demibats · 2 months
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how to survive a horror movie - the first to go. . .
we aren't gonna talk about the fact that it took me an entire year to revisit this fic and post the first chapter ok? but without further ado, WE ARE SO BACK. give the masterlist a visit for context if you'd like <3 -demi xx chapter warnings: weed mention, brief description of homic*de and violence. minors do not interact!
word count: 3.4k
July 1991.
You’re practically being boiled alive in the tin can castle known as Munson Manor. The Indiana heat isn’t the awful part, but the humidity has you and everyone else in Hawkins choking on the air. The measly little air conditioner situated in one of the living room windows is working overtime to cool off the small trailer to no avail. You and Eddie lay on the floor, staring up at his ceiling, opposite of one another. He turned his head to look over at you, but your eyes are closed, trying to think of anything but the heat. You can feel his heavy stare on you, but you keep your eyes closed, knowing that the blood would rush to both of your cheeks if you caught him staring. 
“It’s hotter than Satan’s ass crack outside, can’t we go swimming or somethin’?” Eddie complains next to you, pushing the heels of his palms into his eyes.
You take this as an appropriate cue to open your eyes and turn to him, watching him writhe in the uncomfortable temperature. It makes you chuckle a little, examining the way his ‘Slayer’ muscle tank sticks to his torso from sweat. 
“I recommended that two hours ago and you whined at that too,” you challenge, resting your hands on your stomach, folded neatly there. Eddie shifts, taking his hands away from his eyes, those chocolate buttons fixating onto your gaze.
“The people of Hawkins don’t deserve to see what I’ve got underneath the denim and leather, sweetheart, but I’m bakin’ like a pie and I’ve already undressed to my comfort level.” He sounds too much like some kind of massage therapist as he says that last part, earning another breathy giggle from you. 
Your gaze lingers too long on his cut-off jeans, muscle tank, and bunched up crew socks that he ends up snapping his fingers in front of you, “Hellooooooo? Do I need to adjust the antennas on this thing?” He teases, gesturing to the top of your head as if it’s his old television. 
Waving him off, you push yourself onto your elbows, then off the cool carpet you’d been laying atop of for the last few hours, trying to will the heat away with Eddie at your side. He scrambles to his feet as well, long limbs making him look less like an agile ballerina and more like a newborn giraffe. All leg, no coordination. 
“I’ll give Robs and Steve a call, see if either of them can get a hold of Jonathan and Nance. You can be in charge of recruiting Argyle,” as you give him his set of instructions, he pushes his bottom lip out in a faux pout, “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes, they don’t work on me anymore, Munson.”
He mumbles something along the lines of ‘they used to’ before heading toward the front door, the jingling of his keychain making you turn your head toward him, his landline nestled between your ear and shoulder, “Make sure he brings sunscreen this time and not just pizza nachos!”
“I’ll make sure he brings both!” Eddie quips before the door is closed between the two of you.
. . . 
Hawkins Community Pool is always packed during the summer. It’s the one reliable spot to cool off, unless you prefer the hose from your backyard. The poolside is lined with women in bikinis, magazine in hand and sunglasses shading their eyes from the harsh light of the midday sun. Kids splash around in the pool, being scolded by lifeguards being underpaid to make sure none of the little shitheads drown. It's the picture perfect scenery for a small midwest town summer. 
Sitting at the edge of the pool, your legs barely in the water, you sway your feet and the crystalline liquid ripples around you. Jonathan and Argyle are two knuckles deep in pizza nachos, a delicacy only the ladder’s cannabis-coated mind could craft. Underneath your dark shades, you lift your gaze over to watch Eddie in the pool with Robin on his shoulders, Nancy on Steve’s as they poorly attempt a game of ‘Chicken’, before one of the lifeguards beckons them to stop. 
After getting reprimanded by the pool police, Eddie hangs his head in pretend shame as he slides next to you at the pool’s edge , the ends of his curls wet and dripping onto his shoulders. “I bet you could’ve knocked Nance over. Robin’s too soft to head into a brutal ‘Chicken’ battle and win.” He says this because he knows it to be true, although you aren’t so sure.
“I’m surprised Robin was being so nervous about it.” You respond coyly, pretending like neither of you know about Robin’s enormous crush on Nancy. 
Disregarding the conversation about Robin and Nance, Eddie looks around the pool at the moms helping their kids towel-dry off and the meatheads and their girlfriends either arguing or borderline fucking poolside. It makes his skin crawl a bit to see such blatant public displays of affection. 
However, you think otherwise. It might be nice to have someone dote on you the way some of the boys of Hawkins do to their girlfriends. Maybe not the kind of boy like Tommy Hagan or Billy Hargrove, but someone like— 
“Hey! Come play Marco Polo with us!” Steve shouts, Robin and Nancy wading around him like sharks circling their prey. 
Eddie immediately slides back into the water, but he’s facing you, droplets sliding down his tattooed skin, glistening in the sunlight, “Come on, it’s not every day you get to see how oblivious Steve is to echolocation.” He chides, bringing a ring-adorned hand up to rest on top of your knee. His gesture sends a shiver up your spine, but you nod, more excited than you should be about the prospect of playing Marco Polo. But truthfully, you know why you're vibrating with joy.
The first two games are way too easy. Robin is Marco the first round and finds Eddie first, bumbling around the water like a scared duck. Once Eddie is Marco, he finds Steve and nearly drowns him, causing the lifeguard to give Eddie a final warning. When Steve is Marco, he can’t find a single one of you to save his life. 
