in case the spells worked.
I found out maybe… a month ago?  That the spells won’t work.  That the target is a naturally born witch so the spells can’t… magic. Somehow.  I’m not sure how it works, but I thought it was fitting. Esther’s a natural witch.  If she ever came back to me, I’d have to get her spell books.  See what she could do.
Ariel said I might be a natural Shaman because I attract so many witches. When I discovered Esther might be a witch, I couldn’t help but think maybe there was something to what Ariel had said.  Thing is, I don’t believe in magic.  Honestly, Witch might have just been lying to get me off her back.
Esther is a very spiritual person.  I’m not.  Ariel is a very spiritual person.  I’m not.  Witch is a very spiritual person.  I’m not. That’s three witches whom I hold very dearly.  My cousin is a witch, supposedly.  A wiccan or whatever.  Jeremiah is wiccan.  Just… idk.  I thought the wiccan thing was just a fashion trend.
Dumb to say, I know.  But maybe there’s a reason for all that.
It’s late, of course.  I’d believe any nonsense at this point.  But if there is a grain of truth in a silo of lies, then I’ll be sure to give it a chance.  I’ll randomly mail Esther some witchcraft books in the future.  I think I can remember Dennis’s address.
Oh, I smell nice.  I ran my fingers through my hair and I got hit by my cologne.  I’m reminded by my work day, though… could have been better.  I felt like I left and the job I had done was done… poorly.  My work ethic isn’t the greatest, but I felt low.  I was dazed.  Just was a bad day.  The day before was far better.  Of course, there was a pretty girl I could flirt with there.
I don’t flirt on the job, of course.  I try to stay professional.
Of course, she was shopping too.  Thing is, I never had a chance to say hi because… professional.  I don’t oxytocin this new girl.  I like her as a person because she’s funny and I am definitely attracted to her, but oxytocining her is a bit early.  As a cancer, I need to be aware of what I oxytocin.
Besides, playing hard to get is what brought Esther to me.  I doubt it’d work here, though.
If Esther came back, I’d stop pursuing Diana immediately.  I’d still intend to meet up with Ariel, though.  Esther would have allowed it back then before the event.  I try to be loyal and monogamous, with Ariel excluded of course.  When I was talking about bumping nasties with several women I knew on the way from Susanville to Houston, I knew I wouldn’t sleep with them.  Was it a joke?  Yeah, a bit, but I actually did want to know if Esther would have cared.  I think with the first one, who is single, she and I would have seen a movie.  Had dinner.  Have a date.  Typical bullshit.  We wouldn’t have slept together though.  Even if I wanted to, she wouldn’t.  She’s Christian and is even chaste.
The second girl, she has a boyfriend.  I tried pursuing her in the past but the timing was wrong.  Never had the chance to actually seal the deal. The third was a guy.  Actually, I met him online. He’s very charming.  Persian-American, or at least his dad is Persian.  He’s in Iran right now, actually.  He lives in Dallas. He’s a very handsome man, as well.  That’s something I noticed, Iranians tend to be very attractive peoples.  Would I have slept with him? If I were gay, I’d fucking fuck him so fucking hard.  But, alas, I am not.  He’s very handsome.
I don’t game anymore so I gave him my phone number recently.  Saved it, too.  I started saving numbers again.  I did it because I didn’t want to forget Esther’s face and my phone… well, it automatically gave her number a face.  Not sure where it came from.  Adela has a face too, which is strange.
They’re the only two contacts on my phone with faces.  And Esther… well, I only saved her number recently.  I don’t really save numbers.  It’s not my style.  The only number I saved last year was this number of this guy who was basically harassing me.  Like, he was crazy and I didn’t realize.  That’s a long story.  Haven’t heard from him in over a year.
Honestly, I hope he’s well.  It can’t be easy for him.  I think he was homeless.  I’m not sure.  He was mysterious and strange, yet he was so hopeful.
Oof. That’s a long journey for recounting memory lane.  Anyways, it’s time for bed.  I’m going to drink the rest of my 1500 ml of water because I didn’t earlier today at work.  Then, I’ll brush my teeth.  Then… I’ll stay up.  I’ll think about Esther.  And then I’ll dream about work.
Heh, that sucks.  I have this inner fear that I fail at work before sleeping.  Makes me restless, strangely enough.  Last night, I had a dream that I was leaving this old, rustic manor in Spain with Esther and this other guy.  We didn’t lock the house with a lock but this weird mechanism.  He said that it was a lock for the stupid.  He said this outloud, right as we left.  A line formed as people tried to play with the lock.
I realize that one guy was going to get it and I started walking towards him to let him know, “No, fuck off.”  The distance got further the closer I got, strangely enough, and when I got half-way he breaks open the mechanism and a bunch of people flood in.  I say, “Fuck!” and start running.
I make it inside and I grab the first gun I can.  A tank-gewehr from World War One.  It’s basically an elephant rifle redesigned to pierce tank armor.  Big gun.  I take aim at one of the looters and squeeze the trigger.
Nothing. I rack the bolt back to see if it’s loaded and it is.  So I push it forward and try to make sure that the bullet is actually chambered correctly.  The dream ends before I can take the second shot.  Or maybe it didn’t, but I can’t remember the rest.  I just remembered I failed at protecting my household from looters.
