mutant-munchiez · 3 days
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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mutant-munchiez · 4 days
Desolated Melancholy Mikey
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More info under cut⬇️⬇️
nicknames: Mikey, Mike or Micheal
Age: 3-6??
Pronouns: he/him
Gender and sexuality: intersex at birth and unknown
Species/race: albino alligator snapping turtle
Likes: coloring, skate boarding, giving hugs and kisses, getting gifts, stickers, cartoon network and Nickelodeon(big SpongeBob and Invader Zim fan), sanrio, helping his siblings cook, making new friends
Dislikes: bright lights, having to wear his glasses, the dark, being left alone, yelling and arguing
Weapon: none atm
Disorders/disabilities: visually impaired, eyes extremely sensitive to bright lights, separation anxiety and ADHD
Music: tba
Style of Choice: perky goth
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mutant-munchiez · 4 days
Dysphoria and identity crisis has been kicking my ass lately
I feel like the way I dress isn't good enough. It's not working anymore
Everytime i look at myself in the mirror i remember what I look like and I look like a girl. An ugly unlovable girl, no matter how many times I get told I'm beautiful it makes me feel more ugly
I rather be an ugly man. That feels good to me in a weird way. A disgusting ugly guy. I feel like that sometimes but not all the time and that's not good enough for me
There's clothes I wanna wear, piercings I wanna get. I want to openly identify as a dude and I fucking can't and it's killing me
Im scared that when I go back to school next year I have to repeat the process of identifying as a girl my whole school year because im afraid of what my mom will say and do I just dont want to go through thst again. The school I want to go to are LGBTQAI+ friendly and shit but i still get scared in spaces ik im welcomed in..
I wanna be proud of being trans, sometimes I am but irl I'm not. Im ashamed, I'm embarrassed of myself because i expect others to be
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mutant-munchiez · 6 days
Hey! I just wanted to say that I really love your Desolated Melancholy AU! The designs are so awesome and I would, love to see Mikey too! Your art is genuinely so beautiful and cool! It’s really..really good!! >_< love ur art AHHHHHH ^_^!!!!
TYSM I'm really happy you like it and the designs :33
I do have Mikey's design done‼️just haven't gotten around to posting it(I don't have a specific reason why I haven't I just been putting it off lol) sorry💔. TYSM again <33
Lil Mikey drawing for lack of Mikey shenanigans
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mutant-munchiez · 6 days
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Headshot redesign ideas for Venus
Venus uses mirror pronouns and is fine with she/her
Also didnt include her braid on this one ik it's shattering your soul💔/j/sarc
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mutant-munchiez · 6 days
Ive been fixing my dreads since yesterday. My hands hurt </33
But it's worth it cause I've been really anxious and uncomfortable going outside with them looking icky and hairy. Also feeling a bit more masc/less dysphoric with them actually looking like dreads too
They're not perfect but it's a start and I'm happy with it :33
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mutant-munchiez · 8 days
I hate my body
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mutant-munchiez · 11 days
Thoughts on the Baxter being black or white discourse?
Funny you send this ask anon because I won't lie to you I was LITERALLY Planning on making this post on my own one day when I got the time to. But uhhhh looks like you just sped up that process so let's just get down to it then.
First starting with a history lesson. All starting and going way back to 1984 when Baxter was born. (Well. In our world at least. Cus in actual comic continuity he was born in 1948.)
After the first issue of TMNT was a success, Kevin Eastman & Peter Laird of course got to work making another comic so it can be an official series. And when you have a new hero or heroes, you gotta have more villains for them to fight. And that second big baddie happened to be Baxter.
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We can see here in this image above us that during his designing phase, Baxter funny enough had 2 different designs. One white design & one Black one. Showing us that it actually would have been an either or decision with how he would have ended up as. But of course, the 2 men obviously settled on the black one
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And for a good couple of years that's just how it always was. At least until the 87 cartoon came out & we were re-introduced to Baxter looking noticeably different..
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Baxter in his first outside comic book appearance had been one of the first of many POC characters to have been whitewashed (those unaware, whitewashing is when a character of a certain ethnicity/race is portrayed or designed as a Caucasian). And the reason for this massive change is STILL, to this day is a bit of a mystery. Like you & many suspected, why not go up to Kevin & Peter themselves & ask them why this happened? Or if they even had a role in it? From every source I could find & the only answer I really got was that Kevin & Peter had no idea why they changed him either! BUT they actually didn't really mind or care because if we go back to Baxter's concept art, he was ALMOST Going to be white anyway so if anything the show just made their "what if" choice a reality. At the end of the day, they didn't really care & I don't blame them since Baxter's race wasn't really a key part of his character. But I'll get to that in a minute.
Another consistent answer or rumor I hear about this change is because the showrunners didn't want the risk of being labeled as "racist". Because Baxter's role in the first cartoon was simply a "Weak subservient henchman who constantly refers to his boss as "Master" ".
*winces teeth* yeaaaaa I can kinda see what they mean by that looking bad..
But hang on now, then what about Bebop?
