#deethra of grot
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bogprincess-kira · 5 years ago
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got bored and played a Fun New Game™ called "a few TDC characters as images saved on my phone" on Discord
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oonaluna-art · 4 years ago
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tw: tokophobia / tocophobia
Interrupting your regularly-scheduled Star Wars posts to give you a The Dark Crystal post.
I showed a preview of this to some of my friends and one of them described me as a “horocrux who feeds of other’s suffering,” which i think was a compliment. I guess I just like sad-posting.
After TDCAOR was cancelled, I assume it will be a few years before we get some kind of spin off explaining what happens to our beloved Gelfling protagonists. This was an idea of mine for how the story may end. I personally believe that Deet and Rian are Jen’s parents, and the reason Jen was able to fix the Crystal was that he inherited his mother’s ability to banish the Darkening. 
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thanatasia · 4 years ago
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Stonegrot Thralloween! Here is a semi quick Stonegrot dressed as Sally and Jack Skellington from “A Nightmare Before Christmas”
I hope everyone enjoys their Halloween or Samhain!
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assembleallrats · 5 years ago
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a dancin deet!! pretend kylan’s in the background playing a little ditty 🥰
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chibistarchan · 6 years ago
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Rian: I was thinking... I never properly got to see the caves of Grot. Maybe we could go back when this is all over?
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morethanafanstuff · 5 years ago
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source: tenor.com
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booooomstrawberries · 5 years ago
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Essence, you say?
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sifanjewel · 4 years ago
*in the Caves of Grot*
Rian: It’s dark in here. Can you get a lantern?
Deet: You’re the light of my life :)
Rian: Deethra, I can’t fucking see.
*Saw this prompt on @courtmajulian ‘s page
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nurloxx · 5 years ago
stonegrot week day 2 🌼
prompt: rian and deet take a day off from being part of a rebellion
a/n: short n sweet! enjoy! ♡ (@stonegrotweek)
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"So what did you want to show me so badly?" Deet asked after a long spell of silence. The hand that wasn't holding Rian's was clasped over her eyes, leaving it up to the Stonewood to aid her in navigating the winding terrain of the Endless Forest. Nowadays there weren't many opportunities to simply relax and get away from the stresses of assembling and overseeing a resistance. So when the opportunity did present itself, Rian wholeheartedly jumped at it.
"You'll see soon enough." Rian replied, and Deet could hear the smile in his voice. After a few more long bouts of hiking through brambles and narrowly avoiding being tripped by the large roots that jutted up out of the ground, they had seemingly reached their destination.
Deet felt Rians hand slip through her own, and her large ears twitched at the sound of the underbrush crunching under his boots as he walked further and further away.
"Rian...?" She called out with a bit of hesitance.
"You can open your eyes now, Deet!"
Pulling her hand away from her face, the sight before her made her clap it over her mouth instead, eyes bugging out. The tall trees overhead bent into perfect arches at the top, creating a covered path that stretched on for miles. But what really caught the Grottans attention was the glowing exterior of the trees.
"Now unfortunately, this moss isn't for eating. It's mostly used for dyes and such." Rian explained, walking back over to Deets side. She didn't notice at first, still too enthralled with the scenery. He chuckled, glad to see his surprise had the desired reaction.
"I figured since it'd be a while before we could explore Grot again, I'd show you around my neck of the woods..." He went on, beginning to trail off when Deet finally tore her eyes away long enough to meet his gaze. Big brown eyes stared warmly back into blue.
"And I wanted to give you something... to remind you of home..." Rian finished, his red tipped ears folding back against his head slightly. Deet giggled at his sudden bashfulness. She took his tawny hands in her own and squeezed them tightly.
"Thank you Rian. This was a wonderful surprise, really." She said sincerely, her voice a tinkling bell. Rian shuffled in place, unsure of what to do next. He'd gotten the surprise part down, but didn't really plan much after that. Suddenly an idea came to him, and a large, mischievous grin broke out on his face.
Deet picked up on this immediately, and she cocked her head to the side curiously. "What is it, Rian?"
Saying nothing, he stepped back through the archways and slicked behind a girthy trunk a fair distance away from the Grottan. At first, all was silent, and Deet was considering calling out to Rian when he had beat her to the punch.
"Oy Deet! Come check this out!"
There was a sense of urgency in his voice that made Deet walk towards the source of it with a quickened stride. Reaching the trunk, she saw Rian hunched over on the ground, hands obscured from sight.
Her eyes shined with concern, and she knelt down beside him. "Rian, are you al-"
She didn't get the chance to express her worry when the Stonewood suddenly whipped around and smeared a good bit of glowing moss across her face, painting it a bioluminescent blue. She squealed in surprise and backpedalled away from his outstretched hand.
"Oh Deethra, I think you've got a little something on your face." He pointed out impishly. Deet let out a shocked laugh, smacking the ground underneath her.
She tried to swipe at him, but he was already up on his feet and running down the path as fast as his legs could take him. The once silent night air was filled with his cackles.