Tonight will be different.  It has to be.  I’ll dream about failing to help my coworkers.  See you again in a minute.  ;)
Should have guessed.  I had a dream about Esther.  Was very emotional. Like… oof.
Dennis and her separated peacefully, unlike when me and her and I lost my shit and cut myself.  I managed to convince her to not only come back in my life but continue dating again.  She was hesitant the entire way, but we sat across from each other and I held her hand to my cheek and cried.  Crying in front of someone is very hard for me, but I was just so happy that she came back into my life that I couldn’t stop myself.
She had to do something, so I drove into town to do something.  It didn’t last long so I came back as soon as possible.  I stopped by Dennis’s and he was showing me some things.  Strangely enough, he had these snapchat messages with Esther that were saved from 2015.  I thought that was very strange, so I made a mental note.
Anyways, I picked her up and she had been doing a pornographic photoshoot. Her boss was this woman who I never saw and Esther said her boss was something of a hard ass.  From there, it was time to finally go home. I was very happy.
Then I woke up.
I was a bit grumpy when I did.  I mean… really?  Seriously?  Again with this?  In the dream, I was getting ready to prepare this journal to be read.  I was making mental notes of what to tell her, mostly. Dennis was being nice to us, so I had to tell her, “Try to ignore me randomly shitting on him.”  Just a bunch of warnings and disclaimers.
I don’t hate Dennis, mind you.  He’s just pissed me off.  I’m upset with him still.  I guess it’s a chip on my shoulder but I did sincerely want him to be a part of my life.  Shane too.
I had another dream (or maybe it was part of the same dream).  A random guy left me a voice message saying Shane told a bunch of random people to add me and gave my information out to the world.  This is where these two Twitch people came from.  I was very concerned at first, but I laughed it off later.  I stopped accepting friend requests, though.
I wonder if I’ve ever done that irl.  I try to remember back in my propaganda days.  I don’t think I ever encouraged a group of people to harass one person, but I have publicly shamed people.  My niece, for example, who is a few years younger than me.  She basically stole over 800 dollars from me.  That’s a long story, though.
Adela gave me a card saying, “Merry Xmas from Max and I.
Yaya + [Quickly drawn picture of a mustache and a paw print]”
This card had a 50 dollar bill inside.  That was nice of her.  I love the representation of Max.  He’s a little schnauzer so he always has a little mustache.  Super cute dog.  He doesn’t have a mustache now because the vet trimmed EVERYTHING but his eyebrows, but it’s basically a staple for him.
I didn’t get Adela a card.  Rather, I got her a present that I left on her bed.  It’s this short, faux fur coat.  I got one for my mom and she loves it.  I wanted to get one for Ariel.  Hell, I might randomly send one to Esther.  It’s a really cute coat.  Ironically, it costs 50 dollars.  If I get one for Ariel, it’ll be red with black trim.  That’s the same style I got Yaya and my mom.  If I get one for Esther, it’ll be blue or black.  The trim doesn’t change color.
Probably a bad idea to gift women the same article of clothing as other women, but it’s still nice.
I know it’s weird that I’m thinking of getting Esther something but her birthday is coming up.  If I send it, it’ll come from a “Mysterious Stranger” which will be a reference to Fallout.  Or something, I don’t know yet.  Honestly, I probably won’t even do it.  It’s nice to think about though.
Still, backing up a minute it’s weird that I want to get her a gift!  She has made it clear that she wants me out of her life and I know she’ll never come back.  In fact, she thinks I’m a Narcissist.  Surely, I’m doing this because I’m trying to convince her to come back! No.  Again, it’s been a tough life for her.  Last year, she was in a bad situation.  Her birthday was not so good.  Two days after, we met in person.  It’s been a tough year in general, but especially for her.  I think she’d like it.  However, if she asks me about it then I’ll deny it.  If she thinks it’s from me she’ll throw it away.  It’s $50 and I don’t intend to just throw that money away if she doesn’t at least try it on.  x.x
Whoops! I accidentally ordered it, just to see if I can change the Address and place a gift tag on it!  Unfortunately, Amazon is SO FUCKING STREAMLINED, that it just ordered the fucking coat and it would have sent here.  D’oh!
Fortunately, I was able to cancel it immediately.  I don’t get charged until it ships so my bank won’t see anything from it.  Phew.  I can’t afford it right now.  I can’t afford ANYTHING right now.  At least, I can’t afford anything on my card.  ><
I’ll look into sending mysterious packages when I can afford it.  Of course, she’ll know it’s me.  I’ll figure it out.  Shouldn’t be hard.  Just… whoops.  I probably will wait until next Christmas, honestly.  So, I guess this Tumblr won’t see the end result.
Oh, last night.  Last night, I drank so much water at once I thought I was going to vomit.  Very bad idea.  Today, I woke up with slightly chapped lips and my urine didn’t show any signs of being overly hydrated.  I guess I go through a lot of water naturally.