“You suck at this, Steve!” Robin shouts from her spot. Nancy even tries splashing water at Steve to make him find her easier, but to no avail. Eddie has half a mind to try to drown him again. You wade around, trying to stay away from the other three stooges, especially since they’re actively trying to get Steve to catch them. It’s amusing, watching the four of them seem so carefree. 
Marco Polo ends on a high note, Steve finally finding Nancy (by accident). The five of you exit the pool to reapply sunscreen and try to pick at the crumbs of the pizza nachos, but the two megastoners have demolished more than half of them. The heat and water games have you exhausted, skin dry and pruning from the chlorine water. You slip your plastic flip flops on, your towel still wrapped around your torso. 
“Credit where credit is due, it was a genius idea to go to the pool today,” Eddie compliments, drying his frizzing curls with an old Power Rangers towel, “Wanna ditch these crazies and get a slushee?”
. . .
Eddie convinces Nancy to load the whole gaggle of twenty-somethings into her station wagon while you and Eddie leave from Hawkins Community Pool early. She agrees with a roll of her eyes before she’s back in the pool with Robin and Argyle as she tries to explain how to play mermaids to the long-haired boy. 
Your thighs stick together in the heat of his van, the chlorine-water creating a layer of discomfort against your skin. You try not to squirm in the seat, flesh itching from the pool drying out your pores. After shoving miscellaneous items into the already packed and trashed back of his van, Eddie most elegantly thrashes into the driver’s seat, his typical dopey grin seated perfectly on his pink lips. He’s fumbling for a tape to slide into his player, realizing how disorganized his music collection is, he laughs at himself, “Maybe I’ll have Robin organize these by alphabetical order or somethin’, Jesus.”
“Do that and she may try to sneak some Madonna,” You quip, thinking about Eddie’s disgruntled disagreements with Robin about her taste in music. 
Turning around, his arm reaching around the back of the passenger seat, he cranes his neck and torso to look back as he backs out of his parking spot. There’s something about this gesture, something so simple and plain, that makes your cheeks burn. He doesn’t see this, but he notices how you straighten your back up into your seat as you turn to look out the window, “You’re good on this side,” you offer.
“I know, sweetheart, I’ve got us covered.”
Eddie’s not the best driver, but he’s confident and has always kept you safe when you’re riding shotgun. He’s even let you pick the music that plays, despite his limited options, leaning toward 80’s thrash metal more than anything else, but it’s grown on you. 
The drive to 7/11 is about fifteen minutes, give or take. The sun is fading behind the tree line, the bright orange orb glowing beneath, creating a silhouette of twisted tree limbs. It’s as haunting as it is beautiful. Eddie drums along the steering wheel with the beat to ‘Sweet Leaf’, his hair still dripping onto his muscle tank. 
You adjust the flimsy cover over your bathing suit, trying to find a more comfortable spot in your seat. Eddie turns into the parking lot to the 7/11, pulling up right in front of the doors. You’re quick to unbuckle your seatbelt, but Eddie is quicker, hopping out of his driver’s seat to run around the hood of his van, opening your door for you, “M’lady,” he purrs, offering his tattooed hand out to you. 
You take it with a gentle courtesy, “M’lord,” you respond as you jump onto the pavement, your flip flops clapping against your heels as you do so. 
“I’ve always pictured myself as the court jester. Yknow, fuckin’ around and makin’ a fool outta myself just because I can.” He opens the door to the mini mart for you as well, earning a hushed ‘thank you’ from you. 
You laugh at his comment, reflecting on his words, “Don’t you do that anyway?”
“I’m taking that as a compliment, so thank you.” Eddie’s tone is a bit sassy , assuming you meant your comment to be an insult, but it is in fact a compliment. 
The 7/11 is desolate, with the exception of one customer talking to the sole cashier who looks bored out of her mind. She’s twirling her red curls around her fingers, popping bubblegum between her lips as the middle-aged man in a baseball cap tries to flirt with her to no avail. Meandering through the maze of aisles, Eddie snags a bag of chips off the shelf before skipping up to the slushee machine, “What flavor of tooth-rotting sugar can I interest you in today?” He jests, eyes fixated on the sloshing colored ice in the machine.
Aftering pondering over the two options you have, cherry and blue raspberry, you decide to mix the two flavors, Eddie following suit. Walking through the sweet treats aisle, eyes scamming over the packaging to see if anything in particular looks good, the two of you head to the register, seeing that the man flirting with the cashier had left. Offering a smile to the ginger behind the counter, who’s name appears to be ‘Barb’ from her nametag, Eddie chats her up a bit, asking how her shift is going and commenting on the weather finally cooling down. She responds blandly, while ringing up the slushees. You reach for your wallet but Eddie’s already handing over bills from his own wallet. Always one step ahead. 
The bell above the door dings as you exit, Eddie holding it open for you as you step outside, a skip in your step, “I think her and Nancy used to be friends,” Eddie chides as the door closes, “She was in school with us.”
You nod, agreeing and acknowledging, “Yeah, I never got the full story out of Nance, but they had a falling out.”
The conversation ends there as the two of you climb back into Eddie’s van, treats finally acquired, mission accomplished. Blue raspberry and cherry slushee in hand, you take leisurely sips as Eddie drives, unsure of his decided destination. The Munson trailer had become like a second home to you, your tiny closet of an apartment being the unfortunate first. Even though having your own space is nice and preferable to any alternative, it’s stuffy and during the summer tends to smell like a gym locker room if air isn’t properly circulating. 
