acornminiatureslog · 1 year
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The fleet expands! Three more escorts, and a trio of citadel cruisers, and I'll have painted up all the space dorfs I've printed so far.
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ddc-nightshots · 1 year
Der Mythos als Punkrock-Oper! Prometheus, der für die Menschen das Feuer geraubt hatte, wurde von den Göttern zur Strafe an den Kaukasus geschmiedet und später von Herakles befreit - darum geht es auch in „Die Befreiung des Prometheus“. Doch der Komponist und Regisseur Heiner Goebbels nutzte einen Text von Heiner Müller als Vorlage und sagte dazu: „Dem Hörstück liegt ein Prosatext zugrunde, den Heiner Müller wie einen erratischen Block in sein Theaterstück „Zement“ gesetzt hat, und an dem das Theater sich die Zähne ausbeißt, weil es ihm mit seinen eigenen Mitteln nicht gerecht werden kann...“ Goebbels nutzte darum selbstständige musikalische Mittel wie Songformen, Collagen etc. die er nicht unter, sondern neben den Text stellte. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Kriegsblindenpreis und dem Prix Italia 1986. // Nach einem Text von Heiner Müller // Mit: Angela Schanelec, Otto Sander, Jakob Goebbels, Heiner Müller, Walter Raffeiner // Komposition und Regie: Heiner Goebbels // Produktion: hr/SWF 1985 (Audio verfügbar bis 30.07.2024) Noch mehr Hörspiele und Hörbücher finden Sie im Podcast-Pool des Hessischen Rundfunks: https://www.hr2.de/podcasts/hoerspiel/index.html
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ROUND 2: THE DEMIURGE (gnosticism) VS CORALINE (coraline)
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decafbat · 1 month
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rinakotennoji · 4 months
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more rtc to feed the hungry cyclonists
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communistkenobi · 11 months
It’s so funny when liberals lecture communists about not knowing how anything works, that we need to grow up and face the real world etc, while publicly demonstrating that their political imagination is so deeply impoverished that they genuinely believe the only thing the leader of the most powerful country on the planet in all of human history can do is block a slightly more fascist guy from taking his place every four years
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vgadvisor · 23 days
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dbopdew · 2 months
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I'm contributing to this poorly drawn meme on behalf of Overlord fans 😭
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Can I request Demiurge, Sebas, and Albedo (Overlord) with a Supreme Being reader that's fallen asleep on their lap?
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Falling Asleep on Their Laps | Yandere Overlord
As the Flower of Nazarick all the power you have, it has no limits as someone who doesn’t need the rules to thrive it also means you don’t have a real gauge for your energy. Considered more of a divine trainee of a Supreme Being all of Nazarick take it upon themselves to help you in whatever way they can. Especially since Ainz himself prioritizes you so does all of Nazarick and everyone in this world that is graced by your presence. So when you begin to drift to sleep they’ll gladly be your pillow after all what better purpose could they serve to you than the Flower of Nazarick:
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“You can count on me, (Y/n).”
With a tail dangerously itching to wag 
he watches as your eyes get heavy and your speech slurs dribble into the soft breaths of a sleeping supreme being
Because of Ainz’s trust in him, he has been tasked with helping you hone your power 
Specifically holding back 
But since you’re so unfamiliar with combat and your limits you were bound to tire yourself out
What was supposed to be a break turns into a full-blown nap 
One that Demiurg will protect with his life 
He’s frankly going to behead whoever enters without it being a guardian or Ainz 
Even the Pleiades aren’t safe
Ainz forbid Yuri or Solution come to retrieve you gathering that you are sleepy by now 
They’ll either have to dodge or endure the force of Demiurge’s tail that meticulously strikes for their mere interruption
This is his time with you
Training or not
He resists the urge to caress your face but he’s not Albedo…
He can resist
“I devoted myself to your rest (Y/n)-sama. I couldn’t bear to disrupt your rejuvenation.”
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Sebas Tian
“My Flower…please rest.”
Too many times does he see the unhardened heart you have in contrast to Ainz so it seems
So Innocent 
So untainted he sees why the world they’re in adores the very ground you hover over 
You’re perfect
And he honestly considers himself almost unworthy to have you rest on him
His legs may get tired or even be weighed down by the weight of your head but he would have never given this up
“I’m unworthy but I am your tool oh Flower of Nazarick. Rest easy.”
