#denise nix
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Me with my next Person of Interest and Burn Notice fic bc it means I have to think of a Mark and a Number and ✨ situations ✨ to put the characters in
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David Gerrold, writer of the TOS episode The Trouble with Tribbles, wrote an episode for TNG titled Blood and Fire, which was an allegory of the AIDS crisis, but was allegedly nixed by Berman.
In 2011, the screenplay was adapted and filmed by superfan James Cawley for his TOS fan series Star Trek: The New Voyages/Phase II, in which Cawley portrayed Kirk. Writer Gerrold, I believe, has a cameo, as well as Denise Crosby being cast in a supporting guest role.
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A Weekly Reading Journal 1.7.25
Whoops this is a few days late but I'm absolutely continuing these weekly journals in 2025! Hopefully on Sundays and not constantly playing catchup. But it's me so regular scheduling is rarely regular.
Currently Reading:
The Silmarillion by J. R.R. Tolkien [RR]
The Collected Poems of Denise Levertov
What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer
Dream Work by Mary Oliver [RR]
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil
The Letters of Emily Dickinson
Just Finished:
The Wood At Midwinter by Susanna Clarke ★★★ The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien by John Hendrix ★★★★★ The Orange and Other Poems by Wendy Cope ★★★
DNFs/Try Again Later:
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson (I'm going to love this but my plan to start the year off with humor is laughing at me since all I actually want to read is nonfiction and meaty fantasy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so back on my tbr it goes )
General Reading Thoughts:
Be very quiet but I think my slump has run away! Not sure what my main not a reread book is going to be but I'm quite happy to sink my teeth into Tolkien while I figure it out. You'll be seeing a lot of Tolkien this year if my plans don't get derailed.
Some 2025 plans. Bookish ones anyway:
The above mention Tolkien Read/Reread! I want to really dig into Middle Earth again!
Started a book buying token system. I need to read my physical TBR to be able to buy books. I gave myself a few cheats/easy wins but mostly I just have to read my massive backlog.
a more realistic/achievable 25 in 2025 reading list
My 3 TBR Prompt jar pulls are as close to a monthly TBR as I'm getting. I mood read, pretending otherwise was just stressful.
Happy Reading!!!
Current Reading Tag || General Original Content || 2025 Reading Page
And here's my 25 in 2025 again so it's easy to find later!
Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Nation by Terry Pratchett
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Collected Poems of Denise Levertov
The Letters of Emily Dickinson
Band Sinister by K. J. Charles
The Grace of Wild Things by Heater Fawcett
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
Metal From Heaven by August Clarke
Tim Drake: Robin Compendium
The Sword of Kaigen by M. L. Wang
The Nobleman’s Guide to Scandal & Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee
To Shape A Dragon’s Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
Babel by R. F. Kuang
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Angel Mage by Garth Nix
The Orange by Wendy Cope
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil
A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn
Thousand Autumns Vol. 1 by Meng Xi Shi
The Greek Plays edited by Mary Lefkowitz
The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson
Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell
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L: Carlos labert über Therapie & nervt, Logan sagt das er nicht zur Therapie geht, ist entsetzt & wütend weil Logan ihn angelogen hat, sagt das Therapie nichts für ihn ist, Carlos sagt das er es versuchen soll, Logan will nicht, Carlos sagt das es dann wieder so enden wird wie damals, lenkt letztendlich ein & verspricht Carlos das er hingeht (Denise: "Ich krieg das schon hin")
C: wacht am nächsten morgen auf weil jemand an die Tür klopft, Logan ist nicht da, geht runter, sagt genervt "Was?" beim öffnen, Logan's Eltern vor der Tür, sind gekommen um nach Logan zu schauen wegen Amoklauf, bittet sie herein, versucht so höflich wie möglich zu sein und blablabla
L: kommt nach Hause, ist überrascht wegen Eltern, fragen wie's ihm geht und so, müssen erstmal wieder weg, schlafen im Hotel, Vater sagt was blödes über Carlos, dreht sich zu Carlos um der das mitgehört hat, Carlos wird klar das Logan seinen Eltern von ihnen nichts erzählt hat,
C: will sich für Logan zusammen reißen, gehen durch die Stadt, Eltern machen immer wieder böse Kommentare, wird immer genervter, sogar Taylor kann Vater nicht leiden, wollen dann abends essen gehen, nimmt Logan zur Seite, will ungerne dabei sein, Logan will aber das er mitkommt, sagt das es ja nur ein Abend ist, stimmt dann zu
L: sind beim Abendessen, Eltern meckern an allem rum bei Luke's Diner, Carlos & Luke tauschen immer wieder genervte Blicke aus, Eltern sagen das sie nicht verstehen wieso er hier lebt etc., Carlos sat das seine Eltern ihn immer unterstützt haben, Vater sagt Spruch über Carlos' Vater, Carlos steht auf, Vater auch, Carlos schlägt Vater, Vater regt sich noch mehr auf, Luke kommt dazwischen & noch andere Leute, werfen Eltern raus, setzen sich wieder hin, Luke bringt Kaffee & Kühlpack für Carlos' Hand
C: fahren nach Spanien, am Lagerfeuer, geht rein & Fenster ist auf, denkt L wäre es gewesen, L sagt aber das er es definitiv nicht war, nächster Tag am Strand als Lifeguard, L bei ihm, waren gerade zusammen im Wasser, trinkt Getränk, jemand ertrinkt angeblich, rennt ins Wasser & wird dann bewusstlos (merkt vorher schon das er sich nicht gut fühlt)
L: ist im Krankenhaus, C wird wach & will wissen ob die Person gerettet wurde, Sagt das niemand gefunden wurde & das auch niemand vermisst wurde, Arzt kommt & sagt das er soweit ok ist aber das er wegen seiner Vorerkrankung zu Spezialisten gehen sollte, C ist not amused aber L besteht darauf, fahren wieder zum Haus und sehen das die Haustür offen steht