In the end, Eddie drives the both of you back to his trailer. Once his van comes to a shuddering halt and the metalhead removes the key from the ignition, the two of you climb out of the vehicle, goodies in hand, and head into the trailer. Wayne’s truck wasn’t in the driveway, you assumed he still must be at the shop, despite the slowly setting sun off in the distance. Unlocking the front door, Eddie gives it the typical shove the break the seal of the door against the frame. In the summer it’s indefinitely worse due to the heat and humidity. 
Kicking his damp converse off, his curls beginning to frizz up upon drying, he places the plastic bag on the small, cluttered dining room table, “Movie night?” he asks, gesturing to the tv, sitting low to the ground atop a beat-up entertainment center, a few stacks of VHS tapes piled up next to it. 
“Have I ever declined a movie night invitation?” You quip at him as you saunter backward toward the trailer’s bathroom, ready to change out of your still damp swimsuit. Backpack slung over your shoulder, turning on your heels, you can hear Eddie chuckling and making a snide comment under his breath. 
Once you’ve peeled yourself out of the fabric, you exit the bathroom adorning a clean and dry t-shirt and pair of jean shorts settling snugly around your waist. Eddie has already poured the chips from the corner store into a bowl, a smaller bowl of gummy worms sitting next to it on the couch. Eddie sits on his knees in front of the entertainment center, looking through movies that the two of you have watched numerous times before. Two tapes are set aside, as he picks through the rest, “The Evil Dead, Hellraiser… those are the two I’m feelin’. Penny for your thoughts, Dear Watson?” he looks over his shoulder behind you with a lopsided grin on his face. 
“Hellraiser, undoubtedly.” You chirp in a faux English accent back to him. 
. . . 
Before the end of the movie, both you and Eddie are passed out on the floor, the snacks only half-eaten and forgotten before your inevitable slumber. You wake with a start at the sound of the landline ringing, nearly jumping out of your skin the moment you’re awake, eyes wide open. Eddie, still sleeping peacefully, isn’t bothered by the phone ringing. You harshly nudge him awake, both hands shaking his shoulder. 
“Eddie, the phone.” You say with a yawn, trying to calm your racing heartbeat. 
Curls matted to the side of his face, he’s barely awake as he clambers off of the floor, limbs adjusting to consciousness. Sauntering too casually to the phone, he lifts it off the hook and up to his ear with a yawn, “Munson residence.” He states through the yawn. His demeanor shifts all too quickly, spine straightening at the drop of a hat, dragging the palm of his hand over his face roughly. He speaks in a calm manner, giving you pause. 
“Wayne, slow down… Yeah, I’m fine… she’s here, yes… We went swimming, left earlier than the others, grabbed some snacks… What?” He answers his uncle, who you gathered was on the other end once Eddie spoke his uncle’s name. 
Eddie shoots you a worried look over his shoulder. You hadn’t seen Eddie this pale since the summer he was set to graduate, worried half to death that he wouldn’t be walking across the stage with the rest of the class of 1986. But this worry… was more akin to fear than anything else. Climbing up off the floor, you tiptoe over to him and stand beside him, still unable to hear Wayne on the other side of the call. 
“When did this happen?” Eddie asked, his tone borderline frantic. There’s another pause.
At first, you think there’s been an accident at the auto shop Wayne (and Eddie) works at, that he or someone has been injured and he has to wait for the ambulance or police to arrive. An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as you wait for the brunette man to speak again. 
“Jesus Christ… No, she’s standing right next to me… Yes sir… I’ll see you when you get home… Okay… Yeah, I know, I know… Alright,” he mutters the last part under his breath as he hangs his head, as well as the phone back on the hook. 
“Shit…” he blows out a breath of air, cheeks puffed up as he exhales.
“What, what’s going on?” you ask meekly, anxiety spiked through the roof already. 
Eddie lifts his head up, expression damn near impossible to read, but that fear is still there, even more prominent than before.Extending a tattooed arm out, he brings you in for a tight embrace. Hesitantly, you wrap your arms around his torso, holding his figure just as tight against you. As you separate, Eddie’s sluggish as he walks over to the couch, plopping down. 
“I uh, I think you should sit down for this.” He pats the spot next to him, chewing the skin on his bottom lip. 
Even as you sit down next to him, you can't shake the uneasy feeling that’s raging in your chest. He won’t meet your gaze, even with you staring daggers at him, trying to will the words out of him with just your eyes, though he doesn’t budge just yet. The metalhead leans forward, elbows balancing on his knees as he holds his head in his hands. “Wayne just called me from the shop… Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins were murdered.”
The anxiety dropped into the pit of your stomach like a large stone dropping into a calm pond. Bile burns at the base of your throat, but you quickly swallow the thick, intangible lump stuck there. A hand over your stomach, you take a deep breath, then another, trying to remain calm. Neither you or Eddie were particularly fond or even close to Tommy Hagan. He was a bit of an uncouth airhead during the years in high school together, and Carol was about as much of a girl’s girl as Tommy Hagan himself, always following him around like a lost puppy, but that didn’t mean that anyone wished any harm to either of them. 
After an unnerving silence between the two of you, Eddie hesitantly reaches over to take your hand into his. He strokes his thumb over your knuckles, noticing the subtle way your hand shakes. “He didn’t… say much. Carol’s mom found Tommy in the backyard, face down in the pool… Carol was… Listen, Wayne’s gonna be home soon, okay? Him and I can take you home-” Before he’s able to finish his line of thinking, you’re cutting him off.
