justttwlthings · 1 year
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justttwlthings · 1 year
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justttwlthings · 1 year
In which a certain hot headed Tsundere has to face his feelings, and Ojiro is a wholesome boy
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justttwlthings · 1 year
Friendly reminder: Bakugou’s sweat is NOT nitroglycerin, it’s “nitroglycerin-like”. Who knows how similar or dissimilar the compositions of these two compounds are? Meaning, no, unfortunately, it’s not canon that Bakugou smells like caramel.
It’s an entirely plausible headcanon that I actually quite like! And I love it when people talk about it on tumblr or reference it in fics. But until Horikoshi says so, stop saying it’s canon!
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justttwlthings · 1 year
U.A. Teacher's Lounge Headcanon
Vlad groaning for the umpteenth time while drinking coffee:
Aizawa: "What is it *now*?"
Vlad: "Tsunotori has been completely unintelligible in class lately. Tokage, too." -*grumbles*- "What does a leaking fixture have to do with not wearing hats?"
Aizawa, slowing looking up from his squeeze juice pouch: "Do you mean 'drippy fit, no cap?"
Vlad: "What the hell? How did you know that?"
Aizawa, sighing: "Overhearing Ashido and Kirishima."
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justttwlthings · 2 years
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justttwlthings · 3 years
Class 1-A Softball Throw Headcanons
Soooo I had a thought, and then I had a few other thoughts, so I decided to write down these HCs of how the rest of the class performed their Softball throws in the quirk assessment test.
So, the ones we saw were-
Bakugo:  Used his explosion to launch it high into the air 
Deku: Used One for All in his finger to throw it far
Ochaco: Used her Quirk to make the ball float; got Infinity as her result
Now, onto the ones we didn’t see... Mina: Could use her Quirk to slide around quickly in a circle, using the energy from the spinning to launch the softball
Kirishima: Hardened his feet to give him more stability, then he could harden his arm as he threw to get the most out of the added strength
Kaminari: Probably tried to do a cool-looking shock move, calling out a random attack name like a Shonen protagonist, but didn’t actually throw it very far (especially compared to Bakugo or Deku) because of the numbing effect it had on his brain. Not only that, but his results were mostly inconclusive because his electric shocks messed with its sensors.
Tsuyu: Threw it with her tongue. Mineta probably definitely made a lewd comment from the crowd, for which Jiro definitely aggressively jabbed him with her earphone jacks for it. Tsuyu probably threw the ball really far.
Aoyama:  Weak wrists. Can’t use his Quirk in a meaningful way to throw the ball. Promptly complained about aches and pains in his wrists and arms.
Sato: Ate some sweets he had on hand, got bulked up. Threw the ball hella far, too.
Koda: Though he’s a big kid, he’s not particularly strong. He did manage to get the ball farther than Aoyama, though.
Shoji: Enhanced the muscles on his arms and threw that ball really, really far. He’s not strong for nothing, and he definitely impresses his classmates for his results. Especially so because he doesn’t have a flashy Quirk.
Jiro: She’s a musician, not an athlete. She threw the ball an average distance. (Still beating out Aoyama and Koda)
Tohru: Average throw distance, but farther than Jiro’s, which she’s very proud of.
Momo: Makes an actual mini ball thrower machine from her stomach and launches that mfer far. All the girls crowd around her and give her praise. She gets flustered at all their compliments. Deku takes lots of notes and asks about her Quirk in detail.
Sero: Uses his tape to create a slingshot and gets the ball pretty far.
Ojiro: Spins in a circle for momentum, then throws the ball as hard as he can with his tail. He’s got a good score, too.
Tokoyami: Dark Shadow threw the ball. But only after loudly complaining to Toko about how bright it was outside.
Mineta: Used his balls to cover the softball and threw it. It got nearly as far as the top people in the class, but it definitely stuck to where it landed. Someone (I’m looking at you, Shoji) had to lift him up to he could get the ball out of the trees on the school grounds because everyone else stuck to the balls.
Iida: Either he used momentum from spinning to throw the ball like some of his classmates, or he just used his strong af upper body to throw the ball normally. He works out all the time, so he probably got it pretty far.
Shoto: Definitely did not use his fire, though he did imagine it in his mind. The thought irritated him immensely and put him into a sour mood. In his irritation, he coated the ball in frost before eventually locking himself in place with ice and throwing it. He used the ice to launch it into the air like an ice canon.
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justttwlthings · 3 years
More Zara that I commissioned... This artist does such a great job! <3 I can’t recommend them highly enough
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justttwlthings · 3 years
I never linked it before, but I got some commissions done of Zara!  <3 I love this girl so much, and the artist was so amazing to work with!
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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Childhood friends: Ahane Kimiko and Himura Rei
Kimiko was a spirited girl who was always doing something. She couldn’t sit still, and she pushed any buttons she wanted and challenged the status quo. From a young age, she loved American films, books, music, and fashion: Likely something she got from her father and mother, who worked as a translator for the subtitles of foreign films and as a Japanese-dub voice actress for foreign shows and films, respectfully. They gave her a lot of freedom and Kimi developed a lot of excitement, competition, and taking risks.
Rei was a sheltered child and Kimiko’s best friend. Born prematurely, Rei’s family was even more controlling over their daughter’s life. They disapproved of that Kimiko girl that hung around with their Rei, thinking she was a bad influence because of her brazen nature and her penchant for breaking rules. Rei was smaller than most of her classmates for most of her childhood, and prone to sickness, but slowly grew out of it. Rei was shy at first but, over time, her friendship with Kimiko influenced her to be more open and speak her mind... at least around anyone besides her parents.