C: „oh shit es wurde eingebrochen“, es wurde aber scheinbar nichts gestohlen, denken sich erstmal nichts dabei, fahren paar Tage später nach Hause wegen seinem Termin beim Spezialisten, geht zu Termin, machen Tests mit ihm, kommt 2 Tage später wieder wegen Ergebnissen, bekommt gesagt das er sterben wird, entscheidet daraufhin das er mit L Schluss macht
L: kommt nach Hause, C hat Koffer gepackt, sagt das er ihn verlassen will, verwirrt, will wissen wieso, merkt das C ihn anlügt, will die Wahrheit von ihm, Carlos sagt ihm letztendlich was los ist, ist geschockt aber will das sie sich eine zweite Meinung einholen, kann Carlos davon überzeugen, gehen zu einem anderen Arzt und der sagt dann das alles ok ist, kontaktieren den ersten Arzt -> prüfen nochmal die unterlagen und stellen fest das die Laborergebnisse vertauscht wurden, also stirbt Carlos doch nicht
C: ist froh das er nicht stirbt :) , geht aus dem Haus & sieht Umschlag, da sind Stalkerfotos drin, zeigt die Logan, Krisensitzung in der Küche, es klopft und sie erschrecken sich, öffnen Tür -> Babette „habt ihr meine Post? Habe Postboten bei euch gesehen aber kannte den gar nicht“, Babette geht wieder, will zur Polizei aber L nicht, sagt das es sicher nur ein BTR Fan ist, will lieber erstmal abwarten, not amused aber erstmal ok
L: telefoniert mit Sirius wegen Stalker, aber der weiß davon nix, hört Geräusch & geht zur Tür, dort liegen Knochen, sieht das Grab von Hund offen ist, an der Tür ist Zettel mit Hinweis das es Jason gewesen sein könnte, ruft Polizei an & danach Carlos, treffen sich dann direkt an der Polizeistation, werden verhört, sagen das sie denken das es Jason ist, können dann erstmal wieder nach Hause gehen
C: bekommen Info von Polizei das Jason tot ist ermitteln weiter aber gibt keine Hinweise, können sonst nichts tun, es passiert einige Zeit nichts, hoffen das es vorbei ist, Carlos kriegt E-Mail von der Uni dass er für eine Wochenendkonferenz in Boston angemeldet wurde und ein Hotel für ihn gebucht wurde, er fährt hin und erfährt dass die Konferenz kurzfristig abgesagt wurde, lässt sich von netter Rezeptionistin überreden doch zu bleiben weil schon bezahlt, wacht nachts auf weil Feueralarm und Rauch im Zimmer, kommt erst nicht aus dem Raum raus weil blockiert (?), schafft es dann raus und muss ewig lange vor dem Hotel warten, bis alles geklärt wurde, beschließt dann noch in der Nacht abzureisen, ihm wird an der Rezeption gesagt dass etwas für ihn abgegeben wurde, guckt sich Inhalt vor dem nach Hause fahren im Auto an
L: (Sicht zeitgleich zu der vorigen von Carlos) Logan passt auf Babettes Neffen auf, weil Babette krank ist, sie hat versprochen mit ihm zum Stadtfest zu gehen, Logan geht mit ihm, Malcom geht aufs Karussell und ist plötzlich weg, Logan sucht ihn panisch und findet ihm mit Eis in der Hand, Logan sagt ihm dass er nicht einfach wegrennen kann, Malcom sagt dass er mit Logans Freundin mitgegangen ist, Logan denkt dass Stalkerin gemeint ist, Malcom sagt er hat Bauchschmerzen und will gehen, Logan merkt dann dass was im Rucksack steckt und findet Umschlag, bringt Malcom nach Hause und geht selber nach Hause und guckt sich Inhalt an (Beweise und Brief)
C: Carlos erste A Aktion: A teilt ihm mit dass sie Juan zu seinem Geburtstag eingeladen hat, Carlos findet nicht so lustig und ruft Juan an und sagt ihm dass das nur ein schlechter Scherz von einem Kumpel war und er bitte nicht kommen soll, Juan hat Verständnis und sagt dass sein Freund auch nicht so begeistert gewesen wäre, Geburtstagsparty, alles ist schön, Sirius ist der letzte der geht, verabschieden an der Tür, Sirius klingelt kurz danach an der Tür und sagt alle seine Reifen sind platt, Logan sagt dass ein paar Teenanger in der Stadt, sagt dass er Taylor Bescheid sagt, Sirius übernachtet und Logan bringt ihn ins Gästezimmer, Carlos kriegt A Nachricht, dass er nicht mehr dazwischenfunken soll „Shut Up or I’ll shut you up“ weil er Logan & Sirius gegenüber erwähnt das es vielleicht Stalker sein könnte
L: bekommt mit das C mit Olivia telefoniert, bisschen pissig, Carlos erklärt ihm worum es ging, L bekommt A Nachricht das er Treffen sabotieren soll + tut das dann auch
C: Sieht Bestätigungsmail auf Logan’s Handy, ist sauer, fährt zur Arbeit & ist immer noch sauer, will aber in Ruhe später klären, kommt nach Hause & L ist nicht da weil er mit Jungs unterwegs ist, schlechte Laune, bestellt Essen, im Essen sind Würmer & Dreck + A Nachricht worin A zugibt das sie Reservierung in Logan’s Namen gecancelt hat, Logan kommt wieder, tut so als wäre nichts gewesen
L: bekommt von A Fotos von Olivia, soll sie an Kunden von ihr schicken, weigert sich dann aber, bekommt dann später Foto von ihr aus Krankenhaus wo sie das Bein gebrochen hat, will sich noch nichts dabei denken, Carlos kommt nach Hause und erzählt das Olivia Unfall hatte bzw. man sie auf Gleis gestoßen hat, hat Schuldgefühle „Almost gut her, Olivia won’t be so Lucky next time“
C: in der Stadt unterwegs, Logan ruft an um zu fragen wie lange er noch braucht wg. Essen, legt auf und Video von A wo Logan genau das gleiche sagt wie gerade am Telefon, was bedeutet das A im Haus ist, lässt alles an der Kasse liegen, bekommt kurz vor Haus noch eine Nachricht „Act normal“, Logan fragt wieso er nichts gekauft hat, sagt das er lieber zu Luke’s gehen will, gehen essen, Logan fragt ob alles ok ist, ist etwas angespannt aber sagt das er nicht darüber reden will, gehen nach Hause, schauen Film, A Nachricht das er an die Tür kommen soll, dort Trauergesteck mit Karte, wirft Gesteck schnell weg & behält nur die Karte, geht wieder rein & sagt das da niemand war
L: hat nichts mehr von A gehört, denkt es wäre vorbei, merkt aber das C sich komisch verhält, er will nicht mit ihm darüber reden, ist bei Therapie & redet darüber, erzählt auch von dem Autounfall, Flashback, entscheidet danach das mit dem Antrag