“Can I stay with you?” you mumble, lifting your chin up to meet Eddie’s sorrowful gaze. He softens immediately, nodding. 
“You don’t even have to ask, m’lady. This castle is just as much yours as it is mine.” Hand over his heart, he gives a small bow, trying to incorporate his signature humor to such a grim time. 
Even with Eddie keeping you company through the night, both of you back to back in his bed. His pillow smells like his laundry detergent and stale weed and the dip next to you in the mattress gives you a sense of peace. Shifting in the bed for what seems like the fifteenth time in the past hour, you can’t get comfortable. Between the news of the double murder of your former classmates and the unruly heat, there is no finding comfort. 
A tattooed arm snakes around your waist, the warm fan of breath over your shoulder, “Quit fidgeting,” Eddie’s sleep-riddled, raspy voice says next to you. Part of you wonders if he realizes what he's doing, or if he’s not awake enough to, but you don’t argue. Though, you find your eyes drifting shut as you keen against Eddie’s touch, sleep slowly pulling you under, even with the macabre thoughts of the evening still plaguing your subconscious. 
tag list: @yaspillz feedback is always appreciated, and let me know if you're interested in being apart of the taglist <3
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Silly. Goofy even
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Some zoom ins
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loserboysandlithium · 2 months
Voyeurmunson —> loserboysandlithium
Name change. Last time I swear 🖤 tagging some moots
@usergeta @rafescurtainbangz @littlexdeaths @gri959 @babygorewhore @xxbimbobunnyxx @bimbotrashcan @stalactitekilla @munsongirly @temple-elder @fishwithtitz @emma-munson @ali-r3n @ashyyboyy @eiightysixbaby @feral-pumpkin-energy @eddiesxangel @floredaqueen @asimpforthe80s @strangerstilinski @wiltinglovers @wroteclassicaly @hellfiremunsonn @hellfirenacht @inourtownofhawkins @imagine-all-the-imagines @jamdoughnutmagician @leelei1980 @lushxboba @nailbatanddungeon @anakinsbbgirl @melodymunson @stevesxyellowxsweater @bunnyhargrove @spagheddieohs @maggotmunson @espressoquinn @str4ngergirlw0rld @liminalpebble @caffeinatedbtch @welc0me-t0-hellfire @jenniquinn @hippiegoth97 @watermeezer @somethingvicked @guiltyasquinn @stqrgirl3 @destroya2005 @mugloversonly @demibats @finalgir1energy
I know I missed a bunch of people but my brain is fried. I’ll be updating my links asap 😘🖤
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
What is this life?
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Vamp!Eddie x Vamp!plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
I wanted to dab in this a bit.
Warning: 18+ blood, violence, fighting, death, language, and eventually smut but not just yet. Not proof read and no word count
Summary:Eddie deals with the life of a vampire in the upsidedown. He turned that day battling demibats. Still the same old Eddie Munson but with fangs.
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Chapter 1: Into the darkness
Eddie could hear Dustin crying. He wanted to open his eyes. But he couldn't. All he could remember was telling Dustin that it was his year man. He felt someone close his eyes. And no matter how much he yelled at himself to open them he couldn't. He could hear his heart slowing and he heard Dustin trying to convince the others to take his body back. But they didn't. They couldn't.
Just go. Just leave man. It was all Eddie could think.
It wasn't long after they left him did he see a light. It was beautiful. The warmth coming from it was like nothing he ever felt before. He was going to heaven. He never thought that would happen. So he stood there in aww.
But then out of nowhere he felt his body being lifted. But not his current self. But his body back in the upsidedown down. He closed his eyes and felt ice or what felt like ice coursing through his body. When he opened his eyes. The light was way to far for him to reach now. He was being pulled back into the darkness. And all he could do was cry.
That cold feeling turned to fire. This causing him to open his eyes. His vision was blurred and he smelled something. Something he couldn't put his finger on. But a wonderful metallic taste poured into his mouth. The warmth soothed his sore throat. He remembered yelling 'common' when he was fighting the demibats.
Someone held him up and helped him drink the warm yummy liquid. And after he had finished it. He laid back down and fell asleep.
The next time he woke, he felt someone clean him up. He was sure he was covered in blood. His. And he must have been ripped to shreds. He was too tired to look. But whoever it was . Their hands were soft and warm.
The next time. He was helped back up to drink again. He thought it was soup or broth. It tasted different and was really thick but it was so good. He started to feel better after every time he drank. But he would always fall fast asleep after.
But this one time was just a bit different. He felt the same hands that had been caring for him helped him up and feed him again. After he was done they laid him down. He finally had the strength to open his eyes. But it was so dark in the room, only a small light came from somewhere he couldn't see. But what he did see was the color of their eyes. They were this dark but some how bright grey. Like dark clouds on a sunny day. He could only muster a few seconds of consciousness before falling back to sleep. But before he did. He felt the same person place a kiss on his forehead. Their lips were soft. He liked it. And that smell they provided. It was a mixture of cinnamon and something else. Vanilla? He didn't know. All he knew was when he stopped smelling it he missed it.
