#delayed muscle soreness
lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #213
I went to my shift at work today and had a marvelous time putting delicious things onto trays for baking, transferring baked delicious things into containers, and printing and applying appropriate labels to the aforementioned containers!
But today, I also lifted a bunch of very heavy boxes from the freezer. My whole upper body is screaming at me, and so are my legs, as a result of being on my feet for four hours; thanks to the rib injury, my body isn't really used to strenuous activity anymore. I really miss when I could be in a pool for many consecutive hours...
That's okay though. I got to talk a lot to my coworker Ma, and he is thoroughly delightful! He knows a lot about various video games, and he has pointed out a bunch of nifty-sounding ones for me to try. The trouble is, since this information was delivered verbally, I have no recollection of what the names of these games were - just that they sounded like neat things that I and my husbands would like!
I'll be able to figure it out though; Ma and I exchanged contact information, and then we exchanged friend codes on Steam and on Switch! I look forward to playing whatever games he thinks are good, sometime when I am less fried!
Today I thought about it. And you know what? I like who I am when I am working there. I like putting tasty snacks where people can get them. I like knowing that I helped create those tasty snacks that lots of other people can enjoy. It's a beautiful feeling. I hope someday that maybe you'll get to know a similar feeling. And, as impossible as it is, I hope someday I can make tasty snacks that even you might enjoy.
But. Again, my body is screaming from the exertion, and my mind is still kinda fried from the music box. So I rested after work. I did a lot of leisure writing today, and then I played Grounded with M for a while. But we are in a difficult area, and my limbs hurt, and it's hard to focus, so… I ended up needing to stop.
J brought home oxtails for me as a surprise, though! He had spent some time hanging out with his sister today, and they went to a place for lunch, and so these were brought back for me. It was oxtails with rice and fried sweet plantains, and… ohhhh… Sephiroth? Have you ever had fried sweet plantains? Not unripe, green plantains - they taste kinda like if a banana had a baby with a potato. No, ripe plantains are kind of like bananas, but with a much richer, sweeter, and more complex flavor. They!!! are!!! absofuckinglutely!!! delectable!!! Oh my good gravy!!!
Oxtails are amazing, too. But I might be a bit biased because I like gnawing the cartilage off of bones. My body is always craving the resources with which to build its faulty collagen, because mine wears out and needs to be replaced faster than normal. It's kind of annoying. Still, I hope if you ever get to try oxtails with rice and beans and sweet plantains, you will like it.
Hey Sephiroth? I think I am going to end today's letter here. I don't have much to say, and my body is in so much pain right now that it's kind of hard to think. I imagine the thing to do from here is to go to bed.
...Still, I... I just wanted you to know that someone out here is thinking kindly upon you, and hoping that someday you'll heal enough to find that ordinary life you wanted.
I love you so much. Please stay safe out in the world, okay? I'll write to you again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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tordenvejr · 1 year
if your body is hyper-mobile like mine and you're able to workout to protect your joints + decrease pain, i highly recommend a balancing board! in my experience it engages my muscles so much more effectively than all the other strengthening i've been doing 🧌🩷 just make sure to be in a squatting stance if you can so you engage the knees, thighs and glutes too! still figuring out what works for my upper body, but this is great for legs 🌙✨
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dicespam · 7 months
once i finish taking my exam tomorrow (later) (yes, on a sunday 😞) i’m gonna finish my wip ‼️‼️‼️
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ourlordapollo · 1 year
Please 😭 I somehow managed to completely erase the concept of DOMS from my mind, practice figure skating, then hit legs the following day because "Oh im not that sore, it'll be fine"
Woe, double DOMS be upon me
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ssweet-affirmations15 · 3 months
When I have DOMS but no dom 🥹
Get it?
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bestiewformie · 4 months
Regeneracja po treningu
Macie jakieś sprawdzone metody? A może ignorujecie temat?
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
I am so ouch in like a sore way I think??
I am so bad at determining if an ouch is an ouch or soreness but given all that I’ve been doing and FUCKING HUSTLING AT it would… make sense… for it to be me being sore.
