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kyaraben-time · 30 days ago
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Source: kaopan27 on Instagram
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channel4sims-cc · 3 years ago
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TS4: Japanese Grocery and Food Items
Sul sul, Simmers ^^
It's been a few days I don't post because I was busy creating this huge set :)
I have a japanese family on my game, and they run a restaurant. So I was like "I have to create a few food items for them".
I ended up creating 42 items XD
This set comes with:
- Bamboo mat (to make sushi), bean sprout package, biscuit box, boiled egg bowl, bonito flakes bowl, bread scrumbs package, bread package, butter, candy package, cocoa powder, coffee bag, cup noodles, dashi soup stock, dried wakame, empty bowls, ginger, handmade noodles pack, honey bottle, ice cream pot, mayonnaise bottle, meat tray (beef, pork, fish, oyster, shrimp and chicken), mentsuyu, milk box, miso, narutomaki package, noodles pack, rice package, rice vinegar, sake bottles, seaweed bowl, seaweed package, sesame seed package, shichimi togarishi seasoning, sugar package, sushi tray, table salt, tofu, tomato sauce, wasabi, water bottle.
As expected all items are japanese, and some have more than one swatch.
Everything is decorative and base game compatible.
Some items are a little high poly, like the boiled egg bowl and the ginger. Test them in your game and see if they will make it run slow. But I don't think there will be any problems though :)
To find them on buy mode, just type "channel4sims - japanese" and they will show up :)
Read the download instruction on the post :)
Since this is a huge set and took me infinite hours to make, it’s an early access on Patreon. But don’t worry, it will be free in a few days :)
I hope you'll enjoy it a lot! I had a lot of fun creating this set :)
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (Patreon early access/free on March 31, 2022) *-*
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descubriendomarrakech · 4 years ago
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Buenos días amigos Empezamos un nuevo día de verano. ¡Vamos que ya estamos de vacaciones! #riadpalaciodelasespecias #marrakech #beautifuldestinations #beautifulplaces #beautifulcuisines #mydearmorocco #fruits #frutas #comidadecorada #decofood @riadpalaciodelasespecias (en Palacio de las especias) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRQdaJFjLdA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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obento-diary-jp · 4 years ago
1/11(月) 祝日ですが 旦那さんは仕事のため 今日もお弁当です🥺 牛柄弁当🐮 ゆで卵も🐮にしてみた✴️ やっと雪が落ち着いてきました💨 まだまだ道路はツルツルだけど💦 今日は結婚記念日でしたが 旦那さん仕事だし、雪だし 先週から実家に居る .. #お弁当コンテスト
1/11(月) 祝日ですが 旦那さんは仕事のため 今日もお弁当です🥺 牛柄弁当🐮 ゆで卵も🐮にしてみた✴️ やっと雪が落ち着いてきました💨 まだまだ道路はツルツルだけど💦 今日は結婚記念日でしたが 旦那さん仕事だし、雪だし 先週から実家に居る .. #お弁当コンテスト
@k.y0504kzp この投稿をInstagramで見る すぴかちゃん⋆*❁*(@k.y0504kzp)がシェアした投稿 1/11(月) 祝日ですが 旦那さんは仕事のため 今日もお弁当です🥺 牛柄弁当🐮 ゆで卵も🐮にしてみた✴️ やっと雪が落ち着いてきました💨 まだまだ道路はツルツルだけど💦 今日は結婚記念日でしたが 旦那さん仕事だし、雪だし 先週から実家に居るので 特に何もしません☹️ 色々落ち着いたらまたお祝いでも したいです(´-`) コロナ禍で成人式の延期、中止が 多いですが、新成人のみなさん おめでとうございます🎉🎊 ——-❁ ❁ ❁——- #旦那弁当 #デコ弁 #キャラ弁 #キャラ弁初心者 #可愛いお弁当作りたい部 #可愛いお弁当 #お昼が楽しみになるお弁当 #カラフル弁当部 #オベンタグラム #曲げわっぱ弁当 #お弁当ダイアリー #海苔アート #牛柄…