He sat up one day. And he looked around. What the? He saw that he was in a bedroom. It had a fire lit so he could see. He was in the upsidedown. He looked around and saw no one. He got up and found a mirror. The first thing he noticed was the scars. On his side and torso and along his neck. How long had he been out? Where was he? And who else was there? But mostly importantly, did the scars make him look cool or what? He looked at his hair. It was braided. He jerked his head back when he saw it. He immediately took it out. But then didn't mind the waves the braid created. He continued to look at himself. The bags under his eyes were red but his iris were a darker shade of red. Almost like the color of blood. He freaked out. He stumbled backward onto the floor. He pinched himself. Trying to see if that would wake him up or something. But when it didn't work he got up and looked around the room for a shirt. When he found a pair of clothes neatly folded on a chair next to the bedside table. He lifted his hellfire shirt and it was clean. Someone sowed up the rips. Obviously someone was there. And they were the ones taking care of him.
So he put on the shirt and walked barefoot to the door. When he grabbed the handle and pulled open the door. It swung off its hinges
Oh shit he said under his breath. He did his best to fix it but he couldn't. He just leaned it against the wall. Finally out into the hallway. He felt something drawing him to a certain part of the house. The house was cleared of vines. It was well taken care of compared to what was outside. He felt the pull stop at a solid wood door that just looked so damn heavy. That's when he smelled it again. The cinnamon. He reached for the handle before he was interrupted.
" Hey there. I wouldn't do that if I were you. She gets real pissy when people wake her.
Eddie flung around and got into a fighting stance. He saw a large blonde haired guy with his hands up.
" Woah there handsome. Don't worry. I don't bite. Well of course I do. But only if you ask nicely."
Eddies eyes widen and he frowned. What the hell was this guy talking about.
" Where the hell am I? And who the fuck are you?!"
" Calm down ok sweetheart."
This guy was the most flamboyant guy he has ever spoken to.
" So hi...I'm Samuel. But you can call me Sammy. Umm so you're like a vampire now. And you get to live here with us. Sooooo Yay!"
Eddie dropped his hands and shoved them into his pockets. " Vampire?"
"Yes silly. Aren't you hungry yet?"
Eddie was. But he was confused.
" I see. She left you in the dark about all this huh?"
" Am I suppose to know who your talking about?"
" You don't remember? She took care of you when you were out. Spent every day by your side."
" What?" Eddie was getting no where with this fucking guy.
" so normally your maker is supposed to like sleep with you or something to make the "Transition" easier. Less painful. But I guess technically she is your maker. But not really. You know what I'll let her explain later. Let's go get you something to eat and I'll introduce you to the others."
"Others. There are others?"
"Well duh. There is 4 of us. Well 5 now that your here. I'm so happy. I needed a partner. I was starting to get real lonely."
"Hey man. Umm I'm sorry. But I'm uhh I don't go that way." Eddie tried to stop his advances.
"Are you sure? I mean look at the hair. The way you tuck in your shirt in your belt buckle to show off your junk. Looks like you're packing. And those jeans.... Geez could they get any tighter."
Eddie looked down at his wardrobe. Did he really come off as...well one of the rainbow crew. He was as straight as they came.
" Uh yeah I'm sure."
" hmmm we shall see." Sammy said then turned around and started to walk.
Eddie followed him taking one last look at the door that reeked of something sweet.
After the tour of the house and constant flirting and arm grabbing coming from Sammy they had finally made it to the den.
" Hey guys. This is ummm?"
" Eddie. Eddie Munson."
" This is Eddie." Sammy frowned when the other 2 people in the room didn't give them the time of day.
Eddie immediately went on the defense when the guy stood up from the couch and turned to face them. He gave Eddie a bad feeling. He was this tall skinny kid with short black hair and pale skin, with a hooked nose.
The guy scoffed. "Well I guess our supplies didn't go to waste after all. I'm Peter. Peter Parker."
" Like the super hero" the girl that was sitting next to him stood up and wrapped her hands around his neck. " Nichole Shrineberg. But you can call me Nicky."
Eddie nodded not taking his eyes off Peter. That's when he noticed his eyes were red too. So were the others. The grey eyes were no where to be found. Maybe he dreamed it. Or maybe it was the last member of this freak show.
Weeks went by and Eddie still hadn't met the 4th member. He was getting really irritated at the fact. Plus the constant flirting he got from Sammy was beyond ridiculous. It all started to go down hill after the first month. Eddie refused to drink blood. The pain in his stomach was unfathomable. He wouldn't come out of his room for anything. It wasn't until about 2 months after he was turned that he made it downstairs to the den. He looked in the mirror and thought about the stupid lie that was out there saying vampires can't see their reflection. Fucking bullshit. When he looked properly at himself, he didn't recognize who that was in the mirror. His eyes and cheeks were sunken in. His collar bone protruded more than it originally had. He lifted his shirt and he was all skin and bones. He looked like a zombie from Night Of The Living Dead. He saw his eyes in the reflection and noticed the red fading into a pastel pink. Going on white it seemed.
Eddie examination was cut short by the dick head Peter.
" Look at this pathetic piece of shit. He looked like he's gonna die any minute."
Fuck you. Eddie thought but wasn't strong enough to say it.
Eddie went and sat down feeling dizzy. Was he finally gonna get the sweet release of death? God he hopes so.
" Are you fucking kidding me. We saved his pathetic ass and for what? Just so he could use up half of our supplies in one week. And then fucking die?... That's not fucking happening. Sammy hold his legs. Nicky go get a bag of blood. Don't bother warming it up. That's how he's gonna drink it from now on.
Eddie tried to fight back. But his bones felt like there were gonna break. He could barely move. Let alone eat anything. But also it was human blood. The bags they stole were from a hospital. People needed those. And these fuckers where using it as a buffet. He fucking hated them. He hated everything about them. He wanted to take them down with him when he finally did die
Sammy was holding on to his legs while Peter held his shoulders down. After a second Nicky came back.
