prairiefirewitch · 3 months
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Poor Antonius; not only were you cursed by some ancient Roman, but they gave you a big bulbous bald head and weasely little arms.
This is what delights me today, when not much else has. This is a lead curse tablet (lamella) found at the Baths of Diocletian. Thousands of these tablets have been found across the Mediterranean and even Britain from the Roman period. They’re one of a small category of tangible evidence that magic was widely practiced.
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figbian · 1 year
SOOOO interested and intrigued by this quote in "living and cursing in the roman west" on the content of curse tablets:
As discussed in Chapter 3, the symbolic crossing of the boundaries between the worlds of the living and dead is given great significance, and there are some allusions to victims being hauled unwillingly to the underworld as in the Persephone myth.
like!! HUH. things to think about in terms of roman conceptions of persephone/the hades & persephone myth
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oscarangelreysoto · 2 years
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"Defixiones" Gouges, linoleum, inks, marker and paper. Gubias, linóleo, tintas, rotulador y papel. #oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#inkonpaper#gouges#fineart#linoleum#contemporaryart#contemporary#zeichnungen#winter#sun#birds#anfängerlimitedruns#heads#defixiones (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYeHDYINfo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Le defixiones della magia dell'antica Roma
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In quest’articolo ci interesseremo dell’uso delle defixiones nella magia nell’antica Roma. Nell’antica Roma già a partire dal VI secolo a.C. la magia bassa e soprattutto nera si servì delle defixiones testi di contenuto magico spesso contenenti maledizioni . Le defixiones erano scritte su tavolette ( le tabelle defixionis ) costituite da lamine di piombo incise a grazio. Come potremmo descrivere le defixiones? Esse erano frammenti di piombo inscritto normalmente a forma di piccole sottili tavolette. Le defixiones erano finalizzate a influenzare in maniera determinante grazie ai poteri soprannaturali che in esse si invocavano le azioni o gli stati d’animo di persone o animali anche contro la loro stessa volontà . Il nome delle defixiones deriva dal verbo latino defiggere (inchiodare, immobilizzare)  con evidente allusione alla volontà di immobilizzare le capacità fisiche e mentali della persona colpita dalla maledizione . Il nome defixiones fa anche riferimento all’azione pratica di trafiggere il supporto scrittorio con chiodi mettendo così in atto una specie di effetto simpatetico . Tale effetto derivava dall’identificazione tra l’atto fisico di trafiggere la tavoletta e l’invocazione del castigo divino contro la persona colpita dalla maledizione. Con la parola defixio dunque si fa riferimento a un rito magico molto diffuso nel mondo classico quello del maleficio , rito magico ben testimoniato sia a livello archeologico sia a livello letterario . Le defixiones erano dunque concepite come un metodo di farsi giustizia da soli utilizzando una giustizia alternativa a quella ufficiale e pertanto illecita e segreta. Pertanto le defixiones si proponevano di raggiungere obiettivi che gli autori delle maledizioni ( i cosiddetti detigentes ) non potevano raggiungere attraverso i metodi legali. Dietro le defixiones  erano presenti pertanto sentimenti come l’invidia il rancore il desiderio la rabbia o la paura . Tutti questi sentimenti erano alla base delle azioni dei defigentes . Pertanto le defixiones sono da annoverare sia nella magia bassa  che in quella nera finalizzata a danneggiare terze persone. Le invocazioni presenti su queste tavolette costituivano quindi forme di goezia ovvero magia nera molto diverse dalla teurgia ( “scienza divina, magia bianca”). Vogliamo mettere in evidenza che la teurgia attirava nel mondo pagano e in particolare nel contesto del neoplatonismo l’attenzione  e l’interesse di   molti filosofi e studiosi . Al pari della teurgia la goezia era ugualmente diffusa non solamente tra le masse popolari soprattutto nel tardo impero come si può dedurre dalle condanne dei padri della Chiesa. A dire il vero i padri della Chiesa condannavano sia la goezia sia la teurgia . La defissione definisce la pratica magica collegata al rito della penetrazione con un chiodo della lamina arrotolata su sé stessa sulla quale era scritto il nome del destinatario della maledizione  o su cui era scritto semplicemente il testo dell’anatema. La tavoletta inchiodata veniva messa in una buca che si credeva potesse comunicare con gli inferi . Gran parte dei testi erano costituiti da maledizioni