C: Carlos teilt Test aus und einer der Studenten sagt ihm dass die letzte Frage ein bisschen komisch war, Carlos schaut sich die Frage an und es ist eine Story die sich mit Logans gleicht, bekommt noch auf der Arbeit Blumen geliefert mit einer Karte von A das er die Blumen Olivia bringen soll, geht zum KH & redet mit ihr, reden auch über Hochzeit, sie fragt ob er & Logan heiraten werden, fährt wieder, bekommt Nachricht von A das zu Hause schon was auf ihn wartet -> Box im Schlafzimmer
L: Idee mit Heiratsantrag, erzählt auch James davon, macht den Antrag, Sicht endet damit das C nein sagt
C: Logan shocked, Carlos völlig am Ende, Logan fragt warum, sagt das er nicht glaubt das sie ewig zusammen blieben werden, sind beide zu kaputt und so, Logan wütend, sagt das er besser erstmal gehen sollte, holt ein paar Sachen (Toby&Spencer Breakup), geht raus, es regnet, steht am Auto und sieht L nochmal am Fenster, fährt in sein Büro, schaut nochmal in die box von A, womit sie ihn gezwungen hat den Antrag abzulehnen & das sie aufhört wenn er es tut & er alle Beweise gegen Logan haben kann, bekommt noch eine A Nachricht das er doch noch eine Sache tun muss-> soll zu Sirius Event gehen
L: Carlos hat ihm geschrieben aber will noch nicht mit ihm sprechen, wird erinnert das heute Abend Event von Sirius ist, will natürlich hingehen + glaubt/hofft das Carlos sowieso nicht kommt, kommt an & redet kurz mit James der ihn fragt ob er schon weiß wann er Antrag machen will, sieht in dem Moment Carlos reinkommen, er sieht kacke aus aber will kein Mitleid haben, sagt James das er es noch nicht weiß, Carlos sieht ihn und will mit ihm reden, aber will nicht, Carlos ‚nervt‘ ihn weiter, fängt fast Streit an, aber dann kommt Sirius auf die Bühne und sagt das sein Song von den glücklichen Paaren in seinem Leben inspiriert wurde, Spotlight auf L&J und C&L, L&J fangen an zu tanzen & auch andere Paare, geht weg
C: bleibt noch kurz stehen, rennt dann auch weg, wird klar das es vermutlich vorbei ist, James kommt zu ihm und fragt was los ist, kommt nicht zum antworten weil Nachricht von A, „komm aufs dach oder Logan stirbt“, rennt hoch, Logan steht dort, A tritt aus dem Schatten, sind beide erstmal verwirrt, A sagt zu L das sie lange nichts mehr von einander gehört haben, Logan hat keine Ahnung, A fragt Carlos ob er es ihm sagen will, er sagt aber nichts weil Schock, A sagt das sie sich schon immer selbst um alles kümmern musste, holt Waffe raus, geht zu Logan & stellt sich vor ihn, nimmt seine Hand, A wundert sich das sie immer noch verwirrt aussehen, will ihnen Tipp geben & sagt das, was Logan im Auto zu Carlos gesagt hat vor dem Unfall
L: sind noch verwirrt woher sie davon wissen kann, aber sie klärt auf wer sie ist, hatten beide keine Ahnung, deutet an das sie Carlos in letzter Zeit öfter kontaktiert hat, sie sagt ihnen auch das die Beweise gegeneinander nie existiert haben, gibt beiden die schuld am Tod ihrer Mutter aber vor allem Carlos, sagt das sie ihn bezahlen lassen will, denkt sie will Carlos umbringen, sagt das es nicht seine Schuld war & will es ihr ausreden, A sagt das er sie falsch verstanden hat, richtet Waffe dann auf ihn
C: war direkt klar das A Logan töten will, um ihn fertig zu machen, versucht es ihr auszureden, aber klappt nicht, bleibt vor Logan stehen, obwohl sie will das er wegtritt, A hat dann einen anderen Vorschlag für Logan: er soll vom Dach springen, sonst würde sie doch Carlos erschießen, Logan geht von ihm weg, klettert auf Vorsprung, A richtet Waffe auf Carlos, Carlos redet auf Logan ein, plötzlich geht Tür auf und J&S kommen aufs Dach, nehmen A Waffe weg, rennt zu Logan, stehen zu viert zusammen, A lacht letztendlich und sagt das sie auch auf diese Eventualität vorbereitet ist (hat angeblich Beweise das sie ihren Tod wollten) springt vom Dach
L: Schock, Sirius sagt das sie 3 in seine Wohnung fahren sollen (James hat Schlüssel), er kümmert sich hier um alles, fahren zu Sirius & nehmen Lily mit, James erklärt Lily erstmal was Sache ist, C&L sitzen alleine & reden über das was passiert ist bzw. über das womit A ihnen beiden gedroht hat (klären beide ihre Geschichte auf), Carlos deutet an das A sie beide die ganze Zeit gequält hat, sagt das er seit Wochen nichts mehr gehört hat, Carlos braucht erstmal einen Moment alleine, Sirius kommt & sagt das die Polizei bereits ermittelt, hat aber eine Idee: könnten Heiraten, etwas awkward für ihn & erklärt ihnen wieso das nicht geht
C: hört im Badezimmer was Logan wegen Antrag sagt, wird erst jetzt klar das er das endlich richtig stellen kann, geht raus und tut das endlich reden nochmal aber darüber was A sonst noch getan hat weil Logan ja keine Ahnung hat was alles passiert ist, sagt am Ende dann auch nochmal ganz deutlich das er Antrag nur wegen A abgelehnt hat da Logan scheinbar auf dem Schlauch steht, dann versteht er es aber und fragt nochmal
L: fahren zum Standesamt, ziehen die Sache durch, werden vor der Tür festgenommen, werden verhört, sagen nicht aus, Polizei lässt sie erstmal gehen, gibt keine beweise bisher, hoffen das A nur geblufft hat, sind happy weil scheinbar alles vorbei ist, gehen über die Straße und man hört Quietschen von Reifen, Schrei von James, dreht sich um und sieht Lily auf dem Boden
C: Time Jump paar Tage später - Beerdigung von Lily, Flashbacks von ihm & Lily, aktueller Stand von allen, Carlos Familie ist auch da
L: Time Jump halbes Jahr später - Hochzeit in Spanien, danach am Strand, James und Sirius kommen auch dazu (Epilog bzw. Aussicht auf Zukunft)
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A'ight. Let's think of some on the spot
Damsel: Daisy (favorite fictional princess, babyyyy)
Prisoner: Pax (pre-transition), Liber (post-transition)
Witch: Wish
Beast: Queen
Tower: Titania
Adversary: Vera
Nightmare: Nix
Spectre: Sierra (ey, almost the same one lol)
Razor: Raquelle
Stranger: Nell (Neutral), Heather (Harsh), Sofia (Soft), Eloise (Emo), Monica (Monster)
Burned Grey: Belle
Drowned Grey: Grace
Thorn: Thistle
Den: Den, maybe Denise
Apotheosis: Apeira ("apeiro" is the ancient greek word for infinity)
Eye Of The Needle: Dracona
Moment of Clarity: Clarity :), Claire for short
Wraith: Aiden (classic enby name for the enby headcanon~)
Fury: Fay
Wild: Willow (decided to use this name for her instead lol)
I've seen a lot of people give names for the Voices, and as a Vessel enjoyer, I decided to give my names for them, too!