" Guys we should let him die. It's what he wants."
" I don't care what he wants Nicky. All I care about is that the general sleeps and doesn't get up. And she will know if he dies. She will have our heads on spikes."
When Eddie refused to eat, he was man handled by Peter.
Why didn't you try this when I was healthy you bitch.
Eddie heard and felt his collar bone crack when Peter pushed him harder into the couch.
" alright calm down or I will kill you. I'll ripe your fucking head clean off."
When Nicky tried to force feed him again but he swiped his hand at her. Causing her to dig her nails into the blood bag making it pop all over her and Sammy.
"OH MY GOD NICKY! THESES ARE MY NEW ALL WHITE DOC MARTENS!!!" Sammy screamed letting go of Eddie's legs.
Nicky didn't say anything she just cried. But Peter, he was done. He put his arm around Eddie's neck and was just about to pull.
The single word shook the 3 story house. It made everyone quiet. Peter released his grip on him.
Eddie slumped over from the amount of pain he was in. While in the process of knocking the blood away Peter had definitely broke his shoulder blade.
" We-we d-didn't mean t-t-to wake y-you?" Peter stuttered.
Eddie smirked Fucking bitch.
"Shut it."
Eddie could here Peter suck in breath before closing his mouth.
"Peter kick rocks. If you come back with nothing then I will put your head on a spike. Nicky get him something to eat now. Something from my shelf. A whole glass. And you."
Eddie could hear Sammy panting.
" Will you leave the poor kid alone. He's already told you he's not interested. If you so much as touch him. I will shove my foot so far up your ass you will be licking my toes. Do you understand me?"
" alrighty go clean yourself off and then help clean up the blood....what are you all staring at? That's an order."
There was this gust of wind and Eddie knew they left. He wanted to look at her. But he was too tired and in so much pain. He couldn't stop himself from groaning.
" It's ok she's almost here."
Her voice was so much calmer now. Almost sweet. Eddie saw Nicky now kneeling in front of him holding up a glass of black goo. That's when he finally saw Nicky. She was so tiny. She had to be like 5 foot nothing. And she had really long brown straight hair. She was actually kinda cute he thought.
" I'm not gonna lie and say it's good. Because it's definitely not. But it's not human. And it will last longer. So just drink it."
Eddie listened to you. And he drank. You were right it was fucking awful. Like a mixture of motor oil and mud. Every time he gulped it was as if it wanted to come right back up. But he forced it. He looked down at the glass and it was half gone. He was already feeling better and actually full. The shit was gross but he felt better.
" I'm sorry y/n. That was the last of your food." Nicky apologized.
" It's fine I'm ok for a while. He needed it more than me...we will get some later. Hopefully Peter will make himself useful and stock up on yours."
Eddie felt buzzed now. He was so sleepy. He laid down on the couch and caught a glimpse of you before crashing. All he could really make out was your eyes. They were beautiful.
The next day Eddie was good as new. He was practically bouncing off the walls. He didn't know what you gave him but he was happy that you did.
He was exploring the house when he came across your room for like the 20th time. He wanted to knock and finally meet you. But he was so nervous. You apparently saved his life twice. And he wanted to thank you. He could feel this weird connection since he turned. Always being drawn to your room. You smelled like Christmas cookies and he loved it.
He didn't get the courage that day to knock. But he swore he would tomorrow. He didn't sleep at all that night. He was trying to get use to his speed and strength. He broke a lot of things that night. Writing IOU's for everything. It wasn't until about 3 in the morning when his focus was distracted. He heard music. He stumbled out into the hall and ran down. Skidding to a stop almost falling. He was in front of your door. But this time it was open. You were listening to Dio. It felt like he hadn't heard music in forever. He looked around your room. He didn't go in because of the warning Sammy gave him. He noticed so many books first, then your Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden posters. There were black and red candles everywhere. It was the most gothic thing he's ever seen. It was like you took out a frame from Nosferatu or something. It was pretty wicked.
He stood there for a minute and looked for you. But you weren't there. He took a step back to look up and down the hall. That's when he felt it. A gust of wind past him. Making his hair cover his face.
When he tossed his hair back he froze. You were standing there. Hair damped and a towel wrapped around you. Your eyes burned a hole in his heart. You were stunning. Eddie raised his hand and waved.
" Hi." He said with a smile. But his smile faded when you closed the door without saying anything.
What did he do? Did he invade your privacy by eyeing your room? Was he not welcome there? Did you hate him for some reason?
Mind swirling with questions. He laid in bed the rest of that early morning trying to back log everything that happened before that night. Unable to come up with answers he opted to asked the others what was your deal.
He approached Nicky first but she's kind of an air head. She kept saying how hungry she was. Not even listen to Eddie. Eddie went to find Peter but as soon as he saw him he turned right back around. That guy was no good. So finally to the last resort... Sammy.
Eddie stood outside his door hesitating to knock but he did.
"Uhh hey Eddie. You lost or something?"
" Or something. Uhh can we talk?"
Sammy move back to let him in. Eddie didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.
" So why is y/ns eyes grey?"
" Uhh well. She doesn't drink normal blood like the rest of us. She drinks from those animals out there."
"Like the demibats?"
" Like the what? Oh those stupid flying rats. Yeah. But they don't have much blood. She normal goes for that venus fly trap thing. They're the biggest."