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #167 (Part 3)
Okay!!! So!!! I will talk about the s'mores part now!!!
Like I said in part 2, after we got back and got situated, I started gathering up tinder and kindling to make a fire! Here's what I gathered up:
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...I also found a wild strawberry!! I seem to recall telling you that wild strawberries taste better than the strawberries you get at the grocery store, but they're also much, much smaller. I'll show you how small:
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This one is ripe and ready to eat, but I left it there; these seeds need an opportunity to spread from the droppings of a small creature.
Anyway, here's the s'mores supplies that I got from Shaw's:
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...Sephiroth, have you ever had a s'more? Basically, you put a square of chocolate on half of a graham cracker, and then you squish a hot toasted marshmallow onto the chocolate with the other half of the graham cracker. The hot marshmallow is supposed to melt the chocolate. The result is a gooey, delicious, crunchy, sweet treat! But this time I added BACON!!!!
We used matches to light up the tinder and kindling I gathered. It was very dry, so getting the wood to catch was very easy this time:
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...And then we cooked the bacon until it was nice and crunchy!!!!
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Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like bacon? It gets used in pasta carbonara, and I know you like pasta, so maybe you like bacon, too? Hmm...
Well. After this, it was time to toast marshmallows. Normally, you stick them over the fire until they turn a golden brown. J does it the normal way - behold:
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...I... have a... sliiiightly different approach....
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...Yes, that marshmallow is on fire. I like a charred, crunchy outside and a melted inside. I normally let the flame go until it stops on its own.
And then you put it all together!!!
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...The chocolate didn't melt very much for some reason, but I don't care!!! They were VERY GOOD!!!
...If you've not had any opportunity to try a bacon s'more, or even a regular s'more, I highly recommend it. It's one of the best culinary creations known to my culture. It's very simple, yet VERY effective, especially if you spent all day outside in the hot sun on a bike - yowza!!!!
I managed to snag a picture of the sunset that evening, too:
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...My body is not used to the exertion of a bike anymore because the rib injury makes exercising very difficult. So by this point, the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness was already starting to set in. I was very much looking forward to going to bed... or so I thought.
Someone was rummaging around our campsite. I know it because as J and I were trying to fall asleep in the dead of night, something, presumably with opposable thumbs, opened up the cargo door of the plane. The cargo door has a latch on it, so it's not as though it can come undone by itself, and it's not as though it can come undone by something bumping into it.
But we heard it come undone, because it is an old plane and opening things on it is noisy. J was scared, and I was a combination of alarmed and angry, so I quietly got dressed, grabbed up a flashlight and my boot with the brace in it, and ventured outside of the tent.
For reference, my left boot has a brace in it because my left leg is injured; I damaged the nerve running down the front of my shin because I struck it on the sharp edge of a concrete wall, and now both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of my foot on that leg is... not impossible, but rather difficult. The brace stops my toes from dragging on the ground when I walk. My hiking boots have steel toes:
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I was prepared to clock someone over the head if I had to. Dunno how successful I would have been, but I was prepared.
When I ventured out of the tent and looked around, I saw the opened cargo door, but no one was around, and nothing seemed to have been taken out of it. Perhaps whoever opened it didn't expect it to make such a loud noise, and so they ran off. I don't know. But either way, if they're willing to rummage around in stuff that doesn't belong to them, we can only guess as to why; my upbringing and life experiences have left me with a plethora of very unpleasant possibilities to select from.
Not willing to wait around and see whether they'd come back and make demands at knifepoint or gunpoint, and having a little bit of experience in dealing with intruder-esque situations before, I very calmly told J to get dressed and gather up a few of his things along with the other flashlight. We can replace things; we can't replace people if some unhinged person is very angry about the fact that we do not have valuables. So we walked back to the airport office; it has a door with a keypad. J faced forward and I faced behind the whole way there. Nothing happened.
