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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 7 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 10 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 3 months ago
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aseies-art · 4 years ago
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Talkin’ about support gear
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chococustard · 4 years ago
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completed list of my omegaverse kids babyyyy it’s cleaner now too finally hhh most things are stil the same with the old design so uh if there’s any contradiction it’s this one//shot quirk mechanics are the same tho
their ages are just in comparison to each other, they’ll be however old they’ll be per story;w;/
more info under the cut!
TOKOYAMI NIKOLA quirk: shadow frogs -can make many shadowy frogs or one big one. they’re sentient likes to keep to herself but she cares about people very much. she doesn’t talk much but when she does she’s very honest, sometimes even when it hurts. doesn’t get fazed by many things as she’s very close to uncle souji, has seen his face without the mask, and is perfectly fine with it
SHINSOU KAZUYA quirk: siren - makes people do as she wants as long as she sings the command bubbly and easygoing but pretty selfish, not wanting her whims to be refused. once she’s into doing something she’s hell bent on finishing it tho her attention span is as short as they come. the house cats go to her when they want to play
SHINSOU MAMORU quirk: mind reading - reads people’s thoughts, depends on how fast they talk your mom’s an assertive and passionate woman, your little sister is loud and hyperactive, and everyday you feel like you wanna die. he’s tired as shit and would rather be in quiet places.  he doesn’t like getting caught up in people’s issues and try to stay away from problems as much as possible. the only reason why he’s willing to help his dad is that he uses his quirk only when he’s sure the suspect won’t know about him.
MIDORIYA CHIHIRO quirk: pyrokinesis (hell fire, non hero ver) - makes and controls fire she’s bright and really expressive, unlike her sister she likes being around people. she’s really energetic and optimistic. likes heroes but mostly their costumes and the contraptions they used. she idolizes aunt mei and melissa for all the cool things they makes. good at cooking from hanging around grandma inko and uncle katsuki. and also because of uncle katsuki she tolerates spices. baby of the family, both the midoriyas and todorokis
MIDORIYA YUKARI quirk: hydrokinesis - makes and controls water she's told by her parents that she was almost kidnapped at birth so she's told to lie about who her parents are and to cover up when they go out together. hates strangers and crowds so she gravitates to family and friends and gets very protective of them. idolizes heroes and strives to be one.her hair can’t keep still and needs to constantly be brushed. the type to hold grudges.
TOGATA TSUMUGI quirk: sound replication - has a mouth on her stomach that can replicate sound goes with the flow and tries to see the bright side most of the time. however she's quick to anger, threatening people she’ll chew them up with the large gaping mouth on her stomach (it can't). she and yukari had been friend since pre-school being the first one to get her to open up. she lives in the moment wanting to make the best of things
BAKUGOU KYOUSEI quirk: eruption - lava flows from his skin in katsuki’s own word, literal fucking sunshine. idolizes eijirou very much he tries to copy him. however he could very well be seen as blood thirsty and aggresive when angry tho that doesn’t happen all that much. he’s able to calculate situations on the fly easily and do things well after a few tries, text book studies however is not his strong suit.
TETSUTETSU SHIINA quirk: mercury - can turn himself into mercury, pure or variations of it with the nature of the mercury in his body, he has to be mindful of keeping his body in check as to not accidentally poison people. he’s more often than not stays quite as he gets jittery and becomes scared easily, where he would melt away into a puddle and tries to run away. however he’s very stubborn and won’t stop until he achieves his goals. close to kyousei as their parents hangs around a lot even though they live in different cities. likes hugs but only from family
OJIRO ASAHI quirk: prehensile hair - strong and can be controled like an extra limb, very tough tooru likes to spoil her and dress her up in cute clothes, hates it how her hair takes away all the nutrients she eats. tooru gets called to go on a lot of info gathering missions so she's not home often, and when she does come home she showers her with a lot of attention. she finds it overbearing. close with dad, he teaches her martial arts for fun. has both a cat and a hamster, they're the only ones allowed to touch her hair.
YAOYOROZU ITSUKI quirk: marionette - has a cord at the back of his neck, objects poked by it can be controlled gender is a social construct. doesn’t see the benefit of holding things back. easy going and laid back, going through the motion as he sees fit. he’s very close to his parents, sharing the same interest in music as kyouka and momo happily spending as much time as she can with him, hoping to do things she wasn’t able to with her parents as a child, so he really doesn’t feel lonely all that much.
ASHIDO KURASHI quirk: hallucinogen - produces hallucination inducing liquid looks like she wears her heart on her sleeves and doesn’t bother with hiding anything. looks like an air head but not really. when her quirk started to show many adults became wary of her, equating her quirk to that of drugs and not want her anywhere near them or their children.more into non violent approaches. she’s also very touchy.