Eddie was confused. He never saw anything like that. But now that Sammy mentioned it, he wanted to go outside and look.
" so why is it that you guys are scared of her?"
Sammy laughed. " She's umm something... She kinda made us."
" what do you mean?"
" She turned us. She is the only one who can beside that big ugly dude."
" she made me?"
" well yeah kinda. But uh that's something you should talk to her about."
" Sammy why do I have this like need to be around her?"
" Oh that's cuz your bound. I still am too."
Eddie brows pinched together.
" ok so it's like when she turns you. You have to drink her blood. And once it's in you, you kinda just love her."
"What wait?"
"Oh no don't worry. It breaks. It's kinda just like temporary."
"Does she still connect with Nicky and Peter?"
" Oh no. That broke a long time ago. Nicky and Peter are bond now. They uhh kind of got carried away one night. Blood was spilled and the connection broke between them. Y/n was upset though. She wanted the break but not in the way they did it."
" What does that mean?"
" you know y/n is our leader. She should be the one explaining this to you."
" Common man. I never see her. She's always locked in her room."
" oh that cuz she like hibernates. She tries to sleep away the time between connections. She hates knowing how we feel all the time."
" Yup. That's why she sleeps."
" She can tell how we are feeling? Like all time?"
" Can you feel how she's feeling too?"
" Oh no. I only feel a pull. It took me a long time to suppress it. Do you feel her?"
" No. But I can hear her. Like she's talking but she's too far away for me to make out what she's saying."
" That's new. Haven't heard that before."
" She also has this smell."
"Oh shit don't tell her that she would be pissed if she found out she stinks. And she will use up all the hot water trying to get the smell out."
" What do you mean she stinks? You can smell her too?"
" Yeah we all do. We all smell like death. I don't understand why Nicky and Peter love to smell each other so much. It's fowl if you ask me."
She doesn't smell like death. She smells amazing.
" umm so none of you go outside?"
" oh yeah we do. We even go to the other side. We go on food runs often. We don't like to drink what she drinks. It's fucking gross. I don't know how you were able to get that shit down."
" I uhh was hungry. So I just forced myself. Can humans smell us too?
"Eww.... And no. It's just us. With the whole heighten senses and all. But yeah you won't be able to go to the surface for a while. Still need to make sure you won't like kill anyone."
" I wouldn't!"
" Yeah we all say that. But if you get the chance to get it straight from the tap. Man nothing will stop you. And I mean nothing. Not even an order from y/n."
What she's not the boss of me.
"Does y/n go on food runs too?"
"yeah she always comes when it's a group thing. I guess it's like family bonding time."
"One big dysfunctional cauldron."
Eddie left with more questions than answers. But he knew he could only get them from you. This was gonna be difficulty though because he felt the need to protect you. But also wanted to fuck you and drink your blood.
He need the day to calm down. So he went to explore some more. Even venturing outside. He was walking through the woods when he kept hearing a thump. It sounded like a leaky faucet. He had heard it before and thought it was one in the house. But now it was outside. There was so much time between thumps. He thought for a second it was a heart beat. But it was too slow to be one. Everyone else's heart beat was normal. So what was it?
The sound wasn't far from where he was. That's when he saw it. Saw you. You had jumped so high into a tree and grabbed a demibat that was resting in it. When you came back down you ripped the head off with your teeth and sucked down the black goo.
" That is the most metal thing I've ever seen." He meant to think it. But it just came out.
You stop and looked at him. He heard the thump pick up for a second but then it went back to normal.
So it was a heart beat. Yours.
For some reason he felt really bad for you. Why was your heart not pounding like the rest of us?
" What are you doing out here? It's too dangerous." Your voice was sweet with just a hint of concern.
" You're out here."
" Yes because I'm strong and I know how to handle what's out here."
Eddie scoffed " I'm strong too. I'm sure I can take on a few bats."
" There's a lot more than bats out here."
" Well then you can protect me."
" No. Please go back. I want to be alone."
A few moments went by before you spoke again.
" That wasn't a suggestion Edward Munson."
And what seemed like someone was pulling him against his will. He turned and walked away. When he walked back into the house he felt whatever had a hold of him released.
What the hell? She could control me? That's bullshit. But hold on. She knows who I am?
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gh0stlymoth · 2 years
Eddie for #8 please!
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[ID: digital drawing of Eddie Munson from Stranger Things in monochrome colours with some red bloodsplatters. Eddie is in profile, looking up at something. A demibat is perched on his hand. There is blood on Eddie's face as well as the bat. They are framed by black vines. overlayed Text: "and cut me open like a tragic magic show" end ID]
#8 - Devils & Rebels by Shayfer James. We're all devils & rebels, baby...
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
Could I request a Steve Harrington x reader?
If not totally okay <33
Okay so I’m thinking the reader and Steve have been together for a while, he always says he wants to marry her, and she always says back that’ll she always say yes, ya know very cute stuff.
Until she’s trapped in the upside down, with Billy maybe? (I know the plot isn’t this but it gets better) trying to find a way out saying how she and Steve were meant to get married and have a life and she couldn’t be stuck in this world, meanwhile Steve thinks she’s dead after the “mall fire” he just couldn’t move on from her.
Until move onto season 4 and the group are in the upside down, somehow Billy and her survived until then? Maybe? And they reunite and it’s just cute af thanks <3 love the work!