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‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ My supreme being is sleeping!~'
She refuses to disturb your slumber with words she might want to say 
But that doesn’t stop her other bodily functions
Her wings will flap excitedly 
Her face will be overtaken by her smile
And her body’s temperature will rise exponentially 
She’ll naturally try to use as much of her body as possibly 
Slowly sliding her now ungloved hands on your face
Your nose
Your lips 
This is just perfect!!!!
Her Ainz-sama doesn’t sleep so she never gets this opportunity
But with you, she can almost feel everything
If you’re not a light sleeper it's best to assume she’s exploring you and committing your measurements to memory
If she’s feeling particularly confident she might just take you to her bedroom
Or even better in Ainz’s unused room 
sniffing  your head as she imagines Ainz being with you both
“My Flower~! My (Y/n)~! Ah~! Your slumber is an immaculate gift for me to overindulge!”
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acornminiatureslog · 1 year
Can't wait to see how the sculptor does the battleships
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darkspacelow · 7 months
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ROUND 1: THE DEMIURGE (gnosticism) VS YELLOW GUY (dont hug me im scared)
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grunckle · 7 months
Void Worms as the Demiurge and Iterator Inverses (And also clearing up some things about the Qualia post)
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So, I'm going to be going a bit more in depth on the Yaldaboath-Void Worm comparison I brought up in my previous post. Here's the post for anyone who didn't see it already:
I also just wanted to expand upon some things and maybe clear up some confusing parts that I didn't cover in the original post.
But first I'll give a quick explanation on what Yaldaboath (who I'll just be calling the Demiurge from now on) is before drawing the comparisons. The Demiurge is a being in Gnostic belief that created the material world. He is often identified as the god of the Old Testament, and is malicious and inferior to the True God called the Monad, who is above all else.
Of course this is very simplified and I'm leaving a lot out, but what you should take out of this is that he created the material world.
So back to void worms, they heavily resemble the Demiurge in a few ways. Visually, they both share a long, serpent-like body, and glowing "halos".
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But beyond that, they indirectly share a few celestial motifs. The Demiurge gave birth to Archons who ruled over different, "celestial spheres." Celestial spheres are a concept in Rain World cosmology, as it's mentioned in the Deep Pink pearl.
"On regards of the (by spiritual splendor eternally graced) people of the Congregation of Never Dwindling Righteousness, we Wish to congratulate (o so thankfully) this Facility on its Loyal and Relished services, and to Offer our Hopes and Aspirations that the Fruitful and Mutually Satisfactory Cooperation may continue, for as long as the Stars stay fixed on their Celestial Spheres and/or the Cooperation continues to be Fruitful and Mutually Satisfactory."
But, even beyond that, they straight up appear visually in the depths through Guardian Halos.
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And then Gnostic celestial spheres for comparison.
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Void Worms are also described as "stars" within ancient dreams and our own.
Now, this is only a tangential relation to the Guardians who also reside in the Depths, but there is one more thing that I believe cement the Void Worm Demiurge theory that is much, much bigger in the context of Rain Worlds narrative.
Void Worms have a lot of iterator parallels, which lead me and others to believe that they act as a direct inverse to Iterators. Iterators usher beings to ascend past their mortal confines, and Void Worms trap beings in the material world like the Demiurge.
The first of which are just some design similarities between the two. They both have round heads with bug-like eyes, and they both have halos.
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Next, the scenes in which we see iterators and the void sea are very reminiscent of each other. There are thousands of iterators above, and thousands of void worms below.
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Void worms have 8 arms/tentacles, iterators cans have 8 legs.
But probably the most striking piece of evidence for this parallel is the music that plays atop the Wall and in the Void Sea. They share the same musical motif.
And, as a quick fun side note:
It's pretty common knowledge at this point that Void Worm skin is corn, but whats less common knowledge is that it's also made of fractal patterns and neurons.
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Basically I think all this points to Void Worms being iterator inverses and working like the Demiurge, manifesting the material world and trapping beings within it.