rivolte a personaggi precisi il cui nome era presente nelle tavolette per garantire l’efficacia della maledizione . I defigentes spesso non richiedevano la morte del proprio nemico dal momento che essi preferivano chiedere all’entità infernali che il nemico fosse portato in punto di morte ma non ucciso . I testi delle defissioni dopo essere stati scritti venivano nascosti presso tutti quei luoghi considerati spazi privilegiati che mettevano in contatto il mondo terreno con quello ultraterreno. Tali luoghi erano in particolare grotte, fonti, templi e soprattutto tombe di individui morti prematuramente o violentemente. Questo comportamento rispondeva a due necessità. In primo luogo nascondere l’iscrizione agli occhi indiscreti di lettori viventi e in secondo luogo affidare la propria maledizione alle forze degli inferi o alle anime dei defunti. Si è ipotizzata l’esistenza di individui specializzati nella stesura dei testi di maledizione. In tal senso non mancano testimonianze significative nella letteratura come ad esempio Platone nella Repubblica. Il testo di queste maledizioni può essere molto vario in quanto può passare dalla semplice indicazione del nome della persona da colpire sino a formule molto lunghe e complesse . Unico dato che non viene mai nominato nelle Defixiones è il nome dell’autore e questo per evidenti paure di ritorsioni. Le vittime di tali riti magici possono essere designate con indicazioni precise di nomi,  soprannomi professioni indicazioni dei genitori. Molto spesso le maledizioni sono incise intenzionalmente in maniera d’essere  difficilmente leggibili. In generale i motivi raffigurati nelle defixiones possono essere classificati in tre categorie fondamentali . Il primo gruppo riguarda le rappresentazioni dei numina invocati nello scongiuro il cui intervento è assolutamente necessario per ottenere lo scopo del rituale magico . All’interno dell’immagine e tutto intorno ad essa compaiono spesso una serie di segni magici . Il secondo gruppo di defixiones è quello riguardante le rappresentazioni delle vittime dello scongiuro . Queste immagini hanno la stessa funzione delle cosiddette figurine vudu. Il terzo gruppo di defixiones raccoglie quelle ospitanti rappresentazioni più complesse. In queste defixiones compaiono tanto le potenze invocate quanto le vittime  dello scongiuro. Nel IV secolo con l’avvento del Cristianesimo ogni forma di goezia fu proibita sotto pena di morte e numerose sono le testimonianze di condanna dei colpevoli . Durante il periodo tardo antico l’abitudine di scrivere defixiones cadde irrimediabilmente in disuso. Detto ciò riteniamo concluso il nostro discorso sulle defixiones. Prof. Giovanni Pellegrino Read the full article
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gogogolem · 2 years
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Artefact (Katadesmos), 2022. Graphite, acrylic and metal leaf on aluminium panel, W22 x H30cm. #contemporaryart #practice #celf #kunst #arte #archaeology #katadesmos #κατάδεσμος #defixiones #bind #speculation #intention (at Seaford, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CksZPalIMah/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aurinavenir · 4 days
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Curse Tablets
Curse tablets, known as defixiones in Latin, were commonly used in ancient Greece and Rome from the 5th century BCE to the 4th century CE. These small lead sheets were inscribed with curses aimed at enemies or rivals and were typically placed in graves, wells, or other underground locations believed to connect to the spirits of the dead. The idea was to invoke these spirits to carry out the curse.
Thousands of these tablets have been uncovered, with curses covering various grievances, from romantic rivalries and legal battles to requests for vengeance or justice. For example, curse tablets found in Athens and at Roman sites like Bath revealed requests for the intervention of the goddess Sulis Minerva in the return of stolen goods and to curse the perpetrators of the thefts.
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dovewithscales · 4 months
New Essays
Latest blog post is about defixiones, curse tablets. Next up in the queue is knot magic.
My website has contact details, and I can be found still on Discord. I've just sorta gotten tired of social media sites and their bullshit.
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reno-matago · 6 months
Witchcraft Inspiration • Spring Equinox
Not much space-time to practice anything since February (no more apartment, staying with my father) but here are some seeds to sow...
• Dagydes
• Defixiones
• Witch Bottles
• Healing with Asklepios
• Gods (chtonian)
• PGM inspiration
• Spring • Terroir & spirits, animal magic
• Fetch & animal form (teachings of Kirke), sprit fly: animal magical skin.