Just cooked some eggs with corn and seasoned with pepper, seasoned salt, and garlic powder.  The top three.  It wasn’t in a sandwich but it was covered in ketchup.  It was a good Christmas dinner, even if it were more a breakfast meal.  Esther cooks her eggs with shredded cheese mixed in before scrambling it, sort of like what I do with corn.  I considered cooking my eggs like that but I don’t have shredded cheese.  That and I usually through the end result onto a sandwich with sliced cheese, spinach, and onions (though the recent eggs have had the onion cooked in them).  I don’t have ANY of that right now.  But I have plenty of eggs.  :D
I think I’ll cook an Esther breakfast for myself soon.  Just to see if it’d work with corn, really.  If it doesn’t, then I won’t cook like that again but I doubt it’d be totally significant.
I’ve been thinking of Esther a lot lately.  It’s not a bad thing; I’m remembering her fondly.  I couldn’t help to while cooking the eggs, though.  I won’t cook for her again, so I’ll cherish when she cooked for me here.  Before the event, I cooked for her a bit. Nothing spectacular, mac and cheese or mashed potatoes.  Super easy stuff, nothing complicated.
I just tested to see if Tumblr has a character limit.  It doesn’t.  I posted the entire thing up until now to Tumblr on the blog I made for Esther a while back.  I deleted it after so no one will be able to see it.  The reason I tested it was to see how simple it’d be for my friend to post these things.  I’ll tell her to use the find function to find “Contact” and because that’s attached to every post.  Those are the titles of the entries, after all.
Basically, I’m trying to keep this as simple as possible for her.  Will she read all these?  Maybe.  But I do think she’ll follow through. I’ll make two copies of this.  One will be for posting to Tumblr. I think it’d be better for her to copy the daily posts and then IMMEDIATELY delete it.  The second will be for back up.  If she deletes too much or whatever, it can get mended easily.
Yesterday at work.  I just remembered.  I wasn’t supposed to be on a register but I was helping out as I could.  The line was long so I got on the second register.  My manager at the time, a short Mexican woman who is about my age, was on that register.  I got on it and started ringing people up.  Then she comes up and takes over.
Before she does, she grabs me by my sides, hands a bit higher than my waist to move me.  It’s very gentle and I didn’t realize it at first. Then, I saw it.  I threw my arms out and yelled, “I’m flying, Jack!”  It was great.  I was impressed by how quickly I assessed the situation and remembered the quote.  Like, it was lightning fast considering my dumbed down reflexes.
I actually steal a lot of my jokes.  Usually from Zero Punctuation, lately from Soviet Womble, but this?  This was something that I had a chance to do and I took it.  I forgot about it because the day was pretty rough, but it was… so good.  I was fortunate to have a chance to do something like that.  I didn’t have to go out of my way for a joke, it was just the right moment at the right time.
Anyways, watching a movie.  Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.  I won’t go into a full review like I did with the children’s movies.  Thing is, this movie is supposed to be rather underrated.  It’s very artsy. That’s something I’ve been wanting to see.  My favorite quote thus far is when this Italian gentleman asked Bill Murray’s character what the scientific purpose of killing one of an endangered species of shark.  He awkwardly sat there for a moment and said, “Revenge.” I’m reminded that tigers who were wronged would seek revenge.  I read that somewhere on Facebook, probably inaccurate but it’s very likely considering tigers are big housecats.  I feel animals are very human.  I shared yesterday a picture talking about how ravens were trading money for bread.  Or were they crows? Crows.  Still, they are very intelligent creatures.  They understand the value of currency and use it to make purchases.  Very peculiar, no?  And they’re making this trade with humans.  I’m sure it’s not the first time there was an exchange of currency between two different species, but it’s certainly impressive.  Animals can learn such brilliant things.  And I think I mentioned how ants enslave other ant colonies and those slaves sometimes fight back and rebel.
The more we look at the behaviors of animals, the more we’ll see the behaviors of man.  After all, the only thing separating us from the animal kingdom is that we wear pants.  Even then, we always try to find a way to take them off again.
Anyways, the movie is paused right now.  His entirely named crew all wear red hats (or a turban for one character), sort of like a uniform.  The gentleman who died at the beginning, spoilers btw, was named Esteban. Esteban is basically Spanish for Steven (or Stephen, in my case). My mom calls me Esteban, for example.
The artsy style is very peculiar, it’s clear that it’s intentionally like that.  The Crayon Ponyfish Seahorse doesn’t exist, mind you… so I wonder if this is in the head of a child named Steven.  Or perhaps Mr Zissou went crazy and is personifying those around him.  I like this film already because it’s making me think.
So, the creatures are all craft projects, at least from the ones we saw. CGI designed to look like it.  And of course, this documentary is so renowned!  It attracts nobility and one such of these renowned individuals was knighted in Portugal by the Presidente.  I don’t think Portugal knights people, mostly because… well, Presidente. They knight people in the United Kingdom, but they still have an aristocracy.
The way the camera shots are presented, the earlier scene where the documentary’s part one began, it had a very steady shot showing Steve Zissou in the middle of the ocean with red eyes for… hydrogen poisoning or something?  Not sure.  But I feel it’s reminiscent of older movies that fixed their shots on characters crying, even when there is so much movement in the scene itself.  That image would still be very still.
Not sure if that’s related to the theory that this is all in someone’s head.  I mean, the character was splashing and struggling in the water moments prior but everything was calmed and I think even the equipment was removed to show that he had red eye.  Very still.  And with the idea that everyone has a signature red hat and uniform mostly as well as the character who died basically had the same name as the titular character… well, I just feel there is something to that.  Maybe it’ll get revealed.  I’m only like… 15 minutes in maybe? I can’t watch now because my cousin is vacuuming and cleaning.  Honestly, I should clean as well.  I have to clean the bathrooms and do the dishes which was one of the reasons I cooked myself eggs.  May as well if I’ll do the dishes right after, amirite?  But I have plenty of time.  It’s only 6:48 at the time of writing.