Damsel: Danielle
Prisoner: Priscilla (Pris for short)
Witch: Willow
Beast: Beatrice (Bea for short)
Tower: Diane (my thought process was basically "goddess, divine, Diana, Diane" for this one)
Adversary: Addison (Addy for short)
Nightmare: Natalie (Nat for short)
Spectre: Sienna
Razor: Zora
Stranger: Stace (gender-neutral name for a they/them princess!)
Burned Grey: Bernice
Drowned Grey: Drusilla
Thorn: Therese
Den: Demi
Apotheosis: Aphrodite (keeping with the goddess theme)
Eye of the Needle: Iris
Moment of Clarity: Clara
Wraith: Winifred (her whole vibe kinda speaks to her having an old-fashioned name, in my opinion)
Fury: Fiona (though I've also considered Alecto)
Wild: Wihelmina
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sabrina parker, denise nix, cassandra phifer, and theara ward photographed in balanchine's the four temperaments by lois greenfield
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books i read in 2021
okay, so i’ve been amassing this list all year as a way to keep track of things i’ve read, but since i reblogged that books ask, i figure i’ll post this now. i’m reading a couple books currently which won’t make it onto this list even though i’m p sure i’ll finish them before the new year. however! if anyone has any questions about the books listed below the cut (to spare your dashes), i’m happy to answer. stars indicate i really liked the book. no stars don’t mean i hated it, i just refuse to rank things because that’s too much decision making for me.
Piranesi - Susannah Clarke*
The Traitor Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
This is How You Lose the Time War - El-Motar/Gladstone*
Axiom’s End - Lindsay Ellis
The Once and Future Witches - Alix Harrow
Finna - Nino Cipri
The Mirror Season - Anna-Marie Mclemore
Mister Impossible - Maggie Stiefvater*
Real Life - Brandon Taylor*
Hummingbird Salamander - Jeff Vandermeer
All Systems Red - Martha Wells*
Artificial Condition - Wells*
Rogue Protocol - Wells*
Exit Strategy - Wells*
Fugitive Telemetry - Wells*
Network Effect - Wells*
The Only Good Indians - Stephen Graham Jones*
Six Gun Snow White - Catherine Valente
Prosper’s Demon - Parker
The City We Became - N.K. Jemisin
Nightbitch - Rachel Yoder*
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine
My Heart is a Chainsaw - Stephen Graham Jones*
There’s No Such Thing as an Easy Job - Kikuko Tsumura*
Light From Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Sabriel - Garth Nix*
Truth of the Divine - Ellis*
Dear Science, and Other Stories - Katherine McKittrick
No Safe Spaces - Andrea Pao
The Problem of the Color(blind) - Brandi Catanese
Negotiating Performance - (ed. collection)
The Black Shoals - Tiffany Lethabo-King
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Marchado
Crying in H Mart - Michelle Zauner*
Girlhood - Melissa Febos*
The Sense of Brown - Jose Esteban Muñoz*
Afropessimism - Frank Wilderson
Polysecure - Fern
In the Belly of the Beast - Da’Shaun Harrison
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison - Foucault*
On Freedom - Maggie Nelson
My Broken Language - Quiara Alegria Hudes*
Sovietstan - Erika Fatland*
Transpacific Femininities - Denise Cruz*
Janelle Monae’s The ArchAndroid (33 1/2 series) - Alyssa Favreau
Postcolonial Love Poem - Natalie Diaz*
Pilgrim Bell - Kaveh Akbar
Faithful and Virtuous Night - Louise Gluck*
Life on Mars - Tracy Smith
Homie - Danez Smith*
Stag’s Leap - Sharon Olds*
The Gold Cell - Sharon Olds
Slave Play - Jeremy O. Harris*
#about me#book list#books i read#also like...don't come at me for how much/little i read#i'm a grad student with minimal brain okay
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aixa writes black people + love #2 community: A “World” Still Necessary
It was 1987 when A Different World premiered. I was young, like not yet double digits, young. Every Thursday night, at 8:30, my mom, dad, sister, brother and I gathered around the TV, belting out the show’s theme song by Phoebe Snow in season one, Aretha Franklin in seasons two through five, and Boyz II Men in its final episodes. Those lyrics were soon my alma mater:
I know my parents loved me Stand behind me come what may I know now that I’m ready For I finally heard them say
It’s a different woorrrrrld than where ya come from
Hillman College was a pinnacle place for me. It personified cultural identity, and as someone who grew up in a predominantly white suburban town, the only Black pupil until high school, it was majestic and I wanted to be there. Hillman displayed the cool factor our culture exudes so effortlessly; highlighting our style, dialect, posture, passion, and purpose from every region of the country, the continent of Africa and the Caribbean. This “world”, was different than where I came from, and it was beautiful. It gave me hope that a place - outside of my own home - supportive, caring and nurturing existed.