"Oh you are on, sky baby!!!" Deet shouted after him. Wasting no time she sprung to her feet and gathered some glowing moss in her own hands before taking off down the path as well.
Very soon her laughter was mixing in with his.
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oonaluna-art · 5 years ago
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The night Deet met her fathers.
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
Hi! I don’t know if you were still doing art requests, considering that you have commissions. But I had an idea that I had to share with you: Deet and Rian reenacting the LEGENDARY kiss scene from Snow-White 👀
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OMG thank you so much for this ask @simplysparrow14 I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!
For this I decided to have Darkened!Deet because it’s a poison and would be a cool equivalent to the poisoned apple. I’m a sucker for true loves kiss and Rian is definitely our Stonewood Prince lol I tried to make Rian’s outfit a little different from Snow White’s prince, it’s not a whole lot but I really wanted to keep the big sleeves and the cape.
I hope you and everyone else likes how it turned out! I also really like your other idea and I’m gonna get to that one too.
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
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In celebration of the Dark Crystal AoR 1 year anniversary, here is our favorite little Grottan hugging a baby Nurloc! Could this also be a sneak peek?
Words cannot express how much gratitude I have for this series and this fandom. It came at one of my lowest lows and really inspired me with the beautiful return to Thra and Gelfling. This series will forever hold a dear and precious place in my heart. I am so thankful to have met so many wonderful people in this fandom, you all are awesome!
I hope everyone had a nice day today and here’s to getting some word on season 2, more books on Thra, merch and of course more artwork and fanfiction!
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
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I LIVE!!! Along with me is my promised “Thank You for 600+ Follows” drawing. This piece has taken a lot of time to finish, I hope you all like it. This is one of my many thanks to this fandom! You are all so amazing and I’m so glad to have met all of you through this fandom. Enjoy some more Stonegrot lol
In case anyone was wondering about their outfits; Deet’s dress is made up of Nurloc Rump (of course) her family chose only the softest! Brea had added the fabric for the lighter underdress which is a thick Arathim Silk blend. Stitched onto her dress are blue stones that Deet found above ground that a) remind her of Rian’s eyes and b) remind her of the glow moss in Grot. Finally her veil is made of the finest Arathim Silk, gifted to her by the Arathim she and Rian saved.
Rian’s outfit (not as well thought out on my end) is comprised of an undershirt made of thick Arathim Silk, the sleeves are a gold embroidery. His overcoat/vest is made of the finest Nebrie hide that had been dyed to a charcoal color. Around his waist is a belt his father wore (it’s hidden a lot by Deet lol)
I feel tempted to write a fanfic around this but if anyone wants to write a fanfic inspired by this piece by all means please do! Tag me in it if you fo write it I love all of the fanfic authors in this fandom!
I hope you all like this~ And I’m going to get to the asks tomorrow!
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
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I have two versions! This was my mind early in the morning still awaken despite taking something to help me sleep. If anyone has seen the movie “Blended” with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, there are 2 scenes where the camera focus on the reactions of specific characters and plays songs that fit that reaction.
So I decided to do that and I wanted 2 songs that put together would be so contrasting in melody and style for Rian and Deet. Deet’s song is “Lucky Ones” by Lana Del Rey, because I love Lana’s voice and the song is cute. Rian’s song is “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate because the song seems so out there for Rian (I can’t picture Rian calling someone sexy lol) and also because the “I believe in miracles...” and other lyrics seem to fit the idea that Deet was one of the Gelfling to help him find hope.
There are many songs that can also fit this so if any of you want to add a song be free to do so. I would love to hear new songs for the ultimate Stonegrot playlist!
I hope this kinda makes sense lol and that you all enjoy and maybe get a laugh out of it.
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
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Rian decided to surprise Deet with his gift to their baby on the way. Brea had a fun time watching Rian prick his finger, but Deet doesn’t need to know that lol. They’re both so happy for their new member of their little family. Deet is really enjoying the sight of Dad-mode Rian. Very soon I’ll put up a colored version of the three of them together!
I’d love to make a little sketch of Brea reading the sewing book to Rian, who knows maybe I’ll finally draw Gurjin too lol
I hope everyone enjoyed watching the Dark Crystal series on Netflix today! Hopefully this can help us get season 2. Maybe if we keep doing this Netflix will get the hint lol.
I hope this little piece can spark some joy in a meantime!
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thanatasia · 5 years ago
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I’ve been very burnt out this week but my commission and after some big revisions, my art trade are coming along nicely! About 2 days ago I read this fanfic on Ao3 called, “A Very Much Needed Chat” by @artisdabes and I loved it so much! I wanted to tear up and it was so nice to see Mira and Deet having a conversation! So of course I had to draw this little sketch because i loved their time together so much.
One day I’ll make a proper Mira piece, she really deserves it. I hope you all enjoy this piece and I’m highly recommend reading the fan fiction on Archive of Our Own. Until next time~
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