I’ll stay up, tend to my chores.  I’ll clean up my workspace down here. I’ll get it organized before tomorrow.  I’ll set an alarm for 10 and wake up relatively early, regardless of how well I sleep.  Which, last night, I didn’t sleep well.  I kept coughing.  And I thought of Esther a lot.  But I coughed more.
When Adela is done vacuuming, I’ll continue the movie.  After the movie, I’ll get to work.
Just finished… it was a good movie.  It was funny yet it was also sad. It was blunt yet it was also sharp.  It was a very surprising movie. Honestly, I don’t care for my theory.  I was enthralled.  It’s a shame the movie was so underrated.  I felt that it was… art.
The Grand Budapest Hotel.  I saw that movie as well, a long time ago.  It was very good.  I’m looking up Wes Anderson films and I was surprised he made that one.  Isle of Dogs is a movie that Wes Anderson is making it seems.  It’s a movie that I wanted to take Esther to, even during the event.  Unfortunately, the fissure was grand enough to drive us apart.  My doing, of course, but still.  I will find the time to go to the theatres.  I shall watch it along, carrying her image in my heart.
We watched… several movies after the event.  Two, both were terrible but fun.  We went to the theatre and everything.  I tried to get her to watch Schindler’s List but… we fell asleep.  We fucked first, but we slept afterwards.  Weird to think about fucking during a holocaust movie.
I don’t remember how it happened.  I was emotional and I was happy to hear she’d give me a second chance.  She read the contract that punished me, of course.  Maybe I was too happy.  Weird, I know.
When I find the chance, I’ll watch the Grand Budapest Hotel again. Netflix doesn’t have it, unfortunately, but it might have a crap version on Youtube.  I’ll give it a look soon.  Adela is doing more chores, I need to go to the bathroom and then do the dishes, and there are fireworks which upsets the brat-dog.
Hrm… I wonder where the word “brat” comes from.  I think it’s German for sausage.  Thus, it’s possible that german parents would call their kids sausages because a lot of English speaking parents refer to their kids similarly.  On my facebook, two sets of parents refer to their daughters as a “bean” and they’re on the other side of the globe from one another, Australia and the United Kingdom. Sausage is sorta similar to a bean, and I guess a baby wrapped up looks similar to a bean/sausage.  Thus, calling someone a brat is just calling them a sausage.  But it’s more calling them a child because the child is a sausage.
To me, of course, brat is a term of endearment.  It’ll probably change to something else later on.  Not necessarily to me but to society’s standards.  The meanings of words tend to bend and evolve, like that. However, when you force a word to change, then the meaning is strengthened.  It must be an accepted change, a natural change. Don’t try to force a word to mean something else.  People will think you’re an idiot.
So, I suspect that in the future, instead of “Brat” people will call other immature people “Beans.”  Interesting theory, eh?
Just spoke to Ariel.  She went out with friends and ended up saving a dog. Not sure if adopted or what.  Sent me a picture of her with this rather large dog.  Hope it’s okay.  Wonder what happened.
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vampireadamooc · 8 years
Shout out to the 3D and CGI Effects Crew on ALVH
All 722 of you....
This is part 1
Visual Effects by Shaun Friedberg 'Pyrokinesis'...animation technical director: Weta Digital
Seb Abante...reference photographer: Weta Digital
Michael Aerni...senior animator
Hunny Agarwal...stereo roto artist
Ivy Agregan...visual effects consultant
James Albiez...visual effects artist
Anjel Alcaraz...depth artist: Stereo D
Steve Alegria...digital compositor / stereoscopic rotoscope artist
Tim Alexander...asset supervisor
Neishaw Ali...visual effects executive producer
Lee Allan...digital compositor
Mark Edward Allen...model groomer: Weta Digital
Stephen Allison...wrangler: Weta Digital
Yoav Allon...roto artist
Patrick L. Almanza...stereoscopic painter
Schuyler Anderson...stereoscopic depth artist
Fatima Anes...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Jonathan Angelo...pipeline developer: Stereo D
Chris Ankli...tracking / layout artist
George Antonopoulos...digital compositor / paint and rotoscope artist: Atomic Arts
Erick Aragon...rotoscope artist: StereoD/Deluxe 3D
Ryan Arcus...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Yalda Armian...models production manager: Weta Digital
Taylor Armstrong...stereo paint artist: Stereo D
Creighton Ashton...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Simon Assekritov...visual effects editor
Andrew Atkinson...visual effects systems tools manager
Derrick Auyoung...animation technical director: Weta Digital
Dan Ayling...camera td
Paul A. Baccam...stereoscopic artist
Simon Baker...effects technical director: WETA Digital
Maggie Balaco...roto artist: stereoscopic conversion
Jarret Ballard...stereoscopic depth artist
K.C. Barnes...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Shawn Barnett...visual effects
Mark Battle...compositor: Stereo D
Daniel Bayona...matte painter: Weta Digital