I saw Black teachers champion students who didn’t see their own unique potential, and dorm directors give sage advice. Witnessed roommates with nothing in common become best friends, and confidants. I got hyped, and danced when adamant voices rallied together until a donor ceased support of South Africa’s apartheid. And understood what loyalty looked like when a friend rescued his homegirl from what nearly turned into a date rape. I cheered on two Black men fighting the weapon of racial injustice brought upon by a rival school, and marveled in a student reclaiming the image of Aunt Jemima, realizing her imperial complexion was to be treasured. I observed discoveries, rejections, failed attempts, triumphs and losses, and empathized as if they were my own, because honestly they were. Hillman was a community, a Black community, our community, an extension of who I was, who I am. At such a young age, it was introducing me to myself. This “different world” was a reflection of my desires and dreams. It was an aspirational exhibit of Black successes - a rarity shown in media. Hillman was a place that encouraged you to stretch your capacity of thought and understanding. It valued unlearning stifled ways of thinking, to learning expansively and with zeal.
Debbie Allen, an HBCU alum of Howard University, and the show's brilliant producer, as of season two, understood the importance of telling Black stories with all of their complexities. She used television as a tool to address what was most difficult and challenging about us. “If we’re not doing that, we’re not doing a good job.” She expressed to Netflix’s Strong Black Legends. When brought on board she excitedly wrote a storyline for character Denise Huxtable (Lisa Bonet), who, at the time, was pregnant in real life. She thought it would be great to present the experience of a young Black student from an upper middle class family, not married, about to embark on motherhood. Though the idea got nixed by the show’s creator, Bill Cosby - who didn’t approve of Denise being pregnant in college - I wonder what her story would have developed into as a student mother, a credible notion, and one I’m certain would have advanced her role.
See, at Hillman, students strived to be the best versions of themselves, and looked forward to reciprocating care to those who raised them. But, even more vital, they knew their obligation to boost those who were succeeding them. They cherished their Blackness and its power.
The hub of the campus was The Pit - the school’s eatery that made an appearance in practically every episode. It was where students solely exhaled after a day of grueling classes and friends merged to catch up on the latest of tales. Conversations flowed candidly at this hangout and with comedic flair. Everyone passed through the beloved grumpy owner, Mr Gaines’ (Lou Myers) spot. Even my forever heartthrob, Tupac, made a stunning guest appearance as Piccolo, an old flame from Baltimore coming to put claims on his childhood love, Lena James (Jada Pinkett Smith).
Relationships played a significant part in character maturation at Hillman, and the love story that tugged at my heartstrings was Whitley and Dewayne, performed by Jasmine Guy and Kadeem Hardison. Cleverly laced throughout the show’s entire series, we journeyed with a high maintenance southern debutante from Richmond, VA and a Brooklyn native in J’s and flip-up glasses, who got a perfect score on his math SATs. Allen took us on an exciting ride while these two people - growing individually - were also hesitantly falling in love with each other. It was the ingenious love story I needed, and subconsciously yearned for, even if I were only in the fifth grade. How could I not gush over this attainable fairytale that spoke my love language. I kept twinkling at the idea that, ‘In just a few years, this college life will be a reality for me.’
Although Hillman College was a fictional place, its impact tripled enrollment of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. As you may have gathered by now, A Different World ignited my love for HBCUs, and then began my search in finding one most suitable for me; a place that served as a home and fostered my voice, since it was currently muffled, allowing others - who didn’t look like me - to feel comfortable in the presence of my Black skin. By the time I got to high school I attended the Black College Tour, twice. Not because I was having trouble finding a good school, but really I was in awe of the noteworthy offerings provided at these historically Black schools. The curriculums were impressive, the faculty resembled me, and the alumni were groundbreakers. I was visiting institutions that are irreplaceable. There was so much to learn about myself, and it was to happen in this next phase. During my visits, I watched students purposefully carry themselves across campus, greet friends with hugs and daps, expressively admire each other’s gear and hairstyles, pause on building steps to continue debatable class discussions, only to be interrupted by an eye-catching smile. The exploration alone made my heart flutter, and shortly after I was back at home flexing in my new Black college apparel - showing off the schools I toured. By senior year of high school I decided to attend Howard University in Washington, D.C. and it was more than I imagined it to be; finding me in a way I didn’t think it could. It met me where I was and readied me to rule the world.
There have always been skeptics who find HBCUs to be limiting. But, honestly there isn’t a place that will “teach you how to love and know yourself” like one - a necessary move after centuries of oppression; especially as a Black woman who receives bare minimum support when it comes to this country’s level of respect. These institutions encourage you to go inward and prepare yourself for life ahead, beyond Black communities. On the backs of scarred ancestors, almost 200 years ago, HBCUs were created, reshaping American history. Literally built by their hands, these Black forebears constructed a place to acquire a well desired education, and for once, as a majority, marked a setting where Black issues could be discussed. Despite what history instilled upon us, Black people were thriving and these HBCUs had a strong hand in making sure of that.
Howard University is a big part of my DNA, a connection made due to A Different World. It’s not easy expressing to those who have never attended an HBCU how magical those four years were, and how much rich history is seeped in the campus soil. However, the show is the best demonstration; restoring a feeling that will always remain in my heart, reminding me of friendships built that reside at my core. I graduated from Howard years ago, started a career in New York and since moved to Los Angeles to begin a new chapter. But every autumn, when I can, I race back to celebrate Howard’s homecoming, in high hopes of reliving just a taste of some of the greatest years of my life. It's never quite the same, but I don’t expect it ever will be.
A Different World came to an “end of the road” in 1993, and now I stream its episodes to emotionally reconnect with a missed experience; watching amusingly as if I hadn’t seen each one several times already. Because I still yearn to explore a “world” that inspires me to reach for more of myself, and a Black love story that provides hope. And though this “world” may be different, I know, I’m not alone.