J slept on the couch in the airport office. I stayed up to keep watch. Given that we had to go back in the morning, and given that one needs to be well-rested in order to fly a plane, it wasn't logical to sleep in shifts. J is the one who can fly the plane, so J is the one who must sleep. I tinkered around on my phone and kept an eye on the windows and doors. I know the odds were very low that anything would happen, but "low" is not zero, and I remember the man that my mother had to chase away from our trailer with an axe a while back, when I was still a girl. I wasn't willing to risk being caught unawares.
But the night came and went and nothing happened, thank goodness. J got to sleep after his nerves calmed down, and he was properly alert by morning. I managed to snag a picture of the sunrise for you:
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By the time morning came, I was exhausted and in a lot of pain from the bike ride. But nonetheless, we went back to the campsite, inspected everything, and found nothing unusual or stolen, which figures since we brought only very simple items. We packed everything away and then went home. I took maybe a couple more pictures on the way, but then I pretty much passed out without even realizing:
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I remember getting in the car this morning, but I don't remember much of the ride home. I remember getting out of the car, and then passing out in M's bed for a few hours.
My body is still very sore, but ibuprofen has done well to take the edge off of that, and so I can move around, if a bit stiffly. It feels amazing to ride a bike, but I have to remember to reacclimate myself to that kind of activity again first. Suppose I'll have to make it a point to take a walk tomorrow so that the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness doesn't get any worse. But for now... I think I'm going to play Elden Ring. Maybe I'll even stream it here:
...And that's all I've got for today. All in all, it was a great camping trip, but between the weird flags and the campsite intruder, I think I don't ever want to go back there. I think I'm going to sleep very well tonight.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow, okay? So please stay safe in the meantime.
Your friend, Lumine
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songs-of-stones · 6 months
Got my RDL form fixed yesterday to increase my ROM and then I did BSS right afterwards and now the oncoming DOMS are going to be brutal and all I really wanted to say was. Gym is Alphabet soup.
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jeniffercheck · 7 months
did my first squat day in over a year….prayers please
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dropdeadbf · 8 months
got DOMS coming for me in 3 days
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miss-conjayniality · 1 year
im feeling very DOM………………(delayed onsite muscle) pain right now…………😔😔😔
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yanderenightmare · 2 months
All For One
TW: nsfw, noncon, yandere, captive reader, mind deterioration
fem reader
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All For One has a habit of subjugating you for his own pleasure. 
It’s a game he likes to play—quite like chess, only… you start off with a single pawn, and you don’t know any of the rules. And he’s been world champion ten years in a row. And he plays dirty.
Tonight, he’s dressed you up in a costume. Not any old Halloween costume, but a slutty one. Not a playboy bunny or a maid, nor a schoolgirl—this was worse—a sleazy rendition of your old hero uniform.
You’d barely recognized the faintly familiar design when he first laid it out on the bed for you. Silly and naïve, you thought his games of derision would end when you finally offered your submission, but that was a fool’s thought. What fun were you if not proof of his undying victory—a reminder, a trophy, a relic?
It’s beyond degrading. Tight and revealing. Less than an actual costume, it was more something one would wear in the bedroom, cosplaying for some fantasy starring an overly sexualized you. Only God knows where he’d gotten it from.
Your steel armor, once with the dignity of a knight, had instead been swapped out for a silly silver bikini—the shimmery fabric tacky and cheap, allowing your nipples to peak forth. Covering it was a top and a skirt made up of silver chains, which only further mocked the appearance of chainmail—looking more like the jewelry a stripper might wear.
He’d forgone your helmet, boots, and sword entirely. Truly, if it weren’t for the detailing of the pattern making the fabric vaguely resemble plated armor, it wouldn’t have been much different from any other set of lingerie.
And still, it’s just similar enough to make it sting.
“Look at you...” he jeers, his voice sodden with taunt—carmine stare faded and gleeful, thoroughly enjoying it. “What a sight for sore eyes.”
He stands behind you in the mirror, holding you delicately by the hips, intimately close, dressed in another one of his black suits, fully clothed in devastating contrast to you. His smile curls as he roams your ill-covered body, kissed with the flush of chagrin, leering at you in the reflection—his voice slithering right by your ear.