KAMINARI ARASHI quirk: technopath - controls electrial appliances and uses them as he pleases at 7 years old he was saved by denki during a break in after being used by a group of villains. ditching his old self he changed basically everything about himself as he can and took a new name. he and denki likes to play together, and he can often be found with hanta on top of tall buildings in tokyo. he especially admires katsuki’s no-shit-taking personality and is a big fan of his. he’s no good with dark cramp places
IIDA TENMA quirk: repulsor - creats blasts from his palms and soles, can be used for prepulsion ochako and tenya had him soon after graduation before they really made a name for themselves. cheery and very dedicated, he trains from a young age in various styles of martial arts. he’s doesn’t half ass what he does. he often get into fights helping people, so much so that that’s when he got his quirk, where before the exhaust on his palms and soles only gives out puffs of smoke. can often be seen not wearing shoes. his hair is very fluffy
IIDA FUBUKI quirk: ac - expels hot and cold air she’s strong willed with a strong sense of justice, asping to be a hero, tho in a different kind as what her father used to be. she strives to help people with issues that couldn’t easily be solved by heroes. she love kids, often babysitting her cousins, more often than not mostly tenma uses her to cool himself after training.
TODOROKI YUKIMURA HOMURA quirk: cremation - burns whatever she touces with all her fingers dabi and tomura fucked during the later's heat. he never wanted kids so when she was taken he never fought it. dabi and his family never knew about her until rei was contacted to take her cause her quirk was unstable and the orphanage felt threatened. natsuo and his wife took her in and she moved with them to hokkaido. she visits during vacation to hang out with her cousins. dabi made a pack with the hero commission to be let out of tartarus to be under hawk's watch to be there for her however he can. she knows the most about her family’s pasts
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justttwlthings · 4 years ago
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Because I seem to really have a thing for rare pairs, I present Shinsou x Mei. I kind of love their aesthetic
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welcometomy20s · 3 years ago
July 3, 2022
#369 - Rocket Cider (Nayutan Seijin) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 18-02-01, Upload Date: 15-08-04
Very similar to previous N.S. song in the mix of enka-like rock and slightly melancholic singing. This one is less awkward, as the instrumental breaks provide a bit of break. Probably the most down to earth song from him. A bit of Wes Anderson?
#370 - Unfragment (HanasoumenP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 18-02-02, Upload Date: 09-12-26
This is Kanzaki Hiro, yeah, of Oreimo fame. You might not know he does trance music on the side. And this one is in the list. Oh, there is Luka in the background as well! Yeah, this is what you want in trance music, a bit of longing, a bit of inspiration…
#371 - First Car and Kafka (n-buna) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 18-02-04, Upload Date: 15-08-31
Sounds like Dawn and Firefly and based on Metamorphosis as per the title. I do like the repeated onomatopoeia in the chorus and the light PV. Fun note - Shinhatsu translated in Korean sounds like a curse word, so that’s not directly translated. A bit too long. 
#372 - Kire Carry On (Police Piccadilly) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 18-02-09 , Upload Date: 16-12-15
It would be COMPASS who would bring Police Piccadilly their introduction on this list. One of the few producers who liberally mix VOCALOID, UTAU and CeVIO, and known for clean and light songs. Also has too few songs on here. Come on, internet! This song is good and all, with an infectious chorus, but only two? Seriously…
#C-1 - Yarimasu ne no uta (15mP) [Sato Sarara]
Achievement Date: 18-02-09, Upload Date: 17-08-10
Uh… so… yeah. This song. The first CeVIO song to reach this list, and it’s a meme song about gay porn, although I would consider it the most influential gay porn least in the modern era… although for all the wrong reason. It just… doesn’t sound like that, unless you know the lyrics and even then you might still be carried by the background.
#373 - Japan Bridge Overpass Under R Plan (Jin) [IA]
Achievement Date: 18-02-13, Upload Date: 12-04-04
This is the 1Chorus version. Jin’s contribution to an IA album, but even this short version showcases Jin’s strength in using IA as a reflective storyteller. And there isn’t that hidden seriousness of the Kagerou Project that Jin needs to worry about.
#374 - Teo (Omoi) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 18-02-15, Upload Date: 17-07-08
Absolute classic, so much so that I was surprised it was so relatively new. Omoi’s iconic tuning shines through. Omoi kind of flirts between inspirational and sexual and this song fits that as well. Another song which the onomatopoeia makes the chorus memorable. THere’s nothing truly remarkable, but it still feels revolutionary. It’s just a good song.
#375 - Chigau!!! (Carlos Hakamata) [Hatsune Miku, Otomachi Una]
Achievement Date: 18-02-22, Upload Date: 16-11-17
There are few producers which put out an endless version of one song and Carlos Hakamata might be the most persistent. His iconic Miku/Una duo is instantly recognizable, and never strays away from this kind of frantic, almost childish rock, not that that’s a bad thing, it is just that… it might feel overdone? Not yet, though.
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 11 months ago
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 11 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 3 months ago
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 3 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 5 months ago
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 5 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 5 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 5 months ago
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 5 months ago
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