Take care of yourself.
#aixawrites#black people#love#a different world#debbie allen#hbcu#black writers#community#tupac#whitley and dewayne#lisa bonet#jada pinkett smith#howard university#hillman college#black students#campus life#college life#black college#jasmine guy#kadeem hardison#netflix#strong black legends#black love story#racial injustice#ancestors#black love#black couples#relationships#strong black leads
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Star, July 13
Cover: Princess Diana’s Private Diaries

Page 1: Duchess Kate Middleton gets back to work -- after three months out of the spotlight Princess Kate is eager to be a hands-on royal again
Page 2: Contents, Jessica Simpson signing her memoir

Page 4: Bijou Phillips’ world crashing down amid husband Danny Masterson’s rape charges -- friends say she is flashing back to a horrific part of her past as Danny is charged with rape
Page 5: Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards will head back to court in August with Charlie angling to reduce support for daughters Sam and Lola; the trouble started when Denise claimed in court papers that Charlie owed her $450,000 in child support and Charlie called her a coward and a liar, Drew Barrymore is terrified that her new talk show is going to fall flat with Covid-19 guidelines nixing studio audiences for the foreseeable future, Ben Affleck won’t be content until everybody in his life is on board with his new love Ana de Armas; he recently jetted to Georgia to introduce Ana to his mom but it’s another mother who has the PDA-loving pair concerned: Ben’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner isn’t being mean to Ana but Ben thinks it’s time Jen put in more of an effort
Page 6: Kristin Cavallari was snapped in public for the first time since filing for divorce from Jay Cutler in April and she’s now considering her romantic options because she’s not the kind of woman to sit around pining after her ex, stay-at-home orders have been a bore for reality vet Caitlyn Jenner since braving the Australian wilds on I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here and she says she’d rather be down in the jungle than sitting around the house, Star Spots the Stars -- Selma Blair, Vanessa Hudgens, Aubrey Plaza, Whitney Port, Hailey Bieber, Monica Aldama of Cheer, Lucy Hale
Page 8: Star Shots -- celebrating Pride Month David Furnish and Elton John showed off t-shirts designed by Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow in a mask and Brad Falchuk without a mask taking a stroll around their neighborhood, Carrie Underwood modeling a swimsuit from her Calia line
Page 9: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and daughter Jasmine, Elizabeth Banks and her dog Saucer
Page 10: Britney Spears wearing a face mask while riding a bike, Paris Jackson leaves a tattoo parlor on the Sunset Strip, Blake Shelton gets a kiss from Gwen Stefani on his 44th birthday
Page 11: Sharon Stone promotes K-Swiss X NOH8′s Pride limited-edition shoes, Shay Mitchell feeding her daughter Atlas
Page 12: Jennifer Lopez in the recording studio, Dave Franco and wife Alison Brie attended the drive-in premiere of his directorial debut The Rental in L.A., Jay Leno pumps gas into his 1966 Lincoln Continental convertible
Page 13: January Jones in a retro Marysia swimsuit
Page 14: Norman Reedus and his motorcycle, Elizabeth Hurley models a robe from her beachwear line, Cardi B and daughter Kulture

Page 15: Jerry O’Connell and his twin daughters Dolly and Charlie, Demi Lovato and boyfriend Max Ehrich in Joshua Tree
Page 16: Gabrielle Union gave daughter Kaavia a kiss, Jason Mraz, Joe Keery on a bike ride
Page 17: Mindy Kaling, Adam Sandler walks his dog on the beach in Malibu
Page 18: Normal or Not? Chris Pratt used his foot to hit the crosswalk button during a walk with pregnant wife Katherine Schwarzenegger -- not normal, after enjoying a day at the beach in Malibu Usher swapped out his bathing suit for dry clothes -- normal
Page 19: Julianne Moore finished doing a time-consuming puzzle -- normal, Jameela Jamil channeled her inner Cousin It -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- the green goddess edition -- Laura Dern, January Jones
Page 21: Angela Bassett, Olivia Wilde, Issa Rae
Page 24: Faith Hill and Tim McGraw keeping the spark alive -- the pair together since the ‘90s are having a summer of love
Page 25: Kate Beckinsale is known for her romances with younger suitors but her latest may prove to be a lasting love as Kate has been dating Goody Grace since January and the relationship is more than a fling, how Catherine and Sean Lowe beat the Bachelor curse, Heather Locklear has been sober for more than a year and friends are crediting fiance Chris Heisser for helping her turn her life around
Page 26: Cover Story -- Princess Diana’s secret diaries in her own words -- never-before-seen journal entries shed new light on what the beloved People’s Princess endured behind palace doors
Page 29: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tell-all -- free from royal restraints Harry and Meghan are sending a message about why they really left the royal family
Page 30: Shannen Doherty -- how love saved me -- as she wages a brave battle against breast cancer she feels blessed to have a husband who’s her guiding light
Page 32: Horrible Hollywood Bosses -- these entitled celebs’ diva demands and outrageous behavior have employees dusting off their resumes -- Mariah Carey
Page 33: Tyra Banks, Kanye West, Christian Bale
Page 34: Naomi Campbell, Taryn Manning, Lady Gaga
Page 35: Sonja Morgan, Lindsay Lohan, Rob Lowe
Page 36: Rising Style Star -- Florence Pugh
Page 38: Beauty -- sexy summer strands -- Audrina Patridge
Page 42: Entertainment
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Cindy Crawford soaking in a Jacuzzi overlooking the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean
#tabloid#tabloid toc#grain of salt#princess diana#prince charles#queen elizabeth#prince william#prince harry#norman reedus#kate middleton#duchess kate#Jessica Simpson#danny masterson#bijou phillips#charlie sheen#denise richards#Drew Barrymore#ben affleck#ana de armas#jennifer garner#Kristin Cavallari#caitlyn jenner#faith hill#tim mcgraw#kate beckinsale#goody grace#sean lowe#heather locklear#meghan markle#harry and meghan