Brittany Bell...visual effects
John Bellas...title sequence designer/animator
Jeannie Ben-Hain...stereoscopic compositor
Brian N. Bentley...stereo compositor / stereo paint artist
Maxime Besner...stereoscopic artist
Aaron D. Beyer...visual effects
Sourajit Bhattacharya...stereo compositor
Zena Bielewicz...compositor
Edward Blackford...stereoscopic artist
Alex Blatt...visual effects editor
David Blemur...stereo compositor
Jonathan Block...title sequence design/animation
Mike Bodkin...stereo executive producer: Stereo D
Jeremy Boissinot...matte painter technical director: Rodeo FX
Jason Bomstein...stereoscopic artist
Marc Bonneviot...roto artist: Method Vancouver
Egor Borisko...digital effects artist
James Robert Bosley...stereoscopic artist
Jonathan Bot...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Marie-Pierre Boucher...visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
Patrick Boucher...programmer: Rodeo FX
Shane Bouthillier...stereoscopic artist
Jason Bowers...stereoscopic compositor
Peter Bowmar...head of 3d and technology: CIS Vancouver
Christopher Bozzetto...visual effects artist
Adam Bradley...senior digital paint artist
Derek Bradley...creature effects
Michael Brako...stereoscopic artist
Milady Bridges...visual effects artist
Kirk Brillon...digital compositor: Spin VFX
Ryan Brooks...rotoscope artist
Kyle Patrick Brown...lead compositor (stereoscopic conversion)
Rochelle Brown...stereoscopic compositor
Edward Brugge...roto lead: The Base Studio
Shauna Bryan...visual effects executive producer
Julian Bryant...digital compositor
Jared Buford...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Andy Burmeister...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Julian R. Butler...lead character setup
Ria-Bella Buys...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital (as Ria-Bella Chua)
Sam Buys...digital asset manager: Weta Digital
Regina Cachuela...animation technical director
John Cairns...digital compositor: Method Studios Vancouver
Andrew Calder...senior animator
Caitlin Campbell...stereoscopic compositor
Jeff Campbell...visual effects supervisor: Spin VFX
Marco Cantaluppi...digital compositor
Robin Stuart Cape...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Curtis Carlson...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Tasha Carlson...stereo depth artist
Brian Carney...stereoscopic compositor
Taylor Carrasco...animation technical director
Jeremy P. Carroll...lead stereoscopic compositor: StereoD
Merlin Carroll...roto artist
Monica L. Castro...stereoscopic compositor (as Monica Castro)
Norman Cates...lead compositor
Luis Alberto Cayo...visual effects artist
Gabriel D. Cervantes...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D (as Gabe Cervantes)
Min Hyun Cha...digital compositor
Snata Chakraborty...stereo roto artist
Arthur Chan...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Nardeep Chander...effects technical director: Method Studios Vancouver
Chun-Ping Chao...digital compositor
Hunter Chase...compositor
Peter Chen...animator
Nick Cherry...compositor
Sujesh V. Chitty...matte painter: Soho VFX
Jong Jin Choi...visual effects artist
Bradley Chowning...stereoscopic depth artist
James Chretien...lighter
Eric D. Christensen...visual effects supervisor: Factory VFX
Kristy Chrobak...stereo production coordinator
Jasper Chung...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Julia Jooyeon Chung...previs artist
Adriano Cirulli...compositor: Atomic Arts
Graham D. Clark...stereographer
Jimi Clark...stereoscopic lead artist
Joseph Clark...fur groomer
Craig D. Clarke...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Ryan Cleveland...stereoscopic compositor
Francis Clément...rotoscopy artist: Rodeo FX
Johann Francois Coetzee...creature technical director
Michael Colburn...stereoscopic compositor
David Cole...supervising digital colourist
Jeff Cole...visual effects artist
Chad E. Collier...data technician: Method Studios
Mary-Margaret Conley...data i/o administrator
Natalie Conliffe...visual effects artist
Elliot Contreras...stereo compositor
Matt Conway...matte painter
Gemma Cooper...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Shane Cooper...senior software developer
Robert Coquia Jr....data management
Michael Corcoran...lead creature technical director
Matt Cordero...stereoscopic compositor
Justin Cornish...visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Michelle Cornwall...data I/O render wrangler
Joshua Coté...stereoscopic depth artist
Andrei Coval...facial modeler: weta digital
Eric Covello...digital compositor
Maurice Cox...stereoscopic compositor
William J. Cox...stereo depth artist: Stereo D
Karl Coyner...pipeline technical director: CIS, Vancouver
Neil Craig...compositor: Scoundrel VFX
Robert Cristino...stereoscopic compositor
Thomas Crow...depth artist
Barney Curnow...compositing supervisor: Atomic Arts / visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Glenn Curry...layout td: Weta Digital
Jason Cutler...digital compositor
Mikaël Damant-Sirois...CG supervisor: Rodeo FX
Thomas Oliver Daniel...production coordinator
Rhea Darch...match move artist
Brad Darrow...stereoscopic depth artist
Colin Davies...visual effects supervisor: SPIN VFX
James Davis Jr....depth artist
Brandon Davis...effects technical director