Kimi was very vocal in her protests when Rei’s parents refused to let her choose which schools she attended or any other important aspect of her life. When Rei’s father arranged a Quirk marriage between Rei and Enji Todoroki, Kimi was the first to curse out Rei’s father and Enji- the childhood friend of her husband- both.
Kimi never liked Enji from the first moment she met him, and she tried to warn Rei about him. Rei, on the other hand, felt the same about Kimi’s significant other. They supported and loved each other, staying close friends through the hardest of times. When Kimi (and her infant daughter Zara) fled Japan to escape Hyoue, she tried her best to convince Rei to do the same- to take Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi with her to America so they all would be safe from the abuse they faced. The pregnant Rei kept putting it off, believing and hoping that things would be better. However, things only got worse until Rei was placed into an institution for harming her son, Shoto, due to a mental break from the abuse.
Since Kimi was in hiding, no one was able to let her know about what had happened to Rei, but she had been on the phone that fateful day when Shoto received his burns. She blamed herself for not being more assertive and taking more action to save her friend and the Todoroki children from the hell they lived in.
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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Zara Ahane is a fit babe and she doesn’t apologize for being the best
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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After Zara pissed off Shigaraki in the USJ attack (knocking off the hand from his face was something he holds grudges over), he gave Dabi the bonus objective to kill Zara in the Training Camp attack (on top of Capturing Bakugo.)  Zara managed to not die, but she suffered from smoke inhalation and was burned by his ultra-hot flames that melted her crystal at about 2000 Celsius. She lost consciousness for a while and so Shoto had to carry her.
Incidentally, Dabi’s flames burned enough of her clothes that her abuse scars/bruises/injuries are visible. However, no one can really distinguish them from the burns, so no one asks her about them.  It takes Zara some time to fully recover, especially emotionally, after the attack. The smoke inhalation + inhaling some of the intense flames burned her mouth and throat a bit so she can’t talk at first. Until Recovery Girl works her magic, that is, and then she takes a long nap.
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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Spinner and Twice saw the movie The Greatest Showman, realized that Kurogiri had a perfectly good bar, and then decided to reenact the song/scene for The Other Side. To Kurogiri’s annoyance.
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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IidaMomo week | Day 4: Dancing This is the first time I’ve participated in a ship week and I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do as soon as I saw the list of prompts.  Technically this was almost an AU for Cinderella (well, Cinder, since Momo would be the princess), but I decided that I liked it better in the scenario of:  
Class 1-A finds out when Eri’s birthday is, and that she’s never had a birthday party ever, so they go all-out and plan a huge themed birthday for her. Iida and Momo ‘coincidentally’ are voted to be the ‘Queen’ and ‘King’ hosting the Royal Ball. Eri, of course, is taken shopping for the perfect birthday princess gown by Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki.
Everyone tries to go above and beyond to decorate the party space (Nezu had been happy to grant them permission to use the gym). ‘Queen’ Momo is the one to pay for the costume rentals of the students who can’t afford it because she wants everyone to feel special and make Eri’s birthday as fabulous as possible. Class 1-B finds out about their plans, then invite themselves and challenge 1-A to have better decorations, food, and costumes. 
When Eri arrives, everyone swarms her with praise and congratulations. There’s a pile of gifts just for, and everyone refers to her as ‘Princess’ for the whole day. Eri gets to have the first dance of the Ball, and she asks Mirio if he’ll dance with her. Jiro plays an instrument for Eri’s special dance, and then she plays DJ for the rest of the evening, only taking a break when Kaminari insists that she at least dance once. The teachers all show up to wish Eri a happy birthday and soon Midnight makes them all join in the festivities, too.
1-A and 1-B really went over-the-top with all of the decorations and games. Mina calls out that it’s only proper if the ‘Queen’ and ‘King’ share a dance, so they get up from their thrones to waltz. Iida starts off pretty stiff, but Mina did dance lessons for everyone, and Momo strikes up a conversation about how much of a success the party is, so Iida starts to relax. After a while, he starts to enjoy himself and he dances with Momo continuously for multiple songs. 
Midnight off to the side starts to gush about budding romance and Mina takes plentyyyyy of pictures. ;)   Later, Mina, Ochaco, and Tohru make a photo album of the party for Eri as a bonus gift. Momo smiles and looks at the photos of she and Iida dancing that *mysteriously* appeared under her door, and she makes a frame for it and sets it on her nightstand.  @ArtsyNimbus
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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Forever in Rarepair hell, but that’s okay.
Today’s special is one underrated boyo from 1-A who is insecure about his appearance with a side of wholesome, responsible, sweet girl from 2-A, and a dash of campaigning for ending Mutant Discrimination. Shoji Mezo x Fuwa Mawata, y’all
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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The Teacher and the Pro-Hero~ They both attend the U.A. School Festival to see their younger siblings perform, and then end up keeping each other company as they explore the Festival. Without realizing it, they develop little crushes on each other, and Tensei asks Fuyumi for her phone number so they can possibly go on a date in the future- getting right to the point. Fuyumi is hesitant at first, due to all her family drama, but she eventually exchanges numbers with him and.... yeah. That’s how it happens and they’re wholesome and cute and both deserve to be happy.
Stan FuyuSei
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justttwlthings · 3 years
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Because I seem to really have a thing for rare pairs, I present Shinsou x Mei. I kind of love their aesthetic
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