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chw131 · 6 years ago
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Repost @mina.renya - おはようございます🌞 今日のパパのお弁当はステラルーとダッフィーのイースター💓 1歳の娘が最近敏感で私が布団から出ると一緒に起きちゃう😭おんぶしてお弁当作ったよ🤣💦w #キャラ弁#ダッフィー#ステラルー#ディズニーイースター#ディズニー#イースター#ダッフィー弁当#ステラルー弁当#お弁当#愛妻弁当#イースター弁当#かわいい#ママリクッキング#ランチ#おうちごはん#おうちごはんlover#lunch#lunchbox#Disney#decofood#cooking#cute#kawaii#bento#obento#duffy#Easter https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw0LN8tgkOS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d3o4t3sy5nuu
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taniadme · 8 years ago
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@ayako.m.y ・・・ * バレリーナ仕様なステラ・ルー * なんか違う… あーでもないこーでもないと格闘した結果 最初と変わらない仕上がりになる ってことありませんか?ww * * * #キャラ弁 #デコ弁 #娘弁当 #ステラルー #こどもごはん #こどもランチ #stellalou #charaben #kyaraben #characterfood #bento #bentoart #foodpic #foodart #instafood #instagood #japanesefood #decofood #disneysea #disney #lunchbox #kawaii #cute #foodstagram #handmakertop (at Tokyo)
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petslover11-blog · 8 years ago
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Snoopy for president. #オートミール #homemade #cutefood #オートミールクッキー #decofood #kawaiifood #snoopyfood #スヌーピー #snoopy #peanuts #マーブルス #アンディ #ベル #スパイク #オラフ #snoopygram #snoopylover #クッキングラム #デリスタグラマー #snapdish #charliebrown #friends #スヌーピーミュージアム #トランク #ホットドッグ #レモネード #美味しい #プリント倶楽部 #プリクラ #usj #universal #jk #jk2 #高校生 #lfl #l4l #instagood #instalike #お茶漬け #beagle #beagles #beagledog #beaglelove #beaglestagram #ビーグル #ビーグル犬 #dog #dogs #dogstagram #いぬ #犬 #peanut #rice #dinner #cookingram #おうちごはん #晩ごはん #入浴 #西野カナ #365rairaiteki
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sweetpoppyart · 7 years ago
🌕延禧攻略 - 富察皇后👑 Story of Yanxi Palace - Queen 影片完整版(video full version): https://youtu.be/dyy3-qR8bWw 💕記得訂閱我~Youtube~💕
🐉🐉 2️餅乾抽獎 2️🐉🐉 🌕延禧攻略 - 富察皇后👑 Story of Yanxi Palace - Queen
🌕永遠的白月光,乾隆帝ㄧ生摯愛 秦嵐在《延禧攻略》飾演的「富察皇后」,溫婉大度,賢淑節儉,平素以通草絨花為飾,真的是完美無瑕的皇后啊~
🐉即將送出書畫糖霜餅乾🐉 (‼️嘔心瀝血製作的皇后,沒有要抽獎哦!)
🎁 抽獎獎品: 抽出兩位幸運兒,各送一套書畫糖霜餅乾。 🉐文房四寶(筆墨紙硯,各X1)、蘭花扇X1,以上5片為一套。
🌟《抽獎參加方式》 ❶.按讚此貼文並留言 『任何您想說的話 + 標記兩位好朋友 + 截圖Youtube訂閱按鈕(開鈴鐺🔔)』 👇🏻一鍵訂閱我的Youtube頻道: https://goo.gl/9rPKTM ———————————— ❷.分享本篇文章,記得設定公開(🌏小地球圖案),抽獎名單才不會被漏掉唷!
📅活動截止:2018/ 09/03 23:59從本貼文底下留言抽出得獎者 (直接公佈在留言裡!) 寄送限台灣地區,本粉專保留修改、變更活動內容與獎項細節之權利。 ————————————
#cookies #decorating #art #painting #糖霜餅乾 #SweetPoppyCookies
#延禧攻略 #富察皇后 #富察容音 #StoryofYanxiPalace #清代 #皇后 #白月光 #秦嵐 #chinesestyle #chinesestylecooking #cookiedecorating #decofood
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channel4sims-cc · 2 years ago
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TS4: Coffee Bag Replacement & Deco
Sul sul ^^
I'll be working on remodeling and retexturing some food items from the game :)
So, to start, here's a new version of the coffee bag :)
There are 6 different versions, please choose just one :)
* English, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian, Simlish and Starbucks version.
On the Similish version it's writen "Henford-On-Bagley Coffee" :)
Whichever version you choose, it comes with the replacement coffee bag and the decorative one.
But don't forget: download just one version, or it won't work.