Jayson Davis...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Mark A. Davis...depth artist / stereoscopic compositor
Alan De Castro...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Kristin Dearholt...visual effects: digital colorist
Josh Deason...stereoscopic compositor: stereoscopic conversion
Rachel Decker...data administrator
Val Dela Rosa...senior systems administrator: stereoscopic conversion
Kevin Delee...digital artist: The Base Studio
Levon Shant Demirjian...visual effects
Andrew Dennis...senior pipeline developer: Deluxe
Julien Depredurand...effects technical director: Method Studios Vancouver
Tamir Sammy Diab...lighting technical director (as Tamir Diab) / visual effects artist (as Tamir Diab)
Gareth Dinneen...compositor: Weta Digital
Gus Djuro...senior stereoscopic artist
Jennifer Docherty...production coordinator: weta digital
Anita Dogra...quality assurance coordinator
Eric Doiron...compositing supervisor: Spin VFX
Jennifer Dolan...stereoscopic conversion
Rene Dominguez...stereoscopic paint artist
Corey Drake...r&d programmer: Stereo D
Georg Duemlein...effects technical director
Aubrey Dukes...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Georgia Dumergue...rotoscope artist
Shawn Dunn...head of layout/animation technologies: Weta Digital
Mrinal Dutta...digital compositor
Christopher Egden...visual effects coordinator
Greg Emerson...visual effects
Jeffrey Engel...animator
Nathan Englbrecht...lighting technical director
John Erik Englund...software engineer: Stereo D
Francisco Estrada...stereo artist
Bryan T. Evans...matchmove artist
Eyetronics...3D Scanning
Gianpietro Fabre...previs artist: Weta Digital
Brian Fanska...stereoscopic compositor
Luca Fascione...rendering research lead
Robin Pierce Ferber...stereoscopic conversion artist
Via Fernandez...digital artist: The Base Studio
Adrian Ferrari...stereoscopic compositor
Judith Ferrer...stereoscopic depth artist
Jerod Finn...stereoscopic artist
Johnny Fisk...producer: StereoD
Jason Fleming...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Megan Flood...visual effects artist
Les Foor...lead stereoscopic artist
Andy Foot...compositor: Atomic Arts
Ashley Forbito...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Peter Forslund...visual effects editor
Ludovic Fouche...Senior Camera TD
Guillaume Fradin...lead fx artist: Weta Digital
Emily Francione...stereoscopic roto lead
Sebastien Francoeur...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Guillaume François...shader writer
Jordan Freda...visual effects producer: The Base Studio
Travis Fruci...stereo artist: Stereo D
Garrett Fry...digital matte painter
Napoleon Fulinara Jr....visual effects artist
Jean-Francois Gagne...digital compositor: Rodeo FX
Jason Galeon...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Juan Edgardo Garcia...stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Adam Garnier...stereoscopic compositor
Edgar Garrido...roto artist
Bryan Gauna...head of technology
Joan Gauna...pipeline developer
Paul Geffre...stereoscopic producer
Geoff Geis...depth artist
Nader Gholipour...visual effects artist
Ahmad Ghourab...effects technical director: Method Studios
Jackson Gichuki...stereoscopic rotoscope artist
Matthew E. Gill...stereoscopic rotoscope artist: Stereo D
Jen Gillespie...technology coordinator: Weta Digital
Kenneth Gimpelson...visual effects artist
Melissa Goddard...senior paint artist: Weta Digital
Annie Godin...visual effects producer: Rodeo FX
Clarke Godwin...stereoscopic lead
Guenever Goik...compositor
Derik Gokstorp...technical director
Philip Gordon...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Josh Gotto...compositor: Atomic Arts
Randy Goux...visual effects supervisor
Cody Graham...stereoscopic artist
Jason Gray...visual effects systems administrator
Tom Greene...production manager: Weta Digital
Neil Grey...effects technical director
Sergei Gritsenko...visual effects producer: Bazelevs
Martin Groezinger...senior technical director: Weta Digital
David E. Groom...chief operating officer: stereoscopic conversion
Signy Bjorg Gudlaugsdottir...visual effects artist
Ricardo Guevara...stereo artist: Stereo D
Mike Gunter...stereo executive producer
Kamilla Gutorova...visual effects production manager
Joe Hagg...3D executive: Twentieth Century Fox
Nick Haines...visual effects artist
Katie Hamberger...visual effects artist
William F. Hamilton...systems administrator
Josh Handley...stereoscopic compositor
Greg Hansen...fx technical director
Matt Hansen...visual effects artist
Derek Hanson...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Reginald Harber Jr....lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Aisling Harbert...lead stereo artist
Michael S. Harbour...compositing supervisor
Kyle Hardin...stereoscopic depth artist
Yoshihiro Harimoto...creature technical director: Weta Digital
Nina Harlan...compositor (as Nina Yoon)
Monica Harrion...rotoscope artist
Peter Hart...lead matchmove artist
Emile Harvey...visual effects production assistant: Rodeo FX
Serena Hastie...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Jessica Hee...matchmover: Method Studios Vancouver
Alex Heffner...lead stereoscopic artist
Quentin Hema...digital paint supervisor: weta digital