• Rose, laurel, myrrhe, garlic, Ivy,
• Gems (Zodiacal, Wicca, Witchcraft)
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“In the Greek world magic could be attributed both to intrinsic superhuman abilities and to knowledge of special tools. While some figures had innate ability, because of a link to divinity, others were understood to have access to magic via knowledge. Individuals, both in mythology and in real life, could be said to be using ‘magic’ when they used their knowledge  of herbs to achieve various effects. The term pharmakis (female), or pharmakeus/pharmakos (male), is often used in this context; it is no coincidence that the term gives us the medical ‘pharmaceutical’, for in a pre-scientific age knowledge of medicine could often be seen as supernatural (see Lloyd, 1979). In Greek mythology there are many examples of figures who used magical herbs for different purposes. In the Odyssey Helen uses magic to soothe her guests (Book 4), while Kirke uses magic to transform  men into animals (Book 10), and Hermes shows Odysseus how to use the magic Moly plant for protection. Kirke and Helen had links to the divine, but other people who used magic in ancient literature used more prosaic methods, relying on the magic of the plants, rather than the essential nature of the practitioner.
Such practices were often associated with women, particularly in the area of love charms. In tragedy, Deianeira, the wife of Herakles, killed him by using an ill-chosen love potion (the story told in Sophocles’ Trachiniae); the nurse in Euripides’ Hippolytus speaks of using a love charm to help Phaidra; and in Euripides’ Andromache, Hermione accuses Andromache of making her barren by using herbal charms against her (vv. 29–35, 155–60). The use of magic for erotic purposes is also seen in Idyll 2 by the Hellenistic poet Theocritos, who shows Simaithea attempting to win back her lover. Medea herself can be seen as a victim of love charms, as in Pindar Pythian 4. 214 ff. when Aphrodite deliberately sets out to help Jason. In Apollonios’ Argonautica, Medea is subjected to a violent attack by Eros, as we will discuss further in Chapter 7. This idea of the witch is not confined to mythology, for there were legal cases which centred around accusations of witchcraft, as in the case of Demosthenes, Against Aristogeiton 79–80 (c. 330 BC) which alleges that Theoris was a witch (pharmakis) who killed her family  with drugs. This case indicates how there are several areas of overlap between sociohistorical issues and literary topoi.
Medea has the attributes of a pharmakis, as her ability with drugs  is central to her magical abilities. The collection of magical herbs is  the central idea behind Sophocles’ Rhizotomoi, and in Ovid’s account of her involvement in the death of Pelias (Metamorphoses Book 7), it is the crucial omission of the magical herbs from the cauldron which causes the rejuvenation to fail. In the Greek tradition, this associates her strongly with the erotic use of magic, and with eastern traditions, for such abilities were generally believed to be strongest in Asiatic lands. The use of herbs was not the only aspect of magic which could be accessed by mortals, for the use of spells was also important – in the case of Deianeira and Simaithea, there is an important series of rituals to be performed to ensure the efficacy of the drug. Language was seen as a powerful magical tool in both mythological and real-life situations. In mythology, we think of the power of Orpheus, who was able to charm the rocks with his song, or the Sirens who lured sailors to their death. There are also many historical examples of how words were believed to have power, as individuals wrote spells or created objects with words on them to achieve magical ends. We have surviving examples of papyri and amulets, and many examples of curse tablets, particularly binding curses, called in Greek katadesmoi or in Latin defixiones. In this context, the power of Medea’s voice is important, in that she has the ability to deceive, tricking those around her, be they her own family or the daughters of Pelias.
If magical knowledge can be accessed by mortals, Medea also exhibits magical behaviours which are more in keeping with her divine ancestry, and which testify to an innate supernatural ability. She is said to have control over the forces of nature, ability to control the weather and animals, and the ability to fly (albeit with the aid of a chariot). In Corneille’s seventeenth-century tragedy Medea has a magic wand and a magic ring, attributes which link her with figures of Faerie. A particular feature of Medea’s myth is the ability to inflict psychological harm, a complement to her power to deceive with language. The most powerful demonstration of this ability comes from Apollonios’ description of how she causes the death of Talos by casting the evil  eye and causing him to fall (Argonautica 4. 638–88). . . An alternative version is given by Apollodorous, who suggests that Medea may have caused Talos’ death by the same powers of persuasion she used against Pelias: ‘According to some she drove him mad with her drugs, while according to others, she promised to make him immortal and pulled out the nail, causing him to die when all the ichor flowed away’ (Bibliotheca 1.9.26, trans. Hard, 1997).”