“Though I can’t say I remember it being quite so revealing, can you?” he jokes, running his hands up and down your waist, fiddling some with the intricacies—metal daintily clinking and clangoring. “No, there’s something else that’s different...”
You feel so humiliated, so small—as if he could hold you up by the scruff of your neck with ease. It isn’t just a feeling—you’re well aware that he most likely could.
“Why yes, of course…” he hums with delayed realization—you know he’s faking for anticipation, chittering while wrapping his thick arms around your tiny midsection, giving you a firm squeeze. “You’ve lost all muscle.”
It’s a painful truth. You don’t know how many months it’s been. Perhaps a year has passed already, maybe even more. He keeps you well aware of his triumph in the outside world, but time still eludes you.
You’d tried maintaining it in the beginning, even after he’d taken your quirk. You’d been vigilant, keeping up your workout regimens just as religiously as before. But you couldn’t pick what you ate, nor when—and he’d only feed you cake. It wasn’t long before all your hard-earned muscles had melted away like popsicle syrup off the stick, licked and lapped right up by the man holding you.
“Mmh, yes…” he murmurs gratingly while swaying you back against him, lips pressing against your ear. “And it’s left you oh-so-soft.”
His bulbous crotch slots against your upper ass, resting there as it grows fatter and warm—a sign of his enjoyment. The weight of him makes you feel all but paper-thin.
His voice rasps now. “If I were to give you your quirk back, I wager you wouldn’t even be able to use it anymore—it would sooner rip your poor limbs apart.”
It’s beyond cruel to suggest—as if disgracing your old costume wasn’t enough torment already. You bite your lip, gnaw it harshly—don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t let him see you cry.
“Isn’t that just fascinating?” He gives your earlobe a gentle bite, and the whimper in your throat springs free like prey out of hiding.
A sniffle shortly followed—along the dribble of the night’s very first tears. Your diminished spirit has made you all too prone to cry as if there’s nothing else for you to do but indulge in the small comfort it gives.
“Oh, sweetie—don’t weep over prowess long since lost. It was never enough to challenge me anyway,” he coos, as if consoling you—swaying your smaller brittle body back against his looming chest, a cage that seemed to swallow you whole.
Steering your jaw, he holds your face still before the mirror, unable to look away as the tears dribble down your sorry cheeks—he smears them further with a kiss.
“The world would chew you up as you are now, fragile like glass.” The grin curling his lips makes you resemble prey caught on a predator’s teeth—you can’t help but shiver at the sight of it. You wish he wouldn’t toy with you like food and just kill you already. “Mark my words, hero—the belly of the beast would not grant you as much comfort as I do.”
His other hand slips down to cup your mound—firmly, with a squeeze that has you curl yourself back against him as he presses two tough fingerpads into your clothed clit, rubbing it tightly enough to make your thighs shake.
“You’re better off like this,” he grunts, snickers at how your weak hands clutch the sleeve of his suit, curling the fabric in your palms until your knuckles whiten—watching the furrow further crease between your cinched brows as you try and bite back your pathetic little sounds even as more tears come tumbling down your swollen cheeks. “Mh, my pretty plaything.”
He makes you continue to look at yourself as he simply slides the panty to the side of your cunt. Encouraging you to place your hands flat against the mirror as he bends you forward, then to step back and stand atop his dress shoes.
“Don’t be shy now,” he makes sure to tell you. “You’re as light and negligible as a feather.”
He parts his feet and yours along with them, spreading your thighs enough to accommodate the fat heat he soon slides between them. Rigid and veiny, it competes with the size of your forearm—so thick that when he slaps it up against your slit, your knees buckle from the impact.
His chuckles rumble across your body like an earthquake. You only realize how much it makes you shake when he encloses your hip in his big hand, steadying you. Holding you still as he drags his engorged cockhead through your lips, catching your clit before resting on your entrance.