This landed in my inbox a while ago and I'm so sorry it took so long to get to I had to visit the mall today to pick up myself some stranger things merch. Sounds like a joke but it's not. I got new boots though :D
Anyway! Uh I'm keeping Billy dead because he's a racist :3
The Upside Down is not a place someone wants to become trapped in intentionally
Especially not for six whole months.
Not only is the atmosphere extremely toxic, you also have Vecna & the Mindflayer, and whatever the fuck else is in here.
the only thing that truly keeps you alive is a song you and Steve used to sing in his car all the time, as well as the memories of your friends and needing to get back to your found family of Steve and Dustin
When that first portal opens up you don't know about it. But oh fuck do you know when the next one opens up because the Demibats are swarming
Usually, they only swarm when someone else is in here so you're booking it to Lover's Lake
Only to see Steve, Nancy, Robin and... is that fucking Eddie Munson(???)
No time to question it as you high-tail it over to the Demibat fight and shoot a few bats from the air, the gunshot ringing throughout the Upside Down
No one has time to fully register who tf you are until the bats are gone and they're booking it towards you. You, being smart and totally not freaking out over Steve, direct them to follow you and head to Skull Rock
By the time you reach it both you and Steve have come out of your relative shock - Steve moreso about his injuries
The two of you are a mess, trying not to cry in fear of alerting something, holding each other tightly, and unable to let go
Until Steve winces and you notice he's bleeding
Your clothes can't bandage the wound since they're disgusting but Nancy's shirt can so the two of you work together to patch Steve up
You have no idea about new portals so you follow the group to Nancy's house
Steve refuses to let you leave his side the entire way, too convinced you're some weird Vecna mind trip until you land in the normal world on Eddie's mattress and everyone else sees you too; Dustin specifically
You haven't seen your "adopted son" in months, and before Nancy gets tranced, you're giving him the biggest hug imaginable
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witchothewest · 2 years
Still feeling pretty raw that the kids that got the shit end of the stick in the volume 2 death lottery were the impoverished trailer park kids. Like damn ok i see, Steve gets rescued from the demibats by his friends and walks away with a flesh wound, but Eddie—who’s already been let down by the system and his parents, and then scapegoated by the entire town bc he was an easy target without a support system—is going to be in the same situation and get gutted by the same monsters, even though it really wasn’t narratively productive, because there was no one there to save him? Ok.
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damn i didn't know the demibats hated metallica so much smh poor taste
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illuminatemyskies · 2 years
god eddie got the nice ending where he and dusty were best friends for life and he and maybe steve were gay idk but maybe he was ace and just enjoyed life and metal and he listened to uh falling in reverse for the first time in the late 2000’s and also he was happy and he kept his idea of self preservation and didn’t jump into a hoard of demibats
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I like using cats for ref (house cats and tigers, to be precise)
Flustered demise ftw💪💪🔥🔥
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Something silly for october!!!
Demise is a vampire
Kuikel is a witch
Batreaux is a butterfly :3
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
could you perhaps provide The People with some headcanons for Eddie with an s/o who's super tall and intimidating at first glance but is actually Heckin Somft? (Buff as hell from chopping firewood for grandparents, "battle scars" from foster kittens, etc)
Gotta feed the simps. This is GN!reader as I don't specify pronouns.
Season 4 spoilers ahead so be warned
You are now his personal backup plan. If he's getting ganged up on or threatened *BOOOM* he's standing in front of you in an instant
He would 100% give you a punk makeover to make you more intimidating because now there are two "freaks" but this time absolutely no one is gonna fuck with either of them
When he finds out how soft you are his brain stops functioning.
Hug him and he dies. Dialup sound. He just can't comprehend how someone so intimidating can give such good hugs. They're so secure and he needs that - especially in season 4
He is perfectly at tiddy height and will use this to his personal advantage
He feels much better during season 4 because you full-on rip the head off a demibat.
He will launch himself at you on the couch or bed with no explanation and proceed to demand cuddles.
His favourite way to cuddle is laying on top of you, or on your sides where he can be wrapped up in your arms.
He helps you make a battle jacket if you don't have one
Sometimes when the two of you are sitting quietly together he'll trace the kitten scars on your arms with a small smile.
Show him the kittens that caused it and he will become kitten soup. All of them in his lap with the biggest grin.
He smokes around you a lot because he feels comfortable that if anyone was to come by you'd be able to scare them off just by existing.
He still offers you some though, just so you're chilling too.
Eddie has been known to steal cigarettes from you while you're in the middle of them. Just to prove he isn't scared of you no matter how intimidating you look
If you need to chop wood, you could bet a hundred that Eddie's sitting nearby just ogling you. He'll help if you ask but if you don't he's just gonna stay there and drool.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
Okay so ST theory:
The lights are on in the trailer when we see Eddie and Dustin backing up towards the portal in the Upside Down. This begs the question if they turn the lights on by being in the trailer, or if the lights are still on because someones in there/they left them on. Hypothetically they wouldn't leave the lights on if no one was there because it's a trailer park and people could easily be like "wait is Eddie or Wayne home?". Which means that Eddie and Dustin in the Upside Down might happen before they ride in the trailer with the others, meaning Eddie doesn't die to the Demibats or whatever is forcing them to back up to the gate.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
I love Eddie just as much as the next guy but that man had his actual organs eaten. Let him be free.
Also I argue it’s kinda good that he died when he did because now he doesn’t have to live through the literal hell on earth Hawkins has become. Like now there’s absolutely no safe space for anyone, no safe dimension to return to away from at least demibats (even if it wasn’t safe from vecna).
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