Now, just to clear up some things about my previous post. I don't think the rot itself is made from the ancients' mutated brain matter, but rather the method in which both cabinet beasts and the rot are made are similar. They're both made by taking neural matter, (Five Pebbles's brain in the case of the rot and the Ancients' in the case of cabinet beasts) and mutating it into something else. Its more just a conceptual comparison than evidence the two are related.
Second is more about personal interpretation, but I don't really think that each Void Worm we see is manifesting it's own world. All together they act as the concept of the Demiurge, manifesting one universe. Perhaps they're not even conscious about it, and experience a divine realm similar to us while they swim around aimlessly in the Void Sea.
And finally, adding onto my last point, that's why I don't think the parallels give a lot of insight into how the cycles work, other than that by entrapping creatures in the physical world those creatures are also subjected to the cycle. I have my own cycle theory that I believe works a bit better that I might post later. But yeah I just wanted to clear that stuff up.
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rinakotennoji · 4 months
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ocean digital (made her stronger in upper body and gave her chubbier cheeks)
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theotherhappyplace · 2 years
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My theory is that Long Furby is a manifestation of the Gnostic god of material reality the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth) appearing in the collective unconscious as proposed by Carl Jung. In this essay I will-
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Demiurge - GN SB Reader Sleeps on His Lap
This is a bit short!
I hope that this is something near what you wanted 🐀Rat anon! I did my best! I was a bit preoccupied with other things at the time as well, so I decided to make this a shorter one. —Benny🐰
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Just how in the new world did Demiurge end up in this situation!? He's unworthy of such an amazing honor as this! Unworthy! The poor arch-devil is only a mere speck floating about in the sea of denizens that make up the Tomb of Nazarick... and yet...
.....and yet.....
...his most treasured one has chosen to slumber on top of his legs! It's like a dream come true! They depend on him to be a stable headrest as they sleep! He's so honored!
But, truth be told, Demiurge had lost his usual composure quite some time ago. Hours, really. His normally gray skinned complexion was now stained a deep crimson red, resting upon his bespectacled face. His whole body seemed to tremble lightly as he fought the instinct to move and readjust his position. Steam was practically shooting from his ears .
"C‐could I bring myself to be so vain..."
The arch-devil mutters to himself; holding a trembling hand just above the soft looking lochs of hair that sprouted from his most cherished one's head.
Just when his fingers are about to graze the snoozing supreme being's head; they stir and shift in his lap and turn their head to face him; grabbing his wrist and trapping his hand palm side up underneath their face. Demiurge's eyes widen as he felt the softness of their cheek. He could feel his face get about 20° warmer than it already had been.
He could feel his breathing rapidly pick up in panic, it was to the point that he was huffing and puffing like a spooked animal. He was touching them without their consent! How would he ever gain the confidence to show himself in their presence once they had awoken! But now... he couldn't move his hand without risk of waking them.
"How have I found myself on the cusp of such a difficult decision..."
Demiurge whispered to himself as he wracked his brain for a fitting solution to such a bizarre situation.
On one hand he could gently lift you from his lap and allow them to properly continue resting on one of the many plush pillows that decorated their bed. But then there's a possibility that he may wake them up or go against their potential unspoken wish to stay in the position they fell asleep in; head on his lap and all.
But, on the other hand, he is still a floor guardian and he has his own responsibilities and duties that come with that title that must be attended to at some point. In addition to that, Demiurge has no business encroaching on such a sacred place as his most cherished one's bedroom in the first place. But if he doesn't stay in place he might risk disappointing them.
"Mmnh.... Demi...urge..."
The slumbering sepreme being slurred with a goofy smile on their face, drool staining his red suit pants.
It seems Nazarick's strategist....
C R I T I C A L H I T ! ! !
...was found incapacitated by unknown means.
In the end, it seems Demiurge didn't have to make such a hard decision after all due to losing consciousness. His brain simply couldn't keep up with how hard it was working to subconsciously keep him from flipping out. His steaming 'corpse' was later discovered by Mare after he hadn't shown up to a summons from Ainz.
Mare reported that Demiurge was hunched over in a squatting position in his room, mumbling something about 'dreaming of me, they were dreaming of me, so honored, I'm so honored' and he also didn't seem to react to outside stimuli of any kind for a good few days.
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