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Дали да не подхвана нова традиция: триптих за всеки повод, снимачен ден или фотосесия? Тук готвя тиква с шалот, салвия и синьо сирене – съвсем очаквано добра комбинация. Последният месец доста експериментирам с тикви, като до тук фаворит са ми домашни равиоли с тиква и извара (защото рикота или ricotta на български се нарича извара!), лимец с тиква, пресен лук, пушен японски лют пипер и черен сусам и ризото с тиква, маскарпоне и козе сирене. Ястията с тиква, особено когато има и добавен млечен продукт са идеални за съчетаване с червени вина – Сира, Бароло, Каберне Совиньон. Ако към ризотото с тиква вместо козе сирене добавите п��чено месо, особено с по-плътна текстура и мазнина, като патица, ��апример – Пино Ноар се съчетава божествено. Може би е време Ana’s Handbag да се превърне в Ana’s Kitchen или Ana’s Table… знам ли? Снимка – @mira_dermendjieva за @webcafe.bg . . #miele #mielebulgaria #foodie#cookinggirl #cooking#cookingdemonstration #food #instagood#ananeverstops #webcafe #demokitchen#kitchen #foodproject #mywork#womaninthekitchen https://www.instagram.com/p/BrmqemyjkYv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gmnvg3qfi0hw
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#ChristmasCameEarly! Cooking with Que is coming to #MidtownDetroit!!!!! A 16 seat #DemoKitchen for learning and a #SharedSpace kitchen for #Foodies to rent out!!!!⠀ ⠀ Are you excited!!! I SURE AM!!!! ⠀ ⠀ #ToGodBeTheGlory #HeWillProvide #HeDid #HealthyEatingInDetroit⠀ ⠀ The Kitchen⠀ 6529 Woodward⠀ Suite A⠀ Detroit, MI⠀ ⠀ Right in front of the @qlinedetroit!!!! #QueInFrontOfTheQ!!! #Vegan #MeatEater #HeartHealthy #Daiya #CookingWithQue #WhereVegansAndMeatEatersCoExist #Healthy #EatToLive #WhatHealthyLooksLike #Blogger #Chef #Curator #Foodie #PlantBased #Organic #Detroit (at Midtown Detroit)
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The Cardamom Trail #Demokitchen
Last May, I visited Borough Market in London for the first time. Unfortunately, once I arrived, I found out I forgot the camera’s battery. I decided to come back later coz I wanted to capture some photos.
Fortunately, the second time I found Borough Market Demo Kitchen, where free cookery demo takes place in the market hall. The guest on this day was Chetna Makan who cooked some recipes, while John Holdship gave tips about food photography.

I stayed for the whole demo, and took photos. It was a very sunny day so the lighting was a big challenge. Even John explained how he used natural lighting and handled harsh light. I offered him to hold a white sheet as a reflector, then I started to capture some photos.
So First, Chatna cooked coriander Chicken.

Then, she baked garlic naan.

And finally, cauliflower paratha with cucumber raita.

So after all, it was a good coincidence that I forgot the batteries on my first visit to Borough Market, to come back on the demo kitchen day! #105 #Photooftheday #London- May 2017
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#boroughmarket #demokitchen # foodmarket #london #keeptasty #foodgarden #foodporn #lovelondon (at Borough Market)
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Hanging out with these #cuties!!! ❤❤❤❤ #CookingWithQue #WhereVegansAndMeatEatersCoExist #Vegan #EatEater #LiveDemos #DemoKitchen (at Farmington Community Library)
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