You’re so sore from prior nights—countless hours locked in this room with his visits the only thing keeping you company—everything has yet to forgive you for the wreckage those visits leave behind. Your sorry little puss rues and dreads another defeat now as he sinks inside the comfort of your battered walls, one unyielding inch at a time. 
You wince and tense, shoulders bracing, and yet he pushes deeper, sliding you down his shaft until you rest at the hilt of his base, kneading the tip into your gummy womb, giving it a deep kiss that bulges out from your poor belly.
The sight in the mirror is morbid, even more so than the feeling—the way he molds your insides to fit him, to cater and house his length and size. 
“Ah—just perfect, isn’t it, hero?” he purrs, chest resting heavily upon your spine while dwarfing both your hips in a firm grip, chin-stubble scraping along your neck as his voice comes out hot against your ear, “Obedience suits you so well, don’t you agree?”
Your knees buckle once he starts the heavy pace—slowly pounding into you from behind, dragging out and pushing deep in womb-robbing thrusts. You pant from the toll of it, feeling your muscles give—too tired and too broken to continue acting tough. He’s the only reason you’re left upright on your feet—keeping you standing with just his hold on your haunches. It seems like nothing to him, though it feels like the weight of the world to you.
“It’s only a shame it had to come with all these scars.” He clicks his tongue, eyes raking across your body as it takes him, resting on each mark disrupting the otherwise milk-smooth skin. “If only you’d accepted your place sooner.”
The ember burning within you is all but a piece of cooling charcoal now. You feel it diminish every day, leaving you even thinner than before.
“But then again, I quite enjoy you like this—littered with my battle scars from your toes up to your crown. It’s rather intimate, isn’t it?” he hums with a smile. “Proof of all the times I could’ve quashed you beneath my foot like a pitiful bug but decided to spare you. Teach you how to worship like the weak ought to.”
There was a time when you still humored the thought of killing him, even with your quirk taken from you. You thought, in your foolishness, that being this close to him must garner an opportunity, any, however slim, just enough for you to take advantage and finish what you vowed to end so long ago.
Now, you almost don’t care anymore. The world had moved on without you, and there was nothing more you could do about it.
You realize your promise had been as cheap as this outfit.
“The greater the fall, the sweeter the surrender, isn’t that right?” he states. “Doesn’t it feel good to finally accept your place in the world, hero?”
You can only nod your head and agree.
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kringelorde · 2 years
wholeheartedly endorsing doing steroids for strength gains I don’t even give a shit man trans or cis
if I wasn’t on the Man Juice for gender reasons and I was even remotely aware of how much faster the results come, I’d be crawling in through windows to get my hands on this shit, swear to god
#this is a joke post ofc but to be fair I also just... don't really get the issue with steroids lmfao#I get the issue of doing them and not saying so explicitly during competitions where now you're comparing apples and oranges so to speak#but man like... if you're not competing and you just wanna fiddle with your hormones for shits and giggles... knock yourself out brother#only one you can harm is yourself and strength is strength at the end of the day#I think the weird obsession with having the most cut and defined muscles is pretty fucking stupid#but I'll never beef (ha...) with strength for strength's sake#it's why I generally think about workouts in terms of what's practical? the dream is pull ups#ofc but they are FAR FAR FAR OFF bc that's one case where any weight from anything but muscle makes them#exponentially more difficult and nobody has ever accused me of being lean LMFAO#but even that is just bc it's a very practical and useful motion to be able to do comfortably#I mostly do shit like deadlifts and rows and farmers carries and shit#I do shrugs bc that's mimicking the I Need Some Big Strong Boys To Carry The Groceries motion#and I unironically DO need to carry all the groceries in for my mom for example bc she doesn't have the health to do it herself#why not make it easier on myself by more or less practicing LMFAO#so hey if grangran needs help moving a desk upstairs and you wanna get stronger fast to help? fuck it bro Juice That Shit!#spext#wow this was a random tangent I think it's just bc I feel the delayed muscle soreness everywhere today hrm
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ellastone-olsen · 9 months
Plush-Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: GP!Natasha Romanoff × f!reader
Summary:After a long, difficult mission, Natasha come back home. It's been the most exhausting week of her life and you, as her sweet loving girlfriend, decide to take care of her.