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COVER REVEAL! The Valentine’s Date Series releases January/February 2023! Valentine’s is a time for love. Imagine being set up for a blind date from a dating app. Some of our characters find out they’ve been set up, someone else has been pretending to be them. How do they cope? Do they go on the blind date? Do they find love or does cupid’s arrow miss? You are guaranteed lots of steamy action, arguments, and embarrassments. And of course some happy ever afters along the way. 16 Authors. 16 Stories. 1 World. Valentine’s Date Series - AB Shared Worlds Cover Design ➩ Design Bunnies Influencers, sign up to review ➩ https://bit.ly/3WesHtX Pre-order the Valentine’s Date Series today! 17 JAN Biker Blind Date by Summer Winters https://amzn.to/3BN3r5K 18 JAN Blind Hearts by M.J. Herald https://amzn.to/3hLr8EN 19 JAN Forever With Hardin by Sophia Nix https://amzn.to/3HQEdaI 20 JAN The Three Way by Denise Wells https://amzn.to/3jfGrGf 24 JAN Love in Print by Darby Blake https://amzn.to/3jfF7mM 25 JAN Wild for the Cowboy by Tamrin Banks https://amzn.to/3HQ69LV 26 JAN A Date with the Mountain Man by Hallie Bennett https://amzn.to/3VbRxcG 27 JAN Heart Shaped Chaos by Miranda Stanley https://amzn.to/3G7WKhk 31 JAN Staking His Claim by Glenda Horsfall https://amzn.to/3v2RXr1 1 FEB Shot in the Dark by Emma Mountford https://amzn.to/3WthDJc 2 FEB A Love Affair with my Boss by Summer Vegas https://amzn.to/3W4LKa5 3 FEB The Dating Mishapp by L.M. Carr https://amzn.to/3WcTXsS 7 FEB The Vivacious Valentine by Amy Briggs https://amzn.to/3G72mIH 8 FEB Pick Right by Soraya Bancroft https://amzn.to/3Yx3psN 9 FEB Wooed by Daddy by Stella Bella https://bit.ly/3v4msNr 10 FEB A Soldier's Secret Romance by Bella Lane https://amzn.to/3PHUsJ9
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18, 30 & 31 plsss *-*
18. If you had to fight a character who would you choose?
Do I have to fight anybody? :( I mean, I WANT to fight Gary Mitchell, and possibly Marla McGivers, but like. I have the physical strength of an off-brand paper towel in an infomercial, and I’m not good at being verbally confrontational, so. I feel I’d stand a better chance against McGivers, if only because she doesn’t have godlike powers.
30. Something you wish you could delete from canon?
TNG s01e23 “Skin of Evil.” That entire episode was DREADFUL, for a variety of reasons (mostly the writing). We got to see Tasha and Worf being bros, but at WHAT COST???? I don’t blame Denise Crosby for her decisions, but I DO blame the writers for that pile of garbage.
31. A crossover with another show/movie/book/etc., that you’d want to see?
Oh, dang! What’s coming to mind is crossing TOS over with Garth Nix’ Abhorsen Trilogy, actually. I haven’t thought about this too much, but I feel the characters would mesh pretty well.
Now, I really want to see Lirael and Spock meet oh dang. Kirk and Sabriel wouldn’t get along badly, either. And can you IMAGINE Bones’ words at the necromancy aspect of the Old Kingdom. He’d have a cow. Spock would be fascinated. Chekov and Sulu in a Paperwing? Uhura meeting the Clayr? GAH.
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How House of the Dragon Rose from the Ashes of a Failed Game of Thrones Prequel
Game of Thrones is readying a return to Westeros in 2022 with House of the Dragon. Set around 200 years in the past, during the height of the Targaryens’ incestuous, dragon-riding royal reign, the series is the first of HBO’s ongoing prequel pursuits. However, it also represents an enormously expensive mulligan, since it arrives in the aftermath of an extravagant pilot produced for a completely different prequel project, which was not picked up and still languishes unseen by audiences. Interestingly, new details have surfaced regarding the nixed project’s price tag and how it directly led to the prequel series that will ultimately arrive.
While HBO’s initial Game of Thrones prequel attempt never bore an official title, reports revealed it to be a story of ancient proportions, set thousands of years earlier, which—based on the elaborate history in creator George R.R. Martin’s literary lore—earned it de facto names such as “The Long Night” and “Bloodmoon.” Yet, its rejection remains a shocking development, notably because the pilot was headlined by Oscar-winning actress Naomi Watts. However, an insider interview in James Andrew Miller’s book, Tinderbox: HBO’s Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers (via Insider), reveals that the network was alarmed by the project’s tonal contrast from the original series, and, more practically, the obscene price tag for just the pilot.
“They had spent over $30 million on a Game of Thrones prequel pilot that was in production when I got there,” said former WarnerMedia chairman Bob Greenblatt. “And when I saw a cut of it in a few months after I arrived, I said to Casey [HBO chief content officer Casey Bloys], ‘This just doesn’t work and I don’t think it delivers on the promise of the original series.’ And he didn’t disagree, which actually was a relief.”
While specific details on “The Long Night” project has yet to surface, the $30 million that Greenblatt alleges went into its pilot paints a more grandiose picture than one might have previously envisioned. Said pilot was shot in 2019 under the creative auspices of an experienced genre television director in S.J. Clarkson (Jessica Jones, The Defenders), who worked off a script by a successful genre screenwriter in Jane Goldman (Kingsman: The Secret Service, X-Men: Days of Future Past). Additionally, the drawing power of star Naomi Watts was complemented by an impressive supporting cast consisting of names like Jamie Campbell Bower, Miranda Richardson, John Simm, Denise Gough, Georgie Henley, Naomie Ackle and John Heffernan.
Indeed, all of the variables, at least on paper, pointed to an auspicious formula for accomplishing the ambitious aim of showcasing a fantastical tale. Set during the ancient “Age of Heroes,” the story would become relegated to Westerosi legend—as briefly teased on the main series in Bran Stark’s warg-induced flashbacks—about the origin of the Children of the Forest, and the vengeful member of the First Men who would become the Night King and unleash the white walkers and an undead army of wights during the Long Night, a period of perennial darkness across the known world. Moreover, with its era set around 8,000 years before the main series, the prequel would have operated in a version of Westeros that—in an arguably refreshing manner—is unrecognizable to fans. In fact, in 2019, Martin himself teased a chaotic dynamic due to a setting filled with 100 separate “petty kingdoms,” although guaranteeing the presence of direwolves and white walkers.