 - Emma Griffiths, Medea
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oscarangelreysoto · 2 years
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"Defixiones" Gouges, linoleum, inks, marker and paper. Gubias, linóleo, tintas, rotulador y papel. #oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#inkonpaper#gouges#fineart#linoleum#contemporaryart#contemporary#zeichnungen#winter#sun#birds#anfängerlimitedruns#heads#defixiones (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYd3hDIe-s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arcane-offerings · 4 years
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Lindsay C. Watson, Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019). Paperback edition. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254644181761
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hexandbalances · 5 years
How to Make a Wax Tablet
For use in spellwork; curse tablets in particular. Note that a ready made set can be found online for roughly $20. However, beeswax can be found readily in most craft stores for $6-10 and have many, many uses.
A photo frame, ideally 8x11" to allow for more writing space
Beesewax, shaved, chopped, or in pellet form
Oil - linseed is more historically accurate but olive or coconut will do. The oil makes the wax soft enough to write on and scrape it to re-use.
Hot glue, epoxy pen, or any other precision sealant (more on this below)
Colorant (optional) such as food, candle, or soap dye
Determine amount of beeswax and oil required. You could eyeball it but if you want to be more precise, determine the volume (length × width x depth) of the frame's resevoir. You can then plug it into this online calculator to determine how much beeswax by weight you'll need. Then measure out between 10-15% of that weight in oil.
Prepare the frame. Remove the glass (save for another craft) and seal the corners on the inside using tape, a tiny bit of hot glue, or an epoxy pen - whatever will work to prevent the wax from leaking out while it's in liquid form.
Ensure that the frame is level for pouring. Many frames have a fold out stand on the back that will prevent it from laying flat. Keep this in mind and try to prepare it now so the wax dries evenly, rather than fiddle with it later while juggling hot containers.
Melt the wax. I tend to scorch things in the microwave so I prefer the double boiler method. Place wax into a heat safe container, then insert the container into a pot of boiling water. Beeswax has a melting point of 144 to 147 °F (62 to 64 °C) - much higher than, say, coconut oil (76 °F/24 °C). So melt the beeswax nearly completely first then add oil. Stir to combine. Add any coloring if using.
Pour into the frame. IMPORTANT: do NOT let any water get into your wax. It will cause it to bubble and crack. Allow it to cool completely before using.
Bonus ideas:
Select a dye color that is significant to your intended task
Use oil infused with associated herbs or plants
Add essential oils for the same reason, and also for a pleasant scent (myrrh fragrance, perhaps, for attracting the attention of Hekate?)
Consider adding other ingredients that were also used for magical inks such as incense ash, powdered buckthorn or wormwood, etc.
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txwitchery · 5 years
Defixio Silentii
Based on an ancient Roman curse tablet (defixio) found in London, this written charm is meant to stop gossip by someone who knows your secrets.
Take a small piece of paper and a pen. Upon the paper, write:
[name] defico et illeus vitam et mentem et memoriam et iocinera pulmones intermixta fata cogitata memoriam  sic non possit loqui quae secreta sint 
(I curse [name] and (their) life and mind and memory and liver and lungs intermixed the fate of the thoughts and memory thus can (they) not speak what is secret)
substituting the person’s name where it says [name]. As you write, be sure to pour in your intent-- in order to cast this curse, you must be very determined to keep this person silent. Once you are finished, roll the paper up and set it aflame. Collect its ashes in a fireproof bowl.
Take these ashes to a body of running water. Throw the ashes into the water and walk away. Do not look back. 
NOTE: do not use curses lightly. Recall that the energy you send into the universe is the energy you get back. 
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dovewithscales · 5 years
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My amazing mate @clover1982 got me the coolest Yule gift. A bit early cause I was having a rough day yesterday.
I do a lot of candle magic and defixiones so having a wax seal is really cool. Just last week I did a binding that involved writing out an invocation, folding up the paper and sealing it in black wax.
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gogogolem · 2 years
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Heretical or Proscribed, 2022. Acrylic on aluminium, W45 x H41cm. #contemporarypainting #drawing #paint #engraved #defixiones #tablet #heretical #proscription #magic #magician #chaos (at Radnor Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiuUbHQDsl2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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