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Before his mutation, he was noticeably black & he was turned into a pig that's ordered around & takes tons of verbal & physical abuse from his master and even called him that once yet nobody's batted an eye about that??? (Plus said Master is Asian Soo)
Well my personal best guess on why Bebop is overlooked could be for the following reasons:
He's a mutant. Yes he started off as a human being. But for the rest of the entire series aside from 2 instances to my knowledge, he's a mutant warthog. And not exactly a brown one either.. So for people starting off watching TMNT, they probably have no idea he was human or even black for that matter.
Some people don't even know he's black! Again. I imagine most people's first introduction to him was from a random episode & they never saw what he looked like as a human. And it's not like his voice actor was convincing of being otherwise either. Barry Gordon is obviously not African-American nor did he sound like one like most modern non black voice actors. In fact Bebop's voice is far from it. As a black person who has grown up in multiple areas of NY. Including the bad parts where thugs like Bebop reside. I can say. I have never once met or even heard another black person talk or sound the way he does.
Oddly enough, Bebop has actually been whitewashed himself two times. In the Archie comics & even in one of his first action figures to which again I personally chalk this up to people just not knowing he was black
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3. And finally last. Rocksteady. Bebop is just tweedleDee of TweedleDumb. Rocksteady is his just as stupid best friend & are rarely to almost never seen separated from each other. So he's given the same treatment as Bebop & written just as much the same. You can't really tell the difference between the two. Or I can't really since I don't know or care much about their 80s counterparts. They're pretty much the same character. Henchman/Comic relief goons not really meant to be taken or thought of that seriously. And it's because of these reasons why I think Bebop is pardoned from receiving racial backlash. He's just a funny mutant goon & like Baxter, being black's not really a big key part of his character. Which again. I'll get to.
Back to Baxter. Whether it was because of avoiding backlash, or because they wanted to give his mirage concept art a chance, or they just wanted to cash in on Back to the Future.
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Baxter Stockman was now a white man & that was just the way it was for a VERY VERY long time.
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In fact, I came across at least 5 80s & 90s kids that GENUINELY Thought Baxter was ALWAYS a white guy. The damage had already been done that severely until 2001 teased what would eventually be the 2003 series & Baxter had at long last returned to his true African-American roots.
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And it's been the go-to norm ever since (with a few occasional slip ups)
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But it's because of these slip ups that a little bit of controversy started regarding Baxter's race. Especially with the possibility of turning him white again in a random adaptation. Most people prefer it while others are strongly against it especially on account of the fact that TMNT completely lacks black characters to which, they are not wrong about. At all!
Aside from Baxter & Bebop. The only black characters in TMNT we had for the longest was Angel & Xever (He's Afro-Brazillian before you idiots come at me) & it's opened up a pretty collar tugging realization the only black characters in TMNT all seem to be bad guys. It's honestly no wonder why people want to make more original ones like Sunita from Rise & make April Black like said Rise & Mutant Mayhem. April herself actually falling into this similar category as Baxter because she's actually had a bounce back & forth from being black & white in the mirage comics. (But I am not going to get into that because that whole thing is honestly ITS OWN Very confusing can of worms that literally anybody else can cover if they want to)
From what I've seen & gathered, Baxter remaining black is a big deal for most people because it branches out the black diversity in the TMNT mythos & it's just a core part of his character. Which I'm finally going to get to.
The thing is... It's really not.
Yes Baxter Stockman is an African-American man. But. That's not ALL he is. He's a super genius, he's intimidating, he's only looking out for himself, he doesn't care how much stronger or powerful you may be than him, he'll find a way to take you out or use you for his own benefits. Any piece of technology in his hands equals horrible news! He's your textbook definition of an evil genius! He just HAPPENS to be black! It doesn't matter what color he is, Baxter Stockman will always be Baxter Stockman. I feel like he would have been the same character regardless if Kevin & Peter DID go with his white design way back in 1984! Realistically, what difference would it have made?
In every single adaptation that Baxter's appeared in, in every single story focused on him, where he himself is the main character: His race has never ONCE been brought up.
Not a SINGLE TIME has him being a black man affected his life, development or any other aspect of his livelihood. Of all 20 interactions that Baxter has appeared in. Not ONCE. did he ever bring up being black. Nor did somebody else bring up that he's black. Not a single time, has that ever been a focus or key part of his story. For the same reason why any other characters like him or not like him haven't. The same reason why Dr. Robotnik/Eggman being white isn't brought up or focused on, or why Medic (TF2) being German isn't focused on, or even Willem Viceroy iii (Randy Cunningham) being a black scientist himself isn't even touched on! Their races aren't their characters, it just happens to be a fact about them! And the same should go for Baxter! Especially when you take in & remember the fact that he was almost never gonna be black in the first place.
Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about him being black or white, or that him being black shouldn't matter to you. I know from experience that we see ourselves in some fictional characters, good guy or bad guy. Especially if they share the same skin color as you. I probably wouldn't have latched onto Baxter like I did if it wasn't for him reminding me of my then afro wearing, nerdy 12 year old self at the time, but I know he's more than just his race & that's what I do want the fans to see when it comes to talking about him.
Now because I know I'll get this question either later on or in the comments of this post I will answer it beforehand.