Read more
Game of Thrones Author Started Worrying After Season 5
By Joseph Baxter
House of the Dragon: Game of Thrones Prequel Trailer Breakdown
By Alec Bojalad
However, based on Greenblatt’s comments, the pilot didn’t seem to evoke the Game of Thrones branding in a strong enough manner to justify its existence. It’s an understandable notion, given the project’s clear detachment from most familiar and iconic elements from the main series. While hardcore fans would be excited to see a radically different, practically-prehistoric version of Westeros, the larger demographic of casual watercooler viewers would likely struggle to make meaningful connections. Additionally, with the main series having already played out the threat of the Night King in his attempt to recreate the Long Night and conquer Westeros, starting with Winterfell, such stakes would be a hard sell. Plus, some theorists believe that the duo of Clarkson and Goldman took the ancient setting—and its mythical status in Martin’s lore—as a license to take the series in unproductively anachronistic directions that would have further alienated the series from the sacred small screen continuity and its literary source material.
Regardless, upon the 2019 completion of the exorbitant pilot, HBO quickly impaled it with a proverbial dragonglass dagger, shattering its series hopes to pieces. “So, we unfortunately decided to pull the plug on it,” explained Greenblatt. “There was enormous pressure to get it right and I don’t think that would have worked.” However, from what was, in hindsight, an egregiously costly mistake, came a new prequel strategy that will finally bear the fruit that is House of the Dragon. While its 200-years-past setting relegates the series to history, it will nevertheless be a modern tale in the context of the mythos, focused on the travails of Targaryens, Starks and yes, even those damn Lannisters, in familiar settings, with drama that’s more immediately relevant to the main series. Moreover, HBO executives opted to exercise patience by picking a project that works and greenlighting it as a series, rather than blow $30 million on an untested concept. Yet, it’s a lesson that had to be twice-learned, since Game of Thrones famously abandoned its underwhelming original pilot.
“I’m the one who encouraged Casey to greenlight it to series,” said Greenblatt. “I said, ‘Let’s not risk $30 million on a pilot.’ You can’t spend $30 million on a pilot and then not pick it up. So, I said, ‘Let’s not make a pilot. Let’s get a great series that we feel good about, and just make it. Or not.'”
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Fortunately, the course correction seems to have proven expedient, since House of the Dragon has been in production since April, and even enticed fans with a trailer in October, teasing a 2022 HBO release date. Additionally, amongst the subsequent slate of mooted prequel projects, it appears that Dunk & Egg—set around 90 years before the main series, following the famous prince and uncouth knight companion—is gaining momentum, with HBO having reportedly hired Steve Conrad (Perpetual Grace, LTD, Patriot) to write and develop a potential series. Yet, it will be interesting to see if “The Long Night” pilot would ever surface, if anything, to mollify our morbid curiosity.
The post How House of the Dragon Rose from the Ashes of a Failed Game of Thrones Prequel appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3rqcntF
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Rose's 25 Books In 2025
As always this list comes from my owned TBR and it's a mix of genres/difficulty/new or backlisted books!!! Wish me luck lovelies!
Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Nation by Terry Pratchett
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Collected Poems of Denise Levertov
The Letters of Emily Dickinson
Band Sinister by K. J. Charles
The Grace of Wild Things by Heater Fawcett
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
Metal From Heaven by August Clarke
Tim Drake: Robin Compendium
The Sword of Kaigen by M. L. Wang
The Nobleman’s Guide to Scandal & Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee
To Shape A Dragon’s Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
Babel by R. F. Kuang
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Angel Mage by Garth Nix
The Orange by Wendy Cope
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil
A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn
Thousand Autumns Vol. 1 by Meng Xi Shi
The Greek Plays edited by Mary Lefkowitz
The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson
Someone You Can Build a Nest In by John Wiswell
#2025 Reading#25 IN 2025#books#about rose#reading goals#not out of void but out of chaos#I will admit I put more new in general or new to me reads on the list this year#I'm hoping to actual complete this self imposed challenge and didn't want to make it homework or impossible
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lydia abarca, karen brown, stephanie dabney, brenda garrett-glassman, yvonne hall, joyce handy, virginia johnson, susan lovelle, denise nix, ronda sampson, marcia sells, karlya shelton-benjamin, melva murray-white, and mel tomlinson photographed performing in geoffrey holder’s dougla by marbeth
#ballet#ballerina#ballerino#lydia abarca#karen brown#stephanie dabney#brenda garrett-glassman#yvonne hall#joyce handy#virginia johnson#susan lovelle#denise nix#ronda sampson#marcia sells#karlya shelton-benjamin#melva murray-white#mel tomlinson#marbeth
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The Inverted Pyramid: Structuring Your Legal Content to Be Read | JD Supra Perspectives
The Inverted Pyramid: Structuring Your Legal Content to Be Read | JD Supra Perspectives

[The second in a three-part series by Denise Nix on applying proven journalistic principles to legal marketing content.]
Blogs. Articles. Alerts. Releases. Content marketing. Thought leadership. Engagement.
Whatever you call them, law firms and lawyers using written communications to reach clients and prospective clients must know how to do it effectively — or no one will read past the…
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LOVI POE serving 🔥 and ❄️ @lovipoe @metromagph #LoviPoe Produced by Kat Cruz-Villanueva, Ceia Ylagan, and Judy Arias Photography by Seven Barretto Video by Chapters by Mayad Styling by Eldzs Mejia Makeup by Denise Ochoa Hairstyling by Mark Rosales Sittings editors: Geolette Esguerra, Grace Libero-Cruz, and Kate Paras-Santiago Production design by Kathy Sy King of Event Styles Styling assistants: Carl Alberto, Gabby Gamboa, Nix Bueno, Aubrey Cazzandra Shot on location at City of Dreams Manila Special thanks to Charisse Chuidian and Romina Gervacio of City of Dreams Manila; C&L Decor, Shop Rent Gala,4th Wall, and 18th Floristry #HairByMarkRosales #makeupbydeniseochoa #lovipoeformetro https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DYJRYhnLR/?igshid=33qe8c4sbp2d
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