It will override this coffee bag:
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IMPORTANT: Each object on the game can only have one override version. If you use another mod that overrides this item, it won't work. You can only use one version at a time :)
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I hope you'll enjoy it a lot! :)
I'll be posting more food replacements soon :)
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (free/no adfly) *-*
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obento-diary-jp · 4 years ago
1/15 (金) 今日は息子くん2人に とっても可愛いキャラ弁を作る @mico.manma みこちゃんと 星のカービィ🌠 です💗 ビアハムでカービィにしたけど この子も何気に難しくて 大苦戦💦 なかなか納得いく出来に ならなかったけど、なん .. #お弁当コンテスト
1/15 (金) 今日は息子くん2人に とっても可愛いキャラ弁を作る @mico.manma みこちゃんと 星のカービィ🌠 です💗 ビアハムでカービィにしたけど この子も何気に難しくて 大苦戦💦 なかなか納得いく出来に ならなかったけど、なん .. #お弁当コンテスト
@k.y0504kzp この投稿をInstagramで見る すぴかちゃん⋆*❁*(@k.y0504kzp)がシェアした投稿 1/15 (金) 今日は息子くん2人に とっても可愛いキャラ弁を作る @mico.manma みこちゃんと 星のカービィ🌠 です💗 ビアハムでカービィにしたけど この子も何気に難しくて 大苦戦💦 なかなか納得いく出来に ならなかったけど、なんとか完成‼ みこちゃん💗一緒に作ろ🎵って 誘ってくれてありがとう❤️ また是非よろしくね😘 やっと1週間終わった~😂 早起き多くて今週は疲れました�� 皆さん今週もお疲れ様でした💞 ——-❁ ❁ ❁——- #旦那弁当 #デコ弁 #キャラ弁 #キャラ弁初心者 #可愛いお弁当作りたい部 #可愛いお弁当 #お昼が楽しみになるお��当 #キャラごはん #デコおにぎり #カラフル弁当部 #オベンタグラム #お弁当ダイアリー…
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kyaraben-time · 17 days ago
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Source: kaopan27 on Instagram
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kyaraben-time · 8 months ago
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Source: enu1231 on Instagram
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channel4sims-cc · 3 years ago
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TS4: Korean Lunch Box
Sul sul, Simmers ^^
Do your Sims ever get so busy that they don't have enough time to cook and need to buy a lunch box? So this will be very useful! I mean, no, because it's only decorative XD
Anyway, there are two versions of this lunch box, each one with 13 different swatches.
I made two versions because some lunch boxes were more square shaped and would look weird on a rectangle box.
To find it on your buy mode type "channel4sims - korean lunch box" and they will show up :)
If by any chance you want a japanese version, you can find it here on this set :)
They all look very yummy!
I hope your Sims will enjoy it a lot!!! ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (free/no adfly) *-*
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channel4sims-cc · 3 years ago
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TS4: Korean High School Set 📚👨‍🎓  
Sul sul ^^
The school set is finally here hah
There are 30 items: 28 on buy mode and 2 override ones.
*Functional Korean cafeteria, many types of banners and posters, room signs, decorative korean books, lunch menu board, hanging World map, notice board, Korean flag (wall frame ver and mast ver), diploma wall frame, decorative cafeteria food items, decorative worksheets, ceiling mount TV (decorative versions and functional versions), decorative wall clock, functional school speaker, hand sanitizer and temperature checker scan stand, decorative korean school bus, Cooperdale Korean High School wall sign
* School Bus: the Korean school bus overrides the yellow bus of the game (image).
*Mini mart: there’s a mini mart near the school lot. I retextured it just a little bit, adding some korean posters and texts (image).
Note: If you don’t want any overrides, delete these two files:
“channel4sims - korean high school - school bus override”
“channel4sims - korean high school - EA korean minimart override”
I hope you'll enjoy it a lot and create many nice buildings using it ^^
I'll be posting a Korean High School lot for you as well later ^^
Happy Simming!!!
*-* DOWNLOAD (free/no adfly) *-*
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channel4sims-cc · 3 years ago
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TS4: Kawaii Pig Hot Pot & Decorative Items
Sul sul ^^
Some time I saw this cute pig pan on the internet, and decided to create it as a CC. Then I thought "What about making it functional?", so I turned it into a functional hot pot ^^
🌸About this set:
- The hot pot comes in 12 different colors. But only the stove. The pan is always this cute pink pig ^^ And it’s functional :)
- There's a decorative version of the pan and of the lid.
- There's a decorative version of the stove. It comes with an effect that you can turn on/off by clicking on it. You can also place an object on the stove [picture].
- There's a decorative version of the pan opened. More than 20 swatches with different foods in it. It also comes with an effect that you can turn on/off by clicking on it ^^ [picture]
- You can find it on your buy mode by typing "channel4sims - kawaii" :)
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I hope you'll enjoy this a lot!
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (Patreon early access/ Free on July 12th) *-*
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channel4sims-cc · 3 years ago
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TS4: Japanese Grocery and Food Items (PART 2)
Sul sul, Simmers ^^
Yeah, it's the japanese food items again XD
The other day I posted a set with 42 items. But there were a few more items I wanted to create. So I made part 2 with 11 more items.
This set comes with:
- Bento lunch box, chilli sauce, furikake package, lotus root, mirin rice wine, mushroom tray, olive jar, pizza crust package, sausage package, sesame oil, tea package.
To find them on buy mode, just type "channel4sims - japanese" and they will show up :)
I hope you enjoy it :)
*Here's part 1 of the set if you still don't have it: Link :) 
Read the download instruction on the post :)
This part of the set will become a public download on the same day as part 1.
*-* DOWNLOAD (Patreon early access/Free on March 31) *-*
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