Do I like Baxter better as a black person or a white person?
And to be completely & Brutally honest with all of you: . . . I genuinely don't mind either or. 🤷🏿‍♀️
I honest to God. Don't mind what Baxter looks like. I WILL admit, I do heavily prefer he be black. But if he happens to be white, then I don't mind it tbh. To me. When it comes to an adaptation of Baxter Stockman. The only thing that really matters to me is how he's written. As long as he's written well I don't mind or care at all what color he is. But again. I would prefer him black, still either or is fine by me.
What about you guys tho? I'm genuinely curious/interested about how YOU 🫵🏿 prefer he look like? Do you guys like him better being black? Or white? Can be any reason why. Could be cus you relate more, or you grew up with him being that way. Just as long as it's a reason. Be fun to discuss 🤗
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mutant-munchiez · 12 days
I did change the image for the turtles ref sheets instead of just re-uploading them again
I mainly changed the colors cause on grey scales they look bad and I wasn't too happy with how Donnies pins didn't look right with their whole fit. Also wasn't happy with how I drew the stars on Leos kimono. Just wanted to lyk for whoever cares :33
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mutant-munchiez · 13 days
Ill always feel like people care about my sister more then me. People ask how's she's doing more. People are willing to waste time on her. She gets away with more shit then me. My grandmother favores her more. My uncle favores her more. People validate her trauma more. People go out of their way to help her anytime. When she lies people always liste. People always forgive her. When she pisses my mom off I get yelled at. I get compared to her for the stupidest shit. Shell always be better than me somehow, Im nothing compared to her
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mutant-munchiez · 13 days
Wip 2 of Irmas design‼️her style is Vampire goth insp from @3m0n3rd for mentioning it lol causw i was stumped on a style to give her mostly till now lol but yeah
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Didn't color in anything ter cause I didn't want to yet. Things will mostly be red, black, dark grey, and silver
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mutant-munchiez · 15 days
Giving Donnie male and female traits for autism cause idfk if they'd be afab(assign female at birth) or amab(assigned male at birth and idc for which they canonically would be. Like nobody asked me about it but it doesn't matter to me which they are and I just never thought about it specifically, I want to include both afab and amab nonbinary and transgender characters in my interation ofc but Donnies just wasn't something i could pin down and I don't want to, like they can be interpreted in anyway for whoever tf wants to just as long as its not for transphobic and shitty reasons
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mutant-munchiez · 18 days
luv the fact Donnie’z crutchez can turn in2 a weapon- itz so kewl, itz like candy 4 me :3
but how’d yew come up with that/did you take inspo?
Idk remember exactly but I originally thought that that them using an arm cane(thinking about giving them one)+ a like "normal staff" separately, but that seemed too difficult to manage, so I thought about merging them into one. After I looked into the like different parts of the canes and shit I took insp from Rise Donnies tech bō staff with buttons and shit and the different ways it could work
Like ex. Pushing a button gives you a blade, a taser for shaking/flipping or a huge ass hammer for..idk yet. Like kinda "interchangeable"(I think the word is..)but like controlled. It probably has to be more chunkier then like normal canes ofc and it's not something they'd have immediate access to, as Donnie gets older they learn more of how to build/put things together but yeah, while coding/hacking and science related shit like genetic mutation or other shit I need to think more about is something that they understand more/comes more naturally to them(this isn't like 100% cannon tho just a thought)
Here's the like concept art I did around the time i did their redesign sketch(don't remember if I posted it here)I also have to figure out how all this works at all, I feel like the blade - button one makes the most sense/igs is insp from 2012, tasers insp from Bayverse(the most transfem donnie to exist..)and the hammers insp from Harley Quinn and i just generally love comedically obnoxiously huge hammers and so would Donnie.. again the whole tech thing is Rise Donnie insp and suits my Donnie aswell
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Sorry about my rambling lol
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mutant-munchiez · 19 days
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Before I go to bed here are some design ideas for Irma. I wanted to have her be Islamic/Muslim but still alt/goth/punk at the same time. I took insp from this one pic of a Muslim punk girl that I seen but can't find specifically atm. These were drawn mmmmmm I think a couple days ago/last week so I have been trying to doodle her a headshot more + give her more shape. I do end up going for/leaning towards giving her the Niqad because I don't see it use as often in like media(that ik of)like i mostly see a Hijab used so yeah. If there's anything you think I should keep in mind/add to her feel free to dm me(targeting at Muslim/Islamic people who see this specifically)
I have/am doing research but I don't want to offend or fuck anything up cause I don't normally draw other races with ocs/in my art so yeah‼️
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mutant-munchiez · 19 days
Caring about people and them not caring about you the same way back is embarrassing as hell wtf is wrong with me
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mutant-munchiez · 20 days
Been feeling icky again lately. Don't like it, hope it goes away soon
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mutant-munchiez · 21 days
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Working on Slashes design for Desolated Melancholy, can you tell idk how to draw armor :33(any tips or criticism is helpful/gen)He's also supposed to be a Mata Mata turtle. Something I failed miserably to make clear for his first designs
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