Rachel Herbert...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Veronica Hernandez...rotoscope artist
Jordan Heskett...visual effects
Afif Heukeshoven...camera technical director
Nick Hiatt...matte painter: Rodeo FX
Bryan M. Higgins...roto supervisor
Erin Hill...animation coordinator
Martin Hill...visual effects supervisor: Weta Digital
Peter Hillman...senior software developer: Weta Digital
Ryan Hirsh...stereoscopic depth artist
Adam Hlavac...visual effects
Irit Hod...senior technical director: lighting
Timothy Hoffman...senior lighting technical director
Joshua D. Holden...stereoscopic depth artist
Robin Hollander...digital compositor
Neha Hooda...visual effects producer
Todd Hoppmeyer...visual effects assistant
Sandy Houston...roto supervisor: Weta Digital
Bryan Howard...rigger: Soho VFX
Jason Lei Howden...rotoscope and digital paint artist (as Jason Howden)
Colin Hui...visual effects artist
Lucas Hull...digital compositor: Stereo D
Stu Hunter...roto artist
Katherine Hupp...stereoscopic roto artist
Luan Huynh...systems administrator
Damian Isherwood...digital artist
Jason A. Jenkins...stereoscopic roto artist
Marek Jezo...digital artist: The Base Studio
Zahid Jiwa...lead rotoscope artist: Method Studios
JoAnna Johnson...stereo compositor: StereoD
Tim Johnson...visual effects coordinator
Jeremy Jones...stereoscopic artist
Henrik Jonsson...digital effects artist: Atomic Arts
Corey Just...stereoscopic depth artist
Miguel Kabantsov...CG lead
Vijay Kadapatti...stereo production coordinator
Joshua Kamau...rotoscope artist
Stephen Karl...camera technical director
Prateek Kaushal...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Ryan Keely...digital compositor
Ian Kelly...stereoscopic roto artist
Kolby Kember...depth artist
Simon D. Kern...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Christian Kesler...matte painter: Weta Digital
Nadav Kessous...digital compositor
Ara Khanikian...compositing supervisor: Rodeo FX
Filip Kicev...lighter
Ben Kilgore...creature technical director
Yoonkwan Kim...pipeline developer
Oliver Kirchhoff...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Kelly Knauff...visual effects coordinator
Mike Knox...data administrator
Prasanna Kodapadi...finaling artist
Gerry Kodo...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Alex Kramer...senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
Lars Kramer...camera td
Dmitri Krasnokoutski...shader writer: Weta Digital
Martin Kulig...camera technical director: Weta Digital
Sergei V. Kuzmin...pre-vis production manager: Bazelevs
SangHun Kwon...lighting artist
Jasmine Labelle...visual effects accountant: Rodeo FX
Jonathan Laborde...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Keith Lackey...senior animation technical director: WETA Digital
Ken Lam...compositor
Nancy Lamontagne...visual effects coordinator: Rodeo FX
Alberto Landeros...digital compositor: method studios
Xavier Lapointe...programmer: Rodeo FX
Warren Larkam...visual effects production assistant
Timothy Jay Latham...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D (as Tim Latham)
Niña Laureles...effects technical director: Method Studios (as Nina Laureles)
Gary Laurie...matchmove technical director: Ivo Horvat VFX
Grant Lee...second stereo paint lead: Stereo D
Jongju Lee...animator: SPIN VFX
Paul Lemeshko...visual effects artist
Sylvia T. Leung...stereoscopic depth artist: StereoD
Mari Levitan...stereo production coordinator
Dean Lewandowski...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Sean Lewkiw...digital effects supervisor
Michael Ligammare...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Mingzhi Lin...senior lighting technical director
Lisardo Liriano...stereoscopic compositor
Shelly Lloyd-James...visual effects coordinator (as Shelly Lloyd-Samson)
Jason Locke...camera td
Shawn Lopez...stereoscopic depth artist
Jade Lorier...visual effects artist
Daniel Lu...lead modeller/rigger: Soho VFX
Son Lu...stereoscopic lead
Steven Luc...stereoscopic depth artist
Craig Lyn...visual effects supervisor
Brooke Lyndon-Stanford...visual effects supervisor: Atomic Arts
Clayton Lyons...visual effects coordinator
Kodie Mackenzie...compositor
George Macri...visual effects producer
Francois Madere...visual effects artist
Arman Mafi...stereoscopic depth artist
Allan Magled...visual effects producer: Soho VFX
Oleg Magrisso...creature technical director: weta digital
Gokul Mahajan...paint artist
Carson Majors...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Yael Majors...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Daisuke Maki...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
David Maldonado...senior depth artist: Stereo D
Sebastian Maldonado...stereoscopic roto artist
Brian Malmstrom...rotoscope artist: Stereo D
Gabriel Mandala...compositor
Roy Vincent Mann...lead stereoscopic compositor
Jade Mansueto...shader writer: Weta Digital
Pavan Maradia...pipeline Technical assistant: Stereo D
Mike Marbery...stereoscopic compositor
Jose L. Marin...compositor: Stereo D (as Jose Marin)
Jason Marlow...camera td
Andrew Marquez...stereoscopic artist
John Martin...visual effects artist: weta digital
Tony Martin...stereoscopic depth artist
Raymond Martinez III...rotoscope artist
Damon Martinez...stereo compositor
Dena Massenburg...rotoscope artist