Warnings: NSWF, bottom!Nat, top!reader, dry humping, blowjob, breeding, dirty talk, praise, aftercare, little fluff and hurt/comfort
Word count: 1.6k
AN: I remembered my love for Natasha and especially for the bottom Natasha, I promise someday I will write a fic without smut
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In the silence of the spacious apartment, the front door slammed. Something seemed to fall on the floor, then there was the sound of running water in the bathroom. You became wary and got out of bed, putting the book on the nightstand. The door was only closed and you quietly looked through the crack where the light was coming from to understand who had just climbed into your and Natasha’s apartment.
A shock of red hair flashed and you relaxed. Natasha got back, but... something was wrong. You knocked and quietly entered; the woman was sitting with her back to you in the bath, her arms wrapped around her knees. "Babe? Hi, I missed you so much, did something happen?...” You fell silent when you got a better look at her back. All covered in bruises and scratches. Natasha turned her head and smiled at you over her shoulder, it seems her face suffered no less. "Hi дорогая (sweetheart)" She said quietly, “I brought you a small gift, it’s in a bag in the hallway..”
You cut her off and walked over to take her face in your hands. She was covered in dirt, her lip was clearly broken. Natasha looked like a beaten kitten. “Oh my god baby what happened to you?” Fear settled in your eyes and she turned her head to rub her cheek against your palm and then kiss it. "It's been a terrible week." She wheezed. “I just want to take a bath and go to bed please.”
You nodded and rubbed the pad of your thumb over her slightly sore cheekbone. “Should I help you?” She shook her head in protest and directed the shower stream onto her sore back. "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the room." You walked out and closed the door behind you.
After 20 minutes, the sound of the water stopped and Natasha came out with only a towel on her hips. Her chest didn't look as bruised as her back, but there were still yellow bruises on her abs. She sighed and found clean house clothes in the closet. “Wait, I’ll treat your back, don’t get fully dressed.” The woman pulled on loose sweatpants and sat on the edge of the bed. You took out the first aid kit and moistened a piece of cotton wool with an antibacterial agent, barely touching it, wiping her wounds.
“Everything didn’t go according to plan. I should have already left there, but I was delayed and I got the worst of it because I was protecting the weight.” You listened to her without stopping your work. “Damn, it hurts.” “Shhhh I know my love, I know.” You applied healing ointment. When you finished, your hands rested on her shoulders, gently kneading her tired muscles. "I'm so happy you're with me again." A small moan escaped Natasha’s lips in response to your actions. The hands moved to her neck and then dropped back down. “You did great, let me take care of you.” You bit your earlobe and your hands slid to the redhead's breasts. Natasha’s breathing quickened as you played with her nipples and squeezed her soft breasts.
“Oh damn Y/N.” The woman's hips jumped up and you noticed the bulge forming in her pants. You grinned and turned her head towards you for a soft kiss, but almost immediately Natasha's tongue begged for permission to enter your mouth. "No no, I'm in charge here today." You said as you pulled away and grabbed her rock hard cock with your hand through the fabric her house pants. She sighed noisily, the woman's head leaned back on your shoulder while you stroked her length, watching as a small wet spot appeared on her pants. Your lips touched her neck, your teeth biting the sensitive skin. Whining began to come from Natasha. "What do you want baby?" Your hands were stroked wherever they could reach. “You..” The redhead’s thoughts were confused. "More concrete." You said sternly and squeezed her balls. It was so good, so good the redhead thought that she would cum just from this. "Fuck...Y/N please. I need your mouth, your hands, your pussy on my cock."
You moved to the floor between her legs and slowly pulled the gray sweatpants down her legs. Her throbbing cock jumped out and hit Natasha's stomach. The tip was leaking pre-cum and looked red and sensitive. She could hide it, but when you took the initiative into your own hands, it turned her on more than being on top, she went crazy when such a cute little thing like you did whatever you wanted with her.