Kindra McCall...roto artist: stereoscopic conversion / stereoscopic depth artist
Brandon Jay McCartney...stereoscopic artist
Megan McCollum...stereo compositor: Stereo D
David McCormick...creature pipeline technical director
Russell McCoy...digital paint supervisor
Damian McDonnell...additional digital intermediate colorist
Riley McDougall...visual effects coordinator: method studios
Jonathan Mcfall...digital compositor
Bradley McFlinn...rotoscope artist
Doran McGee...stereoscopic depth artist
Steve McGillen...senior compositor
Jeremy McKenzie...layout technical director: Weta Digital (as Jeremy Ball)
Krista McLean...matte painter
Steve McLeod...visual effects editor: method studios
David McMahon...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Donal McMullan...production engineer
Renton McNeill...production engineer: Weta Digital
Louise McNicholl...layout department manager: Weta Digital
Shantel Medina...stereo conversion artist
Darshan Mehta...lighting/shot td
Gagan Mehta...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
James Meikle...visual effects editor
Juan Melgoza...digital effects supervisor
Kevin Melia...stereoscopic depth artist
Doug Melville...visual effects production manager
Douglas Melville...visual effects production manager: SPIN VFX
Mark Menaker...desktop administrator
Carlos Mendoza Jr....senior stereoscopic compositor: StereoD
Anand Ramachandran Menon...stereoscopic conversion (as Anand Ramachandran)
Abel Milanes...compositing supervisor: Method Studios
David Miles...digital production manager: Factory VFX (as David Miles Wolkind)
Luke Millar...cg supervisor
David Miller III...stereoscopic artist
Lizz Miller...depth artist
Harsh Mistry...layout technical director
Scott Mitchell...Lead compositor
Albert Mizuno...tracking
Farhad Mohasseb...lead compositor
Erick Montano...stereoscopic artist
Alberto Montañés...digital compositor: Weta Digital
Chris Montesano...visual effects artist
Andy Moorer...stereo fx supervisor
Declan Moran...stereo compositor: StereoD
Sébastien Moreau...visual effects supervisor: Rodeo FX
Sergio Morillo...compositor: Atomic Arts
Jean-Francois Morissette...lead matchmover: Rodeo FX
Simon Dean Morley...production engineer
Immanuel Morris...stereoscopic artist
William Morrison...visual effects artist: Stereo D
Matt Mueller...senior reference photographer
Mike Mulock...animator
Arwen Munro...vfx production manager: Weta Digital
Sergey Muravev...artist: CGF (as Sergey Muraviev)
Carson Murdy...stereoscopic artist: StereoD
Michael Murphy...lead stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Travis Murray...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Scott Musselman...stereoscopic depth artist
Christopher Myerchin...stereoscopic compositer
Vanessa Mylchreest...visual effects artist
Emmi Nakagawa...stereoscopic artist
Farzad 'Fuzz' Namdjoo...stereoscopic lead
Mohan Narayanaswamy...quality manager
Gerardo Navarro...stereoscopic artist
Hector Navarro...depth artist
Tony Neal...digital effects artist: Atomic Arts
Pete C. Newbauer...digital matte artist
Luke Ng...stereo compositor
Wolfgang Niedermeier...camera lead: Weta Digital
Jordan Nieuwland...matte painter: Spin VFX
Rajesh Nimje...stereoscopic lead:
Reika Nishio...senior matchmove artist
Tony Noel...Stereoscopic Artist
Ronnie Noisuwan...stereoscopic artist
Lisa Nolan...visual effects artist
John Norris...visual effects producer: The Aaron Sims Company
Chris O'Connell...stereoscopic depth artist
Patrick O'Riley...visual effects
Daniel O'Shaughnessy...visual effects artist
James Ogle...lead digital modeler
Grant Okita...digital artist
Dave Olivares...visual effects technical director
Nicholas Onstad...digital compositor
Raphael Oseguera...rotoscope artist
David A. Ostler...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Jared Otake...digital compositor
Richard Owen...tracking / layout artist
Michael Owens...visual effects supervisor
Michael Paget...layout technical director
Jinnie Pak...visual effects producer
Earl Paraszczynec...cg lead
Aaron Parry...visual effects
Ritchie Pasiliao...rotoscope artist
Anthony Passaniti...depth artist/camera tracker: Stereo D Deluxe LLC
Yogesh Pathak...senior stereo roto annotation artist
Demetrios Patsiaris...stereoscopic roto artist
Helen Paul...digital compositor / lighting technical director
Javier Paz...stereo production coordinator
Benoit Pelchat...visual effects art director: Rodeo FX
Lyndsey Pendley...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic paint artist
Pavel Perepyolkin...previs supervisor
Daniel Perez...stereoscopic depth artist
Eddie Perez...stereo compositor
Binoy Peters...senior production coordinator
Josh Peterson...stereoscopic roto artist
Patrick Peterson...layout technical director
Christine Petrov...head of 2d: Method Vancouver
Chi Pham...visual effects systems administrator
David Jeffrey Phillips...stereo supervisor
Phets Phonasa...depth artist
Jeremy Pickett...cg supervisor
Ezra Pike...stereo roto
Erik Ploneda...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D
Vincent Poitras...digital compositor: RodeoFX
Pete Polyakov...visual effects artist
James Porter...camera td
Etienne Poulin St-Laurent...matchmover: Rodeo FX
Malachi Pound...production supervisor
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