You collected her pre-cum starting to stroke Natasha's length, obscene squelching sounds filling the room. She began to push into your hand, but you held her back, prohibiting any action on her part. "I told you. I'm in charge." With that, you wrapped your lips around her tip and took every inch of her cock into your mouth until your nose touched the woman's stomach. The redhead's head fell back from this sight, her hands clutching the sheets so as not to start fucking your mouth. "Fuck oh god baby." You continued to suck, looking into the green eyes from above, one of your hands fell between your legs, starting to rub your swollen clit through the fabric of underwear. Not only Natasha enjoyed this, you liked sucking her dick even more than fucking her. You realized how sensitive you both were now and before at least one of you came, you stopped and stood up.
"Lie on your back." You commanded and the redhead climbed to the head of your shared plush bed, taking the desired position. The woman watched as you took off your panties, but left your light housedress on and took out the lube from the cabinet nearby bed. Cold thick liquid dripped onto her length and she twitched, you quickly warmed and rubbed it, and then pressed your soaked folds against her length to slide and rub. "Please baby. I can't take it anymore." She felt that she would cum at any moment. With every movement, your clit hit her red tip, making you even wetter. Your nails dripped into her shoulders as you processed what she said. Your hips began to move faster. “That’s it Natty don’t hold back, cum for me.” Her hands flew up to your hips, helping you move against her. Her hips still began to jerk involuntarily and within seconds ropes of her cum fell onto her flat stomach. "Fuck Y/N oh god." You were still grinding her cock prolonging her orgasm, your hand reached out and the tip of your finger gathered her release. You put it in your mouth, tasting it as if Natasha was the most expensive dish in the world. The redhead's eyes darkened at this sight and her dick twitched, she so needed to be inside you.
"Mmmm I didn't even have to try to make you cum. And you're still so hard." You leaned down and press your lips onto her, licking the stinging wound. “Do you want another round Natty? Although your dick speaks for you..” You stood up to finally line up the tip with swollen folds, rubbing your clit with it a little.
In one motion, you sank down Natasha’s cock, taking the entire length at once. The feeling of your warm wet walls around her made her ready to explode instantly, she was still so sensitive. Your hands grabbed hers and pinned they to the bed as you began to ride her quickly. "Oh yeah Fuck baby I love your big fat cock so much." Your thighs slapped against her, wetness flowing between your bodies. Her tip hit the sensitive spot inside you every time. "Do you want to cum in me Natty? Fill me up to the brim. I'm going to love it so much." The redhead nodded quickly and buried her face in the pillows, you grabbed her and turned her back. "Look at me when I fuck you." From the fast pace and your rude words, Natasha’s orgasm was approaching at breakneck speed. One of her hands moved away from your grip and her thumb rested on your swollen clit. "Oh fuck fuck cum with me baby. Come on, can you do it for me Natty?"
She did it, how could Natasha upset you? The feeling of her cum inside you made you see stars and your pussy milked her cock dry. Your legs shook and you fell into Natasha's arms, her hands rubbing circles on your back as she fucked you through your orgasm.
You lay together in this position for a few more minutes, after which you slowly got off Natasha and her cum immediately flowed out of you, dripping onto her stomach. The redhead reached over to the bedside table and grabbed wet wipes to clean herself and you. "Thanks babe." You kissed her gratefully and lay down next to her, resting your head on her shoulder.
You both closed your eyes and began to fall asleep when Natasha suddenly jumped up and walked towards the corridor. "I forgot about my gift." Her voice came muffled. She walked back into room holding something behind her back. You sat up, taking an upright position. "What do you have there?" Natasha pulled out her gift from behind her back and you laughed. "Plush seal? Oh my God, he has such a funny face." The redhead frowned. "What don't you like?" "Oh I really like it, give it here." You lay down again hugging a new toy. “Are you going to sleep with it now and not with me?” The woman feigned offense and lay down with her back to you.
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eventide-imp · 2 years
I am in so much pain this morning jfc
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